Events on the revival of the village, rural economic lands, restoration of life in the regions. Russian village: revival or death? Revented villages in Russia

Events on the revival of the village, rural economic lands, restoration of life in the regions. Russian village: revival or death? Revented villages in Russia

Before the revolution of 17 years, Russia, as they write in the textbooks, was an agrarian country. The peasants constituted the absolute majority of the population and fed the whole empire. After the revolution, extinguishing, collectivization, industrialization and other charms began. As a result, appeared collective farms and state farms - a kind of socialist fortress. The ground peasants did not receive. But the right to work, work and work for pennies.

Many now scold Soviet collective farms. Deservedly. The collective farm system had a lot of shortcomings. Meser wage. The lack of perspective is the ordinary collective farmer and his children were doomed to hard work before the grave. It was hard to get out of "people" or go to the city, especially in Stalin's time. The collective farm killed any personal initiative and teach people to think that they nothing decide, their business is to obey orders from above.

Nevertheless, it is bad, but this system worked. The collective farm was a socio-forming factor and created the infrastructure necessary for survival: built houses, roads, school, hospital, roads, kindergarten, etc. Volto or unwittingly collective farm guide took care of the needs of the local population. Let the collective farmer bent his back on the collective farm for a penny. But the collective farm helped the peasant to survive. If it was necessary to plow the garden, the collective farm gave a horse. The collective farm gave grain, firewood, hay. As in the whole of the USSR, a small stealing flourished in the village, which was not considered a crime, but by ordinary practice. The brigadier stuck the car of the coarse, the ordinary collective farmer - a bag of potatoes. But this bag helped the family to survive the winter. The collective farm has developed a farm in all directions: there were fields, cowners, poultry houses, apiary, gardens, workshops. The collective farm gave the work to all Selu. Thanks to collective farms and state farms, the Russian village should not flourish, but retained viability.

When the scoop fell apart, the collective farm system collapsed, and with it agriculture. Some statistics. Over the years of agrarian reforms, 27,000 collective farms and 23,000 state farms disappeared. In 2011, the grain was collected only 90 tons. This is a little more than half of the pre-reform quantity. Livestock fell into decline. The number of cows decreased in 21 million heads up to 12, pigs - from 33 to 9 (!), Sheep and goats - from 67 to 10 million heads. The Russian cow gives milk almost three times less American and almost 4 times less than Israeli. The average annual grain yield on Russian non-blacksmen is 4 times less than in Swedish, and almost 4 and a half times less than in the defeated Germany.
Agriculture breathes on incense. Paradoxically, but the fact: up to 70% of the food needs of our country are covered by imported supplies.. And the point is not even that Russia, famous for the fertile black mills of Kuban, is not able to feed itself. And that agriculture rationally and hostHow did the cams or smart chairmen of the collective farms, expelled in the 20s disadvantageous. In the pre-crisis years, liter of diesel fuel in the village cost more than liter of milk. Who in such conditions will risk holding a cow? Collective farms ruined, and in return did not create anything. There is no work in the village. Young leaving, the remaining slowly drinks. Village degrades. In the once flourishing villages live their grasp old women and alcoholics.

The villages, the village and the city of the Russian periphery are rapidly empty. If you look at the map of Russia, it is easy to see that most people live in cities and around cities. The population is concentrated in a triangle whose angles are St. Petersburg in the north, Sochi in the south and Irkustk in the East. The farther from the city, the more unlucky. The country is slowly turning into the archipelago. Most of all suffered from the Far East and the extreme north. Over the past 10 years, the population in the Far East has decreased by 40%. In the extreme north - by 60%. 11,000 villages and 290 cities disappeared into Siberia. If, with the scoop, these regions survived thanks to publications, now everyone who is able to move, run from there closer to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and Krasnodar.
A new type of tourism has entered: staving for abandoned villages. Here is a link to the project "The disappeared villages of Russia." The list is understandable, far from complete, but very instructive: % B5% D0% B7% D0% BD% D1% 83% D0% B2% D1% 88% D0% B8% D0% B5_% D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B2 % D0% BD% D0% B8_% D0% A0% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 81% D0% B8% D0% B8
The whole class, with its own way of life, culture and mentality disappears rapidly. Now the main task of parents in the villages is not to raise an employee, but at any cost to attach a child in the city. The most important thing, rustic often do not want to work. Rural work is a hard hellish. Why, from morning to evening, bend your back in a barn or on the field when you can get a guard to the city and get the same money (or even more), calmly sitting on a chair? It turns out a vicious circle. On the one hand, people in the village have no work. On the other hand, no one wants to work with a milk or tractor driver. Together with the village, the type of maternity and sober peasant, who fed Russia before the revolution, is dying out and after it. People forgot what you can do in the village. Now they have a TV and vodka - the best means to distract from problems.

After the crisis of 1998, the situation has changed. A big business drew attention to the village. Not because the oligarchs suddenly reconciled patriotic feelings. Giant commodity and financial structures understood that the most reliable investment of money is not gold and not even real estate. This is land. And agricultural empires began to be created. At one time Gazprom owned the lands of the size of the Tula region. Deripaska scoiled fertile blacklooms of Kuban. Chairpersons of collective farms and state farms paid solid departments, and for it they received land, property and power in the former collective farm. The oligarchs of the cheaper bought a forest for hunting, the land - under the giant villas. In Russia, a new class of so-called latifundists began to develop.

A huge structure is created - agroholding, the owner of which becomes real power on the village. Agroholding is unprofitable to engage in infrastructure development and generally support life on the village. This is a business, not charity. Agracholding is easier to hire cheap Tajiks than to mess around with a local eternally drunk population. And not all agroholdings - domestic origin. Of the 700 Russian major agroholdings about 70 belong to foreign owners . Russian legislation prohibits them to buy land. But the law is easy to get around. The foreign company creates a subsidiary, that, in turn, gives rise to "granddaughter", and the "granddaughter" is already fully bought by Russian land. A huge role, of course, is playing corruption among officials, disposed of land, and former collective farm chairmen. Often they do not care who will own the site, even though the hell himself, if only money paid. Ends - who actually actually belongs - not to find.

Experts believe that the most profitable agroholdings belong to offshore companies. Basically, this is Cyprus. It is impossible to say that Russia is already sold out. But the process goes, especially in Kuban, where the main agrarian wealth of Russia is concentrated - Blacklooms. The land of the Moscow region is also actively bought by foreign companies. Statistics on this issue does not exist.
Russian village and agriculture would be able to save the farmers. The development of small farms along with large. Money from the budget for the revival and development of the Russian village is allocated from the state budget. For example, the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". There are many beautiful words in the project. There you have and stimulate the development of small forms of farming (farmers) and the provision of housing of young professionals and something. But alas! In practice officials mess around with small farms are unprofitable. Hemorrhoids are much, and the result will be visible immediately. It is easier to give budget money to Agroholding, which promises to build a barbuses, drive modern technique to the fields, and most importantly, non-rollback.

Only people with iron exposure risen in farmers in Russia. First, to keep our own economy is the cost of considerable. Feed expensive, tariffs for gas and electricity are constantly growing. Good workers (at least sober) find difficult. Find a good sales market is difficult. Even if the farmer succeeds in solving these problems, another occurs, almost unresolved. This is a system. The farmer in front of agroholding and in general any authorities are absolutely defenseless and unheated. Officials are actively used by this. For example, without the permission of veterinary supervision, it has no right to take out its products beyond the region for sale. And not because the quality of products is low, but because the supervisor official wants to work out. Etc. Without a paper farmer and spit can not. And every piece of paper costs money.

Now Russia is fed mainly by agroholding. Farmers produce about 7-9% of products. And the part of the population feeds itself, without waiting for help from the state. These are small companions-dackets, which are growing potatoes and cucumbers for salting.

Is it possible to revive the former, sober and economic peasantry in Russia? Opinions diverge. Some say that it is possible if it will be possible to revive the former spirit of peasant self-government. In the Internet, they talk a lot about the experience of Gleb Tyurina, the former Exchange Broker, now the director of the Institute of Public and Humanitric Initiatives (Arkhangelsk). The main thing in Tyurin is to return to people to faith in your own strength and give real power. Tyurin visited 40 dying Arkhangelian villages, talked with the inhabitants and created Toma (territorial authorities of self-government). For a short time, the villages came toval, but then most of the stolen again. For various reasons: regional authorities changed and got rid of an uncomfortable competitor in the face of Tosa, the extinition of residents. Many rustic cardinal changes are not needed.
Others say that there is no need to revive the peasantry. The development of the economy, agronomy and technology finally killed the village that we have seen in Soviet films. The future is for large agroholding that they themselves produce themselves and sell themselves . In fact, these are the same collective farms, only with a capitalist face.

The question is who will belong to the Russian Earth in a couple of dozen years? Does Russia?

In our troubled time of change, where every news is a negative, I got an interesting video about the modern revival of the Russian village and about a person who is engaged in this. I highly recommend everyone. It is very cool that the process has begun, and many people have a positive result of restoration of the villages. Such villages are possible, hope for saving Russia. Gleb Tyurin came up with revive the northern villages, organizing Toma - Societies of territorial and public self-government in them. The fact that TURIN was made in the Arkhangelsk outback forgotten by God, does not have precedents. The expert community cannot understand how it succeeds: the social model of Tyurina is applicable in an absolutely marginal environment and is unparalleled. In Western countries, similar projects would have been worth it more expensive. Amazed foreigners in need invited the Archangelogorod to share experiences on all sortsmates - in Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Austria, USA. Tyurin performed in Lyon at the World Summit of Local Communities, his experience is actively interested in the World Bank. How did this happen?

Gleb began riding a bear corner to find out that people could do themselves there. He spent tens of rural gatherings. "Local citizens looked at me as if I fell from the moon. But in any society there is a healthy part that is capable of answering something. " Gleb Tyurin believes that today you need to argue about theories, how much to think about the realities of life. Therefore, he tried to reproduce the tradition of Russian zemstvo in modern conditions. That's how it happened, and what happened.

"We began to ride around the villages and collect people at meetings, organize clubs, seminars, business games and God knows what else. They tried to stir up people who were sinny, believing that they were all forgotten about them that they were not needed anyone, and they could not succeed. We have accumulated technologies that sometimes allow people to quickly inspire people, help them look at themselves, on their own situation.

Pomors are beginning to think, and it turns out that they have a lot of things: forest, land, real estate, other resources. Many of which are inconsolana and dying. For example, a closed school or kindergarten is unwinding immediately. Who! Yes, the local population itself. Because everyone himself relieves at least something personally for himself. But they destroy a valuable asset that can be saved and make the basis for the survival of this territory. We tried to explain on peasant gatherings: you can only keep the territory. We found a group of people charged to positive inside the dilapidated rural community. They created some creative bureau of them, taught them to work with ideas and projects. This can be called the Social Consulting System: We trained people in development technologies. As a result of 4 years, the population of local villages embodied 54 projects worth 1 million 750 thousand rubles, which gave the economic effect of almost 30 million rubles. This is the level of capitalization, which is not neither the Japanese, nor Americans, with their advanced technologies.

Principle of efficiency

"What makes a multiple increase in assets? At the expense of synergetics, due to the transformation of scattered and helpless single in the self-organizing system. Society represents a set of vectors. If part of them managed to fold into one, then this vector is stronger and more than the arithmetic sum of those vectors from which it is complicated ... "

Selyan receive a small investment, they themselves write the project and become a subject of action. Previously, a person from the district center poked a finger on the map: here we will build a barn. Now they themselves discuss where and what they will do, and they are looking for the cheapest solution, because they have very few money. Next to them coach. His task is to bring them to a clear understanding that they do and why how to create the project that, in turn, will pull the next one. And that each new project makes them more economically more self-sufficient. In most cases, these are not business projects in a competitive environment, but the stage of gaining resource management skills. To begin with very modest. But those who have passed through this stage can already go further.

In general, this is a certain form of consciousness. The population, which begins to realize himself, creates a certain capable body and presents his confidence mandate. What is called the body of the territorial public self-government - TOS. Essentially, this is the same land, although somewhat different than in the 19th century. Then the scum was castech - merchants, the differences. But the meaning is the same: a self-organizing system, which is tied to the territory and is responsible for its development. People begin to understand that they do not just solve the problem of water or heat supply, roads or lighting: they create the future of their village. The main products of their activities are a new community and new relations, the prospect of development. Tos in his village creates and tries to expand the welfare zone. Annal number of successful projects in one settlement is increasing the critical mass of positive, which changes the whole picture in the area as a whole. So the streams are merged with one big full-flower river ...

Source - "Advisor" - a guide to good books.

In our troubled time of change, where every news is a negative, I got an interesting video about the modern revival of the Russian village and about a person who is engaged in this. I highly recommend everyone. It is very cool that the process has begun, and many people have a positive result of restoration of the villages. Such villages are possible, hope for salvation. Gleb Tyurin came up with revive the northern villages, organizing Toma - Societies of territorial and public self-government in them. The fact that TURIN was made in the Arkhangelsk outback forgotten by God, does not have precedents. The expert community cannot understand how it succeeds: the social model of Tyurina is applicable in an absolutely marginal environment and is unparalleled. In Western countries, similar projects would have been worth it more expensive. Amazed foreigners in need invited the Archangelogorod to share experiences on all sortsmates - in Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Austria, USA. Tyurin performed in Lyon at the World Summit of Local Communities, his experience is actively interested. How did this happen?

Gleb began riding a bear corner to find out that people could do themselves there. He spent tens of rural gatherings. "Local citizens looked at me as if I fell from the moon. But in any society there is a healthy part that is capable of answering something. " Gleb Tyurin believes that today you need to argue about theories, how much to think about the realities of life. Therefore, he tried to reproduce the tradition of Russian zemstvo in modern conditions. That's how it happened, and what happened.

"We began to ride around the villages and collect people at meetings, organize clubs, seminars, business games and God knows what else. They tried to stir up people who were sinny, believing that they were all forgotten about them that they were not needed anyone, and they could not succeed. We have accumulated technologies that sometimes allow people to quickly inspire people, help them look at themselves, on their own situation.

Pomors are beginning to think, and it turns out that they have a lot of things: forest, land, real estate, other resources. Many of which are inconsolana and dying. For example, a closed school or kindergarten is unwinding immediately. Who! Yes, the local population itself. Because everyone himself relieves at least something personally for himself. But they destroy a valuable asset that can be saved and make the basis for the survival of this territory. We tried to explain on peasant gatherings: you can only keep the territory. We found a group of people charged to positive inside the dilapidated rural community. They created some creative bureau of them, taught them to work with ideas and projects. This can be called the Social Consulting System: We trained people in development technologies. As a result of 4 years, the population of local villages embodied 54 projects worth 1 million 750 thousand rubles, which gave the economic effect of almost 30 million rubles. This is the level of capitalization, which is not neither the Japanese, nor Americans, with their advanced technologies.

Principle of efficiency

"What makes a multiple increase in assets? At the expense of synergetics, due to the transformation of scattered and helpless single in the self-organizing system. Society represents a set of vectors. If part of them managed to fold into one, then this vector is stronger and more than the arithmetic sum of those vectors from which it is complicated ... "

Selyan receive a small investment, they themselves write the project and become a subject of action. Previously, a person from the district center poked a finger on the map: here we will build a barn. Now they themselves discuss where and what they will do, and they are looking for the cheapest solution, because they have very few money. Next to them coach. His task is to bring them to a clear understanding that they do and why how to create the project that, in turn, will pull the next one. And that each new project makes them more economically more self-sufficient. In most cases, these are not business projects in a competitive environment, but the stage of gaining resource management skills. To begin with very modest. But those who have passed through this stage can already go further.

In general, this is a certain form of consciousness. The population, which begins to realize himself, creates a certain capable body and presents his confidence mandate. What is called the body of the territorial public self-government - TOS. Essentially, this is the same land, although somewhat different than in the 19th century. Then the scum was castech - merchants, the differences. But the meaning is the same: a self-organizing system, which is tied to the territory and is responsible for its development. People begin to understand that they do not just solve the problem of water or heat supply, roads or lighting: they create the future of their village. The main products of their activities are a new community and new relations, the prospect of development. Tos in his village creates and tries to expand the welfare zone. Annal number of successful projects in one settlement is increasing the critical mass of positive, which changes the whole picture in the area as a whole. So the streams are merged with one big full-flower river ...

The government and private investors will spend about 300 billion rubles (9 billion dollars) to increase the investment potential of rural areas and make them more attractive for young professionals. However, some experts believe that the budget of the new state program is too small even in order to stop the deterioration of the quality of life in Russian villages, not to mention the change in the situation for the better.

Rural Development Plan

The federal program approved by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev includes a plan for the development of the village until 2020. The government allocated 300 billion rubles to a new program, of which 90 billion will be allocated from the federal budget, 150 billion from the regions and municipalities, and the remaining 60 billion will arrive from private sources.

The rural development plan provides for providing 42,000 residential premises for young families, the construction of schools and medical centers, as well as connecting villages to gas and water supply networks.

Problems of the program

However, experts are serious doubts about the success of the new program. About 30% of Russians at the moment live in rural areas, so the allocated amount will be only a tiny contribution. "We agreed with the fact that federal financing will not be able to cover all the existing problems of our villages, so we decided to focus all resources and investment in those settlements, where investment projects are already implemented and will continue to develop," said Dmitry Toropov, head of department rural development in the Ministry of Agriculture. Most of the money will be issued as grants for regions whose suggestions have a greater investment potential. However, according to Darya Snobko, an analytics of the Center for Economic Forecasts, the problem is that many regional authorities do not have a sufficient amount of money to meet the project of federal financing. Some regions have already rejected financial assistance in the amount of 5 billion rubles, since they have not enough funds to co-financing the program.

Moreover, even if all stages of the program are reached, residents of the villages will not use the same benefits as residents of cities. From the very beginning, the goal of the program claims to increase the income of the villagers to 50% of the amount that the person can earn in the urban feature can earn.

Camille Hairullin, St. Petersburg entrepreneur
Builds at home in the native village of Sultanovo Chelyabinsk region to revive the village:
"In general, I had the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding several houses in order to attract capable people into the village. The villagers decided on the National Summer Makeup: a villager is vital. Then it was decided that one of the three houses scheduled for houses to give Feldesura. In total, I am ready to build about 20 houses, the main thing is to live in them came people who are ready to work for the benefit of themselves and sat down.

About building houses
I do not have the master plan for the revival of the village. I emerge from the requirements of life. Houses will be built as those who want to move to Sultanovo will appear. And I have to understand that these people will strengthen my village. Under them everything will be organized. At the moment I am building four houses to show people the seriousness of your intentions. I also need to understand what will happen next: if the village will demand a lot of resources for maintaining yourself, then this is one situation, and if you manage to launch several projects that will be able to recoup and ensure the soldiers of the villagers - then it will be completely different. One way or another, the development of events will affect how much I will be ready to invest my resources in the village. Now in the village parallel to the construction of houses is the goat farm. Another project is a damp, which will be engaged in one of the local residents, which I helped purchase equipment and learn to be cheered.
About poultry farm
I never broke away from my village, I often go there now. Until now, my sisters live in Sultanovo. My village is always in my soul. I thought a lot to help so that it would not disappear, but I understood that only my forces were not enough for this. Life has become little to revive since the construction of the poultry farm, but if it were built a few years earlier, then my village would not reach such a deplorable state. Why did you get the youth? Because the opportunity to earn money for life was not at all. The poultry farm is a great help for villagers, but the problem is that by the time of its construction, young people went to the best life. Now there are people on the poultry farm, but already age, but I would like to make young people in Sultanovo.

On potential residents of Sultanovo
Bashkirs traditionally were engaged in animal husbandry, so if the owners will appear who are willing to live in Sultanovo and breed livestock, it would be wonderful. I will not refuse to help and those who, for example, will decide to engage in crop production. The main thing is that a person make me convinced that he really needs it. Ostrich wanted to grow? You can also, most importantly, in order for the person to see for himself the meaning.
I am interested in the village of people who are full of desire to develop their destination, take responsibility for their lives and the life of my village.
In addition, I expect that in addition to farms we will have more technological and high-tech production, where people will be able to work. The main thing is that life in the village comes dangerous, I am sure that then I will invest money in the village not only me, but also other sponsors.
In addition to the availability of work and housing, people must combine leisure. I would really wanted my village to become the center of Bashkir culture.
The infrastructure plays the last role in solving those who plan to move to the village per month. Now we have a serious work on its creation: we are making a water and gas pipeline, the presence of the road. The state promises to help with the Internet.
On the reaction of local residents
The villagers were accustomed to such the flow of life in which they existed the last 30 years. Initially, they decided to just see what I would do. Rustic man? He came out in the morning, looked, what the weather was decided what to do, he always acts according to circumstances. So here. I can not say that there is some confrontation, but there are no zealous enthusiasts. To make people to finally believe in my undertakings, they should feel positive changes in their income, and for this you need to work, develop. I also explain their inertia by the fact that the person is unusual all new. Frames that will be in the new homes can not clearly affect their lives. Today they live calmly, and suddenly a neighbor will appear, and even successful, then a person will begin to compare himself with him - his comfort zone will break.
About the revival of the village and the sown debt
For me, it is important to preserve my native village, but since we see a negative dynamics, then you have to talk about his revival. I remember my childhood when the streets were full of children. Now there is no such thing. Of course, in its pure form, my childhood is no longer returning, but you can try to establish life in the village. I can't give such a clear answer why it is important for me. Acts of people are due to the fact that they are pleased. If a person is good from the fact that his yacht has become a meter more, then this is one conversation, and someone, for example, I feel good from the realization that I help my village. I have always been engaged in charity and always put a challenge for nothing to become a slave of money and success. I am proud that I grew up in a small Bashkir village, that she gave me such genes, so I want to return part of my sown debt.
On the prospects of the Russian village
I am sure that if you look at the long-term perspective (about 100 years ahead), then the Russian village is good chances, because we have the main chernozem of the world, like fresh water. Sooner or later, people who will see in this perspective and use them. It is important only that our country can save its independence. In this case, Russia can become a country that not only supplies raw materials, but also provides world food security.
Forces and desire to develop a native village
I got used to work since childhood. There is always forces always. It will be bad if suddenly this work voltage will disappear. And time? A person will always find the time that he is important. I do not have the task to feed the family, expand the living space, buy a car - I have it all, but I don't strive for more, because I believe that a person must have enough of what he has. It is impossible to think that the happiness of a person directly depends on the material well-being. Happiness is deeper, it is inside a person, in his actions.
About the development of Sultanovo in perspective
I am not a romantic, I firmly stand on Earth. If we talk about Sultanovo, then I want a central water supply, gas, asphalt road at finally, so that 20 strong owners live there with their subsidiary farms and 50 children were at school and kindergarten. If I manage to achieve this, then I will assume that I lived my life without vain. "
On moving to Sultanovo, you can contact the representative of the patron by phone: 8-911-111-83-33.