Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. Peoples of Russia

Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. Peoples of Russia
Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. Peoples of Russia

Racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population

In solving issues related to the rationale for the placement of productive forces, great importance It has the study of racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population, i.e., the ratio of representatives of individual races and peoples, their placement, legal status, labor skills, etc.

All humanity in characteristic features The appearance of people is customary to divide the three large races: the European one, the Mongoloid and Equatorial.

Representatives of the Europeanid race, which make up 47% of the total number of residents of the Earth, to the Great geographic discoveries They lived in Europe, North Africa, in the Middle and Middle East and in India, in the future they settled around the world. Mongoloid race people constituting 37% of the world's population live mainly in Eastern and South East Asia. TO mongoloid race belongs to I. indigenous population America - Indians. Representatives of Equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, races (about 5% of the population of the Earth) live mostly in Africa.

The rest of the inhabitants of the planet (about 11-12%) relates to mixed and transitional racial groups resulting from migrations and mixing racial types.

Large races, in turn, are divided into the so-called small races. For example, the European-like race is divided into the North, Baltic, Alpine and a number of other small races.

Human races - groups of people connected by the generality of origin and external physical signs (skin color, the nature of the hair cover, the features of the face, etc.), prevailing in the distant past under the influence natural environment. The signs of these are mainly adaptive, acquired by a person as a result of adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment.

Nation(Peoples, ethnic groups) have been shaped as society usually developed from representatives of several small or large races.

The characteristic signs of the current nation are: the community of territory, language, economic life, national Culture, sense of patriotism.

Thus, peoples (ethnic groups) are groups of people united by the historically established unity of the language, territory, economic Life and culture, national self-consciousness. There are about 4 thousand peoples in the world, which can be classified by different signs, including in numbers and language.

Numerous (from 100 and more million people) peoples belong: Chinese - Han (representatives of Han people live mainly in China and make up more than 95% of the population of this country), Hinduscans (inhabitants of India, account for about a quarter of the population of this country), Americans (USA), Bengaltsi (main population of Bangladesh and Indian state West Bengal), Punjabtsy (mostly residents of Pakistan and Indian state of Punjab), Biharians (residents of the Indian state of Bihar, Bangladesh, Nepal), Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, Mexicans, Yavantsy.

The number of most of the peoples is small - less than 1 million people.

The classification of peoples in the language is based on the principle of their kinship, that is, taking into account the relatives of the origin of the language. On this basis, all nations are combined into linguistic families. Total families about 20. The most common one - indo-European familyAlmost half of all mankind speaks in her tongues. As part of the Indo-European family, Slavic, Romanesque, German, Celtic, Baltic and other language groups are allocated. The Chinese-Tibetan, Altai, Ural, Caucasian, Nigero-Kordofan, seven-Hamit family of languages \u200b\u200bare also widespread.

In accordance with the national population, all countries of the world are divided into one-nation and multinational. In general, multinational states predominate in the world, some of them live dozens and even hundreds of peoples. Representatives of such states can be India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, USA, most countries in Africa. Examples of single-ground states - Poland, Hungary, Germany (in Europe), Chile (in Latin America), Japan, Korea, Bangladesh (in Asia), Australia.

Racial and ethnic composition of the population

Human Race - A historically established group of people who have similar inherited external (bodily) signs.

The composition and structure of human races, (%).

Ethnic groups (peoples) - The established sustainable community of people united by language, territory, household, culture, national self-consciousness and opposing themselves to all other similar teams.

In total, there are 3-4 thousand peoples in the world, or ethnic groups, some of which have developed in the nation, while others are peoples and tribes. Naturally, with such quantities they need their classification. For the geography of the population the greatest value They have classifications of peoples, firstly, in numbers and, secondly, in language.

The classification of peoples in numbers testifies primarily about extremely large differences between them: from the Chinese, which are already more than 1.3 billion, before the tribe of the values \u200b\u200bin Sri Lanka or Botokuds in Brazil, which are less than 1 thousand people. The bulk of the world's population is large and especially the most large peoples, whereas many hundreds of small peoples have only a few percent of the population. globe. But your contribution to world culture Large and small nations contribute and bring.

The classification of peoples in the language is based on the principle of their kinship.

All languages \u200b\u200bare combined into linguistic families who are divided into linguistic groups. The most common one is an Indo-European family.

In the languages \u200b\u200bof this family, 150 peoples are spoken by a total number of more than 2.5 billion people belonging to 11 language groups and living in all parts of the world. IN foreign Europe And America in the languages \u200b\u200bof this family says 95% of the total population.

Over 1 billion. A person speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Sino-Tibetan family, mainly Chinese, more than 250 million - in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Afrazian family, mainly Arabic. The number of most other families is significantly less.

In cases where national (ethnic) borders coincide with political, form one-demonic states; Most of all in Europe, in Latin America, in Australia and Oceania, in the Middle East. There are also binary states - Belgium, Canada. Along with these there are many countries that are multiethnic states; In some of them there are dozens and even hundreds of peoples. In many cases, they have a federal or confederative administrative-territorial device.

Tasks and tests on the "racial and ethnic composition of the population"

  • Population of Eurasia - Eurasia Grade 7
  • Population and its composition - Earth population grade 7

    Lessons: 3 tasks: 8 tests: 1

  • Population and countries of North America - North America Grade 7

    Lessons: 3 tasks: 9 tests: 1

  • Population and countries of South America - South America Grade 7

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 10 tests: 1

  • Brazil - South America Grade 7

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 9 tests: 1

Leading ideas: The population is the basis of the material life of society, the active element of our planet. People of all races, nations and nationalities are equally capable of participating in material production and in spiritual life.

Basic concepts: Demographics, growth rates and population growth rates, population reproduction, fertility (fertility rate), mortality (mortality rate), natural increase (natural growth rate), traditional, transitional, modern type of reproduction, demographic explosion, demographic crisis, demographic politics, migration (emigration, immigration), demographic situation, agent of the population, sexual pyramid, EAN, labor resources, employment structure; resettlement and placement of the population; Urbanization, agglomeration, megalopolis, race, ethnos, discrimination, apartheid, world and national religions.

Skills: To be able to expect and apply reproduction indicators, employment resources (EAN), urbanization, etc. for individual countries and groups of countries, as well as analyze and draw conclusions (compare, to summarize, determine the trends and consequences of these trends), read, compare and analyze sexually Pyramids of various countries and groups of countries; Using the atlas cards and other sources characterize changes in the main indicators throughout the world, to give the characterization of the population of the country (region) according to plan using atlas cards.

Today, Russia ranks first in the world around the territory area. However, this does not mean that the population of the Russian Federation is also located on leading positions among other countries. The fact is that a significant part of the territory is occupied by deserted steppes and Taiga, as the most distant areas of Siberia. Therefore, in the density of the population, Russia is far from the first positions in the world.

RF number indicators

According to the first large-scale census in 1897, the number of Russian population was more than 67.4 million people. These were people of different nationalities and races Mostly dominated rural residents. The reason for this was the developed farmers and farming. In addition, as such large cities was a bit. Craftsmen and merchants lived in them.

The literacy rate at the beginning of the 20th century in the country was catastrophically low. Only 21% of people have passed at least primary school. According to the religion, the population statistics shows that most of Russia inhabitants at the time were Orthodox (about 70%). The rest belonged to such confessions as Islam, Catholicism and Judaism. Interestingly, three-quarters of the population represented the peasants. The number of burghers amounted to about 10.7%, foreigners - up to 6.6%, Cossacks - a little more than 2%, nobles - 1.5% and so on.

In the mid-1920s, the dynamics of the population of Russia began to wear stable positive. So, in 1926, the number of countries amounted to about 101 million people. At the time of the early World War I, the number of residents of Russia exceeded 110 million, at the end of hostilities - about 97.5 million. This is the only Russian Federation in the entire history of the country in the country's demographic indicators. And after 10 years, the situation has stabilized. By 1955, the number of Russian population reached the mark of 110 million people.

The country was waited by its demographic peak in 1995. Then the number amounted to about 148.5 million people. In the next 15 years, there was a slight decline in indicators due to mass emigration in western countries. In total during this period, Russia left more than 6 million people.

Currently equal to 146.3 million people.

Demographic density

The geography of the population of Russia is very diverse and uneven on subjects. Most of Residents focused in the territorial triangle between St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and Sochi. Causes are a favorable climate and a positive economic background. North of this region prevails a long-term permit, and to the south - endless deserts.

In the density of the population, Siberia occupies one of the most recent places in the world. Less than 29 million people live in this region. This is only a fifth of the Russian Federation. And on Siberia Square is three quarters of the Russian Federation. The most densely populated points are the strip of Derbent Sochi and Ufa-Moscow.

In the Far East, a large density is observed throughout the entire Transsiberian route. These are cities like Omsk, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, etc. Increased population density indicators and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Blacksmith Coal Basin. All these regions attract residents with their economic advantages.

As the statistics of the population of the Russian Federation, the greatest demographic number is reflected in megalopolis and capitals autonomous republics. It is noteworthy that the rural lights every year will be allowed faster due to moving local residents In major cities.

Demographic dynamics

Modern Russia is the territory, the population of which grows mainly due to a significant tide of migrants from neighboring countries in search of wealth. The fact is that in the Russian Federation on this moment There is a demographic crisis. barely exceeds 1.5. In parallel with this there is a catastrophically high level mortality. The reason for this serve several components at once. According to statistics, more than half of deaths happen due to heart disease, about 15% - from cancer and its consequences, more than 4% - from defeat internal organs.

It is worth noting that Russia occupies one of the first places in the world by the number of deaths for external reasons (more than 14.5%). This is higher than the same indicators of the other European countries 6 times. Most of the deaths occur as a result of accidents, including production. Every year about 6 thousand people become victims of murder. Mortality of juvenile Russians keeps at the level of 5% of the total.

In 2006, about 1.5 million children were born in the country. The corresponding coefficient rose to 10.4 points. Nevertheless, mortality amounted to more than 2.1 million people. Together with migration indicators, the population of the Russian Federation has decreased by almost 0.7 million inhabitants. In the same year, a slight positive dynamics was noted in the life expectancy, which was 66.8 years. Nevertheless, this is a fairly low indicator compared to other European top countries.

In 2007, the structure of the population of Russia has undergone important changes. As a result of mass migration, the country has replenished more than a quarter of a million people with different corners Planets. This made it possible to reduce the demographic lag of Russia. Interestingly, the greatest birth rates were first noted in the Magadan region.

In 2008 and 2009 Compensated for more than 70% of the numerical losses of the Company from mortality rates. The fertility exceeded the threshold of 1.7 million children, reaching the coefficient of 12.3. Such a positive trend was observed in 67 subjects of the country. In parallel with this, the total life expectancy in the regions gradually increased.

In 2012, mortality and fertility rates were expected to be equal to 1.9 million people. At the same time, the increase in migrants reached the threshold of 300 thousand. In 2013, the birth rate prevalted over mortality: 1.9 against 1.87 million people. It was noted in 43 regions of the federation.

In 2014, fertility rates exceeded the mortality rate of 33.7 thousand people. In view of 143.7 million inhabitants.

Commitment to urbanization

Over the past century, the rural population of Russia has decreased 4 times. By 1914, 82.5% of people lived in the outskirts and villages, by 2014 - less than 26%. Today, the main population of Russia is residents of large and small cities.

The main cause of such an increase was the planned economic policy of the Soviet Union. For the period from 1929 to 1939. in countryside The rapid collectivization and industrialization of the Company was carried out. In the early stages of reform, the country shook terrible hunger, but later there was a significant increase in the industrial industry throughout the USSR. In the late 1940s, the rural part of the population began to gradually move to the city for finding a better life.

Reducing the rate of urbanization was noted in the mid-1960s, as well as in the 1980s. For a long time, this indicator was not more than 1.5%. Already at that time, the urban population was at a mark of 74% of the total number of the country. Over the years before today's day The situation has not changed. The percentage of Russia's urbanization is equal to 74.2%. It is about 106.7 million people. When in rural areas, the number of barely exceeds 39 million inhabitants.

Most of the population is presented in megalopolis. At the moment, 15 cities are highlighted with more than 1 million inhabitants. He heads the list of Moscow (12.1 million people), then the St. Petersburg is coming (5.1 million people). In such cities such as Novosibirsk, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Perm, Novgorod, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov and Volgograd, population indicators are in the range from 1 to 1.5 million inhabitants.

Variety of peoples

Today, ethnic I. religious composition Russia includes hundreds of nations and is fully reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. About 200 nations live in the country. Each of them has its own culture, traditions and religious views.

Main ethnic people Russia is Russian. According to the results of a large-scale census in 2010, this nation takes almost 81% of the country's total population. This is more than 111 million people. All other nationalities are among the remaining 19.1%. It is noteworthy that every year the number of Russians in the Russian Federation falls inexorably. Over the past 12 years, the number of this ethnic mass has decreased by almost 5 million people. In turn, for the reporting period, there is a significant increase in migrants from Asia.

Over the past 10 years, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Circassians and Kumykov moved to Russia. The gain of the first and at all amounted to more than 22.5%. In parallel with this there is a significant decline in some european peoples. Such peoples, as Finns, Poles, Ukrainians, Karelia and Belarusians came to this list. The greatest negative percentage belongs to the first (-40.5%).

The largest native people (more than 1 million people) are Russian, Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens and Armenians. Each of these ethnic groups is considered the basic element of the foundation of Russian society.

Indigenous population - Russian

This ethnic people of Russia represents eastern Slavs.who lived in Russia from time immemorial. Most of the Russian population is in the Russian Federation, however, large diasporas are also observed in Kazakhstan, in Ukraine, Belarus and the United States. This is the most numerous European ethnic group. At the moment, there are more than 133 million Russians on the planet. The vast majority of them confess to Orthodoxy.

There are more than 111 million Russians in Russia. They focus on all subjects of the country, from cities to villages. To date, the Russian people as the community of nation is about 77.7% of the total population of the Russian Federation. Most of the representatives ethnic group Lives in Moscow - about 9.9 million people. In the region adjacent to the capital, there is a little more than 6.2 million Russians. The following regions are Krasnodar Territory, St. Petersburg, Rostov and Sverdlovsk region. There are a total of about 16 million Russians.

It is noteworthy that in this national group allocate a number of ethnographic subclasses. In Karelia, the Russian man is called a watercourse or a groundwater, on the coast of the Barents Sea - Pomor, in the Komi Republic - a chill. All this names of the ancient peoples who previously lived in Russia. Interestingly, there are our names from the Russians from the central part of the country. For example: Katkari, One-Novors, Fields, Meshcheryaki, Sayan, Tsukany, Sevryuki, Tudovlyan, Talady, etc. In the Caucasus and in the Asian region of the country, such subclasses are allocated as don Cossacks, Molokan, Kamchadal, Kerzhaki, Siberians, Mason, Gurana, Markovtsy and others.

Separately, it is worth noting mixed groups, for example, Russian Jew. However, official scientific papers There is no such separation.

Tatar people

Ethnic composition The population of Russia is 3.7% determined by representatives of the Türko-Public tribes. Tatars live mainly in the Volga region, Siberia, Ural, and in the Asian region of the country. Recently, significant numbers are celebrated in the Far East. In total, more than 5.3 million Tatars live on. This is the second largest ethnic group of the Russian Federation.

Tatars It is customary to divide on 3 main territorial groups: Volga-Ural, Astrakhan and Siberian. Most of the representatives of the people live in the Republic of Tatarstan (more than 2.8 million people). Interestingly, the National language belongs to the Altai class, and dialects can be somewhat several: Kazan, Mishar and Siberian.

Most Tatars are Muslims-Sunni. In rare cases, atheism and Orthodoxy are confess. Tatar nationality is partly part of some largest subethnos: Kazanla, Mishary, the siestarians, Kasimimens, Sibiryaki, Tytyari, quicken, etc. Less significant in the number of subgroups: Lipki and Nagyabaki. Interestingly, the latter are Orthodox Christians.

Ukrainian nationality

The ethnic population of Russia by 1.35% consists of the Western Slavic diaspora. Bright representatives Nations consider Rusins \u200b\u200band Malorus. Today, this ethnic group is called Ukrainians. After Russian and Poles, this is the most numerous slavic people in the world. Preferably live in Ukraine, however, a significant part is in Russia and in North America.

Historians refer to Ukrainians such ethnographic subgroups as Posals, Boyki, Lemki and Gutsules. Most of them inhabited Western areas of Russia. Currently, all of them are combined into a single people. There are more than 1.9 million Ukrainians in Russia. Of these, almost 160 thousand live in the Tyumen region, 154 thousand - in Moscow, a little less than 120 thousand - in the regional part of the capital. The following regions in the number of Ukrainian people - Krasnodar Territory, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Omsk, Orenburg, Primorye, etc.

It is noteworthy that the ethnic territory of the nation is considered in Europe the second largest after Russian. Historically, it covers more than 600 thousand sq. Km.

Bashkir Nation

This Turkic-speaking people inhabited the territory of Russia from the Middle Ages. Bashkirs mostly live in Russia. The Republic of Bashkortostan is considered to be their cultural and historical center. All indigenous people talk on the Turkic-Altai Dialect.

Data in Russia accounts for about 1.1% of the general population. Their number is slightly less than 1.6 million. The overwhelming part of Bashkirov lives in the native republic (74%). More than 160 thousand is in the Chelyabinsk region. Also, the increased number of Bashkirov is noted in Tyumen, Orenburg, Perm and Sverdlov.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, the whole national writing was Arabic, then she was transferred to latin language and Cyrillic. Since ancient times, Bashkirs are adherents of the Sunni current of Islam. The main occupation of the population is still considered cattle breeding. On the other hand, in last years In Bashkortostan, agriculture, poultry and fisheries are developing. The male part of the population is often engaged in hunting. Women, in turn, bind whole bee plantations.

From crafts well developed weaving, embroidery, carpet production, leather finishing. Today, a significant part of the republic's profits depends on the metallurgical industry. It is worth noting that this type of activity of Bashkirs was famous for the 16-17th century.

Over the years, the lifestyle of local residents has changed dramatically. Nevertheless, there are still settlements where he was preserved by half-cleaning.

The self-proclaimed people of Chuvashi

The ethnic composition of the population of Russia includes not only listed, but many other nationalities. According to the last census, about 1.5 million Chuvash lives in the country. Outside of Russia, there are only about 50 thousand indigenous representatives of nationality. Most of the population is based in Chuvashia.

To date, 4 territorial subgroups are separated. In the West of the Republic, the Republic lives in the north-tree, in the south of Anaturt, in the eastern steppe areas - Harti. National language - Chuvash. It is a mixture of Turkic and Bulgarian. May have several dialects depending on geographic commitment.

The main religion is Orthodoxy. A minor part of the population adheres to Muslim. In the east of the republic, small villages remained, in which an ancient shamanist remains the only religion. All Chuvashi is very honored their traditions and customs, national holidays.

The main economic industry of the region remains animal husbandry. In the republic grow pigs, sheep, cattle, large birds. In the southern regions, historical traditions of horse breeding are preserved. Chuvashia is rich in meat and dairy products. Local products are exported far beyond the republic. In total, agriculture employs more than 20% of the crude.

Charisma and traditions of Chechens

Initially, this people were called Nochchchi. Today, the ethnic composition of the population of Russia per 1% represent the descendants of ancient Nagorn tribes - Chechens. The overwhelming majority of indigenous people are based in the North Caucasus. In the Middle Ages, Nochchchi was settled by such historical areas of Dagestan, like Khasavurtovskaya, Kazbekovskaya, Kizilyurtovskoy, Novolakskaya, and others. The total number of representatives of the nation is 1.55 million people in Russia - 1.4 million.

Until the revolution of 1917, the Chechens called nakh nations. Their composition included Ingushi, Bazbi and Kitnts. Today, 84.5% of representatives of the ethnic group live in Chechnya, the rest is in Dagestan and Ingushetia. Moscow has about 14.5 thousand descendants of Nochchchi. This is a little more than 1% of their total.

Many historians believe that Chechen people have developed as a result of the internal consolidation of the Vainakh population in the period from 16 to 18th century. At this time, an active Islamization of the region took place. Most Vainakhov began to master mountainous areas. Gradually formed a religious and cultural background of modern Chechens. At the moment, it is impossible to finally determine all the ethnic factors of Vainakhs.

Armenian diaspora

This is one of the most ancient peoples belonging to the Indo-European family. In the world of Armenians a lot of many, however, they are unevenly reset, so the total number even to theoretically reveal is difficult. Most of them in Armenia, Karabakh Republic, Georgia, Lebanon, Abkhazia, Jordan and the Russian Federation.

These ethnic minorities in Russia account for about 0.8% of the population. It is almost 1.2 million people. On the territory of Russia, Armenians are most in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, in Moscow and the region, as well as in Rostov. In the cities of representatives of this ethnic group, about 98% live.

The carriers of the protoarmyan dialect were the peoples of Brigi and Luvians. In modern understanding, the National Language of Armenians is considered the historical heritage of the ancient tribes of Highlands. The diaspora's own culture has practically no left. Back in the first millennium BC. e. Armenians moved to the territory of Luvians and Hurrites, borrowing their customs. Nevertheless, some scientists agree that the ancestors of this ethnic group were migrating ancient Greeks.

Other peoples

IN currently The ethnic composition of the population of Russia is diluted not only by representatives of Turks and the highlands, but also by many other diasporas. For example, Avars - the people whose ancient tribes include such ancient tribes, as Andians, Archintse and Ceza. Their number in Russia is more than 0.9 million people.

Such ethno groups, as the Kazakhs, Mordv, Darginians, Azerbaijanis, Mari, Udmurts, Ossetians, Belarusians, Kumyki, etc. should be allocated, and the total population of Russia is about 3.7%. The ethnic structure of the Russian Federation also includes Kabardians, Yakuts, Buryats, Moldovans, Uzbeks, Komi, Gypsies, Kyrgyz, Circassians and hundreds of other peoples.

Jews in the country remained not so much as in the early 2000s. Their number is 156.8 thousand people. Interestingly, during the last census, many representatives of this ethnobroup noted the nationality of the Russian Jewish nationality.

Ethnic population

The study of any country in geography is impossible without the knowledge of those peoples that they live. It is important to know and in what language this people speak, and what features of spiritual and material culture They distinguish it from other nations, which is the feature of his demographic behavior. Many sciences are engaged in the past and real peoples: archeology, geography, philosophy and other sciences. But there is also a special science - ethnography (ethnology), which is engaged in the study of the origin of the peoples, their main characteristics and properties, relationships between them.

The main concept in ethnography is the concept of ethnos.

Ethnos(from Greek. éthnos - society, group, tribe, people) Historically established sustainable community of people who have a set of signs: the community of territory and language, relatively stable features of material and spiritual culture and psyche, as well as the consciousness of their unity and differences from others Education, i.e. self-awareness and self-configuration (according to Yu.V. Bromlo

From the listed signs of the ethnos, no one is absolutely necessary, to assign a group of people to a specific people. So, the same people can speak two languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Belarusians speak Russian and on belarusian languages). A. english language They say both the British and Australians, New Zealanders, Americans of the United States, Irish and others. Peoples. As for the community of the territory, this sign does not always act as a mandatory sign of the ethnos. For example, the Belarusians may also be considered that emigrants who moved to permanent place Residence in Canada, USA, Brazil. It is very difficult inside a large group of people to find the absolute similarity in clothes, food, socio-household behavior. People are always different. And there may be a capital resident of Moscow, according to the features of the material and spiritual culture, closer to Parisian or Londonz, than the same Russian, but living in the village behind the Urals. Rather, the community of territory is prerequisite His occurrence and existence.

Therefore, the most important element of ethnic identification of any group of people is ethnic self-consciousness.

Under ethnic self-conscious It is customary to understand the awareness of the person of his belonging to a certain people (ethnosu), and under self-confidencenotify in the word this ethnos.

Sometimes ethnic self-consciousness acquires hypertrophied forms, i.e. Representatives of a certain people consider themselves more "significant" in comparison with other nearby living peoples, while achieving the privileges of one people over another in many areas of life (in the sphere of power, economic structures, symbolism, etc.) such ethnic self-consciousness is called nationalism. The extremely aggressive form of nationalism is chauvinism, in which representatives of a certain ethnos use ethnic discrimination or violent assimilation to other peoples. At the same time, if these measures reach the destruction of people of another nationality, then there is a phenomenon as genocide.

Famous Russian scientist L.N. Gumilev believes that the ethnos is in the process of continuous development and transformation, has a stage of origin, development, aging and disappearance (now such peoples like Byzantines, Hellen, Romans, Gunns, Babylonians, and once they were the great peoples left We traces for their own great culture). From the moment of the origin until the moment of disappearance goes around 1200-1550 years, and the current "backward peoples", for example, the peoples of Africa or Oceania are only ethnic groups at their stage of youth or the opposite of old age, and civilized Europeans are Cvalleva, which can enjoy the accumulated culture of previous centuries of its development.

In our ethnography, it is customary to allocate three stages The formation of the ethnos (the so-called stadial or temporal types).

The earliest and simple stages of the development of the ethnic rod and tribe. Rod and tribe has the following signs: a certain territory; General signs economic activity; generic power. Ethnic self-consciousness in the members of the tribe is reflected in the presentation of the overall ancestor. Category this historical and classic example served Evenks, Nenets ( northern peoplesliving in the European north of our country) is still in the near pre-revolutionary past. Examples modern period Some preserved tribes in hard-to-reach isolated places in Indians South America, Aboriginal Australia, Peoples of Equatorial Africa.

With an increase in public division of labor, with the advent class society and the formation of states began to develop nationality - The second stage of the development of the ethnos. Nature can be perceived in two senses:

1. Stage of the development of an ethnos, which occupies an intermediate position between the tribe and the nation. In this case, this group of people has the following signs: a single territory, culture, primitive community of economic life and statehood; Ethnic self-consciousness is already expressed in the awareness of the generality of origin from a certain tribe.

2. Modern ethnic groups, lost tribal traits and not found nations.

The highest stages of the development of the ethnos is the nation.

Nation There can also be two values:

§ The highest stage of the development of an ethnos, characterized by the presence of statehood, generality ethnic territory, economic life, appearance and distribution literary languagerecognizing as a state, the presence of ethnic self-consciousness;

§ Citizens of citizens of one state.

Ethnic community is in constant motion: their number changes, the age of age is changing, some generality disappear, others are born. All those processes that lead to a change or some individual elements, or an ethnic volume as a whole called ethnic processes. They are ethnoaming or ethno-separative.

At the stage of the appearance and formation of states, ethno-variable processes were most common. Specialists mainly allocate two such processs: consolidation and assimilation. Consolidation is a merger of groups close in the language and culture of groups in a larger ethnic community or inclusion in the ethnic community of the group close to him. So, from the related tribes of Krivich, Radmichi and Dregovichi formed subsequently such people as Belarusians. Ethnic assimilation is the process of "dissolution" of a previously independent ethnos or some part of its part in the other, usually larger ethnos. It can be natural and violent. With natural assimilation, due to a long stay in someone else's country, immigrants assimilate the language, culture, stereotype of the behavior of people of the country of residence. The main path at the same time - inter-ethnic marriages. An example of violent assimilation may be beolation of Belarusians in the time of joining the Belarusian lands to the Commonwealth, when our population was satisfied polish language, Catholic faith, Polish schools.

Not today accurate definition The number of peoples, however, the most frequently meeting amount of the number of peoples is 2000-2500, which are at various stages of development. The greatest distribution among geographers was distributed classification of peoples in numbers and language.

In terms of population The grouping of peoples was proposed by Brook S.I. The largest peoples whose number exceeds 100 million people. Are: Chinese, Hinduscans, US Americans, Bengalts, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, Punjabs. These 8 peoples account for about 41% of the total population of the Earth. Peoples with a number from 50 to 100 million are about 17% of the population. There are 12 such peoples today. But most of all (more than 180) peoples have a number from 1 to 5 million people. Although in the aggregate they account for only 8% of the population of the Earth.

The most common is linguistic classification of peoples in the world (based on kinship languages). Taxonomic ranks of the peoples of the world, adopted in the linguistic classification of peoples such:

§ Subgroup

§ Division

In the linguistic classification of the peoples of the world, it is customary to allocate the following families: indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Niger Congo Family, Semitskaya, Berber, Kushitskaya, Chadskaya, Austrasezia, Dravidian, Altai, Ural-Yukagirskaya, Austro-Azia, Parataya, Nilo-Sakhakkaya, North Caucasian, Carvela, Family Miao-Yao, Australian, Eskimo Aleutskaya, Chukotsko-Kamchatka, Papuass family, families indian peoples, Andaman.

Some nations occupy an isolated position, i.e. Do not enter into any named family (Aina, Basque, Nivhi, Borishi, Wike, Kusund).

1. Humanity is customary to divide for three main races:

europoid (countries of Europe, America, Southwestern Asia, North Africa);

mongoloid (Countries of Central and East Asia, America);

negroid (most Africa countries).

Austaloid race is also distinguished, representatives of which are resettled in the south-east of Asia, in Oceania and Australia.

30% of the world's population belongs to intermediate racial groups (Ethiopia, Malagasy, Polynesian, etc.). Mixing rates led to the formation of special groups of methives, mulatto and sambo in America.

2. The ethnic composition of the population is the result of a long historical process of mixing and resettlement of representatives of different races and ethnic groups.

Ethnic (people) -this is a prevailing sustainable group of people characterized by the generality of the language, territory, the peculiarities of life, culture and ethnic self-consciousness.

In total, there are 3-4 thousand ethnic groups in the world. Some of them turned into a nation, others are peoples, tribes.

Classification of ethnic groups It is carried out on various features, the main numbers of which are numbers and language.

In the number of nations of the world are different. The overwhelming majority of peoples are small. Only 310 peoples have a number of more than 1 million people, but they account for about 96% of the population of the Earth.

The world's largest peoples include:

chinese (1 120 million people);

hinduscan (219 million people);

uS Americans (187 million people);

bengaltsy (176 million people);

russians (146 million people);

brazilians (137 million people);

japanese (123 million people).

More than 30 million people numbered the following peoples: Biharians, Punjabs, Mexicans, Germans, Koreans, Italians, Visets, French, English, Ukrainians, Turks, Poles, etc.

According to the peoples, they are united into language families, which, in turn, are divided into language groups. In total, 20 linguistic families are allocated in the world. The largest of them are:

indo-European, in whose languages \u200b\u200b150 peoples say (about 2.5 billion people). It includes Romanesque languages \u200b\u200b(French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian), Germanic (German, English, Yiddish, Dutch), Slavic (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian), Indoary (Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi), Iranian (Persian, Tajik ) and etc.;

sino-Tibetan, in the languages \u200b\u200bof which they speak mainly in China, Nepal, Bhutan (over 1 billion people).

The language classification of peoples is significantly different from the national, since the dissemination of languages \u200b\u200bdoes not coincide with the ethnic borders. For example, in the former colonies of Spain, Great Britain, France in Africa, Asia, Latin America speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the metropolis.

Depending on whether ethnic and state borders coincide or not, the countries of the world are divided into single and multinational.

About half of the countries - sneondation. These are countries whose state borders coincide with ethnic and main nationality is 90% of the total population. Their most in Europe, in Latin America, in the Middle East. These countries can be attributed to Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia., Egypt, most Latin America countries.

Multinational - These are countries within the state borders of which several ethnic groups live. They can be divided into four groups:

with a sharp predominance of one nation with more or less significant national minorities (United Kingdom, France, Spain, China, Mongolia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, USA, Australian Union);

binary (Canada, Belgium);

with a complex, but ethnically homogeneous national staff (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Laos);

with complex and diverse in ethnically, the national staff (Russia, India, Switzerland, Indonesia).

The problem of interethnic relationships Currently it is quite acute. It's related:

with the actual economic and social inequality of peoples in some developed countries, the infringement of the cultural identity of national minorities (Basks in Spain, Corsicans in France, Scots in the UK, Franco Canadians in Canada);

with the process of unification of related tribes in nation, and nations in nation in many developing countries (India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Zair, Sudan);

with the consequences of European colonization, in which the oppression of the indigenous population (Indians, Eskimos, Aboriginal Australia persists);

with racial discrimination (South Africa, USA);

with the formation of new states in the territories former USSR and Socialist countries of Eastern Europe.

One of the main "hot spots" after World War II remains the Middle East, where the Arab-Israeli conflict does not subside.

National contradictions often have a religious basis. Bright example - Religious clashes between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland (Olster).

The problems of interethnic relations lead to serious consequences, their decision is equally important for all states of the world.