Characteristics of National Culture 4 Criteria Hofsteda. Herrt Hofsteda and his theory of measurements of cultures: review information

Characteristics of National Culture 4 Criteria Hofsteda. Herrt Hofsteda and his theory of measurements of cultures: review information
Characteristics of National Culture 4 Criteria Hofsteda. Herrt Hofsteda and his theory of measurements of cultures: review information

Please Select a Country in The Dimensions Pleopdown Menu Below to See The Values \u200b\u200bfor the 6 Dimensions After a first Country Has Been Selected, A Second and Even a Third Country Can Be Chosen to Be Able to See A Comparison of their Scores.

To Compare Your Personal Preferences To The Scores of A Country of Your Choice, Please Purchase Our Cultural Survey Tool, The.


Please Note That. culture Is Defined AS The Collective Mental Programming Of The Human Mind Which Distinguishes One Group of People from Another. This Programming Influences Patterns of Thinking Which Are Reflected in the Meaning People Attach to Various Aspects of Life and Which Become Crystallised in the Institutions of a Society.

This Does Not Imply That Everyone In A Given Society Is Programmed In The Same Way; There Are Considerable Differences Between Individuals. IT MAY WELL BE THAT THE DIFFERENESS AMONG INDIVIDUALS IN ONE COUNTRY CULTURE ARE BIGGER THAN THE DIFFERENCES AMONG ALL COUNTRY CULTURES. WE CAN, NEVERTHELESS, STILL USE SUCH COUNTRY SCORES BASED ON THE LAW OF THE BIG NUMBERS, AND ON THE FACT, MOST OF US ARE STRONGLY INFLUENCED by Social Control. Please Realise That. statements about Just One Culture on the Level of "Values" Don't Describe "Reality"; Such Statements Are General Meralasations and the Ought to Be Relative. WithOUT COMPARISON, A Country Score Is Meaningless.

The Scores Used for The Fifth Dimension Are Based on The Research of Michael Minkov AS Published in The 3rd and the Latest Edition of Cultures and Organizations, Software Of The Mind (2010), Pages 255-258.

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Geert Hoftede is a Dutch sociopsychologist and an anthropologist engaged in studying the interaction between cultures. Awarded a variety of awards for conducted intercultural studies around the world. One of its most significant achievements is to develop the theory of measurement of cultures that provides a systematic basis for estimating differences between nations and cultures.

The theory is based on the idea that value can be distributed in six measurements of culture. These dimensions include power (equality against inequality), collectivism (against individualism), avoiding uncertainty (against tolerance to uncertainty), "Male" type (against "female"), strategic thinking and indulgence of their desires (against restraint). Most of the information about the global cultural values \u200b\u200bof Hofstede received from polls conducted by IBM, the American technological and advisory corporation. He suggested a score system from 1 to 120.

Distance index from power. According to Hofsted, "distance from power is a degree with which members of organizations and institutions (for example, families) are expecting and allowing the uneven distribution of power." This measurement does not characterize the level of power distribution in this culture, but rather analyzes its perception by society. The low distance index from power means that culture expects and accepts democratic relations with the authorities, and members of society are treated as equal. The high distance index from power means that members of society endowed with the smaller power take their place and realize the existence of formal hierarchical structures.

Individualism and collectivism. "The degree with which members of society tend to form groups." This measurement is not related to policies and concerns more groups than individuals. Cultures for which individualism is peculiar to more importance to achieving personal goals. In societies for whom collectivism, social goals and well-being are put above personal.

The index of avoidance of uncertainty. "The tolerance of society to uncertainty and deviations." This measurement characterizes the company's response to unfamiliar situations, unforeseen events and pressure of change. Cultures for which this index is high, less tolerant changes and seek to avoid anxiety, which carries unknown, by establishing strict rules, standards and / or laws. Low index societies are more open to change and use fewer rules and laws, and their customs are less severe.

"Male" and "female" type. "Distribution of emotional roles between the floors." This measurement characterizes the level of importance of traditionally male values, such as assertiveness, ambitions, striving for power and materialism, and traditionally feminine values, such as human relations, for culture. Cultures with a more pronounced "male" type are usually characterized by clearer differences between the floors and are prone to rivalry and achieve goals. A smaller index in this dimension means that the culture is characterized by less significant differences between the floors and the higher value of relationships.

Short-term and long-term orientation for the future. This measurement describes the time horizon of society. Cultures focused on the short term, appreciate traditional methods, pay a lot of time to develop relations and generally consider the time as a vicious circle. This means that the future and the past for them is connected with each other, and what can not be done today can be done tomorrow. The opposite of this approach is a long-term orientation for the future, at which time is considered as a vector, and people tend to look into the future more than be interested in the present or remember the past. Such a society is focused on achieving goals and highly appreciates the results.

Entrusion to your desires and restraint. This measurement characterizes the ability of culture to satisfy the momentary needs and personal desires of members of society. In societies where restraint is value, strict social rules and norms prevail, within which personal desires are constrained and are not encouraged.

Hofsteda emphasizes that the measurements of crops are only the basis that helps assess a specific culture to facilitate decision-making. There are other factors to be considered, such as personal qualities, family history and personal well-being. The proposed dimensions cannot predict the behavior of individuals and do not take into account the personal characteristics of each person.

The Dutch researcher of cross-cultural management issues Herrt Hofstede was proceeded by 116 thousand employees of IBM in 40 countries. When analyzing this database, some of the individual differences naturally averaged and managed to allocate the differences that were associated with national cultures. Hofstede allocated four parameters of national business culture:

The ratio of individualism and collectivism

Individualism - Attribute of national culture, describing the poorly related social framework, in which a person concentrates only in taking care of himself and his family. Business crops make focus on independence and initiative. Here, according to the successful expression of the Strugatsky brothers (the story "The guy from the underworld"), "combat units that act by themselves are formed."

Collectivism - Attribute of national culture, describing the close social framework in which people hope for groups, part of which they are in terms of care and protection. Here people consider themselves as part of the group) of the team, organization.

Hofstede has determined that the level of individualism is partly dependent on the wealth of the country. Rich countries, such as the USA, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have a high level of individualism, poor, for example, Colombia and Pakistan are a high level of collectivism. However, Japan is called as an example of national culture with the maximum degree of collectivism.

Criteria to recognize countries with a high degree of individualism in business culture:

· People frankly express critical comments to their colleagues;

· Ham and promotion is connected only with the advantages of this person;

· Management is aimed at personality, not a group;

· Everyone is focused on personal success and career;

· Society is distinguished by a high standard of living. The middle class is a solid layer;

· High print freedom.

Eastern societies are usually towards collective culture. In Europe, Collective cultures include Spain, Portugal, Greece and, oddly enough, Austria. To individualistic cultures - northern countries. It is characteristic that the degree of individualism of the population, as a rule, grows as the average income per capita growth.

Studies of foreign scientists show that Russia and the CIS countries are treated with collective values.

Distance of power

Distance of power is an attribute of a national culture describing the limits in which society accepts the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inequality of the distribution of power in organizations. This parameter shows the permissible degree of unevenness in the distribution of power. In some cultures, the intervention of the power is considered as infringement of the rights of the individual. In others, on the contrary, as the benefit is perceived by the "strong hand", which "and punish and help".

According to the answers to the following questions, you can determine the distance in the organization.

1. Do employees prefer not to express disagreement with the decisions of their bosses?

2. Do they consider subordinates that the style of leadership of their chief of autocratic?

3. Do the subordinates prefer to leave the final decision of the most important problems on the boss?

4. Does the remuneration of the twentieth level of employees reach?

(2-3 affirmative responses demonstrate a high degree of distance of power, 2-3 and more negative response - low)

Cultures with a high distance of power usually tolerately belong to authoritarian management and kindness. They are characterized by the emphasized preservation of inequality in the status of both in formal and informal relationships.

The distance of the authorities is the most high in oriental cultures. Philippines, Venezuela and India

The opposite pole is Northern Europe, Denmark, Israel, Austria, England. Distance of power in the United States - below average.

The high distance of power is celebrated in Russia and in the CIS countries.

Avoid uncertainty

The avoidance of uncertainty is the attribute of the national culture, which describes the limits in which society feels the danger of an indefinite and multi-valued situation and tries to avoid it.

In various business cultures, people perceive in different ways the presence of uncertainty in life and business.

One business culture is typical of the striving to avoid uncertainty. The avoidance of uncertainty should not be confused with the avoidance of risk. Risk is associated with fear, and uncertainty - alarm. The risk is always due to a specific event, i.e. Object risk. And, therefore, it is possible to estimate the likelihood of winning or losing. At the same time, uncertainty and anxiety do not have an object, and the probability estimate is meaningless to the alarm. For such cultures, it is usually typical of the desire to "determine the conditions on the shore", to eliminate ambiguity in relationships. As the most important way to avoid uncertainty, the development of detailed laws and rules for conducting all occasions for all occasions, and in the framework of specific foreign economic activity - preparation of detailed contracts.

It is important that people often go to unjustified risk to avoid the ambiguity of their position; They seek to leave anxiety and uncertainty even by possible losing.

Other business crops proceed from the fact that it is impossible to predict all. Detailed contracts here are preferred by framework agreements and adjustments along the course of the case. Here, the approach is dominant, once formulated by Napoleon: "First, I'll get in battle, and then we'll see."

Criteria to recognize countries with a high degree of avoidance of uncertainty in business culture:

· Residents are usually negatively tuned to the structures of power;

· Frequent manifestation of nationalism. Often there is irritation in relation to national minorities;

· Most of the population with distrust refers to young people. There are unwritten rules that bind promotion with age;

· People tend to rely more on the opinion of specialists and experts than for common sense and everyday experience.

Countries with a low degree of avoidance of uncertainty include England, Scandinavian countries (except Finland), Denmark, USA, Singapore. On another pole there are Germany, Belgium, Austria, Southwestern European countries, Japan, Portugal, Greece.

The business culture of Russia and CIS countries is usually a high degree of avoidance of uncertainty, although researchers note that for the younger generation of "new Russians" (20-30 years), the degree of avoidance of uncertainty is significantly reduced.

The ratio of masculinity and femininity

The amount against the quality of life (the ratio of masculinity and femininity);

Masculinity - Attribute of national culture, describing the level with which social values \u200b\u200bare characterized by perseverance (confidence) and materialism

Femininity - attribute of national culture describing attitudes and attention to others

Masculinity dominates in societies, where the social roles of men and women will largely differ. Masculinity is not necessarily accompanied by legal inequality of floors. Rather, we are talking about the desire of women in courageous business cultures to learn many stereotypes of male behavior. In the USSR, this was clearly manifested in the 1930s, when women competed with men in the so-called men's professions (pilots, miners, tractor drivers, etc.). It is from this point of view of the United States, Switzerland or England relate to more male (or courageous) countries than Japan, although in Japan the inequality of the floors is much brighter. In the value system of such business crops will prevail "men's", material guidelines: the desire to stand out, make a career, to express itself, earn it, etc. Work is usually considered more important than home functions. The manager usually respects the power, speed of solutions, scale approaches, rigidity.

On the contrary, in societies where femininity prevails, the social roles of men and women most coincide. And in the value system, the quality of life is dominated, maintaining good relations with others, moral and ethical aspects, etc. The mind and nobility are valued above force and speed. "Big" prefer "cozy". Home and family values \u200b\u200bare considered more important to success at work. The leader respect the ability to organize a conflict-free group work, to achieve consensus, develop fair motivation, etc.

Criteria to recognize countries with a high degree of masculinity in business culture:

· Career and material well-being act as the main success indicators;

· "These men" call people ambitious, decisive and tough; "A real man" is a big compliment:

· In fact, people live in the work name (and do not work in order to live);

· A good leader must "not consult with the team", but to solve issues;

· Woman - a politician is rare.

The most feminine cultures are Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Holland. Most courageous - USA, Japan, Austria, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Germany and Italy. The courageous cultures are Russia and the CIS countries.

It is important to note that the parameters of the Khofsteda business culture (as well as the parameters of the business culture allocated by other researchers) are always relative, not absolute. In any culture there will be, for example, manifestations of both individualism and collectivism. However, their ratio will be different.

Table for thirteen countries

Country Individualism / collectivism Distance of power Avoidance Number of life (masculinity)
Russia and CIS countries Collective Big High High
Australia Individual Malaya Average High
Canada Individual Moderate Low Moderate
England Individual Malaya Average High
France Individual Big High Weak
Greece Collective Big High Moderate
Italy Individual Middle High High
Japan Collective Middle High High
Mexico Collective Big High High
Singapore Collective Big Low Average
Sweden Individual Malaya Low Weak
USA Individual Malaya Low High
Venezuela Collective Big High High

Model Hampden-Turner - Trompeenars

Relationships with people

There are five relative Parsons orientations.

1. Universalism - particularism.

Cultures of universal and concrete truths

The universalistic approach is "good and correct can be determined and then always used." In partitionerial culture, commitments in relations and specific conditions are closely considered.

In cultures, where the universal approach is dominated, the traditional is high law-ability. The moral and ethical standard of these crops is illustrated by a well-known aphorism: "Socrates me a friend, but the truth is more expensive."

In cultures of concrete truths, the traditional is to search for specific causes and moral excuses to violate the rules. Classical for this approach is the Russian proverb: "The exception confirms the rule."

List of business cultures of universal truths are headed by Canada, USA, England and Scandinavian countries. On another pole there are countries of Asia and Latin America, South-West Europe, as well as Russia and the CIS countries.

2. Individualism - collectivism.

How does a person consider himself - as an individual or as a member of the group first?

Individualism - orientation primarily on itself; Collectivism - for general goals and objectives.

A survey was conducted by 30 thousand managers who were chosen according to one pairs of alternative statements.

Percentage of chosen response A: Russia - 60%, USA - 69%, Germany - 53%.

Individualism is often associated with developed countries, while collectivism - with traditional societies and failure of the communist experiment. Iquisition, however, does not show this.

The impact of this characteristic on management is essential in negotiations, making decisions and motivation. Thus, individual cultures are well perceived pay and bonuses according to individual results; In collectivist cultures, difficulties may arise.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe individualistic West is strongly in the works of English-language theorists. Large letter I is most often found in their texts. Comparison of individual and society, however, has become essential only from the Renaissance. In the early societies, individuals were determined by their belonging to the clan, tribe, urban community or feudal group.

Individualism and religion.

The level of individualism is higher in Protestants (United Kingdom, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada) and lower in the followers of the Roman Catholic faith.

What type of work prevails in your organization?

The number of answers to: Russia is 86%, USA - 72%, Germany - 62%.

Is individualism corporate demand?

While in France, individualism perceive negatively, in Germany the principle of "organic unity of individual and society" is proclaimed. In the report of the Commission on the National Proceit, Eisenhawer's President Eisenhower is recorded that "the possibility of individual self-realization is the main goal of American civilization."

Individualism, however, prevents the development of the information society and now we are talking about the growing need for the synthesis of individualism and collectivism in an increasingly complex, differentiated and interdependent society.

Work in individual and collective cultures

Individual Collective
Often expressions are used with the pronoun "I". Often expressions are used with the pronoun "we".
People are focused on individual achievements and responsibility. People are focused on collective achievements and responsibility
Decisions are accepted by representatives on the spot Solutions are slowly consistent with the organization
In management
Try to harmonize the individual goals and objectives of the organization Try to combine a personal approach with the provision in the group
Enter such individual assessment methods as payment for quality, management for targets. Be careful to the corporate spirit, morality and connections.
Get ready for high frame flow and mobility Install low rotation of work and mobility
Select good workers, heroes, champions and reward them. Select a group as a whole without favoritism
Let people have the opportunity to manifest individual initiative Put before all the task of achieving important goals.

3. Neutral - emotional.

The instrumental approach of the United States and Western Europe and the deep emotional approach of the South and Asia.

Restrained (neutral) culture Emotional (affective) culture
Do not want to disclose your thoughts and feelings. The verbal and wordless disclosure of thoughts and feelings.
Voltage can be determined by chance, by expression or behavior. Transparency and expressiveness are relaxing
Mostly, hidden emotions can suddenly break through. Direct, stormy, temperamental, without shame, sharing emotions.
Calculating and restrained performance causes admiration. Temperamental, living, expressive behavior causes admiration.
Bodily touch, gesturing or expressive facial expressions are mainly taboo. Bodily touch, gesture or expressive facial expressions - this is the usual thing
Definitions are often read by monotonous voice. Definitions are read by a dramatic voice.

The percentage of respondents not showing emotions is open: Russia - 24%, USA - 43%, Germany - 35%

With our emotionality, another characteristic is closely connected - the level of how much we affect others in specific areas of life and in one side of the individual or spread through all areas of our life and the parties of the individual.

The Dutch researcher Guit Chofsted in his classical work "The Consequences of Culture" allocated a number of parameters to describe the culture of nations, these criteria were called "Measured Hofsted". Today it is one of the most popular paradigms of intercultural psychology. Hofsted determines the culture as "collective mental programming, part of the predetermination of our world perception, common with other representatives of our nation, region or group and distinguishing us from representatives of other nations, regions and groups." His theory is close to understanding the essence of social as the region of imaginary.

When we talk about the social structure, we are talking about the relationship between status, roles and functions that are not related between holistic and specific individualities, I and you. Each person is included in both social and individual relations. On the one hand, we have a collective consciousness, including beliefs and submissions, shared, due to tradition or legality, others. On the other hand, it is our own consciousness based on our individual internal experience. The point or plane of the intersection of "two consciousness" and acts as the ability of imagination that operates not only by archetypical images of an anthropological nature, but also by the images of sociocultural, inherent in the world of a particular culture reflecting a certain step in the development of society. Thus, it seems possible to talk about the social imagination, which determines the picture of the world of society, a separate person, a whole culture, and which suggests that the world of this picture is significant for every person of this culture, this society that it is validated.

Hofsted allocates five measurements of culture, according to which we can actually evaluate the differentiation (for delete) specific crops:

  • individualism - collectivism;
  • distance index of power;
  • rejection of uncertainty;
  • masculinity - femininity;
  • short-term - long-term orientation for the future.

My attention attracted the concept of "culture of honor", introduced by American sociologists to determine the culture, in which his self-esteem and position in society depends on the reputation of a person. D. Fisher and M. Gladwell studied the peculiarities of behavior and image, in those regions of the United States, where the Irish Scots settled. These immigrants settled in the harsh and remote mountainous areas, where they could continue to live according to the laws of their "culture of honor". An example of the "culture of honor" was also the culture of southern peoples, where the traditions of the blood hostility are still complied with the part - this phenomenon was the subject of sociological study. M. Gladwell shows that the culture of honor is rooted in the culture of shepherds living in mountainous regions and other low-grade places, such as Sicily, Basque Country, or Mountain of Scotland. We add that the Caucasus cultures, and, say, Afghanistan, also meet this definition. Rituals of demonstration of aggressiveness, a kind of initiation for a young man is public "clashes" in which it is necessary to respond properly, "on male" to respond to an insult. The clashes must certainly be public, a reason for the skirmis - demonstrative, the reaction is spontaneous and immediate. The result of this social ritual is a certain level of recognition, the reputation of the "person of honor", which can protect its property or family.

According to Hofsted, one of the most important signs that distinguish cultures among themselves is the level of the isolation of individuals. In this case, the culture of cooperation is also opposed to the cultures of honor. Culture of honor is formed as a culture of individual activity. If a person lives on mountain slopes or in the desert, he has no opportunity to cultivate land. The main activity for him will be breeding sheep, goats, camels ... This type of activity, unlike farming, does not imply collective efforts - survival in this case does not depend on the joint efforts of the entire community. Everyone is able to cope alone - he takes care of himself and his family, as well as the family cares about him.

For the agriculture, the danger from the other can only be the malicious destroying of crops, which further enhances the collectivist spirit and contributes to the unity of the agricultural community: people unite and share efforts to create and protect their property. The farmer itself is forced to actively, openly and benevolently - tolerantly, as we would say today - build public relations. The concept of "norm" becomes the concept of the "social norm of a hostel" - the basis of joint activities, the division of labor and communication with other people as building a hierarchy. The more open communication is, the more guaranteed is the integrity of the property and the more respected will be the individual itself. Thus, for the farmer, the path to success and social recognition lies through the building of complex systems of public relations based on mutual respect and trust. Social mythology of such a society includes images of systematic hard work, the honor of the one who works, deferred remuneration and mutual assistance. The reputation and social recognition of the Agriculture will provide diligence and attentiveness (to nature and to people), tolerance and cooperation, the ability to work together, following uniform traditions and values. The basis of self-identification here is to identify itself with the group, and such a culture may be called a culture of cooperation or community.

On the contrary, the shepherd is constantly on guard - after all, its livestock can steal or destroy. The basis of aggressiveness and individualism lies here, and the reputation of the shepherd is the opposite of the reputation of the agriculture. The virtues of the shepherd will be his determination and the ability to defend their property, not to lower the offender, to provide a random, to fill the loss if it is admitted. Hence independence and decisiveness, quick-temperedness and vitality, in a word, those features that characterize the culture of honor allocated by sociologists.

Analyzing the concept of culture of honor, we define it as pronounced courageous. In the culture of honor, the division of social roles between the floors is expressed extremely rigidly: a woman is silent, knows his place and subordinate to a man, the older in the family, even if he is only 7 years old. On the contrary, in the culture of cooperation, the social roles of the floors are quite blurred, in work, as at the time of leisure, women and men are equally occupied equally (!) Heavy labor or entertain themselves by those or other forms of idleness. Culture of cooperation, according to the criteria of Hofsted, is feminine, it does not have a rigidly fixed sectional of activities between men and women. We treat the culture of cooperation in feminine also because it is based on the cult of fertility, and because it has grown out of the culture of the matriarchate. It is agricultural culture that gives rise to all sorts of Virgin cultures, in it the image of the mother receives value priority, and the female role is social recognition.

Corporate data and the last of the dedicated criteria: the culture of cooperation is inherent in the perspective of the prospect and deferred remuneration, on the contrary, the culture of honor requires an immediate reaction, an understanding of which result will be immediately, and not later. We see this in the ritual of the clash, and, quite clearly, in the daily activities of the cattle. The shepherd can immediately determine whether the rats are good, whether the pasture is chosen as chosen, etc. The third criterion proposed by Hofstemed, the rejection of uncertainty, on the contrary, brings together these cultures. As well as the power distance index, is quite high in both of the cultures.

However, not only agriculture and cattle breeding as dominant activities have formed "mental defities" of collective consciousness. M.S. Kagan wrote about the three ways to exit primitive society, in contact with the fact that singing crafts as a specific type of activity, the basis of a special type of culture.

How could we determine social interaction in culture, the main activity of which was the handicraft manufacturer of products?

The actions of a person who makes the subject, on the one hand, determined by his personal skill, skill, which is an integral quality. The concept of skill arose in the corporate society of the European Middle Ages, in a culture that inherited the tradition of classical Greece. Unspellation of crafts and art, reflected in the concepts of the Greek language and the ancient philosophical text, immanently included the overtone of skill. Master artisan, as well as the master artist was the figures respected. That is why when the concept of crafts and arts dissolve, the concept of skill received an axiological burden: the creation of works of art we call skill, and urgent work - handicraft.

Mastery is surrounded by a halo of secrecy: the master had students who passed his knowledge and skills, but not skill. The skill is the inalienable quality of a person, he can not be taught, it can only be demonstrated - the master can open the curtain of secrets, but the student himself should take care of skill. And only when he becomes a master, he gets the right of full, own (individual) labor activity, conquers social recognition: "The master making an craft masterpiece, arguing his right to membership in the workshop, at the same time approved its personal dignity, social situation, Belonging to the corporation. " Mastery turns out to be an essential characteristic of individuality, for example, in the Bulgakov Roman, we never learned the name of the main character, but they learned him as an individuality as a master.

The culture that grown out of activity determined by the desire for skill thus involves a high level of individualism, responsibility for their work, a high level of self-esteem and determination. For this culture, individuality will be value, and the reputational criterion will be a practical measurement of activities - the compliance of its use, the quality and beauty of execution, etc. On the other hand, the creation of things involves following the rules, knowledge of the ritual, and adherence to the tradition. That is, the virtue of the artisan is to follow the traditions and knowledge of the rules - measures of things, as it was in ancient Greece and later, in the era of the European Middle Ages. From the position of the identity criteria, this culture with a high level of individualism can be called the culture of the result or responsibility.

According to the criteria of Hofsted, the rejection of uncertainty is particularly expressive for cultures that have grown on the basis of craft traditions. It is not by chance that the Table of the results of Hofsted on this criterion begins with Greece - the country in which the desire to adhere to the order, despite the circumstances, is expressed stronger. Close Table Jamaica and Singapore. And if nature or enmity can easily put under the blow of the order, and require the ability to adapt to the circumstances, then for the Creator man, the order is unshakable, as well as respect for power. The third criterion of Hofsteda - the Distance Index - allows you to see how honored, cooperation and responsibility allow you to identify a person in the conditions of a social hierarchy. In the culture of responsibility, the distance index is minimal compared to two other types of culture: a responsible effect carries the germ of private interest, freedom of action, democracy - which, however, was his cradle in ancient Greece.

Also in cooperation culture, gender equilibrium is shifted towards femininity. Social roles of male and female, although they have a historical distance, but are quite easily broken and overcome, which demonstrates us the history of European culture. The fifth criterion allows us to differentiate national cultures in more detail, and to state that in general the culture of responsibility is inherent in the vision of the prospects, which brings it closer with the culture of cooperation as opposed to the culture of honor.

And although in modern times we do not observe neither the culture of shepherds, nor farmers, nor artisans (and in antiquity it was only dominant, but not at all the only activities), we can allocate and analyze the cultures of honor, cooperation or responsibility, and trace their genealogy . The activity is lost, but the foundations of tradition are preserved, still determining the forms of education, the structure of communication, the features of cultural self-identification, on the basis of which social success strategies, and ways of knowledge of the world will also be built. Realizing the importance of those cultural forms that underlie self-identification can be understood and building a cultural interaction strategy, which is especially important in the modern era.

Hofstede was born on October 3, 1928 in Kharlem, the Netherlands. Herrt Hofstede has a master's degree in mechanical engineering technology and a doctor of philosophy on social psychology. His professional biography is associated with both industry and academic sphere.

Wall Street Journal in May 2008 included Geert Hofsteda in the twenty of the most influential intellectuals in the field of business. Hofstedee played lectures in Hong Kong, in Hawaii, in Australia and New Zealand. He is an honorary doctor of seven European universities, a member of the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business in the United States, an honorary member of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

It is called "father" ethnometry - the direction of ethnosocial studies, in which the mental characteristics of various ethnic groups are analyzed using formalized (mathematical) methods. He first began to collect quantitative databases; The technique developed by him and is now most popular.

In 1965, Hofstede founded the IBM Research Department (which he headed until 1971). In the period from 1967 to 1973, he conducted a large study of the peculiarities of national values \u200b\u200band differences between countries around the world. He compared the answers to the same survey of 117 thousand IBM employees from different countries. Initially, he focused his studies on the 40 largest countries, and then expanded a list of up to 50 countries and 3 regions (at that time, it was probably an international database with the biggest sample). Answers were evaluated on a five-point scale, then the average estimate was calculated. Based on the average value for each indicator, the number 3 was calculated from the average value, the result obtained was multiplied by 25 and the number 50 was added to it, that is, the answers were translated from a five-point scale into a row. The data on the USSR was not calculated according to the standard method, but on the basis of indirect statistical data. Later, the list of countries was expanded to 70. The theory was one of the first quantitative theories that can be used to explain the observed differences between cultures.

This initial analysis revealed systematic differences in cultures of different nationalities, which were classified in four main parameters: Distance from power (PDI), individualism (IDV), uncertainty avoidance (UAI) and orientation (MAS), which are described below. As Hofsteda explains at his academic site, these measurements are considered "four anthropological problem areas with which various societies work in different ways: ways to deal with inequality, ways to cope with uncertainty, the relationship of an individual with her or its main group, and emotional consequences in the born Girl or boy. "

Studies were published in the two works of Hofstede - "Consequences of Culture" (1980) and "Measurements of national cultures in fifty countries and three regions" (1983). In 1984, he published a book "The Value of Culture", which combines a statistical analysis from a review study with his personal experience.

In order to confirm the preliminary results of IBM research and distribute them to various populations, in the period from 1990 to 2002 six subsequent cross-national studies have been successfully conducted. They covered from 14 to 28 countries, among the respondents were pilots of commercial airlines, students, government officials, consumers of the Market and representatives of the "Elite". Combined studies have established estimated values \u200b\u200bin four dimensions a total of 76 countries and regions.

In 1991, Michael Harris Bond (Eng. Michael Harris Bond) and his colleagues conducted research among students in 23 countries using a tool developed with Chinese workers and managers. The results of this study showed Hofsteda that it is necessary to add a new fifth dimension to the model: long-term orientation (LTO), originally called "Confucian dynamism". Taking into account new research, Hofsted has developed a new version of its methodology - "Value Survey Module 1994 - VSM 94), a brief questionnaire from 20 major issues (four for each of the five cultural indicators). It was it that was mainly used by the followers of Hofsteda. Most recently, a new version of the technique appeared - "Module of the 2008 valuables module" (VSM 08).

In 2010, 93 countries were included in the survey - due to the fact that Michael Minkov (Eng. Michael Minkov) used the Hofstede technique within World Values \u200b\u200bSurvey. In the course of research, some of the initial values \u200b\u200bwere clarified and a distinction was made between data on countries and individual data. This study also helped Hofstede identify the sixth last dimension - assumption.

In the hophusted technique, the indices of five mental values \u200b\u200bwere calculated:

· Individualism;

· Distance of power;

· Avoiding uncertainty;

· Mascline;

· Long-term orientation (initially this indicator was called "Confucian dynamism").

Each country has received numeric estimates on these five dimensions, which vary usually in the range from 0 to 100. The table shows the hophted indexes on some countries; The total number of countries studied by its methodology is now about 60.

Individualism(IDV) is an indication that people prefer to take care only about themselves and their own families, or unite into certain groups that are responsible for a person in exchange for his loyalty to the group.

In order to identify this indicator, Hofsteda conducted a survey with the following questions:

An individual can be called a culture in which the individual goals of its members are equally important than group, and the relationships between individual personalities are not burdened with strict obligations to act jointly. (Hoftede G. Culture "S Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. L.: Beverly Hills, 1980)

The cell of individualistic crops is the nuclear family in which children teach to be independent, rely on their strength. Collective culture, on the contrary, is characterized by the fact that there are group purposes in it prevail over individual. Here people show initial interest in cohesive groups. Loyalty to the group is one of the most important values; The direct confrontation is not welcome, as it disrupts the overall harmony.

Distance of power (PDI - Power Distance), or a distance in relation to power, is a parameter describing the readiness of people to take the uneven distribution of power in institutions and organizations.

Small dance of power Large power distance
Inequality in society should be minimized Inequality in society is encouraged
There are no dependence of people who are demanding power from people with power People who have less power should be highly dependent on people with power
Parents are considering children as partners Teachers teach children obedience
Children do not play roles in ensuring safety of parents Children are a source of safety of parental old age.
Teachers expect disciples in the class of initiative Teachers take the initiative in their hands
Quality of learning depends on the Communication Teacher - a student and from the perfection of students Learning quality depends on the perfection of the teacher
Training Policy Focus on secondary schools Learning policy focuses at universities



power Corrupts Absolutely. "

In cultures with a high distance, power is considered as the most important part of life. The emphasis is on forceding power, and subordinates and managers are located on two different poles, which is perceived as the natural order of things. Accordingly, in society it is customary to demonstrate respect and show obedience in relations with higher-level hierarchical stairs. Criticism, confrontation and irregularity are not encouraged. In cultures with a low distance of power, the opinion prevails that the main defining power is its competence. Therefore, relations between members of the community are built on respect for individuals and equality, and inequality in the "head-subordinate" relations will not be approved. Here everyone can freely express their opinion regardless of whether it is critical or not whether it coincides with the authorities of the pre-war. The result of such rather close relationships becomes less formalizations of relationships.

Avoid uncertainty (Uai - Uncertainty Avoidance) is an indicator of how people are tolerant to uncertain situations try to avoid them by developing clear rules, believing in the absolute truth and refusing to endure deviant behavior.

Representatives of cultures with a high level of avoidance of uncertainty are focused on clear rules. They are distinguished by the need for formalized instructions and behavioral standards, high levels of anxiety, feverity in work or "revolutionary", a tendency to the internal institution agreement, as well as low tolerance to people or groups with different ideas or behavior. These cultures resist any changes anymore and are slightly inclined to risk. In cultures with a low level of avoidance of uncertainty, on the contrary, a tolerant attitude towards the situation of uncertainty is taken. People in difficult situations improvise and manifest the initiative, are characterized by a greater risk. In countries with such a culture, there is a negative attitude towards the introduction of strictly formalized rules, so they are established only in the event of a lot of need. In general, people here believe that they are able to solve problems and without detailed formal rules. The future potentially carries many uncertainties. In order to get rid of fear, people create conditions that provide them with greater security and stability (for example, technology helps to manage nature, rules and laws determine the behavior of a person in society, and religion is a way to control the future, which is determined by higher, supernatural powers. ).

The sense of uncertainty is not an exclusively personal characteristic of a person, partly it is divided into other members of society. The degree in which people try to cope with the unknown aspects of the future is determined by the culture. Some societies set their members to make uncertainty, others - to control them attempts. As a result, the style of human behavior in one society may be unacceptable in the other.

Studies conducted by various scientists have shown that there are indirect indicators of the degree of avoidance of uncertainty in the country. For example, suicide statistics (the higher the degree of avoidance of uncertainty, the higher the mortality rate); The average consumption of calories per day (a feeling of anxiety causes stress and man begins to eat more); The number of mental illness (due to the low level of anxiety, a person falls into the despondency and boredom); Caffeine use (coffee and tea have a stimulating effect, so they are more used in countries with low uncertainty avoidance); Or driving speed (in countries with a low avoidance of uncertainty, people do not experience urgency and urgens to do something, therefore they go pretty slow).

In cultures with a high level of uncertainty, people are distinguished by emotionality, aggressiveness and active lifestyle (an example is the rabid pace of Americans, who constantly hurry somewhere, always do something). Representatives of culture with a low level of uncertainty are characterized by tranquility, tolerance, carelessness, as well as slowness and relative laziness (for example, Jamaica, where time flows slowly, and where you can not hurry anywhere).

The centers with a low degree of avoidance of uncertainty include the United Kingdom, Denmark, Scandinavian countries (except Finland). Countries with high degree - Germany, Belgium, Japan, Latin American countries.

Consider how culture affects the formation of a human values \u200b\u200bsystem in countries with a strong and weak degree of avoidance of uncertainty through such social institutions as a family, school and work.

The first thing to teach a child in the family is to be able to distinguish what is good, and what is bad. Depending on the culture, an understanding of correctness and incorrectness differs. In countries with a strong level of avoidance of uncertainty, it is clear that it is good and that badly, which is dangerous, and that it is not dangerous that it is possible, but what is impossible. The consolidation of rules and procedures contributes to a decrease in ambiguity and unpredictability. Everything that differs from the established norms is dangerous, because it creates uncertainty. Hard distinction for bad and good is also transferred to people. It is in families that the feeling of racism is born. Children teach what people have a certain category that are dangerous, and they should be avoided. A person feels protected if he knows that he is surrounded by only "good" people who do not harm him. Since the earliest child, the child feels the need for formalized instructions and behaviors.

A completely different behavior is observed in countries with a weak degree of uncertainty avoidance. Classes are not structured, i.e. the teacher comes to classes without a prescribed work plan (of course, he is preparing for lessons, thinks out the course of classes, but does not expect how long it goes to familiarize himself with a new topic, how much to discuss and on the issuance of homework ). The lessons there is a dialogue between the teacher and students, some questions are considered in more detail depending on the interest of students. Students like to perform a variety of homework. Parents are trying to involve in the learning process of their children: teachers are interested in what they have suggestions and ideas are discussed, how best to raise a child.

It is considered normal if the teacher says: "I don't know the answer to the question," because his task is not to know everything, but to help the student in the learning process, send it. You can disagree with the opinion of the teacher and argue with it. The correct answers to the question may be somewhat, originality is welcome.

The need for formalized instructions and the desire to eliminate the ambiguous situations in cultures with a strong degree of uncertainty avoidance continues in the workplace. The need for rules and laws is psychological - since childhood, people are accustomed to live in a structured society. Both employees and managers act according to the instructions and rules. Instructions are written almost to everything, it helps to control the workflow, follow the structure of the organization, which allows you to predict future events, to avoid uncertain situations. Germans, for example, hate misunderstandings, and love content, detail and clarity. "When reading it in detail with the rules and procedures taken in German organizations, you ourselves must give firm and unambiguous orders. If you want to be written black, and not blue ink, you should say about it right. "

"The desire to streamline everything and all permeates all sides of the German life, is the source of most of their national advantages and disadvantages. Foreign journalists are divided by the "terrible" stories from the daily life of the Germans: one was constantly hurried by the hostess for unwillingness to hang down underwear in order and size, making it completely chaotically; The other terrorized the neighbors for a non-trumped lawn, attempts to cut it to new complaints, as it turned out to be prohibited at the weekend. In Germany, a special traffic directory is published, describing in detail where and what time they should be expected. But only the traffic jams are not always amenable to ordering, sometimes the arbit of spontaneously, and it is terribly annoying the Germans. These "unauthorized" traffic jams even received a special name - "traffic jams are nothing", and large state subsidies are allocated to study this phenomenon. "

The need to comply with laws and instructions sometimes contributes to the emergence of meaningless and contradictory situations. So, for example, "in Yemen, the court sentenced the deceased chief editor of the opposition newspaper to 80 weems. According to RIA "Novosti", the case was initiated in 1997 on the suit of a large religious figure, who accused Ash-Shura newspaper - the organ of the opposition alliance of the folk forces in the defamation - the distribution of disclosure information.

Then, four years ago, the editor-in-chief Abdalla Said was sentenced to pay a fine and 80 weaves, and the release of the newspaper was suspended for six months. Given the possible public resonance, Said himself volunteered to appear on the strain, but the execution of the sentence was postponed. A year later Said left the post of the editor-in-chief, and next year passed away. However, this did not prevent a court to entrust the Prosecutor General's Office to solve four years ago.

For the German law also above common sense. "The English journalist once at 2 o'clock in the morning witnessed an accident: a completely empty pedestrian road shot down a suddenly appeared car. After the victim was taken to the hospital, a slightly shocked journalist asked what would be now. The German policeman replied: "Nothing special, if surviving, will pay a fine of 50 brands, he passed the road in the wrong place."

In countries with a weak degree of uncertainty avoidance, formal instructions minimize. Many, for example, are shocked by how disciplined and gently stand in line for buses or to the British shops. In fact, in the UK there are no instructions indicating how to behave in the queues, the behavior of the British is based on a public habit. In countries with a weak degree of avoidance of uncertainty, the rules are established only in the case when it cannot be done without them. Interested in, although in society with a low index of avoidance of uncertainty, laws are written only in extreme cases, they relate to great respect than in society with a high uncertainty avoidance index.

The calm behavior of cultural representatives with a weak degree of avoidance of uncertainty is affected by the process. People work calmly and systematically. They move rather not internal motivation to action, but necessity, therefore, pressure is sometimes necessary in management. This does not mean that workers are lazy and they must be forced to work. The staff is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks and to achieve the objectives of the company. But the feeling of confidence in the future and a calm attitude towards uncertainties create an atmosphere of relaxation. Representatives of culture with a low level of avoidance of uncertainty do not follow the time, love to relax and relax. A person lives today's day and is not concerned that it will be tomorrow. Accuracy and punctuality can be learned, but this behavior is not natural for representatives of this type of culture.

In society with a high index of avoidance of uncertainty, people work a lot, because they care about the future. Personnel hardwork contributes to high performance company. The Japanese, for example, are completely given to work and strive to achieve the goals of the company. The more free time, the more uncertainty, so people are constantly engaged in some business. Each second in the account, because time is money. The need for the rules contributes to the accurate and punctual behavior of workers, scrupulsiness in fulfilling the assigned tasks, high level of discipline. And, therefore, the forms of control over the workflow are facilitated. People try to build a good relationship with their colleagues, as it creates a sense of security and security.

Hofsteda conducted a study and analyzed what top managers are oriented in different countries when managing the company. It turned out that in countries with a weak degree of uncertainty avoidance (for example, the United Kingdom) managers are mainly engaged in strategic management and do not pay due attention to everyday tasks. The most important thing for them is to determine the main tasks. And in countries with a strong degree of uncertainty avoidance (for example, France and Germany) managers, on the contrary, are aimed at everyday operational management, managers are focused on private matters and details, they should know all the little things. This is due to the fact that strategic management is associated with uncertainty, with risk and requires greater responsibility than operational management.

Hofsteda shares innovative cultures (which create new ideas) and realizing cultures (which ensure the implementation of these ideas). The first type includes countries with a weak degree of uncertainty avoiding the second - countries with a strong degree of uncertainty avoidance. This separation is due to the fact that, although in countries with a low uncertainty avoidance index encourage innovations and innovative ideas, it is more difficult to fully implement these ideas. This requires such traits such as detail, accuracy, the dimension that is rather inherent in countries with a high uncertainty avoidance index. "In the UK (weak index of avoidance of uncertainty) more Nobel laureates, but Japan (a strong index of avoidance of uncertainty) produces more products to the world market." This is due to the fact that the Japanese are susceptible to new ideas and are focused on rapidly implementing them. They borrow and quickly assign new technological methods and processes, massively buy patents and licenses. Innovation is the basis of economic growth, and the Japanese is sincerely committed to her.

In tab. 39 Presented the main differences between countries with a strong and weak degree of uncertainty avoiding family, school and work.

Depending on what type of culture is owned by the country, the population belongs in different ways to the work of state power. The less the degree of avoidance of uncertainty, the more people trust the authorities. In countries with a low uncertainty avoidance index, citizens respect the government and believe that they can affect political decisions through rallies or protests.

In countries with a strong degree of avoidance of uncertainty, people are more likely to have negative feelings in relation to politicians and do not trust the work of the authorities. The population of the country does not believe that ordinary people may affect political decisions. Moreover, it is assumed that the actions of the authorities are correct by definition. Citizens are fully dependent on the state. Therefore, boycott, hunger strikes or demonstrations are not welcome. Citizens must carry the identity card with them, which they are obliged to present government representatives to identify. In society, the need is in order. Laws in such countries are very carefully worked out. All should exist rules (both formal and informal). Young politicians are usually not trusted. In countries with a high index of avoidance of uncertainty, underground extremist political parties often appear (since their official activity prohibits the state), which resort to terrorism.

Political ideology is used as one of the ways of limiting uncertainty. In countries with a high index of uncertainty avoidance, the current political ideology does not receive other political views, in countries with a low uncertainty avoidance index they are acceptable.

Masculinity (MAS - Masculinity) is an assessment of people's tendency to energetic and stiffness, focus on material success to the detriment of interest in other people.

Culture is considered courageous if in society the sex roles of men and women are clearly separated, that is, men are hard, aggressive, focused on material success and victory, and women are modest, gentle and focused on ensuring the quality of life and moral comfort in the family.

Femininity is a characteristic feature of a society, in which the difference in sex roles is insignificant, that is, both men and women may be equally focused on material success, and to ensure the quality of life

We are talking about whether the most important "men's" (like "perseverance", "self-confidence", "success and competition") or "women's" ("life amenities", "maintaining warm personal relations", "Caring for the weak" , Solidarity, modesty) value. In societies with an increased march of masculinity, the social roles of men and women differ sharply. There is considered a generally accepted orientation of men for material success and rigidity in occupied positions as opposed to feminine values, among which the main place is occupied by modesty and sensitivity. In the cultures of this type, competitive struggle, competitiveness and desire to win are welcome. In work, priority is given to the result, and awarded on the principle of a real contribution to the case. In femino cultures, role differences between the male and female part of the population are not given great importance. Moreover, both of those and others demonstrate a great similarity in the positions occupied and in the views. Special attention from all members of society is rated by spiritual rather than material values \u200b\u200b- such as: maintaining relationships between people, care for neighboring, attention to man. Preferred by resolving conflicts is considered to be a compromise, and the award for work occurs on the principle of equality.

Consider a specific situation. "One young Dutch engineer decided to get a job in the American company. He graduated with honors from a good university, had a three-year experience in a very famous Dutch firm, actively participated in public life. The engineer sent a short summary to the American company and was invited to an interview. On an interview, he led himself politely and modestly, as, in his opinion, he should behave any applicant, and expected that he would ask questions that should find out the level of its qualifications. To his surprise, the American manager asked him very few questions about his qualifications. Instead, he asked private production issues using English special terms, which Dutch engineer did not know and, accordingly, could not understand the meaning of the issues. These were the questions he could master for a couple of weeks if he was hired.

After half an hour after a very unpleasant conversation, the American manager said: "Sorry, but you do not fit" ".

Why the American manager refused to Dutch engineer. The fact is that the Americans and the Dutch have about the same indicators of the index of the distance and the index of individualism, but they differ in the index of masculinity. In the system of values \u200b\u200bof the business culture of America (where courageous principles prevail) is considered important to show themselves in all its glory. Therefore, in the summary, they always emphasize their outstanding abilities, pointing out all possible premiums, awards and membership in various associations. On an interview, Americans behave self-confident. American managers know that it is necessary to critically evaluate the meaning of information that is written in the summary and which they hear during the interview.

In the Netherlands, where feminine culture prevails, it is believed that it is necessary to behave modestly, without pathos. The Dutch usually write modest and small summons, so as not to seem brakes. They expect to show the level of their knowledge during the interview, answering questions. Due to the difference in the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bof the Dutch and Americans, intercultural misunderstanding occurred. The Dutch engineer could not prove the Americans his own value, so he was not hired. In order to avoid misunderstanding and conflict, improve management efficiency, it is necessary to take into account the cultural features of people's behavior in different countries.

Consider how a system of values \u200b\u200bis being formed in courageous and feminine cultures at the three main stages of "collective programming" of consciousness: in the family, school, at work. It is in the family that the worldview of man begins to form. In each culture there are their traditions of raising children. Cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity adopted in society are inspired by the child. A great influence on the child has how the roles of her husband and wife in the family are distributed. The behavior of parents affects the formation of a certain system of valuables, to establish differences between the roles of boys and girls in society.

In courageous countries it is customary to distinguish between parents. Husband - family feeder, he is strict and rarely shows his feelings. The wife must behave submissive, support home comfort and harmonious relationships. She draws attention to feelings, manifests tenderness and regret. In such a model of relationships, the boys grow independent and assertive, they should not cry, but they can fight to show power and defend their position. Girls are kind and caring, they are very sensual and need to protect. The son helps his father, and his daughter is a mother.

In feminine countries there is no clear separation of parent roles. They both care about the quality of life, and the family relationships. Therefore, the son can ask the mother of the Council, how to properly score a nail, and the daughter can approach the Father, and tell him about his difficulties, counting on support and understanding.

It should be borne in mind that the relationship between parents and children also affects the distance of power, and the level of individualism. Therefore, the possibility of the fact that in feminine culture will be inequality between the floors, and in a courageous father will be more sensual, and the mother is more strict.

General values \u200b\u200bpeculiar to a certain floor are laid at the earlier age. Hofstide's studies show that in courageous cultures of children are teaching ambition, rivalry, ambitiousness. A person should strive to become the best one to succeed thanks to his own efforts. An example of how in courageous cultures admire strong people, the heroes of Hollywood films (for example, "Batman", "Rembo", "Superman", etc.).

In feminine cultures teach modesty and obedience, children help parents. A person must maintain harmonious relationship with others, follow the moral and ethical standards of behavior. Even in cinema, it is customary to sympathize with the defeated and anti-peers, and not praising single heroes, showing an incredible courage in the struggle for the truth and their interests (for example, in Russia, they usually sympathize with Osta Bender - the main character of the work of Ilf and Petrov "twelve chairs", and in modern Society is quite popular by the gangster Sasha white from the series "Brigade").

The school continues the formation of a child's value system. In countries with a courageous culture, the leaders are appreciated, the best students. If you have not succeeded, I did not stand out from the crowd, it is equivalent to a catastrophe ("in countries with a high level of masculinity, for example, in Japan and Germany, newspapers annually publish a report on students who have committed suicide due to the fact that they failed on exams "). The school basically teach women, and at the university - men. Teachers value for skill and academic knowledge.

In countries with feminine culture, students do not want to stand out, it is better to be like everyone else. Completely normal to be poor in school. Students do not seek to achieve high results, because it is not the most important thing to learn at school. The main thing is to learn to adapt to society, maintain good relations in the team. Therefore, the teachers are valued for social qualities and friendliness. And men on a par with women can teach in junior school classes.

The type of culture affects which specialty you choose young men and girls, entering the university. In courageous countries, the specialties are divided depending on what type of behavior is peculiar to a certain floor. For example, pedagogy basically choose women (because it is a specialty, requiring the ability to communicate with children), the right and engineering business choose men (as it is a specialty requiring stiffness and technical skills). Future profession Students choose depending on the size of the future income or at least visible benefits. In feminine countries, the social roles of men and women do not differ. On the same specialties learning about the same number of men and women. The choice of a future profession determines not the desire for money, but an interest in a certain subject.

Hofstide allocates the following aspects that are most important for representatives of courageous and feminine crops when choosing a job.

For courageous cultures:

1. Earnings. People seek to work with a high salary.

2. Awareness of their merit when performing certain work.

3. The possibility of professional growth, performing more difficult work.

4. The desire for work, which will give a sense of self-realization.

For feminine cultures:

1. Availability of good relations with the boss.

2. Work in a friendly team.

3. It is important to live in a good area.

4. Confidence that you will not lose job.

In a courageous society, a person "lives to work." People prefer to work in large organizations. At work, such qualities are welcome as the desire for career growth, competitiveness, assertility, self-confidence, ambitiousness. Everyone seeks to achieve results and get a fair remuneration. Because of the internal struggle for leadership, the person works in a tough competitive environment.

In feminine society, it is customary to "work to live." Modesty is encouraged in self-esteem. Boasting and loudness is not welcome. In feminine cultures, work should provide more opportunities for communication and mutual assistance. For efficient work, a good atmosphere in the team is important. The person is concentrated on a harmonious family life, and not on material success (much more important to spend time with his family than to sit late at work). In feminine countries, people prefer to work in small companies.

Depending on the type of culture, there are ways to resolve conflicts. In countries with a courageous culture, conflicts are customary to solve in the dispute, in the struggle: "Let the strongest wins." In countries with feminine culture, it is not customary to allocate winners and losers. A typical method for resolving conflicts is to negotiate and adopt a compromise decision.

Specific situation. "The Russian-American furniture company was created on the basis of the Soviet Furniture Factory. It was able to fit into the economy of the transition period. The furniture was in demand, and its sales brought profit. However, as the competition in the furniture market grows, the company's profitability began to fall. By decision of the shareholders, an American manager was appointed to the position of Financial Director (FD). The following dialogue occurred between him and the Russian CEO (DG):

PD: The senior engineer of the enterprise Mr. Petrov does not cope with its functions. I suggest it to dismiss and take a younger, competent and energetic person in his place.

GD: Ivan Petrovich Petrov worked for almost 40 years in our factory. He considers our company with his second home and is devoted to him. People love him. In addition, he is crystal an honest person. Of course, he is a nucleon and it is difficult for him to keep up with the times ...

PD: The recruitment agency has already suggested that I have a young candidate. It is dissatisfied with the working conditions from our competitor and is ready if we pay him more, come to us. I brought references - it is very competent and initiative. Over a year and a half of its work, our competitors have grown sales by almost 30%.

GD: I don't really like it. Firstly, as you can just dismiss the oldest worker. This is the conflict. In addition, he tries. It's just not everything happens. Let's think about how to help him. And in relation to your candidate: a person who runs behind a long ruble to another enterprise will run away from us. Why do we need a person who can not rely on?

PD: Listen, but due to the fact that Mr. Petrov does not cope, our shareholders lose their profits. I am confident that the appointment to the post of senior engineer of a young and competent person, with whom I met, will benefit the factory, and will correspond to the interests of shareholders. "

In the business culture of the Russian leader, femininity prevails, and in the culture of the American manager - masculinity. The first does not like to create conflict situations, therefore against dismissal. It is more important for it to preserve harmonious relationship with your employees than to get material benefits. The Russian manager is emotionally attached to his subordinate. The purpose of the American manager is to increase sales and increase profits. He is important to the productivity of the employee, and not his dedication of the company. And since Mr. Petrov does not cope with its functions, then his place should take more capable, the best worker.

From the type of culture depends on the decision-heading decision. In a courageous culture, the decision manager accepts alone, paying attention to the facts. In feminine cultures, the manager acts more intuitively. To make decisions, he needs to consult, collect a meeting, commission.

Feminine and courageous countries succeed in different industries. Mushroom cultures succeed in production, especially mass, as they work quickly and efficiently. Feminine cultures have an advantage in those sectors where there is a focus on people: services of services (for example, tourism), production oriented consumer desires, as well as processing of natural materials.

Long-term orientation (LTO - Long Term Orientation) - an indicator of how much the society exhibits pragmatism and strategically focuses on the future, as opposed to traditionalism and short-term (tactical) orientation.

In societies with a strong long-term orientation, people recognize the importance of perseverance, the status principle of relationships, leaning and feeling shame. All these values \u200b\u200bcontribute to entrepreneurial activity. So, perseverance and perseverance is the key to any entrepreneurial activity, a harmonious and stable hierarchy makes it easy to fulfill role-playing duties, thrift contributes to the accumulation of capital, which can then be investing in business again, and, finally, the feeling of shame makes people be more sensitive to social contacts and strive to fulfill the obligations. The low indicator of Confucian dynamism, or short-term orientation, on the contrary, inhibits the entrepreneurship. The desire for stability and stability in exceeding a certain norm prevents the initiative, riskiness and flexibility that the entrepreneur is so necessary in the conditions of an ever-changing market. "Salvation of the face", excessive respect for traditions directly interrelated with the rejection of all kinds of innovations. A mutual exchange of gifts, congratulations and patronage is a ritual who pays more attention to the impeccability of the manner than to perform the tasks.

Value indicators for some countries of the world