Fiction as a means of all-round development of a preschooler. Fiction as a means of educating humane feelings

Fiction as a means of all-round development of a preschooler. Fiction as a means of educating humane feelings

Fiction as a means of all-round development of a preschooler.

The article deals with the issues of relevance and appropriateness of the use of fiction as a means of all-round development of a preschooler.

“Literature also needs

talented readers,

like writers "

S. Ya. Marshak.

Every year different children come to the kindergarten: smart and not so, contact and closed. But they all have one thing in common - they are surprised and admired less and less, their interests are monotonous: cars, Barbie dolls, some have game consoles. Interest in fiction, in the poetic Russian word goes further into the background.

The main task of the teacher is to interest preschoolers, arouse their interest in literary works, instill a love for the literary word, respect for the book. The book provides an opportunity to speculate, "dream up". She teaches to reflect on new information, develops creativity, Creative skills, the ability to think independently.

Fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic ... It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language. The role of fiction in the development of a child's speech is great, without which successful in .

We often say: "A book is a discovery of the world." Indeed, reading, we acquaint children with the life around us, nature, work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. Fiction book for a child, it is a powerful means of all-round education and development: it contributes to the development in children of love for the Motherland, for native nature, fosters love for native language, awakens children's imagination, evokes children's play.

Fiction accompanies the child from the first years of life, starting with lullabies, also with the works of A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, and then moving at school to classical works... In older preschool age, children can already distinguish art genres, notice expressive means.

Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, children's attitude to books has changed, and their interest in reading has begun to decline. Neither reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his memory, attention, imagination, does not assimilate and does not use the experience of predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions. The ability to understand a literary work (not only the content, but also the elements artistic expression) does not come by itself: it must be developed with early age... In this regard, it is very important to teach children to listen and perceive a work of art. S. Ya. Marshak considered the main task of adults to discover the "talent of the reader" in a child. Who introduces the preschooler to the world of the book? This is done by parents and kindergarten teachers. The teacher must be competent in children's reading. After all, he not only solves the problem of introducing preschoolers to the book, the formation of interest in the reading process, but also acts as a propagandist for the book, as a consultant on family reading, as a psychologist watching the perception and impact of a literary text on a child. Children preschool age- listeners, the work of art is brought to them by an adult. Therefore, the teacher's mastery of the skills of expressive reading is of particular importance. After all, it is necessary to reveal the intention of a literary work, to evoke an emotional attitude in the listener to what he read.

V.G. Belinsky believed that "books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects."

Consultation for educators on the topic: "Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of the child."

O.S. Ushakova notes that fiction reveals and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic value is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. The children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart."

Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, fosters aesthetic perception.

Kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and on this basis solves a whole range of interrelated tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic education.

Literary works contribute to the development of speech, provide samples of the Russian literary language.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic visual and expressive means serves the development artistic perception literary works.

Learning to deal with the heroes works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around him. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and real citizenship are brought up.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

A child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language - these are the features of these folklore miniature works. Finally, the child is read author's tales, poems, stories available to him.

A work of art attracts a child not only with its vivid figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving a work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters, using in their judgments the ones that have developed under the influence ofeducating the criteria for human behavior in our socialist society.

Direct empathy for the heroes, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shape-shifters, fables.

Fiction is an important means of fostering a culture of behavior in older preschool children. Works of fiction contribute to the formation of moral motives of cultural behavior in children, by which he is further guided in his actions. It is children's literature that allows preschoolers to reveal the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity human characters, especially of certain experiences, contributes to the emergence in children of an emotional attitude towards the actions of the heroes, and then of the people around them, their own actions. Fiction provides examples of cultural behaviors that children can use as role models.

The role of classes in reading fiction is great for fostering a culture of behavior. Listening to the work, the child gets acquainted with the surrounding life, nature, work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. The artistic word affects not only consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of the child. A word can inspire a child, cause a desire to become better, to do something good, helps to understand human relationships, to get acquainted with the norms of behavior.

Using fiction as a means of fostering a culture of behavior, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, the method of reading and conducting conversations on works of art in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas in children..

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Fiction as a means of all-round development of senior preschool children."

The book is a sorceress. The book has transformed the world, in it the memory of human thought. Nikolay Morozov, Russian revolutionary, Narodnaya Volya, scientist (1854-1946) ...

"Fiction as a means of all-round development of a preschooler"

Fiction reveals and explains the life of society, the world of nature and relationships. Promotes the development of thinking of the child's imagination, enriches with emotions ...

Everyone knows that fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children and has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech ...

Fiction, as a means of the all-round development of a child, is determined by its social, as well as upbringing and educational role in the life of our entire people.

OS Ushakova notes that fiction reveals and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic value is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. The children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart."

Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, fosters aesthetic perception.

Kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and on this basis solves a whole range of interrelated tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic education.

Literary works contribute to the development of speech, provide samples of the Russian literary language. EA Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of an image, definitions that the child operates with. By means of the artistic word, even before school, before mastering the grammatical rules, a small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic pictorial and expressive means serves the development of artistic perception of literary works.

The educational function of literature is carried out in a special way inherent only in art - by the power of the influence of an artistic image. The art of the word reflects reality through artistic images, shows the most typical, comprehending and generalizing real life facts... This helps the child to learn about life, forms his attitude towards the environment. Artistic works, revealing the inner world of the heroes, make children worry, experience, like their own, the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

Fiction affects the feelings and mind of the child, develops his sensitivity, emotionality. According to B.M. Teplov, art captures various aspects of the human psyche: imagination, feelings, will, develops his consciousness and self-consciousness, forms his worldview. Works of fiction reveals the world of human feelings to children, arousing interest in the personality, to inner peace hero.

Having learned to experience with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of those close to him and those around him. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and real citizenship are brought up. “Feelings precede knowledge; who did not feel the truth, he did not understand and did not recognize it ”- wrote V.G. Belinsky.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

A child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language - these are the features of these folklore miniature works. Finally, the child is read author's tales, poems, stories available to him.

The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, except for folk, can one find such an ideal arrangement of difficult-to-pronounce sounds, such a surprisingly thoughtful mixing by a number of words that hardly differ from each other in sound. For example: “There was a bull with a blunt lipped, a blunt-lipped bull, the bull had a dull white lip”; "The cap is not sewn in a Kolpakov style, it is necessary to perekolpokovat, whoever perekolapakov, that half a pack of peas." Benevolent teasing, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes - effective remedy pedagogical influence, a good "medicine" against laziness, cowardice, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of a fairy tale develops the imagination, the imagination of children, encourages them to write themselves. Raised on the best literary samples humanity, children in their stories and fairy tales show themselves just, protecting the offended and the weak, and punishing the evil.

The development of aesthetic perception is very noticeable in preschool age. Understand what the artwork reflects typical features phenomena, the child may already be 4-5 years old. Researchers note such a feature of the child's artistic perception as activity, deep empathy for the heroes of the works. Older preschoolers develop the ability to mentally act in imaginary circumstances, as if to take the place of the hero. For example, together with the heroes of a fairy tale, children experience a sense of fear in tense dramatic moments, a sense of relief, satisfaction in the victory of justice.

A work of art attracts a child not only with its vivid figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving a work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters, using in their judgments the criteria of human behavior in our socialist society that have developed in them under the influence of upbringing.

Direct empathy with the heroes, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shape-shifters, fables.

An insufficient level of development of abstract thinking makes it difficult for children to perceive such genres as fables, proverbs, riddles, and necessitates the help of an adult.

Researchers have found that preschoolers are capable of mastering poetic hearing and can understand the main differences between prose and poetry.

Children of senior preschool age, under the influence of purposeful guidance from educators, are able to see the unity of the content of the work and its art form, find figurative words and expressions in it, feel the rhythm and rhyme of the poem, even remember the figurative means used by other poets.

The representations children have received from works of art are transferred to their life experience gradually, systematically.

Fiction is an important means of fostering a culture of behavior in older preschool children. Works of fiction contribute to the formation of moral motives of cultural behavior in children, by which he is further guided in his actions. It is children's literature that allows preschoolers to reveal the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, the peculiarities of certain experiences, contributes to the emergence in children of an emotional attitude towards the actions of the heroes, and then the people around them, their own actions. Fiction provides examples of cultural behaviors that children can use as role models.

The role of classes in reading fiction is great for fostering a culture of behavior. Listening to the work, the child gets acquainted with the surrounding life, nature, work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. The artistic word affects not only consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of the child. A word can inspire a child, cause a desire to become better, do something good, help to understand human relationships, get acquainted with the norms of behavior.

Using fiction as a means of fostering a culture of behavior, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, the method of reading and conducting conversations on works of art in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas in children, to transfer these ideas into the life and activities of children (how much are feelings reflected children, awakened by art, in their activities, in their communication with the people around them).

When selecting literature for children, one must remember that the moral, moral impact of a literary work on a child depends, first of all, on its artistic value. V.G. Belinsky had two basic requirements for children's literature: ethical and aesthetic. About the ethical orientation of children's literature, he said that a work of art should touch the soul of a child, so that he has empathy, sympathy for the hero.

Yusupova Oksana Magometovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU "Kindergarten" Sun "
Locality: Erken-Shahar village
Material name: project
Topic: Fiction as a means of all-round development of older preschool children
Date of publication: 13.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Fiction as a means

comprehensive development of older children

preschool age

Yusupova Oksana Magometovna

educator MKDOU "Solnyshko"

p. Erkin - Shahar.


Chapter 1.
Theoretical substantiation of the problem of using fiction as a means of all-round development of older preschool children
Chapter 2.
Content of the work system
... Creation of a subject-developing environment
Methods and techniques of work
... Principles for the selection of literary works used in work with older preschool children
Organization of interaction with parents in the process of comprehensive development of senior preschool children through fiction


(relevance) Any book is a smart friend: It gets tired a little, it falls silent; She silently teaches, Leisure is edifying with her. EA Flerina We all come from childhood - from that colorful magical planet on which kindness and loyalty, friendship and happiness reign, from the planet of dreamers and dreamers. What is he like, a modern child of the XXI century? Cute inquisitive why with with a pure heart who wants to know how the world works - from the mysterious depths of the ocean to the sparkling stars of the Universe. And he looks at this beautiful world through the prism of love, fantasy and dreams. New era, in which we now live, has brought great truth and new great delusions. Many who entered its waters became calculating, aggressive, callous in soul to the grief of others, cruel. In society, more and more often they say that kindness, empathy and compassion, mercy are a thing of the past. Small child turns out to be unprotected from the aggressive influence of society and television. But this does not negate the task of "Raising a Man" for you and me, it complicates it. In this regard, the role of classes in fiction is great. We often say: "A book is a discovery of the world." Indeed, reading, we acquaint children with the life around us, nature, work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. A fiction book for a child is a powerful means of all-round education and development: it promotes the development in children of love for the Motherland, for their native nature, fosters love for their native language, awakens children's imagination, and evokes children's play. The artistic word affects not only consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of the child. A word can inspire a child, cause a desire to become better, to do something good, helps to understand human relationships, to get acquainted with the norms of behavior. Formation
moral ideas and moral experience contributes to the communication of children with knowledge about the moral qualities of a person. Fiction accompanies the child from the first years of life, starting with lullabies, also with the works of A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, and then moving on to classical works at school. At the senior preschool age, children can already distinguish between artistic genres, notice expressive means. And when analyzing a work, children can feel its deep ideological content and fall in love with poetic images. The teachers in the senior group are faced with the task of instilling a love of fiction, developing poetic ear, intonation of expressive speech. A good book deeply affects the feelings of the child, its images have a great impact on the formation of personality. If from childhood the child has not developed a love for the book, if reading has not become his spiritual need for life - in the years of adolescence, the soul of a teenager will be empty, into the light of day creeps out, as if it had come from nowhere, bad. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky.) Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, the attitude of children towards books has changed, interest in reading has begun to decline. Neither reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his memory, attention, imagination, does not assimilate and does not use the experience of predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions. The ability to understand a literary work (not only the content, but also the elements of artistic expression) does not come naturally: it must be developed from an early age. In this regard, it is very important to teach children to listen and perceive a work of art. S. Ya. Marshak considered the main task of adults to discover the "talent of the reader" in a child. Who introduces the preschooler to the world of the book? This is done by parents and kindergarten teachers. The teacher must be competent in children's reading. After all, he not only solves the problem of introducing preschoolers to the book, the formation of interest in the reading process, but also acts as a propagandist for the book, as a consultant on issues
family reading, as a psychologist, observing the perception and impact of a literary text on a child. Children of preschool age are listeners, an adult brings them to them. Therefore, the teacher's mastery of the skills of expressive reading is of particular importance. After all, it is necessary to reveal the intention of a literary work, to evoke an emotional attitude in the listener to what he read.
education in children by means of fiction of universal human values, culture of speech communication.
 Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;  Development of literary speech;  Introduction to verbal art;  To foster interest in fiction, to ensure the assimilation of the content of the works and emotional responsiveness to it;  Encourage parents to familiarize their children with fiction.
:  children of senior preschool age; • parents;  educators.






fiction as a means of all-round development

older preschool children
A special place in preschool institutions is occupied by the acquaintance of children with fiction. V.G. Belinsky believed that "books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects." Teachers, psychologists, linguists (KD Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, L.S.Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Zaporozhets, F A. Sokhin, A. A. Leontiev and others). Fiction, as noted by many domestic and foreign researchers, plays an important role in the development of the personality of a preschooler. Literature is becoming one of the cultural vehicles through which children learn to express their experiences. Fiction influences the formation of moral feelings and assessments, norms of behavior, the education of aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings. Works of fiction contribute to the development of speech, provide samples of the Russian literary language, enrich the vocabulary with new words, poetic vocabulary, figurative expressions. Literature helps the child to express his attitude to what he listened to, using ready-made language forms. The role of fiction in the comprehensive development of children is revealed in the works of E.A. Flerina, M.M. Konina, N.S. Karpinskaya. Literary development and reading activity of preschoolers of different ages have been studied in methodological science (works by ND Moldavskaya, NI Kudryashev, SA Gurevich, VG Marantzman, O. Yu. Bogdanova, etc.). Research results taken into account when creating temporary standards literary education and variable programs.
The main goal of literary education is the formation of a culture of artistic perception and the upbringing of morality on this basis, aesthetic taste, culture of speech. Problem artistic reading and telling to children with sufficient completeness is disclosed by E.A. Fleerina. In developing this question, she relied on a long research work in the field of children's books. In the works of teachers, different sides of the method of artistic reading are considered: the method of acquaintance with poetry and memorizing poetry and fables (L.Ya. Pankratova), the influence of illustration on the understanding of a literary work (T.A.Repina). An important quality of speech is figurative expressiveness. The lines of development of expressive speech were considered by S.L. Rubinstein. The pedagogical aspect of this problem is highlighted by N.S. Karpinskaya, who notes that already at an early age, children are able to capture and reproduce elements of figurative expressive means. She traces the stages of this activity and the conditions for its formation. Speaking about the influence of literature on the moral education of preschoolers, N.V. Durova draws attention to the fact that children of five or six years of age have ideas about the main categories of morality - about good and evil, about good and bad. But these ideas are often naive and peculiar, so the educator needs to know their content in order to guide the moral development of children. Underestimating the capabilities of children, educators do not sufficiently use examples from children's literature, which allow preschoolers to reveal the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, the characteristics of certain experiences. Conversations-classes about ethics of behavior with children of preschool age, which N.V. Durova offers, help to instill in children ethical norms of behavior, teach children to draw conclusions about the nature of actions or behavior of characters, teach preschoolers the rules of politeness, communication, culture, analyze and evaluate actions
heroes. For example, conversations on works of art by such authors as V. Oseeva "Bad", V. Sukhomlinsky "Shiny Shoes", V. Oseeva "The Magic Word", L. Tolstoy "Kostochka", V. Oseev "Cookies Education with an artistic word leads to great changes in the emotional sphere of the child, which contributes to the appearance in him of a lively response to various events in life, rebuilds his subjective world. According to B.M. Teplov, art captures various aspects of the human psyche: imagination, feelings, will, develops his consciousness and self-consciousness, forms his worldview. When reading a book, a child sees in front of him a certain picture, a specific situation, an image, experiences the events described, and the stronger his experiences, the richer his feelings and ideas about reality. The rule of morality acquires living content in a work of art. S.Yu. Kondratyeva noted that, in kindergarten quite often in the classroom for acquaintance with fiction, only the problems of developing the child's speech and poetic hearing are solved. Such a narrow use of a work of art, which is reduced to the mechanical transmission of the content of the text, deprives the child of the opportunity to realize and feel its moral depth. Sometimes in the practice of kindergartens there are mistakes of a different kind, when the high ideological and moral orientation of a work of art is presented as a naked moralization, artistic images are interpreted one-sidedly, sometimes vulgarly. This also interferes with the development of feelings and the moral consciousness of the child, the formation of the right attitude I am to reality. V.V. Gerbova notes the importance of fiction for mastering the grammar of the native language, pointing out that by means of the artistic word even before school, before mastering the grammatical rules, the child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its
vocabulary. From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional vocabulary. When familiarizing with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic pictorial and expressive means serves the development of artistic perception of literary works. Fiction should more often be used as a means of developing humanity, humane personality traits: goodness and justice, a sense of citizenship. In this regard, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works. When selecting literature for children, one must remember that the moral, moral impact of a literary work on a child depends, first of all, on its artistic value. Back in the 40s of the XIX century. V.G.Belinsky made two basic requirements for children's literature: ethical and aesthetic. opposed intrusive moralizing. A work of art should touch the soul of a child, so that he has empathy, sympathy for the hero. O.S. Ushakova and E.M. Strunin note that a literary work appears before a child in the unity of content and artistic form. The perception of a literary work will be full only if the child is prepared for it. And for this, it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction. Gradually, children develop a selective attitude towards literary works, and an artistic taste is formed. O.S. Ushakova examines in detail the peculiarities of the perception of works of art in different age groups... She draws
attention to the fact that in senior preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of language, to be aware of the figurative meaning of words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintances with a huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood. The main task of the educator is to instill in children a love for the artistic word, respect for the book. When analyzing any literary text the teacher must observe a sense of proportion, and correctly combine the questions on the content with the questions on the artistic form. A.V. Zaporozhets writes that the problem of perception of literary works of different genres by preschool children is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the depicted events to more complex forms of aesthetic perception. The researchers drew attention to the characteristic features of the understanding and artistic form of literary works. This is primarily the concreteness of thinking, a small life experience, a direct relationship to reality. The relationship between the perception of fiction and verbal creativity exists on the basis of the development of poetic hearing. This concept includes the ability to feel the expressive means of artistic speech and to some extent be aware of them. This also includes the ability to distinguish between genres, an understanding of their characteristics, the ability to understand the connection between the components of an artistic form and the content of a literary work. E.A. Kuksova draws attention to the fact that the development of poetic hearing is important factor formation of verbal creativity. However, the development of poetic hearing in itself does not lead to creativity, which can be developed only on the basis of special work aimed at creating conditions for the creative manifestations of children. L.M. Gurovich noted that in the process of developing artistic perception, children develop an understanding of expressive means
works of art, which leads to a more adequate, complete, deep perception of it. It is important to form in children the correct assessment of the heroes of a work of art. Conversations can be effective in this, especially with the use of problematic questions. They lead the child to an understanding of the previously hidden "second", the true face of the characters, the motives of their behavior, to self-reassessment of them (in the case of an initial inadequate assessment). The preschooler's perception of works of art will be deeper if he learns to see the elementary means of expressiveness used by the author to characterize the depicted reality - color, color combinations, form, composition, etc. Based on the above, we can conclude that the ability to perceive a work of art, to be aware of with the content and elements of artistic expressiveness does not come to the child by itself: he must be developed and educated from a very early age. With purposeful pedagogical guidance, it is possible to ensure the perception of a work of art and awareness of the child and its content, and the means of artistic expression. Thus, the works of representatives of different directions of science clearly prove how great is the role of fiction in the all-round development of the younger generation.

Chapter 2.

2. 1. Content of the system of work.
The main condition for the successful all-round development of older preschool children by means of fiction is a high level of pedagogical education of parents and teachers. Therefore, in our preschool institution, certain conditions have been created, and, above all, a system of methodological work with teachers and parents. To implement the content of the all-round development of older preschoolers by means of fiction, a system can be used, which consists of interrelated components, each of which performs its own function in the implementation of the assigned tasks.
The content of the work system includes:











creativity through



types of children





Comprehensive development

older preschoolers

by means



2.2. Creation of a subject-developing environment
... There is no aspect of upbringing that is not influenced by the situation, there is no ability that is not directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child ... Anyone who manages to create such an environment will facilitate his work to the highest degree. Among her, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will improve from himself, from nature ... (EI Tikheeva). The indisputable fact remains that efficiency and results can be achieved only with a properly organized developing subject - game environment. This contributes to the memorization of the text, the development of speech, movements and makes children in a good mood. We adhere to the following principles:  compliance of the subject environment with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;  ensuring a positive emotional state of preschoolers;  combination of multifunctional and easily transformable, familiar and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment;  general semantic integrity of the environment;  availability of equipment depending on the wishes and interests of the child; • the child's ability to choose a distance of interaction that is comfortable for him and the degree of participation in common activities;  taking into account gender and age differences in children. A fiction center has been created in our group. In the center are observed: books recommended for reading to children of this age; books loved by the children of this group. The book corner is a necessary element of the developing subject environment in our group room. The book corner is located so that anyone, even the smallest child, can reach out with his hand and take the book he likes without
outside help exactly when he himself wants to do it. There are various books on display in the book corner: new, beautiful, and read, but neat. Its goal is not to be a bright, festive decoration of a group room, but to enable the child to communicate with a book. Used books are sometimes more attractive to the reader simply because it seems to him: often readable book should be interesting. The main goals of our center of fiction are:  development of cognitive and creative abilities of children by means of children's fiction;  use of innovative educational programs, methods and technologies of upbringing and development of children in accordance with their psychophysiological characteristics;  creation of psychologically comfortable conditions in accordance with age and individual characteristics children in the group;  ensuring productive interaction with parents in solving problems of upbringing and development of children. I believe that the number of books should not be regulated. It depends on the tasks that the teacher sets in working with children during the day or week. If a teacher acquaints children with the work of one author and he has 2 - 3 books of a writer or poet at his disposal, it is necessary to exhibit them and not chase after quantity. Changing the subject of conversation with children, we also change books. If the teacher talks about the genre of fairy tales, you can put up 5-7 books of fairy tales, interesting, diverse, of high quality, both from the point of view of illustration and from the point of view of printing performance. The frequency of book exchange also depends on the specific tasks of introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change for a week or even two when both the educator and the children need to constantly refer to it. But, if the change of books has occurred, the children should be pointed out to this or asked to notice it, give the opportunity
consider new books, ask the children what stopped their attention, what book they wanted to read right there. In the book corner, we place portraits of writers, illustrators of children's books. We often host book exhibitions dedicated to the work of individual writers, specific genres (fairy tale, humorous story, encyclopedia, etc.) and even one book, for example, the one where a work illustrated by different artists is published. Older children will not only be happy to consider the masterpieces of book art, but they will certainly notice the differences in creative manner artists, will choose the book that will be closer to their aesthetic taste, their ideas about the heroes, characters of the work. Children are jealous of the books they bring from home. They want the teacher to read these books by all means, show them to all the children, examine and read them with everyone. In this regard, we are organizing an exhibition of books that children, for a short time, bring from home. But in order not to exhibit all 15 - 20 copies, we immediately establish and strictly observe the sequence with which not only the books will be exhibited, but also the owners-children will tell about them, what they like about them, for what purpose they brought the books to preschool institution. Knowing the children, we try to formulate questions for the kids in such a way that their stories are detailed and interesting. Another thematic exhibition can be devoted to a specific work, which is not only read to children, but also illustrated by them. In this case, you can go in two ways: exhibit the work and the best drawings for it, or place all the drawings on the exhibition stand one by one. Both must be motivated. Children must understand the teacher's choice so as not to be offended, not to stop reading and drawing. In addition to books, there are a variety of viewing albums in the book corner. It can also be specially created by artists.
albums on certain topics ("Different Animals" by N. Charushin, "Our Children" by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature at different times of the year, about professions, etc. thematic book exhibitions. Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make a particular literary or socially important topic especially significant and relevant for preschoolers. The average stay of a book in a book corner is 2-2.5 weeks. However, the basic rule must be observed: the book remains in the corner as long as the children remain interested in it. Therefore, some books last long enough, while others do not. Illustrations for various topics: Homeland Human labor Native nature Children's games Subject pictures Illustrations for read works and other books according to the program. Introduces the world of nature, its secrets and laws. It should be remembered: A book corner in a preschool institution is not only a necessary element of the subject environment. This is a form of dissemination of information about books, their authors and illustrators, contributing to the addiction of children to the image of the book, arousing interest in it, the desire to consider and read it. A thoughtful regular exchange of books in the book corner should not be an obligation, but a rule for the educator.
2.3. Methods and techniques of work
I started the implementation of the tasks:
- with the systematization of fiction; - drawing up a long-term work plan for older preschool children; - with consultations and discussions for parents. Before starting work with children, I identified the following forms of educational activity: ____________________________

Types of activities

Preparation for the lesson and methodological requirements to him
Reading and telling one work Reading several works, united by a single topic Combining works belonging to different types of art Reading and telling using visual aids Reading as part of a speech development lesson
To teach children to listen to a work of fiction, to help them assimilate its content and emotional mood, it is necessary to read expressively, and use additional methodological techniques that develop children's listening, memorizing, and understanding skills:  Repeated reading of the entire text  Repeated reading of individual parts Reading can be accompanied by:  Playful actions of children  Object visualization  examining toys, dummies,  examining illustrations,  drawing the listeners' attention to real objects  Verbal help  comparison with a similar or opposite case from the life of children or another work of art  posing after reading search questions “Why did you like hero? "," What would you do in his place? " and similar 1 justified choice of a work in accordance with the developed criteria 2 determination of program content - literary and educational tasks 3 preparation of the teacher for reading the work
 Prompting, when children’s answers, words - epithets that summarize the essential feature of the image (brave, hardworking, loafer, kind, evil, decisive, etc.) younger child, the more he needs the game actions accompanying the reading and the subject visualization. For older preschoolers, verbal clarity helps to assimilate what has been read.
Basic methods of reading a work of art

Methods of forming a full-fledged perception

works by children
One of the methods of educational work with children, in the process of getting acquainted with fiction, I used the method of modeling. When acquainting children with fairy tales, stories, poems already with younger age we model them together with the children, which allows us to increase interest in the work, to understand its content, the sequence of events in fairy tales. So, when acquainting children with Russian folk tales, the model "Magic circles" is used. After the teacher tells a fairy tale using the tabletop or the teacher's reading from a book or whichever teacher's storytelling Incendence Learning to write off the teacher's expressive reading re-reading conversation about the reading reading the illustrations explaining unfamiliar words
finger theater, children are invited to repeat the fairy tale. Each child is given a piece of paper with drawn circles according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. Invites them to consider and play wizards, turning circles into heroes of a fairy tale. In subsequent work, these models are used to tell a fairy tale by children in joint activities, as well as in independent activities. For a deeper acquaintance of children with the work, preliminary work was carried out, on which the text was read, conversations were held on the works, filmstrips and cartoons on these works were shown. For example, in order to introduce children to the wonderful world of fables, we carried out preliminary work, which included reading the fables of L. Tolstoy, J. La Fontaine, S. Mikhalkov, I. Krylov, followed by examining colorful illustrations; showing of filmstrips “Fables of I.A. Krylov "," Grandfather Krylov "; listening to audio recordings with Krylov's fables; coloring illustrations for Krylov's fables from coloring books; staging of the fables of S. Mikhalkov “The Crow and Cancer”, I. Krylov “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Monkey and the Glasses”, “The Dragonfly and the Ant”, etc. During the preliminary work, which took place over several days, the children enriched their vocabulary new words, and the activation of words took place at the final lesson "The Wonderful World of Fables". The use in their activities of various forms of work on the use of fiction, from retelling to improvisation, contributed to the enrichment of the children's vocabulary. Through repeated repetition of words in the process of various activities, the word was fixed and activated in the children's vocabulary. Children expect a lot from the book, they strongly believe in what it tells them. In the older group of children, we teach to notice expressive means when perceiving the content of literary works. Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and be aware of some of the features of the artistic form
expressing content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre. The analysis of a fairy tale should be such that children can understand and feel its deep ideological content and artistic merits, so that they will remember and fall in love with poetic images for a long time. When familiarizing yourself with poetic works, you need to help the child feel the beauty and melodiousness of the poem, to understand the content deeper. Introducing children to the genre of the story, the educator must reveal to the children the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the heroes, pay attention to what words the author uses to characterize both the heroes themselves and their actions. The questions offered to children should reveal the child's understanding of the main content and his ability to evaluate the actions and deeds of the heroes. In the process of reading works of fiction, the child accumulated the experience of a variety of direct reader experiences: differently colored reader emotions - from delight to sadness and even fear; feelings associated with the perception of works of different genres, styles, authors, historical eras. Often the heroes of stories and fairy tales are worried about having done harm, and are tormented until they atone for their guilt. Several times I read to children the Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" about how a mother turned into a cuckoo and flew away from her callous, unkind sons. All the guys understood the guilt of their sons and condemned them. And so my question is "Do you feel sorry for your sons?" - surprised the children, but I wanted the guys, realizing their guilt, nevertheless felt for them a feeling of pity and compassion. And at the end of the conversation, she brought the children to the conclusion: "Indeed, the children themselves are to blame for what happened, but you are also sorry for them - they were left without a mother." I try to educate children to care for those who need help and protection. I try to reveal my attitude to my relatives with the help of such works as "A Difficult Evening" by N. Artyukhova, "Let's Sit in Silence" by E. Blaginina, "Vovka - a kind soul"
A. Barto, “The Most Terrible” by E. Permyak. The conversation on the book by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad" was very interesting. The children looked at a picture depicting such a situation: a boy took a bear from a little girl. The girl is standing and crying. To my question: "What would you do if you were there?" - the answers were very diverse. Vadim said angrily: "I would take the bear cub and give it to the girl, and at the same time beat the boy." Then I asked: "What if you asked the boy well, and he himself would give the girl the bear?" Vadim pondered and said: Then I would not have touched him. But he must apologize. " The purpose of my conversations is to show children that an affectionate kind word works faster and more efficiently than physical strength. It is impossible to develop a spiritually rich, healthy personality of a child only with the help of remarks, admonitions, censures. It is important to educate children to be able to see, understand and share the grief and joy of another. How should this ability be manifested? In the ability to treat another as oneself, to understand that it can be painful and unpleasant for him when he is offended. In the willingness to forgive unintentionally inflicted pain, to apologize if you are guilty. In the ability to reckon with the desires and interests of comrades. The children of our group have their favorite books, which they can listen to as many times as they want. We repeat and repeat many poems by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, many Russian folk tales, and the children never get bored with them. When it comes to the development of the moral consciousness of children, the upbringing of humane feelings, I pose questions that awaken preschoolers 'interest in the actions, motives of the characters' behavior, their inner world, and their experiences. These questions should help the child understand the image, express his attitude towards him, they should help the teacher understand state of mind pupil during reading, to reveal the ability of children to ask and generalize what they read, to stimulate discussion among children in connection with what they read. I organize my conversations with children in such a way that the ethical idea acquires a certain vivid for the child,
live content. Then his feelings will develop more intensively. That is why it is necessary to talk with children about the states, experiences of the heroes, about the nature of their actions, about conscience, about the complexity of various situations. Children's stories, laughter, tears, statements, exclamations, jumps, claps about something they saw, struck - all this speaks of the awakening feelings of the child, his emotional reaction to the environment. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. This is the literary genre most loved by children. The Russian folk tale pleases both children and adults with optimism, kindness, love for all living things, wise clarity in understanding life, sympathy for the weak, cunning, humor. The plot is transparent, it often tells you how best to act in a particular life situation. After all, almost all children identify with goodies fairy tales, and the tale shows every time that being good is better than bad. The child will look with new eyes at the golden meadow revealed to him by M. Prishvin; V. Bianchi will tell him about the secrets of the forest, about the life of birds, insects; E. Charushin will lead him to small, such humanly close animals, he will cause in children a humane feeling for them - a desire to become their patrons. Works of fiction: poems by I. Tokmakova, E. Serovoy, Z. Aleksandrova, stories by Sokolov-Mikitov, I. Sladkov contribute to the formation of a person - a contemplator and researcher, friend and protector of nature. For the all-round development of feelings, I include children in various activities related to fiction. Children create their drawings based on fairy tales, stories; participate in the organization of exhibitions: "My Favorite Book", "KI Chukovsky", "My Favorite Flowers"; watching films-performances based on literary works. Children, entering a fairy tale, getting the role of one of the heroes, join the culture of their people, involuntarily absorb that attitude to the world, which gives strength and resilience to live a future life. The content of the poems, stories by N. Bogatyreva "Flowers around us", V. Kasatkina "Native
nature ", I. Krasnikova" Flowers in the meadow ", S. Vakhrintseva" The world of plants "delighted children, gave a good mood, awakened imagination. The children learned that flowers are beauty to be taken care of. Children are very sensitive to artistic words. Reading stories, memorizing poems, riddles, proverbs helps them “hear what they see” and “see what they hear”. And in the process of observation, labor and research activities, children began to see in a green sprout a special living being, the life and condition of which entirely depends on whether it was watered or not, planted in the sun or in the shade. Having learned to understand the state of plants, children will sympathize with them, protect, preserve them, and subsequently not only preserve beauty, but also create it around them. When reading the work "Flowers around us" N. Bogatyreva used a minute to enter the day. - What do you think, children, is it good to be a flower? Why? Listen to what this flower has to tell you. Children, I love you: your eyes, smiles, your kind and caring hands. I am glad that I live on your beautiful site, and I see your friendship, where there is no harsh words, quarrels, insults. Otherwise, I would be sick and lethargic and ugly. Your care and kind words help me grow quickly and give you clean air and beauty every day. I consider the upbringing of a spiritually rich personality in close connection with the general emotional development of the child. The emotional attitude of children to the environment is an indirect indicator of the formation of their feelings. Fiction contributes to the emergence in children of precisely the emotional attitude to the events described, nature, heroes, characters of literary works, to the people around them, to reality. Works of art enriched, clarified and activated the children's vocabulary based on the formation of specific ideas and concepts in them, developed the ability to express thoughts orally. This development was carried out due to the fact that works of art are written in a literary language, accurate, figurative, emotional, warmed by lyricism, the most appropriate
peculiarities of children's perception. Using examples of simple, accessible stories, children learned to understand the content of the work, its main idea, get acquainted with actors, their characters and actions, evaluate these actions. In an elementary form, children get an idea of ​​the visual means of the language of works of art. Taking into account the fact that literary texts affect the speech development of a child, in the course of our work we selected certain texts. Here are some examples: - to create a cheerful mood, to enrich the children's vocabulary with adjectives characterizing the different state of nature, we used M. Yasnov's poem "Loud Morning"; for the lyric - the poem by A. Bely "Whiter Snow ..."; - to encourage children to empathy, compassion, sympathy, and the correct verbal reflection of these states read the fairy tales of V. Berestov "Sick Doll", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit and Sparrow"; - to play out dialogues, they learned the poem by G. Avdienko "Bunny, bunny, where is your home?", Staged the fairy tale by V. Bianki "The Fox and the Mouse"; - to develop the ability to “see” from words, they read, depicted with movements and drew a poem from Vietnamese folk poetry: “A baby elephant is walking. Quickly look: he has a big trunk in front of him ... "; - to assimilate the opposite concepts, they learned the poems of A. Vvedensky "The cat sat on the window", N. Zabolotsky "Like mice fought with a cat" (quietly - loudly); K. Chukovsky "Kotausi and Mousei", V. Tatarinov "Cat and Dog" (good - evil); recited the nursery rhyme "Hedgehog, hedgehog, eccentric, sewed a prickly jacket" and tell the fairy tale "Kolobok" (prickly - smooth); read “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, short tail"D. Mamin-Sibiryak (long - short), etc.
After getting to know the work of art, we spent our free time with the children talking about the content of the works. After conducting a conversation with the children in the group, which gave the teacher an opportunity to assess how well the content of the work of art was understood, we continued the discussion of the work, but this time in the form of a game-conversation with its characters. Such a game-conversation was carried out immediately after reading, while the childhood impressions were fresh and immediate. The characters for the games-conversations were characters who were opposite in their moral qualities, for example, the stepdaughter and stepmother's daughter from the fairy tale "Morozko"; three sons from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", etc. Correctly selected pictures, book covers, reflecting the plot of the work, provided significant assistance to the children. One of the stages of our work on the book is a dramatization game. S.Ya. Marshak said that a work of children's literature can only be considered artistic if it "can be played out like a play or turned into an endless epic, coming up with more and more new sequels to it." It is this feature of a genuine work of art that we used in our further work. Fiction, and especially fairy tales, is a special form of reality for preschool children - it is the reality of human emotions and feelings in special fairy-tale conditions. Games related to the plots of literary works appear in children under the influence of an adult and the works themselves, in which people, their relationships and their activities are clearly and clearly described. Being one of the forms of role-playing game, dramatization game based on the plot of a work of art has its own specific features: it is a synthesis of the perception of the work and the role-playing game. The very process of assimilation and perception of a work of art is, first, a special inner creative activity; secondly, in
as a result of it, in the course of empathy and sympathy for the characters, the child develops new ideas and new emotional relationships. Before the game-dramatization in the group, puppet shows according to the fairy tales "Po pike command"," Havroshechka "and others and games - conversations on fairy tales. Since certain scenes were selected in advance for the puppet show, they were repeated in the dramatization game. In this type of games, it was especially important creativity children and adults to the events played out. At the senior preschool age, simultaneously with the development of the perception of the artistic word, the creative abilities of children are intensively developed and, at the same time, their aesthetic and humane feelings. The child's craving for writing poetry and fairy tales is well known. The desire of children to speak out is natural. Children's poems, stories, laughter, tears, sayings, exclamations, joyful dancing, jumping, claps about something seen, amazed - all this speaks of the awakening feelings of the child, his emotional reaction to the environment. The lack of such a reaction should alert adults. For the comprehensive development of feelings, children should be included in various activities related to fiction. For example, children create their drawings based on fairy tales, stories, organize exhibitions: "My Favorite Book", "Tales of A. Pushkin", "Books about Labor", "K. I. Chukovsky "and others. We select filmstrips for works that are already familiar to children. In cinema and theater, preschoolers watch films, performances based on literary works. Adults should contribute to the development of children's games based on stories and fairy tales. Children are especially inspired when they play roles on their own, like real actors take part in concerts and performances.

2.3. Principles for the selection of literary works used in

work with older preschool children
Fiction is one of the most important means of the all-round development of a preschooler's personality. The content of a work of art expands the child's horizons, takes him beyond the framework of personal observations, opens up social reality to him: he talks about the work and life of people, about great deeds and feats, about events from the world of children's games, fun, etc. The artistic word creates the true beauty of the language, emotionally colors the work, sharpens feelings and thoughts, affects, excites and educates. The correct selection of literary works, which is based on the following pedagogical principles, helps to open the world of "verbal art" to children:  literature must meet the tasks of upbringing (mental, aesthetic, moral) children, otherwise it loses its pedagogical value. The book is designed in concrete images to reveal to preschoolers the ideals of goodness, justice, courage, to form correct attitude to people, to yourself, to your actions;  it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children. Age specificity should be expressed in taking into account the characteristics of the child's psyche, in the concreteness of thinking, impressionability, vulnerability;  the book should be entertaining. Amusement is determined not by the theme, not by the novelty of the material, but by the discovery of the new in the familiar and the familiar in the new;  the book should clearly express the position of the author. (S. Ya. Marshak wrote that if the author is not an indifferent registrar of events, but a supporter of some heroes of the story and an enemy of others, this means that the book is written in a real children's language);
 books should be distinguished by compositional lightness, that is, have one storyline. Artistic image or a system of images should reveal one thought, all actions of the heroes should be subordinated to the transmission of this thought. However, when selecting books, one should not give preference to only small and simple works. It should be borne in mind that children's perceptions are growing. The principles of selection make it possible to determine the circle of children's reading, which includes:  works of folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, fables, shape-shifters, fairy tales);  works of Russian and foreign classics (A.S. Pushkin, K.D. Ushinsky, N.A. Nekrasov, L.N. Tolstoy, F.I. Tyutchev, G.H. Andersen, S. Perrot, etc.) ;  PRODUCTION WITH A TIME CURRENT LITERATURE (V.V. Mayakovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky, S.V. Mikhalkov, M.M. Prishvin, E.I.Charushina, V.V. Bianki, E. Blaginina, Z. Aleksandrova, etc.) ...  works of different genres (stories, stories, poems, fairy tales in prose and poetry, lyric and comic poems, riddles), different topics (children's life: games, fun, toys, pranks; events public life, labor of people; pictures of nature, environmental problems);  works of peoples of other countries. New books for children are published every year. Educators should follow the literature that comes out and fill the circle of children's reading. The main task of teachers is to instill in children a love for the literary word, respect for the book, the development of the desire to communicate with it, that is, all that is the foundation of the upbringing of the future "talented reader".
The content is determined by changes in the literary development of children that occur by the age of 5. The book becomes an important part of the spiritual life of children, they develop literary preferences, expressed individual preferences. The principle of the organization is to satisfy the diverse interests of children. The pedagogical leadership becomes more correct, because children are already quite independent in the choice of books:  Teach independent concentrated communication with the book; Facilitate joint viewing and discussion. Communication between the teacher and the child is warm, confidential;  To form the ability to perceive the book in the unity of verbal and visual arts;  To strengthen the interest of preschoolers in fairy tales;  To form civic personality traits, patriotic feelings;  To acquaint children with the natural world, its secrets and laws.  The rules for handling the book are fixed.  Children take part in self-repairing books, in the design of thematic albums and exhibitions. In senior and preparatory groups we choose 3-4 topics: 2-3 are devoted to the phenomena of social life, 1 - to nature. We use viewing albums specially created by artists, albums on different topics(“Various animals” by N. Charushin and others). Albums compiled by the teacher together with the children (postcards, drawings, illustrations) Solving the problems of raising children by means of art, it is necessary to turn to classical Russian and translated literature, to Soviet literature and poetry. First of all, these are the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, S. T. Aksakov, P. P. Ershov, N. A. Nekrasov, F. I. Tyutchev, A. A. Fet, A. A Blok, S. A. Yesenin, from translated authors - C. Dickens, R. Kipling, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, G.-H. Andersen, works
Soviet writers: M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov and others. We select works of art depending on the specific educational tasks facing him. For example, to educate older children of humane feelings, the teacher uses the fairy tales "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Cuckoo" (Nenets, fairy tale), "Khavroshechka", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin, "The Silver Hoof" by P. Bazhov, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov, "Aibolit" by K. Chukovsky, "White Bear" by U. Turmanzhanov, "The Girl and the Camel" by Sh. Murtaz and others. those educational tasks that the teacher solves both in the classroom and outside of them. Some of the tales and stories recommended for reading by the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" are large in volume, so it is important to convey the main idea of ​​the work to the minds of children. Questions should be specific, concise, focusing the attention of children on the main thing. For example, educating children to love animals, the teacher reads the story of A. Tolstoy "Zheltukhin". To evoke compassion for the little starling that accidentally fell out of the nest, the teacher asks the question: “What was Zheltukhin like? Tell us about it. " It is important that the children's answers reflect the helplessness of the little starling, the fear of the world around him. If the children do not fully and emotionally disclose the image of Zheltukhin, the teacher helps: “You correctly said that Zheltukhin is a starling, that he fell out of the nest and was afraid of everything. Listen to how A. Tolstoy describes the starling: “He looked with horror at Nikita who was approaching”; “The whole Zheltukhin got ruffled, he tucked his legs under his stomach”; "He ... huddled in a corner, on dandelion leaves pressed to the ground"; "His heart was beating desperately." Why was he afraid of everything? That's right, because he was small and needed protection. Who helped him? " Thematic distribution of works for reading to children in the classroom and outside of class will allow the teacher to carry out work to educate the feelings of children
purposefully and comprehensively. In doing so, it is necessary to use repeated reading, which deepens the feelings and ideas of the children. It is not at all necessary to read many works of art to children, but it is important that all of them are highly artistic and deep in thought.











through fiction
The allocation of fiction as a means of all-round development of children is actualized by the current situation of the formation of a new system of preschool education, aimed at the implementation of federal state standards. Due to the special importance and role of fiction, the problem of introducing children and their parents to it in a preschool educational institution can be considered especially urgent. Unfortunately, parents in our time, due to difficult social conditions, due to employment, often forget about this and the process of developing their child's speech is allowed to take its course. The child spends more time in front of the TV and at the computer than in a live environment. Today the whole world is faced with the problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and leading human activity. The questionnaire "Family Reading" conducted in the group with parents showed that many of our parents do not know children's fiction and children's writers very well. When asked whether parents often read books to them, they answered no. What's in the way? - 56% answered - work, 16% - children do not want to read. Do you play literary and word games with your children at home, 65% answered no. With the help of the questionnaire, I received information about the availability of books in home libraries, the frequency and duration of home reading, children's interest in books and the degree of children's reading. In order to establish contacts with the family to ensure unity in the work of introducing children to fiction, I used the following forms of work:
- group meetings “Do you know your child”, “How to answer children's questions”, non-traditional meetings “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family”; - consultations on the topics: "The role of books in the moral education of children", "The role and influence of communication in the family on the development of the child", "The character of the child depends on you", "For children to grow up healthy", "How to speed up the process of understanding a fairy tale", " The book and creativity of the child "; - exhibitions of books, information about books that are read in the classroom; - folders - moving: "To help parents", "What to read to children", "A child and a book"; - dissemination of experience in family education, organization of "Family Leisure"; - questionnaires “Me and my whole family are friends of books”, “Family reading”; - joint holidays and entertainment; - joint creative activity parents and children; - useful tips. Lectures, talks, round tables with parents on the topic: “Children's horror stories, detective stories: harm or benefit? "," So that children grow up healthy "," Adult-child-book "based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky, competition" My favorite book "," Books-babies about health ", etc. As a result, I came to the conclusion that only with the help of parents, I can make an impact on children, and parents should understand that reading will help them to understand the problems of childhood. The parents took an active part in the creation of the center for fiction in the group. Parents brought bright books on the topic of the week, which could not only be read and considered in the group, but also exchanged books for reading at home. The colorfully decorated library area of ​​the group, the book corner attracts the interest and attention of children, who have the following content: the presence of a specially equipped reading area and
literary creativity; variety of literature by genre; availability in the book corner different types books. One of the methods of educational work with children, in the process of getting acquainted with fiction, I used the method of modeling. Each child is given a piece of paper with drawn circles according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. Invites them to consider and play wizards, turning circles into heroes of a fairy tale. In subsequent work, these models are used to tell a fairy tale by children in joint activities, as well as in independent activities. Children take these models home and use them to tell a fairy tale to their parents. The older group already uses mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables. I suggested that parents use this method at home with their children and conducted a workshop. One of modern methods familiarizing children with fiction is a project method. The project activity is based on a special style of interaction of all participants in the educational process, denoted by the word "cooperation". Everyone cooperates: the teacher - with parents and children, children - with each other, with parents and the teacher. In the work on the project "Where the book came from". Together with my parents, we were looking for information about how a book is created, people of what professions help it appear on the bookshelves. So, in order to attract the attention of children to the topic of the project, work was carried out to motivate children: a number of objects made of wood were offered. At the same time, there was a book among the proposed items. The children were asked the question: what unites all these subjects, how the book is connected with all these subjects. So, to expand children's ideas about the history of the creation of the book, a series of educational evenings "Now we will find out" were held. In preparation for these evenings, parents, together with their children, searched for cognitive information about how the book appears, and then presented it to the children.
The knowledge gained by the children about how a book appears was arranged in a collective collage "How is a book is created?" game form introduced children to the rules of conduct in the library and the rules of handling books, organized book exhibitions, and conducted educational games. In the future, many children with their parents became visitors to the city library, because preschool children are listeners, not readers and we are adults who bring them to them. To enrich the book corners in the kindergarten groups, to create a library in the preschool educational institution, an action "Give a book" was held, in which the parents of the pupils took an active part. The books collected by the parents have significantly replenished the library of groups, some of the books were transferred to the library of the kindergarten. As part of the project, the group held a review - the competition "Books with their own hands", where children together with their parents made books, showing creativity and imagination. In the process of creating books, children got acquainted with the constituent parts of the book: cover, pages, text, illustrations. Parents took an active part in this work. At the same time, the children, together with their parents, acted as authors and illustrators of children's books. Together with the parents, a theatrical performance "Confused Tales" was held. Parents together with their children prepared for the performance, learned the roles, sewed costumes, prepared decorations, drew posters, invitations. We were even more convinced of what golden hands moms and dads have, what talents are hidden. The children became even more friends with their parents, the parents with the teacher and with each other. Was held literary quiz“Through the pages of fairy tales”, where parents helped to make a presentation. The kindergarten hosted a competition - a theater festival "Through the Pages of Books", where children showed their abilities and talents and parents were the first helpers here.
So, in a group of senior preschool age, a mother was invited on the topic of the meeting "How can you arrange a book cover." The mother of our pupil showed the children a master class for decorating a cover made of fabric. In the "My Happy Weekend" competition, parents together with their children composed creative stories, recorded them on an audio cassette, and then decorated them in a colorful book with photographs and drawings. When acquainting children with fiction, we acquaint them with different genres of works of art: stories, fairy tales, poems, etc. According to the results of the competition for young readers among the pupils of MBDOU, the girl of the group took 1st place. The girl's mother herself perfectly reads poetry and gave this gift to her child. Parents were offered visual and informational photo newspapers on the topic: "Teach a child to love a book." To make the photo newspaper interesting and readable, we asked the parents to participate in the creation of the newspaper and bring photos from the home archive, in which one could see if the child has a book corner at home, how parents read books to a child at home. The following events were also organized: - Exhibitions family photos: "I grow with the book." "My Home Library". - Joint drawings "Colors of the read book". - Excursion with parents to the city children's library. - Competition "Reading family" - Introduction of group traditions: "Book tree", "Book for rent", "Guest of the group", "Book on a visit"; - Promotions: "A Day Without TV", "A Book to Every Home." To overcome these barriers and barriers, an effective family reading model must include the following conditions: - Parents and caregivers must find time to read with their children;
- the meaning of reading for pleasure should be recognized by the kindergarten and the family as an important part of the family reading process; - Children should feel free to show that they enjoy reading. Listen to and talk about the book; - reading at home should be supported and encouraged by the kindergarten, library and parents. I came to this conclusion READING PARENT - READING CHILD. And our "Book tree" will help us with this. The children were discussed about unusual trees in nature and “Book Trees” were drawn (the drawings are shown to the parents). The parent cut a tree out of plywood. Our "book" tree will be overgrown with leaves that you will bring after reading a book to your child. On a piece of paper you write the author, the title of the book, the questions that the child asked, the explanation of the incomprehensible words by the child, what makes this book interesting, that is, express your opinion about the book. Immersed in life and problems preschool, everyone received good incentives for cooperation and mutual assistance, there was satisfaction from working together.

3. Conclusion
The work carried out has shown - the value of fiction for the all-round development of older preschool children. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said "If from childhood a child has not been raised to love the book, if reading has not become his spiritual need for life - in the years of adolescence the soul of a teenager will be empty, into the light of day, as if from nowhere, bad things will come out" Man is the only living being living according to the laws of morality, but this does not mean at all that he is born with this moral law in his soul. No, he still needs to be educated. To educate humanity, kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, hard work, nobility. You cannot rely on nature: the responsibility for how a child grows up rests entirely with those who are next to him. We all strive to ensure that our children grow up honest, kind, happy. And how I would like that the flair for good and evil brought up in childhood will remain in a person forever. Fiction should more often be used as a means of developing humanity, humane personality traits: goodness and justice, a sense of citizenship. In this regard, I believe that the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, the method of reading and conducting conversations on works of art in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas in children, to transfer these ideas into the life and activities of children (how much are feelings reflected children, awakened by art, in their activities, in their communication with the people around them). I believe that the prospects for further work are the continuation of the use of fiction for the all-round development of older preschool children.

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The development of a child's coherent speech occurs in close relationship with the development of the sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure of the language. An important part of general speech work is the development of figurative speech. Fostering interest in the artistic word, the ability to use the means of artistic expression in independent expression lead to the development of poetic hearing in children, and on this basis, their ability to verbal creativity.

Senior preschool age is fertile for the development of creativity, cognitive activity and the interests of children. The whole atmosphere of children's life should contribute to this. For children of this age, it is important to emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge.

The subject of special attention of the educator is the social and moral development of children, the formation of their relationships with others. An adult is an example of literary heroes, and should show his own examples of a kind, caring attitude towards people, encourage them to notice the state of the heroes of works of art and others (offended, upset, bored) and show sympathy, willingness to help. The adult should push the child to show care, compassion, attention, help. This enriches the moral experience of the children.

Older preschoolers are able to master the rules of culture of behavior and communication. They understand the motives for following the rules. In supporting positive actions and deeds, the adult relies on the child's developing sense of self-esteem and his growing independence. We can gain knowledge about the culture of behavior and communication both in Everyday life, and from fairy tales, nursery rhymes, rhymes.

A characteristic feature of older preschoolers is the emergence of interest in problems that go beyond kindergarten and personal experience. Children interested in the events of the past and the future, the life of different nations, animals and flora different countries.

Discussing these problems with children, an adult seeks to educate children in a spirit of peacefulness, respect for all life on earth. He shows children how their kind deeds make life better and more beautiful. ...

The condition for the full development of older preschoolers is reading fiction, analyzing what they read, meaningful communication.

Works of fiction reveal to children the world of human feelings, arousing interest in the personality, in the inner world of the hero.

Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and real citizenship are brought up.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

A child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language, peculiarities of these folklore miniature works. Finally, the child is read author's tales, poems, stories available to him.

According to F.A. Sokhina fiction reveals and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

In older preschool age, children begin to be aware of events that were not in their personal experience, they are interested not only in the actions of the hero, but also in the motives of the actions, experiences, feelings. They are able to pick up the subtext sometimes. The emotional attitude towards the heroes arises on the basis of the child's understanding of the entire conflict of the work and taking into account all the characteristics of the hero. Children develop the ability to perceive the text in the unity of content and form. The understanding of the literary hero becomes more complicated, some features of the form of the work are realized (stable turns in a fairy tale, rhythm, rhyme).

All subsequent acquaintance with the vast literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

A literary work addresses both the feeling and the thought of the reader, helping him to master the rich spiritual experience of mankind.

Feature the perception of a work of art by children is the unity of the sender and the thinker.

The perception of fiction is considered as an active volitional process, which involves not passive contemplation, but an activity that is embodied in internal assistance, empathy with the heroes, in the imaginary transfer of events to oneself, as a result of which the effect of personal presence, personal participation in events arises.

Three stages can be distinguished in the development of perception of a work of art:

direct perception, recreation and experience of images (based on the work of the imagination);

understanding the ideological content of the work (thinking is the basis);

the influence of fiction on the personality of the reader (through feelings and consciousness).

One of the features of the perception of a literary work by children is empathy for the heroes. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights against his enemies.

A high level of speech culture includes such features as wealth, accuracy, expressiveness. The richness of speech presupposes a large volume of vocabulary, understanding and appropriate use of words and phrases in speech. Accuracy of speech can be considered as the optimal use of words: it is the choice of words that best convey the content of the utterance, reveal its topic and main idea in a logical sequence. And, finally, the expressiveness of speech presupposes the selection of linguistic means that correspond to the conditions and tasks of communication.

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes) and phraseological units.

Fiction is a universal developmental educational tool, taking the child out of the directly perceived, immersing him in possible worlds with a wide range of models of human behavior and orienting him in them, providing a rich linguistic environment.

Literary texts allow one to emotionally, intuitively grasp a holistic picture of the world in all the variety of connections of things, events, relationships.

The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique, since it has a variety of genre forms(bylinas, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends), as well as small forms (ditties, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings), the language of which is simple, precise and expressive.

Samples of fiction are different in their effect: in the story, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in verse they capture the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, shows how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

Here is what K.D. Ushinsky: The child only learns not conventional sounds, learning his native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the dear breast of his native word. It explains nature to him, as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society among which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could have known; it introduces it into popular beliefs, into folk poetry, as no aesthetician could have introduced it; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could tell a child. These words of the great teacher indicate not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of learning it: trust in the "language-teacher", who not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unattainable facilitating method.

Concept-oriented analysis of works of art contributes to the identification of signs of the concept of "text", common features different texts of the same type or style of speech. He helps the teacher organize the work of teaching preschoolers to see the general in the separate, to disassemble a specific text as one of similar texts. With the help of conceptual-directed analysis, the educator forms an idea of ​​the structure of the text, about general structure similar texts that they can use when creating their own text that belongs to the same group.

In accordance with what concept is being worked on to assimilate it, there are three types of analysis:



IN literary text words and their combinations acquire additional meanings, create bright images... The visual means of the language of the label are emotional, they enliven speech, develop thinking, improve the vocabulary of children.

Literary and artistic texts in books for reading provide numerous examples, samples that allow preschoolers to acquaint with the stylistic richness of the Russian language.

The kindergarten does not set itself the goal of giving preschoolers theoretical information about the means of figurative expressiveness of language. All work is practical in nature and is subject to the system of development of thinking and speech.

Summarizing what has been said, let us name the main methods of working on visual means language in the process of speech development:

detection of figurative words in the text;

explanation of the meanings of words and turns of speech found in the text by the children themselves or indicated by the teacher;

illustration, verbal drawing, recreation of the image on the teacher's question: what picture do you imagine?

the use of analyzed and understood images in retelling, in your own story, in a written composition or presentation;

practicing intonation, preparing for expressive reading literary texts;

special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, riddles, etc.

The language of works of art serves as an excellent model for children: on the basis of reading, analysis, memorization of excerpts, students' speech is formed, their linguistic flair and taste develop.

However, we must not forget that excessive attention to the details of the language can destroy general impression from a work of art. Therefore, the analysis artistic means language with all the interest in it should not turn into main view work in the process of speech development. We should strive to ensure that work on the visual means of the language is organically interwoven into the system of ideological and artistic analysis of works, emphasizing their ideological content.

Work on the visual means of the language fosters attention to the word, sensitivity, understanding of the shades of its meaning, its hidden, allegorical meaning, its emotional colors. Thus, the preschooler becomes familiar with the style of artistic speech, he himself masters its simplest means. The same goals, in essence, are served by other directions in the general system of vocabulary work: drawing the attention of children to synonyms, antonyms, winged words, ambiguity of words; exercises for their use in speech, story, in your own story; working out intonation, preparation for expressive reading of literary texts; special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, riddles.

Thus, we note that the use of various kinds of works of art in modern speech determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of the speech of preschoolers, contributes to the replenishment of the vocabulary. recent topics most, forming the communicative culture of the preschooler.

The development of coherent speech as one of the components of the process of preparing a preschool child for schooling is one of the activities of a teacher in this program. The basis this direction is the development of coherent speech means of developing the perception of works artistic culture, means of organizing interaction between various participants educational process.

Among the many important tasks of upbringing and teaching preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language, the development of speech, speech communication is one of the main ones. One of the most important conditions for the development of speech in a preschool child is the use of works of art in this process.

The formation of verbal communication of a child in the process of acquaintance with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development. He seems to be infected with the emotional state of the work. He lives the life of heroes, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of his active vocabulary. This is precisely emotional communication, not verbal communication, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced words.

The teacher should not consider the work on the development of the speech of preschool children as a solution to the problem of preventing and correcting grammatical errors in their speech, and reinforcing certain difficult grammatical forms. It is on the creation of conditions for the child's full assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language on the basis of spontaneous orienting, search activity in the field of grammar, the use of linguistic means, in various forms of communication in the process of acquaintance with the works of artistic culture.

Thus, from the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Having studied the psychological - pedagogical, methodological literature on the problem of the formation of the lexical side of speech, among older preschoolers by means of fiction, it can be concluded that the development of dialogical and monologue speech in later life, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, and determines the level of readiness for school. Vocabulary is a collection of words of a language or dialect. Speech is a historically developed form of communication between people through linguistic constructions created on the basis of certain rules.

The rules of language construction have ethnospecific features, which can be said to be important: enrichment of the children's vocabulary with new vocabulary; activation of the dictionary; clarification of the meaning of individual words and phrases; the replacement of dialectisms, dialects with words of the literary language, the development of figurative speech, this is the enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with figurative expression with sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, epithets, metaforms; familiarizing children with the meaning of a word, teaching them to understand the polysemy, synonymy and figurative meaning of words; assimilation of generalizing concepts. Exploring the features of the formation of speech in older preschoolers by means of fiction, using fairy tales, nursery rhymes, rhymes, etc. in practice to expand the vocabulary. etc. I was convinced that they have an effective impact on the formation of the lexical side of speech in older preschoolers.

By older preschool age, a child's quantitative vocabulary can reach 3500-4000 words. This is due to the fact that the personality of the child as a whole develops, consciousness grows and develops. Senior preschooler begins to think based on general views, his attention becomes more focused, steady. The range of interests is expanding, activities are improving. On this basis, there is a further expansion and deepening of the range of concepts and growth of the vocabulary.

Children 5-7 years old have a household vocabulary at the level spoken language adults, uses words not only with a generalizing, but also with an abstract meaning - grief, joy, courage. They have a great interest in the word, in its meaning. By the age of five, the speech of children becomes a full-fledged means of communication, because the vocabulary of a normally developing five-year-old child allows him to communicate freely, express his thoughts, tell fairy tales, and compose stories. The formation of verbal communication of a child in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development. He seems to be infected with the emotional state of the work. He lives the life of heroes, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of his active vocabulary. This is precisely emotional communication, not verbal communication, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced words. In a literary text, words and their combinations acquire additional meanings, create vivid images. The visual means of the language of the label are emotional, they enliven speech, develop thinking, improve the vocabulary of children.

It is necessary to use all the possibilities in working on the visual means of the language of works of art:

the main types of tropes (comparison, epithet, metaphor, metonymy, paraphrase, hyperbole), stylistic figures.

Literary and artistic texts in books for reading provide numerous examples, samples that allow preschoolers to acquaint with the stylistic richness of the Russian language.

The vocabulary as the most important part of the language system is of great general educational and practical importance. The richness of the vocabulary is a sign of the high development of the child's speech. With violations of the formation of vocabulary, the speech of children cannot be considered sufficiently developed. Correction speech disorders, vocabulary enrichment are necessary condition for the development of communication skills of children.