Southeast money zone on Feng Shui: how to activate. How to determine the zones on Feng Shui

Southeast money zone on Feng Shui: how to activate. How to determine the zones on Feng Shui
Southeast money zone on Feng Shui: how to activate. How to determine the zones on Feng Shui

Capturing your home, we are confronted with the solution of many questions: how to correctly calculate the budget, on which you can save, where to buy furniture, which color of the walls to choose, etc. But one of the main tasks for the proper registration of the house is following the basic principles of the science of Feng Shui, which for two thousand years already teaches the correct order of things.

Practice is based on the conviction that the dwelling energy positively or adversely affects our lives. The correct organization of space, the location of furniture and selection of things directly affects professional and personal life. Any house or apartment is divided into clear areas responsible for different areas of vital activity. Mess, dirt and litterness of the room will affect you directly.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the ancient Chinese wisdoms and organize space in such a way that the positive energy is activated, and the negative flow is minimized.
Fact: The problem of housing optimization is particularly relevant for residents of multi-storey home with dark apartments, chopped furniture, things and countless wires.

Zones of the apartment

After analyzing the sectors of the house, you can learn more about energy fluxes and find out how to start changes from which place. If you have disagreements with family members, there are personal problems with the spouse / spouse, and everyone does not increase at work, then it's time to change something. Universal funds Feng Shui will definitely fix similar situations and return harmony to the house. Well, entering the new home, it is better to do everything right from the very beginning. Get yourself a compass and housing plan, and proceed to the analysis.

  • North. Main colors, activating this zone - white, black, all shades of blue and blue. He is responsible for his career, promotion and other working successes. If you have problems in this area, then you may be slightly refreshing this sector? Change the color of the walls, the location of the furniture or "transfer" in the northern side of your office (at least part of it in the form of a workplace). You may want to change jobs, you will realize that you really are interested. And perhaps, a couple of successful ideas will come to mind that will allocate you for bosses. Do not forget about metal objects - they will add energies.
  • Centre. Beige, yellow and light orange colors are ideal for the health sector. He responds not only for the presence of disease, but also for your overall state of health - how often you are tired and how quickly restoring. Being in the very center of housing, it seems to combine all zones and partly affect them. If there is a journey of things here, it will definitely affect your condition and other aspects of life. Activate it in the first place, and the emotional state will go up.
  • East. Colors - blue, green, brown. If you have disagreements with the nearest relatives, parents do not understand, and children do not want to obey, the wines of the whole eastern part of the apartment. Get it off, get rid of unnecessary things and put some live plants. The family is the most important thing in everyone's life, so it is necessary to allow conflicts.
  • West. Activating shades are white, gray, yellow. The way you spend leisure is entirely dependent on this zone. Your hobby, active leisure and artwork will be more fascinating and more productive. It also affects attitudes with children, their upbringing and development. If you and your husband / wife have not been able to conceive a welcome child for a long time, the problem also lies in the improper use of the western sector.
  • South. The fundamental has two colors - red and green. The south side is responsible for the desire of a person and its possible fame. The arrangement and order of this area will give you inspiration and good luck to the accomplishment of cases, as well as a clear vision of their goals. To activate this sector according to Feng Shui, hang on the wall of your "merit" - diplomas, certificates, medals, memorable photos.
  • Southwest. Red, pink and different shades of brown are ideal for the zone of love and relationship with a partner. Are there problems in marriage? Is there no misunderstanding? Or maybe in bed not everything is so smooth? Then focus all the attention on this zone and degrees it. Positive affects close relationships The presence of paired things, such as two lamps on the sides of the bed, two vases with flowers, two paintings, etc.
  • Southeast. Purple, purple and green colors are assistants of your wealth. The design of this zone will affect your prosperity and material position. If recently you actually climbed into debts, rather come here and set something to activate it, such as an aquarium or a romp with a plant with very large leaves.
  • Northwest. White, gold, silver tone should be in sufficient. You have devotional friends and whether they will help in difficult life situations, depends on the harmony of this place. If you are experiencing problems in this area and no one wants to substitute your shoulder, then take for improvement.
  • Northeast. Colors - beige, yellow and orange. The sector is important for your susceptibility to new knowledge and experience. When there are problems or lacks vital wisdom, please contact your eyes here. By the way, this zone is good for relaxing techniques, for example, for yoga or meditation practices.


The interior of the kitchen is largely affected by the energy of the whole house, because it is here that the inhabitants spend a lot of time by preparing me, taking a meal and simply spending time at the table in conversations. First we will deal with the placement of furniture. In the south there should be a stove, and nearby, in the south-east - refrigerator. It is advisable to make a partition from the tree between him, which in its kind combines the fire and ice. Cleanliness is an important Feng Shui principle, and most of all it swings precisely these two elements of the kitchen.

Cutlery and dishes are better to hide in boxes and lockers, and toaster, kettle, coffee maker and other electrical appliances to put there, where energy stimulation is particularly needed. In the design of the room, choose light colors, add additional lighting. In no case should the door should be located behind the back of the preparing person. This can significantly reflect on cooking.

Fact: The leaping of the crane, discharged door handles and other problems need to be eliminated immediately after detection. You do not want minor malfunctions to influence the financial or emotional position of the family.

Living room

The most spacious room, as a rule, acts as a living room - the place of collecting the whole family and reception. And it is right. It should be very well covered at any time of the day, and therefore choose light light curtains and a large lamp. It is desirable that it was made of crystal - this material perfectly attracts positive energy.

Avoid sharp corners or minimize their quantity with small tricks - hang masses or put vases with alive plants as a table, followed by the whole family to solemn moments, choose a round product. Chairs and sofa should be soft, and all their corners and edges are rounded.

As in the case of the kitchen, electrical devices help to activate the main zones. Therefore, the presence of a TV, audio system or piano in the right places of the living room will not be superfluous. The eastern zone of the room responsible for family relationships should always be caught and equipped. Best place the sofa there.


The bedroom is a special zone of the house, the most secluded and intimate. Therefore, the improvement of its arrangement should be paid to special attention, because the happy father and mother mean the happiness of the whole family. Do not use bright tones in the interior, make a choice in favor of pastel, light brown, pink shades. Minimize the number of furniture, because, as a rule, its area is not so great. The same applies to pictures or photographs of f for frames hanging on the wall - there should be no much so that they did not hang and not pressed on households. If they are very distracting attention, it is better to remove things, as it will generate a sense of discomfort and danger. The teachings of Feng Shui demands that the door to this room will be atgoing.

Naturally, the most important part of the bedroom is her bed. According to Chinese teachings, it can be put in several places. It will be best to do in the center, or diagonally. The entrance to the room should be in the field of view of a person who lies on the bed. Calculate the love zone and put the bed exactly there - it will be the perfect location. Now regarding the rest of the furniture.

The wardrobe is a good option, all things will be covered behind its doors. Avoid open shelves with books or decorative things, as well as a cloth of clothes on a chair / chair. The technique in the bedroom is better not to post, as it is the territory of comfort and relaxation. If it is, always turn it off from the network for sleep time. Plants also put better to another room. If you still want to leave them in the bedroom - place away from the bed. Ideally scattered lighting, because hang dense curtains or blinds.

Feng Shui Apartment Room

One of the most important assistants for Feng Shui specialists is a science of numerology that uses the magic of numbers in order to attract happiness and well-being in our lives. It turns out that even your apartment number is directly important to fate.

To determine the meaning digit of your dwelling, fold all the numbers. For example, if you have 145 number, fold 1 + 4 + 5 \u003d 10.

  • Figure 1. It affects self-development, the desire for new experience and independence. Those who live under this sign are independent and confident in themselves, they try to make decisions and learn from unpleasant experience than all the time to ask for advice from others. A single house will be ideal for people who have their own business or related to this sphere. He will give a patronage in risky situations and will help when making difficult decisions. The creative energy with the vibration of the unit finds its way and reveals the hidden individual traits of tenants. The figure will not suit the people that they are looking for a quiet and peaceful harbor.
  • Figure 2. Patronizing those who put other people's interests and needs above their own. It is the ideal balance of two opposites - Yin and Yang, which means it is well suitable for newlyweds or any couples. Such an apartment will avoid conflicts and swearing, residents will listen to each other's opinions and make compromises in difficult situations. Two actively affects intuition and self-improvement.
  • Figure 3. Ensuits positive energy, contributes to communications and expression of personality. This figure in the apartment's room is suitable for citizens rotating in areas related to constant communication and public speeches. Living in an apartment with a troika in the room, you will get easier to converge with people, establish business contacts and just casually communicate. Are you looking for fame and popularity? The figure will help you with this, contributing to the disclosure of talents and abilities. However, it adversely affects the financial sphere - frequent costs will lead to a sad monetary position.
  • Figure 4. The number is important for those who feel the lack of stability and organized in their lives. It has a positive effect on self-discipline, helps to achieve productivity in the selected professional sphere. Four can help find a good job, permanent partner, loyal friends.
  • Figure 5. Five - a symbol of impulsive behavior and desire to travel. Would you like to visit other countries, find out their culture and features, but can not be able to leave even beyond the city? Then the apartment with a number four in the room will be the best assistant, positively affecting changes in life, movement and activity. Vibration numbers also help to establish the sphere of communications, better express their thoughts and develop.
  • Figure 6. She bales our lives, a positive effect on the family relationship. Each family member will be ready to rescue the other, come to help friends or an unfamiliar person. If you are hard to put up with the disadvantages of others or you make up your husband's habits, the six will help you, developing tolerance and altruism. Usually stable strong families live in such apartments.
  • Figure 7. This number is well suitable for bachelors and lonely, that is, those who wish to live in solitude and a lot of free time to give self-knowledge of the philosophy or at all religion. Magic numbers seven influences training and success, because it is well suited to students. The spiritual development of a person in such an apartment will grow, and together with him about material well-being can be forgotten. These two spheres do not fit on the seven.
  • Figure 8. Unlike the previous paragraph, the number of eight positive affects the financial position of the tenants and rewards abundance in each sphere of vital activity. A stable symbol will give recognition at work, happiness in the family and wealth on the table. Boldly move to the Vartier with this number and the room, and your life will definitely work out.
  • Figure 9. Gives peace, calm and peace, which is so important for the house. The vibrations of the number develop human dedication, humanity and attaches wisdom. Living under the nine, a person sets the needs of other family members above their, the apartment reigns mutual understanding and a calm situation. Well suited those who have already reached a certain material situation and want to live in their pleasure. Young families and novice entrepreneurs do not recommend choosing an apartment with a nine digit.

The basic principles of teaching Feng Shui requires that the dwelling is always tied and neat. Then the negative energy will not be lingering, and the positive will be circulated and bring good luck.

So, to improve your life, get used to daily cleaning. After a working day, sometimes it is sometimes difficult to make it even wash the dishes, but be sure to teach yourself to this rule. Make sure that the dirt does not accumulate. Wipe things from dust, immediately clean any stains and at least twice a week spend wet cleaning. Especially attention should be paid to dust behind beds and under the sofas, from time to time to move the cabinets and remove the web and accumulating the dirt.

Move order with things. Get rid of old unnecessary clothes, countless papers on the table, baubles and other trash. Try so that the clothes are folded in the mezzanine, and not "decorated" the backs of chairs. But we hide everything in boxes and cabinet compartments do not get out of the position. There must also be an order. Spend a complete revision of the chest of drawers and cabinets. One day of work will give many days of calm in the future. Fold clothes and bed linen into neat stacks, reversal and intelligent things.

Quickly get rid of broken things, broken dishes, non-working electrical appliances and other things, as they carry a strong negative energy. Even if the cup is full of memories and the road to your heart, but it has a chip, throw it into the trash can. You do not want conflicts with a partner?

If you are planning to repair or global changes in the interior of the apartment, do it gradually. Feng Shui specialists believe that sharp changes in the zones and furniture items entails sudden changes in life. It is better to get used to them gradually, and therefore it is necessary to repair the accommodation too quietly, smoothly moving away from the sector to the sector.

If an unpleasant smell appeared in the apartment, be it a spoiled product in a fridge or a surprise from a pet, try to neutralize it immediately. Regularly ventilate the room, even in lung frosts. Purchase a couple of jars of aromatic oils with a pleasant smell for you, and in case of unforeseen situations, use them. In extreme cases, use the perfume.

Qi energy should be present as much as possible in your home. Its enhances the presence of indoor plants and domestic animals. Therefore, at least one animal should be in the estate of any person, the main thing is to clean up on time. The power of water is indisputable in the practice of Feng Shui, it is desirable to have its symbolism in each room. It can be aquarium, a decorative fountain, pictures with the image of the sea or a waterfall, and so on that will come to mind.

The view from the window is another important moment. Little who manages to choose the perfect location of the house with a beautiful panorama, high-rise buildings and power lines are blocked by our gaze and interfere with the housing in the housing of positive energy. We cannot change this, but in our power to improve the situation. Neutralize the negative arrangement of its windowsill. Put on it a couple of plants, preferably blooming like boars or violets. It will even help an ordinary cactus that does not require careful care. The worse the view from the window, the longer his spines should be.

Do not forget about the Bagua mirror - a universal Feng Shui symbol. Hang his "face" to the yard on every window of its apartment. It will protect you and will not allow negative impulses to penetrate and affect you.

Another assistant is the "wind music". Get a bell with feathers or Chinese pagoda with tubes that will make a pleasant sound. The main thing, choose such a thing, the sound that will relax you and bring pleasure.

Put or hang along the usual mirror to each room. It is important that their reflection doubled the positive energy - displayed plants, talismans, beautiful things.

Feng Shui Apartments also depends on the behavior of its inhabitants. Frequent quarrels and screams will negatively affect the aspects of the life of each inhabitant, deteriorates relationships and can adversely affect their health. Try to solve any conflicts with family members in a peaceful and calm bed, listening to the point of view and sometimes yielding for reconciliation.

It follows not only to accurately determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment, but also to activate them so that in the family there was harmony and happiness. Three approaches to this process are known, all of them are simple, but, nevertheless, in order to carry out the correct activation of certain sectors of their homes, it is necessary to study this science deeper.

Most people do not know how to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment, moreover, they believe that only specialists can do it.

In fact, there is nothing complicated and impossible to do everything correctly, it will simply be pre-familiar with some rules. First you need to know where each of the sectors is located in the house and what he is responsible for.

The list of main zones looks like this:

  • north - Career Sector;
  • south - Success and self-realization zone;
  • west - the zone of children;
  • east - family and health;
  • northeast - wisdom and knowledge;
  • southwest - love and marriage;
  • southeast - wealth.

Some of these zones can be in doorways or windows. Experts say that in this case the Feng Shui sectors should pay special attention.

How to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment in the way Ba Guo and with the help of a compass

Determine the Schedule Schui in your home you can in several ways. Perhaps the most famous and simple method is the method of Ba Guo. It is necessary to simply draw a CU-GUA-scheme design mesh on paper and cut it. It looks like this:

Focusing on the scheme that in the photo below, it is necessary to draw an apartment plan with all the premises existing in it:

It is important to take into account the bathroom, toilet and storage room, but the balconies and loggia are not included in this scheme.

There is another way that requires the use of a compass and transport. It is chosen primarily incredulous people or those who love accuracy in everything.

Doubting the correctness of the definition of the parties to the light, it is necessary to use the measuring instruments, they will not be submitted.

Just as it requires that the first way, using the compass, also need to draw a plan on the paper and cut it on paper. Then you need to find the center in your home. To do this, you need to take a well-sharpened pencil, on its point put a housing plan, drawn on paper, and it is important to achieve that the scheme does not fall. And as soon as a complete equilibrium is established, with confidence it can be assumed that the center of the house is determined with maximum accuracy.

The compass will easily show the northern, oriental, western and south side of the house. The sides of the world designate on paper, but apply them in a mirror reflection, where the south is indicated - write the north, where the West is east.

At the third stage, the definition of the parties in his apartment is not to do without transport. The center of this tool must be connected to the center of the paper plan, and sharing the apartment on 8 sectors, which will act with a hairdry shui zones.

How to activate the monetary zone in the apartment on Feng Shui

An important element of the richness zone is a tree, its color is red and green. The richness zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in the south-east of the dwelling. If you believe the ancient Chinese science, then this sector is directly connected with the wealth and the material situation of the hosts of the house.

Activate the Feng Shui zone in an apartment responsible for financial well-being is simple: it is sufficient to increase its lighting in order to attract the energy of qi.

It is possible to strengthen money on Fen-Shui money in the apartment by placing one of the symbols of wealth. As such a symbol, any products made of precious stones and metals or a silver vessel with water can be.

In this sector of its home, you can arrange an aquarium with a goldfish or "money" tree. The cash area in the apartment on Feng Shui, equipped in this way, will bring stable revenues to their masters, making them secured people.

Family and love zone in the apartment on Feng Shui: Activation of marriage and children zones

According to this Ancient Chinese science, finding your love and acquire family happiness will help the right arrangement of the dwelling. The Love Zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in her southwestern part. To activate it, first of all, pair items and talismans will help.

In Chinese philosophy, the most powerful talisman are ducks-mandarins, which act as a symbol of loyalty. Now, when we live in the modern world, the activation of the Feng Shui zone in an apartment responsible for heartfers can be carried out with the help of any items symbolizing your loved one.

In the southwestern apartment zone, you can place photos where you are with your loved one, also pictures of couples, hearts and Valentine's lovers. The Chinese are recommended in the love zone to arrange pictures with the image of peonies.

The elements of the southwest is a big land that fire warms. From this it follows that symbols and colors of fire will help to activate the zone - red, yellow, orange colors and candles.

If you decide to put candles in this sector of your house in order to strengthen love or, if you wish to meet a beloved person, choose only paired candles. This plot of your home should be well covered, it cannot be placed by the elements of the tree, for example, houseplants in pots.

There is also a marriage zone in the apartment on Feng Shui, so in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife, in addition to the photo, two candles should be postponed - one red color, the other - white. These two candles, according to ancient Greek science, personify a man and a woman.

The family zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in the eastern part of the dwelling. In this corner of the house, it is advisable to place a photo depicting all family members. In the eastern sector, you should put steam symbols - clerk-tangerines, symbolizing loyalty and love, butterflies, personifying family happiness, doves or geese.

Specialists in Feng Shui say that this place in the apartment is ideal for storing intimate "attributes". This place can be left for placement of items intended for love jokes, magazines and books.

The western part of the dwelling is the zone of children on Feng Shui in the apartment, she is striving to activate all the parents who want happiness and well-being to their children. Activate this apartment sector will help flowers in pots and natural stones.

In addition, it is an ideal place to accommodate children's drawings, crafts and toys. If possible, it is advisable in the western part of the house or apartment.

How to activate in the apartment of good luck zone and career on Feng Shui

If you have long wish you career growth or just attract good luck in your life, arrange your home in the tradition of Feng Shui. The career zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in its northern part, its colors are blue and black.

It is possible to activate it using bright lighting, as well as signs and symbols that match your astrological sign and the GUA number.

Waiting for an increase in the career ladder, in this sector you can place a small room fountain. If you have already achieved significant success, it is still necessary to keep it or strengthen, for this, in the career zone, it is recommended to arrange pictures or photos with the image of water in a calm state.

The good luck zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is significantly strengthened if it is to put a turtle statuette in it, which is a bright representative of the element of water.

For those who want to try themselves in a new business, in the career zone you should put office equipment, it can be a computer, telephone or other accessories. In the career sector, according to ancient Greek science, it is impossible to put fire symbols.

Knowledge and wisdom zones in the apartment on Feng Shui: where are and how to activate

In the apartment of the knowledge zone on Feng Shui is located in the northeastern part. It is here that it is best to equip your office or library, since this sector contributes to good training. Experts argue that here any activity related to the development of new knowledge will be successful.

You can activate the knowledge sector using bright lighting, as well as all items that are related to the purpose of learning. It may be dictionaries, textbooks, globe, geographical maps, the choice of characters depends on the subject of the study.

There should be no sharp and cutting objects in this zone, as well as entertainment literature and all that is associated with cruelty and misfortune.

Health zone on Feng Shui in the apartment: how to activate the sector

In the heart of the Ba-Gua grid, a health zone is located. It is in the center of the house there is a sector responsible for the well-being of the host of the housing. Health zone on Feng Shui in the apartment can be activated with room plants located on wooden shelves. It is also advisable to find a place for clay pitcher and green objects. Such registration of the central part of the housing will help strengthen all family members.

Well, if natural landscapes and naval pebbles are located in this zone. In addition to intensive lighting to activate the health zone, it is recommended to use as much symbolic items as possible.

To this end, you can use bamboo or pine branch, peaches in odd quantities, a figure of the crane or deer. Bonsai Tree Specialists are recommended to position closer to the east of this apartment zone. If there is a table in this part of your house, decorate it with porcelain peaches, a vase or a statuette.

If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, you can significantly improve your life in terms of health, love, career growth, financial situation.

Even in antiquity, the Chinese were found that how objects are located in the dwelling, and how much it is equipped, it can be projected on some of our areas of life. On my career, for love, on cash flow in our life. Thus, the teaching of Feng Shui began to emerge. And now his rules and recommendations should be many people all over the world, everyone wants to be a hairdry shui of the apartment, so that all the necessary energies proceed in space in the right way.

And Feng Shui Apartments, this section of science, can tell the owners of housing, how to organize space and interior items in it so that it is good to everyone living.


The Feng Shui zones in the apartment are divided similar to the divisions of the sectors on the octagon of Ba-Gua, and this is one of the main concepts of Feng Shui Apartments. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can change your life or one of its aspects, simply by activating the desired sector in the housing space. But for the correct activation, you need to know wherever you have some kind of Feng Shui zones in the apartment. There is a lot of definition methods, and one of them according to the schematic plan of your apartment. And for this, it is not necessary to call a specialist and pay money to him, it can be done on your own.

In terms of the apartment, all the premises must be indicated, the only balcony and lodge will not need. Now you need to determine which part of the light the windows of your apartment are overlooking. After that, the octagon of Ba-Gua is taken and applied to the plan of an apartment in a mirror ratio. For example, if the windows come to the north, connect the wall on the plan with the south of the octagon. Now thanks to this grid you can see all the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment.

And it does not matter how much it wants to organize a haird-shui zone of a one-room apartment, house or office, the principle of definition will be the same. After all, one-room apartment can be organized no less comfortable than an apartment where there are many rooms. The number of rooms do not affect any love or finance in your life, but the proper energy setting is capable of influencing.

The hairdry shui of a one-room apartment should be organized on the basis of the elements to which a person belongs. Element is defined easily, for this, the last year of birth is taken, it is it that indicates a person's belonging to the elements of water, land, air and fire.

Feng Shui Apartment Room

Feng Shui and science Numerology are very closely connected between them. And the apartment number, like the number of housing, plays a fairly important role in the energy determination of the potential of housing. In order to find out what your apartment number is on Feng Shui, it is enough to fold all the numbers of your room before receiving a unique number, and then access numerology, and watch decoding.

After all, in ancient times, many people paid a lot of attention to everything that could concern the habitat. Yes, and such an impact, can feel every crossing the thresholds of different apartment rooms. And even better, having lived for some time with one number, and then with another. After that, you do not say that the apartment number on Feng Shui is an empty chatter.

After you have determined where the hairdryer of the apartment is a richness zone, it should be activated. The zone of wealth always occupies the southeast of the apartment. This is done in order for the energy of abundance freely to come to this sector and take place without obstacles. To do this, no credit in this sector should be. Frequent ventilation and cleaning should enter the habit. Well, if you get to place an aquarium with fish in this place. Compulsory are also considered indoor flowers, with a large number of petals, a money tree is ideal, however, you can and other similar. Also contribute to the accumulation of energy in this zone will be crystals or stone pyramids.
But from unwanted items in this zone, triangles, candles, objects of red or orange flowers and the rest, which symbolizes the fire. After all, the element of money is water, and the fire can weaken it. Therefore, for Feng Shui, the apartment of the richness zone should always be under close attention.

After you were drawn up a hairdry shui flat scheme, you now know that and in which side you need to activate. In addition to the early described location of the sectors, a hair dryer can also be drawn up with a compass and determining the ratio of each room to parts of the world. Many use, a hairdry shui scheme of an apartment when redeveloping or repairing to change or adjust, if necessary. After all, even the rearrangement of furniture and change the lighting of a room or another can contribute to another energy flow. And the knowledge that the North is responsible for the parler, the South for the implementation, the West is the sector of children and creativity, and the East determines health, - will help to quickly focus on a particular zone of Feng Shui Apartments.

And a special place in Feng Shui apartments - paintings, because we often succumb to the temptation to decorate their home. And there are some rules for their placement according to the teachings of Feng Shui. Apartments, where there is a child, and, accordingly, the children's room is better to decorate the picture in such colors that are loved by the child. The bedroom is better decorated with calm scenery, which cause a sense of peace and measured life.

It is categorically not advised to hang pictures on each wall, it is also better to avoid images of predators, poverty, destroyed houses or broken trees. It may adversely affect the aura in the house and destroy the existing comfort, mutual understanding of living. Choosing, any picture, be sure to listen to the inner sensations, if the image causes harmony and smile, then it also will also affect your home.


feng Shui zones

Hello everyone, glad to welcome you on the site Your Feng!

As you already, probably, you know, Feng Shui is a science of the right organization of space ... That's how this is the most space to organize in the room, we will talk today and talk. So, how to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment And what you need to do?

First, in order to properly organize your room in the room (in the apartment, in the house, in the office and so on), you need to solve for myself what the sphere of life you would like to change. For example, to move through the career ladder, to meet love, etc.

Secondly, when you decided on the sphere of life, you need to know where the area is in the house that is responsible for this by the sphere. Most often in Feng Shui such directions are called sectors or zones.

What are the Feng Shui zones in the apartment (house)?

grid Bagua

Zones, according to Feng Shui, only 9. Each of them is responsible for this or that aspect of a person's life and is in the appropriate side of the world.

square horse

In order not to disturb the balance of the energies in the house, it is best to activate not one zone, but several. I do not say that just 9 right away. Of course not! It will be a clear bust. Somewhere 3 zones will be enough (or a little more, to solve you). The main thing to comply with the basic principle of Feng Shui - harmony in everything. So that everything is perfectly combined, it looked beautiful and naturally.

According to Feng Shui, all nine life aspects are interconnected with each other and combine the Bagua grid (or there is a square square).

The Bagua mesh is an octagon, each side of which corresponds to the trigram (Bagua literally and translates "BA" -EMEM, "GUA" -tritogram, "Ba-Gua" - eight trigamm), the side of light, defined one of the five elements (wood , Earth, etc.).

How to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment right?

definition of Feng Shui zones

In order to determine where the zones in the apartment (home) are located according to Feng Shui, the "armared" compass, the room plan and the Bagua grid (or the square of the horse).

As for the compass, I will immediately make a reservation. In general, Masters - Feng Shui to determine zones in the apartment use Compass Lopan. This is a professional compass consultant Feng Shui, and not cheap. It consists of a square base, a spinning disk and the magnetized arrow. Rings are applied to Lopan, inside which hieroglyphs and numbers are drawn, constituting various Feng Shui formulas. Of course, a good thing, but for a novice Fenshuist or a simple ordinary woman will, it is enough to use the usual engineering compass.

The plan of the room you can draw yourself, or take from the BTI documents. Only if you do it yourself, draw the plan of the apartment with all the real premises. Do not forget about the bathroom, toilet and storage room.

Bagua mesh or square can be taken from the Internet or directly from this article. Just click the image, it will increase, then the right key is to save as. And print it.

Now that all tools for definitions of Feng Shui zones in the apartment We are ready, proceed to fulfill the task.

compass Feng Shui - Lopan

With the help of a compass, we determine where the north is located. His arrow always points to this direction. When the north found, mark it on the apartment plan. Then take the grid of the Bagua (or square the horse) and attach to the flat scheme it so that the North coincided with the north. And then on the marks to Bagua, you can easily find the rest of the sectors. As you can see this is not at all difficult.

A small advice to those who have no compass: you can navigate east. As is well known in the East, it comes in the east, and comes in the West. Therefore, remember from which side of your apartment or the house rises the sun, at which the first rays fall at dawn - there will be east. Accordingly, in this direction to the apartment plan, attach the grid of Bagua as eastern trighram. Next on the markup you will define the rest of the Feng Shui zones in your apartment.

So, friends will summarize.

We talked about today:

* What are the hairdry shui zones at all

* In which compass directions they are located

* What is needed to define Feng Shui zones

* asright Determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment

I hope that the information will be useful for you, and you can correctly correct some aspects of your life. Read more about each zone, and about them how to activate them correctly in the following articles.

Any residential premises in accordance with the ancient Eastern teaching Feng Shui can be divided into zones, each of which is responsible for a certain sphere of life. And each of the zones has its own characteristics - its unique element, color, number, forms and others. Knowing these characteristics, we can find out what kind of impacts are those or other elements regarding the specific direction and, accordingly, the spheres of our life.

The effects of wallpaper and interior items can be relevant, materials from which the items and their forms are manufactured. In the event of an unsuccessful choice, we will experience constant discomfort, quickly tire, often root, experience difficulties in communicating with people and finance. Feng Shui can teach how to attract positive energy into their home, because it gives man life forces.

The definition of zones occurs with the help of the Bagua octagon - each of its nine parts (including the central region) has its own value and, as already mentioned, is responsible for a certain sphere of life. It is important to consider that all zones are equally important, like all spheres of our life - the purpose of Feng Shui is to achieve a balance. Therefore, it is necessary to pay the same attention to all zones. According to ancient science, the activation of the apartment zones will help to increase the circulation of positive energy, which will achieve success in various fields.

How to properly apply the Bagua grid and determine the location of the sectors?

There are two approaches to the definition of Feng Shui zones: on the sides of the light with the help of a compass, and only with the use of the eight of Bagua - placing it so that the entrance door is in the northern sector, the career zone. And naturally, supporters of these methods argue among themselves about the truth of one or another.

However, at the same time, for many years, both methods are successfully applied and give results. Therefore, with all the subjectivity of the current situation, the right decision will be the choice of exactly the method that seems more convenient to you personally in your particular living room. That method with whom you figured out and feel confident, will always work better.

So, you have decided on the method, made all the necessary calculations and found out how the octagon lay on your apartment, denoting directions. Now it's time to find out what kind of zone which direction matches and what characteristics it has.

North - Career and Life Path.

This sector is responsible for everything that is associated with work, career, service growth and professional development. In addition, this zone is interpreted as a "life path", so its activation will help to produce not only the desired transformation on labor activity, but also will well affect the move in life in general - luckyness to achieve goals and attract favorable opportunities.

The ruling element in this sector is water, so the activation should be carried out using the appropriate items: decorative fountains, aquarium or water images in paintings, panels, vases. The colors of this zone are blue, white, blue and black, - they should also be used in sector design. And in order to avoid excessive gloomy, use bright lighting in this zone, as well as in all others, it is a good feng shui regardless of the sector value.

If you sometimes work from the house, then it is best to put a computer and a phone in the career zone. The beneficial effects will be performed and simply reminiscent of the work of the work - a souvenir with corporate symbols, a photograph of the team, etc. It will contribute to a faster movement over the career ladder.

Northeast - zone of knowledge and wisdom.

The activation of this zone, whose name speaks for itself will contribute to achieving success in learning, preserving the knowledge gained, self-improvement and the incarnation of new ideas. The elements of this sector are the Earth and draw it out in its colors - beige and brown shades.

To activate this zone, it will be appropriate to accommodate items directly related to the learning process - globe, geographical maps, educational literature. You can also place objects from ceramics or porcelain. In addition, there will be no extra figurines and wisdom symbols - so, for example, a snake statuette is considered a good mascot for this zone.

East - family and home focus.

This zone, with its correct activation, will work to strengthen household attachments to each other, improving the home climate as a whole, and even addition to the family - she, as you already understood, is responsible for intimidian things and relationships between members of the whole.

Her elements are a tree, and the color is green. Therefore, the main elements for the activation will be any wooden things, especially made with their own hands - for example, carved wooden figures, wicker things, as well as live plants or their images, including images of trees and various greenery.

Another good element to activate this zone will be happy family photos or objects associated with loved ones, for example, gifts from beloved relatives or children's crafts. However, be careful, here in no case should there be photographs of the well-having native, stuffed animals and dried plants. And sharp objects and spiny plants in this sector will contribute to conflicts in the family.

To improve your financial situation and open the doors of abundance and prosperity, Feng Shui recommends how to activate this particular sector, which is directly related to the material side of our lives.

The main color of this sector, in accordance with the ruling element - wood, is green, and the most common element for activation is a money tree and any plants with leaves resembling coins. Also in this zone favorably placing the elements of water elements - aquarium with fish, fountain or water or green water. And here, as in any other zone, bright lighting is important.

This is not all zones, because we know - all of them nine, together with the central, and each has its own certain meaning and can help us improve the life of interest to us in properly activation. Well, continue to get acquainted with the rest in the second part of the article -.

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