He wanted or not the death of Pechorin. Literary criticism, literary criticism

He wanted or not the death of Pechorin. Literary criticism, literary criticism
He wanted or not the death of Pechorin. Literary criticism, literary criticism

In the novel of the "Hero of our time", Lermontov introduces the reader with a man's image that has gained the most characteristic quality of generation of the 1930s of the XIX century. The novel is considered the problem of "excess person" on the example of the main acting person, Pechorina.
Pechorin is a very difficult and controversial personality. His life carries a tragedy imprint. This is a tragedy, a person who is rejected by society, and the tragedy of a crumpled soul. What is this tragedy and what are its origins and causes?
Pechorin is set in conditions in which his uncommon person cannot fully disclose and show itself, and therefore it is forced to waste his strength on unnecessary small intrigues., Bringing people only in misfortune. Pechorin is forced to play the role of an egoist, that is, to be a "egoist unwitting," and to suffer because of this.
This is the tragedy of the hero.
Pechorin is distinguished from the total mass of his people around him. He is a smart, straightforward and insightful. He is alien to false and pretense, hypocrisy and cowardice. It does not suit the empty and monotonous existence in pursuit of small, insignificant interests. Pechorin does not want to swim together with all the flow. With his mind and power of character, he is capable of the most decisive and bold actions. If he had directed his activities for good, high goals, he could achieve a lot. But fate and life ordered differently. As a result, Pechorin appears before us as an egoist living in the world in order to dispel his boredom at the expense of unfortunate others. He lives not with a heart, but the mind. His soul half dead. "I got moral cripples" - recognized Pechorin Princess Mary. Pechorin is full of contempt and hate to people. He loves to study the psychology of people in various situations, not competing and not sympathizing, but absolutely indifferent. The surrounding Pechorin does not bring anything other than misfortunes. According to his fault, smugglers suffer, Bal's dying, the life of faith and the princes Mary destroys the life of the faith and the nehel. "I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate," Pechorin writes in his diary. What did the hero induce to cruel, selfish actions? Most likely the desire to dispel boredom. Pechorin did not think that there was a living person who had a soul and heart with his feelings and desires for each of his unbridled act. Pechorin did everything for himself and nothing for others. "I look at the suffering and the joy of others only in relation to myself," said Pechorin. This is how he explains his actions in relation to the princess Mary: "... there is an immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul ... I feel this insatiable greed." No wonder Princess Mary considers Pechorin worse than the killer.
What did the hero make such? Possessing uncomfortable qualities, Pechorin has highlighted from the crowd of peers, friends and other people. He put himself higher than others, and society put it below. The Company does not tolerate those who are not like everyone else, it cannot accept the existence of an extraordinary, something distinguished personality. And yet people failed to bring Pechorin under its average level, but managed to sick his soul. Pechorin became hidden, envious, malpamine. "And then in my chest, my despair was born - not the despair, which is treated by a pistol spirit, but cold, powerless despair, covered by courtesiest and good-natured smile."
On the example of Pechorina Lermontov shows the inevitable conflict between a thoughtful person and society, the confrontation of a strong person and a gray, faceless crowd, the problem of "excess person."
But it is possible to definitely call the hero with a cruel egoist.
"... if I have the reasons for the others, then myself is no less unhappy! .. I ... very much regret," said Pechorin. Indeed, the torment of others, Pechorin himself suffers no less. If he is an egoist, then suffering a egoist. Genuine human feelings did not die in it. An example is the relationship to faith. Indeed, his feelings for this woman are genuine. Pechorin in its essence is a deeply unhappy person. He is alone and incomprehensible.
People face him, feeling in it some ugly power. Pechorin lives without a goal, without aspiration, squandering on empty intrigues, unnecessary passions. But despite this, his heart is still able to love, the soul is to feel, and the eyes are crying. At the end of the chapter "Princess Mary" we see Pechorina, who cries like a child. We see the unfortunate, lonely person, and who has not found their own place in life, repenting in their actions, a person who causing pity and compassion.
The image of Pechorin is a tragic image of a thinking, strong person. Pechorin - child of his time, in it Lermontov focused the basic typical defects of his generation, namely, boredom, individualism, contempt. Lermontov portrayed a man in the fight against society and with himself and the tragedy of this person.

The image of Pechorina, depicted by Mikhail Lermontov, is, first of all, the personality of a young young man who suffers from his inaccessibility and constantly resides in captivity of questions: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? "

What is he, hero of the XIX century?

Pechorin is not at all similar to his peers, there are neither a drop of desire to move along the latter path of secular youth of that time. The young officer serves, but does not seek to heal. He is not fond of music, philosophy, does not want to go into the subtleties of the study of the military craft. But the reader immediately becomes clear that the image of Pechorin is an image of a person who is headed above the people surrounding it. It is quite intelligent, formed and talented, is distinguished by energetic and courage. Nevertheless, indifference to Pechorina to other people, the egoisticity of his nature, the inability of empathy, friendship and love repelled. The controversial image of Pechorin is complemented by other qualities: thirst to live in full force, the ability to critically estimate their actions, desire for the better. "Feline actions" character, meaningless waste of forces, his actions that hurt others, - all this is not exposed to the hero not in the best light. However, at the same time, the officer himself is experiencing deep suffering.

The complexity and inconsistency of the main character of the famous novel are especially brightly represented by him in words that two people simultaneously live in it: one of them lives in the full sense of the word, and the second - thinks and judges the action of the first. It also tells about the reasons for the beginning of this "splitness": "I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive ..." The young and full of hopes of the young man in just a couple of years turned into a worn, malicious, bile and ambitious person; As he himself put it - "moral cripp." The image of Pechorin in the novel "Hero of Our Time" echoes the image of Onegin, created by A. S. Pushkin: This is the "Egoist that disadvantaged", disappointed in life, inclined to pessimism, experiencing a permanent internal conflict.

30s. The XIX century did not allow Pechorin to find and reveal himself. He repeatedly makes attempts to forget in the small adventures, love, substitutes himself under the bullets of Chechens ... However, all this does not bring him the desired relief and remains only an attempt to distract.

Nevertheless, the image of Pechorin is an image of richly gifted nature. After all, he is inherent in a sharp analytical mind, he is extremely accurately assessed by people and actions that they commit. His critical attitude was formed not only towards others, but also towards himself. In his diary, the officer exposes himself: a hot heart begins in his breast, who knows how to feel deeply (Bella's death, meeting with faith) and extremely hard to worry, although hiding under the mask of indifference. However, these are indifference - no more than self-defense.

"The hero of our time", the image of Pechorin in which is the basis of the narrative, allows you to see the same person from completely different sides, look into different corners of her soul. At the same time, we see a volitional, strong and active person in which the "vitality" will see "vitality" in the appearance of the officer. He is ready to act. Unfortunately, almost all of his actions in the end cause pain and the Pechistan himself, and the surrounding, its activities are not contemptive, but a destructive nature.

The image of Pechorin is strongly echoes with the Lermontov "Demon", especially at the beginning of the novel, when something demonic, unsupported, remains in the hero. The young man, by the will of fate, becomes the destroyer of other people's lives: It is he who is guilty of he died in Bela, that Maxim Maksimovich was completely disappointed in friendship, in how much faith and Mary suffered. From the hand of Pechorin, in turn, the pearshnitsky dies. Pechorin played his role in how another young officer died - Vulch, as well as "honest smugglers" were forced to leave their native homes.


Pechorin is a person who has no past remains and there is only hope for something better in the future. In the present, he remains a perfect ghost - this is how this contradictory image of Belinsky described this controversial image.

Died, returning from Persia.

This is told in. It was this reason that allowed the author to publish his magazine, replacing all his own names.

The exact cause of death is not indicated, but it is likely to assume three options:

1. Disease

In the 19th century, medicine was in its infancy, antibiotics and other serious medicines were not invented. Therefore, any person was likely to quickly contield some infectious disease. This is especially real in connection with the visit to Persia, whose local causative agents did not have immunity.

However, this is the least likely cause of the death of Pechorin, as it was young, about 30 years old, and the children and old people who have a weak immune system died more often from diseases.

In addition, throughout the Roman Lermontov never mentioned any problems with health from his main character, and even some pallor and the subtlety of Pechorin were written off on its aristocratic rock.

And finally, another argument is not in favor of this version, the fact that Pechorin was often the subject of female attention and was considered very attractive. This is an argument to strong health, as healthy people always seem more beautiful.

2. Robber attack

Another version has arguments for and against. In those days of tourist routes, as not yet, especially in Asia, where Pechorin went. Therefore, the carriers usually moved accompanied by protection, or "bonding", as it is called in the novel. However, it did not give full security, and the traveler risked anyway, especially having an expensive carriage as Pechorin.

And yet this version has one flaw: the author writes that Pechorin is died, and not missing, which means there were people who drove with him and could return to tell about what had happened. But in case of attack, witnesses are trying not to leave.

3. Character of Pechorina.

This is the most likely cause of his death. Pechistan did not like his life, he did not see in her goals and constantly missed. Therefore, he often risked his life, it is not particularly worthwhile. It is likely that during the trip Pechorin faced with something risky and, as always did not move away, however, this time he was not lucky.

In the novel, several examples are held in favor of this theory:

  1. Pechorin loved to hunt and often came out against the animals one on one.
  2. He was not afraid of revenge for the abduction of Bail.
  3. He was almost drowned in Tamani.
  4. Pechorin allowed the Pearhnitsky to shoot himself first, considering that he could not kill him.
  5. In Chapter, Pechorin decided to experience fate and jumped into the window to the murderer, but he missed.

In each of these cases, Pechorin could die, but every time fate was favorable to him. He himself believed before the duel that sooner or later he was not lucky. And, probably, it happened!

And its generation (according to the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time")

The novel "Hero of our time" can hardly be attributed to the instructive and edging literature. It is rather causes the fact that the author sets the philosophical questions, but he does not respond to them, providing a chief to decide that it is true, and what is not. The main hero of the novel, on the same side, is the focus "defects of the entire generation in full of their development", and with a friend - personality, in many ways standing on the step above most pre-orders of the youth generation of that time. Therefore, alone Pechorin. He is looking for a man who could be counter-stand in something to him, understand him.

Pechorin by origin Aristocrat received secular education. Coming out from under the guardianship of the relatives, "put into the big light" and "began to enjoy all the benefits of all the villages." The frivolous life of Aris Tocrath was soon overgrown, and reading books, like Onegin, bored. After "on-noise history in St. Petersburg," Pechorina refers to the Caucasus.

Drawing the appearance of his hero, the author does not, with some strokes, emphasizes His Ari-Stocktic origin: "Pale, noble forehead", "Little Aristocracy-Ticker", "Dazzling-Pure Be-Lee". Pechorin is physically strong and take-off-liven man: "Wide shoulders argued strong addition, able to transfer all the difficulties of nomadic life ... a non-bank-division of the metropolitan life, nor the storms of peace." In the portrait of the hero of the heroes and internal qualities: contradictions, and secrecy. Is it not surprising that, "despite the light color of the hair, his mustache and black eyebrows"? G Laza him was not daring, when he laughed.

"Born for a high target", he is forced to live in a tearing inaction or to waste his strength on the actions, under-and-stable real man. Even sharp adventures cannot satisfy it. Love brings only disappointment and chagrin. The surrounding it hurts the mountain, and it deepens his suffering. Remember, what is the fate of Bail, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary and Faith, Maxim Maximich.

Pechorin is trying to put people around him for one level with him. But they do not withstand such comparisons: the gene is simply not ready, it is not capable of any changes, and all the extensive human sides open. Testing Lu-dei, the hero sees their lowness, inability to noble actions, and this is pleased with it and destroys the soul. Pechorin, in the depths of the doo-shi believing in a person, studies him and, not finding support for his faith, suffering. This is a person who has not found a high goal. It is high, because such strong, volitional natures are not attracted ordinary everyday purposes. The only thing he mastered is the ability to see people through. And he wants to change this world. The path to the perfection of Pechorin sees in the "prior to communication to suffering." All that meets with him is subject to a harsh infamous test.

Pechorin not only makes people under-prone higher in spiritual development, but also trying to understand themselves. He is looking for an idea of \u200b\u200bpurity, nobility, spiritual Kraso-You. Perhaps this ideal is laid in Bale? Alas. Again disappointment. The girl could not be climbing above the serving love for Pechorin. Pechorin appears by the egoist, Du-mercy only about his feelings - Balus quickly missed him, Love was dried. Nevertheless, the death of the girl deeply wounded the hero, measuring his life. Probably, he no longer behaved in the pussy in the diary and was unlikely to fall in love with someone else.

Gradually, we begin to understand the stupas of Pechorin, we see how different it is from the rest of the heroes, how much the de-Boki of his feelings. The image of Pechorina pre-become the most widely through the perception of other people: Maxim Maximich, Princess Mary, and others. Pechorin and Maxim Maxi does not arise mutual understanding. There is no between them and there can be no true sense of attachment. Friendship between them is impossible due to the limitedness of one and doomes on the loneliness of the other. EU-Li for Maxim Maximsch all the past cute, then for Pechorin - painfully. Pecho-Rin leaves, realizing that the conversation did not sit bubbling them, but, on the contrary, it will increase the bitterness yet.

But not all representatives of Pechorinsky, and therefore, the Lermontov generation in the morning the ability to feel, not everyone became gray and immoral. Pechistan once-woke the soul of the Princess Mary, who could fade due to the airlessness of the Grushnitsky. Devushka loved Pecherin, but he does not accept her feelings, not wanting to deceive. He can't and does not want to live quietly, calmly, to-foliating peaceful joys. Here once again manifested the egoism of Pechorin, left-hand one on one with a soulless society. But this girl will never love the drawing self-satisfied Frant.

In the socio-close circle of Pechorin not Lu-kyat, and some simply hate. They feel His excellence and their inability to confront him. The society hides its depth and falsehood. But all the tricks to disguise are in vain: Pechorin sees the false of the same Grushnitsky, the man of the Pus is and dishonest. Pechorin is experiencing it, hoping that there, in the depths of the soul, remained at least a drop of honesty and nobility. But the Hushchnitsky could not overcome his petty pride. Therefore, so cruel Pechorin per duel. The rejection of society is painfully wound off Pechorin. He does not seek the hostility, trying to enter the circle of people close to him in public situation. But they can not understand the Lermontov Hero, as well as others who do not belong to this circle. But everyone who still turned out to be closer to Pecho Rin, go out of his life. Of these, Werner is too naive, although the egocentrism of Pechorin, who does not recognize friendship, played an important role in their relationship. They did not become friends. The will of fate he remains without faith. The sole "decent interlocutor" of Pechorin is his diary. With him, he can be completely frank, not to hide his vices and merits. In Kon-Ts, the Hero enters the struggle not with people, but with the fate itself. And it turns out to win-lem, thanks to courage, will and thirst is non-known.

However, along with the wealth of spiritual forces and the gifting of the hero, Lermontov Ras-Wings in Pechorin and such qualities, which sharply reduce its image. Pechorin is a cold egoist, he is inspiring to suffer from others. But the most difficult accusation of Av-Torah in the address of Pechorin is that his hero has a life goal. After thinking about the question about the purpose of his life, he recorded in the "journal": "A, right, it existed and, right, I was appointed high, because I feel in my soul of my strength."

At all times, the attitude towards Pechorina was not unequivocal. Some saw others did not see the "time hero" in it. But a certain mystery is hidden in this image. Pechorina Nel-Zya predict or comprehend. His distinct feature is that, understanding anyone around the world, he does not humble, and fights, looking for. Loneliness makes it a colorless person, like the rest. There are many negative features in it: it is cruel, selfish, merciful to people. But at the same time (which is important!) It does not judge anyone, but gives everyone to open his soul, to show good qualities. But if this does not happen, he is safe.

Pechorins are rare. Not all Mo-Gut soberly look at the world, appreciate it and ... Do not take it as it is. Do not attend all evil, cruelty, heartlessness and other malformations of humanity. Not many can rebel, fight and search. Not everyone is given.

The tragedy of Pechorina is that he could not realize his spiritual and physical forces, his life was invested.

Analyzing the image of Pechorin, V. G. Belin-sky said: "This is Onegin of our time, the hero of our time. The nurses of them between them are much less than the distance between you and Pechoro. " Onegin is the reflection of the era of the 20s, the era of the Decembrists; Pecho-Rin - the hero of the Third Decade of the "Brutal Age". Both of them - thinking intelligents of their time. But Pechorin lived in a severe era of public oppression and inaction, and Onegin - during the period of public animal and could be a Decembrist. Pechorin has no this opportunity. Therefore, Belin-sky says: "Onegin misses, and Pechorin suffers."

What is the cause of the death of Pechorin in the novel "Hero of our time"? And got the best answer

Answer from Alexey Khoroshev [Guru]
In the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" shows a young man who suffers from his integrity, in despair asking himself a painful question: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? "He does not feed on the slightest propensity to go beaten dear secular young people. On the one hand, Pechorin is an officer, on the other hand, a certain tempter and a provocateur of people on the manifestation of their covered essence. We can't not see Pechorin on the head above the people around him, that he is smart, educated, talented, brave, energetic. We are repelled indifference to Pechorin to people, his inability to real love, to friendship, his individualism and egoism. But Pechorin carries us thirst for life, the desire for the better, the ability to critically evaluate their actions. He is deeply incomplicted to us "the fleet of action", an empty waste of his forces, those actions he bringing suffering to other people. But we see that he himself is deeply suffering. The peculiar character is complicated and contradictory. The hero of the novel speaks of himself: "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him ..." What are the causes of this splitness? "I told the truth - I did not believe: I began to deceive; Having learned the light and springs of society, I became skillful in the science of life ... "- the Pechorin is recognized. He learned to be secretive, malicious, bile, ambitious, was, according to him, "moral cripples".
Pechorin - Egoist. Pechistan is inherent in life disappointment, pessimism. He suffers from the constant division of the soul. In the socio-political conditions of the 1830s, Pechorin can not find applications. He is squandered into small adventures, substitutes the forehead by Chechen bullets, looking for oblivion in what calls love. But all this is only miserable attempts to find some way out, dispel. He is pursued by boredom and consciousness that you should not live such a life. Throughout Roman Pechorin shows itself as a person who is accustomed to watch "on suffering, the joy of others only in relation to himself" - as "food" supporting his mental strength, it is on this path he is looking for consolation from the persecution of his boredom, trying to fill Emptiness of its existence. Yet Pechorin - Nature, richly gifted. He has an analytical mind, his assessments of people and their actions are very accurate; He has a critical attitude not only to others, but also to himself. His diary is nothing but self-dislocation. He is endowed with a hot heart that can deeply feel and worry, although trying to hide mental experiences under the mask of indifference. Indifference, worn - self-defense mask. Pechorin is a person who is strong, strong, active, in his chest will dormant "life of force", he is capable of action. But all his actions are not positive, but a negative charge, all its activities are not aimed at creating, but for destruction. In this, Pechorin is similar to the hero of the Lermontov poem "Demon". In his appearance there is something demonic, unsolved. In all novellah, Pechorin appears before us as a destroyer of lives and fate of other people: because of him deprived of the top and dies Cherkhenka Bala, disappointed in the friendship of Maxim Maximych, Mary and Faith, dies, dies from his hands Grushnitsky, forced to leave the native house "Honest smugglers "The young officer of Vulch dies. Pechorin's demonality is not better reflecting the contradiction of human appearance at all. As if a person herself praised himself, no matter how sorted to good, there will always be a dark principle in it, which tempts and provokes him. In this case, Pechorin acts as a tempter of other novel characters. In each, he detects a secret loophole to the pork, which leads them to death or despair. His death suggests the thoughts of Dominant in Lermontov's desire for good. He kills his too complicated and too realistic hero, although sometimes the reader does not believe it. Pechistan is alive, and is alive so much that we sometimes feel His presence in their doubts and confusion.