Riddles about whistle sports for children. An abstract of integrated classes "Bird-whistle

Riddles about whistle sports for children. An abstract of integrated classes
Riddles about whistle sports for children. An abstract of integrated classes "Bird-whistle

Anna Starostina

Abstract Node (Drawing) in the younger group on the topic "Bird-whistle"

Software content ie:

To acquaint children with the history of whistle appearance. Expand the knowledge of children about the scope of use whistles in our time.

Learning to determine the wind musical instruments on the sound of hearing.

Dictionary: brass, clay, magical.

Develop rumor, creativity, shallow motorcy.

Rail inquisite, interest in traditions.

Equipped ie:

Computer, Wooden and clay whistles, brushes, paints, Stands for brushes, sheets of paper.

Move busy and I:

Educator: Children, listen to the riddle and try to guess her.

Bird in hand I take,

Quietly, in her "Tu-U-y".

This bird is not simple-

And from clay, painted.

Children: This is whistle.

Educator:Right. Whistle - the oldest Russian folk spirit musical instrument. She appeared very, very long ago. Our long-range ancestors used whistle as a magic (the educator explains the meaning of the word) tool to cause long-awaited rain in summer drought and heat and impulse winds. Nowadays, whistles from serious magical instruments turned into a children's funny toy.

True, whistles can be heard in modern folk musical groups. Figure whistle is usually made in the form of a small, bright birds from burnt and painted clay.

History toys - whistles

The long cold months of the village of the village were going on a big savage, set themselves the basket with clay, and then, slowly, for conversations, and the songs looked toys. In the hands of craftsmen appeared roosters and hares, dogs and bears. Since then, it was done - the older women taught their daughters to sculpt the toy.

The craftsmen made a toy from a whole piece of clay, long before it softening. Then they lept the torso animal, legs, neck, head.

Then a simple wooden wand, sharpened at the end, made two imperceptible holes and burned toys in the oven. The most pleasant lesson for craftsmen is coloring toys.

As I noted, in the form of the whistle could be the most diverse, but traditionally they are pushed in the form

Animals (horses, bulls, rams)


Educator: Currently, whistles are used as a folk toy and as a brass musical instrument. Listen, how different whistles sound (the educator demonstrates children the sound of whistle from different materials - clay and wood). Do you think why the whistle is called the brass tool?

Children: Because it must be blowing.

Educator: That's right to get the sound, you need to blow into these tools. That is why they are called wind. To blow well in the whistle, we need to be trapled.

Respiratory gym ka

"Trumpet h " Sit, add brushes to fold into the tube, raise almost up. Slowly exhausted, loudly utter "P-F-F". Repeat 4-5 times.

Educator. Well done! And now we need to warm up a little that our fingers can quickly close holes on the whistles.

Fisminut ka

"Bird-nee ka


In the sky flew,

Sat under the window, (children are squatting

Crumbs leaned. (Children knocking fingers about the floor)

The bird was growing, (the children get up, tweet.

Straightened the back

Song Popper, children run, waffed with hands-wings.

In the house flew.

Educator: Excellent! And now I will give you whistles and we will create a big orchestra (the children are flew together in whistles and under the guidance of the teacher do it loudly, then quietly).

Educator:What a wonderful orchestra with you turned out! And now I suggest you to draw whistle. It is not so difficult how to sculpt it. Let's look carefully on the whistle (the tutor shows the sample to children). What form is the head?

Children: Circle shape.

Educator: What form is a whistle torso?

Children: Form oval.

Educator: Right. Let's draw a circle and oval in the air (children perform with brush in the air).

Educator: And now let's draw our whistle on paper using paints (children start performing a task).

Educator: (When the work is finished, the teacher decorates whistles with floral ornament). Look, what wonderful bird-whistles you got!

You today not only learned a lot of new things about these toys, but also learned to draw them. Let's organize an exhibition and show your work to parents. I think they will like it very much!

Music riddles with answers for children 5-8 years

Sedova Vera Olegovna, Piano Lecturer, Midudo Djshi Concertmester, Department in Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast
Description. Author's riddles of musical instruments can be used on music in the preparatory group of kindergarten, in the preparatory, first and second classes of the Children's School of Art and Educational School in the process of familiarizing with musical instruments, in which the guys play in the Children's Orchestra, when conducting quiz, competitions, KVNs to expand the horizons of study in the field of art. Riddles are available for children 5 - 8 years old and can be used in the work of kindergarten educators, teachers of general education institutions and teachers of additional education institutions interested in the versatile education of their child with their parents, children themselves as useful entertainment and self-study.
Purpose: Acquaintance with musical instruments through folk creativity.
1) teach children to see and hear signs of objects;
2) develop the curiosity of the child, smelting, thinking, memory, attentiveness;
3) to educate interest in creativity through the writings of their own mysteries.

1. I look like a drum,
Thunder sound remind you.
Copper dress on me,
Beat on leather back.
Sounds of different frequency
You will achieve from me.
And in the orchestra two of us:
We play bass for pipes.


2. I am an old tool,
I already have a lot of years.
Watchman in the court walked
And he broke into me.
Evil people he distilled off
And the order kept.
I am from wood and skin,
With a beater, we are similar.
Ball beats me and knock
With a machine gun similar sound.
The ball is a great assistant ...
What is my name? .. (Kokoshnik)


3. Lined together in a row:
If you blow, they are buzzing.
Made from Kamyshem,
Pussy call baby.
Women playing us
And, playing, sang.
Good sound with a sweater
Violin and pity.
Tights we play
In the dance, we involve people.


4. In the old days I appreciated me:
If drought, then by me
People are struggling with trouble.
Causing rain and wind
Il frightening the power of the evil
Just quietly bind ...
In our world modern
I'm from clay Ile Plenne
For fun at the guys.


5. On the belt in a row Vissim,
Dry, having fun.
Rhythm retreats clearly
Ring tool ... (ratchet)


6. Wooden plates
Hammers knock.
Sound deaf tone
Gives us ... (xylophone)


7. hit the plates -
We are light sound - ringing,
Like an elves, speak.
Campanella we call
Little crystal laughing.


8. And on it shepherd plays
The herd quickly collects.
Slim it takes a trill,
This doodie - ... (Swirl)


9. I am a shepherd horn,
Overall, bent.
I'm thin, slim like a snake.
And call me ... (pity)


10. Big and Small Drum
Friends - do not break water.
Sounds you play rhythmically
Remove them without difficulty.


11. She has a shirt in a fold,
You dance with her all right.
Many buttons on it
Press - ka beds!
Can bring songs -
Shatterly talk.
Merry to top leg,
This is Russian ... (harmonic)


12. I am a Cuban tool,
I come from Africa.
Hand holding a hand,
And the other for me is knocking
Clearly chopping rhythm ...
The tool will speak.

Universal sports grounds are usually equipped with a football gate, volleyball and basketball racks, badminton racks, etc., learn more about sports grounds, you can by reading our article.

Classes with infants

Do you think the baby do not need sports? Whatever! After all, the physical development of the child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning gymnastics, classes on the phytball ... there is from what to choose!

Physical Load for Baby

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We all know wellThe riddles have a very positive effect on the development of thinking, logic and intelligence as a whole. No wonder the kids very often offer to guess one or another riddle. The riddles about the sport, to all of the time, will help to introduce a child with sports terms, the name of some sports items, sports. Sports of riddles will surely like the child, they are not very complex, funny, memorable. If you want to entertain your child with the benefit of mind, then the riddles about the sport you will help you.

About sport

I have no time to hurt me, friends, football, I play hockey. And I am very familiar with Gord, what gives me health ... *** Kohl are friendly friends with me, persistent in training, then you will be in the cold, in the rain and dried hardy and dexterous.

About charging

So that health is in order, do not forget you ... *** As soon as I wake up, I will rise, I will rise and get off - all exercises in order! It will help grow ... *** THAT SUMMARY, THAT THE CHILDREN MAKE ...

About sports

Ribbon, ball, log and bars, rings with them nearby. Listed I do not take a lot of shells. Beauty and plastic gives us ... (gymnastics) *** We will collect the team at school and find a big field. We pierce the corner - score your head! And in the gate the fifth goal! We love very much ... (football) *** Here the team wins, if the ball does not drop. It flies with the filing aptly not in the gate - through the grid. And the playground, not the field among athletes in ... (volleyball) *** In this sport, players are all cleans and high. They love to play the ball and throw him in the ring. The ball beats the ball on the floor, it means that it ... (basketball) *** We are not only happy to meet with the Olympiad. We can only see in winter slalom, biathlon, bobslee, on the site of ice - fascinating ... (hockey) *** In the courtyard in the morning the game, the defortion was played. Screams: "Washer!", "Mim!", "Bay!" - There is a game there - ... (hockey) *** You can not do without the oars, if you will take the sport. And how is the name name, where in the boat to the finishle sail? (rowing) *** On the squares of the kings boards, the shelves saw. No for the battle in the regiments or cartridges or bayonets. (Chess) *** I am in a hurry to workout, I felt deftly in Kimono. I need a black belt, I love me ... (karate)

About athletes

On the goal you hit - I will not miss the ball ... (Goalkeeper) *** Walking along the track goes, and he floats along the track. (Swimmer) *** The pool liked him so much - he immediately jumped into the water, rushed to the style of Butterfly, now the athlete is guess. (Swimmer) *** He ate a horse, he ate an elephant and won. Became, country! (Chess player) *** He plays ice skating. The stick holds in his hands. The washer of this stick beats. Who will call an athlete? (hockey player) *** From under the skies, as in a terrible dream, the athlete flies on her sheet! (parachute) *** In a honest brawl, I am not a string, protecting two sisters. Bey in training a pear, because I ... (Boxer) *** Here are athletes on skating exercise in jump. And sparkles the ice spurs. Those athletes - ... (skaters) *** Who hung quickly through the snow, does not fall afraid? (Skier)

Sports Equipment

On the ball

You will hit anyone - he is angry and crying. And this knock out - from joy jumps! *** You throw in the river - not sinking, beating about the wall - not moaning. You will throw you to throw - it will fly up. *** If you quit, he jumps. Throw again, rushing to scroll, well, of course - this is .... *** Growth is small, yes delete, rushed from me. Although he always will always - never boring with him. V. Stolkov: Rubber Watermelon jumps on the Bureau. *** Round me like a globe's bowl all chasing me. They are lying with your legs, hands, and I run away - jumps. *** The ringing, loud and jumping fly away for clouds and the joy of the defector rides in the yard. *** At fidget - guy. Round sides. You will hit - it does not cry, and all the above rides. *** Who is jumping on the track jump, Skok, Kuvoke and clogged into the corner. *** Rubber belly! Puzo watermelon. Buck it does not cry. Day - day rides. *** Made of rubber. Bought in the store jumps ringing in the hands of the child! *** recognize circuschairs! He swept the throat. Jumping the guys from the guys - rolled into the panels. And now it is necessary to get from the panelies. S. Melnikov: People beat him with their hands, head and legs, ride the key on the grass, throw in the grid and the ring, up fluttering a free bird and it does not hurt him at all. The forehead will hit, you do not cry. It is called ...

About hoop

What turns around the waist gymnast? Did you find out? *** I turn his hand, and on the neck and foot, and I do not want to drop the waist, and I do not want to drop. *** Who is the shell of sports twist, he will soon be very slim.

About bike

This horse does not eat oats, instead of the legs - two wheels. Sit down and rush on it, only better right steering wheel. *** I am not like a horse, even if I have a saddle. The needles are. They, confess, are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, do not tram, but I can call, know! *** Early in the morning along the road on the grass shines dew, the legs ride and run two wheels. The riddle has an answer - this is mine ...

About dumbbells, weights

I decided to become strong, I hurried to catch: - Tell me what you became strong? He smiled in response: - Very simple. For many years, daily, getting out of bed, I raise ... *** I look - at the barbell champion weighing a quarter ton. I want to be the same to protect your sister! I will now raise large in the apartment ...

About skating

And the boys, and the girls love us very much in winter, cut the ice pattern with thin, do not want to go home. We are elegant and easy, we are curly ... *** And boys, and girls love us in winter very much, cut the ice pattern thin, do not want to go home. We are elegant and easy, we are figured ... *** Metal two brothers, how many boots have grown, wanted to ride, top! - on ice and rushed. Ah, yes brothers, ah, light! Brothers What is your name? *** He does not want to lie at all. River pierce - we are lying, ice on the river - we run. *** Who will catch up on Ice? We run food. And they carry me not horses, but brilliant ... *** There are guys I have two silver horses. I go immediately on both what horses do I have? *** My new girlfriends and shiny, and easy, and frolic on ice, and frost are not afraid.

About skis

Foot from joy is not sick, from a roller terrible down I fly away. I became a sport relative to me and closer, who helped me, children? *** In the snow, two bands were surprised by two foxes. One closer approached: someone came here ... *** Wooden horses in the snow jump, and they do not fall into the snow. *** Two planks on the legs and two sticks in their hands. If we are a lubricant smell - snow extra class show! Winter records are closer to those who love ... *** Two drunken athletes in the distance run, behind them the ribbons, dragging on the run, remain in the snow. *** Wooden two horses down the mountains carry me. I keep two sticks in my hands, but I do not beat her horses, they are sorry. And for speeding races with sticks touches snow.

About Sankah

All summer stood, winter expected. Waited for pores, rushed from the mountain. *** I ride on it until the evening pore, but the lazy my horse takes only from the mountain. I go on a hitch on foot, and I drive my horse for the rope. *** Here is the share, back, planks - and all together it is ...

About other sports inventory

The blade is in my hand, on the water, I row to her. In order for our boat on the water slid walco. (paddle) *** Little, remotely shouts loudly, the judge helps, they are not tired. (whistle) *** The ball in the form of a comma drives the ball in front of him. (Klya) *** chasing her in sight of her in sight. She will fly to the gate, and someone will definitely win. (washer) *** He's on the view - one board, but call Gord, he is called ... (Snowboard) *** Silent "pancakes" hang on the grief on each side. Task for athlete - raise up the severity of this. (bar) *** There is no Tuchuk on the horizon, but revealed an umbrella in the sky. After a few minutes it dropped ... (parachute) *** There are skates alone, only summer they are. On asphalt, we rode and satisfied. (videos)

About sports grounds, pools

There is a lawn in our school, and on it goats and horses. We are tumbling here exactly forty five minutes. At school - horses and lawn?! What a miracle, guess! (Gym) *** In the courtyard there is a stadium, only very slippery. So that there is a wind to rush, skates learn to ride. (rink) *** On the White Spaciousness of DDVE, even lines, and the commas are running. (Ski) *** Field for boxing Drak is called in sports. (Ring) *** In that pond, no ducks or geese can be visible. The shores from the tile, call him ... (pool) *** here to swim and in winter we can easily with you. Here will teach us to dive. How to call for us? (pool) *** Green meadow, one hundred benches around, the people run to the gate to the gate. At the gate of these fishing networks. (Stadium) *** That's so a miracle stadium - he was built for horses. All Orlovsky Rysakov invite to themselves ready. (hippodrome)

About Competition

The relay is not easy. Waiting for a team for a jerk. (Start) *** Who won today, scored most of all the goals? Everyone will immediately understand - it is done ... (account) *** Two played in football team. They played, but did not lose. "0: 0" - this was the match the score. Who will call the result? (draw) *** The flame buys, five rings shine. Holiday for the people every four years. Holiday that sports, ancient, bright, marvelous. (Olympiad) *** On Olympus in the ancient world, the Greeks raised Giri, competed in the race, strength, heaviness was transferred. And gave them the awards of the summer ... (Olympiad) *** It is not easy to get it, it is necessary to be brave in the fight. Only that it gives, to the last who beats. (Victory) *** Under the whistle, the final final was scored the last ball. Our lucky victory ended with a difficult ... (match) *** It is very difficult to run on its athlete hot years, many long kilometers fly faster than wind. The path is not easy, it is called an ancient word ... (marathon)

About awards

He rides from the stadium to the champion's apartment. Will live with the winner together at the honorable, prominent place. (Cup) *** Athletes are only the best on the pedestal, we are presented solemnly all ... (medals) *** This sign is not sold, but solemnly handed it. For sports progress, they are only the best award. (medal)

A comprehensive classes in familiarization with surrounding, music and appliqués in the middle group, the topic: "Bulb-whistle"

Software content:

To acquaint children with features of wind musical instruments. Develop a retrospective view on the origin of the wind musical instruments.
Learning to determine the wind musical instruments on the sound of hearing.
Continue to learn to create patterns from finished elements.
Secure the skills of neat sticking.
Dictionary: brass, musical, whistle.
Develop rumor, creativity, feeling of rhythm in the pattern, small motor.
Rail inquisitive, interest in music.


Records of musical works, pictures with image of wind musical instruments, wooden and clay whistles, children's brave noise musical instrument, cardboard "pipes" for respiratory gymnastics, shape-blanks for appliqués, ready-made elements of patterns, glue, brushes, coasters for brushes, napkins, Lining sheets.

Bird-whistle, ready job
Bird-whistle, blank

Travel course:

(The musical work sounds, performed by brass instruments). Guys, what do you hear now? (Children's responses). Music sounds. We hear music performed by many musical instruments. We will talk about some of these musical instruments now.

The mystery about the shoes:

Very fun sings
If you dun into it,
Du-do, Du-doo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
So she sings always.
Not a wand, not a tube,
And what is it? ...

This is a doodie. Dudge has many brothers and sisters: tube, flute, saxophone. (Show pictures with the image of these musical instruments).
All these musical instruments are called wind. How do you think they got the name "brass"? (Children's responses). To get a sound, you need to blow into these tools. That is why they are called wind. And play on wind musical instruments ... who? (Children's responses). Musicians. Will we be able to take some of these brass tools in your hands and play? (Children's responses). Why do you think this will not work? (Children's responses). To become a musician and playing a musical instrument, you need to learn. Maybe someone knows you, in what school do you learn to play musical instruments? (Children's responses). Music school learn to play musical instruments.

And now we will play, let's drink to the pipe.

Respiratory gymnastics "I play on the pipe"

Children take in the hands of the "pipes" from cardboard and blowing in them.

Pipes louder sound, stronger
Poured a stream,
(The same sound, only thunder and lower)

Quieter all pipe sounds -
River tired and sleeps.
(Gradual squeezing)

Silence - he sees a dream
Meat pipe chime.

But we do not know how to play musical instruments. And you want to try? We will come to the rescue to the whistle toy. (Show). Even a child can blow into her. Like this. (Show). Want to try?

Exercise "Play on whistle"

In children in ladies birds,
Seeing birds - small
Only birds do not flute.
In heaven do not fly away.

Children are carefully worn,
Children to mouth make them,
Blowing in birds - those whistle
All in the district are cheerful.

Cute whistles it is
Painted with bright color
Wooden, clay,
The sound of their singers, long.

He looks like a bird trill,
On spring droplets,
On ringing rod
And on the sunny day.

(Children remove the sounds of whistle, then make it to the music, trying to whistle in the beat).

In a long-standing times, when a person has not yet been able to make musical instruments, he still wanted to hear music. So I had an ancient person to extract sounds blowing into the sea shell, in the reed stem, in the horns of animals. There was time, a person became more wise and skillful. He learned to make brass musical instruments and clay. Take a look at these two whistles. What do you think, which one is made of wood, and which of the clay? Why did you decide so? (Children's responses).
Often clay whistles do in the form of any creatures. Here is this whistle, made in the form of ... Who, how do you think? And this whistle? (Children's responses).
Over time, a person learned to make musical instruments from a metal. (Show pictures). And today we will make an applique - we decorate the patterns of bird-whistle. But first play.

Dynamic pause "Zhmurki with a pipe"

One child takes a shoe and moves into one of the corners of the room. The rest of the children get up and close their eyes. A child with a snoker begins to make sounds. The rest of the children should turn to the other side, where the souls come from, without opening the eye. Eyes Children open after the shroud stops playing, and check whether the place is correctly defined where the sound was distributed. The game is repeated several times with a change of lead playing on a pipe.

Applique "Bird-whistle"

Children are offered ready-made forms in the form of birds and pattern elements. A ready-made sample is also offered. Children can repeat the pattern of the sample, can make it differently. The works of children to the music.

Additional material for the lesson:

"Dude playing"

Summary is simple,
But the sound amazing:
In it, heavenly azure,
Sun ray after storms.

In it the sound of forests
Under the gusts of the winds
In it the last waltz foliage,
Pleuye and Song of Grass,

Sleeping rivers, Lakes, Dyhanye,
Meetings in him and parting,
In it, Torchnya Sad Willow,
Birds Magic motifs.

"Miracle whistle"

Mom, a wandering merchant came to the village, "the boy joyfully told. - He has a full box whistle. There are lambs, there are cows, and most of all clay and wooden birds. There are just a penny.
"Son, we have no money even on bread, one potato remained," answered Mom.
"Then I will not go for the holiday of Spring," the boy rested. - All children will compete in the game on whistles, and I can not. The winner will receive a big gingerbread.
Mom smiled and slyly asked:
- What about the cinema that you saved in the winter from frost? At the festival, all children will let go of the birds to the will, and who will let go of our bird?
"Zwin-Zwin," the cinema sintered on the windowsill. "Good," the boy agreed. "All buy birds from a merchant to let them go on the holiday, and I have my own cinema."
The next day there was a spring holiday. Mom woke his son early and handed him a baked ruddy lark baked from the dough.
- Mom, where did you get the flour? - The boy was surprised.
"She took the neighbor who promised her garden to rinse her in the summer," the mother replied.
The holiday had fun. All the children were put on their larks on long sticks and with hillocks threw them as high as possible to the sun.
Then the larks were eaten, but not entirely. The head of the Lark had to leave for households or for home cattle, so that health and well-being come to them. The boy left for his mother half of the lark. When baked larks were eaten, and the living birds were released on the will, there was a queue of musical competitions, songs and rounds.
The first competed in the game on whistles children. Brightly painted clay and wooden whistles gently ringing and whistled sharply. Children tried to imitate bird trills. The boy walked away.
"Zwin, Zwin, his cinema has grown over him."
- Fly in the forest, you are now free, "the boy waved his hand.
But the cinema did not fly away, and sat on the boy's shoulder. He wanted to take a bird and throw it into the air, but suddenly he saw that in his hand was not a live pan, but clay whistle. Shinnaya, with a yellow flower on the breast and with black eyes. On the side of it, as it should be, there were several holes, and in the tailing a hole for blowing air.
Having firmly holding a whistle in hand, the boy ran back to the holiday.
In the evening he told mom:
- My whistle sang, like a real cinema. I was asked to play on it all the time. They gave a big gingerbread, and now it is.
The boy opened his palm and showed a copper coin.
- Where is your miracle whistle? - Mom smiled.
- It was not a wonderful whistle, but a miracle pan. When I approached our house, the clay bird suddenly came to life in my hand, he felt and flew away.
"Sichka repressed you good for good," Mom said thoughtfully.


Happy child 29.05.2018

Dear readers, you feel very well aware that it is very helpful to play sports. Yes, at least to do the charge in the morning - and all day will pass in the tone. And the kids tend to such an important occupation for the body must necessarily. After all, the task of parents is to grow children healthy and strong. And everything else, as they say, will apply!

The riddles about the sport will help to identify the interest of the kids to some kind of sport and subsequently start with the desire to do. In the article you will find a lot of mysteries that are selected so to interest the smallest guys and schoolchildren.

In the yard in the morning the game, the defortion of ...

Sports riddles for the smallest lighter and small. It happens that the kids are immediately difficult to say the right guess, so colorful pictures will help at first. In the first selection of riddles about sports for children 3-4 years old with answers.

Then scrapping, then
Children do ...

If you throw, he jumps.
Throw again, rushing to drag
Well, of course - this is ....

In the yard in the morning game,
The defortion was played.
Screams: "Washer!", "Mim!", "Bay!" -
There is a game - ...

I have a hurry for training,
Kimono fought deftly.
I need a black belt,
After all, I love ...

On the goal you hit -
Doesn't miss the ball ...

He ate a horse,
He ate elephant
And won.
Became, country!
(Chess player)

In an honest fight, I'm not a string,
We will protect two sisters.
Bring in training a pear,
Because I ...

Who in the snow quickly rushes
Fails not afraid?

Athletes are only the best
On the pedestal
Hand solemnly
All of them ...

Early in the morning along the road
On the grass glitters dew,
On the road ride legs
And run two wheels.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …

We are elegant and easy
We are figured ...

In the snow two stripes,
Surprised two foxes.
One closer approached:
Someone came here ...

Here is the passage, back, planks -
And all together it is ...

As a soldier is not a gun,
Hockey player is not without ...

Under this cheerful song can be charged with kids.

In this sport, players are all cleans and high

To teach kids to distinguish sports, you can solve the riddles after any sporting transmission or reading a book about sports games. If you wish the child, write it down into the section. Sport will teach discipline and collens, and this will definitely help in school life. Next, you will find riddles about sports for preschoolers 5-6 years old with answers and about sports.

Ribbon, ball, log and bars,
Rings with them near.
I do not take it
Many shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...

His swimming pool liked it -
He immediately jumped into the water,
Rushed with the style of Butterfly
Now the athlete is guess.

We collect the team at school
And find a big field.
We pierce the corner -
Scroll your head!
And in the gate the fifth goal!
We love ...

In this sport players
All cleans and high.
They love to play ball
And in the ring to throw him.
The ball is bent at the floor,
So it is ...

On the squares of the board
Kings cut the shelves.
No to battle
Neither cartridges or bayonets.

He and in sports with the fact
Does everything with the steel.
And I tried you
Do sport …

Here to swim in winter
We can easily with you.
Here will teach us to dive.
How to call for us?

Green meadow
One hundred benches around
From gate to goal
Boyko runs people.
On the gate of these
Fishing nets.

I have no time to hurt me, friends, football, hockey I play

It is necessary to solve riddles about sports not only with the kids, they will be useful for schoolchildren. Sports are important at any age, and chartering school-age children, it is advisable to disconnect from the lessons and begin to engage in some kind of sport. In this selection you will find riddles about sports, but more complex.

Here the team wins,
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with the filing
Not in the gate - through the grid.
And playground and not field
At the athletes in ...

There is a lawn in our school,
And on it goats and horses.
We are tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school - horses and lawn?!
What a miracle, guess!

In the yard there is a stadium,
Only very slippery.
So that the wind to rush
Skate learn to ride.

On white square
Two smooth lines,
And walking nearby
Commas yes dots.

Box for boxing
Called in sports so ...
(Boxing ring)

That's so miracle stadium -
For horses, he was built.
All Orlovsky Rysakov
Invite to yourself ready.

When the racket strikes
Volan throws through the grid
Rivals from two sides,
Everyone knows it ...

From the palm without a look
Through the mesh for landing
On, someone else's team, floor
The ball flies, then ...

Playground, ball, the gate is.
We protect your honor here.
Hand score goals
Playing among themselves in ...

Court, grid, ball and racket.
Filing shut to a blow
Rival. I hope I hope.
This sport is called ...

Inside, Goalkeeper, Stopper, Beck,
As well as striker and sulbek
Play, scoring goal
In the famous game ...

What kind of horse? And Konia
There are wheels, no steering.
I do not sit on it in the saddle,
I'm legs on my back
On my stocks horse.
I got with my feet on my back,
Hands on the sides Rasking
And drove on asphalt,
And from the border made Salto.
The horse hit the stone-board.
And the horse is called ...

Swim, then bike
And immediately a long race.
Runs at the finish champion
Last this ...

Look with children video "What is this sport? Riddles for children. "

Who persistent in training will be the healthy, dexterous

Not in vain say that sport is life! But they need to deal with the mind, because many species are traumatic. You need to control your capabilities and loads. And, of course, start the day with charging in the mornings, walking in the parks and outside the city, to eat vegetables and fruits, brush your teeth, wash your hands before eating, etc. In this selection you will find riddles about the sport and a healthy lifestyle.

Sore me once, friends
Football, I play hockey.
And I am very familiar with Gord
What gives me health ...

Kohl friendly you are friends with me,
Persistently in training
Then you will be in the cold, in the rain and heat
Hardy and clever ...

I walk around the apartment,
Skat: three or four.
And I am sure that I,
With her I am waiting for the success of me!

You can enjoy the birds,
You can just have fun
You can breathe air
Together fun ...

Forget you about the computer.
Run to walk outside.
For children is useful very
Fresh air ...

He is cold, he is nice
I am friends with him for a long time, guys,
He is water Poland me,
I'm growing healthy!

I know, there is a miracle in the world,
There is such a magic:
Bring under the crane with water -
VMIG flushes dirt it!

There are also friends
Forget about them can not.
To smile beautifully,
We need to meet more often!
(Toothbrush and paste)

Hot and cold
I always need you.
Call me - run,
From diseases shore.

There are vegetables and fruits.
Children need a lot.
There are still tablets
Taste as candy.
Take for health
They are cold sometimes.
For Sashuli and Polina
What is useful? - ...

He is a "carrier" backpack,
In a tourist campaign
Sit down from Coster
Loves in nature.
Lady, last year's leaf
Catch to your fire ...

The relay is not easy.
Waiting for a team for a jerk.

Flame buys
Five rings shine.
Holiday for people
Once every four years.
Holiday that sports
Ancient, bright, marvelous.

On Olympus in the ancient world
Greeks raised Giri,
Competed in running, strength,
Severity was transferred.
And gave them awards
Summer ...

It's not easy to get it,
It is necessary to be brave in the fight be.
Only theover it gives
Before the last who beats.

Legs and muscles all the time in motion -
This is not just a man.
Such here are fast movements
We call briefly ...

Very hard hot summer
Run his athletes
Many long kilometers
Fly faster winds.
The path is not easy, he is named
Ancient word ...

Swamp in the form of a comma chase the ball in front of him

Each sport has items to help athletes to train and participate in competitions. Below are the riddles about the sport and sports inventory.

Throw in the river - not sinking,
Bey about the wall - not moaning.
You will then throw -
Will be up to fly.

Round me like a globe
All chase me.
Weave legs, hands,
And I run away - jumps.

I'm leaning above the table,
Sight - under the angle I need,
And I make a blow.
Hooray! I scored in a lyuz ...

I turn his hand
And on the neck and foot,
And on the waist we go,
And I do not want to drop.

Who is the shell of sports spinning,
That very slim will soon be.

This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit down and rush on it,
Only better right steering wheel.

I strongly decided to become
Kijah, I hurried:
- Tell me about what
How did you become strong?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. Many years,
Daily, getting out of bed,
I am lifting ...

I look - at the champion
Rod weighing a quarter ton.
I want to be the same
To protect your sister!
I will be now in the apartment
Raise big ...

Metal two brothers,
How the shoes have grown,
Wanted to ride
Top! - on ice and rushed.
Ah, yes brothers, ah, light!
Brothers What is your name?

Two planks on the legs
And two sticks in their hands.
If we are smearing the smell -
Snow extra class will show!
Winter records closer
Those who love ...

Chase sticks on ice
We have it all in sight.
She will fly to the gate,
And someone accurately wins.

He is on the view - one board,
But call Gord,
He is called ...

We have skates alone
Only summer they.
On asphalt we rode
And satisfied remained.

The blade is in my hand,
On the water, I row to her.
In order for our boat
On the water slid walco.

Little, delete
Screaming loudly
The judge helps
Tired does not know.

He drives the ball in front of him.
(Hockey stick)

In billiards need to play
On the legs table, still - balls.
And stick a stick
And right in the lyuza chase a ball.
Promazal? Bad! Very sorry.
What is this "stick"?

We need to understand in sports:
Tennis player - Corter player.
How, tell me for me,
In sambo mats name?

At gymnast training.
Runs runs deftly
Along the narrow track,
Jumps on one leg,
That suddenly will make a twine.
It's hard, they say
But so here is headed.
And the track is

He escaped from the rider
To get into the gym?
There is no mane, no tail.
Where is the saddle and where is the zero?
He does not rice guys.
How is a sporty calling a projectile?

In the gym standing,
He is not real
And therefore he is inanimate.
Though four legs
Put a sewn,
But he does not shake a beard.
Can no
He is just without rozing.
He can not even be angry.
Do not be afraid, friend.
And take a jump.
Not terrible sports ...

I saw my baby Anton,
As played in badminton.
Athletes - on the racket.
What flew above the grid?
Not eagle and not Blank!
This is with feathers ...

Already learning to walk, the children immediately begin a sports life, not aware of this. They play the ball, jump through the rope, ride a bike - after all, this is a sport. It will be fine if the kids will be able to understand it. Interesting riddles will teach to distinguish sports, sports equipment and much more.

And to raise a sports mood for you a musical gift: Popure from songs about sports, performed by the group Domisolka.

What grows in the garden, in a garden? Riddles about vegetables and fruits