Is there a second life after death. Afterlife

Is there a second life after death. Afterlife

One of the most exciting minds of people questions - "Is there anything there, after death, or not?". A lot of religions have been created that reveal each in its own way of the afterlime world. The libraries of books on the topic of life after death are written .. Yes, and, in the end, there, in an unknown reality and a distant non-existence, there are already billions of souls who have once ever residents of Barnish land. And they are aware of all secrets, but we will not tell us. Between the world of dead and living huge abyss . But this, provided that the world of the dead exists.

Various religious teachings, of which each in its own way treats the future path of man after leaving the body, in general, support the version that there is a soul and she is immortal. Exceptions are the religious directions of Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, they adhere to the versions about the tranquility of the soul. And the afterlife, hell and paradise, the quintessence of variations of the post-monthly existence, according to most religions, for the true fans of God will be presented in a much better form than that, that is, on Earth. Belief in excellent after death, in the highest justice, in the eternal continuation of life and is the basis of many religious worldviews.

And although scientists and atheists argue that a person hopes, because it is laid in its nature at the genetic level, they say, " he just needs to believe in something, and preferably global, with a saving mission "-" Anticianship "thrust to religions do not become. Even if you take a genetic craving for God, where did she come from in a pure consciousness?

Soul and where she is

Soul - This is an immortal substance, not tangible and not measurable with the help of material measures. Something connecting spirit and body, individual, identifying a person as a person. People look like a lot of people, brothers and sisters Twins are simply copies of each other, "twins", not having blood kinship, too, enough. But these people will always differ in the inner spiritual filling, and this concerns not the level, quality and scale of thoughts, desires, and above all abilities, faces, features, personality potential. The soul is something accompanying us on Earth, an enlivent mortal shell.

Most people are confident that the soul is in the heart, or somewhere in the field of solar plexus, there are opinions that it is in the head, the brain. Scientists during a number of experiments found that when killed by the current of animals on the meat processing plant, a certain ether substance comes out at the time of termination of life from the top of the head (skull). The soul was measured: during the American Medicom Duncan McDougall, the experiments were established at the beginning of the 20th century. soul weight - 21 grams . Approximately such a mass lost 6 patients at the time of death that the doctor was able to fix with ultra-sensitive bands, which were dying. However, later, the experiments carried out by other doctors found that a person's similar mass loses and diving into sleep.

Death - just long (eternal) sleep?

The Bible says that the soul is in the blood. In the days of the Old Testament, and Dynam, Christians were forbidden to drink and eat in food in the treated blood of animals.

"For the soul of all body is blood, she is his soul; Therefore, I told the sons of Israel: Do not eat blood from any kind of body, because the soul of every body is blood of him: anyone who will eat it will exterfect " (Old Testament, Levit Book 17:14)

"... And all the beasts of earthly, and all the birds of heaven, and every reptile on the ground, in which the soul is alive, I gave all the greens grass in food. And it became so " (Book Genesis 1:30)

That is, life has a soul, but they are deprived of the opportunity to think, make decisions, they have no high-organized mental activity. If any soul is immortal, then the beasts will be in a spiritual embodiment in the afterlime world. However, in the same Old Testament it is said that earlier all animals simply stopped their existence after physical death, without a different continuation. The main goal of their lives was approved: be eaten; Born on "Coup and extermination". Also called doubt and the immortality of the human soul.

"I said in my heart about the sons of human, to experience their God, and that they see that they themselves are animals; because the fate of the sons of human and the fate of animals is a fate alone: \u200b\u200blike those die, they die so, and one breath of everyone, and there is no advantage of a person before the cattle, because everything is a fuss! Everything goes into one place: everything happened from the dust and everything will return to the dust. Who knows: the spirit of the sons of human sons rises up, and the spirit of animals goes down, in the ground? " (Ecclesiast 3: 18-21)

But hope for Christians for the fact that the little animals in one of their hatchs are reserved, because in the New Testament, in particular in the Revelation of John the Godlov, there are strings that there will be many animals in the kingdom of heaven.

In the New Testament it is said that the adoption of the victim of Christ gives the lives to all people who wish salvation. Those who do not accept this, according to the Bible, have no eternal life. Does this mean that they will go to hell or what they will hang somewhere in the state of the "spiritual disabled person" - unknown. In Buddhist teachings, reincarnation implies that the soul previously belonged to a person who was accompanying, could settle in the animal in the next life. Yes, and the man in Buddhism himself takes a two-way position, that is, it seems not to "pressent" as in Christianity, but is not a crown of creation, Mr. Over all living things.

And there is somewhere between the lower entities, the "demons" and another evil spirits and the highest, enlightened Buddhas. His path and subsequent reincarnation depend on the degree of enlightenment in today's life. Astrologers talk about the existence of seven bodies of a person, and not just the souls, spirit and bodies. Essential, astral, mental, causal, budoshial, atmanical and, naturally, physical. According to esoterics, six bodies are part of the soul, according to individual esotericists, accompany the soul on earthly ways.

Exercises, treatises and doctrines, in their own way interpreting the essence of being, life and death set. And, of course, not all true, truth, as they say, alone. Initiate in the wilds of other people's worldview is easily, it is still important to stick to the selected position once. Because if everything was simple and we knew the answer about what there, at the other end of life, there would be so many guesses, and as a result of the global, radically differing versions.

Christianity highlights the spirit, soul and human body:

"In his hand, the soul of all living and the spirit of all human flesh." (Job 12:10)

And, doubt that the Spirit and Soul - different phenomena does not remain, only what is their difference? Spirit (mentioned about its presence and animals) Lee goes after death in another world or soul? And if the spirit goes, what happens to the soul?

Termination of life and clinical death

Doctors highlight biological, clinical and final death. Biological death involves stopping cardiac activity, respiration, blood circulation, depression with the subsequent termination of the reflexes of the central nervous system. Final - all listed signs of biological death, including brain death. The clinical death precedes biological death, is a reversible transition from life to death.

After stopping the breath and heartbeat, when conducting resuscitation activities, returning a person to life without severe health damage is possible only in the first few minutes: maximum up to 5 minutes, more often within 2-3 minutes after the termination of the pulse.

There are cases of prosperous return and after 10 minutes of stay in clinical death. Resuscitation is carried out within 30 minutes after stopping the heart, breathing or loss of consciousness in the absence of circumstances that make the resumption of life impossible. Sometimes for the development of irreversible brain changes, 3 minutes is enough. In cases of human death in conditions of reduced temperature, when the metabolism is slowed down, the interval of a prosperous "return" increases to life, and can reach 2 hours after the heart stop. Despite a solid opinion, based on medical practice, that after 8 minutes without heartbeat and the patient's breath unlikely to return to life without severe consequences for his health in the future, the hearts begin to beat, people come to life. And they meet further life without serious disorders of the functions and systems of the body. Sometimes the 31st minute resuscitation turns out to be decisive. Nevertheless, most people who experienced long-term clinical death are rarely returned to the previous fullness of existence, some go into a vegetative state.

There have been cases when doctors mistakenly fixed biological death, and the patient later came to himself, frightening the workers of the morgue more than all the horror films they ever watched. Lethargy dreams, a decrease in the functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the oppression of consciousness and reflexes, but the preservation of life is a reality, and it is possible to confuse imaginary death with true.

And yet, the paradox is: if the soul is in the blood, as the Bible says, then where is it in a man who is in a vegetative state or in the "prosecable coma"? With the help of devices artificially support life, but doctors have long stated irreversible brain changes or brain death? At the same time, deny the fact that when the blood circulation stopped, the life stops - ridiculous.

See God and not die

So what did they see, people who survived clinical death? Evidence mass. Someone says that hell and paradise appeared in the colors before him, someone saw Angels, demons, deceased relatives, communicated with them. Someone traveled, flying like a bird, along the whole earth, without feeling either hunger, nor pain nor themselves. In front of the other, all his life in the pictures are swept over the instant, sometimes sees himself, doctors from the side.

But most of the descriptions are the famous mysterious-mortal image of the light at the end of the tunnel. The vision of light at the end of the tunnel is explained by several theories. According to Pilella Watson's psychologist, this is a prejudice of passing through the birthday paths, a person during death recalls his birth. According to the Russian resuscitator, Nikolai Gubina - manifestations of toxic psychosis.

In the course of the experiment conducted by American scientists, the experiment with laboratory mice was found that the animals in the experience of clinical death see the same tunnel with light at the end. And the reason is more harder than the approach of illuminating the darkness of the afterlime world. The brain in the first minutes after the cessation of heartbeat and respiration produces powerful pulses, which are accepted by dying as the above image. Moreover, the brain activity in these most moments is incredibly high, which contributes to the appearance of bright visions, hallucinations.

The appearance of pictures from the past is due to the fact that new brain structures begin to fade, then the old, when the brain is renewed, the process takes place in the reverse order: first begin to function old, then new parts of the cerebral cortex begin. What causes "pop-up" in the emerging consciousness of the most significant pictures of the past, then the present. I do not want to believe that everything is so simple, right? It is very desirable that everything is confused on mysticism, is involved in the most bizarre assumptions, shown in bright colors, with feelings, spectacles, tricks.

In the usual death without secrecy, without continuing refuses to believe the consciousness of many people . And is it possible to actually agree that you will never be at all? And there will be no eternity, or at least some continuation ... when you look inside yourself, sometimes the worst senior to feel the hopelessness of the situation, the limb of being, the unknown, not to know what's next and walk in the abyss of blindfolded.

"Oh, how many of them fell into this abyss, Spersion away! The day will come when and I will disappear From the surface of the earth. It will freeze everything that sang and struggled, Shined and rushed. And the greenery of my eyes and a gentle voice And gold hair. And there will be life with her pressing bread, With the forgetfulness of the day. And everything will be - as if under the sky And there was no me! " M. Tsvetaeva "Monologue"

Lyrics can be infinite because death is the biggest mystery, to everyone who did not leave think about this topic to survive everything on their own experience. If the picture was unequivocal, is obvious and transparent - we would have been convinced by thousands of discoveries of scientists, obtained as a result of experiments to stunning results, versions of various teachings about the absolute mortality of the body and soul. But it was not possible to establish anyone with one hundred percent accuracy and prove that we were waiting at the other end of life. Christians are waiting for Paradise, Buddhists of reincarnation, esoteric flights to Astral, tourists continue travel, etc.

But to recognize the existence of God is reasonable, since many, in life, who denied the highest justice on the world, before death, often kicked in their hotness. They remember who so often deprived places in their spiritual temple.

Did you see God who survived the clinical death? If you once heard or hear that someone in a state of clinical death saw God - strongly doubt.

First, God will not meet the "gate", he is not a doorman ... Everything will appear on the court of God all during the Apocalypse, that is, for the majority - after the stage of the body stuff. By that time, return and tell about the next world could hardly be able to come. "To see God" - in general, the adventure is not for the faint of heart. In the Old Testament (in Deuteronomy) there are words about what no one has seen God and remained alive. God spoke to Moses and the people on the chorve from the environment of fire, without being an image, and even to God in a hidden form, people were afraid to come close.

Also in the Bible it is argued that God is a spirit, and the Spirit is intangible, respectively, to see him like each other we cannot. Although the wonders committed by Christ at the time of his stay on Earth in the flesh, spoke about the opposite: you can return to the world of living already during or after funeral. Recall the risen Lazarus, who was revived on the 4th day, when the beginning began to death. And his testimony of another world. But Christianity is more than 2,000 years, during this time didn't there be a lot of people (not counting believers), who read the strings about Lazar in the New Testament, and who believed on the basis of this in God? So thousands of evidence, miracles for those who are in advance in the opposite - may be meaningless, in vain.

Sometimes to believe - you need to see everything yourself. But even personal experience has a property forget. There is a moment of replacement of valid desired, excessive impressionability - when people want to see something, during their lifetime, and much paint it in the mind, and during and after clinical death, on the basis of sensations, they give impressions. According to statistics, most people who have seen after the heart stops something ambitious, hell, paradise, god, demons, etc. - were mentally unbalanced. Resuscitation doctors who observed more than once the state of clinical deaths, saving people, suggest that in the overwhelming number of cases patients have not seen anything.

It so happened that the author of these lines was once on the light. I was 18 years old. A relatively easy operation turned around due to the overdose of anesthesia, doctors almost real death. The light at the end of the tunnel, a tunnel similar to an endless hospital corridor. Just a couple of days before to be in the hospital, I reflected on death. I thought that a person should have a movement, to attend the purpose of development, in the end, family, children, careers, study, and all this should be loved by him. But somehow so much "depressuchi" was around at the time that it seemed to me everything in vain, life is meaningless, and maybe it's not bad until this "flour" has not yet begun to fully. I mean not suicidal thoughts, but rather the fear of unknown and the future. Complex family circumstances, work and studies.

And here is flying to non-existence. Already after this tunnel - and after the tunnel, I just saw a girl, in whose person the doctor watches, closes the bedspread, puts on a tag on his finger - I hear the question. And this question is perhaps the only thing I could not find an explanation, from where he asked him. "I wanted to leave. Will you go? " And I seem to listen, but I do not hear anyone, neither the voice, nor what is happening around, I'm shocked by the fact that death exists. The whole period, while everything was observed and then, after the recovery of consciousness, he repeated the same question, his own "So, death is a reality? Can I die? I died? And now I will see God? ".

First, I saw from the doctors, myself, but not in exact views, and blurred and chaotic, mixed with other images. I absolutely did not understand what they save me. The more manipulations produced, the more it seemed to me that someone else was saved. I heard the names of drugs, talk of doctors, screams, and, as if lazily yawning, I decided to cheer up the saved, began to speak in unison to the panicers "breathe, open your eyes. Come in yourself, etc. ". Sincerely worried about him. Running around the whole crowd, then seemed to see everything that happens next: tunnel, morgue with a tag, some kind of sanitary cars weigh my sins on Soviet scales ...

I become some small rice grain (it is such associations that arise with me when memories). There are no thoughts, only the feeling, and called me at all exactly the name of the mother with dad, the name was generally a temporary earth number. And it seemed that I was living only a thousandth share from eternity into which I was going. But I did not feel myself a man, some small substance, I do not know, spirit or soul, I understand everything, but I can't react. I do not understand, as before, but I realize a new reality, I can not get used to it, it was not very much. My life seemed to be sparking, a sorry second, extinct quickly and unnoticed.

It was a feeling that there was ahead of the exam (not a court, and some selection), to which I was not prepared, but I will not make anything serious to me, I didn't have any kind, I didn't create a good measure. But as if it was frozen at the moment of death, and it is impossible to change something, somehow influence fate. There was no pain, no regret, but pursued the feeling of discomfort and confusion from how I am so small, the size of the grains, I will live. No thoughts, they were not, all at the level of feelings. After being in the room (as I understand it, Morga), where I stayed near the body with a tag on my finger and could not leave this place, I start looking for a way out, because I want to fly further, here it is boring and here there is no more here. I fly through the window and fly to the light, at a speed, suddenly a flash, akin to the explosion. Everything is very bright. Apparently at this moment comes back.

The gap of silence and emptiness, and again the room with doctors, manipulation with me, but as if someone else. The latter remember incredibly severe pain and thread in the eyes of what shine with a lantern. And the pain in the whole body is hellish, I again weigh the earthly, and somehow wrong, my legs seem to be stuffed. It was a feeling that I am a cow, that square, which is from plasticine, I really did not want to be back, but shook. I have almost tortured with what I left, and here again it is necessary. Wlond. It was painfully for a long time, the hysteria began from what he saw, but not to say, nor even explaining the cause of the reserve could anyone. For further life I transferred once again anesthesia in a few hours, everything is quite safe, not counting the chill after. There were no visions. Since my "flight" has passed a decade, and a lot, of course, happened in life since. And I rarely told someone to someone about a long-time event, but when it was still shared, most of the listeners were very worried about the answer to the question "I saw God or not?". And although I repeated a hundred times that I did not see God, I was, asked once again with the hike: "And hell or heaven?". Did not see… This does not mean that they are not, it means that I have not seen them.

Let's return to the article, more precisely by finishing it. By the way, the story read by me after clinical death V. Zzbinna "Sliver" left a serious imprint on the attitude towards life in general. Maybe the story and depressive, too realistic and bloody, however, it seemed that I seemed to me: Life - Sliver ...

But through all the revolutions, executions, war, death, the disease see that forever: soul. And at that light, it's not scary, it is scary to get and not able to change anything, realizing the fact that the test did not pass. But it is worth living, definitely at least in order to take exams ...

What do you live for? ..

The beginning of the XXI century - a study was published, which was published by Peter Fenwic from the London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parin from the Central Clinic of Southampton. Researchers received irrefutable evidence that human consciousness does not depend on the activity of the brain and does not cease to live when all the processes in the brain have already stopped.

As part of the experiment, scientists have studied the history of the disease and personally surveyed 63 cardiac patients who survived clinical death. It turned out that 56 did not remember anything returned from the moment. They lost consciousness and came to themselves in the hospital ward. But the seven patients retained clear memories of the experience. Four argued that they were covered by the feeling of peace and joy, the flow of time was accelerated, the feeling of their body did not disappear, the mood improved, even the sublime. Then the bright light appeared as evidence of the transition to another world. A little later, mythical creatures appeared that were similar to Angels or Saints. Patients were within some time in another world, and after returned to our reality.

Note that these people were not at all pious. For example, Troy said that they did not attend the church at all. Consequently, to explain this kind of communication with religious fanaticism will not be released.

But the sensational in the study of scientists was completely different. After carefully having examined the medical records of patients, the doctors made a verdict - the current opinion on the cessation of the work of the brain due to the deficiency of oxygen is erroneous. None of those in a state of clinical death did not record a significant decrease in the content of the life of the gaving gas in the tissues of the central nervous system.

Another hypothesis was erroneous: as if the vision could cause an irrational combination of medicines used during resuscitation. Everything was done strictly according to the standard.

Sam Parina assures that he segged to the experiment, like a skeptic, but now I am sure of everything one hundred - "there is something there." "The respondents experienced their incredible states at the time when the brain no longer functioned and therefore was not able to reproduce some memories."

According to the British scientist, the human consciousness is not a brain function. And since this, Peter Fenvik explains, "Consciousness is quite capable of continuing its existence and after the death of the physical body."

"When we conduct brain research, I wrote Sam Parina," it is clear: the brain cells in principle do not have differences from the other cells of the body. They also produce proteins and other chemicals, but they are not able to create subjective thoughts and images that we define as a person consciousness. In the end, our brain requires us only as a converter receiver. It works as a "live TV": at first perceives the waves falling into it, and after it converts them into the image and the sound, of which the holistic paintings are formed. "

Later, in December 2001, three scholars from the hospital of Riyenstate (Holland) under the start of Pima Van Lommel conducted the most large-scale study of people who survived clinical death. The results were published in the article "about-fatal experience of survivors" after stopping the heart: a targeted study of a specially formed group in the Netherlands in the British Medical Journal "Lancet". Dutch researchers came to similar conclusions as their British colleagues from Southampton.

Based on the statistics obtained over the decade, researchers were established: visions are visited far from all who experienced clinical death. Only 62 patients (18%) of 344, who have undergone 509 resuscitation, have retained clear memories of the experience of the near-themeal experience. "

  • During clinical death, more than half of the patients experienced positive emotions.
  • The awareness of the fact of their own death was noted in 50% of cases.
  • At 32% there were meetings with dead people.
  • Through the passage through the tunnel was told 33% of oyvosh.
  • The pictures of the alien landscape were seen almost as many reanimated.
  • The phenomenon of exit from the body (when a person looks at himself from the side) tested 24% of respondents.
  • The dazzling outbreak of light recorded the same number of returned to life.
  • In 13% of cases, reanimated observed the pride of the livelihood of life.
  • They talked about the vision of the border between the world of living and the dead, less than 10% of respondents.
  • No one of the surviving clinical death reported on frightening or unpleasant sensations.
  • Particularly impresses the fact that the visual impressions were told by the blind from the birth of people, they literally literally repeated the narratives of moaning.

It will notice that a few earlier Dr. Ring from America made an attempt to find out the content of the death visions of the blind from birth. He, together with a colleague, Sharon Cooper recorded the evidence of 18 people, blind, which for some reason were in a state of "temporary death".

According to evidence of respondents, the death visions were for them the only opportunity to understand what to see "see".

One of the reanimated wiki Yumileg survived "" in the hospital. Wiki from somewhere on top looked at his body lying on the operating table, and on the team of doctors who conducted resuscitation activities. So she first saw and realized what light was.

The blind from the birth of Martin Marsh, who had experienced similar death visions, remembered the most variety of paints of the surrounding world. Martin is confident that posthumous experience helped him understand what the world of vigorous people see.

But let us return to research by scientists from Holland. They were set to accurately determine when people attend vision: during clinical death or during the work of the brain. Wang Lamel with colleagues declare that they managed to do. The conclusion of researchers - visions are observed during the "disconnection" of the central nervous system. As a result, it was shown that consciousness exists regardless of the work of the brain.

Perhaps the most awesome Van Lamel believes the case recorded by one of his colleagues. The patient was taken to intensive care. Resuscitation activities were unsuccessful. The brain died, the encephalogram gave the straight line. It was decided to apply intubation (introduce a tube for artificial ventilation and restoration of the respiratory path in the ladies and the trachea). In the mouth of the patient stood a denture. The doctor took it out and put it in the table box. After an hour and a half, the patient resumed the heartbeat and came to normal blood pressure. And a week later, when the same doctor went to the ward, reanimized declared her "You know where my prosthesis! You pulled my teeth and put them in the drawer of the table on the wheels! ". With a thorough survey, it turned out that the operated was observed from above lying on the operating table. He described the ward and the actions of the physicians during his death. The man was very afraid that the doctors would stop him to revive, and in every way tried to understand them that he was alive ...

Your confidence is that consciousness can exist separately from the brain, Dutch scientists confirm the purity of experiments. To eliminate the possibility of the appearance of so-called false memories (cases where a person, heard from other stories about visions during clinical death, suddenly "recalls" what he himself did not experience), religious fanaticism and other similar cases, scientists carefully studied all the factors that Capable to influence the reports of victims.

All respondents were mentally healthy. These were men and women aged from 26 to 92 years, having a different level of education, believers and do not believe in God. Some previously heard about "posthumous experience", others - no.

General conclusions of researchers from the Netherlands are as follows:

  • Posthumous visions in humans appear during the suspension of the brain work.
  • They cannot be explained by the disadvantage of oxygen in the cells of the central nervous system.
  • The gender and age of a person have a great influence to the depth of "near-merchant experiences". Women tend to have stronger sensations than men.
  • Most of the reanimated who had a deeper "posthumous experience" were died within a month after resuscitation events.
  • The experience of dying blind from birth does not differ from the impressions of moaning.

All of the above gives grounds to argue that at the moment scientists come close to the scientific substantiation of the immortality of the soul.

It remains to be very small to realize that death is only a transformation station on the border between the two worlds, and overcome fear before its inevitability.

The question arises: where does the soul fall after the death of a person?

"If you died, living the wrong life, I will not fall into hell, but you will forever be on earthly in the worst periods of humanity. If your life was flawless, then in this case will be on earth, but in the century, where there is no place for violence and cruelty. "

This is the opinion of the French psychotherapist Michel Lierie, the author of the book "Eternity in the past life." In this, he was convinced thanks to numerous interviews and hypnotic sessions with people who were visible to clinical death.

Such information is interested in most people. Previously, humanity only built assumptions there is life after death, scientific evidence provided modern scientists using the latest technologies and research methods. Vera continued life in some other form, perhaps in another dimension allows people to achieve their goals. If there is no such confidence, then the motivation for further development is absent.

Nobody does final conclusions. Studies continue, new evidence of various theories appear. When irrefutable evidence of life has been granted to the existence of life after death, then the philosophy of human life will completely change.

Scientific theories and evidence

According to the scientific explanation of Tsiolkovsky, physical death does not mean the end of life. In his theory of soul are represented in the form of indivisible atoms, therefore, they do not disappear with melted bodies, they do not disappear, but continue to wander in the universe. Consciousness is preserved even after death. It was the first attempt to scientifically substantiate the assumption whether there is a life after death, although the evidence was not presented.

Such conclusions managed to make english researchers working in the London Institute of Psychiatry. Their patients fully stopped the heart, and clinical death fell. Medical personnel at this time discussed various nuances. Some patients very accurately retell the themes of these conversations.

According to Sam, the brain is an ordinary human body, and its cells are not able to generate thoughts. The entire thought process is organized by consciousness. The brain works as a receiver who receives and processing the finished information. If we turn off the receiver, then broadcast the radio station will not stop. This can be said about the physical body after death when consciousness does not die.

Feelings of people who survived clinical death

The best proof of Togo is there any life after death, evidence of people. There are a lot of eyewitnesses in their own death. Scientists are trying to systematize their memories, find a scientific substantiation, explain what is happening the usual physical process.

The stories of people who survived clinical death are sharply different from each other. Not all patients had various visions. Many do not remember anything at all. But part of the people shared their impressions after an unusual state. These cases have their own characteristics.

During a complex operation, a clinical death has come for one patient. He describes in detail the situation that was in the operating room, although it was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. All their savi hero saw from the side, like his body. Later, in the hospital, he recognized the doctors in the face, causing their surprise. After all, they left the operating room even before the patient came into consciousness.

The woman had other visions. She felt a quick movement in space, during which there were several stops. A heroine with figures that do not have clear forms were told, but the essence of the conversation was able to remember. There was a clear awareness that she was outside the body. Such a state could not be called a dream or vision, because everything looked too realistic.

The fact that part of people who survived clinical death are also inexplicable, acquire new abilities, talents, extrasensory abilities appear. A very many potential dead repeated vision in the form of a long light tunnel, bright flashes. States are the most different: from blissful peace to the panic fear that makes horror. It can only mean one thing: not all people are prepared the same fate. Certificates of people of such phenomena can more accurately say if there is life after death.

Major religions about life after death

The question of life and death was interested in people at different times. It could not not affect religious beliefs. Various religions in their own way explain the opportunity to continue life after the onset of physical death.

Attitude to earthly life in christianity Extremely disgalted. The present, the true existence begins in another world, to which you need to prepare. The soul is moving a few days after death, being close to the body. In this case, there is no doubt that there is an afterlife after death. When moving to another state of thought remains the same. In a different world of people expect angels, demons and other souls. The degree of spirituality and sin determines the further fate of a particular soul. All this is solved on a terrible court. Unrepreneurs and large sinners do not have a chance to get from Paradise - they are prepared place in hell.

IN islam Unbelievers in the afterlife of people consider malicious apostates. Here also consider the earthly life as the turning stage before Achiech. Allah makes decisions regarding the life expectancy of a person. Having a great faith and some sins, believers of Islam die with a light heart. Incorrect and atheists are not able to escape from hell, while believers of Islam can count on it.

Do not give great importance to the issue of life or death in buddhism. Buddha has identified several other other unwanted issues. Buddhist do not reflect on the soul, because it does not exist. Although representatives of this religion believe in reincarnation and Nirvana. Rebirth in different forms continues until it is time until a person falls into Nirvana. All believers in Buddhism are striving for this state, because the unfortunate carnal existence ends.

IN judaism There are no clear accents regarding the question of interest. There are different options that sometimes contradict each other. Such conformity is explained by the fact that other religious flows became the source.

In any religion there is a mystical beginning, although many facts are taken from real life. The afterlife cannot be denied, otherwise the meaning of faith is lost. The use of human fears, experiences are quite a normal phenomenon for any religious flow. The Holy Books clearly confirmed the opportunity to continue their existence after earthly life. If we consider the number of believers on earth, it will become clear that most people believe in the afterlife.

Communication of mediums with the afterlife

The most weighty proof of continuing life after death is the activities of mediums. This category of people has special abilities that allow you to establish contacts with deceased people. When nothing remains from a person, it is impossible to communicate with him. Stripping from the opposite is easy to understand that another world exists. However, among the mediums there are a lot of charlatans.

No one will be doubting now in the abilities of the famous Bulgarian provincial Vanga. She was attended by a large number of famous people. The prophecies of a clairvoyant and real medium are still relevant and important. Many were struck by the fact that Wang said about life after death. This woman in the smallest details told her guests about their deceased relatives.

Wang claimed that death occurs only for the body. In the soul, everything continues. In another world, a person also looks like. Providian told, even in which clothes are closed by the deceased. According to the description, relatives recognized the favorite clothes of the deceased. Souls glow. They possess the same character as in life. Communication with the dead is not interrupted. People from the world are trying to influence the course of events in the life of friends, relatives, but it does not always succeed. They are experiencing the same experiences, trying to help. In other world, the existence of the soul with all the same memories continues.

As soon as visitors came to Wange, their dead relatives appeared in the room. Interest in them are very big people. People like Wang can see ghosts, fully communicate with them. She led conversations with souls, learning future events from them. The woman served as a kind of bridge between the two worlds, with the help of which their representatives could communicate. Fear of death, according to Vangi, too common among people. In fact, it is just another stage of existence, when a person gets rid of the outer shell, although he experienced discomfort.

American Arthur Ford for several decades was not tired to surprise the people with their abilities. He communicated with people who had not been in this world for a long time. Some sessions could see millions of viewers. Different mediums talked about life after death, based on their own experience. For the first time, Ford's extrasensory abilities manifested themselves during the war. He came from somewhere about the colleagues killed in the coming days. Since that time, Arthur began to study parapsychology and developed his abilities.

A lot of skeptics appeared, which explained the Ford's phenomenon with its telepathic gift. That is, the people themselves provided information to the medium. But too many facts denied a similar theory.

An example of British Leslie Flint became another confirmation of the existence of the afterlife. He began to communicate with ghosts in childhood. Leslie agreed to cooperate with scientists at a certain time. The study of psychologists, psychiatrists, parapsychologists confirmed the extraordinary abilities of this person. He has repeatedly tried to catch up in fraud, but such attempts were failing.

There were sound records of the votes of the famous personalities of different eras through a medium. They reported on themselves interesting facts. Many continued to work on a favorite thing. Leslie was able to prove that people moving into another world receive information about what is happening in real life.

Psychics were able to prove the existence of a soul and afterlife. Although the intangible world is still Ukutan. It is not clear to the end, in what conditions there is a soul. Mediums work like receiving and transmitting devices without affecting the process itself.

Situating all the listed facts, it can be argued that the human body is nothing more than a shell. The nature of the soul has not yet been studied, and is unknown, is it possible in principle. There may be a certain limit of human capabilities and knowledge that people will never pass. The existence of the soul instills optimism to people, because they can realize themselves after death in another capacity, and not just turn into ordinary fertilizer. After the above material, each should decide for itself, whether there is life after death, scientific evidence is not yet too convincing.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death. They found that consciousness could continue after death.

Although this topic belongs to large skepticism, there are evidence of people who survived this experience that will make you think about it.

Dr. Sam Burning - a professor who studied the experience of clinical death and cardiovascular resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive the death of the brain, when blood does not come to the brain, and there is no electrical activity.

Starting in 2008, he collected a lot of evidence of the turn-free experiences, which occurred when the human brain was not more active than loafing bread.

Judging by the visions, the conscious understanding was preserved up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain is usually turned off within 20-30 seconds after the heart stopped.

Perhaps you heard from people about the feeling of separation from our own body, and they seemed to you in fiction. The American singer Pam Reynolds told about his outstanding experience during the operation on the brain, which she survived at the age of 35.

She was placed in the state of artificial coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and the brain was practically deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed, and headphones who drowned the sounds were inserted into the ears.

Steamed over her body, she was able to observe his own operation. The description was very visual. She heard how someone said: "Her arteries are too small," and on the background played the song "Hotel California" of The Eagles.

Doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pham told about their experience.

destinations from classic examples of near-minded experience is a meeting with dead relatives on the other side.

Bruce Greyson explorer believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death are not just bright hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives, much exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there were several cases when people met a dead relative on the other side, not knowing that this man died.

The worldwide recognized Belgian neuropathologist Steven Laureys does not believe after death. He believes that all near-merchant experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Lores and his team were expected that the near-minded experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and eventually become erected from memory.

However, he discovered that the memories of clinical death remain fresh and bright, regardless of the past time and sometimes even overshadow the memories of real events.

During one study, scientists asked 344 patients who survived the stop of the heart, describe their experience within a week after resuscitation.

Of all the surveyed people, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12% led the classic example of near-merchant experiences

Pim Van Lommel's Dutch researcher (Pim Van Lommel) studied the memories of people who survived clinical death.

According to the results, many people lost their death fear, they became happier, positive and sociable. Almost everyone spoke about clinical death, as a positive experience, which even more influenced their lives over time.

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his opinion on the near-merchant experiences. He stated that he had seen what was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw the light and emanating from there a melody, he observed something similar to the portal in a magnificent reality, filled with indescribable flower waterfalls and millions of butterflies flying along this scene. However, his brain was turned off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have doubted the words of Dr. Ebena, but if he tells the truth, perhaps his experiences and experience of other people do not need to ignore.

They interviewed 31 blind people who survived the clinical death or endless experiences. At the same time, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual images during their experiences, whether it is a tunnel of light, deceased relatives or observation of their body from above.

According to Professor Robert Lanza (Robert Lanza) all the possibilities in the Universe happen simultaneously. But when the "observer" decides to see, all these opportunities are reduced to one, which happens in our world. Thus, time, space, matter and everything else exists only thanks to our perception.

If so, then things like "death" cease to be an irrefutable fact and become only part of perception. In fact, although it may seem that we die in this universe, according to the theory of Lanz, our life becomes "an eternal flower, which again flourishes in the multi-lane."

Dr. Yan Stevenson explored and recorded more than 3,000 cases of children under the age of 5, which could remember their last life.

In one of the cases, a girl from Sri Lanka remembered the name of the city in which she was, described his family and house in detail. Later, 27 out of 30 of her statements were confirmed. However, none of her family and acquaintances were in no way connected with this city.

Stevenson documented cases of children who had phobias related to last life, children who had congenital defects reflecting how they died, and even children who fell into rage, having learned their "murderers."

Is there any life after death - facts and evidence

- Is there an afterlife?

- Is there an afterlife?
- Facts and evidence
- Real History of Clinical Death
- Scientific view of death

Life after death, or afterlife - a religious-philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuation of the conscious life of a person after death. In most cases, such ideas are due to faith in the immortality of the soul, characteristic of most religious and religious-philosophical worldviews.

Among the main ideas:

1) Resurrection of the Dead - People will be resurrected by God after death;
2) reincarnation - the soul of man returns to the material world in new embodiments;
3) posthumous reward - after the death of a man's soul falls into hell or paradise, depending on the human earthly life. (Also read about.)

Doctors of the resuscitation department of one of the Canadian hospitals registered an unusual case. They disabled livelihood support system in four terminal patients. In three of them, the brain behaved in a normal way - shortly after the disconnection stopped working. At the fourth patient, the brain emitted waves for another 10 minutes and 38 seconds, despite the fact that the doctors stated his death, taking advantage of the same set of events as in the cases of his "colleagues."

The brain of the fourth patient as if he was in a deep sleep, although his body did not show any signs of life - neither a pulse, no blood pressure, nor the reaction to the light. Earlier, brain waves were recorded in rats after decapitation, but in those situations the wave was only one.

- Is there life after death?! Facts and evidence

- Scientific view of death

In Seattle, the biologist Mark Rot puts experiments, immersing animals into artificial anabiosis using chemical compounds that slow down heartbeat and metabolism to levels similar to those observed during hibernation. His goal is to make people who collided with a heart attack, "a little immortal" until they overcome the consequences of the crisis that put them on the line of life and death.

In Baltimore and Pittsburgh, the team of traumatologists under the leadership of Surgego Sam Tisherman conduct clinical trials, during which patients with firearms and knife wounds lower the body temperature to slow down the bleeding for the period necessary to impose seams. These doctors use the cold with the same goal that the mouth is chemical compounds: it allows you to "kill" patients to "kill" in order to endorse their life.

In Arizon, cryoconservation specialists keep the body more than 130 of their customers in a frozen state - this is also a kind of "border zone". They hope that someday in a remote future may be, in a few centuries, these people can be deforn and revive, and medicine will be able to cure the diseases from which they died.

In India, the neurobiologist Richard Davidson studies the Buddhist monks who fell into a state, known as a tukdam, in which the biological signs of life disappear, but the body seems to be exposed to decomposition a week or longer. Davidson is trying to fix in the brain of these monks some activity, hoping to find out what happens after the blood circulation stops.

And in New York Sam, the guys with an inspiration tells about the possibilities of "delayed resuscitation". According to him, the cardiovary-pulmonary resuscitation acts better than it is considered, and under certain conditions - when the body temperature is lowered, the indirect heart massage is properly adjustable in depth and rhythm, and oxygen is sent slowly to avoid damage to the tissues - some patients can be returned To life, even after they had no heart for several hours, and often - without long-term negative consequences. Now the doctor explores one of the most mysterious aspects of returning from the dead: why so many people who have undergone clinical death describe how their consciousness separated from the body? What these sensations can tell us about the nature of the "border zone" and about death?

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