Drawing the winter forest in stages. Draw a winter forest

Drawing the winter forest in stages. Draw a winter forest
Drawing the winter forest in stages. Draw a winter forest

He was driving an old man with a girl bought in a fur coat to the nose, and thought his Duma is not easy. He thought about how terribly to get into dependence on a person's unkind. But where are you going to go when the house built and one more child has come together? The daughter of His younger, by the way, was also evil, lazy, naughty - exactly in order to become his Mother.

As it happened, where his eyes looked - it is not clear, but now he was forced to carry his first daughter-beautiful in the forest. Well, even though she got a fur coat from the late mother, and even a glorious character - light, lazy, unreachable. The whole day at home is cotton, will not complain. A stepmother and a step sister hurts yes, know, songs sissing. And now the wayward on the frost decided to drive out, because the presence of a number of such goodness is immensely annoying, burning conscience.

And the girl was sitting on the cart, looked around. He admiredly covered with the Yelochkov, the snow touched, soothe father. Say, nothing terrible, I sit down a little somewhere on the shock, we will rest at least until the morning, and there you will come. Do not be afraid, do not argue, do not scold with a stepmother.

The stepmother dreamed of dreamed, which will shrink in the Winter Forest Beauty. Father hoped for a fur coat and prayer maternal, which, as is known, does not stop behind the coffin. But who would have thought that in the winter forest, the fate of the nonsense maiden would be good? A kind girl returned alive-healthy, and even with gifts - stones with precious and chests of the rich bold. And the Sleavita and Grubian, having stuck on this, lost his life ... Yes, yes, remember, but a fairy tale is a lie. Oh what kind of gifts from the forest, snow covered?

Frost. Moscow, 1924, the lithograph of the Publishing House of the Narkomaz - a new village.

And remember how a bad fever got up in the morning, focused on the stove, swept up, cooking, served on the table, it cleaned the house on time, washed, I stroke and stood. So few people, of course, could, but she and a fairy tale. Here, images are deliberately given opposite, convex, perfect in their qualities. The native bald daughter until the end of the lazy, fat and redness and only glances over the pile of alkaline to the step sister over the stack of oil pancakes, and the padder is slim, the biggee, smiling and always in work. She also knows whether it is necessary to cook pasta before they fry them how much water is needed on a glass of which cereals, how fast cuffs have a white blouse and how many styrices there are enough bucket of detergent. Such education - what is not a gift?

And now it's time to acquire new drawing skills!

We will need:

- type paints gouache,
- Dense paper A4,
- two brush columns or pony (but not protein; remember: the protein is littered with a gouache),
- palette (plate, cover from any can),
- Cup-smaller,
- glue,
- Wet wipes to quickly wipe the hands of artists.

Let's take a chance to make color stretching from dark to light. And again we take blue and white paint. We put the blue paint on the palette and turn the narrow strip with this clean color at the top of the sheet, and make a second strip a little lighter, adding a drip of white paint. Repeating this operation, fill the entire sheet. It turned out the basis for the winter forest - blue sky and snowy earth.

And if instead of white paint, take a light pink, then the state of the late evening, is also very beautiful. Now draw the moon, stars and snow falling on the Christmas tree. Frosty! Did you not frozen my little artists?

Parental love is remembered primarily as warm, comfort, measuring shockers of the cradle. In other words - care. But, unfortunately, parents are not eternal, and a new stage comes quite quickly when a child, along with care, is required to convey knowledge. As you need to keep a spoon, which is supposed to eat at lunch, how to greet your neighbors, at what temperature water boils how many degrees is a straight angle and much more, much more. Any knowledge is the result of errors made up to us, and the safety rules are also written by blood at all.

Therefore, without restrictions not to do. It is impossible to eat a lot of sweet, you can not beat the person of a person holding you in the hands, you can not go to bed and leave behind the garbage. Restrictions at first few people like. In fact, good mothers! Want - ice cream, you want a cupcake! And good mom is good. You can also relax until the dyatyko has fun. But will well be deceiving a man, give him false knowledge about this world?

All parents at one fine moment make an interesting discovery: it is even more difficult to learn what to learn. Limiting the child, we always limit yourself. Bybiving the child a second piece of cake, we cannot afford it and by ourselves, by canceling a visit to visit, we ourselves do not fall on a fun holiday. Therefore, there is a strong temptation to release the situation and rely on external authorities. But it is unlikely that children will learn the rules of good behavior in kindergarten, school, the municipal home of creativity or even in the class of a paid developing center if the boundaries of the pervolored will be made in their hometown.

Dialogues of girls with fabulous frost - as a conversation with the universe itself - such different, such visual. After all, the world around the world sometimes happens that we have inside, so an unreasonable and demanding person is often disappointed and finding all new and new justification of his pessimism, and good-natured and hardworking attracts friendship, support, joy.

Every 4 seconds in the world, the forest area is cut down equal to the standard football field. These are statistics. The fastest deforestation pace in Southeast Asia. The Chinese are fruitful, and there is nowhere to live. And what to do? We need paper for drawing! I want to tell you how to draw a forest with a pencil. It will not restore our fauna, but it's worth trying.

Facts about forests:

  • The forest of Aokihara, or forest suicide. A strange place is well deserved received its name. He in itself on itself so much thick that the light is almost disobeyed there, and compasses stop working. For some reason, this particular place in Japan has become a favorite for those who want to endorse the life of suicide (apparently, some do not have enough spirit to do Harakiri).
  • In the Kaliningrad region there is a forest that local residents called dancing, or drunk. No, there are no alcoholics and drug addicts. The fact is that pines are growing at 1 square kilometer, which, according to an unknown science, the reason strangely twisted their trunks. Some and at all shook the nodes. As if they were mastered pain in the stomach.
  • It is believed that tropical forests are full of different sounds and noise. Will disappointed you - in the jungle of a silent child. The life of all animals begins there at night, and even then they behave very carefully and quietly.

We try to draw.

How to draw a forest pencil phased

Step one. Let's start with a simple: draw the line of the horizon, and the three vertical lines will show a path.

Step second. On the sides of the invented paths, draw the trunks of trees, large and small.

Step Three. We carry out the trunks above, and their bottoms will sketch with a pencil. Also add a little herb at the foot of the trunks.

Sha fourth. Finally, Dorisuye the tops with branches, add shadows.

Pitch fifth.

Kurichekova Elena Valentinovna

Winter landscape. Gouache.

On the street is already December, and we have no snow. I look at the photo reports with beautiful winter landscapes and envy. So I decided to raise myself the mood, why would winter not draw! Maybe then winter will come to us in Yaroslavl! BUT picture then you can use on speech Development Classes And for the design of the corner of nature. So I thought and began to work.

First, the whole sheet of white gouache toned.

Now there is a composition. Back plan and partially front. We allocate dark plots on our figure.

It remains to draw foreground objects

And now small details, applied glare and shadows where necessary.

Enchanted invisible

Looking a forest under sleep fairy tale,

Like white Kosynka

Pine tied.

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Summary: Children's drawings on the topic of winter. How to draw winter paints. How to draw a winter pencil. How to draw winter gradually. Figure winter landscape. Figure Winter fairy tale. Picture winter forest.

In winter, adults and children spend a lot of time at home, so more opportunities appear in order to work in creativity. Winter is a very beautiful time of year. Try to convey the beauty of this season in the winter drawings. We will share with you simple drawing techniques, with which you can independently teach a child to draw beautiful drawings on the topic of winter. From this article, you will learn how to make a bulk snow paint, learn how to draw winter drawings in the spray technique. When drawing drawings on the winter topic, we will use all sorts of additional materials, and not just brush and paint. You do not even suspect that you can draw winter with a plastic film or salt, air-bubble film or shaving foam.

1. Winter drawings. "Volumetric Snow Paint"

If mixed in an equal volume of PVA and shaving glue and a shaving foam, then a wonderful air ink paint will be. She can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears or winter landscapes. For beauty, you can add sparkles into the paint. When drawing such paint, it is better to designate the contours of the picture with a simple pencil, and then paint it already to paint. After some time, the paint will freeze, and it will turn out a bulk winter picture.

2. Winter drawings of children. Use tape in children's creativity

3. Winter drawings. Figures on the topic of winter

If the snow window, then you can depict it with a cotton stick.

Or put it with a tassel on every twig.

11. Winter drawings. Figures on the topic of winter

An interesting idea on the theme of children's winter drawings was offered by the author of the blog Homeschool Creations. She painted snow on a transparent film. Now it can be imposed on any winter drawing or applique, imitating falling snow. They left the film on the picture - snowfall began, filmed a film - the snowfall stopped.

12. Winter pictures. "New Year lights"

We want to tell you about one interesting non-traditional drawing technique. To draw New Year's garland as in the photo, you will need a sheet of thick paper of dark color (blue, purple or black). You will also need an ordinary chalk (the one that is painted on asphalt or chalkboard) and still stencil bulbs cut from cardboard.

On a sheet of paper with a thin marker, draw the wire and cartridges for light bulbs. Now apply the stencil light bulbs in turns to each cartridge and boldly blaming it with chalk. After that, without removing the stencil, smear the chalk on paper with a piece of cotton or straight with your finger so that the rays of the light. You can replace the small color pencil graphite.

Not necessarily to use stencils. You can simply paint the light bulbs with chalk, and then neatly rub the chalk in different directions to make rays.

With this technique, you can draw another winter city, for example, or the northern lights.

13. Figures Winter fairy tale. Winter forest drawings

On the already mentioned above the site Maam.ru you will find an interesting master class on drawing winter landscapes using templates. You will need only one main color - blue, brush with a coarse bristle and a white sheet for drawing. When cutting templates, use the cutting method from the paper folded in half. Look at what a magnificent illustration of the winter forest turned out to be the author of the painting. Real Winter Tale!

The most fabulous season of the year, when the bastard can walk carelessly on the crisp snow, ride sledding and skating - winter. At all times, artists depicted it without fail with snow-covered edges, blizzard and forest inhabitants. If your child still does not know, tell him, because it is not difficult.

If you still have a weak, how to draw a children's drawing on the topic "Winter", then try to fantasize with the child. And even better go on a winter walk to the snowy forest. After the baby is getting impressions, the drawing will work out, as it should.

How to draw winter in a phased pencil for children: master class for beginners

You can draw in the winter in gradually as paints: gouache, watercolor and felt-faucers. But the inexperienced artist is still better to start with a pencil.

So, for the winter masterpiece we will need the next set:

  1. Expanding the vertical sheet, first with light movements of a simple pencil should be made by the form of relief - drifts away. Approximately in the middle of the resulting "clearing" we draw a projection of mighty oak, without fail with a hollow. Even the one who never painted a realistic tree will cope with this without much difficulty.
  2. Now the turn has come to draw a snowman. This should also be done in stages, first portraying only schematically. As it should be, the bottom circle will be the biggest, then there is a medium, and after the smallest. Elevance lines are easily erased by eraser.
  3. Now add snow the items - on the head of the bucket, nose-carrot, mouth and buttons from the coal, and the hands from the twigs. Do not forget in the form of small ovals to paint the peeking boots.
  4. What kind of winter forest without birds - bullfights and cinkers? You can draw any, because they are similar, only color differs. We draw one ptah on the tree next to the feeder, in which two others are already dinner.
  5. Oak oak, but the winter paint will miss something, if not adding a green beautiful Christmas tree into it. I will show it first schematically as a triangle separated by half.
  6. Now the task is complicated and, perhaps, the adult will have to help a child a little. From a schematic triangle it's time to make a Christmas tree, drawing on it since the top of the twig. On the Makushka itself you can take another bird.
  7. In the background, under the bottom branches of oak, place the composition of low trees.
  8. Carefully erased elastic church, leaving only imperceptible contours of the branches. This is necessary in order to subsequently snow on the branches looked realistic.
  9. Now we take dark green and light green pencils and paint the Christmas tree, combining these two colors for greater naturalistic. Do not forget to thoroughly draw the needles. Color paint snow.
  10. Using blue and blue pencils, paint snow robes. And with the help of a brown, we highlight the contour of a large tree. Do not forget and about let it be tits and bullfinches.
  11. Back plan consisting of snow-covered trees, color blue-green colors. And using a few shades of brown, add color trees. Do not forget and oak branches "Sressy" snowball.
  12. To designate the structure of the cortex, apply darker lines on the trunk with brown pencil.
  13. With a blue, lilac and purple pencil, add the depths of the snowdrifts and color the sky.
  14. That's all - a picture with a winter scenery is ready. Everything is very simple and quite quickly drawn, try yourself!

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