White Guard Bulgakov Description at home. Philological sciences

White Guard Bulgakov Description at home. Philological sciences

But the development of the situation leads to an expansion of the novel space: the house is replaced by the area, the area is space. House, city and cosmos are three spatial and semantic centers to which the action is.

Turbine House is a watches playing Gavot, excessing the heat of the tiled oven, red velvet furniture, the best cabinets with books, smelling chocolate, finally, famous cream curtains ... life, who has become a symbol of the strength of being in our eyes. By the poetization of life, the home focus in all its fragility and defenselessness, the Bulgakov Novel is opposed to the fundamental homelessness of the post-beater literature, its rebellion against the home focus, its aspiration to the distant and great goals, which allegedly can only get rid of a person from orphanhood and alienation.

But the house of turbines is not only a durable life, it is also inhabiting his people, this is a family, this is a certain psychological and cultural warehouse that protects the writer.

Mentioning in the "White Guard" of the names of Tolstoy and Pushkin, as well as their heroes, citations from Lermontov, Dostoevsky, I. Bunin, D. Merezhkovsky, Philosopher S. N. Bulgakov, who appear on the pages of the novel, the images of the Saardam carpenter, the quiet Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Alexander the first, sounding on the pages of the novel, the music of the Great Composers act as symbols of cultural defendant, which formed the main treasure of the characters - their psychological appearance: moral health, integrity, sincerity, goodwill, loyalty, the ability to love each other and make miracles in the name of love Elena, literally, resurrecting Alexey.

The turbines feel the relationship not only with each other, but also with Russian statehood, with history. The assigned to the epigraph is compared with the "Captain Daughter" emphasizes that - the ordinary noble family. Such an accent is equally fundamental for Bulgakov, however, it was fundamental for Pushkin, who chose as the heroes of the historical novel of Grine and Mironov. We are talking About those who kept Russian statehood, because neither Grinevians nor the turbine were private people. Above the turbine is in the embroidery figure of the Brest Rus; In the old gymnasium, Alexey, seeing Alexander the first film on the troops before the troops, asks himself: was it really? In the house of the turbine, the captain's daughter and Natasha Rostov remind of the tests of Russian statehood.

The turbines are given by the author at the moment when the family comprehends the loss (the death of the mother), when the beginning of chaos began to be invade into the house, disguised him. The new face of the city becomes a symbolic embodiment. The city appears in the novel in two temporary coordinates - the past and present. In the past, he is not hostile to the house. City, with his gardens, steep streets, Dnipro Circular. Vladimir Gorka with the Statue of St. Vladimir, while maintaining the unique appearance of Kiev, the Pramatera of Russian cities, acts in the novel as a symbol of Russian statehood, which is threatened to destroy the waves of scatteries, petlurovyskins, "Corywing of the Wrath".

Introduction to the text quotes from the story of the Bunin "" prompts to compare the city that is in the ocean of the national anger, with the apocalyptic manner of the civilization ship, on the deck of which passengers dance, not remembering the zinc coffin lying in the hold and seeing the laughing devil on a rock watching the human comedy .

Blood pours out on the streets, the snow is black, unnamed dead bodies are folded in the ship's hold. The statehood is dying, Christian culture dies.

Under the pen Bulgakov, the universal cataclysm turns into an eccentric spectacle, the central scene of which is a parody divided service in the Orthodox Cathedral, with the devil in Ryasa on the bell tower. Apocalyptic motifs sound then tragically, they take a comic tone; So, the scene with thefts of Vasilisa Hatch-Globus is marketing gospel "and there will be no more time."

Family of turbine, two brothers and sisters, in each of which, in each of which caused birth features, are trying to solve the question of how to live. The support of the family in the novel is Elena, the embodiment of femininity, comfort, loyalty, which is in vain trying to preserve the former moral structure of the house. On her background, the elder brother, Alexey Turbin, whose share of the main load of confusion and confusion falls, looks like a person who is hard to give a certain behavior. The eighteen-year-old Nikolka, unlike him, is much more actively looking for its place in the events, is capable of active independent action.

The worst thing in the position of turbine is the loss of them social role, Loss of an unshakable rating system that makes it difficult for them to solve the problem of honor. Turbines understand the honor of how direct following their debt, as following their monarchical ideals, oath to the loyalty to the king and the Fatherland. But the empire was rushed, which was the cause of the debt and honor of the Russian officer, there is no army, there is no weapon, there is no idea.

At the thick of the fate of the Fatherland solved individual human actions, which were in the event that turned the story. Bulgakov Turbin does not give Talberg's hands, Nay-Tours saves junkers from meaningless death, Nikolka Turbin gives the debt of the memory of Nay-Tursu, betraying his body to the earth. But these moral deeds A smooth account does not change anything in the overall development of forces, the city from death is saved. The story laughs at the turbine, envelope "nightmare in trousers in a large cage": "Naked profile for hedgehog you will not sit down! .. The holy is a wooden country, a beggar and ... dangerous, and the Russian person is honored - only an excess burden."

The story of Bulgakov pushes a person on the path of relativism, cowardice, two-ways. But can the author and his favorite heroes be taken? What, in Bulgakov, maybe moral behavior in a situation wrapped in a person by the Satanian face? The answer to this question is associated with the faith of Bulgakov to the existence of the highest instance, for which the moral efforts of people whose energy can accomplish the miracle - such as the salvation of Alexey Turbine. Bulgakov makes it possible to feel the limit of despair of heroes, sprinkled in front of them the abyss, from where the miracle of love is possible an outcome: Resurrection of Alexey Turbine, the movement of his soul from hatred for love. The Heroes of Bulgakov parted with old dreams, but do not intend to captivate the next myth about the country of social justice. Keep yourself as cultural strength, keep Russian culture - here is the path they choose, finding the will to continue history, as it discovers it created by the writer.

Turning to national historical issues, M. Bulgakov in the "White Guard" using intertextual connections, accompanying scene plan the development of multivalued leitmotifs, creates philosophical novel, examining as the basis of human behavior in the situation of the limiting concentration of historical evil.

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Protasova A. I.

Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute - Branch of the Siberian Federal University, Russia

Image-motive house in the novel M. Bulgakov "White Guard"

In the mythopoetical context of creativity M.A. Bulgakov, the main element is an archetype image. Archetypality acts not only by the meaningful semantic sphere of artistic generalization of reality, but also a special form of the writer's illness, which reflected in his works a unique spiritual experience of the Russian people.

One of the main images in the Romana MA Bulgakova "White Guard" is an image of the house. In the first part of the novel, the author emphasizes the tradition of the family, has long been the established way of life and family relationships: "... in the house number 13 for Alekseevsky descent, the tiled stove in the warm-hearth warmer climbed Elena, Alexei senior and completely tiny niccles. As often read from the crap on the heat of the saint-area "Saardamsky carpenter", the watches played Gavot, and always at the end of December the cheese smelled, and the multicolored paraffin burned on green branches ... ". The atmosphere of the house is enveloped by the impressions of childhood, which are forever preserved Vämmyti, strengthened with habits and became part of the nature of the most turbine.

The epithet "Bright Queen", which appears at the very beginning of the "White Guard", speaks about the attitude of turbines to Mother Elena, home-sulfur keeper. Elena led the raising of children and cared for their education. Has a lot of strength preserved in the family of friendship. It was a friendship that attached such stability to the turbine family, many pages of Roman M. Bulgakov enlightened.

The writer with extraordinary accuracy describes the interior that surrounds the turbine family: "... this tile, and the furniture of the old red velvet, and the beds with shiny bumps, darned carpets, pedestrian and crimson, with a falcon on hand Alexei Mikhailovich, with LouisXIV ... the best wardings on the lights with books, smelling mysterious antique chocolate, with Natasha Rostova, Captain's daughter, gilded cups, silver, portraits, curtains ... "

The center of the interior - and throughout the house - is the "fatty fire" of the tiled oven, the legendary homemade hearth, a symbol of comfort and well-being, peace of mind and the inviolability of family traditions.

M.A. Bulgakov shows us the atmosphere for decades of the folded life, firmly founded at the Orthodox worldview, which formed and feeding the best qualities of the national consciousness, the best properties of the soul of the Russian man.

The family of turbines does not closes in their own world, does not lose touch with the outside world, being in the very thick of events. And in any situations does not lose concepts about honor.

The whole interior of the house is filled with an impersonation: there are also hot tiles, and the lights of Christmas candles, and vintage photos, and the hero of the children's book is a saardam carpenter. ... as in the fairy tales of Andersen, these things live their special, affordable only to child comprehension, and respond to each call of our inner voice.

Turbines for M. Bulgakov is a family ideal. They reflected all necessary for a strong family human qualities: kindness, honesty, mutual understanding, love. But the heroes of the road M. Bulgakov also because under all conditions they are willing to protect not only their cozy house, but also their own city.

House and city are the two main inanimate hero of the book. Turbine house on Alekseevsky descent, depicted with all the features of family idyll, lives, breathes, suffers like a living being. As if you feel warm from the skeletions of the furnace, when on the street. Frost, you hear the tower battle hours in the dining room, a guitar barley and familiar voices of Niccles, Elena, Alexey, their noisy funny guests ... and the city - immensely beautiful on their hills even in winter, snowless and flooded Evenings with electricity. The eternal city, waspiled by shelling, street fights, disgraced by crowds of other people's soldiers, temporarys who captured his square and streets.

For turbine, the house is the fortress they protect and protect only everything together. In the "White Guard" novel, the relationship of the family with the church is clearly traced: Alexey Turbin appeals for help to Father Alexander; Elena, when he asks God for help, goes before the "old icon in a heavy salary" knees, removing a carpet from under them (this item, considered to be accepted in Orthodox everyday), etc. This suggests that the children of turbines grew and brought up a family in a believer in God.


1. I. F. Belza. Bulgakov M. A. White Guard. Life of Mr. de Moliere. Stories. M.: True, 1989. - 576 p.

2. A. Karaganov, V. Lakshin. Bulgakov M. A. Collected Works. In 5 tons. T.1 of the young doctor's notes; White Guard; Stories; Notes on cuffs / entry. Article V. Lakshin; Premium. Text M. Chudakova. - M.: Fiction, 1992. 623 p.

3. V. V. Pestelina. Bulgakov M. A. Letters. Life in documents. - M.: Contempor, 1989. - 576 p.

The writing

Civil War ... chaos ... shots ... bad weather ...

City. The feeling of anxiety that is experienced. Fear in the souls of people. Where to find peace?

M. Bulgakov cites his heroes in the family. It is she who, the family of turbine, opposes the nightmare and horror, reigning in the city. The city is fear. The house is cream curtains and an accomplished tablecloth. This is the turbine themselves. Only here, where they stand on the table of roses, where the woman is a demigod, people are warmed from the jewel and cold of the city and gain peace and peaceful equilibrium.

For Bulgakov, and in life, and in books, the family is a holy, this is a place where a person acquires peace, which he is so lacking outside the house. The law of this family is honored. Honor not only in loyalty to Fatherland, oath, but also in loyalty and devotion to all family members. And in this family the cult of decency. Decency in everything: and in relation to each other, and in relation to those who come to the turbine house.

"White Guard" - Roman about terrible Buran civil Warwhich shakes the house of turbines, where "the best in the light of discs with books, smelling mysterious, ancient chocolate, with Natasha Rostova," Captain Daughter ". Books that have grown young turbines. The comfort, poetry of the house, the warmth of the family ... The tiled stove in the dining room becomes almost a symbol of stability, irrevocability of this family.

At the beginning of the turbine novel, Mount Mount - Mother died: "For what is such a resentment? Injustice?" This death is terrible for children, but it is not connected with the war. Life is death, there will be no anywhere. But it's a shame and unfair when the death of a musty, violent. The turbine house was resistant, although he gave the crack: "Many years before death in the house number 13 on the Alexandrovsky descent, the tiled stove in the dining room warmed and raised Yelenka small, Alexei senior and completely tiny niccles. ... But the clock, fortunately, is completely immortal, is immortal and the Saardam carpenter, and the Dutch tiles, like a wise rock, in the most gravity time is life and hot. "

Talberg, Elena's husband, a man, alien turbine (as an alien Rostov Berg, and Vera herself), runs from the city. Talberg left the house and from the family, but their friends of childhood were killed to the house - Multilavsky, Shervinsky, Karas. They love this house, they correspond to the spirit of this house, they are defenders of the city.

The "White Guard" Bulgakov is saturated with the details of life, objects that surround the heroes. These are the same "speaking" items, like the "Shelon of Books" in the Rustic Larina House for Tatiana, "Lorda Bairon Portrait" in the office of Onegin, Nanin Sunduck, on which the girls of the Rostov family tried their secrets. These things are part of the spiritual world of heroes, but also things as if imagined their mysterious and poetic world. Details of life are especially important, because any home, any family is loved by every member of the bauble family, some expensive to his heart.

Young turbine life "interrupted at the most dawn." And yet they resisted, internally stood, they saved what they had absorbed into themselves in this house, the house that became a noah ark during the Flood.

The dying mother of turbine, Anna Vladimirovna, took: "Together ... Live." And they lived together. Loved each other, loved their home and kept it. When Elena still decided to go with her husband from the city (this is the husband!), She, "thin and strict,", instantly began to lay a suitcase, and in the room it became disgusting, as in any room where the chaos styling, and even worse, When the lampshade roll over from the lamp! " Abazhur becomes in the novel with a symbol not only at home, but also souls, human decency, conscience, honor. Bulgakov writes: "Never run away between the gryaires on the unknownness from danger. The lampshair can be dreamed, read - let the blizzard, wait until you come to you. "

The fact that for decades has been cursed, ridiculous as a meshness, was contemptuously called "life", Bulgakov - the foundation of life, what cannot be destroyed. Therefore, in the house of the turbine "Tablecloth, despite the guns and nonsense, Bela and Stachmall." This is from Helena, which can not otherwise, it is from the Anyuta, which grew up in the turbine house ... In a vase, blue hydrangeas and two dark and sultry roses, "asserting the beauty and strength of life, despite the fact that in the approaches to the city - a cunning enemy, which Perhaps, it can break the snowy, beautiful city and quiet fragments to instill with heels. "

House. A family. "Beauty and strength of life." Behind the cream curtains the world "Muden, bloody and meaningless." And here you know how to live: dream, read, having to be squeezed. This house is opposed to the apartment of the engineer of Lisovic, in which the silence of the night broke the mouse. She "gnawed and gnawed, annoyingly and delusito, in the buffet of the cheese, sickness of the spouse of the engineer, Vanda Mikhailovna." Corrected Wanda deeply slept in her cool and raw apartment. Lisovich himself at this time hid money for caches.

In the description of this "house", everything with the "minus" sign, all, ranging from the apartment and ending with her owners. In the bedroom "smelled mice, mold, grillingly sleepy boredom." This silence of "Sleepy boredom" is disturbed from the top of the turbine "laughter and vague voices", the sounds of the guitar. In Lisovich, the same dowelness and cowardice, cowardice and readiness for betrayal ... But the willingness to seek salvation from the "these", which from the apartment floor above, which means that the conviction that "these" will not be sold.

It is no coincidence that it is to the turbine that personifies the family peace and comfort, the lari scores, this little funny man, almost a boys.

There, behind the threshold of the house, the family "anxious." This word constantly uses the author: "In the city alarming." Anxious look Elena, anxiety in Talberg's favor. And this anxiety goes only when a person comes home. That is why so often appear in the house of turbine friends of childhood - Multilavsky and Shervinsky.

Why is it so pulling the heroes in the family of turbines? Yes, because the basis of the family is love. Love to each other, from which the love of every person has grown. Beneficial family lovewho made the house home, family family. This is the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel Bulgakov "White Guard".

Other writings on this work

"Any noble personality is deeply aware of his blood connections with the Fatherland" (V.G. Belinsky) (according to Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") "Life is given to good deeds" (on the material of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") "Family thought" in Russian literature on the novel "White Guard" "Man - a particle of history" (on the novel M. Bulgakov "White Guard") Analysis of chapter 1 of the part of the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Analysis of the episode "Scene in the Alexandrovskaya Gymnasium" (according to the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") Talberg's flight (analysis of the episode from chapter 2 of part 1 of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard"). Fighting or capitulation: the topic of intelligentsia and revolution in the work of MA Bulgakov (Roman "White Guard" and the play "Turbine Days" and "Running") The death of Nippers and the salvation of Nicholas (Analysis of the episode of 11 chapters of part 2 of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") Civil War in Romanov A. Fadeev "defeat" and M. Bulgakov "White Guard" Turbine house as a reflection of the family of turbine in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Tasks and dreams M. Bulgakov in the novel "White Guard" Idean-artistic peculiarity of Roman Bulgakov "White Guard" An image of a white movement in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Image of the Civil War in Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Intelligentsia "Mons" and "Real" in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Intelligentsia and Revolution in Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" The story in the image of M. A. Bulgakov (on the example of the novel "White Guard"). History of creating a novel Bulgakov "White Guard" What is the white movement in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard"? The beginning of the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" (analysis of 1 ch. 1 h.) The beginning of the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" (analysis of chapter 1 of the first part). The image of the city in Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Image of the house and city in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Images of white officers in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" The main images in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" The main images of the novel "White Guard" M. Bulgakova Reflection of the Civil War in the Roman Bulgakov "White Guard". Why is the turbine house so attracted? (According to the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") The problem of choice in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" The problem of humanism in war (according to novels M. Bulgakov "White Guard" and M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don") The problem of moral choice in the novel M.A. Bulgakova "White Guard". The problem of moral choice in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Problems of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Reasoning about love, friendship, military debt based on the novel "White Guard" The role of sleep Alexey Turbine (on the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") The role of dreams of heroes in the Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Family of turbine (according to the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") The image system in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Dreams of heroes and their meaning in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Heroes' dreams and their connection with the problems of the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard". Dreams of heroes and their connection with the problems of the novel M. Bulgakov "White Guard" Dreams of the heroes of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard". (Chapter 20 Part 3 Analysis) The scene in the Alexandrovskaya gymnasium (analysis of the episode from Head of 7 Roaman M. Bulgakov "White Guard") Cains engineer Lisovich (Analysis of the episode from chapter 3 of part 1 of Roman M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") The topic of revolution, civil war and the fate of Russian intellectuals in Russian literature (Pasternak, Bulgakov) The tragedy of the intelligentsia in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Man at a breakfast of history in the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" What is attractive to the turbine house (according to the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") The theme of love in the Roman Bulgakov "White Guard" The arguments of love, friendship, based on the novel "White Guard" Analysis of the novel "White Guard" Bulgakov M.A. I. Reflection of the civil war in the novel Assignment of Love, Friendship, Military Debt Based on the novel Man at a breakfast of history in the novel The house is the concentration of cultural and spiritual values \u200b\u200b(according to the novel M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard") Symbols of Roman Bulgakov "White Guard" Talberg's flight. (Analysis of the episode of Roman Bulgakov "White Guard") What is the white movement in the Bulgakov "White Guard" novel

The basis of the Roman MA Bulgakova "White Guard", written in 1925, was legally the real events of the tragic time: civil war in Ukraine. Here is a lot of autobographical: the city is a favorite Kiev, address - house number 13 for Alekseevsky descent (in reality Bulgakov lived in the house 13 on Andreevsky descent, where now Museum M.A. Bulgakov). Autobiographical and atmosphere of the family of turbine, large and friendly, but experiencing heavy times.

Turbines love their home, cozy and warm. The whole setting seems to be spiritualized by the memories associated with it. Tiery stove in the dining room - the symbol of the heat of the home focus - "Greör I climbed the little, Alexei senior and very tiny niccles." The saradam carpenter was read in the fatty heat, "the clock was played by Tavot, and always in late December smelled cheese, and multicolored paraffin burned on the green branches." Things are valuable not by themselves, but due to the fact that they are connected with them: the clock is the memory of the deceased father, "the best cabinets with books, smelling mysterious antique chocolate," talk about spiritual world Empty children, the bronze lamp under the lamp gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe warmth and comfort of evening twilight. "The terrible tests touched on both the families of the turbine - the mother who won the children, to live together. And the destruction of time could not not affect the familiar way: the mother's festive service went to each Day, scarcely treats to tea. The tiled furnace is covered with "historical records" and drawings for topical topics: the revolution, the offensive of the IETLURA, the expression of political sympathies and antipathies. "Anxiously in the city, foggy, bad ..." And although the tablecloth "is still Bela and starch, "because Elena cannot otherwise, the flowers claim the" beauty and strength of life ", it felt that the former comfort of fragile and is definitely, that at any moment there's a cunning enemy" can break the snow beautiful city and tricks to hurt heels. "

Children are difficult without mother, they unwittingly feel the ability to collapse of the usual good world. "Walls will fall, alarmed falcon will fly away with white mittens, the fire in the bronze lamp will go out, and" Captain's daughter "burn in the oven." Turbines will value by their home, they keep it tradition, the relationship that has developed in the family. Here the brothers are lubbat and chatting sister, for the sake of her agree to endure her husband, whom they themselves do not like to lie, console Elena, when she worries because of her husband. Here are always happy to friends: how home comes to the turbine fruitous Mumylaevsky after- unsuccessful Defense on the approaches to the city, and it really takes as a welcome guest. Shervinsky come here, caring for Elena, and a crucian, a gymnasic friend and colleague Mumylayevsky. Lariosika arrived from Zhitomir at first he does not understand why he likes so much in the dwelling from turbines, but he likes it so much that he feels like "comes to the soul." The outside world behind the cream curtains "Dirty, Blood and is meaningless", and "the souls wound are looking for peace so far behind such cream curtains." Such an explanation of the Larosika clearly proves that all the friends of turbines appreciate in their house above all the warmth friendly relationship, environment of trust, mutual assistance, home curtain. Even the Vasilisa-apartment "owner, greedy and cowardly, per minute of danger comes to turbine for protection and support.

So, the turbine house is not just a dwelling, "my fortress", which Vasilis dreams, robbed in his own apartment. It is not just the comfort and warmth of a homely hearth is a special atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. In a cruel and anxious world, this island is a good, reliable, danger-protected place where you can believe that everything will finally be good and happily.

purpose: Understand how the writer is created by the image of the house, identify the role of this image in the system of life values.

Equipment:epigraph from the "White Guard" novel, reproduction of portraits of a writer, excerpt from artistic film "Turbine days" (1976), cards with questions for 3 groups of students, prepared reporting reports.

When studying the works of a large volume, to which the Roman "White Guard" can be attributed, it is advisable . This will allow you to more rationally use the time in the lesson, intensify creative and independent search activity Pupils at the lesson and when preparing for it, continue to work on the development of disciples of the ability to carefully read the text, analyze and comment on the unity of its form and content, create conditions for creative interaction of students in the lesson.

Theme lesson Complies with calendar-thematic planning, the lesson goes in the system of lessons in literature. Students read the novel, in previous lessons ("History in the novel", "And he was judged by their own: the city and its inhabitants ..") worked out the skills of working with the text, analysis was carried out key episodesdiscussed moral issues novel, historical basis The novel "White Guard" M. Bulgakov.

Type of lesson: Lesson - Workshop

Methods used: Explanatory-illustrative (conversation, analysis) and partially search method (selection of examples of examples, quotation, transfer of signs of items to a new one is the principle of comparison, analogies). Methodical techniques: conversation, analysis, work in groups, reports of students.

Work forms: Individual, group.



Lesson in literature in grade 11

"Image of the house in the novel M. Bulgakov" White Guard ".

(Teacher Vasilyeva T.A. MOU SOSH № 3)

Purpose :


  1. Educational: On the material of the novel to achieve a conscious perception of the text, understanding the presented in it moral problems; Create conditions for the development of argued and logical thinking based on the text of the work. Learn to argue their thoughts and conclusions by quotes from artistic text. Intensify in the complex mental, figurative-emotional and speech activity of students. Improve the skills and analysis skills artistic work: Work in a lesson with such concepts: receiving comparisons, opposition, appointments, analogy symbol, epigraph.
  2. Developing : Develop students with the ability to analyze key episodes, sound speech skills, give their interpretation by analyzed phenomena, develop the ability to pursue an analogy between the works of Russian literature, images, details.
  3. Educational: raise a sense of love for native house, to the motherland, a sense of mutual assistance; Teach the guys to empathize, sympathize; Think about the responsibility of people before history, in front of each other.

Equipment: the epigraph from the "White Guard" novel, the reproduction of the portraits of the writer, an excerpt from the feature film "Turbine Days" (1976), cards with questions for 3 groups of students, student reports.

During the classes

On the chalkboard epigraph:

"Never tear up lamps from the lamp! Abazhur is sacred .. "

"White Guard" M. Bulgakov.

"The story passes through the man's house, through his private life."Yu.M. Lotman.

1. Organizing time. introduction Teacher.

In the Roman Bulgakov "White Guard", the civic warriors capture people, entail them by order by their destinies. The whirlwind of events crushes a person, interrupts a peaceful course of life. Pay attention to one of the epigraphs of the novel, from the "Captain Daughter": "... In one instant, a dark sky was mixed with the snowy sea. Everything disappeared.

Well, Barin, - shouted the thing, - trouble: Buran! ". So, the work given by the epigraph of the motive of trouble, threats, tests develops from the very first pages of the novel. Pushkin voice takes through the brunched and MGLU of another century to the Bulgakov rumor. Which of the poets of the 20th century also occurs the image of Burana, wind?

Student responses: The windows of the wind, blizzard, as harbingers of life storms, are found in the works of the block: the poem "Twelve" is a revolution as an element.

Teacher : But the heroes of Bulgakov manage to defend themselves for some time and protect their home, the incarnation of strength, reliability, life itself. The light and heat of human housing, especially expensive in such "bad weather, warmed from the first pages of the Bulgakovsky novel.

And what is "house" in our understanding?

Replies of students : The place where you are waiting for, love, where you can hide from adversity and everyday storms.

Teacher: And now we will find out what was the prototype of the house described by the writer in the novel. Let me listen to the student's student about the Bulgakov family.

Speech of the student:In the Roman Bulgakov recreates the situation of his native house N 13 in Alekseevsky descent, where mutual understanding, comfort, the atmosphere of high intelligence is rearranged. From the memories of K.G.Pautsky about Bulgakov: "The Bulgakov family was well known in Kiev - a huge, branched, through the intelligent family. There was something in this family something Chekhovsky, from "three sisters", something theatrical. " Bulgakov lived on the descent to the alert against the Andreevsky church, - in a very picturesque Kiev alley. Over the windows of their apartments constantly heard the sounds of the piano and to the piercing horn, the voices of young people, running, disputes, laughter, singing. Such families with large cultural and labor traditions were the decoration of provincial life. "

2. Conversation. Analytical work By the text of the novel.

Teacher: We will draw a parallel between the works of literature XX and XIX century. Remember what family Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" We see similar atmosphere at home? What is the similarity?

Answers : The family of growth is very similar to the turbine family. In families, the atmosphere of trust and love reigns, simplicity of communication and mutual respect. But there is also a "strangers" in every home: Tolstoy - Berg, husband of faith, Bulgakov - Talberg, Elena's husband. Students pay attention to the similarity of the names.

Teacher : Now let's turn to the text of the novel and find out what value are of cute details of life. Find the items - symbols that personify the peaceful, late life.

Answers: Students find quotes, read, give interpretation to each symbol:

The clock - the life of the family goes in its ancient clock;

Cream curtains - separated turbines from the terrible world;

The stove with tiles - keeps the mystery of the family;

Green lamp - the feeling of reliability and heat;

Favorite blue service is warmed by maternity hands.

Students are discussing quotes, responding to teacher's questions.

Questions first group: What subjects are for turbines truly valuable? Confirm by an example from text. What books are mentioned in the novel? In which context? (Questions are printed).

Answers : Books: "In open multi-fiber cabinets, treasure stood closely. Green, red, embossed gold and yellow covers and black folders from all four sides to the lariat looked at the book. " (Part 3, Chapter 12).

Student responses: Captain's daughter - name pushkin novel Gives without quotes. This is no longer just a book image, this is a symbolic family member. Elena reads the story "Mr. San Francisco". (Teacher Note: Recall the epigraph to the story "Mount to you, Babylon, a strong city" - a roll ring with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "White Guard" novel). Mention the names of books and literary images: Faust, " Peak lady", Onegin, Nekrasov poems," demons "of Dostoevsky, modern Bulgakov Futurists.

I will plunge into the atmosphere of the turbine house and see the passage from the film.

View the fragment of the film "Turbine Days" (1976)

Teacher: Thus, having listened to the responses of the first group and loyading the fragment of the film, we see that classic works, eternal images And the plots are given as an integral part of the family life, part of the culture. Let's conclusion, what place does music and literature in the life of heroes take?

Student responses: All things in the house are not material values, but special signs The habit of being, this is a symbol of life stability. In the house of books, music. Snow and lights resemble the Mumylaevsky opera of the Roman-korsakov "Night before Christmas", the words of Romance encourages Shirvin Elena: "Live, we will live ..."

Questions a second group: What does the destruction of the house foreshadow? What kind of symbolic item pursues us to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of the catastrophe? Recall what happened with the service. How caresses from destruction?

(Questions printed)

Student responses: Favorite Family Service, which remained from the mother, is broken by a clumsy lariat. "The service is madly sorry," said Elena Zlatovlasaya.

Teacher: Now let's turn to the epigraph of our lesson. What makes us Bulgakov warn us? As manifest copyright In the novel?

Answers: students quote, draw conclusions. The author seems to intervene in the story, it sympathizes, then it promotes: "Well, how to live? How to live? ". Predicts: "Walls will fall, the fire will get out in the bronze lamp .. The captain's daughter will burn in the furnace ..." The author interrupts the tissue of the tomb of the exclamation: "Never break the lamps of the lamps of the lamp! ........ the lampshar dormant, read - let him live a blizzard, wait until you come to you."

Questions Third Group: What images are opposite The image of the turbine house? Find a description of the Lisovich apartment, the buildings of the gymnasium. What techniques use a writer to create contrast? (Questions are printed).

Answers: Lisovich's apartment looks more like a hole in which only a mouse is cozy. (Quotes). Bulgakov usesreception of oppositionand when describing dramatic events in the scene in the gymnasium. Gymnasium is a dead empty house that becomes a symbol of war, death. The gymnasium is opposed to the joyful and deceased turbine house. She happens to be dead home: "Full, sullen peace." There burn books, harness desks. (Quotes: Part 1, Chapter 6).

Teacher : Check the correctness of your conclusions and listen to the message.

Speech student. The message "Lisovich's apartment is a symbol of darkness and cold."

"The turbine house with its warmth, light and spiritual cooler is opposed to the house of Vasilisa, the lower neighbor of turbine. The Lisovich's apartment is reigning permanently emphasized by the author of the elements of the darkness of the darkness and cold: "... in the lower floor (on the street - the first, the courtyard under the veranda of the turbine - the basement) lit up with weak yellow lights engineer and coward, bourgeois and uncompatient, Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich ...". We see how important this opposition is also in the aspect, so to speak, topographic. The location of this apartment is a basement floor - also becomes a kind of symbol. Here as it should underground kingdomMerrate silence, darkness, dampness and cold: "In this night hour in the lower apartment of householder, engineer Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich, was full silence The clarified bony and jealous Wanda deeply slept in the darkness of the coolness and raw apartment ... ". "Ten minutes later, complete darkness was in the apartment. Vasilisa slept next to his wife in the raw bedroom. " "At eleven o'clock in the evening, Wanda brought samovar from the kitchen and extended the light bulb everywhere in the apartment, hanging over the table in one of the three-headed chandeliers, source from incompletely oversized filaments dull reddish light."

The owner of the apartment, like underground resident - Glome, busy with the covering of his treasures. But, of course, it is not by chance that this is a description filled with mythological alluses permeated by author's irony. The tenants of this apartment even externally resemble the inhabitants of the kingdom of the dead: "Vasilisa stood in the curve of his wife, in yellow hair, bony elbows and dry legs."

Thus, the house in the novel is both everyday realization, and a metaphor, and a symbol. This is a world house based on traditional and unshakable moral, spiritual and cultural valueswho act as vitality in the Turbine world

4. The results of the lesson.

Teacher: Roman ends as if calmly. Heroes sleep and see dreams. Hope for the future in a simple and joyful dream of Petki Shcheglov, a boy from Flegel.And, of course, the meaningful connection of the final sleep Petka Shcheglov, the character does not associate with the headquarters of the novel, with dreams of two Petrov in the "War of the World", with dreams of two Petrov in captivity and Snoy Rostov in captivity and Snoy Rostov before death.

The look of the writer rushes to the sky, the stars. What questions ask us Bulgakov in the Roman Finals? Read. What kind of questions? What does the author call for?

Student responses: Quote: "The sword will disappear, but the stars will remain when the shadows of our bodies and affairs will not remain on earth. There is not a single person who would not know that. So why don't we want to draw your gaze on them? Why?". These are philosophical questions - a call to mind, calling for reconciliation. Above the death, hatefully triumph.

Teacher: both at the beginning of the novel, and in his epilogue, the author makes us think about eternity (the star is a symbol eternal life, books, house, family, love is eternal moral values); The writer reflects on the life of future generations, the responsibility of people in front of each other. Like " Captain's daughter"," White Guard "- not only historical novelBut also a kind of novel-upbringing, where, in the words of L.N. Tolstoy, the family thought is connected to the thought of people.

As homework I suggest you write overallization According to the statement of Yu.M. Lotman: "The story passes through the man's house, through his private life." (Signing on the board). Confirm the necessary thesis by examples from the works that we mentioned today in connection with the Roman M. Bulgakov "White Guard".Students write the subject of essays.

Analysis of the lesson in literature in grade 11

Subject: "Image of the house in the Bulgakov Roman" White Guard ".

Purpose : Understand how the writer is created by the image of the house, identify the role of this image in the system of life values.


  1. Educational: On the material of the novel to achieve a conscious perception of the text, understanding the moral problems presented in it; Create conditions for the development of argued and logical thinking based on the text of the work. Learn to argue your thoughts and conclusions with quotes from artistic text. Intensify in the complex mental, figurative-emotional and speech activity of students. Improve the skills and skills of analyzing the artistic work: to work in a lesson with such concepts as: receiving comparisons, opposition, analogy, analogue-symbol, epigraph.
  2. Developing: develop the skills for analyzing the episode of the artistic work; develop the ability to allocate the main thing, compare, to generalize; continue working on the formation of a monologue response; Develop students logical thinking, skills of connected speech; develop self-evaluation skills: to give their interpretation with the analyzed phenomena, develop the ability to make an analogy between the works of Russian literature, compare images, symbols;
  3. Educational: form artistic and figurative thinking as the basis for the development of individual and creative personality, ensure the humanistic nature of the training and priority of universal values; bring up a sense of love for his home home, to his homeland, a sense of mutual assistance; Think about the responsibility of people before history, in front of each other.

Equipment: epigraph from the novel "White Guard", reproduction of portraits of a writer, an excerpt from the artistic film "Turbine Days" (1976), cards with questions for 3 groups of students, prepared student reports.

When studying the works of a large volume, to which the Roman "White Guard" can be attributed, it is advisableconnect individual and collective types of work. This will allow you to more rationally use the time at the lesson, intensify the creative and independent search activities of students in the lesson and in preparing for it, to continue working on the development of the ability to carefully read the text, analyze and comment on the unity of its form and content, create conditions for creative student interaction at the lesson.

Theme lesson Complies with calendar-thematic planning, the lesson goes in the system of lessons in literature. Students read the novel, in previous lessons ("History in the Romana", "And he was judged by his own: the city and its inhabitants ..") worked out the skills of working with the text, the key episodes were analyzed, the moral problematics of the novel was discussed, the historical basis of the novel "White Guard" M. Bulgakov.

Type of lesson : Lesson - Workshop

Methods used: Explanatory-illustrative (conversation, analysis) and partially search method (selection of examples of examples, quotation, transfer of signs of items to a new one is the principle of comparison, analogies).Methodical techniques: conversation, analysis, work in groups, reports of students.

Forms of work: individual, group.

The composition of the lesson: Assessing, in general, as logical in the submission of the material, the alternation of activities (work in groups, individual messages, viewing the fragment of the film) was subject to the purpose of the lesson. The lesson is inherent completion, the results were summed up, as a homework, students were invited creative task - Writing an essay - reasoning.

Practical orientation: At this lesson, the following key competencies of students were formed:

  1. communicative (able to evaluate each other's responses, interact with the surrounding people);
  2. educational and educational (learn to analyze);
  3. informative (find and systematize information);
  4. communication (spiritual and moral basis of life, features of universal culture).

Psychological climate:at the lesson, it was possible to create a working atmosphere, the interest of the guys, because During the lesson were discussed and problematic, and moral questions. Activity and performance assesses as good.

Heating technology:reception Relaxation (View Figure Fragment), Admission to Switch attention (time of discussion while working in groups).

General conclusions: I believe that the lesson has achieved his goals, effective. The lesson elements are highlighted quite clearly, the dosage of the time allotted to each stage is determined.