The content of material culture are. Material culture

The content of material culture are. Material culture
The content of material culture are. Material culture

Material culture is the world of things created or transformed by a person. These include new species of plants, new breeds of animals, production, consumption, life, and the person himself in their material, physical entity. The very first steps of culture on earth are associated with things, tools that a person affected the world. Animals can also use various natural items in the process of food production, but none of them created anything that would not be in nature. Only a person was capable of creating new items that expand its capabilities and abilities to meet their needs.

This creative process had extremely important subtractions. On the one hand, simultaneously with the creation, development of water-diet and the tornness of nature (fire, animals), the consciousness of man gradually once matched. For further activities He was not enough for some senses, which reflect only the external sides of things. Actions with things required the understanding of their internal properties, relations between parts of objects, causes and possible consequences of their own actions and many other things, without which it is impossible to survive a person in the world. The need for such an understanding is gradually developing an abstract-logical activity of consciousness, thinking. Great German philosopher Ludwig Fay-Yerbach (1804-1872) said that the animals reflect only directly for life the necessary light of the Sun, the man is the radiance of remote stars; Only human eyes know disinterested glad, only the person is familiar with spiritual feasts. But to come to do-khovna feasts, the person was able only when he began to change the world around him when he created the tools of labor, and together with them and his story, in the course of which he endlessly improved them and sophisticated himself.

On the other hand, together with the improvement of labor tools, the living conditions and the living conditions were also modified, the knowledge of the world developed, complicated relations between people, and the material culture was increasingly intertwined with a developing spiritual culture, co-inqualing systemic integrity. In order to fully understand the structure of the Kul-tours, it is necessary to define this integrity and consider its main elements separately.

Production culture is the most important element in material culture, since it determines the quality of life in which one or another local culture develops and affects it. With whatever point of view, we consider the shapes and methods of human existence in the world, it should be recognized that only the activities for the extraction and creation of material benefits are Os-new our lives. A man eats to live, but he needs both other items, without which life is similar to an animal existence (dwelling, clothing, shoes), as well as what it can be created. First of all, in the process of human activity are created once-personal tools. It was they who marked the beginning of the formation of a person as a reasonable creature (unlike the animal) and became the main condition for its further development.

The early period of human existence left us only primitive items associated with the most the main task General of that time is the task of survival. On the instruments of labor that our Prasrat enjoyed, it is possible to draw conclusions about its common time, about the activities and, therefore, skills and skills in which he owned. But the man made both objects that are not related to labor activity - utensils and decorations, sculpture images and drawings. All this also required for its co-building and special devices, and certain knowledge of the use of materials, and the corresponding skills and skills. Many researchers believe that necklaces from natural material, F-Gurki, drawings were directly connected with the same main task. Each necklace element meant the practical achievement of the new person, figures of people and animals, drawings carried a magical meaning, everything was subordinated to the same goal - the extraction of existence. It can be said that the production activity is the basis of the entire culture of the world, in the whole case, it served as that encouraging force, which opened the possibilities of a person, developed them and approved in the world of the "Homo Agens" in the world.

Already in the earliest stages of the material production, the three main components that have become a certain indicators of culture were created and established: technical equipment (tools of labor, equipment and production, etc.), labor process and resolu-tat of labor.

The degree of development of technology and all its elements in general demonstrates the level of knowledge accumulated by him related to the provision of living space, satisfying the needs of each person, the characteristics of the needs themselves. Each weapon of labor is not only the defined knowledge, but also prerequisite Activities of people. Consequently, it requires the relevant skills and nav, from those who apply it. Thus, the emergence of the new technical and new technologies raises society to a new stage of time-duty. Labor activity creates a double connection of people with production: a person creates an instrument of labor, and the instrument of labor creates, measurement and to a certain extent improves man. However, human relationships and labor instruments are contradictory. Each new instrument of labor in one way or another increases the natural possibilities of a person (expands the sphere of its activities, reduces the costs of muscular energy, acts as a manipu-larger where the environment is a danger to a person, the routine work), but Thus, it limits the manifestation of his abilities, since an increasing number of actions ceases to demand full return own forces. It encloses productivity of labor, improves individual societies and employee skills, but all other human data is dulling, "cancels" as unnecessary. Together with the division of labor, a person becomes a "partial" person, his universal capabilities do not find applications. He specializes, once-witch only one or more of any of his abilities, and its other abilities can never detect themselves. With the development of machine production, this contradiction deepends: the person needed production only as an appendage to the car. Work on the conveyor will be discouraged, because the employee has neither necessary necessarity, nor even the opportunity to think about what actions it produces, all this should be brought to automatism. These "trops" of technology to a person marked the beginning of the alienation process, in which the technique and the results of labor begin to counter-stand man as a kind of external force. The creation of automated production has strengthened the processes of alien and caused many new problems to life. In the center of them - the problem of loss by man of his individuality. The measure of the culture of society and production is largely connected with whether the process of alienation will be able to overcome, to return his personal beginning to man. One thing is clear: the developed technique, the higher the overall, abstract level of skills and skills, wider a set of professions, needed society, richer, a set of goods and services. It is believed that all this should ensure the high development of culture. But it is not. There is still no taking place between the technical equipment of the production and the level of the total culture of society. The development of technology is not a condition for the same high development of spiritual culture and vice versa. Narrow specialization is the opposite of the versatility and whole-human culture, and the culture of society based on the highly product-in production, high technologies, forces people to "pay" for this progress. Engaged in this production and their generated people make up a faceless mass, the crowd, which manipulates mass culture. Therefore, modern scientists are looking for ways to resolve this kind of contradictions, assuming that the culture of society and the actual production becomes fully by culture only under the condition of compensation for the society of his spiritual losses. So the production culture breaks the boundaries of its existence and turns out to be interconnected with all the hundred-rubles of society, its goals, principles, ideals and values.

The culture of production begins with the mutual relations of the person and technology, which consist in the degree of mastering by man technique. But there is another contradiction between man and technology: the technique can be improved endlessly, the person is not imposed. Therefore, the development of the culture of technical relations requires humanization of technology. This means that when creating new technique It is important to take into account the physical and mental features of the person. Ergonomics are engaged in the development and design of workers of labor, machinery and technical systems.

The labor process is the central link of the production culture. He binds together all the stages of product creation, so it includes a variety of elements. labor activity - From the minds, skills, skill of performers to management problems. Modern American leadership specialist Stephen R. Kovi believes that the effectiveness of any activity (he calls it a skill, which is produced by a person in the pro-process of activity) is at the intersection of knowledge, skills and Lania. It is possible to skate that the same qualities underlie the culture of the labor process. If all of the elements of the labor process are located at different levels of development and perfection (for example: knowledge is higher; there is knowledge and mind, there is no desire; there is a desire and knowledge, but no skills, and so more), it is impossible to speak And about the culture of production as a whole. If in the sphere of technology, the main role belongs to technical relations, then for the labor process, relations between machinery and technology (technological relations) and between man and man (production relations) are more significant. You are-juice technology assume a high level of knowledge, practical and theoretical, and a higher level of training of specialist. Since high technologies most significantly affect both economic, environmental, and moral, existing in society, the training of specialists for such production should assume the development of not only production skills, but also personal qualities associated with Responsibility, the ability to see, formulate and repel the tasks of varying degrees of difficulty, possess creative potential.

The production system and all the relationship that falls in it is contradictory. The culture of production depends largely on how the extent is allowed in society these contradictions. So, if the level of technical development is high, but people do not have knowledge to work with this technique, it is impossible to talk about the production culture. Another example: workers have the necessary development level, but the technique is primitive, therefore, and in this case it is impossible to talk about the culture of production. The culture of production in the full sense of this word is possible only with GAR-monia of the interaction of man and technology. Improving technology should cause a life to increase the level of professional training of people, and the increased level of professionalism is a condition for further improvement of technology.

Since part of the production culture is related to relationships between people, a great place is given to the management cult-re. In ancient civilizations, the production management assumed coercion. In primitive society, coercion was like a form of relatives between people: life itself, its conditions, unbelievable and hourly forced to mining and creating material goods for the sake of survival. Modern highly developed production cannot use direct coercion. Too-complex workers of labor, and professional ownership of them turned out to be impossible without internal discipline, responsibility, energies and employee initiatives. With the complication of labor, it becomes more and less opportunities for effective direct control and coercion: "The horse can be brought on a water, but you will not make her strength-com." Therefore, management activities concludes in streamlining connections in society as a whole, in production as its main component and increasingly replaces coercion. The culture of management, on the one hand, is associated with the eco-nomic, political and legal culture, on the other, includes producing production ethics, morality, morality, knowledge of etiquette, the ability to arrange people in the production process in such a way as to consider them Individual features and production needs. Otherwise, the labor process is non-relay comes to crisis phenomena or conflict. All about what was mentioned above, refers to a special level of human culture, which is called professional culture.

Professional culture is a complex systemic unity in which practical skills and skills are connected in the region of specific activities, the ownership of the technique necessary in this on-site production, special theoretical knowledge, directly or indirectly related to industrial activities, as well as moral norms and rules necessary in the production system. Professional culture is at the junction of the general cult-tours of the person and its special training, therefore it includes those criteria that determine relations in the production process, and the requirements that exist in society outside production. The production culture reveals itself in the creation of items and things that ensure the needs of society. This means that produced items should be diverse, functional, economical, possess high quality Performance and aesthetic-kim species. Each item produced, representing the defined knowledge, demonstrates a specific cultural level of society, the industry of economy or enterprise. In addition, it is referred to the technology of its execution, the useful materials are used in many ways: all this is the indicators of the culture of this production. Of course, you can produce unique items with inserting outdated equipment, manual labor, massive application of the unqualified workforce, but such production becomes unprofitable. So the economy of production, the optimal ratio of costs and profits in it is also indicators of the culture of the enterprise. Released products can affect the entire way of life of society, forms its tastes, needs and demand. Things created in production occupy a central place in the culture of life.

The culture of life is a real habitat (apartment, house, production) and at the same time attitudes towards it. It also includes the organization of this environment in which es-thethical tastes, ideals and norms of man and society are manifested. Throughout the history, the real world "chose" in itself all the features of the economic, social, artistic level of development of society. For example, in the conditions of natural economy, Chelcher himself performed all types of labor: he and a farmer, and a cattle breeder, and weak, and leather, and the builder, therefore, it was made of things, rallied for a long use. "House, tools, utensils, dishes and even clothing served not to one generation." All things made by one person reflected his pre-attack on their practical use, as well as the features of thin-riche glances, a globility and world view. Most often, these handicraft things are unique, but not always skilled. When things began to be manufactured by professionals - handicrafts, they became more skillful and decorated - decorated, which are not complicated. Social inequality among people at this time determines inequality and in the design of real sphere. The preserved household items clearly demonstrate the lifestyle of this or that social layer. Each cultural era imposes an imprint on the world of things, showing their own style features. These features concern not only architecture, decoration of housing, furniture, but also clothes, hairstyles, shoes. The real medium "reproduces" the entire system of cultural norms, aesthetic views and all the specifics of a certain era. On the example of two drawings, comparing OS-new elements of the gothic (the Middle Ages) and Rococo (XVIII century), there is enough to be a quick glance to see how the architectural principles are associated with each other, elements of decor, furniture and clothing for people of each period.

Gothic style. Rococo.

The emergence of industrial production has created the world of standard things. They were somewhat smashed by the differences in social properties. However, infinitely repeating similar shapes, styles, once a newness, they depleted and monitored " environment. Therefore, in a wide variety of social layers, a desire for a more frequent change of the surroundings appears, and then to the search for Indi-Vidal style in solving a real medium.

The culture of life implies functionality, aesthetic organization - design (eng. Design "Confusion, project, drawing, drawing") and economical of the real medium. The activities of modern designers are devoted to the task of ordering the household sphere, the I-Tranny in it "subject chaos". It is hardly possible to say that the number or value of things is somehow loving the culture of the room, but that they demonstrate it can speak with all certainty. By how the interior of the enterprise is organized, one can judge the attitude towards employees or visitors, as well as about the lifestyle and activities of the team. If you rephrase the statement of K. S. Stanislavsky (1863-1938) that the theater begins with ve-shalki, then any premises can be said that everything is important in it: from hangers to household rooms. The same can be attributed to home interior.

Another side of the culture of life is the relationship to the surrounding environment. For example, even in the most undemanding movies, if they want to show a negative social environment, they demonstrate the written walls, neo-spinning, broken furniture, dirty, unlocked rooms. In the film "Rehearsal orchestra", the great film director Federico Fel Line (1920-1993) such vandalism of people connects with the symbolism picture of the end of the world, believing that his main symptom is the loss of culture in relation to everything that surrounds man. However, the attitude towards things may be exaggerated, up-to-dimensional when things are perceived as the only vital value. At one time, the word "things" was common, ha-transmitted people who, from all human values, at first put possession of prestigious things. In fact, the true culture of life refers to things as they are merit: as subjects adorning or facilitating our activities, or making it more "Human" bringing warmth, comfort and good feelings.

Physical culture is a culture of human relations to his own body. It is aimed at maintaining physical and spiritual health and includes the ability to own its body. Obviously, physical culture should not be connected only with the mustache in one or another sport. Of course, the sport may be a pledge of health, but not one health is a physical culture. The studies of the specialists have shown that inhibiting in any one sport, even a beautiful or popular, develops a person too unilaterally, and requires a constant increase in loads, and the tricks with all the versatility of their capabilities are still finite. We know how to appreciate red-kie, but rich minutes of dispute classes of business people around the world. The presence of physical culture suggests that the main goal of a person is mastering the peculiarities of its body, the ability to use them, constantly maintaining performance and balance, adequately reacting to rapidly changing living conditions and labor. This gives the present unity of mental and physical labor (physical health, endurance, the ability of authority by themselves, to maintain high performance in umatic activity, regardless of external factors, and mental activity determines the effectiveness of physical labor). Physical health does not always act as an indicator of physical and general culture. People are known to the world, not only not possessing the health of Hercules, but also just former disabled people who have achieved high steps of perfection in intellectual and cultural activities. For example, US President Franklin De Lano Roosevelt was chained to a wheelchair, but nevertheless he could lead the country even in the most difficult years for the whole world - during World War II. It follows from this that only the ability to concentrate the possibilities of your body, the full possession of them allows people to act, and this is the essence of physical cultivities (culture organizes human physical capabilities). Such a manifestation of human physical culture is the celebration of not only the body, but also the Spirit, for only a person exists in the unity of material and spiritual.

Material culture has a rather complicated structure. Its foundation is the productive elements. The latter, in turn, include the culture of production, livelihoods and military production.

Production Culture -these are tools, machines, technical systems and vehicles.

Life culture supportmake up buildings, household items, clothing.

Armament and military equipment -this is a special area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture.

Material culture - result, means and condition of people's activities. Its content is not exhausted by the fact that it satisfies the material needs of people, it is diverse and more significant. Material culture acts as a means of transmitting social experience, therefore also contains a national beginning in which its origin can be established, reflects the processes of the mutual influence of the peoples, their cultures up to the displacement of its individual elements. For example, in Russia in the XX-XIX centuries. National clothing was supplanted by Western European, becoming gradually global.

Objects of material culture are specific to the era, social group, nation and even for an individual. So she can act as a social sign, and as a cultural monument.

Sources of study of material culture:

Real objects (archaeological and ethnographic monuments; preserved architecture; non-functioning technique; all functioning material culture);

Their images (works visual arts, drawings, other graphic works; photo- and film documents);

Layouts and models corresponding to the original (layouts and models known from antiquity. These are reduced copies of real objects, often composed of a part of the clock cult, children's toys, etc.);

Written sources (written sources contain the most diverse information: the subjects of material culture, the technology of their production, etc. can be judged on the development of material culture).

Many monuments of material culture are symbols of the era (certain brands of cars; tanks; "Katyusha" as a symbol of the Great Patriotic War for several generations).

Ships are also the symbols of the era: a sailboat - a symbol of the Petrovsk era; Caravel - the symbol of the times of Columbus, who opened America.

An important part of material culture - the buildings -residential, industrial, household, cult and others. Historically, the first among them was a human dwelling.

Bonfire as the first "cultural" source of heat and light became the center of attraction, association ancient people. So, even before the appearance of buildings, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe house was arose, which was important milestone in the development of society.

The dwelling is an artificial, less frequently natural structure that covers from an unfavorable external environment; At the same time, it creates a social space in which production and household activities can be carried out. In addition, the dwelling is protection against encroachment on the life and property of its inhabitants (for example, house-fortresses).

With the development of society and culture, the housing is purchased new features. The emergence of social and property inequality led to the fact that the houses began to differ in size, the number of rooms, the level of comfort. Special social destination appeared - the leader's house, the Palace of the ruler, who, besides the utilitarian role, began to play the presentative-prestigious, which marked the beginning of a new type of art - architecture.The construction of a non-narration plan was built, primarily cult, as well as related to the system state power and management. There was time, the housing was changed, built multi-storey houses, but most people always dreamed of living in their own home.

A variety of functions and social content is different clothes.Its main purpose is the protection of the body from the adverse effects of the external environment. But it also serves as a social, socio-demographic, national-religious sign of differences. In the past, the public status of its owner could determine the clothes (nobleman, merchant, a spiritual person, military).

Great importance There are also separate elements of clothing - belt, headdress. In Russia O. social status Man testified the height of his caps. The more notably, the higher the hat.

The clothes have long been a sign of a tribal or nationality. IN modern conditionswhen society passed on the "European dress", some nations retain in clothing any national element (Embroidered shirt, dad, tubette).

With the development of fashion clothing has become a means of social self-affirmation. In the middle of the XX century Youth fashion began to play an independent role. Previously, young people dressed in the same class and national ClothesAs adults. Currently, the youth fashion industry has been enormous.

Special social value has combat weapons.This is part of material culture associated with armed violence in society. With the emergence of producing the economy and the appearance of grain reserves, herd cattle, which could be assigned as a result of a successful military raid, weapons needed to protect. Military collisions have become regular. Over time, weapons for many nations (Germans, the Romans of the Republican Epoch) became a kind of "instrument of labor", the source of income.

Development military equipment contributed to technical progress at all. Combat weapons have always been a condition and attribute of political power. Pharaohs in ancient Egypt often depicted with weapons in their hands. IN Ancient China The ability to control the battle chariot was considered a sign of a "noble husband." And today, unfortunately, weapon is regarded as a symbol of state power. Of all the achievements of material culture, weapons are perhaps the most controversial and dubious value.

Spiritual culture

The basic elements of spiritual culture include:


Customs, morals, laws are a variety cultural normsand form regulatory culture system.She prescribes members of society, what should be done how and in what situations should be done, and not otherwise.

Manners, etiquette, codealso included in the regulatory system of culture, but as an additional elements. In any society there are customs, morals and laws, but not in any way there are manners, etiquette and code (duel - a cult complex, which relates to etiquette, is (was) not everywhere).

Valuesdo not relate to the types of cultural norms, but enter the regulatory system of culture, performing a special function. They indicate, but do not prescribe what should be memorable, respect and persist in culture.

Customs, morals, laws -it is in this order that the basic elements of the regulatory system should be built, as the degree of severity of those sanctions that uses society towards violators is growing.

Custom -traditionally established procedure for behavior, fixed by collective habits.

Habit -this is the casual side of social reality, customs - more rare, "festive" her aspect. Custom celebrate New Year, respect the elders, etc. Customs - Society Approved by mass samples of actions that are recommended to perform. Informal sanctions are applied to violators - disapproval, denial. Some customs are close to etiquette. Customs are also traditionally reproducible cultural elements.

Morals -customs, acquire moral importance.

IN Ancient Rome This concept indicated the most respected and sacred customs. They were called Mores - morals. From here there was the word "moral" - a set of cultural norms that received ideological substantiation in the form of ideals of good and evil, justice, etc. Immoral insult people, offend weak, etc. But in Sparta, it was quite moral to disappear into the abyss of a physically weak child. Thus, what to be considered moral, depends on the culture of this society.

Law -the regulatory act adopted by the highest authority of state power in the procedure established by the Constitution. He is the highest type of social and cultural norms, requires unconditional submission. Distinguish two types of laws:

normal law -a combination of unwritten rules of behavior in the pre-industrial society authorized by the authorities;

legal lawsconstitution enshrined, protect the most expensive and revered values: human life, state secrets, property, human rights and dignity. Violation of laws entails criminal penalties.

At a higher level, the cultural regulation of human activity is carried out through the system valueswhich do not prescribe, but indicate what you need to read, respect, save.

There is a classification of values \u200b\u200b(conditional):

vital.(life, health, quality of life, natural environment and etc.);

social:social status, status, hard work, wealth, profession, family, tolerance, gender equality, etc.;

political:freedom of speech, civil liberty, legality, civil peace, etc.;

moral:good, benefit, love, friendship, debt, honor, decency, etc.;

religious:God, the divine law, faith, salvation, etc.;

aesthetic:beauty, ideal, style, harmony.

According to the degree of prevalence, spiritual values \u200b\u200bmay be universal, national, classroom-class, locally group, family, individually personal.

Human valuescharacterized by what is recognized the greatest number People both in time and in space. These include all the most important everyday truths, all masterpieces of world art, sustainable moral standards (love and respect for neighboring, honesty, mercy, wisdom, striving for beauty, etc.) Many moral commandments coincide in world religions, reflecting in the fundamental human rights rights .

National valuescare the most important place in the life of any people and a separate person. But here it is necessary to remember the words of L. N. Tolstoy: "stupid, when one person considers himself better than other people; but even more stupid, when the whole people consider themselves better than other peoples" (Tolstoy L. N. Way of life. M, 1993. P. 157).

In contrast to universal national values, more specific and more materialized, for the Russian people - this is the Kremlin, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lomonosov, the first satellite, etc.; For us - the Belarusian nation - Sofia Cathedral in Polotsk, Cross Evphroshnaya Polotsk, activity F. Scorina (Bible), etc.; For the French - Louvre, Eiffel Tower, etc.

It means national spiritual values \u200b\u200bare all that the specifics of the culture of this or that nation are.

Class Valuesassociated with the interests and globility of individual classes and social groups. In the post-revolutionary years, they were brightly embodied in the activities and ideology of the prosticult (1917-1932). His main idea - Hatred to "exploiting" classes, the exaltation of physical labor in opposition to the spiritual, denial of the preceding cultural heritage. Class values \u200b\u200bare less stable and diverse than national, and even more generally universal.

Local group valuescombine relatively small groups of people both at their place of residence and age.

They reflect some social and typical preferences in the field of culture and, unfortunately, often in the sphere of anticulture. These are various "brotherhoods", sects, caste or associations like "Rockers", "Pankov", "Lubers" and others. Here you can speak predominantly about specific youth, age values.

Family values.Family, according to the expression of V. Hugo, is a "crystal" of society, its basis. This is a society in miniature, whose physical and moral health depends the prosperity of all mankind. Hence a huge role in the formation of a culture transmitted from generation into generation of family values. These include all positive family traditions (moral, professional, artistic or even pure household).

Individually personal valuesincludes ideas and objects, especially close to a separate person. They can be borrowed in the surrounding social and cultural environment or created as a result of individual creativity.

In the proposed classification it is not difficult to note that values \u200b\u200busually have two qualities: relativity and mobility, i.e. The ability to overestimate and move from one level to another (in the former socialist countries there was a revaluation of the "teachings" on the dictatorship of the proletariat; in our country - the role of the Church, attitudes towards property).

Mobility cultural values It is that they can move from one level to another, from individually personal lifting to universal. Thus, the works of great thinkers at the time of creation were individually personal value, but gradually "rose" through the locally group, class and class and national levels to universal recognition, becoming the factors of world civilization.

When considering the five listed levels of cultural property, several more laws are revealed:

Firstly, the fact that their relativity and mobility decreases as they become an increasing number of people. Universal values \u200b\u200b- the most stable time and do not depend on politics. At the same time, individual-personal values \u200b\u200bare continuously changing during human life;

Secondly, spiritual values \u200b\u200bcompared to their material incarnations are characterized by special durability, since the idea, the image is much more difficult to destroy than sculpture, picture;

Thirdly, the needs of people in spiritual values \u200b\u200bare endless, there is no suggestion.

Exaggeration, the fanatical advantage of the special role of any type of values \u200b\u200bis fraught with the danger to turn it into an idol. A follower of only universal values \u200b\u200bcan turn into a cosmopolitan or man without a homeland; Excessive fan of national values \u200b\u200b- in the nationalist; class - in a revolutionary or terrorist; Group - in marginal or bohemist, etc. That is why a truly cultural person should not fall in extremes.

Thus, the manifold of human activity is the basis of the division of culture on the material and spiritual, between which, however, there is close interaction.

11 Culture norms are certain samples, rules of behavior or action. They add up, are argued already in the ordinary consciousness of society. At this level, in the emergence of cultural norms, the traditional and even subconscious moments play a major role. Customs and methods of perception were formed by millennia and were transmitted from generation to generation. In recycled video cultural norms embodied in ideology, ethical teachings, religious concepts.

So, the norms of morality arise in the very practice of massive mutual communication of people. Moral norms are raised daily by the force of habits, public opinion, assessments of loved ones. Already a child in the reaction of adult family members determines the boundaries of what "you can" and what "it is impossible." A huge role in the formation of the norms of culture characteristic of this society is played by mutual approval and condemnations expressed by others, the strength of personal and collective example, visual behavioral samples (both described in verbal form and in the form of behavioral samples). The normality of culture is maintained during interpersonal, massive relationships of people and as a result of the functioning of various social institutions. A huge role in the transfer of spiritual experience from generation to generation is played by the education system. In it, the individual who comes into life receives not only knowledge, but the principles, norms of behavior and perception, understanding and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.

Culture norms change, the culture itself is open. It reflects those transformations that society undergoes. For example, in the 20th century, fundamental shifts occurred against a person to the family. It is of great importance, since it is the personality in it, the culture norms are mastered.

types of values:

1) Subject values, values \u200b\u200b- the items themselves and processes with the value value for the subject; 2) values \u200b\u200b- the properties of things detected by the ratio with the ideals; 3) values \u200b\u200bas a specific type of norms, traditions, customs, imperatives, prohibitions defined by culture; 4) values \u200b\u200b- ideals; 5) Values \u200b\u200b- Knowledge and other values \u200b\u200bof consciousness, beyond which impossible to comprehend the meaning and importance of the existing, and the act (activity) of the assessment. Assembly areas public Life It is possible to allocate material and spiritual values, the values \u200b\u200bof production and consumer, (utilitarian, socio-political, cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious. Since the world of culture, the world of values \u200b\u200bdepends on the evaluation activities of people, the values, detectable and allowed in turnover may turn out to be genuine, eternal, temporary, false, progressive or reactionary. In modern literature The following hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bhas been fixed: -sphere of life (vital) values \u200b\u200band benefits (housing, food, clothing, hygiene, comfort, etc.); -Social (social status, status, hard work, wealth, labor, profession, family, active participation in the life of society, the focus on the past or future, local (soil) or superlocal (state, international) orientation); -There spiritual values \u200b\u200b(science, art, principles of economic management, policies, etc.); -political (freedom of speech, statehood, legality, order, good ruler, constitution, civil world); - Moist values \u200b\u200band first of all recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof the individual as an integral (inalienable) dignity of a person. In turn, the sphere moral values It can be imagined as: -The relation to life (reverence before life, according to A.Shweyser) and to death (personal responsibility for life before the fact of death, which no one in front of a person cannot withdraw); - Love to the truth (sincerity, hard work and courage in the desire for it); "Love (loyalty, decency, selflessness, respect for the personality in another person)." The respect of freedom in another person is directly related to the essence of a person, since it is in a state of freedom of freedom, and not imaginary, its best qualities will be liberated in it.

13 Ellitar and mass to. (E.Tomas) 2. The development of information civilization has expanded human capabilities in comprehending real MiraThere were new ways to broadcast culture. In this regard, the problem was updated Elite and mass culture. The concept of "elitism" culture developed F. Nitsche, T.Eliot, H. Oortga and Gasset other. F. Nitsche Tied cultural creativity with an excess of life forces, and the creation of spiritual values \u200b\u200b- with the activities of the aristocrats, the caste "superluetas." American cultureologist T.EliotDepending on the degree of consciousness of the culture, it highlighted two levels in its vertical cut: the highest and lowest, understanding a certain lifestyle under the culture, which can only be elected - "elite". Spanish culturalologist H. Sortega-and-Gasset In the works of the "Mass", "Art in the present and past", "Dehumanization of Art" put forward the concept of mass society and mass culture, opposing the spiritual elite creating culture, ideologically and culturally broken masses: "The peculiarity of our time is that the ordinary souls , not being deceived about his own order, weanly approve your right to her and impose it everywhere everywhere ... The mass of ferments is not a similar, non-light, personal and better ... The world was usually heterogeneous unity of mass and independent minorities. Today, the whole world becomes mass "(the uprising of the mass // Ortega-I-Gasseth H. Aesthetics. Philosophy of culture. M., 1991. P. 311). Mass culture arose with the emergence of a mass production and mass consumption. The emergence and development of radio, television, modern means Communications, and then video and computers contributed to the spread of this culture. In Western sociology, the term "mass" culture means "commercial", considering art, science, religion as objects of consumption. The works of the mass culture are capable of selling profit when selling, and for this you have to take into account the tastes and requests of the mass spectator, the reader, music lover. Mass culture is called entertainment art, and kich (from the German jargon "hacktur"), and a half-man. In the 80s. The term "mass" culture began to apply less frequently. He compromised himself with the fact that it was used exclusively in a negative sense. In our time, he was replaced by the concept of "popular" culture, or pop culture. Describing her American philologist Michael Bell said: "This culture is democratic. It is addressed to all people without the difference in classes, nations, the level of poverty and wealth. "Ealitarian culture is complex in content and difficult to perceive: these are films of Fellini, Tarkovsky, Kafki books, Bely, Basin, Wonneguta, Picasso paintings, music of Duval, Schnitka. Works created in the frames of this culture are focused on the narrow circle of people who disassemble in the art of people. They are the subject of lively disputes between art historians and critics, but a massive viewer may not pay any attention to them or simply do not understand. Certificates of elite works of art seek not to commercial benefits.

Marginal culture (FR. Marginal - by-site, in the fields, and lat. Cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education - Development) -

border, transitional culture arising on the verge of cultural and historical eras, worldviews, languages, ethnic crops or subcultures.

Marginality is organically inherent modern culture.

It's not by chance that this term It was introduced into the scientific turnover in the XX century. (In the works of R.E. Park), although a marginal personality, a marginal lifestyle to one degree or another was also preceded in the culture of previous eras.

What happened in the XX century Large social shifts have significantly expanded the number historical peoplesThe cultural horizons, and the coincident on time the scientific and technical and information revolutions with them contributed to the approach of the cultures of Europe, America, Asia, Africa.

Man, founding in this new, filled with various life worlds cultural space, it begins to match the various meanings of being, both modern and historical.

Not only social shocks, but also a number of factors as permanent in the 20th century, as permanently operating in the 20th century, are facilitated by the phenomenon of marginal culture.

1) urbanism with its diversity of cultural patterns, the weakening of traditional territorial, neighborhood and family ties, the destruction of regulation and hierarchy;

2) Emancipation of ethnic minorities, complicating and enriching the picture of the world on the macro level and complicating the effect of local links on the micro level;

3) a changing method of production - the transition from a rigid organization of a machine-type in megacolites to a flexible organization of small groups; Activity informal movements and public organizations playing a serious role in the culture of the second half of the XX century. and relying primarily on marginal groups.

14 counterculture- the concept of modern cultural studies and sociology; It is used to designate sociocultural installations opposing the fundamental principles that dominate in a particular culture, and is also identified with the Youth subculture of the 60s., reflecting the critical attitude towards modern culture and rejecting it as "fathers culture."

The term "counterculture" appeared in western literature in the 60s. and reflected the liberal assessment of early hippies and hipsters; It belongs to the American sociologist T. Rzzazak, who tried to unite various spiritual trends, directed against the dominant culture, into a relatively holistic phenomenon - a counterculture. In k. 20 c. Cultureologists drew attention to the phenomenon of the counterculture, its role in historical dynamics; This theme has ceased to be perceived as peripheral, private, affecting the side scenes of the general culture stream.

Not only sociologists and cultural scientists, but also cultural philosophers joined the discussion of the problem. Many researchers came to be convinced that this issue It will be finally approaching the comprehension of the culture itself as a specific phenomenon, to recognize the mechanisms of its update and transformation.

In the history of the culture there are such situations where local value complexes begin to claim some kind of versatility. They go beyond the scope of their own. cultural environment, announce new value and practical installations for wide social communities. In this case, this is no longer subculture, but rather the counter cultural trends.

Resistance and renewable youth subcultures seem to make an overview of the term counterculture. Meanwhile, in the context of modern search, he acquires a deep cultural and philosophical meaning. Culture does not develop at all by simply increasing spiritual treasures. If the process of cultural creativity went smoothly, without turns and painful mutations, humanity would have had a branched monoculture today.

In Europe, in particular, still expansionist would deploy themselves antique culture. The cultural process, like scientific, creates new cultural epochs, differing from each other radically. In culture, paradigmal shifts are constantly occur. These depth transformations generates a counterculture. Cultural philosophy does not have another concept, which would indicate the generalocial nature of this kind of transformation.

Social realities are constantly changing in history, new spiritual values \u200b\u200bare born. The decay of old forms of life and the emergence of new value motifs lead to intensive fermentation, which requires its expression. Not always these quest give birth to a new culture. But to make a fundamentally different era, we need new value orientations changing the structure of the whole life.

The countercultitution in the cultural philosophical interpretation, constantly manifests itself in the form of a mechanism of cultural innovations. She, therefore, has the huge potential of the update. The birth of new value references is the proclaim of a new culture. The general place was the repetition of thought that countercultitory - already historical fact, Archaic. The officially dominant culture resisted, sowing to imagine elements of countercultural trends and to preserve their own. core. The onslaught of new value orientation turned out to be short-lived.

In the modern world there was a radical revaluation of the ethics of labor, the meaning of life, relations between the sexes, the traditions of rationality. D. Bell, for example, noted that the traditional Protestant culture is replaced by a new culture, which he calls modernist convictions in accordance with his neoconservative beliefs.

In the context of such studies, the concept of "counterculture" acquires a completely different meaning, rather than the concept of "subculture". No separate phenomena possess the countercultural significance in the modern world, but the whole set of subcultures. Keeping and renewing herself, at the same time they provoked the real value revolution of the counterculture, therefore, there is a cumulative effect of searches for a new value core of modern culture.

The expression "non-chief person", with which we are quite often encountered in everyday life, from the point of view of philosophy is absolutely wrong. As a rule, saying so, we mean poor education or lack of education. The person is always cultured, for it is a social being, and any society has its culture. Another thing is that the degree of its development is not always at a high level, but it already depends on many concomitant factors: a particular historical period, the conditions of development and the possibilities that society has. Culture is an integral part of the life of all mankind and each particular individual. Societies without culture can not be, as, however, and cultures - without society, she creates a man, and her man. Any new generation begins to exist in the world of spiritual and material values \u200b\u200bthat have already begun from their ancestors.

Relationship of culture

Any activity of man and all of its achievements of Yavl

we are part of the culture or material or spiritual. And the clear boundary between them is impossible. Culture material and spiritual, one way or another, is inextricably linked with each other. For example, the wardrobe appeared in our house - the object is quite physical, however, in its creation, intellectual abilities of people were involved, fantasy and logical thinking were shown. At the same time, the greatest works of art, which are indisputable spiritual value, could hardly appear on the light, do not be at the artist's brush, but at the philosopher paper and pen. Even in ancient Rome, the talented orator Cicero noted that on a par with cultivation, under which in those days, the processing and cultivation of the Earth, there is another culture - "cultivation of the soul".

Basic concepts

Material culture includes all the variety of humanity produced by humanity: clothing, dwelling, mechanisms, weapons, cars, household items, musical instruments, etc. The basis of the spiritual culture is the products of intellectual activity of a person, all that has been achieved by the strength of thought and talent. For example, these are new ideas and discoveries, religion, philosophy, works of art and psychology. If spiritual culture is a combination of the results of intellectual activity of a person, the material culture is the objective world created by the hands.

What a culture is important

Material culture, as well as spiritual, lives according to its laws, there is no direct connection between the levels of their development. Improvement material well-being People were not always accompanied by the growth of their spiritual development, and many of the greatest works of art were created in full poverty. However, it is indisputable and the fact that a person who needs housing, food and clothing will not think about high matteries. Only "full", satisfied with their physical needs, people can reach philosophy and art. Material culture will clearly show how a person has adapted to life, whether he is with nature in Ladu, while spiritual asks the basic standards of behavior, forms a sense of high and beautiful, creates ideals. Spiritual and material culture include all that is not given to us by nature, which is created by the work of a person, what significantly distinguishes us from animals. Only the harmony of these two cultures will help to achieve a high level of existence of both one person and a whole state.

Material culture is based on a rational, reproductive type of activity, expressed in objective and subject, satisfies the primary need of a person.

Composition of material culture:

Labor culture (machinery and equipment and tools, energy sources, production facilities, communications systems and energy infrastructure);

Culture of everyday life - the material side of human life (clothing, furniture, utensils, household appliances, utilities, food);

Culture of the topos or place of settlement (type of housing, structure and features of settlements).

Under material culture, artificially created items are usually understood, which allow people the optimal way to adapt to natural and social conditions of life.

The objects of material culture are created to meet the diverse needs of a person and are therefore being considered as values. Speaking about the material culture of a native people, traditionally mean such specific objects, like clothing, weapons, utensils, food, decoration, dwelling device, architectural facilities. Modern science, exploring such artifacts, is able to reconstruct the lifestyle even long disappeared peoples that are not mentioned in writing sources.

With a broader sense of material culture, there are three main elements in it.

Actually subject world created by man, buildings, roads, communications, devices, art and life objects. The development of culture is manifested in the constant expansion and complication of the world of artifacts, the "domestication" of the human habitat. A life modern man It is difficult to imagine without the most complicated artificial devices - a computer, television, mobile phones, etc., which lie at the base of modern information culture.

Technologies - means and technical algorithms for the creation and use of objects of the objective world. Technologies are material, since embodied in specific practical ways of activity.

Technical culture are specific skills, skills, human abilities. Culture retains these skills and skills along with knowledge, broadcasting from generation to generation both theoretical and practical experience. However, in contrast to knowledge, skills and skills are formed in practical activities, usually in cash. At each stage of the development of culture, along with the complication of technologies, skills are complicated.

Culture and machinery

Technique and technology as terms and concepts. Technique and sociocultural values: categorical culture imperative in technical civilization. Essence and values \u200b\u200bof technology and technology. The nature of communication with nature, society, culture. Models of further development of technology. Estimates of technology as part of culture: optimism and pessimism. Model of a new type of man and technical culture.

In the word of the technique (from ancient Greek - skill, art) designate or determine the totality of funds, created by people To optimize your activities.

According to the philosopher of F. Rappe, two types of definitions of the concept of "technique" can be distinguished. The technique in the narrow sense of the word has engineering activities, in a broad - any effective methodological activity of man. It should be borne in mind that in the Western tradition, the concept of technology comes closer with the concept of technology or, according to F. Rappe, technique in wide sense the words. In the east, the word "technique" see the meaning of the car. For example, educational technology There is a typical concept of Western culture, and in the east there may be a cultural protest about this: the formation of a person is likened to the machine conveyor?!

Why in the place of technology in the sense greek culture Does the technique and technology of Western culture come? Technique and technology exist as much as humanity remembers. In the diversity of ancient civilizations there is one type of technical toolkit; Technique here is something from the periphery of culture. Only in recent centuries, within the framework of the EuroCristian culture of the West, the technique and technology are of particular importance. The technique becomes a universal phenomenon of modern world, significantly affecting changes in all cultures of mankind. Supporters of technical civilization argue that the origins of modern global problems are not so much the consequences of the last decades of the natural development of technology, how many infinite faith of Christianity in the human genius, the Christian idea of \u200b\u200ba humanob, the creator of the God-human. Hence the optimistic opinion on the principal solvability of the global problems of modernity.

A modern understanding of techniques has been several characteristic moments. The technique has artificial origin, that is, it is created by people in the process of extracting ideal models. Technique is rational, that is, quickly reproducing in this community. She has a utilitarian character, that is, the technique is associated with the practical needs of people and serves to meet these needs.

Technique is a cultural phenomenon that exists on the verge of nature and culture. Technique There is a part of nature, converted by man to affect nature. Social character technique attaches its dependence on the level of development of the culture of society. Technical progress, expanding human capabilities in the impact on natural processes, attracts sociocultural changes. Cultural mastering new achievements of the technique concrete community occurs quite difficult and for a long time; The development process is due to cultural traditions, including a sociocultural installation on the perception of innovation.

Technology - a set of processing methods, production of items and things. Technology - systemic education, it is associated with the technique and culture of this community. Among the signs of technology, they allocate: rational methods of activity; promoting the development of society; Submission to the dominant values \u200b\u200bof this culture.

So, the technique is an instrument of human activity, and the technology is a system developed by man effective methods Its appropriate activity.

Technique and sociocultural values. In the context of modern technical civilization, the evolution of technology, primarily the introduction of new technologies depend on the sociocultural factors of this community. Thus, the traditional form of social competition of peoples ("you want to live peacefully - get ready for war") approves the priority of the development of the military-industrial complex. There is a sufficient basis for approval: the essential characteristics of the equipment are most often reflected by the community value system. The variability of the use of the technique puts the leading moral problem of technical civilization - the responsibility of scientists for the possible application of their discoveries in the art. Hence the categorical imperative of culture in technical civilization: the principles of humanism and ecology are higher than economic efficiency, technical feasibility and political benefits. It should be noted that in the well-known modern science of traditional societies, technician always subordinates the values \u200b\u200bof life. It is possible that the facts of violation of this principle became one of the reasons (or causes) disorders of environmental equilibrium in the local region and the disappearance of civilizations, cultures.

The rapid development of technology, turning it into a powerful component of modern planetary civilization, caused to life various interpretations Essences and values \u200b\u200bof technology-and-technology. The problem of the effects of computerization of society and creating artificial intelligence is one of the most popular in discussions. The controversy of supporters and opponents led to the realization of the need for new studies of the nature of the mind, the consciousness (spirit) of a person. A special place in modern philosophical literature is the work on the evaluation of technology; Before designing and finance innovative projects, it is necessary to know a set of consequences of implementing a particular innovation. The comprehension of the problems of the axiology of technology in the philosophical level acquired the generality. In particular, it was noted that the perfect planning of technical progress is impossible even in a technocratic society, as it is known that turns the person to the element of the machine. Recognizing the position claiming that the criteria for the rationality of technical innovation planning should be produced outside technical, economic or political factors. The fact is that the sociocultural problem of technology-and-technology is to use it, but technology is used, as a rule, in the interests of a group of people.

Among the leading philosophical problems Techniques and technologies call the origin of the technique and the nature of its connection with nature, society, culture. So, there are concepts about the fusion of modern science and technology, in which the property of primaryness is attached to natural sciences or technique, respectively, the consequence of the technique or natural science. This discussion has a fundamental basis: scientific and technical progress begins with a large-scale theoretical understanding or random finds, which are then attached to the visibility of a solid justification. If the second is, it is possible that after testing the next technical innovation created by the inquisitive fans of the technique by the "Tyka" method, there will be no one to justify it. So, the action of a dangerous thing for the life of the child, for which the whole world is a toy, can lead to a fatal result for many. The paradigm of technical progress, as a limitless conveyor in the possibilities of improving the life of a person, developed by European thinking a couple of centuries ago, relied on the ideas of unlimitedness natural resources and perfection of a person existing autonomously from nature. These ideas are refuted by life. Is there a future technical person? Is there a future in culture, society, civilization with technique or without technology? These and similar philosophical and ideological questions give different answers.

For the existence of culture, the formulation of fundamental issues on the problem indicating that humanity grows from technical childhood is important. In this sense, the need to develop ideals (models) of further development is essential. This problem is regulatory and displays the philosophy of technology to the level of socio-cultural forecast. The traditional model (model of the scientific and technical revolution) is based on the principles of technological determinism, popular in the West. It is characterized by faith in the limitless possibilities of the human mind, which solved and solve any development problems. The general model dominating in the West is based on the restriction of technical projects for their considerations. possible harm. Technical progress is inevitable, since it is vital, but technical, economic and political staff should be educated and controlled by external institutions. This model focuses on the development of sociocultural techniques for appliances. The limit model is based on the need to limit human needs and the scope of technical innovation. The limit criterion is proposed by the threshold, followed by the satisfaction of the needs or the use of technology, is harmful than the benefit. Radical (few people in the medium of sensible people) Options for this model offer to return to the way of life of the ancestors to all mankind or the population of so-called developing countries, where the technique has not yet become the need for everyday culture.

Technique as part of cultural examines in the range of optimistic and pessimistic opinions. The concept of technical (technological) determinism includes opposite interpretations. Technocratic (power technology) Interpretations are usually associated with optimistic views on the role of technology in culture. Negative sociocultural consequences of the implementation of achievements of scientific and technological progress Technocratic thinking prefers to be explained by braking technological development From the side of culturally backward people or groups. Catastrophic changes in the life, culture of the peoples of the whole continents, which brought by scientific and technical progress, are chosen or interpreted otherwise. The obligatory component of the optimistic interpretation of the role of equipment in society and culture is technocracy - the theory of power based on scientific and technical knowledge and the foreseement, scientific and technical competence of the political elite. The founder of the Theory of Industrial Society R. Aeron believes that the reality of the modern world is not a totality of various social systems, but a single industrial Society With a variety of ideologies. As the industrial component develops, ideological differences will be moved to the periphery of culture. The contradictions of scientific and technological progress, the cultureologist, not essential, and the temporal characteristic inherent in the initial stage of development. At the next stage of development, in the so-called information society, the negative moments of the technical environment will be overcome. Pessimistic views, presented mainly by philosophers, writers, artists and leaders of religious organizations, consider equipment as a threat to humanity. Critics of technical civilization emphasize its mechanism, unnaturalness, the suppression of the personality technique, nature, life. Pessimists, - supporters of views on the negative impact of technology on sociocultural processes, - censes call back to traditional species Human economic activity with the rigid control of the vital activity of the community. In the past century, an option for active counteraction of technical culture appeared. Opponents of technical civilization called on to organize a counterculture to fight against the repressive mind of "Power-Knowledge", alienation of a person.

Representatives of technocracy - scientists, economic and political leaders - Joined the criticism of the negative sides of the technical civilization. They drew attention to ecological problems, on the transformation of a person in the servant and hostage of the natural development of the technical environment. According to scientists, the source of the problem in the inability of a person use the technique for the benefit of mankind and nature. It is necessary to form a different interaction of a person with appliances, another type of person who can integrate with people, exist in unity with equipment and nature.

One of their components of the model of a new type of man is technical culture. The technical background of the existence of a modern person is one for all mankind. It involves two regulatory parameters of human behavior: applying equipment according to the instruction manual and a certain tradition of using technical means. Abilities and attitude towards labor, technological discipline and discipline of labor, the form of hard work and labor skills are derived from the cultural traditions of society. The conscious inclusion of technical culture into the sociocultural characteristics of a particular community and personality makes it possible to understand and adopt the technique as a organic part of the interaction of a person with humanity and nature.

Any culture of multifaceted and multicolum. But conditionally it can be divided into two spheres of activity, two forms. This is the material and spiritual sphere of culture.

TO material culture Believe the whole area of \u200b\u200bhuman logistics and its results - tools, dwellings, items of everyday use, clothing, vehicles, methods of practical activities to create means of production and consumption, etc.

Spiritual culture Includes the sphere of spiritual production (the production of ideas, knowledge, spiritual values) and its results embodied in science, philosophy, the art of religion, morality, etc.

The basis of existence material culture Things are the result of human material and creative activities. Things in their aggregate create a complex and branched structure of material culture. It can select several of the most important regions.

    Agriculture (selection, plant varieties, animal breeds, cultured soils). The survival of a person is directly related to these regions of material culture, as they give food, as well as raw materials for industrial production.

    Buildings and facilities (housing, offices, places of entertainment, training activities; workshops, docks, bridges, dams, etc.).

    Tools, devices and equipment designed to provide all types of human physical and mental labor.

    Transport and communication paths.

    Communication (Mail, Telegraph, Telephone, Radio, Computer Networks)

    Technology - knowledge and skills in all listed areas of activity.

Spiritual culture represents a multi-layer education. Its base knowledge, Which are the products of human cognitive activity, fixing their information about the world and their own, his views on life and behavior. Knowledge satisfy certain human needs, first of all, related to the need to ensure the lives of people in society. For the same purposes create various value systemsallowing a person to realize, choose or create approved by the society of behavior. Culture is a method and scope of creating cultural property. The concept of values \u200b\u200bas an important, fundamental element of culture was first formulated I. Kantte. One of the founders of the theory of values \u200b\u200bin which they are presented as phenomena culture is Gherkert.

Under valuables It is understood as a lifemark that encourages a person to actions and actions of a certain kind. Cultural values - The aggregate is historically and nationally determined objects, phenomena, ideas that have social and cultural significance for humans and society. Value is not the subject itself, but a special kind of meaning that man sees in it. When a person does not know anything about the subject, he does not have value for him. The concept of "value" is not equal to the concept of "utility" (the value of MB and useless, and vice versa), differs from the concept of "cost" (the cost is a monetary expression of value, a genus it may be valuable).

Selection of values \u200b\u200bin society occurs in the process of practical activity.

The world of values \u200b\u200bis very diverse. Among this manifold, the following can be distinguished Types of values:

    Final values(Close concept Vital values, from Latin concept life) higher C. and ideals that are more important than anything. This is life, health, happiness, love, friendship, honor, dignity, legality, humanism ... These C. are needed by themselves.

    Economic values \u200b\u200b-enterprise, presence of equal conditions for commodity producers, favorable conditions for production, etc.

    Social Values \u200b\u200b- Social situation, hard work, family, tolerance, gender equality, personal independence, etc.

    Political values \u200b\u200b- Patriotism, civil activity, legitimacy, civil liberties, etc.

    Moral values \u200b\u200b- Good, good, love, debt, selflessness, loyalty, honesty, justice, decency, respect for the elders, etc.

    Religious - God, faith, salvation, grace, Holy Scripture, etc.

    Aesthetic values \u200b\u200b- Beauty, harmony, style, etc.

It is based on valuables that are formed today. varieties of spiritual culture: 1) Morality, 2) Politics, 3) Law, 4) Art, 5) Religion, 6) Science, 7) Philosophy.

Spiritual material culture is always interrelated, since they cannot exist in complete separation from one another. Material culture is always an embodiment of a certain part of the spiritual culture. A spiritual culture can exist, only being an extractable, defined, who received this or that material embodiment. Example: any book, painting, a musical composition, like other works of art, need material carrier - paper, canvas, paints, musical instruments, etc.

It is often very difficult to understand what kind of culture - material or spiritual - includes one or another subject or phenomenon. So, we will most likely take the material of furniture to material culture. But if it comes to a chest of drawers of three hundred years, exhibited in the museum, it will be possible to talk about it as an object of spiritual culture. And the book, the undisputed subject of spiritual culture, can be used for extracting the oven instead of firewood. Culture items can change their purpose. How then to distinguish them? The criterion can be an assessment of the meaning and purpose of the subject - if the subject or phenomenon satisfies the primary (biological) human needs, it is referred to in material culture, if he satisfies the secondary needs associated with the development of human abilities, it refers to spiritual culture.

In addition, between material and spiritual culture exist transitional formssigns -material objects representing something different from what they themselves are. The most famous shape of the sign is the money used by people to designate all sorts of services. Money is a universal market equivalent that can be spent on the purchase of food or clothing (material culture), and we can buy a ticket to the theater or a museum on them (spiritual culture). Money is a universal mediator between the subjects of material and spiritual culture. This is their serious danger, since they equalize these objects, insulating the objects of spiritual culture.