Ahasey Greece. Miktenskaya civilization

Ahasey Greece. Miktenskaya civilization
Ahasey Greece. Miktenskaya civilization

Archaeological discoveries

The archaeological excavations of the town of Shliman, launched in 1871, opened a new period in the study of the oldest history of Greece. Then, for the first time, the outlines of Homerovskaya Troy in Malaya Asia were made of the state of the earth. The excavations of the lion gate in the Argolide led to the opening of the Mycken Palace, the Mine Tomb of the Mikten rulers, acquired by the walls at the foot of the Mycenaean Acropolis. At the same time, a later dome tomb was also discovered, called the Sulmany Tomb of Atrises, the Dynasty, which was ruled, according to Homer, in mycken. In addition, the ruins of the Tirinth Palace, which was not far from Mygensky were investigated. In Orkhomen, in Boeotia, traces of drainage work were found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kopaid Lake.

These excavations produced a coup in the then ideas about the most ancient history of the Greeks. Then it was necessary to believe that the Homerovsky epic, telling about the struggle of the Ahetsevs with the Trojans and about the return of the heroes-ahetsev to their homeland, was not a fiction, not a fairy tale clothed into a solemn rhythm of hexameter, but the popular epic, which preserved memories of ancient states, about their wars and There are people inhabited by their people.

Excavations in CreteEvans excavations on Crete, produced from 1900 before the start of World War II, continued the work launched Shliman. On the plain Messary, soon after the start of the excavation, the Knos Palace was opened, located on the canopy hill and imagined a large building, a facade overlooking the quadrangular big yard. The three-storey palace whose first floor was underground, retained on the walls traces of excellent painting, and stone, bronze, silver and gold vessels are real masterpieces of world art,


The excavations of the Italians on Crete found in the southern part of the island the existence of the Palace of Festa, similar to Knos and architecture and on a wall painting, but smaller in size. The third palace in the eastern district of Crete was also discovered - the Palace of Mallia, the construction of which refers to the same time as the construction in Knosse and Fest, i.e. by the end of the third millennium BC. e.

Since then, work on the disclosure of all new and new monuments, especially on the islands and the Greek mainland, continues almost nonstop. Palaces, similar to Knos, were opened in other places - in Cyprus and in Rhodes.

In Crete, the existence of many urban-type settlements was found. They were usually located on the gentle hills. Narrow paved streets took place at different heights on the slopes of the hill, connecting with the stone stairs carved in the rocks. Many houses were two-story. At the top of the hill, the largest house was usually located ("The House of the Ruler"), as opposed to the rest of the houses, from the Taucan Stone.

The early culture of Crete got the name of the Minoan, by the name of Minos, the legendary ruler of Crete, who inhabited in the Palace mentioned in the Homer's Poems.

Excavations on the Balkan PeninsulaEspecially important are excavations produced in recent decades. It was found that the palaces of Mycena type were not limited to only two previously known palaces in tyaring or mixes. The same palace was opened in Pilos - the Palace of Nestor, who lived, according to Homer, in ancient pylos. Traces of the same palace buildings were also found in Athens, and in Eleusin, and in Besotia, and on the islands, although in these places they were much poorer with Myna. Unlike Crete, Mycene Palaces were built on the tops of the hills and were applied to powerful defensive walls, folded from large unwitted stone blocks, reaching 2-3 m. Length and up to 1 m thick.

Typical Palace was typical of Greece (XV century. BC), which is better preserved than other Palaces Peloponnese. The central premises of the palace, which was not in the ancient Palaces of Crete, was emerged at the inner southern courtyard, which was not in the ancient Palaces of Crete, - Megaron. This is a great rectangular room (12 m. 10 m), which served at the same time for the meetings of Tarinfa Tarin, and for magnificent peters. In the center of this room there was a round focus, surrounded by four columns that support the roof with a hole for the exit of smoke. Near the focus was the chair of the king, his "throne". Therefore, often Megarona Ahasey palaces are called the "Throne Hall". In front of this central room, named Homer's "Chamber of Peters", was the front. The floor of both rooms is decorated with painting that made the impression of expensive carpets.


About 26 m in diameter. Inside the circle - six royal burials, in the center - the altar for sacrifices deceased.

In the territory of Greece, large and small settlements are also excavated, many of which were associated with palace farms of government rulers. For example, Ziguries Place near Corinth was simultaneously a settlement of farmers and cattle breeders and a ceramic craft center. A large pottery workshop was discovered here, with a total area of \u200b\u200b300 m 2. In one of the premises, clay vessels were folded, the work on which was not yet completed: 500 cups, not yet covered with ornaments, 75 plates, 20 jugs, 50 pots and 3 vases. There was a dishes and in another room the same workshop. The walls of the same room, probably residential, were decorated with painting.

Since 1953, in the district of Mycene, outside the fortifications of the Myckene Palace, large economic premises were revealed, apparently with the needs of the palace. Here was an excavator "House of the Olive Oil Merchant", in the basements of which there were many large clay barrels (Pysshos) and a private archive, consisting of 39 tablets filled with writing. Not far from it was located "House of Sphinx", in which D "Gliny vessels and small carved products from ivory were found. By


the depiction of the sphinx on one of them was called the same house. The third house, "House of Shields", except for ivory products designed to decorate the furniture, contained many shields resembling eight-shaped.

Not far from Mycen found an ancient settlement that existed from the beginning of the XIV century. Up to 1200 N. e. With the remnants of houses, pottery furnaces, treasures of vessels and numerous vases.

Based on a huge accumulated material, it was already possible to come to a number of new conclusions, which neither Evans could still do, nevertheless.

Deciphering the Ahasey Letter

The most important event of recent years is to decipher the Ahasey writing, whose honor belongs to the English scientist M. Ventris, tragically died with a car accident in 1956, and collaborated with him a chain.

Another excavations of Evans found the archives of the Palace of the Palace with thousands of tables covered with a letter. Later, Vases with inscriptions were found in Boeotia. Knos signs were not literary works, they represent inventory lists with the transfer of property of palace warehouses and tax receipts, as well as lists of persons assigned to work, or reports on orders made by them and materials released by them or food. Something from these signs was already correctly read by Evans. But alongside S. simple symbols There were many words or names in several signs each. Scientists were calculated that in the Knos signs there are approximately 88 such patterns, and this caused it to assume that when pronouncing each sign indicates one syllable.

Evans reluctance to publish the archives found by him greatly hampered the work of scientists over deciphering Mina, that is, the Cretan Letter. In 1939, the American scientist Blegen during the excavations of the Nestor Palace in Pilos found an archive containing about 600 new plates, the first archive in the territory of mainland Greece, and later, since 1952, there were also about 450 more plates. In 1953, as we said, in the house of the merchant olive oil in Myuch, there were also 39 new plates, the first private archive in the territory of the Ahasey states.

For the first time, the question was - could not be that this letter is an early Greek letter.

In 1951-1952 Published in print all materials found before this time. This served as a new stimulus in working on deciphering an ancient letter. Different provisions in which each sign is found were closely studied, the words and their endings were already clearly clearly, which were undoubtedly the endings of the case or verb forms.


As a result of a number of works that have been launched decades, it was found that the spread of a mining writing covers almost all II millennia BC. e. Starting from 2000 to 1700 BC e. In Crete, pictographic writing was developed, which developed in an ancient syllable letter system (linear letter a). Based on this letter, two kinds of more simplified letters have arisen: a linear letter B and Cypripo-Minnaya syllable writing, adopted in Cyprus in the period from 1500 to 1150 and revived in the modified form from the VII century. BC e.

Deciphering the inscriptions that continues and at present, made great successes and opened a new page in the history of early-germs.

The decoding of ancient Greek writing is of great importance for world science. The letter is open and read, whose language is an ancient language of Homer's poems by about 600 years! Deciphering a sludge letter B opens up new ways in the development of linguistics, and for historians of Greece, in addition, it helps for the first time put on a solid scientific ground study of the oldest periods greek History. A lot of new will be made to the study of the so-called "Homeric society"; Naturally, therefore, when studying the language of the Ahasey letter, scientists are treated for its explanation primarily to the language of Homer's poems, as well as to the language of the oldest inscriptions and to the archaic forms that have been preserved in them.

Ahasey states of the XVI-XIII centuries. BC e.

At the turn of the III and II millennia BC. e. Greek tribes invaded Greece, partly conquering, partly merging with living here by the societary population.

Mycenae and Tirinf.The flourishing of the Mycenaean culture, called the mixed in Argolide, begins in the XVI century. BC e. This period of already class society is associated with the activities of Ahetsev in Peloponnese and Ionians in Attica 1. At the beginning of the XV century. BC e. The dynasty of "Dome Tombs" comes to power in the Mixes, called the type of burial sorces in round underground structures crowned with a dome. The most famous type of such burial is the so-called atre tomb, excavated by another Schlaman. Access to it opens with a corridor (dromos) at 36 m. Length and 6 m. The width that leads to the inside of the hill and ends with a massive door at the entrance to the tomb. The height of the door is 5.40 m., And the width is 2.70 m. Stone blocks, overlapping the door, weigh 120.000 kg. The door was decorated with greenish semi-column with zigzags and spirals. Over the door were decorations in the form of two semi-colonne and relief with a spiral ornament on green, pink and beauty

1 Greek tribes of Ionians and Ahetis during this period and were carriers of the so-called Mycenaean, or Ahasey culture.

mr. stone. The tomb is a circular room (14.5 m. In diameter), topped with a vault from 33 rows of stone plates. The arch is painted in a blue paint and covered with bronze nails and sockets, which represented the starry sky. From a round camera, a small door led into a special room, which served as a place of burial of the Mycena King, which was ruled in the second half of the XIV century. BC e.

At the end of the XVI - early XV centuries. Ahetis Peloponnese made a conquering campaign on Crete and mastered the crescent first, and then gradually and all the island. A comparative writing on Crete is a relatively developed writing (linear letter a), they adapted it for the needs of the Greek language, simplifying a number of signs (linear letter b).

The establishment of the authorities of the Dome Tomb dynasty is associated with the legends of the rulers from the kind of Pelopidov, the descendants of Pelops, from which the Greeks also produced the name of Peloponnese ("Pelops Island"). The conquest of the cerestral and submission of Crete, as well as a number of the islands of the Aegean Sea, led to the growth of the richness of the ruling peninsula for the nobility. Crete culture during this period has a strong impact on the culture of the Ahasey centers. Many artisans and artists of the Palace of Palace were transported to Peloponnese to work in palace farms and for the painting of palace premises.


Palaces of rulers protected by powerful defensive fortifications were decorated with a large luxury.

In Tirinf, near Megaron there was a bathroom, the floor of which consisted of one stone slab in 3 m. Widths and 4 m. Length. Men's premises separated from women's corridors were located behind Megaron. Each group of premises went on little yardassociated with these rooms.

At the end of the XV - early XIV centuries. BC e. Both in Michena, and in Tirinf, new construction work is being made to strengthen the palaces. The grave circle, with the first ruling dynasty in the mine tombs located inside him, is included in the defensive fortifications. The strengthening of Mycen covers, so the hill slope. In places of the wall "Mikten reaches 6 m. Thickness. Inside of these fortifications, only one entrance was carried out - the lion's gate guarded by two watchdog towers.

Tirinf's Acropolis Square was almost doubled. Inside the defensive wall, which reaches 17 m. Thickness, a long gallery (30 m. Length, 1.90 m. Widths) -chudo building art of that time. The gallery was adjacent to the caasemates that served in peacetime warehouses, and in the military - guard bastions. Some scientists tend to associate these strengthening on the mainland with destruction in Crete, which happened shortly before.

The presence of two Ahase fortresses in the Argolidity - Mycene and Tirinf, - located close to each other, makes it imply that Argolida was not combined under the authority of Mycene. Most likely, the power of the Mycene rulers spread to the north and north-west of the peninsula, in particular, to Corinthian stakes and the Northern Peloponnese region (Ahey). Tirinfa's possessions covered probably the eastern Argold Area and the Saronic Gulf Coast. The network of roads connected by Micheen with the Sea testifies to the peaceful relationships of Mycena and Tirint.

Pylos in messenger The third large state of Peloponnes - Pilos in Messia. The main city of him, in which the royal palace was located, broke into three areas. Maybe at the head of each of the districts stood an official - a core. In addition, all districts operated financial officials.

A large number of names of individuals, both smaller and large settlements, preserved in the inscriptions of the Pilos archive, indicates that the territory of the Pilos state was quite tightly populated.

LaconikaThe fourth Ahasey state was located in Laconik with two centers in therapist, near the later city of Sparta, and in Amiklah. Near an amitle revealed a rich Ahase necropolis with wonderful gold cups.


AthensIn the Attics, the center of Ionians was the Athenian Acropolis, which represented the fortress with the palace. But compared with the richness of Peloponnese Palaces, the Athenian Palace, whose ruler Homer calls Tsar Erehfhey, was much poorer.

Physics and OrkhomenIn Besotia there were two Ahase states - phiva and orkhomen. The Acropolis of FIV, called the Cadmakes, named the mythical generics of the ruling dynasty of Cadma, was also strengthened. The FVAN Palace was painted by frescoes, like the Palaces of Mycean and Tirint.

The orkhomen, populated from ancient times, represents a particularly interesting monument, because during its excavations, seven consecutive archaeological layers were found, showing gradual development from round hijan of ancient times to the Ahasey Type Palace.

Fessiona The presence in some areas of Fessiona, near the Acropolis, Dome Tombs, simultaneously with the dome tombs, makes it possible to assume one or more Ahasey centers in the territory of the objects.

Relations between the Ahasey states were not always friendly. Tradition retained the memory of the fight Mycen with the philas (in the tragedy of Eschil "Seven against FIV"); Also known ancient female five and oramen. Attica Traditions are talking about the struggle of the Athens Tsar Erehfhey with the kings of Eleusin and other kings that were ruled in certain areas of attic.

According to archaeological monuments, testimonies of the Homerovsky epic and legends on the exploits of Hercules, associated with the mixes, the role of the Mycena King seems to be significant. In the hike against Troy, the Mikten ruler is the supreme leader of the combined Ahase troops. On the power of "Zlatomobile Mix" indicate the roads connected by Micheen with other Peloponnese centers.

Crete's submission Crete's submission and its inclusion among the Ahasey states had important consequences for the further economic development of the Ahasey society. Crete had a strong influence on the culture of the Ahaseians. But besides this, the hands of the Ahetseians were controlled over the trade routes to the East, which was previously in the zone of Cretan influence. The Ahase colonies arise on the coast of Malaya Asia (maybe in the XV century. BC), in a millet and, possibly, in the area of \u200b\u200bColofon and Ephesus. The Ahase settlers penetrate into the chief, where, for example, in Ras-Shamra and Biblos, the quarters populated by the ahaeis were disclosed, and a lot of Mixed Ceramics was found.

In the XIII century. BC e., in connection with the beginning of a large movement of tribes in Malaya Asia, intercourse with Egypt, who were lively in the XV-XIV centuries. BC e., interrupted, and with Cyprus and Phenicia strongly weaken.


Trojan War At the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC e. It occurs and felt in the Homer's poems the Trojan War, who formerly the last military enterprise of the Ahaseians. That is why the memory of the campaign of the Ahaseians in Troy and remained from the later Greeks. In Homer, this war is depicted by a grand enterprise; It takes part among the rulers of all the Ahase states. But the Troyans had a lot of allies in Asia Minor (Paflagia, the southern coast of the Black Sea, Likia) and Thrace. However, Fukidide was right when at the beginning of his historical narration On the events preceding the Peloponnescent War, wrote:

"However, due to the lack of materials Not only the enterprises preceded by the Trojan War were insignificant, but this war, the most wonderful of all that took place earlier, turns out to be not so much much as he draws it to the rum and those who have established today through the poets. " (Fukidide, I, 2)

Invasion DoriytsevAt the end of the XIII century. BC e. New Greek tribes were invaded to the districts of Macedonia and Epira - Dorians. The invasion of Dorians to the northern regions of Greece created a direct threat to the existence of the Ahasey states, which by this time were already in a state of economic decline.

Socio-economic system of the Ahasey states

The Ahase states were state-owned states, but the slave-ownership was still very primitive.

Organization of powerPalaces and fortresses on the hills indicate a large role of a military organization for a nobility that carries out permanent military control over the unarmed agricultural population. However, such powerful defensive fortifications were needed especially when the rulers of states lived in constant fear before the external or internal enemy.

The power of the Ahase rulers was based on a major land tenure. The Ahasey kings were probably focused on their hands not only the highest military, but also the highest priests. Since the legend of Minos attributes to him the preparation of the laws of laws, we can assume that the Tsar was also the highest court permission. On the basis of Greek legends, it can be assumed that the power of the kings was hereditary and passed from the Father to the Son.

The kings were the largest landowners of the state. They owned the most fertile lands, the so-called "theme we". While the smallest land is calculated in one measure of grain, the darken of the king is 1800 measures. You can also judge the meaning of the royal authority work force In the palace household Pilos, in which about 1000 slaves were occupied with children. Often these women were called at the place of their origin: a woman with a book, Crete, Kiefer, Mileta. There is no


in Plus lists of men-slaves rushing. Apparently, the prisoners of war men were rare in the palace farms. Many women slave are determined by their profession: Mollar, a spinner, flax, sometimes just "worker".

The highest rulers in Pilos were the king (Vanakta) and the warlord (Lavaget). The warlord was subordinate to the king.

In addition to large land plots, Vanactive gets in its favor to natural file from the local population. So, for example, from only one island Sfagia (later in the Greeks of the SFACTER), the king received a one-time wheat, millet, olive oil, technical and garden plants or their fruits, honey, horse, 32 rams and sheep, two oxen, two cows, seven pigs, 20 grape vines.

Lavagetu belonged to the implementation of military leadership, and in peacetime and police protection of the state. In his submission there were many officials - the Garmoshov (in Pilos inscriptions - AMOTEU).

The priests who headed temples and controlled temple lands were of great importance in the Pilos State.

Basilees headed large areas included in this state. In their jurisdiction, there was also a distribution of work among local metallurgists (Kuznetsov) with issuing a certain amount of metal to each of them.

At the head of each of the many settlements stood local governors, a kind of rural elders, which are called differently in inscriptions.

In addition, there were a large number of different posts of secondary rank - acceptors, controllers, people who made debt lists, Heads, writing, writing and others.

Piloskaya to know was a closed circle of aristocracy, within which division was observed for three age groups with a gradual transition from the lower age group to the highest. From their environment, all the most significant officials of the country took place.

Landowners and farmersIn addition to major land farms of kings, military leaders, reluctors (such as officials) and representatives of the nobility, as well as priests and priests who made the temple lands, there were landowners and farmers who treat the land at their disposal, or using it on rental rights. Some land plots belonging to private owners achieve significant sizes (from 50 to 500 measures).

Leased sites are usually defined as areas leased "from the people." Rental Earth disintegrates into two groups. The first group includes large land plots leased "from the people." The second group consists of small tenants, many of which are called "slaves" or "slaves"


god. There are minor tenants that are renting plots from individuals who do not exceed 10 grain measures. Maybe under the "slaves of God" should not be understood as actual slaves. By analogy with later relations in Greece, as well as with Hellenistic temple farms, it can be assumed that these were free people, members of rural communities, the land of which were under the control of the temple and were considered the property of the Divine, which was revered in this temple.

Since the land of nobility and officials were considered as land leased "by the people", it can be assumed that the community life with undeveloped private property prevailed in the Ahase states among farmers.

The agricultural population of the country paid to submit to the kings. These fees ensured not only the satisfaction of personal needs. ruling sick, but also created large stocks of products. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to where the means were born to feed thousands of people employed in the palace farms, on the construction of defensive walls, luxurious tombs, palaces, water pipes and rooting roads.

Craft Development Palaces-fortresses on the tops of the hills were political and administrative centers of the country. Ahaeis did not know the developed urban life. Knowing also at the fortified hills. Near the palaces and in places rich in minerals, craft settlements arose. However, settlements that become centers of some specific craft have not lost relations with agricultural and pastoral farms.

The position of artisans in the Ahase society was privileged. Craftsmen received material for the manufacture of products from the state and the state passed their finished products.

Apparently, Especially Honorary Craft was craft of Kuznetsov.

The most common type of metal was bronze, which served for the manufacture of workers of labor, weapons, dishes, items of decoration and life. Bronze axes reached us, knives, chops of several types, cutters, hammers and saws from pointed plates. Revenge and various shapes of swords and copies.

Bronze tools of labor and bronze weapons were too expensive for widespreading it among the mass of the main population. In addition, the bronze tools of labor, as well as weapons, were fragile. If the farmers sometimes appeared an instrument of labor from bronze, then it, of course, was carefully preserved, transmitting inheritance. Bronze utensils and weapons we find only the burial of the kings and nobility.

The development of crafts and the presence of a significant amount of artisans who have already needed knowledge and experience due to the needs of the palace economy and the desire of the ruling


nobility to accumulate values \u200b\u200bin the form of metal and utensils. Craft, in addition, served the needs of foreign trade and temple farms.

Precious stones, gold and silver, necklaces and bracelets, golden tiaras, thin gold belts and blahs demanded the work of experienced masters. The main type of payment of their work was clothes and nutrition, and also probably providing them with a land plot.

Gonchars, inheriting the technique of critical masters and improving their production, achieved significant success in both the formation of vessels and the firing VAZ. However, this dishes, common in all the Ahase centers and similar in their dressing and manner of painting, served only the needs of the nobility and was the subject of export.

In agricultural villages, the dishes were often cooked, without using a pottery circle and ornamed by straight lines, triangles, rhombuses and zigzags.

The separation of crafts from farming was not complete. The specialist artisans layer is distinguished significantly artificially, for the needs of the ruling class. The bulk of the population lived with rural communities, in which the craft continued to maintain the nature of the homemade craft.

Construction and architecture Construction development has reached a high level at this time. When looking at the strengthening of palaces, for the construction of which had to endure stone blocks weighing up to 100 tons, unwittingly think about the mass of workers who created remarkable architecture monuments in the Ahasey period. By analogy with the buildings of tombs and palaces in the countries of the Ancient East, we can assume that in the context of manual labor, hundreds and thousands of people swaying from the inspired work on carrying and laying heavy stone blocks and stoves. Such work intended to serve the egoistic interests of the narrow circle of the Ahasey slave owners could, no doubt, only work forced. It is no coincidence that power in the Ahase states was strongly centralized and the military authority for the protection of the country was awarded a special person - Lavagetu, he was obeyed internal police guard.

Monuments also testify also to art and talent of ancient engineers and architects who have reached in theoretical knowledge and exactly the mathematical calculations of amazing success of success. Drainage work in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kopaid Lake in Boeotia, as well as in mycken, where the water of the Perseys source were summarized inwards, they talk about high mastery of the Ahasey builders.

The tomb of atreya, the description of which was given by us, represents the masterpiece of ancient architecture. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that these monuments were built using the simplest plumbers, with the help of bronze and stone hammers who served to rejoicing and smoothing the irregularities of the stone, bronze saws,


stone, reed drills that served to apply relief with sand and water, bronze cylindrical chisel drilling stone. If we think about it, it will be especially clear what great amount Human labor, what kind of art, patience and how much heavy physical tension was invested in these buildings, preserved to our time.

However, already on the example of these wonderful monuments of ancient architecture, it is possible to clearly trace, as it became impossible to further develop architecture and construction while preserving the domination of bronze.

Only a soft stone that treated with bronze guns could be used for the buildings of the Ahase time. Tirinf's cyclopic walls were built from busty blocks of large thickness, as a strong stone with difficulty succumbed to the treatment of bronze tools. That is why the wall thickness was of great importance, since with the walls built from a soft stone, only the thickness was a reliable guarantee when attacking the enemy.

During this period, the Ahasey bronze technique reached its highest development, but it had limited distribution. Bronze tools of labor could not be the common property of the working masses of the Ahasey society.

The wealth of Ahasey society seems significant because the efforts and the labor of the entire people were aimed at enriching a minor slave owner. The main mass of the population lived in primitive conditions, I can only be content with the most necessary.

TradeTrade was concentrated in the hands of nobility. When Menelai, Brother Agamemenon, showed Telemakhu, son Odyssey, in his palace sparkling copper, gold, silver and precious elephant bone, he said that all these wealth was acquired personally. To do this, he visited Cyprus, in Phenicia, Arabia and Egypt, visited Earth etiiii, Libyans and Sidonan.

The absence of a permanent amount of money in the Ahasey society indicates the predominance of direct exchange of products and values.

Along with the exchange of goods, many missing items came to the house of Ahasey, by exchanging gifts (primitive form of still underdeveloped exchange), but mainly by piracy and military seizure of production - people, values, livestock.

There is also a honeymaking craft in the homes for the minor development of production to the market. Clay droves from primitive weaving machines found in the mixes point to the home character of the crafts of weaves in the economy of a noble house. Numerous servants and slaves in the same house served all the basic needs of a notable family.


WarfareOf great importance in the Ahase society had something that was armed with the most perfect weapon at that time.

According to numerous images of military scenes on the Mychean vessels, we can approximately imagine the weapons of the Ahasey Warrior: Spear, a short sword for hand-to-hand fight, a large wooden (often covered skin) convex shield. Feet are protected by leather covers (cabbage), on the head - leather or metal helmet.

According to the materials of one Phoenician city, we know that his ruler, during the threat of a military attack or when preparing for a campaign, issued arms warriors from its warehouses. Maybe the same system of armament of the warriors existed in the Ahase states, since the artisans-metallurgists have passed all their products to government officials. However, in the presence of landowners who had quite large land plots, for part of the warriors there was an opportunity to have their own arms. Thus, these warriors occupied a privileged position in the military detachments of the Ahase rulers. Combat squads, headed by Ahasey, were the basic support of her military power.

From this part of the warriors differed ordinary warriors that were infantry. It is possible that the accusatory words of Ferxita at the national assembly of the Ahetsev under the Troy are associated with the incomplete position of the infantry farmers. In the war under Troy, the lion's share of military premium fell into the hands of the king, in the hands of the nobility and their "friends". But the first blows of enemies took over the main and poorly armed masses of the infantry. An indication of this is contained in Fercite speech:

We sail our houses; and his (Agamemnon) we will leave under Troray
Here to be saturated with other people's awards; Let him find out
Do you build in Brants and we do not serve for him.
(Homer, Iliad, Gzzych's translation, Song II, Poems 236-239).

At that time, the infantry strength has not yet solved the outcome of the battle. Large, sometimes a decisive role in battles played battles on chariots and martial arts of noble heroes. Military superiority of the nobility, owned and combat chariots, and horses, and bronze weapons, gave the opportunity to be notable heroes with contempt to relate to a poorly armed crowd and consider her help in the battle of insignificant.


Economic, military and political superiority of nobility created it all the necessary conditions For the wide use of the country's main agricultural population by shaving and duties. The echo of this is one place in Iliad


measure, where Agamemenon lists the dowry, which he promises to give the future his daughter's spouse.

Seven I will give cities, prosperous, multidiff,
Yet they have a latch, with a pylon beaten by sandy;
They are inhabited by rich men sheep, oxen,
Koi gifts of him, as God, will celebrate
And under the scepter he will pay rich Dani.

Agamemnon's gift to the future daughter's wife is clarified here as the right to receive gifts and collect tribute from the population of a fairly extensive area.

The collection of natural grades from the country's agricultural and cattle and cattle population was undoubtedly the economic basis of prosperity of the nobility.

By the end of the XIII century. BC e. Trade of the Ahase states with countries of Malaya Asia, Phenicia, Syria, Egypt was interrupted by the movements of the tribes (the so-called "peoples of the sea"). Ahasey states, weakened by wars, raids, increasing discontent of the population and the cessation of the serving of slaves and metals, were in the state of economic decline.

The power of the kings met, apparently, resistance and in the circles of slave-owned nobility, which during the decline of the centralized government of the state claimed the leading role in the areas managed by it.

The invasion of Dorians into the territory of the Ahase states occurred during the period of internal weakening of the Ahasey societies. It should have accelerated the death of these states. Plios and Myckene Palaces were destroyed in Peloponnese and died.

(Iliad, Song IX, Poems 149-156).

1. Greece in the early eleldest period (until the end of the III millennium BC. Er).

The creators of the Mycenaean culture were the Greek Ahaeis, invisited by the Balkan Peninsula at the turn of the III-II millennium BC. e. From the north, from the district of the Sudenai lowland or from the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region, where they were inhabited originally. Movement farther on the territory of the country, which in the future began to be called them name, the Ahaeis partly destroyed, and partly assimilated the indigenous societies of these areas, which later Greek historians called Pelasgami *. Next to pelasgami, part of the mainland, and two more people lived on the islands of the Aegean Sea, and two more people: LELLES AND CARICES. According to Herodotus, all Greece had once been called Pelasgia (Pelasgi was, apparently, the people, relatives, and the same, as they were, were included in the Aegean Language Family). At the beginning of the III millennium BC. e. (The period of Halkolite, or the transition from stone to metal - copper and bronze) The culture of mainland Greece was still closely connected with the early-sample cultures that existed in the territory of modern Bulgaria and Romania, as well as in the South Podneprovier (the Zone of Tripolsky Culture). Among the settlements of the Rannelladskaya era, the Citadel in Lerne is especially allocated (on the southern coast of Argold). In Lerne, there was a small administrative and economic center, partly already anticipating the later palaces of the Myckene time in its nature and appointment. Similar centers existed Yves some other places. Their trails were found, for example, in Tirinf (also South Argolid, not far from Lerny) and in Akovichik (Messages in the south-west Peloponnes).

Along with the citadels, in which, apparently, there were representatives of the birthbroken nobility, in Greece, the Rannelladsk epoch there were settlements also of another type - small, most often very tightly built-up villages with narrow streets-streets between the ranks of the houses. Some of these villages, especially those located close to the sea, were strengthened, there were no defensive structures in others. Examples of such settlements can serve as Rafine (Eastern Attico Coast) and Ziguries (Northeast Peloponnese, near Corinth).

Judging by the character archaeological findsThe bulk of the population in the settlements of this type was the farmers peasants.

At this time, the specialized craft was already emerged in Greece, presented in the main industry such as pottery and metalworking. The number of professional professional professionals was still very small, and their products provided mainly local demand, only a minor part of it found sales outside this community.

2. The invasion of the Greeks-Ahetsev. The formation of the first states.

This movement dates back to the last centuries of the III millennium BC. e., or the end of the epoch of early bronze. About 2300 BC. e. Died in the firefire of the Fire Citadel Lerny and some other settlements of early eleldest time. After some time, a number of new settlements arise in those places where they were not before. For the first time, ceramics made with a pottery circle appear. Its samples can serve "Mining Vases" - monochrome (usually gray or black) carefully polished vessels, resembling their brilliant matte surface of metal products. In some places during the excavations, the bones of the horse were found, earlier, apparently unknown within the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Many historians and archaeologists associate all these changes in the life of mainland Greece with the arrival of the first wave of the Greek-speaking tribes, or the Ahaseians *. If this is an assumption to some extent justified, then the border III-II millennia BC. E. ** can be considered the beginning of a new stage in the history of ancient Greece - the stage of formation of Greek nationality (the splicing of two cultures: the culture of the seeds of the Ahasey tribes that spoken on various dialects of Greek or, rather, the protogreic language, and the culture of local to the Greek population). In settlements and burials of this time, metal products are relatively rare. But again, guns made from stone and bones appear, which indicates a certain decline in the productive forces of Greek society. Monumental architectural structures disappear like already mentioned "Road Houses" in Lerne. Instead, the unbroken global houses are built sometimes rectangular, sometimes oval or rounded on one side of the form. The settlements of the Middlelaladian period are usually strengthened and placed on elevations with steep sloping slopes. Apparently, time it was extremely restless and disturbing, which forced individual communities to take measures to ensure their safety.

A typical example of the Middlelalad settlement can be considered a settlement of Malthi-Dorion in the messenger.

the burial of this period, in the overwhelming majority of its standard, with a very modest accompanying inventory.

3. Formation of a mixing civilization.

At the first stages of its development, the Mycenaean culture experienced a very strong impact of the more advanced minist civilization. Many important elements of their culture Ahetis borrowed in Crete, for example, some cults and religious rites, fresco painting, water supply and sewage, male and women's styles, some types of weapons finally a linear sludge letter. But she had her own harness acquired over time.

The so-called mine graves are considered the earliest monument to the Mycena Culture. The first six graves of this type were opened in 1876 by G. Shliman in the art of the Citadel walls (many precious belongings made of gold, silver, ivory and other materials). Shakhty graves date back to the XVI century. BC e. On the first first, the abundance of weapons in their tombs and, secondly, the images of the bloody scenes of war and the hunt, which are decorated with some of the things found in the graves, as well as stone steles that stood on the graves themselves. Especially interesting scene of the hunt for Lviv, depicted on one of the bronze inlaid daggers.

The heyday of the Mycena Civilization can be considered the XV-XIII centuries. BC e. At this time, its distribution zone comes far beyond the limits of argold, where, it appears originally originally arose, covering the entire peloponnese, Middle Greece (Attika, Besotia, Fokyd), a significant part of Northern (Fessel), as well as many of the islands Aegean Sea.

Judging by the materials of the excavation, Mycken Greece was a rich and prosperous country with a numerous population, scattered over a variety of small towns and settlements.

The main centers of the Mycean culture were, as in Crete, Palaces. The most significant of them were opened in Mycken and Tirinf (Argolid), in Pilos (Messias, South-West Peloponnese), in Athens (Attica), Fouves and Orkhomen (Beochia), finally, in the north of Greece in Iola (Fessiona). The architecture of Mycene Palaces has a number of features that distinguish them from the Palaces of Mina Crete. The most important of these differences is that almost all mycken palaces have been strengthened and represented real citadels that resemble their external species Castles of medieval feudal. The famous tyarification citadel can serve as a magnificent model of mycken fortification facilities.

Among the actually the Palace Buildings of the Mycena Time, the well-preserved Palace of Nestor * in Pilos (Western Messiah, near the Navarino Bay), opened in 1939 by the American Archaeologist K. Plezhelov + Majestic Tsarist Tombs, referred to as "Tolza", or "Dome Tomb" . Toloches are usually located near the palaces and citades, being, apparently, the place of the last calmness of the members of the reigning dynasty, as at an earlier mine graves. The largest of mycken thickness is the so-called tomb of atrey.

Socio-economic structure.

From clay plates (pilos and clan) We learn that at this time in Greece there were already slavery and the work of slaves was widely used in different industries farms. Among the documents of the Pilos archive, there are many places about the slaves engaged in the palace economy.

Along with ordinary slaves in Pilos inscriptions, the so-called "God's slaves and slaves" are also mentioned. They usually rent the lands in small areas at the community (Damos) or in private individuals, from which it is possible that they did not have their own land and, therefore, they were not considered full members of the community, although they were not, apparently, and slaves in own the meaning of this word. The term "God's slave" itself probably means that representatives of this social layer took place in service with the churches of the main gods of the Pilos kingdom and used therefore the patronage of the temple administration.

The main mass of the worker population was in the Myckens, as in Crete, free or, rather, half-baked peasants and artisans. Formally, they were not considered slaves, but the freedom was very relative in nature, since they were all in economic dependence on the palace and have been taxed in its favor by various obediences, both work and natural. Separate districts and towns of the Pilos kingdom were required to provide a certain number of artisans and workers of a wide variety of professions at the disposal of the palace. In the inscriptions, bricklayers, tailors, potters, gunsmiths, master cases of the masters, even perfumers and doctors are mentioned. For their work, artisans received from the palace treasury in nature like officials consisting in public service. Another category of artisans, apparently, was free communities for whom the work on the palace was only a temporary service. Craftsmen, attracted by public service, did not lose their personal freedom. They could own land and even slaves, like all other members of the community.

The land in the Pilos kingdom was divided into two main categories: 1) the land of the palace, or state, and 2) land belonging to individual territorial communities. State Earth, with the exception of the part of its part, which was located under the direct control of the Palace Administration, was distributed to the rights of a conditional holding, i.e., subject to the fulfillment of a particular service in favor of the palace, between the dignitaries from the number of military and priests. These holders could take the resulting land with small sections to rent in some other persons, for example, already mentioned "God's slaves." Approximately used the land belonging to it and the territorial (rural) community, or Damos, as it is commonly called in the signs. The main part of the community land was obviously shared on the station with approximately the same profitability. These put ones were distributed within the community itself between the components of its families. The land remained after the section, again leased. Palace scribes with the same diligence registered the sections of both the same and other categories in their signs.

The private farm, although, apparently, it already existed in the Myckenes states, was in the fiscal (applied) dependence on the "public sector" and played only a subordinate, minor role with it.

5. Organization of public administration.

In addition to the state of scribes who served directly in the Palace Chancellory and the archive, there are numerous fiscal officials in the signs that made tax collecting and observed over the implementation of various kinds of duties. So, from the documents of the Pilus Archive, we learn that the entire territory of the kingdom was divided into 16 consulting districts, at the head of which the governors of the corners were stood. Each of them was responsible for the serviceable arrival in the palace treasury from the district entrusted to him. In subordination, the Correker was the lowest rank officials who managed individual settlements, which were part of the district. In signs, they are referred to as "Basilees". Basileia was supervised by production, for example, for the work of the Kuznetsov who were in public service. The Koretors and Basilenes themselves were under non-primary control of the central government. At the head of the palace state there was a person called "Vanaka", which corresponds to the Greek "(c) anact", i.e. "Mr.", "Lord", "Tsar". The land owned by the king is dark - three times superior the land put on other senior officials. At the disposal of the king was a numerous jelly. Among the subordinates to the king of the pilos of officials of the highest rank, one of the most prominent places occupied Lavaget, that is, the voivode or military leader. The nearest environment of Pilosk Vanake, was, firstly, the priests of the main temples of the state (priestly used in Plosh, as in Crete, very great influence), secondly, the highest military ranks, primarily the leaders of the combat chariots, which in those The times were the main shock force on the battlefields.

6. Relationships of the Ahase kingdoms. Trojan war. Miscellaneous civilization. Tense relations that existed between the Ahasey states throughout their almost all of their history are not excluded, however, the fact that in certain moments they could unite for any joint military enterprises. An example of such an enterprise can serve as the famous Trojan war, about which Homer narrates. If you believe "Ilia", almost all the main areas of Ahasey Greece from Fessiona in the north before Crete and Rhodes took part in the Troy hike. The leader of all the troops was elected from the general consent of the participants in the Mikhana King Agamemenon. It is possible that Homer exaggerated the genuine scale of the Ahase coalition and embellished the campaign itself. The Trojan War was only one, although, apparently, the most significant of the manifestations of the military and colonization expansion of the Ahetsev in Malaya Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. During the XIV-XIII centuries. BC e. Numerous Ahasey settlements (they indicate large accumulations of typically mixing ceramics) appeared on the Western and southern coasts of Malaya Asia, adjacent to them Islands - Rhodes and Cyprus - and even on the Siro-Phoenician coast Mediterranean Sea. Successfully combining trading classes with piracy, the Aheitsy soon become one of the most notable political forces of the Eastern Mediterranean (conducted an act of international trade).

The last decades of the XIII century. BC e. There were times extremely disturbing and restless. In mycken, tyaring, Athens and other places, the old and new fortifications are rapidly restored. The massive wall on East is erected (narrow shells, connecting average Greece with a peloponnese), explicitly designed to protect myxanic states in the south of the Balkan Peninsula from some danger that impaired from the north. So in the 13th century. Barbarian tribes, which included as peoples who spoke on various dialects of the Greek language (here include Dorian and close to it, West-Communications dialects), so, apparently, the nationality of the vigorous, Phracical-Illyrian origin, starred from theated seats and rushed to the south , in the rich and prosperous areas of Central Greece and Peloponnese. On his way, the aliens captured and destroyed many of the Mycene settlements. Palace Palace died in fire fire. Seriously suffered, although, apparently, they were not captured, the Citadel Mikten and Tirinta. The economy of the Mycke States was irreparable damage. This is evidenced by the rapid decline of crafts and trade in areas most affected by the invasion, as well as a sharp decline in population. Thus, at the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. Mycenaean civilization suffered a terrible blow, after which she could no longer be recovered.

Miscellaneous Civilization: 1) Exhaustion internal resources, embezzlement of enormous material and human reserves as a result of many years of Trojan war and bloody cross-consumables between the individual Ahase kingdoms and within the ruling dynasties. 2) the inner weakness of early-grade relations in Greece II millennia BC. e. generally. An early-grade relationship that implies the functioning more complex than primitive, relations of domination and subordination, social differentiation and the allocation of various public messs did not penetrate deeply into the crowd of people's life, did not penetrate the entire public structure from top to bottom.

Miktenskaya Civilization or Ahasey Greece - cultural period In the history of prehistoric Greece from 16 to 11 century BC. e., bronze Age. He received its name in the city of Mycenae on the Peloponnese Peninsula.

LEO2004, GNU 1.2

Other important policies of this period were Athens, Fivi and Plos. In contrast to Midway, the culture of which reaches a heyday due to peaceful existence and lively trade, the mypsites were conquerors. The disappearance of the Mycenaean culture is associated with the Dorian invasion of about 1200 BC. e.

A.Savin, CC BY-SA 3.0

The early eleldest period of Greece

It is part of the Aegean civilization of Greek history.

In the III-II thousand to n. e. Pelasgi, Lellege and Carians lived in Balkan Greece, the whole country according to Herodota was called Pelasgia. Late Greek historians considered these peoples by barbarians, although in reality their culture was on more high level Development (this is evidenced by archaeological data) than the culture of the Greek-Ahetsev, invaded the territory of Greece at the turn of the III-II thousand to N. e. Cultural data or one of them could be associated with the chronologically prior culture of Vinca, 5-3 thousand BC. er, the southern border of which was in the north of Greece.

Marsyas, GNU 1.2 All settlements of the Ranneldladskaya era can be divided into two types - this is a citadel (for example, "House with Tile" in Lerne), in which representatives of tribal nobility lived, and tightly built-up villages (for example, Rafin and Ziguries), populated, mainly peasants farmers. All the citadels were surrounded by defensive structures, which were also present in some settlements.

In addition to the exercise of agriculture, a craft (pottery, blacksmith) occurs in the early eleldest period, but the number of artisans was small, and the products provided local demand, but it is not excluded that it also went beyond the individual community.

The division of settlements on the citadel and the village can talk about the beginning of class formation in the second half of the III thousand to n. e. The civilization of this period was already ahead of other European cultures in its development, but further progressive growth prevented the movement of tribes in the territory of Balkan Greece.

Fut.perf. , Public Domain

The emergence of the first Ahasey states

With the arrival of the first wave of the Ahase tribes, we can talk about the formation of Greek nationality at the beginning of the II thousand to n. e. In 1850 BC. e. Athens were already built.

The archaeological data of the finds of the Middle Delay (XX-XVII) speaks of some decline of the culture of this period compared with the culture of the early eleldest period.

Svilen Enev, GNU 1.2 In the burials of this time there were no products from the metal, instead of them, stone tools appear again, the inventory of such burials is very skuded and monotonous, most likely, this can be explained by the lack of class bundle of society. Monumental structures also disappear, although it is impossible not to note the emergence of some innovations, such as a pottery circle and a combat chariot.

All settlements of the Middlelaladian period were located, as a rule, on the elevated areas and were fortified, an example of such a settlement is the Malthi-Dorion settlement in the messenger. The palace was located in the center of this settlement, workshops of artisans were adjacent to him, the rest was home to ordinary people and warehouses.

By the end of the Middle Delest period, the cultural rise in the development of the Mainland Greece civilization, the first public entities arise, the class formation process occurs, which manifests itself in the selection of the interlayer of the nobility, there is a significant increase in the population associated with the success of agriculture.

Marie-Lan Nguyen, Public Domain The number of both small settlements and major cities has grown. The period in the history of Greece between the XVI and XI centuries. BC e. It is customary to call the Mycean Era, by the name of the largest political and economic center of Continental Greece - Mikten, located in Argolide. Yann, Public Domain

The first cities-states formed in the XVIII-XVII centuries. BC e. - Athens, Mycenae, Tirinf, Pylos - had close cultural and trade relations with Crete, the Mycenaean culture borrowed a lot from the Minoan civilization, the influence of which is felt in cult rites, secular life, artistic monuments; Undoubtedly, the art of the construction of ships was perceived from the critical.

Jastrow, Public Domain But the mycecan culture was inherent only in its characteristic traditions, leaving the roots in deep antiquity (according to A. Evans, the Mycenaean culture is only the branch of Cretan and deprived of any individuality), its development path .david Monniaux, GNU 1.2 in the XV-XIII centuries . BC e. The Ahaeis won Crete and Cyclades, colonized many of the islands in the Aegean Sea, founded a number of settlements in the depths of the territory of Greece, in the place of which the famous antique cities-states are later adult, Delphi, Fivi. This period is considered to be the heyday of the Mycena Civilization.

Ahaeis support not only old Cretan trade relations, but also launch new sea routes in the Caucasus, Sicily, to North Africa.

The main centers, as in Crete, were palaces, but their important difference from Crytski is that they have been strengthened and represented the Citadel. The monumental dimensions of the citadel are affected by the walls of which are built of untreated boulders reaching in some cases weight up to 12 tons. The most outstanding, perhaps, the citadel is tyirinda, the entire defensive system of which was thought out with a special care to prevent all unexpected detrimental situations.

Population and culture of Greece before the arrival of the Ahaseians

Vessel of tripoly culture. V-III thousand BC.

The creators of the Mycean culture were the Greeks-Ahaeis, invisible to the Balkan Peninsula at the turn of the III-II-II thousand BC, apparently from the north, from the district of the Sudenay lowland, where they were inhabited originally. Furning further to the south, the aheitsi partly destroyed, and partly assimilated the indigenous population of these areas, which later Greek historians call Pelasgami. Pelasgi were most likely to the people of child mino, and just like they were included in the Aegean Language Family.

Ahaeis considered Pelasgov and other oldest country inhabitants by barbarians, although in reality their culture not only did not inferior the culture of the Greeks themselves, but initially surpassed it in many ways. This is evidenced by archaeological monuments of the so-called Rannelladskaya era (second half of the III thousand BC), open in different places On the territory of Peloponnes, Central and Northern Greece. Modern scientists usually associate them with the doogrical population of these areas.

The vessel of the neolithic culture of DIMINI 5000-4400. BC.

At the beginning of the III thousand BC. (The period of Halkolite or the transition from stone to metal - copper and bronze) The culture of mainland Greece was still closely related to the early-siselacial cultures that existed in the territory of modern Bulgaria and Romania, as well as in the Southern Podneprovier (Zone of Tripolsky Culture). For all of this extensive region there were some motives used in the painting of clay dishes, for example, the spiral motifs and the so-called "meander". From the coastal areas of Balkan Greece, these types of ornaments also spread to the islands of the Aegean Sea, were learned by Cycladic and Cretan art. With the onset of the epoch of early bronze (near the middle of the III millennium BC), the culture of Greece begins to noticeably fasten in its development other cultures of Southeast Europe.

Settlements of earlyelladtime

Among the settlements of the Rannelladskaya era, the Citadel in Lerne is allocated (on the southern coast of Argold). Located at a low hill near the sea, the citadel was charged with a massive defensive wall with semicircular tower. It was opened in its central part (25x12 m²) a rectangular building - the so-called house of the tile (wreckage of the tiles, once covered the roof of the building, were found in large quantities during the excavations). The house is dated by the early eleldest period II (2500-2300. BC)

Settlement of Lern. "Central Yard".

In one of the premises, archaeologists gathered a whole collection (more than 150) crushed prints on the clay. Once with these clay "shortcuts", vessels with wine, oil and other supplies were sealed. This interesting find suggests that the administrative and economic center has been an administrative and economic center in Lerny, partly who has already anticipated in its nature and appointment of later Palaces of Mycena. Similar centers existed in some other places.

Along with the citadels, in which representatives of the family-tribal nobility lived, in Greece, the Rannelladian epoch there were settlements of other type: small, most often very tightly built-up villages with narrow aisles - streets between rows of houses. Some of these villages, especially those located close to the sea, were fortified, others were built more openly, without any defensive structures.

Examples of such settlements can serve as Rafine (Eastern Attico Coast) and Ziguries (Northeast Peloponnese, near Corinth). Judging by the nature of archaeological finds, the majority of the population in the settlements of this type was the farmers peasants. In many homes, special pits were discovered for refrigerated grain refrigerated from inside clay, as well as large clay vessels for storing various supplies. At this time, the specialized craft was already emerged in Greece, presented in the main industry such as pottery and metalworking. Thus, during the excavations of the Rafina, a small blacksmith workshop was opened, the owner of which, obviously, supplied the workers of local farmers.

Plan and reconstruction "Houses with tiles."

The existing archaeological data suggests that in early eleldest time, at least from the second half of the III thousand BC, the process of forming classes and the state has already begun in Greece. An already marked fact of the existence of two different types of settlements is especially important:

  • lerny type citadel and
  • community village (villages) of Rafina or Ziguries type.

However, the early eleldest culture did not have time to become a real civilization. Its development was forcibly interrupted as a result of the next movement of the tribes in the territory of Balkan Greece.

The arrival of the Greeks-Ahetsev and the formation of the first states

Invasion of tribes from north

Mined monochrome amphora from Mycenae. 1700-1600 BC.

With a great degree of approximity, this movement is dated last centuries III thousand BC. or the end of the epoch of early bronze. About 2200 BC. Died from the fire of the Lerny Citadel and some other settlements of the early eleldest time. After some time, a number of new settlements arise in those places where they were not before. In the same period, certain changes in the material culture of Central Greece and Peloponnese are observed. For the first time, ceramics made with a pottery circle appear. Its samples can serve as the so-called mining vases - monochrome (usually gray or black) carefully polished vessels, resembling its brilliant matte surface of the metal.

In some places during the excavations, the bones of the horse were found, earlier, apparently unknown within the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Many historians and archaeologists associate all these changes in the life of Mainland Greece with the arrival of the first wave of the Greek-speaking tribes, or the Ahaseians.

Thus, the border III-II thousand BC. It can be considered the beginning of a new stage in the history of ancient Greece - the stage of formation of Greek nationality. The basis of this long process was the interaction and gradual splicing of two cultures:

  • cultures of the seeds of the Ahasey tribes that spoke on various dialects of Greek or, rather, the protogreic language,
  • cultures of the local corporal population.

Its significant part was apparently assimilated by the aliens, as evidenced by numerous words borrowed by the Greeks from their predecessors-Pelasgov or Lellegov, for example, the names of a row of plants: cypress, hyacinth, daffissue, etc.

The formation of class society in mainland Greece was a complex and contradictory process. In the first centuries II thousand BC, there is an obvious slowdown in the pace of socio-economic and cultural development. Despite the emergence of such important technical and economic innovations, as a potterior circle and a wagon or combat horses, the culture of the so-called Middlelade (XX-XVII centuries. BC) In general, it is noticeably inferior to the previously preceding culture of the Rannelladic era.

In settlements and burials of this time, metal products are relatively rare. But again, guns made from stone and bones appear, which indicates a certain decline in the productive forces of Greek society.

Settlements of the Greek-Ahetsev

Monumental architectural structures disappear like already mentioned "Road Houses" in Lerne. Instead of them, unbroken global houses are built sometimes rectangular, sometimes oval or apsidal (rounded at the end) forms. The settlements of the Middlelaladian period are usually strengthened and placed on elevations with steep sloping slopes. Apparently, time it was extremely restless and disturbing, which forced individual communities to take measures to ensure their safety.

A typical example of the Middlelalad settlement can be considered a settlement of Malthi-Dorion in the messenger. All settlement was located on the top of a high hill, an overlooking the annular defensive wall with five aisles. In the center of the settlement at the low terrace stood the so-called palace (probably the house of the leader of the tribe) - a complex of five rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200b130 m² with a stone-laid out from Stone-Altaram in the largest of the rooms. Close to the "Palace" adjoined the premises of several craft workshops. The rest of the settlement was the house of ordinary communities, as a rule, very small, and warehouses built in one or two rows along the defensive wall.

Excavations of Malthi-Dorion in 2015 by the Swedish expedition.

The layout of Malti itself, the monotony of its residential building testifies to the even-united inner unity of the family-tribal community inhabited here. The absence of clearly pronounced social and property differences in the Ahasey society of the Middlelaladic Time also speaks the burials of this period, in the overwhelming majority of their own standard, with a very modest accompanying inventory.

Beginning of the bundle of ancient Greek society

Only at the end of the Middlelaladian period, the situation in Balkan Greece began to gradually change. The strip of long stagnation and the decline was changed by the lane of a new economic and cultural lift. The class of formation is interrupted at the very beginning. Inside the Ahase tribal communities, aristocratic gifts, settled in impregnable citadels and thereby sharply endowed from the mass of ordinary tribesmen.

In the hands of tribal, nobility concentrates great wealth, partly created by the labor of local peasants and artisans, partly captured during the military raids on the grounds of neighbors. In various districts of Peloponnese, Central and Northern Greece, the first and so far quite primitive state entities are arising. Thus, the prerequisites for the formation of another civilization of the bronze era, and starting with the XVI century. BC. Greece entered into a new or, as they are usually called, the Mychean period of its history.

Formation of a mycke civilization

The formation of civilization and the influence of cultures

In the first stages of its development, the Mycenaean culture experienced a strong effect of more advanced. Many important elements of their culture, the Ahetis borrowed in Crete. The most important among them -

  • some cults and religious rituals,
  • fresco painting in palaces,
  • water supply and sewage,
  • men's and women's styles
  • some types of weapons
  • linear syllable letter.

All this does not mean, however, that the Mycenaean culture was only a secondary peripheral version of the culture of the Minoan Crete, and the Myxal settlements on Peloponnese and in other places were simply the Minoan colonies in a foreign "barbaric" country (A. Evans stubbornly adhered to this opinion). Many of the characteristic features of Mycenaean culture suggest that it arose in Greek soil and was more successful with the ancient cultures of this area belonging to the era of Neolithic and early Bronze.

Early monuments of the XVI Culture Monuments. BC.

Lion Gate Mikten.

The most early monument of the Mycenae culture is the so-called mine graves in the mixes (XVI century BC). The first six graves of this type were opened in 1876 G. Schliman in the artician Citadel. Over three millennia, shaft graves taled truly fabulous wealth in themselves. Archaeologists removed from them a lot of precious things made of gold, silver, ivory and other materials. There were found massive golden robusts, decorated with carvings, diadems, earrings, bracelets, gold and silverware, superbly, a cloaky weapon, including swords, daggers, leaf gold shells, finally, completely unique gold masks that hid face buried.

Homer in "Iliad" called Micheen "Zlatovo", and the Mikhana Tsar Agamemnon recognized the most powerful of all the Ahasey leaders who participated in the famous Trojan War. Finds of Schliman gave the visible evidence of the justice of the words of the Great Poet, to which, many were with distrust to this. The huge riches found in the graves of this necropolis show that already at that remote time of Mycenae were the center of the Great State.

The Mysensky kings were buried in these magnificent tips, were militant and ferocious people, greedy to other people's wealth. For the sake of robbery, they undertake distant hiking on land and by sea and returned to their homeland burdened with prey. Hardly gold and silver, who accompanied the royal deceased in the afterlife, fell into their hands through a peaceful exchange. It is much more likely that it was captured in war. About the militant inclinations of the lords of Mycena testifies -

  1. first, the exceptional abundance of weapons in their tombs,
  2. secondly, images of the bloody scenes of war and the hunt, which were decorated with some of the things found in the grave,
  3. thirdly, stone steles standing on the graves themselves.

Especially interesting scene of the hunt for Lviv, depicted on one of the bronze inlaid daggers. All signs: Exceptional dynamism, expression, drawing accuracy and extraordinary carefulness - indicate that before us is the work of the best minist jewelry masters. This wonderful work of art was most likely made in the Mygeny Cretan Jeweler themselves, which clearly tried to adapt to the tastes of his new owners (the plots of such a kind are almost found in the Mina Art of Crete).

The flourishing of the Mycena Civilization

The heyday of the Mycena Civilization can be considered the XV-XIII centuries. BC. At this time, its distribution zone comes far beyond the limits of argold, where, it appears originally originally arose, covering the entire peloponnese, Middle Greece (Attika, Besotia, Fokyd), a significant part of Northern (Fessel), as well as many of the islands Aegean Sea. On the whole of this large territory there was a uniform culture, presented by little dwelling and burials from the place to the place. For the entire zone, some types of ceramics, clay cult statuettes, ivory products, etc., judging by the excavations, was a rich country with a numerous population, scattered by many small towns and settlements. Cities in their own meaning of this word as economic and political centers opposing rural districts, Mycken Greece also did not know the same way as Mina Crete.

The main centers of the Mycean culture were, as in Crete, Palaces. Most significant of them are open

  • in mycken and tyaring (argolid),
  • in Pilos (Messias, South-West Peloponnes),
  • in Athens (Attica),
  • in philas and orkhomen (beoze),
  • in the north of Greece in Iola (Fesselsal).

Features of the architecture of the Mycena Civilization in the XV-XIII centuries. BC.

The architecture of Mycene Palaces has a number of features that distinguish them from the Palaces of Mina Crete. The most important of these differences is that almost all mycken palaces have been strengthened and represented real citadel. Powerful walls of mycken citades, built from huge almost not treated stone blocks, indicate the high engineering art of the Ahasey architects.

The famous tyarification citadel can serve as a magnificent model of mycken fortification facilities. First of all, the monumental sizes of this structure are affected. Huge raw limestone blocks, reaching in certain cases of weight in 12 tons, form outer walls of the fortress, the thickness of which exceeded 4.5 m, the height only in the preserved part reached up to 7.5 m. In some places, vaulted galleries were arranged inside the walls Cases in which weapons and food reserves were kept (the wall thickness reaches 17 m here). The whole system of defensive structures tyrinthic Citadel was carefully thought out and guaranteed the defenders of the fortress from any unforeseen accidents. The approach to the main goal of the Citadel was arranged in such a way that the opponent approaching them was forced to turn to the wall, on which the defenders of the fortress, right sidel, not covered with a shield. So that the precipitated inhabitants of the Citadel did not suffer from lack of water, in the northern part of it (the so-called lower city) was arranged underground stroke, ended at about 20 meters from the fortress walls from the source enemy carefully.

Palace in Pilos

The remains of the Palace in Pilos, in the center there is a megaron. Now there is a roof over it. OK. 1700-1200 BC.

Among the actually, the well-preserved Palace of Nestor in Pilos (Western Messiah, near Navarino Bay), opened in 1939 by the American archaeologist K. Plegen, is of the most interest. With a well-known similarity with the Palaces of the Mina Crete (it is manifested mainly in the elements of the inner decoration - thickering the columns of Cretan type, in the paintings of the walls, etc.), the Pylon's Palace is dramatically different from them with its clear symmetric planning, which is absolutely not characteristic of the Minoan architecture.

The main premises of the palace are located on the same axis and form a closed rectangular complex. An extensive hall with Megaron was an integral and most important part of any Myna Palace. In the center of Megaron, a large round focus was arranged, smoke from which went through a hole in the ceiling. There were four wooden columns that supported the hall overlap. Megaron walls were painted with frescoes. In one of the corners of the hall, a large fragment of painting depicting a person playing on the Lira is preserved. Paul Megaron was decorated with multicolored geometric patterns, and in one place, about where the royal throne was to be located, a large octopus was depicted.

Megaron was the heart of the Palace: here the king of Pilos saw with his nobles and guests, official techniques and audience were arranged here. Outside to Megaron, two long corridors were adjacent. They had the doors of numerous storerooms, which found several thousand vessels for the storage and transportation of oil and other products. Judging by these finds, the Pilos Palace was a major exporter of olive oil, which already at that time was very highly appreciated in neighboring countries with Greece. Like the Cretan Palaces, Nestor Palace was built with the basic requirements of comfort and hygiene.

The building had specially equipped bathrooms, there was a water supply and sewer drain. But the most interesting find was made in a small room near the main entrance. A palace archive was kept here, who had about a thousand clay plates, written by the signs of a linear sludge letter, very similar to the one that was used in the already mentioned documents from the Palace Palace. The signs are well preserved due to the fact that they fell into the fire of the fire, from which the palace burned down. It was the first archive found in the territory of Mainland Greece.


The most interesting architectural monuments of the Myckene epoch is owned by majestic royal tips, called fat or dome tombs. Toloches are usually located near the palaces and citades, being, apparently, the place of the last calmness of the members of the reigning dynasty, as at an earlier mine graves. The largest of the Miking Tolosov is the so-called Tomb of Atreya - is in the mixes.

The tomb itself is open inside an artificial bulk curric. The inner chamber of the Tomb of the Atreya is a monumental round room with a high (about 13.5 m) dome-shaped arch. The walls and arch of the tombs are posted out of magnificently peeling stone slabs and were originally decorated with bronze gilded sockets. With the main chamber, another side chamber is connected slightly smaller sizes, rectangular in the plan and not so well trimmed. In all likelihood, it was here that the royal burial was placed, looted back in antiquity.

Socio-economic structure of mycken societies

The construction of such ambitious buildings as the tomb of the atrey or tyrinthic citadel was impossible without a wide and planned application of under-million labor. In order to cope with such a task, it was necessary, firstly, the presence of a large mass of cheap labor, and secondly, a fairly developed state apparatus, capable of organizing and directing this force to the fulfillment of the goal. Obviously, Lordsika Mycene and Tirint had an equally and to others.

Until recently, the internal structure of the Peloponnese Ahase states remained a mystery for scientists, since in solving this issue they could only rely on archaeological material mined by excavation. After M. Ventris and J. Chadwick managed to find the key to understanding the signs of a linear challenge on signs from Knos and Pilos, another important source of information appeared at the disposal of historians.

Linear letter B. The sign was found by Evans in the Palace Palace. OK. 1450-1375 BC.

As it turned out, almost all of these signs are "accounting" accounting records, which from year to year was conducted in the farm of Pilos and Palaces. These concise records enclose the most valuable historical information, allowing you to judge the economy of the palace states of the Myckene era, their social and political structure. From the tables, we learn, for example, that at this time in Greece already existed slavery and the work of slaves was widely used in various industries.

Earlier slavery

Among the documents of the Pilos archive, there are many places (lists) about the slaves engaged in the palace economy. In each such list it is indicated

  • how much are employed in the economy of women slaves,
  • what they do (Melts of grain, spinstones, seamstresses and even the glitter), are mentioned
  • how many children during them are: boys and girls (obviously, these were slave children born in captivity),
  • what kindles they get
  • the place where they work (it could be a pilon itself or one of the towns on the territory subject to him).

The number of individual groups could be significant - up to one hundred people. The total number of women-slaves and children known for the inscriptions of the Pilos archive should have been about 1,500 people.

Fresco, depicting a female figure. Acropolis Micheen. XIII century BC.

Along with the detachments, which include only women and children, in inscriptions appear and detachments consisting of only slaves of men appear in inscriptions, although they are relatively rare and numerically, as a rule, are not more than ten people in each. Obviously, women-slaves were generally more, from which it follows that slavery at the time was still at a relatively low level of development and the slave-owned production method did not have time to work out into the comprehensive economic system.

Along with ordinary slaves in Pilos inscriptions, the so-called "God's slaves and slaves" are also mentioned. They usually rent the land with small sites at the community (Damos) or private individuals, from which it can be concluded that they did not have their own land and, therefore, they were not considered full members of the community, although not, apparently, and slaves in own the meaning of this word. The term "God's slave" itself probably means that representatives of this social layer took place in service with the churches of the main gods of the Pilos kingdom and used therefore the patronage of the temple administration.

Layer of the Free Population - Peasants and Artisans

The main mass of the worker population was in the Myckens, as in Crete, free or, rather, half-baked peasants and artisans. Formally, they were not considered slaves, but the freedom was very relative in nature, since they were all in economic dependence on the palace and were raised in its favor by various duties of both labor and natural.

Two warrior on a chariot, in helmets from kaban fangs. Pilos fresco. OK. 1350 BC.

Separate districts and towns of the Pilos kingdom were required to provide a certain number of artisans and workers of a wide variety of professions at the disposal of the palace. In the inscriptions, bricklayers, tailors, potters, gunsmiths, master cases of the masters, even perfumers and doctors are mentioned. For their work, artisans received from the palace treasury in nature like officials consisting in public service. No appearance was recorded in special documents.

Among the artisans who worked on the palace, the blacksmiths occupied the special position. Usually they received the so-called thalacia from the palace, that is, the task or lesson (in the inscriptions it is especially noted how many Kuznetsov in each individual area have already received a thasticia, and how much it remains without it). A special official, obliged to observe the work of the blacksmith, granted him bronze according to the exact weight, and at the end of the work he took it from this bronze product.

ABOUT social position Kuznetsov and appealing in the tables of artisans of other specialties are known only very little. Probably, some of them were considered the "people of the Palace" and consisted of permanent service either in the palace itself, or in one of the associated shrines. Thus, some of the Pilos plates mention the "Melders" ("Lady" - the usual epithet of the supreme goddess Pyluchi Pantheon). Another category of artisans, apparently, was free communities for whom the work on the palace was only a temporary service. Craftsmen, attracted by public service, did not lose their personal freedom. They could own land and even slaves.

Land tenure system

Documents from the archive of Pilos Palace contain important information also about the land tenure system. Analysis of the texts of the tablets allows us to conclude that the entire land in the Pilos kingdom shared for two main categories:

  1. land of the palace, or state, and
  2. earth belonging to individual territorial communities.

Terracotta figurines of women. They are also called psi-statuettes, for the thickest hands in the form of a Greek letter. OK 1400-1300 BC.

State Earth, with the exception of the part of its part, which was located under the direct control of the Palace Administration, was distributed to the rights of a conditional holding, i.e., subject to the fulfillment of one or another service in favor of the palace, between the dignitaries from the number of military and priests. In turn, these holders could handle the resulting land with small sections to rent in some other persons, for example, already mentioned "God's slaves."

Approximately used the land belonging to it and the territorial (rural) community, or Damos, as it is commonly called in the signs. The main part of the community land was obviously shared on the station with approximately the same profitability. These put ones were distributed within the community itself between the components of its families. The land remained after the section, again leased. Palace scribes with the same diligence registered the sections of both the same and other categories in their signs. It follows that community lands as well as the land belonging directly to the palace were under the control of the palace administration and were exploited by it in the interests of centralized state economy.

Eastern Type Economic System

In the documents of the Knos and Pilos Archives, the palace economy of the Myckene Affairs appears before us as a powerful, widely extensive economic system, covering almost all major industries. The private farm, although, apparently, it already existed in the Myckenes states, was in the fiscal (applied) dependence on the "public sector" and played only a subordinate, minor role with it.

The state monopolized the most important sectors of handicraft production, such as blacksmithing craft, and established the strictest control over the distribution and consumption of scarce species of raw materials, primarily the metal. No kilogram of bronze, no tip of the spear or arrows could not escape from the vigilant gaze of the Palace Bureaucracy. The entire metal that was at the disposal of both the states and individuals was carefully weighed, took into account and recorded the scribes of the palace archive on clay signs.

Centralized palace or temple economy typically for the oldest class societiesexisting in the Mediterranean and the Middle East in the Bronze Epoch. With diverse options for this economic system, we are confronted in the III-II thousand BC. In the temple cities of Sumer and Syria, in Dynastic Egypt, in the Hittte Kingdom and Palaces of Mina Crete. A number of data say that in the states of the Ahase Greece, the type of economy has developed, to some extent a close economic system of the East.

Organization of public administration

Founded on the principles of strictest accounting and control of the palace economy needed for its normal functioning in a developed bureaucratic apparatus. Pilos and Knos Archives Documents show this apparatus in action, although many details of its organization remain unclear due to the extreme laconism of the texts texts.

Treasures from the tomb A, Mycenae. 1600-1100 BC.

In addition to the state of scribes who served directly in the Palace Chancellory and the archive, there are numerous fiscal officials in the signs that made tax collecting and observed over the implementation of various kinds of duties. So, from the documents of the Pilos archive, we learn that the entire territory of the Pilos Kingdom was divided into 16 of the consulting districts, at the head of which the governors of the corners were stood. Each of them was responsible for the serviceable arrival in the palace treasury from the district entrusted to him (the metal was primarily the metal: gold and bronze, as well as different kinds agricultural products).

In subordination, the Correker was the lowest rank officials who managed individual settlements, which were part of the district. In signs, they are referred to as bassies. Basilei supervised production, for example, for the work of the Kuznetsov, consisting in public service. The Koretors and Basilenes themselves were under non-primary control of the central government. The palace constantly reminded of himself a local administration, departed in all sides of the Baznikov and couriers, inspectors and auditors.

Who led the whole difficult mechanism in motion and directed it to work? Plates of the Mycene Archives give answers and on this question. At the head of the palace state there was a person called "Vanaka", which corresponds to the Greek "(c) anact", i.e. "Mr.", "Lord", "Tsar". Unfortunately, in inscriptions, nothing is said about political functions and vanak rights. Therefore, we cannot judge with confidence about what character had his power. It is clear, however, that among the ruling nobility of Vanacti occupied a special privileged position. The land owned by the king was put on a dummy (one of the documents of the Pilos archive mentions) three times the land was superior to the land of other senior officials: its yield is determined by a number of 1800 measures.

Machining soldiers. Ceramic crater. Found in mycken. OK. 1300-1100. BC.

At the disposal of the king was a numerous jelly. The signs mentioned "Tsarist Potter", "Tsarsky Sukunov", "Tsar's Armoredoy".

Among the subordinates to the king of the pilos of officials of the highest rank, one of the most prominent places occupied Lavaget, that is, the voivode or military leader. As his title himself shows, his duties included a command of the Armed Forces of the Pilos Kingdom.

In addition to Vanakta and Lavageta, other officials denoted by the terms "Test", "Ekta", "Damat", etc. The exact meaning of these terms remains is still unknown. However, it seems quite likely that this circle of the highest noble, closely connected with the palace and the component of the nearest environment of Pilos Vanake, was part of

  1. first, the priests of the main temples of the state (priestly used in Plosh, as in Crete, very great influence),
  2. secondly, the highest military ranks, first of all, the leaders of the combat chariots, which in those days were the main shock force on the battlefields.

Thus, Pilos society was a similarity of the pyramid built on a strictly hierarchical principle. The upper step in this hierarchy of the villages occupied the military and priest led by the king and the warlord, focusing in his hands the most important functions of both an economic and political nature. In direct submission, the ruling top of the Society was numerous officials who operated on the ground and in the center and together in the aggregate of the powerful apparatus of the oppression and operation of the working people of the Pilos Kingdom.

The foundations of all this pyramid, the peasants and artisans did not participate in the management of the state. There is an opinion according to which the term "Damos" (people) found in the signs of the Pilos archive indicates the national assembly representing the entire free population of the Pilos Kingdom. More likely is however, another interpretation of this term: Damos is one of the territorial communities (districts), which are part of the state (cf. Latest Athenian Demos).

Lower than they stood slaves engaged in various works in the palace economy.

Relationships of the Ahasey states and their flourishing

Relations of states inside Greece

Bronze Miknah Armor, found in Dendra (Argolid). OK. 1400 G.Do N.E.

Decryption linear letter B. I could not solve all the problems of the socio-economic and political history of the Myckene era. Many important questions are still unanswered. We do not know, for example, what kind of relations existed between individual palace states: they constituted, as some scientists think, a single Ahase power under the auspices of the king Mikten - the most powerful of all the rulers of the then Greece or was completely separate and independent existence. The latter seems more likely.

It is not by chance that, probably, almost each of the mycke palaces was surrounded by powerful defensive walls, which should reliably defend its inhabitants from a hostile external world and primarily from the nearest neighbors. The cyclopic walls of Mycene and Tirinf indicate an almost continuous hostility of these two states who divided the fertile Argos Plain among themselves.

Greek myths tell about the bloody gravestics of the Ahasey Vladyk, about the stubborn struggle for the championship, which was among themselves the rival dynasty of Central Greece and Peloponnese. In one of them, it is narrating, for example, that the seven kings of Argos went by campaign on the cutters - the richest of the cities of Beotia - and after a number of unsuccessful attempts and the death of some of them took and destroyed the city. Excavations showed that the Mycena Palace in the philas was really burned and destroyed in the XIV century. BC. Long before the other palaces and the citadel died.

Expansion of the Ahasey states to the East

Tense relations that existed between the Ahasey states throughout their almost all of their history are not excluded, however, the fact that in certain moments they could unite for any joint military enterprises. An example of such an enterprise can serve as the famous Trojan war, about which Homer narrates. If you follow "Iliade", almost all the main areas of Ahasey Greece from Fessiona in the north before Crete and Rhodes took part in the Troy campaign. The leader of all the troops was elected from the general consent of the participants in the Mikhana King Agamemenon.

It is possible that Homer exaggerated the genuine scale of the Ahase coalition and embellished the campaign itself. Nevertheless, the historical reality of this event is now almost no doubt. The Trojan War was only one, although, apparently, the most significant of the manifestations of the military and colonization expansion of the Ahetsev in Malaya Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. During the XIV-XIII centuries. BC. Numerous Ahasey settlements (they indicate large accumulations of typically mixing ceramics) appeared on the western and southern coasts of Malaya Asia, adjacent to them the islands: Rhodes and Cyprus and even on the Siro-Phoenician coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Everywhere in these places, the Greeks intercept the trading initiative from their predecessors of Middle.

Vases with a Mycena Cemetery in Argos, from the grave number 2. OK. XV century BC.

The reasons for the special interest of the Mycke States in trade with the population of Cyprus, Syria and Malaya Asia makes it possible to understand an interesting find, made under water at Cape Helidonius (the southern coast of Turkey). The remains of an ancient ship with a large cargo of bronze ingots were found here, obviously intended for one of their Ahase Palaces of Peloponnese or Central Greece. No less sensational discovery was made in 1964 in Greece itself during excavations on the site of the ancient FVAN citadel Cadmey. In one of the premises of the once-standing palace, the archaeologists found 36 stone cylinders of Babylonian origin. On 14 of them, clinp prints were discovered with the name of one of the kings of the so-called "Cassian dynasty", which ruled in Babylon in the XIV century. BC. This discovery clearly shows that during this period, the runers of the FIV - the largest mealic center in the territory of Beotic - supported close relations not only trade, but, apparently, and diplomatic with the kings of the distant Mesopotamian state.

Crete himself, as we said, was even earlier (in the XV century) colonized by the Ahetis and became the main bridgehead in their promotion east and south. Successfully combining trading classes with piracy, the Ahetis soon become a very noticeable political force in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient world. In the documents from the capital of the Hett kingdom, the state of Akhyava (probably one of the Ahasey states in the western part of Malaya Asia and the surrounding islands) is put in one row with the strongest powers of that era: Egypt, Babylon, Assyria. From these documents it is clear that the rulers of Akhiyava supported close diplomatic contacts with the Hattsk kings.

Back at the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC. The detachments of the Ahase miners who came from Crete or Peloponnese took part in the coalition raids of the so-called "nations of the sea" to Egypt. In the Egyptian inscriptions telling about these events, they are mentioned along with other tribes of the peoples of Ahail and Danauna, which can correspond to the Greek Ahava and Danaa - the usual names of the Ahetseians in Homer.

The colonial expansion of the Ahasey states also covered part of the Western Mediterranean, mainly its areas that will be mastered by the Greeks much later in the era of the Great Colonization. Excavations showed that the Mycenaean settlement existed on the spot of a later Greek city of the targent on the southern coast of Italy. Significant findings of Mycenaean ceramics were made on the island of Ischia in Naipolitan Gulf, on the Eastern Coast of Sicily, on the Liapan Islands and even in Malta.

Fall of the Mycena Civilization

At the time, when Egypt reflected the onslaught of "nations of the sea" from its borders, clouds have already been condensed over the very Ahasey Greece. The last decades of the XIII century. BC. There were times extremely disturbing and restless. In Mixes, Tirinf, Athens and other places, the old and new - reinforcements are rapidly restored. The massive cyclopic wall on East is erected (narrow alters connecting average Greece with a peloponnese) explicitly designed to protect the Mycene states in the south of the Balkan Peninsula from some danger that impended from the north.

The so-called "fresco of Tarzan" depicting the reflection of the attack of the barbarians. Pilos palace. XIII centuries. BC.

Among the frescoes of the Pilos Palace attracts the attention of one, created shortly before the death of the palace. The artist depicted a bloody battle on it, in which they participate, on the one hand, the Ahase warriors in the shells and characteristic horned helmets, on the other, are some barbarians dressed in animal skins, with long laying hair. Apparently, these dukari were the people who were so afraid and hated the inhabitants of the Mycenaean hardenid, against which they were erected by more than new and new fortifications.

Archeology shows that in the immediate vicinity of the main foci of the Mycenaean civilization in the north and north-west of the Balkan Peninsula (regions, called Macedonia and Epom), was completely different, very far from the luxury and magnificence of the Ahasey palaces. The tribes standing at a low level of development and, obviously, did not yet come out of the Rodo-tribal stage. Their culture can be judged by coarse stucco ceramics and primitive clay idols, which make up the accompanying inventory of the huge majority of burials in these areas. However, it should be noted that with all his backwardness of the Tribes of Macedonia and Epira were already familiar with the use of metal and their weapons in purely technical terms, apparently, did not infuriate the Mycenaean.

Traffic tribes and education of the Union of "Sea Peoples"

At the end of the XIII century. BC. The tribal world of the entire North-Galucan region, by virtue of some unknown reasons, came into motion. One of the results of this movement was the resettlement to the small Asia of the large group of Frigi-Thracian tribes, which previously happily in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula. With the same events in the Balkans, it is possible that the education of the Union of the "Peoples of the Sea" has already been connected, under the strikes of which at the beginning of the XII century. Palo Great Hittte Kingdom.

Gold earrings from mycken. OK. XVI in. BC. Stored in Louvre, Paris, France.

The huge mass of the barbaric tribes, which included both the peoples who spoke on various dialects of the Greek language (here include Dorian and close to it, Western-German dialects), so, apparently, the nationality of the eradic South in the rich and prosperous areas of Central Greece and Peloponnese. The route in which the invasion went, marked the traces of the ruins and fires. On his way, the aliens captured and destroyed many of the Mycene settlements. Palace Palace died in fire fire. The place itself, on which he stood, was committed to oblivion. Some modern scientists believe that in the first invasion, the end of the pile of Pilos, the Dorians did not participate at all. They came later (already in XII or even the XI century), when the resistance of the Mycke Greeks was finally broken.

Seriously suffered, although, apparently, they were not captured, the Citadel Mikten and Tirinta. The economy of the Mycke States was irreparable damage. This is evidenced by the rapid decline of crafts and trade in areas most affected by the invasion, as well as a sharp decline in population. Thus, at the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC. Mycenaean civilization suffered a terrible blow, after which she was already able to recover.

Causes of decline of civilization

Naturally, the question arises why a rather developed Myckene Civilization has fallen, which existed for several centuries as part of a early graded society. Why the Ahasey states with a well-organized military machine, considerable economic resources, high culture and prepared personnel of the administrative apparatus, failed to resist the face of scattered Horde of conquerors who did not leave the framework of the primitive tribal system. You can specify several reasons for the decline of the Mycenaean civilization.

First of all, it should be noted the inner weakness of early-grade relations in Greece II thousand BC. generally. Renaclass relations that imply the functioning more complex than primitive, relations of domination and subordination, social differentiation and the allocation of various public mess, did not penetrate deeply into the crowd of people's life, did not penetrate the public structure from top to bottom.

If the inhabitants of the Mycena Cities-Palaces were divided into several social mess and class groups, ranging from dyeing slaves to the courtestly known in the conditions of Palace Luxury, the majority of the population was generic communities and was engaged in primitive agriculture. These generic communities retained their collectivist structure and were weakly affected by social and property differentiation, although they were exposed to the inhabitants of the Mycene Palaces.

Such dualism of mycken societies - evidence of fragility in general class relations, which could be relatively easily destroyed by external conquest. Moreover, to the destruction of the Mycene Palace - isolated high culture centers, who served mainly as consumption centers and weak participation in the general organization of production, were sought by residents of generic settlements.

One of the important reasons for the fall of the Ahasey states was the depletion of domestic resources, the embezzlement of enormous material and human reserves as a result of many years of Trojan war and bloody cross-vehicles between the individual Ahase kingdoms and within the ruling dynasties. With a low level of production and the small size of the surplus product, opened from the generic communities for the maintenance of the court aristocracy, a solid bureaucratic apparatus, a military organization, was left all means. Under these conditions, additional spending on ruinous wars (including Trojan) could not but lead to overvoltage of the internal potential and its exhaustion.

Ahasey civilization with its brilliant facade was the society internally fragile. She did not increase social production so much in its development as the available resources created, fell the foundations of their well-being and power. During the XII-XII centuries started at the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC. Large movements of the tribes in the Balkans and Malaya Asia (among them there were also Dorian tribes) Mycenaans, weakened by the complex of internal deep contradictions, did not stand the onslaught of militant tribes. The rapid decay of the largest missions is due to the tribal movements, not so much by the power of northern barbarians, which is the fraud of their internal structure, the basis of which was, as we saw, the systematic exploitation of the rural population of a few closed in themselves the palace elite and its bureaucratic apparatus. It was enough to destroy the ruling top of the palace states so that all this complex building falls apart as a card house.

Destruction of the Myckee Civilization and the fate of the population

The continued course of events is largely unclear: the archaeological material available at our disposal is too much. The main part of the barbaric tribes, who participated in the invasion, apparently was not kept on the territory captured by them (a devastated country could not feed such a lot of people) and poked on the north - to its initial positions. Only small tribal groups of Dorians and their relatives of Western German nations settled in the coastal areas of Peloponnese (Argolid, Region near Istima, Aheiya, Alida, Laconia and Messias). Separate islands of mycken culture continued to exist ahead with newly founded settlements of aliens until the end of the XII century. Apparently, at this time the last of the emerging catastrophe of the end of the XIII century. The Ahasey Citadel came to the final decline and were forever abandoned their inhabitants.

Two women on the chariot. Fresco from tyaringfield. OK. 1200 BC.

In the same period, mass emigration is observed from the territory of Balkan Greece to the East - to Maly Asia and the nearby islands. In the colonization movement, they took part: on the one hand, the remaining remnants of the Ahasey population of Peloponnese, Central and Northern Greece, which are now referred to as Ionians and Aeolians, on the other - Dorian New Selers. The result of this movement was education on the west coast of Malaya Asia and on the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Rhodes, and others. A variety of new settlements, among which were the largest

  • ionian cities Millet, Ephesus, Kofon;
  • eolian Smyrna;
  • dorian Galicarnas.

Here in the Ionian and Eolian colonies a few centuries later there was a new version of Greek culture, sharply differ from the mycecan civilization previously, although there was some of its main elements.

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The civilization that pretended in mainland Greece, in its main features was the same type with a miner. Of course, she had local peculiarities characteristic of the peoples inhabited by the Balkan Peninsula. This allows you to consider Ahasey Greece in the Late Elade part of The unified civilization of the Bronze Age on the territory of the Egeida, the most brightly represented in its centers - in Crete and in the mixes.

The heyday of the Civilization of the Bronze Age in the Balkans falls at the XV-XIII centuries. BC e. - A period that is based on the discoveries in mycken in the late XIX - early XX century. They became called the Mycenaean era. However, subsequent archaeological studies have shown that the Ahase states existed throughout the Balkan Peninsol - in North, Central and South Greece. As in Crete, the central, structure-forming elements of the Society of the Bronze Age on the Balkans were palaces. In addition to Mycene and Tirint, the palaces were also in Pilos (Messias), Athens (Attica), Fouves and Orkhomen (Boeyti), Iola (Fessiona). However, on the mainland, the palaces of the Myckene era were built significantly smaller sizes than in Crete, and, moreover, they were in the center of the citadel, which was not on the island.

The most common ideas about the features of the Balkan architecture give a Mycena Palace and Citadel. The citadel in the mixes was located on the rocky hill. Its walls, erected mainly in the XIV BC, isolated from huge roughly suprained stone blocks, were 6-10 meters thick and up to 18 meters high.

The central gates, named with lion (according to their images of Lviv), were built in the XIII century. BC, during the period of maximum expansion of the fortress, when the Citadel Mikten began to occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 30 thousand square meters. At the same time, the palace remained rather modest sizes (23 x 11.5 m). The main premises of the Palace (and in this one more difference between the "continental" palaces from Cretan) was Megaron - an extensive almost square hall (13 x 11.5 m), the roof of which four columns supported in the middle of the middle. The center of Megaron was located the hearth, which was at the same time altar. Here the king, sitting on the throne, took the ambassadors, and the peers were arranged.

Tirinf serfs, located 15 kilometers from Mycene, are even more impressive. The walls of its citadel folded in the XIV-XIII centuries. BC e., in power is not inferior to Mysensky, but their builders owned more than perfect methods of the construction of defensive structures. Inside the outer fortress wall was another wall that directly defended the royal palace. In case, if the enemy tried to penetrate the fortress through the main gate, he would have to climb along the road along the fortress wall, substituting the defendant his right, not protected by a shield side. And beyond the gate, he would have hit a narrow passage, which rested in another fortified gate. In this stone bag, the enemy, which turned out to be blowing from all sides, could easily be destroyed. For the attackers, this citadel was almost impregnable, for which tyirinda was called "strong-wing". In case of a long siege in Tirinf, as well as in mycken, an underground water supply was arranged, which fed water inside the fortress. The complexity and thoughtfulness of fortification structures indicate the restless life of the Ahaseians who constantly participated in military clashes.

The well-preserved Palace in Pilos, in which, according to Homer, the Rules of the legendary old man Nestor is studied. It looks like a Mycena and Tirinf Palaces: massive outer walls from large stone blocks; propylene (pass), decorated with majestic columns; Palace courtyard; Megaron, whose walls were decorated with frescoes, and the floors were covered with ornaments and images of representatives of the sea world. Of particular interest was the two-story oriental wing of the palace with a multitude of residential premises. In the rooms on the first floor, which served as storeroom, archaeologists have discovered several thousand vessels for storing agricultural products and water tanks. The Nestor Palace was fairly called "richly decorated" and "lush." Its owner there was no lack of vessels from precious metals, in expensive furniture and rich clothes. Numerous fragments of gold and silver items and products made of precious stones found during the excavations of the palace and a number of dome tombs are evidenced about the irrelevant wealth of pylos.

But a real sensation was a discovery in one of the rooms of the palace archive containing about a thousand clay plates. Similar signs written by a linear letter B were found in Crete, where the aheitsi penetrated after the death of the Minoan civilization. Reading these tablets, which were in the main documents of a financial and administrative nature, made it possible to learn a lot about the life of the Palaces of the Mycena Epoch.

The presence of palaces and powerful fortresses indicates the existence of a civilization with developed statehood in the Late Elade of the Balkans. Although scientists do not cease to argue whether the mixes have managed to create a unified state or rulers of the Ahasey palaces for a short time to preserve their independence. Every palace turns out to be the center of a small state. Almost all representatives of the royal administration were in the palace.

The highest face in the palace, according to inscriptions, was Vanak (or AnkT) - the king of Pilos, who had the supreme power in the state. The expression of his high status was that in his property there was a dark - extensive land, which brought 1800 grain measures, and this put on the second more land plots of other noble faces. It was the highest officials that were the most major landowners. Vanaka fulfilled the judicial and priests. Only the king was obeyed by some part of officials (officials mentioned in Pilos plates were mentioned by the "royal"). In the composition of the royal administration, the scribes were also included, who led the detailed countable records of everything that owned the king and what was received to the palace. Their premises were located near Megaron, from where the king was convenient to lead their officials.

The second most important face in the state was lavaget - the governor, the leader of the tsarist troops. Like the king, he owned the land plot (but smaller in 600 grain measures), and officials called "Voevodski" were at his disposal.

Even lower in the social hierarchy, priests were faced (and priestesses), which owned areas giving 300 grain measures.

The palace was not only a ruler's residence, the center of political life of the state, but also an important economic center. The palace economy, according to the Palace Reporting, covered all industries and personified the economic progress of civilization.

The Palace Administration primarily organized the effective functioning of the palace economy. Judging by Pilos Plates, the work of slaves reduced in the detachments was widely applied. In the lists of workers, women slaves are mentioned, which Molly grain, hungry and wool tiles were occupied as a servant. The number of slaves in the detachment sometimes reached a hundred years. The lists also have boys and girls who, apparently, were slave children (moreover, soldering were mentioned, which were issued from storerooms to workers and their children). The farming also used the work of men-artisans, but usually there was no more than a dozen male slaves in the detachment.

Another important function of the royal administration was the management of communities located in the territory of the kingdom. The communities were obliged to pay the Palace "Natural" Poda Products (the amount was established at the rate of the number and quality of the Earth, which the community owned), and officials strictly controlled the volume and timeliness of the payment by communities of the established submissions. In addition to natural supplies, the attraction of free artisans for work in the palace practiced the obligatory subsidy of communities in favor of the state. (So, in the signs mentioned: "One Bricklayer did not appear," there were 10 people there and there was no 4 person, "etc.). By establishing strict accounting of raw materials, and above all the metal, the palace put control of handicraft production, and its most important industries monopolized.

The ordinary population lived outside the palace. His walls have a lower city, where the main occupation of the inhabitants was craft, trade and service of requests of the royal administration. However, the overwhelming majority of the population of the state, united in community (Damos), dwells in numerous settlements scattered through valleys and mountain slopes, and was employed in agriculture. Community relations remained very durable. Part of the land was privately owned, but the main land foundation still belonged to communities. It was cut out of it to the land, issued for the implementation of state functions, and land for rent. In the signs, this category of land was mentioned as "land derived from the people." Tsarist Temkenos also belonged to her, and lavageta, priests and other officials.

The tenants on the "land obtained from the people" or private put on landless workers were the so-called God's slaves (and slave). Without slaves in the full sense of the word, they were probably associated with the temple administration. Their small sections were given only 10-11 grain measures. Rent of community and private land was a very common phenomenon in the economy of Pilos Society. Among the officials of the state there was even a special official who followed the collection of rental payments.

By texts with plates from Pilos and Cresses, the palace economy appears as a powerful structure that controlled almost the entire economic life of society. At the heart of the effective maintenance of the palace economy and the management of the territory to the provision of territory lay strict accounting and control of all labor and raw materials, work performed and manufactured products. Private farms played a minor role and were also dependent on the palace. All this suggests that the states of the Mediterranean and the Middle East of the bronze era, the type of centralized economy, which is the basis of a palace or temple economy forces in the states of Ahasey Greece.

At the end of the XIII century. BC er, after the Trojan war, in the palace farms of the Ahase kingdoms there were signs of the economic crisis. In addition, at that time, an ethno-political situation deteriorated in the Balkans. By virtue of some unknown reasons for tribes, adjacent to the Ahasey states, moved from the north of the Balkan Peninsula south. All these nations were still at the stage of primitive-free relations. Most of them constituted the children of the Greeks tribes, who spoke on Dorian dialect. The promotion of Dorians was accompanied by robbery, destruction and fires. To protect against alien in the Ahase citadels, old fortifications are hastily repaired and new ones are being built. Although the largest fortresses (Mycenae, Tirinf and Athens) and managed to reflect the attack of Dorians, however, most palaces (and above all the Palace in Pilos) and the settlements of the Mycenaean time after destruction were no longer revived. This invasion of representatives of the primitive world marked the beginning of the death of the civilization of the Bronze Century in Greece.

Even in the established citadels, the palace economy comes in decline. In search of asylum, some Aheyans moved in the area, a little affected by the invasion of the barbarians (for example, in Attica, Elida, Ahaya), others left the Balkan Peninsula. Traces of launching after the Dorian invasion are simply amazed: the number of settlements is reduced several times, the population decreases, handicraft production comes in decline, and about monumental construction, fresco painting and writing in Greece only after a few centuries. The volume of trade is sharply reduced, and the trade exchange with the East is almost completely stopped. A long period of isolation of the Greek world begins from the Ancient Women's Civilizations.

The divided Myckee society is unable to exist in former forms. Palaces in Michena, Tirinf and Athens stood about a hundred years, but at the end of the XII century. BC e. Acroples in these cities are empty. Soon life left the rest of the citadel. Together with the death of palaces, which were the socio-economic, political and cultural basis of the civilization of the Bronze Century in the Balkans, the Mycenaean Epoch is completed

The death of the civilization of the Ahasey world was predetermined by the historical exhaustion of the development of civilization of the bronze era. The main causes of its gathering from historical arena is socio-economic. Used in the age of bronze low-performance tools of labor from copper, bone, stone and even a tree or extremely expensive from bronze limited the possibilities of improving economic and labor activity. With such primitive and non-productive tools, the economy can function effectively, only if it is based on large centralized farms, in which employees are reduced to the detachments in specialties and their work is clearly organized on the principles of cooperation and specialization. But, as historical experience shows, such a type of farm, similar to the antenna, allows you to go along the path of progress and accumulate wealth only to a certain limit. Palace farms who lived at the work of slaves and subordinate community palaces should constantly expand the staff of the managers and accordingly increase the costs of its content. This reduces the efficiency of production, and in the end the palaces turn from the production centers into consumption centers, which leads to a stagnation and crisis in the economy.

The possibilities of development of Ahasey society were very limited. Civilization in the Balkans and the Aegean Pool did not extend further the palace and nearby county. Acute contradictions existed not only between civilized society and primitive tribes, but also between the palace and subordinate to him by communities. The carriers of civilization and its cultural achievements were only aristocrats living in the palaces, and officials associated with palace economy. Therefore, civilization itself died with the death of aristocracy on the battlefields. In many ways, the prolonged Trojan War contributed to this, which required the costs of huge material and human resources. Having exhausted their historical capabilities, weakened by contradictions, the Ahasey states became easy prey for invading militant tribes.

Dorian relocation was the last major movement of peoples in the Balkan Peninsula in the history of ancient Greece. After him, the resettlement of the Greek tribes and the spread of dialects in the Aegean pool ended. In the future, the ethnic picture in this region has changed little.

At the end of the XII - in HIV. BC e. Many areas, hidden by the meters, are deprived. In the once blooming argold, traces of all seven settlements were found, in the Messiah - six, in Besotia - two. At this time, there is a maximum outflow of the population from Balkan Greece, but new territories are mastered: Small Asia, the island of the Aegean and Ionian seas. The new lands rushed from the invasion of Varvarov Ahetis. In HIV BC e. Greeks, spoken at the Ionian dialect, populate most western coast Malaya Asia and the nearest to the coast of the island: Chios, Samos, etc. This process of the mass resettlement of Ionian Greeks on the lowland coast was called Ionian colonization. The carriers of the Eoliani dialect populate the northern part of the Aegean coast of Malaya Asia and nearby islands (the largest of them - Lesbos). Doriytsey's comfortable place for settlement, capturing Peloponnese, then occupy Crete, Rhodes and the southern part of the west coast of Malaya Asia. As a result, the Greeks settled around the Aegean Sea basin.

In the new territories, communities adopted in immigrants were established. Greek society, taking a step back, returned to primitive relationships. Under these conditions, the palaces were incompatible with the new way of life and came up with historical arena. Together with the palaces turned out to be unnecessary writing and many other achievements of the Mycenaean culture. New generic settlements arose aside from the Rouins of Palands, as if commemorating this gap with a mycke society. Of the rich heritage of the Culture of the Myckene time, predominantly separate skills in the cultivation of grain, grapes and olives, most important technological techniques, guns and tools used in bridal and pottery production, forging business, in the construction of sailing ships, etc. Preserved some religious beliefs and cults, primarily associated with agricultural activities.

The previsory period includes the first evidence of the Company's movement on the new way of development. The nature of the burials changes, and with it probably the rite of the clock cult. The traditional tomb for a whole family is replaced by "boxes" graves for the burial of one person. With the spread of the rite of cremation of the deceased, funeral urns appear.

But the most important innovation after the Dorian invasion should be considered widespread use of iron. The Iron Age begins in the history of ancient Greece. The art of iron treatment has a long history. In Mycena, the iron was considered valuable metal, and the products from it were extremely rare. But in the XI century. BC e. Metal treatment was already engaged in Athens, Argolid, on Evie Island. The production of iron tools of labor, which were stronger and cheaper than bronze, besides the iron ore deposits are much more common than tin and copper deposits. Mass use Iron led to a technical coup in production. New tools of labor sharply increased productive opportunities both the entire community and a separate employee. This gave a powerful impetus for the rapid movement of an ancient Greek society on a fundamentally new way of development.

Due to the widespread use of iron and individualization of the manufacturer, the state monopoly in metallurgy, due to expensive long expeditions, was unnecessary, due to expensive long-distance expeditions to the fields of ore mining, and the cooperation of workers needed when using low-performance bronze-age labor tools.

In the X-IX centuries. BC e. Military armor and weapons began to make mainly from iron. Already in the X century. BC e. Greece becomes one of the leading manufacturers of iron products in the Eastern Mediterranean, which makes it possible to abandon the use of bronze for the manufacture of items for everyday life.

However, the process of becoming new socio-economic and political structures was long. Greek society remained even closed, isolated from advanced centers of oriental civilizations. This is evidenced by the lack of objects brought from the countries of the East. Local ceramics was rude, low quality. Only arising after 900 BC. e. Geometric style in Vasopysi indicates progress in the development of ancient Greek society. The realities of the time clearly show archaeological discoveries and texts of Homer's poems.