Southern Europe on the Border World Map. Map of Europe

Southern Europe on the Border World Map. Map of Europe
Southern Europe on the Border World Map. Map of Europe

Europe is part of the continent of Eurasia. In this part of the world, 10% of the world's population lives. By his name, Europe is obliged to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Northern Ocean Oceans. Inland seas - black, mediterranean, marble. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe passes through the Urals ridge, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that Europe is a separate mainland, which separates the Black and Aegean Sea from Asia, and from Africa - the Mediterranean Sea. Later it was found that Europe is only part of a huge mainland. The area of \u200b\u200bthe islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsula - Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point of Europe is the top of the Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with cities, it is clear that the largest lakes of the region are Geneva, moon, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, South, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 - dependent and 6-risky republics. Fourteen states are island, 19 - intra-projectal, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and the sea. On the map of Europe in Russian, the boundaries of all European countries are indicated. Three states have their territories, both in Europe and in Asia. This is Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France has its territories in America.

The European Union includes 27 countries, and members of the NATO block - 25. The Council of Europe serves 47 states. The smallest state of Europe is the Vatican, and the largest - Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the separation of Europe to the eastern and western. Eastern Europe The largest region of the continent. Orthodox religion prevails in Slavic countries, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic writing and latice is used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states, this part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. Scandinavian and Baltic states are united to Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romane-language countries form southern Europe.

On the map of Europe shows the western part of the mainland of Eurasia (Europe). Atlantic, northern ice oceans are applied on the map. The sea washed by Europe: North, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Barents, Caspian.

It presents a political map of Europe with countries, a physical map of Europe with cities (capital countries of Europe), an economic map of Europe. Most map of Europe are represented in Russian.

Large map of European countries in Russian

On the big map of European countries in Russian, all countries and cities of Europe with capitals are deposited. On the big map of Europe, road roads are indicated. The map shows between the main cities of Europe. The map of Iceland is placed in the upper left corner. Map of Europe is made in Russian on a scale of 1: 4500000.The Iceland Island islands on the map Areas of Europe: British, Sardinia, Corsica, Balearic Islands, Maine, Zelandan Islands.

Europe map with countries (political card)

On the map of Europe with countries, all countries of Europe are applied on the political map. On the map of Europe, countries are marked: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Lychtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and Estonia. On the map, all the designations are applied in Russian. All European countries are marked with their borders and major cities, including with the capitals. The political map of Europe shows the main ports of Europe countries.

Map of European countries in Russian

On the map of Europe's countries in Russian, European countries, the capital of Europe, the Oceans and Sea, Washing Europe, Islands: Faroe, Scottish, Hebrides, Orkney, Balearic, Islands, Crete and Rhodes are deposited in Russian.

Physical map of Europe with countries and cities.

On the physical map of Europe with countries and cities, Europe, the main cities of Europe, European rivers, sea and oceans with depths, mountains and elevations of Europe, the lowland of Europe are indicated. The largest vertices of Europe are applied on the physical map of Europe: Elbrus, Mont Blanc, Kazbek, Olympus. CARPATE Maps are separately allocated (scale 1: 8000000), Alp Map (scale 1: 8000000), Gibraltai Strait Map (scale 1: 1000000). On the physical map of Europe, all the designations are made in Russian.

Economic map of Europe

Industrial centers are marked on the economic map of Europe. Centers of black and non-ferrous metallurgy of Europe, the centers of mechanical engineering and metalworking of Europe, the centers of the chemical and petrochemical industry of Europe, the Forest Industry Centers, European Building Centers, the Centers of the Easy and Food Industry are made. The European Economic Card is highlighted by the color of the earth with the cultivation of various crops. On the map of Europe, the deposits of minerals, the power plant of Europe are deposited. The size of the mineral mining icon depends on the economic value of the field.

The political map of the world shows the boundaries between countries, often provides information about the state device and the form of the board. Foreign Europe, the geography of which is studied in the 11th grade, includes 40 countries that have great differences in all these indicators.


The political map of foreign Europe shows the boundaries between countries belonging to its composition. Foreign Europe has land borders with Russia and the CIS countries. The remaining boundaries are marine.

Most countries forming foreign Europe are seaside.

The territory of the region has a division into four parts - Western, North, Eastern, Southern Europe. The formation of this separation began long ago and was due to geographic, cultural and economic differences.

Fig. 1. Regions of foreign Europe.

To date, the political situation in Europe is sufficiently stable and significant changes in the near future is not foreseen. The photo presents a modern political card in Russian.

Fig. 2. Countries of Foreign Europe.

Form of Board and Territorial Device

In addition to borders, with the help of a political map, such characteristics of countries can be identified as the form of the board and the territorial device. What do these terms mean?

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  • Form of government - This is the system of organizing state power of the country. Here is the procedure for their education, the duration of action, powers.
  • Territorial device - The method of organizing the territory of the state. This determines the internal structure of the country.

To date, there are two possible forms of reign in the world:

  • monarchy - when the country is controlled by the king;
  • republic - In this case, the authorities are elected by the people.

There is a third form - an absolute theocratic monarchy. In this case, the supreme power belongs to the Church. To date, there is only one state in the world with such a form of government, and it is in foreign Europe. This is the city-state of the Vatican.

Among the monarchies are distinguished absolute and constitutional. In the first case, the power is fully belonging to the king. In the second - the king obeys the laws of the Constitution.

Republics are parliament and presidentical. In the first case, the country manages the parliament led by the president. In the second case, all power belongs to the president.

Fig. 3. The Vatican is the only city-state city in the world, headed by the Church.

By territorial device distinguish:

  • unitary state: The management of the state occurs from the Unified Center and has no separation into the regions;
  • federation: There is a single control center and a lot of fragments of the country, called the subjects;
  • confederation: represents the Union of two or more countries.

Characteristics of European countries in the table


Form of government

Territorial device


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Great Britain










San Marino.







M - monarchy
P - Republic
U - Unitary
F - Federation

As can be seen from the table, most countries of foreign Europe are unitary republics. An interesting fact is that almost the entire northern region is represented by monarchies. In the eastern region, all countries of the republic. In the southern and western region, the republics and monarchies are approximately equally.

What did we know?

The political map of foreign Europe is formed from 40 states with boundaries between themselves and other regions. Countries have land and marine borders. In the form of state administration, the republic is dominated by the Unitary Organization of the territory.

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Europe map in Russian online interactive

(This map of Europe allows you to switch between different viewing modes. For a detailed study, the card can be increased with the "+" sign)

The city presented in this article is the most romantic throughout Europe. They are very popular among tourists of the whole globe, as the best places for romantic travel.

First place, of course, occupies Paris with the world famous Eiffel Tower. This city, as if impregnated with subtle flavors of love and French charm. Romantic and love attitudes add beautiful parks, vintage houses and cozy cafes. There is nothing more beautiful and wonderful than recognition in love, made on the Eiffel Tower, towering over the bright radiating lights of Paris.

The second place in the list of romantic seats went to the famous London, or rather, his ferris wheel - "London Eye". If the Paris weekend did not impress you, then you can add sharp sensations in a relationship with the second half, leaving on a huge "damn" wheel. But the places must be booked in advance, because Those who wish to ride on this attraction too much. Inside the cabin of the "damn" wheel is made under a mini-restaurant, designed for two or three people. In addition to the couple in love, i.e. The third person will be a waiter, the responsibility of which includes a table serving, the supply of champagne, chocolate and strawberries. The time staying in the booth occupies, about half an hour. During this time, there is a dizzying romantic excursion.

The third place in the list went to the Greek Island of Santorini, which is located near Cyprus. Once this island, together with his surrounding cliffs, was just a volcano. But after a strong eruption, part of the island went under water, and the rest, i.e. Crater, and formed Santorini Island. The island attracts its unique contrasts of churches and snow-white houses that shine against the background of black volcanic soil and the blue sea. In this fabulous place you feel in the seventh heaven from happiness, yielding to the romantic magnificence of Greece.

Europe is part of the continent of Eurasia. In this part of the world, 10% of the world's population lives. By his name, Europe is obliged to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Northern Ocean Oceans. Inland seas - black, mediterranean, marble. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe passes through the Urals ridge, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that Europe is a separate mainland, which separates the Black and Aegean Sea from Asia, and from Africa - the Mediterranean Sea. Later it was found that Europe is only part of a huge mainland. The area of \u200b\u200bthe islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsula - Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point of Europe is the top of the Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with countries in Russian, it is seen that the largest lakes of the region are Geneva, the moon, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, South, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 - dependent and 6-risky republics. Fourteen states are island, 19 - intra-projectal, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and the sea. On the map of Europe with countries and capitals marked the boundaries of all States of Europe. Three states have their territories, both in Europe and in Asia. This is Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France has its territories in America.

The European Union includes 27 countries, and members of the NATO block - 25. The Council of Europe serves 47 states. The smallest state of Europe is the Vatican, and the largest - Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the separation of Europe to the eastern and western. Eastern Europe The largest region of the continent. Orthodox religion prevails in Slavic countries, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic writing and latice is used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states, this part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. Scandinavian and Baltic states are united to Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romane-language countries form southern Europe.