Quiz “Own game” “My big and small Motherland” and small Motherland” The material was prepared by Mingaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of the Moscow Educational Institution. Cool hour-quiz "Russia is my Motherland!"

Quiz “Own game” “My big and small Motherland” and small Motherland” The material was prepared by Mingaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of the Moscow Educational Institution. Cool hour-quiz "Russia is my Motherland!"

Oksana Rudneva
Game - Quiz Theme: "Russia is my Motherland".

Target: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about our country - Russia; state symbols; our capital Motherland; about the history of ancient Rus'; about the life of our ancestors. Continue to form and develop patriotic feelings. To instill in children pride, love for their Motherland.

Equipment and materials: drum with balls (lottotron); specially prepared electronic presentation for questions quiz; music video clip "Our Motherland» ; medals for awarding; Balloons three colors (red, blue, white). Multimedia installation or computer to show presentations and clips. Musical piece performed by an orchestra "Steppe, yes steppe all around ...".

(backing track).

Course progress.

The hall is specially prepared for the game - quiz: places for two teams, a place for the jury, a screen for multimedia, multimedia installation. Drum, with numbered balls.

Russian folk melody sounds. The host invites the children to go into the hall and take empty seats.

Guys, you probably noticed that today our lesson will be a little unusual. Firstly, you took places on the chairs, whoever likes where, and we formed two teams. Today quiz - competition. Two commands: The blue ball team and the red ball team will answer questions. Whose team answers the most correct questions is the winner in our game.

And so the rules of the game: each member of the team (in turn, goes out and spins the lottery drum and takes out the ball. There is a number on the ball. This is the question number. I, the presenter, read out the question, the team confers and gives an answer to the question asked. If the answer is correct, then the ball is counted to the team. If no, then the loto drum returns to the drum.

The correctness of the answers and the calculation of points will be carried out by a respected jury. There is a performance.

Now let's do the draw. Call one of the team members. The child who draws the ball with largest number, that command answers the question quiz first.

Now let's find out the theme of our game. Listen to the poem and determine what our lesson will be devoted to. a game.

The host reads:

Russia- our sacred state,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Your property for all time.

From south seas to the polar edge

Our fields and forests are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! One you are -

Protected by God native country! S. Mikhalkov

That's right guys, today we will talk with you and answer questions on the topic Russia, our with you Motherland about the history of our Fatherland.

Question 1. What is the name of our country in which we live?

Answer: Our country is called - Russia. And still has the official full name Russian Federation .

Question 2. What is the capital? name main city our country.

Answer: The capital is the main city of any country. The capital of our Motherland - the city of Moscow.

Question 3. In front of you are the flags of various states. Define Flag Russia. What do these three colors mean.

Answer: On the flag Russia three colors: white, red, blue. It is also called the tricolor.

Question 4. There are various coats of arms in front of you. Identify among them the coat of arms of our country. Tell what kind of rider on a white horse.

Answer A: It's not just a rider. His name is George the Victorious. He has long been revered in Rus' as the patron of warriors, the defender of the Fatherland. He has a silver spear in his hand. With this spear, he strikes the black snake, and the faithful horse tramples the snake with his hooves. The snake is a symbol of evil.

Question 5. What is the name of the main, solemn song of the country? What should you do when it sounds?

Answer: the main song of the country is called the anthem. It sounds only at very solemn moments, you have to get up, and the men still have to take off their hats.

Question 6. Attention to the screen. You have a map in front of you. cities: Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, Uglich, etc. - this is a map diagram. How else is it fashionable to say about these cities with other words and why?

Answer: These cities, if connected, form a ring (circle) and called « Golden ring Russia» . And they are called so, they are very beautiful, ancient, there are many monuments.

Question 7. Before you photos: 1. Valley of geysers in Kamchatka. 2. Lake Baikal. 3. Peterhof - the summer residence of Tsar Peter 1. 4. Natural monument "Poles of weathering in the Komi Republic". 5. St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. 6. Mamaev Kurgan and a statue Motherland- mothers in Volgograd. 7. Mount Elbrus. What are these photos, what do they tell you about, what do you like the most.

Answer: Photos is "Seven Wonders" Russia» .

Question 8. Who are the Slavs? What were they then called and why?

Answer: Slavs are our ancestors who lived a very long time in Ancient Rus'. Then the Slavs began to be called "Russians" or "dews". According to scientists, this name comes from the river Russia. From the name of this tribe came the names Russia and"Russians".


The wind blows over the fields.

And the grass sways (Children gently shake their hands above their heads).

The cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain (Sipping - arms up).

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are bowing -

Right - left, back - forward,

And then vice versa. (Tilts left - right, back - forward).

We are climbing the hill. (Walking in place).

We'll have some rest there. (Children sit down).

Question 9. Why earlier in Rus' residential settlements and cities were mainly built on the banks of large and small rivers?

Answer: Because there used to be dense, impenetrable forests and it was very difficult to build roads. And the river served, like the road, in summer on water on boats, and in winter on ice on horseback, also a source of food (fish).

Question 10. What is the Kremlin? Does it exist only in Moscow or is it in other cities? What?

Answer: The Kremlin is a fortress. It served to shelter the civilian population from enemies in Ancient Rus'. Kremlins - there are fortresses in almost all ancient cities Russia.

Question 11. What was the name of the residential village in Rus', consisting of wooden houses. Why?

Answer: A residential village of wooden houses was called a village. Because the houses are wooden.

Question 12. What is the name of a house built from round wooden logs?

Answer: A house built of round, wooden logs is called a hut.

Question 13. What in the hut, our ancestors considered the Slavs the main thing? Why?

Answer: The main thing in the hut was a stove, it was heated with firewood, they cooked food in it and heated the entire hut with it.

Question 14. And what dishes were prepared and in what?

Answer: Cooked various stews, fish soup. They also steamed turnips with honey, peas with onions. And they cooked in pots, then they were also called cast iron.

Question 15. Name proverbs and sayings about your native country.


There is no land more beautiful than our side.

Everyone has their own side.

Russian expanse 0 freedom for a person.

beloved homeland that mother darling.

Take care of your beloved land like a mother darling.

Live - serve the motherland.

Question 16. What proverbs do you know about our capital? Motherland Moscow?


Moscow is the heart Russia.

Moscow is the mother of Russian cities.

They speak in Moscow, but they listen all over the country.

Moscow - the capital of all the people to be proud of.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

You are all just great! Questions the quiz is over. And I invite you to admire the beauty of our Motherland, the beauty of the native land, the vast expanses Russia...(view music video clip "Our Russia» , words and music by K. Derr, song « Russia» ). At the end of the screening, the presenter is reading:

I see mountains - giants,

I see rivers and seas

These are Russian paintings.

This my motherland!

And now it's time to sum up our game - quiz. Count the number of balls, how much which team earned. They invite one person from the team, they count. The winner is determined.


Congratulations guys on your wins. quiz and I wish you to continue to be interested in the history of our country, because today we have come into contact with only a small piece of knowledge of the history of our Fatherland. And as an incentive prize we give you balloons. Pay attention to what colors they are (blue, red, white) what do these colors remind you of? These are the colors of our Russian flag.

Music sounds "I see the Russian expanse"- The children sort the balls.

Note: each question and answer is accompanied by frames of the presentation.

Elena Ladosha
Quiz "What do we know about the Motherland"

"What we we know about the motherland"

Quiz for children older than preparatory age.

Target: to generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia.



To teach children to purposefully look for answers to questions, to express their opinion;

Fix the names of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation.

Activate dialogue and monologue speech.

Enrich vocabulary.


Develop cognitive interests;

Consolidate children's knowledge of symbols Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem.

To educate spiritual and moral relations and feelings of belonging to the native country.

Raising patriotism in children Motherland: love, pride, respect for one's native country, careful attitude To her.


To form the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss actions when working in a team, to provide mutual assistance.

Cultivate love for your homeland, a sense of pride in one's country;


Learn to expressively recite poems about Russia.

Develop memory, attention, improve artistic - speech, performing skills when reading a poem.

Artistic creativity:

To teach children to display impressions of educational activities in drawings.

Develop children's imagination, the ability to come up with the content of their work

Cultivate interest in the drawing process, accuracy.

Equipment and materials: images of coats of arms and flags; projector, sheets of paper. pencils.

vocabulary work:

activation: coat of arms, flag, anthem, Motherland, Russia, Russians, scepter, orb, shield.

preliminary work: acquaintance with the state symbols of Russia, learning poems and proverbs about Motherland, talks about the main Russian holidays.

Methodological techniques:

verbal: questions, explanations, instructions, artistic word.

Visual: presentation demonstration, examination of images of coats of arms and flags.

Practical and playful: children doing tasks quiz.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall to the song "Russia" sounding in the recording and stand up, forming a circle.

goal setting:

I invite you to the club of connoisseurs for the game- quiz"What we we know about the motherland The "Patriots" team and the "Russians" team will compete with us. In the course of our game, we will determine the team - the best expert who answered correctly the most a large number of questions.

Today many guests came to us, to whom we will show. what are we we know about the motherland!

Today, all the questions that you have to answer will be devoted to our Motherland, native land, the country in which we live.

caregiver: A lot of wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but our country is an extraordinary country for us, because it is ours Motherland. What do you think is Motherland?

Children: Motherland means native like mother and father. homeland is a place, Where are we were born the country in which we live. Motherland each person has one.

caregiver: Well done! So, I see the experts are ready for the game, I ask you to take your seats and go on an exciting journey through the country of Knowledge! Good luck!

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Station number 1. "State symbols".

Which State symbols You you know?-both teams answer.

Question "Patriots" -What shape is the flag of Russia?

Question "To the Russians" - How many stripes does the Russian flag have?

What are the colors of the stripes of the flag of Russia? - Both teams answer.

Right. The national flag of Russia is a rectangular panel of three stripes of the same width. The stripes of the flag are white, blue, red, arranged horizontally.

Uploading the image of the flag

The next task for connoisseurs of both commands:

Put a picture of the Russian flag on your desk. (children lay out a flag image from strips of paper)

The Russian flag is our pride. White color in it means - peace, purity; blue is the color of faith and fidelity; red - symbolizes strength, courage.

children read a poem:

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn

What other state symbol does Russia have?

What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

Children read a poem

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west and east

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is a free spirit of Russia.

What is an anthem? And what you know about him?-question to both teams.

Children: Anthem is a solemn song, a symbol of the state. The hymn is sung and listened to while standing.

(Russian anthem sounds).

"P" - What is the capital of our state, the main city of Russia?

"R" - name main square Moscow.

"P" - What is the name of people living in Russia?

"R" - What language do Russians speak?

"P" - Who is the head of our state (he accepts important decisions for the country that signs the laws?

"R" - What is the name of the city in which we live?

Now we were talking about the state symbols of Russia, but there are not official symbols of Russia, those symbols, calling which we immediately recall our native Russia, our house, native street, house, our parents. What are you you know not official symbols of Russia?

Children: chamomile, Russian birch, rainbow.

next station "Creative".

Where does our Motherland?


Where does it start Motherland?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From the very birch that is in the field,

Leaning under the wind, it grows.

caregiver: What Russian person does not love a birch - a beauty! Birch is a symbol of Russia. How good is she different times of the year! Straight, slender, white-bodied. Let's start a round dance "Birch".

Children start a round dance "Birch" (children walk in a circle, holding hands).

My birch, birch,

My white birch, curly birch.

(Children stop, raise their hands, reach up).

You stand, birch,

In the middle of the valley

On you, birch

leaves are green,

(Children squat slowly).

Under you, birch tree,

Silk grass.

Station "Literary".

Do experts know poems about our Motherland. (Children recite poems about Motherland) .

Motherland- big big word

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens.

It fits exactly half the world,

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,

City dear, native apartment,

Grandmother, kindergarten, kitten and me.

« Motherland» F. Savinov.

I see a wonderful pleasure

I see fields and fields -

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land!

I see mountains and valleys

I see rivers and seas -

These are Russian paintings

This my motherland!

I hear the songs of the lark,

I hear the trill of the nightingale -

This is the Russian side

This my motherland!

What are you you know proverbs and sayings about our Motherland.

Take care of your native land, like a beloved mother.

Fish - the sea, birds - the air, and man - the Fatherland.

One per person own mother, he has one and Motherland.

Man without Motherland - a nightingale without a song.

That hero - who is behind motherland mountain.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than Our Motherland.

Live - serve the motherland.

For No strength for your homeland, do not pour life.

On someone else's side, and spring is not red.

beloved homeland that mother darling.

Station "The main holidays of Russia".

In our country there are major holidays that are celebrated by all citizens of Russia. Solve riddles to find out what these holidays are called.

Santa Claus brought gifts

He puts them under the tree.

Came cheerful, bright,

The best holiday...

Children: New Year.

So that on the whole big Earth

Peace has come for humanity

Celebrating in February

Children: Defender of the Fatherland.

On this bright day of spring

Give women flowers.

And in kindergartens and schools, children

Moms make crafts!

Children: March 8.

Music, flags, balloons and flowers,

So much spring beauty around!

We will always celebrate the first of May

Joyful holiday...

Children: Spring and Labor.

There is a parade, fireworks are thundering,

An orchestra plays here and there

Not only great-grandfathers and grandfathers

Meet glorious…

Children: Victory Day.

Station "Forest"

What trees grow in the forests of Russia? (birch, oak, spruce, pine, maple)

What berries can be picked in the Russian forest? (blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries).

What birds live in Russia? (crow, sparrow, titmouse, bullfinches).

What fish are found in rivers and lakes? (perch, crucian, pike, bream).

Station "Historical".

What holidays have been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times? (Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa.).

What dishes of Russian cuisine do you you know? (porridges, pies, pancakes, cabbage soup.).

What shoes did Russian peasants wear? (bast shoes).

What souvenir was considered a symbol of Russia? (matryoshka).

caregiver: Well done boys! And now we are waiting for the last station.

Station "The Only One".

The quiet sound of songs about Motherland.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers preserved for us, saved from death, from destruction, from the enemies of the Russian land, these wide expanses of the steppe, these vast forests, these full-flowing rivers. And now it's our turn to protect, preserve, protect our native land, native nature, its big beautiful Motherland - Russia. Think and name what our actions, what our deeds of Russians are necessary for our Motherland?

Children: Love her, take care of every bush, tree, grass. Protect, preserve its wealth, work, work, prevent pollution, prevent fires. Live in peace and friendship.

Remember guys: people should be kind, live in peace and friendship. And then there will be no evil, violence, war on Earth.

And now it's time to take stock of our quiz. So Team "Patriots" scored. points, and the team "Russians".

Thanks to all the experts who took part in quiz! Well done! How much have you already know about our country. You are real little citizens of Russia.

For excellent knowledge of Motherland you are awarded with honorary degrees.

Building for an award.

I want to end our game proverb:

There is no land more beautiful than Our Motherland.

MKOU secondary school, village of Preobrazhenka

Katangsky district of the Irkutsk region

educational game

"Russia is my Motherland"

Developed by the teacher

primary school

Egorova Ekaterina Yurievna

The purpose of the teacher's activity: contribute to the education of love for the Motherland, the development of cognitive skills.


    Learn to listen and prioritize.

    Develop speech, curiosity, thinking.

    To cultivate restraint, the ability to listen to a friend, interest in learning, love for the Motherland.

Meta-objective goals:

Cognitive UUD- development cognitive interest in the study home country, creating and finding ways out of problem situation, search for the necessary information, conscious construction of a speech statement

Communicative UUD- development of the ability to accurately and correctly express one's thoughts, work in cooperation, listen to the interlocutor;

Regulatory UUD- formation of evaluative independence of students, control of their activities.

Personal UUD - manifestation of cognitive initiative in helping students, the formation of the personal meaning of teaching.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, dear teachers! I am glad to welcome you to our game, which is called "Russia is my Motherland!".

Each person has a homeland, a place where he was born and lives. Each person loves his native forests and fields, rivers and lakes, his winter and summer, spring and autumn. A person loves the people with whom he lives, his people, his native land.

How big is my land!

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My land is shattered.

From north to south.

When spring is in one side,

In the other - snow and blizzard.

My homeland is boundless Russia,

And Siberia, and the Volga, and the Urals.

All places for the Russian saints,

Wherever you are in Russia.

Every birch, every bush,

Dozing fields in the forest, -

Everything reminds me of the most important -

Only here Motherland.

great land,

Favorite land.

Where we were born and live

We are the motherland of light,

We are the dear Motherland,

We call our Motherland.

What is the name of our country?

Russia is the most big country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. Its area is 17 million km2. To travel from north to south, we will have to cover 4,000 km, and to fly from its western borders to its eastern borders, it will take about 12 hours by plane, flying 10,000 km.

From a height we will see large and small rivers, huge cities and small towns, endless fields and forests. And all this is our Motherland - Russia.

And now I invite you to make a short journey through our vast country, to check and expand your knowledge about it.

So, Round 1 "Symbols"

Each state has its own distinctive signs - symbols.

The task for the teams: to find in the filword the words denoting state symbols and write them down on a piece of paper.

What words did you get? (flag, anthem, coat of arms). (each word - 1 point).

What is a flag?

Flag- the official state symbol, a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. It appeared for the first time in 1693, and became the only flag of the Russian state during the reign of Alexander III. Since 1993, it has been the state flag of the Russian Federation.

What do white, blue and red represent?

There are different versions. According to one, this is the unity of the sea, water and sky.

According to another, it is a community of three Slavic peoples.

According to the third - the colors of the flag symbolized: white - faith, purity; blue - the sky, nobility, fidelity; red - heroism, courage, courage.

There is also such a version: white is faith, blue is hope, and red is love.

Exercise: paint the flag of Russia in the desired color.

What is an anthem?

Hymn is a solemn song. It is performed on special occasions. For example, in case of victory in international competitions. This expresses respect for the country for which the athlete stands. We listen to the anthem on the days of solemn holidays, state meetings, during the parade. When the anthem is played, the people stand up. Men must remove their hats.

Composer - Alexander Alexandrov, lyrics - Sergey Mikhalkov.

Exercise: Remember, with what line does the modern Anthem of Russia begin? Circle the option you want. For a correct answer - 1 point.

    Where does the Motherland begin?

    Russia is our sacred power...

    Hail, our free Fatherland...

Answer: Russia is our sacred power ... (1)

We listen to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

(The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds)

Coat of arms- This distinctive sign. which every state has.

Exercise: find coat of arms of Russia from given coats of arms different countries.

We have a very beautiful coat of arms. In the field of the red shield is a golden double-headed eagle. The two heads symbolize the unity of the country: it looks, as it were, to the West and the East at the same time. In the claws of an eagle is a scepter and orb. The scepter is a rod, a symbol of power. It is decorated with carvings and precious stones. Orb - a golden ball with a cross at the top. Crown, scepter and orb once served as signs royal power. Now we have no king. Today, these signs remind us of the past of our country and symbolize Russia's independence from other states. On the chest of the eagle is a red shield depicting St. George slaying a serpent with a spear. In Russia, St. George was considered the patron saint of warriors and farmers. Thus, a Christian warrior is depicted on the Russian coat of arms. He represents the power of good. He kills a black serpent with a spear - a symbol of evil. Our coat of arms is very ancient. He is over 500 years old.

Round 2 "The word crumbled"

Exercise: from the letters to make a word, the name of the basic law of the state.

Constitution- the basic law of the state, which determines the foundations of the social and state system, the system government agencies rights and obligations of citizens. The current constitution was adopted on 12 December 1993.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines a number of rights and obligations for all its citizens. What rights and obligations do you have as citizens of the Russian Federation?

Fill in the table



for life;

Defend the Motherland;

to rest;

comply with the laws;

for education;

protect nature;

for help;

pay taxes

to protect honor and dignity.

Round 3 "The most-most ..."

    The most populous city in Russia. (Moscow, 12 million 111 thousand people)

    The most famous Russian souvenir in the world? (Matryoshka. In 2014 she turned 124 years old.)

    The largest bird in our country (Pelican, length 1.3-1.8 m.)

    The deepest lake in the world and the largest in area in Russia. (Baikal: maximum depth - 1637 meters, area - 31.5 thousand sq. km.)

    The most ancient name of Russian soups. (Ukha. Until the 19th century, in Rus', any meat, vegetable and fish soup. Today, ukha is a special fish soup.)

    The most common male name. (Alexander)

    The largest island in Russia. (Sakhalin: area - 76.4 thousand sq. km.)

    The largest plain in Russia. (West Siberian: area - about 3 million kilometers.)

    Most high mountains Russia? (Caucasus.)

    The longest river flowing only through the territory of Russia. (Lena, 4400 km.) 11. The largest reservoir in Russia in terms of volume. (Bratskoye on the Angara River: volume - 169.3 sq. km.) 12. What is the highest active volcano in Russia. (Klyuchevskaya Sopka on the Kamchatka peninsula - 4750 meters.) 13. What is the largest nature reserve in Russia? (Taimyr - 1500000 ha.)

4 round "Presidents"

In 1991, our country set a course for democratic development. Who was the first president of Russia? Second? Third?

D.A. Medvedev B.N. Yeltsin V.V. Putin

Who is the current president of Russia?

Round 5 "Proverbs and sayings"

Our people love their Motherland - Russia very much. Many poems have been written about her musical works. One of the types folk art are proverbs and sayings. Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Exercise: connect the beginning of the proverb with its end.

On the other side

Homeland is doubly sweeter.

Motherland is more beautiful than the sun

more valuable than gold.

Native side - mother,

someone else's stepmother.

A man without a homeland -

what a nightingale without a song.


stand up for her.

There is no more beautiful in the world

Our homeland.

For your motherland

spare neither strength nor life.

Round 6 " Festive mood»

Exercise: match the date and name of the holiday.

Round 7 "Russia's sweet corner"

What is the name of our small homeland?

Exercise: Choose the coat of arms of the Katanga region.

The coat of arms in the language of symbols and allegories reflects natural, historical and cultural characteristics Katangsky region.

The territory of the district is located in the middle taiga zone. More than 80% of the region's territory is covered with forests. Coniferous species predominate - Daurian larch, pine, spruce, less - cedar and fir. Residents believe that the forest is the main wealth of the region: it is the main type of fuel, building material, it is also a pantry of natural products, berries, mushrooms. The forest wealth of the Katanga region is symbolically reflected in the coat of arms in green. Green color symbolizes spring, health, nature, youth and hope.

Indigenous Evenks live in the district, who are mainly engaged in hunting activities. Hunting for taiga inhabitants (sable, squirrel, ermine, fox, wolverine) is still the main source of income for the indigenous people, as is the meat of wild animals (elk, deer). The deer on the coat of arms of the district is a symbol of a diverse and numerous fauna, and the silver border around the red band is an allegory of patterns embroidered on clothes and shoes. Silver is a symbol of purity, openness, divine wisdom, reconciliation.

The red color is a symbol of the beauty of the local nature, a symbol of the wealth of the lands of the Katanga region in minerals. Oil, gas, potassium salts reserves have been discovered in the region. hard coal, iron ore, diamonds, colored and ornamental stones. Red is a symbol of labor, courage, life-affirming power, beauty and celebration.

The main river artery cutting through the territory of the region in the northern direction is the Lower Tunguska, the most abundant tributary of the Yenisei. Rivers for the inhabitants of the region are the breadwinners. They are rich in fish resources that are used for personal needs. In addition to rivers, water resources lakes occupy a large place. Fish - main product Katangese. All this is reflected in the coat of arms with an azure tip and fish - tugun. Azure is a symbol of lofty aspirations, sincerity, devotion, rebirth.

The region also has a flag, which is based on the coat of arms.

Round 8 "Question - answer"

1. The name of the warrior depicted on the coat of arms of Russia. (George the Victorious)

2. What is the name of a warrior who fights on a horse. (rider)

3. The capital of our Motherland.

4. Main symbol(emblem) of any state. (coat of arms)

5. What color is the shield on the coat of arms of Russia? (red)

6. Golden ball with a cross on top. (power)

7. The bird depicted on the Russian coat of arms. (eagle)

8. What is another name for the flag? (banner)

9. What color is the middle stripe on the Russian flag? (blue)

10. The current president of Russia?

11. How many heads does the eagle have on the coat of arms of Russia? (two) 12. solemn song- symbol of the state (anthem)

13. Basic Law of the State (Constitution)

Teacher: Dear children! you build new Russia to increase her fame and fortune. Be worthy of our great country, its centuries-old history and the exploits of famous ancestors. I would like to end our lesson with the words of the great Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.” I think that all of you will grow up and become worthy citizens of your country. And we have something to be proud of.

Clip "My Russia"

Take care of Russia

There is no other Russia

Take care of her peace and quiet,

It's the sky and the sun

This bread is on the table

And native window

In a forgotten village...

Take care of Russia

We cannot live without her.

Take care of her

To be forever

With our truth and strength

All our destiny.

Take care of Russia

There is no other Russia.


Remember what a quiz is ?

AND gra, consisting in the fact that participants must answer a series of questions asked, usually combined by some common theme. Entertainment itself has a long history. This is a competition in wit, ingenuity, erudition.

Quiz from the Latin word for victory.

Today you will take part in the quiz.

Poems are read by Oleynik Denis and Kudryavtsev Sasha

What do you think the topic of our quiz lesson is?

First task.

Continue the sentence. (hand out sheets)

Motherland is ... _______________________________________________

1.Now guess the riddles:

1. It sounds solemn

Everyone rises in greeting.

song home country

We must all respect! (Hymn) Let's sing together verse 1 and 2

2 .It complements the anthem and flag, Any country then main sign.

Russia has a special one, you can try to name it. (Coat of arms)

3. It has many names: Tricolor, tricolor banner -

Wind away anxiety. White-blue-red..(Flag)

4. By the will of the people

Rightfully elected at the head of the state (President)

Let's play with you today and check how much we know about our Motherland - Russia.

The 1st competition "Warm-up" is announced.
1. What is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia)
2. What is the name of the place where a person was born and raised? (homeland)
3. What city is the capital of our state? (Moscow)
4. What is the name of the inhabitants of our country? (Russians)
5. What tree is the symbol of Russia? (Birch)
6. Common name every population of the country? (People)

7. What continent is Russia on? (Eurasia)

8. The main river of Europe that flows in Russia? (Volga)

The 2nd competition is announced. Proverb to the word says.

1. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

6. To live - to serve the motherland.

3rd competition I am a citizen of Russia.

    Our Motherland is the Russian Federation. What does the word "Federation" mean? (Union, union)

    A man who loves his country? (Patriot)

    A resident of our state who has rights and performs duties? (Citizen)

    What is the name of the image-symbol that shows the historical traditions of the city, state, family, individual? (Coat of arms)

    How many colors does the Russian flag have, which ones? (Three: white, blue, red)

    What does the white color of the Russian flag mean? (White color denotes the purity of aspirations)

    What does Blue colour Russian flag? (Blue - the will to peace)

    What does the red color of the Russian flag mean? (Red - readiness not to spare one's blood in defense of the Motherland)

    What is the name of the rules that the state sets? (Laws)

4th competition Skillful designer.

    Pictures of native nature.

    Folk crafts.

3. Russia is long-suffering.

4. Masterpieces of Russian painting.

Home drawing. Project protection.

5th competition Great people of Russia.

1. Tsar-reformer, creator of the Russian fleet? (Peter 1)

3. The first cosmonaut. (Yu.A. Gagarin)

4. The great commander and diplomat who won the battle on Lake Peipus? (Alexander Nevskiy)

5. Compilers Slavic alphabet. (Cyril and Methodius)

6. Name the outstanding Russian commanders who did not lose a single battle. (Suvorov, Ushakov)

7. Who invented the radio? (Popov)

8. Founder of the first state university. (Lomonosov M.V.)

9. A great Russian writer who never wrote for children. But children read his works. (Pushkin A.S.) (general)

10. He could understand the soul of the forest like no one else

And show it to us on the canvases.

The bark is alive and the branches are prickly

The pines and firs are large and mighty.

And it's like we inhale the resinous smell,

When we look with delight at the canvases.

(Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin) Project

Almost head down

To legs entwined with twine,

Shod in bast shoes, along the river,

Barge haulers crawled in a crowd.

(Barge haulers on the Volga. Repin Ilya_) Project

5th competition Volzhsky is the city of my dreams.

Draw the emblem and flag of our city.

1 . What is the name of central square our city? (Lenin Square).

2 . Why did the construction of the city of Volzhsky begin? (because they decided to build another hydroelectric power station on the Volga)

3 .Who was the leader of this construction, its chief architect? (Fyodor Georgievich Loginov)

4. At the place of death of this general in Russian and German inscription:. To the scientist. Warrior. Communist. His life and death were a feat in the name of life. Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev 1 (945) was sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp, located 30 kilometers from the Austrian city of Linz. Here, on the night of February 17-18, the Russian general Karbyshev, along with other prisoners of war, was martyred. The prisoners were stripped naked and driven out into the street. Then they began pour over cold water under pressure. There was a severe frost. Those who did not die immediately were again driven out into the yard and finished off with iron rods. Among them was General Karbyshev.

5.Where is the monument to the founder of the city? (at Builders Square)

6. What squares do we have in the city? (Labor Square, Lenin Square, Sverdlov Square, Builders Square).

7. What monuments do we have in the city? (monuments of D.M. Karbyshev, A.S. Pushkin, V.I. Lenin, F. Loginov and a monument to the soldiers of the internationalists).

8. What two rivers flow near the city of Volzhsky? (Volga and Akhtuba)

The jury sums up.

Leading: Guys, do you know what you wanted to call our city? (Pyatimorsk, Electrograd, Hydrograd, City of the Sun)

Blitz Tournament

    What was our homeland called in ancient times? (Rus)

    Name the capital of the first Russian state (Kyiv)

    What were the names of the three epic heroes?

    Most popular hero Russian epics (Ilya Muromets)

    The most famous Russian fabulist (Ivan Andreevich Krylov)

    The most popular Russian toy in the world (Matryoshka)

    Russian holiday of seeing off winter, this is (Maslenitsa)
    8. The most favorite treat during Maslenitsa (Pancakes)

Everyone knows Russian hospitality, responsiveness, sensitivity, kindness and hospitality. Let me treat you to our national dish - ... pancakes.

We serve pancakes.
Teacher: Thank you all for participating in our quiz. I hope that each of you will grow up to be a true patriot of our great motherland. In conclusion, let me finish our quiz with poetic lines:
Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields,
Everything that is called your homeland!

1. Away is good, but home is better.

2. Every sandpiper praises his swamp.

3. Where someone was born, it came in handy there.

4. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

5. If the people are united, they will not be defeated.

1. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

2. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

3. On the foreign side, the Motherland is doubly mile.
4. There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland in the world.

5. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

1. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
2.C native land- die, don't come down.
3. A man without a homeland is like a bird without wings.

4. Alien - viburnum, Motherland - raspberries.

5. A person has one mother, and one is his Motherland.

6. To live - to serve the motherland.

1 team

2 team

1 contest

Motherland is ... (for each word)

2 competition. Puzzles

3 competition. Warm up

4 contest Proverb to the word says.

5 competition. I am a citizen of Russia.

6 competition . Skillful designer.

7 competition. Great people.

8 competition.

Volzhsky is the city of my dreams.

Quiz "Russia is my Motherland"

Objectives: To develop in children a sense of citizenship, patriotism and love for their homeland.

To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols;
Enrich, clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic, enter the words " small motherland"," Great Motherland ";
To develop the dialogic and monologue speech of children;
Fix the names of countries, cities, names of folk crafts;
To consolidate the ability to expressively read poems about the Motherland;
To expand and consolidate children's ideas about our country - Russia, about their hometown, which is part of our country, cultivate a sense of patriotism.
Cultivate love for the Motherland, civil-patriotic feelings.

Materials: map of Russia, map Sverdlovsk region, globe, flags of Russia and other countries, coat of arms of Russia and other countries, audio recording "Hymn", photographs of V. V. Putin, matryoshka, Gzhel dishes, wooden spoons with Khokhloma painting, Dymkovo toy.

Preliminary work:

Learning poems about the Motherland, talking about Russian symbols, viewing illustrations and performing works based on folk decorative - applied arts.

Game progress:
(Children sit at tables, previously divided into mini groups of 5-6 people each.)

The anthem of Russia sounds, everyone listens to it while standing.

Host: Hello guys! Today we have an unusual meeting, today we will sum up your knowledge about Russia: about its state symbols about its culture and customs. You agree to go on a journey to the “Land of Knowledge about Russia”.

Children (in chorus): Yes!

Moderator: Then, take your knowledge with you and go.

Children read poetry. (Vika, Anya, Natasha)

Educator: 1. Guys, we live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth! Do you already know the name of our country? (Children's answers.) That's right, our country has an amazingly beautiful, sonorous name- Russia. Let's repeat it together. Do you know why our country has such a name?

For clear dawns, washed with dew,
For the Russian field with tall ears,
Over the rivers spilling in the blue flame
They called you in Slavic - Russia.

Moderator: Yes, by the way, our esteemed jury will evaluate your knowledge today.

(The moderator introduces the jury.)

Host: Well, now let me announce our 1st competition - “Contest of greetings”. (Each group is given a word for greeting (the captains show and say): showing the emblem of the group, as well as the motto)

Host: Great! Now we know what these emblems mean. Now you must be very careful, as the 2nd contest is announced - “Warm-up”. Each group will be asked a question to which it will have to answer, if there is no answer, then this question goes to the other group. The point is given to the group that gives the correct answer.

Attention questions:

Our country is called Russia.

Citizens of Russia are called Russians.

Moscow is the capital of Russia.

Who is the President of Russia Putin.

Who elected the president of the Russian people.

What document does a Russian citizen have a passport.

What document contains the rights of a citizen of Russia, the constitution of the Russian Federation.

What should a citizen of Russia do while living in Russian state observe rights and obligations.

What state symbols do you know? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

What is the national anthem? ( Main song country, performed on especially solemn occasions, it must be listened to while standing, showing respect.) "Hymn" A. Alexandrov.

What is a coat of arms for?

Where can we see the image of the state emblem?

What color is the eagle on the modern coat of arms of Russia?

What does the golden color mean? Why is the eagle double-headed?

Who else (except the eagle) is depicted on the Hebe of our Motherland?

What does the image of a horseman on the coat of arms of Russia mean?

On the coat of arms of which city is a rider slaying a snake with a spear?

What colors are on the flag of our country?

What do the colors of the Russian flag mean - white, blue, red?

Host: Well done guys, you did a great job.

3rd competition - "Proverbs about the Motherland". You should also take turns naming as many proverbs or sayings about the Motherland, native side or native land. (The one with the most names wins)

Host: - Why do you think they say: "Our Motherland is Mother Russia"? (we call Russia mother because we were born here.)

Host: How do you understand the proverb: "A man has one mother - he has one and his Motherland"?

You are right, the child has one mother, and the place where the person was born is the same.

Mom and Motherland are very similar.
Mom is beautiful, Motherland too.
You look closely, mom's eyes
The colors are the same as the sky.
Mom's hair is like wheat
The one that is earing in our fields.

The Motherland has a lot in common with mom,
The most beautiful, affectionate most!
So it should be: what is dear to us -
Reminds me of our mothers!

4 contest

Host: I suggest you play the following game “Find the flag of Russia among the flags of different countries”. The team must choose a card with the coat of arms of Russia. The task is complicated by the fact that the flags of these countries have stripes of the same color. The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins.)

Where can you see the Russian flag? (On public buildings, ships, planes, residential buildings in the days public holidays.) White stands for purity, blue for heaven and fidelity, red for fire and courage.

Find Russian coat of arms among other countries. The game "Recognize our coat of arms."

What is on our coat of arms? (A golden double-headed eagle with a scepter and an orb, George the Victorious on a horse is depicted on the shield, he strikes a snake with a spear.) Our coat of arms symbolizes the victory of good over evil, beauty and justice.

Dynamic game "Coat of arms of Russia".

Coat of arms of the country - double-headed eagle
Proudly spread its wings, (raise your arms to the sides)
Holds a scepter, an orb, (alternately clench the right and left hand into a fist)
He saved Russia (draw a circle with your hands)
On the chest of the eagle is a red shield, (put your hands on your chest)
Dear to everyone: you and me (head tilt left and right)
A beautiful young man jumps (step in place, with a high raising of the leg)
On a silver horse
A blue cloak is fluttering, (smooth swaying of the hands to the right and left)
And the spear in the hand shines. (clench hands into fists)
The strong rider wins, (put your hands on your belt)
An evil dragon lies at the feet (show with hands)
Confirms the old coat of arms
The independence of the country.
For the peoples of all Russia
Our symbols are important. (raise hands up)

5th competition - "Cities of Russia".

Russia is the biggest country in the world! There are over a thousand cities in Russia, a lot of villages and villages. Name the cities you know. (Children's answers: Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk, Saransk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc.).

6th competition - "Crossword "Natural resources of Russia".

Leading: In the bowels of the Earth there are huge wealth - minerals. Without them, humanity would not know what warmth, comfort, food, cars and much more are, to which we are so accustomed and without which modern man hard to do.

1. He brings warmth to the house,
It's light all around,
Black and shiny
Real assistant. (COAL)

2. What are Dymkovo toys made of? (CLAY)

3. Natural flammable liquid that is underground. (OIL)

4. He really needs the kids,
He's on the paths in the yard
He's at the construction site and on the beach
And even melted in glass. (SAND)

5. Noble metal. (GOLD)

6. He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water. (SALT)

7 competition. - Peoples of Russia.

What nations are not
In our great country:
Like a colorful sunny bouquet,
Kalmyks and Chuvashs
Tatars, Komi and Mordovians,
Bashkirs and Buryats -
Let's all say kind words
Anyone will be welcome. L. Martyanova

How many peoples do you think live in Russia? (Children name nationalities: Russians, Khanty, Tatars, Chuvashs, Nenets, Tajiks, etc.). How are nations different from each other? They may differ in appearance. Among the peoples of Russia different customs, its history, its holidays, its special National costumes. Even everyone's favorite food is different. Each nation speaks its own language. Most numerous people in Russia - the Russian people, therefore the Russian language is the main language in our country: it different nations communicate with each other.

8 competition:

Our country is big Friendly family, which differs from other countries in its people, traditions and customs.

Russia was famous for its miracle - masters,
Wood and clay turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and a brush,
Young people were taught their art.

I suggest you remember the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. Solve riddles.

1. Colorful girlfriends
They love to hide in each other. What is it? (Matryoshka.)

- Of course, this is a familiar nesting doll to all of us. Here she is! (The teacher shows the children a nesting doll.)

2. This painting is just a miracle,

All dishes are blue.
Painting with a blue swirl
Beckons with a Russian cornflower. (Gzhel.) That's right, guys. Look how beautiful.

3. Golden grass has grown on a spoon, a red flower has blossomed on a bowl. (Khokhloma.)

4. All toys are difficult,
And magically painted
Snow-white, like birches,
Circles, cells, stripes. (Dymkovo toy.)

5. kind master made a fairy tale

Animals come to life in a fairy tale
Bears, hares, mallets -
Wooden Toys. (Bogorodskaya toy.)

9 competition. - "The main holidays of Russia."

In our country there are major holidays that are celebrated by all citizens of Russia. Solve riddles to find out what these holidays are called.

1. Santa Claus brought gifts,
He puts them under the tree.
Came cheerful, bright,
The best holiday (New Year).

2. So that on the whole big Earth
Peace has come for humanity
Celebrating in February
Defender of the Fatherland Day).

3. If we need something,
The map will help you find the way.
If we need rewards
Let's start fast running from the start.
And in the spring we are glad to meet
Women's Day (Eighth March).

4. Music, flags, balloons and flowers,
So much spring beauty around!
We will always celebrate the first of May
Joyful holiday (of Spring and Labor).

5. There is a parade, fireworks are thundering,
An orchestra plays here and there
Not only great-grandfathers and grandfathers
Meet the glorious (Victory Day).

Warm up. Flora and fauna of the native land.

The game "What grows in the forest, who lives in the forest." (Children's answers. Trees, mushrooms, berries, shrubs, grass. Squirrels, foxes, hares, wolves, bears, mice, etc. live in the forest.)

The facilitator invites the children to stand in a circle. You need a ball to play. The teacher asks the question: “What grows in the forest?” - and throws the ball to one of the children. The child names any plant and throws the ball to another player. When the answer options are exhausted, the teacher asks the question again: “Who lives in the forest?” - and throws the ball to the child. The children answer.

The result is decided by the jury.

Host: The future of our country Russia largely depends on you guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults. All citizens of Russia are proud State Emblem, flag and anthem. Not a single important event for the country can do without these distinctive signs.

While you are still small, you cannot do anything for Russia yet. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your friends and loved ones, don't quarrel, let's look at each other, smile, and let's not forget that we are Russians, people are very wise, patient, kind .

Let's all say together: "If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!"