The poetic text of the epic "Ilya's three trips". the fabulous character of the epic

The poetic text of the epic
The poetic text of the epic "Ilya's three trips". the fabulous character of the epic

Fifteen Russian epics have survived to this day about the courageous hero Ilya Muromets.

Ilya Muromets - the hero of the Slavic epic

According to the plots of some epics, Ilya Muromets could not move his arms and legs until the age of 33, but one monk healed him. After the man drank the water specially prepared for him by the monk, he felt inhuman strength in himself, and went to serve the prince.

In the image of Ilya Muromets, the Russian people embodied the idea of ​​a brave warrior who would not be afraid to defend his people and fatherland.

The prototype of Ilya Muromets was a real person - the strong man Ilya from the city of Murom, who lived in the 12th century. This man became famous for his courage in battles and loyalty to the prince. In adulthood, he took monastic vows and was canonized in 1643.

Epic "Ilyins three trips"

When Ilya Muromets was driving to the service of the prince, on the way he saw a stone with three inscriptions. The first inscription said that if Ilya went to the right, he would be killed, to the left, he would be married, straight ahead, he would become rich.

The hero did not want wealth, since he already had it. He also did not need a young wife. Ilya Muromets decided to try his fate and go to the right, where he was threatened with death. Ilya saw a flock of robbers who were trying to rob the old man.

With one blow, he defeated all the villains and went back to the stone to correct the inscription on it. Then, Ilya went to the left, in the direction where the beautiful wife was waiting for him. Ilya saw the beautiful princess, who immediately took him to the bedchamber.

However, the clever hero did not lie down on the bed, but threw the princess onto it first. The bed immediately fell into the abyss - it was a trap prepared for Muromets. Ilya returned to the stone again, and decided to follow the road, where untold wealth awaited him.

The first thing that the hero saw was a large cross of silver and gold. He took a heavy cross on his shoulder and carried it to the capital city of Kiev. In Kiev, Ilya Muromets built a beautiful church, on the dome of which he attached this cross.

After that, our hero turned into stone, and remained forever in his church.

About the epic "Ilyina three trips"

Reading the epic Ilya's Three Rides, we see the character of the protagonist: he is not afraid of difficulties, easily passes all the tests that fate sends him. Ilya defeated the evil princess who wanted to kill him, many robbers who mocked people.

He received the Golden Cross as a reward for his exploits. However, the hero did not pursue wealth, so he gave the cross to the church, where he was supposed to be.

We see that the hero Ilya Muromets is not only strong, but also cunning: he immediately felt that the princess was preparing a trap for him and was able to avoid danger.

Topic: Epics. "Ilyins three trips".
Lesson objectives:
To acquaint with the content of the epic "Ilyins three trips" and the rules for the execution of the epic;
To improve the skill of listening and expressive, conscious, competent reading: to teach the comprehension of what is read through the creation of images and the establishment of associations with the content of the studied works. To acquaint with a heroic personality, a symbol of Russian power, its defender, a native of the land of Nizhny Novgorod - Ilya Muromets, his unusual childhood.
To develop imaginative thinking, cognitive interest in the history of the native land based on the emotional perception of what was read, to form a culture of expression of feelings, to develop imagination and ideas about the peculiarities of the peasant life in patriarchal Russia, arbitrary attention to the folk word.
To foster interest in the native melodic and expressive language, the heroic history of our small homeland, a sense of pride in its glorious and brave sons; desire to continue the traditions and mentality of ancestors to defend the independence of the Motherland.
Promote the formation of universal learning activities;
Promote the use of Internet resources;
textbook L.F. Klimanova “Literary Reading” Part 1, Grade 4;
a reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”;
collections of epics;
self-assessment cards;
historical map "Ancient Rus".

During the classes:
1. Organizational moment: motivation for learning activities.
(Organizational and regulatory: volitional self-regulation
Personal: actions of meaning formation)

On the screen is a guslar. The harp is heard.

Hello, good people. Sit down and listen. We got together for a kind and smooth conversation. So that we have peace and harmony. And I also want to wish you that you participate in the conversation and listen to everything carefully. Everything that you hear may be useful to you.

2. Checking homework (Communicative: participation in the discussion. Cognitive: the ability to structure knowledge; to model)
W: You were given homework, an expressive reading of the text of the chronicle "And Oleg remembered his horse" and draw a picture for the text of the chronicle.
Now one of you goes to the blackboard, shows a drawing, and all the others find and read out a passage from the chronicle corresponding to this drawing.
D: Let's compose a syncwine:
Brave, courageous.
He rules, fights, wins.
Deserves to be an example to follow.

3. Preparation for perception. (Cognitive: information retrieval, meaningful reading.)
D: Read the saying.
(The saying is written on the chalkboard.)
The land is glorious for the Russian heroes.
- Determine which word is the main one. (Heroes).
- What will be discussed today in the lesson? (about the heroes)
- Right.
-Listen to the poem:
You are wide, Russia, across the face of the Earth
In regal beauty unfolded
Do you have any heroic strength,
Old saints, high-profile exploits?
And there is something for that, mighty Russia,
To love you, to call you a mother,
To stand up for your honor against your foe,
For you in need to lay down your head!

How did this poem make you feel?
- What kind of Rus is said in the poem?
- At all times, the Russian people loved their homeland. In the name of love for the darling side, they were ready to stand up for her. In verses, songs, epics, they glorified their beloved homeland.

W: And what is an epic?
(Epic is a Russian folk epic song - a legend about heroes.)
W: Who are the heroes?
(Bogatyrs are warriors, defenders of their Motherland, endowed with a sense of their own dignity and distinguished by extraordinary strength, courage and daring.)
(Reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Heroes")
U: Demonstration of Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" to the sound of gusli.
Who do you see in the picture?
(Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets)
- What is the name of the hero in the center of the picture?
Select two co-root words from the data:
(Words are given on cards on the board)

Muromets gloomy Murmansk Walled up Murom

What connection can there be between Ilya Muromets and the city of Murom?
- Indeed, Ilya Muromets comes from near Murom, and, therefore, he is our fellow countryman, glorified by the people for all times.
To be convinced of this, look at the map of the Nizhny Novgorod - Suzdal principality of the XIII-XV centuries
(Nizhny Novgorod, Suzdal, Murom are marked on the map).
These are the sons of the Nizhny Novgorod land!
And, as you might guess, today we will read about Ilya Muromets ... Decipher the words:

B n

W: What epics do you know?
W: What are the distinctive features of the epic do you know?
(The epithet, repetitions, imagery of language - hyperbole, epithets, melodiousness, rhythm, a certain content - a tale about the heroic deeds of the heroes; slowness, thoroughness, narrative detail.)

W: What qualities should a person possess to be called a hero? (Fearlessly fight enemies, be strong, wise, protect and love your native land).

4. Learning new material. (Regulatory: goal-setting, as setting an educational task; planning, forecasting. Communicative: cooperation; ability to express one's thoughts.)
1) Getting to know the topic and setting goals
W: Today we will get acquainted with the epic “Ilya's Three Rides”.
W: Tell us what goals we will set in this lesson?
(Find out about whom and what this epic tells about.
What three battles the hero had. Whom the hero defended.)
D: Listen to the epic.
(Listening to the audio recording: Epic "Ilyins three trips".)
W: Did you like the epic? How was the epic performed? (smoothly, chanting)
Who is the epic story about?
Which passage did you find the most interesting? Why?
2) Vocabulary work
W: Did you understand all the words and expressions?
How do you understand the meaning of these words?
(Vocabulary work - words on screen) (Regulatory: correlation with prediction
Cognitive: searching and highlighting the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods; semantic reading depending on the purpose; building a logical chain of reasoning; analysis, synthesis, hypothesis.)
FLINT - from flint;
BULAT ARMOR - steel and patterned, ancient patterned Asian steel;
SIE is;
FINGER - a heavy club with a heavy end;
YAKHONTY - the old name for sapphire and some other precious stones;
SWIVELS - a hinge link for connecting two parts of the mechanism, allowing one of them to rotate independently of each other;
SAZHEN - 2.134 meters (3 arshins)
MONK - a member of a religious community who has made a vow to lead an ascetic lifestyle;
VITYAZ - in Ancient Russia: a brave warrior;
AMBAR - a barn for storing crops, supplies, goods;
TSELOVALNICHKI - an official in charge of collecting taxes and some judicial and police affairs;
OBLATINATE - to convert to the Catholic faith;
ZASTAVA BOGATYRSKAYA - 1) a military unit carrying security; 2) the place of entry into the city;
SUMMARY - here: untold, uncountable wealth;
LOW - lock in the basement;
OIL SPEECHES - oil - olive oil used in church services. In a figurative sense: something affectionate, calming;
GDEZDOVINU RAZNES - secret, secluded refuge;
ON ORDES - horde - state or army of Tatars, or in the initial version - khan's tent;
NOT SIMPLE - Don't fall for deception.
W: Have your assumptions been confirmed?
(comparison, comparison)

They got up together - one, two, three.
We are now heroes.
We will put our palm to our eyes,
Let's set our strong legs,
Turning right
Let's look around majestically.
And you have to go to the left too
Look out from under your palms.
And right, and more
Over the left shoulder.
Let us spread our legs with the letter L
As if in a dance - hands on hips.
Leaned to the left, to the right,
It turns out wonderfully well!

3) Reading the text.
U: Is the height of the sky high,
Is the depth of the ocean - the sea,
Russian rivers are fast - bright.
And strong, mighty,
Heroes in glorious Russia.
- So who is said in the epic?
(About the hero Ilya Muromets.)
W: Remember, once again, the origin and meaning of the word "hero".
The meaning of the word "hero" is best given by a dictionary. There are sheets in front of you. Find a dictionary entry in them.
(Children read the article)

Bogatyr - 1. Hero of Russian epics, performing feats in the name of the Motherland.
2. (figurative) A man of immeasurable strength, fortitude, courage. An unusual person.

How many meanings does this word have? What can we say about him? (it is ambiguous)
- Try to find words that are close in meaning.
Strongman, warrior, defender, knight

It was believed that the heroes are mighty knights, endowed by God with an extraordinary mind, ingenuity.
D: Open the tutorial. Let's read the epic again.
(Reading the epic by students)
4) Conversation on the content of the epic with selective reading. (Cognitive: the ability to build a statement; semantic reading; logical; establishment of cause and effect relationships.)
D: Why did the glorious Russian heroes come together?
- Where did Ilya Muromets get to go?
- How many inscriptions were there on the stone?
- Which road did the hero choose? What does this mean?
(Ilya Muromets chose a straight path. This suggests that he is brave, courageous, achieves his goal, goes only forward, without fear of difficulties.)
D: In the epic the enemy is shown, with what is he compared?
- Why are diminutive-affectionate suffixes used in the description of enemies - -enk-, -onk-, -chek-, -echek-?
(To show the heroic strength and power of Ilya Muromets.)
D: What did the enemy try to do with Ilya Muromets?
(Convert, take prisoner ...)
D: How did you understand who was in captivity? (Russian people.)
W: What did you try to do with Ilya? How was it done?
(The enemy called Ilya Muromets to treason. They promised him riches, honor and respect, and noble service.)
W: What awaited him in case of refusal?
(They threatened him with force, but Ilya was not afraid of this, but accepted the battle.)
W: What is the significance of the three trips of Ilya Muromets for the Russian state?
- How do the last three lines help to understand the character of the hero?
- Why did Ilya Muromets return to the stone and make a new recording on it?
- How did Ilya Muromets feel about predictions?
- Why is the epic called "Three Trips"?
-What moment in the epic did you find the most exciting?
- What historical event was reflected in the epic? (Baptism of Rus, attempts by foreign invaders to convert the Russian people to the Catholic faith).

5. Consolidation of the studied material. (Cognitive: modeling. Regulatory: control)
a. Expressive reading of the epic "echo" and chorus after the teacher, repeating intonation.
b. Characteristics of the hero.
Selective reading.
- How is Ilya Muromets described in the battle with the robbers? Find hyperboles.
- Why is this technique needed? What features are highlighted with the help of hyperboles?
Generalization of the image of Ilya.
- Select those words that are related to Ilya.
(Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous, courageous, strong, brave, greedy, generous, rude, fair).

Working with an interactive whiteboard:
Set the correspondence:
(3 trips - 3 fights (with whom?) - pair up

6. Lesson summary. Reflection of educational activity. (Personal: moral and ethical assessment of the assimilated content.)
U: Why did Ilya Muromets try all three roads?
- How did the hero's trip end?
- Using words of reference: brave, courageous, cowardly, wise, smart, cowardly, wise, stupid, fair, cunning, strong, cruel, kind, greedy, capable of compassion, characterize Ilya Muromets (work in pairs). with a neighbor.

Compilation of syncwine:
Strong, wise
Rode, fought, conquered
Glorious for the heroes of the Russian land

S: Homework: (Cognitive: reflection on the methods and conditions of action; control and assessment of the process and results of activity; Personal: self-assessment based on the criterion of success; adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure in educational activities.)

1) Re-read the epic “Ilyina's Three Rides” and answer the questions.
2) Using additional literature and Internet resources, prepare a message about one of the Russian heroes.
Students receive cards from the teacher:
1. Literature
1. Ukhov P.D. Epics. - M., 1987;
2. Shevchenko F.P. In the world of epics. - M., 1987;
2. Internet resources
1.http: //
2.http: //
3.http: //www/
4.http: //
5.http: //

W: You did a good job in the lesson and deserve a grade. Rate your work yourself. Showcase your grades.

(Self-assessment on cards)
I DONE EXCELLENT! - Oh (green)
I AM SURE I CAN BETTER! - O (yellow)
I WILL TRY! - Oh (red)
Thank you for the lesson!

Epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" ("Ilya's three trips")

Cycle: Kiev

The main characters of the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" and their characteristics

  1. Ilya Muromets, the strongest Russian hero. Already at an age, old, gray-haired, but still mighty, honest and fair. For the offended, kind, for the enemies, the enemy.
The plan of retelling the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"
  1. Stone in the field
  2. To be killed
  3. Robbers
  4. Heroic helmet
  5. Correction of the inscription
  6. To be married
  7. Insidious girl
  8. The liberation of the heroes
  9. Correction of the inscription
  10. To be rich
  11. Gold-silver
  12. Correction of the inscription.
The shortest content of the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" for the reader's diary in 5 sentences
  1. Ilya Muromets saw the Alatyr-stone in the open field and chose the road where he was to be killed.
  2. Ilya met many robbers, but interrupted everyone and cleared the path straight
  3. Ilya went where to be married
  4. He met an insidious girl, and threw her into the basement, and released the heroes.
  5. Ilya went where the rich man should be, and distributed all the wealth he found to the poor.
The main idea of ​​the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"
The hero does not need wealth, he does not need a wife, because his family is the entire Russian people, because his business is to beat enemies and defend the Motherland.

What does the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" teach
This epic teaches not to be afraid of difficulties, to choose a path, albeit difficult, but glorious, to do their job. The epic teaches to be honest and fair, fearless and open, kind and generous.
Teaches you to protect the weak and help those in need.

Review of the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"
This is a very beautiful epic, in which the theme of Ilya Muromets' three trips is played out. Ilya in the epic is already an elderly, experienced hero who sees disorder and seeks to fix everything. He destroys robbers, puts liars in cellars, distributes gold to the poor.
And the corrected Alatyr-stone seems to me symbolic. Ilya has been everywhere, but not a single prophecy has come true. Because a heroic fate is special, to defend the Motherland.

Proverbs to the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"
The Russian land is glorious for its heroes.
The heroic hand beats once.
And one soldier in the field.

A summary, a short retelling of the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"
Once Ilya Muromets drives out into an open field, sees the Alatyr stone at the crossroads of three roads, and there is an inscription on the stone.
Ilya Muromets was surprised and read the inscription. And it was said there that if you go straight - to be killed, to go to the right - to be rich, to go to the left - to be married.
Ilya Muromets thought, decided that he did not need wealth, because he lives alone, he has no family. It's too late for him to marry - his youth is long gone. But to go straight for the good fellow.
And Ilya Muromets went to where the murdered man would be.
He arrived in the swamps of Smolensk, he sees forty thousand robbers in the swamps. The robbers saw Ilya and were delighted. They wanted to rob, steal the horse and wealth.
But Ilya immediately admitted that he had no wealth, but only a heroic horse, a heroic saddle, a bridle on a horse, and walking under forty poods in weight.
And how Ilya began to brandish this helmet, and he interrupted all the robbers.
Ilya returned to the stone and wrote that the road was clear now.
Ilya went to where he should be married.
Rides, sees the white-stone wards. The beautiful maiden meets Ilya, leads him by the white hands to the table. Begins to question. And Ilya says that there is nothing to ask, but first let the hero rest. The girl took Ilya to the bedroom and put him on the bed.
And Ilya grabs her across the body, throws her onto the bed, and the girl falls into the basement.
Then Ilya released 12 heroes from the cellars, returned to the stone and corrected the second inscription.
Ilya went to the third side. Found three cellars with gold and silver. He distributed all the gold and silver to the poor, the orphans and the homeless.
Ilya returned to the Alatyr stone, and corrected the last inscription

Drawings and illustrations for the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets"

Ilya drove across the open field, defended Russia from enemies from young years to old age. The good old horse was good, his little Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka has a tail of three fathoms, a mane up to the knees, and a coat of three spans. He didn’t look for a ford, he didn’t wait for a ferry, he jumped the river at one gallop. He saved old Ilya Muromets hundreds of times from death.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that whitens, Ilya Muromets is riding across the Russian steppe. His head whitened, his curly beard, his clear gaze clouded over.

Oh you old age, you old age! You found Ilya in an open field, flew like a black raven! Oh you, youth, youthful youth! You flew away from me like a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, a stone lies at the crossroads, and on that stone is written: "Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will be rich, and whoever goes straight will be married."

Ilya Muromets wondered:

What is the use of wealth to me, the old one? I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go where a married man should be? Why should I, old man, marry? It's not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman, lie on the stove and sip jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I'll go along the path where the murdered man will be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the murdered man should be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off the horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head, says:

Hey, you robbers, you have nothing to kill me for and nothing to rob. All I have is a marten fur coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable hat worth three hundred rubles, and a bridle for five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassian saddle for two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, between Burushka's ears there is a gemstone. On autumn nights it burns like the sun, three miles away it is light. And, perhaps, there is Burushka's horse - he has no value in the whole world. Is it worth chopping off the old head for such a small amount ?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

He's the one who makes fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray-haired wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, chop off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed a hat from a gray head and began to wave his hat: wherever he waved, there would be a street, if he waved it off, there would be a side street.

In one stroke, ten robbers lie, in the second - and twenty in the world are gone!

The chieftain of the robbers pleaded:

Don't beat us all, old hero! You take from us gold, silver, a colored dress, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets smiled:

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars. If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would have chased after me.

The robbers say to him:

One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Russia, Ilya Muromets! You go to us, hero, comrades, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brothers, robbers, I will not go to your comrades, and you are going to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by your roads, shedding innocent blood!

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away. He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the right lane - I was not killed!"

Well, I'll go now, where to be married!

As soon as Ilya drove three versts, he drove into a forest clearing. There stands a golden-domed mansion, the silver gates are wide open, and the roosters are singing at the gates. Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them a beauty princess.

Welcome, Russian hero, come into my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swans!

The royal took him by the hand, led him into the tower, and sat him at an oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, large loafs ...

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down and rest on a board bed, on a feather bed.

The princess took Ilya to the sleeping chamber, and Ilya goes and thinks:

It is not for nothing that she is affectionate to me: that the prince is not a simple Cossack, old grandfather. It can be seen that she has something planned.

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled-gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, he guessed that the bed is cunning.

Ilya grabbed the prince's daughter and threw her on the bed against the wall. The bed turned, and a stone cellar opened, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

Hey, you nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, or I'll cut off your heads!

Oh, unknowable grandfather, we have never seen the keys, but we will show you the passages to the cellar.

They led Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the doors of the cellar: they were covered with sand, thick oak trees were heaped up. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oaks with his feet, opened the cellar doors. And there are forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That is why the princess called the golden-domed to her chambers!

Ilya says to kings and heroes:

You go, kings, in your lands, and you, heroes, in your places and remember Ilya Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would lay down your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled the prince by the braids into the white light and cut off her crafty head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went straight - never been married."

Well, now I'll go to the path where the rich will be. As soon as he drove off three miles, he saw a large stone three hundred poods. And on that stone it is written: "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich one will be."

Ilya forced himself, rested his feet, went knee-deep into the ground, gave up with a mighty shoulder - rolled a stone from its place.

A deep cellar was opened under the stone - countless riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachons!

Ilya Burushka loaded up an expensive treasury and took her to Kiev-grad. There he built three stone churches, so that there was where to escape from enemies, to sit out from the fire. The rest of the silver and gold, he distributed pearls to widows, orphans, did not leave himself a half.

Then he sat down on Burushka, drove to the white stone, erased the old inscription, inscribed the new inscription: "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

Here Ilya's glory and honor went forever, and our story came to the end.

Ilya traveled across an open field, defended Russia from enemies from young years to old age.

The good old horse was good, his Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka's tail has three saplings, a mane up to his knees, and his wool is three spans. He didn’t look for a ford, he didn’t wait for a ferry, he jumped the river at one gallop. He saved old Ilya Muromets hundreds of times from death.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that whitens, Ilya Muromets is riding across the Russian steppe. His head whitened, his curly beard, his clear gaze clouded over:

Oh you old age, you old age! You found Ilya in an open field, flew like a black raven! Oh you, youth, youthful youth! Flew away
you are from me a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, a stone lies at the crossroads, and on that stone is written: "Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will become rich, and whoever goes directly will be married."

Ilya Muromets wondered:

What is the use of wealth to me, the old one? I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go where a married man should be? Why should I, old man, marry? It's not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman, lie on the stove and sip jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I'll go along the path where the murdered man will be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the murdered man should be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off the horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head, says:

Hey, you robber, you have nothing to kill and rob me for.

All I have is a marten fur coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable hat worth three hundred rubles, and a bridle for five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassian saddle for two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, there is a gemstone between Burushka's ears. On autumn nights it burns like the sun, three miles away it is light. And, perhaps, there is Burushka's horse - he has no value in the whole world.

Because of such a small amount, is it worth chopping off the old head ?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

He's the one who makes fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray-haired wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, chop off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed a hat from a gray head, and began waving his hat: wherever he waved, there would be a street, if he waved it off, there would be a side street.

In one stroke, ten robbers lie, in the second - and twenty in the world are gone!

The chieftain of the robbers pleaded:

Don't beat us all, old hero! You take from us gold, silver, colored dress, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets smiled:

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars. If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would have chased after me.

The robbers say to him:

One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Russia, Ilya Muromets!

You go to us, hero, comrades, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brothers-robbers, I will not go to your comrades, and you will go to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by your roads, shedding innocent blood.

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away.

He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the right lane - I was not killed!"

Well, I'll go now, where to be married!

As soon as Ilya drove three versts, he drove into a forest clearing. There stands a golden-domed mansion, the silver gates are wide open, and the roosters are singing at the gates.

Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them a royal beauty.

Welcome, Russian hero, come into my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swans!

The royal took him by the hand, led him into the tower, and sat him at an oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, large rolls ...

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down, rest on a board bed, on a feather bed.

The prince took Ilya to the sleeping chamber, and Ilya went and thought: "It is not for nothing that she is affectionate to me: that a simple Cossack is more royal, old grandfather! It can be seen that she has something conceived."

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, he guessed that the bed is cunning.

Ilya grabbed the prince's daughter and threw her on the bed against the wall. The bed turned, and a stone cellar opened, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

Hey, you nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, or I'll cut off your heads!

Oh, unknowable grandfather, we have never seen the keys, we will show you the passage to the cellar.

They led Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the door of the cellar; they were covered with sand, thick oak trees were heaped up. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oaks with his feet, opened the cellar doors. And there are forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That is why the princess called the golden-domed to her chambers!

Ilya says to kings and heroes:

You go, kings, in your lands, and you, heroes, in your places and remember Ilya Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would lay down your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled the prince by the braids into the white light and cut off her crafty head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went straight - never been married."

Well, now I'll go to the path where the rich will be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, he saw a large stone three hundred poods. And on that stone it is written: "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich man will be."

A deep cellar was opened under the stone - countless riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachons!

Ilya Burushka loaded up an expensive treasury and took her to Kiev-grad. There he built three stone churches, so that there was where to escape from enemies, to sit out from the fire.

The rest of the silver and gold, he distributed pearls to widows, orphans, did not leave himself a half.

Then he sat down on Burushka, went to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

Here Ilya's glory and honor went forever, and our story came to the end.