Ethnic composition of the population of the world. Ethnic and religious composition of the population

Ethnic composition of the population of the world. Ethnic and religious composition of the population
Ethnic composition of the population of the world. Ethnic and religious composition of the population

Description of the presentation ethnic and religious composition of the population of Russia on the slides

In our country, more than 160 peoples live, the largest of which are Russians (115 million people or 80% of the population), Tatars (5, 5 million people), Ukrainians (about 3 million people), Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens and Armenians whose number exceeds 1 million people.

The homogeneous composition of the population with a complete predominance of the Russian population is characteristic of Russia only for the Central, Central Black Earth and North-Western regions, while all other areas, especially the North Caucasus, have a complex national population.

in the Northern District - Russians, Karelia, Komi, Nenets and Saama; In the Urals - Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Comi-Perm; in the Volga region - Russians, Tatars, Kalmyks, Kazakhs; in Western Siberia. - Russian, Altai, Nenets, Selkup, Khanty, Mansi, Shorets, Kazakhs, Germans; In Eastern Siberia - Russians, Buryats, Tuvints, Khakas, Nenets, Dolgans, Evenks; In the Far East - Russians, Yakuts, Chukchi, Koryaki, Jews, Evenks, Evny, Nanice, Udagei, Orochi, Nivhi and others small peoples. Russians, Mari, Chuvash and Mordva, and Mordva living in the Volga-Vyatka district;

These processes are accompanied by a decrease in the qualification potential of these regions, the lack of labor resources in the European North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East increases, increases the criminogenic environment in almost all regions of Russia, and interreligious contradictions are increasingly dangerous. Modern tendencies The national composition of Russia as a result of migrations changes the age and ethnocultural composition of the population of the regions of Russia. The number of immigrants from the National Republics of the North Caucasus is growing, the share of Muslims in the European part of the country increases, and in the Far East - CNR citizens.

Russia is a unique country for the religious composition of the population: representatives of all reside on its territory three world Religions - Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. At the same time, many nations of our country adhere to national and traditional beliefs. Major religions common in Russia

Christianity in Russia is mainly represented by Orthodoxy. Russian Orthodox Church is the largest Orthodox Church of the world. The head of her is Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia - Alexy II, the residence of which is located in Moscow in the Holy Danilov Monastery. Russian Orthodox Church

Orthodoxy influence Russian Orthodox church noticeably throughout Russia. Orthodoxy is widespread among the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Mordvo, Mariers, Udmurts, Ossetians, Karel, Komi, Yakuts and other peoples. A certain place in Orthodoxy occupies an old property.

Significantly weaker than in Russia, Protestant exercises are common - Baptism, Adventism, Jehovahism, Lutheranism. Catholicism of Christianity in Russia actively penetrates our country

Islam in Russia is presented, above all, to the Sunnism that Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs and all the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus, except Ossetians. The main spiritual center of Russian Muslims is in Ufa. Islam

Lamisian Buddhism confess the Buryats, Tuvints and Kalmyks in Russia. The spiritual center of Buddhists of Russia is located under Ulan-Ude. Buddhism

The National Religion of Jews is Judaism. For small peoples of Siberia (Altaians, Shorets, Nenets, Selkups, Dolganov, Evenkov) and the Far East (Chukchi, Evenov, Koryakov, Itelmen, Udaegei, Nanaysev, etc.) are characterized by traditional pagan beliefs in the form of animism and shamanism

Racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population

In solving issues related to the rationale for the placement of productive forces, great importance It has the study of racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population, i.e., the ratio of representatives of individual races and peoples, their placement, legal status, labor skills, etc.

All humanity in characteristic features appearance People are customary to divide the three big races: the European one, the Mongoloid and Equatorial.

Representatives of the European Dreams, which are 47% total residents of the Earth, to the Great geographic discoveries They lived in Europe, North Africa, in the Middle and Middle East and in India, in the future they settled around the world. Mongoloid race people constituting 37% of the world's population live mainly in Eastern and South East Asia. The mongoloid race belongs to indigenous population America - Indians. Representatives of Equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, races (about 5% of the population of the Earth) live mostly in Africa.

The rest of the inhabitants of the planet (about 11-12%) relates to mixed and transitional racial groups resulting from migrations and mixing racial types.

Large races, in turn, are divided into the so-called small races. For example, caucasoid Race It is divided into the North, Baltic, Alpine and a number of other small races.

Human races - groups of people connected by the generality of origin and external physical signs (skin color, the nature of the hair cover, the features of the face, etc.), prevailing in the distant past under the influence natural environment. The signs of these are mainly adaptive, acquired by a person as a result of adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment.

Nation(Peoples, ethnic groups) have been shaped as society usually developed from representatives of several small or large races.

The characteristic signs of the current nation are: the community of territory, language, economic life, national Culture, sense of patriotism.

Thus, peoples (ethnic groups) are groups of people united by the historically established unity of the language, territory, economic Life and culture, national self-consciousness. There are about 4 thousand peoples in the world, which can be classified by different signs, including in numbers and language.

Numerous (from 100 and more million people) peoples belong: Chinese - Han (representatives of Han people live mainly in China and make up more than 95% of the population of this country), Hinduscans (inhabitants of India, account for about a quarter of the population of this country), Americans (USA), Bengaltsi (main population of Bangladesh and Indian state West Bengal), Punjabtsy (mostly residents of Pakistan and Indian state of Punjab), Biharians (residents of the Indian state of Bihar, Bangladesh, Nepal), Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, Mexicans, Yavantsy.

The number of most of the peoples is small - less than 1 million people.

The classification of peoples in the language is based on the principle of their kinship, that is, taking into account the relatives of the origin of the language. On this basis, all nations are combined into linguistic families. Total families are about 20. The most common one is an Indo-European family, there is almost half of all mankind in her languages. As part of the Indo-European family, Slavic, Romanesque, German, Celtic, Baltic and other language groups are allocated. The Chinese-Tibetan, Altai, Ural, Caucasian, Nigero-Kordofan, seven-Hamit family of languages \u200b\u200bare also widespread.

In accordance with national composition The population all countries of the world are divided into single-altonational and multinational. In general, multinational states predominate in the world, some of them live dozens and even hundreds of peoples. Representatives of such states can be India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, USA, most countries in Africa. Examples of single-ground states - Poland, Hungary, Germany (in Europe), Chile (in Latin America), Japan, Korea, Bangladesh (in Asia), Australia.

The ethnic composition of the world's population is the result of a long historical process. This process includes the resettlement of humanity, and the adaptation of individual human communities natural conditions specific territory, and interaction between human communities (trade, military actions, neighborhoods and so on) when the exchange took place cultural achievements. Historically, there were differences that distinguish one human community from another. These differences are primarily a language, historical fate, the features of the management, life, traditions and moral norms everyday life. The community community and statehood, religion give the constancy of this or that community and make it possible to determine it as a phenomenon that received the "ethnos".
Ethnic - a steady social grouping of people, which arose historically, developed in a certain natural environment and in the development process acquired the features inherent only to her.
The ethnos is always a unique complex of signs, for which you can identify the ethnic affiliation of any person. It may be a manner to dress, welcome, eat or sleep, use a certain economic inventory or homemade utensils, etc. That is, each ethnos is based on certain stereotypes and norms that are inherited, forming a certain mental warehouse and behavior (mentality). These differences are called traditional (or ethnic) culture. It develops throughout historical time in the process of adapting a certain human community to environmental conditions. The needs of a person in food, security, warmth encourage the search for existence in nature, stimulate the creation of workers, weapons, transportation technologists, the construction of housing, its arrangement, etc. So forms a whole complex of elements of material culture, and comprehending the surrounding world, fixing In rituals and associated songs, dances, legends, drawings, etc., forms a spiritual culture of a certain ethnic group. Beliefs, religion enshrine the process of formation of moral and ethical norms, values, stereotypes of behavior, mentality. The basis of the unity of the ethnos is the system of ethnocultural information between generations, recorded in the language.
How many languages, so many peoples. As a rule, each people talks at one - native language. The larger language (the most numerous in the state) of the people receives the status of the state. Bilingualism is predominantly distributed

in multinational countries, where one of the languages \u200b\u200bis a state, and the second - native ethnic language, for example, in the former colonies, where the status of the state language is often obtained by the language of the former metropolis. Already in modern history Humanity knows the facts of creating a language due to inter-ethnic permanent contacts. So, on the basis of English, French, Spanish and languages \u200b\u200bof the local population, Creolesky was formed, distributed among the population of South America, "Pondan-Inglish" (a mixture of English and Chinese), which is spoken in the cities of the Pacific Coast of Asia.
There are about 3 thousand languages \u200b\u200bin the world, and this figure will double with dialects. However, the most common languages \u200b\u200bon which is talking most of Humanity, there is only a dozen one and a half. This is Chinese, English, Hindi and Urdu, Spanish, Russian, Bengal, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, German, French and some others. According to relatives of linguistic signs and origin, languages \u200b\u200bare united into language groups, and the peoples of the world are classified by the general language of the language and relatives of culture, dividing into cultural and linguistic families.
The most common cultural and linguistic family is Indo-European. The settlement of the peoples of Indo-European language family extends from the coast Atlantic Ocean to the coast of Indian. In the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family, 150 peoples living in all continents and the most components in Europe are communicated North America, Australia. In Europe, 9/10 of the population refers to three large language groups: Germanic (Germans, Austrians, Swedes, British), Romance (Italians, French, Spaniards, Romanians), Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Poles). The peoples of the Urals (Finns, Estonians, Hungary) and Altoy (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Azerbaijanis, Yakuts, Tatars, Turks, Turks, Azerbaijanis, Yakuts, Tatars, Turks, Turkmen, and the most numerous in Asia is Sino-Tibetan (Chinese, Tibetans, Burmese) language family. America is predominantly populated by Indo-Europeans, indian peoples (Maya, Aztec, Kechua, Caribou) live in Central and South America, in the north and west of North America live the indigenous peoples of this continent - Eskimos and Indians. Representatives of Afro-Asian, or Semit Hamitskaya, Language Family (Arab Peoples, Jews, Somalia, Tigre, Berbers, House and others) occupy a compact area of \u200b\u200bSouth-West Asia and North Africa. In Africa, south of Sahara population talks in the languages \u200b\u200bof Nigero-Kordofan, Nilo-Sakharan and Coisan Language Families. In addition to large language families, there are many small linguistic families in the world. They are mostly in areas with complex crossed terrain, on the islands, that is, here geographical features influenced the formation of ethno-linguistic diversity.
Ethnic community Presented by the tribe, the people, nation. Nation is a state of development of an ethnos, characterized not only by the generality of origin, territory, language, culture, the availability of a common market, but also by creating statehood and its signs, the formation of national consciousness. It is the processes of formation of national self-consciousness that cause national liberation movements inherent in the entire history of the XX century. Most countries of the modern world are multinational, and the processes of inter-ethnic relationship play important role in the internal political life of countries and affect development foreign Policy. Inter-ethnic conflicts often acquire a long, crisis. Such are the Kurdish problem in South-West Asia, the problem of Tibet in China, the problem of Palestine in the Middle East. Numerous conflicts are observed in Central Africa.
Religion is an integral part of human spiritual life - largely is the basis for the rationing of everyday life. This or that religious worldview is reflected in the elements of material (religious structures) and spiritual (song, music, ritual, etc.) of culture of each people, it determines not only cultural and domestic differences and features of demographic processes, but also affects the political and socio-economic situation of countries and regions.
The world is the most common in the world three religions, which are because they called the world: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. In addition, a significant part of mankind profess Hinduism, Sintoism, Confucianism, Taoism.
Christianity is common at all continents. It includes three branches - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. It confesses more than 1/4 of humanity, of which 3/5 - Catholics, 1/3 - Protestants, 1/10 - Orthodox. Catholicism is distributed in countries Southern Europe, as well as in France, Poland, Latin America, individual countries of the West and Southern Africa, in the Philippines. Protestantism is dominant in Anglo-American countries and in Australia. Orthodoxy adhere to the Greeks, Peoples of the South Central Europe, CIS countries (Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, etc.) and Ethiopia.
The followers of Islam make up about 20% of the population of the Earth. Islam is distributed mainly in the countries of Central and Southwestern Asia, Africa, in Indonesia.
Buddhism and syntoism confess 11% of humanity. Somewhat less supporters of Hinduism, Confucianism and Taoism - 7.5%. Buddhism is distributed in Eastern, Southeast and South Asia. The peoples of South Asia are also confessing Hinduism. Confucianism and Taoism are distributed mainly in China.
Among religions that are ethnic characteristic A certain people, the most common Judaism (Jews), Sintoism (Japanese), Sikhism (Sikhi in India), Jainism (Marathi in the north of India), etc.
Religion is not an ethnic sign, but an integral component of the culture of each people. Culture - Property human societywhich manifests itself in all its ethnic multicolored. Each culture is distinctive, has own history And always national, whatever external influences experienced.
Driving power The development of culture throughout the history of mankind was innovations concerning precisely the development of productive forces, that is, improvements to the means of labor, tools, techniques and technologies providing human livelihoods. In the development of the culture, three stages are distinguished: wildness, when the life support was at the heart of life support (hunting, fishing, gathering) with its full dependence on nature; barbarism for which the transition to the creation of material goods was characteristic (reproduction management - agriculture, cattle breeding); The civilization that is associated with the start of writing and the design of statehood, which gave impetus to the development of cities, metallurgy, science, trade, secured the division of labor and the social bundle of the population.
In the whole history of mankind, scientists have no more than two dozen civilizations - unique and unique cultures formed by ethnic groups on a certain territory under certain conditions public Development. Almost all the ancient civilizations arose in the valleys big rivers within foci of cultivation of plants and development of agriculture: the cities of Sumer, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt (IV thousand BC), Harapp city civilization of the valley of the Indian River (III millennium BC), the Shangral Kingdom (II thousand BC) and the ancient Chinese states in the valleys of the River Huanghe and Yangtze, Ancient Indian Civilization of the valley p. Gang (I thousand BC), Assyria, Babylon (II-I thousand BC. E.), Eastern-intentionable states - Palestine, Phoenic, Syria (III-I thousand BC. E.), ancient Greek (Crito- Minos, miktenskaya sh-and thousand BC. e.) Civilization, Andean, Mexican, Mesoia American civilization (II-I thousand BC. E.), Ancient Rome (I thousand BC.) Each of these civilizations, in the process of its development, created the original culture and the management system, made a significant contribution to the achievement of the present.
IN modern world On the basis of the unification of the inherited cultural treasure and the most common religious doctrines, Western Christian, Orthodox Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Far Eastern and other civilizations are allocated. Their effect manifests itself on significant

territories whose population is allocated by the original values \u200b\u200band mentality systems, spiritual and material culture. This gives reason to scientists to allocate civilizational macroregions of the world (Fig. 16).

Questions and tasks 1
Give the definition of the concept of "ethnos", name it characteristic signs. Name and show on the map areas of residence most numerous peoples World.
What is a "cultural and language family"? Name the most common cultural and linguistic families and their most numerous representatives. Name the main religions of the world. What religions are the most common in Europe? What religions are most common in Ukraine? What features distinguished civilizational macro-egogions of the world? Give the characteristic of one of them.

Theme lesson: Ethnic I. religious composition na village.

Goal lessona. : To introduce the ONDONE and MULTINIA GOSOTE MIRA, world religions, inter-ethnic and interregional conflicts of the world, continue the formation of independent work skills.

Type of lesson: Combined

Equipment: Tutorial, Atlas, Workbook, Table "World Religions"

During the classes

    Org. moment

    Check your homework.

Give the definition of concepts: Race, labor resources, economically active population.

What races are called basic?

What are the differences in the configuration of age-related pyramids for developed and developing countries?

What is the difference between mixed and transition races?

Work with the card

Using the Atlas, tell us about the distribution of races on the mainland and countries.

    Studying a new material

Teacher's story, drawing up lesson abstract

Ethnos- This is the historically established sustainable community of people characterized by the general language, territory, the peculiarities of culture and life, religions. Economy, ethnic self-consciousness.

Consider the largest peoples of the world page.47 Tab 9 (Record to Notebook)

Differences between ethnic groups is their colloquial . List of the most common languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Working with tab.10 p.47

Six languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French, are UN working languages \u200b\u200band other international organizations.

According to the ethnic composition of the country classified on:

    Single (main ethnos is 90%)

    Multiethnic (the most Multi-pin. India 500 Ethniches)

The world is dominated multinational countries. Europe is the only region for which one-demonstrable countries are characterized, because The time of formation of the people and the formation of countries coincided here. There are multinational in Europe, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland.

Religious composition of the population

Religion lays the norms of morality, the norms of behavior, all religions are taught about one: honesty, hard work, kindness, justice and love for God.

Most residents of the planet believers, the fifth of the population refers to atheists.

World religions are religions with hundreds of millions of adherents of different nationalities In many countries of the world and at all continents.

World Religions 3:

    Buddhism is the most ancient. Originated in the 4th century BC. In the north of India. Spread in east and Southeast Asia.

    Christianity - originated in the first centuries of our era in the Middle East. Major religion in Europe. Currently presents three major branches: Orthodoxy ( Eastern Europe), catalycyism (Spain, Portugal, France) and protestanism ( religious current Central and Northern Europe).

    Islam (Muslim) is the youngest of world religions that arose in the 7th century at the Arabian Peninsula. It was originally an ethnic religion of the Arab people, but in a short time he won many adherents in Asia and North Africa. Two branches of Islam: Sunnism and shism.

Ethnic religions are much larger than the world (work with Forzac 2), but is inferior in the number of believers. An exception hinduism- The main religion of India.

There are I. traditional beliefs, including pagan. Preserved among the peoples of Asia, Indians America and especially Africa.

Inter-ethnic and interreligious conflicts in the world.

Religious contradictions are one of the reasons for many modern conflicts. Only two planets regions can be called, in which conflicts of this kind do not play a big role. This is Australia and Latin America. In general, prosperity and Europe.

But the most conflict regions are Asia and Africa, the acute problem of the region of South-West Asia is the Arab-Israeli conflict. The problem of the Kurds of the peoples of 6 countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Siri, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Kurds are trying to create their own national state-affirming the interests of these countries. Inter-ethnic contradictions have developed in Cyprus, difficult situation in tropical Africa. Based on the above facts, it can be noted that we live in a restricted world.

4. Making tasks to / to "population of the world"

5. Freight

1. Name the largest peoples of the world?

2. What languages \u200b\u200bare the most common on the planet?

3. List global religions.

4. Give examples of ethnic religions.

5. What is "UN working languages"

6. Why most of the countries of the world are multinational?

6. Homework


Humanity is very diverse in ethnically. Ethnos - A historically established group of people speaking in one language, having a single origin, culture living in a certain territory. The main sign of the people or ethnos - mutual language. One of important signs It is also aware of the people of their unity and differences from other peoples (customs, traditions, lifestyle).

11 stands on Earth 11 large peoplesThe number of which exceeds 100 million people: Chinese, Hindus, Bengalts, Americans, Brazilians, Russians, Japanese, Punjabs, Biharians, Mexicans, Yavantsy. In total, there are more than 5 thousand peoples in the world and more than 2 thousand languages. According to the degree of proximity, all languages \u200b\u200bare combined into families and groups. The most numerous language family is Indo-European (2.8 billion people). The second is the number of representatives - Sino-Tibetan (Sino-Tibetan) family (1.3 billion people). Among the largest treats also afrazian family (distributed in the Middle and Middle East, in North America), Dravidian family (in South Asia), the Altai family (in Europe and Asia), etc.

On each mainland there are homogeneous countries and sophisticated on ethnic composition. About half of the worlds of the world are homogeneous in the composition of the population. Their most in Europe, in the Middle East, in Latin America. Countries with difficult ethnic composition Characteristic mainly for Asia, Africa. Inter-ethnic relationships can be exacerbated in them. There are two or even more state languages \u200b\u200bin such countries.

First place according to the degree of distribution belongs chinese language (1200 million people), second English (520 million people) - language of international communication. They enjoy a significant part of the population of the Earth. In Belarus, two official state languages \u200b\u200bare Belarusian and Russian.

Geography of religions of the world

Knowledge not only linguistic, but also religious affiliation of the population helps to understand the culture, morals, customs and features of the relationship of peoples, economic development different countries of them state policy. Religion - this is special form The awareness of the world due to faith in the supernatural. It includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rites. World religions unite believers of individual countries and continents. They are common especially widespread. World religions have been developing over many centuries and even thousands of years. These include: Christianity - 2.3 billion (33% of the population of the Earth), Islam - 1.6 billion (23%), Buddhism is about 470 million people (6.7%). In addition to the world, there are national Religionswho are confessing mostly in one people. Hinduism, Confucianism, Sintoism, Judaism (Fig. 30) received the greatest spread of them.

Christianity originated at the beginning of the first millennium. e. in southwestern Asia. Religion is based on faith in Jesus Christ, having a divine nature and descended to land, so that the sins of people will redeem their martyrdom.

The main source of christian creed - Holy Bible (Bible). The religion is based on Faith in Jesus Christ as a God-man, Savior and God of Son. Christians believe in the equality of all people before God, to the fact that faith in God will lead to remuneration in heaven. Christianity is divided into 3 main branches: Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy.

The center of the most numerous branch of Christianity - Catholic - is located in the Vatican. The residence of the chapter of the Roman Catholic Church is located - Pope Roman. The Vatican fulfills the role of the state, participates in the activities of international organizations, has permanent observers in the UN, UNESCO, contributes a certain contribution to the protection of the world.

In Belarus, Orthodoxy and Catholicism are most preached. They gave the world a lot cultural monuments and works of art.

Islam Aged in the VII century. On the Arabian Peninsula. It is distributed in Southwestern Asia, in the north of Africa, in some countries of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, to least in Europe. The founder of Islam is a resident of Mecca Mohammed. The creed is based on the worship of one God - Allah and the recognition of Mohammed by the Messenger of Allah.

The main principles of Islam (or Muslim) are set forth in the Holy Book of the Quran. Muslims, like Christians, believe in the immortality of the soul, afterlife, Heaven and Hell. The cradle of Islam is considered the cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. The center of the world common in the world of religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - became the city of Jerusalem. Here the interests of believers of the whole world are intersecting. There are many historical and religious shrines in the city, which serve as objects of mass pilgrimage.

Buddhism, whose founder is considered the Buddha, originated in India and is distributed in the countries of southeast and Central Asia, as well as in India, Nepal, etc. This is one of ancient religionsrecognized by thedium various nations With completely different traditions.

The main emphasis in this religion is made on the pure, high moral life of a person, and not on faith in God. Without understanding Buddhism, it is impossible to understand the great cultures of the East - Indian, Chinese, not to mention the cultures of Tibet.

Religion was and remains an important factor in the development of any state. Her place in the life of countries is determined by the level of development of society, culture, traditions. At the beginning of the third millennium, the great importance of religion in solving international conflicts is attached. People unites not only similarity common tasksfacing humanity (maintaining life on earth, preventing military conflicts, permission environmental problems), but also the vision of spiritual values, their essence, the friendly attitude of a person to a person who preach religions.

The ethnic composition of the world's population is very diverse: scientists allocate more than 5 thousand peoples in the modern world and more than 2 thousand languages. World religions include Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Religions contribute to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people of other religion, other ethnicity, citizens of other countries.