The main trends and problems of modern Russian culture. Progressive and reaction trends

The main trends and problems of modern Russian culture. Progressive and reaction trends
The main trends and problems of modern Russian culture. Progressive and reaction trends

For the culture and spiritual life of the society of post-communist Russia, trends that revealed during the period of restructuring are characterized. The process of returning the names and phenomena of domestic and world culture rejected by the communist regime continued. The transition to market relations put representatives of the creative intelligentsia in unusual conditions. On the one hand, the state for the first time removed all the prohibitions for creativity, but, on the other, it stopped financing creative activities. Already in 1993, the Oscar Rabin, Dmitry Krasnophetsev, Igor Zakharov-Ross, were held in 1993. In the Central House of Artist, an exhibition of works by Arkady Petrova "Dance Flood", made in the manner of social art, who are leading representatives of which are artists Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, Poets Dmitry Prigi and Timur Kibirov. In the Tretyakov Gallery, the exposition "Great Utopia" was deployed, which included more than a thousand paintings of the Russian avant-garde 1915-1932. Russian religious philosophers - N. A. Berdyaev, V. S. Soloviev, V. V. Rozanova, P. A. Florensky, books of emigrant writers - S. D. Dotlatova, A. D. Sinyavsky, A. A . Zinoviev, Sasha Sokolova. Poetry lovers were able to personally familiarize themselves with those famous in their homeland, as well as the new works of the Russian poet created abroad, the Nobel Prize laureate on the literature of Joseph Brodsky. After the twenty-year-old forced emigration, the Grand Russian writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia. The publication of the works of outstanding figures of domestic culture (Varlam Shalamov, Nikolai Erdman, Vasily Grossman, and others), who were political repression during the Stalin's Terror, continued.

In 1993, Vladimir Macanin was awarded the "Russian Booker" award. Following this, the editors of the "independent newspaper" established the domestic premium "Antibuker", awarded for a number of nominations annually. The literary prizes were noted by work and such modern writers as Yuri Bujda, Yuri Davydov, Mark Kharitonov, Sergey Gandalovsky, Oleg Chukhontev, Andrei Sergeev, Vyacheslav Piezuh, Victor Pelevin, Boris Akunin (G. Sh. Chhartishvili), Tatyana Tolstaya, Lyudmila Ulitskaya et al. whose popularity in our country in last years Extremely grown. In general, domestic literature rowing XXI in. Reflected the confusion and misunderstanding of people generated by the collapse of the "Unified and Mighty" Union (for example, the story of the Fazil of Iskander Pshada), but new "heroes" appeared in it: "New Russians" nouveau, unemployed and homeless (for example, the story of Zoe Boguslavskaya "South windows" and Roman-essay Oksana Roby "Casual"). Vyacheslav Piezukh ("Fourth Rome", "Hand") wrote about the Russian national nature and Russian history. Three generations of the Russian intelligentsia XX century. presented in the story of Andrei Dmitrieva "Closed Book", in artistic terms of the continuing tradition of Russian realistic literature. Of particular popularity in Russia received a detective genre, recognized by the leaders of which were the works of Alexandra Marinina (A. A. Marina) and Daria Dontsova (A. A. Dontsova).

In the conditions of openness of the new Russia, contacts with compatriots-emigrants were expanded before the world, congresses were successfully held, meetings with famous cultural figures, living outside Russia. In Moscow, the days were held annually slavic writing and culture. Reasonable returned cultural values. In June 1993, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of the International Renaissance Fund of the Valaam Archipelago and the Savior-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery" was published. The Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian-American University in Moscow was organized and conducted " round table"" The revival of Russia: concepts and reality ", in which Vasily Aksenov took part in the work, Vladimir Bukovsky, Alexander Zinoviev and other domestic scientists, politicians and cultural figures.

The cultural and creative process actively included new social strata. The revival of the traditions of Russian patronage began. The largest financial and industrial groups gathered the collection of works of modern avant-garde artists, organized concerts of world pop stars. Joint enterprises assisted in domestic cinema. The Moscow Conference of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs established the scholarship name of E. R. Dashkova Best Fenthers and Graduateurs of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow state University, And the Association of Auto-Industry - Prize "Triumph", awarded for an outstanding contribution to the development of culture and art. Finally, in 1997, with the support of the Moscow Government, the Insurance Group "NASTA" and the Russian Industrial Bank established the National Acting Prize "Kumir". Significant public resonance caused the emergence of a national theater contest " Golden mask"And the acting award" Crystal Turandot ". The formation of the legislative foundations of patronage began, but in general the patronage of culture in our country has not yet received proper propagation.

The state also supported domestic culture. In 1995, the reconstruction of the complex of buildings of the State Tretyakov Gallery was completed, and the grand opening of the historical and memorial museum complex was held at the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Moscow. State premiums in the field of literature, art, science and technology were awarded. In July 1993, the "Basis of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archived Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives were adopted. At the initiative of the government, work began, related to the exchange and return of cultural values \u200b\u200blost by our country during the period of turbulent political cataclysms of the XX century. In the summer of 1992, the State Commission for Restitution of Cultural Values \u200b\u200bwas formed, was created the legislative framework This process. At the same time, efforts were made to make the treasures of world culture accessible to universal ferris, long hidden in museum stores in connection with possible international complications. So, in 1995-1998 In Moscow in the Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin and in Hermitage (St. Petersburg) held exhibitions of works of art imported to the USSR after World War II (for example, a collection of objects from the gold "Treasures of Priama" was demonstrated, collected by the famous German archaeologist Henry Schliman). In addition, under the auspices of the Russian federal and Moscow governments, the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow (autumn 1997) and the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin (summer 1999) were widely carried out.

In painting, the reflection of the tragic events of the Soviet history was characteristic of the reflection of the tragic events of Soviet history. Popular images of "man-animals" (helium Korzhev, Tatiana Pazarenko) and people with the seal of spiritual, moral and physical degradation (Vasily Shulzhenko, S. Sorokin), gloomy city landscapes (A. Paleienko, V. Manokhin), the aesthetization of the decay and Destruction (V. Brinkin). IN fine art All genres and directions (avant-garde, abstractionism, postpressionism) were presented. Especially it should be noted the renaissance of realism (for example, portrait genreOutstanding representatives of which are Alexander Shilov and Nikas Safronov) and neoshimitivism (N. Beshenbalo). The rector of the Restored Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the artist I. S. Glazunov, who received world fame as a supporter of neoclassicism and monumentalism was played a major role in the restoration and development of artistic creativity.

In 1992-2006 Monuments of A. A. Block, V. S. Vysotsky, S. A. Yesenin, G. K. Zhukow, F. M. Dostoevsky, were opened by memorial victims of political repression of post-war years in the Don Monastery cemetery, Chapel George Victorion In honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow at the 38th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road. A great contribution to the formation of the artistic and architectural appearance of the capital was made by the famous sculptor, the President of the Russian Academy of Arts (PAX) Zurab Tsereteli (the sculptural compositions of Peter the Great, Central Obelisk of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War On Poklonnaya Mountain, architectural and sculptural complexes on the Manezh Square and in the Moscow Zoo).

Much attention was paid to the restoration of the destroyed churches of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Church of Christ the Savior, the Kazan Cathedral, the Resurrection Gate with the Iverly Chapel in the center of Moscow. Among the post held in Russia soviet period Restoration work is the most ambitious on scale and costs is the reconstruction of the entire historical and architectural complex of the Moscow Kremlin with the recreating the pre-revolutionary interiors of its famous palaces, implemented by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation with the participation of I. S. Glazunov.

Significant development in the theater life of the country received theaters-entrepreneurs and theaters studios (for example, O. P. Tabakov, L. I. Rayhelgauza, A. A. Kalyagin, O. E. Menshikova, S. B. Prokhanova, V. B . Livanova, A. B. Dzhigarkhanyan and a number of other largest directors and actors). Theatrical seasons in Moscow and the provinces began to pass under the sign of the world and patriotic classics. Most often, directors appealed to Dramaturgia M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, N. A. Ostrovsky, A. P. Chekhov. Among the most popular plays "Uncle Vanya", "Ivanov", "Seagull" A. P. Chekhov, "Maskarad" M. Yu. Lermontova, "Marriage" and "Auditor" N. V. Gogol. An important event in the development theatrical art It was held in Moscow in April - June 2001 by the World Theater Olympiad.

In connection with the termination of financing, the majority of cinemas were closed or re-equipped, the film distribution system is actually completely restructured. The activity of film studios sharply coagulated, the number of films manufactured from 178 in 1992. Until 26 In 1997, the position of the domestic cinema was also complicated by the fact that the Russian film engine was in generally American, often low-quality film production (militants, horror films, melodramas). At the same time, the leading Russian filmmakers were able to create a number of films that were highly rated abroad, receiving prizes at the largest international film films: "Burnt by the Sun" and "Siberian Barber" Nikita Mikhalkov, "Heaven Promised" Eldar Ryazanov, "Barabandiad" Sergey Ovcharova, The trilogy "Moloch", "Taurus" and "Sun" of Alexander Sokurov. The ribbons reflecting the acute problems of modernity, such as the tragedy of the Chechen war, "Muslim" Vladimir Khotinenko, "Caucasian captive" Sergey Bodrovka (senior), "Blockpost" Alexander Rogozhkin, and others, despite the crisis of domestic cinema continued creative activity Kinororezhissors such as Kira Muratov, Alexey Herman, Pavel Lungin, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Sokurov.

In recent years, the system of film distribution in the country has restored. Thus, several dozen modern cinema halls equipped with modern technicians were opened in Moscow, and the former cinema "Russia" became the Pushkin Cinema Room, where the solemn opening of the Restored International Moscow Film Festival is held annually, whose chairman of the Russian Culture Foundation and Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov. The All-Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi is held annually in Sochi (President of the Festival since 2005 - Alexander Rodnyansky) and the Film Festival of the CIS and the Baltic Baltic States in Anapa (President Victor Merezhko). There are new names of film directories. So, the picture of Kirill Serebrennikova "Depicting the Sacrificment" received in 2006 the main prize of the Roman International Film Festival, and the film Andrei Zvyagintseva "Return" received two "gold lions" at the Venetian film festival. New film Nikita Mikhalkov "12" also won the prize "Golden Lion" in Venice and was nominated for national Prize The American Academy of Cinema "Oscar" in 2008. Among the last films of Russian filmmakers should be allocated such as "artist" and "Passenger" Stanislav Govorukhin, "Wolfhound" Nikolay Lebedev, "Graffiti" Igor Apasyana, "Cargo 200" Alexei Balabanova, " Exile "Andrei Zvyagintseva," Nothing Personal "Larisa Sadilova," Simple Things "Alexey Popogrebsky," Yuriev Day "Kirill Serebrennikova and" Pet Journey "Vera Watchdow.

The creativity of the film director Fyodor Bondarchuk, who took the film "9 Rota" (2005) about events in Afghanistan and fantastic kinodilogo "inhabitable island" and "Inhabited Island" and "Inhabited Island" (2008-2009). Definitely an important event 2008 It became an entry into the screens of the film project "Admiral", dedicated to A. V. Kolchak (filmed by Andrei Kravchuk, with the assistance of the first channel of Russian TV).

The current state of spirituality and morality of multinational russian society Largely due to the influence of mass culture. Of course, recognizing a huge contribution to the domestic culture of outstanding figures pop art, such as Joseph Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva, at the same time it is necessary to note the growing commercialization of this sphere of artistic creativity, the desire of a large number of pop artists to adjust the most primitive needs of the public and transfer to the Russian soil are not the best samples of the West pop culture. Meanwhile, they deserve all sorts of support and approval of large-scale shares on the organization in Russia touring world-famous pop artists, such as Elton John, Sting, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, Steve Wonder and a number of others. In the 1990s. The country occurred boom dance music, and rav-discos collected up to 10 thousand participants. In 1999, Music "Metro" was raised, which became a noticeable event in Moscow's musical life. Following this, the musicals "Nord Ost" appeared, "Notre Damm de Paris", "12 chairs", "Wedding Society", "Abba" and others. An important phenomenon in the musical life of the international "show business" was held in Moscow in May 2009 Eurovision contest.

The determining factor in the formation of public opinion and social standards is the electronic media, and primarily television, which has become largely due to their publicly availableness of the "ruler of the Dum" of most ordinary Russians. Great importance In this regard, acquired the broadcast of the TV channel "Culture", who introduces viewers with the best achievements of the national and world culture, including with the works of non-profit cinema.

Modern culture of Russia of the 21st century requires multilateral and deep consideration. It crashes closely with the past centuries. The current state of culture is directly related to the accumulated experience. Perhaps outwardly, it denies him somewhat, to some extent he even plays with him. Next, let us know more about what is the current state of culture in Russia.


The culture of modern Russia is part of global. It transforms, recycles and absorbs new trends. Thus, in order to trace the development of culture in modern Russia, it is necessary to pay attention to world phenomena in general.

Today's situation

Now the problems of modern acquire paramount importance. First of all, we are talking about a powerful social development factor. Culture penetrates into every aspect of human life. This applies to both the basics of material production and the needs and the greatest manifestations of the Human Spirit. The culture of modern Russia has an increasing impact on the solution of program objectives in particular, this concerns the construction of a legal state, disclosure creative abilities man, strengthening and forming civil society. The development of culture in modern Russia has an impact on many areas. This applies to the personality, the lifestyle of thinking, leisure, life, labor, and so on. There are a special institution - the management of culture. Depending on the status, they are solved and coordinated by certain issues. As for its social influence, it acts primarily, the necessary aspect of the activities of a public person. That is, it is observed by regulating with certain rules that are accumulated in traditions, symbolic and iconic systems, new trends.

Main difficulties

To date, the development of culture in modern Russia is associated with a number of issues. They were put by the life of society. Currently, all landmarks are directed to a qualitatively new. Thus, there is a steep fracture in compiling the innovative and traditional trends of social development. On the one hand, they are required in order to deeply master the cultural heritage. On the other hand, it is necessary to go beyond the scope of the usual ideas that have already emerged. The relevant reorganization changes should also undergo the management of culture. It also requires overcoming a number of reactionary traditions. They were put on and folded for centuries. These traditions were manifested in the consciousness, behavior and activities of people constantly. An adequate solution to these issues requires an understanding of how culture is developed in modern Russia.

Influence of progress

The formation of the modern world contributed to significant changes in the human consciousness. Views of people facing the limits of life. The awareness of itself turns into a tendency. The orientation was resumed to their historical and cultural forms. The future is seen primarily in the processes of expansion of international relations. All countries should be involved in the global cultural and historical process. There have been significant social changes. Questions about the identity and features of the culture of Russia come to the fore.

General trends information

What features of the culture of modern Russia can be seen now? There are a circle of certain problems. In the foreground - innovation and traditions in cultural space. Due to the sustainable side of the latter, there is a broadcast and accumulation of human experience from a historical point of view. Concerning traditional societiesHere, here the assimilation of the culture is carried out by the religion of the samples of the past. As part of tradition, of course, minor variations may occur. In this case, are the basis for the functioning of the culture. From the point of view of innovation, creativity is significantly difficult.

Progressive and reaction trends

Creating a culture from nowhere does not seem possible. It is impossible to completely discard the preceding traditions. The question of the attitude towards cultural heritage concerns not only its preservation, but also the development as a whole. In this case, we are talking about creativity. Here with uniquely merged universal organic. The culture of the peoples of Russia, or rather its value, are indisputable. There is a need to distribute them. Cultural creativity - Source of innovation. It is involved in the overall development process. Here is a reflection of the wide range of opposite trends of the historic era.

Features of the structure

What is the culture in modern Russia now? Briefly considering its content, it can be noted that it is divided into several different areas:

  1. Religion.
  2. All forms in which the People's Spirit is manifested.
  3. Art.
  4. Technics.
  5. The science.
  6. Legal proceedings.
  7. Socio-political device.
  8. The nature of the army.
  9. Economy.
  10. Staging upbringing.
  11. Character of work, settlements, clothes.
  12. Writing and language.
  13. Customs.
  14. Morals.

In this case, the history of culture to understand its level is of paramount importance.

Modern realities

Now culture finds its embodiment in a variety of spiritual and material phenomena and values. This applies to such new items as:

Upon closer look, it becomes clear that the cultural sphere is not homogeneous. The fact is that each component has common boundaries - both chronological and geographical. The culture of the peoples of Russia, in particular, its identity is inseparable. It is in constant interaction. There is a dialog between the many distinctive crops. The interaction is carried out not only in the present time. It also affects the "past-future" axis.

Main differences

The distinction and culture took place in the 20th century. The latter, as before, is filled with positive meaning. As for civilization, it has a neutral characteristic. In some cases, a direct negative "sound" can be traced. Civilization is synonymous with the material structure. We are talking About a sufficiently high stage of mastering the forces of nature. It is powerful technical progress. He certainly contributes to the achievement of material goods. Civilization in most cases are associated with the development of technology. This can be used to implement a wide variety of purposes. At the same time, the culture became most closely with spiritual progress.

Features of development

The formation of a new culture image is one of the most interesting moments. As for the traditional vision of world heritage, it is primarily associated with organic and historical integrity. A new image of the culture can boast a multitude of associations. This applies to ideas, on the one hand, the universal ethical paradigm, and on the other - a space scale. In addition, a new type of interaction is formed. It is expressed in the refusal of a simplified rational scheme for solving culture problems. Currently, an understanding of other points of view becomes more important. The same can be said about the following:

If we take into account the similar logic of cultural communications, it is easy to understand that the principles of operation will be appropriate.

Turnstanding moments

It will be about the beginning of the 90s. last century. National culture of Russia still experiencing the effect of that period. Events developed under the influence of many factors. There was an accelerated disintegration of the Unified Culture of the USSR. Many national units formed for which the values \u200b\u200bof cumulative culture Soviet Union turned out to be unacceptable. It also concerned traditions. It did not go without a sharp opposition of various national cultures. In this regard, tensions increased. As a result, a single sociocultural space was broken. The system that was previously organically related to the previous history of the country was in a new economic and political situation. Much has changed dramatically. It also concerns the relationship between the authorities and culture. The state was no longer going to dictate its conditions. Thus, culture lost guaranteed customers.

Ways of further development

The overall rod of culture disappeared. Its further development was the subject of sharp disputes. The search range was very wide. This is a huge number of options - from the apology of isolations to follow the samples of the West. The combined cultural idea was actually absent. A certain part of society perceived this situation as the deepest crisis. This is what Russian culture came at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, some believe that pluralism is a natural norm of a civilized society.

Positive moments

The spiritual culture of modern Russia is closely interconnected with the elimination of ideological barriers of that period. The fact is that it gave favorable opportunities for its development. However, during this process, some loss of national traits occurred. This was due to the economic crisis, which was experiencing a country, and a difficult transition to market relations. In the mid-90s was in stage acute crisis. The country's desire for market development was a priority. Thus, certain spheres of culture simply could not exist without the support of the state. The abyss between the mass and elite forms continued to deepen. The same applied to the older generation and the youth environment. The uneven access to the consumption of benefits, both cultural and material, intensified sharply. The combination of the reasons described above led to the fact that the "fourth power" appeared in the country. We are talking about the media that began to take first place in culture. As for modernity, the following elements were twisted here the most bizarre:

  1. Anarchy and statehood.
  2. Demonstrative apoliticality and huge deliberate politicia.
  3. Egoism.
  4. Individualism and Cat.
  5. Collectivism.

The role of state

The revival of culture is the most important condition for updating the Company. This fact is quite obvious. As for the specific movements on this path, they still remain fierce discussions. In particular, this concerns the role of the state in this process. Will it interfere in culture affairs and regulate it? Or maybe she can independently find means for survival? There are several points of view about this. Some believe that culture needs to ensure freedom. It also applies to the right to originality. Thus, the state will take over the development of strategic tasks for the "construction" of culture, as well as the duties for the protection of the National Heritage. In addition, financial support for values \u200b\u200bis necessary. Nevertheless, all these questions have not yet been resolved. We are talking about the specific implementation of these provisions. Many believe that the state has not yet fully realized the fact that the culture cannot be given to the deposit of business. It must be supported, as well as science, education. This goes to the fore in matters of maintaining the mental and moral health of the country. Domestic culture has many conflicting characteristics. Nevertheless, society can not allow separation from his national Property. Culture breaks down, and it is not adapted to transformations.

Possible options

As for the development paths, in this case there are many contradictory opinions. Some talk about the possible strengthening of political conservatism. That is, the situation can be stabilized on the basis of Russia's identity. In addition, the special path of the country in history should be highlighted. Nevertheless, he may again lead to a nationalization of culture. In this case, we are talking about the implementation of automatic support for the heritage and traditional forms of creativity. As for other paths, foreign influence on culture is inevitable. Thus, any aesthetic innovations will be significantly difficult. What role can the conditions for the integration of Russia can play? It is worth taking into account the exposure from the outside. Due to this, the country can be turned into a "province", if compared with global centers. In domestic culture it is possible to dominate alien trends. Although the life of society becomes more stable. In this case, the commercial self-regulation of the structure plays a big role.

Key problems

Of course, we are talking about the preservation of a distinctive national culture. It is also worth noting the importance of its international influence. Cultural heritage is introduced into the life of society. Russia may join the system of universal principles. In this case, it will become an equal participant in world artistic processes. The state should intervene in cultural life countries. The presence of institutional regulation is an acute necessity. Only so cultural potential will be involved in full. Public policy In the respective spheres will be reoriented radically. So, within the country there will be an accelerated development of many industries. It should also be mentioned that physical culture in modern Russia has come out of the crisis and develops a moderate pace.

Final moments

For modern domestic culture, the presence of numerous and contradictory trends. In this article, they were partially designated. With regard to the current period of the development of domestic culture, it is transitional. You can also say with confidence that there were certain ways out of the crisis. What is the last century as a whole? This is a very contradictory and complex phenomenon. It is also greatly exacerbated by the fact that the world has long been conditionally split into two camps. In particular, this refers to ideological features. Thus, cultural practice has been enriched with new ideas and problems. Global issues made humanity take a challenge. This affected world culture as a whole. And not only on it. The same can be said about every national heritage separately. In this case, dialogue different cultures It is a decisive factor. As for Russia, it is necessary to develop and adopt the right strategic course. It is worth noting that the situation in the world is constantly changing. The solution of the "cultural" problem is very challenging task. First of all, it is necessary to realize the existing deep contradictions that are inherent in domestic culture. Moreover, this applies to its entire historical development. The domestic culture still has the potential. It is sufficient to give answers to a challenge thrown by the modern world. As for the current state of Russian culture, it is very far from the perfect. There is a need to change thinking. Currently, it is more focused on maximalism. In this case, a radical coup is needed. We are talking about the present reorganization of everything and everything, and in the shortest possible time. The development of domestic culture will certainly be difficult and long.

The history of the culture of Russia in brief review We propose to track through the structural typology of N.A. Bardyaev, developed by him in the cycle of works on its features, paths, fate and. In these works, the scientist identified and identified it several major stages. This historical typology of Berdyaev can be viewed as a basis, but with additions associated with the events of the last century.

Stage of the Slavic-European Civilization (X - the beginning of the XIII century)

To this period called Kievan ruus have already formed the foundations of the organization of society. There was writing, the basis of statehood was laid, legal institutions appeared. All this gave impetus for the further evolution of East Slavic culture. Strengthening the country and the increase in the territories was carried out simultaneously with eastern Slavs and neighboring tribes. "Dvelverie" - the fancy symbiosis of paganism and Christianity generates a distinctive picture of being, combining different religious ideas.

  • not solving problems, and departure from them in new edges,
  • earth draw, God,
  • sense of temporary
  • the lack of the need for deep rooting in one place.

This method of conducting peasant economy in the territory and in the number of participants was most of the Old Russian culture, which is difficult to research, as it does not have written sources.

Artistic culture and history on the basis of written sources

The history of Russia of that time is studied by major artifacts related to urban culture: chronicles, letters, architectural monuments, decorative and applied crafts, painting from treasures and burials. Based on the analysis of artistic written sources, two stylistic directions are distinguished:

  • monumental historism
  • epic lyricism.

Monumental historism

This style was distributed at the end of the X century. And prevained before early XII. in. It was a period of admission and the equivalent entry of Russia to Christianity, thinking of his role in new culture. Confirmation of this is the preserved architectural, scenic and literary evidence of this period. They are characterized by an elevated-magnificent mood, they are filled with importance. The style of monumental historicism accurately reflected the spirit of the time of the reign of the Rurikov dynasty. For the heroic era of the country, it was a primary style identical to the Romanesque style for the West. He was equivalent to state and corresponded to the requests of the Princely Environment, the desire of the young country to create his own image, its principles, compare himself with the culture and history of the world.

Empirical Lorism

This style is still the name of the secondary, it was formed by the middle of the XII century. This time is characterized by the strengthening of feudal fragmentation. Art became more close to the person, the features of individual people began to stand out, and not only the latitude of the state, as was the previous period.

  • The architecture appeared chamber forms, it became more animated, more festive than courageous.
  • That period was the "word about the regiment of Igor". This is the work and emotion imbued with emotions, which reflected the history of Russia, along with thoughts, emotions, sorrows and repels of a real person.
  • The temples are built everywhere, monasteries are built, schools of icon painting and crafts are laid, the events taking place are recorded in the chronicle.

On the multi-faceted development of the artistic culture of that time, it is possible to judge how letters in, artistic training is developing.

  • Novgorod becomes the center of West Sofia,
  • Vladimir - Our Lady,
  • in Chernigov and Ryazan - Prince of Boris, Gleb.

Specific Rus - Culture XIII - XIV BB

The XIII century entered the story as the beginning of the Golden Horde period. " Tatar Rus"Entered the phase of" moral monumentalism ". Gradually, the fragmentation of the country on the specific principality was overcome, which helped free from yoke.

Deep changes that occurred by the middle of the XIII century give grounds for the separation of this period, as they also had a great influence on the type of Russian culture. For the epoch, many studies have been conducted, and there are different opinions in assessing the consequences of the invasion of steppes. Gumilev believed that it saved the country from subordination to Europe, which, in his opinion, would bring much more harm to Russia.

These events left a weighty footprint, but the Mongol-Tatar Igo could not radically change the Russian agricultural culture on the nomadic. But the invasion of the hordes suspended development and caused irreparable damage. Temples were destroyed, libraries and cities were burned, crafts were in the oppressed state. The invasion of nomad tribes was perceived as a punishment of God, an universal disaster that was unthinkable and opposed.

When IHO was reset, the culture and history of Russia become different. The main consequence of invasion is regress in all areas of life. In the second half of the XIII century, development as if frozen. Even in the Novgorod lands, where the Ordans did not "reach", was a sullen stagnation, accompanied by only the renewal of fortifications.

The atmosphere of the era, the experiences of people can be understood by literary sources In the genre of "Military Assignments", the lives of martyrs for faith, sermons.

Moscow Rus - Stage XIV - XVII centuries

Cut from the end of the XIV - by XVII century. He entered the story as the time of education of the Eurasian civilization. The formation of a centralized independent state with the authorities in Moscow has formed a different picture in different spheres of life. This favored the refuge of the updated concept of values \u200b\u200band the universe.

Russian principalitys, freeing from the shackles of the Iga, they rallied around Moscow, creating a new type of state. It was a means in defending sovereignty. To this day, the state has an extreme significance in the consciousness of people who was acquired in those days.

Over the personal gain and even more important than laws were the interests of the state and power. The formation of the Moscow kingdom took the Orthodoxy relay from the fallen in those times of Constantinople. Byzantine state has sunk in the summer. The old man of Philofee in his letters Vasily III voiced new messianic aspirations in the concept

Phased History of Culture of the Great Russia of the Moscow Period

The evolution of the Russian culture of the Moscow period can be divided into three stages:

  1. Russian Title (End of the XIV century - Mid XV century)

This time marked the victory in the Kulikovsky battle, together with it there was an emotional jump of the national identity. During this period, the flowering of literature, art, an increase in individual principle began. Bright examples may be names, Daniel Black. Feefan Greek. For these values, Russia's development can be compared with the PRATINESSAN and Italian Early Renaissance. Renaissance bypassed the history of Russia side. All resources were allowed to create and arrange the country with the center in Moscow. There are the most magnificent temples, icons, frescoes are created, and books are written.

  1. "Holding monumentalism"(Second half of the XV century - XVIV)

It is characteristic of the final formation of the Moscow kingdom. The country began to expand towards the eastern adhesions, Kazan was taken. Gradually, the state turned into an extensive Eurasian Empire.

In all areas of the country's life there is a settlement and streamlining, for example,

  • the arrangement of the state is described in the "Power Book",
  • systematization of historical information - in the facial chronicle
  • religious canons - in "Foreign", in the "Great Chetty Minisi",
  • family problems - in "Domostroy".

A new architectural style appears - Moscow. The Kremlin, Assumption Cathedral, they are symbol of Russia and to this day.

  1. Russian Renaissance or Baroque (XVIIin.)

During this period, it is also called the "rebellious century", many events occurred. Change dynasties, Polish intervention, riots of peasants. The culture of this period, despite the many dramatic pages in history, enlightened and lively.

  • The architecture is saturated with paints, intimidated in shape and decorative.
  • The picturesque works are decorative, at the same time realistic features appear in them, objects become more voluminous due to transmission of lighting. The first Russian Parsuna-Synthesis of the portrait and Icons appeared.
  • Also appear heroes with humane features that live in real lifeSuch is the first Russian novel "Tale of Savva Breastman."

In art, the literature is transmitted to an individual beginning and the author's point of view.

History of Culture and Art of Russia (XVIII century - early XX century)

The period of imperial Russia is the time of submission of her new one. With Russian culture to European, is under its influence, but remains distinctive. The giant Eurasian civilization is public for the West and the East, but retains independence. This era can be divided into three time segments.

  1. History culture XVIII. century

This is the time of radical reforms. Since the adoption of Christianity, Russia turns to the West by the will of the ruler for the second time. Cultural metamorphosis during the rule of Peter I is also contradictory and complex, as well as the innovations of Prince Vladimir.

Petrovskoe movement to Europe continued its heirs. Everything became a period of deep transformations that have affected different sides. The main feature was mastering the results and conquest european Culture, for the most part Through education. Changes took place under the onslaught of the tops and from the inside, since the prerequisites for them were already matured in the previous century. Such features like realistic personality, rationality, now wept in the European outfit.

The rapidness of reforms led to uneven assimilations in different layers of society. Between the European addresses and mired to the "quag of the Asian" nizami appeared. In addition to disunity on social measurements, at that time a crack was formed between the culture of ethnic and national. In the future, the efforts of many people will be aimed at overcoming this gap.

  1. History of the culture of the XIX century

This period began and learned in Europe's knowledge. Their merger gave impetus to further development. This century is called the Russian golden age. A huge list of names, discoveries, ideas, achievements, ingenious creations It allows you to say that during this period Russia played a significant role in the history of world culture. Then its individuality was most clearly manifested, paramedic questions were asked and solving problems. This is a period of finding cultural community and spirituality.

  1. The main thing about the silver century

The turn of the XIX -XX centuries in the history of Russia is called it. Despite the short-term, it can be allocated in a separate type. The turning point of time gave this epoch freedom, an active change of course and trends. An avalanche of fresh ideas, ideas, judgments, paradigms that had contradictory orientation flooded avalanche. Creative life has become intense. There were many unions, associations, mugs, involving a large number of new members.

In dialogue different cultures The focus is changing: it is not just a retrospective study, and the desire to join and comprehend, plunging into the most subsoil. The merger of various types of arts, worldviews, and unity - was one of the important features of this time. But the period was not monolithic, there were many incompatible ideas, multidirectional displacements that demonstrate degrees of freight.

The history of the culture of Russia - stage XX century.

1917 - 1991 Twentieth century refer to Soviet Russia. This is a difficult and paradoxical time, which has yet to objectively evaluate. It reflected the most controversial features of a national character. Totalitarianism sought to lead a culture to a uniform form, but external monolithicness was combined with an individual creative principle, which is visible in allegorical form and on the household level, and in the underground. It is worth adding to the assessment of the value of Russian culture of the Soviet period and can be considered as a legacy of pre-revolutionary culture. About 10 million emigrants believed in their mission of its conservation and multiplication. This confirms their educational, scientific, publishing job. The characteristic features of the spiritual life of the Silver Age and the development of these ideas reflected in their works

ON THE. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, bp Vystevtsev, I.A. Ilyin, N.O. Lossky, G.P. Fedotov, G.V., Florovsky, S.L. Franc.

There is still an objective study and evaluation of the works of Russian abroad as an integral part of all-Russian culture.

Modern Stage Story

As it assumed Berdyaev, after the "fifth" there is a formation of the "sixth" post-Soviet Russia. The most important conquest here, despite all the obstacles and problems, it is:

  • exemption from prohibitions of ideology,
  • attaching previously prohibited works and names,
  • familiarity with foreign Russian culture.

The modern progress of Russian culture is explained by the dynamic development of self-knowledge, the search for generality, the disclosure of his role in world culture.

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The culture has played a big role in spiritual preparation of changes called the restructuring. Cultural figures with their work prepared public consciousness To the need for change (Movie T. Abladze "Repentance", Roman A. Rybakova "Children of Arbat" and others). The whole country lived in the expectation of new numbers of newspapers and magazines, television programs in which as a fresh wind change was given a new assessment of historical figures, processes in society, history itself.

Representatives of culture were actively involved in real political activities: elected by deputies, cities leaders, became the leaders of national-bourgeois revolutions in their republics. Such active public position He led the intelligentsia to the split on political sign.

After the collapse of the USSR, a political split in the environment of cultural and art workers continued. Some focused on Western values, declaring them with universal, others adhered to traditional national values. Almost all creative ties and groups split on this basis. Perestroika canceled the prohibitions of many species and genres of art, returned to the screens pending films and prohibited to publish the work. The return of the brilliant culture of the Silver Century also includes the reasons for the same period.

Culture showing XIX. and the XX centuries twisted us with a whole "poetic continent" of the subtlest lyrics (I. Annensky, N. Gumilev, V. Khodasevich, etc.), deep thinkers (N. Berdyaev, V. Soloviev, S. Bulgakov, etc.), serious prosaikov (A. White, D. Merezhkovsky, F. Sologub, etc.), composers (N. Stravinsky, S. Rachmaninov, etc.), artists (K. Somov, A. Benua, P. Filonov, V. Kandinsky, and others .), Talented performers (F. Shalyapin, M. Fokin, A. Pavlova, etc.). Such a stream of "prohibited" literature had except a positive and negative point: young writers, poets, the scenarios were deprived of the possibility of publication in state publications. The crisis in architecture related to the reduction in construction costs has continued.

The development of the material base of culture has slowed sharply, which affected not only in the absence of new films and books on the free formative market, but also in the fact that along with the best foreign samples of culture in the country hung a wave of products of dubious quality and values.

Without clear state support (This is evidenced by the experience of developed Western countries) in the conditions of market relations in culture there is little chance to survive. Market relations themselves cannot serve as a universal means of preserving and multiplying the spiritual and socio-cultural potential of society.

The deep crisis in which our society and culture is located, there is a consequence of a long neglect of the objective laws of social development in the Soviet period. Building new societyThe creation of a new person in the Soviet state was impossible, since throughout the years of Soviet power, people were separated with true culture, with true freedom. The person was viewed as a function of the economy, as a means, and this also dehumanizes a person as a technogenic civilization. "The world is experiencing the danger of the dehumanization of human life, the dehumanization of the person himself ... only the spiritual strengthening of man can oppose such a danger."

Researchers of various cultural concepts speak of a civilization crisis, about changing cultural paradigms. The culture of postmodern culture, the culture of the end of the Millennium (Fin Millenium) many times exceeded the naive decadence of the modernist culture of the end of the century (FIN de Sitcle). In other words, the essence of the changes occurring (in relation to the change of the cultural paradigm) is that it is not a culture in crisis, but a person, a creator, and the crisis of culture is only a manifestation of his crisis. Thus, attention to the person, to the development of his spirituality, the spirit is overcoming the crisis. Books of living ethics paid attention to the need for a conscious approach to the coming changes in the cultural and historical evolution of a person and put forward ethical problems as the most important condition for the development of man and society. These thoughts echoes and with the modern understanding of the life of a person and society. So, P. Kostenbaum, a specialist in the education of leadership of America, believes that "society, built on ethics, not on mature hearts and minds, will not live for a long time." N. Roerich argued that culture is a cult of light, fire, worship of the Spirit, the highest ministry of human improvement. The approval of true culture in human consciousness is a prerequisite for overcoming the crisis.

To speak briefly, the development of culture in modern Russia in many experts causes considerable concerns. This question is a problem, the roots of which go to the distant past, at the same time need to remember that the country is only an element of the World Community. We belong to humanity, and processes characteristic of society at the global level affect the state modern culture Russia. It is impossible to deny this fact, it is unreasonable to resist him, so it is necessary to adapt to it and be able to find benefits for yourself - including at the national level. The originality of our country is not only a personal achievement and holding sign, but also an element of world culture.

Forward any price

If the situation is briefly described, the culture of modern Russia is quite changing under the influence of those shocks that affect the culture of the world level. The question is not only in promoting the ideas of humanism, which to some extent conflict with technicalism. Currently, the controversy of irrationalists, rationalists are quite strong. At the same time, the trends of modern culture of Russia are determined by the strengthening of collectivism and individualism in different layers, groups of society. The opposition of modernism, traditionalism, confrontation of anthropocentrism, theocentrism form the complex conditions in which modern person lives.

The features of the culture of modern Russia reflect the crisis in which there was a world-class culture. At the same time, the specific features of the historical past of our power play the role.

Prerequisites and reasons

The end of the twentieth century for our state was a complex era, when the power literally stood on a crossroads. The culture of modern Russia is largely determined by solutions, public trends dominating in this time interval. The complexity of the situation today is due to the fact that society needs landmarks and is looking for them, at the same time, cultural values \u200b\u200bare mobilized, and this applies primarily by traditional baggage.

The culture of modern Russia is the problem of conflict between several layers, literally opposing each other. On the one hand, during the Soviet power, a rather specific culture, developed seven decades, was formed, and she simply could not disappear overnight. Both in politics and in society and in art directions, in labor skills, household aspects, the culture of modern Russia is due to the Soviet past. But there is a group of persons who are extremely negative about everything that is associated with this historic interval. Someone operates with the facts proving the injustice of the totalitarian regime, while others convince that under the Soviet government, the people created incredit values, inspiring people around the world.

What was - then did not pass

Watching the trends in the development of the culture of modern Russia, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that lately More attention is paid to the period to Soviet power. Recently, characteristic epoch Before the October Revolution, the widespread sections of society are increasingly actively attracted. In particular, this can be noted on how interest in the creations of the authors of the Silver Age is being revived. The culture of modern Russia is the pride for the works written by the creators who went into the first wave of emigration. Many recall the rules of etiquette, existing in the era of the nobility, as well as the rules of the life of the old intelligentsia, call on to embody them in our present. To notice increased attention to the past, stories in modern culture of Russia can be of interest that traditional folk robes cause folklore legends.

The culture of our country is currently a difficult system of values \u200b\u200bin which the past merges with the present, at the same time the phenomena of the post-Soviet space are pushing into life. This is quite noticeable by the religious sphere. After such a long time interval of atheism, the pros and cons of modern culture of Russia can observe "in the flesh": religious ceremonies are becoming increasingly solemn, and the ideas of theology come into the life of wide segments of the population. Personal experiences of the spiritual plan, theoretical surveys have become a characteristic feature of the Russian society of our days.

Mixing and development

The processes of development of culture in modern Russia are a kind of whirlpool, in which many streams associated with the most different areas and features. The combinations, the compounds of these directions of movement give pretty bizarre outlines. According to some, the development of culture in modern Russia is a process unique, categorically curious, and in it and manitis to participate. At the same time, those who observe this mixing from the inside will not always clearly determine what belongs to the standards, and what goes beyond the understanding of culture, normality, relevance.

At the same time, the processes of the emergence of fundamentally new trends and directions are observed, and some of them are certain dominance applications in the near future. Positive features of the development of the culture of modern Russia, as many researchers say, while rather vague, it is not clearly formulated, but it is impossible to deny the fact of the appearance of the gradual origin of the new one. Culture Currently, in our country is open to external influence and welcomes fresh views on the established situations and relationships. The society is in such a way that even the most sudden turns only becomes the peculiarities of the culture of modern Russia, not breaking and not trauming the public.

Mono and Poly: One replaces another

Recently, in our country, as some theorists speak, the tendencies and the formation of the peculiarities of the culture of modern Russia, go into the past so-called monosteilistic directions, the place of which is quite quickly occupied by the polystalistic society.

Problems of culture in modern Russia

These are currently at theoretical Research The peculiarities of cultural social development allocate several. The most important aspect is the relationship with cataclysms, comprehended by the political, ideological sphere of society in the last few decades. Recently, such strong Soviet ideals were suddenly criticized and were literally "not deed." At the same time, the people did not receive any new design ideas instead of the previous trends, which would be relevant for the wide segments of the population, that is, they would admit the masses. It is not even in general ideology, to impose that you need at any cost. The main problem of culture in modern Russia is the absence of such an idea that would reflect the spiritual appearance of the Power.

Some researchers adhere to the opinions that the general idea can be invented and offered to the wide masses for consideration, and it will immediately be accepted if it is properly. Others disagree with such an approach and consider it incorrect simplification - the people are not a submissive flock of sheep, not the admission of sudden prophets promoted by anyone. The idea that would unite the society should be cristed in the folk consciousness and reflect the desire for unity. If this problem of the development of culture in modern Russia will be solved, the nation will receive a single rod of development that does not interfere with the diversity of forms, but giving the systematic ideology necessary to move forward.

Difficulty is not alone

Another problem associated with the current state of culture in our country is due to a monetary aspect: material, financial support has recently decreased quite strongly, and the prestige of employment in the creative sphere has significantly fell. Culture figures, seeing the best prospects for themselves in other countries, are actively leaving abroad. The elite of this area in our country has recently becomes tangible, but there is practically no young infusion. The most promising personalities direct their efforts on business development or immersed with heads in pop culture as the most favorable option.

Foreign cultural flows are another complexity that Russia is faced at the present time. Of course, the "fresh wind" from the outside has a positive effect on any power, but it is necessary to understand that control over such a "dungement" should be very strict, otherwise its own culture reservoir suffers. Today, Russia to some extent becomes richer, since interaction with world culture is positive values, but it also leads to the suppression of its own unique baggage accumulated over long century. Values \u200b\u200binherent in nations, of which the Federation has been formed, gradually degrade without adequate support.

Work together or against a friend?

One of the difficulties that determine the specifics of the development of the culture of our country is a confrontation, which has long been characterized by mass culture and elite. Traditional, close to the roots of nations of the nations, enter confrontation with professional directions, which also sets a specific tone of development. Mass culture is numerous simplifications made within the framework of popularization of flow-oriented to the primitiveness of tastes, accessibility for everyone. Belonging to this type of culture does not require spiritual takeoff, does not force suffer and torment. Massiness is cosmopolitanism at the worst understanding of the term.

The elite current is a specific area where only chosen, capable of proving their involvement in this area are applied. These are the so-called "high-blast", for which snobbery is characterized, and on an individualistic principle. Modern elite culture is available only dedicated, intricate and diligently encrypted to prevent anyone "superfluous".

People and professionals

Folk culture is largely due to traditions formed in the distant past. The fact that the base becomes the experience gained in many centuries allows to strengthen such a flow. His opposite is a professional, which, as some claim, can be highlighted with full right. She denies traditions and opposes them, and in the head of the corner puts innovation.

Professional high culture is not only the insight, the ability to detect amazing new items, but also the originality, often bordering adventurism. World culture is also distinguished by the confrontation of these flows, and in the global community, the conflict is not so pronounced, as can be observed in the everyday life of the people of our country.

Is there a future?

Despite the abundance of problems, characteristic modernity, the culture of Russia shows a good potential for development in the present and future. There are points, according to professionals, extremely encouraging, and others show that the country goes forward, a foundation is prepared for solid development.

Most an important factor The sustainability characteristic of the cultural layers of Russia is considered. Let the people encountered spiritual difficulties, confusion and confusion, politicians move forward along very intricate zigzags and spirals, and everyday life is unpredictable due to economic shocks, enthusiasts have it to this day. The country undergoes constant substantial organizational restructuring, but this does not cancel the prevail of culture and activists.

In whose hands the future?

Create, act, promote the culture in modern Russia, first of all, the authors of paintings, musical works, academics, library workers, custodians of fishing of different nationalities. A very big contribution to teachers, teachers, educators working with the audience of the most of different ages. It is impossible to underestimate their contribution to the cultural wealth of the country, an impact on the formation of the future generation. Festivals are regularly organized, symposiums, within which experts exchange experiences, which makes work more efficient. Education system The future develops, acquires new, more efficient features. A worldwide web is considerable importance, access to which is almost in almost all settlements of the country. The Internet has become an indispensable tool exchange of experience, improvement, recognition of new techniques and understanding how to use them in practice.

The culture of the future is both the countries and the world - are largely due to the changes in the processes that flow in the community at the global level. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe co-evolution relationship of culture, nature is the main trend that will dominate in the near future. The bold new items should supplement the traditions of peoples that have retained the long century, the specific points of particular nations are solved, without losing their uniqueness, with general ones. Emotions, intelligence, individuality and society, extrarational and rational, as can be seen from the most positive forecasts for the near future, will actively cooperate, which will be the key to the formation of a full-fledged society, where culture will be high, but continuing development.

Youth: Features of the Question

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the future of the cultural development of our power is completely in the hands of modern youth. The features of this layer of the population have changed significantly over the past few decades since the collapse of the USSR, but approaches to communicating with them in many educational institutions To this day, practiced the same as before. It is important to understand that young people are a carrier of culture values, it is in this class the future of the country is concluded.

Some believe that a special problem is the fact that modern youth is far from the spiritual sphere. This is customary to accuse teachers, media and data methods. Some believe that modern children are brought up in an atmosphere of immorality, they have a dismissive attitude towards basic values \u200b\u200bsince childhood - work, family, work. Some also say that modern approaches to the education of young people in Russia provoke raising the level of violence, since since childhood does not explain how unknown, but information reports and examples surround literally at every step. Starting critically evaluated the world around, young people see how democratic ideals rushes, how weak the value declared in society, and it provokes a surge of nihilism and irresponsibility. Many believe that it is impossible to solve social problems at all, and in the environment youth dominate hopeless, decadent moods.

Culture and subculture

Considering the features of modern youth, some experts argue that it is necessary to talk about this layer of the population as an additional subculture in which their own rules operate. A layer formed by people who are still at a certain stage of development, when the samples of world culture are not clear, are not accepted, and any ideals are subjected to condemnation and criticism.

At the same time, it is noted that young people are characteristic of cultural classic samplesBut this is more associated with youthful age revaluation of values. If at this moment a person is lucky to face a good mentor, the tutor is probably his cultural development Several will change their direction. There is another situation when circumstances are not so positive. On the other hand, it is necessary to understand that the cultural future of Russia cannot be formalized, in a compulsory manner forcing everyone to join the world culture - any person has the right to free choice, and only adopted independently and consciously, the decision makes sense and will be the source of a positive outcome, productive life, Which will help further develop the culture of the country.