The development of cognitive abilities from younger students as part of the implementation of second generation standards. Development of cognitive abilities of children of younger school age

The development of cognitive abilities from younger students as part of the implementation of second generation standards. Development of cognitive abilities of children of younger school age

Cognitive abilities and features of their formation in the younger school age

Cognitive abilities of a person are the property of the brain to study and analyze the surrounding reality, finding ways to apply the information received in practice. Cognition is a complex and multi-level process. There are four main aspects that form a cognitive process and responsible for the cognitive abilities of each person: memory, thinking, imagination, attention. In our work, we relied on the definitions of R.S. Nemova, who believes that memory is the processes of memorization, preservation, reproduction and processing by a person of various information; Thinking is the psychological process of knowledge associated with the discovery of subjectively new knowledge, with solving problems, with the creative transformation of reality; The imagination is a cognitive process consisting in creating new images by processing the material obtained in the previous experience; Attention is the state of psychological concentration, concentration on any object.

Getting Started to pedagogical work with children, first of all, it is necessary to figure out that the child is given from nature and what is purchased under the influence of the medium.

The development of human deposits, the transformation of them in the ability - one of the tasks of learning and education, to decide which is impossible without knowledge and development of cognitive processes. As they are developed, the abilities themselves are improved, acquiring the necessary qualities. Knowledge of the psychological structure of cognitive processes, the laws of their formation are necessary to choose the method of learning and education. A great contribution to the study and development of cognitive abilities has been made by such scientists as: ji.c. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, L.V. Zankov, A.N. Sokolov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinstein et al.

The scientists presented above were developed by various techniques and the theory of development of cognitive abilities (the zone of the nearest development - L.S. Vygotsky, developing training - L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov and D. B. Elkonin). And now, in order to successfully develop cognitive abilities in extracurricular activities, it is necessary to look for more modern means and methods of education. It is impossible without considering the features of the main components of the cognitive abilities of younger students.

One of the components of cognitive abilities is the memory. Memory is the most important psychological component of educational cognitive activity. Mower activity for school age is becoming increasingly arbitrary and meaningful. An indicator of meaningfulness of the memorization is mastered by the student of admission, ways to memorize. The specifics of the content and new requirements for memory processes make significant changes to these processes. Increases the amount of memory. The development of memory is uneven. Memorization of visual material is maintained throughout primary learning, but the predominance of verbal material is quickly developing in children the ability to memorize complex, often abstract material. The involuntary memorization is maintained at a high rate of development of random memorization.

In the process of learning in the initial link of the school, the child's memory becomes thinking. " Under the influence of training in the younger school age, the memory develops in two directions:

1. The role is so much and increases the proportion of verbal, logical, semantic memorization (compared with visual-shaped);

2. Warely mastering the ability to consciously manage their memory, regulate its manifestations (memorization, reproduction, remember)

And yet, in elementary school, children are better developed by mechanical memory. This is explained by the fact that the youngest schoolboy does not know how to differentiate the tasks of memorization (which must be remembered literally, and what is in general terms).

The memory of younger schoolchildren compared with the memory of preschoolers is more conscious and organized. Characteristic for the younger schoolchildren, the non-criticalness of memory, which combines uncertainty in the memorization of the material. Younger schoolchildren prefer literal memorization of retelling. With age, the memory of children is improving. The more knowledge, the more opportunities to form new connections, the more memorization skills, therefore, and strong memory.

Junior schoolchildren have a more developed memory clearly-shaped than the meaningful. Better they remember specific subjects, faces, facts, colors, events. This is due to the predominance of the first signal system. During training in primary classes, a lot of concrete, actual material is given, which develops visual, shaped memory. But in elementary school it is necessary to prepare children for mid-link training, it is necessary to develop a logical memory. Students have to remember the definitions, evidence, explanations. Inciting children to memorize logically related values, the teacher contributes to the development of their thinking

The development of thinking in the younger school age owns a special role. With the beginning of school learning, thinking is put forward to the center of the psychic development of the child and becomes decisive in the system of other mental functions, which are intelligent and acquired by its influence and acquire arbitrary

Thinking the child of younger school age is at a turning point of development. During this period, a transition from vividly-shaped to verbally logical, conceptual thinking, which gives the mental activity of the child a dual character: concrete thinking associated with real reality and direct observation is already subject to logical principles, but the abstract, formal logical reasoning to children still Not available

M. Montessori notes that the child has "absorbing thinking." He absorbs the images of the surrounding world, provided by its senses, unconsciously and tirelessly. "

Thinking the child M. Montessori compares with a sponge absorbing water. In the same way, the sponge absorbs any water - clean or dirty, transparent, muddy or tinted, - Children's mind will abstract images of the outside world, not divided into "good" and "bad", "useful" and "useless", etc. d. Of particular importance is the subject and social medium surrounding the child in this regard. An adult should create such an environment for him in which he could find everything you need and useful for its development, get rich and diverse sensory impressions, "to absorb" the right speech, socially acceptable ways of emotional response, samples of positive social behavior, methods of rational activities with Items

In the younger school age, attention takes out the selection of relevant, personally significant signals from a variety of all available perceptions and due to restrictions of the perception field ensures concentration at this time on any object (subject, event, image, reasoning). The prevailing view of the attention of the younger student at the beginning of training is an involuntary, the physiological basis of which is the estimated reflex. The reaction to all new, unusual strong at this age. Child: Can not still manage his attention and often turns out to be in the power of external impressions.

The attention of the younger student is closely related to mental activity - students cannot focus on unclear, incomprehensible. They are quickly distracted and begin to engage in other affairs. It is necessary difficult, incomprehensible to do for a student simple and affordable, develop a volitional effort, and with it and arbitrary attention

The arbitrary of cognitive processes in children 6-8 and 9-11 years old arises only at the peak of a volitional effort, when the child specially organizes itself under the pressure of circumstances or on its own motive. In the usual setting, it is still difficult for him to organize his mental activity.

In addition to the prevalence of involuntary attention to age, its relatively sustainability also includes its relatively small stability. The processes of excitation and braking in the crust of large hemispheres are replaced by the younger students pretty quickly. Therefore, the attention of the child of younger school age is characterized by light switchability and distraction, which prevents him from focusing on one object. Study studies have revealed its connection with the student age. By the end of 3 years of schoolchildren, as a rule, the ability of distribution and switching attention is increasing and accomplished. Grade 3 students can simultaneously monitor the content that they write to the notebook, for the errorless of the letter, for their position, as well as the teacher says. They hear instructions of the teacher without stopping work

L.S. Vygotsky believes that child interest acquires emergency pedagogical significance as the most frequent form of manifestation of involuntary attention. He emphasizes that children's attention is sent and guided by almost entirely interest, and therefore the natural cause of the child's scattering is always the incompatibility of two lines in the pedagogical business: the interests of the interest and the sessions that the teacher offers as mandatory.

In the future, schoolchildren are differentiated and constantly acquire a cognitive character. In this regard, children are becoming more attentive with some kind of work and differ in scattered during other training sessions.

Attention and imagination are closely connected. A characteristic feature of the imagination of the younger student is his support for specific subjects. So, in the game, children use toys, home things, etc. Without this, it is difficult for them to create images of imagination.

When reading and telling, the child rests on the picture, on a specific image. Without this, the student can not imagine, recreate the described situation.

In the younger school age, in addition, there is an active development of the recreation imagination. Children of younger school age distinguish several types of imagination. It can be recreated (creating an image of an object according to its description) and creative (the creation of new images requiring the selection of the material in accordance with the idea).

The main trend that arises in the development of children's imagination is the transition to an increasingly correct and complete reflection of reality, the transition from a simple arbitrary combination of representations to combination is logically argued.

The imagination of the younger student is also characterized by another feature: the presence of elements of reproductive, simple playback. This feature of the children's imagination is expressed in the fact that in his games, for example, they repeat the actions and provisions they observed in adults, play the stories that they experienced, who saw in the cinema, reproducing without changes to the life of the school, family, etc.

With the age of the elements of reproductive, simple reproduction in the imagination of the younger student, it becomes less and less and the creative processing of ideas is becoming increasingly.

According to the studies of L.S. Vygotsky, the child of preschool age and the younger school can imagine much less than an adult man, but he more trusts the products of his imagination and less controls them, and therefore the imagination in the everyday, cultural sense of the word, i.e. Something like that is a real, fictional, in a child, of course, more than an adult. However, not only the material from which the imagination is building, the child is poorer than in an adult, but also the nature of the combinations that join this material, their quality and diversity are significantly inferior to adult combinations. Of all the forms of communication with the reality that we have listed above, the child's imagination has the same degree with the imagination of an adult only first, it is the reality of the elements from which it is built.

V.S. Mukhina notes that in the younger school age, the child in his imagination can already create a variety of situations. Forming in gaming substitutions of some objects by others, imagination goes to other activities.

In this article:

The development of cognitive abilities in preschool children needs to be started in the period from 3 to 5 years - this is the most appropriate time. It is at this stage of life that it is important to motivate kids to develop immediately in several fields of activity. Live cognitive interest will help the guys in the future to express themselves with successful students in school, will be the key to effective activity in any direction.

The development of cognitive abilities in children will contribute to the development of intelligence and the formation of a harmonious intellectual personality. This is especially important when it comes about gifted intellectually and creatively children who are actively demonstrating from early preschool age to the study and knowledge of the environment. Such kids cannot accept the restrictions on research activities, and it is precisely this that distinguishes them from ordinary guys first.

The most effective way to accelerate the development of the personality is to maintain sincere interest in the children of the preschool age to the world, which will manifest in cognitive activity and desire constantly and with pleasure to learn.

Each baby, appearing on the light, already has a congenital cognitive orientation. It is at her expense that it turns out to be adapted to unfamiliar living conditions for him.

As the crumbs grow and develop, the cognitive focus is reborn into cognitive activity, and the child internally
prepares for the conduct of active cognitive activity.

This readiness is manifested in a number of search operations, most of which are associated with the desire of obtaining new emotions and impressions. The older the preschooler becomes, the more active will be his cognitive activity, in which the development of cognitive abilities will occur.

Lines of development of interest

Two lines of development of cognitive abilities in preschool children are distinguished.

For preschoolers, different levels and the direction of knowledge depending on their age are characterized.

Beginning of preschool age. The main object of knowledge is subjects within the access of children and actions with them. For a child, at this stage of life, it is important to know the world as you get acquainted with objects and research of their functions. It is possible to stimulate the development of cognitive abilities at this stage by constant changing the subject sphere surrounded by crumbs.

Early preschool age. At this stage of life, children already have a certain life experience, often based on non-interconnected views and knowledge. It was during this period that the baby learns aesthetic perception of the environment, he is being improved by the development of basic cognitive abilities, among which perception and sensation.

Middle of preschool age. At this age, the development of cognitive interests of the child is moving to a new level, in part thanks to the improvement of speech skills. Children not only better inform information - they
it is better understood, assimilate and analyzed. The kid is actively replenished.

Completion of preschool age. At this stage of life, the development of the cognitive interests of the preschooler is connected with the knowledge of the world of adults. Kids begin to show such qualities as caring, sympathy, kindness; There are abilities to classify the received information, make complex logical conclusions, compare, analyze, summarize.

Environmental information accumulated by this time will be the basis for the development of the cognitive sphere in the future.

Terms of development processes

To maintain interest in preschool children at a consistently high level, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate base for this to which should be included:

  • suitable external conditions for obtaining new impressions and maintaining various activities;
  • collection of practical experience, allowing to simplify the activity through the understanding of the process.

In addition, to maintain cognitive interest in preschool children
you can, bringing up a positive attitude to the subject or activity and motivating it to do. It is possible to achieve this in the following ways.

  1. Creating a positive attitude towards activities on the basis of positive emotions to the process, object, as well as with the help of encouragement, approval, faith in the power of the kid. The more new activity will elaborate with already established interests, the easier it will be positively set up a preschooler in relation to it.
  2. Creating a positive attitude towards the activities of a kind of or another due to the formation of understanding its significance, both in personal plan and in public. Adult stories about how important this or that activity is, the child will be interested in the demonstration of its results.

The influence of cognitive activity on the development of cognitive abilities

It is important to understand that the development of cognitive abilities in the kids of preschool age is influenced by a constant desire to contact the environment, to receive new impressions, to solve interesting tasks. The development of the baby in this area will contribute
providing him to actively study the surrounding world with impact on it.

From how much baby will be active in creative search, the development of its cognitive abilities will depend on the acquisition of new knowledge.

For research learning to really stimulate the development of cognitive interests, it is necessary:

  • teach children to independent work without the use of memo and tips;
  • encourage kids initiative;
  • do not try to make work for them, which is under force;
  • do not judge strictly and hastily;
  • direct the process of learning knowledge in children;
  • help preschoolers to identify links between phenomena, objects and events;
  • stimulate the desire to solve problems without adults;
  • teach kids to manage information, analyzing, classifying, synthesizing and summarizing data.

The right approach to children of preschool age on subject occupations will accelerate the development of thinking, speech, horizons and other cognitive abilities.

It is necessary to take into account that children can work both in small groups and individually. In small groups, kids appears more opportunities for development in all respects, including due to the solution of possible pop-up difficulties together.

Indicators of cognitive activity is:

It is important that the actions of children of preschool age in this direction have always completed success. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about the appearance of new knowledge painted with bright emotions.

Cognitive abilities, or what should preschoolers be able to

The kids on each of the preschool stages can master new skills. By the end of the preschool age, it is possible to judge the development of cognitive abilities successfully, it will be possible in the following achievements:

The more children of preschool age will have opportunities for experiments, the more active in their development of cognitive abilities. It is important that children have learned how to build their own conclusions on the basis of working on exercises, making conclusions, conducting experiments by checking their own theories in practice.

Using special methodological materials that stimulate the development of a preschooler, you need to ensure that they meet the level of the child at the time of classes. Heavy demands for the baby may cause a decline in interest in activities.

In addition, it must be remembered that games and exercises aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of the baby must necessarily be built on the personal example of adults. Only imitating senior, children in preschool age will learn something new.

Tasks for the development of preschoolers

Below are several options for tasks, with the help of which it is possible to affect the development of cognitive interests in the kids of preschool age.

  1. Let the child look at the picture with animals depicted in a pair with cubs. The task for the baby is to find a animal that will not be a young, and draw it after finding out detailed information about animals depicted in the picture.
  2. The picture shows objects that the child will need to consider and compare with the geometric figures that they are most similar. For example, the lake is a circle, a mountain is a triangle, and so on.
  3. For the development of fantasy and thinking, the child is offered from drawings with objects and animals to choose one, after which it is an object or animal from this picture and describe one day from the life of this object in all details.
  4. The figure shows objects: insects, birds, animals, plants, items, etc. The task for the baby is to highlight the living and non-residential objects, after which they are divided into separate subgroups.

In conclusion, we note that the support and praise of adults strongly affects the development of cognitive abilities in preschool age. Adequate praise will reinforce the baby's motivation. In everyday life, such a child will feel free to use the knowledge gained, enjoying the process and result.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education of the Vologda Region

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Totemsky Pedagogical College

Course work


specialty 050709 "Teaching in primary classes"

Development of cognitive abilities from younger schoolchildren through participation in intellectual games

Totma 2008.


1.4 games of children of younger school age




The state of modern society has delivered a number of acute problems before education, among which a sharp deterioration in the physical, mental, neurological and moral health of children. But all this, of course, affects the development of children, their interests and abilities, primarily intellectual. The development of intellectual abilities is based on the development of attention, thinking, memory. The development of intellectual abilities, the development of independent thinking is particularly relevant. Society feels a deficit of high-level specialists who are able to deeply and independently think. Only such under the power of a breakthrough in economics, ecology, science and finally promote society forward. According to psychologists, if by 4 years, the intellect is formed by 50%, then in primary classes - by 80 - 90%. Junior school age is one of the main periods of the child's life, since it is at this stage that the child begins to acquire the basic supply of knowledge about the surrounding reality for its further development. Also acquires fundamental skills and skills. It is from this period of life that the further ways of the child's development are dependent. The most important task is to schedule an educational route for your ward - lies on the shoulders of the teacher. It is from the rational actions of the teacher depends on the identification of intellectual abilities of the younger schoolchild. And the intellectual features of the individual are understood as the features of the development of the psyche of this child, the features of his thinking, memory, attention. In parallel with the development of the independence of thinking, the child develops a speech that organizes and clarifies the thought, allows us to express it generally, separating important from the secondary one. The development of thinking affects the educationalness of man. The child develops positive features of the character and the need for developing good qualities: performance, ability to think and reach the truth yourself, planning activities, as well as self-control and conviction, love and interest in the subject, desire to learn and know a lot. All this is extremely necessary for the future life of the child. The development of intellectual abilities is relieved by psychological loads in the teaching, warns failure, maintains health. It is equally important to note that the ideas of the development of independence of thinking are included in the concept of humanity of the educational school of the school, for the implementation of these ideas is nothing more than a truly humane attitude towards a child, allowing you to help the establishment of an independent person, creating conditions for its expression.

When implementing the learning process, the teacher naturally should consider the age-related features of students. As you know, in the preschool age the leading activity of the child is the game. But the time goes and the child matures, becomes a schoolboy. And in the younger school age, the leading activities are studying. Therefore, it is necessary for the successful adaptation of the child to school life to carry out a smooth transition from one type of activity to another. For this purpose, the teacher applies various kinds of gaming techniques - educational games. It can include them both in urgent activities and in extracurricular. Games should be developing or cognitive. Their goal is to expand the horizons, the formation of its own worldview, interest in the knowledge of the younger student. And here the first games wearing intellectual character come to first place.

Games differ in content, characteristic features, by what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and training. Scene-role games create children themselves with some guidance of the educator. The basics of them are children's amateur. Sometimes such games are called creative plot-role, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but they are creatively comprehended and reproduced in the created images, gaming actions. A variety of plot games are building games.

In the practice of upbringing, games with the rules created for children are used for adults. Games with rules include didactic, movable, fun games. They are based on a clearly defined software content, didactic tasks, the focus of training. The amateurness of children at the same time is not excluded, but it is more combined with the guidance of the teacher. When mastering the experience of the game, the development of the ability to self-organization children are carried out and these games independently.

This topic is very relevant at present, as the independence of the mind, the intellect is the main criterion for assessing a person in society. It depends on the satisfaction, joy and happiness of a person in life. In turn, the Company requires activity and high level of knowledge from students. This will contribute to the painless entry of the younger student in the process of public relations. Because vocational vocabulary is expanding through the games that contribute to intellectual development and expands the individual potential of the younger schoolboy. What a wonderful thing - discoveries! Different feelings are manifested by comprehending something previously unknown, but one is always present - this is a surprise. Surprised, as you know, thinking begins, therefore, for the development of opening intelligence is extremely necessary. The life of schoolchildren, deprived of the events of the mind - truly catastrophic, as it affects the further success of their success and well-being in fate.

Purpose: identifying the role of intelligent games in the development of cognitive abilities of children.

study scientific and methodological literature on this topic;

install how with the help of intelligent games you can, develop cognitive abilities of children;

Object: Cognitive abilities (attention, thinking) of the younger schoolboy.

Subject: Development of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren through participation in intellectual games.

Research base: MOU "Nikolskaya Primary School No. 1" G. Nikolsk.

This work consists of administration, two sections, conclusions, bibliographic list, applications.

In the introduction, the relevance of the topic under study is justified. The first section discusses the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of cognitive abilities of younger students, where the characteristics of the age characteristics of children, as well as games aimed at developing the cognitive sphere. The second section is devoted to the influence of intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities of younger students, where tables and graphs are presented by which the results of the experimental work can be estimated. The conclusion presents conclusions on theoretical and practical part of the study.

Section 1. Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of cognitive abilities of younger students

1.1 Age Features of the younger Schoolboy

Students of primary classes, that is, the children of younger school age, very much different from each other on successes in the teaching - concentrated and distracting, quick-conching and tugodumes. They gathered from a variety of families - more developed and less developed, educated and dyed, closens and those who do not get caress. All their relatives are the same age, some common features of the surrounding.

As you know, in junior grades, all educational items (sometimes with the exception of such as drawing, singing and physical education) leads one teacher, most often a teacher. She teaches him day after day and raises his pets, disciplining and developing them. The ratio of students of junior classes to the teacher, obviously, has a strong, and weak side and expresses a certain stage of age-related development.

Psychological features such as faith in the truth of everything they teach, imitation, trusting the extension, are an important prerequisite for primary education in school, as it were, a deposit of trained and educationalness. The marked features are closely related to other age characteristics. According to N.S. Leithes, the freshness, brightness, childhood perception and the extraordinary responsiveness of children to the surrounding are known. Pupils of primary classes all the creature respond to certain moments of teacher's statements: they react very vividly to what is any new for them, for each joke. For some example of life. According to the most insignificant, it would seem, they have a state of complete interest and mental activity. No episode of the lesson leaves them indifferent. The impulsiveness of children, their tendency immediately react to classes rapidness and tension, determine their saturation. Junior schoolchildren especially react to the immediate impressions delivered by the senses. Susceptibility to figurative thinking, content is noticeable especially in arithmetic classes. The immediacy of children's reactions and insatiable impressionability are very noticeable in an out-of-school setting. Along with the immediacy of the reactions, there is a passing awareness of his impressions. The imituation of many children's actions and statements is an important source of success in primary teaching. In children of this age, it is manifested by the advantage of external copying, the repetition of perceived. Pupils of junior classes willingly transfer to their games what they just learned. Therefore, the training material is mastered and fixed not only in the allotted hours.

The younger school age, the initial years of the actual teachings are a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge.

Deep changes taking place in the psychological appearance of the younger student testify to the wide opportunities of the individual development of the child at the age stage. During this period, a qualitatively new level is implemented by the potential for the development of a child as an active subject. He knows the world and himself, acquiring its own experience in this world.

Junior school age is sensitive for:

formation of exercise motives, the development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests;

development of productive techniques and skills of academic work, learning abilities;

disclosures of cognitive abilities.

Also, the age-related features of the younger student must include cognitive processes. According to Alferova A.D. The perception of children of this age is observed, a kind of curiosity, which is associated with the predominance of the first signaling system. Small differentiation: At the beginning of study, schoolchildren in inaccurately or mistaken can write the letters similar to inscribing. Do not recognize the same geometric shape. Otherwise located on the plane. Caught not in detail, but in general to perceive the subject. All bright, alive, visual perceived better.

There is a weakness of arbitrary attention, so encouraging their activities is required, praise. And involuntary attention is developing intensively, attention is minor. The pace of work is often lost, letters are observed. The tendency to mechanical memorization in children of younger school age is well developed. Development goes in two directions:

the mental role of verbally logical memory;

the ability to manage their memory is developing.

Usually, children of this age think specific categories, but gradually the transition from the knowledge of the outside of items to their essence is.

As the child develops, thinking is exempt from ideas and proceeds to the analysis at the level of concepts. But all, the student is easier to pass the way against the cause to the consequence than from the investigation to the reason. In the same period, recreation and creative imagination develops. Children tend to fantasize, why the younger schoolchildren are often considered lnugs.

R.S. Nomov believes, for the formation and development of each psychological and behavioral property of the individual there is its own specific period, when it is wisply to start and actively conduct training and education of children. But it should not be thought that these periods for all children and times are definitely determined and cannot be changed as a result of improving the methods of training and education of children. In the psychology of the theory of children's development, driving forces of development are of great importance. The process of individual development of each child occurs under certain conditions, surrounded by specific items of material and spiritual culture, people and relations between them. These conditions depend on individual features, the use and transformation into the appropriate abilities of certain deposits from birth, qualitative originality and the combination of psychological and behavioral properties purchased during the development process.

The leading role in the development of children of primary school age is playing. In the process of teaching, intellectual and cognitive abilities are forming. The abilities of children do not necessarily have to be formed by the beginning of education at school, especially those of them that in the process of exercise continue to actively develop.

The abilities are such psychological features of a person, on which the success of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills depends. But which themselves for the presence of these knowledge, skills, skills are not reduced. Otherwise, the response of the board, successfully or unsuccessfully performed test work would make it possible to make the final conclusion about the abilities of the child. Abilities are detected only in activities that cannot be carried out without the presence of these abilities. From the standpoint of consideration of this problem A.V. Petrovsky, it is impossible to talk about the abilities of a child to the drawing, if he was not trying to draw to draw, if he did not acquire any skills necessary for the visual activity. A serious psychological mistake of the teacher is a vacuum, without a serious verification of approval. That the child has not yet mastered the necessary skills and skills, durable knowledge that has developed work techniques. The abilities are not found in knowledge, skills and skills, as such, but in the dynamics of their acquisition, that is, as far as other than anyone else, it is quickly, deeply, the process of mastering knowledge, skills, significantly important for this activity. .

The development of cognitive abilities is due to the fact that every child is going on its own way of development, acquiring various typological features of higher nervous activity on it. An individual approach creates the most favorable opportunities for the development of cognitive forces, activity, inclinations and abilities of each student.

Thus, in younger students when changing the content and conditions of training, as well as the introduction of a new type of activity in the lessons (game), you can form a fairly high level of ability to generalizations and abstractions.

1.2 Playing as a means of developing individual child abilities

As you know, a game, as a leading activity, acts in preschool age. Most of his time, children of this age are spent in games, and during this time the game takes place a fairly significant way of development: from subject and symbolic to plot with rules.

Since the admission of a child to school, training activities becomes the lead, and the game is moving into the background. When establishing school students, the central new formation of this age is formed and developing and developing and developing the basis of the theoretical consciousness and thinking and the foundations of the abilities associated with them (reflection, analysis, planning, etc.).

The assimilation of theoretical knowledge through learning activities is fully accomplished when it is combined with the game. The need for educational needs in the form of cognitive interests arise from a child of younger school age in the process of developing a plot game, inside which imagination and symbolic function are intensively formed. The plot role-playing game contributes to the emergence of cognitive interests. The child's fulfillment of rather complex roles implies the presence of it along with the imagination and the symbolic function of a variety of information about the environment, about adult people, the ability to navigate in this information according to their content. The necessary element of the game is an imaginary situation is the conversion of the reserve of representations accumulated by the child.

The image of fantasy acts as a program of gaming activity. Giving rich food imagination role-playing games allow the child to deepen and consolidate the valuable qualities of the personality (courage, determination, organization, resourcefulness). Comparing its and someone else's behavior in an imaginary situation with the behavior of the represented real character. The child learns to produce the necessary estimates and comparisons.

In the younger school age, children's games gradually acquire more advanced forms, turn into developing, their content changes, is enriched at the expense of newly acquired experience. Individual subjects acquire a constructive nature, they are widely used new knowledge, especially from the field of natural sciences. As well as those knowledge that are acquired by children in class work at school.

Intellectuals are group, collective games. At this age, it is important that the youngest schoolboy is ensured by a sufficient number of educational games at school and at home and having time to occupy them. Games at this age continue to take second place after training activities as leading and significantly influence the development of children.

"The game is the need of a growing kindergarten. The game develops the physical strength of the child, the harder is done, a flexible body, or rather, the eye meter is developing, understanding, resourcefulness, initiative."

The game for a child is not only recreation and entertainment, but also a type of activity: without playing a child cannot grow normally and develop. In games, the child develops physically and mentally, facing the world of modern technology. The game is produced by hardworking, perseverance in achieving the goal, observation, seducker. It is necessary to constantly find and apply such games that contribute to the development of children. All games in aggregate must necessarily lead to certain pedagogical purposes and reach them. Starting to organize games in the children's team, it is necessary to rely on the already achieved level of development of the guys, their inclinations, habits, abilities. And then smoothly adjust and rebuild the existing interests of children to desired, increasing demands to them, patiently and persistently working on their spiritual transformation.

It is impossible to identify the game with entertainment. Let some games and are cheerful entertainment, while the pastime. But the degree of utility of most games, as a means of development, depends on the methods and techniques of their organization, from the style of the game, and most importantly, from its character and goals. The whole essence of the child is manifested in games. And if these games are thought out thoughtfully, to spend correctly, it is in games that can be achieved much, which is very difficult to achieve through conversations, meetings and other methods and techniques for the child, very tired it. Watching children during the game, the teacher can fix the child on time, help him. In games, children discover their positive and negative sides, seeing and comparing who the teacher gets a huge opportunity to influence properly at all together and each separately.

Thus, the game is one of the terms, methods and forms used for development purposes. The game causes a cheerful and cheerful mood, brings joy. Employed living, emotional games, children are easier to assimilate and acquire various skills, skills and knowledge that they will need in life. That is why games should be widely used in working with children. It is customary to distinguish between two main types of games:

games with fixed and open rules;

games with hidden rules.

An example of the first type games is the majority of cognitive, didactic and moving games, as well as developing (intelligent, musical, fun games, attractions).

The second type includes games in which social relationships or material objects are freely reproduced on the basis of vital or artistic impressions.

Types of games are usually allocated: mobile games are a variety of intent, rules, the nature of the movements performed. They contribute to strengthening children's health, develop movements. Children love moving games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to rhythmically move under it; Building games - with sand, cubes, special construction materials, develop structural abilities in children, serve as a kind, preparation for mastering in future labor skills and skills; didactic games - specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich natural science knowledge, and for the development of certain mental qualities and properties (observation, memory, attention); Scene-role-playing games - games in which children imitate the household, labor and public activity of adults, such as playing school, mother's daughter, shop, railway. Scene games, in addition to cognitive destination, develop children's initiative, creativity, observation

1.3 Didactic game as a means of intellectual development

Recently, teachers and parents often face the difficulty of attaching children to active rest. One of the most affordable forms of active leisure remains gaming.

Intellectual and creative games for younger schoolchildren are greatly successful. You can select the following types of these games:

literary games: form interest in reading among students. Having become acquainted with any book, the children of the whole class are preparing homework and come to the game, which includes intellectual, creative, moving tasks and contests. The purpose of such games is the formation of cognitive interest among students, the development of individual abilities, the development of collective skills.

combination games: These are games such as tangram, games with matches, logical tasks, checkers, chess, puzzles and others - provide for the ability to create new combinations from the existing elements, parts, items.

planning games: labyrinths, puzzles, magic squares, games with matches - aimed at the formation of the ability to plan a sequence of actions of any purpose. The ability of planning is manifested in the fact that students can determine what actions are performed earlier, and which later.

games for the formation of the ability to analyze: Find a couple, find an extra, riddles, continue a row, entertaining tables - provide for the ability to combine individual items.

Intellect in a wide range - all cognitive activity, in a narrower - the most generalized concept characterizing the sphere of human mental abilities. These qualities include the ability to analyze, synthesis and abstraction, the presence of which means that the intellect has sufficient flexibility of thinking and creative potential; The ability to address the logical thinking in the ability to see causal relations between the events and the phenomena of the real world, to establish their sequence over time and space; And also attention, memory, child speech.

From the point of view of N.S. Leitehes, the most significant for human intelligence is that it allows you to disclose natural links and relations in the environment. Anticipate the upcoming changes makes it possible to convert validity, as well as to know your mental processes and influence them (reflection and self-regulation). Of paramount importance is the personal side of the signs of intelligence.

Mental activity is the most characteristic feature of childhood. It acts not only in external manifestations, but also in the form of internal processes. Predated in psychology noted the value of activity for the success of mental development.

Uniqueness of didactic games It is that it is at the same time a form of training, which contains all structural elements (parts), characteristic of children's gaming activities: the idea (task), content, game actions, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a somewhat different form and are due to the special role of the didactic game in the upbringing and training of children of preschool age.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the training character of the game, the direction of its content on the development of the cognitive activities of children.

Unlike the direct formulation of the task in the classroom in the didactic game, it arises as a game task of the child himself. The importance of the didactic game is that it develops independence and activity of thinking and speech in children.

Game actions of children need to be learned. Only under this condition the game acquires a training character and becomes meaningful. Education to play actions is carried out through a trial course in the game, the show of the action itself.

One of the elements of the didactic game is the rules. They are determined by the task of learning and the content of the game and, in turn, determine the nature and method of gaming actions, organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and the educator. With the help of the rules, it forms in children the ability to navigate in changing circumstances, the ability to restrain direct desires, exercise an emotional-volitional effort.

As a result, the ability to manage their actions develop, relate them to the actions of other players.

The rules of the game have a training, organizing and discipline.

the training rules help to reveal before children, what and how to do: they relate to the game actions, enhance their role, refine the method of execution;

organizing - determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game;

disciplines - warn about what and why you can not do.

The rules of the game installed by the teacher are gradually absorbed

children. Focusing on them, they assess the correctness of their actions and the actions of comrades, relationships in the game.

The result of the didactic game is the indicator of the level of achieving children in the assimilation of knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships, and not just a winnings obtained by any way.

Gaming tasks, actions, rules, the result of the game are interrelated, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity, reduces the educational and training effect.

In the didactic games, these or other tasks are set before children, the solution of which requires focus, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, to overcome difficulties. They contribute to the development of sensations and perceptions, formation of ideas, learning knowledge.

These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical tasks. This is their developing role.

It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributed to the general development of the child, served the formation of his abilities.

The didactic game contributes to solving the problems of moral education, the development of society in children. The teacher puts children to such conditions that require the ability to play together, regulate their behavior, to be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Successful guidance of didactic games, primarily provides for the selection and thinking of their software content, a clear definition of tasks, the definition of space and role in a holistic educational process, interaction with other games and learning forms. It should be aimed at developing and promoting cognitive activity, independence and initiatives of children, the use of different ways to solve game problems should provide friendly relations between the participants, willingness to come to help comrades.

The teacher outlines the sequence of games complicated by

The development of the game is largely determined by the tempo of the mental activity of children, greater or less successfulness of the performance of gaming actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, degree of passionateness. During the period of assimilation of the new content, new gaming actions, the rules and the beginning of the game pace, naturally, more slowed. In the future, when the game is deployed and children are fond of, the pace is diminishing. By the end of the game, the emotional rise as it will fall and the pace slows down again. You should not allow unnecessary slowness and unnecessary lifting the pace of the game. The decisled pace is sometimes confused of children, uncertainty,

fine execution of gaming actions, violation of the rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get into the game, overclineare. The slowdown pace of the game occurs when they are too detailed explanations, many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that the gaming actions are as if removed, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, allow violations, mistaken. They are faster faster, the monotony reduces the emotional rise.

Didactic game as one of the forms of learning is carried out during, which is given in the mode of classes. It is important to establish the right relationship between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process.

Didactic games sometimes precede classes; In such cases, their purpose is to attract the interest of children to what will be the content of the classes. The game can alternate with classes when it is necessary to strengthen the independent activities of children, to organize the use of learned in gaming activities, summarize, summarize the material studied in class.

1.4 games of children of younger school age

At the age of 6-7 years, the child comes a period of changing the leading type of activity - the transition from the game to a directional teaching (from D. B. Elkonina - "Crisis of 7 years"). Therefore, when organizing the day and learning activities of younger students, it is necessary to create conditions contributing to the flexible transition from one leading type of activity to another. Solving this problem, you can resort to widespread use of the game in the educational process (cognitive and didactic games) and during rest.

Younger schoolchildren just came out of the period when the role-playing game was the leading type of activity. For age, 6-10 years old are characterized by the brightness and impedition of perception, the ease of entry into images.

Games in the life of children of younger school age continue to occupy a significant place. If you ask younger schoolchildren, that they do in addition to the teachings, they all communicate unanimously: "Play."

The need for a game as a work preparation, as the expression of creativity, as in training forces and abilities, as finally, in simple entertainment, schoolchildren are very large.

In the younger school age, the role-playing games continue to occupy. They are characterized by the fact that, playing, a schoolboy, takes a certain role and performs actions in an imaginary situation, recreating the actions of a particular person.

Playing, children seek to master those qualities of personality that attract them in real life. Therefore, children like such roles that are associated with the manifestation of courage, nobility. In the role-playing game, they begin to depict themselves, striving at the same time to a position that fails in reality.

So the role-playing game acts as a means of self-education of a child. In the process of joint activity during the role-playing game, children produce ways of relationships with each other. Compared to preschoolers, younger schoolchildren spend more time to discuss the plot and the distribution of roles, more purposefully choose them. Special attention should be paid to the organization of games aimed at creating skills to communicate with each other and with other people.

At the same time, the teacher must be used individually personal approach to the child. It is characteristic that very shye kids who themselves cannot play in scenes because of their shysteriness, quite easily play improvised plots on the dolls.

The educational value of the story games in junior schoolchildren is consolidated in the fact that they serve as a means of knowledge of reality, creating a team, educate curiosity and forms volitional senses. Younger schoolchildren understand the convention of the game and therefore admit to the famous condescension in the games and to their comrades. At this age, moving games are common. Children are glad to play with the ball, run, climb, that is, those games that require the speed of reactions, strength, dexterity. In such games, elements of competition are usually present, which is very attracted by children.

Children of this age there is an interest in board games, as well as didactic and informative. They have the following elements of activity: game task, game motifs, learning solutions. Didactic games can be used to increase student performance of the first classes.

Throughout younger school age, significant changes occur in children's games: game interests are becoming stable, toys lose their attractiveness to the fore, sports and design games are started to the fore. The game is gradually paid less time, because In the leisure of the younger schoolchildren begin to take a great place reading, visiting the movies, television.

Thus, taking into account the positive value of the game for the comprehensive development of the younger student, you should leave enough time to leave enough time for gaming activities that gives so much joy to the child. Pedagogically competently organized game mobilizes the mental capabilities of children, develops organizational abilities, instills the skills of self-discipline, delivers joy of joint action. The development of intellectual abilities has a direct relationship with all the main subjects of primary learning. So, for example, the intensive development of thinking of students helps to better analyze and understand the read texts deeper. And the active introduction into the educational process of intellectual games is one of the most important tasks of the teacher.

Section 2. Influence of intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities of younger students

2.1 Planning and organization of the experiment

Research Venue: MOU "Nikolskaya Primary School No. 1" G. Nikolsk.

Tasks of the practical part of the study.

1. Pick the intellectual games aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren.

2. To spend them with schoolchildren.

3. Rate the results of the work done.

Hypothesis: intelligent games contribute to the development of informative abilities (thinking, attention).

Research methods:

1. Testing (test "What is superfluous?"), Testing on Munsterberg Methods;

2. Games;

3. Methods of mathematical processing of the data obtained.

Class characteristic.

Students 2 "in" class, aged 8 to 9 years old, took part in our study. The level of development of cognitive abilities and general educational skills of students is not high, due to the fact that the children did not have psychological classes on the development of the cognitive sphere due to the lack of a teacher in the school - a psychologist. Therefore, with participation in intellectual games, students have difficulty.

Practical work planning:

At the preparatory stage:

determine the level of development of thinking and attention from students 2 "in" class, in accordance with this, to choose a number of intellectual games.

Basic Stage:

conducting intellectual games with children.

The final stage:

re-diagnostics aimed at assessing the level of development of cognitive abilities of younger students;

assess the results of the work done and make the appropriate conclusions.

For the development of cognitive abilities of second-graders, we used the following games:

games for combining - tangram, games with matches, logical tasks, checkers, chess, puzzles and others - provide for the ability to create new combinations of existing elements, parts, items;

planning games are labyrinths, magic squares, puzzles - aimed at the formation of the ability to plan a sequence of actions to achieve any goal. The ability of planning is manifested in the fact that students can determine what actions are performed earlier, and which later;

games for the formation of the ability to analyze - Find a couple, find an extra, riddles, continue a row, entertaining tables - provide for the ability to combine individual items to a group with a common name, allocate general features of items, the ability to describe the subject on the principle "of which makes what makes it.

In our opinion, the material of the search and creative tasks of non-training content creates favorable conditions for education in the younger schoolchildren of cultural culture, which is characterized by the opportunity to independently manage mental activities, managing the initiative, to set goals and find ways to achieve them (see Appendix 1).

2.2 Analysis of the results of experimental work

At the first stage of the study, we conducted diagnostic procedures using for assessing the level of attention of attention from second-graders Munsterberg methods, and to assess the level of development of thinking - the test "What is superfluous?".

Munsterberg technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention, as well as to diagnose the concentration of attention and noise immunity. The students were offered a blank with the letter text, where there were words, the task of the subjects was to, as quickly as possible, looking through the text to find and emphasize these words, example:


Table 1. Initial diagnostic data (Munsterberg technique).

F.I. Pupils Dedicated words Errors Missed words
1. Tolya S. 7 1 9
2. Lisa K. 3 14
3. Seryozha S. 6 1 10
4. Vika K. 6 1 10
5. Nikita V. 4 13
6. Tanya S. 5 1 11
7. Vanya K. 2 1 14
8. Zhenya P. 8 1 8
9. Lena C. 8 9
10. Lesha Ch. 2 1 14
11. Olya Ch. 6 1 10
12. Lena P. 6 11
13. Sasha K. 3 14
14. Andrei I. 2 15
15. Natasha P. 7 10
16. Kolya K. 3 1 13
17. Dima K. 7 10
18. Matvey L. 7 10

Schedule 1. Number of errors made by students when performing Munsterberg techniques.

According to the results of the diagnosis, it was found that the majority of students were made from 7 to 12 errors (61.1%), not a significant part of the children were made from 13 to 17 errors (39.9%). Therefore, it can be concluded that the attention is unstable and the level of its concentration is low.

Test "What is superfluous?" Allows you to judge the degree of formation of thinking, the ability to find essential signs of objects, the ability to compare and summarize. The result is estimated in points:

9 - 10 points - a high level (the child correctly decided all the tasks in less than 1.5 minutes).

7 - 8 points - above average (the child coped with the task in 2 minutes).

5 - 6 points - the average level (the child is coping with the task in 3 minutes; it may not perform one of the tasks).

3 - 4 points - below average (the child in 3 minutes does not perform 2 - 3 tasks).

0 - 2 points - low level (the child in 3 minutes does not cope with the task or performs only one of the tasks).

Table 2. Initial diagnostic data (test "What is superfluous?")

pupils Level of evolution Point
1. Tolya S. below the average 4
2. Lisa K. below the average 4
3. Seryozha S. middle 6
4. Vika K. below the average 4
5. Nikita V. middle 6
6. Tanya S. low 2
7. Vanya K. middle 6
8. Zhenya P. middle 6
9. Lena C. middle 6
10. Lesha Ch. low 2
11. Olya Ch. below the average 4
12. Lena P. middle 6
13. Sasha K. middle 6
14. Andrei I. below the average 4
15. Natasha P. low 2
16. Kolya K. low 2
17. Dima K. below the average 4
18. Matvey L. middle 6

Chart 2. Level of development of thinking among second-graders based on the results of the initial diagnosis

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the level of thinking in students of this class is low and below average.

And only 44% of children have a medium level of thinking.

Thus, according to the results, diagnostics can be said that students need lessons aimed at developing cognitive abilities.

Therefore, at the second stage of our study, we consider it expedient to carry out intellectual games in extracurricular time.

Within 5 weeks with younger schoolchildren, a variety of games were held on the development of cognitive abilities, namely, thinking and attention.

After that, with children, repeated diagnostic procedures were carried out - the test "What is superfluous?" and Munsterberg technique.

The following results were obtained:

Table 3. Re-diagnostic data (Munsterberg technique)

F.I. Pupils Dedicated words Errors Missed words
1. Tolya S. 10 1 6
2. Lisa K. 5 11
3. Seryozha S. 9 8
4. Vika K. 10 1 6
5. Nikita V. 7 10
6. Tanya S. 10 7
7. Vanya K. 5 12
8. Zhenya P. 14 1 2
9. Lena C. 13 4
10. Lesha Ch. 6 11
11. Olya Ch. 8 1 8
12. Lena P. 6 11
13. Sasha K. 7 10
14. Andrei I. 7 1 9
15. Natasha P. 8 9
16. Kolya K. 5 1 11
17. Dima K. 8 9
18. Matvey L. 9 8

Chart 3. Number of errors made by students, when performing Munsterberg techniques (re-diagnostics)

Graph 4. Comparative control data for Munsterberg methods

Based on the data obtained, after holding intellectual games with children, we see that the result differs significantly from the initial; Namely, the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more stable, this is evidenced by an increase in the number of faithful words.

And on identifying changes in the level of development of students' thinking, the following results obtained:

Table 4. Re-diagnostic data (test "What is superfluous?")

pupils Level of evolution Point
1. Tolya S. middle 6
2. Lisa K. middle 5
3. Seryozha S. above average 7
4. Vika K. middle 5
5. Nikita V. middle 6
6. Tanya S. below the average 3
7. Vanya K. middle 5
8. Zhenya P. above average 7
9. Lena C. above average 7
10. Lesha Ch. below the average 4
11. Olya Ch. middle 6
12. Lena P. middle 6
13. Sasha K. above average 7
14. Andrei I. middle 6
15. Natasha P. below the average 4
16. Kolya K. below the average 3
17. Dima K. middle 6
18. Matvey L. above average 7

Chart 5. Comparative results of results (test "What is superfluous?")

As a result of the output diagnostics, it can be concluded that the results shown by the children were mainly increased, the ability to find essential signs of objects, the ability to compare and generalize. After the intellectual games, we see that most children have an average level of thinking, even 27.7% of students have the level of thinking above average, which was not observed during the initial diagnosis.

Conclusions and recommendations: Analyzing the study, one can judge the effectiveness of the use of intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely, attention and thinking from younger students. A confirmation of the above-mentioned Diagnostic results used by us - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more sustainable, the ability to find essential signs of items, the ability to compare and summarize. Students have the formation and development of forms of consciousness and self-control, fear of erroneous steps disappears.


Today, the Company's responsibility for the education of the younger generation is still widely recognized. The conversion of general education and vocational school aims to use all the possibilities, resources to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Not all pedagogical resources are used in the field of child education and development. There is such a little upbringing to the game.

Meanwhile, pedagogy and psychology are seen in the game such important

features like:

polyfunctionality - the ability to grant the personality position of the subject of activity instead of a passive "consumer" of information, extremely important for the effectiveness of the educational process.

the game belongs to the indirect exposure method: the child does not feel like an adult influence, is a full-fledged subject of activity.

the game is such a means where the upbringing goes into self-education.

the game is closely connected with the development of the personality, namely during its particular intensive development in childhood, it becomes of particular importance.

the game is the first activity that owns a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of properties and enrich its internal content.

When organizing intellectual games, it is necessary to take into account the age-related features of students, as the younger school age is a period of positive changes and transformations. Therefore, the level of achievements carried out by each child at the age stage is so important. If at this age, the child will not feel the joy of knowledge, will not acquire the ability to learn, to do this in the future will be much more difficult and will require immeasurably higher mental and physical costs.

In the game, the child is formed by imagination, which contains in itself and depart from reality, and penetration into it. The ability to transform reality in the image and transformation of it in action, its change is laid and prepared in the game action, and the path is laid out of feeling to organized and from the action to the sense. In a word, in the game, as in focus, they are going, in it they manifest themselves and through it all aspects of the psychic life of the person in the roles that the child, playing, takes on themselves, expands, enriched, the person's personality is deepened.

In the game in one way or another, the properties necessary for teaching in school, causing readiness for learning.

At different stages of development, children are characterized by different games in natural compliance with the general nature of this phase. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

In order for the game to be an effective means of developing and upbringing a child, the following conditions are needed to organize and conduct games:

emotional (to attract the child, delivered him pleasure, joy);

cognitive, training (the child should learn something new, to recognize something, decide, thinking);

games should be socially oriented.

The main goal of the teacher is to consistently lead the process of forming an independent game for each child and the team as a whole, because Only the game in the form of children's independence is most effect on the mental development of the child. This is its pedagogical value. It is necessary that the game does not lose its value, freedom and ease.

It is necessary to record individual and age features.

In compliance with these conditions, the game will serve the development and education of the child.

Analyzing the conducted research, one can judge the effectiveness of the use of intellectual games for the development of cognitive abilities, namely, attention and thinking from younger students. A confirmation of the above-mentioned Diagnostic results used by us - the concentration of attention has increased, it has become more sustainable, the ability to find essential signs of items, the ability to compare and summarize.

Therefore, we consider it expedient to carry out intellectual games and the active inclusion of students in this process.


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Cognitive abilities and features of their development in children of younger school age

The picture of the world for each person is developing due to the presence and functioning of mental cognitive processes. They reflect the impact of the surrounding reality in the minds of people.

Cognitive interest- This is the electoral orientation of the individual on the subjects and phenomena surrounding reality. This orientation is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, to new, more complete and deep knowledge. Systematic strengthening and developing, cognitive interest, becomes the basis of a positive attitude towards teaching. Online search. Under his influence, the person constantly arises questions, the answers to which he himself constantly and is actively looking for. At the same time, the search activity of the schoolchildren is committed with hobby, it is experiencing an emotional rise, joy of luck. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the process and the result of activity, but also on the flow of mental processes - thinking, imagination, memory, attention, which under the influence of cognitive interest is acquired by special activity and orientation.

Cognitive abilities - This is one of the most important motives for the teachings of schoolchildren. His action is very strong. Under the influence of cognitive abilities, educational work even in weak students proceeds more productively. Cognitive abilities with the correct pedagogical organization of the activities of students and systematic and targeted educational activities can and should be a sustainable feature of the student of the student and have a strong impact on its development. Cognitive abilities advocate us and as a strong learning tool. The classical pedagogy of the past claimed - "the death sin of the teacher is to be boring." When a child does from under the stick, he gives the teacher a lot of trouble and chagrin, when children are engaged with hunting, then it is going on quite differently. The intensification of the cognitive activity of the student without the development of his cognitive abilities is not only difficult, but practically impossible. That is why in the learning process it is necessary to systematically excite, develop and strengthen the cognitive interest of students and as an important motive of teachings, and as a persistent personality line, and as a powerful means of raising learning, improving its quality.

Cognitive abilities of man - This is the property of the brain to study and analyze the surrounding reality, finding ways to apply the information received in practice. Cognition is a complex and multi-level process. It is possible to distinguish five basic aspects that form a cognitive process and responsible for the cognitive abilities of each person: perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

In our work, we relied on the definitions of R.S. Nemova, who believes that memory is the processes of memorization, preservation, reproduction and processing by a person of various information; Thinking is the psychological process of knowledge associated with the discovery of subjectively new knowledge, with solving problems, with the creative transformation of reality; The imagination is a cognitive process consisting in creating new images by processing the material obtained in the previous experience; Attention is the state of psychological concentration, concentration on any object.

Getting Started to pedagogical work with children, first of all, it is necessary to figure out that the child is given from nature and what is purchased under the influence of the medium.

The development of human deposits, the transformation of them in the ability - one of the tasks of learning and education, to decide which is impossible without knowledge and development of cognitive processes. As they are developed, the abilities themselves are improved, acquiring the necessary qualities. Knowledge of the psychological structure of cognitive processes, the laws of their formation are necessary to choose the method of learning and education. A great contribution to the study and development of cognitive abilities has been made by such scientists as: ji.c. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, L.V. Zankov, A.N. Sokolov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinstein et al.

The scientists presented above were developed by various techniques and the theory of development of cognitive abilities (the zone of the nearest development - L.S. Vygotsky, developing training - L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov and D. B. Elkonin). And now, in order to successfully develop cognitive abilities, it is necessary to look for more modern means and educational methods. It is impossible without considering the features of the main components of the cognitive abilities of younger students.

Cognitive processes include Perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking. Describe the manifestation of cognitive processes inherent in the younger school age.

Memory It is one of the main properties of the person. The ancient Greeks considered the goddess of Memosin Mother Mother of Nine Muses, patroness of all famous sciences and arts. A man deprived of memory is essentially ceased to be a man. Many outstanding personality have phenomenal memory. For example, Academician A.F. Ioffe by memory used the table of logarithms. But you should know that good memory does not always guarantee her possessor good intelligence. The psychologist T. Ribo described a weak boy who can easily remember the ranks of numbers. Nevertheless, memory is one of the necessary conditions for the development of intellectual abilities.

Memory - the most important psychological component of educational cognitive activity. Mower activity for school age is becoming increasingly arbitrary and meaningful. An indicator of meaningfulness of the memorization is mastered by the student of admission, ways to memorize. The specifics of the content and new requirements for memory processes make significant changes to these processes. Increases the amount of memory. The development of memory is uneven. Memorization of visual material is maintained throughout primary learning, but the predominance of verbal material is quickly developing in children the ability to memorize complex, often abstract material. The involuntary memorization is maintained at a high rate of development of random memorization. In the process of learning in the initial link of the school, the child's memory becomes thinking. " Under the influence of training in the younger school age, the memory develops in two directions:

    Increased role and increases the proportion of verbal, logical, semantic memorization (compared with visual-shaped);

    The child takes on the opportunity to consciously manage his memory, regulate its manifestations (memorization, reproduction, recall).

And yet, in elementary school, children are better developed by mechanical memory. This is explained by the fact that the youngest schoolboy does not know how to differentiate the tasks of memorization (which must be remembered literally, and what is in general terms).

The memory of younger schoolchildren compared with the memory of preschoolers is more conscious and organized. Characteristic for the younger schoolchildren, the non-criticalness of memory, which combines uncertainty in the memorization of the material. Younger schoolchildren prefer literal memorization of retelling. With age, the memory of children is improving. The more knowledge, the more opportunities to form new connections, the more memorization skills, therefore, and strong memory.

Junior schoolchildren have a more developed memory clearly-shaped than the meaningful. Better they remember specific subjects, faces, facts, colors, events. This is due to the predominance of the first signal system. During training in primary classes, a lot of concrete, actual material is given, which develops visual, shaped memory. But in elementary school it is necessary to prepare children for mid-link training, it is necessary to develop a logical memory. Students have to remember the definitions, evidence, explanations. Earing children to memorize logically related values, the teacher contributes to the development of their thinking. For the development of the cognitive abilities of younger students in the lessons of mathematics, namely, you can use many tasks and exercises (Appendix 1).

1. Remember double digits.

2. Remember mathematical terms.

3. Chain words.

4. Draw the memory patterns.

5. Remember and play pictures

6. Summary dictation

7. Hearing dictates

Thinking. The development of thinking in the younger school age owns a special role. With the start of school learning, thinking is put forward to the center of mental development of the child and becomes defining in the system of other mental functions, which are intelligenting and acquired by its influence and acquire arbitrary. Thinking the child of younger school age is at a turning point of development. During this period, a transition from visual-shaped to verbally logical, conceptual thinking, which gives the mental activity of the child a dual character: concrete thinking related to real reality and direct observation is already subject to the logical principles, but the abstract, formally logical reasoning children still Not available. It rests on visual images and views. The mental activity of younger schoolchildren is largely reminiscent of preschoolers.

M. Montessori notes that the child has "absorbing thinking." He absorbs the images of the surrounding world, provided by its senses, unconsciously and tirelessly. "

Thinking the child M. Montessori compares with a sponge absorbing water. In the same way, the sponge absorbs any water - clean or dirty, transparent, muddy or tinted, - Children's mind will abstract images of the outside world, not divided into "good" and "bad", "useful" and "useless", etc. d. Of particular importance is the subject and social medium surrounding the child in this regard. An adult should create such an environment for him in which he could find everything you need and useful for its development, get rich and diverse sensory impressions, "to absorb" the right speech, socially acceptable ways of emotional response, samples of positive social behavior, methods of rational activities with subjects.

To understand this cognitive process, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the development of mental operations from younger students. They include components such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and concretization.

Analysis is the mental dismemberment of the subject to separate parts and the allocation of properties in it, qualities or damns. The younger student prevails almost an effective and sensual analysis. Children are easier to solve problems using specific items (sticks, models of objects, cubes, etc.) or find parts of items, watching them visually. It can be both the layout of the subject and the natural conditions in which the subject is.

Synthesis is the ability to logically build a mental chain from simple to complex. Analysis and synthesis are closely related to each other. The more deeply the child owns the analysis, the more complete the synthesis. If we show the child a storyline and do not say her names, then the description of this picture will look like a simple listed of drawn items. Message title pictures improves the quality of analysis, helps the child understand the meaning of the whole picture as a whole.

Comparison is a comparison of objects or phenomena to find them in common or different. Junior schoolchildren compare in bright signs, by what is striking. It can be a round form of the subject or bright coloring it. One children succeeds, comparing objects, highlight the greatest number of signs, the least smallest.

Generalization. Younger students allocate, first of all, catchy, bright signs of items. Most of the generalizations applies to specific signs. If you give children a number of items that are included in different groups, and offer to combine them in general features, we will see that the youngest schoolboy is difficult to generalize. Without an adult, he performs the task, can combine different words in the meaning of the word in one group. Generalizations are fixed in concepts. Concepts are a combination of essential properties and signs of the subject or phenomenon.

Specification. This component of thinking is closely linked to the generalization. For life, it is necessary to learn to absorb concepts, rules, laws. This can be done on the basis of the consideration of individual items or their parts, signs, schemes, and most importantly, performing a number of operations. If a child knows only a part of the common properties, its concretization will also be partial.

Nothing like mathematics does not contribute to the development of thinking, especially the logical, since the subject of its study is the abstract concepts and patterns that mathematical logic are involved in turn. For the development of thinking, there are also many tasks and exercises (Appendix 1).

1. Tasks for the smell

2. Tasks for jokes

3. Numeric figures

4. Tasks with geometric content

5. Logic exercises with words

6. Mathematical games and tricks

7. Crosswords and rebuses

8. Combinatorial tasks

Perception. This is a cognitive mental process consisting of a holistic reflection of objects, events, situations. This phenomenon underlies the knowledge of the world. The basis of the knowledge of the younger student is the immediate perception of the world around. All types of perception are important for study activities: perception of the form of objects, time, space. If we look at the reflection of the information received, then two types of perception can be distinguished: descriptive and explanatory. Children who have a descriptive type are oriented towards actual material. That is, such a child can retell the text close to the original, but to delve into the sense will not particularly. Explanatory type, on the contrary, in search of the meaning of the work, may not remember its essence. Individual features inherent individuals also affect perceptions. Some children are focused on the accuracy of perception, he does not apply to guess, does not try to sensitly read or heard. The other individual type, on the contrary, seeks to advise information, fill it with its biased individual opinion. The perception of a younger schoolboy is involuntary. Children come to school already with a fairly developed perception. But this perception comes down to the recognition of the shape and color of the subjects of the subjects. At the same time, in the subject, the children see not the main thing, special, and bright, that is, what stands out against the background of other items.

As a result of gaming and training activities (the use of tasks and exercises for the development of perception (Appendix 1)), perception itself passes into independent activities, in observation.

1. pick up the patch to booze

2. Collect broken jug, vase, cups, plates

3. Exercise geometric shapes

4. Exercise Triangles

5. 100-cell table with graphic images

6. Table with geometric shapes of different shapes

7. Table with geometric shapes of different sizes

8. Table with geometric figures not only of different shapes, but also white and black

9. 100-cell table filled with numbers

Attention- This is a concentration on which or process or phenomenon. It accompanies all mental processes and is a prerequisite for practically any activity. In the younger school age attention It takes the selection of relevant, personally significant signals from a plurality of all available perception and due to restrictions of the perception field ensures concentration at this time in any object (subject, event, image, reasoning). Attention itself is not a cognitive process. It is inherent to all of the above processes: perception, thinking, memory.

Caution can be arbitrary and involuntary. The prevailing view of the attention of the younger student at the beginning of training is an involuntary, the physiological basis of which is the estimated reflex. The reaction to all new, unusual strong at this age. Child: Can not still manage his attention and often turns out to be in the power of external impressions.

Incoming attention is quite "independently" and does not depend on the efforts made.

The attention of the younger student is closely related to mental activity - students cannot focus on unclear, incomprehensible. They are quickly distracted and begin to engage in other affairs. It is necessary difficult, incomprehensible to do for a student simple and affordable, develop a volitional effort, and with it and arbitrary attention. Objects and phenomena that attract attention may be different. But everyone combines brightness, surprise, novelty. This is explained by the clear character of their mental activity. For example, if the child hurt and missed a new material, coming to school, he will not understand the explanations of the teacher, as they are built on the assimilation of the previous material. The child will be distracted by doing other things. For him, teachers explain in the form of an unclear and incomprehensible to him.

Arbitrary attention. If the child puts the goal and makes efforts to fulfill it, we are dealing with arbitrary attention. In the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills in the child develops raising attention. Work on the development of arbitrary attention comes from the goals that adults put in front of the child, to the goals that the youngest student puts on its own. Considering arbitrary attention, we cannot but consider its properties. These include focusing attention, its volume, stability, switching and distribution. The focus of attention is the ability to hold attention to one of any object.

It is in the younger school age that this property can be expressed very brightly, as a child is in touching his own world, not noticing for some time of the world real. The amount of attention is the number of objects, phenomena that are covered simultaneously. The younger schoolchildren ranges from 2 to 4 items. It is less than an adult, but quite enough for the child.

Switching attention is the ability of the child to move from one action to another. The successfulness of switching is affected by the characteristic of the previous activity and the individual characteristics of the child. Some children are easily moving from one type of activity to another, others are hard, it is difficult to rebuild. Switching attention requires effort from the child, so in the younger school age, when the volitional potential is not yet developed sufficiently, it is difficult. But with age, the acquisition of new experience develops and switching.

In training material, you can include meaningful logical tasks (Appendix 1) aimed at developing various characteristics of attention.

1. Introduction of moves in ordinary and numeric labyrinths

2. Recalculation of items depicted repeatedly intersecting contours

3. Introduction numbers on Tables Schulte

4. Faster Draw

5. Find who hid

6. Find similarities and distinction

7. Read the scattered words

Attention and imagination are closely connected. A characteristic feature of imagination The younger schoolboy is his support for specific subjects.

Imagination - E.the ability of a person to create new images, relying on the already existing in his experience. The main direction in the development of the imagination of the younger student is a transition to a more correct and complete reflection of reality on the basis of the existing life experience and knowledge obtained during the development of reality. For younger school age, it is characteristic that the recreated images only approximately characterize the real object, they are poorly details. Next, the imagination is developing and children already, building images, use a significantly larger number of features and properties. A feature of the imagination for younger students is his support for specific subjects. Gradually, specific examples are replaced by a word that helps the child to create new images. By how intentional, the creation of images is, we can divide the imagination into arbitrary and involuntary. It is in the younger school age that the involvement is most pronounced. Children are difficult to distract from the images created by them earlier and caused by their life experience. This makes it difficult to create new images. New images in junior schoolchildren arise under the influence of little conscious needs. Incoming imagination is akin to unguardment. If some literary work or colorful story awakens a strong imagination in a child, then he heard or read, he besides his will may come up with those details that were not in the work. The arbitrary imagination is specially created in accordance with the goals set, the image. It needs development and adults will develop the imagination of the younger schoolboy from the image of an unclear, blurry, "small", which reflects only a few signs, to a generalized, bright image.

The imagination of the younger student is also characterized by another feature: the presence of elements of reproductive, simple playback. This feature of the children's imagination is expressed in the fact that in his games, for example, they repeat the actions and provisions they observed in adults, play the stories that they experienced, who saw in the cinema, reproducing without changes to the life of the school, family, etc.

With the age of the elements of reproductive, simple reproduction in the imagination of the younger student, it becomes less and less and the creative processing of ideas is becoming increasingly.

According to the studies of L.S. Vygotsky, the child can imagine much less than an adult, but he trusts the products of his imagination and less controls them, and therefore the imagination in the life, the cultural sense of the word, i.e. Something like that is a real, fictional, in a child, of course, more than an adult. However, not only the material from which the imagination is building, the child is poorer than in an adult, but also the nature of the combinations that join this material, their quality and diversity are significantly inferior to adult combinations. Of all the forms of communication with the reality that we have listed above, the child's imagination has the same degree with the imagination of an adult only first, it is the reality of the elements from which it is built

Cognitive abilities of a person are the property of the brain to study and analyze the surrounding reality, finding ways to apply the information received in practice. Cognition is a complex and multi-level process. There are four main aspects that form a cognitive process and responsible for the cognitive abilities of each person: memory, thinking, imagination, attention. In our work, we relied on the definitions of R.S. Nemova, who believes that memory is the processes of memorization, preservation, reproduction and processing by a person of various information; Thinking is the psychological process of knowledge associated with the discovery of subjectively new knowledge, with solving problems, with the creative transformation of reality; The imagination is a cognitive process consisting in creating new images by processing the material obtained in the previous experience; Attention is the state of psychological concentration, concentration on any object.

Getting Started to pedagogical work with children, first of all, it is necessary to figure out that the child is given from nature and what is purchased under the influence of the medium.

The development of human deposits, the transformation of them in the ability - one of the tasks of learning and education, to decide which is impossible without knowledge and development of cognitive processes. As they are developed, the abilities themselves are improved, acquiring the necessary qualities. Knowledge of the psychological structure of cognitive processes, the laws of their formation are necessary to choose the method of learning and education. A great contribution to the study and development of cognitive abilities has been made by such scientists as: ji.c. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, L.V. Zankov, A.N. Sokolov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinstein et al.

The scientists presented above were developed by various techniques and the theory of development of cognitive abilities (the zone of the nearest development - L.S. Vygotsky, developing training - L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov and D. B. Elkonin). And now, in order to successfully develop cognitive abilities in extracurricular activities, it is necessary to look for more modern means and methods of education. It is impossible without considering the features of the main components of the cognitive abilities of younger students.

One of the components of cognitive abilities is the memory. Memory is the most important psychological component of educational cognitive activity. Mower activity for school age is becoming increasingly arbitrary and meaningful. An indicator of meaningfulness of the memorization is mastered by the student of admission, ways to memorize. The specifics of the content and new requirements for memory processes make significant changes to these processes. Increases the amount of memory. The development of memory is uneven. Memorization of visual material is maintained throughout primary learning, but the predominance of verbal material is quickly developing in children the ability to memorize complex, often abstract material. The involuntary memorization is maintained at a high rate of development of random memorization.

In the process of learning in the initial link of the school, the child's memory becomes thinking. " Under the influence of training in the younger school age, the memory develops in two directions:

1. Enhance the role and increases the proportion of verbal, logical, semantic memorization (compared to visual-shaped);

2. The child masters the ability to consciously manage his memory, regulate its manifestations (memorization, reproduction, remember).

And yet, in elementary school, children are better developed by mechanical memory. This is explained by the fact that the youngest schoolboy does not know how to differentiate the tasks of memorization (which must be remembered literally, and what is in general terms).

The memory of younger schoolchildren compared with the memory of preschoolers is more conscious and organized. Characteristic for the younger schoolchildren, the non-criticalness of memory, which combines uncertainty in the memorization of the material. Younger schoolchildren prefer literal memorization of retelling. With age, the memory of children is improving. The more knowledge, the more opportunities to form new connections, the more memorization skills, therefore, and strong memory.

Junior schoolchildren have a more developed memory clearly-shaped than the meaningful. Better they remember specific subjects, faces, facts, colors, events. This is due to the predominance of the first signal system. During training in primary classes, a lot of concrete, actual material is given, which develops visual, shaped memory. But in elementary school it is necessary to prepare children for mid-link training, it is necessary to develop a logical memory. Students have to remember the definitions, evidence, explanations. Earing children to memorize logically related values, the teacher contributes to the development of their thinking.

The development of thinking in the younger school age owns a special role. With the start of school learning, thinking is put forward to the center of mental development of the child and becomes defining in the system of other mental functions, which are intelligenting and acquired by its influence and acquire arbitrary.

Thinking the child of younger school age is at a turning point of development. During this period, a transition from vividly-shaped to verbally logical, conceptual thinking, which gives the mental activity of the child a dual character: concrete thinking associated with real reality and direct observation is already subject to logical principles, but the abstract, formal logical reasoning to children still Not available.

M. Montessori notes that the child has "absorbing thinking." He absorbs the images of the surrounding world, provided by its senses, unconsciously and tirelessly. "

Thinking the child M. Montessori compares with a sponge absorbing water. In the same way, the sponge absorbs any water - clean or dirty, transparent, muddy or tinted, - Children's mind will abstract images of the outside world, not divided into "good" and "bad", "useful" and "useless", etc. d. Of particular importance is the subject and social medium surrounding the child in this regard. An adult should create such an environment for him in which he could find everything you need and useful for its development, get rich and diverse sensory impressions, "to absorb" the right speech, socially acceptable ways of emotional response, samples of positive social behavior, methods of rational activities with subjects.

In the younger school age, attention takes out the selection of relevant, personally significant signals from a variety of all available perceptions and due to restrictions of the perception field ensures concentration at this time on any object (subject, event, image, reasoning). The prevailing view of the attention of the younger student at the beginning of training is an involuntary, the physiological basis of which is the estimated reflex. The reaction to all new, unusual strong at this age. Child: Can not still manage his attention and often turns out to be in the power of external impressions.

The attention of the younger student is closely related to mental activity - students cannot focus on unclear, incomprehensible. They are quickly distracted and begin to engage in other affairs. It is necessary difficult, incomprehensible to do for a student simple and affordable, develop a volitional effort, and with it and arbitrary attention.

The arbitrary of cognitive processes in children 6-8 and 9-11 years old arises only at the peak of a volitional effort, when the child specially organizes itself under the pressure of circumstances or on its own motive. In the usual setting, it is still difficult for him to organize his mental activity.

In addition to the prevalence of involuntary attention to age, its relatively sustainability also includes its relatively small stability. The processes of excitation and braking in the crust of large hemispheres are replaced by the younger students pretty quickly. Therefore, the attention of the child of younger school age is characterized by light switchability and distraction, which prevents him from focusing on one object. Study studies have revealed its connection with the student age. By the end of 3 years of schoolchildren, as a rule, the ability of distribution and switching attention is increasing and accomplished. Grade 3 students can simultaneously monitor the content that they write to the notebook, for the errorless of the letter, for their position, as well as the teacher says. They hear instructions of the teacher, without stopping work.

L.S. Vygotsky believes that child interest acquires emergency pedagogical significance as the most frequent form of manifestation of involuntary attention. He emphasizes that children's attention is sent and guided by almost entirely interest, and therefore the natural cause of the child's scattering is always the incompatibility of two lines in the pedagogical business: the interests of the interest and the sessions that the teacher offers as mandatory.

In the future, schoolchildren are differentiated and constantly acquire a cognitive character. In this regard, children are becoming more attentive with some kind of work and differ in scattered during other training sessions.

Attention and imagination are closely connected. A characteristic feature of the imagination of the younger student is his support for specific subjects. So, in the game, children use toys, home things, etc. Without this, it is difficult for them to create images of imagination.

When reading and telling, the child rests on the picture, on a specific image. Without this, the student can not imagine, recreate the described situation.

In the younger school age, in addition, there is an active development of the recreation imagination. Children of younger school age distinguish several types of imagination. It can be recreated (creating an image of an object according to its description) and creative (the creation of new images requiring the selection of the material in accordance with the idea).

The main trend that arises in the development of children's imagination is the transition to an increasingly correct and complete reflection of reality, the transition from a simple arbitrary combination of representations to combination is logically argued.

The imagination of the younger student is also characterized by another feature: the presence of elements of reproductive, simple playback. This feature of the children's imagination is expressed in the fact that in his games, for example, they repeat the actions and provisions they observed in adults, play the stories that they experienced, who saw in the cinema, reproducing without changes to the life of the school, family, etc.

With the age of the elements of reproductive, simple reproduction in the imagination of the younger student, it becomes less and less and the creative processing of ideas is becoming increasingly.

According to the studies of L.S. Vygotsky, the child of preschool age and the younger school can imagine much less than an adult man, but he more trusts the products of his imagination and less controls them, and therefore the imagination in the everyday, cultural sense of the word, i.e. Something like that is a real, fictional, in a child, of course, more than an adult. However, not only the material from which the imagination is building, the child is poorer than in an adult, but also the nature of the combinations that join this material, their quality and diversity are significantly inferior to adult combinations. Of all the forms of communication with the reality that we have listed above, the child's imagination has the same degree with the imagination of an adult only first, it is the reality of the elements from which it is built.

V.S. Mukhina notes that in the younger school age, the child in his imagination can already create a variety of situations. Forming in gaming substitutions of some objects by others, imagination goes to other activities.

Thus, having studied the features of extracurricular activities of younger students and informative abilities and features of their formation in the younger school age, we concluded that it is necessary to develop a program for the development of cognitive abilities of younger students in extracurricular activities (paragraph 1.3).