What threatens a person with deep immersion. Diving: immersion technique and movement under water

What threatens a person with deep immersion. Diving: immersion technique and movement under water
What threatens a person with deep immersion. Diving: immersion technique and movement under water

When it became possible to dive into depth, the desire to become the best in this matter appeared. There is a constant struggle for records, despite the negative impact, which has the depth per person. For example, due to the pressure of water, there is pain in the ears and there is a threat that the eardrum is bursting.

Although the professional divers coped with this problem. The main thing is to align the pressure using swallowing movements. In addition, with each meter of depth, water pressure increases, and the amount of air in the lungs decreases.

Because of this, swimmers often incorrectly assess the reserves of oxygen, which subsequently can play a dick joke with a diver. Yes, and the rise from the depth has its own specifics and difficulties. But, despite this, the battle for records continues.

Maximum immersion depth of man

The first immersion to the depth of one hundred meters was not even listed in sports records. But the names of the divers who did it, know all divers. This is Enzo Mallorca and Jacques Mayol. By the way, they are precisely the prototypes of the main characters of the famous Luke's Film Blue Cupless.

The mark of 100 meters has long ceased to be a record. In Fridayving, the deepest immersion committed the Austrian Swimmer Herbert Nice. His record in 2001 was 214 meters. By the way, Nice is called the legend of fridising.

In all his life in this form of dive, he established world records 31 times. Among the female record holder in the American Tanya Strider became. In 2002, she sank to the depth of 160m.

The world record of dive with aqualung belongs to the French Daiver Pascal Bernabe, who, by the way, in everyday life, a junior class teacher.

In July 2005, he plunged into a depth of 330 meters in less than 10 minutes (although initially planned to conquer the distance of 320 meters, but the rope stretched out and he overcame the extra 10 meters). But the ascent stretched 9 hours. To this result, Diver was preparing for 3 years.

Although it is possible that this is not the maximum depth of man's immersion. After all, many results are not fixed and officially not voiced. For example, it is unlikely that someone will tell in the press about the actions of military scabers or the possibilities of their special equipment.

In general, the depth will always make a man to himself, the main thing, not to lose his head from her charms and do not forget about security. Also important is the ability to stay under water. .

As in any other sport or human activity in diving, many diverse records are recorded. We tell about the most interesting of them.

The deepest dive with aqualung

The current record was installed on September 18, 2014 by 41-year-old Ahmad Gabrom. Diving instructor from Egypt reached a depth of 332.35 meters. Dive was produced in the Red Sea near Dahab.

For preparing for the establishment of a record at Gabra, four years left. All this time, he worked with an elite team of divers that developed a dive plan. She helped him to cope with different risks, such as nitrogen poisoning, decompression and nervous high pressure syndrome.

At the immersion to the necessary depth of Gabra, only 12 minutes left. And the rise due to the danger of decompression occupied as much as 14 hours.

In total, Egyptian needed to use nine cylinders, most of which were filled with a gas mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and helium. His support team spent 92 such cylinders.

The longest immersion with open water aqualung

In July 2016, Turkish Diver Jam Karabai stayed a little less than six days under water on the beach on the island of Cyprus. The duration of dive was 142 hours, 42 minutes and 42 seconds. These numbers are explained by political reasons. The establishment of the record was timed to the 42th anniversary of the landing on the island of the military corps from Turkey.

Karabai set a record by developing new methods of meeting the needs in water and food during dive. Being underwater, the record holder also played with his friends football and checkers.

Karabai also owns a dive record in an artificial closed reservoir. In October 2011, he conducted under water 192 hours 19 minutes 19 seconds in the pool in Istanbul.

In women, the record of the longest dive belongs to Australian Christie Quill. It for 51 hours of 25 minutes was under water at a five-meter depth on La Hoya Beach in San Diego in California.

Quill has lost her mother who deceased from breast cancer. With the help of his record, Australian attracted attention to the problem and gathered money on cancer research.

When it comes to such incredible achievements, even outstanding and incredibly strong people are difficult to do without the help of technology and, in particular, reliable hours. The Prospex collection from Seiko has many models for both professionals and lovers. Let's say the Kinetic GMT Diver's model (Sun065p1) is perfect for scuba diving at a depth of up to 200 m. And with long dive, they may be simply indispensable. They have a 24-hour scale, and, it means, you can always unmistakably determine the exact time. After all, under water, in someone else's and in many ways a hostile medium, we are familiar to us are erased and without the help of high-quality and reliable techniques can not do.

Dive with scuba at the highest altitude

Hungarian diver and climber Erne Toshocy in February 2016 plunged into the lake on the eastern side of the highest volcano on the Earth of Okhos del Salado. The reservoir is on the border of Argentina and Chile at an altitude of 6382 meters above sea level.

Toshoko became the first person who had immersed at an altitude of more than 6000 meters.

Although it lasts only 10 minutes and happened at a depth of only 2 meters, the establishment of this record was a challenging task due to difficult conditions around and unknown effects from immersion at such a height.

Tosho was just one member of the support team. Together with the record holder, he carried all the necessary equipment for immersion and communication, as well as medical equipment, without which it would be impossible to dive.

But not so long ago about such records could only dream. Fortunately, technical progress allows you to expand the horizons of human capabilities. Including progress in terms of hours for dives. Pioneer here is SEIKO. In 1990, it was she who released the first computerized diving hours - Seiko Scubamaster 200m. The clock was measured not only the current depth and dive time, but also the time of ascembly. These values \u200b\u200bare key to calculate and display information about the following immersion without decompression in a series of repeated dives.

The world's first computer for diving, released Seiko in 1990.

The longest underwater chain of people

One of the most recent achievements in the Guinness Book of Records was established on June 17, 2017 off the Atlantic Ocean coast in Dirfield Beach in Florida. A member of the local Diver Club Pavan Arilton performed the chief organizer of the recount. 240 scubaicists took up their arms and formed under water a kind of arch around the urban pier.

The day before establishing a record, preliminary preparation was carried out - the divers removed the fishing nets and another trash that was near the pier columns.

The previous achievement was installed off the shores of Thailand at the end of 2016, when a live chain under water was organized by 182 divers.

Beijing divers are preparing for immersion. Photo Reuters.

The most massive dive with scuba

In August 2009, the Indonesian Naval Fleet organized an event on Malalalang Beach in Manado, in which 2486 divers simultaneously plunged into the water.

They were divided into 50 groups, and they had to expect a long time in the queues to go down to a depth of 15 meters.

The record of more than twice interrupted the previous achievement established in Maldives in 2006. Then 958 people took part in the mass immersion.

The most elderly diver

Erwin Paul Staller at the age of 93 made a 36-minute immersion on the Islands of Terks and Caicos on October 24, 2014. The American pensioner in 1989 in the year 68 received a certificate of professional diving instructors and since 1997 he regularly visited these islands in the Caribbean for dives.

Fridayving is a scuba diving without scuba, that is, the diver simply delays his breath, you can even say how it turns off it. Fridians are able to dive into incredibly greater depth, and this is without any breathing apparatus and pressure control systems. (Esoeiter.ru).

Champions in this business can delay breathing up to 11 minutes! In other words, such people violate many laws of physics and scientific understanding of a person and its capabilities, but for some reason it does not fall out in any sensations. Scientists simply ignore this striking ability of the human body, as if no free divers in the world does not exist.

According to independent researchers, freedivers commit inconceivable

Freediving, of course, is an ancient way of scuba diving. Nowadays, when the first athletes appeared, fond of such a class, physiologists were convinced that a person was not able to immerse themselves at a depth of more than 30-40 meters. It simply contradicted with any laws of physics. Scientists have posted all the facts about the human body and about the effect on it pressure water, saying that 40 meters are the depth most accessible to us. If someone tries to dive deeper, its lungs will be crushed, and he will choose his own blood.

As it is not difficult to guess, it did not stop the freedivers, and the current record of the depth of immersion without aqualant is equal to 214 meters!

The Italian film director and the diver Martin Amati claims that such wonders occur mainly due to the human brain. It is the mindset, according to a woman, is a decisive factor in freediving. The diver forgets about everything that he read in the textbooks of physics and physiology, gets rid of any mental restrictions and therefore committed inconceivable.

Amati is convinced that on the one hand, even the human body is much more perfect and powerful than the official science believes, and on the other hand, the power of thought is a huge role in any case, when the intention of a person literally transforms his body, and its surrounding reality.

What happens to the Fridaiver's body at great depth

Immersing 10 meters deep, the diver without watering begins to feel the pressure 2 times more than on the surface. Each subsequent 10 meters add another atmosphere, and the pressure seemingly should become simply unbearable and incompatible with life. Nevertheless, freedivers not only do not die in the ocean junior, but also describe the surprising sensations from their dives, as if they were in a completely different reality.

At a considerable depth of a person, physiology and anatomy change, since the body adapts to exist in extreme conditions. All spaces containing air are compressed in the body, and, together with this, the behavior of gases in the blood and the work of the nervous system are changed.

The deeper the diver falls, the less he needs oxygen, because due to pressure oxygen becomes more powerful. At a depth of 13-20 meters, the body stops pushed up and starts sinking like a stone. Fridians call this process with a free drop. At this time, the person stops moving and allows the forces of nature to "pull" themselves down.

As the diver is immersed, it fits how the composition of his blood changes. Gases with a large pressure dissolve in the blood much easier and function much more efficiently. For example, nitrogen begins to act on the brain as a drug, and leads to a light intoxication, and at great depth - to this euphoria.

When the freediver is immersed increasingly, the last remains of oxygen in its blood are compressed, and the body of the diver holds at an incomparable lower exchange level than the human body on the surface. The body of the diver comes to an inexplicable equilibrium with the environment when it comes to an incredibly fine balance that requires incomprehensible physiological perfection.

Academic science refuses to study this phenomenon

On average, in 10 minutes, the professional freediver is able to immerse themselves at a depth of approximately 1/5 kilometer, and to pop up. And no decompression of the disease or the destructive effects of oxygen starvation. His first breath of air after diving such people are often compared with the first breath of the baby after birth.

As for scientists, they completely refuse to explore this phenomenon. It is absurd, but in the textbooks of biology, it still has that, without appropriate equipment, a person cannot immerse themselves at a depth of more than 40 meters. Orthodoxes from science are not very like to be wrong, therefore, apparently, they simply decided to ignore this miracle, as well as levitation, teleportation, and so on, instead of studying it with all thoroughness, making sure the amazing properties of the human body, which Unfortunately, since childhood is blocked in each of us all sorts of restrictive statements. Or maybe it's just necessary to someone - keep a person in a cage of all sorts of restrictions? ..

Video: Fridians do not follow the laws of physics, but scientists ignore this fact

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to tell you interesting information that is associated with world records. People love to arrange competitions on the principle of "faster-stronger". One of the most incredible records recorded in the Guinness Book of Records concerns great work on yourself. It is this work that leads to the possibility of a long time under water without oxygen. Let's talk today about the freediving records.

This is truly the achievement that you need to be proud of deserving respect. I began to interest this topic I, after:

  • independent, in Sinyavino, near Kaliningrad,
  • viewing a new film "Fear of depth" lasting 87 minutes. The heroes of the thriller dived in a cage in the open sea, full of white sharks. I am wondering, and how long the human body can be without oxygen under the thickness of water.

Breathing Delay Record under Water

The official name of the record, which was able to establish Croat named Goran Cholak (GORAN ČOLAK) - static apnea.

The guy with super ability is under water without breathing, he was even several times to establish records in this category, surpassing herself every time. In just thirty years, he was assigned a line in the largest meeting of the planet records - the Guinness record on the breath delayed under water.

The record of dive without scuba, which was impossible to beat!

Due to the fact that Goran broke off for a few minutes from his closest competitor, he had a lot of chances to stay by the record holder for a long time, since a person who could surpass him until it appeared. And who knows, maybe a crazy guy on it is not going to stop, improving its data and changing the digit of the breathing delay under water for a second, or even minutes.

Records of breathing delay under water in calm condition belong to many people, among which even illusionist David Blaine. He was able to beat the result of Peter Cola - the Swiss, who was without oxygen 16 minutes 32 seconds. But soon he was able to defend his title. After that, many athletes and ordinary guys have tried to get into the book of records, but not everyone succeeded.

The latter who were in front of Goran Cholak were Ricardo Bahi and Tom Satis. They owned records at 20 minutes 21 seconds and 22 minutes 22 seconds, respectively.

Croatian was able to hold out 22 minutes 32 seconds

How he succeeds, no one understands, so it seems for many an incredible miracle. I and half of this time can be spent under water. Although I also committed some attempts, but about it a little later ...

Sannaya day

September 28, 2013 became for Goran one of the most significant days in his life. On the square of Bana Elachic, which is central in his native country, the guy plunged into the water, putting his name in the book of records. But already a year later, Croat managed to surpass his result, staying under water 23 minutes and 1 second.

I knew that this world is quite unpredictable and incredible, but even more of this is striking the persistence of a guy who put a goal and goes to her, removing everyone in his path. This will of the will, training and desire cannot not affect and leave anyone indifferent.

I wonder what is his lung volume! .. How did he spend his training? What did he think at all, being damaged and still in the thickness of the water?

The only advantage that Haroon helped to overcome the mark of 23 minutes was the use of lung hyperventilation. Without it, it is impossible to live longer for 10-13 minutes without oxygen. This is not prohibited by potential record holders, so everyone uses this procedure before establishing at least a personal record.

But in the books I read that hyperventilation in the future negatively affect human health. Although, I think that people who have put a goal to get into the Guinness Book of Records, small health problems in the future are little worried. Who knows?

The record of breathing latency under water belonging to Goran Cholaku is not the only guy achievement.

Since 2007, its attempts began, which were quite weighty at one time. He experienced his body not only in static out of water without oxygen, but also in dynamics. Moragan belongs to seven installed Guinies's records in motion.

Such abilities, and in particular their development, deserves respect. I can not stop surprising what this guy gets out. It is unlikely that any of my acquaintances will be able to approach his records at least a little.

Interestingly, a career of victorious guy records from ordinary swimming in the pool began. I am sure that he still has a lot, because he is just 32 years old. Although the guy does not hurt care and caution. I would no doubt would be more restrained than he. Still, dozens of records for different versions are a big risk.

If the Goran often sets records near the surface of the water stroit, then with freediving, there is a real threat to the life and health of a person.

Fridayving is a dive of depth without aqualang

It is practiced by many, both as a sport and as an earnings. It seems to me that I would not dive in my years to dive more than a couple of meters without a balloon. But some winds are still solved on it. There are a lot of them quite.

If someone does not know how much he can hold without admission to the organism of oxygen, then I can assure that it often does not exceed the minute. Some may not breathe more than 20 minutes, and whales do not appear on the surface of almost an hour and a half. You can fix it right now, how much time can you be without oxygen. Good luck, if that 😉

If you return to the topic of dive under the water, I think this is a kind of philosophy. The philosophy of knowledge of the surrounding world, the philosophy of knowledge of itself, the philosophy of testing unrealized opportunities.

A little from the history of freediving

For the first time, the record of immersion without scuba was installed at a depth of 100 meters under the water Enzo by Majorca and Jacques Maola. Unfortunately, this was not fixed by official representatives of organizations that have rights to it. Although the guys who have done it are the first to give respect. Still, they risked their lives.

Their names will never be forgotten due to the fact that they have become the prototypes of the main characters of the famous Luke Bessenna. The film called "Blue Awesome" I advise you to see all interested in this topic.

In 2002, the diving on the depth without aquulant gained another record established by the French Fridayver Loic Lefherm.

Without scuba, it reached a depth of 162 meters, thereby beating its previous record in 137 meters. At this, the desperate guy did not stop and after two years he made a swim by 171 meters, after which he could not drink back to the surface. It pursues that you always need to be careful, whatever the goal. I recommend thinking about it, because it is very important.

Interestingly, the record for the latency of breathing on land is half less than in water. Although it seems a bit incredible, but it really is. A total of about 10 minutes can be launched without breathing, being over the water surface. Nature laid diving reflex in man, which helps longer to stay damaged under the stroking of water.

This is explained by the fact that when immersed under water, the pulse frequency slows down, and the vessel is narrowed. This does not lead to death or loss of consciousness, but only increases the resource stock of the body. In this case, the brain and the heart do not suffer, because the blood flow in these organs remains the same. On land, this reflex is disabled. But it is interesting if it will be this effect, if you only immerse your head into the water, and leave the body outside? Maybe sometime experiment.

Women's business

It is also worth noting that not only men are engaged in this dangerous passion, sport and interesting occupation. Women also installed quite a lot of records that are no less striking and fascinating. In women in the category of "free diving", the record without scuba is 91 meters. He was installed in Greece Natalia Molchanova, representing Russia.

A few years later she managed to beat his record, so that our women can also be proud of. In general, you need to write a separate article about Molchanova. This is a great woman whose name is not very famous to compatriots. Unfortunately, Natalia left us, the sea took her away to him ...

Among men in this category, the record reaches 121 meters

The videos on which diving divers underwater are fixed, not only fascinating, selecting the gift of speech, but also forced to find something far away. The underwater world, from which, as it is believed, all alive on Earth came out, very interesting and incredible. There is an opinion that the depths of the Earth are investigated about as little as space. Every year, scientists open new types of algae and underwater animals, which have not yet been known to mankind.

Watching the underwater world, I feel some kind of peace, connection with all alive on the planet, as well as inner calm. But the feelings of those who are immersed in the water world are even more exacerbated and configured to perception. What still attractive it is this incredible water with which we all are. She trays many miracles over which it is worth thinking.

But at the same time, water is danger, water is a test, water is working on themselves. Immersion should always be carried out with a certain level of preparation. In some cases, it is not even months, and years. Training, which are applied to the congenital abilities of the human body, instill faith in what can overcome any obstacles.

How to start your freediving attempts?

If you want to achieve similar results, it is not necessary to postpone the beginning of an increase in the volume of lungs and conducting training for tomorrow. It is best to start work today!

To begin, it should be properly learned to breathe and master the techniques that contribute to an increase in the amount of air that can fill the lungs. These can be respiratory techniques, meditation, physical exertion, etc.

Found there is a funny video about diving under water without scuba on breathing delay:

It is best to hire a professional trainer who will help me to immerse yourself. To begin with, you can use the scuba to get used to the atmosphere reigning under the stroking of water. This will allow it to be better to adapt to such conditions.

It is important to move from one stage to another gradually, and not to rush from the rock in the abyss. Due to this, you can save the body from excessive stress and prepare it for the fact that it will happen in the future. If you hurry, nothing will come out.

Finally, I want to wish that you all happen, as it turned out once and me. It is important to overcome every day yourself, since with the help of this life acquires paints and becomes more interesting. See you next time, I will be glad to read your feedback. Good luck to everyone, and thank you for signing on.

Text - agent Q.

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- This is a special kind of snorkeling. After all, in order to be under water, a person needs to be all-in-making breathing.

This earliest form of diving is still popular in both sports and commerce. And it is constantly developing.

The record for the delay of breathing already reaches 12 minutes, and the record of the immersion in the depth has long passed for 100 meters. Probably, there is still no limit to human capabilities.

Reference immersion depth without scuba

The first record of immersion without aquulant was established by the divers Enzo Mallorca and Jacques Maison. They dived at a depth of 100 meters. But their result was not officially listed in sports records.

But thanks to the film Luke Bluewind, their names will always remember (they have become the protothes of the main characters of the film).

In 2002, French Fridayver Loik Leferm established a truly amazing record. Without scuba, he plunged on a depth of 162 meters. Before that, his record was 137 meters. In 2004, Loik Leferm decided to establish another record. He plunged into a depth of 171 meters, but could not drink.

World dive record

It is considered the most popular type of underwater immersion without scuba. But in the system of the International Association for the Development of Aphnee (AIDA) there are many other disciplines in this area.

For example, static and dynamic apnea, "permanent weight in flops" and so on. And in each discipline, the records are affected.

In category " free immersion»A new world record was established in 2013 at the World Freediving Championships in Greece. The record holder among women became Russian Natalya Molchanova. It fell to a depth of 91 meters. Among men, the record was installed in 2011 and since then does not break.

Then the record holder became William Trabridge from New Zealand. He plunged into a depth of 121 meters.
I became Natalia Molchanova. Initially, she set a record in 2009, and then in 2013 he himself broke it.

Immersion at great depths is very dangerous. Therefore, it is not necessary to prepare for this whims that for months, but for years. Achieve the described results is possible only thanks to constant training. Read about diving on our site and get results. If you want to establish a world free immersion record, then start training now.