The lesson of the world around. Topic: "Russia is a multinational country"

The lesson of the world around.  Topic:
The lesson of the world around. Topic: "Russia is a multinational country"


Class: 4 a Teacher: Murtazina Gulnara Khamitovna TOPIC: " Traditions of the peoples of our country ”.

The purpose of the lesson: forming an understanding of the unity of the many-sided Russia

Lesson Objectives:


To reveal the diversity of cultures of the population of Russia. To acquaint with the traditions of the peoples of the Volga region. To consolidate the understanding of the Motherland as a multinational state To consolidate the attitude towards one's "small homeland" as a part of a large and indivisible Homeland - Russia.

Development of a sense of patriotism, respect for the Motherland, contribute to the formation of an active civil position as well as development creativity, thinking, ability to communicate, listen to each other.
3. Educational: to bring up in children the joy that we were born and live in Russia; desire to become heirs glorious traditions Russian history.
The main task in general is to educate a citizen, instill in students a sense of beauty, pride in their Fatherland, respect for each other, instilling responsibility and involvement in their country.

1) Visibility:
1. State symbols
2.Multimedia presentation "Traditions of the peoples of the Volga region"
3 Works of students on the theme: "Traditions of the peoples of Russia" 4 Proverbs of the peoples of the world on the theme: "Homeland" 2) Musical arrangement:
1. The song "Where the Motherland Begins" lyrics. M. Matusovsky, muses. V. Basner.
2. The song “I, you, he, she - together Friendly family"Performed by S. Rotaru. 3. Tatar song "Tugan yagybyz", Tatar dance melodies. 4.Russian folk melodies.

During the classes:

    Organizing time
The song is performed by S. Rotaru“I, you, he, she - together a friendly family» - Today we have unusual lesson... We have many guests. Let's join hands, smile at our guests, each other, and wish them success.(Students join hands and wish each other well.)Let's get to work soon.
Let the lesson be interesting!
    Homework check
On the blackboard map of Russia Our country is very large. It takes many days to travel by train to travel Russia from one end of it to the other. It takes many hours to fly an airplane to cover the same path.Look closely at the map ...- Name the capital of our state?Find the cities you've been to.What peoples live in Russia?- What republic do we live in? Which city is the capital of our republic?- Do you know what nationality you are?We live in Russia, but each of us belongs to some other people.About 140 large and small nations live here.All peoples are different from each other.-What is the difference between peoples?The diagram will help to answer this question.
    Every nation has its own language(invite the children to say hello to different languages) And if the languages ​​of the peoples are different, how do they understand each other?
Almost everyone in Russia knows Russian. But if a Russian person lives for a long time, for example, among the Tatars, he, of course, must learn their language. By learning the language of another nation, you show respect for them.
    Each nation has its own art: songs, dances, folk crafts(work with illustrations) Each nation has its own national costume. The peoples and facial features differ.(On the blackboard there are illustrations of people in national costumes) Each nation has its own culture. With culture different nations you can get acquainted by reading fairy tales.(On the board is the exhibition “Tales of different nations) Nations differ and national cuisine .
All this is the national traditions of the peoples.H. Work on new material. Origins national traditions peoples. (Textbook work)
    - What influenced the formation national culture and the traditions of the peoples of our country?
The nature on the territory of our country is very diverse. The most important role in the life of peoples was played by the forest, river and steppe ...- Consider the drawings. Tell us what role did the forest, river and steppe play in human life?2) Reading the text of the tutorial3) -What occupations in the old days were the main among the peoples on the territory of our country?In what manifested folk customs and traditions are brightest?Let's get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the peoples living in the Volga region. 4. Traditions of the Russian people. First group message. Russians - East Slavic people... They live mainly in Russia. Are the most big people in Europe. The national language is Russian. The total number of Russians in the world is currently about 133 million people, of which 111 million are in Russia.Russian national costume

There were several sets of women's costume. One of the most common was the sundress complex.

The main clothing for men in all centuries was a wide shirt. It was sewn from woolen fabric, linen or hemp fabric. An elegant shirt was usually red, the edges and chest were embroidered with gold and silks. There was a widespread type of shirt - kosovorotka.

The most common and cheapest footwear in Russia was bast shoes. Well-to-do townspeople used shoes, chobots, and ichegs as shoes.

Women's shoes differed in a variety of cut. Elegant women's chobots were decorated with embroidery, silk, gold and silver threads. For solemn occasions, the noblewomen wore high-heeled chobots. Shoes in Russia masters

already sewn from leather.

Traditional russians pancakes : delicate, airy with a hot touch.

Lunch is the main meal in Russia. The usual dinner feast of Russians consisted more often of four courses: cold appetizer, soup, the second was usually meat, and pies were eaten for dessert. Later, jelly becomes popular. Russians have always loved borscht.

Honey was an obligatory drink at the festive meal.

In Russia, tea has been consumed since 1638. It was brought from Mongolia by the Russian ambassador Starkov.

IN Xviii century, a samovar appears in Russia. The first samovars began to be produced in the Urals, at the Demidov factories, then they moved to Tula. Tea in Russia was drunk with honey, homemade sweet pastries.

The Russian people celebrated widely church holidays:

Christmas is one of the most Christian holidays. Since Christmas

Christ's began new era, new chronology.

Shrovetide is a folk festive cycle that has survived in Russia since pagan times. The ceremony is associated with the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring. Shrovetide got its name from the fact that during this period of time - the last week before Lent, the consumption of butter, dairy products and fish is allowed. Main traditional attributes popular celebration Shrovetide in Russia - pancakes and festivities.

Easter is the oldest Christian holiday, main holiday liturgical year. Installed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Primary anchoring .

What does a Russian folk costume look like? What did women wear? What was the name of the men's shirt?

Name Russians folk holidays? Traditional Russian food? Folk games?

Second group message


Oh, the edge of a hundred thousand songs

No wonder the poets are in love with you!

1 student:

Chuvash Republic located in the east of the European part of Russia. The capital is Cheboksary. Other significant cities are Novocheboksarsk and Kanash. Chuvash, Russians and Tatars predominate.

Part of the Volga Federal District.

The clothes of Chuvashia had different shapes and options.

Ancient men's shirts were sewn wide and long to the knees. Worn outside and belted. Women's shirts had a tunic-like shape. Their patterns were different, their color combination... The dress was worn with an apron or apron. The main shoes for men and women were bast shoes.

In national women's costume big role play head

headgear from small shells and coins.

Hooplu -dish national Chuvash kitchen.

They bake loaves, pancakes, cheesecakes, cookies. The most delicious and delicious festive food is considered - "Huplu" - a round and large pie.

Famous for Chuvash people with its rituals and folk holidays: "Savarni" - Shrovetide - a cheerful holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Viryom is a spring holiday dedicated to the expulsion of the evil spirits of the old year from the villages. Viryom was timed to coincide with Palm Sunday.

"Mankun" is a celebration of the spring new year according to the ancient Chuvash calendar. In translation, this holiday is "a great day": it coincided with Christian Easter.

"Akatui" is a spring holiday of the Chuvashes dedicated to agriculture. On this holiday, the Chuvash pray and ask for a bountiful harvest, livestock profits, wealth, health to family members, all relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. Then the youth begin to divine. After the fortune-telling, songs, dances, and fun begin in the field.

Chuvash National holiday AKATUY.

The country of the Udmurts, equal among equals,

Greater Russia younger sister .

The Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, between the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The capital is Izhevsk. Other large cities: Glazov, Sarapul, Votkinsk. Russians and Udmurts predominate, Tatars also live. Part of the Volga Federal District.

The folk costume of the Udmurts was created according to the laws of beauty and practical expediency. Clothes were sewn from bleached linen canvas, cloth, sheepskin.A headscarf and a festive headband were girls' headdresses.

An important place in the life of the Udmurts was occupied by calendar and ritual holidays associated with the stages of agricultural work. The beginning of spring field work was considered one of the most important cycles. At the end of May, in the villages, celebrations were held in honor of the lushly blossoming greenery. This holiday was timed to coincide with the Trinity.

Winter holidays also celebrate Christmas, Epiphany, which are accompanied by mummer and fortune-telling. TO spring holidays carry Shrovetide.

Shrovetide was unfolding with might and main.

What was the difference between the Chuvash folk costume? What was the headdress decorated with?

What kind National costumes worn by Udmurt women?

What are the similarities between the traditions of the Udmurt and Chuvash peoples?

Message from the third group.

You are my Motherland, our land, Mordovia!

In life, support, love and destiny.

Moksha and Erzya, Russian brothers ...

We, your children, praise you

The Republic of Mordovia is located in the east of the European part of Russia. The capital is Saransk. Other large cities are Ruzayevka and Kovylkino. Russians and Mordovians predominate. Tatars also live. Part of the Volga Federal District.

The folk costume of Mordovia is very colorful. It is not for nothing that it is called the crown decoratively - applied arts Mordovian women. The coloring of Mordovian embroidery includes four colors: black, yellow, red and green.

Traditional Mordovian bread - black, rye. One of the old dishes is Yam, similar to both soup and porridge.

Mordovian folk holidays are associated with the agricultural calendar. The most solemn and crowded was autumn holiday- Velozsk, dedicated to the patroness of the village of Vel - ava. The most common types folk art Mordovians - embroidery, sewing with beads, wood carving

Nartukan (Nartavan) is one of holidays New Year's cycle ...

Bashkiria is a free land!

No better than the edge for me

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located in the Urals and on the slopes South Urals... The capital is the city of Ufa. Other large cities: Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky and others. Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars predominate. Chuvash and Mari also live. The Republic of Bashkortostan is part of the Volga Federal District.

At the heart of men's clothing- shirt, pants with a wide step, for women - a long dress with ruffles cut off at the waist (kuldak); men and women wore a sleeveless jacket (kamzul), a cloth dressing gown, and cloth chekmen.

Womens clothing decorated with embroidery, coins. Young women wore karall and coin breast ornaments.

Traditional dishes - chopped horse meat or lamb with broth (bishbarmak, kullama), jerky sausage from horse meat and fat, various drinks - diluted sour milk (ayran), kumis, honey.

This is - beshbarmak .

National musical instruments Bashkirs are a reed pipe from the stem of an umbrella plant (kurai), a jew's harp (kobyz), a harmonica.


Name the capital of Mordovia.

What does the Mordovian national costume look like? How does it differ from other national costumes?

Name the capital of Bashkiria.

What does the Bashkir national costume look like? What are the Bashkir folk instruments?

Message from the fourth group.

Traditions Tatar people.

"Tatarstan is my Motherland, the hearth of my ancestors ..."

The capital is the city of Kazan, founded in 1005.Natural resources- oil, gas, peat, limestone, forests and others.

Rivers flow: Volga, Kama, Vyatka, Belaya, Ik, Sviyaga, and others.

Administrative districts - 43.

Large cities: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga, Bugulma, Chistopol.

The Tatars' costume is based on ancient Turkic forms in the form of a shirt for men, wide-step trousers, kazakin, beshmet, camisole, headdress made of felt, fur and fabric. The ensemble of clothes also included boots made of leather, soft fabric.

The most expressive is women costume... It is sewn from satin, taffeta, brocade, silk or satin. The ensemble of the costume necessarily included mosaic ichigi or shoes with curvilinear patterns, and a kalfak was worn on the head.

Dumplings are a festive and ritual dish for the Tatars. The most ancient meat and cereal dish is belesh.

Sabantuy is a holiday of people of hard work, a holiday of the worthy, skillful, capable. Where else will you find such beauty and such wealth? Tractors float on the land of Tatarstan, which looks like a blooming endless garden, like ships on the sea.

Sabantuy has been international since ancient times, all peoples living on the Volga take part in the celebration.

The Tatars invariably invited Russian friends to Sabantuy - friends for work, for common work.

7. Staging of the Sabantuy holiday 8. Anchoring. Competition game between groups. 1) Assignments in groups.-How does the Tatar national costume look like?-What is the name of the details of the Tatar national costume.-Name your favorite songs of the Tatar people, dances.-Name traditional holidays of the Tatar people.2) Game "Collect proverbs".9. Lesson summary. Is it possible to consider that one nation is better than another? (Answers of children.)- That's right, we must respect the customs, culture of every nation, person.- For example, children study in our class different nationalities... I will call, and you raise your hands:- Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Bashkirs- Even today I want to introduce a new word.- Read in chorus:(Tolerance) - Here is such a difficult, long word means respect, patience for customs, faith, culture, appearance other people. We must be tolerant towards each other, that is, respect each other. Read the word again, remember.Conclusion: Russia is a great country with a rich and glorious history. We are citizens of a multinational country who should be proud of our country, its traditions, cultural heritage... To love and defend your Motherland in times of danger.
You are the children of Russia - you are the hope and future of our country.

Jew and Tuvan, Buryat and Udmurd,
Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Yakut.
Big family of different nations,
and we should be proud of this as friends.

Our common home is called Russia,
let it be comfortable for everyone in it.
We will overcome any difficulties
and only in unity is the strength of Russia. - What general conclusion can be drawn on the topic of our lesson? (Love your homeland and treat people of other nationalities with respect)

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The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of ideas about Russia as a multinational country.



  • to update knowledge about the concepts of the capital, country, symbols, to acquaint children with various nationalities, traditions, language, culture of the peoples of Russia.


  • develop basic information literacy and motivationally prepare schoolchildren for independent work on the computer;
  • develop the communication skills of children;
  • improve the mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  • develop psychological processes: memory, thinking, imagination, perception, attention.


  • foster respect for culture, traditions, religion, language of different peoples;
  • instill love for the Motherland, the people.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Are you guys ready for the lesson?
I hope for you friends!
We are a good friendly class
Everything will work out for us!

II. Repetition of the past

Guys, this is a crossword puzzle, let's solve it.

Questions for the crossword puzzle:

  1. What was the name of our state? (Rus)
  2. The capital of our Motherland? (Moscow)
  3. From what word did the word Russian come from? (rusichi)
  4. Small social unit? (family)
  5. Solemn symbol of Russia? (hymn)
  6. It is spoken.? (language)

Well done, let's take a close look at our crossword puzzle.

Tell me, what word have we solved yet? (Russia)

What does the word Russia mean? (children's answers).

What symbols of Russia do you already know? (coat of arms, anthem, flag)

III. Introduction of new material

3.1 Message of children about the symbols of Russia. Pupils talk about the symbols of Russia, listening to the anthem. (Slides number 1,2,3)

3.2 - And guys, we must know the basic law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3.3 Work according to the textbook:

Let's read what words the constitution begins with.

Children read the text: "Russia is a multinational country".

So, we have a problem that we need to sort out?

What do these words mean: "Russia is a multinational country"? (children's sayings)

The teacher reads a poem by V. Stepanov:

Different people live in Russia
Peoples for a long time.
Some people like taiga,
Others - the steppe expanse.
Every nation
Your language and outfit.
One wears a Circassian coat,
Another put on a robe.
One is a fisherman from birth,
The other is a reindeer herder,
One cooks kumis,
Another prepares honey.
Autumn is one sweeter
Spring is dearer to others.
BUT Motherland Russia,
We all have one.

We are going with you on a journey through our country.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Multimedia presentation accompanied by children's messages.

central Russia(slides No. 7,8,9)

Central Russia is the most populated region of the country. It is home to 5 of the total population of Russia. Including you and me. Our ancestors - Slavs, have long lived in these places. The main wealth is impassable dense forests, in which there were a lot of fur animals, berries, mushrooms. The rivers were full of fish. All this attracted people here.

The history of the Russian people is inextricably linked with central Russia.

Southern Russia(slides No. 10,11,12,13)

The most multinational region of Russia is the North Caucasus. Representatives of more than 100 nations live in it. Dagestan alone is the historical homeland for 30 peoples - Avgans, Laks, Lizgins, it is not for nothing that Dagestan is called the country of languages.

The peoples of the Caucasus have long been famous as excellent warriors, riders and riflemen. The Caucasian land is unusually fertile, so the population is engaged in agriculture and gardening.

Volga region(slides number 14,15,16)

In the east of the European part of Russia, there is a region - the Volga region. Various peoples have settled here. For example: Kalmyks. 300 years ago they lived in Western China, but numerous wars forced the Kalmyks to look for a new homeland, almost all the people left China and moved to Russia, the Volga region.

Kalmyks speak Kalmyk language, similar to the language of the Mongols. Kalmyks graze horses, sheep, camels.

Ural(slides No. 17,18,19)

In the center of our country there is an amazing region - the Urals. Natural resources attracted people of various nationalities to the Urals. And now this region remains one of the most multinational in Russia. For example: Bashkirs. The name of this people is translated as "the wolf-leader". By ancient legend, it was the wolf who was the ancestor of the Bashkirs - excellent riders and shooters.

Western Siberia (slides number 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)

Modern Western Siberia is the most populated region of Siberia. More than 15 million people live here. The main wealth of Western Siberia is the largest oil, gas and coal deposits. A real pantry!

Speaking of Siberians, we mean not only Russians, but also representatives of other peoples and nationalities. There are about 3 dozen indigenous peoples of Siberia. The most numerous are Yakuts, Buryats, Tuvans. Almost 25 thousand Evenks settled throughout the Siberian taiga. Altaians and shorts prefer mountains. Khanty and Mansi have long lived on the plain between the Ob and Yenisei rivers. But the Nenets, the Sekulpa have adapted well to life in the Tundra. The northern outskirts of the Far Eastern land are inhabited by Eskimos, Chukchi, and Koryaks. They catch fish and sea animals.

The Evenks are called "Indians of Siberia". Representatives of this people are hereditary hunters, skillful trackers, and although the number does not exceed 39 thousand, Evenks settled from Eastern Siberia to Primorye.

Most numerous people Siberia - Yakuts. There are 380 thousand of them. They are engaged in cattle breeding, hunting, fishing.

Among the peoples of Siberia, there are also very small numbers - chum salmon. There are not many more than a thousand of them. They live in the taiga. Chum salmon look like American Indians. Nobody understands their language. Our Siberia is great, there are many different peoples in it. Preserving their languages ​​and customs, they live as a single family, help each other.

Map of Russia(slide number 29.30)

Our country is so big that entire continents such as Australia and Antarctica could be located on the territory of Russia. Russia shares borders with 14 countries. The length of the borders is about 600 thousand km. Our country is a multinational state. There are over 130 different peoples in Russia. Each nation has its own customs, traditions, culture and language.

V. Physical education(to the music of S. Rotaru "I, you, he, she - together the whole country).

Vi. Acquaintance with the concepts: religion, customs and language.

Presentation (slides number 33,34,35)

Teacher's message: one of the main features of every nation is the language it speaks. The language of the people reflects its history, traditions, creativity. The guys from our class prepared their national performance in their native language (performance of the guys in national costumes).

And also, guys, every nation has its own religion. More than 1000 years ago, almost all people on Earth believed in good and evil spirits. They believed that the entire surrounding world is inhabited by numerous gods: sun, water, wind :. The word religion means "piety, holiness." The religion of Christianity is adopted in Russia. Many Christian churches have been built. The holy book of Orthodox Christians is the Bible. Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion among the peoples of Russia. Orthodox in our country are Russians, Karelians, Komi, Yakuts, Ossetians and others.

Islam is widespread among Tatars, Bashkirs, Kabardians, Chechens in Russia. The holy book of Muslims is the Koran. The temple of Muslims is called the Mosque.

Kalmyks, Buryats and Tuvans profess one of the most ancient religions in the world - Buddhism. Buddhists strictly adhere to the basic rules of the Buddha's teachings, the main of which is truthfulness. Their temple is called the Synagogue.

Vii. Working with the tutorial. Acquaintance with the works of poets, artists of different nations.

Listening to music, poetry.

VIII. Generalization.

Work in a workbook.

IX. Lesson summary

Be kind, tolerant, respect each other, be friends, love people and your homeland.

Song "Wide is my native country".

Lesson type: combined


the formation of ideas about the peoples inhabiting our country.

Planned results


Learn to: determine which peoples inhabit our country; talk about their national holidays.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. Communicative)

Regulatory: understand the learning task of the lesson and strive to complete it;

Cognitive: a conscious and arbitrary speech statement orally about the Motherland; discuss how the peoples of Russia differ and what binds them into a single family.

Search for essential information (from the story of the teacher, parents, from their own life experience, From the movies).

Communicative: ask questions, ask for help, formulate your difficulties. Answer final questions and measure your progress.

Personal results

Realize the importance of respectful attitude towards all the peoples of Russia. To be interested in the culture, customs of other peoples, to treat them with respect.

Basic concepts and definitions

Religion, National holidays

Preparation for assimilation of new material

We will find out what peoples live in Russia. Let's discuss how they differ and what connects them with each other.

Learning new material


Remember what peoples of Russia you know. Consider the figures of some of the peoples of Russia. Compare people's faces and suits. Think about what connects all the peoples of Russia with each other.

Russian Tatars Jews

Buryats Ossetians Chukchi

Karelians Bashkirs

What holidays are celebrated by the peoples of Russia? Tell us from the photos what the people are doing holidays... What holidays did you yourself take part in?

1 - Russian Maslenitsa; 2 —Tatar holiday Sabantuy; 3 — Buryat holiday Surkharban.

Important role religion plays in the life of the peoples of Russia. Of the many religions in our
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism are especially widespread in the country.

Comprehension and understanding of the knowledge gained

Find out what peoples inhabit your region?

What different peoples inhabit Russia?

Their representatives have different facial features, national costumes, folk festivals, religions. But all the peoples of Russia are united into a single family by a common Rod-
on, mutual respect and friendship.

1. Name several peoples of Russia.

2. What is the difference between representatives of different peoples?

3. What connects nations

Russia into a single family?

What do we know about the peoples of Russia

PeoplesOf Russia

Cartoon " PeoplesOf Russia"

PeoplesOf Russia. ABVGDake

TraditionspeoplesOf Russia

An educational resource (synopsis, presentation, interactive test on the topic under study) can be used in the study of national, regional, ethnocultural characteristics of the Ural region (including the Chelyabinsk region) within the framework of the subject " The world"In 3-4 grades of the educational complex" School of Russia "," School 2010 "," School of the XXI century "," Harmony ", etc., as well as in systems of developmental and correctional education at extracurricular activities.

The name of the teaching materials: educational resource can be used in the study of national-regional, ethno-cultural characteristics of the Ural region (including the Chelyabinsk region) in the framework of the subject "The world around us" in grades 3-4 of the teaching materials "School of Russia", "School 2010", "School XXI century "," Harmony ", etc., as well as in systems of developmental and correctional education at extracurricular activities.

Purpose: acquaintance with the national composition of the Ural region, with the peculiarities of the life of the Bashkirs, Tatars and Russian peoples in the old days.

Subject: to acquaint students with the ethnic composition of the Ural region, with the peculiarities of the life of the Bashkirs, Tatars and Russian peoples in the old days; continue work on the formation of such concepts as: country, territory (region), administrative center - city; learn to find on physical map Of Russia Ural region; learn to find on the map of the Chelyabinsk region hometown(Kyshtym) and regional center-Chelyabinsk city).

Metasubject: develop learners' ability to accept and maintain learning goals and objectives; develop the ability to self-regulate behavior; develop the ability to independently look for means of solving the task; develop the ability to cooperate with peers when solving learning problems, take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Personal: foster interest in professions (in particular, in the profession of "archaeologist"); foster interest in the way of life of the peoples inhabiting motherland; foster respect for the culture of peoples of different nationalities; to form an awareness of their ethnicity.

Handout: for conducting organizational moment- cards with written letters ("P", "O", "C", "I", "I"; cards are distributed randomly, the total number of cards is equal to the number of students in the class); printout of the geographical map of the Chelyabinsk region (for work in pairs); printout of the final test (according to the number of students).

Hardware and software
With individual and group work hardware is required: a computer (laptop), a computer mouse. For frontal work, it is recommended to use a multimedia projector, speakers and a screen for the above equipment. Recommended software: PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013.

Extracurricular activity progress
I. Organizational moment
- The funny bell rang.
Is everyone ready? All is ready?
We're not resting now
We are starting to work.
... The game for the development of attention "Clouds"
- Look guys at your desk. Each of you has a card with a letter written on it. Before you sit down on your workplace, we will play the game "Clouds" with you. Listen to the rule of the game: a cloud with a written letter will float on the screen; those guys who match the letter with your card on the desk should sit quietly. (The letters "P", "O", "S", "I", "I" are written on the clouds)
Slide number 2

Students listen to instructions for the game; correlate their letter written on the card with the letter on the screen; in accordance with the requirement, they must QUIETLY sit down at their workplace.

II. Class hour topic message
-Let's remember, guys, what letters we met in the game. (The teacher listens to the children's answers.)

Make a Word Game
- In the round dance of our letters, I will add another cloud with the letter "C". Rearrange the letters and you have a word.
-What word did you get? (It turned out the word "Russia").
-What does this word mean? (This is the name of the country we live in).
Slide number 3

Today guys are on class hour we will visit little Egorka. Yegor is an inquisitive boy, and every minute he asks grandfather Matvey different questions. And then one day the grandson asked his grandfather: what peoples live in our region? This question will be the topic of our class hour.
Slide number 4

Students listen to instructions for the game; carry out the task in accordance with the requirements; fix the name of our country.

III. Work on the formation of the concepts of "country", "region", "administrative city"
... Acquaintance with the name of the region (region) "Ural"
-To answer Yegorka's question, grandfather Matvey first invites you to look at the map of our Motherland. Our country - Russia occupies a huge territory. (The teacher shows the border of Russia with a pointer). Our region, where we live, is located near the Ural Mountains. (The teacher shows the extent of the Ural Mountains on the map). The name of the mountains tells you the name of our land, region.
-What is our land called? (Our land is called Ural.)

Slide number 5
... Acquaintance with the administrative centers - cities of the Urals
- There are 140 cities in the Urals District; let's read the titles administrative centers which are the most major cities Ural.
-Which of these cities is our regional center? (Our regional center is the city of Chelyabinsk.)

Slide number 6
... Working with maps of the Chelyabinsk region
-You have a map of the Chelyabinsk region on your desk. Help Yegorka find the name of his city and the city of Chelyabinsk on the map. (Work in pairs.)
Slide number 7

Checking (frontal)
Conclusion: our city, like the city of Chelyabinsk, is located in the southern part of the Urals, so in the conversation of adults you can often hear that we live in the Southern Urals.
... Focusing attention on the main issue of the class hour
- So we come to the main question that Yegorka asked his grandfather: what peoples live in our region. Students get to know geographic map Russia, correlate the name of the Ural Mountains with the name of the region (region) in which they live; they learn to find the Ural region on a physical map of Russia.

Pupils read the names of the administrative cities of the Urals.
IV. Acquaintance with the ethnic composition of the Ural region,
with the peculiarities of life of the Bashkirs, Tatars and Russian peoples in the old days
... Acquaintance with the concept of "archaeologist"
-When Grandpa Matvey was young, he worked as an archaeologist.
-How many of you know what the word "archaeologist" means? (The teacher listens to the children's answers.)
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An archaeologist is a scientist who studies human history according to material sources. Material sources include tools, dishes, jewelry, art objects, the remains of buildings and other objects that were once created by man. The work of an archaeologist is associated with constant excavations, campaigns, expeditions, research, which help to make great discoveries and, bit by bit, recreate all stages of human life from the moment of the birth of mankind.
When grandfather Matvey worked as an archaeologist, he visited many places in the Urals.

The story of the first man in the Urals
-Very interesting research conducted by grandfather Matvey in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Together with other scientists - archaeologists, he discovered in the area of ​​Lake Karabalykty, not far from the village of Tashbulatovo, an ancient site primitive man... A whole skeleton was also found there. ancient man... Scientists have recreated its appearance from the remains of the skeleton.
And in the Shulgan-tash cave, on the Belaya (Agidel) bank, scientists discovered rock paintings of primitive man. It depicts figures of mammoths, horses and rhinos. Pictures indicate that the ancient people who once inhabited our region saw these animals in close proximity.
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Physical minute " Cave drawings»
-And now we are going to play the game "Rock paintings". We carry out exercises in accordance with the picture.
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General information about national composition Ural
-The Ural is known as a multinational region with a rich culture; not only Russians, but also Bashkirs, Tatars, Komi, Mansi, Nenets, Mari, Chuvash, Mordovians and others live here.
-In the Chelyabinsk region most of all Russians, Bashkirs and Tatars live. Grandfather Matvey will tell us about people of this nationality.
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A story about the Bashkir peoples
-In ancient times, there was a nomadic people. The nomadic people wandered from place to place, best places looking for. It was at nomadic people there are a lot of cattle, and animals need spacious steppes, rich in herbs, and rivers with clean water.
Where nomads lived, there is little grass and water. They decided to look for the best places.

The nomads walked for a long, long time, they were tired. The elders wondered: what to do? Where to go, west or east, north or south? Aksakals are the eldest, the most smart people... And suddenly, they saw a pack of wolves. The leader of the pack, the smartest wolf, approached the aksakals. The wolf leader stood in front of the caravan and led him on.

For a long time people followed the wolf until they reached a fertile land, rich in rivers and lakes with clear water, steppes with green grass, forests and mountains. Having reached this place, the wolf leader disappeared.

After consulting among themselves, the aksakals of the nomadic people decided: “We cannot find a land more beautiful than this. Let us stop here and make it our camp. " And they began to live on this land, the beauty and wealth of which is unmatched in the world. They put up yurts, began to raise livestock: horses, sheep, goats, cows, camels.

Since then, this people began to call themselves "Bashkortar", that is, people who came for the main wolf. The descendants of the "Bashkorts" still live in the Urals today, they are called Bashkirs.

In the summer, the Bashkirs roamed the steppe, taking their yurt houses with them. A yurt is a house. The yurt was assembled from the slats and covered with felt. It is warm in the yurt in the cold, cool in the heat. There is a hearth inside the yurt, in the center, he is happy to warm and feed his family. Loungers and chests, warm carpets on the floor. Bashkirs drink and eat on carpets, they do not sit on chairs.

In winter, the Bashkirs lived in auls, in wooden houses... Auls were built in river valleys or near dense forests. The Bashkirs fished in the rivers. In the forests, they hunted, collected berries, mushrooms and honey from wild bees.
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A story about the Tatar people
-Not only the Bashkirs attracted our fertile land. The Tatars settled on the lands of the Urals. Traditionally, Tatar villages were located on the banks of rivers. Traditional dwelling Tatars was a hut, fenced off from the street by a fence. The external facade of the hut was decorated with multicolored paintings.
Tatars are hardworking people. They were engaged in handicrafts and trade. Tatar children with early years are taught to respect the elders and not offend the younger ones. Tatars are very hospitable, guests are treated with sweet chak-chak, sorbet, honey and fragrant tea, they offer to spend the night.

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A story about the Russian people
Russian people settled in the Urals, uprooted the forest, built huts. Grain growers plowed the land, sowed rye and oats. Harvested in the fall. Russian artisans mined ores, worked in factories, and soldiers built fortresses. The merchants traded.
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So Bashkirs, Tatars and Russians live nearby. Each nation speaks its own language, prays to its gods, wears its own national dress... The peoples of the Urals observe their customs, they do not forget about friendship.
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V. Anchoring
... Conclusion
- In our region, as in all of Russia, different peoples live.
A great power is strong
By their sons, their daughters.
Russia's glory will not fade,
As long as we are together and united!