Definition and specificity of the folklore. The concept and essence of folklore, its historical significance

Definition and specificity of the folklore. The concept and essence of folklore, its historical significance
Definition and specificity of the folklore. The concept and essence of folklore, its historical significance

Oral theme folk creativity The Russian literature is unusually diverse, there are numerous genres and types of folklore. All of them have been shaped gradually, as a result of the life and creative activity of the people extended for several hundred years. Currently exist specific species Folklore in literature. Oral folk art is the unique layer of knowledge, on the basis of which thousands of classical works were built.

Interpretation of the term

Folklore is an oral folk creativity, endowed with ideological depth, highly artistic qualities, to him include all poetic, prose genres, customs and traditions accompanied by verbal artistic creativity. Folk genres are classified in different ways, but mostly allocated several genre groups:

  1. Labor songs - formed in the process of work, for example, sowing, plowing, and hay. Present a variety of croutons, signals, tunes, side facilities, songs.
  2. Calendar Folklore - Conspiracy, signs.
  3. Wedding folklore.
  4. Funeral inflation, recruit bias.
  5. Non-stop folklore is small folk genres, proverbs, affection, signs and sayings.
  6. Oral prose - legends, legends, fastching and visuals.
  7. Children's folklore - Pestushki, sweepers, lullabies.
  8. Song Epos (heroic) - epics, poems, songs (historical, military, spiritual).
  9. Artistic creativity - Magic, household fairy tales And fairy tales about animals, ballads, romances, chastushki.
  10. Folk Theater - Raek, Vertips, Radiation, Presentations with dolls.

Consider the most common types of popular folklore in more detail.

Labor Songs

This is a song genre, distinctive trait which is the mandatory support of the employment process. Labor songs are a way to organize collective, social work, asking rhythm with a simple melody and text. For example: "Wow, doubt more friendly to become more fun." Such songs were helped to start and finish the work, they fucked the working friend and were spiritual assistants in the serious physical work of the people.

Calendar Folklore

This type of oral folk creativity belongs to the ritual traditions. calendar cycle. The life of a peasant working on Earth is inextricably linked with weather conditions. That is why it appeared great amount The rites that were committed to attract good luck, well-being, a large range of livestock, successful agriculture, etc. The most honored holidays of the calendar were considered Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Baptism and Trinity. Each celebration was accompanied by songs, shallows, conspiracies and ritual actions. Recall the famous custom of singing songs blocks on the night before Merry Christmas: "Footage is not a misfortune, a wheelchair is knocking into the house. Christmas to the house goes, many joy is carrying. "

Wedding folklore

In each separate location, there were their types of folk folklore, but they were mainly due to the sentences and songs. Wedding folklore includes song genres that accompanied three main rituals: walling, farewell to parents with the bride and wedding celebration. For example: "Your product, our merchant, just a miracle well done!" The ritual of the bride's transfer to the bride was very colorful and always accompanied both long and short fun songs. At the wedding of the song, they did not stop the song, they mourned a holly life, wanted love and family well-being.

Non-stop folklore (small genres)

This group of oral folk art includes all kinds of small genres of folklore. However, such a classification is ambiguous. For example, many of the species belong to the children's folklore, such as Pestushki, Lullaby, Riddles, Pestes, Teases, etc. At the same time, some researchers share all folk genres into two groups: calendar and unjugible.

Consider the most popular types of small genres of folklore.

Proverb - Rhythmized expression, wise sayingwhich carries a generalized thought and has a conclusion.

Signs are a brief verse or an expression that tells about those signs that will help predict natural phenomena, weather.

The saying is phrase, often with a humorous bias, illuminating the phenomenon of life, the situation.

The sentence is a small verse-appeal to the phenomena of nature, living beings surrounding objects.

Speaking - a small phrase, often rhymed, with difficult words for pronunciation, is designed to improve diction.

Oral prose

Oral prose includes the following types of Russian folklore.

Traditions - a story about historical events in folk retelling. Heroes of legends are soldiers, kings, prince, etc.

Legends - myths, epic narrations about heroic exploits, People who are overded honors and glory, as a rule, this genre is endowed with Paphos.

Byilichki - small storiesin which he is told about the hero meeting with any "evil", real cases From the life of a storyteller or his acquaintances.

Casuals - summary actually happened once and with someone, while the narrator is not a witness

Children's folklore

This genre is represented by the most different forms - poems, songs. Types of children's folklore - what accompanied the child from birth before his growing.

Pestus - short poems Or songs accompanying the very first days of the newborn. With the help of them, nursed, children were singing, for example: "sings, sowing a sleepwashushka, pretty, and fitting."

Pestees - small municipal poems designed to play with babies.

Palegushki, strikes,

Rotok - talks,

Handles - wrapped,


Schelli - poetic, song handling nature, animal. For example: "Summer Red, Come, Introducing Heat Break".

Supported - a small poem-fairy tale, a child, a short narrative of the environment.

Lullabies - short songs that flew parents for the night of a child for lulling.

Riddle - poetic or prosaic proposals requiring attenuation.

Other types of children's folklore are counted, teasers and non-residents. They are extremely popular and in our time.

Song Epos.

The heroic epos demonstrates the most ancient types of folklore, he talks about events that occurred in a song form.

The epic - an old song, told in a solemn, but leisurely style. He glorifies the heroes and tells about their heroic exploits for the benefit of the state, the Fatherland of Russian. About Dobryna Nikitaych, Volga Buslaivaich and others.

Historical Songs - Some Transformation epic genrewhere the style of presentation is less eloquent, but the poetic form of the narrative is preserved. For example, "Song of the mean Oleg".

Artistic creativity

IN this group Epic and song genres, created in the spirit of people, artistic creativity.

The fairy tale is a brief or long epic story, one of the most common genres of oral folk creativity about fictional events, heroes. All this folklore, the types of fairy tales in it are found as follows: Magic, domestic and reflect those ideas about the world, good, evil, life, death, nature that existed in the folk medium. For example, good always wins evil, and in the world there are wonderful mythical creatures.

Ballads - poetic songs, genre of song and musical creativity.

Jokes - special view epic narration of comic situations from the life of people. Originally existed not in the form in which we know them. These were stories finished in meaning.

Noby - brief story About impossible, incredible events, what was invention from beginning to end.

A chastushka is a small song, usually quadruples with humorous content telling about events, incident situations.

Folklore Theater.

Street ideas were very common among the people, the plots were performed for them. various genres, but most often a dramatic nature.

Verp - type dramatic workintended for street doll theater.

Rajak is a type of picture theater, adaptation in the form of a box with replacing drawings, told stories at the same time reflected oral species of folklore.

The presented classification is most common among researchers. However, it is worth understanding that the types of Russian folklore mutually complement each other, and sometimes do not fit into the generally accepted classification. Therefore, when studying the issue, a simplified version is most often used, where only 2 groups of genres - ritual and non-stop folklore are distinguished.

In the 5th grade, we studied the children's folklore. I became interested in lullaby songs and wrote about them scientific work. Another genre of Folklore, who attracted my attention, is counted. IN modern world Children know little countdown, the child's subculture is going on. That is why I wanted to know the story of the counties, their development and the reasons why the countertilers gradually move into the background in the children's folklore.

My main goal was to compare the role of readers in different times And nowadays. I have seen your tasks in the following:

1. Examine scientific literature on this topic;

2. Collect readers (in scientific literature, in gaming activities modern schoolchildren);

3. To analyze the assembled material;

4. Make conclusions.

The initial hypothesis was like this: these days, children know little count, and most of them are meaningless. In scientific literature, I was able to find this explanation. During the work, I was convinced of the faithfulness of the hypothesis and that created by children's authors a large number of Developing, raising readers do not know children and do not use in games.

In my work, I used the following methods:

1. Analysis, synthesis of the assembled material;

2. Monitoring the games of students of junior classes;

3. Survey of respondents.

A total of 118 people surveyed, of whom children younger age - 20 people, aged 7-8 years - 58 people, aged 9-10 years - 25 people, 13-15 years old - 10 people, older people - 5 people.

It remembers 3 and more readers 19 people, 2 readers - 27 people, 1 reader - 72 people.

But, unfortunately, the overwhelming majority (67% of respondents) are primarily called the countably moral character (". Took out a knife from his pocket. I will cut, I will beat."). Copyright children heard, read, but in the game almost not used, since they do not remember (they were called only 0.8% of respondents). Interesting in cognitive or moral sense Carefully know 20% of respondents, meaningless or moral not interesting - 74%. With humor county only in 19 people. Racter (. Lencing, the overwhelming majority (67% of respondents) are called first of all the most morals themselves

2. The role of folklore in a person's life.

The magical kingdom of folk art is immense. It was created by centuries. In oral folk poetry (or folklore, as the international science calls this poetry) a lot of varieties. Translated into Russian english word "Folklore" means " folk wisdom"," Folk creativity "- everything that created spiritual culture labor people For centuries Ov historical life. If we do, think about our Russian folklore, we will see that he really reflected in himself a lot: both the native history, and the game of folk fantasy, and a fun laughter, and deep People's Duma about human life. People reflected on how to improve their lives, how to fight for a happy share, what should be good manAnd what features of the character you need to pour and make fun.

Numerous varieties of Russian folklore - epic, fairy tales, proverbs, calendar gyrobes, riddles - all this arose, repeated, moving from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, from his father to her son, from grandmothers to granddaughs. Often, the performers brought something to the loved text, slightly changing individual images, details and expressions, imperceptibly honing and improving the song or a fairy tale, created before them.

3. Children's folklore. His genres, moral influence.

Children's folklore is an extensive area of \u200b\u200boral folk creativity. This is a whole world - bright, joyful, filled with life force and beauty. Children look at adults with interest and willingly borrow their experience, but repainting the acquired. The thought of children is related to specific images - This is the key to the secrets of children's artistic creativity.

Folklore for children created by adults includes lullabous songs, cubes, sweatshirts, boosters, fairy tales. This field of folk creativity is one of the funds of folk pedagogy.

Both children, and adults are also well known to read, teasers, patterings and other genres of children's folklore, which is considered empty fun. In fact, without these cheerful and funny risers, without verbal gamewhich is contained in them, the child will never master his native language perfectly, will never be his worthy owner, able to express any thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Considers, drawing, songs and sentences included in games together make up the game folklore.

Consisses are short poems used to determine the leading or distribution of roles in the game - the most common genre of children's folklore.

A teller or listening to readers gives great pleasure to children. Not every child can become a good "reader." First, he must have a chain of memory, artistry, and secondly, to be honest.

The fact is that counting is a method of exercising an objective justice invented for children. As if fate itself, and not the authority of an adult (or a brew-child) manages the distribution of roles. And if it is so, then the winning game with happiness and good luck depends on the player itself. The child in the game should be resourceful, smart, dexterous, kind and even noble. All these qualities in the children's consciousness, the soul, the character develops the belonging.

4. The main features of reading.

Career has two main features. First, the basis of most readers is the score, and, secondly, the readings are strung by the sticking of meaningless words and consonant. Why was you needed by people a distorted form of words and what was hidden apart from using a mysterious account?

With a score, people are associated with a whole group of ancient concepts and ideas. It can be assumed that in the old days, charging any common cause, people showed an extraordinary prudence in numbers. Happy or unhappy will be a person who performs the order? Before hunting or other fishing, the score solved a lot. Man S. unfortunate number He could destroy, on the ideas of people, the whole thing. Such is the appointment of ancient recalculation. This feature is preserved in residual form and in children's games.

The simplest form of readings and, apparently, invisible ancient, can be recognized "naked" account. Because of the ban, it was necessary to use people when recalculating conditional forms. So, the inhabitants of the Irkutsk province were forbidden to consider the killed game, otherwise he would never be good luck; In the Russians who lived in Transbaikalia were forbidden to consider geese during flight. The ban was considered to represented great inconvenience, and people came up with the so-called "negative" account: each numerical added negative particle: more than once, not two, etc. It turned out that there was no account. This is the purpose of the distorted form of the account. People hid and the draw - recalculation required when distributing the roles of the participants of the fishing. Recalculation - prototype newest Forms Piecers - a conditional verbal form was attached, which was clear to people of this group. This is the origin of a "dusty" account, an example of which a child can serve.

Over time, withdrawing from prohibitions and faith in numbers, the one, which is recalculated, began to develop with its special way. New, purely art elements. Distorted words They began to come up with a consonance with old, without any connection with the conditioned allegorical speech of antiquity. The formation of new words in countess has lost its former meaning and often acquired the shape of pure nonsense.

The nonsense could not live in folklore for a long time, and meaningful scattered phrases, individual words began to penetrate. Of the words, some content was grew, and "plot" provisions soon appeared.

One of the main features of counting is clear rhythm, the ability to scream separately all words. For children at the age of 5-6 years, this is a special pleasure in connection with the permanent demands of adults "not noise." Hear a rhythmic drawing of counting and submit to him - the skill is not from the lungs. It is purchased by children only in the game. Than gambling game, the more descended for the child to be elected, the sharper children are listened to the rhythm counters.

All this funny poem is built on sound-powders - another feature of readers. Recall the reader "Ata Bata, soldiers walked." Her clear rhythm resembles a step of a soldier company.

5. Classification by content, art featuresmoral meaning.

The most common type of folk reading is designed directly to calculate the players. If you need to determine who leads when playing with a hide and seek or in salting, then it is considered so.

A large group of readers indicates those who will participate in the game. The latter remaining after the calculation leads.

The same view of readers belongs to those where there is no direct verbal instructions on a leading or exit from the calculation. It replaces the last expressive word. In this group, senseless counting, with an absurd plot and sounding.

The following group of readers - game - is intended simultaneously for the calculation, and for the game. It is these readings that end with issues, tasks, instructions and other requirements.

Requirements are diverse and rarely repeated. For example, in counting "sat on the kilt porch. "You need to answer the question correctly" Who are you? "

To win, you need to remember exactly, from which place the calculation began, quickly count its place in the circle and shout out the desired word or number. Then the re-calculation will have to be on you, not another.

There are readings where the won by the calculation gives his right to leave the circle of comrade, and it remains for new tests.

I would like to pay special attention to literary copyrights. They are intended for the most part For reading, not to calculate. They offer both a child and adult intellectual game - learn in her folk preamune, Catch the traits of similarities and differences, the irony of the author at the moments of attraction and repulsion from the folk sample.

The author's belonging is always essential, dynamic, full of replacing each other bright pictures And this resembles a flow. The task of the poet is to carry the child to action so much so that he wanted to "add" the line to himself to predict what will happen next. And the talent of the master is that the child is wrong and rejoiced with his mistake, because the poet came up with more interesting, more wonderful, more fun.

What are the groups for readers in scientific literature?

In the monograph S. Vinogradova "Russian Children's Folklore. Game Preludes "Announced the classification of children's folklore, in particular, readers, which are based on the vocabulary. Vinogradov took the poems that contain counting words ("Once, two, three, four, we stood on the apartment"), "zavel", distorted counting words ("Person-Functions, flew of blueberries") and equivalents of numerals (" Anza, twins, three, kalnes "). For distortion of grapes, they were treated, entirely or partially consisting of meaningless words; To the replacing items - poems that do not contain any inconsistent or counting words.

This classification remains relevant to this day.

We assembled the material allows you to add adds to this classification.

From the point of view of the content, we found the following groups:

1. Table with moral meaning raising. They teach truthfulness, kindness, caution and obedience.

2. Cognitive readings, expanding the horizons. Of these, the child receives knowledge of the world around him, about its inhabitants, nature, phenomena.

3. Unfortunately, we had to face with counting, where an indecent vocabulary is found.

In total, we collected 72 countdowns, of which 9% are counted with moral meaning, 26.5% - cognitive views, 19% - meaningless, 1.5% - immoral, 31% - readings with meaning, but not training, 7% - Cons with a humorous form, 6% - with a poetic form.

6. Conclusions on the topic.

Getting Started, we assumed that a modern typical child knows less than the older people than the people of the older generation, as children are less played by groups unattended adults. Scientists say that today it is possible to state the fact that the child's subculture is discontinued.

But the data obtained literally surprised. A total of 118 people surveyed, of which young children are 20 people, aged 7-8 years - 58 people, aged 9-10 years - 25 people, 13-15 years old - 10 people, older people - 5 people.

Of the 98 people, they remember 3 and more readers 19 people, 2 readers - 27 people, 1 - 69 people, and not remember any 3 people.

It turned out that most of the following people remember the older generation people (they played more), as well as young schoolchildren, since for them it is a living genre.

But, unfortunately, the overwhelming majority (67% of the respondents) are called first of all the most moral nature (". I took out a knife from my pocket. I will cut, I will beat."). Copyright children heard, read, but in the game almost not used, since they do not remember (they were called only 0.8% of respondents). Interesting in the informative or moral sense, the county knows 20% of respondents, meaningless or morally not interesting - 74%. With humor county only in 19 people.

We believe that our study makes it possible to draw conclusions about the insufficient attention of educators to joint children's games, to the promotion of the best folk and copyrights among young children.

Folklore and literature - two types of verbal art. However, folklore is not only the art of the word, but also component national Most, closely intertwined with other elements, and this is a significant difference between folklore and literature. But as the art of the word folklore differs from the literature. These differences do not remain unshakable at various stages of historical development, and yet the main, sustainable signs of each of the types of verbal art can be noted. Literature is an individual, folklore - collective. In the literature, innovation, and in Folklore, tradition performs on the fore. Literature is in writing, storage and transfer artistic textThe intermediary between the author and his addressee is a book, while the work of the folklore is reproduced orally and is stored in the memory of the people. The work of the folklore lives in a variety of options, each time it is reproduced as if reproduced, with a direct contact of the improviser artist with an audience, which not only directly affects the performer ( feedback), but sometimes also connects to execution.

Anika-warrior and death. Splint.

Publications of Russian folklore.

The term "folklore", which in 1846 introduced into the science of the English scientist U. J. Tomus, in translated means "folk wisdom." In contrast to many Western European scientists who include the most different parties to folklore (up to culinary recipes), including here also elements material culture (housing, clothing), domestic scientists and their like-minded people in other countries folklore consider oral folk creativity - poetic works created by the people and extensive in widely popular masses, along with the folklore musical and dance. This approach takes into account artistic nature Folklore as art art. Folklore is engaged in the study of folklore.

The story of Folklore goes into the deep past of mankind. M. Gorky determined folklore as oral creativity Labor people. Indeed, the folklore arose in the labor process, always expressed his eyes and interests of people of labor, in it in a wide variety of forms a man's desire to facilitate their work, to make him joyful and free.

Primitive man spent all his time for labor or preparation for him. Actions through which he sought to influence the forces of nature, was accompanied by words: spells were pronounced, conspiracies, to the forces of nature were requested, threat or gratitude. This abuse of various species is essentially already artistic activities (although the performers themselves themselves set themselves purely practical goals) - the unity of the word, music, dance, decorative art - Known in science as "primitive syncretism", traces of him and now noticeable in folklore. As a person accumulated more and more significant life experiencewhich it was necessary to convey the following generations, increased the role of verbal information: because it was the word that could most successfully report not only about what is happening here and nowbut also about what happened or will happen somewhere and once or someday. The allocation of verbal creativity into an independent type of art is the most important step in the prehistory of folklore, in its independent, although in the associated mythological consciousnesscondition. The decisive event, carrying the frontier between mythology and actually folklore, was the appearance of a fairy tale. It is in a fairy tale imagination - this one, according to K. Marx, the Great Gift, so much promoted the development of mankind, - for the first time it was conscious as aesthetic category.

With the formation of nations, and then the states were a heroic epic: Indian "Mahabharata", Irish saga, Kyrgyz "Manas", Russian epics. Lyrics not related to the ritual arose even later: it was manifested in her interest in human personality, to experiences simple man. Folk songs The feudalism period is told about the fortress capture, about hard female share, on folk defenders, such as Carmelule in Ukraine, Janoshik in Slovakia, Stepan Razin in Russia.

Studying folk creativity, it should be constantly keeping in mind that the people are not a uniform and historically changeable concept. The dominant classes were sought by all means to introduce thoughts, moods, works that contradict the interests of workers, - loyal verses in relation to a tsarism, "spiritual poems", etc. Besides, and in the very peoples of the century, oppressed not only hatred Operators, but also ignorance, a burden. The history of folklore is both the process of constant growth of the self-awareness of the people, and overcoming what the prejudices were expressed.

According to the nature of communication with the people's life, folklore ritual and non-boss. The folklore performers themselves adhere to another classification. It is essential for them that some works come on, others affect. Scientists-philologists All the works of Folklore refer to one of the three clans - to the epic, lyrics or drama, as accepted in literary criticism.

Some folk genres are interconnected by a common area of \u200b\u200bexistence. If the pre-revolutionary folklore is very clearly distinguished on the social affiliation of its carriers (peasant, worker), now the age differences are now more significant. Special section of people poetic creativity It is a children's folklore - gaming (draw, counting, various game songs) and non-player (typos, horror stories, flippers). The main genre of modern youth folklore was the amateur, the so-called bard song.

Folklore of each people unique, as well as his story, customs, culture. The epics, chastushki are inherent only by Russian folklore, the Duma - Ukrainian, etc. The most distinctive lyric songs of each people. Even the most brief works of folklore - proverbs and sayings - the same thought express every people in their own way, and where we say: "silence - gold", the Japanese with their cult color will say: "silence - flowers."

However, the first folkloristic scientists were amazed by the similarity of fairy tales, songs, legends belonging to various nations. At first, this was explained by the general origin of related (for example, Indo-European) peoples, then borrowing: one people adopted with another plot, motives, images.

The consistent and convincing explanation of all the phenomena of similarity gives only historical materialism. Based on the rigor actual material, Marxist scientists explained that similar plots, motifs, images arose among the peoples that were on the same stages of socio-cultural development, even if these people lived on different continents and did not meet each other. So, the magic fairy tale is a utopia, a dream of justice, which consisted of of various nations As they appear private property, and together with it and social inequality. Primitive society I did not know the magic fairy tale in any of the mainland.

Fairy tales, heroic epos, ballads, proverbs, sayings, riddles, lyrical songs of different nations, featuring national identity both in form and content, at the same time are created on the basis of common for a certain level artistic thinking and enshrined the tradition of laws. Here is one of the "natural experiments", which confirms this position. French poet P. J. Berance wrote the poem "Old Capral", using as a basis (and at the same time essentially recycled it) "complaint" - a special kind of French folk ballad. Poet V. S. Kurochkin translated a poem into Russian, and thanks to the music of A. S. Dargomyzhsky song penetrated into Russian folklore Repertoire. And when, many years later, she was recorded on the Don, it was discovered that folk singers produced significant changes in the text (by the way, music), as if restoring in the main initial shape French "complaint", which don Cossacks Of course never heard. This affected general laws People's Creativity.

Literature appeared later than folklore, and always, although in different ways, used his experience. In the same time literary works Frequently penetrated the folklore and influenced its development.

The nature of the interaction of two poetic systems is historically due to and therefore unequal at various stages art Development. On this path, he is extremely important cool turns History process redistribution social spheres actions of literature and folklore, which is on the material of Russian culture XVII in. An academician D. S. Likhachev was marked. If in the XVI century. The storytellers were kept even under the royal court, the century and a half later folklore leaves the life and life of the dominant classes, now oral poetry is the wealth of almost exclusive masses, and literature - the dominant classes. So late development may sometimes have the outlined tendencies of the interaction of literature and folklore, and sometimes the most significant way. However, the stages passed are not conjured. What the Columbus and Athanasius Nikitina and Afanasiya Nikitina, the folk creativity of the time of time, were uniquely responded in the quest, A. S. Pushkin and A. T. Teddovsky.

In the interaction of folk art with realistic literature Further than ever, the folklore's inexhaustibility is found as an eternal source of continuously developing art. The literature of socialist realism, as no other, relies not only on the experience of direct predecessors, but also for all the best, which characterizes literary process At all its length, and on folklore in all his inexhaustible wealth.

Adopted in 1976 the law "On the protection and use of monuments of cultural history" to the number of national treasures and "records of folklore and music". However, the recording is only auxiliary means of fixing the folk text. But even the most accurate record can not be replaced by a living spring of folk poetry.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

The role of folklore in the life of a person was fulfilled: Ziganshina Polina, Krivonoga Vlad, Savinova Olga Students 4 A Class GBOU SOSH No. 30 Syzran Officers: Zarubina Natalia Gennadevna, primary school teacher.

2 Slide

Slide description:

Currently, the issue of reviving folk traditions in Russia is sharp. Concerning great importance Folklore is paid. Folklore is a special area of \u200b\u200bpoetic art. He reflects the centuries-old historical experience of people.

3 Slide

Slide description:

Relevance: Is it worth talking about folklore today? We think it is worth. In the modern world, where new toys and computer programs for children are created every day, many simply forgot about the values \u200b\u200bof the folklore for the education and development of the schoolchild. We have always been interested in such questions: why, when grandmothers and moms sang climbing songs to us, we quickly fell asleep? Why when we sing and listen to the chastushki, do we increase the mood? Why is it very easy to remember the words added? Why folk teasers are not offensive? Therefore, for research, we chose the topic: "The role of folklore in a person's life"

4 Slide

Slide description:

The purpose of the study: to study folk genres and explore what influence has a folklore in the development and raising of children. Tasks for research: study the genres of oral folk creativity; consider the value of various forms of folklore in the life of the child; Conduct and describe practical research, summarize the results obtained;.

5 Slide

Slide description:

Our hypothesis: the works of oral folk are not in demand in the modern world, although their influence on the development of schoolchildren's education is positive. Research Objects: Folklore. Research subject: Folklore form.

6 Slide

Slide description:

Ritual folklore Calendar Folklore - reflects folk holidays, treatment to nature: our ancestors appealed to the Mother-Earth and other deities, asking for her protection, good harvest and grace. Family and household folklore, which described life from the moment of his birth

7 Slide

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Non-stop folklore 1. Folklore drama 2. Folklore Poetry 3. Folklore Prose 4. Folklore of speech situations.

8 Slide

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Acquaintance with folklore begins with the first days of human life. For newborn moms singlean songs sing. These are songs that take the child. The words in them are affectionate, singers, there are no sharp sounds. In such songs, the speakers of Guli are most often acting, home swallows, a cozy purr. In these songs it is said about silence and peace.

9 Slide

Slide description:

And then the songs - the Pestushki appeared. The Pestushka is a short poetic sentence of nyanyushki and mothers, which accompany the movement of the child in the first months of life. Then the very first games are starting - fun. Lessel - a song-party, concomitant with the game with fingers, handles and feet of a child.

10 Slide

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The child is already able to speak. But not all the sounds are obtained. Here the spells come to the rescue. Speaking is a small poem, in which words are selected specifically to make it difficult to pronounce. In children's spells, the memory of the prayer appeals of our foreframes has been preserved. Schedules are songs in which the guys turn to nature forces with some request. Serious, the economic basis of the spells was forgotten, the fun remained.

11 Slide

Slide description:

In children's spells, the memory of the prayer appeals of our foreframes has been preserved. Schedules are songs in which the guys turn to nature forces with some request. Serious, the economic basis of the spells was forgotten, the fun remained. Site - these are short poems that pronounce children in different casesFor example, referring to living beings - to snail, God's cow, to birds, pets.

12 Slide

Slide description:

All primitive peoples have existed a rite of initiation of boys in full members of the genus - hunters. The mind, the child's intelligence was to show in guessing the riddles. The mystery is a brief allegoric description of any object or phenomenon. Count also help produce right speech. This is a cheerful, naughty genre. If during the game you need to choose a leader, use readers.

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I remember the words A. S. Pushkin: "What the beauty of these fairy tales!" It is through them a person knows the world. It is not just funny or instructive, terrible or sad fictional stories. In fact, in these, at first glance, the simple stories concluded deep folk wisdom, the presentation of a person about the world and his people, about good and evil, justice and dishonor.

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When meeting with the Arithulina Nina Vasilyevna librarian, we asked her the question: "Does the disciples of our school often take a book with works of oral folk creativity?" Nina Vasilyevna answered us: "Unfortunately, not often, only if you specify the literature lessons."

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With the question "What place is the study of works of oral folk creativity?" We turned to the Russian language teacher and the literature Gulyaeva Elena Valentinovna. Her answer pleased. Studying folklore occupies meaningful place in a programme. We asked: "Why is the small share of students addressed books in school library? " Elena Valentinovna replied that many students draw information on the Internet, many guys have books in the home library.

Folklore, translated from English, means "People's Wisdom, People's Knowledge". The English scientist U.J. Toms in 1846. At first, this term covered all the spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, wood carving, etc.), and sometimes material (housing, clothing) the culture of the people. From the beginning of the 20th century The term is used in a narrower, more specific meaning: oral folk creativity.

Folklore EO Art that has been introduced for centuries and varying from time

Only all 3 of these factors, pitchings at the same time are a sign of folklore and distinguish it from literature.

Syncretism - the fusion, the absentiance of various types of art peculiar to early stages of its development. Artistic creativity is not separated from other activities and together with them is directly incorporated into practical life. Sinnotism is the undeveloped state of the early traditional folklore. The most ancient types of verbal art arose in the process of forming human speech in the era of the upper Paleolithic. The verbal creativity in antiquity was closely related to human labor and reflected religious, mythical, historical ideas, as well as the primitive scientific knowledge. Ritual actions by which primitive It sought to influence the forces of nature, on fate, were accompanied by words: spells were pronounced, conspiracies, to the forces of nature were treated with various requests or threats. The art of the word was closely connected with other types of primitive art - music, dancing, decorative art. In science, this is called "primitive syncretism" traces of it and are now noticeable in folklore.

Russian scientist A.N.Veselovsky believed that the origins of poetry - in folk rite. Primitive poetry, according to his concept, originally represented the song of the choir, accompanied by a downtry and a pantomime. The role of the word at first was insignificant and fully subordinate to Rhythm and Mimic. The text was improvised according to the implementation of the execution, until it acquired a traditional character.

As humanity has accumulated increasingly significant life experience, which it was necessary to convey the following generations, the role of verbal information increased. The allocation of verbal creativity into an independent type of art is the most important step in the prehistory of folklore.

Birth of Folklore: Epos (legends, fairy tales, legends, epic - genres) Laro-epic genre (transitional) - Romance

Lyrics (songs, chastushki); drama (folk theater)

Types of folklore: archaic - folklore develops among peoples at the primitive stage of development. No writing, the culture is oral. Folklore people with mythological thinking covers the entire culture of the ethnos. Classic - folklore adds in the era when states are formed, writing and literature arises. Artistic fiction is formed here, the genre system is developing. Modern - postopolkore, which has developed in Russia after the cancellation of serfdom. His element is a city. To change Eposa magic fairy tales And traditional lyrical songs come songs of a new formation, chastushki, jokes.

Folklore (according to V.E. Gusev) - verbally - musically - choreography - the dramatic part of folk creativity (spiritual component folk culture) - not material art. Materially pronounced (DPI) - folk creativity.

Folklore - syncretic and synthetic art, because Combines various types of arts.

Signs of folklore: a permanent (not only the form of distribution, and the form in which the premises has the greatest aesthetic effects); Impersonality (the author of the work is, but not designated); Collectivity (as aesthetic category. The quality of the Prome received by the team corresponds to the national tradition. Collectivity \u003d tradition + improvisation); Traditional (works are invested on the basis of traditions); Variability ( different variants in different territories); Improvisation; Nature (aesthetic category, expression of ideals, interests, aspirations of the people).

Tradition - Sustainable schemes, artistic techniques and means used by the generality of people throughout the many generations, and transmitted from generation to generation. The tradition is understood as the most general principles of creativity, and in folklore - a set of sustainable plot forms, types, heroes, poetic forms.

Genres of Folklore:

The folk genre is a combination of works united by the community of the poetic system, domestic appointment, forms of execution and musical order. (V.Ya. propppe) Genre is a unit of classification of folklore

F-P is divided into childbirth (Epos, Lyrics, Drama), childbirth - on species (nr, songs, fairy tales, etc.), and species of genres. If the basis of the classification is to put a way to export works, then F-P is divided into ritual and out-of-contract.

Epos reproduces validity in the narrative form in the form of objective paintings. Divided into: songs (poetic)

Epics; historical songs; ballads; spiritual poems; Prosaic; Fabulous prose; Fairy tales about animals; Magic fairy tales; Jokes

Novels; Non-surrender prose; Legends; Legends; Byilichki (demonological stories).

In the epic folk genres, the main artistic sign is the plot. It is based on a conflict, which is based on a chance of a hero with supernatural or real opponents. The plot can be both simple and difficult, events can be perceived both real and fictional, and the content belong to the past, real and future.

Lyrics - Lyrics poetically depicts internal independent state Human, his subjective experiences

Songs chastushki; Exemption; The dramatic genres of folklore have a spectacular gaming nature, and is transmitted to reality in the game action; Ritual playing; Dramatic games; Late theatrical genres; Theater of living actors; Puppet show; Rajak;

According to the method of existence of works, folklore is divided into: ritual; Ritual calendar; Ritual family; Overall.

In addition, small genres of folklore distinguish: Parema; Proverbs and sayings; Puzzles

As well as such species like children's folklore. (Lullaby, teasers, horror stories, shafts, etc., Folklore workers (songs, chastushki, prose), folklore of the Second World War (Chastushki, f-p front, rear, hijacked in the occupation, Victory I.T.D.)

Each folk genre has its own circle of heroes, its plots and style techniques, however, all together folk genres in their natural existence are interrelated, form a system. This system destroys outdated. And on their basis, new ones are born.

Folklore researchers: V.N. Tatishchev (18 V), Slavophiles P.V. Kirievsky, N.M. Languages, V.I. Dahl et al; 1850-60s: F.I. Buslaev, A.N. Afanasyev, A.N. Veselovsky, V.F. Miller; The beginning of the Soviet era: B.M. and Yu.M. Sokolov, D.K. Zelenin, MK Azadovsky, N.P. Andreev. The second floor. 20 V: V.I. Chicherov, V.Ya. Propp, N.N. Veetskaya, V.K. Sokolova, L.N. Vinogradova, I.E. Karpukhin, V.P. Anikin, E.V. Pomerantseva, E.M. Muletinsky, V.A. Bakhtina, V.E. Gusev, A.F. Nekrylova, B.N. Putilov, etc.