Examination Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation. Racial, ethnic and religious composition of the population

Examination Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation. Racial, ethnic and religious composition of the population
Examination Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation. Racial, ethnic and religious composition of the population

Theme lesson: Ethnic and religious composition of NA settlement.

Goal lessona. : To introduce the ONDONE and MULTINIA GOSOTE MIRA, world religions, inter-ethnic and interregional conflicts of the world, continue the formation of independent work skills.

Type of lesson: Combined

Equipment: Tutorial, Atlas, Workbook, Table "World Religions"

During the classes

    Org. moment

    Check your homework.

Give the definition of concepts: Race, labor resources, economically active population.

What races are called basic?

What are the differences in the configuration of age-related pyramids for developed and developing countries?

What is the difference between mixed and transition races?

Work with the card

Using the Atlas, tell us about the distribution of races on the mainland and countries.

    Studying a new material

Teacher's story, drawing up lesson abstract

Ethnos- This is the historically established sustainable community of people characterized by common language, territory, features of culture and life, religions. Economy, ethnic self-consciousness.

Consider the largest peoples Peace Stage.47 Tab 9 (Record to Notebook)

Differences between ethnic groups is their colloquial . List of the most common languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Working with tab.10 p.47

Six languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French, are UN working languages \u200b\u200band other international organizations.

According to the ethnic composition of the country classified on:

    Single (main ethnos is 90%)

    Multiethnic (the most Multi-pin. India 500 Ethniches)

The world is dominated multinational countries. Europe is the only region for which one-demonstrable countries are characterized, because The time of formation of the people and the formation of countries coincided here. There are multinational in Europe, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland.

Religious composition of the population

Religion lays the norms of morality, the norms of behavior, all religions are taught about one: honesty, hard work, kindness, justice and love for God.

Most residents of the planet believers, the fifth of the population refers to atheists.

World religions are religions with hundreds of millions of adherents of different nationalities In many countries of the world and at all continents.

World Religions 3:

    Buddhism is the most ancient. Originated in the 4th century BC. In the north of India. Spread in east and Southeast Asia.

    Christianity - originated in the first centuries of our era in the Middle East. Major religion in Europe. Currently presents three major branches: Orthodoxy ( Eastern Europe), catalycyism (Spain, Portugal, France) and protestanism ( religious current Central and Northern Europe).

    Islam (Muslim) is the youngest of world religions that arose in the 7th century at the Arabian Peninsula. It was originally an ethnic religion of the Arab people, but in a short time he won many adherents in Asia and North Africa. Two branches of Islam: Sunnism and shism.

Ethnic religions are much larger than the world (work with Forzac 2), but is inferior in the number of believers. An exception hinduism- The main religion of India.

There are I. traditional beliefs, including pagan. Preserved among the peoples of Asia, Indians America and especially Africa.

Inter-ethnic and interreligious conflicts in the world.

Religious contradictions are one of the reasons for many modern conflicts. Only two planets regions can be called, in which conflicts of this kind do not play a big role. This is Australia and Latin America. In general, prosperity and Europe.

But the most conflict regions are Asia and Africa, the acute problem of the region of South-West Asia is the Arab-Israeli conflict. The problem of the Kurds of the peoples of 6 countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Siri, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Kurds are trying to create their own national state-affirming the interests of these countries. Inter-ethnic contradictions have developed in Cyprus, difficult situation in tropical Africa. Based on the above facts, it can be noted that we live in a restricted world.

4. Making tasks to / to "population of the world"

5. Freight

1. Name the largest peoples of the world?

2. What languages \u200b\u200bare the most common on the planet?

3. List global religions.

4. Give examples of ethnic religions.

5. What is "UN working languages"

6. Why most of the countries of the world are multinational?

6. Homework


Racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population

In solving issues related to the rationale for the placement of productive forces, great importance It has the study of racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population, i.e., the ratio of representatives of individual races and peoples, their placement, legal status, labor skills, etc.

All humanity in characteristic features appearance People are customary to divide the three big races: the European one, the Mongoloid and Equatorial.

Representatives of the European Dreams, which are 47% total residents of the Earth, to the Great geographic discoveries They lived in Europe, North Africa, in the Middle and Middle East and in India, in the future they settled around the world. Mongoloid race people constituting 37% of the earth's population live mainly in Eastern and Southeast Asia. The mongoloid race belongs to indigenous population America - Indians. Representatives of Equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, races (about 5% of the population of the Earth) live mostly in Africa.

The rest of the inhabitants of the planet (about 11-12%) relates to mixed and transitional racial groups resulting from migrations and mixing racial types.

Large races, in turn, are divided into the so-called small races. For example, caucasoid Race It is divided into the North, Baltic, Alpine and a number of other small races.

Human races - groups of people connected by the generality of origin and external physical signs (skin color, the nature of the hair cover, the features of the face, etc.), prevailing in the distant past under the influence natural environment. The signs of these are mainly adaptive, acquired by a person as a result of adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment.

Nation(Peoples, ethnic groups) have been shaped as society usually developed from representatives of several small or large races.

The characteristic signs of the current nation are: the community of territory, language, economic life, national Culture, sense of patriotism.

Thus, peoples (ethnic groups) are groups of people united by the historically established unity of the language, territory, economic Life and culture, national self-consciousness. There are about 4 thousand peoples in the world, which can be classified by different signs, including in numbers and language.

Numerous (from 100 and more million people) peoples belong: Chinese - Han (representatives of Han people live mainly in China and make up more than 95% of the population of this country), Hinduscans (inhabitants of India, account for about a quarter of the population of this country), Americans (USA), Bengaltsi (main population of Bangladesh and Indian state West Bengal), Punjabtsy (mostly residents of Pakistan and Indian state of Punjab), Biharians (residents of the Indian state of Bihar, Bangladesh, Nepal), Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, Mexicans, Yavantsy.

The number of most of the peoples is small - less than 1 million people.

The classification of peoples in the language is based on the principle of their kinship, that is, taking into account the relatives of the origin of the language. On this basis, all nations are combined into linguistic families. Total families are about 20. The most common one is an Indo-European family, there is almost half of all mankind in her languages. As part indo-European family Slavic, Romanesque, German, Celtic, Baltic and other language groups are highlighted. The Chinese-Tibetan, Altai, Ural, Caucasian, Nigero-Kordofan, seven-Hamit family of languages \u200b\u200bare also widespread.

In accordance with the national population, all countries of the world are divided into one-nation and multinational. In general, multinational states predominate in the world, some of them live dozens and even hundreds of peoples. Representatives of such states can be India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, USA, most countries in Africa. Examples of single-ground states - Poland, Hungary, Germany (in Europe), Chile (in Latin America), Japan, Korea, Bangladesh (in Asia), Australia.

Introduction 3.
1 Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation and its influence on socio-economic development 4
1.1 Ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation 4
1.2 The largest nation and nationality of the Russian Federation and their placement on the territory of the Russian Federation 7
1.3 Influence of ethno-religious composition on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation 10
2 sectors of the specialization of the Central and East Siberian Economic Area 12
2.1 Industries of the Central Economic District Specialization 12
2.2 Specialization sectors of the East Siberian Economic Area 15
Conclusion 18.
List of used sources 19


Modern humanity is a rather complicated ethnic system, which includes several thousand different kind of ethnic communities (nations, nations, tribes, ethnic groups etc.). At the same time, they all differ from each other as their number and level of development. The unevenness of socio-economic, ethnic and demographic processes in the development of the peoples of the world has reflected in its own way political map World. All inhabiting planet ethnic community Participate a little more than 200 states. Therefore, most modern states are polyeth ethnic.
The extensive territories of our country are populated by various peoples and nations. In this regard, the relevance of the chosen topic is manifested.
Targets test work There are consideration of the ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as the definition of industries of the Central and Eastern Siberian economic areas.
Based on the goals set, the following tasks must be solved:
1. Determine the ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation;
2. To identify the largest nation and nationality of the Russian Federation, as well as consider their placement in Russia;
3. Determine the influence of ethno-religious composition on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;
4. Consider the main industries of the Central and East Siberian Economic regions.
The object of research is the Russian Federation. The subject of the research and religious composition of the population.
To write this test work, the works of Russian and foreign scientists, such as

1 ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Russian Federation and its influence on socio-economic development

1.1 Ethnic and religious population of the Russian Federation

In Russia, more than 160 peoples and peoples belonging to four language families: Indo-European (87% of the population), Altai (8%), Ural (2%) and North Caucasian (2%).
The data on 23 numerous groups (96% of the population of the country) look as follows (Table 1).
Table 1. Ethnic composition of the population of the Russian Federation in 2002

2002. 1989 2002 in% by 1989
thousands of people % to the result thousands of people % to the result
All population 145164 100 147022 100 98,74
Russians 115869 79,82 119866 81,54 96,67
Tatara 5558 3,83 5522,1 3,76 100,65
Ukrainians 2943,5 2,03 4362,9 2,97 67,47
Bashkira 1673,8 1,15 1345,3 0,92 124,42
Chuvashi 1637,2 1,13 1773,6 1,21 92,31
Chechens 1361 0,94 899 0,61 151,39
Armenians 1130,2 0,78 532,4 0,36 212,28
Mordva 844,5 0,58 1072,9 0,73 78,71
Belorus 814,7 0,56 1206,2 0,82 67,54
Avars 757,1* 0,52 544,0** 0,37 139,17
Kazakh 655,1 0,45 635,9 0,43 103,02
Udmurt 636,9 0,44 714,8 0,49 89,1
Azerbaijanis 621,5 0,43 335,9 0,23 185,03
Mariyza 604,8 0,42 643,7 0,44 93,96
Germans 597,1 0,41 842,3 0,57 70,89
Kabardians 520,1 0,36 386,1 0,26 134,71
Ossetians 514,9 0,35 402,3 0,27 127,99
Dargintsy 510,2* 0,35 353,3** 0,24 144,41
Buryats 445,3 0,31 417,4 0,28 106,68
Yakuta 444 0,31 380,2 0,26 116,78
Kumyki 422,5 0,29 277,2 0,19 152,42
Ingush 411,8 0,28 215,1 0,15 191,45
Lezgins 411,6 0,28 257,3 0,18 159,97
others and not referring 5780 3,98 4036,1 2,7 143,21
The census showed the inconsistency of fears about the catastrophic reduction of the number of ethnic Russians. The number of Russians is reduced by 3%, and the share in the population of the country - by 2% (Fig. 1). The main reason for the reduction is low birth rate and high mortality. With this, small departure and high mortality is connected. A secondary reducing factor is the migration outflow. In general, migration plays a positive role, compensating for the fall in the number of Russian population. An additional source of demographic replenishment is assimilation in favor of Russian language and ethnic identity among other groups. In general, we can lead about the numerical stagnation of Russians with a tendency to reduce due to demographic aging.

Figure 1. The proportion of Russians in the population of Russia according to the data censuses of 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2002, in%
An insignificant reduction is also recorded among the Mariers, Udmurts, Chuvash, Mordvay, Khakasov, Komi and some others. Some categories, on the contrary, have grown numerically (Avars, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Darginians, Kabardians, Kumyki, Lezgins, Ossetians, Chechens, Ingush, Yakuts). However, this did not cause any radical changes in the ethnic composition of the country's population, except for a strong decrease in the number of Ukrainians, Jews and Germans (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of Ukrainians, Jews and Germans according to the correspondence of 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2002 (1989 \u003d 100%)
Changes in national composition Defended by the action of three factors:
First factor associated with differences in the natural movement of the population;
The second factor is processes in external migration;
The third factor is associated with the processes of changing ethnic self-consciousness under the influence of mixed marriages and other phenomena.
Religious composition of the population:
There are peoples among the inhabitants of Russia, traditionally confessing all three world religions - Christianity of Eastern tradition, or Orthodoxy, Islam and Buddhism. As a result, most of the country's religious map is painted in three colors.
Orthodoxy traditionally confess slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians. This religion is distributed in many regions of the country. Islam is distributed mainly in the Volga region, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in the Urals and the North Caucasus. In the North Caucasus, almost all peoples traditionally profess Islam. The exception is only Ossetians, most of Who are confessing Orthodoxy, who came here from Georgia and Byzantium. Buddhism profess the three Russian ethnos - Buryats, Kalmyks and Tuvints, respectively, Buddhism are distributed in places of residence of these peoples - in the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva. Buddhist communities are also in various cities and areas of the European part of Russia, in Siberia.
Along with the listed religions in Russia there are both Christian denominations as Catholicism, Protestantism. Distribution also received Judaism. In the north of Siberia and the Far East, a part of the population (Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaki, part of the Nenets, Khanty, etc.) adhere to traditional beliefs that are closely related to their everyday life and classes, with the surrounding nature. Most often, these beliefs wear shamanism.

1.2 The largest nation and nationality of the Russian Federation and their placement on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Russia is one of the most multinational states of the world.
The Russian population ranks first - 80%.
The second place in the population is occupied by Tatars - 4%
The third place is occupied by Ukrainians - 3% of the population
Fourth place - Chuvashi 1.2%
Then Bashkir - 0.9%, Belarusians - 0.8%, Mordvo - 0.7%, Germans and Chechens - 0.6%, Avars, Armenians, Jews - 0.4%, etc.
The specific weight of nations is shown on the map (Figure 3).

Figure 3-peoples of Russia in the republics and autonomous formations of the Russian Federation
The map gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specific weighing of the title nations in the republics and autonomous formations of the Russian Federation. The titles include peoples with their national-territorial entities in Russia. Depending on the number of representatives title nation The subject (from 50% or more; from 30% to 50%; less than 30%), republics and autonomous formations are divided into three groups.
Describe individuals.
AzerbaijanisIP of the 2002 Census data The number of Azerbaijanis living in Russia is 621 thousand people.
The Altai Population of the Republic of Altai, the Altai Territory of the Kemerovo Region. The number in Russia is 69.4 thousand people, including in the Altai Republic, 59.1 thousand people. Also live in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. According to the 2002 census data, the number of Altaians living in Russia is 67 thousand people.
{!LANG-9164e683423bb70b399ed4201fb55b97!} {!LANG-33e1803fb9dea7755ecea3d9306debf9!}{!LANG-c69f9e46f35f57ff3d11fda23d91389a!}
Sellocks, people in the Russian Federation. The number is 3,600 people. Live in the Krasnoselkup district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other districts of the Tyumen region (1600 people), in Kargasoksky, Parabel, Verkhneketsky districts and rural areas of the Kolpashevsky City Council of the Tomsk Region (1350 people), a small group in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They speak the Selkup language of the Selfish Group of the Ural family. There is also a Russian language. According to the 2002 census data, the number of Selkups living in Russia is 4 thousand people.
Tatars people in Russia, the main population of the Tataria. The number in Russia is 5522 thousand people, incl. In Tataria, 1765.4 thousand people, Bashkiria 1120.7 thousand people, Udmurtia, 110.5 thousand people, Mordovia 47.3 thousand people, the Mari Republic of 43.8 thousand people, Chuvashia 35.7 thousand people, and also in the regions of the Volga-Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 327.9 thousand people also live in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan 467.8 thousand people, Tajikistan 72.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan 7.5 thousand people, Turkmenistan 39.2 thousand people, Azerbaijan 28 thousand people, Ukraine is 86.9 thousand people, in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia about 14 thousand people are a total number of 6710 thousand people. According to the 2002 census, the number of Tatars living in Russia is 5 million 558 thousand people.
1.3 Influence of ethno-religious composition on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

Table 2 below provides an analysis of the influence of basic religions and denominations on the economic development of Russia.

Table 2- Influence of the main world religions and denominations on the economic development of Russia
Denomination (religion) Rosy income ratio in Russia compared to other countries Comment
Christians in general 5,1 Christian countries are richer than all other countries in the world five times. Christianity has the most positive impact on the economy of the countries of the world compared to other religions and ideologies.
Protestants 7,95 Protestant countries richer all other countries of the world eight times
Catholics 1,49 Catholic countries are richer than all other countries of the world one and a half times.
Orthodox 0,81 Orthodox countries of the poorest of all other countries of the world are 1.22 times.
Muslims 0,23 Muslim countries poorer the rest of the world around the world are 4.4 times.
Buddhism 0,15 Buddhist countries poorer other countries of the world are 6.7 times.
Hinduism 0,086 Hindu countries poorer the rest of the world around the world are 11.6 times. From all world religions, hinduism has the most negative influence on the economy of the countries of the world.
Atheism 0,084 Atheistic countries of the rest of the remaining countries of the world are 11.9 times. Than in the country more atheists, the fact of the country is poorer. Atheism as ideology has the worst influence on the economy of the countries of the world.
Christian sects 0,26 Sectarian countries of the rest of the world around the world are 3.8 times.
Communist ideology 0,197 Communist countries poorer other countries of the world are 5 times.

The table shows that Christianity has the greatest positive impact on the economy of the countries of the world compared to other religions and ideologies.

2 sectors of the specialization of the Central and East Siberian Economic Areas

In the farm of any country, the area, the region of the world, two functionally inhomogeneous groups of industries are distinguished: specializing and servicing.

Specialization sectors play a leading role in the structure of the economy of countries and districts, determine their place in the territorial (international, interdistrict) division of labor. For this reason, the specialization industry is also referred to as profiling industries, industries of international (inter-district) importance.

Specialization of countries and districts - the result of the territorial division of labor, it is due to the ability to produce certain types of products in their territory in quantities, significantly exceeding local needs, with relatively low labor costs, that is, the ability to develop such industries whose products are competitive in the foreign market and mainly oriented on export.

So the main feature and a distinctive feature of the specialization branches - large scale (volumes) and production efficiency, participation in the territorial exchange (export) manufactured by products.

Specialization sectors belong to a decisive role not only in the production and export of products, but also influence on the placement of productive forces (district-forming function of the industry), since it was these industries that perform the role of a nucleus that attracts supporting services and other complementary production.

2.1 Industries of the Central Economic District Specialization

The leading industry of the market specialization is highly developed diversified engineering, which specializes in the production of cars, machine tools, tools, appliances, electrical equipment and equipment for light and food industries. For engineering of the central district, the production of wide range of products and a high proportion of the public-union production of such products, such as electric motors, aggregate machines, instruments of control and regulating technological processes, equipment for forest, textile, lightweight, food industry, wagons, etc. Developed electronic and radiotechnical industry.

The main place in mechanical engineering belongs to transport engineering, which is represented by the production of cars, diesel locomotives, cars and river vessels. The proportion of only automotive industry in the engineering structure is very significant. Large automotive center - Moscow, where there are production associations named after I.A. Likhacheva (ZIL), AZLK production association, Moskvich's passenger cars. In Likino-Dule (Moscow region) is the bus factory. One of the largest factories in the country of transport engineering Kolomna heat-building factory (Moscow region). The production of maneuver diesel locomotives was created on Lyubovsky (Kaluga region) and Muromsky ( Vladimir region) plants.

Developed in the central district and the car building submitted by the Tver Carriage Plant producing passenger cars For long-distance trains and electric trains, and Mytishchinsky plant, producing passenger cars and wagons for the metro. In Bryansk produce isothermal cars. Moscow, Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region) and Kostroma - Centers of river shipbuilding and ship repair.

Main Center for Stank Troops - Moscow. Here there are plants such as "red proletarium", producing serial semi-automatic and automatic machines, plant. Ordzhonikidze, specializing in the production of complex automatic lines and aggregate machines. Moscow is the largest center for the production of tools (Caliber plants, "Mill", etc.). Ryazan and Kolomna became major centers.

The Central District belongs to the leading place in the country for the production of instruments, automation and control systems. Main Center of this industry - Moscow (Energower plants, "Fizpribor", "Manometer", etc.). Instrumentation is also developed in Vladimir, Ryazan, Smolensk and other cities.

Electrotechnical engineering is represented by Dynamo, Moskabel and plants in Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Alexandrov (Vladimir region).

Tractors and agricultural machines also produce in the area. So, in Lyubertsy, self-propelled combines, haymets, in Vladimir - Wheeled tractors, in Bezhetsk (Tver region) - Laluminous machines, in Ryazan and Tula - a variety of agricultural machines and inventory.

In Moscow, Ivanovo, Kimovsk ( Tula region) Equipment for light industry is manufactured, in Podolsk - for sewing, in Tula - for the knitwear industry. In Rybinsk is a printing equipment plant.

The most important branch of market specialization is the chemical industry. On the local raw material, the production of mineral fertilizers, in particular, superphosphate and phosphate flour (in the Voskresensk of the Moscow region and half of the Bryansk region), grow the production of caustic and calcined soda, as well as production of sulfuric acid. Novomoskovsky Chemical Plant (Tula region) produces nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture. Nitrogen fertilizers are also produced at the Chekchinsky Chemical Combine (Tula region) and in the doubling (Smolensk region) based on natural Gascoming from the North Caucasus.

The chemistry of organic synthesis is developed, which produce synthetic rubber, artificial fibers, plastics. Plants of synthetic rubber are located in Yaroslavl and Efremov (Tula region). On their base, tire plants operate in Moscow and Yaroslavl and a number of rubber factories. Chemical fibers are produced in Tver, Klin, Serpukhov (Moscow region). A new plant of artificial fibers is built in Ryazan. Plastic masses are released in Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuev (Moscow region) and other cities. The production of photochemical goods, medicinal products, dyes, varnishes and perfume products is widely developed.

The textile industry, the oldest industry, is also a market specialization industry, occupies a leading place in the country for the production of cotton, woolen, flax and silk fabrics. The central district produces more than 85% of all tissues produced in the country. The cotton industry is represented by Trehgorn Manufactory Combines in Moscow, a Glukhovsky Cotton Combine in Noginsk, near the combine in Ivanovo, Orekhovo-Zuev, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Yartsev (Smolensk region).

Central District is a large manufacturer of linen fabrics. Basic centers of their production: Kostroma, Nerekhta (Kostroma region), viscous (Vladimir region), Gavrilov-Yam (Yaroslavl region) and Smolensk. Enterprises for the production of woolen fabrics are located in Moscow and its surroundings, in Bryansk, Ivanovo, Borovsk (Kaluga region). The Silk Industry is developed in Moscow, in Kirzchech (Vladimir region), Naro-Fominsk (Moscow region), Tver and other cities.

The shoe industry of the area produces 12% leather shoes manufactured in the country. Shoe factories are located in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Ivanovo and other areas. The largest enterprise of the leather-shoe industry is the Moscow Factory. "Paris Commune."

Powerful printing industry is also characteristic of the central district. It is a branch of market specialization. Moscow contains the largest printing plants "True", "Izvestia" and others, supplying their products the whole country. Printing industry is also developed in Tver, Vladimir, Yaroslavl.

Industries complementing the territorial complex. The food industry is developed, represented by enterprises for the production of confectionery, pasta, bakery, meat, dairy, alcohol and tobacco products. The largest food industry enterprises are located in Moscow. This is the Moscow meat processing plant, confectionery factories "Red October", "Rot-Front", perfumery-cosmetic factories "New Zarya" and "Freedom".

In the central area, a combined power system was created. It includes powerful heat power plants - Novomoskovskaya, Cherepetskaya (Tula region), Shchekinskaya, Yaroslavl, Kashirskaya, Kostroma, CHP in Moscow, Konakovskaya et al. Smolensk and Tver nuclear power plants were commissioned.

2.2 Industry Specialization of the East Siberian Economic Area

The sectors of the market specialization of the area, determining its place in the territorial division of labor, include the coal industry, energy, non-ferrous metallurgy, some production of the chemical industry, the forest industry and fur fishery.

The basis of the industrial complex is the fuel and energy industry, which is based on the use of hydropower resources and coal. Existing large hydroelectric power plants: Krasnoyarsk, fraternal, Ust-Ilimskaya and small power - Irkutsk, Khanty and May.

Large thermal power plants are located in Angarsk, Berezovsk, Tulun, Chernogorsk, Gusinoozersk, Nazarov and Norilsk. The area created a large oil refining industry, represented by the Angarsk and Achinsky factories.

In Krasnoyarsk, on the basis of an experimental metallurgical plant, an enterprise of this industry was created - the plant "Sibelectrostal". The products are high-quality metal that is paid in electric hollows.

In addition, there are small metallurgy - Marten furnaces of large machine-building plants: the Krasnoyarsk plant of heavy engineering and the Irkutsk plant. V. V. Kuibyshev.

In the Angaro-Yenisei region there was a large complex of the aluminum industry, enterprises that are accommodated in Shelikhov, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk and Sayansk. A large alumina plant has been created in Achinsk for the processing of nephelins of the Kiya Shaltyra field, which in terms of cement, Potash, soda.

The salivary industry was developed in the Irkutsk region.

Enterprises of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry of the district are located in Angarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Winter, Usolye-Siberian, Belozimenskoye and Achinsk. There is a production association, which produces shockproof polystyrene, thermoplastics, plastics, benzene, etc.

In Krasnoyarsk, there are enterprises for hydrolysis of wood, the production of cord fabric, rubber, auto strokes, etc. In winter, an electromechanical plant operates, which produces caustic soda and chlororganic products. As a raw material base, he uses local salted salt, as well as intermediate products of the Angarsk oil refinery. The Usolsky chemical plant operates in a close cooperative with the Angarsk petrochemical complex. Its products are chlorine, caustic salt, calcium carbide, paintwork and other products of chlororganic synthesis.

Many factors affect the formation of an ethnic language and culture, territory, national self-consciousnessMany of which become their signs. The most important factor The unity of ethnic groups is the ter territory. Geographical location, natural conditions and resources of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence have a great influence on the farm, the human and spiritual culture of ethnic groups. According to L. N. GumilevaThis is the basis of the formation of ethnic groups, since the "ethnic volume is inscribed in the landscape." Living in certain lands-shafts, people adapt to concrete terrain conditions. This is manifested in features economic activity, building housing, clothing, kitchen. Over time, the people have a peculiar ethnic code: traditions, rituals, symbols. They are most often associated with natural conditions and people's activities. So in the traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra - riding dogs. Their unpretentiousness and endurance allow you to quickly overcome long distances.

One of the most important ethnic signs includes national self-consciousness, that is, attributing itself to a certain nation. National self-consciousness is generated for a long-term historical Development.

Modern ethnic composition Russian population Loaded during long historical development. Russia is one of the multinational states of the world, in whose territory representatives of various language families and groups, religious vessels, historical destinies live.

According to the results of the census (2010), Ruski is the most numerous group of 77.7%. Compared with previous data, the share of the Russian population decreased (in 1989 it was 81.5%, in 2002 - 79.8%) at the expense of natural decrease, which migration-on-one could not be compensated. The second place is occupied by Tatars - 3.7%, the third - Ukrainians - 1.3%, fourth - Bashkirs - 1.1%, fifth - Chuvashi - 1%. The number of seven nationalities exceeds 1 million people. Cro-Me of the above, these are Chechens and Armenians.

In 2002, for the first time, the census received information about the citizenship of the population. The number of citizens of the Russian Federation amounted to 98%.

The most common socio-cultural sign of ethnic groups is the language. More than 100 peoples belong to various linguistic families live in Russia.

Ethnographic portrait of Russia can be represented by housekeeping, features national costume and kitchen, artistic creative, other economic traditions. Many customs and traditions have developed in deep old and reflect the method of adapted to nature. Than peasant house Does the North of Russia differ from the South-Russian Hut?

Fig. 281. Mosque in Chechnya

IN modern Russia There is a process of re-ligiosis and cultural revival. Many denominations are developing.

  • Most of the population - orthodox Christians.
  • From other on-boards of Christianity should be noted catholicism, professing living in Russia by Poles, Lithuanians, Hungary; Protestantism (Germans).
  • Second place in the number of believers takes islam - Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Ingush, Peoples of Dagestan.
  • From world religions in our country still confess buddhism (Kalmyki, Buryats).
  • Other confessions are registered and operate: judaism, hinduism.
  • Studies have been preserved paganism.

In the new polyconditional ROS-SII, the traditions of interreligious communication are strengthened. Material from site.

Each ethnos passed the long path of its formation, and the nature of the territory, the natural landscape, the language, the national self-consciousness affected the nature of the territory. As a result of religious and cultural revival, the positions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other religions are strengthened. The solution to the emerging problems of interethnic and interfaith communication lies in the plane of tolerance, an understanding of the process of communication as enriching its experience with the values \u200b\u200bof another culture.