Buddhism as a faith of confession. Distribution of schools by region

Buddhism as a faith of confession. Distribution of schools by region
Buddhism as a faith of confession. Distribution of schools by region

Buddhism is religion, according to whom the soul is constantly reincarnated. The death of one body is the birth of another. Each new life is new suffering and testing, needs and desires. The theory of reincarnation has a different name that sounds like "Sansary Wheel". It spins, and the soul of the creature is born again and is born in another image. The founder of Buddhism is a real historical character, which by its example showed how to break a closed circle.

Birth of enlightened

Lotus flower - Buddha symbol. It is emerging and grows on the swamp, nevertheless fascinates with his purity and innocence. In all centuries, the flower was associated with human consciousness. Everyone can live, as in the swamp, is surrounded from all sides, but it should not prevent him with a spherical and beautiful lotus.

The name of the founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama. This is a real historical figure that was born under the Himalayas about 563 BC in the city of Lumbini. Then it was the territory of Northern India, now part of Nepal. The future enlightener was the son of Raji. Father, Shuddaznaya, rules with a semi-independent principality. There is a legend that before the pregnancy of his mother dreamed of a strange dream. She saw a white elephant - a symbol of great happiness. A woman died a few hours after the toddler appears. According to Buddhism, give birth to enlightened, she performed the goal of his life. The child brought up aunt.

It was his father who gave the name of Siddhartha, which meant "fulfillment of desires". After the birth of the son, the king called the sage so that he told him the fate of the child. The righteous of Asita focused his life or a successful ruler, which will unite the Earth, or the Great Philosopher. Everything depended on the path elected. He could come to the second, just getting touching with all the horrors of human life. But the father of a blessed child decided to choose the fate for his son. He was afraid that he would give up inheritance. Then the man did not even guess that his son was the founder of Buddhism religion.

Large presense

Shuddatna limited the chatting of the child with the real world. The guy lived in happiness and without sorrow. Depending on the time of year, the prince lived in another palace. He was richly dressed, his wonderful dancers were constantly entertained. All who surrounded him were young, healthy and fun. The son of rich, he was educated in the field of classical Indian literature. Gautama came from the caste of warriors, so I also studied a military craft. According to historical evidence, the founder of Buddhism was a beautiful young man. At the age of 16, he married the princess.

But the essence required another life, and from the early years of the Buddha often immersed in the world of dreams, comprehended silence and sometimes came to him a minute of enlightenment.

In general, Siddhartha lived, not knowing about illness, poverty and death.

Four events sent to the path of self-knowledge

Everything changed when the Buddha was about thirty years. For a walk with a servant, he met an elderly and weak man. It shocked Siddharthu, and he continuously asked the servant about old age. Further, fate introduced him to the leper, which was incurably sick. Also, the young man saw the funeral procession. The fourth event, which destroyed the usual world, became a meeting with a monk-asket. But it was in him that he saw a blessed peace and happiness. All new so struck Siddharthu that they took a deep sadness. Serene childhood left forever.

Then the future founder of Buddhism decided to find sorrow and suffering from the world.

All requests from relatives to leave vain search for happiness man did not convince. Gautama left wealth, entertainment and family, where the Son was born, and the poor man went on the way of enlightenment. At that time it was rare, since family values \u200b\u200bwere high.

Way to awakening

A man lived a beggar and almost did not eat anything. He was fond of various sciences of self-knowledge, but never found what he was looking for. The study of philosophical systems did not give answers to his high questions. It is also unsuccessful to the teachings of various schools and practices.

Further, he was looking for the truth through asceticism. Morious himself hunger and tied the body. Approached tips to various guru, since Buddhism's gods were not the way to truth. There are sources that say that his body has become so thin that the spine could be seen through the belly. But the delay of breathing and the rejection of earthly goods did not bring it to the truth.

So, after a while he spent several days on the road. At the Nailandjana River, due to fatigue, could not stand and fell into a deep faint. Attempts to know the truth through the renunciation ended unsuccessfully, after which the man decided not to practice hunger and immobility. Taking a rice plate from the peasant, he became an outcast for his friends. Ascenets thought that after six years, the male wanderings decided to return to a luxurious life.

Opening truth

Then the founder of Buddhism sat down in a lotus pose under a tree on the river bank. He promised himself to engage in meditation until the truths will open before his eyesight.

49 days of Siddhartha was immobile. And only after four weeks of practice in May night, similar to the one when he was born, enlightenment came to him. He saw all his previous lives, the birth and death of other creatures, realized that the mind was not eternal, but with time it changes. From that day, the man called the Buddha, that is, enlightened.

Buddhism founder knew that the soul could not find peace, while desires arise. Thirst for man to power, glory, wealth - the basis of rebirth. And only defeats in themselves weakness to desires, you can leave the world, which is filled with pain and grief. Such a victory is crowned with Nirvana, the state of absolute rest.

Even today, the Buddhist world notes on this passage. This is a holiday of birth, enlightenment and death teacher.


He returned from the beautiful world of silence, and the first thing that did, caught up with Assket comrades. They opened his way to Nirvana. He became a spiritual mentor for peoples. Now in the world, full disappointment, Buddha shared with people with his knowledge.

And so for 45 years, the founder of the religion Buddhism went on Eastern and Northern India. He and his followers opened to everyone, regardless of the origin, the secret way to the world. His teaching was called the "eight-year-old way." Buddha broke faith in Brahmins and urged everyone to look for his own trail of comprehension. He broke the theory about the traditions of religions.

End of suffering

Gautama lived to 80 years. His life ended in the poor Kuznez's hut, where his supporters were with him. After the death of the preacher, his student continued his case. One of them, two thousand years later, Dalai Lama became.

Today Buddhism is not just a religion, it is still philosophy.

Buddhism's gods are missing, but there is a Gautama's teachings. Fans consider it special, because he opened the first to Nirvana, but not the only one who achieved enlightenment. Everyone who will follow the right path will be able to achieve success. Own way is a tool through which you can get absolute peace. This is not just a renunciation of desires and material things, it is not thirst for them. Buddha taught that once there was something shapeless, eternal and comprehensive. But the main goal is to raise something like God in yourself.

The concept of a deity in Buddhism

Buddhism is religion without God. In the old texts of Buddhists there are legends about some mythological beings, which was heavenly pantheon. So, for example, Siddhartha himself met under a tree, where he enlightened, with the evil deity of Mary. He tried to seduce his beautiful dancers and frighten the terrible demons. But, as you know, the Buddha surrendered and the reward was illuminated. And neither Gautama, nor spirits, such as Mary, people did not pray. This is a deity, like a lot more, religion has drawn from Hinduism. So, for example, the concept of karma has passed into faith.

Buddha can not be called an atheist. He avoided conversations about God and preached Dharma. This Buddha teaching is translated as "path", "law", "truth" or "life force", depending on the language.

On the path of the teacher

Gradually, through students of the enlightened religion spread to the whole east. But a person, the founder of the flow, has never considered something immense and heaven. Not a unique living creature, but only an example for imitation - this is whom the Buddha was. Religion easily entered the tradition of people, because they did not contradict their perceptions of God. The followers who preached the path to the truth in the rainy season were going to talk in a circle of like-minded people. From such meetings later there were monastic communities. Their days were made from meditations that brought to Nirvana.

There were other enlightened in the story, but they all came to the truth through the teachings of the Buddha. And today millions of people worship the wisdom of Siddharhi. His devotion to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest purpose of a person inspires to look for his own way. To engage in self-knowledge and develop spiritually. This man refused everything, hungry, lost respect for his relatives and was repeatedly on the verge of death. But in the end, he became immortal and many helped to gain the true meaning of being. Siddharha clearly demonstrated on his example that material values \u200b\u200bmean nothing, because in fact everything is based on love.

It is considered the most ancient global religion. At the mention of this word, the imagination takes many into the colorful temple with a welded up roof somewhere in Asia: in Thailand, Cambodia, China, Mongolia or Tibet.

Meanwhile, it spread far beyond the east: to Europe, America and even in the most remote corners of our planet. Buddhism in Russia exists not only in the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva, but also in other cities of our country - Buddhist centers gradually appear there.

Did you ask the question - what are Buddhists believe in? Today we will look for him the answer. This article will tell you briefly, what is the faith of Buddhists, how they look at the world who worship, as they treat God and how they try to live.

So, forward, in search of answers!

Basics of faith

The concept of "Buddhism" appeared only two centuries ago, thanks to coming from Europe. The adherents themselves call it "" - the teachings or "Budhadharma" - the teaching of the Buddha. This name will be more accurate, because Buddhism is rather philosophy, cultural tradition, the worldview with their own rules of ethics and morality than religion.

Buddhists believe in the words of their teacher Buddha Shakyamuni that all life is suffering, and the main goal of life is to get rid of them.

We come to this world, growing up, are tied to people, things, we achieve material heights, sick, die and all this time suffer. The main cause of suffering lies in ourselves, in habit, incorrect values, illusions.

You can free up, getting rid of them. To do this, follow certain rules, meditate, contemplate the inner spirit, limited from sensual pleasures. Any dogmas can be understood only by passing them through the prism of themselves, their own experience - then it is possible to achieve Nirvana.

The person lives in the illusory world, does not notice the surrounding misconceptions, it becomes the consequences of actions in the past, dies, and after death reborn, it suffers again, until he reaches enlightenment. Such a vision of life is closely related to certain concepts:

  • - Causement of any events, bad or good. Everything that happens to us now is a consequence of the actions of the past, and every act, the word or even thought in the present will cause future events. Karma can work out of this life and spread to subsequent rebirths.
  • Maya is a reflection of the illusion of life, the changeability of the world, the continuous chain of suffering. A good metaphor for Maya can be the presentation of clouds, which gradually change their shape, mosaic from bubbles on water, which changes the outlines.
  • - A series of reincarnations, which pursues all people. Buddhists believe in reincarnation - cycle of rebirth. Burning everything in new images, a person does not cease to suffer, feels the karmic consequences of past lives, live in a changeable world with overgoing things, and so in a circle. Sunsary breaks the wheel means to achieve Nirvana.

Lifestyle Buddhist

Buddhist holy believes in the dogma of the exercise transmitted by the Buddha. He studies, leads the correct lifestyle, meditates and strives for the highest goal - awakening. This is helped by truths, prescribed commandments, the stages of the octal path.

The doctrine is based on four truths, immutable for any adherent of Buddhism.

  1. Oakha - speaks of a sapness of suffering. All human life is impregnated by suffering: birth, growing, problems, attachment, fears, sense of guilt, disease, death. Realize its "I" in the thicker of this vortex - the initial stage of the knowledge of the truth.
  2. Trishna - tells about the causes of Dukhi. Desires and associated dissatisfaction creates suffering. Having received one thing, man begins to wish more. All increasing appetites, will to life itself - this is the whole cause.
  3. Nirochoch - Ends about the completion of Dukhi. You can find freedom only to release unnecessary attachments, destructive emotions, finding piety. The best victory over suffering is to stop fighting him, get rid of desires, to cleanse spiritually.
  4. Marga - speaks of the true path. Following the path of the Buddha, it is important to comply with the middle way - not to hit from the extreme to the extreme, from full satiety to absolute asceticism. The teacher itself needed clothes, food, shelter, so the True Buddhist should not be made to exhaustion.

Margoy is also associated with the so-called. According to him, the follower of Buddhist philosophy keeps cleanliness in everything:

  • the world sees correctly;
  • clean in thoughts and kind in intentions;
  • does not allow bad words, empty phrases;
  • honest in actions;
  • leads a righteous lifestyle;
  • tries on the way to the goal;
  • controls thoughts and feelings;
  • learn to focus, meditates.

This Buddhist can easily win the game "I never ...", because he never:

  • does not kill, does not harm all the living;
  • do not steal;
  • not lying;
  • not committed;
  • does not drink alcohol or drugs.

Real teachings may strike with high morality, moral stood, which are supported by the continued rules of life, the power of the will, which helps them in meditations, manter readings. The highest goal is to achieve nirvana, and they boldly go along the way to her.

Attitude towards God

Each religion assumes faith in God: Islam - in Allah, Christianity - in the Holy Trinity, Hinduism - in Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu and other gods. And Buddhism - in Buddha, say you? The fact is that it is not quite so.

Buddha is not God, this is an ordinary person born in India and who worn a name. He, like we all, lived my own life: Born in the family of the king, married, born my son, then I saw the pain and suffering of the world, went into the forest in search of truth, reached enlightenment, helped people to go through the way, preaching the doctrine until reached Parisy.

Thus, the Buddha is not an Almighty, but a great teacher.

According to Buddhist philosophy, the world appeared in itself, without the participation of the Higher Forces, the Divine began. A person will not save God, but he himself, following the prescribed rules, soothing mind, meditating and improving.

Does this mean that there is no God in Buddhism? Yes, it means. True, this statement has one reservation.

In some currents of philosophical thought, especially in, Buddha Shakyamuni began to deify, to make offering, pray. Along with this, a whole pantheon of deities, spirits, Buddhas, Buddhisattvas, who began to worship in pursuit of rapid enlightenment.

The reason for this - the remnants of the shamanism, which left the traces in his buddhist teaching.

Buddhist flows are quite different from each other. Some include many rites, and from the side it seems to be worshiping the deity, other concise and recognize no saints and authorities except their own heart. Machiudy Scriptures on God's theme do not say anything.


Buddhist faith, like Faith, in general, gives strength, inspires, wraps, helps to get up to the true path. We were glad a little one to open the door in the soul of the Buddhist. Let the light and peace be in your life!

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See you soon!

Perfect is free from any concept, for he is comprehended that there is his body, from where it takes and where it disappears. He is comprehended, the meaning of feelings, as they arise and how they disappear. He is comprehended samskhara (mental structures), as they arise and how they leave. He has suffered the nature of consciousness, as it occurs and how disappears.

Literally in these words and the whole point of Buddhist teaching is, at least in its original form. The founder and the main object of worship in Buddhism - Prince Gautam Siddhartha, who lived in 563 - 483 BC, which indicates that this religion is one of the oldest in the world.

According to the legend, in 35 years old Gautama reached enlightenment, after which he changed his life and the lives of many people following him. You can easily argue that this is still coming. With her followers, he was named "Buddha" (from Sanskrit "Buddha" - enlightened, awakened). The preaching of him lasted 40 years old, died Siddhartha in the 80s, without leaving any written written written written written. Before and after him there were other enlightened personalities - Buddhas, who contributed to the spiritual development of civilization. The followers of some directions of Buddhism consider the Buddha teachers also preachers of other religions - Christ, Magomet and others.

The concept of God in Buddhism

Some individual sects worship the Buddha as God, but the remaining Buddhists see their founder, a mentor and educator. Buddhists believe that it is possible to achieve enlightenment only thanks to the infinite energy of the universe. Thus, the Buddhist world does not recognize the God-Creator, the all-knowing and almighty. Everyone is a part of the deity. Buddhists have one permanent God, every enlightened can achieve the title of "Buddha". Such an understanding of God makes Buddhism other than most Western religions.

The essence of the practice of Buddhism

Buddhists strive to purify the witty states of the mind that distort the reality. It is anger, fear, ignorance, egoism, laziness, jealousy, envy, greed, irritation and others. Buddhism cultivates and develops such clean and beneficial qualities of consciousness as kindness, generosity, gratitude, compassion, hard work, wisdom and others. All this allows you to gradually know and clean your mind, which leads to a solid feeling of well-being. By making your mind strong and bright, Buddhists reduce anxiety and irritation, which lead to adversities and depression. In the end, Buddhism is a prerequisite for the deepest transversions, which lead to the final release of the mind.

Buddhism is a religion not so much mystical as a philosophical plan. In the Buddhist doctrine laid 4 main "noble truths" about human suffering:

About the nature of suffering;
on the origin and causes of suffering;
on the cessation of suffering and eliminate its sources;
About ways to stop suffering.

The last, fourth truth indicates the path to the destruction of suffering and pain, is differently called the eighty way of achieving inner peace. This state of the soul allows you to immerse yourself in transcendental meditation and achieve wisdom, enlightenment.

Morality and Ethics Buddhism

Buddhist morality and ethics are built on the principles of not harming and moderation. At the same time, a sense of morality, concentration and wisdom is brought up in a person. And with the help of the meditations of Buddhists, the mechanisms of the work of the mind and causal relationships between bodily, spiritual and psychological processes are learned. Buddhism's teachings became the basis of a number of schools that unites the fact that each at its level of understanding the life and teachings of the Buddha is aimed at the comprehensive human development - meaningful use of the body, speech and mind.

But since the Buddhist teaching is multifaceted and is not based on faith, but on experience, it is not enough to limit ourselves to the description of its content. The features of this spiritual path are becoming visible only in comparison with other worldviews and religions. And approach the teachings of the Buddha is only after the release of the energy of the mind from rigid moral standards.

Buddhism development in the world

The call for freedom from suffering and faith into the energy of the universe was led to the emergence of Western mentalist doctrines of the Xih and twentieth centuries. The first adhesives of Buddhism in the West were mainly of the people from Asia and the countries of the East, which tormented inner anxiety, and then the agnostics and atheists of all accessories were joined.

In Tibet, Buddhism was a state religion and before capturing Tibet, China, the chief buddhist of the country - Dalai Lama, was also the head of the state. After the Chinese invasion in the 50s of the last century, the Dalai Lama XIV was forced to leave the country and go to India to carry the exercise light to his followers from there. He is a laureate of the Nobel Prize of the 1989 World. The worship of the Dalai Lama in Tibet is prohibited, and even for storing the photos of the Dalai Lama Tibetans, there is a serious punishment.

In the US and Europe, Buddhism received its large-scale spread in the form of Zen Buddhism, the directions arising in the XII century in Japan. Buddhist monk Xiank Soyen, a representative of this area, at the World Congress of Religious in Chicago (1893) made a rapid speech about the "Divine" of Zen-Buddhism. After that day, Zen and Yoga are the most popular in the West oriental teachings, where the priority is considered to control the mind over the body. Zen practices increased attention to individual meditations and the absence of authority to the sacred scriptures, prayers and teachings. As in Buddhism, in Zen, wisdom is fastened through experience, and its highest hypostasis - enlightenment (awakening). It is possible that such interest in Zen-Buddhism in the West arose due to the simplicity of this teaching. After all, according to the teachings of the Buddha, each person himself can become a Buddha, and therefore everyone is part of the earthly deity. And look for answers only in yourself.

The most important for Buddhists is the concept dharma It personifies the teaching of the Buddha, the highest truth that he opened all beings. "Dharma" literally means "support", "what supports". The word "Dharma" means in Buddhism, moral virtue, first of all, is the moral and spiritual qualities of Buddha, which believers must imitate.

Buddhism is based on many ideas and the teachings of Hinduism, the main of which is teaching about Sansare - permanent rebirth chain, defo-divided by law karma . The main purpose of the reflection of the Buddha itself, and then the meaning of the life of all Buddhists Getting rid of the cycle of Sansary and the achievements of Nirvana (in Hinduism analogue of the word "Nirvana" is the word "Moksha") - co-standing, in which there are no rebirths. Of course, in the depths of Buddhism, there was a lot of various trends, schools, sects, which in different ways interpret the meaning and purpose of human life and talk about different means of achieving this goal, but still the concept of Nirvana - the central concept of Buddhist religious -Mithic system.

On the theory of Buddhism, about nivrvan It is impossible to say anything defined, except that this is a state of freedom, peace and bliss (although these words are inadequate to describe Nirvana.) In modern Buddhism, it is believed that Nirvana can be achieved in life, but it is completely achieved only after Women's death and soul liberation. Nirvana this is not death, but life, but only in other capacity, the life of the perfect, free spirit.

The largest collection of Buddhist texts, which is known canonical (correct, true) - truck (in the language of Pali - "Three baskets"). According to legend, these records were made first-started on palm leaves, which were placed in three baskets.

The truck includes more than 15 thousand narratives, stories, legends, sermons, teachings, aphorisms and comments. About 500 years, all this was passed to hersal. To memorize such a number of text, even the outstanding monks went about 25 years. In order to maintain the exactness of the transmitted, Mo-Nahi was periodically gathered for special cathedrals, where there was a system of continuing abroad. In the XIX century The canonical text was cut on 729 stone slabs and erected the pagoda (temple-chapel) over each stove.

The truck consists of three parts.

- Wine - Pierced ("Cor-Zina Charter") - This is the book of the charter for monks, where the misconduct, punishment for them, describe the ceremonies, the routine of the day in the community, customs (omov, dressing, use of itemous item, life during the rainy season etc.).

- Power Sutra ("Basket of conversations and teachings") consists of five parts. The sutra includes the preaching of the Buddha Gautama in the presentation of his lovely learning of Ananda (therefore, every sermon begins in words: "So I heard once ..."). In-terrible part of the sutra - Dhammapada Present presentation of the entire Buddhist teaching. Dhammapada - on-the capital of each Buddhist. Very fascinating for reading another book from Sutra - Jataka. This is a collection of legends and fairy tales collected throughout Asia. They are told about the numerous incarnations of Buddha before his birth in the face of Siddharthi Gautama. The word "jtaka" by the Russian Word "Life".

- Abhidharma Power ("Basket of Pure Knowledge") contains philosophical trays Bud-Dizma, generalizing and systematizing all the doctrine.

the history of Buddhism is not one thousand years old. Followers of Buddhism are not determined by ethnic sign. Anyone, regardless of nationality, race, place of residence, can confess Buddhism.

The history of the emergence and distribution of Buddhism

To begin with, I will answer the question - how old is Buddhism? Buddhism is an ancient religion, originated in the middle of the first millennium BC. Christianity appeared later on almost five hundred years, and Islam - for a thousand. Buddhism's homeland is the northeastern part of modern India, there were ancient states on the territory. No accurate scientific data on what a society in those times is not. There are only assumptions, which was the causes of the foundation and was the prerequisites for the development of Buddhism in ancient Indian society. One of the reasons is that at this time in ancient India, a sharp cultural, economic and religious crisis, which caused the emergence of new alternative teachings, which created the wandering philosophers. One of these philosophers - Asketov was Siddhartha Gautam, he is considered the founder of Buddhism, the history of the religion Buddhism is inextricably linked with his name. At the same time, the process of strengthening the authorities was carried out, the establishment of class relations, which, in turn, demanded an increase in the authority of the supreme rulers and warriors. Buddhism as an opposition for brahmine was chosen by the "tsarist religion", the history of the development of Buddhism as a single religion is closely related to the development of the supreme power.

Briefly about what is brahmanism. The basis of the exercise is the rebirth of a person, on the basis of karma (for sins or virtues of the past life). According to this teaching, in ancient India it was believed that a virtuous person is reborn in a person who occupies a high position, and sometimes - is a celestial. In Brahmin, special attention was paid to rituals, rites and sacrifice.

Let's return to the history of Buddhism. Buddha Siddhartha Gautama was born in 560 g to our era, in the south of the territory of modern Nepal. He belonged to the family of Shakya, he called Shakyamuni (sage). Buddha lived in the luxurious palace of his father, however, faced with a harsh reality, he concluded that in reality in life a lot of suffering and grief. As a result, it decided to abandon life in the palace and began to live the life of the wandering hermit-Asklet, trying to understand the truth of being, engaged in, including the practices of torment and bodily kill. Buddha met with sages, engaged in yoga, applied different techniques and concluded that the tough forms of asceticism do not exempt from suffering that are associated with birth and death, he also concluded that a certain intermediate compromise between sensual pleasures should be found. The desire for the abandonment of life benefits. The most effective Buddha considered reflections and prayers. At the age of thirty-five, during the next meditation of Gautam Siddhartha, he reached enlightenment, after that it began to call Buddha Gautam or just a Buddha, which means "enlightened, awaken". After that, the Buddha lived for another forty-five years, all the time traveling through the territory of Central India and teaching his students and followers.

Buddha died, the body of the teacher, according to custom, cremated. The messengers from different states were sent with a request to give them at least a part of the remains. However, the remains were divided into eight parts and placed them in stupas - special conesoid structures in the capitals of some ancient states. One of the parts of the remains was found (in 1898) in the Indian village, where they found a patch from the ancient city of Capilarvath. The remains found were placed in the Indian National Museum in New Delhi.

Later in such stupas put sutras (records of the word Buddha). This is Dharma-- the set of norms and rules that are necessary for the "space" order. The word "Dharma" is literally translated as something, "what holds or supports".

Followers of the Buddha for four hundred years have formed several different schools of early Buddhism with numerous branches. Schools and flows differ from each other sometimes not significantly, and sometimes have discrepancies on very significant issues. Basic goal of Buddhism is to achieve enlightenment, it is a way to Nirvana, the state of the soul, which can be achieved by self-denial and refusal of comfortable living conditions. Buddha preached the view that in life you need to look for the very "middle" that gives a balance between saturation and asceticism. Buddhism is often called not only religion, but also by philosophy, which directs a person on the path of self-development.

The history of the emergence of Buddhism in Russia

Given the huge territory and the number of ethnic groups and peoples living in modern Russia, various religions of the West and the East are represented in our country. are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Buddhism is a difficult religion with various schools and currents, almost all confessions of Buddhism are represented in Russia. But, the main development has a traditional religion of Tibet.

Because of the geographical reasons and cultural contacts, Buddhism first opened among Tuvintsev and Kalmykov, in the XVI century. Then these lands were part of the Mongolian state. After a hundred years, the ideas of Buddhism began to penetrate Buryatia, and immediately compete with the main local religion - shamanism. Buryatia due to geography has close connections with Mongolia and further with Tibet. Today, most followers of Buddhism are concentrated in Buryatia. It is in Buryatia that the Sangha of Russia is located - the center of Buddhists of Russia, there are also cult structures, shrines and the residence of the spiritual leader of Buddhist Russia.

In the Republic of Tuva Buddhists profess the same philosophical course as Buryats. There is another region, where the population professing Buddhism prevails, is Kalmykia.

Buddhism in the USSR

At first there were attempts to combine Buddhism and Marxism (it is difficult to imagine that it could work out of this). Then they abandoned this direction, the repression began: the temples were closed, the Supreme Priests were persecuted. So it was until the "post-war thaw" began. Now in Russia there is a single unifying center - Buddhist Sangha Russia, and Buddhism in our country is represented mainly by three regions - Tuwa, Kalmykia and Buryatia. In recent years, observers notice the spread of Buddhism religion in other regions of Russia, in the environment of youth and intelligentsia. One of the reasons for this can be considered a pan-European passion for the culture and history of the East.

The public card of development of Buddhism, everything is rather understandable there.