Vasily 3 what he did. External and domestic policy of Vasily III

Vasily 3 what he did. External and domestic policy of Vasily III
Vasily 3 what he did. External and domestic policy of Vasily III

Vasily III Ivanovich in the baptism of Gabriel, in the monasticity of Varlaam (born March 25, 1479 - Death on December 3, 1533) - Grand Duke Vladimir and Moscow (1505-1533), the Sovereign of All Russia. Parents: Father John III Vasilyevich Great, Mother Byzantine Tsarevna Sophia Paleologist. Children: from the first marriage: George (presumably); From the second marriage: and Yuri.

Vasily 3 Brief Biography (article review)

The son of John III from marriage with Sofia Paleologist, Vasily Third was distinguished by pride and inaccessibility, punished his descendants of the specific princes and boyars who dreamed him to stop him. He is "the last collector of the Russian Earth." After joining the last diets (Pskov, the Northern Principality), it completely destroyed the specific system. He fought two times with Lithuania, to learn Mikhail Glinsky who received him to the service of Lithuanian Velmazzovsky, and finally, in 1514, he was able to take away Smolensk from Lithuanians. The war with Kazan and Crimea were difficult for Vasily, but ended the punishment of Kazan: Trade was distracted from there to the Macarea Fair, subsequently transferred to the lower. Vasily divorced his wife Solomonia Saberova and married the princess, the more severely initiated against himself the displeased boyars. From this marriage, Vasily was born Son Ivan IV Grozny.

Biography Vasily III

Beginning of the Board. Choosing a bride

New Great Prince Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich began the Board from the decision of the "Throne Question" with the nephew Dmitry. Immediately after the death of his father, he ordered to claim the "in the iron" and put in the "in the Chamber of the Tall", where he died in 3 years. Now the king had no "legitimate" opponents in rivalry for the grand permanent throne.

Vasily joined the Moscow throne at the age of 26. Showed himself in the future skillful politician, he was still preparing for the role of a deleger in the Russian state. He was not in vain, he abandoned the bride from among the foreign princesses and was first arranged with a wide-room palace by the Russian brides. 1505, summer - 1,500 noble maidens brought to the views.

The Special Boyar Commission after careful selection presented the heir to the throne ten in all respects of the most worthy contenders. Vasily chose Salomonia - Daughter Boyarina Yuri Saburova. This marriage will be unsuccessful - the monarch of children has children, and, first of all, the heir's son, was not. In the first half of the 20s, the problem of the heir to the Grand Peace of the Quantity was aggravated to the limit. In the absence of the heir to the throne, the main applicant for the kingdom was automatically becoming the prince of Yuri. With him, Vasily, the relationship has become hostile. The famous fact as the specific prince himself and his surroundings were under a watchful supervision of informants. The transition to the Yuriy of Higher Power in the state generally promised a large-scale redistribution in the ruling elite of Russia.

According to the rigor of the observed tradition, the second marriage of the Orthodox Christian in Russia was possible only in two cases: death or voluntary care to the monastery of the first wife. The sovereign wife was healthy and, contrary to the official post, was not going to voluntarily go to the monastery. Opal to Salomonia and the violent tonsure at the end of November 1525 completed this act of a family drama, which formed a Russian educated society for a long time.

Grand Prince Vasily III Ivanovich on the hunt

Foreign policy

Vasily Third continued the policy of the Father to create a single Russian state, "followed the same rules in the policies of the external and internal; I was modesty in the actions of the monarchist power, but I knew how to command; He loved the benefits of the world, without being afraid of the war and not losing the case to acquisitions important for the state power; The less was famous for military happiness, more dangerous for enemies with cunning; I did not humiliate Russia, even exalted it ... "(N. M. Karamzin).

At the very beginning of the board, they were taken in 1506 an unsuccessful campaign on Kazan Khan, ended by Russian troops. This beginning was very inspired by the King of Lithuania Alexander, who, hoping at the youth and inexperience of Vasily III, offered him the world with the condition of returning land conquered by John III. At such a proposal was given a rather severe and a brief answer - the Russian king owns only his own lands. But, in the letter sent to Alexander, Vasily rejected the complaints of Lithuanian boyars in Rusich, as unfair, and reminded about the inadmissibility of the decline of Elena (Alexander's spouses and sisters of Vasily III) and other Christians living in Lithuania to Catholicism.

Alexander realized that the young, but a strong king asked for the throne. When in August 1506, Alexander died, Vasily tried to offer himself as a king of Lithuania and Poland, to stop confrontation with Russia. However, Alexander Sigismund's brother, not wanting peace with Russia asked the throne. From the annoyance, the sovereign was trying to win Smolensk, but after several battles did not turn out the winners, and the world was concluded, according to which all the Earth conquered in John III and Russia had passed not to try to smolensk and Kiev. As a result of this peace treaty in Russia, the Glinsky brothers appeared for the first time - the notable Lithuanian veelmes, who had a conflict with Sigismund and who were transferred to the patronage of the Russian king.

By 1509, external relationships were settled: diplomas from a long time and the comrades of Russia - the Crimean Khan Mengly Gurya were obtained, which confirmed the invariance of his relationship to Russia; A 14-year-old peace treaty with a story was concluded, with the exchange of prisoners and renewal: security of movement on both powers and trade on former mutually beneficial conditions. It was important that according to this treaty, the Germans ruined allied relations with Poland.

Domestic politics

Tsar Vasily believed that the power of the Grand Prince nothing should limit. He enjoyed the active support of the church in the fight against the feudal boyar opposition, steeply straightening with those who expressed discontent.

Now Vasily Third could do internal politics. He paid his attention to Pskov, proudly wearing the name "Brother Novgorod". On the example of Novgorod, the sovereign knew where the Boyarskaya liberty could lead, and therefore wanted, not bringing to the rebellion to conquer the city of his power. The reason for this was the refusal of landowners to pay tribute, everything was remembered and the governor did not remain anything as to turn to the court of the Grand Prince.

In January 1510, the young king went to Novgorod, where he accepted the numerous Embassy of Pskovites, which consisted of 70 more thankal boyars. The proceedings ended with the fact that all Pskov's boyars were put into custody, since the king was unhappy with their audacity against the governor and injustice against the people. In this connection, the sovereign demanded from Pskov's rejection of the veneer and adoption of sovereign governors to all their cities.

Noble boyars, feeling their guilt and not having forces to confront the Great Prince, wrote a letter to the people of Pskovsky, with a request to agree with the requirements of the Grand Duke. Sadly was a free Pskov, the last time to gather on the square under the ringing bell. In this evening, it was announced by the state ambassadors about his consent to conquer the royal will. Vasily III arrived in Pskov, brought the order there and planted new officials; He took an oath in the loyalty of all the inhabitants and laid the new Church of St. Xenia, the mismatch of this holy was accounted for the day of the end of the liberty of Pskov. 300 noble Pskovius sent Vasily to the capital and a month later went home. Following him, the everlast bell Pskovichi was also lucky.

By 1512, relations with the Crimean Khanate were aggravated. The smart and faithful Khan Mengli-Gary, who was a reliable ally of John III, a lot of her sons, young Tsarevichi Ahmat and Bournash-Garyre began to conduct a politician. Sigismund, hated Russia even stronger than Alexander, was able to bribe the brave princesses and sweep them on trips to Russia. In particular, Sigismund raveled in 1514, Smolensk, who was under Lithuania during 110 years.

Sigismund regretted that Mikhail Glinsky went to Russia, who diligently served as a new land, and began to demand to return Glinsky. Especially M. Glinsky tried during the capture of Smolensk, they were hired skilled foreign warriors. Mikhail had hope that from gratitude to his merit, the sovereign would make him the provincial prince Smolensk. However, the Grand Duke did not love and did not believe Glinsky - one day the changed will change and the second time. And in general, Vasily fought with the lots. So it happened: offended, Mikhail Glynsky moved to Sigismund, but fortunately, he was able to catch the governor and sent to the orders of the king in the chains.

1515 - Crimean Khan Mengly-Gury died, and his throne inherited the son of Muhhamed-Gary, who, unfortunately, did not inherit many good qualities of his father. At the time of his board (until 1523), the Crimean army protruded on the side of Lithuania, then Russia - everything depended on who will pay more.

The power of Russia of that era caused respect for various countries. The ambassadors from Constantinople brought a diploma and affectionate letter from the famous and terrible Turkish Sultan Soliman. Good diplomatic relations with him were frightened by the eternal opponents of Russia - Mukhamet-Gurya and Sigismund. The latter is not even arguing about Smolensk, concluded the world for 5 years.

Solomonia saburov. Picture P. Mineyeva

Combining Russian land

Such a breather gave the great prince time and strength to fulfill the oldest intention of his and his great father - finally destroy the dots. And he succeeded. Ryazan Delief, managed by the young prince John, almost postponed from Russia, with the active participation of Khan Mukhamete. Lailed to the dungeon, Prince John escaped to Lithuania, where he died, and the Ryazan Principality, which was 400 years old and independent, was in 1521 in the Russian state. The North Principality remained, where Vasily Shemyakin was rejected, the grandson of the famous Dmitry Shemyaki, who bathed power in times. This Shemyakin, so similar to his grandfather, has long been suspected of friendship with Lithuania. 1523 - his correspondence with Sigismund revealed, and this is already open treason to Fatherland. Prince Vasily Shemyakina was thrown into the dungeon, where he died.

Thus, a dream was made to combine Russia fragmented to the specific principality of Russia into a single integer under the rule of one king.

1523 - the Russian city of Vasilsursk was founded in the Kazan land, and this event meant the beginning of the decisive conquest of the Kazan kingdom. And at least at all time the reign of Vasily, the third was made to fight with the Tatars and reflect their raids, in 1531 Kazan Khan Eleni became the novice of the Russian king, recognizing his power.

Divorce and marriage

Everything was well inserted in the state of the Russian, but the heir to Vasily III did not appear in 20 years of marriage. And various boyars for and against divorce with fruitless saburov began to be drawn up. The king need a heir. 1525 - a divorce was held, and Saburov's Solomonide was tonsured in a nun, and in 1526, Tsar Vasily Ivanovich took the wife of Elena Vasilyevna Glinsky - the niece of Mikhail Glinsky, which gave birth to the first son and the heir to the throne of John IV (Terrible ).

Elena Glinsky - the second wife of the Grand Duke Vasily III

Results of the Board

The first signs of prosperity of the Russian state appeared successfully developed trade. In addition to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and Pskov became the largest centers. The Grand Duke took care of the development of trade, which constantly pointed out his governors. Craft crafts developed. In many cities, handicraft suburbs arose - Sloboda. The country has provided itself, in those times, everything is necessary and was ready to export the goods more than importing what needed. The richness of Russia, an abundance of arable land, forest land with precious fur, unanimously celebrate foreigners who visited Muscovy in
those years.

With Vasily III, urban planning, the construction of Orthodox churches continues to develop. Italian Phiorewanti is building in Moscow, according to the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral, which becomes the main shrine of Moscow Rus. The cathedral will be a way for Russian temple masters for many decades.

With Vasilia III, the construction of the Kremlin is completed - the wall along the River River is erected in 1515. The Moscow Kremlin turns into one of the best fortresses of Europe. Being a residence of a monarch, the Kremlin becomes a symbol of the Russian state up to the present day.


Vasily III has always had enviable health and he did not seriously sick anything, probably because it was unexpectedly that the dusting on his leg led him after 2 months to death. He died on the night from 3 to December 4, 1533, having time to give all orders to the state, transferring the power of the 3-year-old son John, and his guardianship of his mother, Boyars and his brothers - Andrei and Yuri; And before the last sigh, I managed to take a schima.

Vasily was called a good and affectionate public, and therefore it is not surprising that his death was so sad for the people. All 27 years of his reign, the Grand Duke worked hard for the benefit and the greatness of his state and was able to achieve much.

That night for the history of the Russian state left the life of the "Last Gathering of the Russian Earth".

According to one of the legends, during the Tasting of Solomonia was pregnant, the son of George gave birth, and handed it in reliable hands, and everything was announced that the newborn died. Subsequently, this child will be the famous robber Kudayar, who with his Vatagoy will rob rich sumports. This legend is very interested in Ivan the Terrible. The hypothetical Cudwar was his senior consolidated brother, which means that he could claim the royal throne. This story is most likely popular folk.

For the second time, Vasily III took the wife of Lithuanian, young Elena Glinsky. Only after 4 years, Elena gave birth to the firstborn - Ivan Vasilyevich. As the legend says, a terrible thunderstorm seemed to be a terrible thunderstorm. Thunder ran among the clear sky and shook the ground to the base. Kazan Khansha, having learned about the birth of the heir, said the Moscow messengers: "You were born a king, and he had two teeth: he to eat us (Tatars), and the other you."

It was a rumor that Ivan is an illegitimate son, but it is unlikely: the examination of the remains of Elena Glinsky showed that she had red hair. As you know, Ivan was also a red.

Vasily III was the first of the Russian kings, who swung her hair on the chin. As the legend says, he cut the beard to look younger in the eyes of a young wife. In a failing state, he passed short.

Yvesh III Vasilyevich (January 22, 1440 - October 27, 1505, Moscow), Moscow Grand Duke (from 1462), Senior Son of Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark. Since 1450, it is referred to as the Grand Duke - the companion of the Father. In the reign of Ivan III, a centralized apparatus of power begins to take shape: an orders of the management system is born, the judiciary of 1497 was compiled. Restaled local land tenure and increased political importance of the nobility. Ivan III struggled with separatism of specific princes and significantly limited their rights. By the end of the board of Ivan III, many devices were eliminated. In the 1460-1480s, the Moscow Prince successfully fought with Kazan Khanate, which since 1487 fell under the strong political influence of Russia. Its essential achievement was the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. With the broad support of the entire Russian population, Ivan III organized a strong defense against the invasion of Khan Akhmat (standing in the thief). The international authority of the Russian state increased in the prince of Ivan III, diplomatic relations with papal smoke, the German Empire, Hungary, Moldova, Turkey, Iran, and Crimea were established. With Ivan III, the execution of the full title of the Grand Duke "All Russia" began (in some documents, he is already called the king). Secondary Ivan III was married to Zoe (Sophie) Paleologist, niece of the last Byzantine emperor. During the reign of Ivan III, a large construction was launched in Moscow (Kremlin, his cathedrals, the Granovoy Chamber); Stone fortresses were built in Kolomna, Tula, Ivangorod. Under Ivan III, the territory of the Russian centralized state was developed: Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474) Principalities, Novgorod Republic (1478), Tver Great Principality (1485), Vyatka (1489), Perm and most of Ryazan lands were joined by the Moscow Principality. . The influence on Pskov and the Ryazan Grand District was strengthened. After the wars 1487-1494 and 1500-1503, a number of Western Russian lands departed to Moscow with the Lithuanian Great Principality: Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Bryansk. After the war of 1501-1503, Ivan III forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for Yuriev).

Board of Vasily III.

After the death of Ivan III, the Grand Prince became his eldest son from the second wife of Vasily III (1505 - 1533).

The new Grand Duke continued the policy of his father. With it, it was finally eliminated by the independence of the last remaining unansigned Russian lands. In 1510, an independent history of Pskov was over: the enemy bell was removed and exported to Moscow, the city began to manage the governors of the Grand Duke, and in 1521 such a fate became Ryazan Principality. The last Ryazan Prince was able to run into the territory of the Grand Principality of Lithuania.

Another task was not less important: to return the Russian lands that continued to be in Lithuania. In 1512 - 1522. The next Russian-Lithuanian war went. The Moscow government counted, apparently, to take Smolensk, and then the territory of modern Belarus and Ukraine. But these optimistic hopes were not destined to justify. Large success was only the capture of Smolensk (1514). After that, it was possible to expect new victories, but in reality it happened otherwise: in the same year, Russian troops suffered severe defeat under Ors. The war next few years did not lead one of the parties to decisive successes. Under the condition of the truce 1522, only Smolensk with the District entered Russia.

Results of the Board of Vasily III

completed the territorial association of Northeast and North-Western Russia. In 1510, the autonomous state being Pskov ceased, and the entire Pskov elite was moved to the central and southeastern country treasures. In 1521, the "independent" life of the Ryazan Grand Discontinuation ended. With it, the last semi-air Russian lands were attached to Moscow: Pskov (1510), Volozky Food (1513), Ryazan (about 1521), Novgorod-Seversk (1522) principality. On the Management Board of Vasily III grew a local nobility land tenure; Measures were taken to limit the immunity political privileges of the princely-boyar aristocracy. In foreign policy, Vasily III struggled for Russian lands in the West and the South-West, as well as with the Crimean and Kazan Khanatemi. As a result of Russian-Lithuanian wars 1507-1508, 1512-1522, Smolensk (1514) was connected to Russia.

12. Alternatives to the reform of Russia in the XVI V.reforma Ivan IV. Official. Since the end of the 1540s, the rules with the participation of the elected Rada. With it, the convening of Zemstvo Cathedral began, the judiciary of 1550 was drawn up. Court and management reforms were carried out, including the elements of self-government at the local level (lifting, Zemskaya and other reforms). In 1565, after the cheating of Prince Kurbsky, an oprichnina was introduced. From 1549 together with chosen Rada (A. F. Adashev, Metropolitan Makariya, A. M. Kurbsky, Priest Sylvester) Ivan IV conducted a number of reforms aimed at the centralization of the state: Zemstvo reform, lifting reform, carried out transformation in the army, in 1550 adopted New Fate Ivan IV. In 1549, the first Zemsky Cathedral was convened, in 1551 a stallal cathedral who took the collection of decisions about the church life "Stogl". In 1555-1556 Ivan IV canceled feeding and adopted the most successful Zemskiy reform took place in the northeastern Russian lands, where the secretary (state) peasantry prevailed and there were few chambers, worse in South Russian, where the boyars prevailed. Treason of the Kourbi and the reluctance of Boyar-Votchinnikov to participate in the struggle against Poland and Lithuania leads the king to the thoughts on the establishment of personal dictatorship and defeat the boyars. In 1565, he announced the introduction of Okrichnin in the country. The country was divided into two parts: the territories that were not included in the Ochrichnina began to be called ground. In the Ochrichnina, mostly, the northeastern Russian lands, where there were little boyars. The scrapper brought an oath to the loyalty to the king and obliging not to communicate with the earth. Ochrichniki dressed in black clothes like monastic. Equestrian chicks had special signs of distinction, the gloomy symbols of the era were attached to the saddles: broom - to sweep treason, and dog heads - to strain treason. With the help of Ochrichnikov, who were exempted from judicial responsibility, Ivan IV forcibly confiscated Boyar victillas, transmitting them to nobleman-scrambles. A large event of Okrichnina was the Novgorod pogrom in January-February 1570, the reason to which was suspicious in the desire of Novgorod to move to Lithuania. In the abolition of Oryolnina in 1572, in the opinion of some historians, the invasion of Moscow's invasion was played in 1571 Crimean Khan of Ochrichniki-de showed their military failure. However, most of the Russian troops at that time were on the Western borders and the southern border of the state was bare.

The relations of the Russian state with the Crimean and Kazan Khanshai were strained. In 1505, Kazan Khan invaded Russian lands, and Vasi-Lii III decided to "punish". Russian troops were sent to Ka-Zanya. Han recognized his dependence on Moscow, as was with Ivan III.

Crimean campaign to Moscow (1521)

In 1521, Crimean Khan moved to Moscow at the same time, in the composition of whose troops were Nogai and Cossacks, and Kazan Khan, who refused to obey the Great Prince of Moscow. Both troops were connected under Kolomna, very close to Moscow. Crimean Khan demanded that the Russians again paid tribute. Va-Silia III was composed of a gram in which he agreed with this requirement. The Khan troops retreated to Ryazan and need-owned to open the gate. The governor of the city was sent to a grandeur-Skye grades about the submission of the Crimean Khan. However, Ryazan Voe-Water did not surrender the city and refused to return this diploma Khan. Hasting the Earth from Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh to Moscow River, taking many prisoners, the Khan troops retreated.

Hike to "Meshchers"

In 1515-1516. Crimean army reached Tula and devastated the Meshchersk land.

Kazan-Russian War (1523-1524)

In 1524, the troops of the Crimean Khan captured Astrakhan. Having learned about this, Kazan Khan killed all Russian merchants and the Moscow ambassador. Then Vasily III reconciled with Crimean Khan and spoke to Kazan in the same year. Ambassadors of Kazan arrived in Moscow. Began negotiations. They dragged over for several years.

During this time, Crimean Khan made another attempt to reach Moscow. But in 1527 on the river Oka he was defeated. In 1530, Russian troops from Nizhny Novgorod went to Kazan and captured the city. The ruler of Khanate was the prison of Moscow.

After that, the borders came temporary calm.

Russian-Lithuanian war (1507-1508)

Part of the Russian princes, which previously caught dependent on the Veliko Prince Lithuanian, was unhappy with the infringement of Orthodoxy and the enhancement of Catholicism. Since Ivan Ivan III, some border princes moved to the service to the Moscow Prince (so they appeared in the Moscow Rus Princes of Odoevsky, Vorotnsky, Vel-Sky, Vyazemsky). With Vasilia III, Li-Tovsky Prince Mikhail Glinsky passed on the side of Moscow. All this led to the exacerbation of the relations of the Russian state with the Grand Durability of Lithuania and Poland. Wars lasted with varying success. Material from site.

In 1508, Russian troops were besieged Minsk. Polish king Sigiz-Munda I proposed the world. All the land remained for Vasily III, which acquired Ivan III, as well as the cities and the most princes, which they went to the service to the Great Prince of Moscow, the sovereign of All Russia.

Russian-Lithuanian war (1512-1522)

In 1513, Vasily III, having learned about the conspiracy of Lithuania with the Crimean Khan-Protection, began the war and besieged Smolensk. In 1514, after two unsuccessful hikes, Smolensk was taken. But in the same year, Vasily III troops suffered defeat under Ors. Inspired by the trouble came the enemy to Smolensk and besieged him. The city of her husband was defended. Lithuanians had to move away. Started long negotiations. Only in 1522 the world was concluded for five years. Smolensk remained for the Russian state. The border with Lithuania began to pass along the Dnipro River.

The ultimate success of the unification of Russian lands in a single state was the achievement of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich (1505-1533). Not by chance an Austrian diplomat Sigismund Herberstein, twice visiting Russia in the first third of the XVI century and left the famous "Notes on Muscovy," wrote that Vasily III was superior to the authorities "hardly all the monarchs of the whole world." Nevertheless, the sovereign is not lucky - fancy the historical memory, according to the merit of giving his father, and no less rightly consolidating the cruel image of his son Ivan Grozny, did not leave enough free space to Vasily III himself. As if it would be "dependent" between the two powers, Vasily III always remained in their shadows. Neither his personality, nor the methods of government nor the form of continuity in the power between Ivan III and the John Grozny have not yet been studied quite fully.

Childhood, Youth

Vasily III was born on March 25, 1479 and was inflicted in honor of the Vasily Parisian confessor, inheriting one of the traditional names for the Moscow Prince Danilovic. He became the first son from the second marriage of Ivan III with Sofia Paleologic, which was from the seaside line of the dynasty in Byzantium to 1453. Formerly, Vasily in the Grand Peace of Four was born only girls. In the late chronicles, even a wonderful legend was recorded about how Sophia suffered from the absence of the Son of Sophia received a sign from the most reverent Sergius about the birth of the future heir to the throne. However, the long-awaited firstborn was not the main contender for the throne. From the first marriage Ivan III had a senior son - Ivan the young, who at least eight years before the birth of Vasily was announced by the co-programmer Ivan III. But in March 1490, Ivan the young died, and Vasily had a chance. Researchers traditionally talk about the struggle of two court groups, especially intensified in the second half of the 1490s. One of them made a bet on the son of Ivan the young - Dmitry Grandsch, the other promoted Vasily. The alignment of the strength and passion of this struggle is unknown, but we know her result. Ivan III, originally declared the heir to Dmitry Grandschik and even for a while I planted Vasily "For bailiffs in his court," changed anger to mercy in March 1499: Vasily was proclaimed the "sovereign of the Grand Prince."

Board (1505-1533)

The coating of Vasily continued for more than six years. On October 27, 1505, Ivan III left the life, and Vasily becomes an independent state truck.

Inboard policy

Fighting the lots

Most of the possessions of the deceased Grand Prince passed precisely Vasily: 66 cities against 30, which took the rest of the four sons, and Moscow, which was always crushed between his sons, now she passed the eldest heir. The new principles of the transfer of power established by Ivan III reflected one of the main trends in the country's political life - the desire for one-owned: the specific system was not only the main source of gods, but also a serious obstacle to the economic and political unity of the country. Vasily III continued the centralization policy of his father. Around 1506, the grand permanent governor was established in Perm Great. In 1510, the formal independence of the Pskov land was abolished. The reason for this was a major clash between Pskovichi and the Grand-Magnish governor of Prince Repwise-Obolensky. The satisfaction of Pskov's complaints to the governor's municipality did not take place, but was followed by a stunning requirement: "I wouldn't have the enemy, and the Bell was removed the elder." Pskov no longer had the strength to reject it. By order of Vasily III from Pskov, many boyars families and "guests" were evicted. In 1521, the Ryazan Principality, which smoked in the direction of Moscow policy for more than half a century, joins the Great Principality of Moscow. Pskov land and the Ryazan principality were strategically important outskirts in the north-west and southeast, respectively. A sharp strengthening of Moscow's positions here would extremely complicate her relationship with neighbors. Vasily III believed that the existence of buffer vassal lands, which are on strategically important outskirts, more expedient than their immediate inclusion in the Power, until the state has sufficient forces for reliable consolidation of new territories. The fight with the lots of the Grand Duke led, using various methods. Sometimes the diets were destroyed purposefully (for example, the abolition of Novgorod-Seversky Databa in 1522, where the prince of Dmitry Shemyaki Prince Vasily Ivanovich), usually Vasily simply forbade himself to marry brothers and, therefore, to have legitorn-born heirs. After the death of Vasily III, in 1533, the devals for his second son Yuri were preserved, as well as Brother - Andrei Staritsky. There were also a few minor devices of the Verkhovsky Princes, located in the upper course of Oka. But the specific system was essentially overcome.

Local system

With Vasilia III, the local system is strengthened - the mechanism that allowed to solve two pressing problems that stood in front of the state: at that time, the need to ensure a combat-ready army was closely intertwined with the need to restrict the political and economic independence of the major aristocracy. The essence of the mechanism of the local land ownership was in the distribution of land "landowners" -Dranny for temporary conditional possession for the term of the "princes of service". The "landowner" was able to carry the service, could lose the earth for violation of his duties and did not have the right to dispose of these races, which remained in the supreme ownership of the Grand Princes. At the same time, social guarantees were introduced: if the "landowner" -dvranyn died in the service, the state took care of his family.


The principle of locality is the most important role in the work of the State Machine - the system of hierarchy, in accordance with which senior positions in the army or in the civil service could be engaged exclusively in accordance with the trickitality of Prince or Boyarin. Although this principle also prevented access to the administration of talented managers, he largely allowed to avoid the struggle in the top of the country's political elite, rapidly flooded heterogeneous immigrants from different Russian lands during the formation of a single Russian state.

"" and "nonstasters"

In the era of Vasily III, the problem of monastic property was actively discussed, in the first place, possess the lands. Numerous donations to the monasteries led to the fact that by the end of the XV century, a significant part of the abode became rich landowners. One solution to the problem was proposed: to use the means to help those who are suffering, in the same monasteries themselves make more stringent statutes. Another decision came from the St. Nile of the Soviet: the monasteries at all abandon the property, and the monks live "their needlework." Grand permanent power interested in the land fund needed for distribution in estates, also advocated the restriction of monastic assets. At the Church Cathedral of 1503, Ivan III made an attempt to spend secularization, but received a refusal. However, time went, and the position of power has changed. The Iosiflantic Wednesday has made a lot of effort to develop a concept of a strong state, and Vasily III turned away from "nonstaving". The final victory of "Josephland" took place at the Cathedral of 1531.

New political theories

Successes in state construction, fastening Moscow self-consciousness, political and ideological necessity gave impetus to the appearance of new political theories in the era of Vasily III, designed to explain and substantiate the special political rights of the great princes of Moscow. The most famous are the "Tale of the Princes of Vladimir" and the Messages of Vasily III Elder Philof on Third Rome.

Foreign policy

Russian-Lithuanian wars (1507-1508; 1512-22)

During the Russian-Lithuanian wars, Vasily III was able to conquer Smolensk in 1514, one of the largest centers of Russian-speaking lands of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian. Smolensk trips were headed personally by Vasily III, and in the official chronicle of the triumph of Russian weapons will be expressed by the phrase about the release of Smolensk from "Evil Latynskia Charles and Nasilia". The crushing defeat of the Russian troops in the battle of the Russian troops followed by the release of the Russian troops in the fall of 1514 in the fall of 1514 years promotion to the West. Nevertheless, during military hikes, 1517 and 1518, Russian voivods managed to defeat Lithuanian forces under a lateral and cure.

Relations with Orthodox peoples

The Board of Vasily III is noted by the deepening of contacts of Russia with Orthodox peoples and lands, the conquered Ottoman Empire, including with Athos. Gradually soften the acuteness of the church split between the Metropoline of All Russia and the Konstantinople Patriarchate, which began in the middle of the XV century after the election without the sanction of the Konstantinople of the Russian Metropolitan ions. The message of the Patriarch of Feolypta I will be a vivid confirmation of the Patriarch of Feolypta I Metropolitan Varlaam, compiled in July 1516, in which the Patriarch is still long before the official visit of the Russian states of the Tsarist title, honored Vasily III Tsarhsky dignity - "The highest and shortest king and the great Kraral of All Orthodox lands, Great Rus "

Russian-Crimean relations

The Russian-Crimean relations were not easy. They reached their peak, when in July 1521, Khan Mohammed-Garyre made a devastating campaign on Russia to "put an end to the outrageous rebellion of idolatry, fierce against Islam." The southern and central volosts of the Moscow Principality (Krymchakov's advanced forces reached the outskirts of Moscow) was caused by a huge damage. Mohammed-Girey captured a huge full. Since then, the coastal defense is the southern border, which passed on the Ocean River becomes the most important task of ensuring the security of the state.

Relationship with the West

Attempts began at the time of Ivan III attempts and to achieve the Union with the Grand Durability of Moscow against the Ottoman Empire continued under Vasilia III. The sovereigns invariably emphasized hatred of incorrect "toagness" and "enemies of Christ", but did not conclude agreements. They equally refused to become subordinate to the "Latinians" and did not want to spoil even quite friendly relations with the Ottoman Empire.

Personal life

In 1505, Vasily III married Sabroma Solomonia. For the first time, the wife of the Grand Duke Moskovsky became the representative of Boyarsky, and not a princely kind. In marriage, children did not born in marriage, and the children needed in the heir of Vasily III decided to go married the secondary. Solomoni was sent to the monastery, Elena Glinsky, who came from the genus of Lithuanian boyars, who left the Moscow service, was sent to the monastery. The future king of All Russia Ivan Grozny was born from this marriage.

On December 3, 1533, Vasily III died due to a progressive disease, manifested during hunting. Before death, he accepted at the name of Varlaam. Soon after the death of the Grand Duke, the most interesting "story about the illness and death of Vasily III" was created - the chronicle of the last week of the sovereign.

After death in 1505, the Grand Duke Ivan III, the Grand Duke Pestol took Vasily III. He was born in 1479 in Moscow and was the second son of Ivan III and Sofia Paleolog, the nieces of the last Byzantine emperor. Vasily became the heir to the throne after the death of his older brother Ivan in 1490. Ivan III wanted to transfer the throne to his grandson Dmitry Ivanovich, but shortly before his death refused this intention. Vasily III in 1505 married Saburova Sabolova, who originated from Staromoskovsky Boyarskogo.

Vasily III (1505-1533) continued the policy of his father to create a single Russian state and the expansion of its borders. During his rule, the last Russian principalities were joined, formally maintained independence: in 1510 - the lands of the Pskov Republic, in 1521 - the Ryazan Principality, which actually has long been fully dependent on Moscow.

Vasily III consistently conducted a policy of eliminating specific principalities. He did not fulfill the promises to provide the lotion from Lithuania from Lithuania (Princes of Belsky and Glinsky), and in 1521 eliminated Novgorod-Severskiy Principality - Vince Vasily Ivanovich, the grandson of Shemyaki. All other specific principalities either disappeared as a result of the death of their rulers (for example, Starodubsk), or were eliminated in exchange for the provision of former specific princes of high seats at the court of Vasily III (Vorotnskoye, Belevskoe, Oryovskoye, Masalskoye). As a result, by the end of the board, Vasily III, only the dots were preserved, which belonged to the brothers of the Grand Duke - Yuri (Dmitrov) and Andrei (Staritsa), as well as the Casimov Principality, where the applicants were ruled by the Kazan throne from the Genghisid dynasty, but with very limited rights of princes (they were It is forbidden to minted its coins, the judiciary was limited, etc.).

The development of the local system continued, the total number of seruners - landowners were already about 30 thousand.

Vasily III supported the expansion of the political role of the Church. Many temples were built on his personal funds, including the Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral. At the same time, Vasily III fully controlled the church. This is evidenced, in particular, the appointment of Metropolitans of Varlaam (1511) and Daniel (1522) without convening a local cathedral, that is, with violation of the norms of church law. This happened for the first time in the history of Russia. And in the previous times, the princes played an important role in the appointment of Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, but at the same time church canons were necessarily observed.

The adoption of the summer of 1511 on the Metropolitan throne of Varlaam led to the strengthening of the positions of incubuseors among the highest church hierarchs. By the beginning of the 20s, Vasily III cooled to nonstustors and lost hope to deprive the church of its land possessions. He believed that much more benefits could be removed from the Union with Johmifles, which, although they held tightly for church possessions, but were ready for any compromises with a great prince. In vain, Vasily III asked Metropolitan Varlaam, an incompletener in his convictions, to help him fraudulently take it into Moscow of the last Novgorod-Seversky Prince Vasily Shemyachich, who, without a security certificate of Metropolitan, resolutely refused to appear in the capital. Varlaam did not go to the transaction with the Grand Duke and at the insistence of Vasily III was forced to leave the Metropolitan of the Department. On February 27, 1522, a more conspiracy igumen of the Valaam monastery Josephlyan Daniel was delivered to his place, which became the obedient performer of the will of the Grand Prince. Daniel issued a "security to Metropolitan diploma" Vasily Shemyachich, who at the entrance in April 1523 was captured and imprisoned, where he graduated from his days. All this story produced a storm of indignation in Russian society.

Contemporaries Vasily III remembered as a domineering person, who did not suffer from objections, alonely taking the most important decisions. He brutally straightened with objections. At the beginning of his reign, many supporters of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (Grandson Ivan III) were subjected to, in 1525 - the opponents of the divorce and the second marriage of the Grand Duke, among them were the then leader of the Navy, the writer and the translator Maxim Greek (now canonized), a prominent statesman and diplomat P.N.Bersen-Beklemishev (he was subjected to a cruel execution). In fact, Vasily brothers and their specific yards were in the isolation.

At the same time, Vasily III sought to substantiate allegedly the divine origin of the Great Power, leaning on the authority of Joseph Volotsky, who in his works acted as an ideologist of strong state power and "ardent pieces" (canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church), as well as on the idea of \u200b\u200b"Tale of Princes of Vladimir "and others contributed to this and increased authority of the Grand Duke in Western Europe. In the contract (1514) with the emperor of the "Sacred Roman Empire" Maximilian Vasily III was even called the king.

Vasily III conducted an active foreign policy, although not always successful. In 1507-1508. He led the war with the Lithuanian principality, and the Russian troops suffered a number of serious defeats in field battles, and the result was the preservation of Status Quo. Success in Lithuanian affairs Vasily III was achieved thanks to the events deployed on the subject Lithuania.

At the courtyard of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Alexander Kazimirovich, the princes of Glinsky, leading their own genus, and owned by extensive lands in Ukraine (Poltava, Glinsk) used a huge influence. Replaced Alexander Sigismund deprived Mikhail Lvovich Glinsky all his posts. The latter with the brothers Ivan and Vasily raised the rebellion, which was hardly depressed. Mlinsky fled to Moscow. Mikhail Glinsky had extensive ties at the courtyard of the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Maximilian (it was an extensive empire of that time, which included almost half of Europe). Thanks to the mediation of Glinsky Vasily III, established allied relations with Maximilian, who opposed Poland and Lithuania. The most important success of Wasil III hostilities was taken after two unsuccessful storms Smolensk. The war lasted until 1522, when the mediation of representatives of the Sacred Roman Empire was concluded by a truce. Although Lithuania did not recognize the loss of Smolensk, the city entered the Russian state (1514).

Vasily III was quite difficult to develop, where the central factor was the relations of the Russian state with Kazan Khanate. Until 1521, with Khanakh, Mohammed Edine and Shah Ali Kazan was in vassal dependence on Moscow. However, in 1521, Kazan wanted to expel the golden of Vasily III Casimov Khan Shah Ali and invited Sahib-Gurya to the throne of the Crimean Tsarevich. Relations between Moscow and Kazan sharply aggravated. Kazan Khanate essentially out of obedience to the Russian state. And with that, on the other hand, the use of military force began. Kazan raids resumed, that is, military trips to Russian lands organized by the top of the Kazan Khanate to capture production and prisoners, as well as an open demonstration of force. In 1521, Kazan military leaders took part in a large Crimean campaign to Moscow, the Kazan detachments committed 5 raids to the eastern regions of the Russian state (Meshchera, Nizhny Novgorod, Totma, Uniek). Kazan raids were also undertaken in 1522 (two) and in 1523 for the defense of the Eastern Border in 1523. It was built on the Volga in the mouth of Sura, the Russian fortress Vasilsursk. However, Moscow did not leave attempts to restore their control over Kazan Khanate, return to the Kazan throne of Hana Shah Ali's obedient. For this purpose, a number of campaigns were performed on Kazan (in 1524, 1530 and 1532), however, they were not crowned with success. True, in 1532, Moscow was still able to put on the Kazan throne of Khan Jan-Ali (Enaalea), his brother Shah Ali, but in 1536 he was killed as a result of the next palace conspiracy, and the new ruler of Kazan Khanate was the Safa Garyray - Representative of the Crimean Dynasty, hostile to the Russian state.

The relationship with the Crimean Khanate was aggravated. The ally of Moscow Khan Mengly-Gary has died in 1515, but in his life, his sons actually came out from under the control of the father and independently committed raids on Russian lands. In 1521, Khan Magmet-Garya inflicted a serious defeat by the Russian army, besieged Moscow (Vasily III was even forced to flee from the city), later Ryazan was besieged, and only the skillful actions of Ryazan governors of Khabar Samesky (successfully applied artillery) forced Khan to go back to Crimea. Since that time, the relationship with the Crimea for centuries became one of the most acute problems of Russia's foreign policy.

The Board of Vasily III is hardly marked by a dynastic crisis. Marriage Vasily with Sabroma Saburova for more than 20 years was childless. The Moscow Princess Dynasty could be interrupted, especially since Vasily III forbade Yury and Andrei to marry his brothers. In 1526, he is forcibly tonsured Solomon in the monastery and the next year married Princess Elena Vasilyevna Glinskaya, who was twice as younger than her husband. In 1530, the Son Ivan, the future king Ivan IV, was born in the fifty-year-old Grand Prince.