Ethnic generals of the exam. Society: ethnic community

Ethnic generals of the exam. Society: ethnic community
Ethnic generals of the exam. Society: ethnic community

11. Ethnic community

Ethnic groups (ethnic groups) - Large groups of people associated with the community of culture, language, customs, beliefs, traditions. For example, the Slavic ethnic group consisting of Slavic peoples: Western Slavs (Bulgarians, Czechs, Slovaks), South Slavs (Serbs, Croats, Macedonians) and Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians).

In ethnic groups, tribes, nation, nation are distinguished. In the modern world there are up to 5,000 ethnic groups, of which more than 100 ethnic groups live in Russia.

Nation (nationality) - A group living in a native territory, which has a general language, culture, economic and political activities, similar to the mentality and aware of itself as a community.

National self-consciousness - Reflection in the consciousness of the people of ideas about the place of their people in the world, his role, about the national interests of their people, about his unity and historical experience.

Distinguish two concepts:

1) NATIONAL NATION - nationality, the most population of the state;

2) ethnic (National) Minority - small nationalities compared to other nations living in the state. National minorities are in the noncommunicative position, although they live the impact of centuries on their territory, have ethnocultural specifics and desire to save it. National minorities (Khanty, Komi, Kareli) although not dominant, but should not feel social and psychological load or discrimination.

Discrimination(from Lat. Discernment) - infringement of national interests and civil rights of any national groups within the state (for example, racial discrimination, discrimination against ethnic minority).

Diaspora - Large groups of certain nationalities living outside the indigenous territory (Armenians in Turkey, Georgians in Moscow, etc.). Representatives of the diaspora, living outside their homeland and their people, are aware of themselves part.

Nationalism - Political intolerance to other peoples, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bnational superiority of their own nation, i.e. it is national intolerance. Nationalism can be viewed as a political movement, aspiring to conquer political power and promoting the priority of the interests of their own people over others.

Causes of nationalism:uneven economic development, misconception of territorial borders, social contradictions, infringement of the political and national rights of "small peoples", etc. Nationalism is the reaction and contradictory laws of economic, political development. Most often, nationalism arises in the psychology of marginal groups, infringed by society and who do not want to self-realize themselves and achieve even the minimum level of material well-being.

From the book Secret Wars of the Soviet Union Author Okorokov Alexander Vasilyevich

Territorial ethnic conflicts with Kurdistan. 1919-1991 A brief historical reference book - the mountainous region in Western Asia, inhabited mainly by Kurds. It is most located within the Armenian and Iranian Nagrai. The name applies the main thing

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (at) by the author BSE

From the book Political Science: Reader Author Isaev Boris Akimovich

Section XII Social generality as political actors in a political process play a significant role to play social communities that act in subjects, creators of politics. Such social communities primarily include the ruling elites and groups of interest.

From the book how to travel by the author Shanin Valery

Ethnic restaurants in all tourist areas have restaurants not only local, but also foreign cuisine - most often French, Italian, Mediterranean, Turkish, Chinese, Russian. According to statistics, in Germany, for example, the most popular ethnic restaurants

From the Basics of Sociology and Political Sciences: Crib Author author unknown

28. Social generality, their distinctive features and types of society is a holistic, but not uniform. The circle of people who interact in society is great, and the need arises in the formation of communities. Community is formed only if people enter into

From the book Sociology: Crib Author author unknown

37. Social generality. The concept of "Social Group" Social community - these are really existing, observed aggregate of individuals who differ in their position in society. They act as an independent subject. As a rule, these common

From book Social Studies: Cheat Sheet Author author unknown

11. Ethnic community ethnic groups (ethnic groups) - large groups of people associated with the community of culture, language, customs, beliefs, traditions. For example, the Slavic ethnic group consisting of Slavic peoples: Western Slavs (Bulgarians, Czechs, Slovaks), South Slavs

From the book of drug addict [Production and distribution of drugs] Author Belov Nikolay Vladimirovich

Ethnic gangs Once a police officer New York managed to discover and defeat the laboratory for the production of heroin, located in the city. The blocks of Taiwanese white heroin at the time of the appearance of the agents of the federal service were not yet twisted and not recycled.

What kind of generality is characteristic of the following features: features of language, culture, single historical memory?

1) Professional

2) Territorial

3) demographic

4) ethnic


Ethnic - a group of people united by common signs: origin, language, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc.

The correct answer is 4, since professional community implies a single position in the labor system, territorial is characterized by state-administrative education, demographic-on-age characteristics of individuals, and ethnic - on the generality of the origin of the language, culture, uniform historical memory.

Answer: 4.

Which of the signs, first of all, is the ethnic groups?

1) community of professional interests

2) a similar income and quality of life

3) community of historical experience, historical memory

4) belonging to a single age group


Ethnic - a group of people united by common signs: objective or subjective. Various directions in ethnology include in these signs, tongue, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc. Persons:

Firstly, this is the language of this nation, nationality, as a main tool for communicating, communication, forming people a sense of a single linguistic community.

Secondly, this is a socio-historical education, as a rule, a long history of formation.

Thirdly, the presence of a specific material and spiritual culture of the ethnos, expressed in the originality of housing buildings.

Fourth, the feature of the lives of ethnic groups is associated with family-household behavior.

Fifth, these are the standards of everyday behavior, ethics of circulation, greetings, characteristic gestures and symbols.

The correct answer is specified at number 3.

Answer: 3.

Subject: Social relationship. Ethnic community

One of the signs of the people as ethnocultural community is

1) unified citizenship

2) unity of beliefs

3) social status community

4) the community of religion


Under the ethnocultural component, we understand everything that promotes the development of creative opportunities, gives a more complete picture of the wealth of national culture, the mistake of the life of the people, his history, language, literature, spiritual purposes and values, which contributes to the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality, a patriot of their homeland , a person's high moral, tolerant to the peoples of world civilization.

The correct answer is specified at number 4.

Answer: 4.

Subject: Social relationship. Ethnic community

One of the main trends in the development of modern interethnic relations associated with the gradual rapprochement of various peoples and nations in the economic, political, spiritual spheres of society is called

1) interethnic differentiation

2) international integration

3) cultural pluralism

4) interethnic conflict


The conflict is a clash of the parties, opinions, forces.

Interethnic differentiation - the process of separation, separation, confrontation of various nation, peoples, ethnic groups.

International integration is the process of gradual rapprochement, unification of various ethnic groups, peoples through public life.

Cultural pluralism is the presence and simultaneous coexistence of various ethnic crops within a single national education.

The correct answer is subject to number: 2.

Answer: 2.

The historical varieties of ethnic communities include

1) states

2) Tribes

3) class

4) confession


Ethnic community is a stable set of people with common features and stable features of culture, language, mental warehouse, self-consciousness and historical memory, as well as the awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, differences from other similarities.

Types of ethnic community - genus, tribe, nationality, nation.

The state is a political and territorial sovereign organization of the public authority, which has a special apparatus for the purpose of implementing a management and security, guard function and capable of doing its venals mandatory for the population of the whole country.

One of the ways to prevent interethnic conflicts in a democratic society -

1) consistent increase in state military potential

2) Compact resettlement of people of one nationality within a multinational state

3) Ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality

4) the creation of national homogeneous states


The method of a democratic state is to ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality. All other ways suggest a violation of any human rights, like moving, choosing a place of residence, etc. The consistent increase in the state's military potential does not solve the problem at all.

The correct answer is indicated at number: 3.

Answer: 3.

Subject: Social relationship. Interethnic relationships, ethnosocial conflicts and ways to solve them

There are about 2 thousand nations, nations and tribes in the world. Most often, several nations are part of the country, such states are called multinational, and these concepts are studied in detail in grade 8. Now let's try to figure out what the concepts of genus, ethnos, nation, tribe, nationality, to identify their similarities and differences are denoted.


Ethnos is a common collective name for numerous blood-study groups of people who form a tribe, peopling or nation.

You can attribute a person to a particular ethnicity depending on its biological and social characteristics.

Each ethnicity has features that are characteristic of its representatives. They are formed over a long period of time and under the influence of various factors: the natural and climatic conditions, the territory of residence, historical past.

The appearance and nature of people affect the natural conditions, in which their people lived for a long time. For example, strong winds, sand storms define such a sign as narrow eyes, and a hot, sunny climate led to the appearance of people with dark and black leather. The remoteness of the place of residence, the insumedness was reflected on the lifestyle and relationships with other people.

So, select a number of signs of ethnos. As a sustainable community of people:

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  • blood bonds;
  • generality of historical development;
  • general territory of residence;
  • common traditions;
  • general cultural heritage;
  • the unity of life and language.


This is the earliest form of an ethnic. His appearance was preceded by the association of people in families, childbirth and clans.

The family is the most small of the group based on the blood relationship. It unites parents and children. The combination of several families is formed. Several births entered into the union become a clan. Combining several clans is called a tribe.

The tribes had their own language, lived on one territory. In addition, at this time the control system has already emerged. In each tribe there was a leader, as well as a special advice in which the most important issues were discussed. Foreigned traditions and ceremonies.

Ethnic: nation and nationality


This is a more developed form of an ethnos who has replaced the tribe. The main differences That:

  • it included a greater number of people;
  • her appearance was associated with the emergence of states that united large territories in one whole;
  • the association of people now occurred not only on blood bonds, but in the linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural signs.


This is the type of ethnos, the most numerous group of people united by common institutions and values.

Signs of nation:

  • single territory;
  • single language;
  • community of the economic system;
  • unified national character, sense of solidarity.


People have a constant movement due to natural cataclysms, hostilities, the development of new territories for the management of the economy. Some nations were forced to move from their homeland, as a result of which they joined another culture, territory, established links with other ethnic groups, adopted their traits. The place in which they moved, became their historic homeland.

The society of most countries is divided not only to classes, but also on ethnic groups. Ethnic groups - large groups of people associated with the generality of origin (biological component), language, customs, traditions, beliefs, peace perception (social component).

The roots of modern ethnic groups go deep into centuries, in the generic system. The first ethnicity was a genus, the union of the jointly populated blood relatives. It performed both the family function and production function.

Then, along with the family, another ethnos - a tribe appears. The tribe unites several clans, united by origin (fraternal), but already separated from each other and settled in the neighborhood. The tribe is still based on blood bond, but it no longer performs economic functions. His main task is to protect the territory of the tribe, regulation of relations with other tribes. Thus, society took the first step towards the separation of ethnic bonds from family, generic. Even more ethnic relationships moved away from the family after the emergence of a pair family.

In many countries, generic and tribal ties have been preserved until now. They play a considerable role in the states of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.) and in the Russian republics of the North Caucasus. Among the tribes and childbirth there are more "high", the influential who once obeyed other childbirth. In Soviet times, the party and Soviet leadership of the Central Asian and North Caucasian republics were formed, taking into account the influence of childbirth. And today, in some republics, the president represents one of the most revered birth. In Chechnya, for example, the policies of the authorities are generated taking into account the relationship between childbirth (teipami). Civil War in Tajikistan 1992-1997 It was largely caused by inter-ethnic contradictions - the struggle between large clans (generic associations).

Nature, nationality

The following in history there is a more complex type of ethnic group - nationality, or nationality, and in recent years it is this group that is called an ethnic. There are two versions of the origin of nations. Some scientists believe that the nationality is simply a rapid tribe or a union of several related tribes, others - that it is united not so much on the bloodstream, as in territorial, neighboring relations. The truth is rather closer to the second point of view: many nations are known, which were formed not only from unrelated tribes (Bulgarians, Hungarians), but even from the tribes of different races (Italians). Russian nationality united not only by Slavic tribes, but also several non-Slavic tribes of the North and Northeast of the European part of Russia.

The formation of nationalities is a long process ending in the Middle Ages. Signs of nation - the community of language, territory, culture and economic ties.

In most countries, the nationality absorbed and dissolved generic and tribal relationships and differences - although, as I just said, there are still many nations who have retained the birthbole structure.

Of course, modern nationality (nationality, ethnos) is significantly different from the medieval. First, it is poured into a wider ethnic community - a nation. Nature acquires a number of signs characteristic of the whole nation. So, the Breton nation in France has two native languages \u200b\u200b- Breton and French (the last at the same time is a nation language). Catalans also have two native languages \u200b\u200b- Catalan and Spanish.

Secondly, the nation occupies a more extensive territory than each of the people who have fed into it. Therefore, the resettlement of representatives of one or another nation outside the indigenous territory is inevitably. In Moscow, there is more Tatars than in Kazan. Ukraine lives 11 million Russians, in Latvia - 700 thousand, in Estonia - 600 thousand, etc. Millions of the Chinese live in Indonesia, in the Philippines, in Malaysia. There is a phenomenon like diaspora,that is, a significant group of representatives of one or another nationality, living outside its indigenous territory.


Finally, the highest (for today) form of the socio-ethnic group - a nation. It is formed in parallel with the formation of a single market (a single economic space) of the country and with overcoming feudal fragmentation, that is, the formation of centralized states.

The nation has the following features:

1 . Groups. The territory of the nation is bonded by government borders. The border root the nation and its interests from someone else's invasion and creates a single space inside the boundaries, equally accessible to every citizen.

The community of the territory was in a natural way, that is, as a result of the deepening of economic relations to such an extent that all sorts of barriers on the path of such connections were disappeared by themselves. For example, customs were eliminated at the boundaries of principalities and counties. However, the community of territory was also enforced by violent means - for example, in the formation of the Russian Empire or Germany.

2. Sound language. She wasted for centuries. And today, in the states, where the nation has developed relatively late, the difference in dialects remains. In Germany and in Italy, serious differences exist between the dialects of Northerners and South. In China, dialectful phonetic differences are so great that it is still half a century ago the National leader of Yazhan Mao Zedong traveled along the northern provinces with the translator. Nevertheless, each nation has a general conversational language, enshrined in its writing and literature. The language bonds a nation into a single whole, establishes a natural way to communicate between all the representatives of the nation.

True, one and the same language can belong to several related nations. So, English belongs to Americans, Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders. But all of them once amounted to the diaspora of the English nation.

  • 3. The generality of economic life. This sign played a big role in the unification of the nation around common economic interests. However, now the community of economic life from the national is increasingly becoming international.
  • 4. General features of the mental warehouseenshrined in the features of life, nravas, folklore, art, symbols, character traits. For Russians, the distance in a thousand kilometers - trifle, for the French it is huge. Russians are accustomed to the unpretentious wealth of their land, so not very economical. Western Europeans, on the contrary, are very preferred to land and natural resources. It is not difficult to distinguish a Russian song from the Ukrainian, and both together - from the French chanson. All similar features are addressed in national character.
  • 5. Finally, the last in a row, but today, perhaps one of the first significant signs of the nation - national self-consciousness. Each person himself refers herself to a certain nation, mentally merged with her: her tongue is his native on which he thinks and speaks; He is raised on the values \u200b\u200bof culture of this nation, perceives as a native nature of the country, adheres to national traditions in everyday life (in food, for example). We are aware of our belonging to "their" nation and the border separating us from another ("alien") nation. A person has a sense of national dignity, believing that his nation is no worse than others. He is proud of the achievements of his nation in world culture, in the technique, in the progress of mankind. However, the feeling of national pride often develops into a sense of national superiority over other ethnic groups, in a sense of national exclusivity. Such sentiments inevitably generate national enmity and retail, lead to interethnic conflicts, bloody wars.


  • 1. Are you proud to affiliate to your nation? Is it possible to criticize your nation, your country?
  • 2. What features of the Russian national nature can be noted at the heroes of the works of A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "Tale of Belkin", "Captain's daughter"?
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3.4. Ethnic community

3.4. Ethnic community

Socio-ethnic community - This is the stable set of people who are associated with the generality of language, culture, psychological warehouse and self-consciousness in a certain territory. Prerequisites for the formation of ethnic groups: community territory; community language; The unity of such components of spiritual culture, as values, norms and samples of behavior, as well as related socio-psychological characteristics of the consciousness and behavior of people; Ethnic self-consciousness is a sense of belonging to a certain ethnic group, awareness of its unity and differences from other ethnic groups.

Types of socio-ethnic community

1. Tribe - The type of ethnic community inherent in predominantly primitive-commodity and based on blood-based unity. The tribe had its territory and a large number of birth and clans. People are also united into the tribe also common religious beliefs - fetishism, totemism, etc., the presence of a common spoken dialect, the primitive of political power (the Council of Elders, leaders, etc.), the common territory of residence. The tribe has the primitives of the internal organization: the leader or the Council of the leaders, tribal tips, decisive for all affairs and questions (for example, the organization of hunting, military campaign, religious rite, etc.).

2. Nativity - The type of ethnic community, arising during the decomposition of a tribal organization and is no longer on blood relations, but in the territorial unity. Nathodics are peculiar to a higher level of economic development, which has developed a certain economic structure, the presence of folk culture in the form of myths, testes, rites and customs. Nature has a language formed language (written), a special way of life, religious consciousness, institutions of power, self-awareness.

3. Nation - Historically, the highest type of ethnic community, for which the unity of the territory, economic life, culture and national self-consciousness is characteristic. The nation is beginning to develop from various tribes and nationalities during the development of capitalist economic relations and unification of local markets in national.

The process of forming an ethnic volume was named ethnogenesis. In science, there are two main approaches to the study of ethnic groups:

1) natural biological ( L. H. Gumilev): Ethnos is the result of geographical development;

2) sociocultural ( P. Sorokin): Nation is a complex and heterogeneous body, decaying to a number of social elements, which is caused by their cumulative effect.

Concept ethnic stratification Expresses the social and ethnic inequality of various ethnic groups associated with their income, education, prestige, the volume of power, status and place in the general hierarchy of ethnic communities.

Features of ethnic stratification: The boundaries of the strata are more distinguishable, and the degree of mobility between them is minimal; ethnocentrism; Competition between groups; Different access to power in various ethnic groups.

Ethnic stereotypes - A combination of simplified generalizations about the group of individuals, which allows to distribute members of the group to categories and perceive their template, according to these expectations (for example, all Germans are punctual, French are gallant).

Ethnic Prejudice: "The bad thoughts of other people without sufficient reason" ( Thomas Akvinsky). Examples of ethnic prejudice serve anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of ethnophobia.

Ethnocentrism (W. Summer) - A look at society, in which a certain group is considered to be central, and all other groups are merged and relate to it. Ethnocentrism contributes to the cohesion of the group and the emergence of national self-consciousness. The extreme forms of manifestation of ethnocentrism - nationalism, contempt for the cultures of other peoples.

Ethnic discrimination - Restriction of the rights and persecution of people based on their ethnicity.

Ethnosocial stratification has a strong conflict potential. Against this background, interethnic conflicts are often arising, which are extremely aggravation of contradictions between national groups during the decision of political, economic, religious and other problems.

From the book Secret Wars of the Soviet Union Author Okorokov Alexander Vasilyevich

Territorial ethnic conflicts with Kurdistan. 1919-1991 A brief historical reference book - the mountainous region in Western Asia, inhabited mainly by Kurds. It is most located within the Armenian and Iranian Nagrai. The name applies the main thing

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (at) by the author BSE

From the book Political Science: Reader Author Isaev Boris Akimovich

Section XII Social generality as political actors in a political process play a significant role to play social communities that act in subjects, creators of politics. Such social communities primarily include the ruling elites and groups of interest.

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Ethnic restaurants in all tourist areas have restaurants not only local, but also foreign cuisine - most often French, Italian, Mediterranean, Turkish, Chinese, Russian. According to statistics, in Germany, for example, the most popular ethnic restaurants

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28. Social generality, their distinctive features and types of society is a holistic, but not uniform. The circle of people who interact in society is great, and the need arises in the formation of communities. Community is formed only if people enter into

From the book Sociology: Crib Author author unknown

37. Social generality. The concept of "Social Group" Social community - these are really existing, observed aggregate of individuals who differ in their position in society. They act as an independent subject. As a rule, these common

From book Social Studies: Cheat Sheet Author author unknown

11. Ethnic community ethnic groups (ethnic groups) - large groups of people associated with the community of culture, language, customs, beliefs, traditions. For example, the Slavic ethnic group consisting of Slavic peoples: Western Slavs (Bulgarians, Czechs, Slovaks), South Slavs

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Ethnic gangs Once a police officer New York managed to discover and defeat the laboratory for the production of heroin, located in the city. The blocks of Taiwanese white heroin at the time of the appearance of the agents of the federal service were not yet twisted and not recycled.