French composer Charles Aznavour: photo, biography, creativity and interesting facts from life. The life of Charles Aznavour: world recognition, three wives and death of an extramarital son. Brief biography of singer Charles Aznavour in French

French composer Charles Aznavour: photo, biography, creativity and interesting facts from life. The life of Charles Aznavour: world recognition, three wives and death of an extramarital son. Brief biography of singer Charles Aznavour in French
French composer Charles Aznavour: photo, biography, creativity and interesting facts from life. The life of Charles Aznavour: world recognition, three wives and death of an extramarital son. Brief biography of singer Charles Aznavour in French

The world-famous French chanson, Charles Aznavour Today, May 22, celebrates his birthday. Maestro marks 91 years old.

He was called the best singer of the 20th century and under his life there was a monument. On the compositions of Charles Aznavour, not one generation has grown. Composer, poet, writer, an actor - one of the talented Armenians of the world, even at this age, continues to delight the public with his unique voice and performances.

Aznavour was born on May 22, 1924 in Paris. The parents of the artist emigrated to France from Western Armenia during the Genocide years. The Aznavouris is a joint name of Aznavuryin's shahub. Born in the family of ethnic Armenians, emigrants from Georgia, who came to France in 1922. The father was born in the akhalqijhe of the Tiflis province of the Russian Empire (Grandfathers line grandfather was a chef of the governor in Tiflis). The Aznavour's mother came from the Armenian merchant family who lived in Turkey. Charles has been held in a children's artistic school, and later - in the Central School of TSF (Paris). From 9 years she sang and played on stage, in 1936 he made his debut in the movies.

Initially, Aznavour performed in a duet with composer Pierre Roche. Both, he noticed Edith Piaf, and in 1946, Aznavour and Roche took part in her tour of France and the United States. From this time, the professional career of Aznavour is begins as a chanson. However, the decisive breakthrough on the musical Olympus occurred in 1956, after successful concerts in Casablanca and Paris, where he spent three times a day in the famous Olympia hall. In the early 1960s, Aznavour gave concerts in the New York halls "Carnegie Hall" and "Ambassador Hotel", and later on Frank Sinatra, Reprise Records released its first American album.

Aznavour was written more than a thousand songs who performed themselves, as well as the Raem Charles, Bob Dylan, Lisa Minnelli, Julio Iglesias and others. Aznavour spoke in a duet with Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion, L. Pavarotti, P. Domingo, P. Kaas, L. Minnelli, E. Sagar and others. The map of Monsieur Carnaval (1965), "Douchka" (et al., 1973) and "Lotrek" (2004). In the number of world-famous songs Aznavour - "Bohemia", "Mom", "Eternal Love", "Non-free joy", "youth", "yesterday", "Isabella "," She "," As they say "," Ave Maria "," No, I haven't forgotten anything, "" I already represented "," because "" two guitars "," I believe me "," you need to be able to " , "Die for love", etc. Recently, Charles Aznavour went to a farewell tour of the world.

The connection of the musician with Armenia has always been very strong. Aznavour is often in Armenia, takes part in very many issues regarding its historic homeland, helps her with all sorts of way. Since May 2009, Aznavour is an ambassador of Armenia in Switzerland and a permanent representative of the country at the UN headquarters. "I was born in France, I lived all my life in Paris, but since my childhood, when I was asked, from where I, I answered - I am Armenian. We were born Armenians, Armenians and die, "says Great Chance.

Father five children, caring and loving husband Charles Aznavor happy. "My secret-optimism, and the pledge of my happiness in my family," says the singer.

During his 80-year-old career, the famous singer and actor starred in 70 paintings, including: "Devil and Ten Commandments", "Chinese", "Ararat", "Father Gorio".

800 songs (If you believe the information presented on the official site of chanson), I wrote Aznavour, including such as "eternal love", "Isabel", "Bohemia", and sang them in six languages. His discs were separated worldwide in the amount of more than 100 million copies.

93 yearsroll by Aznavour on May 22, 2017, but the star does not like to celebrate his birthday. Mother believes that in old age, it is necessary to live as if you are 30 or 40 years old. The main thing is to be loved in your profession. And Aznavour categorically does not want to part with the public. In an interview with one Swiss publication, he admitted that at 100 years old would like to stand on stage.

Aznavour before the beginning of his concert surrounded by relatives: the son of Misha, the Third Wife of the Ully Torsiel and the daughter of Kati (1994). Photo:

From 9 years old
Shaunar Vakhnak Aznavurian (this is his full name at birth) performed a small role in one of the theaters of Paris. And in 11 already played a major role - King Heinrich III in childhood. After 20 years he heard: "You will conquer the world, because you know how to worry." These words told him another famous Frenchman - Charles de Gaulle. And in the late 1940s Charles, which was a little over 20 years old, began to perform in Parisian cabaret. He sang about a rampant life and young beauties. And despite the fact that Aznavour did it virtuoso, critics paid attention to his appreciated voice and a small increase (only 160 cm). Even Charles's father did not miss the case to criticize the vocal abilities of the Son.

3 official marriages It was a chanson. Charles five children, although some media claim that six. Allegedly in the first marriage he had not only a daughter, but the son, Charles Aznavour Jr., but neither in one interview neither the singer nor family members about it were mentioned. Maestro does not like to spread about his personal life at all, so it knows little fans about it. But one thing you can say for sure: the main woman who determined the fate of Charles was the Great Edith Piaf. Their random meeting marked the beginning of a long and difficult relationship.

The main woman who determined the fate of Charles Aznavour was the Great Edith Piaf. Their random meeting marked the beginning of a long and difficult relationship (1950s). Photo:

8 years The friendship of Charles and Edith lasts. "I was her author and composer. Proxy? No, Piaf had no proxies. Rather accomplice, drinking partner. I must say, we both loved it. In some countries we drank red wine, in other beer, and in the USA - champagne, the same brand, "said chanson. And they met by chance. The musical career of Aznavour began in a cheap French cabaret. Together with another Pierre Rochem, he performed in the evenings of the songs of his own essay. One day, Edith Piaf was accidentally glanced at such a performance in the cabarer and lingered there - she liked the sincerity and simplicity of Charles songs. That evening, the sparrows (nickname Piaf), which is called, gave an awkward wings. All night they drank wine and talked. And in the morning, Piaf offered: "flew with me to America." "But I have no money for a ticket," Charles admitted. "A real man should find money itself," the Piaf threw carelessly. And the singer found: took a little of all acquaintances. This unexpected union surprised many. "What did she find in it?" - asked some. "Himself," others answered. Both ugly, small growth, completely devoid of self-confidence, but talented and charming! Over a non-vegetable piaff laughed. And over the nosed Aznavour, they fucked: they say where this little Armenian is rushing? Piaf was begging others, but she initially reacted restrained to the creativity of Aznavour. At first, Charles was her secretary, baggage porter, and then began to write songs and offering their Piaf. And the singer took several of them. But she understood: the appearance for the artist is very important, and therefore forced the Aznavour to make a plastic surgery - to reduce the nose. However, for the sake of success, Charles was ready on a lot. And for the sake of Piaf itself - on everything. Once they found themselves in the Paris traffic jam - Piaf was late for speaking in Normandy. Edith said: "I do not want to disrupt this concert. Sit behind the wheel - we must be there at 8 o'clock. " He replied: "It is impossible, you see what movement is here." - "Do what you want, but we must be there eight." And Charles tells how he drove onto the sidewalk, almost knocking down people, and rushed through the pits. As a result, the concert began at 8 o'clock - thanks to the ancellor, which was driving. One day, Charles flew to Edith to America, and she suddenly met him with a new lover. But, despite the new novel, Piaf took care of the Aznavouris - invited him to go with concerts to Canada. "There you will definitely make money," she said. Charles, as always, listened to Edith. And did not lose. In Canada, he was awaited by success: 11 concerts per week, an average of 600 spectators on each. His dreams began to come true.

Charles Aznavour with his second wife, Evelin Plesci (1956). Photo:

2 timesAznavour fell into car accidents with Piaf. I tried to leave the sparrush several times. He tolerated the whim of his quick-tempered patronage and constantly studied with her. The artist leased on tour, married, divorced and returned to Piaf again. Already after death, Edith Charles unexpectedly turned out to be next to her: directed by Claude Lelus offered him to play himself in the Drama "Edith and Marseille" (1983), dedicated to the history of love of the Great Piaf and the famous Boxer Marseille Cordan. Aznavour could not refuse.

In 30 years, In 1954, Charles finally concluded a big and serious contract: he sang in the Paris Concert Hall of Alhambra. It was a success! Student Piaf himself became a star. And next year he was invited to speak in the most famous hall of the French capital - Olympia. Aznavour had a lot of success there, while criticized him was still extremely strictly, even sometimes with anger. French criticism invariably spread in fluff and dust, first of all because of the voice of the voice, and because of the tragic notes of his nervous songs - in those days there were simple songs about love. However, after a few years, Aznavour returned to Olympia star. And now this title has no longer challenged. The name chanson could not read on modest and cheap monochrome posters, but on a huge facade of the most prestigious concert hall of France, who glorified Edith Piaf and Iva Montana.
Aznavour concerts in Olympia walked for 12 weeks. He sang accompanied by an orchestra under the control of the Moria field. Success was enormous and deserved. In 1998, to survey the CNN television company and Time magazine, the audience and readers recognized him with the best pop singer of the twentieth century.

50 yearsnot performed by Azabel's song "Isabel". But somehow one viewer from Uzbekistan ordered him this song, and the singer had to learn it again. "I always pushing out what the audience loves. But I like to move forward. If I only sang what the audience ask, there would be no progress, "said the singer in one of the interviews.

By the 60th anniversary Armenian Genocide In 1975, together with the composer George Garvarentine, the author of the music to most Shanson's hunters, Aznavour wrote the song "Ils Sont Tombes" ("They fell").

In the photo - a wedding with a third wife, Ulla Torcel (1967). Photo:

90 artists France took part in records of the video clip on the Aznavore composition "Pour Toi Armenie". The song appeared in 1989, after an earthquake in Armenia. To help your people who affected the natural disaster, the artist created the Aznavor Charitable Foundation for Armenia and conducted a lot of shares on the collection of funds. Residents of this country are very grateful to the star: his name in Yerevan was named Square, and a monument was established in Gyumri.

8 yearsback Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan issued a decree, according to which Aznavour received Armenian citizenship. And in 2009, the same Serge Sargsyan invited him to become an emergency and authorized ambassador of Armenia in Switzerland, because Aznavour lives for many years in this country for many years. The singer and the actor accepted this offer with pleasure and great gratitude.

3 thousand Copies - the circulation of the book of Charles Aznavour "My Dad - Giant" in Russia. In addition to her, two autobiographies of the artist and collections of lyrics were published in Russian.

300 words He knows the Charles of Aznavour in Russian, but there has no idea how to tie them into the proposal. Although his father spoke well in Russian, he kept the Russian restaurant and even subscribed not to Armenian, but in Russian.

2 years It passed from the story, which literally blown up the runet: a certain grandmother Lida sang in the Metro of the song Aznavour. Having learned about this, the famous singer invited Lidia Ivanovna to his concert in Moscow, after which he met behind the scenes with his fan, gave her a bouquet of roses and signed his disc. Grandma was happy.

French singer-chanson, poet, composer and film actor Charles Aznavour (Chamber Aznavor, real name Shamrup Varnaag Aznavuryan) was born on May 22, 1924 in the family of Armenian emigrants. The birth of a son found his parents who left Russia in the early 1920s, in Paris, where they delayed waiting for a visa to the United States. As a result, the Aznavuryarian family was ass in France.

The acting abilities Charles inherited from the mother - the former actress. At the age of five, he has already played the audience on the violin, and at nine -. At about the same time, he began to sing in the chapel of the local church.

During World War II, his father left a volunteer to the front. To feed the family, Charles performed in small Parisian cafes and theaters in Occupied Paris.

He began writing songs in the early 1940s. In 1941, Aznavour met a young musician Pierre Rosha, in a duet with whom he played in variety and nightclubs.

Total chanson was filmed in more than 90 films, wrote more than 1.3 thousand songs (recorded more than 1.4 thousand), which performed on eight languages. Its discs and albums were sold out with a circulation of more than 180 million copies.

In different years, the Aznavour songs were performed by Ray Charles, Shirley Basey, Lisa Minhelli, Bing Crosby and Fred Aster.

In 2017, Charles Aznavour, together with his son Nicolas, changing, decided to continue philanthropic activities, founding the Aznavour Foundation for the implementation of educational, social and cultural programs.

At the end of April 2018, Aznavour in Russia because of unsatisfactory well-being, after which he returned to Paris.

In May 2018, chanson moved a double fracture of the left hand. He canceled five concerts scheduled for the summer.

Later on his tour with concerts

Charles Aznavour (P.1924) - French chanson, poet, composer, writer and actor. Has an Armenian origin. I wrote about 800 songs, the most famous of which "eternal love", "Bohemia", "Isabel". More than 100 million of its discs diverged around the world, they are listening and willing to sing even those who do not understand the word in French. According to the versions of the television channel "CNN" and the American weekly edition "Time" was recognized as the best pop singer of the twentieth century.

Birth and family

The real name of the artist Shahnar Varnag Aznavuryin. On May 22, 1924, he was born in Paris, where his parents emigrated, ethnic Armenians, shortly before the birth of the Son.

His father was an artist of operetta, originally from Tiflis province (born in the town of Akhaltsikhe). Grandfather's grandfather - a first-class cook, worked at the Tiflis Governor, and at one time he even prepared for the Russian emperor Nicholas II.

Mom came from the Armenian family of merchants living in Turkey. She worked as an actress in the "boulevard" theaters (at that time there were such theaters for common people who played household scenes on modern plots).

In the early 1920s, Charles's parents with a little daughter Aida left Russia. Their ultimate goal was America, but I had to stay in France in anticipation of a visa. The spouses liked Paris so much that they decided to stay here and do not go anywhere, especially since the second child was born soon.


Having such creative parents, it is not surprising that at the age of five, the boy debuted on stage, playing the violin. After three years later, he already sang in the Chapel of the local church of Saint-North and performed the Russian dances. The older sister of Aida also grew a talented girl, perfectly played the piano.

The profession of artists did not bring parents the necessary funds for the existence and maintenance of two children, so they opened a small Armenian restaurant "Caucasus" in Paris. Father took over the duties of the cook, because, despite the fact that he belonged to the artistic environment, the culinary skills passed him by inheritance at the genetic level. He prepared a lot of Russian dishes, many of them now do not exist, because the recipes are lost or not the necessary products. Special flavor of the institution gave the speeches of the father, sometimes he sang before visitors. Obediently helped family business and children.

Charles recalls about their children's years with humor and warmth. Even despite financial difficulties, a complete harmony always reigned in the house, with an older sister, they lived in the soul, never had disagreements between them. They sang in the family, danced and laughed. We often came to visitors, mostly Russians. So Charles from childhood was familiar with Russian culture, especially with songs and music. Very often in the parent house, Gypsy romances, "Black", "Two Guitars", songs of Alexander Vertinsky, Russian classical music.

First steps on the creative way

Parents wanted children to go to the future in their footsteps and showed themselves in art, so Chall was given to a children's theater school. The boy grew is not obvious and rather timid, for his age was low. However, at school, he revealed, the timidity and constraint passed, and soon some urban theaters began to use a child in extras. And in adolescence, he began to trust more important roles. For example, the "Odeon" theater took the boy for the role of the young king Henry IV in the statement of Margo.

In 1936, Aznavour began to act in episodic roles in the cinema. However, soon because of the crisis had to close the family restaurant. With the beginning of World War II, Dad went to the front, the family concerns lay on the shoulders of the sixteen-year-old Charles. The guy had even to sell newspapers on the street.

Two important acquaintances

Only after the end of the war, Aznavour was able to return to his beloved business - to play on theatrical stage, he was taken to the dramatic troupe of Jean Dust. During this period in the life of Charles, a fateful acquaintance with a young pianist and composer Pierre Rocher. They began to perform in cheap French cabaret duet as a songwriter and performer. Mostly sang Pierre, because not everyone liked the voice of Aznavour, he was even sometimes mastered. Therefore, Charles was engaged in writing song words and music, and Pierre performed.

One day, a popular singer Edith Piaf looked into one of the nightly institutions, which was just preparing for a long tour of America. Simple and sincere Charles's songs hooked her, Edith lingered in the cabaret to meet the author. Before the morning they drank wine and communicated. And then Piaf offered an Aznavor to fly with her to America, but he replied that he had no money. The singer said that a real man should be able to find money.

He found, took from friends, relatives, acquaintances and flew from Edith in the USA. Many were shocked by such a union. Both small growth, ugly, deprived of self-confidence, jerked over the nosed Aznavour, and they laughed over a noncainted Piaf. But Edith turned out to be much more pronounced others, she saw how both they were with charming and talented. True, at first it was reserved towards his work. Aznavour served her secretary, driver, baggage porter and only eventually began to show his songs. Some of them were performed, and the Jezebel composition became a real hat. Gradually, the songs of the Aznavour began to sing other eminent performers - Mystinvet, Patasha, Greek.

Path to the top of glory

This success came to the Aznavar eight years after his fateful acquaintance with Edith Piaf, and in many ways thanks to this great woman. It was she who made Charles make a plastic surgery to reduce the nose and advised to go with concerts to Canada. The singer said that in North America he would definitely earn, and was right. Aznavour gave in Canada at eleven concerts in a week, and his dreams began to come true.

In 1954, he concluded his first major contract and during three weeks gave concerts in the Paris Hall "Alhambra". And next year he was invited to speak at the most famous Hall of the French capital - Olympia. Though critics and spread in the fluff and dust of the Aznavour, they did not like his voice the timbre, ordinary French spectators the new artist conquered. His songs became hairs, and already after a couple of years every new singer's performance was an event for France.

In 1960, Charles conquered America, his concerts in Carnegie Hall were held with Triumph, now he had to admit his talent and critics. Long-term tour has begun around the world, the discs with its songs were diverged by millions of circulation. His composition sounded on all continents:

  • "My life";
  • "Ave Maria";
  • "After love";
  • "Bohemia";
  • "Then that";
  • "Mum";
  • "This is youth";
  • "Die for love";
  • "Bring me";
  • "Yesterday more."

The most popular song has become "eternal love", which the author later performed with the famous Mirey Mathieu.


You can not be able to call the chall career to the cinema, on his account about sixty films, he starred from such famous directors as Rene Claire, Claude Shabrol, Claude Lelouch, Jean Cockeux.

The most famous kinogeroes of Aznavour:

  • Jeremy in the film "Governed";
  • Kahudas in the "Hats" ghosts;
  • curious man in the "Ower's will";
  • Charles Kotrol in the TV series "Chinese";
  • Sigismund Marcus in the "Tin Drum";
  • inspector Nikolidi in Heavenly Rideriers;
  • Roger Perrin in the film "Transition through Rhine";
  • Eric in the "lion's share";
  • Samuel Goldman in Takki in Tobruk;
  • brother Katrina Denis Mox in the film "Devil and Ten Commandments";
  • Edward Sarian in Ararat;
  • Jean-Joahim Gorio in the "Father Gorio".

For their creative achievements, Aznavour has many awards not only in the field of music, but also in the movie - Cezar Cinema, the honorary prize of the film festival in Cairo, the Golden Lion of the Venetian Film Festival.

Personal life

Charles does not like to share the secrets of his personal life with journalists, the chanson is known about this side.

The first time he married in 1946 at the seventeent-year-old Girl Michelin Ryugel. Spouses lived together for five years, put a wonderful girl going to a wonderful girl and divorced. Later, the singer called this marriage to the mistake of youth.

The second marriage with Evelin Plesis was also shorter. The couples had no children, which was the cause of the divorce.

After that, Charles had a small novel, as a result of which the extramarital son of Patrick was born. A few years later, having agreed with this woman, Aznavour took the boy into his new family.

His third wife became Swedish Ulla Tower. They have been together for half a century, gave birth and raised three children - Misha and Nicolas and Girl's Girl. Spouses happily live in Switzerland in a small cozy house on the shore of the lake.

Passionate literature

Charle from childhood really liked reading. His favorite author is the French writer Henri True, Aznavour read all his works. Among the French loves Viktor Hugo, Emil Zol, Balzac. Even in adolescence began to give preference to Russian literature, still considers it one of the greatest in the world. His good friend, the famous French poet, writer and artist Jean Cockke, drawn up a list of books that everyone is obliged to read in life if he considers himself intelligent and educated. All these books read too. He also studies a lot of historical literature. Aznavour firmly sure to learn how to live, you need to read.

Charles and himself tried on a literary field. Twice came out the collections of his song poems, he published and autobiography. And in 2007 I published the book "My Dad - Giant!"

Charles Aznavour - French chanson and actor of Armenian origin. Recognized as the best pop artist of the 20th century according to the Time magazine and CNN channel.

Childhood and Family of Charles Aznavour

Native city of Aznavour - Paris. The full name given to the boy at birth is Shank Aznavurian Shahnak. He was born in the Armenian family, which before his birth moved to France from Armenia. Parents were engaged in art: the father was an artist of operetta, and Mom played in the so-called "boulevard" theaters for the general public.

Creativity did not bring the family necessary for the life, so parents eventually left attempts to break into bohemian circles and opened a small restaurant of Armenian cuisine. The head of the family sometimes acted in front of visitors that he added a special color to the institution. Together with the older sister Aida, the boy obediently helped a family business. When the crisis of the 30s began, the restaurant had to close.

Children of the Fours of Aznavour grew by the personalities of creative. Aida from an early age demonstrated success for the piano, and Charles masted the violin to five years. Following the parents recorded him to theatrical school. He was a timidly incredible boy of small growth, but still managed to reveal in the Environment of like-minded people. Charles began to use city theaters in the extras, then it was entrusted with the role of more larger, like a young king Henry IV from the statement of Margot "Odeon".

First songs

At the beginning of the 40s in one of the night clubs in Paris, a meeting with a young composer and pianist Pierre Rocher occurred for Aznavour. Together, they formed the duet of Rosh and Aznavour. It happened by chance: the girl-entertainer instead of one Roche declared a performance in Tandem with Aznavour. To friends it seemed funny, and they went to the stage, performing a couple of songs previously written by Charlf for other performers.

In 1946, Edith Piaf dotted on the duo. In this period of time, being very popular in Europe, she was preparing for long-lasting tour in America. The singer offered Charlets and Pierre to go along with her. After successful performances in the United States, and then in Canada, in concerts, the Piaf young man has already been recognized. So the Charles career began like chanson.

In 1952, Charles continued his independent speeches in France, but did not have much success, so I decided to work as a composer and the author of the songs. He did his name for what he worked with Patasha, mystinkvet and Greek. Being a good relationship with Piaf, Charles wrote for it. They were redone the American song "Jezebel", which in a short time performed by the singer became a real hat.

Charles Aznavour "Eternal Love"

In 1954, having a lot of his songs and selecting a suitable repertoire, Aznavour began to prepare on a trip to North America. His independent speeches had a considerable success. The singer concluded a contract with Olympia and Alhambra. There were strict critics for an Aznavor, but the audience had accepted him perfectly.

Charles Aznavour. Isabel.

Already in 1957, Aznavour knew and loved. His performances became an event. He went to an overseas tour. Success was waiting for him and there.

Films with Charlay Aznavour

Charles began to appear in the cinema. Significant roles were played by them in such paintings as the "womanizer" and the head against the walls. In 1960, after work in the movie "Shoot in Pianist", the doors of Carnegie Hall in America opened before Aznavour. Charles with Triumph spoke in this prestigious musical hall. Applauded this time and critics.

Having traveled to the tour around the world, which lasted more than one year, Aznavour became a star-scale star. He visited Turkey, the USSR, Libya, Africa and Greece. Singer's discs were sold by millions.

After returning from the tour in 1965, Aznavour for twelve weeks acted in Olympia with a performance, which includes thirty songs. The name of this formulation is "One Man Show". At about the same period, he played in the film "Paris in August". Six months, Charles presented the Musen of Mr. Carnaval. It was there that I came to be called such a popular song "Bohemia" subsequently.

A year later, continuing the tour, the singer conquered Latin America. Next, he constantly alternated with performances in France. Most often, concerts took place in Olympia.

last years of life

For his creative life, a talented singer and actor managed to play more than sixty films, cooperating with many well-known directors.

He never forgot that his nationality is Armenian. After the tragic earthquake in the STITAK, they were organized by the Foundation to help residents of the city. At the end of 2008, he became a citizen of Armenia.

Aznavour tried himself in artistic literature. In 2007, the book "My Dad - Giant" was published. Prior to that, he published only the collections of their songs, as well as twice they were published autobiography. So, at the age of eighty-three years, Charles declared itself as an outstanding writer.

Aznavour is written more than a thousand songs, they were performed not only by him, but also with such stars of world values \u200b\u200bas Lisa Minnelli, Ray Charles, Julio Iglesias, and others. The last album of the singer appeared in 2007. His name is "Color MA VIE". In the same year, new songs were represented in several countries, in Russia this happened at a single concert, which was held in Moscow.

Personal life of Charles Aznavour

Aznavour was officially married three times. For the first time he was combined with a marriage of 1946. His spouse is Michelin Ryugel. The second marriage took place in 1955. He married Evelina Plesis.

In 1968, the third Wedding of Aznavour took place in Las Vegas. His wife began the street Torsel. A year after that, Charles and Ulla in Paris were crowned in the Armenian Church. It is known that the Aznavour has six children from different marriages.


Despite age (in May 2018, chanson came 94 years old), Charles Aznavour was full of plans and new ideas. For autumn, he planned a large-scale concert tour, wanted to call in Russia. But due to minor health problems (spasm of the back, broken hand) concerts were canceled. On October 1, 2018, the media reported the death of Charles Aznavour. He died at home in the south of France, surrounded by close people.