EGP South Africa: description, characteristics, main features and interesting facts. Tropical Africa in all its diversity

EGP South Africa: description, characteristics, main features and interesting facts. Tropical Africa in all its diversity
EGP South Africa: description, characteristics, main features and interesting facts. Tropical Africa in all its diversity

Includes the territory (area of \u200b\u200babout 10 million square meters. Km with a population of 170 million people), adjacent to the Mediterranean, intensified in the main Arabs professing Islam. Countries located on this territory (free sugar,), thanks to its geographical position (Primorskoye, neighborhood in relation to countries and) and higher (in comparison with the states of tropical Africa), the level of economic and industrial development, differ in greater involvement in ( Export of oil, gas, phosphorites, etc.).

The economic life of North Africa is concentrated in the seaside strip. In the same strip, almost all population of the region is concentrated.

Tropical Africa includes the territory located to the south of which, in turn, allocate, and. The overwhelming part located on their territory belongs to the equatorial (non-coordinated) race. It has a large variegated (there are more than 200 nations), multinational states are dominated.

The main activity of the population is agriculture (the exception of the countries of South Africa, in the farm of which the industry and services play a decisive role). Tropical Africa is the most backward economically, the least industrialized and least urbanized part of the developing world. Of the 49 countries that are within its limits, 32 belongs to the group of "least developed countries of the world." The average GNP in the countries of Eastern, Western and Central Africa several times (in 5-7 or more times) is less than in the countries of Northern and South Africa.

Among the countries located south of Sahara is a special place.

First, in its geographical position, it no longer belongs to tropical Africa.

Secondly, on socio-economic development, it does not apply to developing countries. This is the country of "Migrating Capitalism". It is necessary: \u200b\u200b5.5% of the territory, 7%, but 2/3 of its GDP, more than 50% of manufacturing products and a car park.

In Africa, the most largest industrial area of \u200b\u200bWithatersland with the center of B, who plays the role of the "Economic Capital" of the country.

The MGRA face of South Africa is represented by the mining industry (gold, platinum, diamonds, uranium, iron, manganese ore, coal), some industrial sectors (, as well as the production of certain types of agricultural products (grain, subtropical cultures, fine-headed sheep, large horned Cattle).

South Africa has the most thick on the continent of the transport network, large marine ports.

However, in the economy of the country, the effects of apartheid policies are still feeling. There are great differences between "white" on the one hand and "black" and "color" on the other. Therefore, South Africa is often called a dual economy country. It is inherent in the features of economically developed and developing states.

Part of Africa, located south of the Sahara.

Ancient story in the opinion of most scientists, Africa - the cradle of mankind. Finds of early hominid there up to 3 million years. A number of findings from 1.6 to 1.2 million years belong to the type of hominid, which in the process of evolution led to the emergence of Homo Sapiens. The formation of ancient people took place in the zone of grassy savanna, then they spread all over the continent. The tools of Ashelian culture are quite evenly distributed in Africa. However, due to the originality of historical conditions and natural environments, the archaeological cultures of Africa are not always comparable to the traditional nomenclature). Late Stone Age in Africa was characterized by the transition from hunting and gathering to producing farm. The transition to farming and cattle breeding began in different regions at different times, but overall ended in most territories by the middle of the IV millennium BC. e. By the end of an ancient period in Africa, south of the Sahara spread iron tools. In the African continent, the culture of the Bronze Age was not formed, and there was a transition from the Neolithic Stone Industry to Iron tools. Most scientists believe that iron metallurgy was a wealth of anterior Asia approx. Middle I Millennium BC. e. From the Nile Valley, iron metallurgy gradually spread to the west and southwest. The earliest culture of the Iron Age south of Sahara - the NOC culture (Central Nigeria, V c. BC. E. - III century. N. Er) Iron industry in Central and Vost. Africa is dating approximately the middle of the i millennium. e. The appearance of iron in the south of the territory of the modern Democratic Republic of the Congo in the south of the territory of the modern Democratic Republic of the Congo is also dating (in the upper reaches of the river Lualabe and the region. OK. V-IX centuries. In the south of modern Nigeria, independent centers of smelting and processing copper were developed. The spread of iron weapons, facilitating the clearing of land under the crop, contributed to the development of new areas, inaccessible for the habitat of a person, primarily the rainforest zones on both sides of the equator. The process of mass migration to the south and the southeast of the nations who spell in the Languages \u200b\u200bof the Bantu family began, as a result they were settled throughout Africa south of Equator. During these migrations, which continued until the beginning of the II Millennium, the Bantu was moving around the equatorial forest zone, their individual groups were mastered with sabannaya forest areas. Bypassing the forest zone, the Bantu was pushed back to the north and south of the ancient population of the East and the southeast of the mainland. In the south of Africa, the spread of agriculture and tools of the Iron Age is also associated with migrations of the nations of the Bow. Their gradual distribution in the southern part of the mainland lasted centuries. It went on two threads. One moved along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and reached modern Namibia. Other groups were moving in three ways: to the territory of modern Zambia, to the territory of modern Zimbabwe through Malawi and the territory of the modern province of South Africa Kwazulu-Natal through Mozambique. To the III century. Bantu reached the boundaries of modern South Africa, and to the IV century. spread on a number of its territories. The bow was highly organized peoples with a developed social hierarchy, their relationship with San (Bushmen) and Koi (Gottenitates, Nama) South. Africa included both peaceful coexistence and war. Displacing San into unfavorable areas of the Southern region. Africa has had an impact on the development of their farm and a public organization, they did not create a producing economy. OK. IX century BC Eh in the territory of the Kusha in the lower Nubia, the State of Mero emerged, which soon spread its power to the Upper Egypt. In the VI century BC E - VIII century. n. e. Mero was the largest center of ferrous metallurgy in Africa south of the Sahara, the metallurgy of bronze and gold, jewelry craft developed. The peoples of tropical Africa supported trade in antiquity with the Mediterranean, the front and South. Asia. Noble metals, precious stones, exotic animals, later are exported from Africa. Salt, grain, craft products imported. The new era of sugar finally turned into a desert, so an important role in the development and consolidation of links of the SPI society. and Central Sudan with North. Africa and the Nile Valley played the use of a camel for transbshar transport, imported from Asia Minor in North. Africa Romans. There were maritime contacts on the Indian Ocean, as evidenced by major migration at the beginning of a new era from the south. Asia of the groups of the population of Indonesian origin on about. Madagascar, who became one of the foundations of the Malganas ethnos. There were three in the region of Afro-Mediterranean and Afro-Asian contacts: the Nile Valley, Zap. and Central Sudan, coastal areas Vost. Africa. In the Middle Ages and the New Time, the social organization of the peoples of Africa was different. Along with the largest local scales, there were so-called primitive peripherals - peoples who did not create other socially structures, except for community-generic. A large role was played by the geographical factor - soil fertility, proximity to the external foci of civilization, etc. The main cell of society was and remains a community, which is, as a rule, to combine several family-clan groups. Even in a new time, most African peoples, the community transition from the generic to the neighbor was not fully completed. A number of reasons contributed to the emergence of adopted structures. In the supervised structure, as a rule, the "best" community was distinguished from which the supervised leaders were put forward - a conical clan. Universal for all mankind structure on the way to the formation of the state is the chief, the structure of the ethnically homogeneous, familiar with the social and property inequality, the division of labor and the leader headed by the leader is often sacralized. Development is a relatively complex structure that had several control levels - central, regional and local. Social inequality in the leader is not strong - the life of the leader is not too different in quality from the life of his subjects. States that arose in Preolonional Africa were early states (with the exception of Ethiopia). They had a clear administrative-territorial division, headed by their headed by the Supreme Ruler, often deified with his subjects or was the Supreme Priest. The population of early states, as a rule, belonged to different peoples - "main" and conquered. In the African early states harmoniously grew by the institutions of generic society, generic aristocracy and related ties played a major role. West Sudan Sudan in the geographical sense is part of the tropical Africa extending a wide belt from the West to the East of the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to Ethiopia. Conditional border Zap. and east. Sudan - Oz. Chad. In zap. Sudan in the IV-XVI centuries. Ghana, Mali and Songai replaced each other. Ghana flourishing fell on the VII-IX centuries., Mali - at the XII-XIV centuries, Songai - at the XV-XVI centuries. From the XIII century. State religion in Mali, and then in Songai became Islam. In the second half of the XV century. Songai subordinated to itself the main trade and cultural centers of Zap. Sudan - Timbuktu and Jenna. South in the XIV-XV centuries. There were several states of the MOSI, the first of which was Ouagadougou. In the VIII-IX centuries. It originated by the middle of the XIII century. reached the greatest flourishing state to East of Oz. Chad. At the end of the XIII century. The state has declined, from the end of the XIV century. His center moved to the southwest of Oz. Chad in the region Born. The Born's state reached the highest power at the end of the XVI - early XVII century. In the XII-XIII centuries. Intected migrations in Zap. Sudan of the people of Fulbe. Fulbe (Fulani, Pel) is one of the riddles of the region. Anthropologically, they differ sharply from their neighbors by more subtle features of the face and brighter skin, but they speak one of the local languages. Some scientists consider Fulbe aliens from the Vost. Sudan - Ethiopia. At the end of the XIV century. In Masina, the state of Fulbe, in the XVI-XVII centuries, has developed in Middle Delta. Subscribed neighbors who caused a chain of new migrations Fulbe. Statehood at Haus was originated in the XIII century, and in the XIV-XV centuries. spread Islam. The military-political estate and clergy grew. The Husan Emirates in the Middle Ages were in the sphere of influence of Mali, and then the Songai Power. It is from there, from Timbuct, the Arabic writing came, on the basis of which Haws created their own alphabet - Alezh. After the fall of the Songai Power in 1591, the centers of transbshare trade and Muslim theology moved to the Husan Emirates. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. The cities of Katsin and Kano, in the XVIII century. - Zamfar and Gobr in the west of the country of Haus. But in 1764, Gobr defeated Zamfar and began to find the main from the Khausan city-states. In zap. Sudan Fulbe is resettled from the XIII-XIV centuries. On the territory of several modern states. They created states on Plateau Futu-Toro (Senegal) and Plateau Futa-Jalon (Guinea). In 1727-1728, Fulbe began jihad under the leadership of Ibrahim Salf Baria. Locals were assimilated by Fulbe. The established state was characterized by a high level of culture. Here, writing was widely spread, and not only Arabic, but also in the language of Fulbe. Rules The country's Supreme Head of Almami, who was elected by the Council, in turn, who had erected Fulbskaya known. The emergence of Caliphate Sokhoto was associated with the name of Osman Dan Fodio (1754-1817). He was the son of a teacher of a Koranic school. In 1789 he received the right to preach, then created a religious community of dissatisfied. In his writings, Osman Dan Fodio opposed Sarci regime - Gobira ruler. In 1804, he declared himself the head of all Muslims (Amir-El Muminin), began jihad against the rulers of Gobira, and in 1808 the rebels seized Alcalav - the capital of Gobira. Osman Dan Fodio announced the completion of Jihad. He proclaimed himself by the Caliph of the new Empire Sokhoto. In 1812, the caliphate was divided into 2 parts - Western and Eastern. At the head of them, respectively, the brother and son of Osman Dan Fodio. The Emirates, which included in the Caliphate were managed by the so-called royal emirs, local representatives of the Fulbian nobility, active participants in Jihad. Below the power was carried out by a whole pyramid of governors from Fulbian aristocracy, including judges - Alcali. After death in 1817 Osman, his son Mohammed Belo became the head of the Khaliphat. He retained the old Husoan Emirates in their borders under the rule of Fulbian aristocracy. In the second half of the XIX century. Caliphate Sokhoto was a relatively stable major state. One of the foci of the civilization of the region in a new time is the city-state of Yoruba. The genesis of statehood began at Yoruba in the X-XII centuries., The cradle of their statehood and culture is considered to be an Ile-Ife in the south-west of modern Nigeria. In a new time, the city of Oo becomes one of the notable centers of Yoruba. It was based on the XIV century., And from the XVII century. The period of its elevation and expansion, which lasted two centuries begins. As a result, the state of Oo became one of the largest military-political formations of the region. Since 1724 Ooo led the war with a neighboring Dagomee, which conquered in 1730. As a result, OIO significantly expanded geographically and received access to the Atlantic Ocean. However, at the beginning of the XIX century. Dagomea again disappeared from Ooo, weakened by internecine wars and inner struggle. Finally Ooio Palo in 1836 under the blow of Sokhoto caliphate. The state of the Dagomey was formed approx. 1625. His ethnic foundation was the people of Aja Group. The elevation of Dagomey occurred by the beginning of the XVIII century. Further strengthening of the state was promoted by the seizure of Arrakoving ports (Allada) and the view on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, which occurred in 1724-1725. The same fact, however, methods and submissal of the Dagomei with a powerful OoO neighbor, who needed to go to the ocean coast. From 1730 Dagomea becomes Danitor Oo, and the son of her ruler goes there as hostage. In 1748, the agreement between Dagomey and OIO enshrines the established relationship relationship. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. The new elevation of Dagomey begins, and it disappears from Oo. Eastern neighbor Dagomey was Benin. The flourishing of this state, the ethnic basis of which was the people of Edo, accounted for the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII century. The new elevation of Benin began in the XIX century, but was interrupted by French conquest. The so-called bronze Benin - reliefs and heads made from bronze with extraordinary skill are widely known. For the first time, Europe met Beninsky Bronze, when in 1897, with the plunder of the Palace, his treasures and even bas-reliefs from external walls were taken. Now, any major art museum exhibits Benin bronze. Art historians share them for 3 periods: early - until the middle of the XVI century, the average - the XVI-XVIII centuries. And late - the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries. With the development of transatlantic slave trade in Delta R. Niger arose several political entities that were called intermediaries. The most important of them were Ardra (Aladda) and the species, the ethnic basis of which was the people of Alege. The slave trade caused the transformation of the social organization of these cities. Traditionally, the settlements were divided into quarters (polo), and those, in turn, on sub-guarders (Var). The settlements were managed by the meeting of the entire adult population headed by Elder - Amayonabos. He performed the functions of the Supreme Priest and the commander of the army. With the development of slave trade in the region in the XVIII-XIX centuries. AMAIONO POWER has strengthened, and Vary transformed into a new type of social organization - a house. In the house, in contrast to the BRE, not only blood relatives, but also slaves. The main source of acquisition of slaves was not captured, but the purchase. In the cities of Delta there were markets for slaves. The people of Ashanti live in the north of modern Ghana. The basis of the economy of Ashanti in the new time was left the slave trade and trade in gold. The basis of the ethnosocial organization of Ashanti was Oman - the association of family-generic communities. Each community was headed by the Council of Elders, military detachments were created on the basis of communities. The army of each Oman was a union of such detachments. A clear Military Ashanti military organization did not know equal in the region. Omans were self-sufficient structures, but at the very end of the XVII century. Ashanti created the so-called confederation - the union of Omanov - to combat neighbors. The first Asantehene (Supreme Leader) - the axes of Tutu - united under its authority of all Ashanti in 1701 and the rules of 30 years. The following rulers controlled more and more land, and to the beginning of the twentieth century. The power of Asantehene spread almost to the whole territory of modern Ghana. Central and East Sudan can be located near the northern tip of Oz. Chad. Gradually, the center of this unification of the ancestors of the modern people of Canoruri shifted to the West in the region. Born. The basis of the economy existed to the middle of the XVI century. Power on Kanem-Born was Transhakar Trade with North Countries. Africa interested in obtaining purely African goods - ivory and slaves. In exchange, Nonongerian territories received salt, horses, fabric produced in Europe and Maghrib countries weapons and various household goods. Significant difficulties were caused by constant raids of the Taaregs of the Taways Taaregs for these purposes. In the western part of Vost. Sudan in the XVI-XIX centuries. There was a Sultanate Darfur. His ethnic basis was the people of Forms (Kondzhar). At the beginning of the XIX century. The population of Sultanate was approx. 3-4 million people, and the army reached the number of 200 thousand people. The power of Sultan was almost absolute. He had the chief advice from the highest nobility, a small secret council and several particularly important dignitaries. The Sultanate shared on the province headed by Sultan's governors, at the disposal of which there were police forces - detachments of armed slaves. Rustic residents should have paid in favor of Sultan Natural Tax up to 1/10 of their income - grain, leishes, meat, etc. It also concerned the nomads-Arabs living in the territory of the Sultanate. In the country, natural economy prevailed, but there was an exchange and markets. The role of money was performed by tin and copper rings, salt bars, slaves. Sultanate led both foreign trade, exporting slaves, camels, elephant bone, ostrich feathers, gummirabik. Firearms, metals, fabrics, paper, etc. were imported, and dr. Cities stood on the caravanways, the capital of the Sultanate was the city of El Fasher. In 1870, Sultanat Darfur recognized his dependence on Egypt. In the eastern depth. Sudan in the XVI-XIX centuries. There was Sultanate Sennar. His ethnic foundation was the people of Fung. Sennar was an association under the authority of the fungi of the whole chain of the territories along the Nile from the third threshold in the north to the Sennara (Blue Nile) in the south. Sultanate lived with irrigated agriculture, its inhabitants skillfully built channels, dams and water mills. They grown wheat, millet, corn, bulk, pepper and cotton. Divorced cattle - meat, dairy and heavy - and were skillful in the manufacture of special cotton fabric. The principles of the state unit were based on the laws of Sharia. Sultan, with him - the Council know from the Higher Sanovnikov, the Secret Council of the Four, the Chief Judge - Cadi. The dependent provinces paid more filters, and Sennar's actual is a pure tax, cattle and land tax and 1/10 harvest. In the Sultanate, construction was widely developed - even in the villages there were fortified castles, in the cities, rich quarters consisted of global houses with a flat roof. The capital of the Sultanate - the city of Sennar counted by the end of the XVIII century. OK. 100 thousand inhabitants. A slave work was widely used - only 8 thousand slaves worked on the Sultan lands. The army was strong and had several tens of thousands of soldiers. Sennar was a country of Muslim scholarship, Arabic fulfilled the role of a state language, great was the percentage of competent, who studied in schools in the mosques. From the founding of the Sultanate to 1912, historical chronicles were conducted. Sultanat Sennar was captured by HEDIV Egypt in 1821. Ethiopia In the first centuries of the new era on the territory of modern Ethiopia, the Aksum kingdom was formed. In the IV-VI centuries, during the heyday, the hegemony of Aksuma extended to Nubia, where the states of Mukurra, Aloa and Baucathia came to replace the ancient Murd-Skoma kingdom. During this period, Christianity (in the IV-VI centuries in the Aksuma, in the V-VI centuries in Nubia). In the first half of the XI century. The Aksum kingdom finally broke out. To the new time, Ethiopia is already quite extensive in the territory and powerful in militarily state, the economic basis and the political superstructure of which suggests the presence of developed feudalism in the country. In the middle of the XVI century. The country joined the lane of a devastating 30-year war with once vassal Muslim sultanates. Calling for the help of Portuguese, armed with firearms, Ethiopia with great difficulty managed to break the Muslim army and defend its independence. Attempts by the Portuguese clergy to draw the population of the country in Catholicism caused persistent resistance from Ethiopian Cleary and the flock, who did not want to move away from the "pure faith of fathers." An important factor in the history of Ethiopia was massive migration from the Red Orroo tribes. Within two centuries, the orom managed to capture the fertile regions of the country, including in its central part. The country was in a state of self-insulation, and under the fear of death, Europeans were forbidden to be within its limits. The main content of internal political life was the constant interne-free wars of the feudalists for expanding their possessions. Centrifugal trends, strengthened by the middle of the XVIII century, led to the "time of princes". The power of the emperor was purely nominal, and the country turned into a conglomerate of actually independent state regions. With a weakening of the central authorities, the process of strengthening and developing individual parts of Ethiopia was, primarily sho. The second half of the XIX century. - The time of the incessant struggle for the creation and strengthening of the centralized Ethiopian state, for the preservation and consolidation of statehood. The "fight for Africa" \u200b\u200bbegan during this period between Western European-ski imperialist powers made the process of creating a strong and united Ethiopian state of the task of essential. This task was solved during the reign of the three emperors, which included in history as emperors - uniforms: Theodusa II, Johan-Nis IV and Me Meal II. Acting depending on the particular historical situation in various methods, it was in different degrees to suppress the resistance of the separatists and strengthen the central government. The efforts of Menelia II was created by the Ethiopia, which existed until the 1974 revolution, at the end of the XIX - early XX century. The country acquired modern geographical outlines, an administrative reform was carried out, his own currency appeared. The Cabinet of Ministers was created, the postal and telegraphic services were organized, the first schools on the European sample were opened. The end of the XIX century, known in the historiography of Africa as a period of "fights for Africa", was anxious and for Ethiopia. Of particular activity in the area of \u200b\u200bRog Africa showed Italy. I have not been able to impose Ethiopia with a diplomatic path, she decided to achieve their goal by force. Italian-Ethiopian war 1895-1896 resulted in three battles: with Amba-Alaga, in Mequesta and Adua. In the decisive battle on the night of March 1, 1896, the skillful leadership of the emperor Menelik, the courage of the Ethiopian warriors together with the tactical mistakes of the Italian command led to the complete defeat of the colonizers. Eastern Africa Areas lying between great African lakes are called East African Internally. Here, at the turn of the I and II of the Millennium, the state of the Kitara emerged, whose flourishing fell on the XII-XIV centuries. The state has developed as a result of the interaction of agricultural and pastoral peoples. Agricultural culture brought the peoples of the group Bantu, the cattle breeding - the peoples of the Nilot's Group, who came to the parrot, as they believe with Ethiopian Highlands. By the beginning of the new time, the Chinese had to give up the primacy in the mid-lake of his former little and invisible southern province - Buganda, the inhabitants of which were called "Baganda". Buganda became one of the largest states of Preolonional tropical Africa. From Kitara Bugand inherited division on the province, but here they were crushed into smaller counties. Each province or district headed the governor, appointed directly by the Supreme Ruler - Kabach. Cabanka was considered a link with the spirits of his ancestors, asked for the legendary founder of Buganda. Kabaka possessed absolute power. Births, or clans, were a steady unit of social organization. Elders or their representatives occupied certain courtiers, transmitted by inheritance, and at first made most managerial estates. However, in the XVIII century. There is a gradual formation and strengthening the service of the aristocracy, which were increasingly relied on the Kabaki. The greatest heyday of the Buganda reached Mutese I (rules in 1856-1884), which created the configuration of the permanent army and the fleet of combat canoes. The inter-selection developed in relative isolation from the outside world. Traders, including the workers from the coast of the Indian Ocean, got here only in the second half of the XVIII century. They, representatives of the Suakhili civilization, carried with them Islam. The first Christian Europeans in Buganda saw in general only in 1862, these were famous English travelers J. Spik and J. Grant. And in 1875, Bugandu visited another famous traveler - M. Stanley. On his initiative, European missionaries appeared in the country, followed by a colonial expansion. In the VII-VIII centuries. on the ocean coast of Vost. Africa at the junction of local cultures and Islamic culture, brought by migrants from Arabia and Persia, there was a Suakhili-Sky Civilization. By the XIII century. Coastal shopping settlements rose into major cities-states of Kilvah, Pat, Lami, and others. Suakhili civilization was a focus of trade and stone urban construction, a rich spiritual culture was blooming here, for which lyrical songs and epic poems were characterized in the local language of Swahili. Chronicles were conducted in every city. The cities-states of Swahili decline after the great geographical discoveries, as a result of which the Portuguese gradually intercepted the initiative in maritime trade, the basis of the economic prosperity of the Suakhilius-Skoy civilization. The heir of this civilization was the Zanzibarsky Sultanate, which arose in the will of Oman-Sultan Seyida Said. By 1832, he moved there by including up to 300 large and small neighboring islands. On Zanzibar and the neighboring islands, cloves were laid out, which became the basis of the economic prosperity of the Sultanate. Another important article was the slave trade - Sultanat became one of its largest centers, delivering slaves from the inland areas of the Vost. Ariki in the Middle East. After the death of Sayid Said in 1856, his empire was divided between the heirs into two parts - Oman and Zanzibarsky Sultanata. Zanzibarski Sultans conducted an active foreign policy, the Consulates of all leading European powers and the United States opened on the island. Zanzibar became a gate to the vet. Africa for European goods, and the slave market was closed in 1871 by Sultan Seyad Bargash under the pressure of European powers. During the "Fight for Africa", Zanzibarsky Sultanate eventually fell dependent on the UK. Equatorial Africa Central Africa is one of the most difficult people's regions. Here, thick rainforests give way to savannahs on the plateau, the ledge of the continent rising from the ocean. On the most east of these plateaus, the ball, the bow in his migrations was consolidated at the turn of the I-II millennia and began secondary migrations. By the beginning of the new time on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean south of the mouth of the river. Congo was settled by Baconde, south of them, on the territory of modern Angola, - Bambondu, in Mezhda Tasa and Sankur - Bakuba, on the Plateau Shaba - Babuba, and in the north-east of Angola - Balund. In the XIII century. South of the mouth r. Congo, on the territory of modern Angola, the Congo state arose, whose rulers - manicongo - as a result of contacts with the Portuguese in the XV century. Accepted Catholicism. During the heyday (XVI - the first half of the XVII century), the Congo was divided into 6 provinces, there were many guidelines with lush titlatura. In the second half of the XVII century. In the country more than once broke out internecine wars. The final disintegration of the state was facilitated by the so-called antonian heresy, when a certain propheted Beatrice appeared in the country, who announced that it was united in His. Anthony. She preached, in particular, hate to the missionaries and the king in their hands. Beatrice was burned on a fire in 1706, and her supporters were defeated by the royal troops only in 1709. After that, almost only the province surrounding the capital, Mbaza-Congo (San Salvador) remained from the Congo. The state of Angola (NDonggo) originated on the southern periphery of the Congo OK. XV century It was multiple-free and polyeth ethnic. The basis of its economy was leading farming and cattle breeding, as well as processing of metals (iron and copper), pottery craft and weaving. Ndonggo had a strong at the time of the army, which had to 50 thousand soldiers. This circumstance determined the persistence of the resistance of the state to Portuguese penetration (the so-called Angolars from 1575). The resistance of the Portuguese was headed by Nzing Mbandi Ngol (Rod. Ok. 1582), first the princess, and from 1624 Government of Ndonggo. She led a long war with Portuguese, concluding against them in 1641 union with Holland. In October 1647, Angola-Dutch troops were broken by the Portuguese. However, they took revenge in 1648. The death of Nzing in 1663 contributed to the further decline of the NDUGO, and from the end of the XVII - early XVIII century. Portugal subordinates Angola. In the depths of Equatorial Africa consistently reached his heard of the states of the Peoples of Bakuba, Babuba and Balland. The first, called Bushongo, originated by the end of the XVI century. The highest flourishing worried in 1630-1680, it is known, in particular, the slave guard and specialization of judges in various types of affairs. The flowering of the Luba State - the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century. At this time, it extended from west to east to 600 km. The title of the Supreme Government of the State - Moulohawe. With it there were the Council for the nobility and nominal mother-co-profit. The title of the supreme ruler of the state of Balund - Muata Yamvo. The state has reached the highest heyday in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. Expansion Balund to the East led to OK. 1750 the states of the Kazzem, arranged by a similar sample. By the end of the XVIII century. The kazzefa became the dominant force in the south of the current Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. The state was led by trade with the East African Ocean coast and in 1798-1799 successfully reflected the attacks of the Portuguese military expedition. The states of the inland areas of Equatorial Africa had a lot in common. For a long time they developed almost in complete isolation. At the head of each of them stood the supreme hereditary ruler, determined by the norms of maternal law. Under the rule, the Council existed for the nobility and numerous courtiers. Each state had several levels of administrative management. The ruler's residence was in the settlement of urban type, but the location of the capital was constantly changing. The most stable in the composition was the state of Bakuba, less stable - Babuba and even less - Balund. In general, it can be noted that these were typical so-called African early states. South Africa south. Africa is one of the regions of anthropogenesis. The remains of Australopitheka were discovered here. It is believed that it was in this region that the formation of Koisanids occurred: Saan (Bushmen) and Koi, or Nama (Gottentots). They are considered a neosidal race. Saan - hunters and collectors. Coy (NAMA) has long passed to the cattle breeder, by the beginning of the new time they have formed conical clans. Archaeological excavations show that already at the end of the XV century. The Bantu began to appear in the region. At Bantu South. Africa to a new time has developed a property inequality. There was a supreme elder, he had advisers, there were elders of exogamous clans below. Frequently, their associations were not boring, but territorial. The clan was the main unit of the social organization, in parallel the conical clans were folded and the elections were formed. In Mezhdia, Zambezi and Limpopo starting with the IX century. Zimbabwe civilization has developed. The ethnic basis is the peoples of karang and rivy, the two branches of the bunchy-speaking people of Sean. Civilization existed approx. 10 centuries, known to large stone buildings of public and cultural purposes. In the XV century One of the rulers of the state took the title of Mutapa's title, and the state began to be called monomotape. His decodes, like the decline of the cities-states of Swahili, was caused by Portuguese conquests to the vehicle. Africa and monopolizing by the Portuguese of Maritime Trade in the Indian Ocean. On April 6, 1652, the Fort was laid at the foot of the dining area, which became the beginning of the city of Capstaad (now Cape Town). The Dutch East India company founded a support paragraph there. Part of its employees became farmers, farmers moved directly from the Netherlands. The population of the Cape Colony quickly grew also due to immigrants from German lands, and later - French Guenotov. Farming development led to a massive Sgona with lands. Wars accompanied the entire further history of whites in southern Africa - it was the main way of territorial expansion of the Cape Colony. From the 1654, the East India Company imported into the Kapska colony of slaves with the O-Va Madagascar. The borants became a new ethnic group that appeared in South. Africa as a result of mixing immigrants from the Netherlands, German lands, France. Their language is the Kopa-Dutch (now - Afrikaans) - gradually moved away from the classic Dutch. The management system of the Cape Colony remained almost unchanged prior to the transition of it into the hands of the British in 1806. The governor stood at the head of the colony. He presided over the political council, who played the role of the highest instance in the colony. The provinces were ruled by Landdrosts, who headed the relevant tips. The permanent army did not exist, but farmers were obliged to bear military service in the event of hostilities. The ownership of the Dutch East India Company on the Cape is the first settlement, or resettlement, colony on the African continent, the people from Europe settled there forever and conducted the producing farm. From 1806, British domination was finally approved in the Cape Colony. In 1820-1821, more than 5 thousand families of settlers arrived at the cap, as a result, the White Population of the colony doubled. The bears became a minority even among whites. In 1808, the ban of the British authorities on the Cape on the slave trade came into force, in 1834 - the prohibition to have slaves. All this undermined the foundations of the farms of the boots and overflowed the bowl of their patience. The borax decided to leave the Cape Colony, they once founded. The most large-scale resettlement carried out under the leadership of Peter Retifa, began in 1835, obtaining the name of the Great Track. Over 5 thousand drills crossed r. Orange and left the limits of a cap of the colony. By 1845, the number of immigrants increased to 45 thousand in 1839 to the South-Vost. Africa emerged an independent state of the boots - the Republic of Natal. However, after 4 years, the British seized this territory. Africanners were forced to migrate to the internal areas of South. Africa, where two new republics formed: in 1852 - the South Africa republic (since 1856, she also called Transval) with the capital in Pretoria, and in 1854 - an orange free state with the capital of Bloemfontein. Since the size of many farms reached 50-100 thousand acres, the work of the Batrakov-natives and slaves was actively used. From the very beginning of the existence of the Cape Colony, anticolonial performances and the rebellion of Koy, and then bunchy-speaking peoples. The expansion of the Cape Colony to the East led to the protracted wars with the people of Spit. The so-called Kafr wars continued with varying success with the 70s of the XVIII century. until the 80s of the XIX century. The development of the South African bow was not uniform. The processes of ethnic consolidation manifested to the greatest extent in Zulu and Soto. In the 1820-1840s, these processes that coincide with the expansion of European expansion and a great track were called "UmFekane" - "grinding" in the Zulus language. In the course of this complex phenomenon, the Zulussian ethnic group appeared and the so-called Chuck Empire arose. At the same time, the ethnos of Ndevelope was formed and the Mzilikazi Empire arose, the ethnos of Basuto and the Empire of Msvshve arose. During the Great Track, the borants collided with Zulusami, who had a well-trained regular army. December 16, 1838 on r. Buffalo between the troops of the successor of Chucky - Dingana and several hundreds of bursk immigrants occurred decisive battle. The bora-armed boorans destroyed more than 3 thousand Zulusov. After the defeat of Dingana, his state was contemplated. Zulusam first the territory north was left to the north of R. Tuela, but then these lands were captured by Europeans. The authon population of Namibia is Saan (Bushmen). Later, Nama and Hero came there. Migrating to the north of modern Namibia Ovambo has long bought a large and small horned cattle, the main agricultural crops for them were grain. At the beginning of the new time, they had social superclause structures - chiefness and early states. Hero constantly moved in search of pastures and water, overcoming huge distances. The economic cell they had a community led by the elder, however, by the middle of the XIX century. The Institute of Omuches appeared - the hereditary supervisory leader - and the Headquarters. These chickens were completely independent. One of these OMUHON became Magarro (Kamagero, the self-proclaimed Herero Supreme Leader), nominated during wars against Nama (1863-1870). Separate groups of Nama moved in the northern direction to the territory of modern Namibia. One of the manifestations of the UFFECAN process was the invasion of the issued groups of Orlam. Their invasion violated the traditional way of life of the local population and the fragile socio-political balance in the local areas. In 1830-1850 Eagle's leader, Yonker Afrikaaner subjured many groups of Nama and Heroo and created a military-territorial education, whose power extended to most of the central regions of modern Namibia. After the death of Jonker Africaner in 1861, his state broke up, but Nama was kept in constant fear of Hero. Wars between Hero and Nama continued with the interruptions almost all of the XIX century. In 1890, in the face of general danger to Hero and Nama - German colonialism - the world was finally concluded between them. Giant O-in Madagascar populated in the main representatives of the non-innovative, but a mongoloid race, speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Malaysian-Polynesian family. Archaeological finds indicate that the formation of peoples inhabiting Madagascar took place during numerous reassets and assimilation of immigrants from Indonesia, Vost. Africa and the countries of the Arab East. By the beginning of the XVI century. On the island there were approx. 18 ethnic groups that differed from each other of the form of economic activity. In the XVI-XVII centuries. There were several early political formations on the territory of Madagascar, the most significant of them - the ethnic basis of which was Merin. Until the end of the XVIII century. Warry experienced the period of civil wars. Andrianampuinerine became united by the state. By this time there were three main social layers: to know, ordinary communities, patriarchal slaves. XIX century - The time of the rapid development of the vintage as a single state. Radam I (Rules in 1810-1828) created a regular army according to the European model, consisted of up to 10 thousand people, and managed to subjugate almost all peoples who lived in low-rise coastal areas of the island. With it, the missionaries opened schools, the first typography appeared, the basis for the introduction of universal free education for children from 8 to 16 years old was laid. The construction of the first channel in the coastal zone of the island was launched, and a sugar plant was opened in 1825. The Radam's throne in 1828 inherited his wife Ranavalun I, which continued to strengthen the state, with it the first legal code was published - Codex 46 articles. The last absolute monarch of the Radam II has opened the doors to the island of the French, concluding a contract with them in 1862. In 1863-1896, the actual ruler had a prime minister and husband of three Korolev Raineliaryarivani. In 1868, he declared Christianity in the form of Anglication (see the Anglican Church) of the State Religion of Women. With it, Madagascar worried flourishing. The legislative system and the state apparatus were strengthened. The French expansion on the island resumed in 1882. As a result of two Franco-Malagasy wars (1883-1895), France abolished the local monarchy and in June 1896 declared the island of his colony. Neither the heroic armed resistance of the residents of Madagascar, nor the firm position of their ruler, did not help. The colonial section of Africa, the colonial section of Africa began in the last quarter of the XIX century. An important stage was Berlin-Skye conference on the section of the pool r. Congo (November 1884 - March 23, 1885). Russia participated in it, the German Chancellor O. Bismarck was chaired at the conference. On February 26, 1885, the most important document of the conference was adopted - the final act, which announced freedom of trade in the Congo basin, its mouths and the surrounding countries. The so-called principle of "effective occupation" was established, i.e., the colonial powers were obliged not to simply proclaim their sovereignty over a territory, but also to create a management system there, to introduce taxes, to build roads, etc. The colonial section of Africa ended in Mainly by the end of the XIX century. As a result, the whole tropical and south. Africa, with the exception of Liberia and Ethiopia, was in one form or another in colonial dependence on the metropolis - Great Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Italy. Tropical and South Africa in the XX - early XXI century. In the history of tropical and southern. Africa in the twentieth century. You can select several defining moments, closely related to the key world history key events. Such were the results of the First World War 1914-1918 and the emergence of the mandatory system; The impact of victory in World War II 1939-1945 of the Antihytler Coalition; The confrontation of capitalist and socialist blocks and acceleration of decolonization (the year of Africa is 1960). The same important milestone was the cessation of the "Cold War" in the early 1990s. The final formulation of colonial regimes in most African possessions occurred at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. XX century in tropical and southern. Africa is the time of formation and evolution of colonial societies. The colonial society is not an interim historical stage of "modernization" or the transition from a capitalist society to the capitalist, and a special social phenomenon with its own laws of development, social groups, political institutions, etc. Colonial society as a type of sociality does not end with the achievement of political independence countries, and It remains there with some modifications almost so far. The colonies turned into agrarian - raw materials appendages of metropolis. S. x. And the created industry of African colonies (mainly mining and processing) were calculated mainly on exports. On the lands assigned by Europeans, large farm or plantation farms arose. Having a dealing with proven societies, the colonial authorities themselves inevitably used the processive methods of their operation, such as forced labor, as well as massive Signs of Africans with land and relocate them in reservations. The latter was characteristic of migrant colonies, in particular Kenya, North. and South. Rhodesia (Zambia and Zimbabwe), South-Zap. Africa (Namibia). The collision of the processing societies with the realities of European capitalism led to the fact that the capitalist structure in Africa was not purely capitalist: there, as a rule, a forced labor or work of the pecificates was used. The waste is one of the central social figures of the colonial society. This is an individual, part of life conducted on earnings (seasonally, sporadically or acornly several years), but not turned off from his primordial economy, where his family continues to live and work. The colonial peasant in reality is the peasant, a groove breaker, a community, leading practically natural economy, and a pr. An important element of the social structure of colonial societies is the so-called native leaders and rulers. Become a part of the colonial system, they contributed to the integration of ordinary communities in the colonial society, performing the function of the "native" administrations - the collection of taxes, the organization of public works, maintaining legality and order. Back at the dawn of the history of colonialism in Africa, many of its peoples with arms tried to defend their independence in their hands. Rebells Hero and Nama in South-Zap. Africa (1904-1907), Maji Maji uprising 1905-1907 in the German Vost. Africa and other speeches inevitably waited for defeat due to inequality of forces. The "mastering" of the African continent by European powers, the formation and evolution of colonial societies gave rise to new forms of Protest Africans. At the first stage, until the completion of the First World War, the struggle of Africans developed not so much against colonialism as such as for the streamlining of the colony relationship - the metropolis. Later, the anticolonial protest was poured into new forms and was implemented in other areas of life. For many years in many areas of Africa, one of the most important forms of anticolonialism were Afro-Christian and Islamic movements and sects. Passive protest poured into non-payment of taxes, boycott of European goods, flight to neighboring colonies, etc. Decolonization of the African continent was not a straightforward process with a pre-designated goal. In the interwar 20th anniversary in the public consciousness of Africans, ideas about the possibility of alternative ways of development - not only under the auspices of European metropolis, but also within the framework of self-government, the principles of which were widely discussed at this time with numerous social and political organizations (the African National Congress of South Africa , Created in 1912, the National Congress of British Zap. Africa, created in 1920, and other movements and parties). The ideas of Panafricanism, which originated in the new world and thickening against the discrimination of all nations of African origin, played great importance in their formation. Socialist and communist ideas also had certain importance, especially in South. Africa, where the Communist Party arose in 1921 and was adopted in the Communist International. The political parties of modern type that put forward the requirements of independence of their countries arose in Africa mainly after World War II. It is these organizations that led the movement for obtaining political independence at the third stage of decolonization, which began with the completion of World War II. Allies in this struggle, which weathered peaceful and armed forms, were primarily the countries of the Eastern Block and various international, regional and national non-governmental organizations in the African peoples. The United Nations and its specialized bodies were a great influence on the design of the general principles of decolonization process, which were internally enriched the international legal frameworks of this process. The fifth Pan-African Congress (1945) proclaimed the course to achieve independence. Mass parties emerged, the old and new political leaders have approved. The first in 1957 independence received the British Colony of the Golden Coast, which took the historical name of Ghana. In 1960, 17 African colonies immediately found political independence, mostly former possessions of France, so he entered the story as the Year of Africa. Further, in the 60s, the British colonies in tropical Africa became independent, after the Portuguese revolution, in 1975, the former Portuguese possessions, in 1980 - British South. Rhodesia, called Zimbabwe. The proclamation of the independence of the last colonies of Black Africa is in the 1990s: in 1990, the independence of the occupied South Africa Namibia was obtained, and in 1994, with a special colonial regime, it was finished in South Africa, where after the first general elections to power came the Government of the Black Most. Tightening the process of decolonization of the continent in its southern regions can be explained primarily by the features of the development of the so-called internal colonialism in countries having a complex ethnic composition of the population. In addition, it should be borne in mind that decolonization has always been considered as an important aspect of the opposition in the ideological struggle of the Eastern and Western blocks that allowed or deliberately provoked the emergence of "hot spots" within the framework of the Cold War. Decolonization of Africa did not lead to the permission of all its former problems. Moreover, during decolonization, new ones have emerged. In particular, the most serious problem with which many African countries faced either the eve of independence, or shortly after its proclamation, became separatism. In Uganda, on the eve of independence, the attempt was made by Buganda. In Zaire (formerly Belgian Congo, now - the demo-Christic Republic of the Congo) immediately after obtaining independence, two provinces were separated - Katanga and Kasia. In Nigeria in 1967-1970, a civil war was held with the separated "Republic of Biafra". Up to today, intensive balancing continues between the need to respect the rights of peoples to self-determination recorded in many international documents, including the fundamental UN documents, and the principle of preserving the territorial integrity protected by each capable modern state. Another problem is to search by African countries of its place in the world, including the problem of choosing a model of socio-economic and political development, alliance with leading world and regional blocks. Another important problem with which African countries faced was the need for spiritual decolonization, which since the mid-Xih century. Outstanding representatives of the African intellectual elite said, considering such a liberation to be priority and much more important in comparison with obtaining the status of an independent state. In general, economic, political and ethnic problems in tropical and South. Africa on the outcome of the twentieth century. Again. The standard of living of the Middle African continued to fall. Militarization of many countries intensified. A number of new and revived some old foci of instability and conflict - in Somalia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Congo and other countries.

Russian historical encyclopedia

The second largest continent in the world (after Eurasia) is Africa. The subregions of it (their economy, the population, nature and the state) will be discussed in this article.

Options for dividing the territory of the continent

The territory of Africa is the largest geographical region of our planet. Therefore, the desire to divide it into parts is quite natural. The following two major areas are distinguished: tropical and North Africa (or Africa north of Sahara). There are quite large natural, ethnic, historical and socio-economic differences between these parts.

Tropical Africa is the most backward region of the developing world. And in our time, the share of agriculture in its GDP is higher than the proportion of industrial production. 28 of the 47 least developed countries of the world are located in tropical Africa. Also here is the maximum number of countries that do not have access to the sea (such states in this region are 15).

There is another embodiment of Africa to areas. According to him, its parts are southern, tropical and North Africa.

Now we go to the consideration of the regionalization itself, that is, the allocation of large macroregions (subregions) of the continent of interest to us. Currently it is considered that there are only five of them. Africa subregions have the following: South, East, Central, Western and North Africa (on the map above). At the same time, each of them has specific features of the economy, population and nature.

North Africa

North Africa goes to the Red and Mediterranean Sea, as well as to the Atlantic Ocean. Due to this, its links with front Asia and Europe have been established for a long time. The total area of \u200b\u200bit is approximately 10 million km 2, on which about 170 million people live. The Mediterranean "Facade" determines the position of this subregion. Thanks to him, North Africa is adjacent to South-West Asia and it has access to the main sea route, which runs from Europe to Asia.

Civilization cradle, Arabic colonization

Low-neglited Sugar desert spaces form the "rear" of the region. North Africa is a cradle of civilization of ancient Egypt, which made a great contribution to the culture. The Mediterranean part of the continent in the ancient times was considered a girth of Rome. To this day, among the lifeless sea, the stone and sand can be found the remains of underground waterborne galleries, as well as other ancient structures. Many cities located on the coast lead their origin from the Carthaginian and Roman settlements.

Arab colonization that happened in the 7-12 centuries, had a huge impact on the culture of the population, his ethnic composition and lifestyle. And in our time, the northern part of Africa is considered arabic: almost all local population professes Islam and speaks Arabic.

Economic life and population of North Africa

In the seaside strip focused the economic life of this subregion. Here are the main enterprises of the manufacturing industry, as well as the main districts of agriculture. Naturally, it is here that almost all the population of this subregion lives. Glaibed houses having earthen floors and flat roofs prevail in rural areas. Cities also have a very characteristic appearance. Therefore, ethnographers and geographers allocate in a separate type Arabic style of the city. For him, the division on the old and the new part is characteristic. North Africa is sometimes called Magreb, but it is not quite accurate.


Currently, 15 independent states are located in this subregion. The republics are 13 of them. Most States of North America are underdeveloped. In Libya and Algeria, the economy is somewhat better developed. These countries have a significant supply of natural gas and oil, which today are a chassis in the global market. Production of phosphorites used in the production of fertilizers is engaged in Morocco. Niger is a major uranium producer, but it remains one of the poorest states of North Africa.

Southern part of this subregion is very poorly populated. The agricultural population lives in oases, in which the main trade and consumer culture is a palm tree palm tree. Only camel nomads can be found on the rest of the territory of this area, and it is not everywhere. In the Libyan and Algerian parts of the Sahara there are gas and oil crafts.

A narrow "strip of life" only in the Nile Valley wedged into the desert far to the south. For the development of Upper Egypt, the construction of an Asuan hydraulic custody was very important with the technical and economic assistance of the USSR.

West Africa

The subregions of the continent of interest to us are a rather extensive topic, so we are limited to their brief description. Go to the next subregion - West Africa.

Here are the zones of savannah, tropical deserts and wet equatorial forests, which are located between and the desert sugar. This is the largest subregion of the continent in population and one of the largest areas. Natural conditions are very diverse here, and the ethnic composition of the local population is the most difficult - presented various peoples of Africa. This subregion in the past was the main area of \u200b\u200bthe slave trade. Currently, agriculture has been developed here, presented by the production of various plantation consumer and commodity crops. Available in the subregion and industry. The most developed industry is mining.

Population of West Africa

According to 2006, the population of West Africa is 280 million people. In composition, it is polyethnic. The largest ethnic groups are Vulof, Mande, Server, Mossi, Songai, Fulani and Haus. The indigenous population in a language feature is divided into 3 metagroups - Nilo-Sugar, Niger-Congo and Afro-Asian. From European languages \u200b\u200bin this subregion, English and French are common. The main groups of the population on religious signs are Muslims, Christians and Animists.

Economy of West Africa

All states here are developing countries. As we have already spoken, significantly different in economically, subregions of Africa. The table presented above provides a characteristic of such an important economic indicator of the countries of interest to us as a golden stock (2015 data). To West African, this table includes Nigeria, Ghana, Mauritania and Cameroon.

Agriculture plays a leading role in the creation of GDP in this subregion, as well as the extractive industry. Minerals available in West Africa - oil, iron gold, manganese, phosphates and diamonds.

Central Africa

From the very name of this subregion, it is clear that it occupies the central part of the mainland (equatorial). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 6613 thousand km 2. Only 9 countries are located in Central Africa: Gabon, Angola, Cameroon, Congo and Democratic (these are two different states), Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Central African Republic and is also the island of St. Elena, who is the overseas territory of Great Britain.

Located in the zones of savanna and wet equatorial forests, which greatly affected their economic development. This subregion is one of the richest areas, not only Africa, but also in the world. The ethnic composition of the local population, in contrast to the previous region, is homogeneous. Nine ties make up the peoples of Africa relating to the bow, which are related to each other.

Economy subregion

All states of this subregion, according to the UN Classification, are developing. In the creation of GDP, agriculture plays a major role, as well as the extractive industry. In this regard, Western and Central Africa are similar. Minerals mined here - Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Diamonds, Gold, Natural Gas, Oil. The subregion has a good hydropower potential. In addition, significant stocks of forest resources are here.

These are the main central.

East Africa

It is located in the zones of tropical and subequatorial climate. East Africa goes to the Indian Ocean, so it has supported trade relations with Arab countries and India from a long time. Mineral wealth of this subregion is less significant, however, the variety of natural resources is generally very large. This is exactly what determines the various options for their economic use.

Population of East Africa

East Africa is a very mosaic subregion in ethnically. The boundaries of many countries were established arbitrarily former colonial powers. At the same time, cultural and ethnic differences, which have the population of East Africa, were not taken into account. Due to significant differences in social and cultural attitude in this subregion there are significant conflict potential. Often, wars arose here, including civilians.

South Africa

It is located on the southern part of the continent, which is most removed from Asia, America and Europe, but it turns out to the sea route that enters the southern tip of Africa. This subregion is located in subtropical and tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere. There is a significant amount of natural resources, especially minerals are emitted. South Africa Republic (South Africa) is the main "core" of this subregion. This is the only economically developed state on the continent.

Population and economy of South Africa

A significant amount has a European origin. The nations of the bow are overwhelming part of the inhabitants of this subregion. The local population as a whole is poor, but the network of roads has been established in South Africa, the air communication is effectively operating, there is a good tourist infrastructure. The mining industry, as well as the gold deposits, platinum, diamonds and other minerals make up the basis of the economy. In addition, the southern part of Africa is increasingly developing technology, tourism and manufacturing industry.


As you can see, in general, the mainland is not very developed in economically. The population is unevenly distributed. Currently, about a billion people live on the continent as Africa. Subregions of it were briefly characterized. In conclusion, I would like to note that this continent is considered a pranodina of mankind: here they found the oldest remains of the early hominid, as well as their probable ancestors. There is a special science of Africanism, which is engaged in the study of cultural, political, economic and social problems of Africa.

If we talk about the economic zoning of the mainland, then I must say that it has not yet been developed and as a result of this, Africa is simply divided into two large natural parts. These parts were called subregions - Subregion North Africa and Tropical Africa subregion.

In the tropical part of Africa allocate:

  1. West Africa;
  2. Central Africa;
  3. Eastern Africa;
  4. South Africa.

Note 1.

North Africa is the cradle of ancient Egyptian civilization and its economic life focuses in the seaside strip. It was a girth of Rome in the ancient history period. Here and today there are underground waterborne galleries, and many cities on the coast begin are taken from Roman and Carthaginian settlements. In the $ VII $ - $ XII $ centuries were here and Arabs, so modern Mediterranean Africa is often called Arabic. The population speaks in Arabic and confesses Islam.

Within North AfricaThe area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about $ 10 $ million square meters km, lives $ 170 $ million. The geographical position of this subregion determines the Mediterranean Sea through which the countries of the region receive an exit to Asia and to South Europe. In the seaside band are the main centers of the manufacturing industry, here are areas of subtropical agriculture. The level of urbanization of North Africa exceeds the global indicator and is $ 51 $%. In Libya, it is generally equal to $ 85 $%. In Algeria, citizens have $ 22 million. Man, and in Egypt - more - $ 32 million. There was no explosive nature of the growth of cities, because the village of Urban life is the North Africa has long been. For the cities of the subregion, the type of Arab city is characteristic. As a rule, such cities are divided into two parts - old and new.

Old part Cities have a kernel - this is Kasba, which is a strengthening located on an exalted place. Other quarters of the old city go from it. Buildings have flat roofs and deaf fences. Variety of the old part of the city give bright, colorful oriental bazaars. Such an old town was called Medina, outside of which is located a new modern city.

The subregion is $ 15 $ 15 independent states, $ 13 of which have a republican system. Basically, these are underdeveloped states and only Libya, Algeria and Egypt stand out in this background. The southern part of the subregion is very weak. The main product and consumer culture in oases is a palm tree palm. The rest of the territory is a desert lifeless space and only sometimes you can meet nomads moving on camels. Libyan and Algerian parts of the Sahara have hydrocarbon deposits.

Tropical Africa

Note 2.

The concept of tropical Africa is fully stacked by the most paradoxical ideas about this territory. This is a collective image. Here are wet equatorial forests and tropical deserts, amazing animals and wild peoples, wide rivers and existing volcanoes. This is a unique and distinctive territory, full of secrets and mysteries.

This territory is very often called " black Africa" This is understandable, because the population of the subregion belongs to the Negroid race. In the region whose area is $ 20 million square meters, more than $ 600 million lives. The ethnic composition of tropical Africa is very diverse, and Western and East Africa is the greatest complexity. Numerous, but closely related languages \u200b\u200bof the family of the Bantuet are characteristic of the population of Central and South Africa. The most common is the tongue of Swahili. Malagasy residents speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Austronesian family. The region has a $ 29 $ of the most backward countries of the world.

The basis of the life of the population of this subregion is mainly natural economywhich is engaged in about half of rural residents. Most of the population lives in rural areas. Agricultural work on the cultivation of Manioki, Yams, Batata, comes on women and children. In the subregion dwells Fly Tse-Tse because of which animal husbandry is less developed. In general, the region is characterized by nomadic and semi-oral cattle breeding and distant pasture animal husbandry. Modern livestock farms in the region are absent.

On a common sad background, the territories are distinguished by the territory where many years of plantings are cultivated - coffee, peanuts, gevent, oil palm, tea, sisal, spices. These are areas Commodity crop.

Industrialization in tropical Africa is practically absent if you do not consider one major district Mining industry. This is the Congo Belt Congo and Zambia.

Processing industrylocked weakly, the structure of its backward. The main industries are the production of food and clothing and fabrics.

Food industry Presented in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Nigeria, in the remaining countries of the region, it is either absent or represented by separate small enterprises.

Social Sphere and Economics The region is at a very low level of development. An indicator of economic retardation is the structure of GDP. The average industrial indicator in the region is $ 30 $% of GDP, and in agriculture only $ 20 $%. And in some individual countries, for example, Angola, Rwanda, Ethiopia, it is only $ 3 $%.

The population is located unevenly through the territory of the subregion. Large millionaire cities are small. Only $ 8 $ 8 countries can boast such million painters, for example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Senegal, Kenya and some others. Low human resources testifies to a weak education system. The exception in this regard is Botswana, Gabon, Mauritius, Seychelles. More than half of the female population and $ 35 $% of the male population do not even have primary education.

Note 3.

The colonial past and the specifics of the development of national capitalism during the period of political independence are the features of the industry of tropical Africa.

Global Tropical Africa Problems

Quite often in the literature you can meet such an expression that tropical Africa is modern "Pole of hunger" on the ground. African countries, being under the colonial oppression, could not develop their economies. Rich and strong rejected mineral resources from her depths, without taking care of the level of living of people, without solving social problems. This is the colonial past and today makes it difficult to develop.

One of the global problems of this region is food problem. Another $ 90 to years, experts evaluated the food position as critical. Low income, complicating the situation, led to the fact that $ 90 $% of citizens live beyond poverty. The food crisis has acquired a chronic protracted character and contributes to these inepened environmental and energy difficulties, as well as high population growth rates. In the individual countries of the region frequently became outbreaks of mass hunger, the ranges of which are expanding. At $ 90 $, the years of food lacked at $ 26 $ 26 by African countries, this is about half the mainland states. Among such states were Gambia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Senegal, Togo.

I must say that not only natural disasters exacerbate the problem of arid territories where catastrophic droughsFor example, at $ 80 and $ -s, an unprecedented drought in the countries of Sudasnikovskaya zone, led to great human victims. In addition, the Savann zone played its role in the formation of poor woody vegetation and re-dips.

Climatic adverse conditions played their negative role. The social and property structure of the local population is of great importance in the existing food situation. A layer of elite, which makes up $ 5 $% of the local population, assigns a $ 1/3 of a part of the national income, but also the lion's share of food assistance coming from outside.

Note 4.

Hunger countries of tropical Africa has its consequences - these are migration flows of refugees beyond the limits of national borders. Only at $ 80 and $ -e years - according to the UN, $ 20 $ million Ethiopians, Chudsers, Ugandans and other Africans went in search of food beyond their villages. That part of the refugees, which fell into special camps, eats at the expense of international food aid. Unfortunately, such a process continues today.

It is historically determined that Africa is divided into two natural subregion: tropical Africa and North Africa. But the composition of tropical Africa is still separately entering Central, Western, Eastern and South Africa.

North Africa: characteristics and features

This region is adjacent to South-West Asia and Southern Europe and covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 10 million km2. North Africa has access to sea routes from Europe to Asia, and a part of this region forms the unclosed spaces of the Sahara desert.

In the past, this region formed ancient Egyptian civilization, and now North Africa is called Arabic. This is due to the fact that most of the population speak Arabic and the main religion of the region is Islam.

The cities of North Africa have a division into two parts: the old part of the city is located on the hills and is surrounded by protective walls, and the new part of the city is modern and stylish buildings.

North Africa is the center of the manufacturing industry, especially its seaside band. Therefore, almost the entire population of this part of Africa lives here. Also North Africa is a region of subtropical agriculture.

Tropical Africa: Characteristics of the backward region

This region is called "Black Africa", since the majority of the population refers to the Negroid race. The ethnic composition of the tropical afirion is varied, the population of South and Central Africa speaks closely, but they still differ from each other. Most distributed tongue of Swahili.

The population of tropical Africa is 650 million people, and an area of \u200b\u200b20 million km2. This region recognizes the most backward from the developing world, as it has 29 countries that are considered the least developed in the world. .

This is due to the fact that the main branch of production is agriculture, which does not contribute to the development of such a large area and population of the region. It is noteworthy that the soil is treated in the absence of a plow, and women and children lead agricultural activities.

Livestock is not well developed, but there are regions in which they are engaged in hunting and fishing, mostly equatorial forests. Most of the population of tropical Africa lives in rural areas, as people work either on plantations or in peasant farms.

The life of the population is associated with the natural economy, which is the basis of their livelihoods. In addition to Christianity and Muslims in tropical Africa, traditional beliefs of faith in the spirits of nature, fetishism and the cult of ancestors are developed. This region of Africa is called the least industrialized and least urbanized.

Only in eight countries have Millionaire cities are Kinshas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Luanda in Angola, Dakar in Senegal and Nairobi in Kenya. For this region, the deterioration of the environment is desertified, detection of flora and fauna and deforestation.

In one of the deserted areas of tropical Africa, the Sachel tragedy occurred - due to the lack of precipitation for ten years, Sahel became the zone of scorched land. Since 1974, drought began to repeat, subsequently killed millions of people, and livestock population decreased.