The contribution of man in the domestic culture arguments. Arguments for the composition of the exam

The contribution of man in the domestic culture arguments. Arguments for the composition of the exam

It is in work, and only in labor, a man, and what is his hot love for work, especially the majestic himself ... M. Gorky. Essay this year, our Volgograd region marked the wonderful date of the Seven anniversary. Volga Land rightfully can be proud of people who have been glorified by their work and noble gusts and will glorify it. In the district newspaper Niva, there were many articles dedicated to life and labor success of wonderful people. We want to tell about our countryman, Hero of Socialist Labor, Ablyakhov Vladimir Semenovich. Vladimir Semenovich Ablyakhov was born on May 24, 1927 in the village of Shemetovo Chuchkovsky district of the Ryazan region. There were nine children in the Ablyakhov family (two of them died), Vladimir - the fourth child. Mother, Praskovya Petrovna, was engaged in the house and raising children. The head of the family, Semyon Egorovich, was a good tailor on tailoring of the outerwear, people from many surrounding villages came to him. But the money earned by the painstaking work of the father was lacking for the whole family. Despite difficulties, parents sought to give their children education. The first four classes Vladimir Semenovich finished in a rural school, he studied with pleasure, especially he liked the lessons of arithmetic. In the late 1930s, the Ryazan region lived very poorly and hard. And in 1939, in search of the best share, the Ablyakhov family moved to the Stalingrad region and settled in the village of Magnoye, and a little later Ablyakhov moved to the ends of the demons. Unfortunately, Vladimir Semenovich could not continue his studies at school - nothing to go to classes. But it was necessary to support the family, and Vladimir began to work in the collective farm "Lighthouse": together with the father of Pass sheep. Soon the war began - the harsh and heavy test for the whole of our people. Vladimir Semenovich Ablyakhov then was 14 years old. Father, Seeds Egorovich, did not take on the front: he was already an inconsequent age and continued to work as a shepherd. Vladimir decided to go to work the trash to the combine. I had to perform not only this work: I also needed to take the grain in the distance on the famous bull. Vladimir Semenovich understood that it was necessary to collect all the forces into a difficult time for the country. He had already worked his feat in those years. Vladimir Semenovich Ablyakhov in the collective farm "Mayak" worked the whole war. It was hard for a teenager to perform men's work, but at that time the children became early as adults. After the Great Patriotic War, Vladimir Semenovich continued to work in the collective farm, but now the tractor driver. Although Vladimir Semenovich Special Technical Education did not have, at that time, men's hands were appreciated by the weight of gold. In 1949, Vladimir Semenovich met his future wife Alexander. A year later, they played a wedding, although the parents of Shura did not want to give out the daughter of marrying a simple guy from the poor, "the need," as they said, families. But Alexander Egorovna said Mother: "If not for him, then no one else!" Newlyweds lived several years with their parents in a saman house. Two children were born here - the daughter of Elizabeth and Love. In 1957, Ablyakhov built a new saman hut and, as they said before, "went to their bread", i.e. began to live on their own. Vladimir Semenovich continued to work on the combine, and his wife became twisted. Accounting abbreviations were high. Vladimir Semenovich and Alexander Egorovna were always leading in social resources. As the front of agriculture, Vladimir Semenovich in 1964 he became a member of VDNH in Moscow. There was also awarded valuable gifts - a wool carpet and a samovar. In 1965, Vladimir Semenovich Ablyakhov decided to start harvesting the grain at once on two combines: I regret the equipment but not myself! There was no thought about to once again go to the leaders. Just Vladimir Semenovich honestly worried, dedicated himself to his most important and eternal case - he raised bread. In March 1966, for the highest mall of grain crops Ablyakhov, Vladimir Semenovich was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Gold Medal and the Order of Lenin. How many strength, energy, souls and labor has invested the famous Herborob in the development of crop production, getting high yields! Years have passed. All of them were filled with one - work. Big family of Ablyakhov lived together. Family holidays celebrated, birthdays, when they were going at the table all together and sang the favorite song of Vladimir Semenovich - "on the Chui tract." Heavy Military Childhood, Physical Labor, sleepless nights reflected on the health of Vladimir Semenovich. In 1967, he had a serious surgery, had to leave the combine on Stanot, and later Ablyakhov Vladimir Semenovich began to work as an electrician in the state farm "Chernorechensky". In the workbook, Vladimir Semenovich, there were only four records, but they reflected all the work life of the hero: "Hired of work in the Lighthouse collective farm, enlisted by the mechanic in the state farm" Chernorechensky "in connection with the reorganization of the Lighthouse (1957), translated by the electrician As of health (1978), translated by electric welder (1981). " After seven years, in 1988, Ablyakhov Vladimir Semenovich was dismissed in connection with retirement by age. There is a workbook of the hero of socialist labor insert. All records about gratitude, awards, promotions were not fitted. Therefore, the liner has been necessary. A person is not authorized over time, he passes without sparing us. Vladimir Semenovich Ablyakhov's life has accommodated the most expensive - work, family and respect for others. But it broke off on July 14, 1994. According to the memoirs of friends Ablyakhova V.S., Samokhvalov Ivan Kuzmich and Sizhinyeva Alexander Filippovich, Vladimir Semenovich "Never refused to help anyone. On the night - Midnight could always be hoped for this person. On any technique could work, everything did it reliably. This is an example for our youth, an example of a worker, a person with a capital letter. " Ablyakhov VS It was a sensitive, responsive man, an exemplary family man. Together with his wife Alexander Egorovna, they raised three children, grandchildren had already grown. The son of Vladimir Semenovich, Nicholas, was transferred to the diligence of the Father, the love of land, responsiveness to people. Nikolai Vladimirovich is an advanced combider of Farm of Farmery Salverova S.V. Ablyakhov Vladimir Semenovich passed a decent life path. God forbid everyone from us to leave such a memory of yourself. A person will always live next to us if the memory of him is alive if there is someone to continue his case if the life of the grandfather is an example for grandchildren.

The highest good of life is the work!

It is in labor, and only in labor, a man, and what is his hot love for work, especially Majestic himself, the more productive, its more beautiful work "(M. Gorky).

2015 B. Zainsky Municipal Area Announced the Year of Labor. And this is fine, because in our area there are many hardworking people.

"Peace", "Motherland", "House", "Mom", "Labor" - words familiar with us since childhood. It was them that, together with the teacher, looked, was chosen in their school notebooks. What is work? Look at the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova.

Work - expedient human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

Work - work, occupation.

Labor - effort aimed at achieving something.

Work - the grafting of skills and skills in some professional , economic activity".

According to the "sensible dictionary" Vladimir Dalya, work is a job, a lesson, exercise, the matter, everything that requires effort, effort, care. "
Work as a conscious need existed always. Life and life is inseparable concepts.
It is very important that every person choose a matter of soul. The happy is the man who is engaged in a favorite thing who chose a profession correctly. About such a person they say that he is in his place or that he has golden hands.
Labor is the basis of human being. A person has long been taken care of himself, she cooked food, sewed clothes, entered the dwelling and a place near him. Currently, people also work a lot to make their life suitable for living.
All in the world is created by labor : Cities, factories and plants are being built, bread is grown, smart cars are created, houses designed by engineers, miners built by builders, coal mined, blooming gardens, well-groomed people, laughing children brought up by parents, kindergarten and school - in all It is invested by the work of people. Their thought took off high, and their hands embodied the thought of. And all this for a person so that it is full, healthy, cheerful and happy. And without difficulty, there is no fetus - says folk wisdom, because "a person is put by a person, man and famous."
We all stand on the infinite, departing in the vague stairs, where every step is the fruit of the artisan, the farmer, the scientist. From our relationship to work, from how our society treats a worker - anyway, a bricklayer, philosopher, cook, teacher, depends on whether this ladder will continue.
There is no number of proverbs and sayings in which the people exalted labor. And labor exalts man, makes it strong and persistent, rich and independent. "Labor for a person - health and life." After all, "who is used to work, this is not sitting without a case." About people who can all know, say: "Both the shvets, and a reaper, and on the Dudge,", that is, a skillful, working person. These always respect, appreciate in the family, and in production. "It's easily not caught and fish out of the pond" - all the case requires skills, patience and skills. "Man is born for labor", "There is no good", "man's work feeds, but Lena spoils," who does not work, he doesn't eat, "" without difficulty caught and fish out of the pond "," who works well there is nothing to boil "," work time , fun hour, "" Without work, do not eat honey, "" Patience and work will be perfect "," there is no good fetus "," to live albeit - it is necessary to love to love, "" without a reason to live - only smoking the sky. " After all, it is working that works and paints a person, makes it stronger, smarter, better. You need to appreciate and respect the work of other people, and work yourself - only then you will be happy.
No wonder the importance of adjective "labor" - earned by honest working. The people say:

Labor bread is sweet.

Labor penny and before God is good.

Labor money is always strong.

For well-being, a person needs, above all, self-esteem. And the path to self-esteem is a work that brings joy and satisfaction. Therefore, work is the lever that raises a person, makes it possible to take his decent place in life. Of course, outstanding minds with the most pressing understood What kind of work for the development of mankind in general and for each person in particular. That's just a small part of what great people talked about this.

"The highest good of life is labor"; "You can also be ashamed of any work, at least the most unclean, but only one: idle life"; "The height of the culture is always in direct dependence on love for labor" (L. N. Tolstoy).

"It is in labor, and only in labor, a man, and what is his hot love for work, especially the most majestic himself, the more productive, more beautiful than his work" (M. Gorky).

"A person must work, work in the sweat of the person whoever he is, and in this one is the meaning and purpose His life, his happiness, his delight "(A. P. Chekhov).

"Labor frees us from three great angry: boredom, vice and need" (Voltaire).

"In the house of the worker hunger looks, but it is afraid of going there" (B. Franklin).

"Who wants to deal with a fool, we suggest:

Let it challenge the work and live lazy. " (I. A. Nekrasov).

"The one who has known since childhood is that the work is the law of life, who has understood that the bread is mined only in the sweat of the face, he is capable of a feat, because on the right day and his hour he will have the will of him to fulfill and forces for this" ( J. Verne).

IN one parable peasant , Dying, gave the juvenile son of the Okaz: "Eat bread with honey, the first does not greet." Only the hardworking sons recognized the real taste of bread (as with honey), and the one who worked in the field, for example, the Kossel, only the nodded on the greetings of the coming past. So it came out that lovers of sleep greet always the first ...

The people always looked at the lazy people with a grin, ridiculed loans, simulants. According to the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova, Lenza is "No desire to work, a tendency to idleness." "Lazy-Mother ahead of him was born" - so they talk about people who do not like and do not want to work.

Parable "Two Plow"
Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them got into the hands of the farmer and immediately went to work, and the other for a long time and completely useless in a merchant shop. It happened a few time that both fellow countryman met again. Plow, former from the farmer, glitter, like silver, and was even better than at the time, as he just left the workshop; Plow, having lacquered without any business in the shop, darkened and covered with rust.
- Tell me, please, why are you so glitter? - asked the rusted plow from his old acquaintance.
"From labor, my dear," answered. "But if you rusted and got worse than it was, then because all this time you lay on my side, not doing anything.

K.D. Ushinsky
Labor can work wonders. People create new development in production, achieve great success in medicine, creating new apparatus for the treatment of patients with