How did the very first recording apparatus worked? History and modern recording recording.

How did the very first recording apparatus worked? History and modern recording recording.
How did the very first recording apparatus worked? History and modern recording recording.

The history of sound recording is inexhaustible. At the beginning of the XIX century, acoustics turned into one of the most actively studied regions of physics. The first work on the theory of sound appeared, the number of studies increased and, as a result, there was a need to create measuring and demonstration devices.

In the XVI century, the first attempts of sound recording were made using mechanical instruments - from primitive musical tobaccooks and caskets, hourly alarm clocks to complex stationary outdoor hours, polyphones, orchestrions, tower chimes and "voiced" carriages. At the same time, musical toys and devices appear in Russia. But the music boxes were particularly widespread in the XIX, early XX century.

An outstanding American inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) constructed a device for mechanical recording and sound reproduction (phonograph) in 1877. However, the priority of the invention belongs to the French scientist, a brilliant musician and poet Sh. Kro.

The sound recording was made on the wax roller with a thin metal needle. Of course, such a record could not be durable and high-quality. The structures of phonographs were developed during these years a large number. They had a huge success.

Phonograms, truth, improved, our great-grandfathers used up to the thirties.

In 1888, the German E. Berliner invented a gramophone - a miracle of the century, and the era of mass culture began. The first gramophone plate in the world was made of celluloid and stored now in National Museum USA in Washington. In 1897, she came to a shift from Shellac, Psapata and Say. He was very expensive - after all, shellac is an organic substance produced by lacquer cherver. To make one plate, it was necessary to take advantage of the work of four thousand of these creatures. Until 1948, we purchased this raw material abroad for gold and currency.

In 1907, an employee of the French company "PATE" - Guillon Cemler proposed the improvement of gramophone. His idea was to put the rugers inside the enclosure of the gramophone. The gramophone designed in this way was obtained by small and portable, and in everyday life became known as a pottefon.

Patefones in the USSR were produced by many plants. Among them is the Order of Lenin the plant "Hammer" in Vyatka Polyanov, Kolomna Pathetophone, Leningrad Plant "Gramplasttress". The plant "Northern Press" in Leningrad in the post-war period produced portable paratyphones (with built-in horn).

Edison Phonograph

The phonograph is the first device for recording and playing sound. Thomas Alva Edison was invented, presented on November 21, 1877. The sound is written on a carrier in the form of a track, the depth of which is proportional to the volume of the sound. The soundtrack of the phonograph is placed on a cylindrical spiral on a replaceable rotating drum. When playing a needle moving through the groove, transfers oscillations to an elastic membrane that emits the sound.

The principles on the basis of which the Edison phonograph operates, was experimentally studied in 1857. Pulse to create Edison such a device was the desire to register telephone conversations In his laboratory, Menlo Park (New Jersey, USA). Once the telegraph repeater, he heard the sounds similar to an in an unintelligible speech. The first records were recessed on the foil surface made by a moving needle. The foil was placed on the cylinder rotating when the sound playback. The cost of the entire device amounted to 18 dollars. With the help of this technique, they managed to write down the words from the children's songs "Mary had lamb" (Mary Had A Little Lamb). The public demonstration of the device immediately made Edison famous. Many sound reproduction seemed magic, so some dubbed Edison "the wizard from Menlo Park." Edison himself was so amazed by the discovery that he said: "I have never been so stunned in my life. I was always afraid of things that work the first time. " The invention was also demonstrated in the White House and in the French Academy.

It was originally planned to use a phonograph as a secretarial machine for writing voice during dictation.

Edison compiled a list of 10 main phonographic applications:

Dictation and recording of letters

Talking books for blind

Training Oratoric Art

Recording music

Record family members

Music boxes and toys (for example, speaking dolls)

Talking clock

Record speeches of great people

Educational entries

Auxiliary tool to the phone


Gramophone device for recording and reproducing sound with gramophone plate.

The gramophone is a modification of the phonograph, independent of the chall of Cro and Thomas Edison invented in 1877. Emil Berliner, having familiarized himself with the works of Cro, decided to use discs instead of cylinders to write and play sounds. The new invention, named gramophone, was patented by Berliner on September 26, 1887. Gramplastics were originally made from an ebony, then shellac. The first grapplestine in the world was zinc. The cutter attached through a leash to the vibrating, perceiving the sounds of the membrane, causing a modulated spiral footprint on a lacquer disk (originally on a layer of soot, then wax. When the disk is rotated through the spring mechanism, the gramophone needle moves along the disk helix and causes the corresponding vibrations of the vibrating plate. The main advantage of gramophone above the phonograph is a transverse record that reduces the distortion of dozens of times, as well as more loud noise (Already in the first models - 16 times, or 24 dB). Together with the ease of replication of recordings, this ensured a quick gramophone victory.

In 1940-1960, the improvement of gramophone made it possible to achieve a sufficiently clean transfer of the musical sound of plays, both vocal and instrumental. The manufacture of gramophones has become a powerful independent industry in Sassh (USA) and Europe, including Russia. In 1907, the company "PATE" represents a patefophone, in 1925 Berliner together with RCA creates the first serial electrophone. The manufacture of plates (disks) of a variety of repertoire (plays performed by musical virtuoso and outstanding singers) was separated into a special industry.

People for a long time were interested in various musical instruments and ways to play sound. Attempts to mechanically repetition music were taken back in the 9th century. Only with the second halves XIX. Century distribution received a mechanical-acoustic way to record sound. The first device for recording and reproducing the sound invented by Thomas Edisson was registered in 1877, which his author was issued a patent.

The first mechanical devices for sound playback

The earliest devices, with which people could hear a certain melody, of course, it is difficult to name the first instruments to record and play sound. They can be called mechanical tools, with which sounds removed and even simple melodies with hands.

The main components of them were interchangeable cylinders, which were applied to various protruding cams. They were located in a certain order and influenced the records, during rotation of the sounds of different sounds, of which the simple melody consisted. For this principle, scarmers, music boxes and boxes were arranged, clock.

Reproduction of uncomplicated melodies was very low quality. It is possible to apply to the cushion of cams in a certain order to call sound recordings, it is difficult to say. But probably, it was. A paper perforated tape has already been used in the mechanical piano. She, in modern language, was a melody sound carrier.


The audio history has kept many different storage devices (recording) sounds on various media: wooden rollers, paper ribbons, metal cylinders and discs that small grooves were applied, and so on. The recording was manually manufactured using utility tools. The media inserted into special devices that allowed the sound when moving.

A mechanical method for recording sound comes acoustically mechanical with the use of a horn. In this method, the fluctuations of the sound that affected the thin membrane was used. She, depending on the pressure force on her, was performed by certain movements. The cutter was toughly attached to the membrane, leaving a different depth of a trace on the carrier.

Electroacoustic recording

Devices that conducted audio fixation to the media using a microphone were a revolutionary jump compared to the first device for recording and playing sound. Finding into the microphone, sound oscillations were transformed into an electric current, after which they were intensified and transmitted to the recorder - an electromechanical action converter. It worked with an electromagnetic field, turning the currents of a variable value into the mechanical oscillatory movements of the cutter. Depending on the force of exposure to the cutter, he left a groove on the carrier, which had different depths.

What is a phonoavtograph

This is a recording device invented by the French publisher and librarian Edward Leone Scott de Martenville. As we see, this is not a mechanical scientist or inventor. This is a simple publisher and bookseller. He did not think to invent something, just the appearance of a camera created on the principle human Eyes., he came across his idea to study the principle of human ear and whenever possible copy it.

This explains the emergence of the membrane to which the needle was attached. The sound, falling on the membrane using a metal cone, forced her to fluctuate and leave the trail of various depths on paper attached to a glass cylinder and a coated soot. Hence the name - the phonoavtograph, since it was not about playing sound. It was only possible to see a trace on paper covered with soot. Nevertheless, it was the discovery for which in 1857 he was issued a patent.

Martenville recorded his sound autographs on different speeds. The autographs processed in 2008 on the computer allowed to reproduce three records and determine that it was a song and two reversal from literary worksSupported by the author of the invention. According to the principle of the work of the phonoavtograph, a phonograph and gramophone were created.

Invention of phonograph

The first device for recording and reproducing sound - the phonograph was made by the American entrepreneur and the inventor Thomas Edison 20 years after the opening of Martenville. The sound not only was recorded by a phonograph, but also could be heard. The principle of sound recording was a similar phonoavatograph.

To achieve recording sound, the inventor went from the opposite. The soundtrack was located on the spiral, fixed on the replacement cylinder. With its rotation along the track, the needle was moving on a thin membrane, causing her various oscillations, which published different sounds in frequency. They fell into a cylindrical cone, and in reinforced form it could be heard. All ingenious simply.

The invention of the edison of the phonograph caused a real boom. The inventor was created by recording digging, which brought him good dividends. Over time, it became clear that to increase the volume and purity of the sound, it was necessary to divide the recording and playback functions. What was done.

To create removable cylinders, to this metal foil covered, galvanoplasty began to be taken. This made it possible to create copies, that is, do not record the sound for each cylinder, and to release entire parties from one record.

Success phonograph

The stunning success of the first phonographs literally shook Edison. He was amazed by the success of his discovery. Many engineers, inventors began to work in this area, making new improvements. For example, Charles Tetener was proposed a cylinder covered with wax, which made it more durable.

As Edison suggested at first that the phonograph would be something like a type of secretaries. But the records of popular musical works that enjoyed increasingly demanded, to apply a phonograph for domestic purposes. They gave the opportunity to listen to music at home, make sound letters, books for the blind, use them as a voice recorder.

The invention by Edison phonograph was the beginning of the era of sound recording and sound playback. Firms for their production began to appear as mushrooms after the rain. After 10 years after the invention, Edison, the inventor Emil Berliner suggested using a disk instead of a cylinder. The very first was made of zinc, ebonite and shellac began to be applied. A track was applied on his spiral, according to which the sound reproduced with the needle.

This allowed tens of times to increase the volume of the sound and reduce its distortion. In 1912, Edison released a phonograph with an ebony disk. The movement of the disk gave the spring, which was twisted with the help of the handle. The consequence of the invention of the phonograph became a gramophone, followed by a pattephone, which was produced up to the 50s of the twentieth century.


From the cylinder to the record

It is curious that the first recording and playback devices were similar to the mechanisms. music boxes. And in those, and in others, the roller was used (cylinder), and then the disk that, rotating, made possible sound reproduction.

However, it all started not even with music boxes, but with ... European bell tall chimes. Here, namely, in the Flanders of the city, Malelene, from the XIV century learned to cast chromatic bells. Assessed together, they were connected with a wire transmission with a keyboard like organ and such a musical structure was called Carillon. By the way, in French, Malelene sounds like Malin - that's where the expression "raspberry ringing" comes from.

The human thought was not standing in place, and very soon the carillons began to equip the cylinders already mentioned, on the surface of which pins were located in a certain order. These pins clinging either hammers that beat the bells or - the languages \u200b\u200bof the bells. At the end of the XVIII century, the roller with protrusions began to be used in more miniature devices - music boxes, where instead of bells began to use chromatic ridges with metal plates. In the XIX century, Switzerland became the center for the production of music boxes with the hourly mechanism. And in 1870, one German inventor decided to use the disc at all instead of a roller, putting the beginning of the wide popularity of the casket with interchangeable disks.

Music box with a removable disc.

However, the most different mechanical music mechanisms (caskets, tobacker, clock, orchestrions, etc.) were not able to give humanity the main thing - to make a possible reproduction of a human voice. For this task in the second half of the XIX century, took best minds An American Thomas Alva Edison (Thomas Alva Edison) defeated this correspondence race.

However, it is impossible not to remember the French Cros (Charles Cros), who was also a man talented and versatilely gifted. He was engaged in (and not without success) with literature, automatic telegraph, problems of color photography and even "possible connections with planets". On April 30, 1877, KRO filed a description of the apparatus for recording and playing speech - "Palpone" to the French Academy of Sciences. The Frenchman offered to use not only the "roller", but also "disk with a spiral record." Only now the sponsors for their invention did not find Cro.

Most differently developed events on the other side of the ocean. Edison himself described the moment when he was truly visited by a truly brilliant thought: "Once, when I still worked on the improvement of the phone, I somehow fell above the diaphragm of the phone, to which the steel needle was soldered. Thanks to the shake of the record, the needle picked me a finger, and It made me think. If you could write these oscillations of the needle, and then again to spend the needle on such an entry, why not speak the record? "

According to his usual, Edison did not hesitate, but began to create an unprecedented device of the device. In the same 1877, when Charles Cro described his "Palfon", Edison gave his mechanics to John Cruzi drawing a fairly simple device, the assembly of which he appreciated $ 18. However, the collected apparatus became the first in the world of the "talking machine" - Edison lost his popular English children's song loudly in the horn: "Mary had lamb" ("Marie Had a Little Lamb"), and the device reproduced "heard", although with great interference .


The principle of operation of the phonograph, so dubbed Edison his brainchild, was based on the transmission of sound voices to the surface of the rotating cylinder, covered with tin foil. The oscillations were applied to the edge of the steel needle, one end of which was connected to the steel membrane capturing sounds. The cylinder was necessary to rotate manually with a frequency of one turn per second.

Working with a phonograph began on July 18, 1877, it is written in the book of Edison laboratory entries. On December 24, a patent application was filed, and on February 19, 1878, Edison received a patent under the number 200521.

To say that the phonograph made International Furior - it means not to say anything. However, the design of the phonograph did not allow to get high-quality reproduction, although Edison himself for many years after creating the first phonograph introduced into an improvement device. Perhaps Edison would have to focus on creating (or modernization) of other recording apparatuses, because the phonograph (as well as the Bella (Bell) and Tynter (Taynter) design (Taynter) grafophone was a dead-end branch in the development of the entry / reproduction of sound. However, Edison loved his phonograph too For its uniqueness, because the presence in our lives of more convenient audiomers we must be the American inventor german origin - Emile Berliner, immensely spreading sound recording horizons. Of course, Berliner did not invent modern CDs, but it was he who in 1887 received a patent for the invention of gramophone, in which plates were used as an audio driver.


Berliner moved to the United States in 1870, where, by the way, he got a job in the telephone company Alexander Bella and patented a coal microphone. A well-known device with a device and a phonograph, and a grafophone, he, however, refers to the idea of \u200b\u200busing a disc, which, as we already know, was "successfully" buried by the French Academy of Sciences. In the apparatus named gramophone, Berliner used a glass disk covered by the soot to which the cross record was carried out. On September 26, 1887, Berliner received a patent on a gramophone, and on May 16, next on May 16, the device was demonstrated in the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

Very soon, Berliner refuses the disc with the soot and resorts to the acid etching method. The disc was now a zinc, covered with a thin layer of wax. The entry was shown by iridium edge, after which the disk was carried out in 25% chromium acid. In less than half an hour, the grooves of a depth of about 0.1 mm appeared, then the disk was washed from the acid and was used as intended.

The merit of Berliner also consisted in the fact that he realized the need to copy the recording from the original (matrix). The ability to replicate audio recordings is the cornerstone of the entire modern sound recording industry. In this direction, Berliner worked very stubbornly. First, in 1888, he creates the first record-a copy of the Chimney of Hat, which is now in National Library Washington. But celluloid discs were poorly kept and quickly worn out, because Berliner tries other materials, in particular, glass, bakelite and ebonite. In 1896, Berliner applies a mixture of shellac, spam and soot in the record. The shellary mass and the process of pressing records of Berliner developed Louis Rosenthal (Louis Rosenthal) from Frankfurt. This time the quality satisfied the inventor, and the similar shellah mass was used to create records until 1946.

It is amazing, but Shellac was a frozen resin of organic origin, in the formation of which insects of the families of lacquer workers take part. But even the shellah mass was far from perfection: the gramplastics were obtained by heavy, fragile and thick.

At the same time, Berliner worked diligently over improving gramophones, realizing that it was necessary to increase the number of gramzapsy lovers and, thus, the market. In 1897, Berliner and Eldridge Johnson (Eldridge Jonson) opened in the United States the world's first factory for the production of records and gramophones - "Victor Talking Machine Co.". Then, in the UK, Berliner creates a company "E. Berliner" S Gramophone Co. "Already by the beginning of 1902, the company of an enterprising inventor was implemented over four million records!


Progress did not bypassed Russia - in 1902, eight first records of the legendary Russian singer Fyodor Shalyapin were made on the equipment of Berliner.

However, the gramophone did not escape the indigenous modernization - in 1907, an employee of the French company "PAE" Gilong Cammler (Kemmler) decided to place a bulky euro inside the gramophone. New devices began to be called "pattephones" (by the name of the manufacturer) and significantly facilitated their carrying. Subsequently (since the 50s of the twentieth century), the Pathethms were ousted by more perfect electric players, which were played with light and practical vinyl discs.

Vinyl plates were made of vinyl polymeric material (in the USSR - from polychlorvinyl). The speed of playback decreased from 78 to 33 1/3 of revolutions per minute, and the duration of the sound - before half an hour for one side. This standard has become the most popular, although the wide circulation had a plate of other formats, in particular, with a speed of rotation of 45 revolutions per minute (so-called so-forthy).

Magnetic recording as an alternative
The possibility of transforming acoustic oscillations to electromagnetic was proven by Oberlin Smith (Oberlin Smith), which settled the principle of magnetic recording on steel wire in 1888. It also did not cost without Thomas Edison, for for experiments with a magnetic record of Smith inspired a visit to the famous Edison laboratory.

But only in 1896, Danish engineer Valdemar Poulsen (Valdemar Poulsen) managed to create a working device, called telegraph. Steel wire performed as a carrier. Patent for Telegraph was issued to Poulsen in 1898.


The fundamental principle of analog recording of sound by magnetizing the carrier has remained unchanged since then. The recording head, along which the carrier passes along the constant speed (later it became more convenient ribbon), a signal from the amplifier is supplied, as a result, the media is magnetized according to the beep. When playing, the carrier passes along the reproducing head, inducing a weak electrical signal in it, which, intensifying, enters the speaker.

The magnetic film was patented in Germany by Fritz Pfleumer (Fritz Pfleumer) in the mid-20s of the last century. At first, the tape was made on a paper basis, and later - on polymer. In the mid-30s of the twentieth century, the German company BASF adjusted the serial release of the tape tape, created from the carbonyl iron powder or from magnetite on a diacetate basis.

At about the same time, AEG launched the magnetic recording studio unit for radio broadcasting. The device was called the "magnetophone", in Russian, it was transformed into a "tape recorder".

The principle of "high-frequency additions" (when high-frequency component is added to the recorded signal) offered in 1940 German engineers Braunmull and Weber (Weber) - it gave a significant improvement in sound quality.

Bobble tape recorders began to be used since the 30s of the last century. In the late 50s, the cartridges appeared, but still the most popular compact and convenient cassette tape recorders were gained. The first "cassette" was created by the Dutch Philips in 1961. The peak of the development of tape recorders should be considered the appearance of the players of the Sony brand "Walkman" in 1979. These small devices without the possibility of recording were produced by Furore, for now the favorite music could be listened to the go, engaged in sports, etc. In addition, a person with a player did not interfere with the surrounding, for he listened to audio recordings in headphones. Later appeared players with the ability to record.

Digital invasion
The rapid development in the late 70s of the twentieth century of computer technologies led to the appearance of the possibility of storing and reading any information in digital form from the respective media. And here the development of already digital audio records went two ways. Initially, it appeared and received the widest distribution of the CD. Later, with the advent of spacious hard drives, the players played in the masses that reproduced compressed audio recordings. As a result, the development of flash technologies at the beginning of the twentieth century led to the fact that already CDs (meaning Audio-CD format) were under threat of oblivion, as it happened with plates and cassettes.

Consistently outacious Audio-CD.

However, back in 1979, when Philips and Sony are "realized" for two production of laser disks. Sony, by the way, brought its signal encoding method - PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) that was used in digital tape recorders. The latter were denoted by the Dat abbreviation (Digital Audio Tape) and were used for professional studio recording. Mass production of CDs started in 1982 in Germany.

Gradually, optical discs cease to be exclusively carriers of audio recordings. CD-ROM appear, and then CD-R and CD-RW, where you can already store any digital information. It was possible to write it on CD-R once, and on the CD-RW - write and repeatedly overwritten with the help of appropriate drives.

The information on the CD is recorded in the form of a spiral track from "peit" (recesses), extruded on a polycarbonate substrate. Reading / record data is carried out using a laser beam.

Information compression algorithms helped significantly reduce the size of digital audio files without special losses for human auditory perception. The greatest distribution was obtained by MP3 format, and now MP3 players refer to all compact digital music players, although they certainly support other formats, in particular, also quite popular WMA and OGG.

MP3 format (abbreviation from English MPEG-1/2 / 2.5 Layer 3) is also supported by any modern models music centers and DVD players. It uses a compression algorithm with losses that are insignificant to perceive the human ear. The MP3 file size with an average bit rate of 128 kbps in size is approximately 1/10 from the original AUDIO-CD file.

MP3 format was designed working Group Fraunburg Institute led by Karlheinz Brandenburg (Karlheinz Brandenburg) in collaboration with AT & T Bell Labs and Thomson.

The MP3 was based on the ASPEC Experimental Codec (Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding). The L3Enc program has become the first encoder in MP3 format (released in the summer of 1994), and the first software MP3 player - WinPlay3 (1995).

And yet they stretch ...

MP3 player ... one of many.
The ability to download to the computer or player is very large number Digital tracks, their fast sorting, deletion and re-entry made compressed digital music with a massive phenomenon, to fight with which even the giants of the sound industry, not the first year of losses from falling demand for Audio-CD. And yet, despite the fact that bobbins and cassettes have already become the property of the past, the future optical disks How carriers looks extremely promising. Yes, technologies changed in the root, but the discs and today, as more than a hundred years ago, are spinning in order to please people with regular musical creation. The principle of the spiral record is perfect and understood.

Before the appearance of portable sources of sound playback, digital signal and music, which we present it today, sound recording passed a long and fascinating development history. Today we will talk about how in just 100 years with a small years, a person turned the understanding of recording: from cumbersome archaic phonographs to modern ultra-compact players.

Mechanical recording of the melody

The nature of man is such that he simply does not represent life without sounds, harmony and musical instruments. For several millennia, the musicians have honed their skills in the game on Lira, Vargan, Little or Cystra. But in order to delay the hearing of high-ranking, the Lords always required the presence of the tubing musicians. So it was necessary to record music with the possibility of its further reproduction without human participation.

IX century rightly considered the century of opening era mechanical sound recording. IN 875 year Brothers Banu Musa Open the world your new invention - "Water Organ". His principle of work was extremely simple: a uniformly rotating mechanical roller with skillfully located protrusions hit the vessels with different amounts of water (which affects sounding) and thus causing the filled tubes. After a few years, the brothers presented the first automatic fluteThe basis of which the principle of the "water body" also fell.

Until the XIX century, it is the invention of the brothers Banu Musa remains the only available way of programmable recording. Demonstrated by XIII century mechanical karillon, Using the same principle that the body of the Banu Musa, but with the bells installed, was very forgotten.

Starting from the XV century, the Renaissance era covers a fashion on mechanical musical instruments. Opens a parade of musical instruments with the principle of action of the Musa brothers sharmanka. IN 1598. The first appear musical hours, in the middle XVI centurycaskets. The first half of the XIX century continues the tendency to develop mechanical musical instruments: boxes, tobackerki - All these devices had a very limited set of melodies and could reproduce the motive "saved" by the master. Write down human voice Or the sound of an acoustic instrument with the possibility of its further playback, until 1857 no one could.

Era mechanical sound recording

So far from the windows and houses of the inhabitants of France continued to commemorate metal sounds Music boxes, boxes and tobacker, Eduard Leon Scott de Martenville continued to work NAD the first sound recorder. March 25, 1857the French government registers a patent called name "Fouroautograph".

Principle of operation phonoautograph It was in the recording of a sound wave, by trapping vibrations through a special acoustic roaster, at the end of which the needle was located. Under the action of the sound of the needle began to vibrate, drawing an intermittent wave on a rotating glass roller, the surface of which is covered either with paper or soak. Alas, the invention of Edward Scott can not skillfully play a recorded fragment. Seven years ago a 10-second recording excerpt was found in the Paris archive people's song « Moonlight» performed by the inventor April 9, 1860.

After 17 years, in 1877. "Father incandescent lamp" Thomas Edison ends work on a completely new sound recording device - phonographwhich a year later, he indicates in the appropriate department of the United States. The principle of work of the phonograph was reminded by the Scott phonoavatographer: the roller appeared covered with a wax, the recording on which was carried out using the needle connected to the membrane - the microphone progenitor. Having captured the sound through a special verge, the membrane operated the needle that left the recess on the wax roller.

The recorded sound was first possible to reproduce, using the same device on which the record itself was performed. Alas, mechanical energy was not enough to obtain a nominal volume level.

Edison's phonograph was able to turn the then world on his head: hundreds of inventors began to experiment using various materials to cover the carrier cylinder, and in 1906. The first public concert audition was held. Edison phonograph applauded a crowded hall. IN 1912. The world saw disk phonographIn which, instead of the usual wax roller, a disk was used, significantly simplifying the design.

The emergence of a disk phonograph, although there was a public interest, from the point of view of the evolution of recording of practical application did not find it. FROM 1888 Emil Berlineri began to actively develop your own vision of recording using your own device - grammophone.

As an alternative to the wax drum, Berliner preferred more durable celluloid. In 1887, the plates are made from Pspat, soot and shellac. The principle of recording remained the same: the root, sound, needle oscillations and the uniform rotation of the disc disc.

Experiments with speeds of rotation of the recorded disk allowed to increase the recording time of one side of the plate up to 2-2.5 minutes at the speed of rotation in 78 revolutions in a minute. Recorded discs plates were placed in cardboard covers (less often leather) because of what was later called albums - Outwardly, they very much resembled photo albums with city sights, universally implemented in Europe.

The replacement of the cumbersome gramophone has become an improved and improved in 1907 Gilong Cammler device - gramophone.

The small embedded in the housing is the possibility of placing the entire device in one compact suitcase led to the rapid popularization of the patefone. In the 40s, the compact version of the device comes mini-pattephonwho was particularly popular among the soldiers.

Era electromechanical entry

Scientific and technical progress did not stand in place and with the advent of electricity the evolution of recording began its rapid development. IN 1925. Begins the era of sound recording using microphone, electric motor (instead of spring mechanism) for rotation of the plate and, first piezoelectric, and then more perfect magnetic pickup.

Arsenal devices that allow both sound recording and its further reproduction is replenished with a modified version of gramophone - electrophon. The appearance of the amplifier allows you to bring the recording to new level: Electro-acoustic systems are obtained by loudspeakers, and the need for sound forsing through the roof is the past. All human physical efforts now perform electrical energy.

The question of the duration of recording was first resolved soviet inventor Alexander Shorinwhich B. 1930. Suggested as an operational record to use a film, passing through the writing electrical node with a constant speed. The device received a name shorinofona, But the recording quality remained exclusively for further voice reproduction. But on the 20th meter film can now be placed 1 hour recording.

The last echo electromechanical record has become the so-called "Talking paper"proposed by 1931. Soviet engineer Skvortsov. Sound oscillations were recorded on ordinary paper with a pen painting with black ink. Such papers could be easily copied and transferred.

To play the recorded used a powerful lamp and a photocell. Alas, before the release of the serial version of the device capable of reproducing " talking paper"It took 13 years. At this time, the 40s of the last century were already conquered by a new way of recording - magnetic.

Era magnetic sound recording

History of development magnetic sound recording Almost all the time was parallel to mechanical ways of recording, but remained in the shadows. 1932. Also in late XIX. A century inspired by the invention of Edison American engineer Oberlin Smith Strengthening the issue of recording. IN 1888 There is an article dedicated to the use of the phenomenon of magnetism during sound recording. Danish engineer Waldemar Poulsen, after ten years of experiments in 1898. gets a patent for use steel wire as a sound.

So the first recording device appears, which was based on the principle of magnetism - telegraph. IN 1924. inventor Kurt Schille Improves the brainchild of Poulsen and creates first voice recorder based magnetic ribbon.

1928 year, German engineer Fritz Pflayer It receives a patent for the use of magnetic powder in order to sputter on paper and further use for magnetic record. Alas, after 8 years, the National Court of Germany recognizes the patent of the pantymeter by plagiarism on the principles of recording, set out in 1898 by Waldemar Poulsen. The company interferes with the further evolution of the magnetic record AEGreleased in mid-1932device Magnetophone-K1..

Applying in quality iron oxide coatings, Company BASF. It produces a real revolution in the world of recording. Using Variable Current Approach, engineers get a completely new sound quality: reduced up to 60 dB The ratio of signal / noise and overcoming the top plank of sound frequency in 10 kHz.

Starting from 1930 and up to 1970, the global market is represented coil tape recorders Various form factors and with the most different capabilities. The magnetic tape opens the creative doors in front of thousands of producers, engineers and composers who have received the opportunity to experiment with sound recordings not on an industrial scale, but right in their own apartment.

Further contributed to such experiments in the mid-1950s multitudinal tape recorders. One magnetic tape was made possible to record several sources of sound at once. In 1963 it comes out 16-Road Tape recorder, in 74th - 24-RoadAfter 8 years, Sony offers an improved Dash-format digital record diagram to a 24-track tape recorder.

The appearance of the usual and familiar since childhood cassette associated with registered in 1952. appropriate patent, and already in 1963. company Philips. Represents the first cD-tapewhich in just a few years will become the main mass format of sound reproduction.

After a year, serial production of compact cassettes is launched in Hannover. In 1965, Philips initiates manufacture of music cassettesIn September 1966, the first echoes of biennial industrial experiments of the company arrive in the United States. The minority of the design and complexity that arose with the record of music, force producers to further search for reference media information. And the search successfully ended for the company Advent Corporation.Representative in 1971. Cassette based on Magnetic ribbonIn the manufacture of which was used chromium oxide.

Era laser-optical sound recording

Soundproof ideas laid back at the end of the XIX century Thomas Edison, in the second half of the 20th century led to use laser beam. The basis of optical recording was the principle of education on a CD spiral tracks, consisting of smooth sites and depression-pit. The laser era allowed the sound wave into a complex combination of zeros (smooth sites) and units (pit).

IN march Philips. Demonstrates first CD prototypeAnd after a week, the Netherlands Concern concludes an agreement with the Japanese company SonyBy approving a new standard audio officials. IN 1982. Philips presents the first CD playerThe quality of playback exceeded all the presented media.

The first albumrecorded on a new digital carrier, became the legendary "The Visitors"groups ABBA.. IN 1984 year of the company Sony Releases the first portable CD playerSONY DISCMAN D-50 For the price of B. $350 .

The USSR CDs will be reached only 7 years after the adoption of the format. In 1989, on the counters of Soviet stores will appear "Pochir for the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia" Rodion Shchedrin, and from under the floor it was possible to get the collective disk Roxettereleased by the circulation of everything in 180 copies.

Further development of the era of optical CDs will lead to the emergence of the standard in 1998 DVD-Audio., Introducing the sound market with different numbers of sound channels (from mono to five-channel). Starting from 98th Philips and Sony promote alternative CD format - Super Audio CD.. Two-channel disk allowed to store until 74 minutes Sound in both stereo and multichannel format. Capacity at 74 minutes was determined opera singer, conductor and composer Noria Oalthawho at that time also occupied the position of vice president of the Corporation Sony. Noria Oga declared that one CD should be placed 9 Symphony Ludwig Van Beethoven. No sooner said than done.

In parallel with the development of CDs, handicraft production was developing confidently - copying media. Sound recording companies for the first time thought about the need for digital data protection using encryption and watermarks.

Era magneto optical recording

Despite the versatility and ease of use of CDs, this carrier has an impressive list of flaws. One of the main is their excessive fragility and the need for careful circulation. The CD recording time is also significantly limited and the beginning of the industry began to look for an alternative.

Appearance on the market magneto-optical minidis So it remains unnoticed by ordinary admirers of music. Minidisk.Developed by the company Sony also in 1992.and remained the property of sound engineers, performers and people directly related to the scene.

When recording the minidis, a magneto-optical head and a laser beam is used, cutting at high temperatures areas with a magneto-optical layer. At the same time, the magnetization of the layer is changed using an electromagnetic pulse with the manifestation of the same peits (samples) as the CD recording. The main advantage of the minidation before the traditional CD is its improved security and a longer service life.

In 1992, Sony introduced the first player for media format minidisk. The player model (however, as the format itself) gained special popularity in Japan, but outside the country as the firstborn player Sony MZ1And his advanced descendants were not adopted.

Anyway, combine sports and listening to a compact or minidis soon fits exclusively for more inpatient use. Even with a portable CD player to imagine an active sport in nature is not possible. And the solution of this problem, engineers began to engage in the early 90s of the last century.

Era digital sound recording

IN 1995. At the Fraunhofer Institute, a revolutionary compression format of audio data was developed - MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3who got a reduced name mp3. The main problem The beginning of the 90s in the sphere of digital media remained unavailability of sufficient size of the disk space for the placement of the digital composition. The average size hard disk The most faithful personal computer at that time was hard to exceed several dozen megabytes.

For ten years, the situation changes dramatically. IN 1999. 18-year-old Sean Fanning Creates a network Napster.that turns into shock all the era of show business. Changing music, entries and other digital content could be directly through the network.

Two years later, for violation of copyright on the part of the musical industry, the service was closed, but the mechanism was launched and the era of digital music continued to develop uncontrollably: hundreds of peerbal networks, to regulate the work of which has become a real headache for the government.

IN 1997. The first software player comes to the market Winamp.whose development was engaged in the company Nullsoft.

The appearance of the MP3 codec and its further support from the manufacturers of CD players leads to a gradual decrease in CD sales. Choosing between sound quality (which really felt only a small percentage of consumers) and the maximum possible number of compositions that can be recorded on one CD-blank (on average, the difference is about 6-7 times), the listener chose the latter.

The first MP3 player became miniature Mpman.released by the South Korean company Saehan. in March 1998.. MPMAN was presented in two versions: with 32 and 64 megabytes of built-in memory, the price tag on the model started from $ 400.

IN 2003. The company is broken by the company Apple, offering the distribution of legal digital copies of songs through the iTunes Store store. The total base of compositions in the online store at the time of the presentation was over 200,000 tracks. Today, this figure transferred for a mark of 20 million. Signing agreements with such leaders of the record industry, as: BMG, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner, Universal and Emi, Apple has opened up completely new page In the history of recording, which we continue to create today.

Thanks to Bowers & Wilkins for the help in the preparation of the material.


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Dedine: March 29 inclusive.
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Winner: Who will give the first comprehensive response to the next question:

The progenitor of this device, as well as the invention, about which we speak, passed the whole evolution of recording and was repeatedly prohibited by management structures. It is mentioned in the diaries of the same name of the chief hero of the film " Outwashing fraudsters", Which wanted the butler. With the advent of this device, the country is also associated with today is perceived as a guarantor of accuracy and collateral of successful investment. Name the exact name of the instrument and write a few words about its development.

In the section on the question of the first sound recording device? Posted by the author Marly Hope The best answer is The first device was developed by Thomas Alva Edison, but he did not suspect that due to its invention, a modern recording industry will be created, bringing multimillion revenues.
Edison's voice had a metal hue and was accompanied by a strong background noise, but the words of children's songs about Mary and her lamb sounded quite clearly. It was 1877, and the American inventor reproduced the first in the history of sound recording. He called his simple device to a phonograph.
The phonograph consisted of a brass roller with a screw groove on an outer surface covered with tin foil, as well as a thin disc (membrane) with a steel needle in the center. Manually rotated roller moved along the threaded guide, the sound forced the membrane to vibrate, and the needle left in the foil dents of different depths. As a result, the roller's groove was the recording of sound oscillations. The same device served to play recording: due to the inhomogeneity of the recesses on the soundtrack of the needle "jumped" up-down, forcing the membrane to fluctuate and reproduce the initial sound. The following models used a roller covered with wax, which provided a higher sound quality. In 1877, Emil Berliner improved this invention by creating a flat gramophone plate and a new way to recording a sound track. The sound forced the needle to fluctuate now from the side to the side and cut through the path in the hydrochloric acid zinc disk. In about 1890, Zinc was replaced with wax. The quality of the record has improved, and the popularity of gramophones has increased. Waile reference copies began to make the growing demand for records, the wax reference copies began to make, and they were recorded on metal disks, and they already served to replicate plates from hard rubber or shellac.

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison

Answer from Kirill Gribkov[guru]
The first device was developed by Thomas Alva Edison and Tesla Nicolas began to invent the device depicted in the photo from Vyacheslav Ledenin.
tesla Nicola did a device that showed sound waves.
nor Thomas Edison refused such a device to use on a trifling, and decided to continue the development of one after it was afraid of Tesla Nikola.
and now everyone knows that the gramophone invented Thomas Alison, although how you have already read this complete is not true.
just type in the search engine:
the invention of gramophone Thomas Edison and Nicholas Tesla.
everything will become understandable there.