Road Rules Presentation Download Primary School. Test with a presentation according to the rules of road traffic in elementary school

Road Rules Presentation Download Primary School. Test with a presentation according to the rules of road traffic in elementary school
Road Rules Presentation Download Primary School. Test with a presentation according to the rules of road traffic in elementary school

Abstract of extracurricular activities for traffic rules for younger students "Road signs and traffic lights"

Goal: To form knowledge of road signs and the ability to apply the safety rules for road behavior; Relieve a sense of careful attitude towards your health.

Event flow

To walk the streets,

We must certainly know

As a multiply table,

We all rules movement.

- What are we going to talk about today? Why do you need to know the rules of the road?

(Conversation on questions.)

- What is the name of the part of the street, intended for the movement of transport? (Driving part, or pavement.)

- What is the name of the part of the street intended for the movement of pedestrians? (Sidewalk.)

- How to walk on the sidewalk? (It is necessary to adhere to the right side.)

- Where should we expect vehicles? (Only at stops.)

- What rules need to be observed when you wait for the bus?

- How should I cross the street with a bicycle? Now listen to one story.

He lived a car Muscovite. The baby knew how to ride. I knew how to slow down and turn. But at all, I did not know the rules of the road. Once the Muscovite went to the city.


All streets

Let's go for half an hour.

Where do I feel boldly?

Who cares!

And what is this bird?!

Funny road sign!

Road sign "Entry is prohibited".

All who are given wheels

Tell me our advice:

Let us at first ask

You can go or not.

We will help

We will tell

Honor to honor

What and how

We will point you the way

Respect every sign!

Road sign "Pedestrian Transition".

So that the cars were in no hurry,

Walked calmly pedestrian

We decided to help them

We dudder all year round.


Do not wait for you, boulevards,

So that I brake!

Move the sidewalks,

From the road, shop!

Dogs, birds, cats,

Do not put me the steps!


Choir signs.

- What do you think happened to the Muscovite?

- What surprised you?

- Why do you need road signs? (Children's responses.)

In times, when there were no cars, we went through the streets and went to whom as I want. Nobody thought about the rules of movement on the roads. But the streets of modern large cities are filled with passenger and trucks, buses, trams. The mess on the street would make life difficult and dangerous: the cars would create congestion, hit the pedestrians, came across each other. It would not be delivered on time in stores, doctors did not have time to sick, firefighters - for a fire.

So that the disorder was not, amounted to the rules of the road - the laws of streets and roads. Drivers and pedestrians are obliged to know these rules and keep them. The driver must know what awaits him ahead on the road. This is reported by road signs. They are made in the form of simple drawings so that they can be distinguished from afar, and so that they are understandable to people of different countries.

- Consider all road signs.

- What road signs can you tell?

- What groups do road signs share?

- What is the purpose of each group of road signs?

- What form and color have warning signs? (Red triangle.)

- Find them in the pictures.

- What do you know about prohibiting signs? (The image is drawn inside the red circle.)

- Find them in the pictures.

- What signs are the arrows inside the blue circle? (Prescribing signs.)

- Name the service signs. (Telephone, gas station, dining room, hospital, hotel).

- And what kind of signs are it: blue, square or rectangle form? (Information and index.)


1. Road signs in different countries are different.

2. Warning signs are triangles with red border.

3. Prohibition signs are blue rectangles or squares with different patterns.

4. Service is service.

Game "Road Signs"

Children are divided into teams. Each team is issued an envelope with harvested road signs and their description (card, where it is written that this sign is indicating), mixed with each other. Each team receives a specific group of signs: preventive, prescribing, prohibiting, information and index or service signs.

Task: Pick up their descriptions. Selected pairs are cleaned by the stationery clip so that on the one hand there is a drawing, and on the other hand.

- Name the sign. Tell me which group of signs it applies.


One, two, three, four, five!

Oh, we are tired of writing.

In the "traffic light" we all play,

Hands, legs knead.

Red Light We "Stop!" screaming

Wait for green orders.

To wait not boring

We go together together.

And back and forth,

Left, right turn.

So yellow caught fire,

It's time to prepare.

Hands, legs warm up,

Begin, the defector!

Up raise,

Down to omit

Let us fly like a plane.

Here green caught fire,

You can go ahead.

Left, right,

Left, right -

Boldly we go ahead.

Traffic light - Assistant Nice,

We do not give us to get tired.

- Tell me, do you know why the traffic light is called?

- This word is made up of two parts: "Light" and "Form." The meaning of the word "light" you know, and what is "odd"? The word "odd" occurred from the Greek "Foros", which means "carrier" or "carrier". If you connect these two parts, it will become clear that the word "traffic light" means "bearer of light", "carrier light". The traffic light is really carries light, and three different colors. What?

- And whether you know why these three colors were chosen: red, yellow, green?

(Children's responses).

- What two types of traffic lights are divided?

(In children on the tables, landscape sheets with the image of three transport traffic lights and two pedestrian.)

- Subscribe on cards, as the traffic lights of each group are called.

- Remember what traffic lights mean.

- With the help of color pencils on the first traffic light, "burn" the signal "Stand", on the second - "Attention", on the third - the "Go" signal.

- In which of the pedestrian traffic lights, the signal "Stand" is burning, and on what - "Go"?

- Sign the name of the signal under the pedestrian traffic light.

- Where do we need knowledge gained in class?

- And now tell me: Are you ready to give a solemn promise of a pedestrian?

Solemn promise of a pedestrian

- move the street on the pedestrian crossing ...

- I promise!

- Move the road only on the green light signal ...

- I promise!

- move the street in the group of people ...

- I promise!

- walk only on the sidewalk and never walk along the roadway ...

- I promise!

- Do not walk around the edge of the sidewalk ...

- I promise!

- Do not play near the roadway ...

- I promise!

- Do not talk on the phone when moving across the street ...

- I promise!

- Do not ride a bike, rollers, skates and sledding on the roadway ...

- I promise!

- strictly fulfill these rules ...

Compiled by: Kirshenina I.V., teacher Obzh.

Event on traffic rules in primary classes: "Attention, Street!"

Purpose: in the game form to repeat the rules of the road.

The form of a class hour: Speech by Agitbrigada YUID.

Equipment: Fitting Towns, Pictures with Road Situations, Cards with Road Signs, Hardware, Wand and Whistle Inspector Traffic Card, Masks Beasts, Light Layout, Balloons (Red, Yellow, Green)

Board design:

1. The inscription on the board:

To live, not knowing sorry,

To run, swim and fly,

You must rule the Movement

Always and abide and everywhere!

2. Crossword:

1. Best friend and assistant drivers and pedestrians? (traffic light)

2. How many colors have a traffic light? (three)

3. What does the red light say? (stay)

4. What a miracle, blue house.

Windows light circle.

Wear shoes on the steering wheel

And feeds gasoline? (bus)





















What word did it vertical?

What is it and what is it needed for? (This is a path intended for pedestrians).

3. Pictures with road situations.

4. Cards with road signs.

I. Introductory part.

II. Main part.

1. Message goals. Class hour we have unusual today, and on what topic he will help to understand the song that the guys from the UID squad, and you pick up.

Song (on the motif "blue wagon")

1. We want to tell everyone today:

Rules of movement need to know.

And not only know - skillfully apply,

We always need to do them.

Chorus: Rules, Rules, You know, I know,

Rules, rules - loyal friends.

Going out, people should remember,

Rules, rules will save them from trouble.

What theme of our lesson?

Today we will talk about traffic rules, and about who can help us on the road.

2. But first, guess the riddles that say that we meet daily when we walk or go to schools. For the correct answer get a token. At the end of the lesson, those who will have a larger amount of tokens, is waiting for a surprise.

1. The cart has,

The car - there is

Bicycle - there is

And the train is not reading. (wheels).

2. Through the river across.

Giant concrete lay down. (bridge).

3. In two rows of the house stand -

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Every friend is looked at each other. (Street).

4. It goes on two wheels,

Not raging on the slopes

And gasoline in the tank is not,

This is mine ... .. (bike)

5. The place is not a secret,

You yourself will give now the answer.

If you go to us where

Quick path will find here. (stop).

6. I am glazing blink

Tirelessly day and night

And helps,

And I want to help you. (traffic light).

7. Drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far away

Cars loads and people

Are you familiar, of course, with her? (a car)

3. Riddles you guess well. Let's see if you know the rules and road signs:

Who will say you need to do in such a situation: you went out into the street. Cars rushing through the roadway. Where can I go across the road? (by zebra, pedestrian crossing).

Show this sign among placed on the shelves.

What is it called?

Go across the street there, pedestrian.

Where the transition is familiar to you.

What is this sign? (footpath)

What does he mean?

And what denote these two signs and why are they needed? (underground and terrestrial pedestrian crossings).

Where do we have such transitions in the city?

How is safer to cross the street in a double-sided movement?

And what is this sign - three multicolored circles? (traffic lighting)

This sign shows that in front of the intersection is regulated by the traffic light.

Do you know what every color of the traffic lights means? (Yes).

Now we will check it!

4. Poems game "Three lights of traffic lights" (children from the EID squad are told, in their hands they have balloons of 3-colors):

1st: There are traffic lights,

Report them without dispute

Burlit in the movement of the bridge:

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for a pedestrian? (red)

(Red ball rises).

2nd Special Light Warning!

Signal wait for movement.

Tell me the right answer.

What is the light burning? (yellow)

(raises the yellow ball).

3rd go ahead, you know the order -

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for a pedestrian? (green)

(raises the green ball)

5. Now imagine this situation: you prepared to move the road, the green light caught fire, the cars stopped, and you moved along the road along the road. But the road turned out to be wider, and you did not hurry, and in the middle of the road suddenly the red light was caught fire for pedestrians, the cars were touched and rushed on both sides right on you. What to do?

Listen to what Dunno did:

Walked through the transition

With a jar of milk.

Suddenly the flow of cars saw

I am afraid

He began to rush here,

Run from cars.

My milk curled

In acidophilic.

Did Dunno come correctly in such a situation? (not)

And what did he do wrong? (you can not ride and run)

And what to do? (Standing without moving, without making a step back and forth, and wait for the green light signal)

6. Listen to what the situation can happen on the road, and determine that the heroes of these versions did wrong. These poems are comic, but there are no jokes on the carriage:

I brought the 1st beloved Bulldog to take a walk.

Suddenly, Bulldog saw a cat - and for her to run.

He forgot that there is no transition in this place.

And now he is in the hospital I wear lunch.

2nd pedestrians, pedestrians, be careful

Make transitions only where you can.

Pedestrians, pedestrians, be alert.

Take care of yourself and drivers.

3rd I rushed in a red light on the road.

From the car, I was sure about - the traffic light dumped.

And instead of traffic, I so now:

Red nose, in Zelenka Ear, bright yellow eyes!

The 4th sees Martyshka - there is no parents.

Namig saddled the bike.

Only flashed on the sun's sun.

I decided to the car she clutch.

5th drove along the street truck,

Martushka overboard clung to the VMYG.

Terrible passersby look at the marty

Can get under the car, stitching.

Everywhere cars: and left and right

Very dangerous this fun.

(Discussion of situations)

7. And here is another sign. Who is it for pedestrians or drivers? (drivers)

(Sign "Caution, Children")

Yes, he warns the driver that children may appear on the road and need to slow down.

Where did you see such a sign?

Is the game dangerous on the roadway?

- "Sly Question": Which part of the bus or trolleybus, which are standing at the stop? (You need to wait until they leave, because you can not notice the car running along the road).

8. Game - Fisminet "Road Signs".

I show signs, and you perform various actions, depending on which sign is shown:

- "Pedestrian crossing" (walk on the spot, as if we go through Zebra across the road).

Pedestrian movement is prohibited "(stand still).

Underground transition "(Step on the spot in the jury).

- "Railway crossing without a barrier" (go to Tu).

- "Slipped road" (swing, as if the car loops on such a road).

Public transport stop "(we stand and wait).

9. What do you think a traffic light is needed in the forest?

Imagine that you were in the woods and overheard the conversation of animals:

S.Mikhalkov "Lightweight - traffic light"

In the forest where everything is without rules

We went until now,

One day appeared

Road traffic lights

From somewhere from the road

Brought his bear

And the animals came running

On the technique to watch.

And the first hedgehog began:

Hedgehog: What nonsense!

Need for traffic lights

And so, and wires.

And if it won't

How to burn,

Then we are for this thing

Do not look and watch.

Wolf: I agree with the hedgehog -

Said yawning, wolf,

And if he worked,

What would be the lot in her?

When I drive a hare,

I just do not mean -

Run green

Stand on the red light!

Hare: And I, - said the bunny, -

Code already run

Follow the traffic light

Sorry, I can not.

Lisa: We have told us

Orders here your own

And we at the crossroads,

Do not need fast traffic!

Mole: I also don't need it too!

Said Mink Mole,

I myself propose

Underground pass!

Reasonable words

Owl: I, in general, fly -

Walking owl,

And I do not need

On the red light to stare,

When I intersek

I can fly.

Noise with a dense boron,

Swinging on the Christmas tree

Loafer - traffic light.

But we are not hare and me

Not wolves, not kroa

I go to work,

And you go to school.

And cute ripe cars,

Steel ants

And we are at the intersections

We need traffic police posts!

They help us

We are taught from the Small Years

Walk to light green

Stand on red light.

Indeed, the traffic light is not needed in the forest.

Do we need?

10. And now you have the opportunity to earn awareness.

In conclusion of our classes - blitz - tournament!

1. Who are called a pedestrian? - A man who is outside of transport on the road, but not working on it.

2. Will there be pedestrians to work on the road? - Not.

3. Who is called the driver? - a person who manages in any vehicle.

4. If a person takes a stroller, then he is a driver or pedestrian? - A pedestrian.

5. How to get around the tram, trolleybus or bus? - The best does not bypass the vehicle, covering the road overview, and wait until it goes out, and the road will be viewed in both directions.

6. Where can I play for children?

7. What sign prohibits bikes? - Prohibiting sign - round with red border, on a white background - bike.

8. At the intersection there is a traffic controller and hangs traffic. Who should obey pedestrians and cars? Who is more important? - Adjustable.

And now summarize. Who has more tokens? 1 place, cap of the inspector, rod and whistle, as well as a red balloon - your prizes.

Who has 2 place? - Yellow air ball.

3rd place? - Green balloon.

11. And for the winner, we will sing the song that we came up with the popular music from the "Star Factory" and called it "traffic police inspector."

Song "Inspector GAI"

In my post I stand

In Stuzh, in a heat, sometimes all night,

Service is difficult I carry

Violator, from the track away!

And there are some cars around

Would not happen trouble

Everywhere they flashed tires

And on guard I always.

Chorus: Cool I'm a traffic police inspector,

I'm a star, let the people surprise. - 2 times

III. Final part. Our lesson is over. Did you like it? Observe the traffic rules themselves and help others. And on the farewell, we all together the song "Freshly walk along the roads together." Stand up from your places.

Song "Freshly walk together"

Together having fun on the roads - 3 times

Only signs must be observed strictly - 3 times

Chorus: Playing Pointers, Zebra - Lanenka,

And the traffic signal - the car, as if a song,

Transitions, crossroads do not end,

And it is prohibited to stitch on the road!

Teacher: Kirshenina I.V.

Each child requires a basic understanding of the rules of the road in order to preserve its life. On the way to school or to your friends it is important to comply with the laws of the road to help ensure security. Dry conversation on this topic does not give the effect. A colorful new presentation on traffic rules "Road traffic" for schoolchildren, which can be used on a class hour or any extracurricular event, will help to quickly figure out how to behave on the road. To learn complex road traffic rules Presentation filled with animation accompanied by favorite cartoon characters helps in minutes, and you can download any classroom development for free on our website.

Cars will stop seemingly child enemies if the teacher shows and tell them how to avoid danger on the roads, but only a presentation on the topic "Road traffic rules (traffic rules) will help.

No need to teach children by the rules of behavior on the road on the mistakes of their classmates who were injured. If a teacher from class grade 1 becomes about the secrets of the traffic light, and at the same time a presentation will be shown according to the rules of road and road safety, small schoolchildren will be able to remember the advice and use them on the roads, going along with their parents or alone.

Teach schoolchildren to safety through exciting games and quizzes, and this will also help all-power presentations on the topic of traffic rules at school, in the courtyard, on the street and outside the city. With middle-class students, consolidate the knowledge gained on the classroom watches will help the presentation of the project on traffic rules, which schoolchildren are preparing at home with their parents using ready-made PowerPoin templates available in the proposed developments.

As the child grows, there is sometimes awesome on the road. What the kids talked seems like fairy tales or horror stories. The presentation according to the rules of the road 2014 will cause great interest among high school students and make them reconsider their attitude towards the road. Becoming an adult, it is not at all necessary to behave on the road irresponsible. Now you can get acquainted children not only with traffic rules, but also with road marking, groups of signs installed at roads and pedestrian rights.

We collected in one place a huge number of scenarios of events and presentations on traffic rules for elementary school and high schools, because the teacher or the educator remains to download the material like the link and use it in its class.



Participants of the game: Two teams (1-4 classes).

Plan of the game:


2.Vicorin "Green Sign"

6.Iigra "Draw Signs"

8. Game "Collect signs"

9.Igra "Cheerful Traffic Light

10.Igra "Cyclist"

11.Instation of the final

12. Program

Structure occupation


1. Workout

2. Vicorine "Green Okonok"


Where can I go around the street?

How to go on the sidewalk?

3.IigraThree lights of traffic lights

1. There are traffic lights,

Commend to them without dispute.

Burlit in the movement of the pavement

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for a pedestrian?

Pave! Dangerous! The path is closed.

Signal wait for motion.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light burning?

Wait for the signal for moving.

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

Moving guys can.


6. Drawn signs

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit down and rush on it.

Only better right steering wheel.


What a miracle this house!

Many passengers in it.

Shoes wears rubber

And feeds gasoline.


Worry and shoots

Grumbling patter.

I will not get sick to the tram

Behind this tarantor.


Does not fly, not buzzing -
Beetle on the street runs.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.

To help you, friend,
The way to go dangerous
Day and night burn lights -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic light)

What horse the land is plowing,
And hay does not eat?

For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for several cars

I work alone there.


Four brothers run -
Do not catch up with each other.

Quietly ride us will oblige
Rotate near Show
And recall that and how,
You are on the way ...

(Road sign).

What kind of zebra on the road?
Everyone is standing by writing her mouth.
Waiting when green blinks,
So it ...



(On the stove)




(In the carriage)

Personal transport Baba - Yagi?

8.Iigra "Make a Sign"

9.Igra "Cheerful Traffic Light

I am glazing Morgay

Tireless day and night

And helps help

And I want to help you.

Traffic light.

Green - 1 point;

Yellow - 2 points;

Red - 3 points.




11.Instation of the final

12. Program

Game program by road rules (traffic rules)

"I'm walking down the street" for 1-4 classes

Objectives: consolidate the guys knowledge of the rules of the road; deepen knowledge of students about road rules; To form representations of younger schoolchildren on road safety when moving through the streets and roads; Educating the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of the behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Equipment: road signs, light articles, pictures.

Participants of the game: Two teams (1-4 classes).

Plan of the game:


2.Vicorin "Green Sign"

3.Iigra "Three lights of traffic lights"

4.Iigra "is allowed - prohibited"

5. Concurs - captains of the "driver relay"

6.Iigra "Draw Signs"

7.Iigra with the audience "crossroads of mysteries"

8. Game "Collect signs"

9.Igra "Cheerful Traffic Light

10.Igra "Cyclist"

11.Instation of the final

12. Program

Structure occupation

Leading: Guys, today we gathered here to recall the rules of the road. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive, if the pedestrian walks down the street, as he will do, without observing the rules. But this law at the same time is very kind: he retains people from a terrible misfortune, it takes their lives. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently move the street. Today we will show how we know these rules.
And in order not to be tired of you, we will spend our lesson in the form of the game. To do this, you need to divide into two commands, come up with a name and choose the captain of the team. For each correct answer, the team gets a token. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. Who caresses will remain more, he will win.

1. Workout

Now I will check what you are attentive pedestrians and are you ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer "yes" or "no".

What do you want - say in the sea sweet water? (Not)
- What do you want - say red light - no drive? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time going home, we play on the pavement? (Not)
- What do you want - say, but if you are very hurry, then you run before transport? (Not)
- What do you want - say, we always go ahead only where the transition? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we run forward so soon that we do not see the traffic light? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on the sign "There is no passage" is the person painted? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on round signs, the red color means "here a ban"? (Yes)

2. Vicorine "Green Okonok"

- What is the name of the walkway for pedestrians?

What does a red, yellow, green traffic light signal?

What should be done before starting moving the street?

Where can I go around the street?

Is it possible to play on the pavement?

How to go on the sidewalk?

Why is it forbidden to cling to freight cars and their trailers?

Where should the pedestrian stop, did not have time to complete the transition?

Where can I ride a bike?

Show traffic signs that are allowed and forbidding bike.

3.IigraThree lights of traffic lights

The teams are distributed homemade light lights.

Do you know how to execute traffic commands? Now it will check. I will read you poems from the "ABC security" of Oleg Bedaleva, and you show the right light with your traffic lights.

1. There are traffic lights,

Commend to them without dispute.

Burlit in the movement of the pavement

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for a pedestrian?

Right! Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The path is closed.


Signal wait for motion.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light burning?

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal for moving.

3. Go forward! You know order

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

Right! Green light opened the road:

Moving guys can.

4.Iigra "is allowed - prohibited"

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited)

Return streets with a green traffic signal ... (permitted)

Go to the street in front of closely coming ... (prohibited)

To go a crowd to the sidewalk ... (permitted)

Return the street in the underpass ... (permitted)

Return the street with a yellow light signal ... (prohibited)

Help the old men and the old women move the street ... (permitted)

Cyclists cling to passage cars ... (prohibited)

Combine standing in front of the sidewalk ... (prohibited)

Go on the sidewalk on the left ... (prohibited)

Logging on the roadway of the road ... (prohibited)

Ride a bike without holding the steering wheel ... (prohibited)

Chat and loudly laugh in transport ... (prohibited)

Respect the rules of the road ... (permitted)

5. Concurs - captains of "relay-drivers"

The captains of the teams must overcome the obstacles (arranged on the floor of Kegley), leading a children's typewriter on the rope.

Condition:who is faster and without accidents will get to the finish.

6. Drawn signs

Playing is offered for a certain time to draw road signs.

That team wins, which not only correctly draws signs for a certain time, but also will explain them.

7. Their with spectators (fans) "crossroads of riddles"

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit down and rush on it.

Only better right steering wheel.


What a miracle this house!

Many passengers in it.

Shoes wears rubber

And feeds gasoline.


Worry and shoots

Grumbling patter.

I will not get sick to the tram

Behind this tarantor.


Does not fly, not buzzing -
Beetle on the street runs.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.

To help you, friend,
The way to go dangerous
Day and night burn lights -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic light)

What horse the land is plowing,
And hay does not eat?

The distance runs - does not fade, with legs friends.

For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for several cars

I work alone there.


Four brothers run -
Do not catch up with each other.

Quietly ride us will oblige
Rotate near Show
And recall that and how,
You are on the way ...

(Road sign).

What kind of zebra on the road?
Everyone is standing by writing her mouth.
Waiting when green blinks,
So it ...



Questions from cartoons and fairy tales in which vehicles are referred to.

What did Emelya rode for the king to the palace?

(On the stove)

Favorite two-wheeled type of transport of Cota Leopold?


What lubricated his motor carlson that lives on the roof?


What gift did the parents of the uncle Fyodor post the postman Pechkin?


What turned the kind fairy pumpkin for Cinderella?

(In the carriage)

What did the old man hottabych fly? (On the carpet - plane)

Personal transport Baba - Yagi?

What went to Leningrad a man scattered from the street of the pool?

What flew the Baron Münhgausen?

What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

Spectators (, fans) may give earned to the tokens of the team for which they suffer.

8.Iigra "Make a Sign"

Very often violators of traffic rules spoil road signs, and now we will repaired some of them. You need to collect a road sign from the proposed components and correctly call it.

9.Igra "Cheerful Traffic Light

I am glazing Morgay

Tireless day and night

And helps help

And I want to help you.

Traffic light.

Playing teams are located for each other. Children on one are suitable for the line (5 steps), take into the hands of the ball and try to get into one of the eyes of the traffic light. Successful throw, if the ball falls into the center of any circle, is estimated as follows:

Green - 1 point;

Yellow - 2 points;

Red - 3 points.

That team wins, which has more points.


Two teams participate. Each team has a gaming field 3 x 3, divided into 9 numbered sectors. Teams are in turn choose the sector and receive questions from leading questions regarding the rules of cycling. If a correct answer is given, the sector is turned over, and a cyclist is drawn on the back of the field (i.e., a part of the figure appears). The team wins the team that fastest on the playing field will gather a cyclist.


At what age can you ride a bike on the roadway? (From 14 years old)

What should be checked by a bike primarily before riding a bike?


At what distance from the curb can be riding a bike on the passage part?

Players show the "Bicycle Track" sign, they must call the sign and explain what it means.

Is it possible to carry a passenger on the bike? (Only small children, in the presence of a special extra seat).

What sign prohibits the movement of the bike?

Should cyclist dwell from the sign "Travel without stopping forbidden"? (Yes)

How should a cyclist warn about turning right? (Elongated with right hand or bent in the elbow left)

Should cyclist stop at the crossroads on the red light, if there are no vehicles, and it does not create an emergency situation? (Yes)

Does the bike applies to the manpiece? (Not)

Why in the dark time on the bike can be riding without a lantern included? (Question with trick, you can not ride in the dark time without a lantern, even by bike).

11.Instation of the final

12. Program

Testing on traffic rules "To the path was happy" for younger schoolchildren with a presentation

Ivanova Svetlana Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of the highest qualifying category, MBOU Golynkovskaya secondary school, Rudnyansky district, Smolensk region

Description of the material: I suggest a test with answers by traffic rules "To be happy to be happy." This material will be useful for teachers of primary classes, educators of additional education, educators of the extensional groups, teachers of pre-school institutions.
It can be used in a class hour, in extracurricular activities, in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Purpose: Prevention of children's road trauma

Tasks: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and rules of the road;
2. To promote the formation of a conscious attitude to comply with the safety rules on the streets and roads;
3. to bring up a sense of responsibility for personal safety and security of other road participants;

Test "To the way was happy"

Discipline on the streets, roads and transport - security deposit

Structure occupation
1. Organizational moment.
2. Self-determination to activities:
- Read the motto of our classes and tell me what will go about?
3. Test "So that the path was happy"

1. Find an incorrect statement:
a) go through the street in the group of people;
b) wait for the bus or tram at the edge of the stop;
c) go through the street on a pedestrian crossing;

2. What is dangerous to do on the sidewalk?
a) talk;
b) stand;
c) play football;

3. Is it dangerous to walk around the edge of the sidewalk?
a) Dangerous, as there is a danger to be a close-up transport.
b) Non-hazardous, as the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians.
c) it is not dangerous, as transport should not go close to the sidewalk.

4. Choose the correct answer:
Children under 14 years old are forbidden to ride bicycles ...
a) in parks and in playgrounds;
b) on the roads where cars ride;
c) at the stadium;

5. Who is allowed to ride a bike in the sidewalk?
a) everyone;
b) children from 14 years;
c) young children under 7 years old;

6. Road rules forbid:
a) ride a bike without holding the steering wheel;
b) cross the road, having flown off the bike;
c) ride the bike path;
7. Where can the pedestrian going?
a) on the pavement;
b) on the highway;
c) in the sidewalk;
8. Turning the street, you must be:
a) strong, bold, slim;
b) collected, attentive, careful;
c) smart, beautiful, joyful;
9. What are the ground transition marked on asphalt with white stripes?
a) deer;
b) zebra;
c) horse;
10. Where to see first, turning the street?
a) left;
b) right;
c) forward;
11. What is the name of a person riding a bus?
a) pedestrian;
b) driver;
c) passenger;

12. Where is the error made?
a) if you see the bag left unattended, a package or other things, do not touch them yourself, tell me about this driver;
b) talk to the driver and ask him questions so that he does not miss;
c) do not go without a passage during the movement;

13. Who correctly behaved in public transport?
a) Misha leaned against the door of the bus;
b) Ira fucked head into the window;
c) Dima tightly kept behind the handrail so as not to fall;

14. What do prohibitive signs look like?
a) a sign in the form of a blue circle;
b) a sign in the form of a red circle;
c) a sign in the form of a red triangle;

15. Which of the children correctly answered the question "What are the most important signs?"
a) Dasha said: "All road signs are important - without them it is impossible to safely move on the roads;"
b) Igor said: "The most important signs are the signs of the service, because you always need to know where a gas station or hospital is located";
c) Olya said: "The most important road signs are warning, as they always warn the driver about any danger."

16. What rules must observe a pedestrian?
a) walk only in sidewalks, move the road in the place;
b) walk in sidewalks and quickly run the road;
c) wait for transport at stop close from the roadway.

17. Going on the sidewalk, you see that the ball has rolled out from the nearest yard. What are you
Should I do?

a) catch up with the ball and return it to the owner;
b) to hold someone who runs behind the ball;
c) pass by;

18. What rules must comply with the passenger?
a) get into the car from the side of the carriageway;
b) talk to the driver only while driving;
c) do not turn the hand into the window and the more head;

19. Which color is the markup on the road?
a) white and pink;
b) yellow and black;
c) white and yellow;

20. Olya often travels with dad by car. All the way she
He tells him about his girlfriends, plans for the next week. Does it come correctly?

a) yes, because behind the conversation the road seems not so long;
b) no, because it is forbidden to distract the driver while driving;
c) Yes, because dad is all the time at work. When else to talk?

The key to the test:
1-b; 2-in; 3-A; 4-b; 5- in; 6-A; 7-in; 8-b; 9-b; 10-A; 11-in; 12-b; 13-in; 14-b; 15-A; 16th; 17- b;
18- in; 19-in; 20-b.

4. Reflection and summing up
- To whom it was easy to respond to questions, they did not cause you difficulties?
- Who had doubts?
- Who was it difficult to choose answers?
- Let's finish the occupation by our motto: (Children speak choir)
"Discipline on the streets, roads and transport - security deposit»

Presentation on the topic: Testing on traffic rules "so that the path was happy"