Musical lesson in the middle group “Magic chest. How interesting it is to conduct a music lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten

Musical lesson in the middle group “Magic chest. How interesting it is to conduct a music lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten

Target: Develop creative thinking v different types musical activities... Development of emotionality, imagination and creativity in children.

Materials and equipment: musical instruments ( wooden spoons, castanets, triangles, bells).

Children enter music hall under E. Shulgin's "March", at the end of the music they stop in a circle.

Mus.ruk .:(greets the children with a song) Hello guys!

Children:(singing) Hello!

Mus.ruk .: Well, once again, all together, say hello, something I did not hear everyone.

Children:(singing again) Hello!

Mus.ruk .: Guys, today I will tell you interesting story, listen to her: Every morning my sister Natasha comes to kindergarten. There are a lot of children in her group and they are all different. I’ll ask you a riddle, and you listen carefully and tell me, what would you call this girl ?:

Kopusha girl, chewed a pear for an hour,

Two - washed, three - dried,

I went to breakfast in the morning,

Only in the evening came.

Who is this guys?

Children: Kopusha.

Mus.ruk .: Of course it's Kopusha! And now you will show this girl without words to the music.

(Children with a tutor perform characteristic movements to the accompaniment of S. Razorenov's "Lullaby").

Mus.ruk .: Well done guys, they showed everything expressively to Kopush. And now the next riddle:

Braggart Ilya, where is your courage?

You climbed under the porch from a midge mosquito yesterday,

I saw the web and fell into the mud out of fear!

Who are these guys, what is his name?

Children: Braggart!

Mus.ruk .: Well done and guessed this riddle! Let's show this Bouncer. Now the music will start playing and he is important, proudly comes out and brags.

(Children transmit characteristic movements to the music "On the Pebbles" of the UNP).

Mus.ruk .: Well done, everyone turned out to be a braggart Ilya! Tell me, what is the name of this boy?

Kolya little bummer, take away after you,

Your hands are lazy, your belt and pants are on the floor,

There's a shirt under the table, Nikolai sloppy!

Guys, what's his name?

Children: Sloppy!

Mus.ruk .: That's right, but let's show this slob.

(Children perform characteristic movements to the music of "Clowns" by D. Kabalevsky).

Mus.ruk .: Well done guys, they have guessed all the riddles. Although the guys are all different, Natasha was friends with everyone, and she had many more friends! And now I will make a guess for you musical riddle, you listen and tell me, what was the name of this friend of Natasha?

(Children listen to O. Ananyev's "Cry").

Children: This is Crybaby.

Mus.ruk .: How did you know that this is Crybaby?

Children: The music is slow, stringy.

Mus.ruk .: Yes, because Crybaby constantly cries, is capricious, listen and imagine how tears are rolling down his cheeks! (Music instructor plays 2 bars of O. Ananyev's "Cry").

And now he sighs! (3-4 bars).

And here he is sobbing! (Measures 9-10).

How vividly the composer expressed the image of this capricious boy. Now you show it to me!

(Children to the music of "Crybaby" by O. Ananyev convey the image in motion).

Mus.ruk .: Well done! They all turned out to be a crybaby. But listen to the second riddle, what would you call this friend of Natasha?

(Children listen to O. Ananyev's "Veselchak").

Children: Merry fellow!

Mus.ruk .: How did you guess?

Children: The music is fun, light and fast!

Mus.ruk .: Since Veselchak loves to have fun, joke, frolic, listen and imagine how he jumps easily on his toes. (Children listen to O. Ananyev's "Veselchak" 1-2 bars).

But he ran and stopped! (3-4 bars).

I thought about how I could play tricks, and started jumping again! (7-8 measures).

And now we will show Veselchak how he frolics, has fun and plays pranks!

(Children to the music "Veselchak" by O. Ananyev convey the image in motion).

Mus.ruk .: Well done, everyone showed Veselchak well. Tell me, what were the names of these friends of Natasha?

Children:"Crybaby and Veselchak".

Mus.ruk .: Well done, you guessed all the riddles! Let's listen to our story further:

After a delicious and appetizing breakfast, the guys went to a music lesson, where they learned to sing songs. Let's go and sit on the chairs.

(Children under E. Shulgin's "March" march and sit on chairs).

Oh, look what I found! Yes, this is a pipe, and here is another, and one more. Here are how many pipes, I will give you pipes, they will help us in singing. Let's take the pipes in our hands and start playing them! (Children show imaginary pipes and sing the M3 interval).

These are great fellows, everyone played great pipes, and for that I give them to you! And when you come home, you can play a song on the pipes to your mothers.

Oh, guys, Natasha also taught me to sing one funny song, listen and tell me about whom is she? (Musical instructor performs the song “I have a Grandmother” by Y. Slonov).

Children: About Grandma!

Mus.ruk .: That's right, it is sung about a grandmother, and is called "I have a grandmother" by the composer Yuri Slonov. You probably all love your Grandmothers, even though they sometimes scold, then regret, tell a fairy tale, sing a song. So go ahead and we'll sing for them. (Performed verse 1 "I have a Grandmother" by Y. Slonovacapella).

Well done, but to make our song sound brighter and more expressive, we will smile at each other and present the song to dear Grannies. (The song is performed with accompaniment).

Guys, I'll sing you one more song, listen to who is it about?

(Music instructor performs "We sang a song" by E. Tilicheyeva).

Children: It's about Mom!

Mus.ruk .: Let's get up, straighten up and perform this funny song for our beloved mothers in a good mood. (Performed "We sang a song" by E. Tilicheyeva).

How well you sang, now I see that you love not only Grandmothers, but also Mom!

You know Natasha taught me one interesting game, which was written by the Lithuanian people, and it is called "Wheel". I will also teach you how to play it, but first we have to guess the musical instruments by their sound. .

(A music did. The game "Guess what I'm playing").

Today I will be a conductor and you will be musicians! Just be very careful which instruments I tell you to enter, they will start playing.

(Play for children musical instruments"Wheel" literary n.a. mel.).

Well done musicians, did you like the game?

Children: Yes!

Mus.ruk .: In the next lesson, we will play with you again and listen to the continuation of the story, what else happened in Natasha's kindergarten!

Goodbye, guys! (musical instructor says goodbye with a song).

Children: Goodbye! (children say goodbye with a song).

Under the "March" E. Shulgin children go to the group.


Continue to develop an interest in music and a desire to listen to it.
Enrich musical experience children. Cause emotional responsiveness in the perception of musical works. Build skills
expressive singing, singing expressively, conveying the character of the song. Form the skills of rhythmic movement in accordance with the text of the song.

Consolidate knowledge of genres in music (song, dance, march). To develop in children an interest in music, a desire to listen to it. Develop timbre ear, purity of intonation, hear the musical introduction and start singing the song after it. Develop the ability to stage a song, develop the skill of puppetry.

To cultivate the skill of a culture of listening to music (do not interfere with others to listen to the work to the end). Foster politeness in dealing with each other.

REPERTOIRE: "Oh, you birch" Russian folk melody,
muses. didactic game "Recognize by voice",
on the development of timbre perception.
Song "Rain" music by M. Partskhaladze.
dance with nesting dolls music and lyrics by N. Karavaeva

MATERIAL AND ATTRIBUTES: Three flat houses of different colors,
One large nesting doll, small wooden nesting dolls according to the number of children,
mittens - matryoshka dolls according to the number of children. Disc with the recording of the song "Rain"

Children are familiar with genres (song, dance, march)
games for the development of rhythmic and timbre hearing are learned, children are able to perform movements with objects; began to acquaint children with staging a song, mastering facial expressions, gestures, and the initial stage of puppetry.

Musical director comes to a group of children and informs them that nesting dolls have come to visit the children, they invite the children to play with them. Children enter the music room to music and stop at the prepared chairs.
The teacher draws the attention of children to the nearest house -
Moose. hand-l - “A big matryoshka lives in this house, but it will come out to you, if you complete the task correctly, what kind of music is this that you will hear now. And what can you do with this music?
The Russian folk melody "Oh, you birch" (definition of the genre of music and its character) sounds.
Musical hand: “What is the nature of this music?
Children answer - funny, loud, fast,
Musical hand: "What can we do with this music?"
Children - to dance.
Musical hand-l: “That's right, to dance, it means it’s dance - funny, mischievous, rhythmic.
The teacher puts a large nesting doll in front of the house.
Moose. hand-l: "Guys, let's play the game" Recognize by voice "Let's show the matryoshka how we can play. Who is the bravest in our country? Come out. "
The game "Recognize by voice" is conducted to develop timbre perception.
The musical hand-l during the game praises those children who correctly sing the name of the child.
Moose. hand-l: We showed the matryoshka how we can play, but can we sing songs?
Children - yes!
Moose. hand-l: I really like how you sing the song "Rain", shall we sing it for the matryoshka?
Children sing the song "Rain" muses. M. Partskhaladze.
The big nesting doll praises the children and sends them to the next house, where nesting dolls also live. Children go to the next house.
Musical hand-l: "In this beautiful house small wooden nesting dolls live, do you want to play with them?
Children, yes!
We offer children to take a matryoshka doll and divide the children into two groups.
Musical hand-l: “Now we will see whose nesting dolls dance better among girls or boys?
Moose. the hand sets the rhythm for the boys, and the teacher for the girls.
Musically - didactic game"Play as I do" for the development of rhythmic perception and musical memory.
Moose. the leader assesses the children's game and offers to put nesting dolls near their house.
Musical hand-l: “I invite you guys to another house, where the nesting dolls also live and they are waiting for you.
The children come to the last house.
Moose. hand-l: "Look, guys, what nesting dolls are waiting for you here.",
(takes out mittens from the house - nesting dolls.
- "These nesting dolls want to dance with you"
Educator - “children, you are already familiar with these nesting dolls, we even drew them,
Musical hand-l: "And today in the lesson we will dance with them, look how we will hold the matryoshka (showing), see how it will dance on the palm (showing), how the matryoshka waves with a handkerchief (showing)." We distribute nesting dolls to the children, help them put them on their hands and offer them to make a big circle. Children perform "Dance with Matryoshka" music by N. Karavaeva.
Moose. hand-l notes those children who are already good at holding a matryoshka on their hand and notes those children who still need to practice,
Moose. leader - “Children, did you like the nesting dolls? Today you will take them to your group, to your music corner, I really want you to make friends with the nesting dolls (the children say goodbye and leave the hall).


Tell children about the organ-grinder and organ-grinders. Introduce the sound of a toy organ. To form the ability to conduct a conversation about music .. To form the concept that the play has its own musical history that starts with the first measures and ends with the last chord.

To develop the ability of children to maintain attention throughout the sound of the entire piece. Master the techniques of correct sound production.
To teach melody to play on metallophones by triad. Strengthen the skills of joint play in children, develop modal and timbre hearing, a sense of rhythm, the timbre of various musical instruments.

To cultivate the skill of a culture of listening to music. Bring up
politeness in dealing with each other when choosing musical instruments.

Valeological song - chant " Good morning»
"Organ-grinder" P. Tchaikovsky,
"Sharmanka" by D. Shostakovich,
Artists' illustrations of the beaters
Portrait of the composer P. Tchaikovsky, musical instruments
metallophones - 5-6 pieces, sticks -10-12 pieces, 5-6 bells.

in the classroom and in the group, they learned to perform familiar tunes and separate parts of the play "Sharmanka" in small groups and individually, to adhere to the general tempo, to start and end the game at the same time.

Traditional occupation
Average preschool age

Software content:
Musical rhythmic exercises
Lead children to the ability to distinguish the nature of music and convey it in motion. Continue teaching children to start and end movement with music.

Exercise in a calm walk ("Calm step", music by T. Lomova).
Teach children to move rhythmically, distinguish contrasting parts of music, run scatteringly without bumping into each other, exercise in light, springy jumps and light running, develop the ability to navigate in space ("Merry Balls", music by M. Sakulina).
Perceive music of a calm, flowing nature. Learn to hear the shift musical pieces and independently change the movements. Perform movements with soft hands, without tension. Develop Creative skills children, offering to act with imaginary objects (“Rinse handkerchiefs”, Russian folk melody “Ay, meadow utushka”),
Listening to music
Develop emotional responsiveness to music of different nature... Learn to recognize a piece of music. To intensify the mental activity of children. Continue teaching children to listen carefully to the music to the end, without being distracted ("Lullaby", music by S. Maikapara, "March", music by Y. Slonov; Russian folk melody "Plyasovaya").
Song creativity
Lead children to the ability to independently find intonations based on several sounds ("Bunny, bunny, where have you been?").
To develop the accuracy of melodic intonation with the spasmodic movement of the melody. Follow correct breathing between short musical phrases.
Learn to clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of words: "well done", "bell", stretching out the vowels at the end of the words: "I will dance", "I will laugh".
Sing with musical accompaniment and without him with the support of the teacher's voice ("Petrushka", music by V. Karaseva).
Teach children to convey the light, lyrical character of the song, Continue work on the expressiveness of the performance of this song. Perform with a light sound, lively, convey dynamic changes in singing. Purely sing jumps in melody up or down a fourth. Correctly pronounce vowel sounds in the words: "our", "yesterday", "thawed patch" (explain the meaning of this word), "flower", "sun".
Clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of words: "snowdrop", "flower", "dripping", "smells" ("Song of Spring", music by G. Frid, lyrics by N. Frenkel).
Work on the purity of intonation, foster emotional responsiveness to a song of a cheerful, danceable nature. Exercise in pure intonation of the third and minor second. Teach children to sing in a light sound, accurately transmitting the progressive movement of the melody up and down, to keep intonation on one sound.
Correctly pronounce the vowels in the words: "sun", "radiant", "mommy", "first".
Pay attention to the difference between the 1st and 2nd musical phrases.
Learn to sing expressively, emotionally, with a light sound. To cultivate kind, affectionate feelings for mother ("We sang a song", music by R. Rustamov, lyrics by L. Mironova).
Musical rhythmic movements
Teach children to independently change movements with a change in the dynamics of music. Distinguish between lullaby, dance, calm, marching music. Strengthen the skill of calm and vigorous walking.
Achieve an expressive transfer of musical and game images. Continue to develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey a simple rhythmic pattern to children percussion instruments... Encourage children to be creative in the transfer of playful images and movements in dance ("Walk with dolls", music by T. Lomova).
Playing children's musical instruments
Strengthen the ability of children to play the metallophone in the ensemble with the simplest melodies, built on one and two sounds. To foster a sense of responsibility, to develop interest in this type of activity ("Accordion", music by E. Tilicheeva; "Little Dancer", music by A. Filippenko).

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall without music one at a time. Say hello.

Educator. Listen carefully to the beginning piece of music and remember what movements they perform to this music? (Performs the beginning of the musical piece "Calm Step", music by T. Lomova). (Answers of children.)
That's right, but how are you supposed to walk? A brisk step or a calm one?
(Answers of children.)
Try not to bump into each other while walking. Straighten your shoulders.
(The play is performed by T. Lomova. Children perform the task. Analysis of the task)
And now we will continue to learn to jump like balls. But first, show how the toes will jump on the palm. (Shows a slight movement of two fingers on the palm of the other hand. Children repeat to music with the teacher.)
The balls not only jump, but also roll. Show in the palm of your hand how the balls are rolling.

Children, together with the teacher for the II part of the music, perform the appropriate movements. The play "Merry Balls" is performed in its entirety. Children independently perform movements as directed by the teacher. Analysis.

The play "Ai, Meadow Utushka" is played. Children are invited to learn music and then choose handkerchiefs ...
I like all the handkerchiefs. We start to play. (Music is playing, children are doing the exercise. Analysis.)
They hid the handkerchiefs ... Go to rest on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs, take handouts, which are laid out in advance on the chairs.
Listen to the music, define its character and raise the card that will tell you which piece is being played: a march, a dance or a lullaby? (Music is played, children raise the appropriate cards. Analysis.)

Now I will sing "Bunny, bunny, where have you been?"
bunny, but the melody of the answer should be different.
(Calls 4-5 children for an individual answer.)
All the bunnies answered differently, And now I will ask Maria Ivanovna a question: "Bunny, bunny, where have you been?"
Educator. I danced with Petrushka! (Shows the toy "Parsley".)
Educator. Let's sing a song about Petrushka. (Sings with the children.)
I wonder how Petrushka's bell rings?
The teacher shows on the musical ladder, plays the instrument. In the beginning, children sing each sound separately.
Sing again the song about "Petrushka". (Children sing.) Petrushka is very pleased. (The teacher takes the toy away.)
Listen guys to the introduction to the song, recognize and name it.
The song about spring sounds. Children sing a song accompanied by one melody.
Children, who can say what a thawed patch is? (Answer. Suggests to repeat the word in which the children made a mistake and sing this musical phrase.)
Let's sing this song once more while standing. The song is joyful and light. Let's sing with such a spring mood. (Performs analysis after singing.)

Listen and find out what song I played. (Performed "We sang a song.")
That's right, "We sang a song", muses. R. Rustamov, lyrics A. Mironova. Let's sing it. You already know the melody of this song well.

Children sing with piano accompaniment several times. Then the most difficult verse is repeated. Separately, the words are pronounced: "sun", "radiant", etc. Then the song is performed with the lead singers. The 1st verse is sung by girls, the 2nd - by the boys, the 3rd verse is sung all together.

Spring, spring on the street
Spring days.
Like birds flood
Tram calls.
Let's go and we walk. Girls, take dolls, strollers, boys - musical instruments.
Children get up from chairs and sort out the attributes. "Dance with Dolls" is being performed.
Educator. The girls were caring mothers, the boys were good musicians... Everyone had good mood... Let's finish our lesson by playing the instruments, but now everyone will be musicians. And the dolls will listen to us. (Performed by "Little Dancer". Analysis.)
The children played amicably, harmoniously, everyone tried. The dolls really liked it. And now, goodbye, until the next class.

This post was posted on Saturday, November 10th, 2012 at 20:41 in section,. You can receive messages by subscribing to the feed. You can

Musical lesson with the use of role-playing games for children of the middle group

There is a "bus" built of chairs at the side wall. Children enter the hall.

Educator. Do you guys like going to the theater, circus, just walking?

Children's answers.

Educator... Today we go on a bus tour. But our bus stopped far from kindergarten, we must reach it first by foot, and then by running.

Well, our feet, went along the road.

"March", Gerchik.

Educator... And now, our legs ran along the path.

"Running", music by Tilicheyeva.

Educator. And now the legs galloped even faster along the path.

Leaps "Skip along the path", music by Filippenko.

Educator... Again the legs are walking along the road.

"March", music by Gerchik.

Children walk around the bus.


Guys, what a good bus

Let's clap our hands together.

The movement of the "plate" - the melody "Whether in the garden or in the garden" sounds.

Educator... Now, without pushing, get on the bus.

Musical director... Do you ... (name, patronymic of the educator) want to be a driver? Then, chauffeur, start the engine. Let's go to the theater.

They're coming. Mozart's music "Bells are ringing" is played.

Educator... Have arrived. And here is the theater. Who was in the theater? What is the theater doing? Who is performing? And here is the third call, they quickly sat down. The theater hall is completely packed, and on stage funny music sounds.

Playing musical instruments.

"Andrey the Sparrow," Accordion "," Drum ".


It's time for the orchestra to rest in the theater.

Get on the bus again, kids!

Musical director. Chauffeur, start the engine. Do you know where we're going now? To the circus. And here the clown meets us!

Clown dance.

Educator. We had great rest! Well, now we are going to nature, out of town. Do you agree? Chauffeur, start the engine.

We arrived at a green meadow,

How wonderful spring is around!

Filippenko's song Spring is coming". Performed by children.

A pipe sounds.

Educator. Oh, yes, there is a shepherd grazing a cow.

Children in a round dance with a soloist perform Russian folk song"On a green meadow."

Cow toy... My, mu, milk to whom?

Educator... Do you guys all love milk? And let's ask the cow a riddle?

Pakhmutova's song "Who grazes in the meadow."


On a spring meadow

Come out soon, buddy.

Moo-moo, I want to dance!

Shainsky's dance "Zhu-zhu-zhu".

Cow... Moo-moo-moo, I want to play!

The game.

Educator... And now it's time to go to kindergarten. Our trip has come to an end.

Filippenko's song "Kindergarten".

Musical lesson in middle group"What color is the music?"

Program tasks:

1. To form the skills of the culture of listening to music, the ability to express their impressions.

2. Teach children to expressive singing, to convey the melody correctly, to listen to the singing of other children.

3. To form in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music. To improve dance moves: straight gallop, spring, whirling, immersion. Start and stop movement on your own.

4. To cultivate communication skills.

Course of the lesson:

Children calmly walk into the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Musical director:

Guys, I'm glad to see you and I want to say hello not only to you, but also to the animals that you portray. (Popevka "Hello, kittens").

At the last lesson we rode horses, and today I suggest you go on a train journey. Take your seats!

(children stand in a circle, bending their elbows and to the song "Train", music by D. Kabalevsky, lyrics by M. Kartushina, move with a stomping step.

Musical director:

Here is the first stop. It is called "Warm-up".

1. Exercise: "March, drum, lullaby." Children perform tasks without the help of a teacher.

2. Finger game: "Come out fingers to dance."

One, two, three, four, five,

Fingers came out to dance.

The big one started to dance,

Pointing to dance,

The middle finger bowed,

Nameless - lurking.

And the little finger is a dashing

The chain is closed, well done!

We need to break the chain!

Musical director:

The warm-up was successful, we sit down in the trailers and move on. This station is called "Musical", at this station we will listen to music and talk about it. Sit down comfortably.

1. After listening to the play by PI Tchaikovsky "Baba Yaga", a conversation is held about the content of the play, tempo, character.

Musical director:

Did you know that music can be colored? What is the nature of red? (Joyful, cheerful). And pink? (Gentle, affectionate). Select the square that matches the color of the play "Baba Yaga".

2. We have already said that music can sound high and low. You have two cards, one with a large bell, and the other with a small one. Let's sing what a big bell sounds like. (Bohm. Bohm). A small one? (Ding Ding)

Children listen to music in high and low registers and show the corresponding cards.

Musical director:

The next station is "Song". Children guess the song "About Mom" ​​from the musical accompaniment. Verse 1 is sung a capella, verse 2 with musical accompaniment. Choose a card by color, corresponding to the character of the song.

Next stop: "Plyasovaya". Everyone who lives in this station is very fond of dancing. I invite you to dance too. Children guess the dance: "And I am a lively boy" from the picture. Then they learn the elements of the "Kalinka" dance.

Musical director:

And, finally, the funniest station is Game. Guess who will play with you here?

(Makes a riddle):

Instead of a fur coat, only needles.

Wolves are not afraid of him either.

Pointed ball, legs are not visible,

Call him, of course ... (Hedgehog).

The game "We are going to the forest for mushrooms":

We go to the forest for mushrooms,

We jump over the bumps.

And in the forest there is a thorny hedgehog

Guarding mushrooms.

Do not kill us a hedgehog,

You better catch up with us!

It's time to go back. Go! Here we are at home! A little tired, let's rest.

Relaxation exercise:

Children sit on the carpet, iron the arms and legs. The music director accompanies the exercise with the words:

Our legs are tired

They jumped, jumped.

Our hands are tired

They clapped and played.

Eyes fall asleep

Children are resting.

Eyes are opening

The kids are waking up.

The children say goodbye and leave the hall to calm music.