The brief biography of General Lee. "Decommunization" General Lee

The brief biography of General Lee.
The brief biography of General Lee. "Decommunization" General Lee

The bud vehicles of the American south, born in Stredford, Virginia, January 19, 1807. His parents belonged to the respectable Russian Virginian childbirth. From his mother, he inherited an attractive appearance, and from his father - physical strength and sense of duty. Choosing Robert Military Career was based on the financial necessity. Studying at the West-Point Military Academy, in four years he did not have any disciplinary recovery and enjoyed respect for the feasures. As the best graduate, he received an appointment to engineering troops, in which he began his military career from strengthening coastal forts in Savannah and Bronsvik, as well as the construction of the dam in St. Louis.

In 1831, Mary Ann Randolf Castis became his wife, who had related ties with George Washington - the father of the American revolution, which was a source of patriotic inspiration. The couple moved to live in the estate of Castisov, located in Arlington (District of Columbia). In 1846, the Mexican-American War was killed, with the result that Robert was sent to Mexico to observe the construction of roads. However, the command of American troops drew attention to the uncommon ability of Lee as a scout and included it in its leadership. Thanks to this Robert Lee met tacty that he was very useful in the future. In 1855, Robert was transferred to Cavalry, and four years later, he successfully supervised the hands-on-military operation - suppressed the rebellion of the radical abolitionist John Brown, who sought to take possession of the government arsenal in Harpers Ferri. In 1861, Robert headed the Armed Forces of Confederates in West Virginia.

Under his leadership, a small operation was carried out in Cheat Mountain. According to her results, Lee was recalled to the capital of the Confederation, where he was appointed the main military adviser to President Davis. Staying in this position, Robert had a significant impact on the course of hostilities, developing successful operations. When Northerners began their offensive on Richmond, whether the confederation of the Commander of the eastern army of the Confederation was appointed and under his leadership was a transition to counteroffensive, thanks to which the enemy units were forced to retreat. In 1862, the troops were successfully reflected by the next offensive of the federals, and the greatest victory General Robert Lee won in 1863 in the battle of Changsellorsville, having met with a big army of the opponent. Then the inconclusive leadership of the campaigns and after stubborn resistance in 1865, the army of Northern Virginia capitulated was followed. After that, as a privileged prisoner returned to Richmond, where he served as president of Washington College. In 1870, as a result of a heart attack, the famous general left life, becoming legendary

Childhood and youth

Career in the US Army

The best graduates were assigned to engineering troops, this rule concerned and Robert Lee. Among his first steps in the practical military field is the construction of a dam in St. Louis and strengthening coastal forts in Brunswick and Savannah.

In the rank of the 2nd lieutenant of the case of Li Engineers, Mary Anne Randolf Castis from Arlington, the only daughter of George Washington Castis Park, receiving grandson. Robert Lee Holy Memory of Washington and admired his merit to the country; Related links with the Father Father's Father of the nation have become another source of patriotic inspiration. The young couple moved to Arlington, in the estate of Castisov at the River Potoko in Washington, DC (now on the territory of the estate there is an Arlington Memorial Cemetery).

American-Mexican War

Suppression of the raid John Brown


Lee Star High, who gave the US Army 32 years of his life, stepped in, and in such conditions that could not dream of him and in a terrible dream. The election of the president led to a separation from the Union, followed by other southern states. Before the war itself, President Lincoln, through its secretary of Francis Blair, offered whether to head all the armed forces of federals. The grounds for a positive response were - whether he was a supporter of the Union Device, did not approve the secession, he considered slavery evil and freed all his slaves. Blair delivered the choice between the violent preservation of the country's unity and love for his family, friends, history and native state of Virginia (published from the Union in April). His heart was broken, but the correct decision after a sleepless night in Arlington was still accepted - whether he wrote a resignation. He could not fight with his loved ones. Lee received a resignation and left his favorite Arlington, to "in the sadness to return to his people and divide the fate of the native state."

Confederate Service

He soon offered his services to the recently elected president of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis, who made it first in the brigade, and then the full general. At the first stage of war, Lee was engaged in the organization of regular parts in the native state, and in the summer he headed the troops of confederates in West Virginia.

After the leadership of a small operation in Chit Mountain, Robert Lee was withdrawn to the capital of the Richmond Confederation, where he accepted the post of chief military adviser to Davis's president. While in this position, whether he had a significant impact on the course of hostilities, in particular, his merit was greatly in planning a wonderful campaign "Jackson's stone wall in the Shanando Valley.

At that time, the command of the Eastern Confederation Army was divided between Pierre G.T. Boreghar, hero of Fort Sumter, and Joseph E. Johnston, jointly winning the Yankees in the first major battle at the Bull Wound. Then the sole commander was Johnston, who, however, prevented numerous wounds. Therefore, when the Feds led by George B. McKlellan began an offensive on Richmond. Davis replaced Johnston to Lee. Yuzhan's troops switched to counteroffensive and during the so-called "seven-day battle" forced superior and in terms of the armament of the northerners to retreat.

Army Commander of Northern Virginia

So began the glorious history of the Army of Northern Virginia, headed by General Robert E. Lee, whom Yazhne became affectionately called "Uncle Robert".

The Army of Northern Virginia moved to, the head of John Poor in the second battle at Bull wound. Fixing success, in September of the year, the troops of Lee switched to Potomac, they invaded Maryland, but after the bloody battle, the entityhem retreated, remaining unfeeed. In December of the same year, Lee brilliantly reflected the next offensive of the federals under the command of Emblez Burnside, defeating them from Frederixberg.

The greatest victory, General Lee won in the battle at Chanswiellorsville in May, when the Union moved a huge army under the South Head under the command of Joseph Hooker. Lee and other military genius southern "Stone Wall" Jackson shared his strength, went around Hoker's forced march and fell into his unprotected flank, applying the most tangible defeat during the war years. This victory prompted Lee and Davis to make the so-called. "The second invasion of north." Southerners expected to finally destroy the military forces of the federals, thus putting the end of the war. In the future, there was a victorious march to Washington and the transfer of petition about the recognition of the Confederates of America Lincoln.

With these, as it turned out, the fruitless hopes of the army of Northern Virginia again forced Potab and joined Pennsylvania. From the 1st to the 3rd of July, the greatest battle in the history of the Western Hemisphere took place at anyone of the unknown town of Gettisberg. The challenge General Lee threw the Federal Army of Potomak with his new commander by General George Mist. On the third day it became clear that the confederates suffer defeat, and even whether the wide frontal attack was taken, known as the "Pettte Attack", did not change the end result. Southerners were defeated.

Nevertheless, the Army of Northern Virginia fought two more long years. Whether a worthy opponent appeared - Ulysses Grant, and it was with him and only with him the general struggled until the end of the war. Pietersberg and Richmond squeezed into the rings of enemies, whether he stubbornly resisted the whole ten months until he retreated to the APPOMATETS. There was a capitulation of the army of Northern Virginia.

His talent of the commander became a legend, and his military campaigns are still studying in all military academies of the world as a sample of tactical art. Whether he was able to withstand armies, three times superior in size, his own, poorly armed, shattered and hungry. This happened due to the southern soldiers and civilians who felt victims of aggression from the Yankees and the breasts stood on the defense of their freedom and independence, all that they were expensive. But this is undoubtedly present and the merit of General Lee, his clear mind and courage.

Post-war life

After the surrender, whether he returned to Richmond as a privileged prisoner of war. He dedicated the rest of his life for his life to relieve the fate of former confederation soldiers. He refused many tempting proposals and adopted a modest president of Washington College (now - Washington University and Lee). The reputation of the general breathed a new life in college; His huge military experience and glory, both in the north, and in the south, with the tragic symbolism of "lost business" made from whether the legendary figure still during his lifetime.

He died in Lexington as a result of a heart attack and the inflammation of the lungs, and without waiting for recovery in civil rights, which followed only a hundred years later.

In the army of confederative states, commanded the North Koriv district army. It is considered one of the most famous and influential American military leaders in the XIX century. He participated in the US Mexican War, built forts, served in West-Point. With the beginning of the civil war spoke on the side of the south. In Virginia, he was appointed commander-in-chief. I distinguished himself with brilliant victories over the army of the North, sowing at the critical moment to transfer the actions on the side of the enemy. Personally, whether he headed the invasion of the North twice, but failed. He inflicted the essential damage of the grant army, but ultimately, was forced to recognize defeat and surrender. After his death, turned into one of the most popular figures of American history, became an example of valor and honor. He was one of the symbols of reconciliation of those who had earlier than the sides, but after the civil rights movement of black, the attitude towards the figure was revised, as he was one of the symbols of racism and slavement.

Childhood and youth

Robert Lee was born in 1807. He was born in the town of Stratford Hill in his father was the hero of war of independence.

The parents of the Hero of our article belonged to the prominent Virginian families, but the mother was predominantly engaged in the upbringing of Robert Lee, since the father at that time was mired in failed cash transactions. Robert was brought up in patience, rigor and religiosity.

He received an initial education in Stradford, his fate was largely determined. Contemporaries noted that Robert Lee had an attractive appearance from the mother, a sense of duty and excellent health from his father, even financial problems in the family eventually played a positive role. Throughout his life, he was careful in everything that concerned money and business projects.

When he was 12 years old, the father and the brothers were far away from the house, he actually became the head of the family, causing his mother and sisters. They had extremely weak health.

Military Career

The decision to devote himself to military service was made due to cash problems in the family. His elder brother at that time he studied at Harvard, to send there Robert just lacked money. Therefore, it was decided to enter the Military Academy in West-Point.

In the first four years, Robert Lee, whose biography is provided in this article, showed himself an approximate cadet, without receiving a single recovery. He graduated from an educational institution, he was second under academic performance. Among the best graduates, he was sent to engineering troops. One of the first projects of the Hero of our article was the construction of a dam in St. Louis and strengthening several coastal forts.

Personal life

Robert Lee in 1831 married the daughter of Virginian Aristocrat Mary Castis. She was the only daughter of the adopted grandson of George Washington. Robert highly honored the memory of the founding father, admiring his merit before the country.

The couple moved to Arlington. They had seven children. Firstborn George became Major General of the Confederation Army, William Major General, Robert served as captain in artillery. The four daughters of General - Mary, Annie, Eleonora and Mildred never married. In addition, Annie in his youth died from Tifa, and Eleanor from tuberculosis.

War with Mexico

When the war with Mexico began in 1846, Robert was sent to Mexico to lead the construction of roads. When he arrived there, General Scott drew attention to his cavalry straightening and enviable intelligence ability, for these qualities of the hero of our article included in the headquarters.

It was in Mexico for the first time he met in practice with the tactics of warfare, which was successfully applied to one and a half decades.

During this campaign, he solved the challenges to adjust the plans of the terrain and mapping, which did not prevent him from time to time to lead a soldier to hand-to-hand, showing his bravery. Despite the manifested heroism, on its promotion up the career staircase it did not affect. As a rule, he was sent to wild and deleted places. It was very disturbed, because he painfully worried about parting with his family. Lee repeatedly noted that the chief of his wife and children remain in his life.

Mount Brauna

In 1855 he was transferred to Cavalry. The most loud operation, which he led during this period of his service, was the suppression of the uprising of the radical abolitionist John Brown in 1859.

He took a risky and bold attempt to seize the arsenal of the American government in Harpers Ferry. Infantrymen under the command of Lee, who was then colonel, could quickly be able to break the resistance of the rebels.

In total, in the American army whether he spent 32 years of his life. His starry hour came when the victory in the election of President Lincoln entailed the separation of South Carolina from the Union, following her a few more southern states followed. The civil war came out.

Participation in civil war

Almost before the start of the war, Lincoln suggested that the united land forces of the federals were heading. Lee was at that time a supporter of the Union Device of the State, resisted to the separation of the southern states, considered the slavery evil from which it is necessary to get rid of. However, the decision was not so simple, as it could seem at first glance. Lee found himself before the choice: the violent preservation of the unity of the country or love for the family and the native state of Virginia.

After the sleepless night, the hero of our article wrote a resignation. He could not go to war on his loved ones, to his native land. After that, he immediately left Arlington, soon offered his services to President of Confederate States Jefferson Davis. Li first in the brigades, and then in full generals.

At the very beginning of the war, he was engaged in collecting and organizing regular parts, only in 1861 accepted the management of troops in Western Virginia. Soon he became the main military adviser to Davis. In this post, he had a significant impact on the entire course of the military campaign.

When the federals attacked Richmond, the president replaced the commander-in-chief of Johnston, who was disturbed by numerous wounds, or. After that, the Yuzhan's troops were able to quickly go to the counteroffensive, forcing the navigate northerners in numbers. This has become a successful completion for the Southern So-called seven-day campaign.

Uncle Robert.

It was the first major Military success of General Robert Lee, whose photo is presented in this article.

The surrounding it was characterized as a sociable and a merry man who was dimensionlessly loyal. This can be judged by the quotations of General Robert Lee, who became very popular during the Civil War.

Perform your duty in everything. You can't do more, but never should be desired.

I can't entrust the person to manage others when it is not able to control myself.

The glory of God that the war is terrible, for we would love her.

After the first success, the army of Northern Virginia went to Washington. On the way to the head was broken by John Pup with the Bull Wound. Securing the initial success, the detachments of the General Confederates of Robert Lee in the fall of 1862 overcame the Potomac, invaded Maryland. There he encountered McClellan's army. After the bloody battle of the entietam, they were forced to retreat to regroup.

In December, Lee reflected the offensive of the federals under the leadership of Bernside, smashing them from Frederiksberg.

Battle at Chanswersville

It is believed that His most famous victory was over with Chanswersville in May 1863. Then the army of Joe Hooker acted against Yuzhan, which was significantly superior to them in numbers and armament.

Lee, together with the companion, Jackson was divided, going to an unprotected flank of Hooker. Atakovav, they caused one of the most significant defeats in Northerners for all the years of the Civil War.

This success inspired Southan to start the second invasion to the north. They expected to finish the army of federals, thus completing the war. In the future, before Washington and the presentation of the petition about the recognition of the confederative states of America, President Lincoln. To this end, his detachments were again forced the Potomac, being in Pennsylvania.

Battle of hettisberg

On July 1, 1863, the key battle of the entire civil war began at the small town of Gettisburg. The army led against the General Foreign Ministry against the General Foreign Ministry. On the third day of the battle, it became obvious that Southerners were losing.

Even undertaken the frontal attack was no longer able to correct the situation. Southerners suffered a crushing defeat, leaving hope of march on Washington and the immediate triumphant completion of the war. At the same time, the war continued for two more years.

Shocked by defeat, whether in the future it suffered several more military campaigns, constantly fighting against Grant Ulov. Once surrounded by Richmond, whether the 10 months persistently resisted, until he did not return to the APPOMATETS, where the official surrender of the army of Northern Virginia took place.

During the Civil War in the United States, Robert Li Complexed a bunch of legends, everyone admired his talent of the commander. During individual battles, whether he opposed the armies, which three times exceeded it in numbers. After the surrender, he returned to Richmond in the status of a farewell prisoner of war. The rest of his life was devoted to the relief of the fate of the former soldiers of the Confederation.

Refusing various tempting sentences, he took a small post of President of Washington College. General in 1870 he died aged 63 years from a heart attack. By the way, until the end of the life, he never was finally restored in his civil rights. It was done only a century later, thanks to President Gerald Ford.

Memory of the military unit

In the US, for many years it appeared a large number of Monuments General Robert Lee. At the beginning of the XXI century, a tendency associated with their dismantling began.

The first incident with the monument Robert Lee happened in 2015 after the 21-year-old Dylan Rufa attack on the parishioners of the African Methodist Church in Charleston. He opened fire from a pistol for nothing suspects. As a result, ten people were killed, one wounded. All victims were African Americans. After this incident, the dismantling of monuments Robert Lee began throughout the country. He was remembered that he spoke on the side of South for maintaining slavery. Confederate figures were obviously associated with racism.

In May 2017, the famous monument was dismantled in New Orleans. Shortly before that, in Charlottesville, the local council voted to remove the statue of the general from the park as a symbol of racism. It caused the displeasure of the ultra-right, which arranged a large-scale two-day protest action. She ended with unrest, during which one person died.

As a result, the demolition of monuments was only intensified. At the moment, the statues of General in Baltimore, Washington, Dallas, Texas University are dismantled.

Female Roman

If desired to learn the features of the biography of the Hero of our article, you can huggle on the novel of his names of Roberti Lee "Collision of Characters".

This is the story of the love of two young people who were predetermined once becoming her husband and wife. In this were sure all those surrounding, only Amanda did not want to go under the crown with a playboat, and Pierre was not delighted with a non-patious cousin.