Social institutions in the field of culture. Psychological library

Social institutions in the field of culture. Psychological library

In a broad sense, culture is usually understood by everything that relates to the specifics of human being as a conscious creature (unlike the purely natural forces): the results of its material and spiritual activity (the culture of labor, life, leisure, communication, production and consumption, urban, rural, technical, physical, psychological, etc.). In a narrower sense, the term "culture" determines the sphere of the spiritual life of people. It is the socially psychological problems of spiritual culture, and above all artistic, considered in this paragraph.

From a socio-psychological point of view, the main elements of spiritual culture are beliefs, beliefs, ideals, values, as well as their customs, the norms of communication, activities, behavior of people who are expressed and fixed in signs, symbols, images, and primarily in the language (in written, printed, iconographic, video and audio circuits). Moreover, these elements of spiritual culture can be viewed at the universal level, the level of a society, ethnos, nation, class, at the level of other, less large-scale large groups, as well as small groups (group morality, group aesthetic taste, etc.) and Personality (individual culture). As part of a culture of a society, a variety of private, group subcultures are formed (for example, youth, national minorities, regional, etc.). Special meaning In socio-psychological terms, there is a socialization process, through which new generations join the culture of their society, the people, their group.

The origins of spiritual culture can be traced in myths, folklore, beliefs, religions of peoples. In the history of the spiritual culture of mankind, religions are occupied, which are powerful expressives of certain systems of values \u200b\u200band norms (prescriptions, rules of conduct).

Even in Russia, despite the seventy-five-year-old domination of state atheism, culture and lifestyle are permeated by the Spirit orthodox Christianity. It is enough to remember the architecture of white-named Russian temples, spiritual and secular music Bortenyansky, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, traditions of choral singing and bell tongues, icon painting and painting, great Russian literature. Orthodox motives are also present in modern Russian art (A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Astafyev, I. Lelzunov, Y. Kuznetsov, etc.), including in the works of young painters, poets, musicians. Until this day, Icons in Rustic Houses did not translate, Orthodox religious holidays are noted (especially Easter, Trinity).

If at the beginning of the XX century. In most European societies, artistic culture existed in the forms of high elite (elegant art, classical music, literature) and folk culture (Folklore, songs, dancing, fairy tales), then later due to the development of media communication (cinema, grampalis, radio, television, etc.) in the West there was a so-called mass standardized culture, which, in the end, blurred the boundaries between elitar and folk culture.

However, the concept of "mass culture" requires a clearer explanation. Content this term Claims through synonymic and concepts close to him: Holy Culture, Erzatz Culture, Pop Culture, Lumen-Culture, Entertainment Art, Commercial Art. Specific traits Mass culture: commercial success and popularity at any cost; entertainment and entertainment by any means; Operation of instincts and superstitions of people (aggressiveness, sex, fear, mysticism, etc.), the cult of hedonism and consumerism; schematization, stereotyping, simplification of all phenomena of life; Blessing, the reduction of art to the vulgar spectacle; Often the inconsistency of the content and form. All this is typically for boulevard novels, detectives, all kinds of show-spectacles, pop music, filmoboevikov, erotic magazines, etc. Gradually, especially since the late 60s - early 70s, in the West there is a fusion of mass culture with modernism (avant-garde), which complements it with such qualities as dehumanization, bringing traditional human values, rude irony and parodiism, "black humor", analogic, irronym, narcotic Suggestion, shocking and provoking the audience, which finds an expression in rock music (metal rock , punk rock, etc.), various directions of visual art (pop art, photorealism, Sotozart, etc.), in cinema (horror films, mystical fantasy, parody's films), in an alogical shocking fashion, etc. .

In our country, mass culture in the Western version began to noticeably appear about the second half of the 70s (pop music, western films, pop art, fiction, youth fashion, etc.).

If we consider the history of culture in a wide perspective, then some universal patterns can be identified. Thus, the largest Russian-American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin on the basis of an analysis of a huge historical material developed the original concept of sociocultural dynamics in the light of which throughout human history Gradually there is a repeated change of three main cultural systems: first, based on the principle of supersuality and the supervision of God as the only value and reality ( greek culture VIII-VI centuries. BC.; Medieval western European culture and etc.); secondly, outgoing from the fact that the objective reality is partially superitive (Greek culture V-IV VVD N.E.; Culture XIII-XIV centuries. in Western Europe), and, thirdly, secular, based on the principle of sensoryness of objective reality and its meaning ( western culture from the XVI century to the present day). P.Sorokin believed that in the XX century. The crisis of sensual culture and society began as a whole: "The crisis is extremely in the sense that he, like his predecessors, is marked by an extraordinary explosion of wars, revolutions, anarchy and bloodshed; social, moral, economic and intellectual chaos; revival of disgusting cruelty, temporary destruction of large and small values \u200b\u200bof humanity; poverty and suffering of millions. " However, in general, the scientist expressed an optimistic look at the history of mankind: "Fortunately, culture and civilization are infinitely stronger than the clowns of the political circus are assumed. Political, and not only political, party, groupings, factions and army come and go, and culture remains contrary to their funeral speeches. "

In the direction of the concept of P.Sorokina, what is happening in the world, and in particular Russian, culture, looks natural.

The new public political situation in our country from the second half of the 1980s, the development of democracy, publicity and pluralism has made it possible to overcome many bureaucratic and authoritarian traditions in aesthetic education and the functioning of culture and arts created during the cultural years of the personality and stagnation. Positive trends were manifested in the restoration of rights to access all world cultures, on the free development of various aesthetic approaches, artistic directions and schools (from realistic to experimental), including those associated with Russian spiritual culture, philosophy and aesthetics of the end of the XIX - early XX century. However, new conditions have brewed and new serious moral, socio-psychological and aesthetic problems In artistic culture that require their scientific understanding.

First, since the end of the 80s, a sharp decline in the values \u200b\u200bof spiritual culture among Russians began. Secondly, currently in the public aesthetic consciousness there were trends to some relativistic mosaic, to the conglomerate of folk, religious, classical, socially owned, Maskoltov and modernist aesthetics, which is caused by the transitional nature of the period experienced by the society.

At the place of authoritarian and central regulation of artistic values, genres, names, works, similar group regulation came, as a result of which private group aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(for example, certain groups of artistic intelligentsia, metropolitan youth) sometimes receive a disproportionate compared with the universal representation in public consciousness.

Thus, the expansive-entertainment trend that has grown in the years of stagnation turns into the wider cultivation of mass culture on the stage and in the theater, in music and cinema, in visual art and design (especially associated with youth fashion in clothing, accessories, emblems, etc. P.). Paradable by television and radio, video and audio recordings illustrated by Mascism magazines blurries the criteria for artistic taste, vulgarizes and, in fact, destroys it.

There are trends in dehumanization and demoralization in the content of art, which is manifested primarily in the reaction, deformation and destruction of the image of a person. In particular, it is fixed in the abundance of scenes and episodes of violence, cruelty, in strengthening their naturalistic (cinema, theater, rock music, literature, art), which contradicts traditional folk morality and has negative impact on a youth audience.

Since the late 80s, the situation in our mass art, especially in its screen species (cinema, video, television), began to change, acquiring negative character. In the movies, violence and erotic on the television screen are demonstrated, especially in connection with the distribution of cable television, which is usually going to be low-handed-friendly Western films.

From a socio-psychological point of view, there is no doubt that screen violence and aggressive erotic contribute to criminalization modern life, especially affecting children, teenagers and young people. As you know, crime among them steadily continues to grow. Not accidentally in developed western countries The public relations were created by the organization such as the international coalition of the fight against violence in entertainment events or the national coalition against television violence (USA). In Russian society, only individual spiritually sensitive and high-cultural people are opposed to such negative phenomena.

Analyzing modern mass culture, it is impossible to bypass such a kind of kind as rock music that was published (forbidden) at the official level until the end of the 80s, and later with the same irrehensibility and the binding is exceeded and idealized as a certain progressive and revolutionary phenomenon. . Of course, the rock music should not be denied as a genre, especially its varieties associated with folk traditions (Folk Rock), political and author's song. However, an objective analysis of foreign and domestic products is necessary. different areas This music (for example, the so-called "heavy metal" and punk rock are undoubtedly a countercultural aggressive-vandalist character).

Observations show that in the general trend of rock pop music becomes a dehumanized, losing the image of a person and turning it into a demonic character in a metal rock, in a robot or puppet in Breicdanse, a thing among many other things in commercial-consumer songs. Loss of humanistic content in rock music occurs and through distortion of a natural human voice with all possible wheezes and squealing, deliberately broken, mumble intonations (inadequate expression of irony), substitution male voices Women's and vice versa, as well as with the help of various electronic technical effects that engineer voice.

Psychophysiological studies of Western and domestic specialists testify to the negative effects of the impact of modern rock-pop music (especially constant overview of it) on young people similar to the impact of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. So, the American psychiatrist J. Diamond investigated different species and music genres on people. If classical and folklore music, traditional jazz And the early (dance) rock and roll provided a positive psychophysiological impact on the subjects, then hard Rock"And" Metal Rock "caused violation of the normal psycho-physiological rhythm of the body, contributed to the manifestation of aggressiveness and other negative emotions. Diamond with the help of musicians revealed in such rock music, which appeared in the second half of the 60s, a certain structural element called "Intermittent Anapestbit", which showed a disorganizing psychophysiological effect.

Music environment as a result of development modern means Mass communication acquired (at least for young people) environmental significance. Therefore, its positive or negative character has a special depth value for emotional world man, for his worldview and mood.

At the same time, the national, spiritual and classical and modern academic art (including literature), depriving state support, is becoming more elite, his audience is narrowed. As a result, a normal hierarchy of varieties, genres and art qualities is disturbed, the spirit and heart of true culture is destroyed, and the most importantly - culture of new generations.

The history of Russian literature and art really knows the periods marked with the highest takeoff and spirituality and artistic skills.

Similar periods in the development of art can be called asternally, i.e. associated with the effect of catharsis (the term Aristotle, interpreted as a certain spiritual and emotional cleansing in the process of perception of an ancient tragedy, and wider - any work of art). Allocate emotional, aesthetic and ethical aspects of catharsis.

The emotional aspect of Qatarsisis is expressed in a state of relief, liberation (including tears and laughter) from grave, gloomy experiences, in positive enlightened feelings. The aesthetic aspect of Qatarsisis is the feelings of harmony, order, beauty in their complex dialectic expression. Finally, in an ethical plan, catharsis causes humane feeling, experiences, faults, repentance, "reverence before life" (A.Shweuzer). These emotional-psychological, aesthetic and ethical characteristics are clearly traced in great artworks (remember, for example, the Trinity of A. Rublev, Requiem V. Mozart, "Crime and Punishment" F. Dostoevsky et al.), Which in the final The bill contribute to the globility and the world-views of the person of good.

In the social and psychological interpretation, catharsis acts as an intensive emotional state, uniting the real audience (theatrical, concert, etc.) or a separate person (reading a poem or story that browsing video films, etc.) in empathy with a tragic (tragocomic) hero (content ) artistic workwhich enlightens, elevates, reflects the inner world of man (his feelings, thoughts, will), reveals his universal spiritual essence. In a wide socio-psychological understanding, catharsis is overcoming loneliness and alienation, the achievement of human solidarity, a high-quality leap in the process of socialization, formation humanistic worldview, Promotion to the highest spiritual values \u200b\u200bof humanity, who carry the works of great creators.

It is clear that the state of the catharsis is not so easily achievable. The works should contain powerful suggestive impulses expressing the sincere faith and the intentions of the artist. In a real audience (at a concert, in the theater, etc.), mechanisms of mental infection and imitation, which increase the catharsic effect.

The system socio-psychological approach to the phenomenon of Qatarsis, in general, to the effects of art requires accounting not only the characteristics of the artwork, but also the personal characteristics of the artist standing at the work, as well as an audience that perceives the work (and with a more in-depth approach and all other participants in artistic communication, For example, the editor, the distributor of the work, criticism, etc.). At the same time, the problem arises, which can be called the problem of the personality compatibility of the artist (and its works) with the audience.

Separate aspects of the problem of compatibility and incompatibility of certain types of art and recipients endowed with those or otherwise psychological features, were investigated by psychologists, in particular by Aizenk and I. Shade (for example, data on different types of painting preferred by introverts and extroverts, etc.).

Artworks are not only a positive impact on people. Another pole of emotional impact is a negative state that can be called "Antikatarsis".

This state of depression, humiliation, fear or hatred, aggressiveness. In the aesthetic aspect, Antikatarsis expresses a feeling of disharmony, chaos, disgrace. In the ethical planeenctivetarcis creates antiguman feelings, alienation, immoralism, contempt for life. Such feelings and emotions are produced by many works of the modernist and Maskult art XX century. However, the survival and revival of any society and art are connected, in particular, with the cultivation of eternal universal values \u200b\u200b- truth, good and beauty, faith, hopes and love, responsibility, labor and creativity.

The word "institute" comes from Lat. Institutum, which means "establishment, institution, organization". Social institutions are an integral part social Structure, one of the main categories of sociological analysis of the society, under which the network of ordered and interdependent relations usually understand between various elements of the social system, which fixes the organization and functioning peculiar to this society. The concept of a social institution is borrowed by cultural studies from sociology and jurisprudence and largely preserves the semantic color associated with the norms of regulatory activities of a person and society, but it has acquired a significantly broader interpretation, which allows to approach the cultural phenomena by their public institution.

The concept of socialInstitutional aspect of functioning institutesociety is the traditional area of \u200b\u200binte- culturerESOV Public and Scientific and Humanitarian Cape Lee. The largest workshop of the category of social institutions received in sociology. Among the predecessors of the modern understanding of social institutions in general and social institutions of culture in particular, O. Kont, G. Spencer, M. Weber and E. Durkheim should be called. In modern scientific literature, both foreign and domestic, there is a fairly wide range of versions and approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "social institutions", which does not allow to give a rigid and unambiguous definition of this category. One

some key points present in most sociological definitions of the social institution can still be denoted.

Most often, under the social institution is understood as some more or less sustainable complex of formal and informal rules, principles, installations governing various spheres of human activity and organize them into a single system. With the help of the category under consideration, some common community performing certain roles organized through social norms and goals. As often, speaking of social institutions, mean a system of institutions, through which one or another aspect of human activity is legalized, is ordered, preserved and reproduced in society, where certain people are powers to perform certain functions.

In the broadest sense of the word under social institutions, specific sociocultural education should be understood, ensuring the relative sustainability of relations and relations within the social organization of society, some of the historically determined methods of organization, regulation and projecting of various forms of public, including cultural, activities. Social institutions arose during the development of human society, public division of labor, the formation of individual species and forms of public relations. At the Social Institute, culture, in fact, "objectivated" is determined; It receives the corresponding social status of one or another aspect of cultural activities, its nature is enshrined, the methods of its functioning and reproduction are regulated.

Society is very complex system Sociocultural institutionalized formations as a current combination of economic, political, legal, moral, and aesthetic, ritual, etc. relations. From the point of view of sociology to the most fundamental social institutions present in most, if not in all, sociocultural formations, property, state, family, production cells of society, science, system of communicative means (acting and inside, and out of society) should be attributed to and education, right, etc. Thanks to them, the social mechanism is functioning, the processes of inculturation and socialization of individuals are carried out, the continuity of generations is ensured, skills, values \u200b\u200band norms of social behavior are transmitted.

To the most common signs of the Sociocultural Instituteyou can attribute the following:

    selection in the society of a certain circle of "cultural objects", awareness of the need for their separation and regulated circulation across the entire community;

    the selection of the circle of "cultural entities", entering the process of cultural activities into specific relations, due to the nature of the cultural object; giving the activities of the subjects of a regulated and more or less sustainable nature;

    the organization and subjects of culture, and its objects in a certain formalized system, inside the status-distilled, as well as possessing a certain status on the scale of the entire public organization;

    the existence of specific standards and regulations regulating both the circulation of cultural facilities in society and the behavior of people within the Institute;

    the presence of socio-cultural and significant functions of the institute that integrate it into the general system of socio-cultural functioning and in turn ensuring its participation in the process of integrating the latter.

The listed features are not strictly regulatory and not always manifest themselves clearly in certain sociocultural institutions. One of them is primarily formal and under strict supervision of state-political instances (such as, for example, as state institutions Cultures), signs can be recorded clearly and in full. Others, informal (in informal associations of artists, private museums and collections, personal archives, etc.), or only the way, is less distinct. In general, these signs serve as a convenient tool for analyzing and describing the process of institutionalization of socio-cultural formations of various orders. In the study of a specific social institution, special attention should be paid to functional and regulatory aspects. The implementation of certain functions is ensured by a holistic and developed system of standardized formation forms, distinctly afflicted by the value-regulatory structure of the Social Institute of Culture.

The structure of social institutions may vary depending on the type and form of specific cultural activities. We will specify the most common structural elements present at any social institution of culture: more or less conscious both inside the institute and widely sociocultural

context purpose and scope of the Institute; functions provided for achieving the designated goal; Regulatoryly determined cultural roles and the statuses presented in the structure of the Institute; A set of means legalized to achieve the claimed goal and the implementation of functions, including the appropriate repertoire of material, symbolic, technological, power-polytic, etc. sanctions.

Institutionalization process The formation of the relevant social institution of culture varies depending on the era and nature of culture. It is impossible to offer a single scenario, but any kind of cultural activity is undergoing several of the most important stages in the formation of the institute. Before the Social Cultural Institute arose as an independent and distinguished in the general system of social demarcation of the structure, the need for cultural activities should be well aware in culture. Not always, people went to exhibitions, in theaters, conducted their leisure at stadiums and on discos. The institutes did not exist and corresponding to these needs. Whole epochs did not know either archives nor concert hallsnor museums or universities. Some needs in the development process arose, were drawn out as socially significant, others, on the contrary, died. If today for most Russians is clear the absence of a desire to visit the weekly temple, then a hundred and a half years ago, this was unthinkable. In the process of the emergence of needs, it is necessary that the goals are somehow formulated. For example, what is needed to go to museums, in restaurants, to stadiums, in theaters, attend terms? Objectives should also become socially weighty.

The process of institutionalization is inseparable from the emergence of special standards and rules that initially can be natural, chaotic, bringing not so much beneficial as harm this kind cultural activity. As a result of such a "inorganized" cultural interaction, special procedures, norms, regulations, rules, etc. are gradually emerging in the form of a social cultural institution, designed to record the most optimal ways to organize this form of cultural activities. However, any establishment needs and in sanctions to maintain accepted regulations. Otherwise, the Institute will not be able to function, implement in the permissible limits of the task for him by the cultural community.

Finally, the education of the Social Institute ends with the creation of the status and roles, the development of standards, oh

completing all aspects of cultural activities without exception. The final of the institutionalization process can be considered to be the creation in accordance with the norms and rules of a fairly clear status-role structure, a socially adhered by a majority or at least the power-politically supported. Without institutionalization, without social institutions, no modern culture can exist.

Social institutions of culture perform a number in society functions. The most important include the following:

    regulation of the activities of members of the Company within the framework of the most prescribed social relations. Cultural activity is regulated, and it is due to the social institutions "produced" the relevant regulatory regulations. Each institution has a system of rules and norms that enshrine and standardize cultural interaction that make it predictable, and communicatively possible; appropriate sociocultural control ensures the order and framework in which the cultural activities of each individual individual flows;

    creating opportunities for cultural activities of a particular nature. In order to specific cultural projects could be implemented within the community, it is necessary that the relevant conditions have been created - social institutions are directly involved;

    inultation and socialization of individuals. Social institutions are designed to ensure the possibility of entering the culture, adoptive to its values, standards and regulations, to teach crowded cultural behavioral models, as well as to acquire a person to symbolic order;

    ensuring cultural integration, sustainability of the entire sociocultural organism. This function provides the process of interaction, interdependence and the interest of the members of the social group that occur under the influence of institutional regulations. The integitivity carried out through institutions is necessary for coordinating activities inside and outside the sociocultural ensemble, it is one of the conditions for its survival;

    providing and establishing communications. Communicative capabilities of social institutions of the culture of unequal: Some are specifically designed to transmit information (for example, modern media), others have very limited opportunities for this or first of all

the edge is designed to perform other functions (for example, archives, political organizations, educational institutions);

    conservation of cultural and significant regulations, phenomena, forms of cultural activities, their preservation and reproduction. Culture could not develop if it were not possible to store and transfer the accumulated experience - thereby ensuring continuity in the development of cultural traditions.

The concept of the socio-cultural institution. Regulatory and institutional socio cultural institutions. Socio-cultural institutions as a community and social organization. The founding of the typology of social and cultural institutions (functions, form of ownership, serviced contingent, economic status, scale level).


Socio-cultural institutions - One of the key concepts of socio-cultural activities (CCD). Socially-cultural institutions have a certain focus of their social practice and social relations, a characteristic mutually agreed system of suitable oriented standards of activity, communication and behavior. Their emergence and grouping in the system depend on the content of the tasks solved by each separately taken by the Social and Cultural Institute.

Social institutions are historically established sustainable forms of organization joint activity people designed to ensure reliability, the regularity of satisfaction of the needs of the personality, various social groups, society as a whole. Education, upbringing, enlightenment, art life, scientific practice and many other cultural processes are activities and cultural forms with the relevant social economic and other mechanisms, institutions, organizations.

From the point of view of the functional target direction, two levels of understanding the essence of socio-cultural institutions are distinguished.

First level - normative. In this case, the Social and Cultural Institute is considered as historically established in society a set of certain cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic, leisure and other rules, customs, traditions uniting around any basic, main Goal, values, needs.

The social and cultural institutions of the regulatory type include the Institute of Family, language, religion, education, folklore, science, literature, art and other institutions.

Their functions:

socializing (Socialization of the child, adolescent, adult),

orienting (approval of imperative universal values \u200b\u200bthrough special codes and ethics of behavior),

authorizing (social regulation of behavior and protection of certain norms and values \u200b\u200bon the basis of legal and administrative acts, rules and regulations),

ceremonial-situational (regulation of the procedure and methods of mutual behavior, transmission and exchange of information, greetings, appeals, regulation of meetings, meetings, conferences, activities of associations, etc.).

Second level - institutional. The socio-cultural institutions of the institutional type include a numerous network of services, multiple structures and organizations, directly or indirectly involved in the socio-cultural sphere and possessing a specific administrative, social status and a certain public appointment in their industry, this group includes directly cultural institutions, education , arts, leisure, sports (socio-cultural, leisure service of the population); industrial enterprises and organizations (material and technical support of the socio-cultural sphere); administrative and management bodies and structures in the field of culture, including legislative bodies and executive power; Research and scientific and methodological institutions of the industry.

So, state and municipal (local), regional authorities occupy one of the leading places in the structure of socio-cultural institutions. They act as authorized subjects of developing and implementing national and regional socio-cultural policies, effective programs for the socio-cultural development of individual republics, edges and regions.

Any social and cultural institution should be considered from both sides - external (status) and internal (meaningful).

With an external (status) point of view, each such institution is characterized as a subject of socio-cultural activities, which has a set of regulatory, personnel, financial, material resources necessary to fulfill the functions intended to him by society.

With an internal (meaningful) point of view, the Social and Cultural Institute is a set of advisable oriented standard samples of activities, communication and behavior of specific persons in specific socio-cultural situations.

Socio-cultural institutions have various forms of internal gradation.

Some of them are officially established and organizationally decorated (for example, system general Education, special system, vocational education, a network of club, library and other cultural and leisure institutions), have public importance and perform their functions across the entire society, in a wide socio-cultural context.

Others are not established specifically, but develop gradually in the process of long joint socio-cultural activity, often the whole component historical era. These, for example, include numerous informal associations and leisure communities, traditional holidays, rituals, rituals and other peculiar socio-cultural stereotypical forms. They voluntarily elected by those or other socio-cultural groups: children, teenagers, young people, inhabitants of the neighborhood, students, military, etc.

In the theory and practice of the CCD often used many grounds for the typology of social and cultural institutions:

1. according to the serving contingent of the population:

a. mass consumer (publicly available);

b. Separate social groups (specialized);

c. Children, Youth (Children's and Youth);

2. according to property forms:

a. state;

b. public;

c. joint stock;

d. private;

3. by economic status :

a. non-commercial;

b. semi-commercial;

c. commercial;

4. skipping and audience coverage:

a. international;

b. national (federal);

c. regional;

d. Local (local).

Key concepts: education and culture; Sociology of education; Economic, social, cultural functions of education; education levels; Features of education in different countries; modern theories education; spiritual culture, her form; Cultural transmission.

Education- This is a complex and long-term process of mastering people theoretical knowledge and practical experienceaccumulated in society. Knowledge and experience is transmitted through social institute of Educationwhich includes a combination of institutions that meet specialists, norms and rules, learning methods and a lot of other, without which the education system cannot function in modern society.

Culture (from lat.cultura: cultivation, processing) is created material and spiritual people values and Norma . In sociological analysis, the concept of "culture" is usually limited spiritual Activity, that is, is considered in a narrower sense of the word. The subject of sociology, in this case, is the process of assimilation of spiritual norms and values, as well as their use in everyday life.

Functions and levels of education

Maintenance Functions education can be divided into three main groups: economic, social and cultural. Education functions can act as an independent subject of sociological research.

1. Economic Education functions are associated:

firstly, with the formation of the socio-professional structure of labor collectives;

secondly, with the preparation and improvement of the qualifications of workers needed in the field of material production.

2 . Social Functions of education can be considered:

firstly, As a condition for the reproduction and development of the social structure of society as a whole (to become a doctor, scientist, a teacher, a member of other social systems, it is possible only through the Institute of Education);

secondly, as a means of social movements (for example, a working, who graduated from the university, goes into the layer of intelligentsia)

3. Cultural The functions of education are due to:

firstly, preservation and transfer of results (achievements) of education for the formation of personality, the development of its creative activity (knowledge, social norms, spiritual values);

secondly, The requirements of the socialization of the individual (as elements of education) are associated with the assimilation of the values \u200b\u200brequired by the Company and the norms that are necessary to fulfill the relevant social roles.

Education As a complex and dynamic system (Social Institute), you can explore different levels Functioning of modern society.

On the macroevna (society in general and large social groups), this is:

1) study of the possibilities of increasing the intellectual potential of society as a whole, individual social groups and layers;

2) study of the process of labor intellectualization in connection with the acceleration of the scientific and technical process;

On the micro level (The level of small social groups and typologic personalities) is investigated:

1) Change (increase or decline) of the intellectual level of entities of education (students, schoolchildren, teachers, etc.);

2) liberation of participants in the process of education from stereotypical, routine (cavity) activities;

3) Creating favorable conditions for self-development (self-realization) of subjects of education.

Education as a structurally complex social system, has different, usually following each other levels Acquisition of individuals to scientific knowledge and practical experience:

1) preschooleducation is provided in family and preschool institutions;

2) schooleducation - organize secondary schools with family support;

3) professional technical education is designed to prepare qualified workers for various sectors of the economy;

4) specialized secondary Education provides training for specialists and low-level management personnel;

5) highereducation is associated with the comprehensive training of highly qualified workers and future managers of all levels;

6) retraining and training specialists, takes into account the constantly developing needs of social labor;

7) certification Scientific personnel - reproduces the scientific elite of society, improves its qualitative composition.

Various levels of education in the end solve the same major education task: provide reproduction and optimization socio-professional structure of labor collectives in accordance with the changing needs of society.

These problems are mainly and engaged Sociology of education. Odanalizes the education system generally , study individual Elements (links) of education, identify a number of problems in their functioning, for solving sociological approaches. Among them can be, for example:

1) study of both the objective characteristics of the education system and subjective factors (estimates, positions, guidelines, interests about the interaction and operation of the elements of this system);

2) analysis of the content and methods of manifestation of contradictions in a modern system of education caused by the non-ordinance of its main elements;

3) identifying the nature of the relationship between education as a learning of knowledge and education as an introduction to culture (upbringing).

The subject of sociology of education can be any problems associated with learning people with new knowledge and skills.

Features of education in other countries

The results of the study of the domestic education system are desirable to compare with the experience of improving the education system in other countries.

For example, V. France Education is extremely bureaucratic. Schoolchildren learn from a unified national program and share uniform exams. Higher education (as well as primary and secondary) is under centralized state control. The whole education system is subordinated to the Ministry of Higher Education. Students receive a scholarship that can be appointed by a university or state. State (national) scholarship is considered more prestigious. Teachers and teachers of schools and colleges of France are civil servants using relevant privileges.

The least centralized education system in USA . Here, school financing is carried out at the expense of three sources:

but) from the state budget where the school is 40%;

b) from the budget of the federal government - 10%;

in) At the expense of local taxes - 50%.

In the US, 54% of universities and colleges are private. Among them are Harvard, Princeton and other universities. However, the difference between the private and state education system in the United States is not so pronounced, as in other countries.

IN UK Act "On Education" In 1944, a free secondary education was introduced, mandatory for all. Children must study at elementary school before II, and from the II to 15 years old - in the middle. In addition, there are also the so-called grammatical / secondary / schools for more gifted children, where come after the end of the elementary school and the successful delivery of special exams. In grammatical schools are trained to I2 years. In 1964. new law Education proclaimed the slogan: "Grammar schools - for all." Conventional schools have become everywhere in grammatical. In developed industrial countries, along with public schools, private schools are valid; and colleges. This experience began to practice and with us.

In the UK, the education system is less centralized than in France, but more than in the United States. British universities and colleges are funded by the government. Universities - about 80, colleges - more than 400. The higher education system has two levels:

1) education after the end of the university (highest level);

2) education after graduation college (more low level).

The diploma received in any University of British is officially equivalent. However, in reality, the end of the Cambridge or Oxford University gives more opportunities to take a high social situation.

Sociological theories of education

In sociology, various theories of modern education are known. They often consider education in connection with social inequality.

for example , Basil Bernstein It came to the conclusion that children from different: social layers have different language codes. Speech of children from the lower social layers is associated with so vial limited codes. This is a type of speech, which includes ferrous language expressions that limit the possibilities in the development of culture and education of immigrants from representatives of the lowest classes of society. The language of children from rich families consists of sophisticated codes. The meaning of words here has an individual meaning and is suitable for describing various situations, to express more generalized and abstract ideas.

Schoolchildren from the lower classes, according to Bernstein, are distinguished by lower performance:

firstlyThese children do not receive sufficient information in the family about the events occurring in the world;

secondly, they have difficulty talking in language, too for them abstract when studying school subjects;

thirdMuch of what the teacher says is not available for their understanding. These children need to "translate" the language of the teacher to the language of everyday communication adopted in the families of these children;

fourthThey find it difficult to draw conclusions, to generalize, perceive abstract images; Their thinking is formed more substantive.

Pierre Bordier - Concept author "Cultural reproduction" - believes that children who graduated from school have far from equal opportunities. Children from the lower layers arise cultural conflicts with others. Often the style of their speech, manners lead a conversation differ from communication in that cultural mediumWhere they fall after graduating from school or university.

Paul Willis Also concluded that children from the lower classes families or representatives of national minorities are often less educated. But he sees the reason for this phenomenon in the fact that their teachers constantly inspired them that they were mental capacity Limited, and, therefore, very limited and prospects for the future career. However, this, considers Willis, does not correspond to life and experience. "The wisdom of the street" not only does not reduce the success of children at school, but also forms certain, practically useful skills and abilities, thanks to which the outres from the lower layers have the opportunity to seek high position in society. Only a very small number of children, after graduation, they are able to "only sort out the boxes in the factory."

However, people who have the same education still differ in terms of intelligence. What is intelligence? It is difficult to give an unambiguous definition. Discussions about this are currently being conducted.

It can be assumed, that intelligence - This is the ability of a person to abstract thinking, to solving tasks similar to mathematical. (In the cage tests and in other tests "on intelligence", it was just such an approach to the concept of "intelligence", which is usually identified with the concept of "mind"). However, it is known that people who have good abilities to abstract mathematical activities, at the same time turn out to be completely mediocre in other areas (for example, in art or management).

It is known that children have different intellectual abilities (in any meaning of this concept), differentiated training systems are needed. An experiment conducted in the 60s in Southern California showed that white Americans are more inclined to professions in the field of industry, and schoolchildren, for example, Mexican origin - to agricultural work. Academic sciences with great interest are studying white children, while Mexicans are prone to improving their physical abilities, believing that it is more likely to be useful when harvesting.

In any case, the problems of education deserve that they are studied by sociologists, both in the West and in our country. Reforms in the field of education that we talked so much in the past years and continue to discuss them at the present time, open certain prospects in improving the education system in our country. Their spread of society should be under the control of sociological science.

Also an important task, as a subject of research in the framework of the sociology of education, is the rethinking of the traditional and development of a new concept of education, as well as permission from private contradictions to improve the educational process.

The development and introduction of new forms and methods of training and educating the younger generation follows from the needs of society in highly educated members. They should be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of scientific and technological progress and possible surprises in the market economy.

The role of spiritual culture in identification socialization

Spiritual culture -this is a combination of historically established, relatively sustainable beliefs, views, assessments, models of human behavior. In other words, it is fixed in customs, traditions, norms and rules social experience . This is the level of people's ideas about public life.

Spiritual culture does not have material content. It is only indirectly associated with material carriers.

Carriers spiritual culture is, first of all, concrete personality , small or big social groups , as well as social organizations and social institutions . An important role in the preservation and distribution of spiritually culture is carried out by the media.

In the process of socialization, you can allocate the main functions Spiritual Culture:

1) informative, is associated with the learning of knowledge, ideas about society;

2) regulatory behavioraldetermines whether the joint activity is permitted or unauthorized in the process.

3) emotional-valued, implies approving or condemning assessments, feelings, experiences about the problems of social life.

Spiritual culture, depending on the carrier, can be divided into three forms :

1) nationalculture is folklore (fairy tales, songs, legends), works of art created by non-professional authors;

2) elite Culture - includes academic (classical) music, fiction, elegant art;

3) massculture - originated in the twentieth century, together with the development of mass communications, creating conditions for the perception of cultural values \u200b\u200bwith the tremendous masses of the population.

Considering the culture from the standpoint of its content and features of development, you can allocate two most important characteristics :

1) cultural Statistics - related to the internal structure culture as a holistic phenomenon consisting of individual elements;

2) Cultural dynamics -suggests change which occur with the culture during its distribution in space (increasing the number of media) and time (duration of existence).

Culture, according to its structural components, is characterized by a rich manifold. It includes various norma and values which, in turn, are expressed through customs , traditions, rituals . An important place in the content of culture is occupied etiquette and language . All listed components of spiritual culture participate in the socialization of the personality, are used in a targeted educational process.

Norma - These are certain principles of morality or law that people must do during their lives. The norms reflect the permitted and unauthorized in social life.

Values - These are created abstract ideals created by separate social groups. These are moral and aesthetic guidelines in human activity. In a broader sense, these phenomena and objects of real reality in terms of their compliance or inconsistency of society, social groups and individuals.

Customs - Cultural habits supported by public opinion.

Traditions - inherited new generations of behavior

Rituals - Collective actions supporting traditions.

Etiquette - A combination of rules of behavior.

Language - A set of signs, symbols used by members of society for communication.

Cultural norms and values \u200b\u200bchange with the change of types of cultures within specific regions. So, in Western Europe, the murder of a newborn is a crime. In China, it was allowed if the family is not able to feed it. In the West, cats and dogs do not eat, and in some countries it is a delicacy. In other words, various types of cultures are associated with the cultural differences of different types of society.

The so-called culture is allocated in the functioning of the culture. toultyny Transmissionas the process of transmission (broadcast) of culture from the older generation, a new one coming to replace him. In other words, due to the transmission of culture, it is provided continuity , the important condition for the socialization of representatives of the future society associated with the transfer of collective experience.

In the process of cultural transmission, part of the accumulated experience is lost. However, new types and forms of behavior appear. In the aggregate, this process is modified, gradually becomes completely different in content. There is a progressive development of spiritual culture, changing the direction of socialization of the individual.

Control questions and practical tasks

1. What is "education" as a social institution?

2. How do concepts relate: "education" and "culture"? Give examples characterizing this connection.

3. Education functions:

3.1. Name the economic functions of education.

3.2. List the main social functions of education.

3.3. Specify the cultural functions of education.

4. What are the most important problems that are more often exploring the sociology of education?

5. What levels of education have developed in modern society?

6. Compare the features of the Institute of Education in our country with the Western Education System.

7. Give examples of theoretical concepts of education in modern sociology.

8 . Is it possible to say that education is an attraction for culture?

9 . What role is a spiritual culture playing in socialization of personality?

10 . Who or what acts as a carrier of spiritual culture?

11 . Functions of spiritual culture.

12 . The main forms of spiritual culture.

13 . Concepts "Cultural Static" and "Cultural Dynamics".

14 . What role in the sociocultural life of people play customs, traditions, rites, etiquette, language?

15 . What is a cultural transmission and how does it affect the continuity of culture?

In a broad sense under cultureit is usually understood that everything belongs to the specifics of the human being as a conscious creature (unlike the purely natural forces): the results of its material and spiritual activity (the culture of labor, life, leisure, communication, production and consumption, urban, rural, technical, physical , psychological, etc.). In a narrower sense, the term "culture" determines the sphere of the spiritual life of people. It is the socio-psychological problems of spiritual culture that is primarily artistic, considered in this paragraph.

From a socio-psychological point of view the main elements spiritual culturebelievers, beliefs, ideals, values, as well as the corresponding customs, norms of communication, activities, behavior of people who are expressed and fixed in signs, symbols, images, and primarily in the language (in written, printed, iconographic, video and audio channels -the). Moreover, these elements of spiritual culture can be viewed at the universal level, the level of a society, ethnos, nation, class, at the level of other, less large-scale large groups, as well as small groups (group morality, group aesthetic taste, etc.) and Personality (individual culture). As part of a culture of a society, a variety of private, group subcultures are formed (for example, youth, national minorities, regional, etc.). Socialization is particularly important in socio-psychological terms, through which new generations are involved in the culture of their society, the people, their group.

The origins of spiritual culture can be traced in myths, folklore, beliefs, religions of peoples. In the history of the spiritual culture of mankind, religions are occupied, which are powerful expressives of certain systems of values \u200b\u200band norms (prescriptions, rules of conduct).

Even in Russia, despite the seventy-five-year-old domination of state atheism, culture and lifestyle permeated with the spirit of Orthodox Christianity. It is enough to remember the architecture of the white-named Russian temples, the spiritual and secular music of Borttyansky, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, the tradition of choral singing and bell tongues, and painting,

great Russian literature. Orthodox motives are present in modern Russian art (A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Astafyev, I. Glazunov, Y. Kuznetsov, etc.), including in the works of young painters, poets, musicians. Until this day, Icons in Rustic Houses did not translate, Orthodox religious holidays are noted (especially Easter, Trinity).

If at the beginning of the XX century. In most European societies, artistic culture existed in the forms of high elite (elegant art, classical music, literature) and folk culture (folklore, songs, dancing, fairy tales), then later due to the development of media communication (cinema, grampalis, radio, television etc.) in the West there was a so-called mass standardized culture,which in the end, blurred the boundaries between the elitar and folk culture.

However, the concept of "mass culture" requires a clearer explanation. The content of this term is clarified through synonymic and concepts close to it: semi-cougium, erzatz culture, pop culture, lipen-culture, entertainment art, commercial art. Characteristic traits of mass culture: commercial success and popularity at any cost; entertainment and entertainment by any means; Operation of instincts and superstitions of people (aggressiveness, sex, fear, mysticism, etc.); cult of hedonism and consumerism; schematization, stereotype, simplification of all phenomena of life; Blessing, the reduction of art to the vulgar spectacle; Often the inconsistency of the content and form. All this is typically for boulevard novels, detectives, all kinds of show-spectacles, pop music, filmoboevikov, erotic magazines, etc.

Gradually, especially since the late 60s - early 70s, in the West there is a fusion of mass culture with modernism (avant-garde), which complements its qualities such as dehumanization, the addition of traditional human values, rude irony and parody, "Black humor" , alogic, irreality, narcotic Suggestion, shocking and provoking the audience, which finds an expression in rock music (metal rock, punk rock, etc.), various directions of fine art (pop art, photorealism, social art and others .), In cinema (horror films, mystical fantasy, parody's films), in an alogical shocking fashion, etc.

In our country, mass culture in the Western version began to noticeably appear about the second half of the 70s (pop music, western films, pop art, fiction, youth fashion, etc.).

If we consider the history of culture in a wide perspective, then some universal patterns can be identified. So, the largest Russian-American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin on

the basis of the analysis of a huge historical material has developed the original concept of sociocultural dynamics, in the light of which, throughout human history, the repeated change of three main cultural systems are gradually happening: first,based on the principle of supersaturation and super-mindedness of God as the only value and reality (Greek culture of the VIII-VI centuries. BC.; Medieval Western European culture, etc.); secondly,outgoing from the fact that the objective reality is partially superitive (Greek culture of V-IV centuries BC; culture of the XIII-XIV centuries in Western Europe), and, third,secular, based on the principle of sensoryness of objective reality and its meaning (Western culture from the XVI century. to the present day). P. Sorokin believed that in the XX century. The crisis of sensual culture and society began as a whole: "The crisis is extremely in the sense that he, like his predecessors, is marked by an extraordinary explosion of wars, revolutions, anarchy and bloodshed; social, moral, economic and intellectual chaos; revival of disgusting cruelty, temporary destruction of large and small values \u200b\u200bof humanity; poverty and suffering of millions. " However, in general, the scientist expressed an optimistic look at the history of mankind: "Fortunately, culture and civilization are infinitely stronger than the clowns of the political circus are assumed. Political, and not only political, party, groupings, factions and army come and go, and culture remains contrary to their funeral speeches. "

In the direction of the concept of P.Sorokina, what is happening in the world, and in particular Russian, culture, looks natural.

The new public political situation, which established in our country from the second half of the 1980s, the development of democracy, publicity and pluralism, made it possible to overcome many bureaucratic and authoritarian traditions in the aesthetic education and functioning of culture and art created during the cultural years of personality and stagnation. Positive trends were manifested in restoring the rights to access to all world culture, on the free development of various aesthetic approaches, artistic directions and schools (from realistic to experimental), including those related to Russian spiritual culture, philosophy and aesthetics of the end of the XIX - early XX century.

However, new conditions have given rise to new serious moral, socio-psychological and aesthetic problems in artistic culture that require their scientific understanding.

First, since the end of the 80s, a sharp decline in the values \u200b\u200bof spiritual culture among Russians began. Secondly, at present, in the public aesthetic consciousness, the ten-

denation to some relativistic mosaic, to the conglomerate of folk, religious, classical, socially owned, Maskul-Tovskaya and modernist aesthetics, which is caused by the transitional character of the period experienced by the society.

At the place of authoritarian and centralized regulation of artistic values, genres, names, similar group regulations, as a result of which private-group aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(for example, certain groups of artistic intelligentsia, metropolitan youth) are sometimes discriminated compared with the universal representation in public consciousness.

Thus, the expansive-entertainment trend that has grown in the years of stagnation turns into the wider cultivation of mass culture on the stage and in the theater, in music and cinema, in visual art and design (especially associated with youth fashion in clothing, accessories, emblems, etc. P.). Paradable by television and radio, video and audio recordings illustrated by Mascism magazines blurries the criteria for artistic taste, vulgarizes and, in fact, destroys it.

There are trends in dehumanization and demoralization in the content of art, which is manifested primarily in the reaction, deformation and destruction of the image of a person. In particular, it is fixed in the abundance of scenes and episodes of violence, cruelty, in strengthening their naturalism (cinema, theater, rock music, literature, visual art), which contradicts traditional folk morality and has a negative impact on the youth audience.

Since the late 80s, the situation in our mass art, especially in its screen species (cinema, video, television), began to change, acquiring negative character. In the movies, violence and erotic on the television screen are demonstrated, especially in connection with the distribution of cable television, which is usually going to be low-handed-friendly Western films.

From a socio-psychological point of view, it is no doubt that screen violence and aggressive erotic contribute to the criminalization of modern life, especially affecting children, adolescents and young people. As you know, crime among them steadily continues to grow. It was not by chance that in developed Western countries with the public, organizations such as the international coalition of the fight against violence in entertainment events or the national coalition against television violence (USA). In Russian society, only individual spiritually sensitive and high-cultural people are opposed to such negative phenomena.

Analyzing modern mass culture, it is impossible to bypass such a kind of kind as rock music that

it was taboo (forbanged) at the official level until the end of the 80s, and later with the same irrehensibility and the bias are obsessed and idealized as a certain progressive and revolutionary phenomenon. Of course, the rock music should not be denied as a genre, especially its varieties associated with folk traditions (Folk Rock), political and author's song. However, an objective analysis of foreign and domestic products of various directions of this music is needed (for example, the so-called "heavy metal" and punk rock are undoubtedly a countercultural aggressive-vandalist character).

Observations show that in the general trend of rock pop music becomes a dehumanized, losing the image of a person and turning it into a demonic character in a metal rock, in a robot or puppet in Breicdanse, a thing among many other things in commercial-consumer songs. The loss of humanistic content in rock music occurs and through the distortion of a natural human voice with all sorts of wheezing and squealing, deliberately broken, mumble intonations (inadequate expression of irony), change of men's voices with both various electronic technical effects, and voice-based votes.

Psychophysiological studies of Western and domestic specialists testify to the negative effects of the impact of modern rock-pop music (especially constant overview of it) on young people similar to the impact of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. So, the American psychiatrist J. Diamond investigated the influence of various types of music and genres of music. If classical and folklore music, traditional jazz and early (dance) rock and roll provided a positive psychophysiological impact on the subjects, then the "heavy rock" and "metal rock" caused a violation of the normal psychophysiological rhythm of the body, contributed to the manifestation of aggressiveness and other negative emotions. Diamond, with the help of musicians, revealed in such rock music, which appeared in the second half of the 60s, a certain structural element called "Intermittent Anapest Bit", which had a disorganizing psychophysiological effect.

The musical environment as a result of the development of modern media acquisitions acquired (at least for young people), environmental significance. Therefore, its positive or negative character has a special deep meaning for the emotional world of a person, for his globility and mood.

However, at present, national, spiritual and classical and modern academic art (including literature), depriving state support, is becoming increasingly elitis

him, his audience is narrowed. As a result, a normal hierarchy of varieties, genres and art qualities is disturbed, the spirit and heart of true culture is destroyed, and the most importantly - culture of new generations.

The history of Russian literature and art really knows periods noted by the highest take-offs of spirituality and artistic skills.

Similar periods in the development of art can be called Qatar-blue, i.e. related to the effect catharsisa(The term Aristotle, interpreted as a certain spiritual and emotional cleansing in the process of perception of an ancient tragedy, and wider - any work of art). Allocate emotional, aesthetic and ethical aspects of catharsis.

The emotional aspect of Qatarsisis is expressed in a state of relief, liberation (including tears and laughter) from grave, gloomy experiences, in positive enlightened feelings. The aesthetic aspect of Qatarsisis is the feelings of harmony, order, beauty in their complex dialectic expression. Finally, in an ethical plan, catharsis causes humane feelings, experiences of guilt, repentance, "reverence before life" (A. Schweizer). These emotional and psychological, aesthetic and ethical characteristics are clearly traced in great artworks (remember, for example, the "Trinity" of A.Rublya, "Requiem" V. Mozart, "Crime and Punishment" of F.Dostoevsky, etc.), which in the final The score contribute to the globility and the worldview of a person of good.

In the social and psychological interpretation, catharsis acts as an intensive emotional state that unites the real audience (theatrical, concert, etc.) or a separate person (reading a poem or story that browsing video films, etc.) in empathy with a tragic (tragicomic) hero (content ) An artistic work that enlightens, elevates, engraves the inner world of man (his feelings, thoughts, will), reveals his universal spiritual essence. In a wide socio-psychological understanding, Qatarsis is to overcome loneliness and alienation, the achievement of human solidarity, a qualitative leap in the process of socialization, the formation of a humanistic worldview, an introduction to the highest spiritual values \u200b\u200bof humanity, which carry the works of great creators.

It is clear that the state of the catharsis is not so easily achievable. The works should contain powerful suggestive impulses expressing the sincere faith and the intentions of the artist. In a real audience (at a concert, in the theater, etc.), the mechanisms of mental infection and imitation, which strengthen the catharsic effect are also included.

The system socio-psychological approach to the phenomenon of Qatarsis, in general, to the effects of art requires accounting not only the characteristics of the artwork, but also the personal characteristics of the artist standing at the work, as well as an audience that perceives the work (and with a more in-depth approach and all other participants in artistic communication, For example, the editor, the distributor of the work, criticism, etc.). At the same time, the problem arises, which can be called the problem of the personality compatibility of the artist (and its works) with the audience.

Separate aspects of the problem of compatibility and incompatibility of certain types of art and recipients, endowed with those or other psychological characteristics, were investigated by psychologists, in particular by Aizenk and I. Shade (for example, data on various types of painting preferred by introverts and extroverts, etc. .).

Artworks are not only a positive impact on people. Another pole of emotional impact is a negative state that can be called "Antikatarsis".

This state of depression, humiliation, fear or hatred, aggressiveness. In the aesthetic aspect, Antikatarsis expresses a feeling of disharmony, chaos, disgrace. In an ethical plan, Antikatarsis generates antiguman feelings, alienation, immoralism, contempt for life. Such feelings and emotions are produced by many works of modernist and Maskolt art XX century. However, the survival and revival of any society and art are connected, in particular, with the cultivation of eternal universal values \u200b\u200b- truth, good and beauty, faith, hopes and love, responsibility, labor and creativity.

Education as a social institution

Education performs the following main functions: 1. Broadcast and distribution of culture in society -the first and basic function of education. It lies in the fact that through the Institute of Education there is a transmission from generation to the generation of cultural values, understood in the broadest sense of the word ( scientific knowledge, achievements in the field of art, moral values \u200b\u200band norms, rules of behavior, experience and skills inherent in various professions, etc.). Throughout the history of mankind, education was the main source of knowledge, a tool for educating society. We will not forget that the culture of each people has its own national-ethnic features, and therefore, the education system plays an extremely important role in maintaining and maintaining

national Culture, its unique and unique features, communicating with which the individual becomes a carrier of national consciousness and national psychology.

2. Socialization,i.e. the assimilation of value orientations, the vital ideals that dominate this society. Thanks to this, young people are attached to the life of society, socialized and integrates into the social system. Learning language, history, literature, the principles of morality and morality is a prerequisite for the formation of a common system of values \u200b\u200bin young people, so they learned to understand other people and themselves, become conscious citizens of the country. The content of the system of education that has been implemented by the process of socialization and education of children largely depends on the value standards dominant in society, morality, religion, ideology.

If you keep in mind the moral ideological orientation, which should be inherent in modern school, it is legitimate to talk about the need to instill young people in the first place of universal values \u200b\u200band humanistic morality. This is primarily achieved in the process of studying the physicial cycle disciplines (literature, history, philosophy, etc.), which begin to play an increasingly important role in the school and university education system, providing a positive impact on the teaching of natural and technical disciplines.

3. Social selection -one of the most important functions of the Institute of Formal Education. The structure of the educational process is arranged in such a way that it makes it possible at the most initial stages to carry out a differentiated approach to the student (change learning profile for unfamiliar students and students, encourage talented and capable). In a number of countries, including in our, there are social educational programs for creatively gifted youth, whose learning work is certainly encouraged, and favorable conditions are created for the maximum development of their deposit. In previous years, they often said that "talent will always find the road", a talented person will definitely "come out in people." In modern society, the search and raising of talented young people are being built in the rank public Policy In the field of education, since the rapid development of science and technical progress in many other areas requires a permanent influx of talented youth.

The process of selection, the selection of the most capable of learning students is carried out by the modern school as it were automatically, since the internal microstructure of education itself also has its main task the selection and differentiation of young people not only by abilities and talents, but also in accordance with individual interests, opportunities, value orientations. From point of view social psychology emergency

but the consequences of the selection process carried out by the Institute of Education, as its end result (when various groups of young people are completing education in various educational institutions) is the placement of people in various positions in the social structure of society.

Through this, reproduction and update of the social structure of society are achieved, without which its normal functioning is impossible. Another important side of the social placement process is that it "launches" the mechanism of social mobility. Obtaining a profession, the occupation of a social position in the structure of a particular organization, as a rule, discover for many people the path of professional career, promotion on the stairs of official hierarchies and powerful powers. The education system, mainly higher, in modern industrial society is the most important channel of social mobility, because without a university diploma, it is impossible to get a prestigious and highly paid job. This explains the high value of education in the industrialized countries of the world and common in many layers of the Syndrome of the Achievement Society: parents from the Small years instigate the child's need for education, in every way develop and stimulate his interest in study, orient to achieve high results, for the future career of the child Directly depends on the level of education. The level of education along with power, property and income is the most important indicator. social status man in modern society.

4. Social and cultural change of society.This feature is implemented by two interconnected methods. First, in the process of scientific research, scientific achievements and discoveries that are held within the walls of higher educational institutions. Contributing scientific progress, Education makes its significant contribution to the enrichment and expansion of the cultural heritage of society.

The experience of organizing education in a number of Western countries is interesting.

In accordance with the State Education Law on Education 1994, the following education goals have been identified in the United States: all children must be prepared for school training; They finish 4, 8 and 12 classes. Moreover, each school guarantees not only the preparation of students, which gives the opportunity to continue their education or to engage in productive production activities, but also upbringing them in the spirit of citizenship.

The US Teachers receive access to continuous education, gradually improving their professional knowledge and skills necessary to prepare schoolchildren to independent life in the next century.

Along with public schools in the US there are private paid. The mandatory knowledge program includes the study of

themes (2 years), English (4 years), natural (2 years) and social sciences (3 years).

In many US schools, the time spent on the study of cooking and driving a car is equal to the time drawn by the study of other items.

It should be noted that in the United States the average professional level in the education system is not allocated, it is integrated into the higher education system. A feature is that many students of 2-year colleges, without interrupting learning, are moving to 4-year colleges or universities, and this is carried out without losing the pace of training.

US universities are divided into 2 year old (local colleges) and 4-year colleges and universities). Academic year In universities - 9 months. The main form of training sessions is a lecture. Each student learns to individual program And visits lectures on the choice. Before the lecture, the student issues its abstract.

IN last years The accreditation procedure of higher educational institutions becomes more severe. According to new standards, the accreditation institution is generally in general as a single complex, and the accreditation of individual curricula is not carried out.

As for the cooperation of American universities with educational institutions foreign countriesthen the contingent growth trend is preserved foreign students The technical profile and training of business professionals, then there is preparation for mathematics and computing.

It should be noted that one of the key trends in the development of education in Russia is to further expand the rights and freedoms. educational institutions, Democratization of the process of management of school and university education.

Another important feature of education in Russia is that the process of social interaction of two main figures - teachers and student changes significantly: it cannot be fruitful and effective, if it flows within the framework of formally interpreted normative aspects of their social roles. Here is an important place belongs to the "subjective factor", the ability of the teacher to the emphatic empathy, understanding inner world student, circle of his interests, life orientations, etc. .

System russian education It is aimed at ensuring national interests - the preparation of such specialists under the power of the technological re-equipment of industry and agriculture, the creation of a modern army, etc. This task can be solved under the observance of a number of conditions:

Broad informatization of the educational process, its globalization and humanization;

Implementation educational standards and at the same time the author's approach to programs;

Restructuring of education, taking into account Russian practice and world standards;

Priority financing of education.

Only these circumstances make it possible to convert diplomas of domestic specialists, that is, to ensure their recognition in other countries.

The development of education cannot be carried out without taking into account the existing realities, let's say, the introduction of multi-level training of specialists, the emergence of commercial universities along with state. All this should lead to competition between universities, the struggle for reputation, the maintenance of the image. The same should occur in the field of secondary education. However, this should not lead to social selection: good education in the form of paid lyceums, gymnasiums for children of wealthy parents, bad - for low-income. At the same time, the psychological service should not take about this trend, but to the development of schoolchildren in every way.


1. Aristotle.On the art of poetry. - M., 1957.

2. Komarov M.S.Introduction to sociology. - M., 1994.

3. Sorokin P.Human. Civilization. Society. - M., 1992.