What phrase is a key to Belikov. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in a case": who are such cases and what they are characterized by

What phrase is a key to Belikov. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov
What phrase is a key to Belikov. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in a case": who are such cases and what they are characterized by

The main character of the story of Chekhov "Man in the Case" is a teacher of the Greek language of Belikov. About him, through the whole story, a conversation colleague Burkin.

Belikov appears in the narration, as a complex person, full of incomprehensible prejudices. In any weather, he goes out in caloes, in a coat and with an umbrella. All items from him were in the case: a knife for sharpening a pencil, an umbrella and even a clock. I walked this citizen with the constantly raised gate and it seemed that the face he also hides in the case. Sitting on the cab driver, he always asked to raise the top. Belikova constantly had a desire to close, place himself in a certain case and thereby damage from any external influences. The real reality instilled in it fear and horror before all new. As if justifying his misunderstanding of the present, he always spoke of the past. In combination with all his behavior and teaching ancient languages, indicated some detachment from reality.

The main life slogan for Belikova is "how would not happen." All the slightest deviation from the long-established rules can bring it out of equilibrium. But despite its compactness, according to Burkina, Belikov managed to keep the whole city in tension.

Soon the new history teacher Mikhail Kovalenko with the sister of Varai moves to the city. Colleagues Belikova are trying to bring it with her every way. However, he cannot decide on such a responsible step and everything fears. And when he had a chance to see how Kovalenko and sister ride on bicycles, so Belikov fell in bewilderment. He could not imagine the teacher riding a bike.

What then remains to make children?

Only on the heads stand, he argued, trying to cross Kovalenko.

On that day, Belikov's conversation with Kovalenko was brought to a quarrel and Belikov turned out to be lowered from the stairs, where he saw him in the entrance of Varya. The hero could not survive such a shame. He closes from the world in his room and sick dies.

Completing the story of Burkin says that Belikova has a very cheerful look. Apparently, he was glad that she finally found himself in such a case in which no one would disturb him.

Option 2.

In his stories, Chekhov sometimes draws strange images of people who even difficult to represent. Nevertheless, such people really exist, although Belikov is largely a grotesque figure. We see some strange metamorphosis of the human person, which turns into something strange and even terrible.

Belikov works for about 15 years by a Greek language teacher in the gymnasium and has weight in this gymnasium. Throughout the essential part of the story, no one can reaplete Belikov, he is obeyed. Therefore, if something does not like this hero, then it can, for example, expel a gymnasium, although obviously such decisions are caused by its bosquosity and excessive conservatism.

Belikov - imprisoned in a case. Through this image of Chekhov's ethereal represents all his personality, he describes even the thought of the hero in the case, he has every item in a case and in addition to this, it is figuratively imprisoned in the case. Thus, his closeness is manifested from the world and Zaramployism, perhaps, in something, ignorance is manifested, which is opposed to the whole new and some variables.

This hero is clearly afraid of some updates, it always fears any incidents and such fears manifest themselves in all the details of his everyday life from the order to raise the top, to carry a dense coat even in warm weather. Belikov is a completely ridiculous character, but its beginning is also described as something negative and negative, it is not just ridiculous, but also to a certain extent is an opponent of this world, humanity, positive and progressive. Therefore, Belikov's death becomes possible only after its ridiculation, there are mockery as if destroying the well-established world of this hero, they are subjected to peculiar censures that depreciate the absurdity for which this hero always clung to full seriousness.

In fact, we see how Belikova destroys love. Of course, we can consider the disease and the sadness of the hero of the outcome after rudeness from the brother Varenki, but in fact his behavior is only part of relations with Varna. Belikov, in fact, does not even represent, as it were, this girl loved, does not represent her marriage, in fact, this case is unsuitable for love, which is something more of its limited nature, so love seems to clean the world from Belikov himself.

Essay of Belikov (man in a case)

For more than a decade, the story of A.P.hekhov, "Man in the case" from initial humor, but one of the most famous creations of the author is a prose, she has many contacts with the work of his writing youth. First, this is a combination of one particular social satire, that particular historical era With a philosophical motive, with constantly all well-known tasks and decisions. And the name of the narrative, and the pseudonym of his main character once perceived as an extensive abstraction.

Belikov, as the critic conveyed to us, one of the times, one of the most people, that, like blesses or chischiki, expressed a huge social environment with all its essence, or the direction of that time. "Case people", "Belikov" - these social signs that melded in the title, on pages scandalous articles, passed to the way of life, became all clear formulas. Six years earlier, Leskov said that, after analyzing a different work of Chekhov: "Everywhere - Chamber No. 6. This is Russia ..." Feelings left in the soul, between these stories were similar: "All Russia seemed to me in a case", - One day he wrote to Chekhov alone honor, who watched his work.

The image of Belikova comes from the biological, characteristic psychological, to the social layer, to the demonstration of the natural start of people in society. Yes, and it does not surprise this at all: Chekhov - by profession, he is a medic who owns a natural scientific look at everything that happens, convinced that a clear understanding of medicine and poetry never conflicted against each other.

A.P.Chekhov, as an artist - a musician for expressing his thoughts, often uses techniques from music, as a repeat, conducts motifs through many votes of various tools, telling us about the inexplicable fear of limitations, everyday vulgarity.

The problem that is affected by Czech in this narration will continue to remain urgent for most people. Without noticing for himself, anyone can block in herself or close in the "case" of his own delusions, ceasing to reflect, look for and fluctuate in their decisions. And this is the worst thing that leads to the regression of a person as a person as an entity. A person does not notice absolutely nothing but his prejudices and fears, he cannot think adequately, invent, think of his ideas. Some painful fear for his own existence was constantly raged in the soul of Belikov - the outstanding character of Chekhov's story, "a person in the case" which was published in 1898.

Belikov is the one "man in a case", meaningless, miserable creature, which I think, one day to clean the whole city. Even the teacher, with caution treated E Him. Yes, that teachers, absolutely the whole city, from small to the great shakeped from him.

A man in a case ... It seemed such a strange expression, but as sure it would personify the human soul. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis work lies in that in order to show the essence of the fear of society: "Under the influence of people like Belikov, over the past 10 - 15 years, they began to be afraid of everything in our city. They feared to speak, send letters, get acquainted, read books, fear helping the poor, learn the people of diploma. " Yes, and all that we have configured, came up with, what they were pregnant from the world, all this needs to be destroyed, through all this you need to step over, to discover something new, interesting, look at everything an adequate look and not complicate your life as -To imaginary accuracy.

This statement combines a combination of very interesting compositions, which, no matter what, do not interfere with our writer A.P.hehhov, send us an inseparable assessment of the perception of human being, approval of its perfection and worldview.

In the exposure of the appearance of Belikova, a composite reception, which often uses Czechs in their works, is a story in the story. In our case, these are hunting, which decided to set out to spend the night in the Saraychik, the heads of proofing, they narrated each other various incidents, stories, fables. One of the narrator was Burkin, decided not to lag behind everyone, state the story of one living in his city, a teacher of a foreign Greek language, Belikov, his friend famous doctor - Veterinarian, Ivan Ivanovich. What was this teacher? But the fact that, despite the wonderful sunny, warm weather, he always came from the house in Kalosh, with an umbrella in his hands and necessarily in a cotton warm coat. But he had an umbrella in a case, a clock in a case of gray suede fabric, and even if necessary, removing the periculated knife, in order to sharpen a pencil, to all surprise and the knife he kept in the same case. The expression of his appearance to any opposite, at first glance it seemed that it was also closed in a cover, a person who was constantly hiding behind the raised collar of a warm cotton coat. According to the story of Burkina, Belikov, all the time he paused in black glasses, a sweatshirt, plugged his ears with cotton wool, and sit down on the cab driver, then ordered to raise the top, as if fear of something. The whim was or some kind of invented way of life of our hero, our narrator does not explain to us. But he notes that this hero had an infinite greedy desire to "surround himself with a shell, create a case, so to speak," in order to hide himself and protect against words, actions and all the mud around him.

Features that are designing Czechs, Belikov's outdoor appearance becomes symbolic. It is amazing that such an unavailable and unhappy person, with such a boring lifestyle, a person who does not sleep at night, he fought not only himself, but he managed to intimidate all his people who surrounded him, and All city at all. At the beginning, Chekhov was funny and quite harmless to describe the place where Belikov lived, because it was similar to some burgold. Compare the hero of the story with hermit cancer or snail, which will not damage anyone and plus it is always afraid of all.

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Topic " case person"You can rightly consider it through Czech's work. The first step in the disclosure of this topic the writer does back in his early work "Teacher of Literature", but in 1898 there are three stories, the so-called "small trilogy", which can be combined into a cycle based on their total issues.
The most grotesque painting of the "case" author gives the author in the first story of the trilogy, where the topic is already claimed in the title. Chekhov draws an explicitly exaggerated image, which is the artistic generalization of the social phenomenon of the time. So, Belikov appears before us - a person with a very interesting and even "wonderful" character and habits: "In very good weather," he "went out in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed also in the case, since he hid it all the time in the raised gate. " It is not by chance that the author pays special attention to the portrait of the hero. He strives with the help of the characteristics of life, the costume of Belikova to reveal his soul, inner world, show his true face.
So, already from portrait description We see that the Greek teacher completely burned himself from a living life, tightly locked in his "case" Mirka, who seemed better than genuine. The case "envelops" the brain, controls the thoughts of the hero, suppressing positive principles. Thus, it deprives all the human, living, turns into a mechanical machine of rules and circulars.
But the worst thing is that these rules and prejudice, he imposes to the whole world around, in which it is all the goals and achieved only if necessary. Unevennaya with his caution, Belikov puts on people, makes them fear: "Our teachers people are all thinking, deeply decent, brought up on Turgenev and Shchedrine, but this little man who went to the Kalosh and with an umbrella, held all the gymnasium of the whole fifteen in his hands years! What is the gymnasium? The whole city!" Developing the thought of Chekhov, we understand that the "case" is a generalized image of all Russia with its state regime. A new turn in understanding the problem makes the image of Maur. Darkness and ignorance of people from the people are also a "case" covering all the big sides of life.
But the trends of the new time penetrate the city. Independent, free personalities appear (Kovalenko, his sister), opening with the merciless force of a "suffocating atmosphere" of such a lifetime. They find the key to solving the problem, which is concluded in the main phrase of the work: "No, it is not so impossible to live!" Indeed, with the arrival of such people, Belikov's domination ends. He is dying. But it seems that the hero is for this and lived, finally he reached his ideal: "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even fun, rightly he was glad that he finally put him in the case From which he will never come out. " Yes, Belikov died, but "how many more such men in the case remained, how many more of them!". During the funeral, there was rainy weather and all the gymnasium teachers "were in caloes and with umbrellas," as if continuing the tradition of the deceased.
What is waiting for people leading "case" lifestyle? Of course, inevitable loneliness, which is worse than anything in the world.
But what helped the author to create such an original grotesque image, which for a long time is remembered by the reader? Of course, these are various artistic fine-expressive means.
Interested in a life, a suit suit, the writer gives a complete, deployed characteristic of his nature, draws an accurate portrait of his soul. For such a description of Czechs, complex syntax structures with a large number of homogeneous members expanding the panorama of reality.
The phonetic composition of the work is striking by its diversity. But we note that the sound "O" (Assonance) is often found, which also conveys the closure of the life of the hero coming in a circle, its remoteness from the world.
Many items of Belikov are symbolic. So, cover, glasses, helos and umbrella are the indispensable attributes of the "case" existence of a person. It is not by chance that the story begins and ends with their mention.
The lexical composition of the story also surprises us with their wealth. It meets both commonly used and outdated words ("cab", "fucker", "Denger", etc.), which transmit the situation of the era.
I would like to note that inversion of the key phrase in the most important, the key phrase of the work is encountered: "no lonctacious is impossible." She, as it were, attracts the attention of the reader to these words, makes you think about their deep meaning.
Chekhov's language is distinguished by special ability, emotionality and at the same time simplicity, which makes his stories available and understandable.
The subtleties of the author's skill are striking us upon the first reading of the story, we offer the true idea of \u200b\u200bhis works.
It seems to me that the problem affects Czechs in the story "Man in a case" will always be relevant. The writer warns about the danger of sorting workers, everyday vulgarity. It is imperceptible for himself everyone can get into the "case" of own prejudices, having stopped thinking and reflecting, search and doubt. And it is really scary, as it leads to the spiritual devastation and degradation of the person.

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Superpopular lectures: avoiding personality in the nowhere island

Lecture number 10.
Avoiding personality in the nowhere island

It is not easy to find literary prototype For avoiding personality! It is clear from the name that such an personality is only about Tom and dreams to be imperceptible to clean up, not to come across the eyes, to shine in a dark corner - so that no one touches her, did not hurt, did not hurt ... and did not know about her existence. Nevertheless, writers know, and even occasionally inspired. True, usually with a negative or neutral side: & quotes in a case & quot (Chekhov) or & Question in the forest & quot (Toro), for example. But one was inspired and positive - it James Barry, Father famous Peter Pan.. And he did not have moms, but it seems to Peter in it especially and does not need: "He not only didn't have a mother, but there was not the slightest desire to have it. He believed that there were so good & quot about mothers in vain. And in general, when you meet Peter (if you are not yet familiar), then you will not find any depressive and lifelong features of type & quotted orphanage "and it looks great: & quot he was very good, the dress was replaced by dry leaves and birch juice, and his teeth (no, you just think!) There were all like one, dairy. They so and glittered, as if pearls! & quot. So & quotating personality & quot is not at all a sentence: such a person can live quite actively and happily. Just need to know how to arrange it.

Peter Pan method

And very simple! Spit on all these adults and fluttering in anywhere else - no one will find it and will not hurt to enjoy life. And yet, why Peter flew away alone, barely born, but Vendie is already a pretty big girl and only when Peter flew behind her. Why Vendie returned home, to her mother, but Peter does not recognize Peter for himself - Wendy he invited not for himself as a mother, but for his buddies-kids, drawing boys.

You still ask why!? Because Peter is terribly frightened. Already at birth. He was born in the most common way, and the parents were the most ordinary: they immediately began to discuss who their son would become when he grows up, as he would go to school at first, and then in the office ... Yes, only the boy did not have an ordinary: he is right there all I understood, outraged and merged from this boring adult world, where he, it turns out, is already "painted" to the very death. And Peter did not want to die at all! He did not even want to grow old - so it turned out.

Now you say that this is a fairy tale, but in real life Everything is not like this: and & quoted & quot we, and older, and die. Everything so, real life is sometimes a very nauseous thing, especially if the person pumped up: you would like Karlsson, and you have parents (genes, fate, God's fishery and so on) Belikova slipped. Well, let's see how bad option is realized.

BELIKOV teacher antihelosis

Ask why "anti"? Because it leads to death, extremely dull and unappletent. & quot he lay under the canopy, covered with a blanket, and silent; You ask him, and he is only yes or no - and no longer sound. He lies, and at night wandering Athanasius, the grimorn, frowning, and sighs deeply, and from him vodka, like from the Kabak. ... in the month of Belikov died & quot. And how did you get to death? It is quite natural. Re-read the story & quoted in the case & quot - it is small, and read easily; I especially recommend fans of thrillers: this is a twist of the vampires who have had! And how many parallels with current reality! You will find them yourself, but for now, if Chekhov is not at hand, I will give a few paragraphs on the topic for the seed.

& quot ... Two months ago, we died in the city of a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my friend. You heard about him, of course. He was remarkable by the fact that he always, even in very good weather, went out in Kaloshi and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed to be in the case, since he hid it all the time in the raised collar & quot.

& quota annoyed him, frightened, kept in constant alert, and perhaps in order to justify this reliability, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and what was never happening; And the ancients, which he taught, were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where from hiding from real life & quot.

& quotas, teachers, afraid of him. And even the director was afraid. Here are the same, our teachers people are all thinking, deeply decent, brought up in Turgenev and generous, but this person always walked in a galosh and with an umbrella, held all the gymnasium in his hands. Fifteen years old! What is the gymnasium? All city! & Quot

& QUOT Assistant, bury people like Belikov, this is a great pleasure. When we returned from the cemetery, we had modest lean physiognomy; Nobody wanted to detect this feeling of pleasure, - feelings similar to what we have experienced a long time ago, in childhood, when the elders went out of the house and we ran around the garden for an hour, enjoying the full freedom & quot.

A strange feeling causes this Belikov. It would seem that the Gadda is full, and all the glad of his death - but it's a sorry for him ... Perhaps because the Czechs didn't know how a person was sick, and therefore he was not guilty of the nightmare, which was not going to existence - psychotherapists then was not And how to help a person with a personal disorder did not know. Helped intuitively (good priests who love close, smart doctors), but not always effectively ... Well, postpone the case with Belikov for the time towards and return to the topic of avoiding disorder of the person.

What is it?!

A live person carries the features of all the potential disorders (otherwise we simply could not understand each other) and if you personally have a silent component, naturally, you are unpleasant. So, either to leave real life in fantasy - either stay, but at the same time generate a reality is disgusting around yourself and for you, and for others? Live - or not live? What to do? To begin with, try to understand what it is - avoiding personality.

Disconnect emotions, turn on brains and open special literature. And here it turns out that in the psychoanalytic typology of an avoiding person at all! Even & quotating & quot as a type of psychological protection is absent. There are & QUotitative Isolation & Quot, & Quoting & Quot, & QUOT DEMOGNING CONTROL & QUOT & QUOT PREVENTION (замение) & quot, & QUotion & quot, and many others - but not & quotating & quot protection. In general, this is understandable, because there is a goal of all protection in order to avoid psychological difficulties. And these difficulties depending on life circumstances And your type of personality is located in the widest range: from easy discomfort before destruction of own & quoting & quot. So what exactly avoid avoiding personality? And what protection does it use? Cognitive psychology will be answered to the first question, and the second is psychoanalytic. Let's start with cognitive.

Cognivists claim that the problem of avoiding personality is not that she & quoting & quot, but in what makes it possible. Such a single pattern of behavior in response to all challenges of the outside world. Quote (underscore - mine): & quot avoiding personality disorder (Irl) is characterized total avoidance in behavior, emotions and cognitive sphere. This avoidance support such cognitive themes as self-seen, waiting for the rejection in interpersonal relationships and the conviction that unpleasant emotions and thoughts of non-refunds & quot. Nevertheless, notice: & quot In the course of psychotherapy, patients with Irl report their the desire of love, adoption and friendship... & Quot I wonder how to love someone who constantly runs away? Therefore, quot ... In fact, they usually have few friends, and they do not enter into close relationships. It is difficult for them to communicate even with a psychotherapist & quot. And even psychotherapists as difficult! It seems that they are avoiding such patients, and to such an extent that they didn't even want to "see" them for a long time - the term & quotating person and QUOT introduced only in 1969 (Millon) and, at least until 1999 (this is a year of edition of English The original of the quoted collection), the cognivists with sadness notice that & quot Irl is seriously studied with cognitive position & quot and finish at all sourness: & quot if it is found that cognitive psychotherapy is effective, further research aimed at determining the dysfunctional installations most important to maintain Irl could Help to develop psychotherapy and make it more rational & quot.

Well, what, we wish them in this success! Moreover, in terms of the diagnosis of certain success, they have already achieved - Irl took its place in DSM (and this will remind you, a statistically verified manual for diagnosis mental disordersbased on the processing of a large array of research and publications). So, in DSM-III-R

& quot diagnostic criteria avoiding personality disorder:
Total pattern social discomfort, fear of negative assessment and timidity, manifested with early adults and existing in various contexts, to at least four features of the following:
1) Easy offended criticism or disapproval;
2) has no nic close friends or comrades (or only one), not counting the closest relatives;
3) do not want to converge with people, if not sure what loves him;
4) avoids social or professional actions that suggest significant interpersonal contact, for example, refuses to promote the service, which is associated with new requirements in communication with people;
5) restrained in situations of communication Because of fear, what will say something inappropriate or stupid, or will not be able to answer the question;
6) afraid confused because it will redden, pay or detect signs of anxiety before other people;
7) exaggerates potential difficulties, physical dangers or risk in any usual, but unusual for him, for example, a woman can cancel the meeting, because it believes that he gets tired, getting to the meeting place. & quot

So, avoiding personality avoids & quotial discomfort & quot, and in fact - the outside world, populated by such unpredictable, dangerous and incomprehensible creatures (people).

Why did Belikov died?

You will laugh - he died of mockery. Varenka, his bride (yes, Belikov was going to marry!) Walknounced, when the applicant on her hand rolled along the stairs directly to her legs. Simple soul, Varegnka did not know that the groom fell not by chance - but was lowered from the stairs by her brother, who did not bring the next moraling of Belikov: & Quot you ride a bike, and this fun is completely indecent for a booster of youth. ... when I saw your sister, then I closed in my eyes. A woman or a girl on a bike is terrible! & quot

However, even if Vabnka knew, it could hardly be able to resist, because "... Cooking only cry or laugh, they do not have the average mood." Here at the funeral of Belikova, she fastened ... So, the first sign on DSM. (the intolerance of criticism or unkind attitude) is made by Belikov on & QUOTCH. As for other signs, they are manifested. The most clearly pronounced, in my opinion, №2 (absolutely no, even relatives), №3 (& quot will come to the teacher, will sit down and silent. Sit, silent, silently, hour-else and leave. It was called His & QUOT good relations With Comrades & Quot, and, obviously, to go to us and sit for him it was hard for him, and he walked to us only because he considered his friendly duty & quot) and No. 7 (branded Belikovsky & quot, however, what happened! & quot)

So from a cognitive point of view with Belikov & quota okay & quot: Classic Irl. Only some grotesque - why dying from ridicule? Offended and okay. Some clarity makes a psychoanalytic approach, from the point of view of which Belikov died due to the extreme meant of their protection. From a rich set of psychological protection, helping a person to adapt to the world around the world, Belikov uses only one - primitive isolation. Of course, for a person with avoiding type of personality isolation - the main defense, but why limit it only? If others are accompanied by others, then the personality acquires the flexibility necessary to interact with the world in cases where insulation does not work. But when isolation is the only defense, then being trouble: with & QUotleload & quot a person will not bend, just breaks. And overload is inevitable because & quoting in a case & quot is trying and the world Distribute to & QUOTFUTER & QUOT - Hence, its endless morals and love for all restrictions and accurate implementation & quota "& quot. The task is grandiose - but completely hopeless for the usual & quota & quot person. Belikov is heroically fighting with the world - and tolerates the inevitable defeat. The world of dust it ... And indeed - the world: "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even cheerful, rightly he was glad that he finally put him in the case from which he would never come. Yes, he reached his ideal! & quot
Thank God, now his watch is over!

Peter Peng will never die!

But Peter with defensions is all right. But at first they distribute it to Irl by DSM. The general pattern of the rejection of social constraints is obvious: and from the history of "flying" from the parent nest, and from his reaction to the offer of Mom Wendy to stay in their family:
& quot She told Peter that he adopted the rest of the boys and would be glad to adopt it.
- And you give me to school? He asked hestro.
- Yes.
-And then to the service?
- Probably.
- And I will soon become an adult?
- Yes, very soon.
- I do not want to go to school and teach boring lessons. He got hot. - I do not want to be adult! Just think - suddenly I wake up with a beard!
"Peter," said Wendy, always ready to console him, the beard will be very good.
And Mrs. Darling extended his hands to him. But he pushed her.
- Back! Nobody cares me! I will not adult! & quot

Now we will walk out DSM.- Recognition. Let's see which of them are valid for Peter, and with what protection (each excellently described Mac-Williams) it overcomes the negative.

1) Easily offended to criticism or disapproval.
Yes there is a bit. For example :
& quot she asked where he lives.
"The second turn right," said Peter, "and then right until the morning."
- What a funny address!
- Peter squeezed the heart. He thought that the address, perhaps, is in fact ridiculous.
- No, not funny! He said.
"I didn't want to say," Vendie recovered, remembering that Peter was her guest. "I wanted to ask: write in letters?"
- I do not get any letters! He said contemptuous & quot.
Rationalization. & quot than a man smarter and more capable of creativity, the better in the rationalizer he is. Protection works benign if it allows a person the best way exit from hard situation With a minimum disappointment & quot writes Mc Williams. That is what Peter makes - I don't need any disappointment!

2) has no close friends or comrades (or only one), not counting the closest relatives.
He immediately isolated from relatives immediately, and a close friend is always one - Wendy (then Jane, then Margaret and so on). In the time of Wendy there were two more brothers and six drawing boys, but for Peter they, rather, the extras in entertainment events With the participation of pirates, Indians, fairies, mermaids and diverse living things. Sublimation The abandon from the "normal" development (parental family, the development of society, etc.) into continuous creative action - the creation of its own reality. And what, in your opinion, all these are engaged. creative personalities - Writers, artists, scientists? Anyway, for creativity you need to be able to isolate, at least for a while; For a mature Creator, insulation can become a total - many of them by the end of life, as they develop their special inner world, generally come out of society (the recovery type of Sellinger) or it does not put it in a penny (the extravagant-mockery type Dali).

3) does not want to converge with people, if not sure that he love him.
Indeed, he flew only to girls who are able to appreciate and admire magnificent Peter; To those who heard his special & quotion crop & quot in a dream, long before the meeting. Protection - projection on a suitable object, followed introduction and projective identification.

4) avoids social or professional actions that suggest significant interpersonal contacts, for example, refuses to promote the service, which is associated with new communication requirements with people.
God is with you, what a & quoting service & quot! From this nonsense, he refused from the very beginning. If we accept that the profession of Peter is an adventure, he plans them himself, and the roles of the participants are already painted. Protection - almighty control. However, the control is incomplete (otherwise it would be uninteresting) - there are always unforeseen difficulties in which Peter can prove itself in all its glory. Read, for example, as famously and ingenuate, he dealt with pirates! Do you think it was nothing worth it, because he himself came up with himself? Not at all! The battle was heavy and with an indefinite outcome, especially the final battle of Peter with his sworn enemy - captain hook. Battle ended deep at nightAnd & quot Wendy immediately laid them (boys) to sleep in Pirate Kubrick, everyone except Peter. He went to the deck and walked for a long time at the light of the stars, and then fell asleep near a long volume. That night he dreamed scary dreamsHe cried in a dream, and Vendy hugged him tightly and tried to console & quot.
By the way, Peter is not always cheerful and enterprising: he is thoughtful, even sad, sometimes disappears for several days; Sometimes it needs to understand and consolation - for this, he needs lovers in love: Fairy (Din and others) and real girls (Wendy and subsequent). Therefore, it seems to me that the assignment of Peter to & quot a manic personality & quot, which suggests itself as part of a psychoanalytic classification, it would be wrong. And not only because here we focus on cognitive typology, in which the manic person is generally absent (as avoiding - in psychoanalytic). The main thing, Peter never has uncontrollable depressive & quotes & quot (he can cry, but only in the case; Charter from adventure - to retire from society, but for a while), which in psychoanalytic typology are an indispensable property & quot manical self.

5) restrained in situations of communication due to fear, which will say something inappropriate or stupid, or will not be able to answer the question.
Slander! He is not afraid of anything! True, I dried slightly when one of his team on the pressing of the jealous Fairie Din shot Wendy:
& quot - she died, "he said in confusion. "She, right, scary that she died."
And what if you take, yes and rush, laughing, from her on one leg far, far, and never go back here. How would everyone be delighted if he did it! And how fun to pockey behind him!
But Peter glanced at the arrow, which got Wendy in his heart. He took out the arrow and turned to the boys.
- Whose? He asked harsh & quot.
Transition from child protection denial unbearable affect of guilt and grief to quite adult intellectualization: Recounted by emotions, find and punish the guilty; And then, when it turned out that Wendy was alive, to organize help - Peter ordered his team to build a house around Wendy and himself sat at the threshold to guard her healing dream.

6) It is afraid of embarrassment, which will redden, pay or detect signs of anxiety before other people.
So what? Even when Peter was crying, I failed to stick a broken shadow, and I woke Wendy with my cry, he doesn't think to embarrass:
& QUOT- And I'm not at all crying, "he said with indignation. - I cried because I can't join my shadow. In general, I did not think cry! & quot Negation.
And then, when Vendy sewed a shadow to Peter, "he jerked around the room. Alas, he has already forgotten that his happiness is obliged to Wendy. He was sure that he sewed her shadow himself. Cancellation - Your inability to independently cope with the problem.

7) exaggerates potential difficulties, physical hazards or risk in any usual, but unusual to it.
Yeah, the theme of growing. And why Peter does not want to grow up? Because to be adult boring (how he declares) or is it just afraid not to cope with new responsibilities and increasing responsibility? Perhaps these fears are exaggerated. It is not excluded that he would even like this new adventure. I liked it to grow old Wendy, although she is very attached to Peter and understands that, the growing, loses it.
& quot She lit the light, and Peter saw. He cried out like a blow, and when a high beautiful woman was bent to take him in his hands, he pulled down aside.
- What is it? He asked again.
I had to tell him.
- I'm now old, Peter. I'm not even twenty years old, but much more. I have long grown.
... He sank to the floor and cried bitterly, and Vendie did not know how to console him, although it would have ever done it in one minute & quot.

Well! Jane, Vendy's daughter, is already waiting for Peter and is ready to fly with him. Wendy is forgotten, the story of Peter and Jane begins. Peter generally easily forgets loved ones. At the very beginning of relations with Wendy, when she flew to the island with brothers, Peter was flying forward all the time - and although he was constantly returned to his companions, but, returning, it seems to be not recognized by him, laughed with himself over some new An adventure, and she had to remind themselves:
& quot - I am Vendies! She said with excitement.
"Listen, Wendy," he whispered guilty, "if you notice that I will not know you, always say:" Wendy! & Quot and repeat it until I remember you & quot. "
Protection - crowding out. Old attachments new, adventure experienced - fresh:
& Quoton thought they would be in need to remember old times, but new adventures were out of his memory all that was before.
- Who is the hook? He asked with interest when she spoke about his sworn enemy.
- Do not remember? - she was amazed. "You still killed him and saved our life."
"I killed I forget," he threw carelessly.
When Vendy timidly expressed the hope that Din will be happy to her, he asked:
- And who is Ding?
- Ah, Peter! - cried Wendy with horror & quot.

So, all signs of avoiding personality are obvious, but they are all successfully compensated by additional protection. You ask - why Peter Pan is generally protection? After all, he lives in an imaginary world - from whom to defend? But no: the imaginary world of the child is inhabited by monsters and is fraught with disasters - where there is a boring world of adults! (Probably, so adults like horror, and children do not like them so much as they fear ...) In addition, Peter arrives in real worldTo find your Wendy (Jane, and so on) and persuade a girl fly away with him - a difficult task for avoiding personality. Therefore, additional protection of the Peter is very needed.
But after all, Peter is not a coward, you ask, why should he endure himself? Of course, not a coward. So after all, & quotes & quot is not entirely protection. Simply another unsuccessful term introduced in a brilliant freed in the heat of his hobbies by military topics:
& Quot Choosing a term & QUOT & QUOT reflects two aspects of his thinking. First, Freud admired military metaphors. In an effort to make psychoanalysis acceptable to the general public, he often used the analogies in pedagogical purposes, comparing psychological actions with army tactical maneuvers, with compromises in solving various military tasks, with battles that have ambiguous consequences. " & quot further: "Unfortunately, in the heat of the enthusiasm, with whom the early observations of Freud were met, the idea that protection by nature is low-adoptive, spread among the secular public to such an extent that this word acquired an undeserved negative shade. ... Phenomenawhich we call protection, have many useful features. They manifest as healthy creative adaptation And continue to act throughout life & quot.
Hence the conclusion: use more & quoting & quot, good and different, and you will be happy - with any type of person. In any case, personality disorder will not develop, and with current problems, a healthy person will somehow figure out.

Wendy and Varegnka.

The question is why Peter Wendy, and Belikov Varnik, not idle. You can even say central. It just passes the rift between psychoanalytic diagnosis and cognitive. As part of the first preferential protection, insulation is characteristic of schizoid personalities: & quot of man, habitually isolating and excluding other response paths to the alarm, analysts are described as schizoid & quot. However, schizoids are usually perfectly fulfilled without close relationships and affections: they are calmer in their own society, and they are pretty indifferent to criticism - while cognivists claim that people with avoiding type of personality, on the contrary, are sensitive to criticism and, most importantly, passionately seek Relationships: & Quot inform you about your desire for love, acceptance and friendship & quot.

Another thing is that finding and retaining a suitable pair of "avoiding" is very difficult, even with a variety of & quoting & quot. And here, if you're lucky, a special phenomenon comes into effect. True loveWhen they love anything and despite everything is the best protection for avoiding personality. Wendy, undoubtedly, loves Peter (just as he will love him and Jane, and Margaret, and others), so he arrives behind them, so they always know how to console and calm him.

But Varnika actually does not like Belikov at all, simply & quot such a life probably bored, wanted her angle, and age and take into account; There is no time to go through, you will leave for anyone, even for the Greek teacher & quot. If I loved, it would be felt that with Belikov, you can do (for example, to sing to him by the colastic Ukrainian romances), and what to do is categorically impossible (for example, laughing at him is a deadly insult, literally). Of course, Varegnka is not to blame for anything (& quot believing that he himself fell inadvertently, could not restrain and walked on the whole house & quot), simply & QUOTB protective & quot Belikov could not & quotize & quot to a suitable object - and could not resort to "intellectualization" for isolation of an unusual strong affect of insult and fear of publicity; He was able to apply his only defense for the last time - primitive isolation - in its total and final version.

Mauro behind the stove and king of the mountain

Interestingly, Chekhov tells Belikov's story not just like & QUOTCED Anecdote & quot, as a case of a unique deformity of character. On the contrary, he tells the mouth of the storyteller, that & quot people, lonely by nature, which are like a rack-hermit or snail, try to go to their shell, there are quite a few light. Perhaps here is the phenomenon of atavism, return by the time when a person was not still a public animal, but he lived lonely in his berry, and maybe it's just one of the types of human character - who knows? & quot. And after this philosophical entry, the teacher Burkin tells about Belikov.

However, a special character appears before Belikov - Moored. It begins with the fact that the hunters (teacher and branch) & quot told different stories. By the way, it was said that the wife's heads, mauras, a woman healthy and not stupid, was nowhere for his native village in his whole life, never seen a city nor railway, and in the last ten years, everything was sitting behind the furnace and only at night went outside & quot.
And ends, too, Mavra:
& quotes already both covered and raised, how suddenly light steps were heard: stupid, stupid ... someone went not far from Saraj; It will pass a little and stop, and after a minute again: stupid, stupid ... Dogs fused.
"This is Moored walks, said Burkin."
Steps quiet & quot.

The pretty cynical thought is gluing, which is better so, behind the stove, than terrorizing, like Belikov, the whole gymnasium, so that there is a gymnasium - the whole city! And if the power is given? If such Belikov receives a real opportunity to conclude & quoting the & quot case, not only himself and his city, but to think terribly! - All country?! Well, then the unfortunate population remains hope that the new teacher of history will lower Belikov from the stairs, at the foot of which the bride will meet the groom with a healthy murderous laugh.

Homework. You ask - what is the population itself, these most popular masses? Is it necessary to wait for the arrival of a new teacher with his sister's hooker? Why can not tame super-Belikov, having lowered it from & QUOT & QUOT? I answer: the masses cannot. If in Freud, then because of their, mass, hard childhood (Tatar-Mongolian Igo, for example; Psychoanalytics have no reason). If for cognitive theory, then due to the unfavorable combination of the traits of a passive-aggressive person (see the previous lecture) and a dependent person (consider in the next lecture). What do you think? Is the identity theory applies not to a separate person, but to society / masses? If not - why? If yes - at what limits?
All rights reserved.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is the author of many innovative works, where the reader sees not only a subtle satir, but also a detailed description of the human soul. When you get acquainted with his work, it begins to seem that he is not only a prose, but also a very gifted psychologist.

"Man in a case" is one of the three stories from the "Little Trilogy" series, over which the author worked for about two months in 1898. It also includes the stories "Gooseberry" and "On Love", which Anton Pavlovich wrote in Melikhovka, where he lived with his family. Working on them, he barely managed to finish, because he was already suffering from tuberculosis and wrote less and less.

It is impossible to be exactly sure that Chekhov wrote about a particular person, the soon, the central image of the "man in the case" is collective. The contemporaries of the writer put forward several candidates who could serve as prototypes for Belikov, but they all had only a small resemblance to the hero.

Genre, conflict and composition

Reader is easy enough to get acquainted with the work, because it is written simple languagewhich, nevertheless, is able to cause a huge number of impressions. Style is expressed in composition: The text is divided into small semantic fragments, focusing on the most important thing.

In the story we are watching conflict between two heroes. The author opposes Kovalenko (life-affirming, active position, positive thinking) and Belikov (passive and lifeless stagnation, inner slavery), which helps him even better disclose the problem. The case becomes artistic detailwhich describes all the essence and meaning of the work, shows the inner world of the hero.

Literary genre - The story, which is part of the "small trilogy" of three separate, but combined one idea of \u200b\u200bstories. "The man in the case" is written with an explicit satirical color, such a taking a writer makes fun of the essence itself " little man", Which is simply afraid to live.

Meaning of the name

In his story, Chekhov warns us that completely anyone, not wanting, can sharpen themselves in the "case", it is from here that this name appeared. Under the case is a focus on an unprofitable array of rules and restrictions that people throw themselves. The dependence on the conventions turns into a disease and prevents them from rapprochement with society.

The secluded world of the prohibitions and barriers seems to the inhabitants of cases much better, they surround themselves with a certain shell, so that the effect of the outside world does not touch them. However, live locked with own orders And the installations are closely, another person does not fit there. It turns out, a resident of a stuffy, a closed corner is doomed to loneliness, so the name of the story is fundamentally filed in the singular.

main characters

  1. The main hero of the story is Belikov - Greek teacher in gymnasium. He establishes certain rules in his life, and is most afraid that something goes wrong, as was conceived. Belikov even in the smallest and warm weather dressed in Kalosh and a warm coat with a raised collar, he hides his face behind dark glasses and a hat to protect themselves from influence ambient: not only natural, but also social. It is frightened by modern reality and annoys everything that happens around, that is why the teacher goes into a certain case and externally, and internally.
  2. Mikhail Kovalenko - A new teacher of history and geography, which comes to work in the gymnasium along with his sister. Mikhail - young, sociable and cheerful man high height, a big amateur laugh and even wake up from the soul.
  3. His sister Varegnka. - Woman for 30 years, very cheerful and happy, loves to have fun, sing and dance. The heroine shows an interest in Belikov, who, in turn, pays her time and agrees to walk to strive for the fact that marriage is too serious thing. A woman still does not lose hope to stir the cavalier, which gives such qualities in it as perseverance and dedication.


  1. The main topic of the story of Chekhov is closed and detached man lifewhich dies around the world and is alien to any manifestation of feelings. He hides his eyes from the surrounding people, constantly carries all his things in a case, if it is a small knife, designed to sharpen a pencil, or an ordinary umbrella, which is so comfortable to hide the face. Many spiritual values \u200b\u200bwere wild heroes, and emotions are incomprehensible. This expresses its limitations, poisoning existence.
  2. Theme of love The story reveals with respect to Varenka to Belikov. The girl is trying to interest the hero and return him to a full-fledged life. She to the last believes that he can still change for the better. But he closes from her, because he is beginning to scare the prospect of marriage and obsessive conversations of colleagues about their marriage.
  3. Chekhov explains the reader that the worst thing that can happen to man is indifference to life. Belikov was so closed in himself that he stopped distinguishing the paints of the world, to enjoy communication, strive for something. He is still all the same, what happens outside his case, if only numerous decency was observed.
  4. Man in a case - collective image timid people who are afraid of their own feelings and emotions. They are abstracts from the surrounding world and closed in themselves. therefore theme of solitude Also is important in the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
  5. Main problems

    1. Conservatism. The author with horror and pity is aware that some of his contemporaries create a shell, in which morally dying and spiritually die. They exist in the world, but do not live. People swim downstream, moreover, they can not even allow fate to intervene and change something in best side. This fear of new events and change makes people passive, inconspicuous and unhappy. Because of the abundance of such conservatives into society and is formed stagnation through which it is difficult to break through young shoots that can develop and develop the country.
    2. The problem of meaningless life. Why did Belikov live on Earth? He never made anyone happy, even himself. The hero shakes over every act and constantly fills: "No matter how it happens." By passing fictional sorrow and suffering, he misses his happiness, so his price of psychological comfort is too large, since destroy the essence of the life of people.
    3. Before the reader is evaporated the problem of happinessMore precisely, the problem of its achievement, essence and prices. The hero replaces him on peace, but, on the other hand, he himself has the right to determine that for him the highest value.
    4. The problem of fear before love. People who surround it are also unhappy, they find themselves on that strait of a fictional case, Belikov simply cannot open and let someone closer. The hero was never able to develop his feelings for the girl you like, he was simply frightened and left with anything.
    5. Problem of Sociapatia. The teacher is afraid of society, despises him, is unloaded, not allowing no one from the people around himself. They would be happy, but he himself does not allow it to do.

    the main idea

    Chekhov was not only a physician by education, but also a lamp shower by calling. He realized that the spiritual disease sometimes turns out to be more dangerous of physical indisposition. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Man in a case" is a protest against lonely closed stagnation under the shell. The author puts the idea that the case should be mercilessly burned to feel freedom and refer to life with ease.
    Otherwise, the fate of a closed person may form a deplorable. So, in the final the main character Dies alone, without leaving no grateful descendants, nor followers, no achievements. The writer shows us how to end the earthly path of the "case" man. Colleagues and acquaintances who are present at his funeral, mentally happy that, finally, spread up with Belikov and his annoyance.

    Anton Pavlovich invests in its work the socio-political subtext, emphasizing the importance of social activity and civil initiative. He stands for rich and full-fledged life, gives the main character by repellent features of the character to prove to people as a slaughter and sorry for the inhabitant of the "case", cautiously wasted.

    Thus, Czechs describes the lot of many clerks that gray lived in a stuffy city, disassembled not the necessary pieces of paper. He ironically beats the type of "little man", disturbing the literary tradition to depict it in idyllic tones. His copyright - not contemplative or sentimental, but active, not tolerant compromises. The inhabitants of the case should not make their nothingness and wait for pity, they need to change and squeeze their slave.

    What does the author teaches?

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes us think over your own life And ask an interesting question: "Do we don't build the same case that was the main character of Belikov?". The author in the literal sense teaches us to live, on the example showing how to sweat and disappear, reptiles, reptile before conventions and stereotypes. Chekhov was really able to inspire people aversion to sulfur, worthless life, to show that inaction and indifference is the worst thing that can happen to us.

    Fear of discoveries and accomplishments are ruined in a person personality, he becomes pathetic and helpless, not able to show even the simplest feelings. The writer believes that the human nature is much richer and more capable of what fear and laziness turn it. Happiness, in Chekhov, is a full-fledged life, where there is a place for strong emotions, interesting communication and individuality.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

When I try to imagine Belikova, I see the little man, locked in a close little black box. A man in a case ... What a seemingly strange expression, and how accurately it reflects the human essence.

And the most interesting thing that this little man is not trying to escape from the surrounding walls, he is good there, cozy, calmly, he is fenced off from around the world, terrible worldmaking people to suffer, suffer, putting them in front complex problemsTo solve which it is necessary to possess a certain determination, prudence.

Chekhov draws a person who does not need this world, he has his own that seems to him better. Everything is clothed in the case, covered with them inside, and outside. Recall the Belikov looked: even "in very good weather" he "walked in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton." And the umbrella, and his clock was in the case, even "... The face seemed also to be in the case, since he hid him all the time in the raised collar." Belikov always wore "dark glasses, a fufayka, the ears laid by cotton and when he sat on the cabin, then ordered to raise the top." That is, the desire to go into the case gave itself to know always and everywhere.

He always praised the past and something that was never ", but the real disgust caused him. And his thinking? It is also closed, stitched. He even hid his idea in the case. "For him, only circulars and newspaper articles were clear, in which something forbidden." Why? Yes, because in the ban everything is clear, definitely, it is clear. All in the case, nothing can not! That's it ideal life In the understanding of Belikov.

It would seem that you live in your case, please live and farther. But there was no Belikov. His chains, chains of rules, unquestioned subordination, true love for the superiors he imposes to all others.

He oppresses all incredible caution, case considerations, presses people, as if enveloping them with his dark cover. Belikov against the whole new, bright, constantly fears, how much would not happen, no matter how it came to the bosses! The case "covers" his brain, suppressing positive emotions to the root. This "black case" does not withstand bright light, so all, even the most innocent, but not put on the entertainment circular.

Belikov is aware of working in the team that it would be necessary to maintain relationships with colleagues, and therefore it tries to show a friendly friendly, to be a good comrade. This, of course, is fine, but what are these feelings find expression? He comes to someone to visit, quietly sits in the corner and silent, thereby he thinks by performing the debt of a real comrade.

Naturally, no one loves this timby "gray mouse", and love is not waiting for him. But even in such a person some feelings wake up, albeit very weak, it can be said, "still in the very germ", but they are.

And these feelings arise in relation to Varvar Savvishna Kovalenko, sister of a new history teacher and geography. But here Belikov "hides their head in the sand" - all delete, check. "Barbara Savvishna I like ... And I know, you need to marry every person, but ... all this, you know, somehow happened suddenly ... you need to think."

Even the wedding in Belikova should be strictly "regulated", and then '"marry, and then, that's good, you will get into some story." Take the responsible decision Belikov is very difficult. He needs to prepare for a long time, gather, and there, you look, and the problem will decide by itself, everything will be quiet again and calmly.

In addition, Belikov is very touchy, wounded. Maybe because so cautious? Recall how caricature acts on him is that he is experiencing when Varya sees him falling from the stairs. These shocks break through the case, and for Belikov it is equivalent to death in the literal sense of the word.

When Belikov dies, it seems that it was for this moment that he lived. "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even fun, rightly he was glad that he finally put him in the case, from which he would never come out."

Yes, Belikov will not work; But how many such men in the case remained, how many more will be!

Perhaps there will be a lot of them.

But let's try to think about what a person leads the case in old age is waiting for a person. After all, probably at the end life path It is necessary that not

In vain lived in this world, you need someone who would take care of you, gave, so to speak, "Wilders get drunk."

And if a person lived in a case, a case "without windows, without doors", what awaits him? Loneliness, I think, and the reluctance of others to accept, in his fate any participation. And loneliness is scary, even for those covered with a cover with legs to head.

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Belikov's flight from life (analysis of the story A. P. Chekhov "Man in the case")