Customs and traditions of Rome. Shocking succity of ancient Greece and Rome

Customs and traditions of Rome. Shocking succity of ancient Greece and Rome
Customs and traditions of Rome. Shocking succity of ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Rome is one of the first and at the same time a striking example of globalization in the history of mankind. The legacy of the Roman state is truly colossal. It is so great and noticeable in our Western world, that we can all consider themselves a little bit of Romans. And now it will be about several of the most significant things that even if they were not invented in Rome, they were included in the "fashion" precisely thanks to him.

1. Latin alphabet

Where the latice is used.

The most obvious object of the heritage of Rome. Today in the languages \u200b\u200bthat are based on Latinia, he says and writes polim. The Latin alphabet itself, according to the most popular (and plausible) theory of scientists, appeared as a result of the adaptation of the Etruscan alphabet and adding elements of Greek to it.

2. Concrete

Only the Romans appreciated this material for advantage.

Concrete was invented by people long before the Romans. Nevertheless, it was the Romans to fully appreciate all the advantages of this material. In the central and western part of the empire, it was literally built from concrete all from buildings of workshops and residential buildings, to temples, aqueducts, state and cultural buildings.
Moreover, the Romans did a special concrete, incredibly durable and durable! His secret scientists solved quite recently. The whole salt was that the Romans for strengthening the material used sea water and volcanic soot.

3. Patched roads and stone bridges

The Romans were the first to be widely built by stone bridges.

As in the case of concrete, roads and bridges people built around the world and to Romans. However, in the "western" part of our planet, they decided that it would be nice to make roads to durable, and bridges are more durable. As a result of the construction of these infrastructure facilities, the stone and concrete began to actively apply. The need for good roads was obvious, during the "Pax Romana" (the era of the Roman prosperity), the Roman Empire occupied almost the entire well-known world and was the largest state on our planet. Roman paved roads are preserved, and to this day.

4. Road web

Roman roads reached the present day.

Roman roads today are certainly no longer used where they are preserved. However, the Romans left us another gift. Europe's transport web and small Asia is still determined by the Parim Roads. Many modern highways and highways today coincide with the ancient Roman.

5. plumbing

The aqueducts of the Romans also popularized.

Paten the authorship of the water pipe behind the Romans will be difficult. Building aqueducts tried in ancient Babylon. However, it was the Romans that began to use aqueducts wherever they could. Unlike all predecessor civilizations, the Romans used aqueducts not only for irrigation, but also for supplying water cities, as well as industrial facilities: craft quarters and resource mining sites. Only the city of Rome supplied with 11 aqueducts! Today, more or less preserved aqueducts can be found throughout Europe: in Italy, France, Germany and in other places.

6. Sewer

The biggest cities and the biggest clay for them were at the Romans.

It was the Romans that the sewage was made not just "fashionable", but vital for large cities. Roman clocks were used as for removing uncleanness and for the removal of stormwater. At first, it was quite trivial cesspool pits yes ditch, but later the Romans began to bridge their stone and even do underground tunnels! The first Roman sewage was "Cloaca Maxima", which is located in Rome itself. By the way, it has been preserved to the present day. It is even used! True, today is exclusively for the removal of rainwater.

7. Regular, Professional Army

The militia is good, and the army is even better.

Romans regular army, as such were absent. In ancient Greece, in Egypt and the East, the army, as a rule, were collected in the form of a militia, for an hour needed to protect or opposite, a military campaign on neighbors. The number of "professional" warriors in all early states was negligible and most often ended with the personal guard of the ruler, and the temple guard.

The story of Rome is the history of the warrior, external and internal. And the entire history of this state, his army developed, which was a big way from the militia and militia described above, to a regular and more professional army. It was the Romans who changed the concept of a warrior to a soldier, realizing that in a large state, those who would protect his interests with weapons in their hands are constantly needed.

It is noteworthy that the final transition to the regular army occurred thanks to the economic crisis in the state. In the country, the level of unemployment is increasingly raised due to the ruin of peasant farms. The decision found Guy Mari, who began to take all the free inhabitants of the country (not only citizens), the military service promising sorrects and land when retirement

8. Metsenate

Romans made fashionable patronage to art and science.

This phenomenon in society itself was named after Guy's Metzenate, a better friend of Rome Oktaviana Augustus. I am expressed in modern language, it would be possible to call the patron of the first minister of culture in the history of mankind. In fact, Guy Tsilnia did not occupy any official position, but they actively sponsored cultural figures, so that they glorified the state values \u200b\u200band the Oktaviana of August.

9. Republic

Republic is a common cause.

When modern people talk about democracy, a republic and freedom, you might think that all these three words are synonyms. In fact, all this is not at all. The Democracy of Athens had nothing to do with the Republic of Rome, the last, just a grandfather of all Republican forms of government.

It was the Romans that were the first to appreciate the benefit of the separation of power, realizing that the concentration of one person could be dangerous for the whole society. Ironically, it is the concentration of power in some hands in the imperial period and becomes one of the gravers of the ancient state.

Nevertheless, for a long time, the Romans really managed to successfully share power in society, to achieve a public consensus between all the free residents of the country. Let times for this, for this, the poorest representatives of the Company and had to blackmail the richest mass migration to other lands, or even take on weapons.

10. Citizenship

A citizen can be anyone who lives and is free.

Perhaps the most important heritage of Rome, who today, in one way or another, uses a person. The concept of "citizen" existed in many ancient states. However, only Romans over time came to the fact that all free people should be citizens of the empire, regardless of where they were born and in which part of the state they live.

11. Christianity

Sim win.

For a long time in the Roman Empire, Christians were considered a dangerous Jewish sect. However, everything changed under Konstantin Great, which after the battle for Rome equalized all religions in rights. He will take the same cross from Jerusalem to the new capital of the state - Constantinople. Already Feodosius I Great will make Christianity by state religion. So, thanks to Rome, the Christian faith will begin its distribution in the world.

12. Social mobility

The Roman Empire for Social Mobility hardly did not exceed the modern US.

Finally, I want to talk about another "gift". Like all the ancient states, Rome was slave-owned. It was in ancient Rome that the concept of "classical slavery" was formed, that terrible phenomenon that today seems absolute wildness. But at the same time, the terrible Rome was distinguished from any other state in the matter of social mobility.

To Rome, in some ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylon - people died those who were born. Many centuries after Rome, people died those who were born. And only in Rome, for the first time, people began to actively enjoy social mobility. Here, slaves became free, the freeders were raised into the aristocracy, and simple soldiers passed the way to the emperor.

POST Scriptum

Mausoleum is a simple baker.

Hero himself.

Today, in modern Rome, in the city center, not far from the Colosseum and the Ruins of the Forum, you can find a small mausoleum. The owner of this mausoleum was not the emperor, not a senator and not even a venerable citizen. Its owner is a simple baker - Mark Vergil Eurisak. He was born by a slave in the family of Greek migrants, was able to get freedom, concluded a contract with the capital of the country for the supply of bread and rich so much that in the end was able to allow this most monument for himself and his wife.

Roman morals, life and everyday life

How did they spend their free time? Let us turn to the book of P. Gyro "life and morals of the ancient Romans." In Rome, the capital of a huge empire was always noisy. Here you can see anyone - merchants, artisans, military, scholars, slave, teachers, a noble rider, senator, etc. To the house of Roman aristocrats from the early morning the crowds of petitioners. There were more notable and important people who achieved a new position or honors. But it was possible to see a poor teacher or a scientist looking for a mentor's place, an educator in a notable family wishing to divide the meal with a famous face (maybe it fell something). In a word, there were integer flocks of people. Plutarchs compared them with annoying flies. It happened to us. Recall Nekrasov: "Here is the main entrance ... According to solemn days, obsessed with a Kholaopian disease, a whole city with some fright drive up to the cherished doors."

Perpel in the house of Menandra. Pompeii

Of course, among these crowds were ordinary friends. Rome did not differ from other cities in the world. Friendship, the real friendship was valued here highly, above the law ... where people know how to maintain and maintain friendly connections, the atmosphere of heat and affection reigns there. Life here is red, and even the grief is not so bitter. The Romans were appreciated by such friendship and in honor of the consent and friendship they coped with a special holiday - Charistia (Charistry). The course of life was once and for all the initial circle: battles, hiking, politics and permanent communication with friends (visits, feast, conversations, participation in the events of their families, recommendations, requests, consultations, receptions, etc.). Sometimes it was quite burdensome, as Cicero recognized. However, it was impossible to abandon this tradition, for she penetrated the whole vertical and horizontal of society, bonding it from top to bottom. Of course, the bonds of kinship were also based on friendly connections, but there were also a different kind of fastening. They sometimes turned out many times more firmly related. These are service, and business relationships. Everything went from the very top, from the princex administration, where the institute "AMICI AUGUSTI" (Friends of the princeps). Moreover, this kind of friendly communications are almost official. We have a kind of conclusion of the Covenant about the world and friendship or, on the contrary, about hostility and war ... Valery Maxim reports how inimicitia (enmity) was declared in the People's Assembly. Personal enemies Emily Lepid and Fulvius Flycc, being elected censors, hurried publicly, in the People's Assembly, to conclude a friendly union in order to show them all the intentions. Scypio African and Tiberius of Country, on the contrary, publicly dissolved the bonds of friendship, but then, being in neighboring places on the Capitol, behind the festive table at the celebration in honor of Jupiter, again concluded a friendly alliance, especially noting the conference of the handset ("Dexteras Eorum Concentibus") It is a kind of symbol of achieving consent.

Percentil in the house of the state. Pompeii

What was the basis of this kind of friendly alliances? Most more often the same as today, - the provision of mutual services involved in the parties by the parties. According to clarifications of Cicero, friendship is attached not only by the bonds of the partnership or cardiac attachment, but also "the best services from each of us." He compares them with the "marriage union", relating here both relatives and friends and comrades "in public affairs". To maintain friendship, according to him, such best qualities, both piety, kindness, soul nobility, favorables and courtesy are needed. Democritis considered the friendship of the equivalent of social being ("the one who does not have a real friend is not worthy"), and Socrates emphasized that friendship is the most important institution of mutual support and mutual assistance ("a friend delivers what is missing to a friend"). Ancient gave tribute to a meeting or pragmatic principle in friendship. Aristotle emphasized the need for both parties in both parties to meet each other reciprocity. Only then "virtue is called friendship, if there is a payment." However, the ancients also delimited the concepts of perfect friendship for the sake of pleasure and friendship material, for the benefit. Diogen Lanertsky gathered the statements of people (Kerenaikov) that the utilitarian and pragmatic goals were put in friendly alliances. Aristipp said: "A friend have for their own benefits as a member of the body while he is with you." Egezi (Hegezii) and at all pretty cynically stated: "There is no respect, no friendship, nor virtue, because they are not at all sake themselves, but for the sake of the benefit that they deliver to us: if there is no benefit, they disappear." In other words, friendship is always an exchange, although not always commodity exchange. However, many have not agreed with such a landed interpretation of this high, important universal feeling.

Odyssey and Penelope

The root is incorrect to define friendship, based exclusively on socio-economic interests. After all, there are still many aspects of human relations and connections that are not exhausted by the area of \u200b\u200bbenefits. Cicero about friendship said: "As we are virtuous and generous not in anticipation of gratitude (after all, we do not let the virtue of the growth, but we are moving towards generous nature), and we consider friendship not in the hope of remuneration, but because all its benefits lies in the love itself. " Among other things, in friendship, in high friendship is embodied the best side of the person of man. Such friendship is often leading to a feat, to cultural or ethical perfection. So, Epicur believed that it was valuable and in itself. Mutual attachment clears human relations from any egoistic calculations. "From what causes wisdom, making a happiest life in general, the greatest good is the possession of friendship." In friendship, we find the shelter from all sorts of heavy storms.

General view of the area in front of the pantheon

On the streets and squares of Rome, and other cities, you can meet many people who have made a special class called "Caverged". Modern Tiberius the poet wrote that they "do nothing and always busy, knock out of the forces because of the trifles, are in constant movement and never achieve anything, always fussy and as a result they only annoy everyone." Seneca compared them with ants, which, without a plan and goals, run on the tree, then there, then here (the comparison is unsuccessful, because the ants are hardworking the majority of people and they will not attach them to a birthday). This kind of people are in Moscow, and in Paris, and in New York, and Tokyo, and in Beijing, and in the present Rome or Berlin. "The capital was the real center of the fussy idleness, which flourished in it more than in any other city." Some hurried to put an unnecessary visit, others - to a stupid meeting, the third wanted to take part in the break, the fourth to make another, and most likely a completely unnecessary, buy, the fifths visited the lady, without delivering to her or a lot of pleasure. Among them are a lot of those who all the time sought to get into some empty official ceremonies. Show yourself and see people. Galien described the day of the Roman: "Early in the morning each makes visits; Then many go to the forum to listen to judicial debate; A large crowd is sent to admire the chariots and pantomimes; Many spend time in the baths behind the game in the bone, behind drunkenness or among pleasures, until they get on the feast in the evening, where they are having not music and not serious pleasures, but indulge in orgies and debauchery, walking often until the next day. " Most of the highest officials in Rome (as well as everywhere) fussed not just from the need to run somewhere or move, no, they wanted to earn, get benefits. The insatiable thirst for wealth has overwhelmed them and was the main cause of the bustle that filling the streets, square, the Palaces of Italy. Giving people the situation, differences, honors, wealth, influence, the money was considered the highest blessing. They are God Jupiter, who worship and serve.


Sleeping with constant pleasure visited not techniques (it was not allowed there), but zucchini, taverns, restaurants. After all, in Taverns for two ACCs, it was possible to get a brave, sausages, cooked garlic, onions and seasonings; Beans, lentil, crude cabbage, other vegetables, baked nuts, beets and porridge. They ate all these eats with rude rye or barley bread, known as plebeian bread. In these institutions, however, there was unbearable heat and reigned the impassive dirt. But the wine crossed all these inconveniences. The wine drank wine (boiled critsko) and honey, ate cakes with cheese, played in the bones, passed to each other the latest news and gossip, gloomy about the gentlemen. There were no aristocrats and senators in these walls, although it was full of runaway slaves, thieves, murderers, artists, sailors, artisans and even priests Kibel.

Of course, there were some entertainment for intellectuals, those who were fond of literature, poetry, music, etc. Let's say in the second half of the first I century. (Already at August), public readings were included in the fashion, which arranged Asia Pollyon. The writer appealed to his work to the audience, reading her passages or the entire treatise (depending on patience and location). These readings went or in the halls, or even in the canteens (apparently, more comfortable from food spiritual go to food physical). True, this lesson briefly selected Romans. Already by the end of the i century. Public readings began to decline and turned into a heavy service. The listeners tried to lean out of her as soon as they could.

Those who preferred a life policy or a leader (Vita Activa) - a contemplative-philosophical lifestyle (Vita Contemplative) or books, plunged into the silence of the office in the library in their villas and estates ... They believed: "The sage should not engage in public affairs except need. " So understood the life of other inhabitants of aristocratic villas, like the houses of the states in the pompes, the houses of deer, the villas of the house phone and the villas of papyrus in Herculaneum ... found only in the XVIII century. Villa Papirus belonged to someone from Roman aristocrats. The first treasure seekers have penetrated into its main chambers, the library, peristry, the garden, burned the mines and galleries here, then all these were abandoned. Perhaps the villa was created in the times of Nero and Flaviev. A collection of papyrouse was kept on this villa, a small beautifully selected library. In a small room, a rare papyrouse scrolls, which contained the creations of famous authors were discovered. It is possible that the first owner of the villa was puson, the father of his wife Julia Caesar. For their wealth, papyrus collected at the villa did not inferior to the libraries of emperors. From the hot dirt (the city is buried under the streams of the fiery lava) of the books of the blackened and charred, but did not completely burned down. Although it is in this case about the Romans Villa, the libraries of the most famous and rich Greeks were also. In the United States, a copy of the villa of papyrus in California was created, its owner was the American millionaire Ghetty, who placed the collection (1970).

Ya. Yordans Pan and Sirring. Brussels

When was the overall drop of morals? Antique authors have different opinions on this. According to Strabo, Fabi Pictitor believed that the Romans first tasted luxury (or, as he was expressed, "tried wealth") in the days of the 3rd of the Sovirt War. After that, i.e. approximately 201 BC. er, after the 2nd Punic War and the defeat of Philip Macedonsky, they began to show a tendency to a less severe lifestyle (Valery Maxim). Tit Libya believed that the wasting habit was listed in Rome's army after returning from the depths of Asia, where it occupied rich countries (187 BC). Polybius refers the disappearance of the former modesty and leaving the Romans to the time of the war with the Persem (168 BC. Er). Posidochi and Sailons date the era of decline with the destruction of the Rome of Carthage (146 BC. Er). Other refer to the start of the era of de-graduation and the decline of Rome to the long period (II century BC. E. - II century. N. E.). They are probably right: this process was long and permanent.

Tomb in Kazanyk

This is how the origins of the beginning of the degradation of Rome Guy Sallyusty Krisp explained in his "War with Yogurt". The Roman historian wrote: "We note that the habit of separation into the warring countries with all the consequences arose in Rome only a few years earlier, and gave rise to her idle life and the abundance of those benefits that people appreciate everything above. True, right up to the destruction of the Carthage, the Roman people and the Senate conducted the affairs of the state together and calmly, there were no between citizens of the struggle for glory and domination: the fear of the enemy supported good orders in the city. But it was worth the hearts to get rid of this concern, as a place was taken by misconception and arrogance - success willingly leads them to them. And it happened that the peaceful idleness that disaster in the midst of disasters was worse and the horses of the disaster themselves. Non-infuriated little, they turned their high position into the arbitrariness, the people are their freedom, he died and pulled out in his direction. Everything split into two mills, and the state that was previously a common property, torn off on the shreds. The advantage, however, was on the side of the nobility - due to its cohesion, the forces of the people, scattered, fragmented between many, did not have the benefits of this. The world and the war, the same hands kept the treasury, the provinces, senior positions, glory, triumphs, and the people were exhausted under the burden of military service and needs. Meanwhile, as the commander with their approximations cleared the prey, soldier's parents and small children were drove away from a raised place, if a strong neighbor happened nearby. So the side of the side was greed, immeasurable and insatiable, she twisted and spoke everything, nothing worried about anything and did not value anything, until he had broken her neck. " While it was necessary to fight with a formidable opponent, while the fear and survival instinct fastened the interests of all Romans more than friendship and laws, Rome, as well as the USSR, was a single cohesive state. When the external threat disappeared, no less terrible inner war began to whistle for the possession of everyone than Rome owned. And here there was no friends among the rivals, nor enemies, for everyone, because of animal herd, tried to snatch a piece, seize earth, values, slaves, estates.

Wives. Mural Villa in Boscoreale

Infinite wars significantly changed the economy of Italy, and the army of Hannibal inflicted tremendous damage. Selochege accounted for decay. Cheap bridal bread made unprofitable bread production in Italy itself. Although it is worth remembering the remark of Weber about the fact that "Rome neversince he was generally a policy, was not forced and was not able to live their own farming products "(the area being processed to obtain bread, apparently accounted for about 15%). In addition, war distracted the productive part of citizens from affairs. To know lived in luxury, and a significant part of the population was distressed. In one Rome, about 150,000 unemployed numbered. Their authorities contained so to speak to the public account. Approximately the same people, if not more, worked only before lunch. All of them had to somehow calm down, distract from the most pressing, acute problems so that they did not arise and did not ask questions. Caesar recognized the right of mass on bread and spectacle. Satir Satir Yuvenal (approx. 60-140. N. E.) On this occasion, indignantly wrote: "This people have not been selling for a long time, since we don't sell our own voices, I forgot all worries, and Rome that once all Distributed: legions, and power, and liktors ligneys, restrained now and about two only things dream of restlessly: bread and spectacles! " Officials should be unquestioned to follow these rules.

Satir Martzial in one of the epigrams said that the wife of one of the pretors was forced to even submit for a divorce because of the huge costs that was forced to carry her husband. The fact is that the position of the husband and the requirements for it disastrically reflected on the family budget: "I know: he stressed with a pretext, and his megalez Purpur cost a hundred thousand, no matter how bothering you for the arrangement of games; Thousands would have already had a folk holiday. " But officials often just had nowhere to go. After all, their fate and quarry, and often life itself was in the hands of the emperor. In addition, sometimes the payroll for the unsuccessful or poorly organized by the official, the spectacle was extremely harsh. Caligula (37-41 n. E.) Ordered one supervised supervisor over the gladiator battles and the injury for several days in a row to beat the chains in his eyes. The poor fellow was killed only after everyone felt "rock of rotting brain" (Svetoniy). After Augusts, all his successors (except Tiberius) began to compete with each other in the organization of the Gladiator Games. For the sake of advertising and maintaining a political face, the official should have climbed into debts and in his own pocket (especially after the elimination of state surcharges of the Games in August). Everyone surpassed Emperor Traian (98-117. N. E.), whose spectacles were compared with the fun of Jupiter himself. Moreover, these fun were often accompanied by mass chains of people and animals.

Wounded Lev.

The people got free access to the forum, but he longed for blood and spectacles. Those have become more bloody and cruel. How everything has changed. Once, even in the censorism of the Senior Katon (184 BC), noble Roman, L. Flaminin Quincction (Consul 192 BC) was punished for unjustified cruelty, as he allowed the dese Rome. Proconsul Flaminin at dinner (at the request of the Bludnica, who never saw, how man beheaded) killed one of the convicts. He was accused of insulting the grandeur of the Roman people. The episode rusted by Libya indicates that in the old days, the Romans still tried to prevent excessive cruelty. Now they were killed dozens and hundreds openly - in front of the people. Rome stopped being shyful to the Palaughte and applauded the executioners ... It is worth mentioning that the number of holidays in the year has increased in II century. n. e. Up to 130, that is, actually doubled compared to the era. Romans were fascinated by spectacles. Almost all Rome was gathered in a huge circus for 200,000 seats. Azart Runs was incomprehensible to smart and enlightened people. "I do not understand," the writer Polynia Jr. wisen, "such a boring spectacle can be takenlated."

The fight of gladiators with lions in the arena

If they were still attracted by the horses or art of people, then this would be some sense; But they are in favor of rags, they love rag, and if during runs in the middle of the competition "this color to transfer there, and the passionate sympathy of people will go along with it." And then Pliny continues: when I look at those people that they are passionate about so vulgar and empty case, I feel great satisfaction from the fact that I am not covered by them. While Mobile and those who consider themselves serious, give time to idleness, I give great pleasure with the literature with great pleasure. Alas, it turned out that much more easier to attract wild animals with the sounds of the Lyra, as the once Orpheus did, than to draw the eyes of other people on high literature, history or philosophy. Hortensia, the creator of the poem about the upbringing of wild animals, it would be fit to write a poem about how to re-educate the Romans, leading themselves like wild creatures. We involuntarily remembered the historian Time, who, describing the life of the Roman people, believed (as well as Varon), as the very name of Italy occurred from the Greek word meaning "horned cattle" (which is always a lot). However, another version is known: the country was named by the name of the Bull Italy, allegedly transported Hercules from Sicily.

Fun richer

The sharp words of Charles Montesquieu from the labor "On the spirit of the laws" are remembered: "To defeat the impressive climate laziness, the laws would have to deprive people any opportunity to live without working. But in the south of Europe, they act in the opposite direction: they put people who wish to be idle, to a position conducive to contemplative life, and associate tremendous wealth with this provision. These people, living in such an abundance that even them, naturally, pay their surplus to the simple people. The latter has lost property; They reward him for this opportunity to enjoy the idleness; And he eventually begins to love his poverty. " In fact, is there any difference? They had a Commodian, we had a comedian! Comedy, which in front of the whole world turns into a tragedy.

In the times of the Roman Republic, there was a law that condemned the luxury, having sternly punished those who would decide to challenge public opinion. Among the subjects it was allowed to have only solonka and the sacrificial bowl of silver. One of the noble senators even lost its place only for the fact that he had a silverware of 10 pounds. But times have changed, and even the People's Tribune of Druza (servants of the people) of the Silver dishes accumulated by more than 10 thousand pounds. These were fabulous money. With dictators and emperors, the wealth of the nobility became altogether, but it was perceived by the order of things. Rich people were not considered with the cost, wanting to shine with wealth. They paid mad money for silver and gold stuff (while the cost of work often exceeded 20 times the cost of the material itself). In the homes of the Roman nobility accumulated unthinkable treasures. So, by Titon, Petronia was a bucket, which was drawn wine from the crater, the cost of which was 350,000 gold rubles.

Silver tableware Times of Caesarism

True, at one time Caton Centor tried to stop this process. He even expelled from the Senate of many supporters of unlimited luxury, including the Lucia of Quinte, the former Consul, and the brother of the famous "liberator" of Greece - Tita Flaminin. Some famous riders were injured - Equus Publicus was taken away from the brother of Szipiona African. But the greatest (and almost scandalous fame) had in society the steps of the Caton, directed against luxury, speculation, progress. It increased taxes on wealth, insisted on raising prices for women's decorations, clothes, rich in household utensils, highly raised the price of otkupov, etc. Plutarch emphasizes that he has earned the special hatred of rich people with these actions. However, it should be remembered and to us - these decisive measures won his deep gratitude to the people.

Many even praised the censor for such a rigor. In gratitude for merits to the people, he was erected by a statue. "Thus, there can be no doubt that Luxuria in a katon scale is Luxuria of the rich, Ambitus and Avaritia - the defects of noble and rich people, Superbia, CRUDELITAS - also vices for nobility, Impudentia and Duritudo - the result of decomposing foreign influences, and desidia - A typical feature of those who corrupted a long leisure (Otium) and whom such conditions have learned their personal affairs and their commoda to put the interests of Res Publica. In conclusion, it is not important to note that if the Katoes are a set of Virtutes (that is, virtues) appears extremely implicitly and most likely it is intended to be effective for the six-year-old days of MORES MAORUM (morals of the majority), then all Vitia (Nova Flagitia - Nuvorish) is quite real and "Have an exact address": They characterize those that are still relatively narrow (but, of course, the highest!), Layers of the Roman society, which are corrupted by foreign influences, seek to conduct or lead a luxurious lifestyle and will ultimately neglect the interests and needs of society generally". It was about a certain part of the highest circles.

Among the concubine. Eastern Scene

Similar luxury, all these countless expensive fun and pleasure cost the state of huge money. And, as a result, by the end of the existence of the Rome-Skoy empire, taxes increased continuously. Feodosius I stated in 383 N. e. that no one can own property not taxable. There was a huge number of regulatory and controlling acts. A kind of stipulated circle was obtained: the political structure crackled on the seams, the army began to fall apart. To somehow support all this, save at least their foundations and replenish the treasury, had to increase taxes. Taxes in the rich at the same time decreased, which worsened the already severe position of the simple people. On ordinary citizens, a lot of duties were imposed, resembling the most frank bargain. Those were supposed to supply coal, firewood for arsenals and mint, maintain bridges, roads and buildings in a decent state, and in general, to provide the state with the state and work without any remuneration from his part. The service in the country was spoken in Rome, turned "into something of forced hiring." Higher classes were freed from all this. Corruption has flourished among blessing.

T. Chasserio. Dressup concubine

I can not believe that civilization could fall to such tastes, sometime admired classical Greek literature, history, philosophy? Although it is unlikely to exaggerate the cultural level of the wide masses. The culture of them is similar to a thin layer, which very quickly disappears, if the society suddenly plunges into dirt ... Part of the Roman society still tried to follow the ideals of the ancient Greeks. Lovers of sports supported physical health in gymnasiums and palistrach. Some citizens, like Cicero, spent time in the gymnastic halls, were engaged in the struggle, they practiced driving on chariot and horse riding, swam or fond of rowing. "Each manifestation of agility and strength of the audience was encountered by applause," the chronicles wrote. But then there were exceptions. When a country admiring history, philosophy, poetry, literature, so degrades, then freedom becomes fiction and empty sound. It is clear that no one said the words of protest, when 94 g. e. They executed two senators who wrote memories of chambers of freedom of traze Pet and Gelvia Prisch. Memories Emperor Domitian immediately ordered to burn. "Due to this order, of course, it was believed that such a fire would force the Roman people, would stop the winsted speech in the Senate, heins the most conscience of the genus of human. Moreover, the teachers of philosophy were expelled and the ban on all other sublime sciences was imposed, in order not yet found anything honest anywhere. We showed a truly great example of patience. And if the former generations have seen that it seems not limited freedom, then we (see) - (what) Such (ours) enslavement, because the endless persecution took our opportunity to communicate, express their thoughts and listen to others. And together with the voice, we would also lose my memory, if (only the right) forget the same thing in our power, how to silence. " Of course, others continued to love books, but there were a minority. The crowd loved wine and women. Gordian II had a magnificent library - 62 thousand books. However, he spent more time behind a glass of wine, in gardens, baths, in groves, everywhere, having sacrificed 22 concubines, from each of which he left 3-4 cats.

Thilled infant

The Romans (especially secured and rich) were increasingly frankly to live exclusively for themselves, caring only about the satisfaction of their whims and desires. Actually the Roman population agrees and decreases. His gaze and heart cease to delight children. Children are increasingly perceived as burdensome troubles and burden. In the Comedy of Float "The boastful warrior" is one of the characters, Perilenomen, taking his friend's rich table, Pravensikla, objects against the words: "Cute - the children have". Where better, he says, "free to be free - this is that mile." Therefore, advises him: "Eat and drink with me together, the soul has fun. The house is free, I am free and want to live freely. " A friend continues to convince: they might, it would be nice yet to start his wife and children, because "to raise children: this is a monument to himself." Perailomen objects:

My relatives are big: in children that

for the need?

Happily live, fine i am now

as you want;

Death will come - his good I will give in

section of his own

Will all come to me, about me


And watch as having worked

A little dawn - here with the question,

how I slept this night.

Here they are children and will be. Me they are

gifts send;

Whether sacrifice bring: part of me

more than yourself give

Invite to a pirushka, breakfast,

dinner to them;

Who sent gifts less

flove is ready in despair;

Compete in the gift among themselves.

On the mind: "Open your mouth on my


Because the opposition is so fed

and give me me "...

Yes, and be it kids, how much with them

wouldn't it!

The vicious and criminal Rome has ever seen more often in children only the burden. It is better to start any exotic creature, take it into your home from the distant countries. Increasingly, fish, dogs, wild animals, freaks, crocodiles, peacocks began to occupy places in families of rich (as it happens now in the nouveau families in Russia). The facts are known when rich is specially caused children to satisfy their solvents, when innocent girls or young men were given to the crop.

O. Berdsley. Deprivation of virginity

Knife mired in straight and drunkenness. Society in such conditions degrades and genetically. N. Vasilyeva noted the "question about the fall of the Western Roman Empire and Ancient Culture" (1921) that the fall of the morals was accompanied by a biological crisis. People Hareli and depleted, families have redlie, the number of children has decreased. The city destroyed the village and settled its inhabitants. Although until 131 BC e. None of the statesmen of Rome did not pay attention to the population decline (it seems except Mekelala). Families and healthy relationships between a man and a woman became a considerable rarity by leaving the background. Rome degenerated, carried away, as they say, the unconventional floors of the floors. In literature, culture, theater, debauchery and cynicism were embroidered.

Emperor Vytelly

Since the poor became more and more, in the Roman society the widespread phenomenon was to raise children. Children were often sold, because death threatened death (especially during the crisis III-IV centuries. N. Er). Selling their children, the poor not only provided them to survival, but they themselves received some amount of money that could be used in the family, including for the feeding and existence of the remaining children. So, there are cases of selling children as a means of repaying the debt of parents. A kind of wine vendor Pamonfius, having made a large amount of money, could not pay it. To return it to the archons, he sold all his property, including clothing, but it made it possible to pay only half of the debt. And then the heartless lenders took away all his children, including young, and took them into slavery ... known and such a document as "the alienation of the daughter." It says about how recently a widowed woman, not having the opportunity to feed a 10-year-old daughter, gives it up for eternal times another couple, so that she contained it as a "legitimate daughter." The legislation of Justinian Sale by citizens of children was permitted only "due to emergency poverty, food intake." By the way, it is very curious that in the "Christian" of Constantine, the sale of newborn children was allowed, but the "persecutor of Christians" Diocletian strictly-setting forbade the alienation of children from the parent through the sale, gift, mortgage, or any other way.

Portrait of emperor Commoda

We live "in ancient Rome": the cases of selling children gained mass. As if on the slave bazaar, in Russia sell their children in rich families.

But many have entered the taste of idle, depraved and cheerful life. "Therefore, the mass of people was forced or to sacrifice their children in pleasure, whose temptations are now so strong, or, on the contrary, they had to sacrifice their children in favor of pleasure, killing the offspring, which should have continued them in time, and Punnyly died forever at the end of its existence in order to freely enjoy a brief moment of life. And only more often elected the second decision. " When does the state observe himself on death and disaster? When the children of the elite, great and decent parents became full of insignificances, geeks. There are quite a few such examples in the history of Rome. Vytelly (69-70), drowning with his hunger, ripped by the people and dropped into the Tiber. Galba (68-69) killed by Pretorians. The people were deprived of the remnants of the former freedoms, turning into the crowd, plebey, black.

Roman gladiators welcome the emperor

The emperor becomes Commod (180-192 N. E.), the eldest son of the ruler Mark Aureliya, a highly moral, decent and intelligent person. After his death, allegedly from the gravity of infectious disease (180), the Son became the sole emperor. What is the bitter irony of fate ... A fan of philosophy, high and beautiful ideas not only died of "ugly disease", but also was forced to transfer all the brazards of the board in the country in the hands of the Son, "the spiritual horizon of which was limited to the circus and pleasures in the level of the taste of Konyukh and fist wrestlers. " As often, parents are not there and not to protect their sons and daughters. The emperor did not allow him to bed because of fear that he could get infected. But the commodity was already "infected", being inclined to guilt and fights. They say he was not the son of Mark Auraliya. The wife of Emperor Faustina was the lady "very loving", and his "adventures" walked stubborn rumors. Having barely entered the throne, the commodity is forced to immediately understand with a plot, in which his native sister is involved with a nephew. Then follows another conspiracy - and again it is necessary to execute the perpetrators. Executions follow one after another. The heads of the oppraffles, the consuls, managers, etc., are flying, and so on. It is convicted with families (the prefect has been headed with his wife, sister and sons). The emperor brings to her father's freedman, Cleandra, who helps him to fulfill fast, ambulance. Although what can be more dangerous, it would seem that to entrust personal security, the command of the army who is sold publicly to announce the announcement. Commoda complained to him the title "Dagger". The era of arbitrariness occurred. Clabande copied the money and scared bread in huge quantities, in order to take advantage of them as a weapon at the right moment - to distribute bread stocks with a hungry crowd and thereby attract people to their side, and then with the help of a crowd to capture in Rome and the imperial power.

Having learned about these plans, the commodion dealt with him. It is quite obvious that such sharp and inexplicable changes in the highest echelons of the authorities carried a threat to senators. In an effort to replenish the treasury in any way (which he himself also empty), the emperor subjected them to persecution and began to select their property. But if Mark Arellium did it for the sake of good and the health of children and the poor, the son quietly stuck his own pockets. In addition to all his overcame and the mania of greatness. Commod declared Rome personal colony, renaming it to Commodian. The same changes were prepared by Roman legions, the new African flotilla, the city of Carthage, even Senate Rome. These metropolitan "fun" caused uprisings and partisan war in the provinces. In Europe, the Romans were treated as invaders (and agents of the secret military police).

Picture of traveling aristocrats

The tragedy was that instead of the republic in Rome approved the oligarchy. This cynical and pose tribe does not know the words - "Fatherland". Higher officials, military regulations, senators and leaders were noting for Plato. They were not worried about philosophy, but her own enrichment. Changes in all - in the nrav, clothes, food, habits. Noble Romans were filled from their environment even when taking food. Previously, as you remember, there was nothing like that. Almost until the end of the Punic Wars of the Lord shared meals with servants: all ate at one table simple food. Mostly it was greens and bean plants and wheat flour kissel, often replacing bread. Among the preserved fragments of the scientist and writer Warre (I century BC) there is a mention of the tastes that reigned in the early Rome: "At the grandfathers and great-grandfather, even though they breathe garlic and onions, but they had a spirit!" However, soon after the conquest of Greece and Malaya Asia in Rome and Italy, wealth and disassemble were flowed in a wide stream. The life of noble families was filled with pleasures and entertainment. Region, entertainment, enjoyment, spectacles are usually accompanied by laziness. Sibertism has spread in society. However, this is not the Sibertism of the artist.

Who once born by the artist,

That is always Sibrit ...

So let it over the copper


The fragrant Mirra burns!

V. Mironov

Rome, the population of which exceeded a million, is increasingly noticeable and frankly immersed in Drema. Celebrating life became a lot of not only patrician, but to some extent the plebs. The rich in Rome, however, it was not so much. Cicero noted that in Rome, according to Tribune Philip, it is difficult to find and 2000 well-secured people (oligarchs). But it was them, perhaps, determined the weather and ordered music. The philosophy of egoism and hedonism won in Roman society. The number of servants grew: prisoners bakers, cooks, confectioners. She somehow had to stand out. The future depended on whether their dishes will appear to new owners. There was a competition and envy. As a result, in the city, recently did not know that there was a bread, suddenly began to sell several of its varieties, distinguished not only in quality, but also to taste, color and form. Sweets and gourmet services were various cookies and sweets. About 171 BC. e. Cook art is erected into the rank of science. Sallyusti wrote that to know "covered the passion for the breakdown, increasingness and other pleasures."

To diversify the table, they "stipped the land and the sea; went to bed before they began to be clone to sleep; I did not expect a feeling of hunger or thirst, no cold, nor fatigue, but in the depravation of their own, their appearance was warned. " Completed unthinkable peirs. In the estate already mentioned the freedman of the trimalhion (Character of the comedy Petronia) of money - darkness, the land is so much that the falcon is not able to fly, the silver dishes falling into the floor are thrown together with the garbage, and lively bruises are deployed from the belly of a fried boar. At the table did not sit, but lay. To make it more convenient to eat food as much as possible, the rich knitted, undressing to the belt ... decoring himself with wreaths from Mirta, Ivy, violets and roses, they went to the table. Slaves shot shoes, soap their legs and hands. The forks then did not recognize. Romans, like the Greeks, all ate with their hands. According to the customs of the Greeks, the feots ended with grand pastures. Those present at the table elected the president. Focical, actors, dancers, whores are invited to enjoy the nobility.

Redfish vase. V c. BC.

The author "Books Satir", Petronius, described the picture of the rich freedoms ... When we finally apled, the young Alexandrian slaves poured us the hands of snowy water, washed their legs and diligently cut the sowing on the fingers. Without interrupting an unpleasant case, they sang not resin. When he asked to drink, a helpful boy executed a request, scattered just as shrill. Pantomime with chorus, not tricking of the honorable house! Meanwhile, submitted a refined snack; Everyone was apled on the bed, excluding the host of the trimalhion himself, who was left the highest place at the table by the new fashion. In the middle of the table stood the donkey of Corinthian bronze with sponsors, in which white and black olives lay. Two silver dishes rose above the donkey, the name of the trimalchion and the weight of silver were engraved. Further describes how everyone enjoyed this luxury. Then they brought to the music and laid on the small pads of the trimalhion. His shaved head peeking out of bright red robes, and around the cooked neck wound a scarf with a wide purple torn rumble and hanging fringe. It was all launched. There was a big gold-plated ring of pure gold on his hands, with soldered iron stars. In order to set off the other of their jewels, he exposed his right hand decorated with a gold wrist and an ivory bracelet. In the teeth he picks silver toothpick. The boy coming after the boy brought crystal bones on the table of the terrestrial tree, where the author noticed something sophisticated: instead of white and black pebbles were laid gold and silver dinarities. Then came the curly ether with small storms like those of which they scattered sand in amphitheaters, and washed the hands of our hands, and nobody filed the water. A large silver dish fell in the turmoil: one of the boys raised him. Noticing this, Trimalhion ordered to put a slave landing, and throw a dish back to the floor. The appeared buffetber began to sweep the silver along with other litto the door. At this time, the slave brought a silver skeleton, arranged so that his bends and vertebrae moved freely in all directions. When he was thrown several times on the table, he, thanks to a moving clutch, took a variety of postures. So we all drank and surprised so sophisticated luxury. It is curious that the owner of the house and Pera Trimalchion became a merchant and an entrepreneur in new times. Once he was a slave and dragged on the back of the log, but then thanks to his enterprise accumulated big capital. He produced wool, razed bees and even discharged from India the seeds of champignons. We also see in the current Russia, where such "freedmen" in the recent past traded flowers, herring, they were engaged in Fartakhovka, were dolutchikov, but now they became the ministers, premieres, deputies.

Amphora with the image of the pyr

As a result, the rich and satisted public could not adequately guide the state, nor satisfy the woman ... Penenide in Satirikon tells the story of a young man who fell in love with a woman that "the most paints of all paintings and statues." There are no words to describe her beauty: "Eyes - brighter stars in a moonless night", and "Rotik is similar to the mouths of Diana, as their Praxitel invented." And the hands, legs, neck - well, that the Swedashka: White "They Extlived Paros Marble." And when "Democrat" had to "show men's force", the curse of Priap (sexual deity) was fulfilled, his "demiurg" instead of combat poses with a disgrace bowed his head. There will not help neither a gold plug from the Palace Collection, nor Villa in Spain. Impotence struck Rome as she struck "democrats-transvestites." Petronia gives advice, how to cure: The patient must stick to the diet, seek help to the deities (and not climb into politics), as well as take a phallus, covered with oil with pushed pepper and a spectacular seed and deeply shove him in anus. The surrounding during this procedure should whip it with nettle at the bottom of the bare body. They say it helps ... Epicuretes and Stoiki strengthened the mood of decades, calling people to burn life easily, imperceptibly, mindlessly, blindly. The Council is: "It is impossible to make too much rationality in life without killing life."

However, the time will pass, and they themselves will perceive in the philosophy of Epicura only her hedonic, the most animal part, from which the philosopher himself was far away.

Titian. Dana, on which the golden rain shed

But what to say, if even the Great Cicero, Moralist, Republican, the singer of the old defendance and the "covenants of the ancestors", speaking in court in defense of a certain brand of the host of Rufa (56 BC), a typical young Roman, speaker and politics, Exclamation: "Does it really love the Bludnitsa for the young men? If someone thinks so, what to say, he is very strict rules and is abruptly not only our loose century, but also the fact that the usual of the ancestors is permitted. In fact, when it was different when it was redeemed when it was forbidden when it was impossible to what you can? I am ready to determine what exactly, but I will not call any woman, let him think about it. If any depletion of the house will open the house to all the businesslike, if there is no touch as a selling woman, if you have been sawing with other people's men, and all this in the city, in the gardens, in crowded bays; If, finally, her gait, and outfit, and a sweet, and brilliant views, and free speeches, and hugs, kisses, swimming, skiing, the firals are forced to see in her not just a betrayer, but a shameless whore, then tell me, Lutions of Gernenia, when a certain young man turns out to be with her, will he be sent to, and not just a lover? Does he encroach on the chastity, and not just satisfy the desire? " After such a convincing, passionate speech, the court justified this Rufa.

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In modern Italy, it is not customary to marry or get married at an early age. Italians are suitable for the issue of creating a family very responsibly. The cult of families in Italy is valued very high, and family traditions always stand in the first place. Interestingly, what was the marriage in ancient Rome? What traditions and customs reached the depths of centuries to the present day?

Marriage with ancient Rome: Love or Calculation

In the ancient times, the wedding rite was considered sacred, and the family is a support of the entire state, but not all romantic relations of two loving hearts ended with a lush wedding.

The fact is that over the past centuries, the Romans considered a marriage procedure primarily with mutually beneficial cooperation. For noble and rich names, this meant the possibility of combining capital, lands, the spread of its influence and the like. Often, parents of future newlyweds agreed about the wedding, stipulating at once all sorts of union for both sides. Very often in such cases it was possible to observe the concept of unequal marriages. As a rule, the future groom was much older than his bride, and sometimes even on the contrary.

Dad Alexander VI Borgiai to solve geopolitical issues married his youngest son Joffre, who was not yet fulfilled and thirteen years old, at a significantly superior to him by the age of the daughter of the King Naples.

Among the simple population, there were also cases of marriages for the calculation, but they were much less than in the circle of the highest estates. Despite such an attitude to wedding, in those distant times the very concept of a family for ancient Romans remained closely related to such moral aspects as mutual respect and reverence of each other as spouses.

Laws of ancient Rome on the creation of a family

In antiquity there were sufficient multitude of regulations prescribed by the laws regarding the creation of a new cell of society. Having wanted to conclude the marriage first of all were to ask permission from the head of the family, and only from his decision depended, a new family would be born or not. To date, such a rule does not seem too unusual. Nowadays, there is also a tradition to ask for parent blessings. However, some laws that existed in ancient Rome may seem rather unusual.

  • The age of the optimal age for the conclusion of marriage was considered 17 years for girls and 20 years for young men, although the laws were allowed to marry much earlier. Girls could marry the achievement of twelve years, and the boys are fourteen. This was explained not only to the fact that in ancient times the life expectancy was less, but also early mortality of women and children.
  • The status of the right to conclude a marriage was provided only to free Romans. Roman state did not give such an opportunity to the Roman state. In addition, the laws were forbidden to create families military, as well as magistrates.
  • Related ties in the republican marriage period among relatives up to the fourth knee not only forbid, but also dealt with the death penalty. Starting from the I century BC, marriages were allowed between the cousins, and in the III century, our era was allowed to conclude their native uncle with a niece.

Marriage registration in ancient Rome

As such marriage registration, from a legal point of view, no, no one made any special papers and did not record records in civil status registers, as is customary in modern society. To conclude a marriage, a number of conditions described above were considered sufficient, and a joint accommodation was required, the desire to recognize each other her husband and wife and adherence to decent behavior.

Varieties of marriage in ancient Rome

In the modern world there are only two types of marriage - a civil registered in the registered register (in Italy, marriage is registered in the commune), and church. In ancient Rome, Cun Manum was considered the main type of marriage in the early republican period, which in translation of Latin literally means "with hand".

In antiquity, all members of the name were ruled by the head of the family. The wife in the full sense of the word belonged to her husband, and the children were the property of the Father. When a young girl married, she officially stopped belonging to her parent and passed under the patronage of her husband. The woman had limited rights in terms of property, she could not dispose of their dowry and, in the future, family budget. However, unlike Grechanok, he was more independent and had some privileges. The Roman Matron could freely visit theaters and baths, take part in important dinners and engage in their education.

For different classes, the marriage ceremony assumed the holding of completely different rites:


    The solemn event on the conclusion of marriage, conducted by the main priest for representatives of the Patrician genus. During the ritual, special prayers of the petties of the pagan gods were read and sacrifices were accomplished: bread made of special wheat varieties, fruits and sheep. The prerequisite for holding such a rite was the presence of ten witnesses. Termination of marriage, concluded in this way, was considered unacceptable.

Historical reference

The main priest in ancient Rome was the Great Pontiff, being the head of all pontiffs. In the VIII century BC. This position was held by the kings.


    For Roman citizens of ordinary origin, there was another rite. In the presence of at least five witnesses, the bridegroom redeemed his bride for a symbolic fee. At the same time, he should have be sure to ask the girl if she wishes to become the mother of his children, and she - whether the young man wants to be the father of the family.

In addition to such official marriage conclusion ceremonies in ancient Rome, the so-called marriage of habit was distributed. A couple who lived together and inseparably one year was recognized as legitimate wife and husband. However, if during this year, one of the cohabitants was absent more than three days, the countdown began again.

In the late republician period in Rome the most common form of marriage became Sine Manu, which differs from Cun Manum because the young wife did not go to the ownership of her husband, but remained under the auspices of his father. In addition, a woman who had more than three children could refuse all the patronage of anyone and became freedom. This meant that she could fully dispose of the property belonged to her and, if necessary, submit for a divorce.

Ancient Rome, along with ancient Greece, is considered a cradle of European culture. However, some traditions of that time even us who saw all or almost everything seem to be strange.

10th place: Rome Streets were often called to those artisans or merchants who settled there. For example, I was in the city of "Sandalny" Street - Street specialists in the dressing of Sandals (Vicus Sandalarius). On this street, Augustus put the famous statue of Apollo, which became referred to as the street - Apollo Sandalarius.

9th place: neither flowers nor trees were not planted on the Roman streets: for this, there was simply no place. The traffic jams on the roads of the Romans learned long before the Nativity of Christ. If an equestrian military squad was passing down the street, he could push pedestrians with impunity and even beat them.

8th place: The walls of many houses were decorated with candid images of sexual scenes. This was considered not pornography, but an object of worship and admiration. Artists were especially valued for the ability to convey to the audience all the heat such as scenes.

7th place: Rome is generally famous for his free nravami. Pedophilia, same-sex communication and group sex were in the order of things. But noble rich Romans were asked to avoid sex on the side with women from the highest society, since if an illegitimate child appeared, there were big problems with the delegation of inheritance.

6th place: Roman feots were not very beautiful sight. Regardless of the size of the room and the number of diners, the table was very small. One hundred-stencil from the other was separated by pillows and fabrics. The crowded people, heated wine and food, pulled incentively and, so as not to tackle, were covered with special cape.

5th place: Gladiator's battles of the Romans were adopted by the Greeks. It was not only a prisoner of war, but any free citizen who wants to earn a gladiator could become a gladiator. In order to become a gladiator, it was necessary to take the oath and declare himself "legally dead."

4th place: "To the arena" could sentence civil criminals. As, for example, one jeweler who deceived buyers.

3 place: It was at the Romans and something like a movie. During Naumakhius, historical battles played in all details. To draw one battle, a huge artificial lake was dug. 16 gallery participated in the presentation, on which there were 4 thousand rowers and 2,000 gladiators soldiers.

2nd place: prostitution bloomed in Rome lush color. Prostitutes worked almost everywhere and differed not only in price, but also by the nature of the services provided. For example, Bustuariae ("Bustuariae") were called prostitutes that at night they wandered around the graves (Busta) and fires on cemeteries. Often, they performed the role of the Posfalkers during the funeral rites.

1st place: Roman toilets (in Latin they were called "Latrina" or "Forica") were quite spacious - in the biggest could simultaneously "sit" about 50 people. The floor of the toilets was laid out by a mosaic that was usually portrayed dolphins, and in the center Bil Fountain. Musicians often played in Forika, and those gathered were conversations and shared news. Often there it was possible to hear political acunes and poems.

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Interior of the Roman Building

Roman house. Reconstruction. Relayer.

Interior of the Roman House. Reconstruction.

Roman Pier

Mosaic Paul Adrian Villa in Tivoli.

Atrium houses in the pompes.

Lunch in the Roman House. The table was surrounded by three beds, and the Romans took food lying, leaning on the left hand.

Interior of the Roman Villa. English artist Lawrence Alma Tadema

Hypochest - heating system in the houses of ancient Rome

The terms of Caracalla. Inside. Reconstruction.

Bath accessories.

Lighting in Roman homes: 1 - silver candlesticks; 2 - bronze lamp; 3 - ceramic lamps; 4 - Suspended lamp


Silver utensils from boscoreale

Silver vessel from Hildesheim treasure.

Products submitted on the table in ancient Rome. Mosaic.

Floor mosaic from tricline depicting food residues.

An image from the tomb of the Vesk Prost in Pompeium. "When the Roman visited some friend, the rules of good tone demanded that the masters

Image from
Vestory Prsk B.
Pompeiy. "When
visited someone friend
Good rules
Tones required
To the owner of the house
Showed him
the most beautiful
Things from their
dishes. "

Pir scene. Fresco from Herculaneum.

Position of women

The head of the family was called Tempeck: children, wife and others were in his authority
relatives (in the highest-class families to the family also treated slaves and
servant). The power of the father was that he could have issued at his request
Daughter married or dilute, sell children into slavery, he could also recognize or not
Recognize your child. Patria Potestas also spread to adults
sons and their family, with the death of the father of his sons became full
Citizens and heads of their families.
Fathers of families, as a rule, concluded marriages between their children,
Guided by considerable moral norms and personal considerations.
I could get married the girl Father could from 12 years ago, but to marry a young one from 14 years old.
Woman after marriage remained a member of the old name, while
claimed the inheritance of the family. This case was not the main and more like
to the cohabitation than marriage, since the wife could almost at any time
Leave her husband and return home.
Roman woman loosely appeared in society, went to visit, happened to
Solemn receptions. But the practice of politics was not a female business, she is not
It was believed to be present at the people's meetings.
It is important to note that the Romans took care of and that women get
Education in connection with the role they had in the family: organizer
Family life and educator of children at an early age. There were schools where girls
Studied with the boys. And was considered honorable if they talked about the girl
That she is an educated girl. This moment must be considered more

Female portraits from Fayum.

Hairstyles noble romans. Right - Libya, the wife of August.

Female decorations.

Women's accessories: basket for sewing, spindle, vase, basin, dressing table, needle, casket.

Gold bracelet from Pompei.



Women's sandals and handbag.

Women gymnasts

Tunic and Toga - the basis of the ancient Roman male costume - in its artistic and constructive solution differ from Greek hee

Tunic and Toga - the basis of ancient Roman male costume - in its own way
artistic and constructive solution differed from Greek
Hiton and Himatia, although they had common features.

A little later, leccaste, which resembles Greek chlamyda, who was not on her shoulder, comes to replace these cumbersome

A little later, leccaste comes to change this bulky hard car
resembling Greek chlamyda, which was not bonded on the shoulder, like the Greeks, but on
Middle breasts under the neck. They also wore Laiter - a raincoat similar to chlamyda, but from more
expensive fabrics shut down with gold and silver threads.

The table (Lat. Stola) was a special form of women's tunics with short sleeves, wide and with a multitude of folds, reaching the ankle, down

Tables (Lat. Stola) was a special form of women's tunics with short sleeves, wide and
with multiple folds, reaching the ankle, at the bottom of which purple
Ribbon or Oracle (Lat. Instita).

Clothing of the Romans in the republican period remained quite stringent. Roman suit looked like Greek, he was also draped

Life Romans B.
Republican period
There was still pretty
Strict. Roman costume
looked like Greek, he
was also draped,
But aesthetic ideal
Ancient Romans was not
Beautiful human
body, and harsh courageous
Warriors and majestic
women. Therefore, difficult
Roman suit that
Originally manufactured
from wool, and later from
linen canvas gave
Figure static,
Majestity, no one
theatricality. IN
Imperial period
clothes are becoming richer and
pumbesty. Appear
Bridal silk fabrics.

Clothing of the Roman Patriches: On a man - a tunic with embroidery, Toga, shoes - Calceus. On a woman - tables and peplum. Hairstyle and overhead

Roman clothes
On a man of a tunic with embroidery,
Toga, Calzus shoes.
On a woman - tables
and peplum. Hairstyle
with starts I.

On a woman: cloak foam on lining, tunic with border on Mzhuchina: leather shell with headplanes, cloak sagum, Calcusus boots

The main Roman elements of ornament is the leaves of acanta, oak, laurel, curly shoots, ear, fruit, flowers, figures of people and animals, ma

The main Roman elements of ornamenta are the leaves of acanta, oak, laurel,
Curly shoots, ears, fruits, flowers, figures of people and animals, masks,
Skulls, sphinxes, griffins, etc. Along with them, vases were depicted, military
Trophies, fluttering tapes, etc. often they have a real form.
Ornamentics carried both certain symbols, allegory: Oak was considered
The symbol of the highest celestial deity, the eagle - the symbol of Jupiter, etc.
Greeks appreciated art from love to beautiful, Romans - from love for
luxury. In the Late Rime Ornament, eastern ornaments are gradually strengthened
influence. It outlines the features of the future style of Byzantine culture,
who became the successor of antiquity.

During the flourishing period of the Roman state, its borders widely expanded, including the territory of modern England, France, Spain, Holland

During the heyday of the Roman
the states of his border very
Expanded, including
The territory of modern
England, France, Spain,
Holland and other countries. Rome
Became a huge world
power that led
endless wars and extensive
trade. Lost
wealth, many slaves,
who performed all the work, led to
luxury even in everyday
Life. All this was reflected in
The character of ancient Roman
Romans dressed in clothes
Bright colors: red,
purple, purple, yellow,
Brown. White costume
colors were considered a parade, his
Woven for solemn

Wall painting in the pompes. Woman dressed in a blue table, which on the shoulder is fastened.


Calga. Boots that were worn by peasants, cabrows and primarily soldiers. Caliga consisted of thick soles (about 8 mm.) With 80-90 OS

Calga. Boots that were worn by peasants, cabespers and
First of all, soldiers. Caliga consisted of thick soles (about
8 mm.) With 80-90 sharp iron nails; To the sole sewn
a piece of leather, cut with stripes, forming something like a mesh around
Heels and feet: fingers remained open

Sandals. They consisted of the sole, which was fixed on foot with soft straps, while most of the foot remained open. Sandals

Sandals. Consistent
from the sole that
Fashed on her leg
straps, prim
This is a large part
The feet remained
Open. Sandals
were different colors
Sole of different way
Heights in winter
Time also S.
wool. They were worn
Like home shoes.
Wearing Sandals B.
in public places
It was considered a violation
Good tone.
Saddown at the table
Removed sandals or
They shot their slave.

Hats. Hairstyle

The ideal of beauty. The Roman ideal of beauty is very different from Greek. Celebration and militarized lifestyle male population

The ideal of beauty. The Roman ideal of beauty is very different from Greek. Great
Politics and the militarized lifestyle of the male population of Rome created very
A certain ideal of a man: harsh, hardy, strong, sports
Teams. The woman was considered beautiful, if it was antennial, great, had
Smooth, full dignity, gait. Small breasts and wide hips were
Ideal signs of her future mother-in-law. Face features of Roman
Beauties should not be small: big eyes with large centuries,
Proper almond-shaped, high bridge, whimsical of the mouth,
resembling hunting onions.