The first alphabet was not just one of the "divine secrets". We are convinced that it was based on deep scientific knowledge - a genetic code

 The first alphabet was not just one of the
The first alphabet was not just one of the "divine secrets". We are convinced that it was based on deep scientific knowledge - a genetic code

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Flowers, herbs, fruits, trees - all this has a smell, familiar and pleasant. And often is just the component that is formed by our favorite fragrance.

But you probably know that along with flower, fruit and wood raw materials in perfumery uses ingredients of animal origin. You may just contain such an ingredient.

A well-known musk - Sensual and languid, the smell-aphrodisiac is extracted from the germ of the male Musky Kabargy. This is very the pretty view of the deer, however, the fangs have enough frightening. It dwells in the mountainous regions of China, Tibet, meets on Russian expanses: from the Lower Altai to the Amur River. Today, Musky Kabarga is listed in the Red Book and not only because of what was actively extended for perfume production. Very wide use of the secret of deer found in Chinese medicine. Musk Used in many Chinese drugs and because of this, the hunt for the cabgaru is enhanced.

Frequently used in the eastern perfume group - it is nothing more than a product of the vital activity of Cachelot, or rather - a substance similar to wax forming in its digestive tract. It is still definitely unknown for what reason inside the body of the couch is formed this substance. There is a version that ambergris It is formed as a result of various wounds, which arise when swallowed by cachelot of acute foods, but for 100% confidence in this, there are no scientists yet. Find Ambra as inside Coughs, so on the coast of the oceans, where they live.

If yours favorite fragrance Refers to an amber group, then you will be interested to know that amber is fresh, white, ordinary and black. The most expensive and rare is the White Amber, it is she exudes a thin sweetish fragrance. Fresh and black amber has not long lacquered enough in water, did not acquire the desired odor, so they are not suitable for perfume products. But the usual, along with white, is used. Her, unlike white amber, can be purchased in relevant markets, while the right to purchase White Ambra has long been and firmly settled from producers of elite perfume.

Amber, as well as musk, is actively used in alternative medicine. Today, to produce a favorite flavor, a synthetic amber substitute is often used. And, probably, it saved many coushlots from hunting for them.

Less known and not so often used another element of animal origin - civet. This is the secret of the wild African cat, and more precisely the civetpes from the Viverhival family. In nature there are 6 types of civet, African is the largest. Externally civetta resembles a cunita (muzzle) and a cat (torso), so it is also called a vivem cat. In addition to Africa, the animal can still be found in India.

Actually civet Nowadays, it is imported mainly from Indonesia. And in the old days, as testifying to the book, the Dutch merchants contained several animals directly in Amsterdam in special cells and 2-3 times a week with a spatula collected highlighting for future use in perfumery.

It is said that the smell of Tsibetin is very unpleasant, but there are perfume masters to know what kind of concentrations take this substance and with what to mix so that an unforgettable gentle, floral, favorite flavor appears.

Possible if your Refers to the flower-fruit group, its constituent is cybetin.

As you can see, the saddest fate has suffered a Musky Kabargu, this species is almost on the verge of extinction. Maybe over time, natural components of the perfume of animal origin will be completely replaced by synthetic. Or at least, they will find a more humane method of their extraction, so that the favorite fragrance, which gives us so much pleasure, was not the cause of someone's extermination.

Even the distant of Christianity people heard that it teaches love. Without love, it is unthinkable, because at the heart of him - the act of the greatest sacrificial love of God to his creation - and because the Savior bequeathed to his disciples to imitate him in love for each other (see: In. 13, 34). But there is such a manifestation of love of people to each other as friendship. However, is it always really manifestation of love? What does it mean to be friends? Who is friend for us? How do we come to treat him how to build relationships with him if we want to be Christians? Is it possible to talk about a Christian understanding of friendship? Today we talk about this with the editor-in-chief of our magazine Igumen Nectarium (Morozov).

- Father nectarians before talking about friendship as such, it is probably a question: and where can I read about friendship in the gospel?

- The most important example of friendship in the gospel is the friendship of the Savior with different people. Christ was friends with Lazar, Martha and Maria, and also with his students. At the end of the earthly life, he spoke to them: I already i do not call you slaves, for the slave does not know what Mr. Him does; But I called you friends, because I told you everything heard from my father (In. 15, fifteen). And this is what you can think about, after reading these words: how important it is for us all, Christians that God became a man! Why couldn't he save us differently, why did he need to become such as we? After all, there is nothing impossible for him ... Probably because if God had not come to Earth and did not become a man, we would never have been able to feel our closeness to him, could not become slaves, but friends. Christ, being a true God, became a true man, and, therefore, there were people whom he loved himself, who were close to him, communicating with whom joy delivered him. But, at the same time, human in Christ is not restlessly connected to the Divine.

If we talk about the image of Divine Friendship, it is best to help him understand the words from the book of Solomon's Proverbs: my joy with the sons of human (Proverbs 8, 31). And the awareness of this is very important for understanding what kind of friendship for a Christian. Here we read from the Apostle Paul about the properties, the qualities of love in his first message to Corinthians, in chapter 13. And we feel that all this apostle tells about the love of the Divine. But, in addition, we understand that other love and can not be - in man too. Any little, imperfect love should or gradually go to Divine Love, or fade. The same can be said about friendship. God in man does not need it, he does not have the need for a person, and nevertheless, he is looking for a man's friendship itself. And he rejoices. Ideally, it should be our friendship with other people. To be friends with someone - not because we need this person, not because it is necessary for us, but - disinterestedly, experiencing joy from unity and communicate with him. This, it seems to me one of those very important friendship lessons that can be learned from the Savior's earthly life, from the Holy Scriptures.

- But can you really say about someone: he is a friend of God? Is there no equality in friendship?

- Lazaror the quiroden church refers to another God. And it can also be said about every person who approached the Lord so that he became holy. Every holy is also a friend of God.

If we talk about equality, I don't think that the Lord in dealing with the people we call him friends in his earthly life, they found them a complete understanding that we are often looking for our friends, and, not gaining, terribly worried, Disappointed - both in them, and in life. Christ could not find from his disciples, his friends had a complete understanding precisely because - how to understand God? But, nevertheless, the apostles and others were his friends. Apostles, who accompanied the Savior for three years on Earth, did not understand it to the end. Moreover, they did not understand not only any divine secrets - they did not understand him sometimes, as we would say, purely humanly. However, they loved him, they were ready to trust him and obey him, when something was unclear to them, because they saw: he was the truth in whom. Simon Peter tells him: Lord! Who can we go? You have the verbs of eternal life: And we believed and knew that you were Christ, the son of God Zhivago (In. 6, 68-69).

We sometimes make a very big mistake, considering that another for us can only be the one who always understands us, who we will always find the consolation that a friend will always be for us the shoulder on which we can rely on. Too much we demand from a person! If we ourselves always understand everyone, if we themselves manage to substitute your shoulder and even back to put someone to it and incur, - even if it is so, it does not mean that the person who is next to us who we are I also consider the friend, too, it is capable of it. And maybe otherwise: it is capable, we are no ...

There is nothing amazing and more beautiful in the created world than a person. But only the Lord knows how beautiful the man is as amazing. And even now he admires his creation - albeit a distorted sin, because he can look into the depths of the human heart, where the beauty is alive, where it is indestructible. And, probably, you can truly be friends when we are in this mystery of the human heart. Further, we see deeper, only to give God to one degree or another. When you look at a person as a temporary phenomenon of this world, like something for something, then, even if you guess his beauty, still some feeling of bewilderment remains: what is it all like that? And when you look at a person, already knowing the secret of his creation, the secret of his appointment, then you can make a penny world, which is amazing and mysterious about whom nothing can be. People are trying to comprehend the mystery of the universe, find out if there is life on other planets, is it possible to create a spacecraft that will move faster speed of light, and in fact anything mysterious and more interesting than the human soul, no. Including - and our own.

- Father nectaries, still I will return to the concept of "friend of God." In Orthodoxy, it is rare to hear such an expression. For us, both more familiar and closer (not a humiliating, as they believed, far from Christianity) - "Slave God". But we know that in many Christian denominations to call themselves with a different God like it is not amazing. But this is a little bit like a panibrate, some frivolous sander ...

- Surely each of us in life was and periodically appear people who call themselves our friends. But at the same time they make such actions that we would like to communicate with them to a minimum. And not because they are unpleasant, not because they give a reason for anger, condemnation, - no. The fact is that communication is sometimes unsafe, unsuccessful. And by and large - in vain. At the same time, many of us in life have people who do not belong to our friends are even nominally, but who are really friends with us, and we are friends with them too. And our relationships with them sometimes resemble the relations of native people. And there is no need to sign this relationship.

As for those who are easily calling themselves with another God ... They will be very surprised suddenly, if an invisible hand once falls on her shoulder and a voice will be heard: "What a friend are you? Not a friend you are me "... And at the same time, a person repenting in the fact that every month of Christ, as it were, again sinks his sins, crying about it, trying to change by all forces, can become a friend of God. Yes, he is a friend. Such here turns out an antinomy: in order to be a different God, you need ... do not consider yourself so. Recall the parable about the prodigal son. If he had come to his father and said: "I am your son, because let's once again divide the remaining inheritance," there would be no joy of the meeting, not the calf, no rich clothes - nothing. Probably, the father would answer: "No, son, go there, where came from. Why do you conbeep again, because you will all waste everything again. " The prodigal son was accepted as a favorite child, which behaved like the last slave of his father. Only aware of its lowestness, you can understand where you are, and take a step towards something higher.

- In one of his works, a wonderful writer Sergey Fudel wrote that the church is the universal friendship of students. It turns out that all Christians are a priori friend among themselves?

"All Christians are brothers and sisters in faith, and the words of these are" brothers and sisters "- it is necessary to understand correctly, otherwise there may be a certain adorable shade, the moment of false. We, Christians, - Brothers and sisters on the blood and flesh of Christ, whom we are communion. As the Apostle Paul says: ... we are many one body; for everyone communion from one bread (1 Cor. 10, 17), that is, we are communion from one bowl and make a single body of Christ - mystically. And we are brothers and sisters because we have common progenitors, Adam and Eve. It is not necessary to artificially invest in the appeal "Brothers and Sisters" what is not yet in it. It may appear, that is, a person can become for you really like a brother or sister, truly. But may not appear.

Did any Christian be our friend? I will give an analogy as an analogy, however, not very accurate, but helping to understand: not every man can become husband for a woman, and not every woman can become a wife for a man. Human husband and wife are becoming only when certain relations are established between them, based on their inner proximity, on them, may not always be similar to them, but - consonance of each other. Friendship is, of course, not a family life, not marriage, but, nevertheless, something, partly akin to this. For the emergence of friendship, there must also be some inner consonance, proximity of interests. As marriage has its own history of love and relationship between husband and wife and friendship, there is always a story. If a person peers in the history of his relationship with a friend, he will understand that it really is. There are moments of rapprochement and delight from each other, there are moments of rejection, moments when people are diverted, and then converge and become more closer and more relative. People are worried about something together, overcome. Friendship is so amazing and a wonderful phenomenon that you will not find words to explain to the end what it is.

Another thing is that we are all, Christians, should be friendly - and not because they are obliged, but because it is natural to be friendly for a Christian to be friendly, treat any person with friendliness. From this may grow something more, and may not grow. In fact, life can be sacrificed not only for whom you have eaten some kind of salt, who are immensely close and dear to you, but for the sake of a completely unfamiliar person, based on the fact that he is a brother or sister to you. In Christ or just at birth - because he is a man.

- We are talking about friendship, and what is her difference from love? Friendship - more or less love?

- Like a good feeling without love, there is no friendship without love. After all, if people do not like each other, what are they friends?

When I get acquainted with a man, I immediately try to understand, find out if he has friends. And if so, what they are, and if not, why? From the knowledge of this I add for myself the primary impression of a new acquaintance. Of course, the lack of friends may indicate certain circumstances of life, sometimes very difficult. But often the lack of friends is a sign that people people are not very interesting, or he is not ready to sacrifice nothing, because they are closed on himself, selfish. Have friends - a natural thing for a person. And when they say that, they say, there are no friends, but the reason for this is that only bad people are found on the way, but there are no good, it is alarming. The reason for the lack of friends is the man. And how many friends have friends, which are largely based on what it is.

- It seems to me, can not be good to people who have no friends ...

- Yes ... In Soviet times, a wild phenomenon called "to figure out three" was specially relevant. On the one hand, terrible. But on the other hand, this is where it is involuntarily thinking: after all, rarely when a person drinks one, most often he needs a drinking companion. Why? The reason is that a modern man is so beaten, clouded, it turns out to be unable to open, revive in the usual, sober state. And therefore begins to drink so that his heart experience fun and joy that brings wine. True, this stage is rapidly replaced by the following, when a person is already at all unable to share something with another person, to receive something from him, communication comes or goes into some other form, inexpensive, sad for the soul . But, nevertheless, the need for friendship even in drunkenness finds its expression. And even in this ugly form, she, by and large, is touching.

- In popular science benefits on applied psychology, it is often possible to find a statement that the concept of "friendship" was invented by romantics: in fact, in this relationship there is a "dependent", "slave", and there is a "leader", which rows Under yourself. Often you have to hear that someone friendly friendly with someone, and then one of these friends was at all and not a friend, but a piggy tail ... How to deal with the fact that often the friendship resembles the game in the same gate?

- There is such a wonderful French film "Unweight". It is played by Gerard Depardieu and Jean Reno. Depardieu performs the role of a person with some development delay - 40 years old from its 45. And now he meets a man, hero Renault, with his eyes sad, like a horse, which hero Depardieu once loved in childhood, and decides that it is his friend. Of course, in the plans of the "friend", all this is not at all, followed by a number of tragicomic peripetias ... In the end, friendship awakens something good in the heart of a person whose eyes were like a sad horse - it changes. Sometimes in life it happens. But more often - no.

If a person in his simplicity sincerely considers someone with his friend, it may indicate different qualities: about the wealth of the soul, about the inner simplicity, naivety, but also about underdevelopment too - about many things. But friendship as a game in some gate can not be. If the friendship is not mutual, then this is, in fact, not friendship. Just like love, from my point of view, can only be mutual. If a person loves someone, but there is no response, then there is no love as such. It turns out not to be somehow false or erroneous feeling - no. Indeed, the Lord loves a man often, and his man hates, but there is love, it exists, only in this case the divine love remaining without a response can save a person. And when one person loves another, but there is no response, it leads to a collapse. And if we were friends with someone, loved someone, and it turned out that the person is not a friend to us, it is not necessary to treat it as the greatest tragedy, although it is not easy to survive, of course. We just need to move aside. It is one thing - to give Christian debt in relations with people, to always be ready to help, respond to the call for help, and completely different - let someone in the circle of loved ones.

In the Gospel of John it is said that the Lord did not entrust himself to anyone because I knew everyone (In. 2, 24-25). I did not entrust, but, nevertheless, there was a circle of people around him, which he was faithful, as he was faithful to everyone, in everything and always. At the same time, each of this circle could, like Judas, to betray it ... and we should not entrust themselves to everyone. Everyone should not let in their lives - in the end, it is not only for us, but also "everyone" may be unpleasant. However, there should be no excessive caution, suspicion. It happens, people say: here, I spit in the soul, I don't want to come out so once again, therefore I will always be alone. Do not be afraid that you spit into the soul, - you have to be ready for this. On the Lord, they also spoiled - those who have been looking for his friendship, his help. So why should we fear it? Just when a person is not afraid of this, such an outcome is not very painful for him.

"But it happens that no one spoiled anywhere." Just time passed, some circumstances have accumulated, mutual unresolved displeasure - friendship and ended. How to avoid this?

- One layman once wrote a Great St. Wassonophone: "I have a friend, but it seems to me that he cooled to me; Our friendship is over. " Rev. He answered: "And you look into your heart and ask yourself: didn't you cool it to him? If you did not cool, then the friendship is yours, and if cooled, it is obviously, friendship is over. Dried as a dry source. "

Return back to the analogy between friendship and marriage. Family life is only more complete when there is a mutual process - knowledge, training. The process of self-education - first of all, and the upbringing of a loved one - in the second. This is a creative process. The same with friendship. Like love, it can turn into a small stream into a full-water river. But maybe from the full-water river turn into a stream. It all depends on ourselves. As soon as pebbles begin to gather in line - they narrow it. It is necessary to clear it regularly.

- And if one friend wants to cry, and the second is not too? And it seems not to mind, but at the same time as if he says: "And do this work for me - because you are to blame for me, you have to give up." How to be?

- This should be said about this, but not to prescribe our friends; Everything we talk about, it makes sense to speak only in the ignition yourself. Yes, it happens that one person speaks to another: "Be a friend, do something and that", "do for me", "I will give me something, be another." Probably, this is the most informed understanding of friendship, which can only be: once a person you friend, it means that he should. Friendship is not a reason for someone else's reason, friendship is a reason to give.

When former spouses come to the priest and begin to grieve about lost, the question is natural: And what was the marriage that broke up? If you analyze the situation, it always turns out that it was based on something wrong. The same thing is with friendship. If at some point the person we considered something else, suddenly to be a friend to be stopped, then, most likely it happened because of ourselves. Most likely, we are from some inner korear, not material, but spiritual, preferred to consider this person to another when he was not this friend. We consciously closed our eyes to something, and then the life put everything in our place.

"But if all the same, a friend changed himself - and not for the better?"

- Yes, sometimes there may be a situation when we turn out to be hard for our friend. Or he becomes hard for us, because suddenly has changed - and not for the better. What to do with it? Just tolerate, not to say anything to you, or say about it? I think that if a person is close to us, dear, then tell him about his feelings, it is necessary about his anxiety, because besides us, most likely, no one will tell him about it. And we are those who can stop him who can give him an impulse to the opposite movement, to return to himself. This can occur through the conflict, through a painful explanation, and not the only one. Naturally, we should strive to find the form of an expression that will be optimal that our love for man will tell us. It is love, and not a desire to say what we are unhappy, because we are unhappy and we are unpleasant. If the first place to put care of your friend, then everything will most likely work out. But if we see that we are knocking on a tightly locked door, then you need to retreat, not to speak anything about anything, but just tolerate a person what it is. Suddenly, it will be possible to endure. Can friendship collapsed? Can. After all, we were friends with one person, and now we are absolutely another. And here, as well as with love: If we see that a person wants to return to us, it means that you need to die in our heart the feeling that in it lived.

"But the friendship died, a man left." What to do what is the most useful in this difficult situation for yourself to extract?

- When a person leaves our life - just goes or dies, something happens in our heart. It seems that in our heart there was a plot engaged in the departed. And this site seems to die together with the man. If our close is moving into the world of others, it happens to a lesser extent, because he is actually alive, and our prayers, the depth of our faith, if there is such, we are helping to feel. And the portion of our heart begins to live somehow differently.

But if a person from our life disappears due to the fact that the relationship is broken, then a feeling of amputation of a vital organ is created. Then, after some time, the wound can inflate and disclose, the heart is to get rich something, but still - some soreness in the memories of a lost person will persist. Friendship helps to understand the indispensability of each person, its uniqueness; To see what is initially an area of \u200b\u200bdivine knowledge, because the Lord created unique and unique each of us. And the loss of a friend gives us this to fully understand.

The Apostle Paul in the second message to Corinthians has such lines: Having come to the trocade for the gospel about Christ, although I and the hole was the door to the Lord, I did not have peace of my spirit, because I did not find [there] my title's brother; But, having gone up with them, I went to Macedonia (2 Cor. 2, 12-13). The apostle lived for the sake of the good news about Christ - this was the meaning of his life. But in one of the cities where he could preach, and successfully, he does not find his friend Tita, frustrated and leaves ... is love, is it friendship? Yes, it is love and this is friendship. After all, to suspect the Apostle Paul is that he lived with some kind of interests, in no case cannot.

The saints were friends with each other. When their friends went to the world of others, they were sad on them, although they have already known how beautiful life with God ... Real, genuine friendship as genuine love - also the gift of the Lord. Dar, which is given to the heart prepared for this. Prepared attempts to learn to love, be friends, sacrificing, give away. It is in friendship that a person will most likely know the meaning of the words that he is beastful to give than to take. And in general, if someone wants to understand how true friendship with one or another person is, whether friendship is in principle or something else, you just need to ask yourself a question: what do you feel more pleasant to give him or take it?

Magazine "Orthodoxy and Modernity" № 25 (41)

Tamed Natalia Volkov

1. What is such a conflict? What lies in it?

2. Determine the possible consequences of the functional conflict.

3. Having revealed the role of dysfunctional conflicts.

4. What types of conflicts are you known? Give their character
ku. Recall one or more of the four types of conflicts from
Of your life.

5. Name and explain the main causes of conflicts.

6. Describe the five main styles of relations between people,
used to resolve the conflict.

7. Name and explain the four phases of conflict development.

8. How do you understand stress?

9. Imagine and explain the model of the stress reaction.

10. Name the reasons for stress.


1.Borodin F.M., Karyak Nm.Attention: conflict. M., 1989.

2. Vishnyakova N.F.The conflict is creativity. Mn., 1994.

3. Ziegert V., Leng L.Lead without conflict. M., 1990.

4. Lukyan Ya.A.Barriers of communication, conflicts, stress ... MN., 1989.

5. Meson MK, Albert M, Hedoi FFundamentals of management. M.,

6. Sellega T.Stress without distress / trans. from English M., 1982.

7. Khramov O.V.Methods of knowledge and overcoming conflict si
Tuitsa. L., 1989.

8. Andreev V.I.Conflictology. Art of dispute, conflicts.
Kazan, 1992.

9. Flint MACollective management. M., 1997.

Chapter 12. Art of communication

Value for business communication form and organization of communication

12.1. Value of business communication

Communication is the main form of human being, the eternal property of a person. The French writer A. De Saint-Exupery called people to communicate with luxury. This luxury makes man man. The absence or lack of communication deforms the human person.

Thus, communication is the most important form of the interaction of people. It underlies almost everything we do. In the life of most people, communication processes take up to 70% of the time, and managers spend on various types of communication on average 80% of their working time. This is a permanent process that people use to transmit organizational purposes to provide feedback and make adjustments (Fig. 12.1).

The ability to communicate has always been among the most important human qualities. To people who easily enter into contacts and able to place, we treat with sympathy, and we try to communicate with closed, or do not communicate at all, or to enter into limited contacts only in case of extreme need.

Communication is a vital goal of establishing the relationships and cooperation of people. Almost all business problems in one way or another are associated with communication, because communication is the process of transferring ideas, thoughts and feelings, bringing them to understanding by other people. This process dominates in our lives. Many believe that communication -

universal element of human experience and therefore perceive it as proper. It is common that communication is a simple instinctive process, which is given to people naturally, from birth. In fact, as studies show, communication is incredibly subtle and complex activities. And on how correctly communication is built, it depends a lot: the effectiveness of the negotiations, the degree of mutual understanding with partners, customers and employees, the satisfaction of employees of the organization by their work, the moral and psychological climate in the team, relationship with other enterprises and organizations, as well as with government agencies.

Fig. 12.1. Model of communication process

Management is a number of major areas where communication plays a decisive role. For a modern manager, personality, which should work with people, the ability to communicate is vital. This is the most important skill that the manager must have. The success of the organization's activities is influenced by the level of sociability of the manager (Fig. 12.2).

Evaluation of efficiency was produced on a special scale. High performance management meets two levels of manifestation of executives: 8-10 and 14-15 points of sociability. These levels are answered high 296

production efficiency. Approximately the same low performance performance indicators occur in groups of "closed" (up to 4 points) and "high-capacity" (over 16 points of sociability).

Fig. 12.2. The impact of the level of sociability of the manager on the success of the organization

The negative effect of ultra-low society of managers to the results of labor is explained, but interest is a negative impact on the effectiveness of the management, the high society of the head (more than 16 points).

What are the causes of such a phenomenon? It would seem that the more sociable person, the more contact and it does not premone affect the results of labor. In fact, it is not.

As can be seen from fig. 12.2, and closedness, and high, and ultra-high sociability limit the cognitive capabilities of managers on analyzing, studying and evaluating both members of the team and the situation in general, in which the team works. They often have administered management decisions to be guided by external signs, which naturally affects their quality.

High society can interfere with the leaders focus on solving the main issues of interaction in the team, to cause difficulties in concentration

mania. All this adversely affects the results of interaction in the team, especially on the results of labor.

As a rule, members of the team have a socio-psychological installation on a certain level of communication with leaders. Oversight and closed leaders cause mismatch between their behavior and the settings of the team members, which generally adversely affects the formation of a socio-psychological climate in the team.

Highboring leaders often can simply interfere with the work of the team, to distract the large number of contacts.

When interacting with the performers, the mechanism of "blocking" communication with it is triggered, so communication is based on conditions that are far from optimal.

A manager who does not have adequate sensitivity to communication, as a rule, is wasting a lot of time and energy, strengthening discontent of the subordinates. Therefore, the head must understand that the ability to communicate is an equally significant element of his professional activity than special knowledge and work skills.

Fear is one of the natural parts of the emotional life of any person. It often happens that fear reaches such a state when it becomes very difficult to get rid of it.

Despite the fact that a considerable amount of research on the topic of fear has already been conducted, he still has a lot of mysteries that modern science does not know the answer. That is why the group of scientists from Freiburg, headed by John Velshs, decided using computer simulation to better understand the processes occurring in the human brain during the formation and disappearance of fears. This scientist was for the first time in history managed to explain that all fears that we think have already passed, actually continue to exist, but in a hidden form.

It turned out that fears literally allowed their roots very deeply: much lower than the cerebral cerebral core binds to the so-called "almond-shaped body", which plays one of the decisive roles in fear processes.

Usually, fear is investigated on laboratory mice by exposure to them simultaneously with a neutral incentive - a certain sound, and a stimulus that delivers unpleasant sensations. It all leads to the fact that animals are just afraid of sound.

At the same time, the context plays a very important role: in the case when the frightening sound was reproduced many times in a new context without any bad actions, the animals got rid of fear. The fear was immediately returned if the sound was reproduced in the original or even completely in a new context. That is, it turns out that the mice did not extend to be frightened?

The fact that the fears of men, women and children are able to "disguise" have already been known for a long time. But only recently scientists have proven that two groups of nerve cells, which are in the middle of the almond-shaped body, take part in this process.

Due to the fact that scientists used computer simulation of the neurons of the almond-shaped body, they were able to explain how masking fears in the human brain: one cell group is responsible for the reaction of fear, and the second is participating in the process of its suppression. The functioning of the second group inhibits the action of the first and, thus, prevents the transfer of fears to other areas of the brain. However, the change in their connections is present, and these links can re-enter into force, for example, from context change. As a result, the feeling of fear can be returned.

Scientists hope that the results of the study will help in the near future to more successfully treat various fears.

When, after a thousand years, the mosaic alphabet began to use the Greeks (with mirrored inverted icons, Fig. 55), they found that to facilitate pronunciation it is necessary to add several letters to it. And indeed, in the Mosaic Semitic alphabet consisting of twenty-two letters, some letters could be pronounced as soft or as solid, and doubling of letters was used to designate vowel sounds.

Reflecting on this restriction of twenty-two letters - no more and no less, - we involuntarily appeal to the restrictions associated with the sacred number of "twelve" (for example, it was necessary to maintain the constant number of the Gods of the Olympic Circle). Maybe the same secret principle established by the gods, apply to the original alphabet of twenty-two letters?

The number "Twenty two" is widely known in the modern world. This is the number of chromosomes, which was in a person before the second genetic manipulation, when sexual x and y-chromosomes were added!

Could not have the Almighty God. Dealing Moses in the mystery of the alphabet, use the genetic code to create it?

Apparently, it was.

If this conclusion seems to you incredible, turn to the words of the Prophet Isaiah (45:11) that the Lord created the "letters", as well as "created the land and created a person on it." That is, the creator of man also came up with the letters from which the alphabet consists.

Modern computers for word representation and numbers use a binary system from zeros and "units" (which corresponds to the inclusion or turn off the electron flow).

However, the attention of scientists has recently attracts a four-letter genetic code and a much faster transmission of information in living cells. Theoretically, a modern computer language that uses the sequences of the form 0100110011110011000010100, etc. (with an infinite number of combinations "1" and "0"), can be considered as an analogue of the genetic DNA code, which is a sequence of nucleotides, for example CGTAGAATITGCGAACCTT, always combined into three-sided "words "And having paired bonds when A is connected to T, and with G. The difficulty is to create computers that would be operated on not electronic" 1 "and" 0 ", but by units of genetic material. The newest achievements of science - including genetics - allowed to create silicone chips in the shell of nucleotides. Comparison of the speed and features of "DNA computers" (such a name received a new area of \u200b\u200bresearch) with usual, made it possible to conclude "On the enormous DNA Information Capacity" (article in the journal "Science", October 1997).

In nature, the genetic information encoded in DNA with an incredible rate is decrypted by the messenger, which received the name of RNA, which recognizes the "letters" of DNA and recombines them into three-sided "words". It turned out that it was these groups of three letters that make up the biological and chemical basis of all forms of life on Earth, since they are "recorded" twenty amino acids, the chains of which form all protein compounds of our planet - a. Perhaps the whole universe. In fig. 56 Schematically, in a simplified form illustrated, as the DNA chain is decoded and recombined in Proline amino acids (Pro), Series (SER), etc. - to build a protein with a code from three-letter "words".

The structure of a rich and accurate Hebrew language is based on the "indigenous" words, from which verbs, nouns, adjectives, adjectives, pronouns, as well as various times, declination and other grammatical forms are formed. For unknown reasons, all these root words consist of three letters.Here we are seeing the difference from the Akkadian language, the progenitor of all languages \u200b\u200bof the Semitic Group, the words in which were formed from the syllables - sometimes one, sometimes two, three or more.

Could the source of three-letter root Words of the Hebrew language be a three-letter DNA language, which, as we found out, served as the prototype of the alphabet itself? Consisting of three letters root words may testify in favor of this hypothesis.

"Death and life is in the authority of the language," said Bible in the book of Solomon Proverits (18:21). These words were always perceived as an allegory. Perhaps it was time to understand them literally: the language of the Jewish Bible and the genetic code of life imprinted in DNA is two sides of the same medal.

Mystery encoded in them is much deeper than we can imagine, and among them, in addition to other amazing discoveries, there are secrets of healing.

Chapter Eighth