Africa countries. Central African countries

Africa countries. Central African countries
Africa countries. Central African countries

In Western and Central Africa there are many countries, each of which has its own characteristics, traditions and history.

General characteristics of the region

West Africa is part of the African continent, located in the southern direction from the Sahara, and washing the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Central Africa is the western part of the African continent, which is located on the equatorial and subequatorial strip.

The natural border between Central and West Africa serves Cameroon Mountains. Western and Central African states relate to the most poor states in the world.

In many states, the economy is completely absent. Residents of these countries survive thanks to self-navigation. Agriculture and industrial production is low.

In foreign trade, only some states are involved, in particular Nigeria, Chad, Guinea.

West Africa countries

West African countries include the following states: Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Liberia, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo Nigeria.

In West African countries, infectious diseases are very common, in particular AIDS and malaria. In Europe, this region is called a "grave for whites" - as many infections are fatal for people visitors.

West African countries have long been Portuguese colonies for a long time, it is from this territory that the slave trade began in ancient times. After the wars for independence in the 60s of the 20th century, many West African states received freedom.

However, until today, they are completely dependent on the former colonies in matters of social and economic security.

The infrastructure of the region is developed very poorly: the roads and railway tracks here were not built since the time of colonial dependence. The average life expectancy of people does not reach 50 years. Most of the population is illiterate.

Central African countries

Central Africa includes such states: Gabon, Angola, Congo, Cameroon, King, Sao Tome, Equatorial Guinea and Chad. Unlike West Africa, Central African countries have a good complex of natural resources.

This allows them not only to develop industry, but also to be subject to foreign trade. So, for example, Congo has the largest stocks of gold, silver, diamond and copper in the world.

In Chad, the basis of the economy is agriculture. This state exports wool, cotton and textiles to Europe. However, even the most developed central African states use their potential not completely.

The main problem is that after the colonial period, new plants and factories do not open here. There are no qualified personnel in these states - more than half of the population has no read and write.

Africa is part of the light, which has the area with Islands 30.3 million km 2, is second place after Eurasia, 6% of the entire surface of our planet and 20% sushi.

Geographical position

Located Africa in the northern and eastern hemisphere (most), a small part in southern and western. Like all major fragments of the ancient mainland Gondwan, has massive outlines, large peninsula and deep bays are absent. The length of the continent from the north to the south is 8 thousand km, from the west to the east - 7.5 thousand km. In the north is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, in the northeast of the Red Sea in the south-east of the Indian Ocean, in the West - the Atlantic Ocean. Africa from Asia separates the Suez Canal, from Europe - Gibraltar Strait.

Main geographical characteristics

Africa lies on an ancient platform, which causes its flat surface, which cuts into the deep valleys of rivers. On the coast of the mainland, small lowlands are located, the North-West - the location of the Atlas Mountains, the northern part, almost completely occupied by the desert sugar, - Nagrai Ahaggar and Tibetse, East - Ethiopian Highlands, Southeast - East African Plateau, Last South - Caps and Draconia Mountains The highest point of Africa is Kilimanjaro volcano (5895 m, Masai's plateore), the lowest - 157 meters below the ocean level in Lake Assal. Along the Red Sea, on the territory of Ethiopian Highlands and to the mouth of the River Zambezi, the largest rode in the world of the earth's crust, which is characterized by frequent seismic activity.

Rivers flow around Africa: Congo (Central Africa), Niger (West Africa), Limpopo, Orange, Zambezi (South Africa), as well as one of the most free and extended rivers in the world - Nile (6852 km), current from the south North (its origins are on the East African Plateau, and she flows, forming a delta, in the Mediterranean Sea). The rivers are distinguished by multi-way in the equatorial belt, thanks to the falling out of a large amount of precipitation there, most of them differ in high flow rate, have many thresholds and waterfalls. In lithospheric faults filled with water, lakes were formed - Nyasa, Tanganyik, the largest freshwater lake of Africa and the second in the area after the Lake Upper (North America) - Victoria (its area 68.8 thousand km 2, length 337 km, Max depth - 83 m), the largest salted faceless lake - Chad (its area of \u200b\u200b1.35 thousand km 2, is located on the southern outskirts of the greatest desert peace of Sahara).

Due to the arrangement of Africa between two tropical belts, it is characterized by high total indicators of solar radiation, which gives the right to call Africa the hottest continent of the Earth (the highest temperature on our planet was registered in 1922 in El Azizia (Libya) - +58 C 0 in the shadow).

On the territory of Africa, such natural zones are distinguished as evergative equatorial forests (the coast of the Gulf of Guinean, Wpadina Congo), in the north and south passing into mixed leaf full-time-evergreen forests, then there is a natural zone of Savannan and a parel, spreading to Sudan, Eastern and South Africa, Sevra and South Africa Savannah are replaced by semi-deserts and deserts (sugar, Kalahari. Namib). In the southeastern part of Africa there is a small zone of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains - the zone of severe evergreen forests and shrubs. Natural zones of mountains and flatbed are susceptible to the laws of high resistance.

African countries

The territory of Africa is divided between 62 countries, 54 - independent, sovereign states, 10 dependent territories related to Spain, Portugal, Great Britain and France, the rest are unrecognized, self-proclaimed states - Galmudug, Puntland, Somaliland, Sahakkaya Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). For a long time, Asia countries were foreign colonies of various European states and only by the middle of the last century were independence. Depending on the geographical position, Africa is divided into such five regions as Northern, Central, Western, East and South Africa.

List of African countries


Mountains and Plains of Africa

Most of the African continent is a plain. There are mountain systems, highlands and a plateau. They are presented:

  • Atlas mountains in the north-western part of the continent;
  • highlands Tibest and Ahaggar in the Sahara desert;
  • Ethiopian highlands in the eastern part of the mainland;
  • Dragon Mountains in South.

The highest point of the country is the Kilimanjaro volcano, 5,895 m height, relating to East African plateau in the southeastern part of the mainland ...

Desert and savanna

The largest deserted zone of the African continent is in the northern part. This is a sugar desert. In the south-western side of the continent there is another desert of a smaller area, Namib, and the Kalahari desert is available on the East of the continent.

The Savannah territory occupies the bulk of Central Africa. On the area it is much more than the northern and southern part of the mainland. The territory is characterized by the presence of pastures characteristic of savannah, low shrubs and trees. The height of herbal vegetation varies, depending on the number of drop-down precipitation. It can be practically desert savannahs or high-colored, with herbal cover from 1 to 5 m in height ...


On the territory of the African continent there is the most extended river of the world - Nile. Direction of its current from the south to the north.

In the list of large water systems, the mainland, Limpopo, Zambezi and an orange river, as well as the Congo, flowing through the territory of Central Africa.

On the Zambezi River there is a famous Victoria Waterfall, 120 m high and 1,800 meters wide ...


In the list of large lakes of the African continent there is a lake Victoria, which is the second in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bfreshwater reservoir. Its depth reaches 80 m, and the area is 68,000 km square. Two more large lakes of the continent: Tanganyika and Nyasa. They are located in the faults of lithospheric plates.

There is a lake of Lake Chad on the territory of Africa, which is one of the world's largest interconnect relic lakes, not having connections with the world ocean ...

Seas and oceans

The African continent is washed by the waters of two oceans at once: Indian and Atlantic. Also, his shores are the Red and Mediterranean Sea. From the side of the Atlantic Ocean in the southwestern part of the water form a deep Guinea Bay.

Despite the location of the African continent, coastal waters are cool. Influence this cold flow of the Atlantic Ocean: Canary in the north and Bengal in the south-west. From the side of the Indian ocean the flow is warm. The largest is Mozambique, in the northern waters, and needle - in the southern ...

Forest Africa

Forest arrays from the entire territory of the African continent make up a little more than a quarter. Here are subtropical forests growing on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains and the Valley Valleys. Here you can meet a stone oak, pistachio, strawberry tree, etc. Highly in the mountains grow coniferous plants, represented by Alepopian pine, atlask cedar, juniper and other types of trees.

Closer to the coast there are forests from cork oak, in a tropical area evergreen equatorial plants are common, for example, a red tree, sandalwood, ebony, etc.

Nature, Plants and Animals Africa

The vegetation of equatorial forests is distinguished by variety, about 1000 species of various types of trees grow here: ficuses, saba, wine tree, oil palm tree, wine palm, banana palm trees, tree fern, sandalwood, red wood, rubberous trees, Liberian coffee tree, etc. . Many species of animals, rodents, birds and insects living right on the trees live here. On Earth lives: cystheuhi pigs, leopards, African deer - relatives Girafa Ogapi, major man-like monkeys - Gorillas ...

40% of the territory of Africa is occupied by savannahs, which are huge steppe spaces covered with disintegration, low, spiny shrubs, rustic, and separately standing trees (tree acacias, baobabs).

It has the most huge cluster of such large animals as: rhino, giraffe, elephant, hippopotamus, zebra, buffalo, hyena, lion, leopard, cheetah, jackal, crocodile, hyena dog. The most numerous animals are savannahs are such herbivores like: Bubal (Antelope family), Giraffe, Impala, or Corropean Antilope, various types of gazelles (Thomson, Grant), Blue GNU, Somewhere else there are rare jumpers - Springboki.

The vegetation of deserts and semi-desert is distinguished by poverty and unpretentiousness, these are small spiky shrubs, separately growing herbs beams. In oases, the unique palm palm trees Erg-Shebbi, as well as plants resistant to the conditions of drought and salting formation conditions. In the desert, Namib grows unique plants of Velvichia and Nara, the fruits of which dickelings, elephants and other wilderness animals feed.

From animals there are various types of antelope and gazelles adapted to hot climate and capable of searching for food to overcome huge distances, many types of rodents, snakes, turtles. Lizards. Among mammals: Spotted hyena, ordinary jacal, grivy ram, capsky hare, Ethiopian hedgehog, Gazelle-Dorcas, Saberloogaya antilope, Babian Anubis, Wild Nubian Donkey, Cheetah, Jackal, Fox, Mouflon, there are constantly living and migratory birds.

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of Africa

The central part of Africa, through which the equator line passes, is located in the low pressure area and receives sufficient moisturizing, territory north and south of the equator are located in a sub-screen climatic belt, this is a zone of seasonal (monsoon) moisturizing and arid desert climate. The extreme north and south are in the subtropical climatic belt, the south receives precipitation, brought by the air masses from the Indian Ocean, is the desert of Calahari, the north is the minimum amount of precipitation, due to the formation of the field of high pressure and the peculiarities of the movement of the traffic cops, the largest desert of the world - sugar, where the number precipitation is minimal, in some areas it does not fall out at all ...


Natural resources of Africa

By the reserves of water resources, Africa is considered one of the least secured continents of the world. The average annual volume of water is enough only to meet the priority needs, but this concerns not all regions.

Land resources are represented by significant territories with fertile land. You are treated with only 20% of all possible land. The reason for this is the absence of due water, soil erosion, etc.

Africa forests are the source of wood, including the breeds of valuable varieties. Countries, in the territory of which they grow, the raw materials goes on export. Resources are used unwise and ecosystems gradually destroyed.

In the depths of Africa there are mineral deposits. Among the export departed: gold, diamonds, uranium, phosphorus, manganese ores. There are significant reserves of oil and natural gas.

Energy-intensive resources are widely represented on the continent, but they are not used, due to the lack of proper investments ...

Among the developed industrial areas of the countries of the African continent can be noted:

  • mining industry, departing mineral raw materials and fuel for export;
  • the oil refining industry, common in the territory of South Africa and North Africa;
  • chemical industry specializing in the production of mineral fertilizers;
  • as well as the metallurgical and engineering industry.

The main products of agriculture are cocoa beans, coffee, corn, rice and wheat. In the tropical regions of Africa is grown by oil palm tree.

Fisheries developed slightly and constitute only 1-2% of the total volume of agriculture. Livestocking indicators are also not high and the reason for the infection of livestock Tsetz ...


Peoples of Africa: Culture and Traditions

About 8,000 nations and ethnic groups live in 62 African countries, which is in general about 1.1 billion people. Africa is considered a cradle and pranodina of human civilization, it was here that the remains of ancient primates (hominids) were found, which according to scientists are considered to be ancestors of people.

Most of the peoples in Africa can have both several thousand people, and a few hundred living in one or two villages. 90% of the population are representatives of 120 peoples, their number of more than 1 million people, 2/3 of them - peoples with more than 5 million people, 1/3 - nations with more than 10 million people (this is 50% of the total population of Africa) - Arabs , House, Fulbe, Yoruba, Igbo, Amhara, Oromo, Rwanda, Malagasy, Zulusi ...

Two historical and ethnographic provinces are distinguished: the North African (the predominance of the Indo-European race) and the tropical African (most population are a Negroid Race), it is divided into such areas as:

  • West Africa. Peoples speaking Mande languages \u200b\u200b(Susu, Maninka, Mende, Vai), Chadsky (Haus), Nilo-Sakhai (Songai, Canoruri, Tuba, Zagava, Mava, etc.), Nigero-Congolese languages \u200b\u200b(Yoruba, igboo, Bini, NUPU, GBARY, IHAL AND IDOMA, IBIBIO, EFIC, CAMBARI, BIR AND JUKUN, etc.);
  • Equatorial Africa. Inhabited by buano-tasked nations: Douala, Fong, Bubi (Fern Dernants), MPonongwe, Teca, Mboši, Ngala, Como, Mongo, Tetla, Cuba, Congo, Ambund, Ovimbundum, Chokwe, Luen, Tonga, Pigmey, etc.;
  • South Africa. Buntery peoples, and speakers in Koysansky languages: Bushmen and Gottentotes;
  • East Africa. Groups of nations bowls, nilots and sudanents;
  • Northeast Africa. Peoples speaking Ether (Amhara, Tiger, Tiger.), Kushytsky (Oromo, Somalis, Sidamo, Agau, Afar, Konso, etc.) and Omotian languages \u200b\u200b(Otter, Himirra et al.);
  • Madagascar. Malagasy and Creoles.

In the North African province, the main peoples are the Arabs and Berbers belonging to the South-European Small Rasse, which are mainly confessing the Islam of the Sunni sense. There is also an ethno-religious group of Copts, which are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians, they are Christian monophysites.

The article contains reference information about the Central African region. It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of economic development. Forms a picture of the prospects that are possible in Central Africa.

Central Africa

Central Africa is located in the western part of the continent and lies in the equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones.

In the West, Equatorial Africa adjoins the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay. Azande's plateore is located in the northern part. In the West, you can observe the elevation of South Guinea. The South District lies the Lund Plateau and Angolan Plogram, which continues it. From the east, the area borders with the branch of the western rift of the East African system.

Fig. 1. Region on the mainland map.

The Square of the Central African Region is 7.3 million square meters. km. The population is approaching 100 million people.

The region is the "heart" of the mainland. It is also a major mineral resource "repository" of the world.

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This locality is located well known to all "copper belt". It passes through the south-east of Zaire and the area referring to Zambia. In addition to copper, there are also cobalt, lead, zinc ore deposits.

On the expathers of the equatorial part of the Black Continent, iron ore reserves, the deposits of tin, uranium and diamonds are concentrated.

Recently, recently opened on the territory of the oil fields recently developed.

In this region, as practically and everywhere on the mainland, the economy is in a fallen state. Only in Zaire and Zambia had non-ferrous metallurgy.

Fig. 2. Modern industry.

Economic reforms are inhibited due to the unstable political situation in the region. There are no rare armed civil conflicts.

During the years of the region's sovereignty, the entire production cycle was created, from the mining of ore to the subsequent smelting of high-quality metals. A significant importance is given to the workpiece of tropical wood for export.

Fig. 3. Civil conflicts

The agricultural sector is mainly oriented at the production of coffee and cocoa, tea and tobacco, as well as rubber and cotton.

Central African countries

Among the states of this macroregion, the Democratic Republic of Congo is among the states of this macroregion.

List of states in the region:

  • Cameroon;
  • Gabon;
  • Congo;
  • Zaire;
  • Angola;
  • Central African Republic;
  • Equatorial Guinea;
  • Sao Tome;
  • Principe.

What did we know?

Learned which countries are equatorial Africa. Established the causes of weak and unstable economic development. I got acquainted with the historical facts that had their own impact on the standard of living in the region. Found out when countries of the central region have gained independence.

Africa is the largest area (30 million square meters. Km.) Region, including 54 independent states. Some of them are rich and developing, other poor, some have access to the sea, and others - no. So how many countries in Africa and what states are the most developed?

North Africa countries

All mainland can be divided into five zones: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa.

Fig. 1. Africa countries.

Almost the entire region of North Africa (10 million square meters. Km.) Lies on the territory of the Sahara desert. For this natural zone, high temperatures are characterized, it is here that the highest temperature in the way in the world is registered - +58 degrees. The largest states of Africa are in this region. This is Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. All these countries are territories that have access to the sea.

Egypt - Tourist center of Africa. People from all over the world go here to enjoy the warm sea, sandy beaches and infrastructure, fully suitable for a good rest.

State Algeria With the capital of the same name is the largest country in Square in North Africa. Its area is 2382 thousand square meters. km. The largest river in this area is the Shelief River, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is 700 km. The rest of the rivers are much smaller and lost among the deserts of the Sahara. In Algeria, oil and gas production is carried out in large volumes.

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Sudan - Country of the North African region, which has access to the Red Sea.

Sudan is sometimes called the "country of the three nips" - white, blue, and the main, which is formed as a result of the merger of the first first.

In Sudan, the thick and rich vegetation of highly harvested savannas grows: the wet season, the grass here reaches 2.5 - 3 m. In the south, there is a Lesosavan with iron, red and black ebony trees.

Fig. 2. Ebenova.

Libya - Country in the central part of North Africa, with an area of \u200b\u200b1760 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is a flat plain with altitudes from 200 to 500 meters. As well as other countries of North America, Libya has access to the Mediterranean Sea.

West Africa countries

West Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the South and from the West. Here are the Guinean forests of the tropical region. These territories are characterized by alternating rains and droughts. West Africa includes many states, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Liberia. The population of this region is 210 million people. It is in this region that Nigeria is located (195 million people) - the largest population in Africa, and Cape Verde - a very small island state with a population of about 430 thousand people.

Agriculture plays the main role in the economy. Western African countries are leaders on the collection of cocoa beans (Ghana, Nigeria), Peanuts (Senegal, Niger), palm oil (Nigeria).

Central African countries

Central Africa is located in the western part of the mainland and runs out in an equatorial and subequatorial belt. This area is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay. In Central Africa, there are a lot of rivers: Congo, Oche, Kwanza, Quila. The climate is wet and hot. The area includes 9 countries, including Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola.

According to the presence of natural reserves, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the richest countries of the continent. Here are unique wet forests - Selva Africa, which make up 6% of wet forests of the whole world.

Angola is a major supplier for export. The abroad export coffee, fruit, sugar cane. And in Gabon, copper, oil, manganese, uranium are mined.

East Africa countries

The shores of East Africa is washes the Red Sea, as well as the course of the Nile. The climate in this area in each country is different. For example, Seychelles are characterized as wet marine tropics, where monsoons dominate. At the same time, Somalia, also related to East Africa, is the desert, where there is practically no rainy days. This area includes Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, Tanzania.

For some countries, East Africa is characterized by exports of specific products, which is not in other countries of Africa. Kenya exports tea and coffee, and Tanzania and Uganda - cotton.

Many people are interested, where is the capital of Africa? Naturally, each country has its own capital, but the heart of Africa is considered the capital of Ethiopia - the city of Addis Ababa. It does not have access to the sea, but it is here that representative offices of all countries are located.

Fig. 3. Adis Ababa.

Countries of South Africa

South Africa includes South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.

The Republic of South Africa is the most developed in its region, and Swaziland is the smallest. Swaziland borders with South Africa and Mozambique. The population of the country is only 1.3 million people. This region is in a tropical and subtropical climatic belt.

List of African countries with capitals

  • Algeria (Capital - Algeria)
  • Angola (Capital - Luanda)
  • Benin (Capital - Porto Novo)
  • Botswana (Capital - Gaborone)
  • Burkina Faso (Capital - Ouagadougou)
  • Burundi (Capital - Bujumbura)
  • Gabon (Capital - Libreville)
  • Gambia (Capital - Banjul)
  • Ghana (Capital - Accra)
  • Guinea (Capital - Conakry)
  • Guinea-Bissau (Capital - Bissau)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Capital - Kinshasa)
  • Djibouti (Capital - Djibouti)
  • Egypt (Capital - Cairo)
  • Zambia (Capital - Lusaka)
  • West Sahara
  • Zimbabwe (Capital - Harare)
  • Cape Verde (Capital - Praia)
  • Cameroon (Capital - Yaounde)
  • Kenya (Capital - Nairobi)
  • Comoros (Capital - Moroni)
  • Congo (Capital - Brazzavil)
  • Côte d'Ivoire (Table - Yamusukro)
  • Lesotho (Capital - Maseru)
  • Liberia (Capital - Monrovia)
  • Libya (Capital - Tripoli)
  • Mauritius (Capital - Port Louis)
  • Mauritania (Capital - Nouakchot)
  • Madagascar (Capital - Antananarivo)
  • Malawi (Capital - Lilongwe)
  • Mali (Capital - Bamako)
  • Morocco (Capital - Rabat)
  • Mozambique (Capital - Maputo)
  • Namibia (Capital - Windhoek)
  • Niger (Capital - Niamey)
  • Nigeria (Capital - Abuja)
  • Saint Helena Island (Capital - Jamestown) (United Kingdom)
  • Reunion (Capital - Saint-Denis) (France)
  • Rwanda (Capital - Kigali)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (Capital - Sao Tome)
  • Swaziland (Capital - Mbabane)
  • Seychelles (Capital - Victoria)
  • Senegal (Capital - Dakar)
  • Somalia (Capital - Mogadishu)
  • Sudan (Capital - Hartum)
  • Sierra Leone (Capital - Freetown)
  • Tanzania (Capital - Dodoma)
  • Togo (Capital - Lome)
  • Tunisia (Capital - Tunisia)
  • Uganda (Capital - Campala)
  • Central African Republic (Capital - Bangui)
  • Chad (Capital - Ndjamena)
  • Equatorial Guinea (Capital - Malabo)
  • Eritrea (Capital - Asmara)
  • Ethiopia (Capital - Addis Ababa)
  • South Africa Republic (Pretoria Capital)

The region is inferior in the area only North Africa. It accounts for about 1/4 of the territory of the mainland, there are nine countries, in particular Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, and others. States of the region borders with all African regions and are located In the center of the mainland.

The region is located in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes, covers a large flat depression of the Congo, which in the West adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay. The territory is mainly flat, only the mountain range of Cameroon rises to a height of more than 4000 m. Nadra region is not sufficiently studied. The most famous "copper belt" (DRC), in which cobalt, lead, zinc also also have industrial importance, in addition to copper. DRC is one of the world's leading ministries and exporters of diamonds, and gold, platinum, uranium. Equator has an equatorial climate with constant wet air and autumn and spring maxima precipitation. On both sides of the equator is the zone of a subequator climate with rainy summer and dry winter. The anti-essential area, especially Congo, has the most thick network of full-flow rivers in Africa, the largest of which Congo (Zaire). Rivers are spinning, with significant hydropower potential. Huge spaces of the region are covered by swamps.

Map of Africa

As well as everywhere in Africa, the region is characterized by a very high natural population population, low lifespan and extremely high child mortality. A significant part of the population belongs to the Negroid race, a lot here and meters. The ethnic composition of the inhabitants of the region is extremely motley, they belong to the non-naked peoples speaking a bow. Pigmeys are widely represented. The state languages \u200b\u200bof all countries in the region of the former metropolis: French, Portuguese, Spanish. The weakly plants are northern and southern areas bordering the deserts, and especially the center of the region, covered by the equatorial forest. The level of urbanization is low, although there are separate ranges with a significant accumulation of large and small cities, such as the "copper belt" in the DRC. Millionaire cities are Kinshasa (10.1 Mill Man), Luanda (1.8 million), Brazzaville (1.2 million) and more.

The countries of the region are very different in terms of economic development. However, traditional exercises - agriculture) and cattle breeding remain the main source of existence for 80% of the total population. In the MGP, the countries of the region are represented by sectors of the extractive industry (oil, copper, manganese, extraction of rare-earth metals, diamonds). From the agricultural sectors, the export direction has the cultivation of oil palm, cotton, cocoa, bananas, sisal, coffee, rubberos. Of great importance is the workpiece and export of tropical wood (mat. 208), since Central Africa has the greatest forest resources on the mainland. Everywhere the traditional crafts will continue (carving on black and red wood and bones, skin treatment, basket weaving).

Until now, there is no consensus on the origin of the name of Africa. Initially, the word "Afri" residents of the ancient Carthagene called people who lived near the city. This name is usually referred to by the Phoenician Afar, which means "dust". When Carthage became the Roman province, the Romans retained this word and added the suffix "KA", which meant "Country" or "Edge". Later, Africa began to call all the well-known regions of this continent, and then the continent himself. Another theory says that the name of the people "Afri" comes from Berber IFRI, "Cave", having in mind the cave inhabitants. For other thoughts, the word "Africa" \u200b\u200bcomes from an ancient language to those (Egypt), according to which "Afros" is a foamy country. This was explained by the clash of several currents that form a foam when approaching the continent in the Mediterranean Sea.