What can be said about the Chuvash people. The appearance of the Chuvash: Characteristics and features

What can be said about the Chuvash people. The appearance of the Chuvash: Characteristics and features
What can be said about the Chuvash people. The appearance of the Chuvash: Characteristics and features

And behavior. Choudas live in the center of the European part of Russia. Characteristic character traits are inherently connected with the traditions of these amazing people.

The origins of the people

At the distance of about 600 kilometers from Moscow is the city of Cheboksary, the center of the Chuvash Republic. Representatives of the colorful ethnos live on this land.

There are many versions on the origin of this people. It is most likely that the ancestors were Turkic-speaking tribes. These people began to migrate to the West back in the second century BC. e. Looking for a better share, they came to the modern territories of the republic as early as the VII-VIII centuries and three hundred years later created a state that was known as the Volga Bulgaria. From here and went Chuvashi. The history of the people could be different, but in 1236 the state was smashed by Mongol-Tatars. Part of people escaped from the conquerors to the northern lands.

The name of this people with Kyrgyz translates as "modest", according to the old Tatar dialect - "peaceful". Modern dictionaries argue that Chuvashi is a "quiet", "harmless." For the first time, the name is mentioned in 1509.

Religious preferences

The culture of this nation is unique. Until now, elements of anterior Asia are traced in rites. Also on the style influenced close communication with Iranian-speaking neighbors (Scyths, Sarmatians, Alans). Not only life and household, but also to dress the manner of chuvashi. Appearance, features of costume, character and even religion are obtained from neighbors. So, even before joining the Russian state, these people were pagans. Supreme God called the tour. Later, other faiths began to penetrate into the colony, in particular Christianity and Islam. Jesus those who dwell on the land of the republic were worshiped. Allah became the chapter of those who lived outside the region. During the events, Muslim carriers were trapped. Yet today most of Representatives of this people professes Orthodoxy. But the spirit of paganism is still felt.

Merge two types

Different groups influenced the appearance of the crude. Most - Mongoloid and caucasoid race. That is why almost all representatives of this people can be divided into blond Finnish and Dark Blonde representatives inherent in blond hair, gray eyes, pallor, wide face and small nose, the skin is often covered with freckles. At the same time, they are somewhat darker Europeans. Brunette curls often curly, dark brown eyes, narrow shape. They have poorly expressed cheekbones, povered nose and yellow skin type. It is worth noting that their traits are softer than the Mongols.

They differ from the neighboring groups of Chuvash. Characteristic for both types - small headed heads, nose, the eyes are narrowed, a small neat mouth. Growth of average, not inclined to completeness.

Casual Image

Each nationality is a unique system of customs, traditions and beliefs. No exception and for a long time, these people in each house independently made cloth and canvas. From these materials sewed clothes. Male was supposed to wear a canvas shirt and pants. If it became cool, kaftan and sheep coats were added to their image. They had the inherent patterns of Chuvashi inherent. The appearance of a woman successfully emphasized unusual ornaments. All things were decorated with embroidery, including painted shirts that were ladies. Later fashionable steel stripes and cells.

In each branch of this group, there were their own preferences in color of clothing. So, the South of the Republic has always given preference to saturated shades, and the northwestern fashionists loved light cloth. In the outfit of each woman there were wide Tatar pants. The mandatory element is an apron with a bib. He was particularly diligently decorated.

In general, the appearance of the Chuvash is very interesting. The description of the headdress is worth highlighting a separate section.

Status was determined by

No representative of the people could walk with uncoated head. This arose for a separate flow in the direction of fashion. With a special fantasy and passion, such things like Tuhye and Hushpu were decorated. First wore on the head unmarried girlThe second was only for family women.

At first, the hat served as a talisman, wanted from misfortune. Such an amulet was treated with special respect, decorated with expensive beads, coins. Later, such a subject not only decorated the appearance of the Chuvash, he began to talk about social and married women.

Many researchers believe that the form of UBOR reminds others give a direct reference to understanding the design of the universe. After all, according to the ideas of this group, the land had a quadranique, and in the middle stood a tree of life. The symbol of the latter was bulging in the center, which was distinguished married woman From the girl. Tuhye was a pointed conical shape, Hushpu - rounded.

With special scrupulsity chose coins. They should have been melodious. Those that hung from the edges hit each other and rang. Such sounds scared the evil spirits - they believed Choudas. The appearance and nature of the people are in direct relationship.

Ornament code

They are famous for Chuvas not only spiritual songs, but also embroidery. The skill grew with generations and was inherited from the mother to his daughter. It is in ornaments that you can read the history of a person, his belonging to a separate group.

Main embroidery - clear geometry. The cloth should be only white or gray. It is interesting that the girl's clothes decorated only before the wedding. IN family life It lacked time. Therefore, what was done in youth was wore the rest of my life.

Embroidery on clothes complemented the appearance of the crude. It has been encrypted information about the creation of the world. So, they symbolically depicted a tree of life and eight-pointed stars, outlets or flowers.

After promoting factory production, the style, color and quality of the shirt changed. The older people were grieved for a long time and assured that such changes in the wardrobe brought trouble on their people. Indeed, over the years of true representatives of this kind, it becomes less and less.

World of tradition

Much of the people say customs. One of the most colorful rituals is a wedding. The nature and appearance of the Chuvash, traditions are still preserved. It is worth noting that in ancient times at the wedding ceremony, priests, shamans or official representatives of power were present at the wedding ceremony. We have witnessed the creation of the family guests of the action. And attended the houses of the newlyweds all who knew about the holiday. Interestingly, the divorce as such was not perceived. On the canons of lovers who combined in front of their relatives should be loyal friend to a friend to the end of life.

Previously, the bride had to be older her husband for 5-8 years. Recently, when choosing a partner, the appearance of Chuvashi. The character and mentality of these people demanded that first of all the girl was hardworking. Gave the lady married after she lifted household. Adult woman Also entrusted to raise young husband.

Character - in customs

As previously mentioned, the very word from which the name of the people occurred, with most languages \u200b\u200btranslates as "peace-loving", "calm", "modest". This value is absolutely complied with the nature and mentality of this nation. According to their philosophy, all people like birds are sitting at different branches of a large tree of life, each other is a relative. Therefore, their love is limitless to each other. Very peaceful I. kind people Chuvashi. The history of the people does not contain information about the attacks of innocent and arbitrarily in relation to other groups.

The older generation keeps tradition and lives according to the old scheme, which was learned from their parents. Lovers still marry and swear in loyalty to each other in front of their relatives. Often they are satisfied with mass guides, where Chuvashsky sounds ringtones and melodically sound. People put on the best costumes embroidered on all canons. Cooking traditional bars soup - shurp, and drink their own cooking beer.

Future in the past

In modern conditions, the urbanization of tradition in the villages disappear. Together with this, the world loses independent culture, unique knowledge. Nevertheless, the Russian government aims to maximize the interest of contemporaries in the past of different nations. No exception and chuvashi. Appearance, fectures of life, flavor, rites - all this is very interesting. To show the young generation a culture of the people, students of the republic universities are improvised. They say and sing young people at the same time on chuvash language.

Choudas live in Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, in Uzbekistan, so their culture in the world successfully breaks. Representatives of the people support each other.

Recently, Chuvash has been translated main book Christians - Bible. The literature flourishes. Ornaments and clothing of the ethnos inspire famous designers to create new styles.

Until now, there are villages, where they still live according to the laws of the tribe of Chuvashi. The appearance of a man and women in such layers is traditionally folk. The Great Past is preserved and revered in many families.

According to one of the hypothesis of Chuvashi are descendants of the Bulgarian. Also, Chuvash themselves believe that their distant ancestors were Bulgars and Suwars, who once inhabited Bulgaria.

Another hypothesis states that this nationality belongs to the associations of Savirov, which in distant times have conjugated on the northern land due to the fact that they abandoned the generally accepted Islam. During the time of the Kazan Khanate, the ancestors of the Chuvash were part of his composition, but were quite independent people.

Culture and life of the Chuvash people

Main economic activities The crude was awesseldrated farming. Historians note that this people succeeded in land much more than Russians and Tatars. This is explained by the fact that Chuvashi lived in small villages whose nearby cities were nearby. Therefore, work with the Earth was the only source of food. In such villages, it was simply not possible to lean from work, especially since the land were fertile. But even they could not saturate all the villages and save people from hunger. The main cultrators were: rye, shepherd, oats, barley, wheat, buckwheat and peas. Len and hemp and hemp also grown here. For work S. agriculture Chuvashi used soils, roeers, sickles, chains and other devices.

In ancient times, Chuvashi lived in small villages and settlements. Most often, they erected in river valleys, near the lakes. Houses in the villages were built in a row or a cumulative way. The traditional was the construction of a pulp, which was put in the center of the courtyard. Also there were huts called bed. In Chuvash settlements, they played the role of summer kitchen.

National costume were typical clothing for many Volga peoples. Women wore tunic shirts that were decorated with embroidery and various pendants. And women and men on top of the shirt put on a shoo, a caftane cape. Women covered headscarf heads, and the girls wore a helmet headdress - a row. The outerwear served a Cleveavy Kaftan - Shupu. In the autumn period, Chuvasy dressed in a warmer Sahman - a trip from Sukna. And in the winter everything was wore fitted sheepskin coats - curtains.

Traditions and customs of the Chuvash people

Chuvash people carefully applies to customs and traditions of their ancestors. Both in antiquity and today the peoples of Chuvashia are carried out. vintage holidays and rites.

One of these holidays is ulah. IN evening time Young people are going to the evening collection, which is satisfied with the girls when their parents are not at home. The hostess with girlfriends sat in a circle and were engaged in needlework, and at that time the guys sat down between them, watched what was happening. They sang songs to the music of harmonist, danced and having fun. Initially, such meetings were searching for the bride.

Other national custom It is a Savarni, the holiday of winter wires. This holiday is accompanied by fun, songs, dances. People dress up stuffed as a symbol of a leaking winter. Also in Chuvashia, it is customary on this day to dress up and horses, harbor them in festive sleigh and roll children.

Holiday Manquoon is Chuvash Easter. This holiday is the cleanest and bright holiday for the people. Before the furculine, women are cleaned in their sips, and men are clouded in the yard and behind the yard. The holiday is prepared, filled full beer barrels, bake pies, paint eggs and prepare national dishes. Manquoon lasts seven days, which are accompanied by fun, games, songs and dancing. In front of Chuvash Easter, a swing was put on each street, on which not only children rushed, but also adults.

(Painting Yu.A. Zaitseva "Akatuy" 1934-35)

For the holidays associated with agriculture include: Akatui, Synet, Symx, Pitra and Pukrav. They are associated with the beginning and end of the sowing season, with harvest and the arrival of winter.

The traditional holiday of Chuvash is Surhuri. On this day, the girls were gadal - caught in the dark sheep to lead them the rope on the neck. And in the morning they came to look at the color of this sheep, if it was white, then the narrowed or narrowed will be blonde and the opposite. And if the sheep is motley, then the pair will not differ in particular beauty. In different areas, Surhuri is celebrated in different days - somewhere before Merry Christmas, somewhere in New Year, and some celebrate on the night of baptism.

Chuvashi, Chavash (Samokan.)- People in Russian Federation, title nation Chuvash Republic. Also live in a number of republics and regions of the Ural-Volga region - Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratovskaya, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk regions. Significant groups of the Chuvish are resets in Siberia - Tyumen, Kemerovo regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, etc. (See Table.). Live in the CIS and Baltic States. 1637.1 thousand live in the Russian Federation, incl. In the Chuvash Republic 889.3 thousand people. (see the resettlement of the Chuvash)

On June 24, 1920, the Chuvash Autonomous Region was formed, from 1925 - autonomous Republic. Since 1990 - Chuvash SSR, since 1992 - Chuvash Republic.

There are various hypotheses of the origin of the crude, which are reduced to the following concepts:

1) Chuvash Ethnic Score was formed on the basis of the Agricultural Bulgarian population who did not accept the corner of the Bulgarian population, who raised the Volga directory in the priesthood, prightement, naanish and on the left bank in order and ordered, partially assimilated Finno-Ugroms in the north of Chuvashia. Supporters of the theory bulgarian origin Chuvish numerous (N. I. Ashmarin, N. A. Baskakov, D. M. Ishakov, N. F. Katanov, A. P. Kovalevsky, I. Koiv, R. G. Kuzeev, S. E. Malov, N . N. Popp, A. Rona-Tash, B. A. Serebrennikov, A. A. Trofimov, N. I. Egorov, V. P. Ivanov, etc.), although they adhere to various hypotheses about Bulgarian-Turkic continuity. There are also many evidence of the ancient relations of the ancestors of the Chuvish with the Indo-Iranian cultural area;

2) Supporters of another concept believe that the basis of the Chuvash Ethnic Sheets was the Finno-Ugric (Mari) population, which was experiencing a strong cultural, especially the language, the influence of Bulgaria (N. I. Vorobyev, V. V. Radlov, N. A. Firsov, etc. );

3) Kazan scientists M. Zakiyev, A. Kh. Khalikov, N. N. Starostin et al. Put forward a hypothesis about the Volangaric Turkization of the Middle Allolia region, about the beginning of the formation of the Chuvash ethnos on the basis of Turkic-speaking carriers of the culture of Power-and-Andreevsky Kurgani II-III centuries . AD IN different time various other hypotheses appeared, incl. On the origin of the crown from the Huns (V. V. Barthold), from Sumerov (N. Ya. Marr), etc.

Ethnographic groups Chuvash:

1) viyal, or Tour (High). One of the ethnographic groups of the Chuvash people, resettle in the northern regions of the republic. As part of the group or subgroups are found among Anat Yenchi, Anaturt, as well as in the Diaspora (Ulyanovsk, Samara, Orenburg regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan). Education is due to the socio-economic, political changes in the lives of the peoples of the Middle Volga region and Russia as a whole in the historical past, and the beginning of the procedural process dates back to the period of Volzhskoy Bulgaria. Viyal from the grassroots and medium-line differs with their specific features (talk - Okan, People oral creativity, suit, music folklore etc.). Folk culture, including rituals, ancient beliefs, closer to the Mountain Marie (republics of Mari El), its basis refers to the Ugro-Finn's reserve, but at the same time the ancient Suwar-Bulgarian elements are traced in it. From Wedray, Vyloal still in the XVIII century. The scientist and enlightener E. I. Rozhansky came out, at the beginning of the XIX century. - Historian, ethnographer and writer S. M. Mikhailov-Yandush, First Professor from Chuvash. In the life of the nation folk culture Virail, as well as Anatar and Anat Enci, stands with a rich arsenal. Their dialect, being in its development historical phenomenon, contributes to enrichment literary language. In the second half of the 20th century. There is a gradual process of disappearing a dialect.

2) anatar (lower). They differ in their specific features: speak - tell, folk suit, musical folklore, oral folk creativity, rituals, etc. Anaturty is resettled in the south and south-east of the Chuvash Republic and in Diaspora - various republics and areas of the Russian Federation and the CIS. The main factors for the formation of Anatin were socio-economic and political changes both in the Chuvash region and in Russian Empire. The main reasons were to escape from violent Christianization and the search for fertile lands (16-18 centuries). Among the grassroots there are so-called local (Zakami) i.e. Not exposed to large migration processes. On their territory there are "islands" of Virlie, Anat Yenchi, as well as subgroups of Anaturt. The concept of "Anutatri" is connected not so much with a geoginal separation, as with the type of people, their character, a type of culture and history. As the term "anaturty" fastened at the beginning of the 20th century. Anaturt language is based on the Chuvash literary language, developed by the creators of the New Chuvash writing (V. A. Belilin, S. N. Timryasov, A. V. Rakeev, D. F. Filimonov). On the territory of Anatin, the ancient monuments of the Chuvash Runic Lettter, the works of small and monumental sculpture. Among the unresolved Chuvah Republic Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Orenburg regions still live traditions ancient religion - Traces of Zoroastrianism.

3) anat Yenchi (medium-line). Remainted in the north and northeast Chuvashia are also found in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg regions, most in Penza, Samara and Saratov regions. The study of the dialect of the language remains problematic: some believe that the language of medium-line chuvash is independent, and in the opinion of others - transitional between the dialects of Virlie and Anutar. At the same time, folklore, especially folk art, testifies that the ancient forms of culture are preserved among the averages of the churches: folk costume, dated 18 century, complex chest decorations. Archaeological and historical monuments (tombstones, decorations, rings) confirm that Anat Yenchi even in 17-18 centuries. We used Rounic letters and at a high level stood such a rare type of art as a jewelry chasing for color metal. The process of erasing the dialect Anat Yenchi goes much faster than the rigging. Folk art, musical creativity, Folklore, choreography, being an ancient heritage of the people, serve as a rich arsenal for the development of modern culture.

Lit.: Ashmarin N. I. Dictionary Chuvash language. Vol. 1-17. Ch., 1928-1950; Ilyukhin Yu. A. Musical culture Chuvashia. Ch., 1961; Sirotkin M. Ya. Chuvash Folklore. Ch., 1965; Kakhovsky V. F. The origin of the Chuvash people. Ch., 1965; History Chuvash ASSR. T. 1. Ch., 1983; Trofimov A. A. Chuvashsky folk cult sculpture. Ch., 1993; Culture of the Chuvash Territory. Part 1. Ch., 1994; Salmin A. K. Folk Relevance of the Chuvash. Ch., 1994; Chuvashi. Ethnographic study. Part 1 and 2. Ch., 1956, 1970; Ethnic history And the culture of the Chuvash Volga region and the Survival. Ch., 1993; Ivanov V.P. Chuvashi. Ethnic history I. traditional culture. M., 2000.

Persons of Russia. "Live together, remaining different"

The multimedia project "Persons of Russia" has existed since 2006, talking about Russian civilization, the most important feature Which is the ability to live together, remaining different - such a motto is especially relevant for the countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, within the framework of the project, we have created 60 documentaries about representatives of different Russian ethnic groups. There were also 2 cycles of radio broadcasts "Music and the songs of the Peoples of Russia" - more than 40 gears. In support of the first series of films, illustrated almanacies were released. Now we are halfway to the creation of a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a snapshot, which will allow residents of Russia to know themselves and to descend to leave a picture of what they were.


"Persons of Russia." Chuvashi. "Chuvashsky" Klad ", 2008


Chuvash'i Chavash (self-talent), Turkic people in the Russian Federation (1773.6 thousand people), the main population of Chuvashia (907 thousand people). Also live in Tataria (134.2 thousand people), Bashkiria (118.6 thousand people), Kazakhstan (22.3 thousand people) and Ukraine (20.4 thousand people). The total number of 1842.3 thousand people. According to the 2002 census, the number of Chuvash residents living in Russia is 1 million 637 thousand people, according to the 2010 census, 1,435,872 people.

Chuvash language is the only alive representative of the Bulgarian group turkic languages. They speak Chuvash language of the Turkic group of the Altai family. Dialects - lower ("indicating") and riding ("okal"), as well as oriental. Subthnic groups - the rigging (Viyal, Tour) in the north and northwest, the average (Anat Henci) in the central and northeastern regions and the lower chuvashi (Anatar) in the south of Chuvashia and abroad. There is also a Russian language. Writing in the Chuvash appeared for a long time. It was created on the basis of Russian graphics. In 1769, the first grammar of the Chuvash language was published.

Currently, the main religion in the Chuvash is Orthodox Christianity, but the influence of paganism, as well as Zoroastrian beliefs and Muslims, remains. For Chuvash language, duality is characterized: faith in existence, on the one hand, good Gods And perfumes led by Sult Tour (Supreme God), and on the other - evil deities and spirits led by Shuittan (Devil). The gods and spirits of the Upper World are kind, bottom light - evil.

The ancestors of the High Chuvash (Viyal) are the Turkic tribes of the Bulgarians, who came in the 7-8 centuries from the North Caucasian and Priazovsky steppes and merged with local Finno-Ugric tribes. The self-talent of the Chuvash, according to one of the versions, goes back to the name of one of the births of Bulgarians - Suvaz, or Suways, Suas. In Russian sources are mentioned from 1508. In 1551 they were part of Russia. By the middle of the 18th century, Chuvasi were mainly addressed to Christianity. A part of the Chuvash, who lived outside Chuvashia, taking Islam, was shattered. In 1917, Chuvashi received autonomy: JSC from 1920, ASSR from 1925, Chuvash SSR since 1990, Chuvash Republic since 1992.

Chuvashi joined Russia in the middle of the XVI century. In the formation and regulation of the moral and ethical standards of the Chuvash, the public opinion of the village was always played and plays a public opinion (Yal Men drip - "what a fellow villagers will say"). There is a sharply condemn immodest behavior, foul language, and even more rarely met among the crustaceans before the beginning of the 20th century drunkenness. For the thief satisfied Samosud. From the generation to the generation of Chuvashi, they taught each other: "Chavash Yatno An Soot" (not sighing the name of Chuvas).

Cycle of audio sets of "Peoples of Russia" - Chuvashi

Basic traditional occupation - Agriculture, in antiquity - grain-fire, until the beginning of the 20th century - three-fold. The main grains of crops are rye, the shell, oats, barley, rarely sowed wheat, buckwheat, peas. From technical crops cultivated flax, hemp. Crowning was developed. Livestock (sheep, cows, pigs, horses) due to lack of feed land was weakly developed. Frequently engaged in beekeeping. Wood carving (utensils, especially beer buckets, furniture, columns of gates, eaves and platbands), pottery, weaving, embroidery, patterned weaving (red-white and multicolor patterns), sewing beads and coins, handicrafts - mainly Woodworking: Wheel, cooler, carpentry, also rope-rope, corporal production; There were carpentry, tailorings and other artels, at the beginning of the 20th century there were small shipbuilding enterprises.

The main types of settlements - villages and villages (YAL). The earliest types of resettlement - river and appropriate, planning - Kuchevo-nest (in the northern and central regions) And linear (in the south). In the north is characterized by the division of the village for the ends (Casa), commonly populated by related families. Street layout applies to the 2nd half of the 19th century. From the 2nd half of the 19th century, middle-Russian housing appear. The house is decorated with polychrome painting, propyl carvings, overhead decorations, the so-called "Russian" gates with a two-tie roof on 3-4 pillars - a bas-relief thread, later painting. There is an ancient cutting structure - las (originally without ceiling and windows, with an open source), serving summer cuisine. Dissolves cellar (trocery), baths (muncha). The characteristic feature of the Chuvash is the presence of a decoration of a bulb along the rod of the roof and large entrance gates.

Men wore a canvas shirt (KEP) and pants (yam). At the heart of traditional clothing in women - Tunic-shaped-like-cap, Vir Seryal and Anat Yenchi - from a thin white canvas with an abundant embroidery, narrow, rushed with nasc.; Anaturty Until the mid-19th - early 20th century, white shirt-colored shirts were worn, later - from the motley with two or three builds of another color fabric. The shoes were wore with the apron, Vir Seryal was with a bib, decorated with embroidery and appliqué, from Anatin - without a breastplate, semen from the red checkered fabric. The female festive headdress - a clustered canvas Surpan, on top of which Anatar and Anat Yencchi put on a hat in the shape of a truncated cone, with headphones, staging under the chin, and a long blade from behind (Hushpu); Viyal fastened to Surpan embroidered strip of fabric on the theme (Masmack). The girl's headdress is a helmet hat (tuchea). Tuchea and Hushpu were aboior decorated with beads, beads, silver coins. Women and girls also wore scarves, preferably white or light colors. Women's jewelry - pretty, waist, cheerful, cervical, dug over shoulder, robust. For the lower churches, the digestion (peel) is characteristic of the tissue, covered with coins, worn through the left shoulder under the right hand, for the rustling crusts - wicker with a large brush belt with cumaches, covered with embroidery and appliqué, and suspensions from beads. Outerwear - Canvas Cafthane (SUPPAR), in the fall - the subdeem from Sukna (Sakhman), in winter - a fitted fur coat from sheepskin (kerge). Traditional shoes - Lucky lapties, leather boots. Viyal wore Napts with black cloth onchs, anaturty - with white woolen (knitted or sewn from cloth) stockings. Men onchuchi and spheres wore winter, women - round year. Men's traditional clothing is used only in wedding rites or in folk speeches.

In traditional food, vegetable products are dominated. Soups are common (Yashka, Schurpe), praise with Kleckov, soup with seasonings from cultural and wild green - sick, Borshevik, nettles, etc., porridge (shelted, buckwheat, pebble, lental), interpretation, boiled potatoes, kisins from oatmeal and pea flour rye bread (Khura Cakar), pies with cereal, cabbage, berries (dice), cakes, cheesecakes with potatoes or cottage cheese (Puprech). Less often prepared chupula - a large round pie with meat or fish filling. Dairy products - Tours - sour milk, uyouran - Pakhtanya, Chakat - Curd Cheese. Meat (beef, lamb, pork, at the grassroots chuvash - Konified) was relatively rare food: seasonal (when slaughtering livestock) and festive. Preparing Chantan - a sausage from a sheep stomach, styled by meat and lard; Tultarmash is a boiled sausage with stuffing from cereals, chopped meat or blood. From Honey did BRAG, from rye or barley malt - beer (Sarah). Kvass and tea were distributed in contact areas with Tatars and Russians.

The rural community could unite residents of one or several settlements with common land. There were national-mixed communities, mainly Chuvashko-Russian and Chuvash-Russian-Tatar. The forms of related and neighboring mutual assistance (Nimes) remained. Sustainably persisted family tiesespecially within one end of the village. There was a custom of sorent. After the Christianization of the Chuvish gradually disappeared by the custom of polygamy and levirat. Untreated families in the 18th century were rare. The main type of family in the 2nd half of the 19th century was a small family. The husband was the main owner of family property, the wife owned his attachment, independently managed income from poultry farming (eggs), animal husbandry (dairy products) and weaving (canvas), in the event of the death of her husband became the head of the family. The daughter had the right inheritance along with the brothers. Early marriage of the Son and relatively later marriage of his daughter was encouraged in economic interests (therefore often the bride was over a few years older than the groom). The tradition of minrata is preserved ( younger son It remains with parents as a heir).

Modern beliefs of the Chuvash combine elements of Orthodoxy and paganism. In some areas of the Volga region and the Urals, the villages of the Chuvash-pagans are preserved. Chuvashi worshiped fire, water, sun, land, believed in the good gods and spirits led by the Supreme God Cuilt Tura (later identified with the Christian God) and in evil beings led by Shuytan. Honored home spirits - the "host of the house" (Hertsurt) and the "Court Host" (Map Poue). Each family kept home fetishes - dolls, twigs, etc. Among the evil spirits of Chuvashi, they were especially afraid and drew kirimeta (the cult of which is still preserved). Calendar Holidays included a winter holiday as a good cattle rating, the festival of the sun (Maslenitsa), a multi-day spring festival of sacrifice sacrifice, the God of the tour and ancestors (which coincided with the Orthodox Easter), the holiday of the Spring Pahoto (Akatui), the summer holiday of remembering the dead. After Sev, sacrifices were carried out, the rite of rain causing, accompanied by bathing in the reservoir and water venge, at the end of the cleaning of bread - the prayer of the Spirit-Guardian of the Ovina, etc. The youth arranged in the spring-summer period of walking with rounds, in winter - gatherings. The basic elements of the traditional wedding (groom train, a feast in the house of the bride, her digesters, a feast in the house of the groom, the redemption of the dowry and others), the mother-in-law (circumcision of the bodies of the boy on the toporishche, girls - on a riser or donkeeper, baby feeding, now - Lubrication of the language and lips with honey and oil, transferred it to the patronage of the spirit-keeper of a homemade focus, etc.) and buried and memorial rituals. Chuvashi-pagans buried the dead in wooden decks or coffins heads to the West, with the late put household items and tools, on the grave, put a temporary monument - a wooden pillar (a man - oak, woman - linden), in the fall, during general amenis in the month of South Uyikh ("Month of Pillars") built a permanent anthropomorphic monument from a tree or stone (SUP). His export of the cemetery was accompanied by rites imitating the burial. On the commemorations were performed by memorial songs, bonfires were burned, sacrifices were performed.

The most advanced genre of folklore - songs: youth, recruit, drinking, memorable, wedding, labor, lyrical, and also historical songs. Musical instruments - a hack, bubble, dud, husli, drum, later - harmony and violin. The legends, fairy tales and legends are common. Elements of the ancient Turkic runaway can be traced in the generic signs-tamgh, in ancient embroidery. In Volzhskoy Bulgaria, Arabic writing was common. In the 18th century, writing is created on the basis of Russian graphics 1769 (Starocuvash letter). Novocuvashovskaya writing and literature created in the 1870s. The Chuvash National Culture is formed.

TS Gusenkova, V.P. Ivanov


In the woods of firewood do not carry, in the well, water is not poured

"Where are you going, gray caftan?" - Silent you, a wide mouth! " Do not be afraid, this is not a conversation of any doded hooligans. This is the People's Chuvash Riddle. As they say, it does not guess it without a hint. And the tip is this: the action of this riddle does not happen in modern house, and in old hollow. From time to time, the oven was gray ... Heat, warm ...

Here is a deposit: the yield of smoke from the opened door of a curly hut.

Warmed up? Here is another couple of Lidh Chuvash mysteries.

Clay Mountain, on the slope of the cast iron mountain, on the slope of the cast-iron mountain, green barley, a white bear is lying on a green barley.

Well, it is not so complex mysteryIf you are podnaping, give free imagination, it will be easy to guess. This is a birker cooking.

First, like a pillow, then - as a cloud

Do not think that Chuvas have come up with the mysteries of one hundred and two hundred years ago. They are not going to compose them now. Here good example Modern riddles.

First, like a pillow. Then like a cloud. What is it?

Well, okay, let's not torment. This is a parachute.

Something we learned about the Chuvash. Find out that they are on their mind.

To learn more, listen to the fairy tale.

It is called like this: "The shirt is made of the prevailing canvas."

To one young widow having fallen an evil spirit. And so, and the Edak poor woman tried to free himself from him. From the forces were embarrassed, and the evil spirit is not lagging behind - and everything is here. She told about her trouble neighbor, and she says:

"And you get off the door with a shirt from the prerequisite blades - she is an evil spirit and will not miss the hut.

The widow was listened to a neighbor, she sewed a long shirt from the prewhoe cloth and wrapped her door to the hut. At night, an evil spirit came, and he says his shirt:

- Wait to listen, listen that I had to see and experience in my century.

"Well, tell," answered the evil spirit.

"Even before the light appear," the shirt began its story, "and how many sorts of trouble with me was." In the spring, the land plowed, fenced and only after that me, hemp, sowed. For some time went - I was sissing again. Only then I went up, the light appeared. Well, when it appeared, Rasta, to the sun pulling ...

- Well, enough, probably, says the evil spirit. - Let him say!

"I just started listening to - let me take," the shirt answers. "When I grow up and mature - I am pulling out of the ground ..."

"I understood," again interrupts the evil spirit. "Let them!"

"No, I haven't understood anything yet," his shirt does not allow him. "We are listening ... then they pick me up, separated seeds ..."

- Enough! - Loses patience of evil spirit. - Let them!

But at that time, the rooster quackets on the yard, and the evil spirit disappears, and without having been in the widow.

On the other night, he arrives again. And again the shirt does not allow it.

- So what did I stop on? She says. "Oh yeah yes, on seeds." My seeds rip off, believe, put on storage, and what the seeds have grown on, - hemp - first fold into stacks, and then long, as many as three weeks, uroat in water.

- Well, all that? - asks evil spirit. - Let it!

"No, not all," the shirt answers. "I'm still lying in the water." After three weeks, I'm pulled out of the water and put to dry.

- Enough! - again begins to be angry with evil spirit. - Let it be!

"You still didn't hear the most important thing," the shirt answers. "You don't know how Mnut-break my bones ... So, break and scatter me until the whole body is cleaned. Moreover: still put in the pitch and let's in-four-part with peasons.

- Let me! - again begins to lose the patience of evil spirit.

"From me, all the dust is knocking out," the shirt continues, "leave only a clean body." Then hang me on the chelicle, divided into thin hair and they are hiding. Tension threads are wound on the reel, then lowered into a shorter. Then it can be difficult for me, the eyes are scored ash, I see nothing ...

- And I do not want to listen to you more! "Says an evil spirit and already wants to go to the hut, but at that time the rooster is quacked, and he disappears.

And on the third night he was an evil spirit.

"Then I was erased, dried, make me many of me and pass through the Berdo, Tkut, and the canvas turns out," the shirt continues his story.

- Now everything! - Says evil spirit. - Let me!

"It's still very little left," the shirt answers. "We are listening ... Canvas boil in alkaline water, a steeter on green grass and erase to come out all the ash. And again, on the second time, the threesome-four of us, so that I am soft. And only after that cut off the piece, how much you need, and sew. But then the seed laid in the ground becomes a shirt, which the door is now hung ...

Here again on the courtyard catched the rooster, and again the evil spirit is not Solono Bread I had to get out of the ravis.

In the end, it was tired of standing in front of the door and listen to Ruskazni's shirts, since then he stopped flying to this house and left the young widow alone.

Interesting fairy tale. With great meaning. The entire process of manufacturing the shirt is laid out in this fairy tale on the shelves. It is useful to tell this fairy tale to adults and children, but especially students of agricultural universities and textile institutions. In the first year, of course.

Not sighing the name Chuvas

And now on the cases of fabulous go to the deeds historical. About the Chuvash, too, there is something to tell. It is known that Chuvashi joined Russia in the middle of century. Currently, in the Russian Federation there are 1,637,200 chuvash (according to the results of the 2002 census). Almost nine hundred thousand of them live in Chuvashi itself. The rest live in several regions of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, as well as in Moscow, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Orenburg, Moscow regions of Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The language of Chuvash - Chuvash. He is the only alive language of the Bulgarian-Khazar group of Turkic languages. It has two dialects - lower ("indicating") and horseback ("okal"). The difference is insignificant, but obvious, tangible.

The ancestors of the Chuvish believed in the independent existence of a human soul. The spirit of the ancestors patronized by members of the kind, could and punish them for a disrespectful attitude.

For the Chuvash paganism, duality was characterized: faith in existence, on the one hand, the good gods and spirits led by Sult Tour (the Supreme God), and, on the other, the evil deities and spirits led by Shuittan (Devil). The gods and spirits of the Upper World are kind, bottom light - evil.

The religion of the Chuvish reproduces the hierarchical structure of society in his own way. At the head of the numerous group of gods stood Sult Tour with his family.

Nowadays, the main religion of the Chuvash is Orthodox Christianity, but the influence of paganism, as well as Zoroastrian beliefs and Muslims, remains.

Writing in the Chuvash appeared for a long time. It was created on the basis of Russian graphics. In 1769, the first grammar of the Chuvash language was published.

In the formation and regulation of the moral and ethical standards of the Chuvash, the public opinion of the village was always played and plays a public opinion (Yal Men drip - "what a fellow villagers will say"). There is a sharply condemn immodest behavior, foul language, and even more rarely met among the crustaceans before the beginning of the 20th century drunkenness. For the thief satisfied Samosud. From the generation to the generation of Chuvashi, they taught each other: "Chavash Yatno An Soot" (not sighing the name of Chuvas).

Orthodox chuvashi celebrate all christian holidays.

Food - seven different plants

Non-offended Chuvash has its own holidays. For example, a semit that is marked in the spring. To this day you need to have time to use seven different plants in food, such as sorrel, dandelion, nettle, Borshevik, Medunication, Tsmin, sick.

Especially revered nettle, because if you have time to eat nettle, then whole year Do not zaughty. Also useful for health-levels to run out during thunder on the street and shake clothes.

To the seven of Chuvashi bake pies, boiled beer and kvass, and also harvested brooms from a young birch.

On the day of the holiday, washed in the bath, certainly up to the east of the sun. To dinner, festively smashed, everyone goes to the cemetery - to invite home relatives to visit home. Moreover, men call men, women - women.

After the Christianization, baptized Chuvashi especially celebrate those holidays that coincide with the calendar pagan (Christmas with Surhuri, Maslenitsa and Savarini, Trinity and a semit), accompanying them as Christian and pagan rites. Under the influence of the church in the life of the Chuvash, the prevalence of the throne holidays. By the beginning of the 20th century, Christian holidays and rites in the life of baptized chuvish became prevailing.

Chuvash youth also has their own holidays. For example, in the spring-summer period, youth of the whole village, or even several villages, going outdoors on the dance.

In winter, the gatherings are arranged in the outstanding, where the older hosts are temporarily absent. At the gatherings, the girls are engaged in spinning, but with the arrival of young men the games begin, the participants of the sites sing songs, dance, lead playful conversations.

In the middle of winter, the holiday "Maiden Beer" is held. Girls in the folder boiled beer, bake the pies and in one of the houses together with the young men are suitable for youth pirush.

The Chuvash was distributed three forms of marriage: 1) with full wedding ritual and walling, 2) Wedding "Care" and 3) Abduction of the Bride, often with its consent.

The groom in the house of the bride accompanies a large wedding train. Meanwhile, the bride says goodbye to the relatives. She is dressed in the maiden clothes, cover with a bedspread. The bride begins crying with extension.

Groom train meet at the gate with salt and beer bread.

After a long and very shaped poetic monolor of the older, guests are invited to go to the courtyard over the covered tables. It begins a treat, greetings, dance and songs of the guests.

Train groom departures

On the other day, the groom's train departures. The bride is sitting on horseback riding, or she rides, standing in a kibit. The groom strikes it three times (Ponaroshka) by Nagayka to "remove" from the bride of the Gruz of the genus of his wife (Turkic nomadic tradition). Fun in the groom's house continues with the participation of the relatives of the bride.

The first wedding night of young is carried out in a crate or in another non-residential room. By custom, young mans up her husband. In the morning, the young dressed in a female outfit with the female headdress "Hush Pu." First of all, she goes to bow and brings a sacrifice to a sortier, then begins to work around the house, cook food.

The first child, a young wife gives birth to her parents.

A man is dominated in the Chuvash family, but the woman has authority. Divorces happen extremely rarely. The custom of Minrata was that the youngest son always remained with his parents.

Many surprises that, having a deceased in last way, unresolved chu-you sing not only funeral songs, but also funny, even wedding. This is your explanation. Gentiles consider themselves to children of nature. And therefore they are not afraid of death. It is not a terrible and scary for them. Just a man-age goes into another world, and they accompany him. Songs. Merry and sad.

Red songs are really different. There are songs folklore. In turn, they are divided into household (lullaby, children's, lyrical, rolling, comic, dance, dance). There are songs of ritual, labor, social content, historical.

Among the folk musical instruments are common as such: Shahi (twin), a hack of two species, Cesley (Gusli), Warhan and five (tongue tools), parappan (drum), Hancarma (tambourine). Long become familiar violin and harmonic.

And the Chuvas love such fairy tales in which the truth and the right are easily intertwined. Fairy tales in which more fiction than truth. If you use modern tongueThese are fairy tales with absurdity elements. When they listen to them, they can be cleaned!

More fiction than truth

One day, my grandfather went hunting. We saw a hare, began to drive it. Beying a dubino, can't kill.

Then I hit his twist Chernobyl and killed.

We began to raise it together with my grandfather - you can't raise.

I tried one - I raised and put on WHO.

Our cart was harnessed a pair of horses. Overlapping horses, and they cannot be stringent from WHO.

Then we straightened one horse, the other lucky.

We arrived home, began to shoot a hare from the war with a grandfather - we cannot remove.

I tried one - took off.

I want to make it through the door - it does not climb, and through the window I looked freely.

We gathered a hare in the boiler cooking - it does not fit, but put in the pot - also the place remains.

I asked my mother to cook the hare, and she began to cook and did not rule out: the water hardly closed in the bowler, the hare jumped up, and the cat is here - he was ate here.

So we did not have to taste the encouraged.

But we good fairy tale Cooked!

Finally, try to guess another Chuvash riddle. It is very complicated, multi-stage: on a non-walled vapor field, beside the unprinted birch, there is an unrolved hare.

The answer is simple: lies ...

Feel what wise Chuvash is a clone? An unrolidated lie still much better lie born ...

ICC responses (Vasilyev).docx

  1. Mythology and traditional religion of the Chuvash people.

Traditional Chuvash Vera was a complex system of beliefs, the basis of which was a faith in the tour - the Supreme God of the sky and includes many elements of zoatushtra (saroturusturo) - worship of fire. Yes, D. Messaoros noticed the presence of a single God in the Chuvash, who, however, was combined with agricultural holidays:

Southern Chuvs God call the tour?, Northern Tor?. Regarding the concept of God, the Chuvish Russian special literature has so far been in delusion. She attributed to the paganism or "black magic" with countless gods, despite the good they are or evil, as well as other fruits of imagination. With its incomplete knowledge of the language and the subject, the foggy names of some diseases were also perceived as the names of the gods. They differed from them the main god (tour?) And many of the gods of the lower rank. Also for the traditional Chuvash faith, dualism was peculiar - the presence of good and bad deities. Chuvashi called him "Shuyttan":

Once, when the thunderstorm broke out, the peasant went with a rifle on the banks of the river. In the sky thunder thunder, and Shuan, mocking her god, beat back up toward the sky. The peasant, seeing it, took a gun and fired into it. Schuan fell from the shot. They stopped growing, God descended from the sky to the peasant and spoke: - You still turned out to be stronger than me. I have been seven years old, as Schuutan, but still never could catch him.

Also, the Chuvash had other beliefs, one of the most significant is the worship of the spirits of ancestors, which personified to kirreet. Kirreet represented holy place On the hills, next to the clean drinking source. As a symbol of life in such places used oak, ash or other strong and high living tree. Belief of the Chuvash people has a lot in common with the traditional beliefs of Mariers, as well as with other peoples of the Volga region. It is quite noticeable by the influence of Islam (for example, pyrasshti, kirimet, quiyamat), as well as Christianity. In the XVIII century, Christianization was subjected to christianization. Chuvashi is the most numerous Turkic people, most of whose believers are Christians.

Chuvash Gods and Perfume

In Chuvash mythology in V.K. Magnitsky there was more than 200 gods and the spirits attached to them different ranks and functions. They inhabited the sky, the earth and the underworld.

For the Chuvash paganism, dualism was characterized mainly from Zoroastrianism: faith in existence, on the one hand, good gods and spirits led by the Supreme God (Sult Tura), and on the other - the evil deities and spirits led by the Devil (Shuyttan) . The gods and spirits of the Upper World are kind, bottom light - evil.

The religion of the Chuvish reproduces the hierarchical structure of society in his own way. At the head of the numerous group of gods stood the Supreme God with his family. Apparently, the original heavenly god of Tengri (Tura) was revered on the equal to other deities. But with the advent of the "Unified Self-Ship", he becomes the highest God (Asla Tura), the Supreme God (Sult Tura).

In human affairs, the Most High did not intervene directly, managed people through the assistant - the Keba God, who was the fate of the human race, and his ministers: Pulebs, who appointed the people of fate, happy and unhappy lots, and Pihampara, who had a state of mental qualities, who reported to the people of prophetic visions, which It was also considered a patron of animals. The help of the Supreme God was the names of which reproduced the names of the officials who came across the accompanying gold and Kazan banks of officials: Good Spirit - Tavam Yar, meeting in the sofa (Chamber), the Spirit, who made the deeds of the sofa - Tavam Sosreken, further: Guard, gatekeeper, Kravychy and T ..

Chuvashi was also honored by the Gods, personifying the sun, thunder and zipper, light, lights, wind, etc. But many Chuvash gods "lived" not in heaven, but directly on earth.

The evil deities and spirits were independent of the Supreme God: other gods and deities and bent with them. God evil and Mraka Shuisttan was in the abyss, chaos. Unparticated from Shuittan "occurred":

Esrel - the evil deity of death, carrying the soul of people;

Iye - the house and the church;

The convanses - the spirit that is saturated with epidemics;

Wuar (Ghir) caused heavy diseases, night choking, lunar and solar eclipses.

A certain place among evil spirits is occupied by Yereh, the cult of which goes back to the matriarchy. Yereh was a doll in the form of a woman. It was transferred from generation to generation on the female line. Yereh was a patron of the family.

Kirimet. In ancient times, man understood that communication with the deities was a special moment. And he should have been held in special, sacred places. If these places were in nature, they tried to somehow allocate them, for example, to upset, decorate with some pictures, etc., later in such places began to build special buildings - temples.

The kind of gods and deities of Chuvashi devoted public and private sacrifices and prayers. In most, these were sacrifices and prayers associated with the agricultural cycle: Yu Chuki (prayer of the crop), etc.

Forests, rivers, especially pools and ponds, believed to the Chuvash, were populated by Arsuri (the similarity of the debt), unwitted (water) and other deities.

Well-being in the family and the farm provided Hersurt - the spirit of female, in cattle yard The whole family of patrons of homelife lived a whole family.

All folk buildings had protothera performances:

Keete keepers (keeketri scam);

Cellar keepers (Nudely Husi);

wine guard (Avan Ketus);

In the bath, the malicious Spirit of Ie is a kind of house-church.

Selo gods and spirits lived in the forest cakes. Some worried a person from misfortunes, others worked evil. Some patronized animal husbandry, others - satisfied diseases, sea, catering. The mercy of the gods and spirits of Chuvashi sought offering, honors. They prayed gods and spirits about the rain, about the crop, abundant medical collector, celebrated the day of the first karabav, stacked the spirit of the winds, so as not to be angry, did not disappear with a straw with a dilapidated roof, did not catch the thunderstorm clouds with a hail. They celebrated the beginning of the construction of the house, even the construction of the fence around the site. The superstition of our ancestors was not limited to this. Hopefully: It is worthwhile to express the wishes for the brilliance of Zarnitsa out loud how everything comes true. The grandmother-obstacles presented the gift of Bereza - a copper penny, believed: it will make it easier for the birth of childbirth. And in almost all cases, the cheek (prayer) cooked porridge, Kissel, stood sacrificial beer.

Spirits of nature. According to the beliefs of the ancient crusts, each subject, the creature or phenomenon was their spirit. And there were a lot of such perfumes. They called them differently - Turg, O., Iye, Khuzi.

For example: Cell Turry - the Spirit-Deity of Swallows, O. - Good Spirit, Calley Map - Spirit-Prayer-Prayer, Usal - Angry Spirit, Hurgres Khuza - Wood-owned spirit, Ie - Angry Spirit, Living in Ban, Lonely Thoring Tree, Deep ravine.

Sometimes in different villages, the same spirit had different names. For example, the Spirit of Water could be called Shyw Tourry (Deity of Water), Shyv Khuzi (Water owner), Shyv Burak (Head of Water), Shyvri (Water).

It was believed that the perfumes of the four main elements of the world have their own families: the Wysh's Gwellers (Family of the Spirits of the Earth), Shyv Yyshe (the Family of Spirits of Water), Vut Yyshe (Fire Spirit), Zil Yysh (the Family of Wind Aircraft).

On the same ideas, perfume and people lived together in the same world, but each of them had their own life, their own rules. People tried not to violate these rules and live in harmony with the whole world. For example, before cutting down a tree, the lumberjack asked for forgiveness from the Spirit of the Forest or the tree itself. Also, the hunter went to the battle with the beast, as on an honest match. The beast had strength, sharp teeth and claws, and in humans - cunning, knives and bows. The strongest won.

Apparently, the main defining features of the pagan religion of Chuvash was formed at their ancestors - Bulgarian-Suvish tribes - even during their stay on the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan and subsequently, in the North Caucasus.