M Gorky and heroes of his works. Essay Gorky M.

M Gorky and heroes of his works. Essay Gorky M.
M Gorky and heroes of his works. Essay Gorky M.

The great Russian writer Maxim Gorky (Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich) was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod - died on June 18, 1936 in Gorki. At an early age, "went to people", according to his own expression. He lived hard, spent the night in slums among all sirralls, I was struck, interrupted by a random piece of bread. Huge territories passed, visited Don, in Ukraine, in the Volga region, in South Bessarabia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.


Actively engaged in social and political activities, for which it was repeatedly subjected to arrest. In 1906 went abroad, where he began to successfully write his works. By 1910, Gorky acquired fame, his work was of great interest. Previously, in 1904, critical articles began to emerge, and then the books on Gorky. The works of Gorky were interested in politicians and public figures. Some of them believed that the writer too freely interprets the events taking place in the country. All that Maxim Gorky wrote, works for theater or journalistic essays, short stories or multi-page stories, caused resonance and was often accompanied by anti-government performances. During the 1st World War, the writer ranked frankly antimylitarian position. The year met enthusiastically, and his apartment in Petrograd turned into an appearance for politicians. Often Maxim Gorky, whose works were becoming more and more topical, played with reviews for their own creativity, in order to avoid improper interpretation.


In 1921, the writer goes abroad to pass the course of treatment. For three years, Maxim Gorky lived in Helsinki, Prague and Berlin, then moved to Italy and settled in Sorrento. There he took up the publications of his memories of Lenin. In 1925 he wrote the novel "Artsonov" business. All works of the bitter time were politicized.

Return to Russia

The year 1928 became for the bitter turning point. At the invitation of Stalin, he returns to Russia and for a month moves from the city to the city, meets people, meets the achievements in industry, observes how socialist construction develops. Then Maxim Gorky leaves in Italy. However, in the following (1929), the writer again comes to Russia and this time visits Solovetsky special purpose camps. Reviews at the same time leave the most positive. About this trip Gorky mentioned Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his novel

The final return of the writer in the Soviet Union occurred in October 1932. From that time, Gorky lives in the former on Spiridonovka, at the cottage in the hills, and go to the Crimea to rest.

First Congress of Writers

After some time, the writer receives a political order from Stalin, who instructs him the preparation of the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers. In the light of this order, Maxim Gorky creates several new newspapers and magazines, produces book series on the history of Soviet factories and factories, civil war and some other Soviet events. At the same time, they were written by plays: "Egor Bulychev and others", "reached and others." Some of the works of bitter, written earlier, also used by them in the preparation of the first congress of writers, which took place in August 1934. At the congress, organizational issues were mainly solved, the leadership of the future Union of Writers of the USSR was chosen, writing sections in genres were created. The works of Gorky also went around the 1st Congress of Writers, but he was elected chairman of the Board. In general, the event was recognized as successful, and Stalin personally thanked Maxim Gorky for his fruitful work.


M. Gorky, whose works for many years caused fierce disputes in the intelligentsia environment, tried to participate in the discussion of their books and especially theatrical plays. From time to time, the writer attended the theaters where he could have been convinced that people were not indifferent to his work. And indeed, for many, the writer M. Gorky, whose works were understandable to a simple person, became a conductor of a new life. Theatrical viewers went to the performance several times, read and re-read the books.

Early romantic works of bitter

The writer's work can be divided into several categories. Early works of bitter is romantic and even sentimental. They still do not feel the hardness of political moods, which is impregnated by later stories and the story of the writer.

The first story of the writer "Makar Mirara" - about the Gypsy fleeting love. Not because I am fleeting that "love came and left," but because she lasted only one night, without a single touch. Love in the shower, without touching the body. And then the death of a girl from the hand of his beloved, left the proud Gypsy Rada, and behind her, and Loyko Zobar himself - swam together in the sky, hand in hand.

Awesome plot, incredible narrative. The story "Makar Miranda" began for many years Maxim Gorky business card, firmly taking first place in the list of "early works of Gorky."

The writer worked a lot and fruitfully in his youth. The early romantic works of Gorky is a cycle of stories, whose heroes are Danko, Falcon, Chelkash and others.

A short story about spiritual superiority makes thinking. "Chelkash" is a story about a simple person carrying high aesthetic feelings. Flight from the native house, vagrancy, a meeting of two - one is engaged in a familiar thing, another leads the case. Envy, distrust, readiness for submissive care, fear and subdirectification of Gavrille are opposed to courage, self-confidence, freedom and chelkash. However, Chelkash society is not needed, unlike Gavrille. Romantic pathos intertwined with tragic. The description of nature in the story is also shrouded in romantic fler.

In the stories of "Makar Mirara", the old woman isergil and, finally, the motivation of "madness of brave" can be traced in the "song about falol". The writer places heroes in difficult conditions and then, outside of all logic, leads them to the final. There are interesting creativity of the great writer that the story is unpredictable.

The work of the bitter "old woman iszergil" consists of several parts. The character of her first story is the son of an eagle and a woman, the athustful Larra, is represented by an egoist incapable of high feelings. When he heard the center that he would inevitably pay for what he took, he expressed his distrust, stating that "I would like to remain unharmed." People rejected him, condemning for loneliness. Pride Larra was destructive for himself.

Danko is at least proud, but it belongs to people with love. Therefore, it produces freedom necessary for the tribesmen believed him. Despite the threats of doubting that he is able to bring the tribe from a young leader continues the path, fasciating people behind them. And when everyone had for forces were on the outcome, and the forest did not end, Danko ripped his chest, took out the burning heart and illuminated his flame, which brought them to the glade. Ungrateful tribesmen, having broken free, did not even look towards Danko, when he fell and died. People ran away, the flaming heart fused on run and it crouched on blue sparks.

The romantic works of Gorky leave in the shower an indelible mark. The readers empathize the heroes, the unpredictability of the plot keeps in tension, and the final often happens unexpected. In addition, the romantic works of Gorky are distinguished by deep morality, which is unobtrusive, but makes thinking.

The topic of identity freedom dominates in the early work of the writer. Heroes of the works of bitter freedom and are ready to even give life for the right to choose their own destiny.

The poem "Girl and Death" is a vivid example of self-sacrifice in the name of love. Young, full of life The girl goes on a deal with death, for the sake of one night love. She is ready to die in the morning without regret, just once again meet with her beloved.

The king, who considers himself an all-industrialist, carries the girl to death just because, returning from the war, was in the bad location of the Spirit and he did not like her happy laughter. Death spared love, the girl remained alive and "bony with oblique" was no longer over her.

Romantic is present in the "song about the petrel". Proud Bird Volina, she is black zipper like, rushes between the gray plain of the sea and the clouds who hung over the waves. Let the storm get harder, the brave bird is ready to fight. And the penguin is important to hide the body fat in the cliffs, it has a different attitude towards a bore - no matter how to soak feathers.

Man in the works of bitter

A special, sophisticated psychologist Maxim Gorky is present in all its stories, while the personal role is always assigned to the main role. Even homeless tramps, characters of the night, and those are presented with a writer as a respected citizens, despite their plight. The man in the works of Gorky is placed at the head of the corner, everything else is the secondary - the events described, the political situation, even the actions of state bodies are in the second plan.

Tale of bitter "Childhood"

The writer tells the history of the life of the boy Alyosha Peshkov, as if by his name. The story is awesome, begins with the death of his father and ends the death of the mother. Having left the orphan, the boy heard from his grandfather, the next day after the Mother's funeral: "You are not a medal, you don't stick to my neck ... You're going to people ...". And kicked out.

So ends the work of bitter "childhood". And in the middle there was a few years of life in the House of Grandfather, a roast little old old man who used to smoke everyone on Saturdays, who was weaker than him. And I was inferior to my grandchildren in the strength of his grandchildren living in the house, he was hit by him, putting on the bench.

Alexey Ros, supported by the mother, and in the house hung a thick fog hostility of everyone with everyone. Uncle fought among themselves, threatened his grandfather, that and he was digest, the cousins \u200b\u200bwere drunk, and their wives did not have time to give birth. Alyosha tried to jerk with neighboring boys, but their parents and other relatives were in such confusing relations with his grandfather, grandmother and mother, that the children could only communicate through the hole in the fence.

"At the bottom"

In 1902, Gorky turned to a philosophical topic. They were created by a play about people, the will of the fate of the Russian society fell on the bottom. Multiple characters, inhabitants of the night, the writer outlined with frightening reliability. In the center of the narration, homeless people are on the verge of despair. Someone is thinking about suicide, someone else hopes for the best. The work of M. Gorky "At the bottom" is a bright picture of social and household unstores in society, often turning the tragedy.

The owner of the night house Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev lives and does not know that his life is constantly under threat. His wife Vasilisa senses one of the guests - Vaska ash - kill her husband. This also ends: Vaska's thief kills Kostyleva and sits in prison. The rest of the inhabitants of the atmosphere continue to live in an atmosphere of drunk rampant and bloody fights.

After some time, some of the onions, a loader and wastelife appear. He "floods", how much is in vain, there is extensive conversations, promises everyone without parsing a happy future and complete prosperity. Then Luka disappears, and the unfortunate people, whom he encouraged, are in confusion. Cruel disappointment has come. Sorcetic homeless, nicknamed the actor cums the life of suicide. The rest are also not far from this.

Overnight, as a symbol of a deadlock of the Russian society of the late XIX century, the unlocked ulcer of the social device.

Creativity Maxim Gorky

  • "Makar Mirara" - 1892. Story about love and tragedy.
  • "Grandfather Archka and Lenka" - 1893. The beggar of a sick old man and with him grandson Lenka, a teenager. First, the grandfather does not withstand adversity and dies, then the grandson dies. Good people buried the unfortunate by the road.
  • "Old Man Izergil" - 1895. Several stories of an old woman about egoism and dedication.
  • "Chelkash" - 1895. The story of the "avid drunk and clever, a sneelery".
  • "Spouses Orlov" - 1897. A story about a childless married couple who decided to help sick people.
  • Konovalov - 1898. The story about how Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov hung in the prison cell, arrested for vagabond.
  • "Thomas Gordeev" - 1899. The story of the events of the late XIX century, which took place in the Volga city. About the boy named Foma, who considered his father a fabulous robber.
  • "Promenban" - 1901. The story of the mesh roots and the new trend of time.
  • "At the bottom" - 1902 year. Acute topical play on homeless people who have lost all hope.
  • "Mother" - 1906. Roman on the topic of revolutionary sentiments in society, about events occurring within the manufactory factory, with the participation of members of one family.
  • "Vassas Zagronnova" - 1910. A play on a 22-year-old woman, the owner of a shipping company, strong and powerful.
  • "Childhood" - 1913. The story of a simple boy and him is far from a simple life.
  • "Tales about Italy" - 1913. A cycle of short stories on the topic of life in Italian cities.
  • "Passion-Mordesti" - 1913. Short story about a deeply unhappy family.
  • "In humans" - 1914. Story about the boy on blisters in a fashionable shoe store.
  • "My universities" - 1923. Tale of Kazan University and Student.
  • "Blue Life" - 1924. Story about dreams and fantasies.
  • "Artamon Business" - 1925. The story of the events occurring at the woven factory.
  • "Life of Klim Samgin" - 1936. Events of the early XX century - Petersburg, Moscow, barricades.

Each read story, story or novel leaves the impression of high literary skills. Characters carry a number of unique signs and features. Analysis of the products of the Gorkopoprates the comprehensive characteristics of heroes with the subsequent summary. The depth of the narrative is organically combined with difficult, but understandable literary techniques. All works of the Great Russian writer Maxim Gorky entered the Golden Fund of Russian Culture.

Separately, creativity is allocated due to the experience of the bitter revolution and the deep spiritual coup. He saw his ideal implemented and was horrified: it was not at all the ideal that he represented. In 21, he leaves Russia because of the process over the ester (and according to the official version to be treated for Capri). In shock, he begins to write the stories cycle of 21-24 years. His understanding of the revolution is completely different than in the novel "Mother".

Roman "Life Klim Samgin" was written from 25 to 36, almost to the very death. Roman remained unfinished. Gorky considered this work to the main creation of his life, against the background of which the rest are faded. Bitter works for the first time with such a type of hero - the author's antipode. Gorky breaks his own poetics - chooses a character that hero is not; He clearly does not possess author's sympathy; It has reflexes, but it does not like the bitter. But for Gorky it is important, because He wanted to give his hero all his doubts about the revolution - all that he wanted to say about the historical process, but did not dare to make his mouth. Subtitle: "40 years". Formally, the novel that the Bolsheviks could not but come to power. And in fact, this is a description of Russia and the development options. And Klim also searches for these paths, but then comes to the same conclusion.

The plan of this book originated from Gorky back in 1907-1908, when the bourgeois intelligentsia exposed his face, there was a painful betrayal of the revolution. Gorky then set it to expose the renegotic nature of this rather significant part of the Russian intelligentsia, show its historical path.

One of the first attempts to Gorky in the resolution of this very important political task can be considered an unfinished story "Notes of Dr. Ryakina", launched, in all likelihood, in 1908. In the form of Cynic and Nihilist Ryakina, the undoubted predecessor of the Samgin's clima is visible. In Ryankina, the most characteristic feature of Klim Samgin, underlying the social nature of this "hero" as a social type: the desire to invent himself.

Roman "Life Klima Samgin" is built only through the perception of the Samgin's clima with his obscene eyes (despite his whole mind). The truth about the historical process pops up, if you remove the image and perception of the climate. There are no multiplicity of points of view. On the example of this hero, Gorky wants to show that the intelligentsia is in a deep dead end.

1) In the name of Klima Samgin, a contradiction - Military and Samghin means himself. 2) the divorce of the family, the usual value system; 3) Another key point is that the moral categories are not obligatory, this is a matter of choice (the issue with the salvation of the boy: "Was there a boy?").

Themes of the novel: 1) intelligentsia and revolution; 2) the collapse of Russian entrepreneurship; 3) doubt in the viability of the intelligentsia; 3) the topic of the play "Children of the Sun"; 4) the relationship of personality and society; 5) the topic of magazine "Milestones"; 6) the topic of the proletarian movement, the inevitability of the proletarian revolution. 7) the problems of the National Russian self-consciousness (for example, a whip sect is described); 8) Women's theme (there is no happy female fate, all broken).

The image of Clima Ivanovich Samgin has a huge, not fully estimated, national and world importance. This is the most complex, capacious and psychologically thin image throughout the work of Gorky. There is not a single storyline in the novel, which would not be directly related to sgightened. Whatever the situation is depicted in the novel, the author is interested in the behavior of Samgin in this situation, his point of view, his experiences. Klim Samghin is a representative of the Russian bourgeois intelligentsia of the end of the XIX - early XX century. All shades of her psychology, all her oscillations, wandering and secret lust are captured in its image.

The appearance of the samin is marked by ordinary. "And your face is ordinary," Tosya told him. When he was born, the parents thought for a long time, what a name to give him. The father called him to the climate, saying: "Priority name, no matter what does not oblige ..." The claim for heroic fate will fail at our hero immediately. From childhood, Klim decided to "invent" himself, "otherwise none of the adults will notice me." He was also concerned about his originality.

Samgine is not beautiful and not ugly. There is nothing bright in his appearance. Small, inexpressive features of the face. Klim Samghin is forever located on the verge of decency and immoralism. He always fluctuates and can never move in one direction or another. He is to betrayal, but he does not recognize himself in this. The life of Kima Ivanovich Samgin is revealed by bitter as a person's life constantly located in the process of rather tense, painful quest, but not able to find anything, to the end. Whatever Samghin would have been thinking about, his consciousness was always at a crossroads, at the crossroads of people and flows. He was always afraid of a clear setting of issues, solid solutions, trying to "put his opinion between and no." This instability instigated Samgina, in which he was brought up.

Klim Samghin ranked himself towards the "best people of the country," but seriously did not think about the question, which position should take these people to the reigning darkness. His mental state of Klim still appreciated as "troubled". Maturity did not give him silence and clarity. It was especially difficult to sort out his own personality. Often he caught himself on what "watches himself, as for a person, little familiar to him and dangerous for him." Dissatisfaction sometimes turns into a sense of hostility to himself.

Samghin was powerless to get out of life confusion. She grew up and dragged him. Constantly fearing to lose your individuality, Klim did not notice that he was increasingly losing her. He is quite often afraid to stay alone with his thoughts.

Having achieved forty years, he says: "I have not learned myself." This phrase broke out "unexpectedly", and unexpected, unpromandous statements of Samgin were the most sincere. "In essence, I am notching," says samgine in the bitter minute of self-knowledge, alone with himself.

Samgine is notching in love, in human relations, in life. He has no friends or loved ones. In controversial duality - all samgic. The carrier of intelligence, it is illustrated; Representative of the intelligentsia, he denies it. This motive of self-denial ultimately leads to self-destruction, emptiness, barbarism.

At the end of Roman Samgin is in a state of complete confusion. Lonely and empty, he puts all the same fatal question that did not give him peace in his youth: "What should I do and what can I do?"

Summing up the life of your hero, Gorky writes: "Klim Ivanovich Samgin saw a lot, heard a lot and resided by himself as it would be suspended in the air over the extension of events. The facts passed before him and threw it, they hurt, insulted, sometimes they frightened. But everything went through, and he unshakably remained the audience life. "

Until now, there is a dispute about the genre. Gorky signed his story, although the novel consisted of four volumes. Gorky did so, because everything is focused on the perception of one person - there is no novel content in the book, the hero is not a hero. The book, besides, did not receive a logical completion. In general, there are features of an autobiographical and ideological novel. Literary critches are inclined to evaluate as Roman-epic.

It is difficult to call another work, in which various images of devastation would be given, as Gorky in his novel. And Samghin stands in front of the reader as a symbol of emptiness.

The features of the new prose Gorky: 1) artistic incompleteness and refusal of traditional plotting; 2) the ratio of psychological, unconscious and symbolic; 3) the problem of decratility, rejection of man and the world; 4) the small forms to the novel; 5) Explicit adherence to the traditions of modernism.

M. Gorky entered Russian literature in the 90s of the XIX century and immediately caused great interest among readers. A rich personal experience of traveling for Russia gave the writer abundant material for his works. Already in early years, trunk ideas and topics, which accompanied his work all over were produced. This is, above all, the idea of \u200b\u200ban active personality, because Gorky has always been interested in life in her fermentation. The works produced a new type of human relationship with the environment. Instead of the formula "Wednesday", which was largely determining for the literature of the previous years, the writer sounds the idea that a person creates resistance to the environment. The romantic, and realistic works of the initial period are devoted to this topic.
Early romantic things are dirty in the genre: these are stories, legends, fairy tales, poems. The most famous stories "Makar Mirara" and "Old Man Izergil". In the first of them, the writer in all the laws of the romantic direction draws images of beautiful, bold and strong people, relying on the tradition of Russian literature, bitter appeals to the images of the Gypsy, which became a symbol of will and unrestrained passions. In the work there is a romantic conflict between the sense of love and the desire for freedom. It is permitted by the death of heroes, but this death is not perceived as a tragedy, but rather as a celebration of life and will.
In the story of "Old Man Izergil", the narrative is also built on romantic canons. Already at the very beginning there is a characteristic motive of the dvoemirine. Hero-narrator is a carrier of the public consciousness of the real world. He opposes the world of romantic heroes - again, beautiful, bold, strong people: "They walked, sang and laughed." The problem is the problem of the ethical orientation of a romantic personality. Romantic hero and other people - how are their relationships? In other words, the traditional question is set: man and environment. As it should be romantic heroes, Gorky characters oppose the environment. This was obviously manifested in the image of Larr-Ry, who openly violated the law of human life and punished eternal loneliness. He is opposed to Danko. The story about it is built as an allegory of the path of people to the best, fair life, from the darkness to the light. In Danko, Gorky embodied the image of the leader of the masses. Danko as well as Larra is opposed to the environment hostile to her. Faced with the difficulties of the journey, people will grow on their lead, blame him in their troubles, while the mass, as it should be in the product of romantic, is endowed with negative characteristics. "Danko looked at those for whom he suffered work, and saw that they were like beasts. Many people stood around him, but was not on the faces of their nobility. " Danko is a single hero, he convinces people by the power of his personal self-sacrifice. Here the writer implements, makes the metaphor's literal in the language: fire hearts. The feat of the hero is reborn people, carries them behind them. But from this he himself never ceases to be a single: in people, they are also enthusiastic forward, it remains not only a feeling of indifference, but also hostility. "People, joyful and complete hopes, did not notice the death of him and did not see what is still burning next to the corpse of Danko his bold heart. Only one cautious man noticed this and, fearing something, stepped on a proud heart with his foot. "
The legend of Danko was actively used as a material for revolutionary propaganda, the image of the hero was brought as an example for imitation, was widely attracted by the official ideology. However, Gorky, everything is not so simple and definitely, as they tried to present subaneren commentators. The young writer managed to feel in the image of a single hero and a dramatic note of incomprehensibility and hostility to him medium, mass.
In the story of the old woman, Izergil is clearly inherent in the bitter paphos of teacher. Alsomely, he is in a special genre - songs ("Song about Falcon", "Song about the Petrel"). One important thing for the writer in the early period of his work is a problem formulated in the "Sokol song", I would like to pay attention. This is the problem of the collision of the heroic personality with the world of everyday life, with a philistine consciousness, in many ways developed in realistic stories of the early period.
One of the artistic discoveries of the writer became the subject of a man "DNA", lowered, often spoken by the tramps - in those years they were taken by Bosyaki. M. Gorky knew this environment well, showed a great interest in her and widely reflected it in his works, deserving the definition of the "singer of UNDERS." In the very topic, there were no complete novelty, many of the XIX century writers appealed to it. Novelty was in the author's position. If earlier people called first of all the compassion as a victim of life, then Gorky is different. His bosias are not so much unfortunate victims of life, how many rebellion, who do not accept this life. They are not so much rejected as rejecting. And rejecting the world of philistine ordinary, vulgarity. An example of this can be seen in the story "Konovalov". Already at the beginning, the writer emphasizes that his hero has a profession, he is a beautiful baker, the owner of the bakery values. But Konovalov is gifted by a living mind and a restless heart, he has little simple existence. This is a man who thinks about life and does not accept in her everyday: "You do not live, and Gnae!" Konovalov dreams of a heroic situation in which his rich nature could manifest. It is fascinated by the images of a rain, Tarasa Bulba. In everyday life, the hero feels unnecessary and leaves from her, in the end tragically dilding.
Akin to him and another Gorky hero from the story of "Spouse Orlov". Grigory is one of the brightest and conflicting characters in the early work of the writer. This is a man of strong passions, hot and gusty. He tensely seeks the meaning of life. At times, it seems to him that he found him - for example, when he works as a sanitation in the cholera bar. But then Gregory sees the illusion of this sense and returns to its natural state of the rebellion, confrontation between the environment. He is able to do a lot for people, even his life to donate for them, but this victim should be instantaneous and bright, heroic, like the Ravena. No wonder he talks about himself: "And the heart burns with great fire."
Gorky belongs to such people as Konovalov, Orlov and the like, with understanding. However, if you think about it, you can see that the writer already at an early stage of creativity noticed a phenomenon that has become one of the problems of post-revolutionary Russian life: the desire of a person to heroic act, to a feat, self-sacrifice, gust and inability to everyday work, to everyday life, to Her weeks, devoid of heroic halo. People of this type can be great in extreme situations, in disaster days, wars, revolutions, but they are most often unweighitive in the normal course of human life. So fate and characters of the heroes of young bitter are relevant to this day.

M. Gorky enters Russian literature of the 90s of the 19th century. His entry was very bright, he immediately aroused great interest among readers. Contemporaries with amazement wrote that the people of Russia, who did not know Dostoevsky, little knowing Pushkin and Gogol, who does not know Lermontov, more than others, but only the pieces knowing Tolstoy, knows Maxim Gorky. True, in this interest there was some chance of sensationalism. People from the bottom attracted the idea herself that the writer came into the literature from their environment, he did not know life from the most gloomy and terrible sides. The writers and readers belonged to the elite circle, the personality saw such depths of the "life", which none of the writers did not know from the inside to him on personal experience. This rich personal experience gave M. Gorky abundant material of early works. In the same early years, trunk ideas and topics are produced, which later accompanied the writer throughout the work. This is, above all, the idea of \u200b\u200ban active person. M. Gorky produces a new type of human relationship with the environment. Instead of the formula "Wednesday of the Lady", which was largely determining for the literature of the previous years, the writer sounds the idea that a person creates resistance to the environment. From the very beginning, the work of M. Gorky disintegrate into two types: early romantic texts and realistic stories. The ideas expressed by the author in them are in many ways.

Early romantic works M. Gorky diverse by genre: These are stories, legends, fairy tales, poems. His earliest stories are most famous - "Makar Mirara", "Old Man Izergil." In the first of them, the writer in all the laws of the romantic direction draws images of beautiful, bold and. Based on the tradition of Russian literature, M. Gorky addresses the images of the Gypsy, which became a symbol of will and unrestrained passions. The story "Makar Miranda" is obvious the author's installation for the destruction of traditional ideas about the world order, good and evil. Created at the beginning of the story quite realistic picture is gradually transformed into antipodic reality. Makar Miranda from the "Old Rygan" turns into a similar similarity of the pagan God, who is known for other truths. The form of the inserted story about Loyko and Rada does not accidentally resemble the parable - the most popular genre in the Bible. An important role in the disclosure of the copyright position is played by the image of a narrator: under the impression of the miracle heard from Makara, he perceives the world in a different way, hears the rockness from the sea - the hymn is strong and beautiful people who can live freely, without obeying a draw. In the work there is a romantic conflict between the sense of love and the desire for the will.

It is permitted by the death of heroes, but this death is not perceived as a tragedy, but rather - as a celebration of life and will. In the story of the old woman Izergil, the narrative is also built on romantic canons. Already at the very beginning, the motive of the Dvoemirine is characteristic of romanticism: the hero narrator is a carrier of public consciousness. He is said: "... old people will be born, Russians. Gloomy everything like demons. " He opposes the world of romantic heroes - beautiful, strong,: "They walked, sang and laughed." The story puts the problem of the ethical orientation of a romantic personality. The relationship between the romantic hero and the people around him. In other words, the traditional question is set: man and environment.

As it should be romantic heroes, Gorky characters oppose the environment. This, obviously, manifested itself in the image of a strong, beautiful, free Larra, who openly violated the law of human life, opposed himself to people and was punished by eternal loneliness. He is opposed to the hero of Danko. The story about him was built as an allegory: the path of people to the best, fair life - from the darkness to the light. In Danko, M. Gorky embodied the image of the leader of the masses. And this image is written in the canons of a romantic tradition. Danko as well as Larra is opposed to the environment hostile to her. Faced with the difficulties of the journey, people will grow on their lead, blame him in their troubles, while the mass, as it should be in the product of romantic, is endowed with negative characteristics. "Danko looked at those for whom he suffered work, and saw that they were like beasts. Many people stood around him, but was not on the faces of their nobility. "

Danko is a single hero, he convinces people by the power of his personal self-sacrifice. M. Gorky sells, makes a literal metaphorus spread in the language: fire hearts. The feat of the hero is reborn people, carries them behind them. But from this he himself never ceases to be a single, in humans, they are also passionate advance, it remains not only a feeling of indifference, but also hostility: "People, joyful and complete hopes, did not notice the death of him and have not seen that Flames next to the corpse of Danko his bold heart. Only one cautious man noticed this and, fearing something, stepped on the proud heart of the foot. " The Gorky Legend of Danko was actively used as a material for revolutionary propaganda, the image of the hero was brought as an example for imitation, later was widely used by the official ideology, it was strongly introduced into the consciousness of the younger generation (even candy with the name "Danko" and the image on the burning heart wrapper) .

However, Gorky, everything is not so simple and definitely, as they tried to present subaneren commentators. The young writer managed to feel in the image of a single hero, a dramatic note of incomprehensibility and hostility of the medium, mass. In the story of the Staruha Izergil, it is clearly inherent in M. Gorky Paphos of Teaching. Alsomely, he is in a special genre - songs ("Song about Falcon"; "Song about the petrel").

Today, they are perceived rather as a funny page of the history of literature and have repeatedly gave material for parody comprehension (so, during the emigration of M. Gorky an article appeared with the name "Former Chief Slavs, General Center").

But one important thing for the writer in the early period of his work is a problem formulated in the "Sokol song", I would like to draw attention to: the problem of the collision of the heroic personality with the world of ordinary, philistine consciousness. This problem is developed by M. Gorky and in its realistic stories of the early period.

53. One of the artistic discoveries of the writer was the topic of a man "DNA", descending, often spoken by the tramps - in those years they were taken by the bosias. M. Gorky knew this environment well, showed a great interest to her and widely reflected it in his works, deserving the definition of the "singer of UNDERS." In this topic, there were no complete novelty, many of the Writers of the 19th century appealed to it. Novelty was in the author's position. If earlier such heroes caused first of all the compassion as a victim of life, then M. Gorky is all otherwise. His bosias are not so much unfortunate victims of life, how many rebellion, who do not accept this life. They are not so much rejected as rejecting.

An example of this can be seen in the story "Konovalov". Already at the very beginning of the work, the writer emphasizes that his hero had a profession, he was "Beautiful Baker, Clevero," the owner of the bakery values. Konovalov is a gifted nature of nature. This is a person who thinks about life and does not accept everyday existence in it: "The longing it, the rope: do not live, and Gonie!" Konovalov dreams of a heroic situation in which his rich nature could manifest. He talks about himself: "I did not find myself places!" It is fascinated by the images of a rain, Tarasa Bulba. In everyday life, Konovalov feels unnecessary and leaves from her in the end, tragically die. Akin to him and the other hero of Gorky from the story of the "Spouse Orlov". Gregory Orlov is one of the brightest and controversial characters in the early work of M. Gorky. This is a man of strong passions, hot and gusty. He tensely seeks the meaning of life. At times, it seems to him that he found him - for example, when he works as a sanitation in the cholera bar. But then Gregory sees the illusion of this sense and returns to its natural state of the rebellion, confrontation between the environment. He is able to do a lot for people, even his life to donate for them, but this victim should be instantaneous and bright, heroic, like the Ravena. No wonder he speaks of himself: "And the heart is burning with great fire."

M. Gorky belongs to such people as Konovalov, Orlov and them like, with understanding. However, if you think about it, you can see, at an early stage, noticed a phenomenon that became one of the problems of Russian life of the twentieth century: the desire of a person to heroic act, to a feat, self-sacrifice, impulse and inability to everyday work, to everyday life, to her everyday work , devoid of heroic halo. People of this type, predicted the writer, may be great in extreme situations, in days of disasters, wars, revolutions, but they are most often unsuitable in the normal course of human life.

Today, the problems posed by the writer M. Gorky in its early work are perceived as relevant and pressing to solve issues of our time.

M. Gorky entered Russian literature in the 90s of the XIX century and immediately caused great interest among readers. A rich personal experience of traveling for Russia gave the writer abundant material for his works. Already in early years, trunk ideas and topics, which accompanied his work all over were produced. This is, above all, the idea of \u200b\u200ban active personality, because Gorky has always been interested in life in her fermentation. The works produced a new type of human relationship with the environment. Instead of the formula "Wednesday", which was largely determining for the literature of the previous years, the writer sounds the idea that a person creates resistance to the environment. The romantic, and realistic works of the initial period are devoted to this topic.
Early romantic things are dirty in the genre: these are stories, legends, fairy tales, poems. The most famous stories "Makar Mirara" and "Old Man Izergil". In the first of them, the writer in all the laws of the romantic direction draws images of beautiful, bold and strong people, relying on the tradition of Russian literature, bitter appeals to the images of the Gypsy, which became a symbol of will and unrestrained passions. In the work there is a romantic conflict between the sense of love and the desire for freedom. It is permitted by the death of heroes, but this death is not perceived as a tragedy, but rather as a celebration of life and will.
In the story of "Old Man Izergil", the narrative is also built on romantic canons. Already at the very beginning there is a characteristic motive of the dvoemirine. Hero-narrator is a carrier of the public consciousness of the real world. He opposes the world of romantic heroes - again, beautiful, bold, strong people: "They walked, sang and laughed." The problem is the problem of the ethical orientation of a romantic personality. Romantic hero and other people - how are their relationships? In other words, the traditional question is set: man and environment. As it should be romantic heroes, Gorky characters oppose the environment. This was obviously manifested in the image of Larr-Ry, who openly violated the law of human life and punished eternal loneliness. He is opposed to Danko. The story about it is built as an allegory of the path of people to the best, fair life, from the darkness to the light. In Danko, Gorky embodied the image of the leader of the masses. Danko as well as Larra is opposed to the environment hostile to her. Faced with the difficulties of the journey, people will grow on their lead, blame him in their troubles, while the mass, as it should be in the product of romantic, is endowed with negative characteristics. "Danko looked at those for whom he suffered work, and saw that they were like beasts. Many people stood around him, but was not on the faces of their nobility. " Danko is a single hero, he convinces people by the power of his personal self-sacrifice. Here the writer implements, makes the metaphor's literal in the language: fire hearts. The feat of the hero is reborn people, carries them behind them. But from this he himself never ceases to be a single: in people, they are also enthusiastic forward, it remains not only a feeling of indifference, but also hostility. "People, joyful and complete hopes, did not notice the death of him and did not see what is still burning next to the corpse of Danko his bold heart. Only one cautious man noticed this and, fearing something, stepped on a proud heart with his foot. "
The legend of Danko was actively used as a material for revolutionary propaganda, the image of the hero was brought as an example for imitation, was widely attracted by the official ideology. However, Gorky, everything is not so simple and definitely, as they tried to present subaneren commentators. The young writer managed to feel in the image of a single hero and a dramatic note of incomprehensibility and hostility to him medium, mass.
In the story of the old woman, Izergil is clearly inherent in the bitter paphos of teacher. Alsomely, he is in a special genre - songs ("Song about Falcon", "Song about the Petrel"). One important thing for the writer in the early period of his work is a problem formulated in the "Sokol song", I would like to pay attention. This is the problem of the collision of the heroic personality with the world of everyday life, with a philistine consciousness, in many ways developed in realistic stories of the early period.
One of the artistic discoveries of the writer became the subject of a man "DNA", lowered, often spoken by the tramps - in those years they were taken by Bosyaki. M. Gorky knew this environment well, showed a great interest in her and widely reflected it in his works, deserving the definition of the "singer of UNDERS." In the very topic, there were no complete novelty, many of the XIX century writers appealed to it. Novelty was in the author's position. If earlier people called first of all the compassion as a victim of life, then Gorky is different. His bosias are not so much unfortunate victims of life, how many rebellion, who do not accept this life. They are not so much rejected as rejecting. And rejecting the world of philistine ordinary, vulgarity. An example of this can be seen in the story "Konovalov". Already at the beginning, the writer emphasizes that his hero has a profession, he is a beautiful baker, the owner of the bakery values. But Konovalov is gifted by a living mind and a restless heart, he has little simple existence. This is a man who thinks about life and does not accept in her everyday: "You do not live, and Gnae!" Konovalov dreams of a heroic situation in which his rich nature could manifest. It is fascinated by the images of a rain, Tarasa Bulba. In everyday life, the hero feels unnecessary and leaves from her, in the end tragically dilding.
Akin to him and another Gorky hero from the story of "Spouse Orlov". Grigory is one of the brightest and conflicting characters in the early work of the writer. This is a man of strong passions, hot and gusty. He tensely seeks the meaning of life. At times, it seems to him that he found him - for example, when he works as a sanitation in the cholera bar. But then Gregory sees the illusion of this sense and returns to its natural state of the rebellion, confrontation between the environment. He is able to do a lot for people, even his life to donate for them, but this victim should be instantaneous and bright, heroic, like the Ravena. No wonder he talks about himself: "And the heart burns with great fire."
Gorky belongs to such people as Konovalov, Orlov and the like, with understanding. However, if you think about it, you can see that the writer already at an early stage of creativity noticed a phenomenon that has become one of the problems of post-revolutionary Russian life: the desire of a person to heroic act, to a feat, self-sacrifice, gust and inability to everyday work, to everyday life, to Her weeks, devoid of heroic halo. People of this type can be great in extreme situations, in disaster days, wars, revolutions, but they are most often unweighitive in the normal course of human life. So fate and characters of the heroes of young bitter are relevant to this day.