The lesson for the development of speech with elements of linguistic analysis (on the example of the analysis of the romance from the novel "Oblomov"). Analysis of the works of "Oblomov" (and

The lesson for the development of speech with elements of linguistic analysis (on the example of the analysis of the romance from the novel "Oblomov"). Analysis of the works of "Oblomov" (and

Analysis of 1 part of Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

Objectives lesson:

1) Development of the skill analysis of the episode of the artistic work. Studying the author's stylistics at all levels of text.

2) the development of logical thinking (deductive and inductive methods), the improvement of oral speech and enrichment of the vocabulary stock of students.

3) the formation of an active life position of students.

4) Developing competent self-reading skills.

Teaching methods:

Explanatory-illustrative, search, problematic.


Explanatory with ICT, search, research.

Type of lesson:

Traditional using ICT.

Used Books:

The text of the work; Literature textbook. Literature. Grade 10. In 2 hours / V.G. Maranzman, E.K. Marantzman, O.D. Polonskaya et al.; Under Red.-m.: Enlightenment, 2011.-383 p.; Article N.A. Dobrojubova "What is a breakdown?" / N.A.Dobrubov. Favorites. Sansk, Mordovian Book Publishing House, 1974.

I. Stroke lesson

Recording on the board:

1. Who is such bugs? Why is it that we see it in 1 part?

2. Is the words of Goncharova I.A.: "I tried to show in" Oblomov ", as well as how people do people turn first time in ... Kisel - climate, wedge of the outback, dormant life and other private, individuality from each circumstance"?

II. Poll with the application of the presentation:

1. What is the purpose of writing a novel?

3. What are the concepts that have become nominal, uses I.A.Gongcharov in the novel? Give an explanation.

4. What is the composition of the novel and how is it used by the author to embody the artistic plan?

III. Conversation.

Roman Goncharova I.A. "Oblomov" became an event in the literary world. "A rare novel," wrote D.I. Pisarev, "the huge psychological tasks have ever combined to such an extent, rarely built the connection of two such tasks to such a slim, and, apparently, a simple whole."

N.A. Dobravubov in his article "What is a breakdown?" It writes that the Oblomovshchina is "the long-time defect associated with the serfacea structure of the nobility, the evidence of the historical doomes of this class." I.A. Balov, through the fate of Oblomov, showed a social phenomenon - a crummer, which is why it is so important to investigate the reasons for the Oblomovskaya Apathia, to identify what influenced the formation of the personality of the main character.

Goncharov told us "the story of how she lies and sleeps the Dobryak-sludge of obcomments and how neither friendship nor love can awaken and raise it ..."

IV. Analysis of 1-8 chapters 1 part.

1. What do we know about the broom? (Portrait, habits, house)

2. Who is the environment of Oblomov? Which groups can be divided into all familiar?

3. How does missions relate to the lifestyle of their visitors?

4. Who considers to be a true friend and why?

5. Attitude towards Zahar. What feature of Oblomov the author emphasizes through his attitude to the servant?

6. What is the misfortunes of himself, what does he think about happiness and about life?("Do I feel like, don't I work? Little I eat, or what? Lucky or pity on the view? Was it lacking something? It seems to file to do there anyone! I have never pulled my stockings on my feet, as I live, thank God Will I be worried about what I'm talking about from what? And who I'm talking about it? Isn't you childhood since childhood? You all know it, I saw that I am pupil gently that I never endured cold, no hunger I knew my bread did not earn and did not do it in general. "

"The ideal of happiness, painted by them, was not anything else, like in a dietary life, - with greenhouses, greenhouses, trips with a samovar in a grove, etc., - in a bathrobe, in a strong dream Yes for intermediate recreation - in idyllic walks with a meek, but the farther wife and in contemplation of how the peasants work. "" But this is the main trouble: he and in general the life did not know how to comprehend for himself. ")

V. Work with 9 chapter. "Sleep Oblomova"

Pupils are invited to recreate the appearance of the crushing.

1 student. (Several landscapes. Photos). He chooses a landscape for the crushing, so that there is no sea, mountains, dense forests. (Tells how the author describes the landscape of the crushing)

2 student. Selects seasonal changes for weather (paintings by artists). No halftone. Winter - Bright, Fresh, Frosty, Snowy. Summer is warm, sunny, scenery of Pestrite with floral multiweight. In the fall at the same time, snow and frost begins. Spring is friendly, there is no place for sudden blinks and prolonged bad weather. (Comment about seasonality in the crushing)

3 student. People inhabiting the crushing. (Portraits. Beautiful, pushing the health of peasants and peasants. Calm, satisfied, full of advantages of the owners of the crushing). (Story about the relationship between Oblomovtsev, about the nature of their life).

Vi. Characteristic of the Oblomovtsy. The essence of the breakdown.

1. What is the meaning of the life of Oblomovtsy?

2. What ideas about the world exist among the inhabitants of the crushing?

3. What three acts of life of Oblomovtsev mentions the author. How does it characterize the heroes?

("Nobody asked himself a question in Oblomovka: Why does life, what is it, what is her meaning and appointment? Oblomovtsy very simply understood her," as an ideal of peace and inaction, violated at times of different unpleasant accuracy, somehow: diseases, losses , by quarrels and, by the way, work. They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due ").

VII. The outcome of the lesson.

What are the main features of a broken nature? "In perfect inertia, originating from his apathy, which is done in the world. The reason for Apathia is partly in its external position, in part in the image of his mental and moral development. According to its external position - he is a barin; "He has Zakhar and another three hundred Zakharov", according to the author. "

"The history of the education of Oblomov All serves as a confirmation of his words. From the past years, he gets used to being Baybank due to the fact that he has and to do and do - there is someone; Also, even against the will, it is often idle and sometimes ... He would, maybe he even began to work if he found a case; But for this, of course, he had to develop several under other conditions, rather than what he developed. In the present position, he could not have anywhere to find deals anywhere, because he did not understand the meaning of life at all and could not reach the reasonable view of his relationship to others. "(A.N. Dobrolyubov" What is a breakdown? ")

Do you agree with the fact that I.A. Balrov managed to show in the image of the main character, what reasons contributed to the fact that he became such as we see it in 1 part?

For which the author completes the "Sleep of Oblomov" as a question, which himself asks the main character: "Why is this me?" (I.A. Balovov shows that in the main hero, they still "roam" anxious thoughts, who do not give it to calm down completely. In them, perhaps, hid hope for the change of the fate of Oblomov?)


Task for 3 groups of students. 1. Describe the relationship of Oblomov and Stolz. 2. Describe the relationship of Oblomov and O. Lielinskaya. 3. The relationship of Oblomov and A.M. Pshenitsyna.

  • Updated: February 9, 2018
  • Author: Mironova Marina Viktorovna

Sections: Literature

Lesson plan

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov
(1812 – 1891)

History of human soul, at least
the smallest soul, hardly more curious
And it is not useful to the history of the whole people ... M.Yu. Lermontov

If every person is on a piece of land
would have done everything he can
How beautiful would be our land. A.P. Chekhov

1. View fragments from k / f "a few days from the life of Oblomov"

We looked at two small fragments from the film N. Mikhalkov "a few days from the life of Oblomov."

Question: What thoughts do this film bring?

(Child frisky, noisy, soiling and mature man - bathrobe, sofa, slippers)

For the first time in Russian literature I.A. Goncharov told the story of a whole human life - from the cradle to the grave. Events in the novel cover eight years, and together with exposure and epilogue - 37 years. This is a whole human life.

Question: Why did the heart of the Oblomov touched the word "Other"?

Let's reread once again the Dialogue of Ilya Ilyich and Zakhar

Dialogue: Oblomov and Zakhar (work with text, end 8 chapters)

- I thought that others they say not worse than us, yes they move, and we can ... - said Zakhar

What? What? - Suddenly, Ilya Ilyich asked with amazement, lifting the chairs. - What you said?

- Other - who do you mean - there is an ilena, a rough, uneducated person, lives dirty, poorly, in the attic; He will sleep on his felt somewhere in the yard. What is the story? He, perhaps, will move to a new apartment.

- What other? - continued bugs. - Other, which his myself cleans the boots, dresses himself ... and does not know what a servant is; He himself runs away, himself hurts firewood, the dust itself is like ...
"Other" It works without tired, runs, fussing, will not work, and it does not take. "Other" bow "other" asks, humiliates ...

I'm different"! Yes, do I smear, do I work? Little I eat, or what? I have never pulled a stocking on my feet ... You all know all this, I saw that I was brought in gentle that I didn't have a cold, I didn't know any hunger, I didn't earn my needs, I didn't earn my bread and didn't do it in general. So how did it have a spirit equate me with others?

He deepened in comparison of himself with "OTHER".

"Other" and Kolata never puts on, - added to another characteristic; - "other"... - here he yawned ... - Almost not sleeping ... "other" Mustives life, everywhere it happens, everything sees, until he is ... And I! I ... not "Other"! " - He said and fell into a deep Duma. He even released his head out of the blanket.

His sad and hurt It became for his undeveloped, stop in the growth of moral forces, for the severity interfering with everything; And envy gnawed him, that others are so fully and widely live, and it seems to be a heavy stone thrown on a narrow and pitiful path of its existence ...

In a timid soul, he was produced by painful consciousness that many parties of his nature did not wake up at all, others were a little touched, and none was developed to the end.

Meanwhile, he painfully felt that he was buried, as in the grave, some good, bright start, can now be the dead, or it lies like gold in the bowl of the mountain, and it would be time for this gold to be a walking coin.

Gorky became him from this secret confession to himself. Fancy regret for the last, burning reproaches of conscience Yazvili him, like needles, and he tried with all their mights to overthrow the burden of these reproces, find the guilty out of himself and turn them on him. But who?

- However ... it would be curious ... Why am I ... Such? .. -he said again in a whisper. The eyelids closed at all. - Yes, why? .. should be ... it ... because ... - he rushed to speak and did not speak.

So he did not think up to the cause; Language and lips instantly froze on the half-climb and remained, as they were half open. Instead, he also heard a sigh, and after the beginning of a smooth snatching of a serenely sleeping person.

The subject of the lesson: "Why am I? .."
(Analysis of the episode. "Sleep Oblomov").
I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

The purpose of the lesson: Help students to comprehend the image of the main character in terms of social and moral and try to find an answer to the question.

Form of holding:

lesson 9 chapters passing in the form of a discussion; Testing using ICT.

Equipment: Portrait I.A. Goncharova, Fragment of the video movie "Several days from the life of Oblomov"

Everyone is looking for recreation and rest ...
I.Oblomov. I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov"

No, this is not life! This is not life!
This ... Oblastovshchina! A.Shtolz. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

What do epigraphs say?

- They are opposed.

- Bugs and gallets - antipod heroes.

- Oblomov and gallery - the main antithesis in the novel.

"Sleep Oblomova"

1. Why does the author drawn to such a reception? (Sleep-subconscious, dream dream)
2. Where, in what works do we meet with such a reception? Tatiana's dream (prophetic dream, dreams of Vera Pavlovna, Raskolnikova)
3. What sees in a dream of bugs, where do we get? Do you know the text well?
4. Game "Do you know the broom?"

Wordwork. Blessed (good + word) - happy; corner, island (diminishing suffix) - small, like a quiet harbor, but limited

1 part of sleep


Ilyushi Obloma Day. He is 7.

(Curly retell, comment)

- Time of day: Morning, noon, evening. The order did not change.

- Environment. Who raises.

Nanny is waiting for him awakening. She starts pulling his stockings; He is not given, Shalit, chatting his feet; Nanny catches it, and both of them laugh.

Finally managed to lift it on his feet; She washes him, combing the head and leads to mother.

Mother showered his passionate kisses, then I looked at him with greedy, careless eyes, if the eyes were not muddy, asked if something did something, asked the nurse, did he sleep, did he sleep, did not wake up at night, did he rushed in a dream if he had a heat? Then he took his hand and led it to the image.

There, becoming kneeling and hugging him with one hand, suggested her words of prayer.

Boy distributedly repeated them, looking out the window, which flowed into the room of the coolness and smell of lilac.(The smell of lilac is an image-symbol - spring, awakening). Lilac Departed (gap with Olga, Zhirchcomles around ...)

Then they went to the father, then to tea.

Near the teasprooms saw the elderly aunt eighty years that continuously grumbled on his girl, Which, shaking from old-age head, served her, standing behind her chair. There I. three Elderly girls far relative his father and a little persistent leller his mother and planner seven souls, Chekmenov, celebrating them, and some other old women and old men. 1

All this state and Sadoblomovaya Sweet Picked up Ilya Ilyich and began to sink him with caresses and praises; He barely managed to wip the traces of the unborn kisses.

After that began feeding with buns, crackers, cream.

Then the mother, losing him, let go walk in the gardenin the yard, on the meadow, with strict confirmation of the nurse, not to leave a child one, not allowing horses to dogs, to the goat, not to leave far from home, and most importantly, not to let him in ravine.(Ravine - image symbol - fear)

He with joyful amazement, as if for the first time, he looked around and huddled the parental house with a circle, with a shot of a shot, with a nursed in the middle of a wooden roof, on which a gentle green moss was growing, with a staggering porch, various extensions and superstructures and a launched garden.

His passion wants to run away to the enveloped whole house hanging gallery To see from there to the river: But the owner gallery, a little bit walks, and it is allowed to walk only "people", and the gentlemen do not go.

He did not listen to the prohibitions of the mother and had already headed for the seductive steps, but a nanny appeared on the porch and caught him. He rushed to the haul, with the intention to climb there on a steep staircase, and barely slept to walk to the Senoval, as it was already necessary to hurry to destroy his ideas to get into the pigeon, to penetrate the accumulation yard and what God would save! - in the ravine.

- Ah you, Lord, what a child, for Yula for this! Did you sit smartly, sir? Shame! - Nannik said.

And the whole day and all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with a turmoil, running: then torture, then lively joy for a child, then fear that he will fall and pour into the nose, then with his immovable children's caress or vague longing for his distant future. Only the heart beat her, these unrest was heated by the blood of the old woman, and was supported by some kind of sleepy life, which, without it, could have fed a long time ago.

Not all abrupt, however, a child: he sometimes suddenly sees, sitting beside the nanny, and looks at everything so intently. Children's mind is observing all the phenomena committed before him; They are deeply in the soul of him, then grow and ripen with him.

Lunch and sleep gave birth to an uncomfortable thirst. Thirst palette throat; Cups drinks on twelve tea.

Mother will take the head of the Ilyushi, put on his knees and slowly combs his hair.

But it begins to try out. In the kitchen, the fire cracks again, the fractional is once again knock knives: Preparing dinner. (Knife knock - image symbol - satiety, Chekhov "Ionch")

Watching the child and observes a sharp and re-view, like what adults doWhat do they devote morning. No trifle nor a single feature eludes the child's inquisitive attention; Independumously cut into the soul picture of homemade life; A soft mind is drinking alive examples and unconsciously draws the program of his life in life, his surrounding.

Oblomov himself - the old man is also not without classes. He sits in a whole morning window And strictly watches all that is being done in the yard.
And his wife Strongly occupied: she three hours push With Averka, a tailor, like from a man's fufayka, alter Ilya, the jacket, herself paints with chalk and watches, that Averka did not steal the cloth; Then go to the maiden, will ask every girl how much to weave the day of lace; Then I will call with me Nastasya Ivanovna, or Stepanida Agapovna, or another of his suite to take a walk in the garden with a practical purpose: to see how the apple poured, did not fall yesterday, which was so ripe; There to instill, cut there, etc.
But the first to care was the kitchen and lunch. The dinner was consulted by a whole home; And the elderly aunt was invited to the Council. Caring for food was the first and home life concern in the crushing.

BUT the child watched everything and everything watched his childish, who did not miss anything. He saw that after it is useful and the troubled morning afterceing noon and lunch ...

And dead silence reigned in the house. There was an hour of universal afternoon sleep.

Goncharov loves Oblomovtsy and slightly rushes over them. Oblomovtsy are good-natured and natural people. Life is subordinate to natural laws and in their own way harmonious. But the Oblomovtsians do not know labor: food and dream are erected by them in the cult.

Oblons - flesh from the flesh of the Blossomy: Unlucky, unlawful, but absolutely and fundamentally lackless. The very thought of work is offensive for Oblomov. Oblomov is proud that he is Barin, is provided with a hereditary estate.

2 part of sleep.

- What is the dream of life? (like a fairy tale, earthly paradise) prove.

- What is the little Ilyush's relatives with fairy tale characters?

(waiting for a miracle).

Then the Oblomov had a different time: he robbed to Nian to the infinite winter evening, and she whispering him about some unknown side, where there are no nights, no cold, where all miracles are performed, Where the rivers flow honey and milk, where no one is doing anything all year round, and the day-day only know that all kind of good men are walking, such as Ilya Ilyich, and beautiful people, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale.

There is I. good wizard, which is sometimes in the form of a pike, which will choose some pet, quiet, harmless - in other words, some lazy, whom everyone is offended, - and he ships him with any different good, and he knows He fits himself, dressed in the finished dress, and then marries some unheard of beauty, Militis Kirtubaevna.

The child, in the ears and eyes, passionately dug in the story.

Nannik or legend so skillfully avoided in the story of everything that there is in fact that the imagination and the mind, penetrating the fiction, remained in his slave to old age. Nyanka with good nature narrated the fairy tale about Emele-fool,this evil and insidious satir on our great-grandfathers, and maybe also on us.

Adult Ilya Ilyich Although after and learns that there is no honey and dairy rivers, there is no good wizard, although he is joking with a smile over the tales of nanny, but this smile is not sincere, it is accompanied by

a secret sigh: a fairy tale was mixed with his life, and he is unattended sadly, why faith is not life, and life is not a fairy tale.

And today, the Russian man among his surrounding strict, deprived of the fiction of reality loves to believe the seductive legends of the old days, and for a long time, maybe not yet to renounce him from this faith.

Listening to the nanny fairy tale about our golden rune - the fire-bird, about the obstacles and the caches of the magic castle, the boy was cheerful, imagining himself the hero of the feat, - and goosebumps ran from his back, he suffered for the failures of the brave. The story ruled by the story. Nanny narrated with fervor, picturesque, with hobby, in places inspired.

In the Oblomovka believed everything: both the restants and dead men. Whether they will tell them that the Sayna Pokna fell into the field, - they do not think and believe; Does anyone miss a rumor that this is not a ram, and something else, or that such a marfa or stepadide is a witch, they will be afraid of the ram and Martha: they will not come to mind to ask, why Baran has become not Baran, and Marfa became a witch, and they will also throw on someone who thought to doubt it, "So strong faith in a wonderful in a crushing! (Recall Kalinovtsev from "Thunderstorm")

Question: What is the little Ilyoshi relatives with tales characters? (waiting for a miracle)

3 part of sleep


He studied in the village of Verlev, the versts in five from the crushing, at the local manager, German gallets, who started a small board for children of neighboring nobles.

He had his own son, Andrei, almost one years with a broom, and he also gave him one boy who almost never studied, and more suffered from gold, all his childhood was constantly tied with blindfolded eyes or ears yes we cried all the secret things about what lives Not a grandmother, but in someone else's house, among villains, that it is no one who cares about him and nobody will bore him.

In addition to these children, others still have not been in the guesthouse.

There is nothing to do, father and mother planted Balovnik Ilyusha for the book. It was worth tears, screams, whims. Finally took.

The mind and heart of the child were fulfilled by all paintings, scenes and morals of this life before, rather than he saw the first book. And who knows how early the development of mental grain in the children's brain begins? How to keep track of the birth in the infant soul of the first concepts and impressions?

Maybe when the child also barely spoken the words, and maybe he didn't yet speak at all, did not even go, but only looked at all the stronger silent children's glance, which adults are called stupid, it has already seen and guess the meaning and connection of the phenomena of it spheres, but just did not confess any or another.

Maybe Ilyusha notice a long time ago and understands what they say and do under it: as a father, in plentic pantals, in a brown cloth jacket, day-day, only knows what walks out of the corner in the corner, having laid his hands back, sniffs tobacco and blowing his nozzle, and Mother goes from coffee to tea, from tea to dinner; What is a parent and does not think to never believe how much shock is bevelined or compressed, and to recover for omission, and I don't have a handkerchief soon, he will scribble about the riots and put the bottom home.

Maybe his child's mind has long decided that so, and not otherwise you should live ...

Output: In childhood, in childhood, the fabulous perception of the surrounding world, in a mature age is trying to create a special world in his surrounded. His idea of \u200b\u200blife is based on the existence of the laws of fabulous good and evil, and he himself identifies himself with the heroes of fairy tales and legends.

About two education systems

Ilya Oblomov

Andrei Stolts.

Ilya Oblomov lies on the couch in the apartment on a pea street in St. Petersburg and reminds "com dough."

The soul of the Russian man is Eastern, contemplative. Oblomov not accidentally closed in an Asian bathrobe.

Stolz - Russian European. The Son of the Russified German, he brought up by the German Spartan system.

Parents revenge obstacles to the teaching. ... Digidly worried, so that the child was always fun and drove a lot. Parents all day without classes. Ilyusha Prosheto-Walls and is intense, like Ivanushka-fool, lazy is trusting like Emelya

Father forced her son to learn. From the age of 8, he was sitting with his father for a geographic map, took the biblical poems on warehouses, read the works of German and French writers. Drachun, ruined the bird nests, led a harsh lifestyle, disappeared on the street.

Labor as punishment

Labor education on 1 place.

The meaning of life in labor

In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Daly, the ancient Russian word "round" - "clumsy, fat, round" was recorded.

The last name "Stolz" from the German language is translated as proud.

Before difficulties will leave.

Alone and firmly stands on Earth. A car…

Ilya Oblomov

Andrei Stolts.

The folklore prototype of Oblomov - Emely, who even went to the king to the oven. Literary prototype Oblomov - Gogol Manilaov, passive and sentimental hero. The external appearance of bugs resembles Manilov: Even the complexion of the Oblomov was not bright and not pale, but "indifferent." The elusiveness of the external features corresponds to the inner sluggishness of heroes.

Stolz - Russian German, and the Germans in the history of Russia have always been bourgeois "wandering". An example of this is Sergey Witte, he suggested the ideas of agrarian reform.

Stolz - Kommersant, his life is a work movement. He visits the places of major fairs in Russia, is familiar with the gold miners. Stolz businessitis. He lacks time for feelings, sentimentality.

Different life positions:

"Vita Passiva"

"Vita Activa".

For the first time in Russian literature, Goncharov identified an important dilemma, raised the question to Russia: with a businesslike and nonventive Europe or with spiritual, but fixed Asia? The misfortunes are morally above the gallery, hearty. Stolz dynamic, but poor emotions.

The question of Russia's path is not resolved until this day. Russia is experiencing the fever of European reforms, then periods of stagnation. Russia is Eurasia, combining the features of two cultures.

"Oblomov" is a brilliant Roman Goncharov. The writer embodied Russian national character in it. Lazy "Asian" Oblomom Goncharov opposed the "European" gallery.

- How could such a man be close to galley? What connected them?

Why he is ...

Light and shadow Oblomov

Pictures of native nature

Poetry, sensitivity

Environment. Love and care.

The soul is clean, clear, gentle.

No male education

Soft character, weakly

Thirst to know life honesty

Not prepared and not adapted for life

"Golden heart". Signs, dreams, fairy tales.



Large sofa, comfortable bathrobe, soft shoes

Simplicity, "Russian Lazine"

Does not have a public service program, even a plan for the construction of estates

Kindness, softness

Indifference to themselves, values \u200b\u200bonly by their calm; apathy

Awareness of your chosenness, "other"

Degradation of personality

Conclusion: the underdevelopment of the senses, confusion expresses the landscape. No mountains (symbol of climb), storms (gusts), the moon looks like a copper sulfted pelvis. There is an external movement, but there is no internal movement and development. This is a crisis, but the Oblomovtsy (and their legions!) Do not realize.

In the center of Roman - the fate of the boy brought up by this medium. As a result of the upbringing, the following actions occur:

- active, actively started soon fade in the child;

- along with this is lost aspiration to knowledge;

- The habit of peace gives rise to laziness, unwillingness to recognize the new one;

Contemplative globalism is developing and strengthened, i.e. Inability to analyze, draw conclusions.

Task for the house: Whose point is closer to you and why?

The ideal future of the Earth is the "world", which is seen by Russian eyes. So, the symbol of this world is the very Boyarsky caftan, which does not allow working. In it, the recipe for the rescue of the Earth, which has longly extends from the diligence of the Japanese and the Dutch. It is ribbon that requires the planet from humanity. Bakes are the ideal to which the whole world should strive

Fedor Grigoriev,
Professor Novosibirsk GU

I tried to show in the "Oblomov", as well as the people we turn into ... Kisel - climate, the wedge of the outback, the dormant life and also private, individuality from each circumstance.

I.A. Goncharov

Check knowledge of students.

And literature

Speech development lesson with elements of linguistic analysis (on the example of the analysis of the discern from the novel "Oblomov")

The purpose of the lesson: Improving speech skills of students on the example of a linguistic analysis of artistic text.

Tasks: - Analysis of artistic text with elemental analysis elements;

Improving the speech practice of students;

Education of love and respect for their native literature;

Improving individual and group work skills.

During the classes

The introductory word of the teacher about the topic and objectives of the lesson. Actualization of reference knowledge.

A) Work on the lexical combination of words.

The teacher is invited to dictionary-spelling work.

Under dictation (one at the board) write words:

the worldview, romantic, linguistic analysis, tradition, dreamer, creativity, idea, embodiment, author, climax.

Questions: 1. What phrases can be made with these words?

What do you think these words are interconnected? What knowledge is needed to correctly analyze the text?

B) work on the concept of "reader." What do you need to correctly perceive the text? Properly and competently interpret written. We offer an exercise

Dana texts with a description of reading people. And the types of readers are given. Relate.

A) reading without understanding

B) critical reading

C) reading with immersion in fantasy

D) reading with a specific purpose of finding a response to the right question

(Bitter. In humans)

Forest overseer who stored forests from love for science, this hour was sitting over the old books. He searched for Soviet times like in the past to learn the further painful fate of the revolution and find an outcome for the salvation of his family.

His father-Forester left him a library of cheap books of the most recent, unreadable and forgotten writing. He spoke to his son that the decisive life of truth exists secretly in abandoned books ...

Forest overseer read today the work of Nikolai Arsakova, published in 1868. The essay was called "secondary people", and the warden through the boredom of the dry word found what he needed. The warden believed that there was no boring and meaningless books, if the reader is vigilantly looking for the meaning of life in them. Boring books come from a boring reader, for the books act in the books seeking a reader's longing, and not the clever of the writer.

(Platonov. Chevengur)

What reader do you consider yourself? Why? What reader is it preferable to be?

What kind of reading will we use today?

C) Check for reading attention. Task to build in the correct sequence the text "Ilya Ilyich Oblomov in St. Petersburg". Pay attention to some items by selecting only the necessary.

A) the room where the brooms lay, wrapped in the old robe, seemed to be perfectly removed. But a spectal view was immediately noticeable by a web and a dust accumulated in the corner.

B) Father Ilya Ilyich was Ilya Ivanovich Oblomov - a true resident of the village of Oblomovka, who loved kvass and pies with mushrooms and chickens. According to the memories of the main character, he laughed as the Olympic God.

C) Every day Ilya Ilyich was similar to the previous one. Visitors came to him, they talked about their lives, the news of St. Petersburg, some called on Pervomaian walking in Ekateringof.

D) Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lived on a pea street in one of the houses, a man of 32-33 years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant outforth.

E) the servant Zakhar lived in the city with Ilya Ilyaich, who many years ago Nantichil Little Oblomov, and Ilya Ilyich himself remembered him with a young, agile and voracious guy.

(E) When guests left, the bugs were hard to think about how he could no longer live the nineteenth year in St. Petersburg.

An extra point about Father Oblomov, as it does not speak about the life of Oblomov in St. Petersburg.

Now you understand how important it is to be a careful reader?

D) becoming a careful reader, it is much easier to work with the text. Let's think about how the novel is created. Let's go from major categories to smaller, so that the novel goes directly to the linguistic and literary analysis of the text. Before you, support words and phrases, distributed in two groups. The task of students is to distribute them in the correct order.

A) banner

The growth of the world of the future novel - the acquisition of the creative idea of \u200b\u200bthe finished species - the embodiment of the plan in the artistic word

B) images of heroes

E) Having understood how and in what sequence, images of heroes and the design of the writer are created, analyze the image of the main character of Roman - Oblomov.

Excerpt about the main character:

In a peopic street, in one of the large houses, whose population will be on the whole district city, lay in the morning in bed, at his apartment, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

It was a man of thirty-two-three years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant outfacie, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the facial features. The thought walked in a free bird in the face, fluttered in his eyes, sat down at the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face he was growing even light carelessness. From facial carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even in the folds of the furry.

Sometimes the look was poured by an expression as if fatigue or boredom; But neither fatigue, nor boredom could not for a minute, the softness, which was the dominant and main expression, not the face only, and the whole soul; And the soul is so open and clearly shone in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of the head, hands. And superficially observant, a cold man, looking by passing on Oblomov, would say: "Dobryak should be, simplicity!" A man is plump and prettier, looking at him for a long time in his face, he would have walked away in a pleasant meditation, with a smile.

The complexion of the face of Ilya Ilyich was neither a ruddy nor dark, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed to be, maybe because the bugs somehow flictenly not in the years: from the lack of movement or air, and maybe And the other. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white, the neck of the neck, small chubby hands, soft shoulders, seemed too uttered for a man.

His movements when he was even alarmed, constrained also the softness and not deprived of a kind of grace lazy. If there was a cloud of care on his face, the look was mistaken, folds were folded on his forehead, the game of doubt, sadness, fright; But rarely anxiety, this was frozen in the form of a certain idea, even less often turned into intention. All anxiety was permitted by sigh and silenced in apathy or in the nurse.

How the household suit was walking towards the late feathers of his face and to the rampant body! It was a robe from Persian matter, a real oriental bathrobe, without the slightest hint of Europe, without brushes, without a velvet, without a waist, is very elementary, so that both bugs could wrap in it twice. The sleeves, along the unchanging Asian fashion, went from the fingers to the shoulder wider and wider. Although this bathrobe has lost its original freshness and places replaced its primitive, natural gloss to other, acquainted, but still retained the brightness of the eastern paint and tissue strength.

The bathrobe had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of unpleasant advantages: it is soft, flexible; The body does not feel it; He, as a obedient slave, is conquered by the self-moving body.

Oblomov always walked at home without a tie and without a vest, because he loved the space and enjoy. Shoes on it were long, soft and wide; When he, without looking, lowered his legs from bed to the floor, he certainly got into them immediately.

Ilya Ilyich did not have a necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the chance, like someone who was tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state. When he was at home - and he was almost always at home, - he was lying all, and everything was constantly in the same room, where we found it, who served him the bedroom, the office and the reception. He had three more rooms, but he rarely looked there, in the morning, and then not every day, when the man Möl is the office of him, which every day was not done. In those rooms, the furniture closed was covers, the curtains are lowered.

The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly cleaned. There was a bureau of a mahogany, two sofas, upholstered silk material, beautiful screen with embroidered in nature in nature birds and fruits. There were silk curtains, carpets, several paintings, porcelain and many beautiful little things.

But the experienced eye of a person with a clean taste is one round look at everything that was here, it would be read only the desire to observe the Decorum of inevitable decency, just to get rid of them. The brooms had troubled, of course, only about it when she cleaned his office. The refined taste would not be pleasant to these heavy, non-profit chairs of a mahogany, rods. The tail of the same sofa donated down, the glued tree in some places behind.

At the same time, paintings and vases, and little things were worn on themselves.

The owner himself, however, looked at the decoration of his office as cold and scattered, as if he asked his eyes: "Who poured here and put it all?" From such a cold view of Oblomov on his own property, and maybe even from a colder opinion on the same subject of his servant, Zakhar, the view of the office, if he inspects everything more closely, hit the neglence and negligence in it.

Questions: 1. How is the episode associated with all the narration? What preceded him and what followed?

Describe Oblomov. What techniques use the author to describe it? What details and attributes are surrounded by the main character? Fine-expressive means, syntax, vocabulary. The value of the episode for the entire work. What does this episode helps to reveal?

Fill the table:

Summing up the lesson.

5. Estimated estimates. Homework. To read the Roman "Oblomov", prepare a plan for philological analysis of the poem.

Ivan Goncharov wrote a novel "Oblomov" in 1858, and in a year the "Domestic Notes" magazine published the text of the work. However, the construction of the storyline of the novel was made much earlier when Goncharov wrote the first part of the novel "Sleep Oblomov". We will make a general analysis of the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov, we will discuss the characteristics of the main heroes of "Oblomov". It must be said that Goncharov created a trilogy where the works of "Ordinary History" and the "opening" were included in addition to Oblomov.

What questions affect gonchars in the novel "Oblomov"? Basically, these are questions of acute social significance, characteristic of that era when the author lived. For example, Goncharov speaks of the formation of a new generation in Russia, about what confrontation goes between European thinking and Russian mentality. And it is necessary in the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov writes about the meaning and fate of man, about real love and happiness. We continue the analysis of "Oblomov" Goncharov, considering specific characters of the work.

Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Oblomov"

As in any other ingenious literary masterpiece of the 19th century, what, in fact, is the novel "Oblomov", all characters are important for the disclosure of the author's ideas and the storyline. For example, Goncharov opposes men's images for women: Oblomov and Stolz, Ilyinskaya and wheat.

If we consider the characteristics of the heroes, the obcomments and Pshenitsyn acted as representatives of the sectors of the Company, which are inherent in the archaic, outdated ideas, what prevailed in Russian mesh. They are in the abandoned state, inactive and calm. This pair of the heroes of Goncharov opposes the gallery and Olga, who seek new trends, European standards and stood, the new mentality of society.

Doing the analysis of the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov, it is necessary to take into account this opposition of the main characters, on the basis of which the author builds the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.

Problems of the novel "Oblomov"

What other questions touched the gonchars in "Oblomov"? The topic of the novel is connected with many historical, public and philosophical issues that are actual to this day. The central problem of the work is the problem of "Oblomovshchina", which manifested so brightly from the Russian burghers, becoming the historical social phenomenon of society. Such people did not want to adopt new ideas, change and move forward.

And not only the society was in such a state. According to Goncharov, "Oblomovschina" became characteristic of individuals, in fact, directly by a person who succumbed to degradation.

Having made the analysis of the novel "Oblomov" it can be seen that the classic Russian types, which affected the main characters, are of paramount importance for the mentality of the Russian society. Such types like: landowner, entrepreneur, girl bride, wife, servants, crooks, officials, etc. Split Russian character and put it in opposition to European mentality. This is again clearly visible on the example of Oblomov and Stolz.

Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" can be called a story about the Russian national character, reflection on the Russian soul. What is the main thing for a Russian person in life? What is the meaning of its existence? What influenced the formation of his character?
In the novel, the author ponders over these eternal questions on the example of the life of the main character of the work, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He deliberately chooses full inaction, lying on the sofa, spiritual and physical extinction. Why? Indeed, initially, the chips are smart, quite formed, has excellent mental qualities. At the hero, by definition of his friend galley, "Golden Heart". But the bugs are absolutely not adapted to the modern, "cold" life. Ilya Ilyich's ideal - the crushing of his childhood, calm, lackless, enveloping warmth and comfort. All this hero found in the house at the Vyborg side, at Agafa Matveyevna Pshetitsky.
In the 1st chapter IV, part of the novel narrates on the occurrence of relations between the broken and wheat. After Ilya Ilyich's disease, I gradually came to my senses, dreamed of a trip to the crushing, where things were slowly settled. There hero thought to find peace and privacy. But, watching life in the house, for the farm Agafa Matveyevna, the hero was so cozy and well, that he was in no hurry with departure.
Pshenitsyn was a magnificent mistress, the "economic part" in her house flourished. For Ilya Ilyich, they cared the best way. Nobody bothered him, he was granted himself in his thoughts.
Gradually, the bugs began to converge more closely with Agafia Timofeevna. The hostess of the house is also attached and loved Ilya Ilyich, without even suspecting it. Just "she for some time it became not his own." Wheat's sense showed how he knew how she was - she completely took over the concern about the broom. If Lunch Ilya Ilyich did not succeed, the hostess, all in tears, was angry with a servant. If the hero was delayed for a long time at a party, Agafia Matveyevna could not sleep, all listened, whether the gate would not creak. And when the brooms fell ill, the wheat nights duty on his bed on his bed, came into rage from the slightest noise in the house, softenly prayed to God about the health of Ilya Ilyich.
Love transformed Agafia Matveyevna. Her daily work acquired a "new, living sense: peace and convenience Ilya Ilyich. Previously, she saw in this duty, now it became her enjoyment. She began to live in his own way full and varied. "
Pshetitsyn did not think about his feeling: "She as if suddenly had passed into another faith and began to confess her, not arguing ..., but blindly obeying her laws." Agafya Timofeevna felt that obcomments were a completely different person, not like her deceased husband or brother. Ilya Ilyich - Barin, "Looks ... at all and everything is so bolder and freely, as if he needs humility." Holted and wounded, he says beautiful and clever. Ilya Ilyich is very kind and soft, "touched before hand - like a velvet ..." Timofeevna, in words, obcomments, according to Agafia, was not wonderful and could not be loved.
Ilya Ilyich did not recognize the feelings of the hostess to him. He believed that her caring and warmth also inherent in her, as well as home, business, efficiency. "In the ever-moving elbows, ... in all the household amenities" Agafia Timofeevna embodied for Oblomov, the ideal of his childhood, his native broom. Under the auspices of a wheat hero, he felt that "there is an eternally walking ... and the industrial eye and non-pecked hands, which ... bypassed, will feed, we will seek, we will put it and go to sleep and sleep, but at death ... Close ... Eyes ..."
Ilya Ilyich every day climbed the hostess. His feeling for her was calm and cozy. Oblomov was nice to sit next to Wheat, watching her work, joke with her, play with her children. But without Agafia Timofeevna, he did not feel the longing or boredom, "he had no tumor at the heart, never he was worried about the alarm ... that she will think about him, what to tell her how to answer her question, as she looked, - Nothing, nothing. "
Recognizing the superiority of Oblomov, Agafia Timofeevna never reproached Barin, did not make any requirements for him. What would Ilya Ilyich do, everything is fine, everything is as needed. Therefore, the hero did not experience any doubt, torments, custience injuries for their inaccessibility, unused opportunities. Oblomov enjoyed the late life, nothing more wishing.
One fine moment between the heroes there was some kind of explanation. Bakes hinted wheat about his sympathy for her and tried to kiss her. The calm Agafia Timofeevna and the eyebrow did not lend: Of course, she loves Oblomov, like all other people, and you can kiss for Easter. Romantic moment immediately passed into domestic. The conversation of the heroes was cut on business, everyday worries.
Ilya Ilyich invited Pshematsyna to live with him in a crushing. I replied for this heroine: "They were born here, the century lived, here it is necessary to die." And we understand that the hero will never return to the crushing, because he found it here, under the wing of his mistress Agafia Timofeevna.
Thus, after analyzing this chapter, it becomes clear that it is not a mental, and a comfortable mental life is attracted to Oblomov most. It is afraid of life unrest, torments, reproaches of conscience, - in general, any conversion.
Peaceful, sleepy life in the atmosphere of love, kindness, care and contentment is the limit of the dream of the hero. All this he found in the house of Agafia Timofeevna Whentytsy.

Writing on literature on the topic: Explanation of Oblomov with Agafei Matverevaya Whength (Analysis of the episode from the 1st chapter of the IV part of Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Other writings:

  1. Roman "Oblomov" (1858) is rightfully considered to be the best work of I. A. Goncharov. He was created for ten years and imagined the philosophical observations and reflections of the writer. In "Oblomov", Goncharov analyzes the modern life, reflects on the peculiarities of the Russian nature, the properties of Read more ......
  2. Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" brought a wonderful image of a lazy barina on the stage of classical literature, in which all the typical features of the Russian national character were expressed. Oblons remained in the memory of readers as a completely apathetic type, which solves the eternal Hamlet question "to be or not to be?" not read more ......
  3. Hero Romana I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" - the landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - traditionally continues the gallery of the images of "unnecessary people", open by A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov. It does not serve, avoids a secular society, leads a rather boring and aimless life, lying on read more ......
  4. The first part of the novel "Oblomov" is devoted to one ordinary day of the hero, who spends it without getting up from the sofa. A leisurely author's story draws in detail and details the situation of his apartment, which lies with the seal of abandonment and launch. In things surrounding the hero, his character is guessed. Read more ......
  5. The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - the main character of the Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" - is ambiguous and contradictory. According to him, the opposite and sharp assessments were expressed. So, A. F. Konya characterized Oblomov as a person who "his apathy, fear of all soil and lazy non-resistance Read more ......
  6. Before a person, there are a lot of opportunities during life. Depending on the abilities and opportunities, the strength of the spirit and goals in life, each of us chooses your own way. Someone devotes her career, someone - family, someone - social activities and read more ......
  7. What is the tragedy of the life of Oblomov? The vertex of Creativity Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov is the romance of "Oblomov", written in 1859. Roman is unusually rich in content. It has been transferred to the life of Russia in the middle of the 19th century. Roman tells us about how it lies and sleeps Read more ......
  8. Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is one of the most popular works of Russian classics. The impression that made this novel by his appearance in Russia is not amenable to a description, "Prince P. Kropotkin recalled." All Russia-educated Russia read "Oblomov" and discussed "Oblomovshchina". The main acting face read more ......
Explanation of Oblomov with Agafia Matveyevaya Wheat (Analysis of the episode from the 1st chapter of the IV part of Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov")