Games for girls dress up Winter and spring. Games winter dressing

Games for girls dress up Winter and spring. Games winter dressing

Princess Outfits for the Winter Festival. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Rapunzel and Mulan - are going to go for the annual winter festival. Of course, at the princess festival intend to conquer all those present by their glamorous outfits. For this, girls need to create for themselves the most stylish and fashionable winter images that they will be able to demonstrate in the winter photo session. In order not to be in a random loss, the princesses decided to invite you on the role of their stylists to invite you. Do not worry! In their wardrobes you will find a lot of chic outfits, accessories, jewelry and shoes. The choice is yours. Maybe it will be trousers and wonderful tops. And maybe gorgeous dresses. In any case, the princesses do not frizzle, you can find there for them and fashionable, winter things. Such, for example, as - blazers, jackets, jackets. To complete the images, select princesses flirty hairstyles and cute clutches. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Dresses Princesses for the Winter Festival

My crash season avatar. Game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine that in the game that suggested to you the game Avatar for the Cold Season You will create personally for yourself. And so, summer, autumn, and half of winter have long been riveted in non-existence, and your online avatries still do not correspond to reality. On them, you are still in clothes not for the season. Start acting?! In this case, start with the creation of a character endowered with your features. Ready? Then proceed to choosing fashionable, winter outfits. Do not forget about a winter coat and a picture with a winter background. Good luck!.

My Cold Season Avatar

Design of a cozy sweater for Tian, \u200b\u200bMerida and Ariel. Game for girls and girls! In this cool dress for dressing you, girls, the creation of the original design of warm, cozy sweaters for the Disney princess - Tian, \u200b\u200bMerida and Ariel. At the initial stage of the creative process, you will deal with conventional serial production sweaters. This alignment does not like princesses. Each of them would like to have something original, not repeated. Creation of such a design you now and do. And when the sweaters are ready, you can choose other suitable clothes for them. Good luck!

Design of a cozy sweater for Tiana, Merida and

Christmas Eve in the company with frozen sisters. Game for girls and girls! Girls, this year the Christmas Eve, you have to hold in the company with frozen sisters - princesses Elsa and Anna. In the evening, they go to a festive party, and now you will go with them on the shops of winter, fashionable clothes and in honor of the upcoming holiday will help them make themselves and their girlfriends Jasmine and Rapunzel a lot of gifts. Cute, young stylists, at today's party, the princesses will be able to look awesome lady. And it will only happen thanks to your merit. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Christmas Eve in the company with frozen

Winter games Princesses with Olaf. Game for girls and girls! In the kingdom of Erendel Winter. It's time to have fun with a snowman Olaf. Elsa and Anna sisters such entertainment adore. Here and today they are going to play with Olaf in Snowballs. Girls before our cheerful trinity starts the game in snowballs, choose winter outfits for them. And then you entertain with them.

Winter games Princesses with Olaf

Disney Princess: Winter Sports. Game for girls and girls! Yesterday, there was dirt and slush in Disney, and today the powerful snowfall has passed here, literally in a matter of minutes we took the earth with a dazzling white, gentle covering. Inspired by such an adorable painting, Princess Disney - Aurora, Ariel and Elsa - decided to recover in the mountains to make winter sports there. Girls, choose cool, stylish outfits for princesses, and then the walk will be unforgettable for them. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Winter Sports

Barbie: Winter outfits for a different case. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to create trendy winter images for various times for our cute blonde Barbie. Determining factors will serve - hairstyles and shells of winter hobbies: skis, snowboard, sled. Good luck!

Barbie: Winter outfits for different case

Frozen sisters Elsa and Anna run away from winter. Game for girls and girls! In the game "Frozen sisters Elsa and Anna run away from winter" to you, girls to do several types of dress up. First you need to choose winter outfits for princesses so that they can go for a walk in their kingdom. The harsh weather in Erendell confronted sisters to a cool idea. They decide to escape from the Winter's local island, where glaciers and magnificent beaches are adjacent to the next. And now. Girls, you must collect them on the road. Choose suitcases, bags, phone numbers, cameras, and, of course convenient for traveling outfits. Do not lose your sisters out of sight. When they arrive on the island, unpack their suitcases and remove everything from there, without which in your opinion they will not cost on the island - including clothes for recreation and beach accessories good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Frozen sisters Elsa and Anna run away

How Harley Queen stole Christmas. Game for girls and girls! Harley Queen has long been no longer the super villain, which was ready for the most insidious adventures. However, for Christmas, Harley was not entirely correctly arrived. Without consulting with Elsa and Moana, she organized the upcoming Christmas party as it herself wanted. Having wished to please the girlfriends in such an unusual way, she as if she stole Christmas with their act. But let's help Harley dressed in her beautiful outfits, and, waiting for Elza and Moan, find out what happened. And it turned out the following. Disney Princesses Everything that Harley did, seemed cozy and cool. It seemed to them cool and idea with a visit to Santa Claus with dressing up in delicious winter outfits,

How Harley Queen stole Christmas

Elsa and Anna arrange a party for friends in a cafe. Game for girls and girls! In Disney Winter. To chat with friends Jasmine and Aurorow, Princess from the Ice Kingdom - Elsa and Anna - decided to arrange a party for them in a cafe. And now, girls, you will have to help guest princesses choose for this event winter outfits, decorations and accessories. And then, until the guests arrived, you, girls, together with hostess party will need to work on the decoration of the cafe. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Elsa and Anna arrange a party for

Lady Bag: Ski time. Game for girls and girls! The super heroine lady bug today is a day off! And it is necessary to happen that the first abundant snow fell in the vicinity of Paris! Consequently, our cute lover of skiing is time to go to the mountains. There are no other options. But you, dear girls, first of all, it will be necessary to take care of the winter pretenu of a super heroine. Make her handsome makeup. Choose a stylish hairstyle, elegant winter outfits and accessories. Ready?! So it's time to go skiing. To control the game you will need a mouse first, and in the mountains, the arrow keys right / left. Good luck!

Lady Bag: Ski time

Aurora and Snow White: in winter Paris. Game for girls and girls! Disney Princesses - Aurora and Snow White - Meet Winter in Paris. Since the princesses of free time today, the girlfriend decided that on this winter day they are best to visit the makeup artist and buy the purchase of winter outfits. The role of a specialist in the makeup and consultant in Parisian outfits will perform the girls. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Aurora and Snow White: in winter Paris

Cinderella: Fashionable outfits for all seasons. Game for girls and girls! Even outside the Disney, everyone knows that Cinderella is the most stylish and fashionable of all princesses. About the fashion princess knows everything. Our knowledge and observations of the princess is ready to share on its own fashionable blog. So today Cinderella decided to lay out a wonderful post for his subscribers regarding fashionable outfits of all seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter. Girls, Cinderella need an assistant. You will play his role! Good luck! Play the mouse.

Cinderella: Fashionable outfits for all seasons

Disney princesses: What to wear is an eternal question about outfits. Game for girls and girls! What to wear is an eternal question about outfits - a game for girls about fashionable, winter outfits. What to wear is the question of the same eternal as life itself. He is asked all the ladies without exception. Princess Disney - Ariel and Bell - no exception ... especially this question is relevant when changing the season. Winter entered into their rights and princesses, of course, for once again asked themselves the eternal question - "what to wear" - to not seem at school and for walks with a gray mouse. To solve for the princesses this important problem is to you, girls. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney Princesses: What to wear - Eternal Vop

Disney Princess: Ice Party. Game for girls and girls! Disney Princess: Ice Party - Great Game for Girls About Winter Dresses. In Disney today is a great day. Princess Elsa, Merida and Moana decided to arrange a party on ice. There they will be able to skate and enjoy a friendly conversation. Girls, take care that the princesses on the rink be comfortable. For this, you will, first of all, it will be necessary to take care of their warm, winter outfits. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Ice Party

Sweaters for Elsa in the style of boho, gell and casual chic. Game for girls and girls! Sweaters for Elsa in the style of Bocho, Gle and casual chic-game for girls about fashionable, winter outfits. In a fabulous land, Disney Winter. At such a time of year, without warm outfits, do not do! Princess Elsa is decided to replenish his wardrobe with a pair, a three knitted, warm sweaters. But at the same time she wants to stay as stylish and fashionable as in the summer! Girls, solve the princess, you will help this problem. Taking advantage of the tips of stylists from fashion magazines, you can pick up three most fashionable style for it for winter - boho, gell and casual chic. Elegant, knitted sweaters in these styles will take a worthy place in her wardrobe. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Sweaters for Elsa in the style of boho, gell and

Princess Aurora: winter mood. Game for girls and girls! "Princess Aurora: Winter Mood" - Game for girls about winter dressing and room design. Girls, do you know that Princess Aurora loves winter? Girlfriends Princess Aurora are surprised how to love the winter, especially such as it is this year at Disney. Slow and dirt from the constantly snow can spoil the mood of anyone, but not the princess Aurora. The princess problem solves this problem. By adjusting the design of your room and winter wardrobe, it gets great pleasure from this and it does not have time to have a bad mood.

Princess Aurora: Winter Mood

Barbie: Winter Surprise for Ken. Game for girls and girls! "Barbie: Winter Surprise for Ken" - a game for girls about winter dressing. Ken is located in a long business trip and Barbie is solved to arrange him a surprise. Do not warn your beloved about your trip, she will fly to visit him. Girls, help Barbie gather on the road. In her wardrobe you will find a lot of stylish, winter outfits. Choose those that in your opinion are most suitable for this purpose. And then calm down about her travel bag. Of course, her bag should be original. And when Barbie and Ken meet, prepare for them on a cup of hot chocolate. To control the game you will need a mouse.

Barbie: Winter Surprise for Ken

Winter photo session Princess Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! "Winter photo session Princess Rapunzel" - a game for girls about winter dressing. Winter favorite time of the princess Rapunzel. She adores snow, frost and winter outfits. That's why every year the princess suits the winter photo session for himself. Today, a wonderful day and Rapunzel decided to devote to his beloved lesson, and you, girls, will help her. Start with the selection for it stylish, winter outfits. And then go to the courtyard and decorate the platform in front of the house. Excellent! It's time to work for business! Use the mouse to control the game.

Winter photo session Princess Rapunzel

Knitted sweaters for princess Elzy. Game for girls and girls! "Knitted sweaters for princess Elsa" - a game for girls about fashionable, winter outfits. In a fabulous land, Disney Winter. At such a time of year, without warm outfits, do not do! Princess Elsa is decided to replenish his wardrobe with a pair, a three knitted, warm sweaters. But at the same time she wants to stay as stylish and fashionable as in the summer! Girls, solve the princess, you will help this problem. Taking advantage of the tips of the stylists, you can choose for her three most fashionable style for winter - boho, gell and chic. Elegant, knitted sweaters in these styles occupy a worthy place. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Knitted sweaters for princess Elsa

Elsa: Cold season against warm. Game for girls and girls! "Elsa: Cold season against warm" - a game for girls about dress up. The natural elements for the princess Elsa from the "Cold Heart" is cold and snow. Only here is not enough: the princess misses in the summer, and in the summer in winter. Everything causes the magnificent winter and summer outfits that she simply does not tolerate to wear. Girls, Elsa Tensions can be put an end. To do this, you will only need to arrange a small experiment for the princess. To begin with, selecting the desired outfits, create images for warm and cold seasons for it. And then, mixing compatible outfits from summer and winter wardrobes, create another adorable image - a universal mix. Make sure it looks good?! That's it! Elsa has a great taste. It will be able to appreciate your advice to in dignity, and then doubts like the contradictions of the cold season against warm will leave her forever. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Elsa: Cold season against warm

Disney Princess: Party in the Ice Café. Game for girls and girls! "Disney princesses: a party in an ice cafe" - an interesting dress for dressing, in which you, girls, together with Disney princesses have to spend time in an ice cafe. Princesses of Erendel - Elsa and Anna - decided to arrange for their girlfriends - Jasmine and Aurora - a party in his ice cafe. Girls, to participate in this game, start with dressing Jasmine and Aurora. Select your beautiful winter outfits. Add suitable accessories to them. Then hurry to help Elsa and Anna. Help them with the decoration of an ice cafe. To do this, you need a mouse. Good luck!

Disney princesses: party in an ice cafe

Winter trends Elsa and Anna. Game for girls and girls! "Winter trends Elsa and Anna" - a game for girls about trendy, winter dressing. Princesses from the Cold Heart of Elsa and Anna always sought to look fashionably and be in trend. It was perfect for them perfectly, as they constantly monitor changes in fashion. But winter came and as usual with each change of season, she brought new concerns to princesses. Elsa and Anna thought about replenishing the winter wardrobe. And so that the winters of the princesses are in trend, this time they decided to take advantage of specialists with good taste and knowledge of new, winter trends. To date, you will be, girls. However, start with the actual makeup in such cases. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Winter trends Elsa and Anna

Disney princesses go on a rink. Game for girls and girls! "Disney princesses go to the rink" - a beautiful game for girls about winter dressing. In Disney Wonderful Winter! Wonderful time for active, winter holidays. Princesses Ariel and Rapunzel decided: today they will spend on the rink. Girls, for such a case, select beautiful princesses, winter outfits and go with them to a country roller to admire there with magnificent, Disney landscapes. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney princesses go on a rink

Princess Disney: Winter history. Game for girls and girls! "Disney Princess: Winter Story" - a cool game for girls about winter outfits for relaxing in the walls of your house and for a walk through the city. In a fabulous land, Disney is very cold, so Princess Anna proposed Rapunzel to pass this day in his warm room. Girls, Anna and Rapunzel will feel much comfortable if you offer them a gorgeous, home clothing and feed different sweets on the table. Princesses warm over a cup of fragrant tea and want to stroll through the snowy streets of the city. For such a case, you will need to choose them warmer, winter outfits. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Winter Story

Ideal winter bows. Game for girls and girls! "Ideal winter bows" - a game of dressing for girls, about a successful combination of winter clothes. Winter in full swing. It would be necessary to start updating the winter wardrobe for a long time, but the heroine of this game has no sufficient experience in order to do it properly. Girls, it will be seen by the decision of this problem will have to do you. Choose new outfits for the girl with such a calculation to combine them between themselves, each time it would be possible to get perfect, finished bows. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Ideal winter bows

Moana and Elsa: Winter Shopping Online. Game for girls and girls! "Moana and Elsa: winter shopping time online" - a game for girls about winter dressing. Princesses - Moana and Elsa - decided to update their winter wardrobe. Today they intend to engage in winter shopping online and you, girls, will help them in this. Go to the website of the online winter clothes store and, opening the necessary departments there, buy the things for the princesses. New outfits are most likely to be needed, so do not forget to look even in the salon hairdresser. Manage the game with the mouse. Good luck!

Moana and Elsa: Winter Shopping Onla

Disney Princess: Winter Wardrobe. Game for girls and girls! Disney Princesses: Winter Wardrobe - Game for Girls About Winter Dress Up. The winter coming, and behind him and the New Year is the sip of fresh air, which will certainly be treated and hindels all the fashionistas for updating the winter wardrobe. Princess Bell and Elsa, of course, no exception. And you, girls, will help them. Pick them with new outfits and shoes. Change to more modern accessories. Do not forget about the hairstyle! Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Winter Wardrobe

New Year's holidays in Erendel. Game for girls and girls! New Year's holidays in Erendel - Game for girls about winter dressing. So the new year! Disney Princesses - Cinderella, Ariel and Jasmine - New Year's holidays decided to spend in Erendel. So that in the cold kingdom nothing bothered Cinderella, Ariel and Jasmine enjoy the rest, help Elsa to choose magnificently, winter outfits. Good luck! Play the mouse.

New Year's holidays in Erendel

Disney princesses: Winter boots in the style of Bocho. Game for girls and girls! Disney Princess: Winter-style Boho - Games for girls about fashionable, winter outfits. Elsa and Snow White are delighted with the works of famous designers who offered routines in the style of Bocho on the winter season. Girls, go with girlfriends in a trendy boutique and help them replenish the wardrobe with winter outfits in the boho style that loved them. Play the mouse.

Disney princesses: Winter-style winter

Cozy winter outfits for Ariel, Moan and Cinderella. Game for girls and girls! Cozy winter outfits for Ariel, Moana and Cinderella - a fascinating game for girls from a series of games about the princesses, about winter dress up. The winter still does not indulge in the snow, but it's already quite fresh on the street. Three princesses - girlfriends Ariel, Cinderella and Moana - decided to make a long walk in the park, who still did not reappoint with the autumn apparel. Girls, observing the fashionable trends of the cool season. Help the princesses pick up for a walk beautiful, cozy, winter outfits. Do it with a mouse. Good luck!

Cozy winter outfits for Ariel, Moan and Z

Fashion: Disney princesses in the style of Eskimos. Game for girls and girls! "Fashion: Disney Princesses in Eskimo Princesses" - an interesting game for girls from a series of games about the princesses, their outfits, fashion and trendy styles. Having been on the fashionable show of the peoples of the North, the Princess Disney - Elsa, Moana, Rapunzel and Cinderella - were delighted with the beauty and practicality of the fashion of Eskimos. In addition, in their world, the Fashion Eskimo has already managed to gain popularity. Of course, the princesses could not stay aside from such new fashion trends. They immediately decided to fill the gap of their wardrobes. Girls, join the princesses and help each of them choose the original outfits in the fastened fashion style of Eskimos. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Fashion: Dresses for Disney Princesses

Winter dress: Outfits for skating. Game for girls and girls! "Winter dressing: outfits for skating" - an interesting game for girls for dressing Princesses Disney to occupy a winter sport. Princesses Rapunzel and Ariel today is a day off. Girlfriends decided this day to devote to sports. They will skate all day. Of course, the princess rink should, as always, look perfect. Girls, take care of their winter outfits. They should be not only warm, but also beautiful, and comfortable. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Winter dressing: riding on horseback

Disney Princess: Winter Photo Session. Game for girls and girls! The first snow fell into disney. A great reason that Jasmine arranged for Aurora, Ariel, Elzy and Merida Winter photo session. Girls, now it's just for you. Choose a beautiful winter clothes, accessories and shoes for the Disney Princess. And so that the photos are more interesting, attract in the frame owl and the dog. Then help Jasmine to post photos on social networks and see how subscribers will appreciate them. Play the mouse.

Disney Princess: Winter Photo Session

Elsa, inspired by winter fashion. Game for girls and girls! This year, December in the Kingdom of Erendle got cold and gloomy. It so happened that at this time the Elsa moved the flu and did not leave the house for a long time. This affected her mood. Elsa succumbed to Winter Handra. It's hard to believe, but the Winter Fashion came to help the princess. And it happened so. Elsa received an invitation from his younger sister from his younger sister. It cost Elsa to open his wardrobe filled with magnificent, winter, fashionable things, as she had an interest in life immediately. Runing almost the entire wardrobe, the princess, finally, calmed down and went to Anna in an excellent mood. And the next day it came to her a message from Jack. Jack offered Elsa to go with him for the Winter Ball. The princess is greatly excited. But this is not a hunder! Inspired by the upcoming visit to the ball and the beauty of their outfits, the cute Elsa recovered completely. And you, girls to calm the princess, it remains only to help her with the choice of the very cool ballroom dress. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Elsa inspired by winter fashion

Elsa: summer against winter. Game for girls and girls! Girls, have you been no longer in Erendel? Take the mouse and follow us. You have to help the princess Elsa understand its preferences. The fact is that she loves both the summer and winter, but can not understand what time of the year, and rather how the outfits are ready to give preference. Help Elsa Start with the selection of outfits for the summer and winter season. Perhaps, start with summer. In her wardrobe you will find a lot of beautiful and fashionable outfits. Choose those who like you most and come to create a magnificent summer image. Then repeat the same when creating a stylish image for the cold season. And so that Elza does not enter into embarrassment, do it as yet. Create an image of the princess using the selected stuff from the collection made up of summer and winter outfits. Thus, you will see for yourself, but at the same time, and convince the Princess Elsa that the output is always there and sometimes it does not require complex solutions to its search. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Winter jackets for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! With the onset of winter colds, Princess Disney - Elsa, Snow White, Anna, Bell, Merida and Aurora thought about acquiring beautiful winter jackets. Elsa, taking advantage of the Internet, found the store's address with a huge selection of winter, down jackets and invited all his girlfriends to go shopping there. Girls, go along with the princesses in a fashionable boutique and help them with the choice of jackets and other winter outfits. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Winter Jackets for Disney Princesses

Dress up Elza and her daughter for a walk on the winter day. Game for girls and girls! In Erendel, the snow was all night. Snowfall over the morning ended and an excellent winter day was established outside. Princess Elsa with his daughter decided to go for a walk. Girls, help your mother and daughter pick up suitable winter clothes for this purpose. Choose outfits in which our heroons will be comfortable to frolic in the snow.

We dress Elza and her daughter for a walk in s

Princess Bell and Ariel: What to wear in winter? Game for girls and girls! Princess Bell and Ariel: What to wear in winter? Girls, if you have problems with winter outfits, do not think that you are alone in this matter. With the onset of winter, our favorite princesses Belle and Ariel are concerned about the same problem. Girls, the named problem for Modnic Ariel and Bell, of course, is very important and help them with her decision - your task. Princes for now students, and will not be bad if you offer them in two magnificent style - school style and street style. These cool styles will allow princesses to be fashionable, stylish and modern. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princess Bell and Ariel: What to wear in winter

For some reason, many believe that choosing a style in the winter season is much easier and easier than in summer or spring. But I will have to disappoint here such comments. After all, the real girl and the girl should always look beautiful and no matter what the weather is outside the window. And specifically for such self-confident fashionistas and for those who know the main commandment of real fashionista: always and with any circumstances look great. Here for such guys and developed a game about dress up in the winter. Winter is generally a very beautiful time of year, and sometimes it seems that the wings that I want to straighten up and take over, and consider the snow-covered earth from a bird's eye view. But, given that such a dream is practically impracticable, then you have to be content with small: stylish and tastefully selected outlines.

Of course, it is still a little to buy a fashionable thing, you still need to be able to wear, and this is not every girl managed. Today, thanks to us, and we will try our skill, pick up stylish and fashionable clothes and even so that it is, and combined at least a little. Apparently, this girl's heroine girl is not in vain is considered the most important and experienced fashionista, because her wardrobe is filled with beautiful, comfortable and fashionable things. And here in this variety of clothing we have to "eat" in order to find something suitable for this weather. And still dressed up, taking into account one small moment: she loves her hair very much, he cares daily for them, and, of course, loves all sorts of hairstyle to the head. But it categorically refuses to use varnish and hair foam.

Anna loves his baby and tries to spend all his free time with her. You can join the girls in the game Winter Games Dress Up. For the princess, choose time for recreation is not easy, Erendel's state affairs take a lot of time, but the sister of Elsa comes to the rescue when Anne needs to relax and give a minute of his beloved daughter. Winter in the kingdom lasts long, but the inhabitants are not upset about this, but trying actively and fun to relax in the fresh air, skiing, sleigh, skating. Princess and daughter are going to spend the weekend, riding mountain slopes. In order to be a full-fledged rest, nothing darned him and prevented a fun time and communicating mom and daughters, it is necessary to prepare well. In the game Winter Games Dress Up you are given the opportunity to choose an adult and little princesses comfortable and beautiful outfit. Lockers girls are already filled with a variety of garments, you will have a difficult choice. For a comfortable winter holiday on the street you need to have a high-quality outfit - this is a special ski suit at the same time warm and lung. Movements should not be cowned by heavy clothes, especially if the heroines declines to come down from the ski slides. Put the baby first and choose a sports equipment: Ski or Sani. Then go to Anna's room and pay the princesses enough time for complete equipment. The Winter Games Dress Up game is interesting for girls and not only in terms of entertainment, but also for practical use. Dressing fairy-tale characters, you develop your taste and style, some elements of clothes you can use in reality. Advance with girlfriends and share the results, it is possible right during communication. Now practically everyone has a smartphone or tablet, and our game will play great on any of the mobile devices.