Atlantic Ocean location. Message about the Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean location. Message about the Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean location. Message about the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and the youngest ocean on Earth, characterized by the unique relief and natural features.

The best resorts are located on its shores, and richest resources are hidden in its depths.

Story study

Long before the onset of our era, Atlantic was an important trade and economic and military. The ocean was named after an ancient Greek mythological character - Atlanta. For the first time, mention is still in the Scriptures of Herodota.

Christopher Columbus Swimming Rails

For many centuries, all new straits, islands were opened, disputes for maritime territory and the ownership of the islands. But still opened the Atlantic, who led the expedition and opened most of the geographical objects.

Antarctica, and at the same time the Russian researchers F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazarev opened the southern border of the sea waters.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

Ocean's area is 91.6 million km². He just like the Pacific Ocean, wash 5 continents. The volume of water in it is a little more than a quarter from the world's ocean. It has an interesting elongated shape.

The average depth is 3332 m, the maximum depth is in the area of \u200b\u200bPuerto Rico's gutter and is 8742 m.

The maximum salt of the water reaches 39% (Mediterranean Sea), in some areas 37%. There are also the most fresh areas with an indicator of 18%.

Geographical position

The Atlantic Ocean in the north is washes by the shore of the Greenland. From the west concerns the eastern shores of North and South America. In the south, the established boundaries with Indian and the Pacific Oceans are running.

There are water of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

They are determined by the Meridian of the Cape of the needle and m. Mountain, respectively, reaching the glaciers of Antarctica. In the east of water is washed by Eurasia and Africa.


The temperature of the water is strongly influenced by cold flows going towards the Northern Ocean.

Warm currents are trade winds that affect water near the equator. It is here that the warm flow of Golf Stream takes place through the Caribbean pool, which makes the climate of the coastal European countries much warmer.

A cold Labrador current flows along the shores of North America.

Climate and climatic belts

The Atlantic Ocean extends to all climatic belts. Western winds, trade winds and monsions in the equator area strongly affect the temperature regime.

In the zone of tropics and subtropics, the average temperature of 20 ° C, in winter it is reduced to 10 ° C. Throughout the year, abundant sediments are prevailed throughout the year, in the subtropics they are significantly more falling out in the summer. The temperature is significantly reduced in the areas of the Arctic and Antarctica.

Inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean

From the vegetation world in the Atlantic Ocean, laminaria, corals, red and brown algae are widespread.

There also lives more than 240 types of phytoplankton and the uncountable number of species of fish, the most vivid representatives of which are: tuna, sardines, cod, anchovies, herring, perch (sea), halibus, pike.

From mammals there can be found several types of whales, the most common - blue whale. Ocean water also inhabit octopus, crustaceans, squid.

Flora and the fauna of the ocean is much poorer than the quiet. This is caused by relatively low age and less favorable temperature conditions.

Islands and Peninsula

Some of the islands were formed as a result of the elevation of the Mid-Atlantic Range above sea level, such as Azores and Tristan-da-kun archipelago can be attributed.

Tristan yes-Kunya Island

Bermuda islands are the most famous and mysterious.


On the territory of the Atlantic Ocean are located: Caribbean, Antilles, Iceland, Malta (state-in on the island), oh. Saint Helena - all of them 78. Canary, Bahamas, Sicily, Cyprus, Crete and Barbados became favorite places for visiting tourists.

Straits and seas

The water of the Atlantic includes 16 seas, among which the most famous and large are: Mediterranean, Caribbean, Sargasso.

The Caribbean Sea meets with the Atlantic Ocean

The Gibraltar Strait connects the flow of ocean waters with the Mediterranean Sea.

Magellan Strait (passes along the fiery ground and is distinguished by a large number of sharp rocks) and the Strait of Drakes go to the Pacific Ocean.

Nature features

The Atlantic Ocean is the youngest on Earth.

A significant part of the waters extends in the tropics and moderate belt, so the animal world is represented in all its diversity as among mammals, so among fish and other marine creatures.

The variety of species of plankton is not large, but only here it is a biomass on 1 m³ may be so large.

Relief DNA

The main feature of the relief is the mid-Atlantic ridge, the length of which is more than 18,000 km. The bottom of the bottom is covered with a smooth bottom of the bottom of the ridge.

Also present small underwater volcanoes, some of which are valid. The bottom is cut in deep gorges, the origin of which is still not known for sure. However, due to age, relief education, prevailing in other oceans, are developed here to a much lesser extent.


In some parts, the coastline is slightly cut, but the coast is rather rocky. There are several large waters, for example, Mexican, Guinean bay.

Gulf of Mexico

In the area of \u200b\u200bNorth America and the eastern coast of Europe, many natural bays, straits, archipelago and peninsulas.


In the Atlantic Ocean, oil and gas production is maintained, which is a decent share in global mineral mining.

Also on the shelf of some seas are made of sulfur, ores, precious stones and metals, important for the global industry.

Ecological problems

In the 19th century, in these places, whale hunting was widespread among the sailors to extract their fat and bristles. As a result, their number was sharply reduced to the critical, now there is a ban on whaling fishery.

Water is badly contaminated due to use and emissions:

  • a huge amount of oil in the bay in 2010;
  • production waste;
  • urban garbage;
  • radioactive substances from stations, poisons.

This not only pollutes the water, worsens the biosphere and kills everything alive in water, but exactly to the same extent affects environmental pollution in cities, consumption of products with the content of all these substances.

Types of economic activity

The Atlantic Ocean is carried out 4/10 of the volume of fishing fishery. It is through him a huge number of shipping pathways (the main of which are directed from Europe to North America).

The paths passing through the Atlantic Ocean and the sea, located in it, lead to the largest ports that are of great importance in import and export trade. Oil, ore, coal, wood, products and raw materials metallurgical industries are transferred through them, food products.

On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there are many world tourist cities, annually attracting a large number of people.

Interesting facts about the Atlantic Ocean

The most curious of them:


The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest, but by no means less significant. It is an important source of minerals, the fishing industry, through it is the most important transport routes. Briefly summing up, it is worth paying attention to the vast damage to the ecological and organic component of the ocean life caused by mankind.

Atlantic Ocean - This "Delianka" of the Water Square of the World Ocean, which, from the south, limits Europe and Africa, with Western South and North America. A huge mass of salty water, beautiful views, rich Flora and Fauna, hundreds of beautiful islands - this is all called the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean They consider the second largest component of our planet (in the first place -). The coastline is clearly divided in the water area: the sea, bays. Total Atlantic Ocean Square, river basins that fall into it is about 329.7 million km³ (this is 25% of the waters of the World Ocean).

For the first time, the name of the ocean - Atlantis, there is still in the works of Herodota (5th century BC). Then the prototype of the modern name was recorded in the works of the Senior Plane (1 century AD). It sounds like Oceanus Atlanticus, translated from the ancient Greek language - the Atlantic Ocean.

There are several versions of the etymology of the Ocean name:

- in honor of the Mythological Titan of Atlanta (atlas, who keeps the whole heavenly arch);

- from the name of the Atlas Mountains (they are in the northern part of Africa);

- in honor of the mysterious and legendary mainland of Atlantis. Immediately offer you the most interesting video - the film "Battle of Civilizations - Find Atlantis"

These are the versions and assumptions are nominated about the Atlantis and the mysterious race of the Atlanta.

As for the history of the ocean formation, the scientists are confident that he originated due to the split of the Pangea's missing supercontinent. He included 90% of the continental bark of our planet.

Atlantic Ocean on the World Map

Every 600 million years of continental blocks are connected to split again with time. It is as a result of this process 160 tons. Years ago Atlantic Ocean. Map The flow shows that the ocean water is moved under the action of cold and warm currents.

These are all the main flow of the Atlantic Ocean.

Islands of the Atlantic Ocean

The largest islands of the Atlantic Ocean are Ireland, United Kingdom, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Newfoundland. They are in the northern sector of the ocean. Their total area is 700 taxes 2. Several groups of smaller islands are located in the eastern part of the ocean: the Canary Islands ,. On the western side there are groups, small antillest islands. Their archipelago creates a unique arc of earthly solid, which surrounds the eastern water sector.

It is impossible not to mention one of the most beautiful islands of the Atlantic.

Sea temperature in the Atlantic Ocean

The water of the Atlantic Ocean is colder than or quiet (due to a large stretch of the middle-atlantic ridge). The average temperature of the water on the surface is +16.9, but it changes depending on the season. In February, in the northern part of the water area and in August, the very low temperature is recorded on southern, and the highest is observed in other months.

Depth of the Atlantic Ocean

What depth of the Atlantic Ocean? The maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean reaches 8742 m (fixed in Puerto Rico groove at 8742 m), and the average depth rate is 3736 m. Puerto Rico Groit is located on the border of the ocean water and the Caribbean. Its length along the slopes of the Antilles ridge is 1200 km.

The Atlantic Ocean Square is 91, 66 million km². And a quarter of this territory falls on his sea. Here.

Atlantic Ocean: sharks and not only

Underwater World of Atlantic Oceanit will affect the imagination of any person with its wealth and diversity. It is a unique ecosystem that combines many species of plants and animals.

The flora of the Atlantic Ocean is presented mainly by bottom vegetation (phytobentos): green, red, brown algae, laminaries, flowering plants, such as poseidia, philosopadic.

A unique natural miracle, without exaggeration, can be called Sargasso Sea, located in the Atlantic Ocean between 20 ° and 40 ° of the northern latitude and 60 ° of Western longitude. On the surface of 70% of its water stroit all the time brown algae - Sargassa.

But most of the surface of the Atlantic Ocean is covered with phytoplankton (these are single-core algae). Its mass, depending on the site, is differentiated from 1 to 100 mg / m3.

Inhabitants of the Atlantic Oceanbeautiful and mysterious, because many of their species have not been fully understood. A large number of different representatives of underwater fauna live in cold and temperate waters. For example, lastonovy, whales, ocupal, cambal, cream, herring, shrimp, crustaceans, mollusks. Many animals are bipolar, that is, adapted to comfortable existence and in cold, and in a temperate belt (turtles, crabs, jellyfish, sea seals, whales, seals, mussels).

The special class is the inhabitants of the deep water of the Atlantic Ocean. Corals, sponges, Ichain-skinned species of fish are striking and impressive person's eyes.

What sharks in the Atlantic Ocean Can you visit the visited tourist? The number of species that live in the Atlantic exceeds a dozen. The most common is white, soup, blue, reef, giant, sandy sharks. But, cases of attacks on people occur not very often, and if they happen, it is more often due to provocations of the most people.

The first official shark attack on a person happened on July 1, 1916 with Charles Vensen Santom on New Jersey Beach. But then the residents of the resort town took this case as an accident. Registered similar tragedies were only in 1935. But scientists - Acouulov Nikols, Merphy and Lyukas did not react to attacks frivolously and began hard to look for their specific reasons. As a result, they created their theory of "shark year." She argued that attacks were motivated by a great shark migration. Since the beginning of 2013, according to the international register of attacks, the sharks in the world recorded 55 cases of attacks of predators per person, of which 10 with a fatal outcome.

Bermuda Triangle

It covers an area of \u200b\u200b92 million km. It collects fresh water from the most significant part of the sushi and stands out among other oceans by the fact that both polar regions of the Earth connect in the form of a wide strait. The middle-atlantic ridge passes in the center of the Atlantic. This is an instability belt. Separate vertices of this ridge rise above the water in the form. Among them are the largest -.

The southern tropical part of the ocean is under the influence of the South-Eastern Passat. The sky above this part is slightly tinted with cumulus clouds similar to cotton. This is the only place in the Atlantic, where there. The color of the water in this part of the ocean ranges from the dark blue to the bright green (near). Water is green when approaching, as well as the southern shores. The tropical part of the south of the Atlantic is very rich in life: Plankton's density there is 16 thousand individuals on a liter; There is an abundance of volatile fish, sharks and other predatory fish. There are no coral builders in the southern part of the Atlantic: they were supplanted from here. Many researchers notice that cold flows in this part of the ocean richer life than warm.

: 34-37.3.

Additional Information: The Atlantic Ocean received its name from the Atlantic Mountains located in the North-West Africa, on another version - from the mythical continent of Atlantis, on the third - on behalf of Titan Atlas (Atlanta); The Atlantic Ocean is conventionally divided into the northern and southern regions, the boundary between which runs along the equator.

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest, after the Pacific Ocean, the Ocean on Earth. Named the mythical country of Atlantis.
The eastern border of the Atlantic Ocean of Europe, Asia and Africa, Western - North and South America, South Antarctica. The border with the Indian Ocean is carried out conditionally meridian of the cape of needle, with the quiet - Meridian Cape Mountain, with the North Arctic - in the polar circle. In these borders, the Ocean Square is 91.7 million km 2, the average depth is 3926 m, the volume is 337,541 thousand km 3. The Atlantic Ocean is elongated by latitude. It stretches in almost parallel to the shores in the form of an S-shaped strip, a few thousand km width. The length of the Atlantic Ocean from north to south about 16 thousand km. The greatest width of the ocean is more than 9 thousand km, the smallest of 2830 km (in equatorial waters). The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean in the northern hemisphere is very cut. Here are focused by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean (Baltic, Northern, Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean) and Bay (Biscay, Guinean, Mexican). In the southern hemisphere of the coast, a little is cut (there is only one open sea of \u200b\u200bWeddell). Internal and outdoor seas occupy about 16% of the area.
The terrace of the ocean is complex. From the north to the south, the Atlantic Ocean crosses a raising consisting of three submarines of Reykyanenes, the North Atlantic and South Atlantic. In the plan, it also has an S-shaped form. The average depth above the ridges from 900 to 2700 m, the average depth of 3332 m.
To the west and east of the median lifting are deep basins: in the eastern of the Atlantic Ocean - North African, Guinean, Angolan and Kapskaya, in Western - North American, Brazilian and Argentinean. The depth of Kotlovin in the western part of the ocean is large, within the north-American brand lies deep in the Atlantic Ocean of deep-water Wpadina Puerto Rico with a mark - 9 218 m (Milwaukee depth). The east of the South Sandwich Islands is the same deep-sea depression with a maximum depth of 8262 m. In the south, an African-Antarctic brand with a depth of 5-5.8 thousand m is extended along the 60th parallel.
The islands in the Atlantic Ocean are relatively small, and those that are, are concentrated mainly in the northern part of the ocean. The largest mainland: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Newfoundland, large and small antilles and others; The volcanic includes: Azores, Tristan da Cunya, about. St. Helena and others.
The terrain of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as a quiet, is a continuation of the relief of the continents. For example, the ancient relief forms created by the glacier are distributed on the shelf of Greenland. Numerous flooded river valleys are also traced at the bottom of the ocean. Unlike the Pacific Ocean, there are few underwater mountains in the Atlantic. A special place is occupied by the Mid-Ocean Range, which crosses the ocean from north to south. Almost through the entire mid-oceanic ridge, a huge longitudinal crack of the earth's crust is extended - Rift. Its depth reaches almost 2 km, width up to 30 km. It is dissected by numerous transverse clefts, deep from which is about 8 km. These are the centers of earthquakes and submarine volcanoes, which are often tested above the surface of the ocean. A vivid example is the volcanic island of Iceland. In addition to the middle and ocean ridge at the bottom of the ocean there are other raised lifters. Together they share the bed of the Atlantic on separate basins. Unlike Pacific, the Atlantic basins have a smooth surface. This is due to a large number of sedimental deposits, the accumulation of which contributes to a small number of deep-water gutters in the transition zone of the Atlantic.
The variety of climatic conditions on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean is determined by its large meridional length and circulation of air masses under the influence of four main atmospheric centers: Greenland and Antarctic maxima, Icelandic and Antarctic minima. In addition, two anticyclone are constantly in subtropics: Azores and South Atlantic. A strong influence on the climate is provided by seasonal winter anticyclones: Canadian, Asian, South African and South American.
Not only its large meridional extent is the greatest effect on the temperature regime of the Atlantic Ocean, but also water exchange with the Northern Arctic Ocean, the seas of Antarctic and the Mediterranean Sea. For surface waters, their gradual cooling is characterized as it removes from the equator to high latitudes, although the presence of powerful currents causes significant deviations from zonal temperature modes.
Powerful thermal energy carriers are circular surface trends, they are located on both sides of the equator: such, for example, the Northern and South Passatowns. Cold water carries the Canary current, as well as during the Western winds. In the Atlantic Ocean there are several tiers of deep-water flows. The temperature of surface water at the equator in the summer (in August in the north, in February in the south) - 26 ° C, and in the winter (February in the north, August in the south) - 27 ° C. at 60 ° C.Sh. - from 0 ° C off the coast of North America to 7 ° C in the East, and 60 ° Yu.Sh. - 1 ° C. The average indicator is 16.5 ° C. The largest salinity of surface water in the open ocean is observed at the equator - 38 ‰ (maximum in the Mediterranean - 39), in the remaining climatic zones it is 1-3 below. The average salinity is 35.4.
On the expanses of the Atlantic are all climatic belts of the planet. For tropical latitudes are characterized by minor seasonal temperature fluctuations (the average indicator is 20 ° C) and abundant precipitation. To the north and south of the tropics there are subequatorial belts with more noticeable seasonal (from 10 ° C in winter to 20 ° C in summer) and daily fluctuations in temperatures, the precipitation here falls mainly in the summer. Frequent phenomenon in the subequatorial zone - tropical hurricanes. In these atmospheric vortices, the wind speed reaches several hundred kilometers per hour. Powerful tropical hurricanes are raging in the Caribbean: for example, in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Islands of West Indies. West Indies Tropical hurricanes are formed in the western part of the ocean in the region of 10-15 ° C.Sh. And move to the Azores and Ireland. Next, north and south are the zones of subtropics, where in the coldest month the temperature is reduced to 10 ° C, and in winter, cold air masses with polar areas of low pressure brought abundant precipitation. In moderate latitudes, the average temperature of the warmest month is held in the range of 10-15 ° C, and the coldest -10 ° C itself, there are also significant daily temperature differences. For a moderate belt, quite evenly which during the year of precipitation (about 1,000 mm), reaching a maximum in the autumn-winter period, and frequent strong storms, for which the southern moderate latitudes are called "roaring forties". Isotherm 10 ° C determines the boundaries of the northern and southern sugar belts. In the northern hemisphere, this border passes in a wide band between 50 ° S.Sh. (Labrador) and 70 ° S.Sh. (Northern Norway coast). In the southern hemisphere, the indoor zone begins closer to the equator - approximately 45-50 ° Yu.Sh. The lowest temperature (-34 ° C) was registered in the sea Weddell.
Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean Hydrological regime is due to the main climate. The flows caused by atmospheric circulation form a complex system of movement of the surface layer of the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to the trade winds, there are northern and southern equatorial trends having the West direction. Next, in the tropics and moderate latitudes, they form rings of an anticyclonal circuit. An integral part of the ring in the northern hemisphere is the warm currents of antilles and Golf Stream. Golfstrum branch forms the Canary Cold Cold. In the north-west in the Atlantic Ocean, cold flows of East Greenland and Labradorsky are poured. Brazil's shores ishes the warm current of the same name. Launching to the east, it flows into the drift flow of Western winds. In the south-western shores of Africa, its northern branch forms a cold Bengels. With currents, the distribution of water temperature is associated. In the northern hemisphere, due to the golfranch of water temperature is significantly higher than in the South, where the cooling effect of Antarctica affects. The temperature distribution of water in general is similar to the distribution of air temperature. The ordinary salinity of the Atlantic Ocean is 35.4%. The highest salinity is observed in the tropical and subtropical latitudes of both hemispheres, where there are few precipitation and a great evaporation. With depth, water temperature decreases, the salinity of water decreases. In the bottom layer, the water temperature is from 0 to +2 °, salinity 34.6 - 34.9%. Widely limits change the amplitude of tides in the Atlantic Ocean. In the open ocean, it does not exceed 1 m. In the fantasy bay, famous tides up to 18 m, which are maximum for the World Ocean. Ice in the form of coastal soldering is known only in Antarctica. Floating ice of marine and continental origin is more common, which can swim in average latitudes.
The Atlantic Ocean fell: Amazon, Dnipro, Don, Danube, Congo, River St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Mississippi, Niger, Nile, Orinoco, Parana, Rhine, and others, giving together about 60% of the mass of mainland waters flowing towards the world Ocean.
The vegetable and animal world in the tropical zone is characterized by a variety of species, but a limited number of individuals, in moderate and cold zones - on the contrary. Donna Vegetation is represented by various algae, which are common in the coastal zone to a depth of 100 m. Phytoplankton in moderate and cold latitudes spread to a depth of 50 m, in the tropics - up to 50-80 m. Zooplankton in the population of water, but the most stormy life is observed in her Upper layers. The nature of the fauna varies also with breadth. In moderate and cold latitudes, whales and lastonodi are found, from fish - herring, cod, flounder, and others, in warm waters: jellyfish, crabs, various sharks, flying fish, sea turtles, whale whale, etc. Stripes of cold and moderate zones are noted the greatest development of life. They are the main fishing areas: Newfoundland Bank, Icelandic Waters, the North Sea and the areas of the wicker crafts of the Southern Hemisphere.
Economic and politically, the Atlantic Ocean has great international importance. This is a node of important economic and strategic maritime ways. Lines are the most important: north-Atlantic (between Europe, USA and Canada), Far Eastern (between Europe and Asia and Australia, through Suez), the mid-Atlantic (between Europe, West-India and South America). The vast majority of the world of the world enjoys natural resources of the Atlantic Ocean. The main ports of the Atlantic Ocean and the seas of his pool: Odessa, Amsterdam, London, Liverpool, Hamburg, Marseille, Cape Town, Lagos, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, New York.
See Geology and Mineral Resources of the Atlantic Ocean
The history of the study of the Atlantic Ocean is divided into 3 periods. In the first period, up to 1749 (Flying of the Phoenicians, Carthaginian, B. Diasp, X. Columbus, J. Kabbota, F. Magellan, etc.), information is collected only about the distribution of sushi and the sea. In the second period (1749-1873), the first data was obtained on water temperature at various depths (Ellis, J. Cook, I. F. Kruzenshtern, Yu. F. Lisynsky et al.). The third period - the period of integrated oceanographic studies from the end of the 19th century lasts now. Expeditions on the ships "Challenger" (1872-76), "Vityaz" (1886-89), "Meteor" (1925-27, 1929-38), "Discovery II" (from 1931). Studies of the USSR scientists conducted during the international geophysical year 1957/58 on the "Ob", "Sevastopol" ships, "Lomonosov".

The Atlantic Ocean is inferior in size only to quiet, its area is approximately 91.56 million km². From other oceans, it is distinguished by the strong stencil of the coastline, forming numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of \u200b\u200briver basins flowing into this ocean or its outskirts is much larger than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another distinction of the Atlantic Ocean is a relatively small amount of islands and a difficult terrain that, thanks to the underwater ridges and raising, forms many individual boilingns.

Northern Atlantic Ocean

Borders and coastline. The Atlantic Ocean is divided into the northern and southern parts, the boundary between which is conditionally held by the equator. From a oceanographic point of view, however, to the southern part of the ocean, an equatorial countercover should be attributed to 5-8 ° S.Sh. The northern border is usually carried out along the northern polar circle. In places, this border is marked by underwater ridges.

In the northern hemisphere, the Atlantic Ocean has a strongly rugged coastline. Its relatively narrow northern part is connected to the northern ice ocean three non-fourth straits. In the northeast of the Devisians, the spiring 360 km wide (on the latitude of the Northern Polar Circle) connects it with the sea of \u200b\u200bBuffhin, relating to the Arctic Ocean. In the central part, between Greenland and Iceland, there is a Danish strait of width in a narrow place of just 287 km. Finally, in the northeast, between Iceland and Norway, the Norwegian Sea is OK wide. 1220 km. In the east of the Atlantic Ocean, two deep-downtime in the land of the water area are stated. More northern of them begins with the North Sea, which is east of becoming the Baltic Sea with the Botnik and Finnish bays. The south there is a system of intra-projectal seas - the Mediterranean and black - the total length of approx. 4000 km. In the Gibraltar Strait connecting the ocean with the Mediterranean Sea, there are one under the other two oppositely directed flows. A lower position occupies the course heading from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, since the Mediterranean water due to more intense evaporation from the surface is characterized by a greater salinity, and therefore greater density.

In the tropical belt in the south-west of the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican Bay, connecting with the ocean Florida Strait. North America's coast is cut into small bays (pamliko, barnegat, Chesapeake, Delaware and Long Island Strait); In the north-west, Fandy and St. Lawrence are bays, the Strait Bell Isle, Hudsons of Strait and Hudsons Bay.

The largest islands are concentrated in the northern part of the ocean; This is British O-Wa, Iceland, Newfoundland, Cuba, Haiti (Spaniard) and Puerto Rico. On the eastern outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean there are several groups of small islands - Azores, Canary, Green Cape. Such groups are also in the western part of the ocean. As an example, you can specify the islands of Bahamas, Florida and Small Antilles. The archipelagoes of large and small antillery oars form an island arc surrounding the eastern part of the Caribbean. In the Pacific Ocean, such island arcs are characteristic of the areas of deformities of the earth's crust. Along the convex side of the arc there are deep-water gutters.

The Atlantic Ocean's Wpadina is cut off by the shelf, whose width varies. The shelf split deep gorges - so on. Underwater canyons. Their origin still causes disputes. According to one theory, the canyons were cut by rivers when the ocean level was lower than modern. Another theory binds them to formulates with the activities of the torment. It was suggested that the mound flows are the main agent that exercises the deposition of the penetrations at the bottom of the ocean and what exactly they cut through the underwater canyons.

The bottom of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean has a complex crossed relief formed by a combination of underwater ridges, hills, boilinglines and gorges. The brutal part of the oceanic bottom, from the depth of about 60 m and to a few kilometers, is covered with thin or darkest sediments of a dark blue or bluish-green. A relatively small area occupy rock outputs and sections of gravel-pebble and sandy sediments, as well as deep-water red clays.

On the shelf in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, telephone and telegraph cables are laid for North America with North-Western Europe. Here, the areas of the north-Atlantic shelf are confined to the areas of industrial fisheries related to the number of the most productive in the world.

In the central part of the Atlantic Ocean passes, almost repeating the outlines of coastlines, a huge underwater mountain chain of OK. 16 thousand km known as the Mid-Atlantic Range. This ridge divides the ocean into two approximately equal parts. The brutal part of the vertices of this underwater ridge does not reach the surface of the ocean and is at a depth of at least 1.5 km. Separate the highest peaks rise above the ocean and form the islands - Azores in North Atlantic and Tristan da Cunya - in South. In the south, the ridge envelopes the coast of Africa and continues further north to the Indian Ocean. A rift zone is stretched along the axis of the middle-atlantic ridge.

Surface flows in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving clockwise. The main elements of this large system are a warm flow of Golf Stream, as well as the north-Atlantic, Canary and Northern Passatom (Equatorial) flow. Gulfstream follows from Florida Strait and O.Kuba in the northern direction along the coast of the United States and about 40 ° C. sh. deviates to the northeast, changing the name to the north-Atlantic flow. This flow is divided into two branches, one of which should be north-east along the shores of Norway and further to the Northern Arctic Ocean. It is thanks to it that the climate of Norway and the entire North-Western Europe is significantly warmer than it could be expected on the latitudes corresponding to the area stretching from New Scotia to South Greenland. The second branch turns to the south and further to the southwest along the shores of Africa, forming a cold canary flow. This course moves to the southwest and is connected to the North Trading course, which is sent to the west towards the West Indies, where and merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the Northern Passat, there is a region of stagnant water, abundant by algae and known as the Sargassov Sea. Along the North Atlantic coast of North America, a cold Labrador Code is held from the north, the following from Buffinov Bay and the sea Labrador and the cooling bank of New England.

South of the Atlantic Ocean

Some experts refer to the Atlantic Ocean in the south all the water space to the most Antarctic Ice Cover; Others are accepted for the southern border of the Atlantic imaginary line connecting Cape Horn in South America with a thickety of good hope in Africa. The coastline in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean is much less cut than in Northern, there are also no internal seas in which the influence of the ocean could penetrate into the mainstream of Africa and South America. The only major bay on the African coast is Guinean. On the coast of South America, large bays are also not a few. The most southern tip of this continent - the fiery ground - has a rugged coastline, bordered by numerous small islands.

There are no large islands in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, however, there are separate insulated islands, such as Fernando di Norona, Ascension, São Paulo, St. Helena, Tristan-Da-Kunya Archipelago, and in the Elder - Bouvet, South Georgia , Southern Sandwich, Southern Orkney, Falkland Islands.

In addition to the Mid-Atlantic Range, two main underwater mountain chains are allocated in the South Atlantic. The whale ridge extends from the south-western tip of Angola to about. Tristan-da-kunya, where it is connected to the middle-atlantic. Rio de Janeiro ridge stretches from O-Gossi Tristan-Da-Kunya to the city of Rio de Janeiro and is a group of individual underwater elevations.

The main flow systems in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving counterclockwise. Southern Passatown During the West. At the east coast of Brazil, it is divided into two branches: Northern carries water along the North Shore of South America to the Caribbean, and the Southern, warm Brazilian current moves to the south along the shores of Brazil and joins the flow of Western winds, or the Antarctic, which is sent to the East and then northeast. Part of this cold course is separated and carries its water to the north along the African coast, forming a cold Bengelege current; The latter eventually joins the southern trademark. The warm Guinean flow is moving south along the coast of North-West Africa to the Guinean Bay.