Language features of the tale "left-handed. Language features of talen

Language features of the tale
Language features of the tale "left-handed. Language features of talen

Language features of the tale of "Levsh" were the subject of studying our work. The structure of our work is a description of the language changes of different sections of the language, although it should be immediately agreed that this classification is very relative, because some language changes can be attributed to several sections (however, as many phenomena of the modern language). The goal of the work is to study the work of N. S. Leskov "Levshi" (a tale about the Tula Spirit Leftche and Steel Blook) for its language features, to identify the unusual Russian language in all language levels and, if possible, find explanations.

2. The reasons for the occurrence of non-compliance with the wording in the Judgment of N. S. Leskov "Left -sham" and modern Russian. The first reason - "Talk about the Tula Spirit Left and about Steel Blood" was printed in 1881. The second reason is the genre feature. Tale is, by definition of V. V. Vinogradov, "Artistic orientation on an oral monologue of a narrative type, this is an artistic imitation of monologic speech." The third reason is that the sources of the language of N. S. Leskov were ancient secular and church books, historical documents. "From myself, I speak the language of old fairy tales and church-people in a purely literary speech," said the writer.

Spatrical expressions: - "... so walked without mercy," that is, beat. - "... I'll take something ...", that is, distract. - "Aglitsky Masters" replacement of letters: -bustra - chandeliers -keramides - Pyramids -Buft-bay of words with folk etymology, formed most often by the compound of words: -Napromokabli - Warning-up clothing - Melkoscope microscope + fine-olbitsa multiplication - table + Burometers (barometers) - measure + storm

Outdated words and forms of words. The sacrament "service" in the role of the noun from the incomparable verb "to serve": "... showed the service to the mouth." Outdated shape of the adverb "Once" instead of "however". (As "Details" at Pushkin: "Dettle killed: Hurray"). "Gather on a couple." ("... and envy (weaves with the cooks) of the Sovereign Wife" A. S. Pushkin). "... fuchat, fucked and do not look back" (must be "running").

Word formation. Using the prefixes of the capture (as a feature of the book style): - "Bearing" -Helaced; - "put up" the shoulders -Adigigalo - "borrowing" from the verb to "beat"; - "The oncoming" -tot, who goes to meet - "Middle" - in the middle: "Do not drink a little, do not drink a lot, and drink media." The words available in the language, but with another meaning: "called from the nasty pharmacy", that is, pharmacies opposite; "... in the middle of it (flea) factory" (mechanism, what starts, and not in the meaning of the "Enterprise"

Phonetic features: - "Uhi" instead of "ears", the text presents the old form, not payable; Syntax: - ".. Understand what your tricks are"; - "... I wanted to have a spiritual confession to have .." Tessoplia: - "... no emergency holidays" (special); "... wants to find a detailed intention to discover ...". Paronims: "... Nikolai Pavlovich was terrible which ... memorable" (instead of "memorable") Tavtology: ".. With one delight of feelings." Oxymoron: "Close choir".

1880s. - The twilight period of N. S. Leskova. He spent all his life and all the strength to create a "positive" type of Russian man. He defended the interests of the peasants, defended the interests of the workers, hyclocked careerism and bribery. In search of a positive hero N. S. Leskov often refers to people from the people. "Lefty" is one of the vertices of the artistic creativity of the writer. N. S. Leskov does not give name to his hero, thereby emphasizing the collective meaning and significance of its nature. "Where is the" left-hander ", it is necessary to read the Russian people," the writer said. He loves his hero, but does not idealize him, showing that in diligence and skill, he did not teach sciences and instead of four rules of addition from arithmetic, everything takes on a psaltry to half a sun.

The story is conducted by a narrator, it is saturated with neologisms. "N. S. Leskov ... - Wizard Waste, but he wrote not plastically, but he said, and in this art she has no equal to himself, "M. Gorky noted. And it is difficult to disagree with it. That is why N. S. Leskov constantly looking for "live persons", having rich spiritual content capable of interest others. For this, N. S. Leskov uses the memoir form of a fictional artwork. "Memogether" is only an artistic means, since most leakage heroes did not have prototypes.

Story language - "Real, Kondovy Russian," he demanded a big, painstaking work from the author. However, in the story, it is perceived simply and understandable. It has obsolete words ("Agritskaya Blokha", "Yashnysky", "Ruerta"), the surprise ("Mivo", "Pludikovina", "Siskilka", "pull the hammers"), borrowed words, often distorted ("Melancholy", "Melkoscope", "Nymphosoria", "Dance").

At the end of the story, Pushkin statement sounds - "The Personal Days" and "Deadian Starny".

The story has a "fabulous legend warehouse" and the "epic character of the main character." The present (own) name of the left is not called, it, like the names of many geniuses, for the offspring forever lost. N. S. Leskov created a myth, personified fantasy.

In the last chapter, the writer regrets that with the development of machine technique, manual labor was replaced. The cars, according to the author, "the aristocratic removal, which was surpassed sometimes, inspired a folk fantasy to the composition of such current well-known legends." N. S. Leskov shows that the workers value the benefits that they deliver the mechanics, but they remember with pride and love for them.

N. S. Leskov himself, assessing the artistic peculiarity of "Lesshey", complains that the creation of a language is a very laborious matter. In his opinion, only one love for their activities may encourage a person to take up such a mosaic work. N. S. Leskov writes: "This very" peculiar "language and put me in the guilt and did forced him to spoil and bleach him a little."

"Lefty" is a work in which the writer has achieved great strength and depth of artistic generalization. It is so accurately recreated by speech flavor of the image of the medium that when reading the story, the illusion of the reliability of events and the reality of the narrator image arises.

The action of the story "Levshi" takes place in the Russian Empire in the era of the reign of the kings of Alexander First and Nikolai Pavlovich. The product is opposed to the attitude of emperors to the homeland and the achievements of the Russian people. In the story, the author noticeably sympathizes the king Nikolai Pavlovich, as well as the chief hero - the Tula Master of Lehsh, whose views are akin to the Imperial. They are united by faith in the fact that there is nothing impossible for Russian. The characteristic of the left-hander from the story of Leskov "Levshi" is the ability to understand the essence of a real simple Russian person.

Proximity to people

With the main hero of the work of N.S. Leskov introduces us not immediately. Within several chapters, it seems that the main character of the story is the Cossack board. The true protagonist appears as if by chance. Perhaps the author did it so intentionally to emphasize the essence of the character of Lehshi from the story "Levshi" - he is a leaving of the people and himself is his personification, with all its simplicity, naivety, indifferent to wealth, a great faith in Orthodoxy and dedication to the dedication. With the same purpose, the author does not give a hero name. Left -shest is one of the three Tula masters, who was honored to make something like that to prove to the Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich and self-confident British, which is capable of the Russian people.

The generalization of the image of Lefty emphasizes not only its namelessness, but also a small information about him. Reading, we do not know anything about his age or family. Before us is only his little-glood portrait: "Spit left-handed, on the cheek, a burning spot, and on the temples the hair with the study of the extensions."

Great talent of a simple master

Despite its external urgency, Left -shest has a great talent, which hit not only the king himself, but also English craftsmen. Left -shest, together with two other Tula masters, managed to cut a miniature flea, without having special knowledge and devices. In this case, Levter got the most difficult job - to forge miniature cloves for horseshoes.

The quality, without which the characteristic of the left-handedness from the story "Left -sham" will be incomplete, is the modesty of the brilliant wizard. The people's craftsman did not boil his achievement and did not consider himself a hero, but simply conscientiously carried out the instructions of the sovereign, and also tried to show himself that the Russian man was capable of. When the emperor Nicholas understood what the work of the masters was, which he first could not see even through his melkoscope, he was surprised how they could do it without equipment. To which Left -shess modestly answered: "We are poor people and in the poverty of our melkoscope, we have, and we have the eyes of the target."

Indifference to wealth and comfort

Modesty and indifference to wealth showed left-handed and during his journey to England. He did not agree to foreign training, did not convince his promises either money or glory. One asked Lefty - Rather Go home. This simplicity and modesty have become the cause of the inglorious death of the hero, which no one recognized about. He blended up comfortable cabins and supreme societies, so all the way in the winter sea spent on the deck, which became ill.

Having arrived in Petersburg, he could not introduce himself and say that he was instructed by the king. Therefore, he was robbed and did not take it in any hospital, except the simplest for the poor, where he died. The image of Lehshi The author opposed the Englishman who flooded with him, whom was settled in a good hotel and cured. And the left-handed due to its modesty and simplicity died tragically.

Features of Levshi character

Love for the Motherland and a sense of responsibility to its state are the main features of the character of Legsh. The last thought of the master of Lehsh was a desire to hand over the king, which is not needed to clean the gun brick. If he could transfer it, the Russian military would be even more successful, but the request did not reach the sovereign. Even dying, this simple Tula master remained faithful to her character, the main feature of which was first of all to think about the debris, and not about himself.

In the image of Levshi N.S. Leskov showed the whole depth of a Russian man: naive, simple and even funny, but for which there is nothing naile of Orthodox faith and the native side. Devotion of the Motherland, responsibility for its future and great natural skills - these are the qualities that underlie the characteristics of the Hero Hero's Hero.

Test on the work

Story N.S. Leskova "Left -sha - This is a special work. His intention originated from the author on the basis of folk boosters about how "the British of Bloche became made, and our tulacs were picked up, they sent it back." Thus, the story initially assumed the proximity to folklore not only in content, but also by the manner of the narration. The style of "Lesshey" is very peculiar. Leskov managed to bring the magnitude of the story as much as much as possible to the oral folk art, namely, at the same time, while maintaining certain features of the literary author's story.

The peculiarity of the language in the story "Lesshey" is manifested primarily in the very manner of the narration. The reader immediately arises the feeling that the narrator directly participated in the events described. It is important for understanding the main ideas of the work, because the emotionality of the main character makes it easier to worry with him, the reader perceives a few subjective look at the actions of other heroes of the story, but it is this subject matter that makes them as real as possible, the reader himself is tolerated into those distant times.

In addition, the routine manner of the story is a clear sign that the narrator is a simple person, hero from the people, he expresses not only his thoughts, feelings and experiences, the entire working Russian people, who lives live, but caring about the prestige of the native country, is generalized. With the help of the descriptions of views on the life of gunsmiths and masters, the eyes of a non-sided observer, and the sympathetic fellow, fishing ravines raises the eternal problem: why the fate of the simple people who feeds and puts all the highest estate, indifferent to the power of it, why do the craftsmen remember only when you need to support "Prestige Nation"? The bitterness and anger is heard in the description of the death of Lehshi, and the author shows the contrast between the fate of the Russian Master and the English Polishkira, who came to a similar situation.

However, in addition to the fabulous narrative manner, it is possible to note a fairly widespread use of the spacious in the story. For example, in the descriptions of the actions of the Emperor Alexander I and the Cossack of Platov, such spaticrous verbs appear as "travel" and "baptize". This not only once again testifies to the proximity of the narrator to the people, but also expresses attitudes towards the authorities. People perfectly understand that their urgent problems do not care if the emperor does not care, but they do not be angry, and invent naive excuses: Tsar Alexander in their understanding is the same simple person, he may be, and wants to change the life of the province for the better, but forced to engage more Important affairs. The absurd orders to lead the "internecine negotiations" is invested by a teller in the mouth of Emperor Nicholas with a secret pride, but the reader is guessing the Irony of Leskov: the vivest master of all his might is trying to show the significance and importance of the imperial personality and does not suspect how much is mistaken. Thus, there is a comic effect of inconsistency of unnecessarily pompous words.

Also, the smile causes stylization for foreign words, the narrator with the same proud expression speaks about the "Arjdation" of Platov, about how Bloka Dance is dancing, but he does not even know how it sounds stupid. Here, the Leskov again demonstrates the naiveness of ordinary people, but in addition to this, this episode transmits the spirit of time when a secret desire to be similar to the enlightened Europeans was hiding under genuine patriotism. Private manifestation of this - reworking under the native language too uncomfortable for the Russian person names of works of art, for example, the reader learns about the existence of Abolona Polvedroinsky and is again surprised to equally as resourcefulness and again the naivety of the Russian peasant.

Even the Russian words of the Hophess must be used in a special way, he again with an important and powerful species reports that the fees "not quite" could talk in French, and it authoritatively notices that "it is and for nothing: a man is married." This is an obvious speech alogure, followed by the irony of the author, caused by the pity of the author to the peasant, and the irony of sad.

Special attention from the point of view of the peculiarity of the language attracts neologisms caused by the ignorance of the thing that the man says. These are words such as "bustras" (chandelier plus a bust) and "Melkoscope" (named as apparently, according to the function being performed). The author notes that in the minds of the people, the basic luxury items merged into an incomprehensible ball, people do not distinguish busts from the chandelier, their meaningless pompousness of the palaces leads them. And the word "melkoscope" was an illustration of another Leskov idea: Russian masters with fear belong to the achievements of alien science, their talent is so great that no technical invention will win a wizard genius. However, at the same time, in the final, the narrator sadly notices that the cars still crowded human talent and skill.

Aware of the place and value of N.S. Leskova in the literary process, we always note that this is an amazing original writer. External dissimilarity on him predecessors and contemporaries sometimes forced to see the phenomenon in it completely new, who did not have any like in Russian literature. Leskov is brightly original, and at the same time he can do a lot. The amazing experimenter, which generated a whole wave of artistic searches in Russian literature; He is a cheerful experimenter, mischievous, and at the same time extremely serious and deep, ahead of themselves large educational goals.

Creativity Leskov, you can say, does not know social borders. He takes out in his works people of a variety of estates and circles: And the landowners - from the rich to the midnight, and officials of all the masters - from the minister to quarterly, and the clergy - monastic and parish - from Metropolitan to Dycachi, and military ranks and genera, and the peasants, and immigrants from the peasantry - soldiers, master And every working person. Leskov willingly show different representatives of the nationalities of the then Russia: Ukrainians, Yakuts, Jews, Gypsies, Poles ... Amazing in Leskova, the versatile knowledge of the knowledge of every class, class, nationality. We needed an exceptional life experience of Leskov, his droin, memorability, his linguistic flair, to describe the life of the people so closely, with such knowledge of life, economic defendant, family relations, folk art, of the people's language.

With the entire breadth of Russian life coverage, there is a sphere in the work of Leskov, to which the most significant and well-known works are: this is the sphere of life of the people.

Who are the heroes of the most beloved by our readers of Leskov's works?

Heroes " Imprinted angel"- Bricklayers, "Levshi."- Kuznets, Tula gunmaire," Tuppean artist " - fortress hairdresser and theatrical make-up

To put in the center of the narration of the hero from the people, it is necessary first of all master its tongue, you can reproduce the speech of different layers of the people, different professions, destinies, ages. There are a living language of the people in the literary work, the living language of the people demanded special arts when the leaks used the form of the tale.

The tale in Russian literature comes from Gogol, but especially skillfully designed by Leskov and glorified him as an artist. The essence of this manner is that the story is conducted as not from the face of a neutral, an objective author; The story is leading a narrator, usually a participant in reported events. The speech of the artwork imitates a living speech of the oral story.. At the same time, in the story, the narrator - usually a person is not the social circle and the cultural layer, to which the writer and the alleged reader of the work belongs. The story of Leskova is leading the merchant, then the monk, then the artisan, then the retired city, then the former soldier . Each narrator says as it is characteristic of his education and upbringing, his age and profession, his concept of herself, his desire and opportunities to impress the listeners.

Such a manner gives the story of Leskov a special liveliness. The language of his works, unusually rich and diverse, deepens the social and individual characteristics of his heroes, becomes for the writer to the means of a fine assessment of people and events. Gorky wrote about a leskovskaya jump: "... The people of his stories often speak themselves about themselves, but they are so amazingly alive, so truthful and convincing that they get up in front of you are as mysteriously noticeable, physically clear as people from L. Tolstoy and others, otherwise To say, the fishing racks reaches the same result, but another technique of skill. "

To illustrate a leskovskaya fairy manner, take some tirade from "Lesshey". Here's how the narrator describes the impressions of the left-handed living and labor conditions of the English workers : "Any worker they have constantly in satiety, dressed not in scraps, and at each capable vest, wish in thick jackets with iron naval, so that nowhere has no legs for anything; works not with a boiler, but with learning and has it Concepts. Before everyone in sight, fucking multiplication is hanging, and under the hand starable plate: everything that the master does, it looks at Dolbitsy and hesitates with the concept, and then he writes one on the table, the other is erased and drives it: what is written in the gathering , it turns out in practice. "

The narrator of the English workers did not see. He dresses them in his fantasy, connecting a vastern with a vest. He knows what they work there "on science", he himself heard only about the "Dolbice of Multiplication", with her, it means, and the master who works did not "adorganize", but with the help of "Tsyfire". Familiar words narrator, of course, not enough, unfamiliar words he distorts or eats wrong. "Stinkers" become "pinching" - probably according to the association with the scope. The multiplication table turns into "Dolbitsy" - obviously, because the students "hammer". Wanting to designate some kind of extension on boots, the narrator calls it by the knob, turning on it the name of the stick on the stick.

The storytellers from the folk medium often reincarnate in Russian Floor unclear sounding foreign wordswhich, with such a rework, receive new or additional values; Leskov especially willingly imitates this so-called "folk etymology "So, in" Leftersh "the barometer turns into" Bremiethr "," Microscope "- in the" Melkoscope ", Pudding - in" Studing " " etc. Leskov, to passion loved by pun, the game of words, sharpness, jokes, overflowing "left-hand" language curies. But their set does not cause the impression of excess, because the immeasurable brightness of verbal patterns is in the spirit of a folk sterity. And sometimes the verbal game not only amuses, but there is a satirical impairment behind it.

The narrator in the taller is usually addressed to some interlocutor or a group of interlocutors, the story begins and moves back to their questions and comments. Based on "Durifying artist"- the story of the old nanny to her pupil, a nine-year-old boy. Nannya is in the past actress of the Orlovsky fortress theater of Count Kamensky. This is the same theater, which is described in the story of Herzen's" Soroka-Worp "under the name of the theater of Prince Skalinsky. But the heroin's heroine is not a story. Only highly volatile, but, according to the exceptional circumstances of life, and educated actress. Lyuba has Leskova - an uneducated fortress girl, on natural talentedness capable and singing, and dance, and perform the role of "Visradka" role in the plays (i.e., followed by other actresses ). She is not all capable of telling and reveal that the author wants to tell the reader, and not everything can know (for example, conversations of a barrine with a brother). Therefore, not the whole story is conducted on behalf of the nanny; part of the event is set out by the author with the inclusion of passages and small quotes from Nanny story.

In the most popular Leskov's work - "Lesshe" We meet with a tale of a different kind. There is no author nor listeners, nor a narrator. More precisely, the author's voice was first heard after the completion of the tale: In the final chief, the writer characterizes the story of the story as a "fabulous legend", "Epos" masters, "personified people's fantasy."

(* 10) The narrator in the "left-hander" exists only as a voice that does not belong to a specific, named person. This is how the voice of the people is the creator of the "gunsight legend".

"Lesshe" - not a household tale, where the narrator tells about the events who have experienced or personally known to him; Here he retells a legend who created by the people, how folk teachers are performed or historical songs. As well as in the National Epos, in the "Leftersha" there are a number of historical persons: Two Tsar - Alexander I and Nikolai I, Ministers Chernyshev, Nesselrod (Kisellevode), Kleinmichel, Ataman of the Don Cossack troops, the commandant of the Petropavlovsk fortress of the Schelev and others.

Contemporaries did not appreciate the help of "Levshi", neither generally Leskov's talent. They believed that leaks in everything were excessive: too thick imposes bright colors, puts his heroes in too unusual positions, forces them to speak exaggeratedly characteristic, draws too many episodes for one thread etc.

Most associated with the work of the people "Levsh". At the very basis of his plot lies a comic sentiment in which the people expressed admiration for the art of Tula masters: "Tulyaki Blokh". Used fishing rods and in the people traditions about the mastery of Tula gunsmiths. Even at the beginning of the XIX century, an anecdote was published on how important Russian Barin showed the master of the Tula Armory, an expensive English gun, and the one, taking a gun, "screwdriver, and under the screw showed his name." In the "left hour" the same demonstration arranges fees to prove to the king Alexander, that "and our houses are not worse." In the English "armory kunstkamera", (* 12), taking a particularly praised "pistol", the cards are rejected by the castle and shows the tsar inscription: "Ivan Moskvin in Grad Tula."

As you can see, love for people, the desire to detect and show the best sides of the Russian folk nature did not make Leskov with a panegist, did not prevent him from seeing the features of slavery and ignorance, which imposed his story to the people. Leskov does not hide these features and in the hero of his myth about the genius master. Leldland left-handed with his two companions managed to forge and attach the hilt cloves to the legs made in England steel fleas. On each hilt "Masterso name is exhibited: what Russian master did this hilt". You can see these inscriptions only in the "Melkoscope, which is five million increases." But there were no microscopes from the mask, but only the "Eye of the Shooting".

This is, of course, a fabulous exaggeration, but it has real bases. Tula masters have always been especially famous and are famous so far miniature products that can only be considered with a strong magnifying glass.

Admiring the genius of the left-handers, the leaks, however, and here far from the idealization of the people, which he was, according to historical conditions, at that time. Lefty is ignorant, and it cannot but affect his work. The art of English craftsmen manifested not so much that they cast flea from steel, how much is that flea danced, which matured by a special key. Sannaya, she stopped dancing. And English masters, welcomingly taking sent to England with a savvy flea flea , indicate that it is hampered by the lack of knowledge: "... then you could figure out that in every car there is a strength to calculate the strength, and here you are very skilled in your hands, and did not realize that such a small machine, as in nymphosoria, to the most accurate accuracy Can not. Through it is now nimphosoria and does not jump and dance does not dance. "Therefore, the moment of the fishing loss attached great importance. In the article dedicated to the Skaz about Left-Hashe, the Leskov opposes the genius of the left-handedness of his ignorance, and His (hot patriotism - the lack of concern for the people and his homeland in the ruling click. Leskov writes: "The reviewer" New Time "notes that in Lefthest I had the idea to withdraw not One person, and what is where it is "left-hand," it is necessary to read the Russian people.

Left -sha loves its Russia simple and incentive love. It can not be seduced by an easy life in a foreign land. He rushes home, because in front of him the task of which is needed by Russia; Thus, she became the goal of his life. In England, Levshev learned that the dula of the guns should be lubricated, and not to clean the bricks, as was customary in the Russian army, - why "bullets in them are dangling" and guns, "god the god of war, (...) shoot not fit ". With this he hurries to his homeland. He comes to the patient, the bosses did not take care of his document, he was tried in the police, after which they began to carry in hospitals, but they didn't take anywhere without a "tugance", they dumped the patient to the floor, and finally, he had a "head of the parat." . Dying, Lefty thought only about how to bring his discovery to the king, and still managed to inform him a doctor. He reported to the military minister, but in response, he received only a rough shock: "Know (...) His varnoble is a laxative, and not interfere with your business: in Russia there are generals."

In the story " Stainless artist " The writer displays a rich graph with a "insignificant face", implanting an insignificant soul. This is an evil tyrant and torchover: the people who are unwanted to him on the pieces of hunting dogs, the executioners are tormented by their incredible torture To destroy people in their whim or whim - of course, in someone else's hands. There were enough "foreign hands" to services, it was enough for the services: both serfs and voltenonated, servants and people set by the authorities to promote the "strong peace of this world". The image of one of the Lord's servants is brightly outlined in a "stupid artist." This pop. Arkady, who is not frightened by the torture to him, be fatal, trying to save a favorite girl from abuse (* 19) above it depraved Barin. They promise to marry and hide the priest at night, after which both hoped to get into the "Turkish Khrushchuk". But the priest, pre-engaged by Arkady, betrays the chaffles of the graphic people sent in search of escaped, for which he receives a well-deserved spit in the face.


The originality of the narrative. Features of language. Arguing about the genre of the peculiarity of the story, we did not say anything about this definition of the genre as "tale." And it is not by chance. The tale like a genre of oral prose implies installation on oral speech, narration on behalf of the participant of the event. In this sense, the "left-hander" is not a traditional tale. At the same time, such a way of narration may be referred to which involves the "separation" of the narration from the participant of the events. In the "left-hander" there is just such a process, especially since the story is used by the word "fablelist"), involving the fantastic nature of the narration. The narrator, without being a witness, nor the participant in events, is actively in different forms expresses its attitude to what is happening. At the same time, in the joy itself, it is possible to detect the originality of the position as the narrator and the author.

Throughout the story of the manner of the story changes. If at the beginning of the first chapter, the narrator externally proven the circumstances of the Emperor's arrival in England, then consistently talks about the events taking place, using surrounding, outdated and distorted forms of words, different types of neologisms Etc., then in the sixth chapter (in the story about the Tula masters) the story becomes different. It is not fully deprived of a spoken, however it is done more neutral, practically no distorted forms of words, neologisms . Changing the narrative manner the author wants to show the seriousness of the situation described. Do not accidentally meet even high vocabulary, When the narrator characterizes "the skillful people, which now revere the hope of a nation." The same kind of story can be found in the last 20th chapter, which, obviously, summing up, contains the point of view of the author, so its style is different from the style of most of the chapters.

In a calm and outdoor, impassive speech of the narrative is often introduced expressively painted words(For example, Alexander Pavlovich decided to "Drive in Europe"), which becomes one of the forms of expressing the author's position, deeply hidden in the text.

In the narration itself skillfully underlined intonation features of speech characters (Wed, for example, the statements of Alexander I and Platov).

According to I.V. Stolyarova, Leskov "Directors the interest of readers on the events"What does the special logical structure of the text be promoted: most of the chapters have the ending, and some are a kind of staining, which allows you to clearly separate one event from the other. This principle creates the effect of the fabulous manner. It can also be noted that in a number of chapters it is in the end, the narrator expresses the copyright position: "And the connoisseurs who are standing on the steps, everything from him turns away, they think:" fell fees and now he will drive him out of the palace, - because they could not stand it For courage "" (end of the 12th chapter).

It is impossible not to note the use of various techniques characterizing the features of not only oral speech, but also of natural-eating creativity as a whole: tautologies("At the horseshoes were picked up" and others), peculiar forms of verbs with the console ("He loved", "Specify", "cool", etc.), words with diminishing suffixes ("Holder", "Pumlet", etc.). It is interesting to pay attention to the injected in text sayings ("Morning Night Wisely", "Snow on the head"). Sometimes fishing racks can modify them.

ABOUT the mixture of different manners of the narrative is evidenced by the nature of neologisms. They can more detail describe the subject and its function (two chart), scene (Bustra - Combining the words busts and chandeliers, a writer in one word gives a more complete description of the premises), act (whistle - whistling and wiznaya, accompanying platforms), denote foreign Dicks (. Memlüsui Mantons - Camels Manto, etc.), the condition of heroes (expected - waiting and assessment, an annoying bitache, on which for many years laying fees, characterizing not only the inaction of the hero, but also his vulnerable pride). The emergence of neologisms in Leskov in many cases is due to a literary game.

"Thus, the Leskov Tale as a type of narration not only transformed, enriched, but also served the creation of a new genre variety: a fabulous story. The routing story is distinguished by a great depth of reality coverage, approaching in this sense to the romance form. It was the rude story of Leskov that contributed to the emergence of a new type of challenger, who can be put in one row with the heroes of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky "(Mushchenko E.G., Skobeliev V.P., Kreychik L.E. P. 115). The artistic peculiarity of "Lesshey" is due to the task of finding special forms of copyright expression for the approval of the force of a national nature.