In combination of words by rearranging letters in places. Homework. Quests of the school Olympiad in the Russian language

In combination of words by rearranging letters in places. Homework. Quests of the school Olympiad in the Russian language

1. Write the word in which letters are greater than sounds. Justify the answer.

Spring, pasta, flies, anchor, less, ate, bone, selection.

2. To the word dedicated in the sentence, select the maximum number of synonyms. Make proposals with examples of using each of these synonyms (one suggestion for each synonym).

In mathematics, we use a more accurate language

Now we care about the order. "982" will not work and will not be "892". When a certain amount of Things always occurs together. To better know, consider the following example. Decision. Consider two people who want to be together as 1 unit. The number of permutations from the remaining 5 people 1 unit \u003d six units - 6! For each of these two people who are considered as one unit, can be organized in 2! Therefore, full permutations \u003d 6!

Thus, only 3 units can be located in 3! This task has 5 units, as they can be repeated as much as you can repeat. Each place can be filled with any of five digits. When two types are not found together. If two girls can not be together, we first organize boys. In the spaces we must arrange girls.

The genius takes simple, banal plots and tells them so that they cause the readers' shock.

3. In the lesson, was given to dismiss the composition the following words: VAZochka, Gorces,

anipal, point (punctuation sign), line. One student did it like this:

root, suffix

Point and end

root, suffix -k- and ending


suffix -o-,

suffix -k- and end

root and ending




gird-Och-K -


Find students' errors and correct them.

4. Dases of phraseological units on foreign languages. The significance of all phraseological units -

"Immediately fulfill two necessary, important things, solve two important problems." This value arose on the basis of a figurative rethinking of the situation "One tool / means kills two minutes":

to Kill Two Birds With One Stone ("kill two birds one stone», english.);

zwei Fliegen Mit Einer Klappe Schlagen ("Kill two flies with one clapper",


matar Dos Pájaros de Un TiRo ("Kill two birds with one shock", isp.).

Write a Russian phraseology with the same value and similar shaped value. Explain why we can talk about the incomplete similarity of the Russian phraseology with foreign.

5 . Correct spelling errors in the words where they are allowed.

Write down these words without errors.








drop out





to project



6. The offer is given: the new cool class is cool!

How much is the nouns and adjectives in this sentence? Justify the answer.

7. Olya jokingly wrote a whole sentence in one word. Then she cut this word into pieces. Restore offer.










8. In combination of words (including quasisals) by analog

(permutations of letters in places) The linguistic term is encrypted.

Example: Cupcake Ali (answer: vocabulary).

Sold out anagram Jago Fromylo, Write a linguistic term.

9. Read the passage from the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin.

Meanwhile, the queen is evil

About princess remembering

Could not forgive her

And on the mirror

For a long time poured and angry;

Finally had enough

And went after him, and, sowing

Before him, forgot the anger.

Explain what the difference between the lexical values \u200b\u200bof the words "Queen" and "Tsarevna".

Would you be able to guess what the meanings of these words differ if they first met them? Explain your answer.

Explain lexical meaning The words "had enough" in the text.

Write a synonymic pair from the text.

10. Read offers.

1) Correction God all the verbs of the height of the angels angels, and that for the sake of the word Angelovo - the Word of God is ... [I.T. Posochekov. Testament deceo to her son ... (1718-1725)]

2) In Russia, the time of the century is revered by the beauty that decorates the soul. [V.G. Rasputin. New profession (1998)]

Move the first sentence to modern Russian.

How do the words underlined in sentences correlate with the word "beginning"?

(6 points)Read the excerpt from the famous ODD M. Lomonosov.

Dare now imprisoned
Laundry your show
What can own platonists
And rapid mind Nontenov
Russian land give birth.

Comment on the selected word from the point of view of the modern language system, comparing it with the optionally used by the option. Give your example in which a similar phenomenon is observed.

Criteria and Answers

This is the word version Newtonwho existed in the time of Lomonosov - 1 point.

At the heart of such differences in borrowingit is coexistence in a language system of two different principles Development of borrowed words - 1 point:

transcription - 0.5 points (i.e. when phonetic appearance foreign language Transferred to the means of the "host" language - 1 point) and transliteration - 0.5 points (i.e., the establishment of interbustic compliance and subsequent boned playback - 1 point).

The answer written without such terminology is also accepted if it is true essentially.

For bringing a similar example (for example, Hudson - Hudson), - 2 points.

Total 6 points.

Task 2.

(6 points)As you know, Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. Used in opposition, Antonyms denote opposite situations. For example, situations X high, and y lowand Y high, and x lowwill be opposite in meaning. However, if you put these antonyms in a comparative degree, then you can come up with a context in which the same meaning will continue with the same participants in X and Y.

Come up for words wide - narrow, big - smallin the form of a comparative degree, such a context in which participants will be alone and the same, and the meaning of both contexts is the same. Record the scheme with X and Y and give an example.

Criteria and Answers

These are contexts: X wider y.and Y Already X.(or Volga wider Oka.and Oka already Volga) (Scheme - 1 point, example - 1 point); X More y.and Y less than X.(or Moscow More Pskovand Pskov less Moscow) (scheme - 1 pointexample - 1 point).

Options are possible with analytical comparative degree: X wider than yand Y narrower than x. In addition, these options are 2 points (scheme and example).

Total 6 points.

Task 3.

(16 points)Dana words: tight, area, stronghold, dress, fiftrow, payment, rationing, pay, embodiment, canvas.

Find among them those that go back to the same root, and distribute them into groups in accordance with the general root. Specify the overall root.

Criteria and Answers

  • raft / bad / crying - tight, rationing, embodiment
  • bad - area
  • raft / pull - plotchka
  • boards / Plach - payment, pay
  • fleet / Boards - dress, cloth

For each faithful group found - 1 point. If in a group at least one incorrectly specified word, the group is not counted.

  • For each alleomor of one root - 1 point. If the student finds an allorph of any root, not specified in the criteria (for example, flatfor area), for each alleomorf - 0.5 points.

There are no more than 16 points.

Task 4.

(2 points)Given an offer in which encrypted frameological turn. Phraseology corresponds to a really existing semantic and grammatical scheme (model) of the appearance of an expression in Russian.

We have repeatedly pointed to him on his mistakes, and he does not puff in his beard: he did not fix anything, he does not do anything.

Guess which phraseologism is meant, write it down and give the interpretation of its value.

Criteria and Answers

Encrypted phraseologism in the mustache does not blow(Anyone) (1 point) - someone does not worry about anything, does not care about anything, shows something complete indifference (1 point).

Note . If students discharge phraseologism although the grass does not grow(someone), this can be counted as 0.5 points, since the grammatical scheme of this expression is different.

Total 2 points.

Task 5.

(5 points)What feature is found in education maldly case multiple number the words apple?

Criteria and Answers

This word in the nominative case of a plural (1 point) has no characteristic of this form in the words of the middle(1 point) end -and(apples) (1 point), whereas the usual ending of the nominative case of a plural number at the words of the middle kind - -a ( cloud - clouds) (1 point) (except for words with diminutive type suffixes vedeno - Beds, Egg - Eggs) (1 point).

Total 5 points.

Task 6.

(5 points)Read the excerpt from the text.

But the poison of his misfortune is one. And the same ceres day. Waters in moderate pishe. bring to him the greatness of Antonia. and served him by chapter. Jaco CE has a hand.

  1. Translate into a modern Russian language dedicated in the excerpt of the phrase.
  2. Give examples that prove that this form of nouns and in modern Russian can sometimes have the same syntactic valueAs in the above phrase.

Criteria and Answers

  1. "He filed him through (through) a window."

For true translation - 2 points.

  1. In modern Russian such spatial value of the form of the cartonit remains in some cases, for example, "blood went throat", "passed the narrow strait." For an explanation (highlighted in bold) and one or more examples - 3 points.

Total 5 points.

Task 7.

(5 points)Read the excerpt from the school essay.

On the example of the show literary hero Roman Peter Greenyowa can be seen that love reveals honesty and courage in man.

Specify all grammatical and speech errors and shortcomings in the text.

Explain that these errors are. Rewrite an excerpt of the composition without errors and shortcomings, keeping in general initial meaning.

Criteria and Answers

  1. A. "Show ... Hero of Roman Peter Greenyova"- Speech error. Unjustified cluster of nouns in the genus. P.

B. "On the example of the show ... Hero"- Speech error: the word "show" is redundant.

V. "Quality of honesty and courage"- Grammar error (you can interpret and as speech: the word "quality" is redundant).

  1. Using the example of Peter Greenyov, the main character of the novel, you can see that love reveals in a person such qualities of personality as honesty and courage.
  2. For each found and satisfactoryly explained in the error 1 point.
  3. For a rewrite passage in which new errors have been fixed and not allowed - 2 points.

There are no more than 5 points.

Task 8.

(5 points)Read the text of the spelling rule.

In the suffixes ... If the communion is formed from the verb of the 2nd lingness, then the letter is written in the suffix. ˃ or Ya.

  1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments.
  2. Word the name of this spelling rule.
  3. Give examples of its use.

Criteria and Answers

  1. In the suffixes of valid commuits of the present time, the letter y or Yu is written if the communion is formed from the verb of the 1st lifting. If the communion is formed from the verb of the 2nd lingness, then the letter A or Ya is written in the suffix
  2. Rule is called: spelling of vowels in the suffixes of valid communcies of the present.
  3. Examples: whispering (from whisper - 1-EPR.); Adhesive (from glue - 2nd SPR.)
  4. For the right restored rule - 2 points.
  5. For an adequate name rule - 2 points.
  6. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

Total 5 points.

Task 9.

(1 point)In combination of words (including "quasisals") by rearranging letters in places (anappriming), a linguistic term is encrypted.

Example : ethiopian Yaro (orthoepy).

Slip the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: councils.

Criteria and Answers


Total 1 point.

Task 10.

(6 points)Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the attached words. (Text translate is not required.)

  1. Heard is half a half, Pop Waistat. And she is fear of pollovi mne, and the cooling dech.
  2. The same God to Consider the greatness of the Little Spirit of the Spirit, TJ Drive and the Wisdom of Her (Cyril and Methodius), and in the prayer of the Mother of God, TJA to show Kazan and I teach it, and in law. This is not to bother and do not cool down, and the name of it to live in childbirth and childbirth.

Criteria and Answers

  1. Stupishes - cool down (oversail): surround, besiege (army, fortress) ( 3 points).
  2. Cool down - retreat, leave, leave, refuse (3 points).

Total 6 points.

Maximum score for all completed tasks - 57.