Do elves are real. How do elves choose in the myths of various nations - the names of the elves Types of elves and their description in folklore

Do elves are real. How do elves choose in the myths of various nations - the names of the elves Types of elves and their description in folklore
Do elves are real. How do elves choose in the myths of various nations - the names of the elves Types of elves and their description in folklore

Traditions of all peoples - from India to Iceland and from America to Australia - they talk about lived long before our time of different mythical beings, externally reminding people, but in their physiology and the possibilities of people who were not. Among them were highlighted a large group of creatures similar to the most beautiful people and had an incomprehensible longevity, as well as magical abilities.
Especially a lot of legends about the divine people of elves in Ireland and Wales. His name of Tuha de Danann, or the tribe of the goddess Danan.

Long before the Nativity of Christ, this nation of rules of Ireland, and probably Britain and France, and left behind not only memories in folklore, but also quite real material evidence of their existence.

Separate historians write that the so-called elves were descendants of people with disappeared continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. According to one of the legends, the elves were the keepers of St. Grail.
Some legends mention that the elves would like white color: in their forests there are white deer, white foxes, always white hares.
Atlantis, according to Legend, - a huge ancient sunken mainland, who left the vertices of his mountains on the surface of the earth. Now it is the islands in the Mediterranean Sea (for example, about. Santorin), as well as a part of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest of which are Britain and Ireland. Therefore, it is possible that the elves were representatives of the ancient civilization of the Atlanta, who after the flood were able to escape on the vertices of individual mountains.

Despite this, in Irish mythology there are many plots in which mortals competed with Sides, penetrated into their world with the purpose of matchmaking or to get wonderful items. There are also legends and historical testimonies (not only in Ireland) about marriages between Sides, Elfs, Fays and people - for example, becks of white-skinned with the king of Ireland with an equestrian one hundred battles - and about the birth of children from them.

It was also said that someday the last decisive battle of the forces of evil and ignorance with the forces of pure and immaculate, hiding from them, and after that a new era of domination on the Earth of Godisbrateful peoples, "pure soul and body", which once were forced to leave with Our planet or from her surface because of the vices of people.

Elves today live among people, almost completely assimiced with them. Externally, the elf is almost no different from a person, with the exception of individual signs.

Researcher Jacques Valle about Elf

In the elves believed and wrote about this researchers of our century. Their evidence has been preserved. Scientist - Researcher of the beginning of the twentieth century Jacques Valle in his book "Parallel Mir" leads the words of a resident of Ireland, which described the society of elves:
"These are the most wonderful people I have ever seen. They surpass us in everything ... Among them there are no workers, but only military aristocrats, noble and noble ... These are the people, different from us, and from afflamble creatures. Their capabilities are awesome ... Their look has such a force that they, I think, can see even through the earth. They possess a silver voice, they are speaking sweet and fast ...
They travel a lot, and, similar to people, can be met in the crowd ... Smart young people who represent interest to them, they will lead to themselves ... "

Maybe the elves remained in Ireland?

One of the largest specialists in the elves in Iceland was Joune Gvudmundsson A scientist, also called "artist" and "fangodel" (1574-1658), who left the two later manuscript-treatments regarding elves. All others were taken from him, burned, and he himself, twice sentenced to expulsion.
Olav himself was first a simple Bond (a free landowner), also sincerely believed in the existence of a hidden people, and in 1830, after wanderings across the native island, at the request of a friend, recorded evidence collected by him in one fat book.
In order to collect these testimonies, stories, legends and fairy tales, Joune Arnason was forced to turn to his former disciples scattered throughout Iceland, asking them to record everything they can find among the simple population and then send him. From the giant number of sent stories, he included 140 stories in his collection, which speak about hidden people.

Alvian theory

Alva is an asthenic physique, a pointed form of ears and markedly increased compared to the average human life. The initial settlement range is the north and north-west of Europe. Currently, the Indo-European race is fully assimilated (Celts, Germans, to a lesser extent of Slavs).

Representatives of this race, along with the ancestors of Paleoeuropean peoples, settled the North and North-Western Europe, inhabiting it until the appearance of Celtic and German tribes. Later, under the bastard, the attendants' tribes were partially destroyed, partly assimilated, partially populated hard-to-reach and difficult places, unsuitable for the lives of primitive tribes, but allowing the existence of a more developed culture.

In Western Indo-European cultural space, there were legends about the "Alvian" deities of origin, which seems to me, fully supported by the Alvami themselves, rather quickly understanding their entire benefits from what they consider the gods - in any case, the Alva could be confident that In further conquering wars, they secured themselves.

Myths, legends, stories about elves in our world

The old legend indicates how well water was spoiled in the Bulgarian village, and there was no decent river. Clean, innocent girl at his own fear and risk went to the magic forest, found a unicorn there and made friends with him. Then she told him about his misfortune, and he agreed to come to the village and clean the water everywhere. But when the girl led the wonderful creation, then the peasants, remembering that the horror of the unicorn is very expensive, tied the savior and killed the animal.

In one of the monastery chronicles, it is mentioned that at the beginning of the XV century in Scotland in the mountains, a dying from the Rounds, a person speaking in an unknown language was found. He was leaning, even fragile. Arriving, the stranger was surprised to agreed in fencing and shooting from Luke - he never missed himself!
Over time, having learned the tongue, he said that belongs to the people "Elva". According to him, this people live very, very far. One interesting feature: he was acute! The wounded, immediately brought to the church.

Mentions can be found in other countries. For example, in one of the family chronicles of Norway, it is mentioned that in the XIV century one of the girls married a high and beautiful appearance of an alien, an unsurpassed arrow from Luke. However, he was soon accused of witchcraft. He lived in married for eight years and left two daughters, also distinguished by beauty. But the daughters in addition to the beauty inherited and some signs of the Father - pointed ears, which, I understand, greatly complicated them further existence ... This alien himself called "Helwe".

In the chronicles, you can find other evidence. Different peoples, different storytellers, often not having any contacts, for centuries, describe mysterious Helwe or ELVA almost the same.

It is possible that among us there are representatives of the elf people. But even if this mysterious race completely disappeared, the "genuofund" remained and therefore the descendants of the elves are born to this day. For example, American Kenneth O'Hara, for the first time taking onions in his hands in 43 years, realized that he simply could not wave. He was examined by doctors, psychics, and precisely thanks to the latter, he did not become a professional athlete: the psychics determined that at the time of the shot 0'Hara splashes a huge amount of mental energy. Based on this, he was banned. Having studied his pedigree, Kenneth 0'Hara found out that in the XV century one of his ancestors - Irishman - married a captive from the People Helve - a woman was captured during a raid on one of the islands off the coast of Scandinavia.

The legend is known about St. Michael, which says that elves are no one else, as a special kind of angels. "

The writer Viktor Kalashnikov in his "Atlas of Tyne and the mysteries" even called their names: it is ADRAMEELIK and Ariel, Arika and Ramiel.

The researcher Leonid Cavablov, who wrote the "little treatise on how should look for and finding ways to communicate with the currently hidden light people, that is, with true elves." Here is his words: "Elves taught people culture and art of letters. They are able to penetrate the future in the future and read the thoughts of mortals ... and the appearance of their own is the ideal people of high growth, but of course, not "literary winged dwarfs."

On the initial origin of the elves there are quite a few myths. In one of the most interesting things, it is told about how Eve, bathing his children, was frightened by the voices of God, who called her. She hid those children who did not have time to wash. Then God said Eva, that for the fact that she hid his children from him, he will hide them and from people. And he made them invisible. Before the flood began, God started these children in the cave and piled them there with stones. From them and went rasa elves and other supernatural creatures with various magic abilities.

Almost all of the particularly noble families of Sweden own decorations or jewelry associated with legends about trolls and elves. The next story is related to the wife of the State Advisor Garald Steak.
Somehow a late Evening woman came to her, who wanted to rent a wedding dress to put it on marriage. After some reflection, the wife of the adviser decided to lend her dress. A few days later the dress was returned, but with gold and pearls from each seam, and a ring from the very pure gold with the most expensive stones was hung. This dress was transmitted several centuries - along with the legend itself - in the family of steaks.

Myth about the tribe goddess Danan

The people of the tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuat de Danann) was something like an ancient Greek or ancient Roman aristocracy, only even more sophisticated and powerful. In addition to its dazzling beauty and abilities, unusual people, he wore clothes from the fabrics, which, according to generally accepted opinion, were unknown at that time.
The further fate of the tribe at first in Ireland and, in all Britain and France, the world reigned, but soon among the people of the goddess of the goddess Danan began to start, affected and the greatest of them. The meadow's wife changed him with the son of Duga Kermad, for which the God of Light struck the last spear. Dagde had to look for magic potions for a long time to resurrect her son. And then his grandson poppy kuyl killed the meadow itself. Poppy Kuyl and his brothers Mac Keht and Mak Grena became three kings of the tribe of the goddess Danan.
On this trouble did not end. Tua De Danann killed her guest ITA, who was holding the head of Ireland. To revenge for him, the sons of Mile Spanish organized a punitive expedition. They sailed to Ireland on numerous ships. As they say in the "Book of Captures of Ireland" "Thirty-six leaders of Goydelov were that they were sailed for thirty-six ships. Four and even twenty servants were with them, and each on his ship, and with each other four or twenty servants.
And I was sailed with them with them, the son of ITA, the mighty, brave and glorious warriol, in order to take revenge on his father. "

The name of Mile, the legendary ancestor of the Goydelov, comes from the Latin Miles Hispaniae. His wife was considered a cattle, which means simply "Irish". She was the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh and fled along with the Gotidis, who was afraid of his anger for the fact that they did not take part in the pursuit of Jews.

For a long time, Hoydala could not approach the island - the magic fog and the spell of Tuha de Danann, who caused the storm, until they scattered one of the sons of Mile - Eber Donn, for which his ship sank with him in the waves. But finally, the other remaining sons of Mile, Ebela Finn and Eremon, managed to stick to the shore. Goydels were many. They exceeded the strength of the Goddess Danan tribe and wanted to enslave Tuat de Danann, and also use the magical abilities of the latter for their purposes.

"Three days later, and three nights, the sons of a mile hit the tribes of the goddess Danan in the battle at Sliab Mie" and defeated them, but the cattle was died, the wife of Erimon. Hoydals coped with Tuat de Danann and in the bodice. And then there was a terrible battle of Taildiu, where three kings of the tribe of the goddess Danan died, poppy kuyl, poppy kaht and poppy, and the three queens, Banba, Fall and Erio, and was broken by the domination of the taobs.
But even despite the defeat from the sons of Mile, the tribe of the goddess Danan finally did not leave Ireland. Its magical abilities, it managed to force the sons of a mile to share power with him.

Elves go underground and for the sea

According to one of the versions of the saga "Education in the houses of two cups", the country was divided into two parts by Amorgen - the poet and sage of Hoydelov, so that the tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuat de Danann) got the lower, underground world. In Suga "On Taking Side", it is said that at the end of the conflict between Gotidis and the Boginy tribe, the friendship was established between Dagda, the leader of Tuat de Daninan, and the sons of Mile and that Dagda divided magical dwellings under the hills (sits) among themselves, meadow and fire .

Cids are numerous hills in Ireland, in which, according to the testimony of various Irish sags, the people of the tribe of the goddess Danan lived. According to linguists, this word could mean the "Magic Fortress".

In another, later, the version of Saga "Education in the houses of two cups" by the leaders of Tuha de Danann, and Bodb Derg, the son of Duga (King), who distribute ten sides among the most famous leaders of Tuat de Danann; Mannannan himself settles over the sea, in Emann Ablah or Avalon.
"When I crushed the Erimes of their heroes and warriors in the battles in Taildiu and Dirim Lighted and disappeared the Irish land, the tribes of the goddess Danan called on the noble Supreme King, the Great and Mighty Mannan, to give him advice. And Mannannan said that it was necessary to disperse soldiers and live in the hills and friendly valleys of Ireland. Then Mernannan and Warriors called their king Bodb Derg, and pointed to Mannannan all noble husbands of their cides: Bodb Deru - LED Buthdb on Loch Dergirt, proud mussel - LED True with beautiful slopes, kinds of Sigmala - Lovely on the view of Nannta Led, Finnbar Honey - LED Honey with black top, Great Tajga, Son of Nouada - LED DROMM DAN, Abartahu, Son Hlda Taha - LED Buthid with a wonderful top, Fagarhtahu - truly Nice LED Finnabrah, Illbrek - LED Aerday Esa Route, Liru Son Lugaida - LED Finnachide Son of Green Grass, Sweet-Safety Deru - LED Clay. And every of the tribes of the goddess Danan, who had to have a settlement and worthy dwelling, Tom appointed a special place for every noble warrior and gave them Fet Faada, because of which they were invisible, the Day of Goibniu, in order to turn death and old age from kings , and pigs Mannana, so that they could kill them and again were alive by those pigs. He told them Martannan about their sites and the decoration of the dwellings on the wonderful Eman Ablah and Tyir Tyryngir with beautiful slopes ... ".

In Irish sagas, it also states that his people sailed over the sea and settled on the mysterious islands - brandan, blissful, apple ... Landmarks of the location of the new Motherland of Tuat de Danann can serve as a fragment from the Saga "Adventures of Art, Son Konna". The tribe of the goddess Danan, who gathered to the Council in the country promised because of a beck of a white-skinned (daughter of Eohanan Injan), which made adultery, expels it to Ireland.

Thus, after the defeat of the sons of Mile Tuat de Danann, they were pushed out on the periphery of the developed space - to the island and in the bowel of the hills, where there were previously refuge of phomotors. And on the site of the battle under Tailtiu was established by Samine - an annual holiday (from October 12 to November 1). The line of worlds these days disappeared and Tuha de Danann could be visible mortal.

The tribe of the goddess Danu (Tuha de Danann) turns into elves

After the people of the Goddess Danan's tribe settled inside the sacred hills - Side or by the sea, he began to be called Sides, and in later times - elves. The nature of the habitat of the sides was called the "Magic Country".

In the Irish and Welsh folklore "Magic Country" combines space over the sea with an underground world. Sometimes it appears in front of people as a ghostly, shrouded in the fogs, having many titles: Blessed, Gi-Brazil, Avalon, and others. On Avalon, the legendary King of Arthur, transferred there to Fai Morgana, is resting. In Wales, the Magic Country is called Tir-Nan-OG, or the country of eternal youth, lying beyond the sea in the West, or Tyrfo Tuinn - the Earth under the waves. The magic country leads secret paths. It is believed that the moves into it can be found at the bottom of the sea and in the depths of the mountain lakes, as well as in the hills - sits.

The clerk of the Side was the Queen of Medb - a high slender beauty with bright blue eyes and long blond hair. After her back, she developed a wide mantle from the finest white silk. A man who has come to meet with Medb, soon died from love longing.
Other cides were also very high growth, and their beauty could immediately "blind" a simple mortal. With one touch of hand, they took the will of the will and mind.
Cids were male and female creatures. Depending on the mood, they could be hostile to people, and could help them. But most often, if people did not bother them, Cids did not pay any attention to them. Side had a lot of worries: they composed and performed magic music, grazing herd of livestock, made an unusually tasty el.
A man who accidentally walked in their land (these were always men), Cids, as a rule, turned into their slave. If the unfortunate still managed to escape and get to the house, the reason was never returned to him. Sometimes former cited prisoners became prophets or healers, acquiring the ability to foresee the future or treat people.

First we will tell some information and answer the question of who such "elves"?

In various sources, these characters are characterized in different ways. Combines all descriptions of several facts. First, the elf is almost always a good creature that helps a person. Secondly, elves are residents of the forest and his defenders. Thirdly, elves are small creatures with wings, a bright skin tinge, similar to the adults.

To tell about real situations with the participation of elves can be infinite. Even today, information about creatures that resemble these fabulous characters periodically appear. Stories of eyewitnesses, photos, facts proven by scientists - all this does not allow you to confidently say that there are no elves and has never been. It is worth mentioning two points from the story, which to some extent will open this mystery.

A very interesting chronicle was found in one of the Scottish monasteries. A few centuries ago in the church brought a strongly wounded man. Its appearance was described as follows: a small height, with very light skin, the language on which a person was not able to determine. It would seem that there is nothing special here, but then the description indicated that the ears were highly elongated and pointed. In addition, after the cure, another interesting fact was revealed - a person possessed a phenomenal accuracy and could shoot all types of weapons. He fell into goal from any distance and did it with almost closed eyes. So an unusual shooter remained to live in the church, gradually learned the language and told the story of his people, which he called "Heva". Where the representatives of this kind have lived and failed.

The second interesting fact concerns the world of medicine. Everyone knows that scientists of this area are not inclined to faith in mythology or paranormal phenomena. All conclusions are usually based exclusively on facts. There is such a diagnosis as "Williams syndrome". People suffering from this disease in description are very much reminded by all famous elves. The only exception is the lack of wings. Small height, pale leather, child expression, special outlines of the nose, lips and eyes - all these features can be found in any description of the elf. In addition, Williams syndrome patients experience an increased sense of compassion to other people, animals, they are very sensitive and impressionable. It was also noticed that such people are of particular interest in music and literature.

The conclusion about whether the elves really exist or not, everyone does in accordance with the convictions. One can only assume that the prototypes of these creatures were still, as evidenced by numerous historical and scientific facts.

Charming creatures with beautiful faces, snow-white marble skin and elegant aristocratic features. They enchant the mind and imagination of people for many millennia. They were considered forest creatures that they possessed the magical forces and were perfectly owned onions. Who was this people, and what did they live? Issues remain much more than answers. The image of a modern elf, to a greater extent, was formed on the basis of various Scandinavian legends and myths, which are immersed in the magical world of fairy creatures. Some of them are elves.

More precisely, it will be said that the Celts called the ancestors of the elven people "Sidhe" and "Alfr". The elves were described as excellent translucent creatures with wings, on beauty not inferior to the wings of the greatest butterfly. In some cultures, the elves were called "Fairy", as it was very often noticed for some similarity with Faymi. In the other cultures, the elves were very similar to people, with the exception of unearthly beauty.

In trying to find the truth, it is worth contacting the ancient Scandinavian myths, to Eddam. Alva (so there were previously), which were depicted on ancient pages, are represented as 2 completely opposite independent types. The first type is bright alvs, which can easily communicate with animals, own magic and extraordinary attraction, which has led the prfasted young men and girls. The second, their full opposites, were with dark dark skin and lived, mainly in caves and dungeons. They were called "starting". They possess special skills, thanks to their magic and the magic of fire, the starts were manufactured a variety of magical objects. Over time, the Celts combined their image with dwarves that they work in secret dungeons.

In Eddakh, it was stated that the Alva was created from the bones and blood of Imir. They opposed the gods, fighting every way and tried to harm them. But everything was limited to small packs. The fake money was minted, lured and deceived by tracers, created objects that were harmful to the owners.

In various cultures it is believed that the elves lived on the hills, to be more accurate, then right in them. There are many views and opinions about behavior, lifestyle and appearance, but everyone converge in one - the elves of the most ancient and dexterous thieves of all times and peoples. Moreover, they not only stole various decorations and values, but there were cases when they kidnapped the little children straight from the beds.

In Germany, it was believed that the elves are the personification of some kind of evil. Of all the kinds of physical disadvantages, whether it is a chromotype or hump, attributed to the elven "gift". And if the child suddenly became anxious and restless, constantly crying, people claimed that the elves replaced the child, which was not so easy to return.

In the Swedish stories mentioned the wonderful forest perfumes, which is a filled shell. They did not harm people, but they tried not to fall across and avoided meetings in every way, and even more so, direct contact. It was also believed that the elves and other magical beings are terribly afraid of iron, he squeezed their gentle skin from the slightest touch.

In addition to mythology and legends, there are other historical sources confirming the existence of elves. True, it is impossible to judge their accuracy. In one of the Norwegian records of the 14th century, you can find a wonderful story, about a rustic girl who married an insanely beautiful stranger with a beautiful slender body. He owned anyone not a famous language and was a master of archery. A few years later, he was burned on the fire, accusing in witchcraft, but his daughters were passed on his wonderful features and pointed ears.

With a detailed study, you can find many similar evidence. No one can say with complete confidence of whether Elves really exist. The story knows a huge number of people with outstanding abilities that could not be explained. Maybe this is the most heritage from the magic race left to us at the gene level?

There are several versions of the one who were and where the elves were played. According to one of the most extraordinary theories, the elves are aliens from other worlds who fell into the world of people by chance or deliberately. This theory proves that the line between the worlds was very subtle, which allowed the magical creatures to travel. However, this theory does not find confirmation from a scientific point of view. Other theories say that elves are one of the dead-end branches of development. Perhaps these are descendants of the most atlas or giants that they have "extra" genes, which over time, completely assimilated with humanity.

Siblings and disputes on this topic still remains a lot. Perhaps, somewhere in the forests live wonderful and delightful inhabitants, what is in every way hiding from human eyes? This question remains a mystery to this day.

There are substances in the legends of many nations, externally resembling people, but in their physiology and opportunities differ from them. Creation with incomprehensible longevity and magical abilities - elves. People around the world argue whether this ancient people existed in reality or only in fairy tales.

Elves are present in cultures of different nations

Evidence of the existence of elves

Different peoples have myths in which these creations are mentioned in different images and events. But in history there are facts about real mysterious finds. Indians from North America have a legend of a small good peoples with supernatural abilities. Expict the excavation at the place of their settlement. Here archaeologists have found items with obscure appointments, made of materials that are unknown at the same time.

And in 1932, a small mummy was found in San Pedro during excavations. Archaeologists conducted a study and found out that the skeleton belonged to a man with a 30 cm growth, which died natural death at the age of about 65 years. The owner of such an unusual find lived for a long time, and after his death, the mummy disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The indigenous residents assure that such items in their locality are not uncommon, but there are no documentary confirmation.

In 1837, in the state of Ohio, archaeologists discovered a small cemetery, historical excavations were conducted here. The growth of most mummies seemed to them as strange: they did not exceed 1 m. Some researchers argue that it was a whole tribe of Pygmeys, not the elven cemetery.

In Iceland in 1996, an amazing event occurred during land work on the hill. Locals believed that this site had an elven settlement and protested against the leveling of the Earth. During the work, it happened inexplicable - all the equipment per day before the excavation broke and had to turn the activities. More construction company did not return to that place and chose to build a building elsewhere.

In Iceland, people still believe in, who lives in different parts of the country and is trying by all their mights not to come across the eye.

In the capital of the country, there is even a special Elf School, the director of which has been communicating with people who have been communicated to the magical impact for 30 years. Magnus Skarphensson collects stories and teaches eyewitnesses to interact correctly with mythical creatures at the meeting.

Theories of the origin of the elf

The birth of elves is one of the greatest secrets, they will even be ascended into the rank. People argue so far, where these mythical creations appeared. According to one version, the evolution is to blame for everything, on the other is the creation of the gods.

The first theory is instantly encountered on the cliffs of logic, questions arise here. One of them - as evolution allowed only one type of human-like creatures to gain immortality. To do this, several factors should be connected:

  1. Permanent weather conditions on Earth.
  2. Long interval.

The human body changes throughout life, immortality does not affect this indicator. But the elves are not aging and undeveloped in his youth skills are irretrievably lost. Therefore, the lack of progress in development suggests that the creation appeared to the world in the finished form.

The divine creation of elves is more logical, it is caused by all the facts about them. The appearance of ready-made magical beings adapted to life in society was thought out.

Types of creation

Signs of Williams syndrome

The disease lies in the loss of 20 certain genes of 7 chromosome. The patient has problems of the cardiovascular system. They behave like children. Everyone is diagnosed with a moderate degree of imbecylness. It is difficult for them to learn in general education institutions, but these are very caring, sensitive people. Everything is not alien to them, they have a congenital artistry and a beautiful melodious voice.

Believe in mythical creatures or not - everyone decides for himself. Were legends only by the description of the real cases of Williams syndrome or these stories about these magical creatures are difficult to say.

In Iceland, people still believe in their existence and are trying to prove to the world that they are right, building whole fabulous tourist complexes.

Interesting fabulous creatures that are inhabited by the pages of legends and fairy tales, constantly excite the consciousness of a simple person. Many are wondering there are elvesAnd whether they meet in everyday life. Many of the legends of the northern peoples testify that from time immemorial in the land, the people who wore the name Elva lived in the prosperity. Together with them there were trolls and goblins. The man appeared nowhere and was considered to come from heaven. When people arrived on the planet, they began to survive aborigines from lands. The elves were forced to go far into the forest thickets and caves to hide from the total genocide.

If you believe this theory, then the question there are elves, the answer can only be positive. And, perhaps, somewhere in the secret corners of the planet live fabulous creatures.

Are there any elves among people?

The appearance of the elves differs from the familiar to human look. They are very thin and have an ideal figure, it seems as if these creatures do not go, but soar over the ground. Elfs have a very light skin and hair color. Their eyes seem to be pierced and penetrate into the soul. Elves can read everything, directly plunging into a person. They are very close to nature, so they can not make evil and resist violence, which is traditionally present in the human world.

At this time, the word "elf" does not call specific creatures, but is common to all unusual creatures inhabiting the world of fairy tales. But this is mistaken, because it is impossible to compare sophisticated creatures with goblines designed to fight, or trolls having a cunning temper.

Due to its proximity to the nature and knowledge of the planet, the Earth, elves possess powerful strength and supernatural abilities. This feature is very annoying people who are not children of this planet, so they cannot comprehend all its secrets. Due to the fact that the elves had to go into the forest, over time they got the name "Forest Perfume" and turned the nature to their kingdom.

The lifetime of elves.

Having understood with the question there are elves, and, having come to the positive conclusion, you need to figure out how and how much they live. About these creatures go legends that they live forever. According to another information, their lives lasts much longer than human, and the elves come to the five hundred years only at the time of the first maturity. At the same time, the old age does not occur quite a long time. People attribute such a phenomenon to the witchcraft charm of incomprehensible creatures. It is possible that the long-life elves is the result of their harmonious coexistence with nature. Knowledge of the healing properties of the Mother Earth, which gave rise to them, and everything that she gives abundant to those who want to know her secrets.

Do elves coexist in peace with people coexist.

Not taiful evil on the invaders of their territories, noble elves always try to help a person. No wonder the legends and legends describe cases when small wizards helped women to successfully get rid of the burden and after those blessed by the child and defended conspiracies from diseases and troubles.

Help elves are not surprising to children, as babies are innocent, and it relates them to their sincere successful benefactors.

It is difficult to find out how the first inhabitants of the planet looked like, since everything happened in time immemorial. Only Scandinavian and German legends give some idea of \u200b\u200btheir appearance. That is why a person has a lot of concerns and fantasies. Not even an hour that passed the girl past you, with subtle features of the face, white skin and light hair, and there is a descendant of the oldest people of the Earth - Elva.

There are elves Or not, everyone is waited to solve himself, but what is written about them in ancient legends, leads to certain thoughts.