He arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery - what it means. Where the parcel is sent after the sorting center

He arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery - what it means. Where the parcel is sent after the sorting center
He arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery - what it means. Where the parcel is sent after the sorting center

Very often, people ask for a site that means one or another parcel status. And once they ask, then you need to figure it out.

Mail status and order status on AliExpress are different things!

This article will go talk about postal statuses Also we have an article. These are different things. Order status is tracked in your. And reflects information about sending within the framework of the Aliexpress trading platform. And the parcel status is monitored in postal services (Russian Post, China's Post, etc.). Do not confuse.

Not all orders can be traced

Please note that not every package can be tracked while driving from the seller to you. This is possible only if the track is tracked. But how to find out about this before order?

In the case of Aliexpress - open, then click on the delivery point

And after clicking, you will have a menu with information about delivery methods. In the extreme column, information about the presence of a track (delivery information) will be displayed.

If this field is not available in this field, then there will be no track from your order when you select this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and the current postal status of the parcel you cannot recognize.

How to track the parcel with aliexpress

If you first track the parcel and your parcel with Aliexpress, then read our article. If your parcel is not tracked at all, then read.

Please note that the article describes the most frequent statuses. In fact, there are much more of them, but other parcel statuses are much less common. And also, in some private courier companies, in China, especially, the same statuses can be denoted by different words. If you have some status not described in this article - ask in the comments, try to figure out. Be sure to point out where you saw this status!

Position statuses in the country of departure (for example in China)

While the parcel is sent in the country, it can have such statuses:

  • Reception (Collection, Acceptance) - The parcel was passed to the post office. It is worth keeping in mind that the parcel does not immediately start tracking along the track number, which gave you the seller. On the processing of the parcel, the enhancing in the database takes some time. Typically, the track begins to monitor for 10 days.
  • Opening (parcel arrived in the transit point) . Usually, the mail index of the transit point is also written next to this status. There may be many such statuses. And the order of them is not always correct. Probably transit paragraph operators clog data not immediately. Therefore, it is not necessary to surprise the status of Opening after export.
  • Arrival in MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) . In this status, the parcel is preparing for export and sending to the country of destination. Some transport auction in China is the last status that is tracked.
  • Export (Departure from Outward Office Of Exchange, Total Export) - means that the parcel passed all the necessary procedures and sent to the country of destination.

After the last status, there may be quite a long time until the parcel starts tracking in the destination country. If the parcel was sent without an international track, it can stop tracked at all.

Parcel statuses in the destination country (for example, the Russian Federation)

  • Import (Import) - The parcel came to the country of destination. It is drawn up for transfer to customs.
  • Reception to customs - Transfer to customs for registration.
  • Customs clearance. Release custom - the parcel passed all the necessary customs clearance and prepares for release with MMPO
  • Leaving the place of international exchange of MPO - The parcel came out from customs and transferred mail to further send.
  • Abandoned the sorting center - The parcel is sorted and sent to the destination.
  • Came to the place of delivery - The parcel arrived in the post office. In principle, it can already be received. Or wait for notifications.
  • Pressing Delivered (Product Delivered) - The parcel has already been handed to the recipient.

Please note that in the tracking interface of the parcel to Russia, the addressee index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or fake track, it can be seen that the parcel is not in your post office. If the parcel changed several status, and the index is still not true, then it is worth it to worry.

Not pleasant parcel statuses

Position statuses described above are pretty standard. They mean that the parcel is riding. Sometimes the parcel can be stuck on the status, sometimes skip some, but, in most cases, everything is good. However, there are statuses that definitely mean problems:

  • Return. Other circumstances - Means that with your package something is wrong. And it is returned to the sender. What you do not need to find out. It is best to start with a hot-line of Russian Post 8-800-2005-888. After clarifying the reasons and location, you can think what to do next.
  • Return. Return of customs - Similar to the previous item. Usually means the address is not written.
  • Unsuccessful attempt of delivery - Usually accompanied by clarification of the reasons not good luck. Inaccurate address, incomplete address, addressee retired, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to achieve to the post office until the package storage time has not expired - it is 30 days. Check also, and in general, the post office has come to the parcel. Well, sometimes in the mail, such statuses put in general from the lantern. But it is worth controlling.
  • Return. Storage expired - Obviously, you forgot to get the parcel on time and returned it.
  • Dit. Lock - The parcel arrived at the wrong post office and redigible. That is, the package goes on. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

What are the letters at the end of the status (PEK, CAN, etc.)

These letters are often visible when tracking the status of the parcel on China Air POST. They mean the designations of IATA airports in which the parcel was registered. Their notation can be seen or on any service of ticket purchases (Skyscanner, for example;)).

What does NULL status (NULL, PEK) mean

This status is visible when tracking the status of parcels by China's post. It is just the internal statuses of China's Mail, which they did not transfer to English. Therefore, where there should be no translation it, but instead Null. If you do not fit the same to find out what the status is - switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in the hieroglyphs and move it google by the translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in the Chinese version of some status is simply not.

NULL, PEK means that the parcel was at Beijing Airport. What she did there be to learn in the Chinese version of China Air POST.

What does item arrived at oe in tne destination country mean

OE - Office of Exchange - MMPO, place of international postal exchange. This is a normal status, which means the parcel came to customs and passes the procedure of customs clearance.

Track (parcel status) stopped changing, the parcel is not tracked

Very often, restless buyers begin to experience when the status of the parcel suddenly ceases to change. It often happens after exporting. Most recently, the parcel was moving in China quite recently, changed statuses almost every day and suddenly, after some Export of International Mail, Arrived to Destination Country and the like track, the parcel stops moving ..

If you learned your situation, we disassembled this situation in detail in the article. If briefly, then there are two options:

  • If your track is international and successfully monitored on the official website of your state postal (Russian Post, Ukrpochta, BelPochta) and from the moment of the last status update, more than 2-3 weeks have passed, then what your fears are not without foundation.
  • If your track never tracked on the mail site. Parcel status You were filmed in the Aliexpress personal account or any specialized track check site, or the track format is clearly different from the international (correct international this is something like this RR123456789CN). That track when exporting is often changing if the parcel is transmitted to your Lord. That is, in your country, such a parcel is driving under a different track (which you do not know, and you can not find out, as a rule, you can not). Well, the old track remains in the last status. That is, there is nothing to worry about anything. Such a situation option norm.

But be that as it may. Your package is tracked with Aliexpress or not, the main thing that you should do is control the protection time and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

Checking the seller on Aliexpress

Most of the problems with orders for Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully approach the seller's choice to Ali SPress before buying. There is nothing complicated in this and you can figure it out. But if there is no time expensive and understand, then use our service.


I repeatedly wrote a personal opinion that when ordering goods from China should be patient. Do not worry if the package does not change the status of three days, a week, two. This is a common phenomenon. And on holidays, which in China is not enough, everything stops. When ordering a product on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. More importantly for a successful purchase to spend more time to choose a lot and then monitor only the expiration date. Than 20 times a day monitor the movement of the parcel.

And use the services and programs to control the movement of the parcels. They are now not few different.

P.S. From February 2018:

In the comments, you often ask what it means one or another parcel status. Most often the ambiguity of the status value is associated with the curve of the status of status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel and understand what your non-standard status means now it is possible only to realize how the parcel moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your parcel:

Write the track number your parcel.

And the comments of the type "What does the status of XXX" will be ignored or deleted. Sorry, but tired copying "Write a track, let's see" into the emptiness.

Another article on the topic of tracking the parcel will tell you about what is happening with the package in the following way, which is hidden under various tracking status and why the parcels go for so long.

First of all, I want to remind you that the post office is mail, miracles from her should not be expected and hoped that the parcel will come to you from China for three days - it is not worth it. International delivery of parcels is a troublesome business and includes many operations running at different speeds depending on seasonality (the most critical time from mid-October to mid-March) and various force majeures (fire in stock, flood, typhoon, etc. ).

So, consider the path of the parcel from China to Russia, stopping in more detail at each tracking item.

  1. 2013-08-12 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia
  2. 2013-08-12 21:52 Reception, China 510010
  3. 2013-08-13 00:00 Export, sorting, Guangzhou, Russia
  4. 2013-08-13 00:00 Packaging in a common package, Guangzhou, Russia
  5. 2013-08-13 13:47 Export, China CNCANA
  6. 2013-08-14 00:00 Posted by airmail, CAN, Russia
  7. 2013-09-10 22:52 Import, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, Weight: 0, 106 kg.
  8. 2013-09-11 05:00 Adopted customs, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, Weight: 0, 106 kg.
  9. 2013-09-11 05:07 Customs clearance completed, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 issued customs, weight: 0, 106 kg.
  10. 2013-09-11 18:37 Processing, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 left the place of international exchange
  11. 2013-09-22 03:49 Processing, 140983 Moscow Asz shop parcels sorting
  12. 2013-09-22 18:40 Processing, 140980 Moscow ASC Logistics shop left the sorting center
  13. 2013-09-24 04:54 Processing, 102104 Moscow Yaroslavsky Station PDPP TSEC 3 Uch 3.1 arrived in the sorting center
  14. 2013-09-25 11:14 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC arrived in the sorting center
  15. 2013-09-25 13:42 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC left the sorting center
  16. 2013-09-27 00:00 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC left the sorting center
  17. 2013-09-27 14:19 Processing, 160000 Vologda arrived at the place of delivery
  18. 2013-09-30 10:28 Processing, 102102 Moscow Yaroslavsky Station PDPP TsECH 1 left the sorting center
  19. 2013-10-01 00:00 Presentation, 160000 Vologda Presentation Addressing, Weight: 0, 106 kg.

The order was issued and paid on August 1, 2013. The track number was issued on the 3rd number, from the moment 9 days passed before the seller took the parcel to the mail.

Get used to - this is the widespread practice of Chinese, well, they do not like to run every day in the mail, so you include the parcels immediately with a bunch and not very often.

Why is this happening? Everything is very simple - the sellers book numbers of tracks in the mail to make parcels not in the office, but directly in the workplace, so the fact that you gave out the number does not mean that the parcel really was attributed to the mail.

In rare cases, sellers are "forgetting at all" to attribute the parcel, so if after you gave the number more than 10-14 days, and the parcel is not tracked - open the dispute and require a complete return of the goods. Usually it miraculously helps speed up sending goods, and sometimes sellers simply return the money.

2013-08-12 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia

The first record in the tracking tells us that the parcel was still on the mail. The department, who accepted it is located in Guangzhou, and the parcel itself goes to Russia.

2013-08-12 21:52 Reception, China 510010

The next post is a duplicate of the previous one. It was obtained from the Russian Post Server, but unlike the previous one, which was received from China's mail, it also indicates the exact time of reception, the knowledge of which we are in principle useless, so we do not pay attention to duplication. By the way, as long as the parcel is located on the territory of another country, information from Russian Post is a scooter and consists only of marks about the reception and export, moreover, it is updated with some delay that sometimes up to 3-5 days.

2013-08-13 00:00 Export, sorting, Guangzhou, Russia

This entry states that the parcel has been successfully processed by the receiving point and transferred to the sorting workshop for the subsequent direction to the place of international postal exchange (MMPO).

2013-08-13 00:00 Packaging in a common package, Guangzhou, Russia

During the preparation for the export, the parcel not only sort, but also form large bags of them, since no one will carry a petty one, it will be more convenient to send correspondence when it is grouped into large bales.

2013-08-13 13:47 Export, China CNCANA

And again recording-duplicate from Russian Post of previous records from the Chinese side.

2013-08-14 00:00 Posted by airmail, CAN, Russia

This line informs us that the parcel is ready for shipment from MMPO, but note that before you really fly out of China, the parcel breaks down for some time in stock, waiting for your turn to send.

This period in some cases can delay on a very long time.Especially if the order is made in the autumn-winter period, when the mail is experiencing a peak load, different from this summer several times, so you are taking care and wait that our system automatically updates daily by based on the statistics of the movement of the departures added to the tracking system.

During this period, there will be no more checks on the package until it fell into the hands of the customs service of the country of destination. No one can surely answer where the parcel. It can be both in the warehouse in the country of the sender and in the warehouse of customs of the country of destination.

Wait for the parcel in this status for 50-60 days from the last mark, without forgetting at the same time to extend the delivery time If necessary. If, after this time, the parcel never moved - write to the seller so that he is in wanted. If there are no news - open the dispute for a full refund due to the fact that the parcel never came.

2013-09-10 22:52 Import, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, Weight: 0, 106 kg.

Our parcel finally got to the Russian customs and unpacked it from the general package. Since the last record has passed almost a month!

2013-09-11 05:00 Adopted customs, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, Weight: 0, 106 kg.

At this stage, the parcel was transferred to the hands of valiant customs officers who would check its contents with the help of their means (reveal the parcels extremely rarely, usually simply shine and transmitted further). If the parcel does not cause suspicion of customs officers, then it goes on, if there are questions, it goes on storage and further proceedings.

2013-09-11 05:07 Customs clearance completed, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 issued customs, weight: 0, 106 kg.

Our parcel did not cause suspicion, we were weighted, fixing the weight and passed on.

2013-09-11 18:37 Processing, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 left the place of international exchange

After the completion of the customs inspection, the parcel is taken by Russian Post Employees and are taken to the sorting shop in order to send to the destination.

2013-09-22 03:49 Processing, 140983 Moscow Asz shop parcels sorting

In the sorting shop, too, the congestion occurs, so the sorting mark appears after a while. In our case, it took as many as 11 days. Here, mail employees decide where to send the parcel.

2013-09-22 18:40 Processing, 140980 Moscow ASC Logistics shop left the sorting center

The parcel had safely left the sorting shop and now expects shipment in the right direction.

2013-09-24 04:54 Processing, 102104 Moscow Yaroslavsky Station PDPP TSEC 3 Uch 3.1 arrived in the sorting center

Since the parcel goes to Vologda, she was brought to the Yaroslavl railway station, where she again fell into the sorting shop so that his staff would choose the desired postal wagon and sent the parcel to the right city.

2013-09-25 11:14 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC arrived in the sorting center

The parcel got to the city of destination and again fell into the hands of the sorters who decide to deliver the post office to deliver the parcel to give the addressee.

2013-09-27 00:00 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC left the sorting center

2013-09-25 13:42 Processing, 160960 Vologda MCC left the sorting center

Duplication of records after sorting - the phenomenon is not so rare, with which it is specifically connected - it is not known, but it happens. In general, now our parcel went to the desired post office.

2013-09-27 14:19 Processing, 160004 Vologda 4 arrived in place of delivery

Here it is a long-awaited recording! Now you can do in two ways that have their own minuses.

Method 1.: We saw a mark about arrival and immediately go to the post office to pick up the long-awaited sweeter. The minus has this way that most mail employees are extremely not like when the recipient comes without notice and may begin to argue that it is impossible to issue a parcel without notice. This is not the case, so insist on your, reasonably demanding the parcel, put the course of Russia to improve the quality of service and reduce delivery time, and ladies that do not outstand parcels impede it. You can poke them into posters with smiling girls and loud slogans, which all branches are carried away as usual. In general, be persistent, but try not to go beyond adequacy.

Method 2.: Just wait for notifications to your mailbox and go to the mail. Minus is that postmen do not always promptly bring covert pieces. From personal experience there was a two weeks parcel at the post office, and there is no notice.

Anyway when visiting the post office, do not forget to take a passportSince without a document certifying the identity of the recipient, no one will give the parcel.

2013-09-30 10:28 Processing, 102102 Moscow Yaroslavsky Station PDPP TsECH 1 left the sorting center

Stop! And what's that? This entry is very confused and suggests that the parcel returned back, but it is not. Do not forget that this post and delay in everything is its branded credo :) In general, do not pay attention to such a turn of events - the parcel is still in your city.

2013-10-01 00:00 Presentation, 160004 Vologda 4 Presentation Addressing, Weight: 0, 106 kg.

Everything, the parcel received! 2 months have passed from the moment of order and payment to the real receipt of goods! And this is during the summer, when the mail does not experience pre-holiday load.


Take care, do not panic ahead of time. Check out with the thought that the mail is a growing brake.

If on the track that the seller gave you, there is no movement for more than 10 days - and require a full refund. Usually it helps and the parcel is magically appearing in the mail.

Remember that the time from exports to import can be very impressive, so do not panic ahead of time.

UPD: For those who do not understand - you can track the parcels on our site :) From above there is a string for entering the track number.

All questions, please leave, not in the comments to the article, since the forum chance get an answer significantly higher!

Package, letter or departure left the sorting center - what does it mean and how much to expect receipt? How do msz function and how is mailing delivery?

I want to get any parcel. And if the parcel is valuable, then the delay in delivery naturally causes excitement. And if everything is more or less clear with transportation, then the sorting in the court centers causes any questions.

What does it mean?

The status when tracking the parcel "left the sorting center" means that the box was scanned by the operator (or automatically), and is put on the trolley (box, basket, conveyor). In the near future, the postage container must be immersed on the truck, and bring to the station to the station, to the airport or post office, if it is near the ACS.

Automated sorting workshops were built in Russia to accelerate delivery handling. They played their role - before everything was distributed manually, workers had to record data into a magazine for a long time, so the parcels went over for several months, and in the 90s, it was happening, and for six months. Today, part of the labor is automated, computers, scanners and even robots appeared, so the deadlines decreased, although according to modern standards continue to be large.

How much to wait?

However, in practice, this may correspond to reality only if the departure is carried out between major cities. For example, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and other cities, when departing to Moscow, are usually maintained very quickly, their sorting centers are equipped with conveyors, electronic barcode scanners and automatic sorters. Millions of correspondence and letters fly through these systems almost without human participation.

But in the small towns and district centers, the sorting can still be carried out manually, so after the status appeared, the "left the sorting center" may pass a few weeks before receiving. Again, in Russian Post, there are failures and delays with sending, it is no coincidence that there is such a number of jokes on this structure.

In addition, the notice that your parcel left the sorting center means only the passage of the final registrar. And in the reality of the parcel and packs of letters can expect loading on board the aircraft at the gate of this very MSC, if for example, poor weather, or there is a flight delay. Approximately the same can be said about railway mail.

Russia - the country is large, delay factors can be a lot, besides, people in branches for their penny salaries do not really want to try. And this is difficult to blame them.

When to go to the post, if the status came to leave the sorting center? Wait for the appearance of the next status "arrived at the place of delivery," it means that the parcel is already in place. But here, in practice, delays may be delays, for example, the arrival correspondence fell into a bunch in the warehouse, and they will only be issued after the internal sorting, the speed of which depends directly directly from the termination of the aunts operating in the department. So the warranty for receiving the parcel can only be notified or a call from mail.

In each region, the country has its own branch of the "Post of Russia" - the Regional Office of the Federal Postal Service. All branches are divided geographically for ten macroregions. The total number of postal offices exceeds 40 thousand. In Moscow and the Moscow region there are two branches united in Makroregion "Moscow". Also, the Logistics Center "Vnukovo" is also located on the territory of the region, manufacturing international postal departments, and an automated sorting center (ASC), which is not far from Podolsk. They distribute parcels and letters and sent to the post offices of the six regions - Tverskaya, Tula, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Moscow. If the client from the ACC service zone sent a letter, for example, in Vladivostok, at first his letter will get to Podolsky ASC, and then go to the main sorting center in the Far East. Where it is already sorted to the final recipient. The Village went to the automatic sorting center in Podolsk (the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe) to see how letters and parcels sort.

What happens in the sorting center

Automated center serves six regions closest to it. This means that simple letters, registered letters and parcels are sorted in it. There are also processed outgoing departures from these areas for recipients from all over Russia. After the envelope fell into the mailbox, it is taken out, brought to the Communication Department, where the letter is inspected and put the date of sending. Then the postal containers with letters take off the sorting center.

In total, it employs 1,650 people, about 350 employees come out, the center in the area can be compared with a large plant - it takes 29 thousand square meters. The sorting center works around the clock, without days off and holidays. The conveyor stops only during maintenance hours. Equipment here is Italian.

A large share of the departments of the center in Podolsk make letters from different companies (including state organizations, for example, fines from the traffic police) and directories. Here are processed parcels, parcels, EMS-departures, custom, valuable letters and first class departures. Sort time - 21 hours, in such a period, the departure must go from the entrance to sending. Every day there are about 3 million mailings through the center. The hottest season - April-May, when sending all sorts of congratulations from the state, and, of course, November-December - when everyone is sent to gifts and New Year's letters.


Yasya Fogelgardt

How accelerated work

The company says that the delivery times of letters and parcels managed to reduce. This turned out to be two things - automation and logistics. In the first case, the construction of an automated sorting center in Vnukovo helped, where manual labor is minimized, and all parcels are sorted by special equipment. According to employees, now from the moment of entry into the center of international departure and before departure to the country takes no more than 22 hours. Previously, such parcels could lie with whole days. In addition, the new "Post of Russia" team revised the routes and removed from them unnecessary points. For example, if earlier a resident of Ryazan sent a letter to the addressee in his city, then the letter was first sent to sort into Moscow and only after that returned back. Now such shipments are sorted within the city.

How is the sorting of letters

First, the operators scan the barcode and register the cargo. So in a special program, information about what type of mail and what amount did it arrive. The data is downloaded to the official website of "Russian Post", where the client, knowing the identifier (alphanumeric image for international parcels and digital for domestic), can find out the location of its departure. All containers are distributed between workshops - written correspondence, parcels and express shipments. In the extension workshop, the sorting process is partially automated: the operators read the barcode each manual scanner, recognize the address and fold into the bag that goes to the right city. According to employees, this is due to the fact that most express shipments have a non-standard form, so manual sorting is more acceptable.

In the sorting of ordinary letters, manual labor is also involved, but his little. Here is the equipment to sort the letters of large format. First, there is a lacing of such letters - operators fold them into boxes so that they are located to each other one side. Then the stacks are loaded to the sorting machine: departures fly through the conveyor, the scanner reads the address from each and distributes in the directions to the cell. It happens quite quickly - 12 letters are processed per second. If the address or index is written in illegible or contains some errors, the scanner sends the photo of this letter to the video encoding site. Employees of this department are continuously manually driven indexes from letters. To do this, you need to have a quick reaction - in order to have time to deal with a letter not more than 30 seconds, since it is during this time a sorting machine makes several laps. In addition, employees need to know the index range of all Russia in order to understand the index inconsistency and the address, for example. Of course, if the address is like "on the village of the grandfather", then the letter will be returned to the sender.

Then letters are removed from the cells, and the operator folds departure to blue branded boxes, sticks shortcuts with departments or post office addresses and put boxes on the conveyor belt. Here they are waiting for the last steps - forming in containers, download and dispatch.

What happens with the parcels

Parcels distribute six automated lines. The first is intended for international shipments - coming here coming by the departure of the departure from Vribov for addressees living in the entire Asse service zone besides Moscow. For Moscow, shipments are located directly in the Vnukovo Center. The most extreme tape is designed for oversized cargo, and the rest are for standard parcels. All shipments are manually downloaded to a speed-speed transport ribbon, which moves at a speed of 2.2 meters per second. Boxes and sweepers automatically scan and sort 320 outputs that correspond to different post offices. Under the conveyor ribbon installed a mesh - sometimes due to the high speed of the conveyor and slippery packing packing slide down. Therefore, the operator regularly checks the grid and returns parcels to the sorting tape.

In a place where containers with parcels are discharged and loaded, the Amber Installations are facing. They check the departures for radioactive radiation and explosion hazard. If the operator seems suspicious to the operator, then he cannot open it, but must transfer it to the security service. In general, checking internal shipments usually occurs in the branches of communication when submitting departure for delivery.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" takes place, sending and delivery of postal shipments in the territory of the Russian Federation and other states. In the offices of this national postal operator, the departure and receipt of both domestic and international parcels is issued.

If sending parcels and mailing is made within Russia, the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit number identifier consisting of numbers, and during international shipment assigned an identification number of 13 characters (figures and letters of the Latin alphabet) similar to RA123456789.

Both numbers comply with the compliance with the World Mail Union S10 standard and the parcel tracking according to them can be carried out both the sender and the email recipient.

Russian Post Tracking mail

Russian Post Tracking works both for shipments within the country and for international parcels, including express EMS departure. Departures in Russia have a tracking number consisting of 14 digits, the first 6 of which is the sender's post office index. Outgoing international departures have a track number similar to AA123456789EN, where the first 2 letters denote the type of departure.

How to track the parcel in Russia?

In Russia, the parcel is easy to track. To do this, you need to know the track number. Only 14 internal parcel numbers and 13 digit numbers of international shipments can be tracked in Russian Post.

Enter your departure number in and our service will track your package in Russian Post through the official website, and also check all the necessary shipping services you need.

Russian postcard tracking parcels by mail identifier number

Mail identifiers are a special combination of letters and numbers that allow the postal service to uniquely identify the departure. There is a reserved set of postal identifiers, but Russian Post supports tracking only for two types, these are international administration of the international postal union, and tracking shipments within the country.

The identifiers of the parcels of the International Postal Union consist of 2 letters of the Latini alphabet, in which the type of departure is most often encoded, then 8 digits and last 9 digit are the checksum, in conclusion there are 2 more letters, and this is always the country of departure.

Sending within Russia is awarded 14 digital digital code, and the first 6 letters is the index of the mail separation from which the parcel or letter has been sent.

How to find a parcel at the tracking number of Russian Post

The parcel is easy to find on the postal identifier or tracking number. Domestic parcels consist of 14 digits and begin with a separation index from which the parcel has been sent and looks like 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing parcels can be traced at the special number adopted by the International Postal Union, it looks like RX0000000CN. The first 2 letters denote the type of departure - the recorded or not, the small package, the parcel, letter, then 9 digits and the last 2 letters denote the country code of departure.

Precision tracking ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK

Sending with tracking numbers ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified registered mail (Simplified Registered Mail) Mailing type created by Aliexpress in conjunction with Russian Post, to reduce cheap goods from Aliexpress.

Departures with track tracking numbers ZJ.000000000Hk. - The type of mail, created by Joom Logistics, together with Russian Post, to reduce cheap goods with Joom.

Such parcels have only 3 status:

  • Accepted in the Communication Department
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received addressee

Parcels are not tracked at all stages of the following, but all important information is present. It is important to buy the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and came to the post office, and at the number Za..lv, Za..HK will find the parcel and will be issued in the mail.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvia Mail (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), but the goods themselves are in China, so it takes some time until the order is transported from the seller's warehouse to the post office of Latvia or Hong Kong.

The Cainiao service from Aliexpress shows the interim statuses for delivery to the territory of Latvia and Hong Kong.

On our service parcel, you will be able to track all possible postcase statuses Za..lv, Za..hk in Russian.

Decryption of the track number ZA is a simplified registered mail (Simplified Registered Mail).

Russian Post Tracking

Tracking Russian Post from China, Pandao, EMC and other shipments are no different from all other registered parcels. Just enter the 13-digit parcel number 13, and our service will check it on all the necessary delivery services, including Russian Post.

Remember however, that in Russia, tracking works only for registered international shipments, and for example, the tracks of the type UC..hk or UA..hk and the like impossible to track when in contact with the territory of Russia.

Russian post office statuses

Consider in more detail all possible statuses of international parcels to Russia and delivered by mail Russia so that you feel it easier to understand where the package is located and how long it will go.

Accepted in the Communication Department

The sender filled out all the necessary forms, including the customs declaration, and the parcel was adopted by an employee of a postal or courier service. If this is the first status, then the sending number is assigned to the identification number at this that follows the following tracking.

Awarded track number

The sender electronically reserved the internal number of departure by Russian Post and will soon transfer the departure to the courier or to the post office.

Leaving the place of reception what does it mean

So the internal administration in Russia or international departure from Russia was sent from the post office in which the sender handed over to the parcel of Russian Post.

Waiting for shipments from China, Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong, Spain

Mail of the country of departure informed Russian Post about incoming departure. After the parcel leaves the country of departure, the following status will come to the territory of Russia

Arrived on the border of Germany, Italy, France, Spain

The parcel arrived in the export MMPO where the customs service checks the shipment to the goods prohibited for shipping and is preparing a departure to send to Russia.

Export departure one of the longest periods in the delivery of parcels. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded aircraft is unprofitable, so you have to wait until a sufficient number of parcels go to one country will be checked.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, departures can deliver transit through other countries, and this also delays the delivery time.

Arrived on the territory of Russia

Means importing parcels to Russia. When importing parcels, it falls from the aircraft to the Russian AOPP (aviation department of mail transportation). Here the parcels weighed, check the integrity of the packaging, scan the barcode to find out the place of departure, fix the flight number, determine which MMPO should send the parcel. The term of finding international departure to AOPP depends on the degree of workload of the department, and on average it is 1-2 days.

In MMPO (place of international postal exchange), the parcel passes customs control and registration. After that, employees of the service are preparing international departure for shipment in Russia.

Reception for customs

The parcel is transferred to customs inspection, where it passes through the X-ray scanner. If customs officers have suspicions about the transportation of prohibited substances or items, the departure is opened and examined in the presence of the inspector. After that (if the fact of the transportation of prohibited goods was not confirmed) the parcel is reappearing again, attach an inspection act and send further along the path.

Issued by customs

The parcel was released by the customs service and transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff.

Detained customs

This status is optional and appears only when customs officers reveal weights exceeding the permissible norm, the cost of more than 1000 euros and other disorders. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional duties. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel will be released from customs.

Arrived at the sorting center

From MMPO, the departure comes to sorting. Postage sorting centers are in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the nearest to MMPO center, where employees of the logistics service are developing the optimal delivery route to the issue point.

Sorting centers are huge areas in a large city in a large city, which come to the parcels and letters to further distribute them and send to smaller points or by district post office.


Employees of the sorting center scan barcode, register the departure in the Russian Post System then fold into the bag that goes to the right city. The following is the formation of departures to containers, download and dispatch.

Passed to delivery in Russia

Status means that the parcel passed all the procedures for importing and customs control and transferred to the internal delivery system of shipments in Russia.

Arrived in the sorting center of the city

Upon arrival in the city of the recipient, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the cargo is distributed by post offices or other items of issuing orders. The speed of delivery is influenced: transportation of transport, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery in the city takes no more than 1-2 days, and the departure area can be delivered about a week.

Arrived in the place of transit

Optional departure status, meaning that it has arrived at an intermediate transit warehouse, where the departure will be grouped with other parcels and sent further to the nearest post office

Leave the place of transit

Optional departure status. Departure is still on the way to your post office

Leave a refund site / ignition

How to understand and what does this status mean? The parcel came not because the address or postal index and now it is sent to the right address. Also, the parcel can be redirected according to the sender's application.

Registration passed

Means that the parcel marked in a transit point and will soon continue his way to you

What does it cost expect courier delivery

This status means that the shipment arrived at the email separation service delivery of EMS shipments, and expects when it is loaded into the car and the courier will deliver departure in your city. The next status will be Transferred to the courier

EMS status passed to the courier

This status means that the parcel is on delivery with a courier and the parcel will soon be brought to your home / office

Transferred postman

Pretty rare status, means that the letter / parcel / small package at the postman and he delivers departure to your mailbox.

Waiting for the addressee at the place of delivery / arrived in place of delivery

Departure arrived at the nearest post office for you. For several days, mail employees write out the receipt notice and bring the recipient to the mailbox. If you have seen this status, you may not wait for the notice, but to come to mail with the departure number and passport to receive the parcel.

If during the week the addressee does not come, prescribe a re-notice. The parcel, which lasted without demand a month, is sent back.

MMPO or place of international postal exchange

What is MMPO? The abbreviation is decrypted as the "place of international postal exchange". MMPO - the place of preparation of the parcel to send from the sender country. On MMPO, the parcel passes export customs. MMPO package several parcels as one cargo, the so-called depth, to improve the efficiency of the loading of vehicles (trains, auto and aircraft).

"Mail of Russia" manages 13 items of customs clearance of mailing. Until 2013, Moscow MMP processed up to 80% of all incoming international transport to Russia, which caused a greater burden on "Russian Post".

To speed up the delivery time of international parcels, "Russian Post" opened two new places of international postal exchange in Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. The latter can turn to two thousand international shipments of EMS daily, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2000 square meters. The International Postal Executive Point "Ekaterinburg Koltsovo" is the first international postal exchange in the Urals Federal District. It can handle up to 20,000 parcels and small packages per day at an object of 3,700 m.

Until the end of 2014, "Mail of Russia" plans to reduce the share of the exchange office in Moscow to 55%. In addition, there are exchange offices in Bryansk, Samara, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk and Vladivostok.

What is AOPP?

AOPP - place of international postal exchange of air traffic

Post office

In "Russian Post" employs about 390,000 people and there are more than 42,000 post offices, with headquarters in Moscow. In 2012, "Post of Russia" delivered more than 2.4 billion letters, more than 54 million parcels and more than 100 million money transfers.

Early History

Records mention the racing system in the 10th century AD. Early letters were sent in the form of a roll with wax or lead seal; The earliest of these seals dates back to 1079, and the governor is mentioned Ratibor Tmutarakan. The earliest preserved letter was sent in 1391 from La Tana (now Azov) to Venice

By the 16th century, the postal system included 1600 compartments, and the mail reached in Novgorod in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international postal route in Russia.

The parcel application allows you to track the package of Russian Post, as well as any parcels from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, with Aliexpress, Joom, Gearbest, Banggood, Taobao, Ebay, jd.com and other popular online stores.