Scenario of the literary game on the stories of the paustovsky. Intellectual and informative game in elementary school using media media (on the material of the lessons of literary reading for creativity KG

Scenario of the literary game on the stories of the paustovsky. Intellectual and informative game in elementary school using media media (on the material of the lessons of literary reading for creativity KG

Powesta is known to each schoolchild about nature stories. But it is worth starting to read the autobiography, as a completely different paustovsky appears before us. His life is an exciting story, complete adventures, and all because he was destined to start a career before the revolution, survive her and gain recognition in Soviet years.

May 21 in the library No. 41 (Putilovskaya Street, House 13-a) held a conversation "Forest Accidents", dedicated to the anniversary of K. Powestsky. The slide film "The Literary Card" Powesta Country ", prepared by the library staff, was accompanied by the most interesting story of the leading.

During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich was a military correspondent. Many articles, stories are written about those years. One of the most magnificent stories - "Snow". But critics accused the author in sentimentality, immobility, a bad story. Accused even twisted candles from the story ...

But what is interesting - the critics themselves wondered why Military stories K. Pouustovsky are so popular than ever before. Read at least one of them ...

You read the stories "Snow", "Telegram", rainy dawn, "and the excitement squeezes the throat, becoming sad to the special sadness, about which Pushkin said:" My sorrow is light. "

But few people know that K. Powers, who almost gave the Nobel Prize. It turns out that in 1965 for the autobiographical "story about life" by K. Pouustovsky was planned to awarding the Nobel Prize. But the Soviet Union managed to change the decision of the Nobel Committee and at the very last moment to give her Sholokhov. And in Italy and Sweden, they have already published in the Nobel series one-year-old C. Powesty.

In the Union "Tale of Life" was encountered cold, the author was presented a long list of claims. Maybe therefore the second book of the autobiographical series "Restless youth" was written by the author only after 9 years. Six books came out in the cycle, Powesty wanted to extend the story, but the death put the point. The seventh book Konstantin Georgievich wanted to call "Palm on Earth". Now, coming to Tarusa, where the writer found his last refinement, we put the palm on his hilmik.

If you are not familiar or unfamiliar with the works of K.G. Poystovsky, read at least one of the stories. And then no longer mess ...

After all, "the voice of conscience, faith to the future," said Powesty, "do not allow a genuine writer to live on Earth, as a wastewater, and not pass with the full generosity of all the vastness of the thoughts and feelings that fill him." And Konstantin Georgievich was and remains a genuine writer.

Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna - teacher of the OPK, teacher - librarian MBOU Tatsinskaya SOSH № 3. Rostov region
Description of the material: Today I decided to tell you about the literary museum. Domestic classical literature from Pushkin to Pasternak is closely connected with those memorable places where the Russian writer and poets lived and worked.
Such museums occupy a special place in the cultural and public life of our country ...
An extracurricular event is calculated for students of 5 - 8 classes. It is possible to use the material in the most diverse form. To choose a teacher.
Purpose:Formation of the general cultural competence of students through the perception of literature
1. Educational: Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe museums of domestic classical literature. Students can use when preparing homework, writing an abstract. Just deepen your knowledge.
2. Educational: Develop individual creative abilities of students, figurative and logical thinking, imagination, the ability to think non-standard.
3. Educational: We assign interest in museums, writers, literature.
Equipment:Exhibition of books about museums, writer literature

Extracurricular event "My Territory Pensive and Gentle"

Today, the literary museum is not just a quiet museum halls, where books, documents, manuscripts, photos, personal belongings and other exhibits, telling about the life and work of a writer or poet. The literary museum is a living, interesting. Fascinating business. In addition to traditional excursions, lectures and exhibitions in the museum there are concerts, theatrical excursions - submissions. You can also become a member of the ancient ball, to try on the costume of the past centuries and meet with the heroes of literary works. You can also show your own giving and already with a new sense and the impression to re-read your favorite books.
Today, literary museums in Russia are many, and new ones are created. Attention to such places never weakens.

Tarusa. Memorial House - Museum K.G. Paustic.

In Tarusa is very good. The surroundings are fabulous ... places here are wonderful.
K.G. Powesty

My friend, went to Tarusa!
To the house where it's dark and sad,
But the old park is alive,
And medium-Russian plain
River oblivion runs ...
Here you can be ourselves,
To listen to a robbery cry
Raven sticking there and here
Tossing through the sieve fence
And summer heat, and wrap clouds ...
In the appearance with a leaky bottom
Spider lives, artist beggar.
I will ask for a bed.
An unexpectedly temper will seek
And quiet ... and more than anyone.
Enter the cherished chapel,
Where the century rusty drips
Hide the ruins of feelings
Rings Marina Key Castal ...
Hardly opening the deaf shutters,
Head memory candle.
Well, and then it's time to the valley
Magic, where I arched back
Bridge over a sparkling stream ...
And, ending in the tone picture,
Two willows cry about anything.
There is our wounded grove ...
Forget it, of course, easier,
As we forgotten in delusion,
That not progress greedy stroke
In the sky lasted the star ...
And not iron hand
And thunderstorm clouds,
Breatham, sound and fire
This is a miracle of peace,
Where there is neither the Kapple, nor the idol,
And the miracle is hidden in it.
My friend, went to Tarusu.
There - also dirt, and the same pants,
But there are high features
Non-sold Russian muse
And non-separable bonds
Love, Good and Beauty ...
Nevinna Valentina

In the charm of the Russian landscape
There is genuine joy, but she
Not open for everyone and even
Not every artist is visible.
And only when for the dark taking forest
Evening ray mysteriously flashes,
Odenship dense curtain
With her beauty instantly falls.
Sighed forests, lowered into the water,
And, as if through transparent glass,
All the breasts of the river will acknowledge to the sky
And lights moist and light.
And the more clear the details become
Items located around
Those immense gave
River meadows, sunk and exhaust.
Nikolay Zabolotsky

In the spring of Tarusa is drowning in a white cloud of flowering gardens. An old city, famous for the annals from the 13th century, is comfortably located on the picturesque, green hills when the Taruza River is pushed. The city is listed in the list of historical cities of Russia and has the status of a natural - architectural reserve.
On one of the quiet streets, Tarusa is a modest house. Log walls painted in blue, white platbands. Like a blue sky and white clouds ...

In this house, on May 31, 2012 in honor of the 120-year anniversary since the birth of Konstantin Georgievich Powestsky, a museum was opened. And this modest, ordinary village house is the only memorial house in Russia - the Writer Museum. In Tarusa Konstantin Georgievich lived for more than ten years of his life.

Creativity K.G. Powesta is well acquainted to everyone who loves native literature. Many writer books are translated into foreign languages. Powers even put a candidate for the candidate for the Nobel Prize in the field of literature.
"Konstantin Georgievich Powesta is an unusual writer in Russian literature. This rushes in the heart, instinctively felt by each reader who loved or just in love with him in love with his prose - singer, glowing prose ... and whether to explain the miracle? " - These lines about the work of Paustovsky wrote the poet B. Chichibanin to the 100th anniversary of the writer.

Clear morning is not hot,
I link to the meadow.
Barka slowly stretches
Down the Oce.
A few words are inevitable
All repeat in a row.
Somewhere bubber in the field
Weakly ring.
In the field ring? In the meadow?
Do you ride on the throat?
MiG eyes looked
In someone's fate.
Blue distance between pines
Speaking and hum on the gum ...
And smiles autumn
Our spring.
Life swung open, but all.
Ah, Golden Days!
As far they are. God!
Lord, as far away!
M.I. Tsvetaeva

Taruski Dali, driving landscapes fell in love with paustovsky. He, who visited many picturesque corners not only Russia, but also other countries, recognized: "I will not exchange the average Russia for the most famous and stunning beauty of the globe. All the elegance of the Neapolitan Gulf with his feast feast, I will give for the wet from the rain of a junk bush on the sandy shore of the Oka or for a winding ratch of Tarusk - on her modest shores I am often often and for a long time. " And one more quote: "I live in one small town ... He is so small that all his streets come out or to a river with her smooth and solemn turns, or in the field where the wind shakes bread, or in the forest, where in the spring it blooms Between birch and pines cherry ... "

I wonder the Oka silver waters,
Forests of birch silver tongue.
In a lilac shadow, a chamomile blooming,
Tarusa sleeps amber sleep resin.
Ignat Mountain for Tetina Sarame
Red-green visible to me.
Anastasia Tsvetaeva. Alien. 1941.

Tarusa has become one of the cultural centers of Russia from the 19th century. These places are associated with the names of many artists, writers, poets. That is why Konstantin Georgievich called Tarusu "Creative laboratory and shelter for people of art and science."

Konstantin Georgievich Powesta was born on May 31, 1892. After years later, the writer will write in his autobiographical essay: "Born in 1892 in Moscow, in the grenade lane, in the family of railway statistics. My father ... was an incorrigible dreamer ... My mother is a daughter serving on a sugar factory ... Mother was convinced that only with the strict and severe handling of children can be raised from them "something feet."
Your first literary work is a story "On the water" - Pouustovsky wrote another student of the gymnasium. The story published in 1912 Kiev magazine "Lights". Already then the paustovsky decides to become a writer and understands that this is needed by life experience.
Konstantin Powesta studied at Kiev and Moscow universities. But in 1914 the First World War begins. One day, but on different fronts, two brothers of the future writer die. Konstantin Georgievich works by the car tram and the tram conductor.
Works on a sanitary train, which, under enemy fire, takes out wounded fighters from the front.

Mystery notebook:

In the autobiographical "story of life" Konstantin Powesta recalled his work by the conductor in the Moscow tram. Thunderstorms of all the conductors were an old man with a storubling appliance. Every morning he sat down in a tram and stretched out the conductor this major bill. But the conductor, of course, there was no delivery. Sly old man and did not require a change. He submolded at the first stop and sat down in the next tram. And everything was repeated again. And so, the "hare" hits traveled to the service constantly. But the paustic turned out to be cunning. He received a challenge for a hundred rubles a hundred rubles at the checkout of the tram park. And when the tricky old man habitually handed the storubluble bill, the paustic leisurely counted 99 rubles 95 kopecks. More than this "hare" in the trams did not meet ...

Then there were years of wandering. Pouustovsky changed a lot of professions. For several years, from 1916 to 1923, the paustovsky works on the first of his belt "Romance". It will be printed only in 1935. But the main thing at the time of the professions was journalism. Konstantin Georgievich rides a lot around the country. These journeys gave a rich material not only for journal and newspaper essays, but also the future works of the writer. In 1932, there is a story "Kara - Bugaz".

Popping a few books, Konstantin Georgievich Powesta decided to devote his life to literary creativity. But, as before, the writer travels a lot. The cycle of short lyrical stories is he devoted to the Meshchersk region.
In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, Powesta is a military correspondent. In short minutes of relaxation and clutch, he works on the novel "The Smoke of the Fatherland".
In the 1950s, Powesty - Writer with a world name. And newly new suffering, this time - foreign ones.

And yet a modest house in Tarusa, the gazebo in the garden was the favorite "working office" of the writer. Among the works of the writer there is a multi-volume autobiographical "story about life" and work dedicated to the writer's work, "Golden Rose". Powesta possessed an amazing property to see in the usual, which we pass, not paying attention. No wish the writer are often called "Levitan in literature".
House - Museum of Powestoys in Tarus today know many. In this small museum, the warm, cozy homely atmosphere is lovingly preserved. Here everything, as it was during the life of the writer. In the desktop - the table at the window, typewriter, favorite book writer, photos. Among them is a picture of the stars of world cinema, actresses and singers Marlene Dietrich. She was a hot fan of the talent of the Russian writer.

The holidays of K. G. Pauletsky on his birthday are held in Tarusa every year.

Children's Festival in Tarusa

Igor Shazkov. "Tarusa"

Cozy, peaceful town;
Above the pigeons
From the fuss of earthly distant
He breathes benevolent.
He all nodes on the hills,
The keys will be slaughtered by lowlands,
And dilapidated gray houses
And in the middle - an old cathedral
And the bell tower like a candle.
In the gardens, the ruchies shout, shout,
Monotony Creek Gracy ...
Below is a wide semicircle
Oka sparkling smooth.
And there, behind the flames, behind the meadow,
Forests Countless Raint
Crowds in the coastal mountains
And gently sinks in a delicate smoke ...
What shry and grace! Forest landscape
Here paustovsky, always alive,
Always cheerful, inspired,
With his talented hand
In Tarusa writes incomparably
In foggy haze and snow
And in bright sunlight.
His solemn willow
Oki shine twist,
Surrounding land depth -
All soul touches to the bottom.
There is a cemetery among birch
On the shore, above the mountain row,
The grave from the edge - in her Musatov
Soiling, filled with secret dreams.
The world is unsolved, rich
He fell back with him ...
Here is a rising Tarusani jet,
Bully, sparkle on stones,
And the river is lightly chas,
To yourself the cool man.
Here is the pile mill forgotten
Wheels wicked grass,
Around the shady rockets
Bowed branches over water.
Koryagi, stones, dark outer ...
And a lot of pink colors
Blooms along the coast
Imaging wild thickets.
Screaming beeps long, sharply
And, stirring the waters,
Smoke, spike, with a busty splash,
Despair a white steamer.
More minute - turn
He was completely closed with himself ...
And again blows silence.
Silent hot sands.
Forest distance shine krotko.
And gently cry hooks.
Flowing with a fragile hay boat,
Anxiety river mirror.
A.V. Cheletsov 1924.

Purpose: Attract the attention of students to the work of K.G. Paustovsky.

Preparation for a lesson: Children read and remember the stories and fairy tales of K. Powesty to the lesson. The class is divided into three teams.

Stroke Game

I. Orgmant.

- Our literary ring is devoted to the work of Konstantin Georgievich Powesta (1892-1968).
A sensitive artist, a subtle observer, a recognized master of literary landscape, he recreates in his works of the images of his native nature, helps the reader to take a fresh look at the world around the world and feel his charming magnificence.
3 teams take part in our game. Draw
The first round is declared. It has 3 tasks.

II. 1st round. "Forest Accidents"

Task 1. "Learn the work on its start"
"The lake near the shores was covered with the tears of yellow leaves. There were so many of them that we could not catch fish. The fishing line fell on the leaves and did not heat. " ("Bandschi nose.")
"The son of the grandmother Anice, the nickname Petya-big, died in war, and stayed with the grandmother to live her granddaughter, the son of Petit-Big - Petya-Male." ("Dense bear")
2 Command.
"When the cavalrymen took place through the village of Berezhka, the German shell burst into the Ocean and wounded the crow" "(" Warm bread. ")
"The heat stood over the earth for a whole month. Adults said that this heat is seen by the "unarmed eye." ("Kwaksh")
"To the vet in our village came from Uzensky Lake Vanya Malyavin and brought a small warm hare wrapped in a ribbon cotton jacket." ("Hare Paws".)
"Every time the fall approached, the conversations began that much in nature was not arranged as we would like." ("Present")

Task 2. "Why and why?"

- Knowing the stories of K. Powesta, you can easily answer the following questions.
Can I see the heat or cold? (Quake story. Yes, you can. In the heat over the meadows and the forest you can see the yellow smoke. It seems that the air is trembling. And the color of the sky changes in the cold - it becomes green as wet grass.)
Can such a strong animal, like a horse, cry? (Story "Warm bread." When the boy's boy shouted at the horse and hit him on the lips ")
2 Command.
If you dig into the forest is a small tree, for example, birch, put it in a tub and keep in a warm room, you will yellow her leaves in the fall or will remain green for the whole winter? (They will yellow and waffle. The story "Gift".)
Can animals and plants come to help a person (boy)? (The fairy tale of the "dense bear." Animals and plants came to the help of a boy in favor, when the bear wanted to attack).
Whether it is possible to have lost all the conscience of a coherent and a gangster, tame. (Yes, you can. Caress and faded well. "Cot-Voruha").
Can the insect go with a war war and return home to the native edges? (Fairy Tale "Rhinoceros". The beetle fought along with Peter Terenttev to the victory).

Task 3. "Shoot the word"

1Akomanda. Kot- ... (Vorugu.) ... Sparrow (disheveled.)
2 Command. Steel ... (ring.) ... - Rhino (beetle)
3Komanda. ... - Bear (dense) ... - Paws. (Hare)

III. 2nd round. "Detective"

- Now you will be in the role of detective. You need to perform 3 tasks.

Task 1. "Who is it? What is it?"

1Akomanda. Sidor (Sparrow) Beetle (Rhino)
2 Command. Wood frog (Kvaqsha.) Gift (birch.)
3Komanda. Voruga (cat) Chichkin (Sparrow)

Task 2. "Explains"

1 team.
Who can help a person get out of a forest fire? (Old forest residents know that the beasts are better than a person who gets from where the hero of the story "Ware Paws" Santa Larion ran over the hare, and he brought him out of the fire.)
Once the badger burned to the nose, putting it into a frying pan, where potatoes were roasted. How did he treat his nose? (He lit up the old stump, shoved his nose into his middle it, in a cold and wet trunk.)
2 team.
What predicts wood frog-quaksh? (Quican she predicts rain. The story "Kvaksha".)
Once the crow stole a glass bunch in mom. How did he get at Mom again? (Sparrow Pasha dragged him from the crows and returned his mother in the theater. "Rastached Sparrow")
3 team.
The girl Vary really wanted her to do Her affairs to Kuzma. What did she do for this? (Put on the ring on the middle finger and all the day I wore it, without removing. "Steel ring")
How did Vanya wanted to keep the summer at home? (He put a birch in the box and put in the bright and warm room. "Gift")

Task 3. "Card file of detectives"

- By description, you must learn the hero of the story of K. Powetsky.
1 team.
She lived in the clouded stall in the winter, where ice cream was sold in summer. She was bumping, grumpy. She clogged with the beak in the slit stall all his wealth so that the sparrows did not strateg. (Crow. The fairy tale "disheveled sparrow.")
He was old, slept on the sixth, swelling like a ball. All winter he lived in the hut in Kuzma on his own, as the owner. With the character of his own, he forced to be considered not only Warusha, but also his grandfather. He spactered porridge straight from the bowl, and the bread tried to snatch out of the hands ... "(Old Sparrow Sidor. Fairy Tale" Steel Colek ".)
2 team.
He was skinny, fiery-redhead, with white stomach spanks. He is broken ear and cut down a piece of dirty tail. (Côte breeding.)
He lived behind the river, in the Big Forest. Its skin was all in yellow pine needles, in a pressed lounge and resin. His eyes were burning like fireflies - green. ("Dense bear")
3 team.
He was small, with laid posterior legs and belly. The left ear he had torn. (Hare. "Hare Paws")
Little boy Stupa caught him and put in a match box. He gnawing the blade, but still continued to knock and bore. Hung out the shaggy paw and tried to grab the Stupa for the finger. ("Zho-rhino")

IV. 3rd round. Guess!

Task 1. When the characters of the work guess the name of the work.

1Akomanda. Peter Terentyev, Step, Akulina. (Rhinoceros beetle)
Vanya Malyavin, Karl Petrovich, veterinarian. (Hare Paws)
2 team. Masha, Petrovna, Mom. (Lastrum Sparrow)
Tanya, Uncle Gleb, Arisha's worker. (Kwaksh)
3 team. Grandfather Kuzma, Varyusha, Sparrow Sidor. (Steel ring)
Rouvim, Lyanka, Rooster Gorlach. (Cat Voruga)

Task 2. On the subject guess the work.

1 team. Boxes from matches. (Grocery Beetle Adventure)
Skin. (Badger nose)
2 team. Ring. (Steel ring)
Twig in the bank. (Kwaksh)
3 team. Little glass bunch. (Lastrum Sparrow)
Birch. (Present)

V. Summing up the literary rings.

  • Majorova Tatiana Sergeevna, ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Riot, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Primary Class teacher

Presentation to the lesson

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Modern Russian society needs an active and initiative personality who knows how to creatively think, take non-standard solutions, quickly and adequately respond to the situation. This requires reorientation of the tasks of education on the need not only to form key competencies of students, including elementary school, but also to teach creatively to use them, forming significant personal qualities necessary for life. This task can be solved with the help of active innovative technological means, with the consistent use of active methods to organize the unique creative interaction of the teacher and students, create optimal conditions for the intensive development of the personality. In elementary school, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children to such methods, the game should be attributed.

A worthy place in the practice of learning junior schoolchildren, along with various modern means of pedagogy, should take intellectual and informative gameconducted in non-standard forms (quiz, travel, fairy tale, etc.) in lessons or in extracurricular time using an entertaining didactic material, since, in contrast to many traditional teaching techniques, it allows interpreciative communication, integrate material, more oriented on the formation of interest in The subject studied, contributes to an increase in learning motivation, the development of a horizon, communicative skills, teaches work in a team, adhering to the established rules of cooperation. The possibility of using media media in the process of conducting intellectual and educational games contributes to improving the efficiency of lessons and extracurricular activities on subjects studied in elementary school. Younger schoolchildren in an exciting form can fasten, repeat and summarize the knowledge gained in the lessons.

This article provides one of the possible options for organizing an intellectual and cognitive game using media media; Presented methodological development on literary reading for third-class students - "K.G. Paust: Life and Creativity. " The application for development contains the necessary didactic material (a presentation containing a game board, questions and tasks, photos, illustrations, audio and video footage; distribution material, samples of diplomas).

Intellectual and informative game"K.G. Poist: Life and Creativity »

(Grade 3, "School 2100", R.N. Buneev and E.V. Buneeva "In one happy childhood")

Purpose:repeat and summarize the material dedicated to life and creativity K.G. Paustovsky, deepen your knowledge of the works written by him through independent reading.

Tasks:to form interest in literature, love for the native word; develop speech, thinking, memory; Educating positive personality qualities.

Equipment:presentation, distribution material (see Appendix 2.), diplomas (see Appendix 3.).

Preparatory work:

  1. in advance to introduce students with a list of works for independent reading on the topic of the event;
  2. prepare a presentation (game scoreboard, questions and tasks), distributing didactic material necessary for the event, diplomas and prizes;
  3. divide class for three teams (students in groups should choose a captain, come up with a team name);
  4. organize jobs for each team.

Event flow
(using the presentation)

At the lessons of literary reading, we met with an outstanding writer who lived in the 20th century, which is often called the "singer of Russian nature."

<Slide 1\u003e

This man loved the silent painting of Isaac Levitan ... Literary criticians noticed that his prose is similar to one of the paintings of the artist mentioned - "Over the Eternal Region." The writer in everything imposed on nature, so he remained inimitable.

"In search of accurate words" - phrase, a fellow characterizing the essence of his creativity and a serious attitude towards him.

<Slide 2\u003e

They guessed, about whom are we talking about?

In his works, he is heartly, simply, with great warmth, he portrayed not only our nature, but also our people, our story. Poushesky is no longer with us, but its works are still interesting to people.

<Slide 3\u003e

A writer is buried at the cemetery in Tarusa, the city, which is located between Moscow and Tula, near the country road, under the green oak. Adults and children come to his grave, everyone who loves his works, which he left as a gift to people. Always, from spring to deep autumn on his grave lie bouquets of wildflowers. And in winter - green trees are green ...

<Slide 4\u003e

Today we will conduct an intellectual-cognitive game that will help us recall a talented person, his best, favorite many works, and determine the names of the connoisseurs of his life and creativity.

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3 teams will take part in the game. Representation of commands.

The rules are as follows. On the screen, the playing field, divided into five color sectors. In each sector, questions and tasks relating to the history of life and creativity of Powesty. Green collected general issues reflecting the author's biography, in the rest - questions and tasks of a private nature. So, the orange sector is dedicated to the work of the "Cat-Voruga", the pink is called the "residents of the old house", the blue - the "bad-nose", and, finally, the lilac - "hare paws".

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Each question or task of the sectors is estimated to the number specified on the scoreboard depending on the level of complexity: the higher the number of points, the harder it is to call the answer. Select the sector and the number of points of the team will be in turn. Captains lead groups. The answer to the question is discussing all three teams, and so as not to convey their knowledge to rivals. The results must be recorded on the appropriate blanks (see Appendix 2). Thus, all three teams have the opportunity to earn points indicated on the scoreboard. The answer loud calls the team that chose the sector. If all participants in the game have the right answer, the points become teams. If the answer is partially correct, then the points are accrued less. If all participants in the game response is wrong, to voice the decision will have to the teacher. The team who scores more points, wins and receives a diploma, prizes.

Sector 1. "Life and creativity K.G. Powest

10 points. What are the main topics of works by KG Poystovsky? Who is the characters of his works?

Answer.I wrote about nature, about animals, about children, about the homeland. The main characters are animals, children, outstanding people (musicians, writers, composers).

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20 points.What professions changed K.G.Pautsky before he became a writer?

Answer.Department tram, sanitary, teacher, journalist.

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30 points. You know that the family of K.G. Poystovsky was big and prone, according to the author himself, to classes with art.

What kind of art did the Family of the K.G. Poystovsky do? What other hobbies were the writer in childhood?

Answer.Singing, game on musical instruments (piano), theater. Love for reading when he studied in high school gymnasium, became interested in poetry, study of geographicalcards, gravarians.

These hobbies and interests of the writer greatly influenced his work.

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40 points. K.G.Pautsky wrote a large number of works for adults, but especially for children. For them, he created exciting fairy tales and stories. The works of KG Paustovsky were translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world and came to the heart not only to Russian children, but also children living far beyond Russia, abroad.

Name 6 works of works (fairy tales or stories), written by KG Poystovsky. Do not call the works specified in the game field sectors.

Answer.Stories: "Basket with spruce bumps", "Farewell to summer". Fairy tales: "The adventures of the rhinoceros beetle", "warm bread", "Steel ring", "disheveled sparrow." Others: V. Bianki "Whose nose is better?", M. Svavin "Lisukin Bread", N. Sladkov "Songs under ice", Szrevsky "Forest voice"

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50 points.Name the famous writings of the author's manner of the letter of K.G. Poystovsky. What are the features of the language of the writer's works? What is interesting, unusual product language?

Answer.1. by K.G.Pautsky a lot of good humor. 2. Ironic attitude to the hero. 3. The author introduces descriptions, in particular nature, they are lyric, filled with poetry. 4. Works are musical. 5. Using a large number of epithets. Bright language, colorful, shaped. The writer draws the words of the painting as an artist with watercolor paints. 6. writes available, interesting. The language is habitually, is clear, it is easy to imagine what the author writes about.7. Applies literary techniques - comparison, personification.

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Sector 2. "Cot-Voruga"

10 points.Name the name of the childhood friend K.G. Paustovsky, which the author mentions in the story. This man subsequently also became a writer.

Answer.Rouvim Fraerman.

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20 points.What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of "Côte brew"? Try to formulate the main idea as you as possible.

Answer.A person must love animals and take care of them. "The dog is bruising only from the life of a dog."

<Slide 13\u003e

30 points.Find in the text 4 of the most vivid descriptions of the appearance of the cat.

Answer."... red cat", "Cat is broken ear and cut down a piece of dirty tail", "Skinny, despite the constant theft, fire-red ... with white subapalities on the stomach", with "green ... eyes"

<Slide 14\u003e

40 points. What is the main hero of the story - the cat? Pick up the 8 most accurate characteristics, 4 of which should be copyrighted, the remaining 4 you must define themselves, based on the context of the work.

Answer.Sly, Voruga, Lucky, Cheeky, "Cat, who lost all conscience", "Cat -

tramp and a gangster "," Cat-bentor "," Host and watchman ".

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50 points.Position these illustrations to the story so that the events depicted on them correspond to the content of the story. What episodes of the story of the illustration are missing? Tell us.

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Sector 3. "Residents of the Old House"

10 points.Name the name of the mysterious master of the distant northern country of Scotland, whose hoarse cough was sometimes distributed in the old house.


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20 points.Name the name and name of the 19th century English writer, the author of historical novels, whose works read on the cloudy days the owners of the old house.

Answer.Walter Scott.

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30 points.What melody played a music box when "woken up" after a long-term sleep?

Answer."You will return to lovely mountains ..."

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40 points.As you know the characters of the story of the "Residents of the Old House" are not only people and animals, but also objects.

Name all items about which is mentioned in the story of the K.G. Poystovsky.

Answer.Soda, music box, bell with the inscription "Dar Valdai", barometer, always showing the "Great Such".

<Slide 21\u003e

50 points.According to the descriptions, learn the heroes of the story of the "residents of the old house".

  1. Green dreamer who got silence, looking at the fire of the kerosene lamp. She heroically tolerated the "terrible torture of the Middle Ages" and trusted people, allowing themselves to be carried away by the fairy tale of the "magic diamond".
  2. Looks like Gypsy: and Shawl Pest, and black. It takes off on the roof of the backup, kudachtuch the whole three hours. Zadirist, crying, stubborn everything for Divo. Thunderstorm cats and pietes.
  3. Grumpy, hot, with corn paws.
  4. Black, with "solid habits" of purely. He loved lazily rub the muzzle on the shoals of the triggered doors or wallow in the sun near the well. The eyes of his whites from anger.
  5. Small, red, crumpled, very similar to the rat.

Answers.Frog, black chicken, rooster Gorlach, Cat Stepan, Dachshund Funtik.

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Sector 4. "Ballochy Nose"

10 points.What dish wanted to cook a storyteller?

Answer.Fried potatoes on fat.

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20 points.What genre is the work of the K.G. POUST "Barxious Nose"? Prove.

Answer.Story. One episode is described from the Hero's life, one event. Some heroes. Small volume.

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30 points.Tell me how the badger tried to heal his burned nose?

Answer."... I got a stump and shoved in the middle of the stump, in wet and cold dulk, burned nose. He stood motionless and refrigerated his unfortunate nose ..., moaning and licked his sick nose with his rough tongue ... "

<Slide 25\u003e

40 points.Describe (as more precisely as possible) the appearance of Barcuka - the main character of the story.

Answer.Little beast, acute face with black shrill eyes, a wet black nose, similar to pork patch, rough tongue, striped peel, fluffy paws.

<Slide 26\u003e

50 points.Find a string in the text that describe the suffering of the badger. Express your attitude to this hero.

Answer."... Badger screamed and rushed back to the grass with a desperate cry. He fled and poured on the whole forest, broke the bushes and spoiled from indignation and pain ... Then he sat down and cried. He looked at us with round and wet eyes, moaning and licked his sick nose with his rough tongue. He seemed to ask for help, but we could not help him ... ". Sorry Barsuk, because he suffered from pain.

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Sector 5. "Hare Paws"

10 points.Who by profession was Karl Petrovich Kush?

Answer."Specialist in childhood diseases", a children's doctor.

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20 points.Are there always beasts who, as you know, better than a person feel, where does fire come from, saved?

Answer.In most cases, they are saved, die in those rare cases when the fire surrounds them.

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30 points.Powesty in its works often uses various literary techniques. What kind?

In the proposals from the story of K.G.Pautsky "Ware Paws" insert instead of points suitable in terms of comparison. Read the proposals received.

Sukhov swatched the cloud of dust, soft, ...

Lazy Thunder was impressed by the horizon, ... and reluctantly shook the land.

The forests stood dry, ...


<Slide 30\u003e

40 points.Carefully listen to a fragment from the story of "Hare Paws".

"... grandfather ran after the hare. He fled, cried from fear and shouted: "Wait, cute, do not run so much! The hare brought his grandface ... "

Answer.When the grandfather and hare ran out of the forest to the lake, both of them fell from fatigue. The grandfather picked up a hare and rushed home. The hare was laid back legs and belly. Grandfather cured the hare and left him. He considered himself guilty to his Savior ... The left ear in the hare was torn. Grandfather grandfather understood everything ...

<Slide 31\u003e

50 points.Remember how the story of a forest fire is described. Draw this picture in your own words.

Answer."From the south ... greatly pulled Gare. The wind got stronger. Smoke Gustela, he was already carried by a white veil through the forest, tightened the bushes. It became difficult to breathe ... a forest fire began ... The wind passed into a hurricane. The fire was chalky on the ground with a unheard of speed ... Even the train could not get away from such a fire ... During the hurricane, the fire was going with the speed of thirty kilometers per hour ... Smoke went out ... Eyes, and a wide buzz of the flame was already heard from behind ... "

<Slide 32\u003e

Scenario of a creative lesson-study on the topic "Secrets of fairy tales" Warm bread "

Objectives lesson:

· To acquaint students with the personality of the writer;

· Disclose genre features fairy tales;

· To form research skills in determining the origins of a fairy tale, relying on additional information about Russian folklore, folklore of other countries and their interaction;

· Teach to identify the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale through appeal to the plot, to the images and artist of the writer;

· Develop monologue, thinking, memory;

· Educating the desire and desire to be attentive and thoughtful reader;

· Cheat interest in the subject.


· Texts fairy tale " "Warm bread" in any edition;

· Educational electronic presentation;

Board design: portrait

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

I know that you love fairy tales?

What do you like fairy tales for?

Name the main signs of fairy tale as a genre of literature and folklore.

Students celebrate socially significant signs of fairy tales: the celebration of goodness over evil, the presence of magic and miracles, as well as morality.

Yes, there is nothing more interesting than fairy tales. About one such fairy tale will be speaking today in the lesson.

2. Preparation for perception.

Guess what kind of fairy tale we will talk about today?

What a fairy tale could this object be believed to belong? (Demonstrating a piece of bread).

Students are easily and freely called the boy on nicknamed "Well, you" from the fairy tale "Warm bread"

Accompanying students' responses Presentation No. 1 containing a scanned cover of books and illustrations, reproduction of the portrait, introduce students to the communicative situation and help create an emotional installation on its perception.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Today we explore the content, artistic features of the fairy tales, reveal the author's intent.

Students accept the installation of the teacher.

4. Summarizing the conversation about the personality.

Adopted in advance prepared students with small stories about the writer.

Konstantin Georgievich Powesta was born 19 (or 31) May 1892 in Moscow in the family of an official of the South-Western Railway Office. After graduating from the gymnasium, he studied at the University of Kiev on the national faculty, then at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. The first story "On the water" was published in the magazine "Lights" in 1912 in Kiev. In 1925, Konstantin Georgievich released his first book "Sea sketch" and in 1929 his novel "Shine clouds" came out. In 1920-1930 The writer traveled a lot to the Soviet Union, engaged in journalism, published essays and reports in the central press. Pouustovsky wrote the story "Kara-Bugaz (1932) and" Colchis "(1934), which brought him fame.
During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich traveled to the front as a military correspondent of TASS. In the last period of creativity, it creates an autobiographical work "Tale of Life" (1945-1963) and the Book "Golden Rose" (1956) on the psychology of artistic creativity. The subject of prose is diverse. He wrote about artists, poets, prose, composers, about nature.

We learned that I loved to travel. He traveled a lot in Russia, lived at the Polar Urals, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in Karelia. The second birthplace was the Meshchersky region for him, not far from Moscow. Powesta visited many foreign countries: the Czech Republic, France, Italy and others. The writer was in several wars - the First World War, Civil, World War II. For his life, he wrote over forty books, not counting the stories, plays and articles.

Let's summarize our conversation. How did this affect his subsequent adult life?

Organizing creative work in 3 groups. Students make up logical chains in which they show the role of ambient reality on the formation of as a person, and in the future as a writer.

Pupils should turn out such chains:

· the desire for study (became smart, educated);

· love for travel (many impressions);

· was in several wars (he wrote a fairy tale "Warm bread");

· love for the native edge.

5. Work on the primary perception of the content of the fairy tale.

1. Where is the fairy tale? (in Berezhka)

2. Who took the wounded horse? (miller)

3. What kind of nickname was filmed? (Well)

4. What did the filmer with a piece of bread after hit the horse? (threw it on the snow)

5. What happened in nature after that? (blizzard, strong frost)

6. How many years ago was the same frost? (a hundred years)

7. What, according to grandmother, did such a frost happen? (from the malice)

8. Where did the grandmother filing in search of the council? (to Pankrat)

9. What advised Pankrat's filter? (invent the remedy for the journey)

10. How long did Pankrat gave on reflection? (Hour with a quarter)

11. What did the filter come up with? (to continue ice on the river)

12. Who witnessed a conversation? (magpie)

13. What role did forty in the salvation of people played? (called the warm wind)

14. What was the injury to the wounded horse? (loaf of fresh bread)

15. What did the horse come after the bread? (folded his head on the shoulder filter)

16. Why angry forty? (no one listened to her)

6. Student research.

Is this a fairy tale or story? What role did the horse play? Is there a fairy tale magic? What do magic items look like? Why is a fairy tale called "Warm bread?" Let's try to figure out.

1. Features of the genre.
We read the fairy tale to the end. Is there a lot of fabulous we saw in this work? Maybe this is not a fairy tale, but a story? Let's figure it out (in advance the prepared group represents Presentation No. 2).

Conclusions: Probably, you can not definitely answer the question: a fairy tale is or a story. But we know with you that to understand any artistic work it is important to comprehend the name.

Why is the fairy tale called "warm bread"? To explain the name, we turn to each word.
a) first remember how in Russia it was treated to bread. We will help us in this proverbs. .
Bread - everything head.
Bread yes water - peasant food.
Bread heart man will strengthen.
No bread - and friends did not happen.
No bread - and crusts in honor.
Bread bread brother.
Bread behind the belly does not go, and Belubo for bread.
Bread is not a piece - and in the doors of the longing.
Bread Krai - and under the spruce paradise, bread neither a piece - in the paradise will take melancholy.
We see how respectfully, with respect to the scribe.
b) What values \u200b\u200bis "warm" (work with Ozhegov's dictionary. Warm 1) No cool, 2) Fresh, 3) Good, winning evil)
c) Why is the fairy tale called "warm bread"? (Warm bread helped to make a filter with a horse. The bread was warm not only because it was recently baked, but because he was warmed by the warmth of the soul, with a common joy).


There is such a belief. Bread to throw away - a big sin. Who overshadowed slices throws, that the poor will become. Believe a very older. And the meaning of it is clear: the bread must be preserved, he grew up with the help of givingbug (the sun), to its cultivation, a lot of labor has been treated. Who is not leaving for bread, the heavenly forces will punish. It is better to give abdicted bread with birds, since the birds symbolize the souls of the dead. It is better to pay bread them and thereby make a good deed.

The filler threw bread in the snow, so it was punished.

Does bread magic power? (Students respond to this issue now definitely: Of course, it has). It turns out that the most common items become magical.

And now we need to answer a few more questions:

What can we call magic?

What do magic items look like?


Imagine a person (Europeans) some 200 years ago. If you met him and told him about our modern world: about phones, TVs, airplanes, the Internet, GPS system, etc., what would he say to this?
First, he would not believe you, and then I would decide that you are a wizard, as humanity is typical of the magic that the actions that give visible results, but are not amenable to logic. And such familiar to us adapts like: a cell phone, a computer, a plane and others, he would call the magic objects and, telling his acquaintances about them, he would use the Terminology known to him, comparing these items (in appearance and the results of application) with those subjects that exist in his world. What would happen? (The teacher calls the items, and the children themselves come up with the name).
The car is (a wagon without a horse), a cell phone is (talking box), TV - (magic box) and so on. But we are talking about a person who lived just some 200 years ago! What to talk about those who belong to the world, removed from us for thousands and tens of thousands of years?! We can learn information about this world only in myths that are full of magic, magic items and fabulous creatures.
It is traditionally assumed that all fairy tales are attempts to explain the phenomena of nature, but then why are the magic objects do not only enjoy the gods or fairies - the personification of the forces of nature, but also ordinary people, by chance with these objects there are encountered?
And let's look at these items not as a beautiful metaphor, but as technical devices described by eyewitnesses that did not have ideas about what it is.
Immediately, quite clear associations are identified: a carpet-aircraft - a vehicle movement through air (even the name is similar to the means that we use today), the Husli-samogudi - (tape recorder) and this list can be continued infinitely.

Presentation number 3. (Implementation of an individual homework)

What do magic items and assistants look like in a fairy tale "Warm bread?" One magical subject (food) We already know this bread.

Students express their versions (horse, wind, forty, whistle.)

Speech of the student(Implementation of an individual homework)

Striboga is the god of the wind, the head of air flow. It was to the Stribogue that is not mentioned by his name, they treated to make conspiracies or clutches for cloud or drought. In his submission, the stribog had different winds (the names are lost). It is believed that one of these stream-winds was the weather, carrying warm and soft Western air masses. Another - zonvydov or instance, evil northern wind. "And immediately in naked trees, in the hedge, in the chimneys, dried up, whistled the shrill wind, the snow was swollen, shook the throat. He was roaring, distraits, blizzard, but through her roar of the film heard a thin and short whistle, "the horse tail whistles, when an angry horse hits themselves on the sides."

In April, the streakoga from the east of young warm dunzenimins arrive.

In the summer, it will arrive from the south, burning the heat.

In the autumn and in the spring he dispersed clouds, opening the sun. "The wind blew from the south. Every hour I got all the warmer. From the roofs fell and the icicles were broken with the ring. "

In winter, the wings of the mill rotates, grinding the grain into the flour, from which then they knead bread.

Striboga is our breath, it is the air in which the words sound are spread and the light is scattered, which allows us to see the surrounding. "At night, on the village there was such a smell of warm bread with a ruddy crust that even foxes got out of the hole ..."

Speech of the student(Implementation of an individual homework)

Since ancient times, the whistle is considered to appeal to the otherworldly world and the appeal of the unclean power. This sign is not only Slavic people believe, but also a superstition in Japan. However, in a number of European countries, the whistles associate with the wind and is a witch tool. In Romania and Poland, they relate negatively to the whistle of a woman: "When a girl whistles, seven churches are shaking, and the Virgin cries." And in Russia there was a custom to arrange "whistle", in the days of annual commemoration. This custom is to imitate whistle traits to scare away those from the graves of relatives and expensive heart of people.

In the modern world, they still do not complain of whistles. Whistle - a symbol of impolite treatment, whistle - a sign of condemnation of artists who are poorly playing in the theater, not accepted

whistling in the house - "There will be no money," and even in the sea - "Storm to stick". And only Americans alien signs associated with whistle. They quietly whistle in the house, just as they buy and give a clear number of colors alive.

Here are a few, which are associated with a whistle:

Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money.

You can not whistle in the house, and then the house will empty.

The whistle in the people is generally negative. And mystically is associated with a wind whistle, which can carry money from home, good. You will whistle - at all the misfortune, including yourself. "And immediately in naked trees, in the hedge, in the chimney dried, withered a shrill wind ..."

The Russian epic character, acting as an opponent of heroes, possessing mysterious and monstrous force - a special born. Nightingale sits in his nest, located on twelve oaks and takes passersby, blocking a straight road to Kiev.
Whistling whistle is interpreted in different ways. Some seize in it the personification of the destructive wind, others - the robbery embarrassment, most likely - Tatar, to which the patronymic of Solovya Budimirovich indicates.

Speech of the student(Implementation of an individual homework)

In the mythology of the peoples of the world of birds perform a variety of functions. They may be deities, heroes, prototypes of people who are able to turn. What do birds mean in symbolism? Birds - symbols of top, heaven, sun, thunder, wind, clouds, freedom, life, fertility, abundance, soul, spirit of freedom and so on. On the global tree of birds are at the top of it.

For popular beliefs, birds can turn into people, and people in birds. 0 is generally widely reflected like magic in Slavic folklore.

In fairy tales, he sometimes helps the hero and even saves him, warning about danger.

Group of students number 1 presents its presentation (Presentation number 4)

Speech of the student(Implementation of an individual homework)

About magic horses Conversation is special. Most of them allocate from them the sill burg. His suit is not happening: the bogaties had a horse, also certainly "Burko-Bowlochko, Kosmoshko, Troytchchko". This, too, as if a werewolf, half-binding: he understands the speech of people and the acts of higher strength, acts as a weapon of the fate of the hero, changing his appearance, helping him to become rich, handsome and commit great acts. He himself speaks by human language and always speaks on the side of the forces of good. Squa Burk has magic power. "Sivko runs, only the earth trembles, the flames of the flame sneeze, and from the nostrils to the smoke. Ivan-Fool brought to one left - got drunk, but the other got out - you got it, you're got it, well done that I didn't know what the brothers did not know!" - We read in a fairy tale.

Reminds with its wonderful properties of Sivka and Konk-Gorbok, but they are sharply different. The hunchback is much less than heroic horses, is unbelievable, humpback, with long ears. But devotion to the owner is distinguished by an extraordinary one.

P. Ershov in the "Skate Gorbunk" wonderful mare says the hero:
...Yes, I still face the skate only in three tops, on my back with two humps, yes with the pre-trial ears ... On earth and underground, he will be your comrade.

Group of students number 2 presents its presentation (Presentation number 5)


And how did the filter get to the horse? ("Yes, you! The devil! - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on her lips." "The tear rolled away from the horse out of the eye. The horse called the case, long ...")

Do you think the horse deserved his piece of bread? (Children answer the affirmative)

The German shell wounded the horse in the leg, and the commander left the horse in the village. Melnik Pankrat cured horse. The horse remained at the mill and helped Pankrat. Everyone considered it his duty to feed him.


At the beginning of the story, we saw an evil boy who reluctantly came out for the gate, roughly shouted at the horse, nova hiking hit him on her lips, and the bread scored deep into the snow. In the final episode of the Filming, respectfully applies to bread, and to the horse. As a person, he wants to strike a horse with salt in friendship and reconciliation, stretches bread from the hands. When the horse refused to take bread, the film was crying, and not dismissed, as before: "Yes, you." When the horse finally took the bread, the boy was caught. Now he is not at all similar to the former filter, gloomy, incredulous, angry. He has changed a lot. Even Pankrat says: "Filk is not an evil man."

Good advice tales of paustovsky (creative work).
What did the Tale "Warm Bread" taught and learn? (The guys are responsible in writing, then read out loud).
Preferably student led to the following conclusions:

1. Students try to formulate the author's design fairy tales: you need to seek your goal with kindness, generosity of the soul - all this deserves remuneration, only good can be happy to truly Man and nature are inseparable. A person should not forget about it.

2. It is impossible to treat indifferent to the world around.

3. Magic - these are good actions of people, good words, it is love to everything alive.

8. Instructing homework.


1. Encyclopedia for children. Russian literature. From the epic and chronicle to the classics. 19th century. // O. M.: Avanta + .- 2005.

2. Konstantin Powesty. Book of life. Far years

3.: Meshcherskide