Culture of Russia XIII-XVII centuries. Culture, customs and traditions of the Russian people Message on the topic Culture of the people

Culture of Russia XIII-XVII centuries. Culture, customs and traditions of the Russian people Message on the topic Culture of the people
Culture of Russia XIII-XVII centuries. Culture, customs and traditions of the Russian people Message on the topic Culture of the people

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Culture of the Russian nation


Rubno Danil

Kislovodsk, 2014

National culture is the national memory of the people, the fact that it allocates this people in a number of others, keeps a person from soluble, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, get spiritual support and vital support.

Russians are the ethnic community of people represented by the Russian nation. Since ancient times, the Russians had their national state - Rus, which was later called Russia later on the Byzantine Lad. Most Russians for religion are Orthodox Christians. Ethnically, the Russians belong to the Indo-Europeans, namely, to the eastern Slavs.

Geographical position.

The places where the Russian ethnos was formed, spread out from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the lower Danube and the Carpathian Mountains in the West to the Volga-Occask Meternreach in the East. Geography has determined the nature of the Russian people and the historical path of development, which went Russian civilization.

In this regard, as part of the Russian genotype, both hot Cossack morals, expressed in dashing dances and Djigitovka, and the spelling of the North, expressed in unhappy round dances and long folk singing.

Russians, unlike many other peoples, were not clamped by seas, impassable mountain rods, other nations and could freely develop new territories. Such a geographical reason led to the fact that the Russians accepted an extensive civilizational model, unlike, for example, Europeans or Japanese, which, due to the geography of the habitat, were forced to develop intensively.

Russian nation is not so ancient. The very name "Russian" appeared only in the XIV century and meant "sovereigns man." Of course, and before that was Russia, but Novgorod, Suzdals, Chernihiv, Polonan and Other Slavs lived in it. Neither the names of the people nor a single Russian nation was. If earlier foreigners and said "Rus", it was understood that this man belongs to the Russian princely squad or troop, military or commercial Russian expedition.

The population of ancient Russia generally called "Slavs" or specifically "Kievans", "Novgorod", "Smolyan" and so on.

The concept of Russia has come to the history of Kievan Rus from the preceding centuries. It has an ancient chronology and is localized in the south-east of the East Slavonic Area - this is the right shore of the Middle Podprovia - the ugly railway.

In this area in the VI-VII centuries, there was a strong tribal Russian Union, which served in the IX-X centuries. The core for the formation of ancient Russian nationality, which includes almost all Eastern Slavic tribes, including part of the East Finnish - Merry and the whole.

Ancient Russian state emerged in the IX century. It was the chronicle Russian land and the region of the settlement of the ancient Russian nationality, which in those distant times distinguished the strongly informed unity with his land. The initial meaning of the word Rus is associated with the concept of light, white. In the X-XII centuries, Slavs-Russa begin the massive development of the Volga-Pool, where the core of the historical and ethnic territory of the Russians has been formed later.

The story of Velikorsov from 5-6 million people began. Due to the airless farming of North-Western Russia, this was enough to form a powerful state with a center in the city of Moscow.

The ancient Russian state died under the Natius of Batiyev invasion (1240), which was accompanied by a massive extermination of the population and the destruction of cities. The result of the collapse of statehood and grand-jobs was the separation of ethno-territorial associations, which in the historical perspective led to the addition of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples.

During the entire foreseeable historical period, Russians were mastered 21 million square meters. km. Land. This was made possible by creating Russian statehood and the developed self-consciousness of the people. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Russians were the second in the population of the world. From the beginning of the twentieth century. The number of Russians, despite significant losses as a result of two world wars and other socio-economic cataclysms, has grown almost 2 times. According to the 1989 census in the USSR, the number of all Russians amounted to 145 million, including 120 million in Russia.

This is explained not only by a significant natural increase in the population, but also merging with Russian individual groups of other peoples. Since the 1970s, the growth rates of Russians began to be significantly reduced due to a sharp decline in fertility, and since the 1990s - also sharply increased mortality. Currently, Kolo 127 million. Ethnic Russians lives on Earth. About 86% of them live in Russia. The remaining 14% is in different countries of the world. Most of all - in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan.


Architecture in Russia was temple, serf and civilian.

The architectural style of Kievan Rus was established under the influence of Byzantine. Early Orthodox Churches were mainly made of wood. Russian architects received recognition of the tent style. The most ancient of the preserved tent chokes of wooden architecture is the Nikolsk Church in the village of Land of the Arkhangelsk region.

In the history of Russia, there was a fairly long period when public buildings were built from white stone - limestone. The temples and fortresses were harmoniously fit into the surrounding nature and had become an integral part of the Russian landscape during the centuries.

The first stone church of Kievan Rus was the Tentening Church in Kiev (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), energized between 986 and 996 holy equivalent Vladimir (approx. 960-1015) at the place of the death of the martyr of Theodore and his son John.

In 1037 in Kiev, by order of Yaroslav Wise (978-1054), construction of the Cathedral of St. Sophia began. Thus, the prince proclaimed Kiev equal to Constantinople, where the chief cathedral was also dedicated to St. Sofia. The cathedral was built on the site of the Battle of Kievans with Pechenegs, who ended with the full defeat of nomads.

In 1045-1050, Vladimir Yaroslavich Novgorod (1020-1052), the main Orthodox church of Veliky Novgorod was built - the Cathedral of St. Sophia, who is the oldest preserved temple in Russia, built by Slavs.

Distinctive features of Novgorod architecture are noticeable in this monument - monumentality, simplicity, lack of excessive decorativeness.

Nicholas Cathedral The Wonderworker on the courtyard built by Prince Mustislav (1076-1132), the son of Vladimir Monomakh in 1113 - the first stone building on the trade side of Novgorod. The base of the temple is associated with the acquisition of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, healing Prince Mstislava from severe illness.

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Antoniyev Monastery, built in Novgorod in 1117, is considered the first nonestly building of Novgorod. The founder and first abbot of the monastery was the Rev. Anthony Roman (approx. 1067-1147).

In 1119, by order of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich (approx. 1095-1138) on the territory of the ancient monastery in Yuryev, the construction of the temple of George Victorious (built in 1130) was launched due to the fact that the approaches to Novgorod from the shores of Ilmensky lake needed constant control . The construction of the temple was engaged in Artel Master Peter.

In the 30s of the XII century, Russia joined the era of feudal fragmentation. The temples of Novgorod, built during this period, are no longer affected by huge sizes, but they keep the main features of this architectural school. They are characterized by simplicity and some heavyweight forms. At the end of the XII century, such temples were built as the Church of Peter and Paul on the Sini Mountain (1185-1192) and the Church of the Foma's confidence at the Mother (1195) (on its foundation in 1463 a new church was built under the same name). An outstanding monument that ended up the development of the school in the XII century was the church of the Savior in Nerette (1198). Built in one season at the Novgorod Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich.

In the XII-XIII centuries, the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality becomes an important cultural center. Continuing the Byzantine and Kiev traditions, the architectural style is modified, acquires its own, individual traits.

With Prince Yuri, the Dolgoruk was built in 1152 the Church of Boris and Gleb in Kidekshe and the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky. During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky (1111-1174), Vladimir-Suzdal architecture reached the greatest heyday. In the capital of the Principality of Vladimir, active construction is unfolded, the city is built on with monumental structures.

Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky made everything to the city of Vladimir (called so in honor of Vladimir Monomakh) eclipsed Kiev. In the fortress wall surrounding the city, the gate was built, the main of which were traditionally called gold. Such gates were erected in all major cities of the Christian world, starting with Constantinople, in memory of the entry of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem through the Golden Gate of the city.

Assumption Cathedral - Land Cathedral in the glory of Our Lady - was erected in Vladimir in 1158-1160, and then rebuilt in 1185-1189. Prince Vsevolod III (1154-1212).

The greatest Russian shrine was placed in the cathedral - the icon of Our Lady, which, according to legend, was written by Evangelical Luka and secretly exported Andrei Bogolyubsky from Kiev.

In 1158-1165 at the mouth of the Nerlin River 10 km. To the northeast of Vladimir, by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, his residence was built (now the village of Bogolyubovo). One of the most prominent monuments of architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal school is the church of the Intercession on the nerve, built in 1165, as a monument of a successful hike Andrei Bogolyubsky at the Volga Bulgarians in 1164, and to the holiday of the Pokrov Virgin. At the same time, she was a monument to the son of Prince Andrei - Izyaslav, who died in this campaign.

In the times of Vsevolod, whose glory and power were so hit contemporaries, the Suzdal Earth became the principality dominating over the rest of Rus. Dmitrievsky Cathedral (1191) was erected during this period in Vladimir. Thus, the architecture of Russia X-XII centuries, being influenced by various cultures, especially Byzantine, developed, however, his original, unique character and made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of world culture.

One of the prominent monuments of serf architecture of the XV-XVII centuries became the Kremlin, which turned any city into an impregnable fortress.

By the XVII century in the Moscow Kremlin there were already hundreds of buildings. The Kremlin turned into a world-famous, unique architectural ensemble, a symbol of strength and unity of the Russian Earth.

The XVII century brought with them new artistic trends. The architecture came decorative, scenic style. Forms of buildings complicated, their walls covered a multicolor ornament, white thread.

By the end of the century, the style of Moscow, or Naryshkinsky, Baroque, magnificent and magnificent, parade and extremely elegant are folded. The most famous construction of the end of the XVII century is the temple of the Pokrov Virgin in filients.

The authentic masterpiece of the Russian civil architecture of this period is the Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin.

The XVIII century in the architecture and urban planning of Russia is characterized by the merge of the Russian style with three European directions - Baroque, Rococo and Classicism.

During this period, several outstanding architectural ensembles were built: a resolon monastery, Peterhof and the Tsarskoye palaces, the building of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, St. Andrei Cathedral in Kiev. Thus, in the process of the evolution of the Russian national culture, the concept of "Russian style" was formed in the architecture as reflections of the aggregate of conscious traditions, the features of the characteristics of the Russian culture not at a particular historical period, but since the formation of a single Russian nation to this day.

The Russian language belongs to the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic Group, which is part of the Indo-European family of languages. From ancient Russia, Russian inherited his writing.

At the heart of the modern Russian alphabet lies Cyrillic - one of the oldest Slavic ABC.

Russian is the most common language of the world, one of the six official and UN working languages, as well as one of the five working languages \u200b\u200bof the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

The National costume.

Russian national costume has a division of social status. The peasant Russian national costume is embroidered peasant clothes, with folk ornament, lapties, hats. City Russian National costume is presented mainly to top clothes - these are long leather or woolen coats, high black leather boots, Cossack hats, etc.

The main parts of the female folk costume were a shirt, apron, or a curtain, a sundress, a priest, a breastplate, Shuszanpan (women's short help, with interception, usually clouded).

In Russian folk costume, vintage hats and a custom itself for a married woman hide their hair, for a girl - leave uncovered. This custom is due to the shape of a female head remove in the form of a closed hat, the girl - in the form of a hoop or bandage. Kokoshnikov "Soroki", a variety of dressings and crowns are widespread. A masculine costume consisted of sprues-space with a low resistant or without it and non-strokes of pants (ports) from canvas or crash. A white or colored canvas shirt wore over his pants and rejected by a belt or a long woolen eaten. The decorative solution of the sphere - embroidery on the bottom of the product, the bottom of the sleeves, the neck. Embroidery was often combined with inserts from a cloth of another color, the location of which emphasized the design of the shutter (share seams of the transfer and back, the lasty, the casing of the neck, the lines of the sleeve connection with the armchair). On a briefly married head, Tafa usually worn, in the XVI century, not even in the church, despite the renewal of Metropolitan Philip. Tafia is a small round hail.

On top of Tafia, the caps were put on: the common man - from the felt, the pool, in people rich - from thin cloth and velvet. In addition to the caps in the form of hoods, Treuja, Murmolki and Hats were worn.

Customs and traditions.

Russian folk customs and traditions are associated with calendar, and with human life. In Russia, the calendar was called month. Monasses covered the whole year of peasant life, "describing" by day month after a month, where every day corresponded to their holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rites, natural signs and phenomena. The people's calendar is a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life. It includes knowledge of nature, agricultural experience, rites, norms of public life.

For a long time, three calendars lived in the villages. The first is natural, agricultural, associated with the change of seasons. The second - pagan, pre-Christian times, as well as agricultural, correlated with the phenomena of nature. The third, the latest calendar is the Christian, Orthodox, in which only the Great Holidays, not counting Easter - twelve.

National holidays.

Spells Russian people work, knew how and relax. Following the principle: "The case is time, fun - an hour," the peasants rested mainly on holidays. The Russian word "holiday" comes from the Version Slavic "Study", meaning "rest, idleness." With antiquity, christmas was considered the main winter holiday. On Russia, the holiday of Christmas came along with Christianity in the x in. And merged with the Winter History of the Holiday - Holie, or a Collad. Slavic shints were a high-day holiday. They started from the end of December and continued all the first week of January. It was forbidden to quarrel on the shields to quarrel, to mention death, to make reprehensive actions. Everyone was obliged to make each other only pleasant. On the threshold of spring in the villages, a cheerful holiday was celebrated - Maslenitsa. It is known from the pagan times as the holiday of winter wires and the selection of spring. As any event associated with Easter - the main event of the year of Christian, the carnival does not have an accurate calendar attachment, but is a week preceding the great post. The initial name of the carnival was "meat". Later began to call the passenger week of "cheese", or just Carnival. It was not allowed to eat meat, but dairy products, including oil, which were abundantly watered pancakes - the main festive dish was not yet banned. Every day on the passenger week had its own name, each day was banned with their own certain actions, rules of behavior, rites. Monday was called - Meeting, Tuesday - Blash, Wednesday - Nakompa, Thursday - Razgul, Four Wide, Friday - Evenings, Saturday - Castle Satzing, Sunday - Forgiveness, Wires. The whole week, in addition to official names, was called in the people: "Honest, wide, funny, lady-carnival, Madam-Maslenitsa." Every spring Russian, as well as Christians of the whole world, celebrate Easter, the bright Resurrection of Christ, the oldest and most famous of Christian church celebrations. The main Easter rituals are known to everyone: the dyeing of eggs, Coulin's cookies. For a believer, Easter is also connected with the whirlpool, the congestion and Christ. Christ is in the exchange of kisses when uttered the Easter greeting: "Christ is Risen!" - "Verily Risen!".

On the fiftieth day after Easter, Trinity was celebrated (the day of the Saint Spirit). In this Orthodox festival, traces of the Visual School of Semika are found, which was celebrated on the seventh week after Easter. The holiday was held in the forest. The focus on these days was a birch. She was decorated with ribbons, flowers, drove around her dances, sang songs. Birch branches were decorated with windows, houses, courtyards, temples, believing that they possess healing force. In Trinitz Beriza "buried" - was treated in water than they tried to ensure rain.

On June 24, on the days of the summer solstice, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was celebrated in Russia - a pagan feast of worship of natural elements - fire and water. The pagan battle was never Ivan. He did not have any name at all. And he acquired it when the holiday of the joye came across the Christian holiday of the Christmas of John the Baptist. Another holiday was called the Day of Ivan Travnik. After all, therapeutic herbs collected during this period are miraculous. I dreamed of finding and seeing how the fern blooms. It is in these moments that the treasies come out of the earth, bending green lights. No less welcome was a meeting with the "Grass Determination", from the touch of which it splits into pieces of any metal, all doors will decide. Russian folk holidays were unusually rich and diverse. Unfortunately, some of them are almost forgotten today. I want to believe that the genuine interest in Russian culture will afford to revive lost and transfer to descendants.

Ritals confined to large holidays included a large number of different works of folk art: songs, sentences, dance, games, dancing, dramatic scenes, masks, folk costumes, peculiar props. Folk traditions of the celebration of Easter, Trinity, the Nativity of Christ, the Assumption and many temples (throne) holidays contribute to the strengthening of family-related and territorial ethnic ties.

Folk songs.

The Russian People's Song is a song, the words and music of which have developed historically during the development of Russian culture. The folk song has no definite author, or the author is unknown. All Russian songs carry a semantic load. In the songs of the Russian people, there are about life, about experiences and about the life of people of that time. Russian folk songs are divided into:

1. Song Epos;

2. Calendar ritual songs;

3. Family ritual songs;

4. Traditional lyrical songs;

5. Labor songs;

6. Departure songs;

7. Daelast songs;

8. comic, satirical, dance songs, chastushki, debris, suffering;

9. Songs of literary origin;

10. Cossack military repertoire;

11. Genre songs associated with choreography.

Everyone knows the conquering power of Russian folk songs. They have a property not only penetrating deep into the soul, but also cause empathy. Historical folk songs are valuable in that the real events of past years have been reflected. Transferring from generation to generation without significant changes, they maintained plots and heroes, forms and expressive means for many centuries.

The theme of historical songs is diverse and multifaceted: wars, hiking, folk uprisings, cases from the life of kings, statesmen, leaders of the riots. According to them, you can judge the attitude of the people to what is happening, about its priorities and moral values. So, with deep sorrow, people were reacted to the execution of the Jellyan Pugachev, the intercessor of the oppressed peasants, the "native batty":

Folk dances.

It is not amenable to the score how many different dances and dancer told on Russia and exists still in modern Russia. They have a wide variety of names: sometimes on a song that is dancing ("Camarinskaya", "Songy"), sometimes by the number of dancers ("pair", "four"), sometimes the name determines the picture of the dance ("woven", "knot" ). But in all these such various dances there is something in general, characteristic of Russian folk dance in general: it is a latitude of movement, delets, special cheerfulness, poetry, combination of modesty and simplicity with a great sense of self-esteem.

National cuisine.

Russian cuisine has long been widely fame worldwide. To the original Russian food products include: caviar, red fish, sour cream, buckwheat, rye croup, etc.

The most famous Russian national menu dishes are a jelly, soup, ear, pancakes, pies, sacks, rams, pancakes, kissel (oatmeal, wheat and rye), porridge, kvass, sbits. Since most days a year - from 192 to 216 in different years - were considered to be lean (and these posts were respected quite strictly), it was a natural desire to expand the range of the lean table. Hence the abundance in Russian cuisine of mushroom and fish dishes, a tendency to use various vegetable raw materials - grains (porridge), vegetables, forest berries and herbs (nettle, sick, swan, etc.).

Moreover, such well-known with x in. Vegetables, like cabbage, turnip, radish, peas, cucumbers, were prepared and ate - be it raw, salty, steamy, boiled or baked - separately one from the other. Therefore, for example, salads and especially winegreets were never peculiar to Russian cuisine and appeared in Russia already in the XIX century. as borrowing from the West.

On a large segment of the development of the Russian national cuisine, the cooking process was reduced to cooking or baking products in a Russian oven, and these operations were carried out necessarily separately. What was intended for cooking was drunk from the beginning to the end, what was intended for cookies, only baked. Thus, the people's Russian cuisine did not know what combined or even different, combined or double thermal processing.

Thermal treatment of food was heated by the warmth of the Russian oven, strong or weak, three degrees - "to breads", "after the breads", "on the free spirit" - but always contactless with fire and either with a constant temperature-holding temperature or with Falling, decreasing temperatures, when the furnace gradually cooled, but never with an increasing temperature, as when cooking on the stove. Therefore, the Kushan was always not even boiled, but rather tormented, which was why they purchased a very special taste. No wonder, many dishes of old Russian cuisine do not make a proper impression when they are prepared in different temperature conditions.

Great people.

Princess Olga - the first woman and the first Christian among the Russian rulers, the first Russian saint.

Vladimir Svyatoslavich - united all Eastern Slavs, the Holy Baptist of Russia, Vladimir Red Sunny Russian epic.

Yaroslav Wise - founded Yaroslavl, initiated the creation of a "Russian truth" - the first famous arch of laws in Russia, Holy.

Vladimir Monomakh - organized the defense of Russia from Polovtsy, with it the last "golden age" of the Unified Kievan Rus.

Yuri Dolgoruky - the founder of Moscow, when it began the elevation of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus.

Alexander Nevsky - defeated the Swedes on the Neva and Germans in the ice, the saint patron of Russia and the Russian man.

Dmitry Donskoy - united Moscow and Vladimir Principality, defeated the Gold Ordans in the Kulikovsky battle, Holy.

Ivan IVI of the Great - united around Moscow most of the Russian lands and made it the "third Rome", put an end to the dependence of Russia from the Horde.

Ivan IV Grozny - the first king of All Russia, rules over 50 years old (longer than all in Russia), doubled the territory of the country, attaching the Volga region and the Urals.

Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky - folk heroes, organizers and leaders of the second Zemsky militia, put an end to troubled time.

Peter I Great - the first emperor of Russia, founded the Navy and the new capital - Petersburg, attached a significant part of the Baltic.

Alexander II Liberator - held great reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, the Primorye and most of Central Asia are joined.

Yermak Timofeevich - Cossack Ataman and People's Hero, defeated Siberian Khanate, putting the beginning of the accession of Siberia to Russia.

Alexander Suvorov - an invincible commander, won more than 60 battles, the hero of Russian-Turkish wars, spent the Russian army through the Alps.

M. Lomonosov - the first Russian scientist-naturalist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist.

P.M. Tretyakov - patron, collected the largest collection of Russian painting, the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.

A.S. Pushkin is the most famous Russian poet and writer, "The Sun of Russian Poetry."

GK Zhukov - one of the greatest commander of the Second World War, led the largest operations, took Berlin.

Yu.A. Gagarin is the first person in world history that has flown into outer space.

Coat of arms, flag, hymn.

For the first time, a double-headed eagle as a symbol appeared in Russia more than 500 years ago at Ivan III co-stamp in 1497. He personified the power and independence of the state, and also symbolized the transfer of the heritage of Byzantia to the Russian state. Since then, considerable changes have been made to the appearance of the coat of arms of Russia. From the end of the 15th century, the Vizantine coat of arms appears on the seals of the Moscow sovereign, it is combined with the former Moscow coat - the image of George the Victorious. Thus, Russia confirmed the continuity of Byzantium. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova Orel receives the symbols of power: Scepter and Power. Under the emperor, Peter I, the stamp eagle on heraldic rules began to be depicted in black. The eagle has already become not only the decoration of state papers, but also a symbol of strength and power. The large state coat of arms of the Russian Empire was introduced in 1857 by decree of Emperor Alexander II. It is a symbol of the unity and power of Russia. Around the double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of the territories that are part of the Russian state.

On July 10, 1918, the All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Peasant, Soldiers and Cossack deputies adopted the first Constitution of the RSFSR, which officially approved its first coat of arms. With insignificant changes, this coat of arms existed until 1991.

The modern state emblem of the Russian Federation of the 1993 sample was adopted in December 2000. The state coat of arms of the Russian Federation is a quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, pointed in the tip of a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle that raised up the loose wings. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and over them with one big crown connected by ribbon. In the right paw of the Eagle - Scepter, in the left - Power. On the chest of an eagle in a red shield - a silver rider in a blue raincoat on a silver horse, striking the silver spear of a black, overturned by chanting and the caught dragon's horse. Now, as before, the double-headed eagle symbolizes the power and unity of the Russian state.

The first flag of Russia was the red flag. Under the red cloth, Oleg and Svyatoslav are hiking. The first attempt to introduce the communional flag was staging with the face of Christ. Under this flag, Dmitry Donskoy won in the Kulikov battle.

The appearance of a three-color flag coincided with the beginning of the Russian Union. For the first time, the white-blue-red flag, which meant the unity of the Great, Small and White Russia, was raised on the first Russian warship "Eagle", disassembered for water in 1667.

The legitimate father of the Tricolor is now recognized by Peter I.

On January 20, 1705, he issued a decree, according to which "on trade of all sorts of courts" should raise a white-blue-red flag, the sample itself has drawn and determined the order of horizontal strips. White flag color has now personified nobility, debt and purity, blue - loyalty, chastity and love, and red - courage, generosity and power. In 1858, Alexander II approved the sketch of the new flag of Russia, and on January 1, 1865, a registered royal decree was released, in which the colors are black, orange (golden) and white are already directly called "state colors of Russia". Such a flag existed until 1883. Culture Custom Vine Slavic

The 1917 Revolution abolished the former state attribution. In 1918, a combat red flag was approved as National. More than 70 years over the Russian Federation realized this particular.

On August 22, 1991, the Emergency Session of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decided to consider the official symbol of Russia the Red-Blue-White Flag (Tricolor). This day is celebrated in Russia as the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

Each people on Earth is a biosocial and cultural and historical phenomenon. Each people made their special contribution to civilizational processes. On this path there is a lot of Russian. But the main thing is that it fell out to implement the Russians - it is to combine huge Eurasian expanses from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean into a single historical, sociocultural and at the same time ethnically diverse space. This is an outstanding cultural and civilizational phenomenon of Russians.

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Once in the situation between East and West, the Russian culture began to absorb the elements of both cultures. Therefore, the Old Russian culture gradually synthesized both European civilizational values, and Byzantine mystical ideas, and the Asian principle of a mutual dormitory. However, not all the features were taken as a basis in Russian life. These were only elements.
The geopolitical situation of Russia was in such a way that the country was gradually divided into parts in accordance with the parties of the world. So formed special subcultures.
Representatives of the Southern subculture lived in the southern part of Russia, in the steppes. These were the former Turkic nomads, the remains of the Pechenezh troops submitted to the Russian prince.
Residents of Novgorod and its surroundings were the northern and northeast culture. These were the so-called shopping areas with Europe. Accordingly, Novgorod lands had several eurosaped lifestyle.
When the Russian lands association occurred around Moscow, Novgorod gradually lost its original European peculiarity, which he managed to support the era of the Tatar-Mongolian Iga, who had dominated Russia for a long time.
Russian national culture at the present stage has specific features.
The durable dominance of Orthodox faith qualitatively distinguishes Russian culture from other types of cultures. A powerful means of forming it was the mass construction of Orthodox churches. Russian education has always begun from the church, the parishioners have suffered art, literature, history on church books and records. According to Slavophila A. Khomyakova XIX. A century, Russian culture has won all trends - both Eastern, and Western cultures, but remained not like others. Russian Orthodoxy has developed the established dogmas of classical Orthodoxy. So, the former Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) have several excellent beliefs from the southern and Western Slavic peoples.
In addition to religion, the Russians acquired a special Russian national character. So the Russian idea was formed about the remote man, holy believers in his god, who loving his fatherland and honoring the king. For Russians, the glory of unusual people entrenched.
The Russian ethnos is a special nation, with a strong and powerful cultural archetype based on a collective hostel characterized by emergencyness and stability. Thus, the unique genetic code is transmitted from generation to generation: the same habits, moral installations and specific norms of behavior are formed.
Russian mentality is also special. This is a combination of certain symbols that are formed within a certain era and are transmitted then to their descendants. It is also important to such a concept as a national identity - the ability to endow any phenomena, realities, the concepts of the same meaning.
The most complex concept seems to be a national character that includes all of the above - national identity, mentality, ethnos and adding a certain gene pool of the entire nation. So it turns out that all Russian people are like their characters at their ancestors even for several centuries.
National cultural archetypes are peculiar elements of symbolic nature, include value, moral, semantic orientations. Comprehension occurs through the area of \u200b\u200bsymbolic.
Of course, Russian national culture has never experienced stagnation in its development. It develops now, and actively, copying elements of other cultures. So the "Dialogue of Cultures" arises, which always takes positive for Russian culture, whether participation in the bloody war, or diplomatic relations with representatives of other cultures. At the same time, the Russian man will never drop himself, will not disgrace his homeland.

Russians, East Slavic people, most of the population of the Russian Federation .

According to the 2002 census, 116 million Russians live in Russia. According to the 2010 census - 111 million. Also, Russians are a significant proportion of the population of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Uzbekistan.


The term "Russian language" is used in four values:

A combination of all languages \u200b\u200bEast Slavic branches before the addition of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages

The written language, which was based on the ancient Russian govors under the strong influence of the Slavonic Literary Literature (the so-called Old Slavonic) and carried out literary functions in Kiev and Moscow Rus

The totality of all the adverbs and govors used and enjoys the Russian people

Communional (all-Russian) language, press language, schools; official language.

Writing - option of Cyrillic.

Religion and spiritual culture

The basis of the traditional spiritual culture of Russians is Orthodoxy. Since the times of Kievan Rus, the adoption of Christianity, Russian self-consciousness takes predominantly a confessional nature, which has become an expression ideally by Saint Rus. The Orthodox cult of the saints gradually pushed out the worship of the pagan deities. Objects of folk reverence became the outstanding faces of Russian history - political and church figures, jealous of piety.

In the traditional folk consciousness, a special place was allocated to the royal ministry. He, in accordance with Byzantine canons, was attached to theocratic meaning. The king was perceived as God's chosen. At the same time, the attitude towards the king as a higher state person - the Raddel about popular interests - is connected with constantly reproducible peasant consciousness by hopes for a fair structure of society.

Public and private life was also associated with Orthodox views on the world order. She fited into the system of the church calendar, there was a great place for religious holidays, church sacraments, rites and customs related to faith.

Currently, most of the believers of Russians are Orthodox. Protestantism, Catholicism, neo-induced religious flows, Buddhism, neo-duration, etc. are common.

Traditional classes

The basis of the farm of the Russian Icestari was agriculture, which developed as various territories settle in different areas and, depending on the natural conditions, acquired its own characteristics. Successes in agriculture accompanied by crafts, crafts, mining and ore developments and the creation of a large industry. In the industrial era, scientific research overlooks the high level, a system of general and vocational education is formed.

Folk art and crafts

Russian folk art is based on the artistic tradition that has formed in ancient Russia. Story of the Russian artistic tradition arose as a result of complex mutual influences of the Old Russian art over the centuries and art of Byzantium, the West and the East and then developed in mutual influence with the artistic cultures of many nations of Europe and Asia. In Dopurerovskaya Russia, an ancient artistic tradition was one for all social layers, since the beginning of the 18th century it became the mainstream of peasant art.

Artistic weaving, embroidery, including gold and facial sewing, murdered, is largely common, including gold and facial sewing. The art of artistic metal processing was expressed in the casting of bells, guns decorated with ornaments, engraving cold and firearms, with a forging of lattices, doors, crosses, etc. developed and jewelry production, including with the use of silver brands (Veliky Ustyug), Finifsti ( Rostov-Yaroslavsky), work on silver (Red village of Kostroma province) and others. Since the times of Kievan Rus, the manufacture of artistic installation products (Gzhel, Skopin) is known - both objects of utensils, dishes, and all sorts of toys, whistle. Carved bone products in Western Europe were called "Rubes carving". Especially this art was developed before the early 19th century in the Russian north (Kholmogorsk Kosloza). From the 18th century, a stone carving developed to decorate interiors and buildings facing.

In Russia, rich in the forest, the manufacture of carved and painted utensils, toys, furniture, as well as decoration of housing, toys, labor and means of movement was widely existed. From the 17th century, centers of dishwasher and the manufacture of household goods in Khokhloma, Gorodets, Serghiyev Posade appeared ... In the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces, a carving and painting on Bester develops, weaving Tuesov, caskets, supplies, etc. Starting still - these are windows of windows, endboards, whims and other rural housing. The art of woodworking is especially pronounced in wooden church architecture.

History, culture and traditions are inextricably linked. Each of these concepts follows from the other, they are formed, being under mutual influence. But, in addition to the story, on how the culture and traditions of peoples are developing, and the geographical factor has a huge influence.

It is impossible to even submit a situation in which Papuans of New Guinea or residents of the Arabian desert, for example, sowing snowmen. The inverse situation in which residents of the Far North, for example, arrange housing on trees. The formation of customs, the formation of the culture of the people, like life, is determined by the conditions in which people live, the fact that they are watching around themselves.

What does the word "culture" mean?

The word "culture" itself has a Latin origin. In Latin, it sounds like this - Cultura. The values \u200b\u200bof this term have a lot. It is used not only to characterize certain societies, but also to designate varieties of crowning cereals or other plants. It is used in relation to other concepts, for example "archaeological culture" - the term denotes a set of finds of historians belonging to a certain period.

There are also a kind of subenopathy, that is, for example, "information culture". This phrase is the interaction between the various ethnic or national cultures, the exchange of information.

What it is?

Traditions and culture are two inseparable characteristics of human livelihoods. Under the term "culture" is understood by the whole set of life experience accumulated by people, manifested:

  • at home;
  • in cooking;
  • in clothes;
  • in religious beliefs;
  • in art;
  • in crafts;
  • in philosophy, that is, the self-expression and knowledge of themselves;
  • in the features of linguistics.

This list can be continued, since the concept of "culture" includes absolutely all manifestations of human activity as a person, as well as the objective skills and skills of society as a whole.

How does culture develop?

The traditions of national cultures are a kind of set, a list of human livelihoods that have established over time, characteristic of separate society. The development of cultural skills occurs evolutionally, as well as humanity as a whole.

That is, the culture of a separate society or humanity as a whole can be represented as a certain abstract set of rules or codes that are originally simple. As life complicates, which is the inevitable condition for the development of society, each subsequent generation has a greater amount of accumulated experience and knowledge in comparison with the previous one, the set of "cultural codes" is growing.

Traditions and culture of each subsequent generation along with the preservation of primary inherited from the ancestors of experience gain their own ways of expression. That is, cultural layers differ from each other at each time cut. For example, the culture of the inhabitants of Russia in the X century, in the late Middle Ages and now has something in common, but also distinguished.

What is cultural heritage?

Inherited part of cultural skills is a kind of rod, the base, the direction of the development of society, it is the value unchanged. The remaining components of the culture of the people elements may vary, develop, die, forget. That is, the culture of each society is characterized by two values \u200b\u200b- unchanged, rod and movable, living parts. Their aggregate is the development of culture, the source of its permanent self-reproduction with the concomitant development, which absorbed new experience and skills. In the absence of any of the characterizing the values, the culture fades, it ceases to exist, and with this disappears the society, its generating. Examples of this phenomenon in the history of mankind mass: ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, Babylon, Vikings.

What is traditions?

The topic "People's Culture and Tradition" is eternal - these are inseparable concepts. The very word "tradition" also has a Latin origin. In Roman, the concept sounds like that - Traditio. From this word, the verb tradere occurs, and literally meaning "transmit".

The traditions are understood as a combination of habits that have developed over the time of receptions used in a public or other form of life. In essence, the traditions are regulators, public activity limiters and character manifestations, behavior of people. They dictate adopted norms in public life and submission of each particular person on admissible and unacceptable under separate society.

Tradition is a feature of a culture that refers to its rod values, constant phenomena.

What is customs?

We are customary called the behavior stereotype characteristic of any event. For example, the supply of karaba bread with salt at a meeting of an important person - custom. The culture and traditions of Russia, as well as other countries, consist of a combination of many customs.

Customs pierce all the edges of life - from life to celebrations, they are and the basis of the so-called will accept. For example, there is a sign that prohibits washing the floors in the event that someone from households left for a while. Specz says that in this way the person "swept away" from the house. Habry to follow - already custom. The same applies to the transition of the road in a black cat and a variety of other conventions.

Custom is the procedure for pronunciation of toasts at celebrations and a list of dishes served. Fireworks on New Year's Eve - also custom. Accordingly, under customs one should understand the combination of the usual actions committed throughout the long time or inherited from the ancestors.

What is the difference between customs and traditions?

Traditions, customs, culture - inseparable concepts, but it does not mean that they are similar.

Customs may vary under the influence of any factors, and traditions are permanent value. For example, in the tradition of the Aboriginal Islands of Polynesia and a number of other tribes, cannibalism is laid, and there is no such tradition in Russia. This is a constant presentation, whatever happens, traditional cannibalism for Russians will not become the same as baking bread and agricultural exercise - for ethnic groups living in equatorial forests or in wetbed jungle.

Customs may vary even during the life of one generation. For example, the custom of the celebration of the anniversary of the revolution ceased to exist with the Soviet Union. Also, customs can be adopted from other ethnic groups. For example, the custom of celebration of Valentine's Day celebrations in the last decades in our country is adopted from Western culture.

Accordingly, traditions relate to constant, unshakable cultural components, and customs - living, variable components.

How does history affect the culture?

The historical features of the development of the ethnos have the same decisive influence on the culture of the people, as well as geographical conditions. For example, Russian culture and traditions largely developed under the influence of numerous defensive wars experienced by our country.

The experience of generations imposes an imprint on priorities in social life activity of society. In Russia, there is always an army and military need for the priority of budget distribution. So it was with royal mode, during the times of socialism, it is typical for today's days. Whatever power or state device in our country, Russian culture and traditions invariably will be erected in the priority of army needs. Otherwise, it cannot be in the country who survived the Mongol-Tatar occupation, the invasion of Napoleon's troops, the fight against fascism.

Accordingly, the culture of the people absorbs historical events and responds to them the emergence of certain traditions and customs. This applies to all areas of human livelihoods, from national to domestic, everyday. For example, after the reign of Sophia, Sophia in Russian lands appeared quite many Europeans, especially Germans, some part of foreign words entered the linguistic set of Slavs. Language, namely, the conversational speech, which is also part of the culture, most quickly responds to historical features.

A rather bright example is the word "shed". This word is tightly used by all the Slavs from the Far North to the Crimea, from Baltic and to the Far East. And it entered into speech solely because of the war with Mongol-Tatars and the occupation of Slavic lands. In the language of the occupiers, it meant "City, Palace, Residence".

The history of the development of the nation has a direct impact on the features of culture at all levels. That is, historical influence is not only war, but also absolutely any events taking place in society.

What could be culture?

Culture, as well as any other concept, consists of several main components, that is, it can be divided into peculiar categories or directions. This is not surprising, since traditions and cultures cover all areas of vital activity as a separate person, individuality and society as a whole.

Culture, like its tradition, maybe:

  • material;
  • spiritual.

If you approach understanding this division is simplified, the material component includes everything that can be touched, touch. The spiritual part is a totality of intangible values \u200b\u200band ideas, for example, knowledge, religious beliefs, ways of celebrations and sorrow, an idea of \u200b\u200bacceptable or impossible behavior, even the style and techniques of speech and gesticulation.

What is material culture?

The material component of any culture is first of all:

  • technologies;
  • production and working conditions;
  • real results of human activity;
  • household habits and more.

For example, the preparation of lunch is part of material culture. In addition, the material part of cultural values \u200b\u200bis also all that concerns the reproduction of the human race, the upbringing of descendants, the relationship between a man and a woman. That is, for example, wedding customs are part of the material culture of society as well as ways of celebrating the birthday, anniversaries or something else.

What is spiritual culture?

Spiritual traditions and culture are a combination of human life manifestations of both individuals or their generations and society as a whole. They include the accumulation and transfer of knowledge, moral leaders, philosophy and religion, as well as much more.

The peculiarity of spiritual culture is that it needs the mediation of material components, that is, books, paintings, films recorded in music sheets, an arch of laws and legal acts, other versions of consolidation and transmission of thought.

Thus, the spiritual and material components of each culture are inextricably linked. Moreover, they mutually "pushing" one another, providing uniform development, the progress of human society.

How is the history of culture?

The history of culture is similar to any other, that is, each temporary era has its own features, characteristic features and other signs. Like a common story, the cultural consists of a sequence of human actions.

The activities of people who, like building at home, is bricks in cultural history, maybe:

  • constructive;
  • destructive;
  • practical;
  • non-material.

Each person who creates something or, on the contrary, destroying, contributes to the total culture. It is from a variety of such contributions and the culture of society as a whole grows, which means its history. Human activity, affecting the history of culture, is a combination of social forms of activity, the consequences of which the transformation of reality or bring something new to it.

What are cultural characteristics depend on?

Life, culture, traditions of the people and their distinctive features, that is, features depend on many factors. The main nuances affecting the fact that the culture of the people becomes:

  • geographical and climatic living conditions;
  • isolation or proximity with other ethnic groups;
  • the size of the occupied territory.

That is, the more place in a certain ethnos, the more in its culture there will be moments associated with roads, overcoming distances. It can be proverbs or sayings, the way of damping horses, the form of a carriage, themes of pictorial canvases and so on. For example, an integral part of Russian culture - riding on the top three. This is a unique feature of the Russian ethnos, this element is not in any culture, except for Slavic. The occurrence of this feature of a large territory and the need to quickly overcome considerable distances, while having the opportunity to fight off from predators. For example, wolves do not attack the troops of horses, but on the wagon in which one falk is harnessed, they attack.

Distance from other ethnic groups is the reason for the special formation of the language, traditions and other cultural nuances. The people who are not subject to close and constant contact with other ethnic groups have unique traditions, customs and mentality. The most striking example of such a country is Japan.

The climate and landscape also provide direct effect on cultural features. The most noticeable is influenced in national costumes and everyday clothes, in traditional classes, architecture and other visible manifestations of the culture of peoples.

From 1956 to the present, Herbert Alexandrovich Efremov, who was 87 years old, was working in OKB-52 (until 1984, under the leadership of the outstanding Soviet scientist and designer, twice the hero of socialist labor, specialist in the theory of oscillations and design of Rocket V.N . Chelymaya). The unique weapons systems for the navy, the rocket troops of the strategic appointment, the USSR cosmic troops are created.

Herbert Aleksandrovich Efremov was born in the village of small district of Belozersky district of the Vologda region on March 15, 1933 in the family of a serviceman. He was the eldest child in the family, he had a brother and two sisters.

From the beginning of the 30s. Father G.A. Efremova served in distant garrisons - along with him began his travels in life and his eldest son. The village is small Zarechye, the seaside villages of stone-fisherbolov, Manzovka, Sakhalin City Toyohara (later South Aahalinsk), then the father was transferred to Königsberg (since 1946 - Kaliningrad). The years of study Herbert spent in Leningrad, and then in Reutov near Moscow.

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Herbert Aleksandrovich entered the Leningrad Military-Mechanical Institute, which graduated from such a domestic defense plate, like D.F. Ustinov, General Designer, Commander V.P. Koroleva D.I. Kozlov, L.N. Lavrov, cosmonaut pilots G.M. Grechko, S.K. Crycalev and others.

Classes at the Institute conducted many outstanding specialists, such as, for example, the Russian scientist Boris Nikolayevich Okunev, who led lectures on theoretical mechanics, external and inner ballistics. B.N. Okunev was a passionate collector of Russian painting. He left his beautiful collection as a gift to the Russian museum (its value in the early 80s. Was rated several million dollars).

Working in OKB-52, Efremov took direct participation in the creation of rocket complexes with cruise missiles for firing for ground targets P-5, P-5D. Few people remember that the winged Rocket P-5, which had a distance from 300 to 500 km, was the first strategic missile of the Soviet Union.

Created at about the same as the king rocket R-7 (with the help of which was launched into the orbit Yu.A. Gagarin) could be at the start in the filled state only a few days. And its refueling (the rocket was equipped with oxygen-kerosene fuel) demanded almost a day and virtually the construction near the start of the whole oxygen factory. Naturally, in these conditions, no timely response to the American strike speech was not. And the rate was made on the winged rockets of Chelymaya P-5. It was decided to create as far as dozens of submarines (projects 644, 655, 651 and 659), each of which carried 4-6 missiles P-5 or P-5D and thereby threaten the United States from the quiet and atlantic oceans. This program was implemented in the early 60s.

From the mid-50s, NGOs of mechanical engineering worked on anti-relocatious rocket complexes (P-6, P-35, Progress, Amethyst, Malachite, Basalt, "Volcano", Granite, "Onyx", "Yahont"), which armed with Soviet submarines and surface ships.

It was an asymmetrical, fairly effective and much more economical response of the US Flooth: Mighty to aircraft carriers, linkers and cruisers were opposed by Soviet submarines with anti-workers' rockets.

In 1962, the leadership of the country was tasked with the development of a heavy two-stage carrier of the UR-500. Later, the rocket was called "Proton". Through this rocket and its modifications ("Proton - K" and "Proton -M"), the Luna's automatic station was performed several times and the return of the station to Earth was carried out, the most heavy space stations were displayed: "TGR", "Peace "," Zarya "," Salute "," Star "," Almaz "," Almaz-T ", various satellites and spacecraft.

Note that the body of Salute space stations was first developed and manufactured in NGOs of mechanical engineering under the guidance and with the participation of V.N. Chelomeya, after which by order of D.F. Ustinova were transferred to the Korolev NGO "Energy".

The proton rocket participated in the lunar race. With its help, several automatic moons deposits were performed. Mars-3 station was launched on Mars.

The CKBM proposed a harmonious and constructive justified UR-700 system, built on the unification of the worked missiles of UR-100, UR-200 and UR-500, capable of performing distant space flights.

In the early 60s, here, in the CCBM, in the framework of the advanceproject, possibly under the influence of S.P. The Korolev, predets were made along the Rocket and Space System of the UR-900, which presented the further development of the UR-700, associated with the use of hydrogen-oxygen engines.

V.N. The man was offered his own flight program to the moon, which included the carrier rocket (on the basis of the Proton), and its own clothing ship, and the descent apparatus. In all these works, the most active participation took G.A. Efremov.

According to his own words, he was always a "systemer", i.e. It was well versed in all the possibilities of the work of all components of missile systems to carry out the necessary work accurately and correctly. However, the chief executor of the Soviet project on the moon was appointed S.P. Korolev, the basis of the project was his colossal rocket H-1. Neither the Korolev nor the Mishin who changed it was "Systems", and this affected the work of the first stage of the rocket, which had 30 (!) NK-33 engines, without a system of automatic synchronization of engines created later. The rocket made four unsuccessful starts, and work with the lunar program in the USSR was completed.

When the quantitative advantage of rocket complexes of strategic appointment in the United States has become threatening, under the leadership of V.N. Three years was created by the "ampulized" Ballistic rocket of the UR-100 for three years. Her last high-breeding modification of URT-100N UTTX is still in service with the RVSN of the country.

For the UR-100 rocket, transport and launch containers from Bimetal were created: on the one hand, stainless steel, on the other - aluminum alloy ... The stainless steel reliably protects the rocket from any operational damage, including those arising when refilling and during long-term storage.

Of the 165 test and training launches of Rockets of UR-100N Utth, held in recent years, only three were unsuccessful.

Herbert Alexandrovich was actively involved in all the development of NGOs of mechanical engineering, by the end of the 70s, becoming one of the authoritative association developers.

Note that G.A. Efremov more than once in their lives met with S.P. Korolev, M.P. Yangel, V.P. Glushko, as well as with N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev, A.N. Kosygin, G.V. Romanov ...

By the way, G.V. Romanov during one of the meetings with G.A. Efremov and aircraft designer G.V. Novozhilov strictly demanded that they quickly protect the candidate and doctoral dissertations. But Herbert Alexandrovich defended only the candidate. "There was no time for more," he always said.

December 8, 1984 unexpectedly, because of the broken thrombus, Kh died By the man, and on December 29 G.A. Efremov was appointed general designer of NGOs of mechanical engineering.

1984 became tragic for our defense complex. Almost at the same time D.F. Ustinov, V.N. Manlai, P.S. Kutakhov, outstanding nuclear physicist I.K. Kikoin ...

Since 1984, the Development of the Wilt Rocket "Meteorite" has continued, which had speed up to 3m, range up to 5,500 km, carrying a combat part weighing over 1 tons that did not have analogues in the world. Work continued to improve the Ballistic missiles of the UR-100 N UTTH, "Proton-K", numerous anti-relief missiles were upgraded.

In 1987, the Almaz-T automatic orbital station was successfully launched, which worked in orbit for more than two years.

In 2002, as part of the MRK "Nakata" was adopted by the winged Rocket "Onyx", in the export version named "Yahont".

But in the late 1980s, with the arrival of M.S. Gorbacheva, the defenders went very badly: payments were detained, rapid inflation devalued money. In the 90s it became even worse ...

"Sailors did not refuse us, could not refuse, but they themselves did not have money, the only thing they received money in those years were regulated work with RVSN, but there was not enough money. We were offered to seek conversion, "Gerbert Alexandrovich recalls. - But we did not have any experience. For what was not taken. And for solar batteries, and for selfless storage facilities for vegetables and fruits, and for low pressure cameras, and for the new oil and fat complex ... It happened that we solved too complicated tasks for consumers, which, naturally, was reflected in price. It happened that they cheekily cheated us. So, by demanding all documents from us on a rejogenous repository, including calculations, they were told - approve, but we will give money three times less. When they received money, it turned out that there were fewer them, due to inflation, already six times. "

At the same time, in 1998, a joint Russian-Indian enterprise "Bramos" was created, which was called on behalf of the Indian River Brahmaputra and the Russian River of Moscow. The main project of the enterprise was the work on a supersonic winged rocket, which received a similar name - "Bramos". The first launch of the rocket took place on June 12, 2001 from the coastal launcher.

The first roles in the creation of a joint venture played G.A. Efremov and Dr. Abdul Calam, who, with Herbert Alexandrovich, the most friendly relations have developed. In many ways, thanks to success with the development and testing of the Winth Rocket "Bramos" Abdul Calam in July 2002 was elected president of India.

It is the Soviet-Indian enterprise, created by the efforts of G.A. Efremova and his comrades made it possible to preserve NGOs of mechanical engineering, do not let it be removed by rental and other enterprises. With America, on which some of the most important hopes, nothing turned out.

"A variant of the construction of the plant" Double Cola "appeared, - recalls G.A. Efremov. - A new rather big building of our dining room for this is annoyed, saying: We need "under the water" your chief assembly shop or a building, where there are stands ... Bank "Kolya" will cost a dollar - Haldollar to you, Holdollar - we, - we offered us . Not! - The Americans objected - we should have a developing enterprise: we will have to invest in its development.

Then we went to the United States several times at work in the framework of the draft Chernomyrdin - Mountain. Received a task to develop some kind of mail or laundry. Started work ...

Soon, two high, exquisitely dressed, gray-haired gentlemen arrived from the states. We looked at our first attacks - eh, no, it won't go, - they decided - the mathematics of the highest level is involved here. You can not. So here: they not only tried to determine how we do, but they tried, say, move from the professorship in the class of high school.

During the rapprochement with the States and with Western Europe, we got acquainted with many foreign weapons systems. But nothing has made a strong impression on us, rather, on the contrary, some have even caused a mockery.

They also tried to climb and climbed our military successes very deeply. More than once, we noticed puzzles and even surprise on the faces of our potential competitors.

The offensive of capitalism in Russia meant the refusal to state funding of most defense programs. Meeting with Gorbachev in the column hall of the House of Unions, when, in response to a constructive analysis of the situation in the defense, he broke out by a frankly evil speech against the defenders, accusing them almost in the economic collapse of the country. "

In the early 2000s. Herbert Alexandrovich met A. B. Chubais, invited him to the company (Chubais arrived at NGOs accompanied by the entire number of tax services - from the lower "Reutovsky", to the highest, federal), told him about the wrong taxes and achieved the abolition of the accrued MZDA, which by that time significantly increased due to Accrued interest.

Herbert Alexandrovich sees useful in the entire history of Russia, the fact that the country's president still heard new defenders offers. And he urged to move away from the primitive system of arithmetic equalizer, which was adopted and triumphant in the creation of US-Soviet weapons: you have three thousand missiles - we have three thousand, you have 11 thousand warheads and we have 11 thousand ... Now the enemy can expect a crushing strike. Since the unexpected side.

A major role in changing defense policy played a memorable meeting G.A. Efremova with V.V. Putin in Novo-ill and visits of the President of the Russian Federation in NGOs of Mechanical Engineering. It is no coincidence that the US President D. Trump called on its specialists to speed up the work on a hypersonic rocket. Now the Americans were in the position of catching up.

For the past eight years, he holds the post of honorary general director - the honorary general designer of NGO mechanical engineering. Despite the old age, Herbert Aleksandrovich is full of creative energy and new plans.

Herbert Aleksandrovich and Irina Sergeevna Efremov together already six more than ten years. They raised her son and daughter.

Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, Government Prize of the Russian Federation, State Prize of the Russian Federation. Marshal Zhukova Herbert Aleksandrovich Efremov awarded the titles of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, becoming the first in our history by the cavalier of both golden stars. He is a cavalier of the orders of Lenin, a working red banner, "Honor Sign"; Order "For merit to the Fatherland" II and III degree, as well as - Indian Order "Padma Bhushan".

Name G.A. Efremova is named small planet of the solar system.