The words of the storyboard in front of the fairy tale. Classes for children of senior preschool age with a common underdevelopment of speech: "Visiting a fairy tale"

The words of the storyboard in front of the fairy tale. Classes for children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech:
The words of the storyboard in front of the fairy tale. Classes for children of senior preschool age with a common underdevelopment of speech: "Visiting a fairy tale"

Entertainment "Tale for a fairy tale" for children 7-8 years

Author: Botelnko Svetlana Gennadievna, music leader MBDOU "Kindergarten №27" Kamen - on - Obi, Altai Territory
Organize leisure children, educate interest in fairy tales.
Develop memory, observation, speech, intelligence.
Teach children to act solid and organized.
Bring up communicative skills.
Illustrations for fairy tales, drawings of children, crosswords, fabulous items.
Preliminary work:
Reading with children fairy tales, conversations, viewing illustrations, drawing individual episodes, showing the puppet theater kids.
(Music sounds a storyset.)
Fairy tale:
Hello, kids! Far - the kingdom is far away, the immense state is the country of fairy tales! Many miracles there, magic. And who at least once visited her, will remain a prisoner forever. Because - the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the terem is the most painted, the birds are the most voiced, and the kids are the most terrible. I came to you to call with him away from distant and interesting. The track is distinguished, you need to collect the most necessary things with you. Here is the "fabulous" objects that will help on the way: a comb, towel, a vessel with live water, a ring, a tablecloth - self-banner, boots Slorn, tangle, a mirror. It is necessary to choose three items, but with such a condition: you must call the magical properties of each and a fairy tale, where this subject is found.
(Children take objects, calling them from what fairy tale.)
Fairy tale:
Things gathered - on the road!
(Fairy music sounds, children go snake around the hall. Guard appears.)
Who are you? What are you doing here? In our country can enter the one who loves and knows a fairy tale. I arrange you a test, solve a fabulous crossword?
From the letters that in the highlighted quadraticles, the magic words must be folded. Only then I will miss you.
Fairy tale:
Well, what will we guess the crossword?
1. One of the names of Vasilisa (led)
2. In the king, sent Ivan - Tsarevich for the heat -ptitsa (Berendei)
3.Yablokov, giving youth (Moldivny)
4. Derevo, most often found in fairy tales (oak)
5. Supplies who used fabulous heroes (Palicians)

1. AREK, who has fought Ivan - Peasant Son (Currant)
2. Prointing Nikita, which saved Kiev from the snake (Kozhemyakin)
3. "Rides ... on a herb, jumps ... on bark. From a tree on a tree robbles yes snaps up "(frost)
4.Cot in Russian fairy tales (Bayun)
5. Who was enchanted by a silent beautiful girl (frog)

Fairy tale:
Magic Word - Come Tale.
Test you passed.
The path to the fairy tale is open to you. Good luck!

(Music sounds, a hut appears on curiped legs.)

Fairy tale:
How to get into the hut? What words do you need to say?
Hut, hut,
Get up to the forest back,
To me before.
(The hut turns, enters, sipping, Baba Yaga.)
Baba Yaga:
Appeared, did not dreamed. Turned the hut, woke up the old woman. I have long been waiting for you, wait. Prepared you the riddles are not simple, but about the uninquisite fabulous.
Have a grandmother, then commend the riddles.
Dance "Baba - Yaga"
Baba Yaga:
Well, well done! Hands, so pleased. And now the riddles. Who gave faster?
1. Suggestion heroine, the owner of the first aircraft. (Baba Yaga)
2. Suggestion, a resident of the forest, the so-called forest spirit. (Les)
3. The most lonely representative of the unclean power. (Water)
4. The unknown power of the unknown floor: "Not that man, not that woman." (Famously one-eyed)
5. What is the name of my sister, the mistress of the swamps? (Kimor)
6. Where was the death of the wagon of the immortal? (In needle)
Baba Yaga:
All the riddles guess. Go further, sorry such a tasty lunch to lose, but what can you do ...
(Music sounds, voices are heard.)
Fairy tale:
Hear who - says? These are the heroes of fairy tales.
1. "Do you warm your maiden, whether to you, red?" (Frost)

2. "How to jump out how to emphasize
Fly slots on the valyshs "(Zayushkina Hut)

3. "Alenushka, my sister!
Sacks, sacks on the beings,
Fires boil iron
Knives Calculate Bulat Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)

Fairy tale:
So we came out of the forest. And then another obstacle "Fabulous humorine"
1. In what fairy tale says about a unique sports contest on high school jumps among the male faces, whose winner expected a valuable prize - the kiss of the princess and marriage is not her. (Squa-Burk)
2. In what fairy tale contains a recipe for the preparation of a wonderful, unique dishes in the taste quality of a joinery tool? (Porridge from the ax)
3. What fairy tale says about how the hare became a homeless thing, and the red-haired fluther took possession of all the hare real estate and only a third party interference helped to restore justice? (Hare Hut)
4. Name a fabulous character driving out of leather. (Frog)
5. What is the name of the Russian folk fairy tale, in which the story is told about the long path of the bakery product to the consumer? (Kolobok)
6. What is the most reliable fairytale orientation tool? (Clew)
7. What is the name of a female dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements are placed? (Sleeves)
8. Name the name of a fabulous character who burst into the form of a poor-quality built bridge. (Bubble)
9. What is the name of the sewing belonging, in which the mortal danger is lurking for fabulous long-livers? (Needle)
10. What is the highest achievement of the magical catering? (Tablecloth - self-bare)
11. Name the name of a high-ranking person, whose smile was fabulously expensive. (Nasmeyana)
(Music sounds, the layout of the palace and the king appears.)

Fairy tale:
So we came to the royal palace.
Oh you, guests - gentlemen,
Long went? Where to?
Well, for the sea il bad?
And what in the light of the miracle?
Fairy tale:
Answer the king, what fabulous miracles do you know?
Flying ship, Two of Lartz, Wooden Eagle, Jean ...
In the fairy tales, the kings give 3 tasks. I also decided to experience you. King I or not the king?!
Here is the first mystery: For what shortages sent the kings on the path of their sons? (For the bride, for the heat - bird, for mulware apples).
Second mystery: What reward promised the kings? (Half the kingdom, marriage to daughters)
Third mystery: Name the name of the king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it. (Peas).
It is a pity to part with you, but there is nothing to do. And on a farewell, do not be asked to us a cheerful dance, respect the king - the father.
Russian dance "shines a month"
Yes! For a long time I did not have fun. Anyway! I'm important, and you go! Behind my kingdom of the river, the fiery river, tame it with magical words - leave my kingdom, and no - head from the shoulders. (Goes out)
Fairy tale:
Let's remember the magic spells.
By magic…
Land Farewell - in a good way!
Savka - a scattering canopy,
Become in front of me
Like a leaf before grass!
Fairy tale:
So the river overcame. Our tour of the fairy tales ends. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fabulous path is infinite! You should open a new collection of fairy tales, and on the road!
Song "Fairy Tales Walk in Light"
Fairy tale:
And I say goodbye to you words from fairy tales: and I was there, honey, drinking beer! And they began to live - wait, yes it's good to find! To new meetings!

Holiday traffic.

Under the Christmas trees froze mushroom and jester. Falaughter comes out.
Fairy tale: Not far from my way, not close,
I went, went, bowing to you low.
Fairy tales ask here.
Invite them, children?
Children: Yes!
Fairy tale touches the magic wand of the jester and mushroom. Heroes come to life. Mushroom: Please: come in
Our spacious book house!
Please: look,
How we are having fun.
Jester: Good school today
The hall is on fire.
We are on holiday our cheerful
All friends call!
Teacher: The fairy tale is a clean soul,
As a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour night.
Native people her creator
People-sly, People-Sage,
In her, his dream was invested,
How gold in the casket.
The tale was born for a long time before people learned to read and write. Fairy tales composed folk dreamers and told them to native and friends. So walked the fairy tale from the mouth to mouth.
Fairy tale: Cut the curtain veil
And before us for a moment
Spread the wonderful forest
And, delaying a slightly excitement,
We enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.
Today we will make a fascinating trip to the country of fairy tales.
Happy way to you!
Mushroom: In this hall we expect wonders today.
Hear? There are good fairy tales of voice here.

Fairy tale: To invite a fairy tale
We must repeat loudly:
Tale, fairy tale, tell me!
Children: Tale, fairy tale, tell me!
Flies on the Baba-Yaga broom and shouts loudly. Baba Yaga: Behold! Own!
Like, stop!
What kind of gathering you
In a spontaneous hour?
Where can I see that I
Is there fun of the fun?
Enough, lid you, friends.
Fairy tale: Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our children want to have fun!
Baba Yaga: And what about me? What I want, then and spoil!
Fairy tale: We are a fairy tale with the guys. Where are you doing her?
Baba Yaga: I have seen your fairy tale
Koschery in the palace.
I can replace it
I will transform now in the face.
Gets powder and powdered.
Fabulous I Element,
I have a document,
I fly on my broom
And I scare kids.
Fairy tale: That you, grandmother Yaga,
Children are not terrible,
We must have a fairy tale.
Can we send you?
Baba Yaga: I will not even think about it.
Give me my broom.
Seeing the plaintive eyes of the guys, Baba Yaga agrees.
Well! Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth. Let good forever wins evil.
Sounds video "Song about a fairy tale"

Baba Yaga: I'm glad to help you
But I'm waiting for you awards.
Mushroom: Grandma, time do not pull
And behind the fairy tale you fly.

Baba Yaga: That shameless, I got!
Where did you see a grandmother?
I am younger than all of you together.
I will double to dinner.
We take you deprive
Get away and do not bother.
Sits on the broom and flies.
Fairy tale: Evil you will not kill, but it must be struggling with him,
Evil is the tape of the soul.
Let each be in the morning
As soon as you wake up
Make good hurry.

Teacher: While Baba Yaga makes a good deed and looking for a fairy tale, I suggest you remember reading fairy tales.
Teacher: From the garden of the old woman, the flower threw
Girl gave his wife.
And in the petals of those magic power.
Their girl asked for something.
What I need to say the petals breaking
What is the name of the fairy tale?
Children: Flower-sevenflower.
Sounds light, calm music. It comes out of the screen of the girl Zhenya with a seven specialist in his hands, breaks down the petals. Zhenya: Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Returning by making a circle,
Only touched the land
To be, in my opinion, led!
Teacher: Before the wolf was not trembling,
From the bear ran away.
And Fox on a tooth
All caught ...
Children: Cobble!
A bun appears, sings a song. Kolobok: I am a bun, bun,
Kolobok - ruddy side!
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather ...
Teacher: Someone in the forest goes
The box on the back carries.
Tasty smells of pie
What kind of fairy tale in front of you?
Children: Masha and the Bear.
A bear appears with a box. Sounds of calm music. Bear: Sad, sit on the pencil,
Feed, eat a piddle.
Bear leaves. Teacher: Girl good in the forest goes,
But the girl does not know that the danger is waiting.
There are a couple of furious eyes behind the bushes,
Someone is strange to meet
Girl now.
Who will ask the girl, about her way?
Who will deceive grandmother,
To enter the house?
Children: Little Red Riding Hood.
Red hat sings a song under karaoke. Teacher: Unfortunately, not all fabulous heroes were able to come to
we have a holiday. But they sent telegrams, though they forgot to put signatures under them. Let's go down together who sent us telegrams.
Teacher reads telegrams. Teacher: "Fucked for your holiday and broke the egg ..."
Teacher: Who was in a hurry to us?
Children: Mouse. Fairy Tale "Rumor Rumor"
Teacher: "You can't arrive at your holiday, pants escaped from me ..."
Children: Dirty from "Moydodyra"
Teacher: "Save! We ate a gray wolf! "
Children: The wolf and the seven Young goats.
Teacher: "How to hear the thunder yes knock, do not be afraid. This is me in my box to sleep to you! "
Children: "Princess Frog"
Teacher: There was trouble in the country fairy tales. Of the fairy tales, some subjects were lost. Let's help you find these items and bring them back in fairy tales.Your task is to name a fairy tale from which this subject.

1. In what fairy tale was the shoe lost? (Cinderella)

2. In what fairy tale printed the apple and died? (Tale of the dead princess)

3. In what fairy tale did the princess checked the pea? (Princess on the Pea)

4. In what fairy tale was a gold key lost? (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

5. In what fairy tale on the path of children there is a stove and save them? (Swan geese)

6. What is the name of the fairy tale in which a girl lived in a flower? (Thumbelina) Baba Yaga arrives. Baba Yaga: For the heat of the fire, for the blizzard,
Everyone gets married, cargu,
And in me harm is no more,
Than daisies in the meadow.
What, have been waiting, a bastard?
Take Here she is.
Baba Yaga reveals the knot, in which sparkles and confetti are located. Throws them up. Falaughter comes out. Fairy tale: All minute minute
Fairy tale I want to start.
This fairytale name,
Hurry to guess!
Everyone is ready to listen to the ears?
There will be a fairy tale, give a time
He says the old man's old woman:
Baked me ...
Children: Cobble!
Melody sounds, grandfather and bab come out of the house.
Staging the fairy tale "Kolobok" Grandfather: Oh, wanted a kolobka,
We have butter and flour,
So you would be the dough kneading
And the kolobom all treated!
Grandma: With the hunt, I will take the case
Although the task is not easy
To make the dough magnificent and white,
Need not only to us flour!
Attention should be reduced,
About salt and sugar do not forget
To better make treat
Start the dough I knead!
Under the music of grandmother knead the dough, with the end of music covers a row towel .
Grandma: I knead the dough, the oil added,
I got out of power, oh, how tired!
The grandmother sits on the pencil, begins to darish. The dough-child raises the towel and leans it. Dough: I run out of the row,
I do not want to be a kolobom.
I feel bad here
I have a stuffy here.
Through the edge of
Yes Run!
I am a very juicy dough,
I can't stop here.
I have little place in the pierce ...
Closely, closely, escape!
Grandfather: Baba, the dough escaped!
Woman: Ah, ah, ah, where, where?
How did I succeed?
Here is a misfortune, so trouble!
Baba, along with his grandfather, catch the dough, carry it into the house.
Grandfather and Baba come out, take out round bread.
Grandfather: Removed bread and quieter
It's hot breathe
The field is sleeping, it is tired,
Zima is approaching.
Over the village haze floats
Pies in houses bake.
Come in feel free to
Doody bread treat!
Treat the viewers bread and go.
Teacher: Let's play the game with you "Board name". Guys! Almost in all fairy tales of heroes are called a double name, I will say the first name, and you are the second.Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa is beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Boy with finger
Ivan Tsarevich
Brother - Ivanushka
Zmey Gorynych
Tiny - Havroshchka. Teacher: Thanks, guys, you know the names of the heroes of fairy tales.
And now let's check who knows the fairy tales better. I will ask you questions, and you answer.
Teacher : What songs sang a kolobok?Children: "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ..."Teacher: What sang a goat to your goats?Children: "You are children, you are kids, dare the door, your mom came, brought milk."Teacher: What words can be called Sivka - Burku?Children: Savka - Burk! Talking canopy, stand in front of me like a leaf before grass!

Teacher: What words did Emelya pronounced when he turned to Pike?

Children: By whining the vein, in my opinion.

Teacher: What words did the girl say to Zhenya when he broke the petal?
Children: Fly, fly petal. Through the West to the East, north, through the south. Returning by making a circle. Just touch you. To be, in my opinion, led!Zhenya girl: We will grow up, other
And maybe among worries
We will relieve a fairy tale
But the fairy tale will come back to us!
And we will meet her smile:
Let them live again!
And this fairy tale to our children,
We will tell again in good time.
Fairy tale: My young friend!
Take with you on the road
His favorite fabulous friends.
In the cherished hour they will help you.
Find a dream and make life light.
Here is the moment the farewell has come,
Tell you: "Goodbye"
Teacher: Our holiday comes to an end. Let's all together we sing a little country.
Children sing a song, and fabulous heroes dance under this video. Teacher: Our holiday came to an end. See you!

Fairy tales - this is what helps not only develop a fantasy in a child, but also to expand his inner world, make it bright, fascinating and complete adventures. Thanks to them, the kids will know the concepts of good and evil, gain a desire to become like a beloved hero.

Each fairy tale is usually preceded by promscar. In the works of Pushkin, they are also present.

The concept of promccory

Since fairy tales belong to the approach to their story must be appropriate. So that the child drew attention to the narrative, it must be intrigue and interest. That is why Russian storytectors used the so-called scores that predict the beginning of history.

Entry to the fairy tale is not related to its content, but at the same time explains where events come with. For example, "there was a king", "in some kingdom, in the thirtieth state" and others. Also, the tip could be the end of the narration, as if summing up the event or telling about the storyteller itself.

Squirts in the fairy tales of Pushkin is not accidental, as he loved this kind of national folklore and knew since childhood thanks to his nurse - Arina Rodionov.

Pushkin and fairy tales

At the heart of the poet's fairy tales, Russian folk responses are lying, which he gladly listened and recorded. For example, in the plot of fairy tales about the Bald, written in the Boldino estate, is a story, heard and recorded in the village of Mikhailovsky.

Not only Russian fairy tales influenced the creativity of the poet. The content of the "Fairy Tales of Fisherman and Fish" "written off" with legends from the German folklore, and the plot "On the Dead Tsarevna" is similar to the work of the Grimm brothers about Snow White.

"Legend of Arab Star" became an impetus to create a "fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel." Knowing how the folklore is arranged, it can be concluded that the promsters in the fairy tales of Pushkin is not accidental.

"Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

This instructive poetic statement of an old legend teaches children to keep this promise. Prikaski in Pushkin's fairy tales, examples of which are present both at the beginning and end of its works, bring in them the techniques of the search groups.

At the beginning, they attract to the plot. In the "Tale of the Golden Petushka", the entry sounds like this: "In the threatened kingdom, there was a glorious King Dadon in the thirtieth state." This technique is adopted by most of the storytellers, which speaks of its significance and efficiency.

Sclacks in Pushkin's fairy tales, examples of which can be found at the end of the work, are also pronounced in this plot: "The fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint of a good young lesson in it."

In a certain meaning of the "Afterword" in this example, more like the conclusion after the instructive fables. In a sense, this work of Pushkin really looks like a valuable lesson.

"Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

In the notion of "promccory" in the fairy tales of Pushkin about Tsar Saltan, there are two introductory lines about the evening work of three sisters near the window. After that, the plot can go on any line, but the intrigue is already there, now it only needs to be developed. After this, at first glance, the ordinary began, the poet creates a truly exciting story, during which children are experiencing an adventure and follow their heroes who are threatened with danger, and disappointment, and the fear of losing a loved one. But still, they are waiting for a happy finale.

As in most folklore works, promccasters in Pushkin's fairy tales at the end of the string of the brief and concise: "I was there, honey, drinking beer," and the end of the phrase depends on whether there is a mustache of the mustache or not.

The poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" differs significantly from the tales of the author, so its entry into this case is quite long and detailed, although there is no relation to the content.

Usually, promccasters in the fairy tales of Pushkin fit in 2-4 lines, when here is a separate poem, more known as "at the Lukomory Oak green". Talking about the place of events, the poet creates a fascinating world in which every child will want to get away.

The promotion of the first and last chapters of this poem are the same words: "The affairs of the long-lasting days, a dedication of the antiquity of the old". Thus, Pushkin is not the author, but only a retellor of events that occurred in deep antiquity and reached our time in the form of a legend.

Understand the content, in the dickening, orphoepic and logical features of the promotion and fairy tales. Determine your attitude towards told.


Do not fly white swans in the sky, Russian people tale say. The fairy tale is not enough, and not lies.

Believe it, do not believe it, but listen to the end. The end is the case of the crown.

Fairy tales, that birds are birds, yes none of them are not empty. Who will understand the hint, he will leave the prey, the fairy tale is hearing. Good things to live yes to grow, and evil to dream from the ground.

Our fairy tale begins from the truth, grows on fiction, climbing with her jokes, are taken by additives, sell for affectionate word to the storyteller.

Yes, something is not a fairy tale, but a surcharge, but the tale will be ahead.

At sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tree - golden making. Cote Bayun walks on this tree: Top goes - the song turns, go down - the fairy tales. Fairy tales are affected in the morning after dinner, stuffing soft bread. This is not a fairy tale, but a surcharge, but the tale will be all ahead.

We now ask, honest gentlemen, to listen to our fairy tale. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.

Wrong, the good fairy tale is finished. The kind story is not from the sowing, not from the beam, not from the things of the canaki, not from a well-known point, not from the Babi I am.

This is not a fairy tale, but a surcharge, the fairy tale will be ahead.

Lived, were a crane with a crane, they put the Senz's stoket - whether to say again from the end?

Here is a fairy tale, and I - bagels betting.

The story is prosecuted

From Ivanov's leprosy,

And from Savka, and from the scary,

And from the things canoku.

Goats in the sea went away;

Mountains forest pores;

The horse with the golden zedom was broken,

Straight to the sun rose;

Forest under the foot

On the side of the thunder cloud;

Walking cloud and sparkles

Thunder scatters in the sky.

This is a hook.

The tale will be ahead.

P. Ershov.

Tales5 three son-in-law.

An old man lived with an old woman. And they had three daughters. Three daughters, three clever-loams, three beauties - in a fairy tale say, not to describe.

Once the old man was driving with firewood from the forest. And the night was dark. The horse goes, stupidly, the stubborn is stumbled. Brela, Brela, and it became completely. Old man and soyak, but it turns out in no way in the forest.

Eh, "says the old man," Kaby's bright month looked out, I would give him an older daughter!

Just said, and a month, monthly peeking, all illuminated. I drove the old man quickly, I drove home well.

Here the eldest daughter got dressed, enthusiastically, it came out on the porch - her month to himself and took.

How long, briefly, white in winter, the old man was driving snow from the fair with snow. The clothes on it is thin - zipuhenishko da paws, hat torn. Frozen, sample, teeth knock, bones crunch.

Eh, "says," Kauba the sun looked out, I would give him an average daughter!

Just said, and the sun looked out. Stretched old man, melt snow. I drove the old man quickly, I drove home well.

Here the middle daughter got dressed, enthusiastically, went to the porch - her sun in his choirs and took.

How long, briefly, the old man went fish to fish with warm summer. I caught the fish full boat: both Joys, and crucian, and the rash. Just wanted to come back home, and the wind and verse. Here is a sailing and hung, smoothly rag.

Sitting an old man in a boat, flashes: Fish is full, and there is nothing, water around, and there is nothing to drink.

Eh, "says, - Kuba the wind-breeze yes bang in my sail, I would give him younger daughter!

Just said, and the wind-breeze will blow it! Sailing sailovok - Satok Starik to Bearing.

So the youngest daughter got dressed, jammed, on the porch, her wind-breeze in his choirs and took.

Here the year passed, the old man says:

And what, the old woman, I will go to my older daughter. Is it good at a month old century.

Go, Batyushka, go and hotels demolish!

Baba jacket pies yes pancakes. He took the old man and went to the road. It is wandering, stops: because the path is not close to the month. She walked, she came late at night.

I met his daughter, delighted. And the old man to her:

Oh-Oh-Oh, Tosnekhonko! Long to you way, daughter. She walked, all the bones were traited.

Nothing, the daughter says, "now you will go to a double bathhouse, break the bones - everything will pass.

What are you, that you, daughter! Night in the yard - in the bath dark.

Nothing, father.

Here they led the old man in the bath. And the month of Monthly, the finger was heard - the whole bath illuminated.

Are you light, father?

Light, light, son-in-law.

The old man came across, stuck at his daughter and went home. It is wandering, stops: home after all the way is not close. She walked, she came late at night.

Well, "says, the old woman, the rust of the bath. And then I was walking, all the bones of Titoitil.

What are you, old man! Night in the yard - in the bath dark.

Nothing, "says, will be light.

The old woman went to the bath, and the old man put a finger in the gap:

Will you, old woman?

What a light is dark-darkly!

Yes, as the grandmother got stuck, the piles - the rods broke, the water was shed, barely alive jumped out. And the old man is all finger in the gap.

Here is another year passed. He became an old man to gather to gather.

I'll go, I, the old woman, I grab the middle daughter. Is it good at the sun sun in a sunset.

Go, Batyushka, go.

Here the old man went to the way. It is wandering, stops: the path is not close to the sun. She walked, she came late at night. I met his daughter, delighted. And the old man to her:

Oh oh oh! - Says, - the path to you, daughter! She walked, there was wanted.

Nothing, "says, - Batyushka. Now Brecks are baked.

What are you, that you, daughter! Night on the courtyard - no time stove stove.

And we have the ovens in the hut.

Dissolved mistress dough. The village of Solnyhko in the middle of the hut, and the wife of his dough on his head pours and the old man pancakes serves - good, ruddy and oil.

An old man washed, got drunk and fell to sleep.

The next morning went home. It is wandering, stops: home is not close to home. She walked, she came late at night.

Well, "says, the old woman! I walked, I wanted. Let's pancakes oven.

What are you old, in mind? Night in the yard - no time to buy the oven.

And we do not need a furnace in the hut. You know the dough do, and I will be the stove.

Dissolved the old woman dough. Sen an old man in the middle of heaven.

Lei, "says," I'm on Lysin.

Yes, you, the old man, isn't it sick?

Know! - He speaks.

Poured him the old woman dough on Lysin. What was happening here, what was done here! .. For three days the old man in the bath washed, nasil washed.

Well, the year passed. He became an old man to gather to the younger daughter.

I'll go to me, old woman, younger daughter. Is it good at the wind century at the wind.

Go, go, father.

He went old man. It goes wanders, stops, the river is widely bypassed. Right across the river is close, and the circle is far away.

Well, reached. Daughter and son-in-law were delighted. The old man hurt them, hurt and went home. And the daughter and the son-in-law went.

Here reached the river. Old man and says:

I'll go around.

And son in him:

Why bypass? Through the river swim - there will be closer here.

Yes, how to sail? There are no boats.

Do not burn, father. Throw, wife, on the water handkerchief!

Throwing Starikov's daughter on the water of the handkerchief. Wind his inflated bubble. I sat down an old man, and the wind he cried on the other side.

Here thank you, the breeze-breeze.

Only the old man did not want to house, did not want, did not get caught, did not sit, says:

We go, the old woman, we will take the sea.

Let's go to the sea, and the boat flows.

Here, - the old woman says, and ride.

Do not burn, wife. Throw on the sea handkerchief!

Yes, what are you in the mind? Dear handkerchief, shitty wool.

Throw, I say, will not disappear! Threw the old woman's handkerchief.

Jump! - says the old man.

I jumped the old woman, and the old man is blowing. Dul, dul - and the old woman is already in the water of his knees. Bug, the old man blew - and the old woman was already the neighbors out of the water, they pulled out.

Since then, threw the old man on the eve of walking. Lies grandfather on the oven, hits boots, eats pies yes fairy tales.

Purpose: Continue the formation of sustainable interest in Russian folk fairy tales, to theatrical and gaming activities.

1. Teach children to find expressive means of a playing character of a character, using for this movement, facial expressions, gesture, expressive intonation.

2. Expand the activation of the vocabulary of children on the topic; Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.

3. Relieve responsiveness, kindness, in communication with each other, love for Russian folk tales.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, viewing illustrations, listening to fairy tales in audio recordings, beating individual plots.

Equipment: scenery, illustrated fairy tales, fabulous heroes, magic book, two tables, tape recorder, audio recording "There are many fairy tales in the world"; For each child, cards are distributed with the image of the story of the fairy tales; Two transparent boxes.


To the music "There is a lot of fairy tales" in the world.

Fairy tale: Hello, cute guys. I am a kind story, I tell the children of fairy tales. Do you like to read and listen to fairy tales?

Fairy tale: a fairy tale of kids visible?

Fairy tale: Tale kids were very waiting?

Fairy Tale: The fairy tale came to the guys.

Today I came to you with a magic book, and there are fabulous puzzles, games, and, of course, fairy tales. Now I want to know if you remember my fairy tales. To do this, you must guess the riddles. If you guess the mystery correctly, then a deposit will appear from the magic book.

1. What was the name of the girl who went to visit his grandmother and met in the forest with a gray wolf? (Little Red Riding Hood)

(Fairy tale shows the children illustrated fairy tale)

2. In what fairy tale big birds took a little baby in the forest to Baba - Yaga? (Swan geese)

3. What fairy tale did we know about dad, his wooden son with a long nose? (Golden Key)

4. What fairy tale live grandfather, grandmother, hare, wolf, bear and small round traveler? (Kolobok)

5. In the fairy tale steel all row.

  • Is this a fairy tale about whom?
  • Who will give the correct answer?
  • Who got up first in a fairy tale (Grandfather) (Fairy Tale "Rust").

Fairy tale: Well done children, you correctly guess the riddles. And pleased me, meaning to remember fairy tales. And I brought you a game that is called "Collect a fairy tale." I give you a hand card. You must remember the name of the fairy tale and decompose the cards with fabulous heroes in order: what was at the beginning of the fairy tale, and then.

Didactic game "Collect a fairy tale."

The background sounds light music; Children choose pictures with a picture of fairy tale plots and sequentially lay out on big cards. Then clarify, they say the name of the fairy tales, they remember the manners, the nature of fabulous heroes.

Fairy Tale: Children, you correctly told the name of my fairy tales, remembered their heroes and laid out the cards in order that was at the beginning, fairy tales and what the fairy tale was over. Well done! You pleased me! Well, now we will rest, we dance with you!

Phys. A moment: to the music "Fabulous Country" - children perform dance movements.

Fairy Tale: In the magic book, I have one more riddle left, and you guess the mystery and you will get into a fairy tale:

"Forest to Forest,
Stood the house painted,
I could hide all the animals!
What kind of house?

Children: Teremok.

Fairy tale: children, I invite you to a fairy tale. "Teremok". Do you want to become real fabulous heroes?

Fairy tale: I will say magic words: "Turn around yourself and turn in the fairy-tale hero." - One two Three.

Fairy tale rolls out the table with the costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale. Children put on them, turning into fairy-tale heroes.

Fairy Tale: Tale, Tale, Support.

Tell her no joke.
To a fairy tale from the beginning
Like a river bung
So that in the middle of the whole people
From her he painted his mouth,
So none neither old nor
Under it did not be treated.

Prepare eyes, ears, - the fairy tale begins.

Dramatic tales "Teremok"

Music sounds.

Fairy tale: In the pure field, teremok-teremok, it is not low, not high. As in the field - the field mouse runs, the Teremka stopped and says:

Mouse: Pi-Pi, who lives in Teremchka, who lives in not high?

Fairy tale: no one answers. The mouse entered and began to live in the terchemaker. Lives - grain through!

Fairy Tale: Jumping past a frog - a cuckoo. I saw teremok and asks:

Frog: Kwa - Kwa - Kwa, who - who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?

Mouse: I am a mouse - Nomushka, and who are you?

Frog: I'm a frog kva - kva - a cuckoo let me live with myself.

Mouse: Go, will be more fun.

Fairy tale: They began to live together. Mouse grain thoughts, frog pasta bake.

Fairy Tale: Rides past, bunny - Pumpchant. I saw teremok and asks:

Bunny: Who - who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?

Mouse: I'm a frog - kva - a cuckoo. "And who are you

Bunny: And I bunny - a jump, let me live towards myself.

Mouse and frog: Go, threesome will be more fun.

Fairy tale: they began to live threesome. Mouse grain thoughts, frog pastry bake, and the bunny plays on the harmonica.

Fairy tale: There is a fox - everything else is the beauty. I saw teremok and asks:

Lisa: Who - who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?

Mouse: I mouse - Narushka.

Bunny: "I am a bunny - whip" and who are you?

Lisa: And I fox - all the light of the beauty. Let me live to yourself.

Mouse, frog, bunny: Go, four will be more fun.

Fairy tale: They began to live four-way mouse, grain thoughts, frog pasta bake, bunny on the harmonica plays, and foxes the house removes.

Fairy tale: Runs past the wolf - the teeth click. I saw teremok and asks:

Wolf: Who - who lives in Teremchka? Who - who lives in low?

Mouse: I mouse - Narushka.

Frog: I'm a frog - a cuckoo.

Bunny: "I am a bunny - a jump.

Fox: I am a fox - the whole world is the beauty. And who are you?

Wolf: And I am a wolf - the teeth click. Let me live to yourself.

Mouse, frog, bunny, fox: Go fisty will be more fun.

Fairy tale: They began to live in a feather. Mouse, grain thoughts, frog pastries bake, bunny on the harmonica plays, and fox houses the house, and the wolf is guarded.

Fairy tale: goes past a bear. I saw teremok and asks:

Bear: Who - who lives in Teremchka? Who lives in low?

Mouse: I mouse - Narushka.

Frog: I'm a frog - a cuckoo.

Bunny: I bunny - jump.

A fox: I fox - all over the world.

Wolf: I am a wolf - click the teeth. And who are you?

Bear: I am a Bear Kosolapiy. Let me live to yourself. I will go to the forest, honey collect, you treat you honey.

Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf: Go to the gaze will be more fun.

Fairy tale: They began to live a guide. Mouse, grain thoughts, frog pasta bake, bunny on the harmonica plays, and foxes the house removes. Wolf house guards. Bear in the forest walks, honey collects, all treats all honey.

Fairy tale: Do you closely close in Teremka?

Fabulous heroes: no, we will live in cramped, yes no offense!

Fairy tale: They began to live in the teremka - to warm up the songs.

Teremka's dance at the Teremka: "We all took the handles" - coordination of speech with the movement.

Fairy tale (wondered): Children, did you like the holiday fairy tales.

Fairy tale: Denis, what did you like?

Denis: I liked how Vika - Fisce the house cleaned.

Mansur: And I liked that the bear was treated with honey.

Igor: I liked how the bunny on the harmonica played.

Vika: I liked that the frog of pies did the bottom.

Timofey: I liked that we lived together, "no one was driven.

Fairy tale: fairy tales and good, that happy end. Happy end - the cause of the crown.

Fairy Tale: I want to thank all the children for a fairy tale. You were real fabulous heroes. And now show what your mood is now.

Children take cards with the image of fabulous heroes in a good mood and bad. Enclosed in transparent boxes. The fairy tale sees who has a joyful mood, who has no.

For goodbye, I give you a blinking fairy tale. Children thank the story of gifts.

Children: Fairy Tale, do not forget us. And more often invite you to visit! Bye!