Ancient Egypt: Why didn't you know about it. Why do Russian girls choose husbands - Egyptians? Or for what the Egyptians love Russian beauties ...

Ancient Egypt: Why didn't you know about it. Why do Russian girls choose husbands - Egyptians? Or for what the Egyptians love Russian beauties ...
Ancient Egypt: Why didn't you know about it. Why do Russian girls choose husbands - Egyptians? Or for what the Egyptians love Russian beauties ...

Where did the ancient Egyptians? The most common answer to such a question will be: "dissolved first in the Greeks, and then in the Arabs." But is it?

The descendants of the biblical hamma in the Northeast of Africa, and on behalf of their progenitor, they called the country with Hami, or Hami. Residents of the country Hami deified the Word, for it was believed that the world was created from the word of God-Creator. The first capital of Hami was born around the temple of God Ptah. The city received the name of Ha Ka-Pta, which meant the "Fortress of Ptah's Soul". Hami residents obeying the capital began to refer to Ha Ka-Pta. When the Greeks appeared in Hami, they learned this name - ha-ka-pta, somewhat reinforcing him on their own way. So the word "Egypt" was born. Women Hami were skillful in cosmetics, and the word "Hami" passed into ancient Greek as the designation of this art. In the future, the word "chemistry" occurred. The city of Ha-Ka-Pta Greek himself began to call Memphis, named by the white-stone fortress Mennefer, standing in the suburbs. Later, Alexander Macedon founded on the shore Mediterranean Sea His Egyptian capital Alexandria. One of his commander of Ptolemy became the navigator new dynasty Egyptian kings - Ptolemyev. The ancient Egyptians, descendants of Heops, all thenamos, Ramses and Amenhotepov, were part of a new civilization.
Later, the country became part of the Roman Empire.

Here, in Egypt's land, the first infant years of Jesus Christ were held. And Egypt became the cradle of Christianity. It was the Egyptians who was lucky to see his little child.

Joseph, Mary and the Baghelder had to wander a lot in Egypt because everywhere sneezed Herodes Irod.
People have seen with their own eyes like trees inclined branches with fruits to the Virgin Virgin, as from one glance unusual boy Pagatened idols were collapsed, as in anhydrous places from under the ground, the sources of the feet of the Holy Family were embarrassed, as the animals came to the infant to worship him.
All this to the edge filled future Coptic legends.

Thanks to these legends, the Egyptians quickly and willingly accepted faith in Christ. Former pagans who enjoyed Osiris and Amon RA, Iside and Ptahu, came to the true monosite.

Egyptians, among which there were many witnesses to visiting countries by the Holy Family themselves, were ready to perceive the sermon Mark of the Evangelist.
Thanks to the activities of the preacher Mark, several churches were formed in Alexandria and the surrounding area.
In Alexandria, the apostle Mark gained his martyrdom. The era of persecution of Christians was walking, in Rome the rules of the evil neron.
The captured brand of fiber on the rope on the streets, until then, as long as he did not dare with the words: "In your hands, Lord, I pretend my spirit!"
In Egypt, the first monastery on earth is founded, as well as many the most ancient Christian cathedrals and temples.

In the middle of the VII century, Egypt captured the Zoroastrians Persians. They destroyed temples and monasteries. Later, in 640, the new conquest of Egypt occurred, this time by Arabs, who initially, initially tolerance in relation to Christians. From now on, to this day, Egyptian Christians live inside the Muslim Arab state.

It was Arabs who assigned them the name under which Christians of Egypt are known now all over the world - Copt. This word is nothing like the Arabic pronunciation of the word "Egypt".
However, officially Arabs approved the other name - Mis. For it is believed that the Egyptians occur directly from the biblical mitsraim. For a long time, the Copts did not experience strong persecutions from the Arabs, but at Calif al-Khakim, right from 996 to 1020, they had no sweet. By collecting the Coptic bishops, the Khalif demanded the adoption of Islam, and when they refused to expose them to torture. In the pantheon of the Egyptian saints, several more martyrs appeared. After having achieved from the Copt of obedience, Al-Khakim issued a number of discriminatory laws.

Copts were expelled from all senior posts. The exception was not composed even for the Vizier of Fad Ibn-Ibrahim. Copt was charged to walk exclusively in black clothes, and on the chest wearing heavy wooden crosses. Muslims from now on forbidden to work in the help of the Copt and even transport the boats.
Egyptian Pope Zechariah on the orders of al-Khakim was captured and thrown into the grinding of the hungry lions. But the lions did not touch Zharya, and he was released, and later canonized.
However, the remaining rulers of the Fatimide dynasty tolerantly treated koks. With them, Papa Abraham I was particularly revered. And yet, the Copts continued to impose large taxes, and the Egyptian dads have repeatedly turned out to be different reasons in imprisonment.

In the era of crusades, Copts, together with Muslims, were equally attacked by crusaders who did not understand, robbed and killed everyone in a row. Because, Copts worship Salah A AT Dina, like their Savior from the Crusaders, who are "young" Christians in comparison with Cops.

Next, Kophat had to go through the Board of Mamlukov and the seizure of Egypt by Turks - Ottoman Empire And in those days they had not sweet. This led to the fact that in the middle of the twentieth century, the Copda in the Muslim medium again became outcasts. In Cairo, they were allowed to work only on the processing of garbage, and even the part of Cairo, in which the Copts mostly live, got the name "trash can". Under Anvar, the Gardate Muslim extremists took up the physical destroying of Copts, exploding bombs in churches and in residential premises. The Egyptian dad of Sudat Sadat kept under house arrest, not allowing him to leave anywhere.

At the same time, the emigration wave sharply increased - the Copts fled from Egypt to the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe. Only after the death of Sadat, the position of the cops began to improve again. Now at all, in all indicators, the Coptic community of Egypt is on the rise in all respects - both in the demographic, and in economic, and in many others.

Blood boils under the hot sun and boil passion. Egyptian resort novels Extremely rarely end with the departure of the girl. For thousands of kilometers from the country, Pyramids fly passionate SMS, recognition in love, and all calling married. Girls come in ancient country Again and again, but not to splashing in the azure sea and admire the numerous monuments.

Why do the Egyptians behave like this

In the East, it's easy to offer a woman sexkin to insult. Therefore, literally in the first day of dating, a set of duty phrases is followed: "You're the most beautiful", "I didn't love anyone to you," I know a lot of Russian women, but you are not as they all, you are special, "" come out for me marry.

Egyptian men have romance and lifelong state of love in the blood. Almost all population of resort cities has novels with tourists. This happens, firstly, because by itself the atmosphere of any resort is predisposed to the novels. Secondly, it's tritely wanting sex, since even the married Egyptians the second half mostly live in Cairo, Luxor or another Egyptian city, from where they came to earn money.

It is not almost impossible to have a burdensome novel with an Egyptian girl for sexual relations, due to religious views, both men and women of Egypt. But from all over the world, airplanes with tourists from the northern countries arrive daily, whose men are stingy on compliments. There, men express their passion with gifts and affairs, and in Egypt make compliments and promise eternal love Under palm trees.

Dividends with love

The salary of the employee of the hotel is not high. The waiter gets about 30 dollars a month, an accountant is no more than 250. Thus, the Egyptians look at the foreigner and as a sexy object, and as a nice wallet. It is so nice to receive as a gift not only the portion of the feelings and positive emotions of the enthusiastic young lady, and mobile phone The last model, on which the admanist himself would save the minimum of two. To achieve such gifts, you only need to send an SMS: "Our names are written on the stars," my mom prays for us every day, "" Fit rather, Favorite. "

Girls can buy even an apartment. Egyptianin is enough to say that it will be a joint nest where they will grow together beautiful and clever children together, and offer to buy an apartment in half. After all, what trivia for the beloved - these are 10,000 dollars on the creation of a focus. It does not matter that the apartment will be recorded on Egyptian. After all, they will love each other all their lives and never break out.

A very wealthy lady can even open a business in the name of his Macho. As he will then be nice to come on a new brilliant car with toned glasses in his native suburb of Cairo, where his wife-Egyptian lives with kids, and boasting photos of their own restaurant.

There are rare specimens, which, indeed, achieved a lot due to their nature or wealthy relatives. However, in most cases, the source of welfare is German Frau, having received money from which Macho will send part of the amount of Russian lover to buy a ticket. All evidence of feelings is obvious, including the incessant stream of passionate SMS-OK. It's time to marry.

Ufi contract

With it begins any marriage with Egyptian. This paper subscribes a lawyer in the presence of two men witnesses. If witnesses are women, then two women equal to one man. The contract is given in two copies: one - her husband, another - wife. This paper is not registered anywhere, and, in fact, does not impose any obligations. W. young man Such contracts may be a whole collection. If the marriage for some reason is discontinued, the wife, as well as the husband, can boldly break the ORFI and again be a free flight bird.

What is it needed for? Without this document, you can not even stay outside by the hand, not to visit your beloved on his apartment. Some particularly desperate young people, without concluding this contract, bring girls home - probably they have connections in the police. Since in the case of verification of documents, if the URFA contract does not turn out to be, the case for Egyptian may end with a disdicker in the police station. In many homes there are concierge male, which in Egypt are called Durmen. Without a contract, most often, Durmen simply do not miss couples in the building.

Legalization of Ufi Contract

If the intentions of the parties are more serious than a banal intrigue, then the Orfi contract must be legalized in court. This is done with the help of a lawyer, as, however, and any other cases in Egypt associated with government agencies. Having been in court several times in court in order to put signatures on a variety of documents, the young gets on the hands of A3 format paper in Arabic, which states that from now on, they are officially husband and wife. The whole process takes 1-3 months depending on the court workload.

Considering this paper, the wife receives a visa in the migration service. The resident visa is given at the beginning for half a year, then - for a year and then for 5 years. After you can get an Egyptian passport. At the same time, the legalized contract makes it possible to buy tickets for transport and museums at the prices for Egyptians, which are significantly lower than prices for foreigners.

And that is not all...

It should be remembered that even legalized ORFA contract is not accepted as a certificate of marriage in other states. In order for marriage to become legal, it is also necessary to conclude it either on the territory of the state of which is the wife, or contact Egypt to the embassy or the consulate of his country.

Marriage contract

Many couples at the conclusion of marriage enter into a marriage contract. Unfortunately, not all lawyers warn a foreign wife, that in case of divorce controversial questions (Children, property) are solved solely on the basis of Egyptian legislation and no marriage contract will have strength if it confesses with the law.

It makes sense to provide in the contract compensation to his wife in case of divorce. And then a certain amount is put in the bank to the account of the spouse, with which the husband is obliged to pay taxes (about 20%). Although it is called "compensation in case of divorce", in fact, the money from this account can be used immediately: the divorce is not mandatory condition. Another option is to open a special account, which will be listed in the monthly marriage contract Amount. Financial issues should be tracked very carefully, since Egyptian can easily be one wife.


Also produced through the court with the participation of a lawyer. It is better that the initiator of the divorce was a man, then the divorce will take less time (about 1 month). If a woman wishes to divorce, the process will reach around half a year. Under all conditions, all property, being paid in marriage, remains for which it is registered. The court will not take into account the facts whose money this property was acquired.

IN judicial practice The transaction concluded in the incapable state can be invalid. However, the breathtaking from love, unfortunately, to mental disorders not applicable.

Many residents of Egyptian resorts faced the situation when some familiar Egyptian asks for him to find his Russian wife. I'm not talking about thousands of Egyptians, who already live with Russian wives. Moreover, sometimes, even if the relationship in marriage was not charged and it came to the divorce, the man again goes into search of a Russian companion of life, without even considering the option to marry Egyptian. Why do the Egyptians want to marry Russians? - Consider this question in more detail!


Guys - they are in Africa men, and whatever they say about the mentality, the nature and other "virtual" advantages of Russian women, the first place of the Egyptians always put our physical beauty.

First of all, it is white leather. Well, I like the dark-skinned Egyptians the dairy shade of our skin, and that's it. And if the woman also has blond hair, then let her even bathe about extra kilograms, popy spots, curved feet and drinker nose, it is still at step ahead of all Egyptian brides.

In addition, that we are bright, we still love to care for themselves. We make fashionable haircuts, manicure, watch the beauty of the skin. Option "Under the handkerchief is not visible" not exactly about us. And even if the Russian wife puts Hijab after the wedding, she will still not allow themselves to wear a shawl on a dirty head. Just we are so accustomed.

And of course, many Egyptian men can not believe that they gave birth to Russian women manage to maintain maiden shape! And all because for us childbirth - it's not a reason to quit sports or get drunk cake. We still need to compete with the army of Egyptian brides.


Many Egyptians admit that to live with the Egyptian wife .. it would say that .. not fun. To describe their women, they even use the word special: "Nicety," it means "a dull forever patient whitik."

I do not want to displacing Egyptians, but to be honest, it is true truth. They constantly complain about health, living, for children, at the neighbors.

After the wedding of the Egyptian, as a rule, they are driving work and sit down at home, artificially narrowing the circle of their interests before cooking and cleaning. "Extinguish with your husband in the club" is somehow not about Egyptian wives at all.

And the health problems happen to each first, especially if something needs from her husband. From the Egyptians only hear that his wife "Taaben" ("okal"). That her head splits, it fell apart, then the allergies made it, then just general ailment.

Premenhenev, some ladies immediately fall into bed for 9 months. And after childbirth, 2 months come to themselves.

In general, live with them is unborn. Whether the Russian wives are - and you can chat what you want, and laugh, and her head does not hurt :)


Oh, Russian wives love this topic, but what to do is also true truth. We are also available compared to Egyptians as Egyptians are sick, compared to us.

We love sex before the wedding and do not see anything about anything gallop (and after the wedding we love him too, cho you too). If the decent Egyptian bride to the first marriage night "neither", then we are generally easily. Well, okay, someone still complies with the rule of 10 dates (on the first 10 dates "nor", and, if a man does not escape, then he is worthy of our love), and that far from everything.

It is much cheaper to marry us than on Egyptians, and this is also our accessibility.

According to the Egyptian tradition, so that the bride's family makes consent to marriage, a man must at least give a decent redemption for his wife and provide her housing. We agree to paradise in the slash!

We don't need to ask parents to ask for a marriage, we didn't hear anything about the redemption (well, only a fairy tale about 20 camels, but on the camels to us), the apartment we and the removal will not be going to throw it, plus we still do not get going to throw - you don't care Family budget.

Some Russian wives love to prove that it is still more expensive to live with us, since we have to buy our homeland, and schools we choose only private children, etc., but frankly, more expensive is the concept of relative.

Family that requires an apartment for the bride, the car and a stupid ransom is also hardly agreed to public school for a child. Egyptians from a decent society love and dress in expensive shops, and on cars ride, and in hotels resting (which is not cheaper than our flight home to mom in a free apartment).

So it turns out that it is really cheaper to marry us. Although this does not mean that we are worse. We are just more beautiful, more fun, plus cheaper - three in one thing :)

Why do the Egyptians do not want to marry the Russians?

Justice It is worth saying that some Egyptians are categorically against marriage with Russian girls on one single reason - faith. For many Egyptians it is very important that their children be brought up in Islamic culture, and no beauty and availability of Slavs can compete with Egyptian religiosity.

The only exception for them can be a Russian woman who accepted Islam. And not for a tick, but at the present - put on the hijab, learned the Quran, learned to pray and intends to raise children with true Muslims.

A man who was lucky to meet on his way such a Russian woman can be called a real lucky man, because he became the owner of the "Super Wife" :)

Why do Russian women marry Egyptians?

And here in 99% of cases the reason is one - love!

After all, we are women, for the most part, it's completely different, that he is in his pockets, who his relatives, what color is his skin, and what faith he confesses. If he is kind, gentle and caring, and if a spark ran between us, we will go to the edge of the world :)

What do you think, why many foreigners (not only the Egyptians) are happy to take Russian women's wives? Write your opinion in the comments and do not hesitate to ask any questions in the blog or social networks.

After reading the Book of ABB AR-Rakhman Ibn Abd Al-Khakam, I now can say everything about the origin of the Egyptians. And answer the question why the Egyptians call themselves on the Arabs, and the Egyptians. In 639, the squad of the Arab troops invaded Egypt, and for two years this important province Byzantine Empire It was captured and included in the caliphate. The ease of conquest is largely due to the fact that the main population of this country - Copts - has experienced a double oppression by the Byzantines: In addition to the tax oppression, it was subjected to religious persecution, since the doctrine of monofixes convicted by Byzantine Orthodoxy as heresy. All important administrative posts in the state occupied Orthodox, usually Byzantines. They were the largest land owners. Therefore, the Copts considered the parish of Arabs as liberation from the Byzantine Zasil and helped them during hostilities, pointing roads, supplying food, etc. And indeed, for several decades, Arab Board in this country was not harder, but easier to Byzantine. Taxes were not increased, and religious persecution ceased. Al-Fustat, built by Arabs the capital of the province, where the governor's bid was, in 25-30 years turned into a large trade and craft city. The presence of the Coptic population in it is evidenced by the fact of the building of the Church, and the objections of the fanatically-minded Muslim figures on this subject the governor of Egypt Maslam b. Mukhallade (one of the associates of the Prophet Muhammad), saying that the construction of the church by the Cophes on her land is permitted and that it serves as the landscaping of the country. Extremely quickly walked in the country arabic. At the beginning of the VIII century. Replaced greek Arabic in administrative correspondence. And from the middle of the viii century, as the preserved papiers show, and business and private letters are written in Arabic, while Greek and Coptic papyrus have practically no. This, however, does not indicate the adoption by the cops not only the language, but also the religion of Islam. Only at the beginning of the IX century, when after suppressing a long-standing uprising (in which, by the way, the Arabs settled in Egypt) began to persecute Christian Copds, there was a massic Islamization of the country's main population, but the number of Christian Copdes, especially in Upper Egypt , remained significant and much later.It is interesting to note that in the history of Egypt we have never been met with the Antiararab wrestling of the local population. The uprisings that took place in this country were always caused by purely economic reasons, such as raising taxes. It was not in Egypt and that cruel struggle between the Arabic tribes, which was in the central and eastern provinces of the Caliphate.Egypt did not undergo gravity and ruin. In 868, Ahmad B. Designed by the ruler Tulun practically achieved independence from the caliphs and paid only a symbolic tribute. In addition, after creating the lives of the Prophet Mohammed ( ) The Muslim history of Egypt is published in Egypt. In this story, it is mentioned that the Prophet Mohammed ( may Allah bless him and it welcomes ) I warned my followers about the indigenous population of Egypt in black and co-worked people. And asked not to pursue them, since while the Arabs are busy conquest. Copts can perform peaceful work to which Arabs are not hoots. The history of Egypt describes the history of Egypt to Arabic conquest, the story of Egyptian antiquities, about the construction of Alexandria. The book sets out the course of the conquest of the country by Arabs under the leadership of Amra B. Al-Asa. Gradually occurs Islamization of Copds, they voluntarily take the religion of Arabs. Mixed marriages between Christians and Arabs occur. And at present, the population of Egypt is a mixed Arab-Coptic population. This Arab population has been preserved only among Bedouins.In the book "The conquest of Egypt, Al-Maghreb and Al-Andalus" speaks of the settlement of Egypt, the descendants of Noah, then the names of all kings are given ancient EgyptThe coming to this country of Abraham, the history of Joseph, Moses and other biblical episodes associated with Egypt are described. In addition, it is believed that the scientist when writing this book used the Coptic folklore, since there are several characters not known in the Bible or the Quran. Egyptian historians who strongly emphasized the proximity of the Arabs and Copts - this topic is deployed at the beginning of the IBN book 'Abd Al-Khakam, where, on the one hand, the kinship of Arabs with Copses is emphasized, since Egyptian Agar was the mother of the progenitor of Arabs Ism'el, and on the other - good relationship To the Kophats of the Prophet Muhammad, since the mother of his son Ibrahim, who deceased in infancy, was Marya Kopnyanka. Egyptian Arabs claimed that they are direct successors of an ancient Egyptian culture and history, that they themselves are the Egyptians. That is why among numerous historical works written by the Egyptians, there is not a single "universal history", there is not a single essay that would be devoted to the history of the caliphate in general.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Why is Egypt so called? Culture of ancient Egypt Religion"> Почему Египет так называют? Культура Древнего Египта Религия Искусство Боги Мифы Пирамиды Карта древнего Египта Письменность Иероглифы!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e So - ancient Egypt. But amazing is that neither ancient nor modern"> Итак - древний Египет. Но удивительным является то, что ни древние, ни современные жители Египта не называли и не называют так свою родину. В древнем Египте жители именовали свою страну «Черной» , а себя - «людьми Черной (земли)» , по цвету плодородной почвы низменной долины Нила. Еще в глубокой древности соприкасавшиеся с египтянами народы Аравийского полуострова, Передней Азии и Двуречья дали Египту свое название: Миср - «Населенное место, город» , так как их, видимо, поразила населенность Египта и !} a large number of Cities located close to each other. Modern Egyptians are called their country: Mis. Why are we, like many others european peoples, Do we use the word "Egypt"? This name went from the ancient Greeks. It comes from the name of the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis - Hicupte. At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, when the ancient Greeks began to penetrate the Egypt, the first of the largest cities he met, was Memphis at the turn of the Delta and the Nile Valley. His name (or rather, one of the names, since "Memphis" is also an Egyptian word) "Hicupata" or "Ayguptos" Greeks for the designation of the whole country. So our word "Egypt" is also very older, but it came from ancient Greek.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Civilization of ancient Egypt has numbers"> Цивилизация Древнего Египта насчитывает более 3000 лет. В конце IV тысячелетия до н. э. в Юго-Восточной Африке, в низовьях реки Нил, сформировалось раннерабовладельческое государство Египет, которое стало одним с самых великих центров мировой культуры. Почти 2000 !} -Lent history Ancient Egypt is customary to divide for three periods: the first - ancient (2800 - 2250 years BC), the second - the secondary kingdom (2050 - 1700 years BC. Er), the third - the new kingdom (1580 - 1070 years before . er). " The name "Egypt" comes from the ancient Greek name "Ayguputos". In turn, this word is likely to go back to one of the names of the most significant of the ancient Egyptian cities - Memphis.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e from about 3000 g. BC. Er"> Примерно с 3000 г. до н. э. официальная религия Египта признавала фараона сыном солнечного бога Ра и таким образом самим богом. В египетском пантеоне существовало множество других богов и богинь, под властью которых находилось все: от явлений природы, подобно воздуху (бог Шу), до явлений культуры, подобных письменности (богиня Саф). Многие боги были представлены в виде животных или полулюдей- полуживотных. Хорошо организованная и могущественная Бог-творец Птах (согласно жреческая каста создавала семейные мемфисской теологии) был, группы различных божеств, многие например, объединен в из которых, вероятно, были богиней войны Сехмет, а бог- первоначально местными богами. целитель Имхотеп вошел в триаду отец-мать-сын.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e In the VIII millennium BC. Er in north east Africa, in the lower flow of the river "\u003e in the VIII millennium BC. e. in northeast Africa, in the lower course of the Nile River, the first Egyptian cities arose: Memphis, Jeeteropol, etc. There were several tens of centuries, and to the III millennium BC. e. , as a result of the unification of the kingdoms of the Upper and Lower Egypt, it was one of ancient states on the ground that gave birth to wonderful and great culture The Ancient East, in art there is a direct tradition, transmitted from the master to the student, from the student to a connoisseur or a copyist that binds mysterious early forms artistic creativity With the culture of our time. "She connects the current art - any modern building, any poster - with art that has arisen five thousand years ago in the Nile Valley." The Greek masters were held by the Egyptian school, and we all - the Greeks' launches. Therefore, the art of ancient Egypt is extremely important for us.

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The Glav ATUM is considered the Body of All Living and Divine in the Egyptian religion. According to legend he"> Родоначальником всего живого и божественного в египетской религии считается бог Атум. Согласно легенде он появился из хаоса. Затем он создал первую божественную пару бога Шу и богиню Тефнут. Шу - бог, олицетворяющий пространство между небом и землей, разделяющий небо и землю. Тефнут - женское дополнение Шу. Эта пара родила бога Геба и богиню Нут. Геб - это бог Земли, или по сути сама Земля. Нут - богиня Неба, или также само Небо. По представлению древних египтян вверху находится Нут, внизу Геб, а между ними Шу и Тефнут. От Геба и Нут произошли две пары - Осирис. и Исида, Сетх и Нефтида. Осирис и его жена Исида являются самыми важными фигурами египетского пантеона (все многообразие богов и божеств кой - либо религии). Осирис являлся богом растительности. По легенде он родился первым из пяти божеств, за ним родились Хор Старший, Сетх, Исида и Нефтида.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e An important place in the Egyptian Pantheon was occupied by the God of the Sun ."> Важное место в египетском пантеоне занимал бог Ра. Он являлся богом солнца, богом света. анх - это крест, у которого вместо верхней палочки находиться круг. В средневековой алхимии анх являлся символом бессмертия. Идеалом высшей мудрости и правды, олицетворением !} the best side Human nature, the embodiment of the mind of Egyptians was God that. God Pta was one of the main gods, this is the sun and the moon at the same time. He was considered a patron saint of crafts. Sometimes he was considered the Supreme God, the Creator of all the gods and the world, the God of Amon, was considered to be an absolute deity of air and wind, which fills the whole visible world, gives life to everything living

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The mythology of ancient Egypt is considered one of the most developed and rich known for All story"> Мифология древнего Египта считается одной из самых развитых и богатых, известных за всю историю существования древних цивилизаций. Начало формирования её относят к 6 -4 тысячелетию до нашей эры. С тех пор, за долго до существования !} class society She has undergone significant changes. The worship of the deities passed its way of evolution from the modest cult of the local god to pompous reverence of them in all Egypt. It had a relation to the exaltation of a dynasty, which in turn had turned out to have a certain mythological character. Bright example This can be the spread of the cult of the goddess of the city of Sais Nate in the 7th and 6th centuries BC at the same time as the center of the Saisian dynasty. At the dawn of the formation of Egyptian mythology, the local deity was among the region. Local gods had a different embodiment, it could be an animal, a bird, a tree, a stone or even a natural phenomenon.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pyramids and Sphinx, which will also be part of the pyramid burial complex Hefren, belonging"> Пирамиды и Сфинкс, который впрочем также входит в состав погребального комплекса пирамиды Хефрена, принадлежат к наиболее характерным монументальным памятникам древнего Египта. Пирамиды были классическим типом царской усыпальницы в эпоху !} Ancient kingdomAnd in a less monumental form, maintaining its external form, they were also erected for the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. The ancient view of the tomb of the kings of Egypt, which arose to the pyramids was Mastabi. The word "Mastaba" refers to Arabic time and is due to the fact that the form of these trapezoids in the context of the tomb resembled the Arabs large benches called "Mastaba". General name The pyramids in the current meaning of this word had the Egyptians.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "\u003e 1 2"\u003e 1 2

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Egyptians were skillful drawers. Unusually"> Египтяне были искусными рисовальщиками. Необычайно точно они рисовали предметы и животных. Можно думать, что первоначально жители долины Нила записывали свои мысли, изображая на рисунке предметы, о которых шла речь. Но к периоду Раннего царства сложилась египетская система письма. Она на первый взгляд очень трудна. Сотни различных знаков от изображений человека и животных до предметов домашней утвари! Кажется, нет возможности разобраться в этом скоплении знаков. Но почти двухты-сячелетние искания привели к тому, что тайны египетского письма раскрыты.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e In the VIII century BC, another kind of Egyptian letter appeared - demotic"> В VIII веке до нашей эры, появился еще один вид египетского письма - демотика, развившийся из иератики. Система этого письма та же: те же звуковые знаки, определители.!}